we got fancy new there we go good morning everyone thank you for uh for joining us today um like to start off with uh with an invocation please bow your heads Lord We Gather here today in gratitude for the opportunity to serve this institution and its Community as we embark on this meeting we ask for your guidance and wisdom grant us the clarity to make decisions that will benefit our students faculty and staff and help us to approach each discussion with open minds and compassionate Hearts fostering a spirit of collaboration and respect bless our efforts and give us strength to meet the challenges ahead with integrity and courage May our actions reflect our commitment to Excellence in the betterment of this college it is in your name we pray amen amen please stand for the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all just a housekeeping note we're adding the budget to the consent agenda um um and amending the agenda requires me to mention that if there are any public comments specifically in regards to the budget you're welcome to speak at that time and we have a uh a great morning with several folks to be recognized I'll turn it over to Dr Williams thank you so much Mr chair I going to ask Mr George kbart and team to join me up front I missed your party but I know it was good thank you all right is anybody at work oh boy this is the team just come on around all right so I'm going to read said resolution where as George cbart known as coach to his many friends and colleagues began his career career as a student support Ops advisor for the student Support Services Program on the St Petersburg Gibb Gibbs Campus of St Petersburg College formerly known as St Petersburg Junior College in the fall of 1998 when he was hired by Dr tja Williams I didn't see that one coming whereas Mr kbart also served as an assistance men's basketball coach and a professor in 1998 he was also the co-founder of the brotherto Brother program with a goal to help young men achieve academic Excellence becoming the director of the student Support Services Program in January of 1999 whereas he has dedicated his career for the last 25 years and has spoken about brotherto brother and student Support Services programs at several National and Regional conferences such as the lead for Innovations no Lev and black brown in College Bound whereas Mr kbart has helped lead the men's basket ball team to two national tournament appearances and two Region 8 state championships in 2002 and 2017 and one Regional runnerup in 2014 10 Sun Co conference championships and four sunos Conference tournament championships lastly he has helped developed over 10 former players who have played professional basketball overseas whereas Mr kbart as a leader of the youth always keeping in mind what he can do for current and future generations of students he is a mentor and tender guide always thoughtful of his students and staff always owering them to do bigger and greater things he has been dedicated to ensuring student students cross the finish line and attaining their higher education goals he received the key to the city of St Petersburg in 2002 from the former mayor Rick Baker he holds a bachelor's degree and master's degree from Florida A&M University he is a member of AFA Kappa Sai fraternity and fi Delta Kappa now therefore be it resolved that the St Petersburg College Board of Trustees and the total College Community hereby recognize and appreciate the outstanding contributions to the college and to the community by George cbart and extend to him our best wishes for enjoyment throughout the years ahead said resolution being adopted and approved by the Board of Trustees St Petersburg College this 18th day of June 2024 ladies and gentlemen George cobart just a few words um first of all I want to thank uh God for being here um blessing me with the opportunity to uh work and serve at this institution the people behind me and also in front of me um I just want to thank you for all your support over the years uh that I've been here and um I'm going to miss each and every one of you and Dr Williams we go a long way back right thank you thank you for the opportunity than you did a good J job we're going to take a picture yes yeah perfect thank you so much good job thank you next Bill Gray [Applause] sort of like Changing of the Guard look [Laughter] at I'm telling you think we got the city of St Pete here and everything St Pete PD said resolution whereas Bill Gray known as the gray ghost to to many of his friends and colleagues began his career with SPC as Director of National Center cyber security in 2006 a grant funded position and transitioned to director of Emergency Management at St Petersburg College in 2009 whereas Mr Gray established the SPC alert emergency notification system completed a comprehensive review of the college Emergency Management plan aligning it with the national Incident Management System and develop the SPC hurricane plan with facilities planning and institutional services fpis and marketing for mitigation response and Recovery has provided training in the incident response and threat assessment teams on each campus as well as an overview of the SPC emergency and incident command system college-wide and whereas Mr Gray coordinated hostile persons and campus training for students faculty and staff he also established the SP SPC Emergency Management Council coordinated the SPC automated external defri program with panel's County and was the SPC point of contact with penel County Emergency Management and penel County Health Department and whereas Mr Gray's main priority has always been if an unfortunate if an unfortunate incident were to occur at SPC everyone would be prepared and safe with this philosophy he helped SPC deal with unwelcome guests like Debbie Andre Andrea Emily Irma Nester Eda Elsa Ian Nicole and idalia and has provided framework for the hurricane season that has begun and whereas Mr Gray's dedication to education in our community has been long standing and as he was principal at St Petersburg High School from 1983 to 1993 during which time he was instrumental in starting the County's first international balaria program and a young trustee Kidwell was a baseball player there he served as associate commissioner for the Florida High School Athletic Association in Gainesville and he was elected into the boaa High School athletic Hall of Fame as an athl and the Simo High School athletic Hall of Fame as a coach now therefore be it resolved that the St Petersburg College Board of Trustees and the total College Community hereby recognize and appreciate the outstanding contributions to the college and the community by Bill Gray and extend to him our best wishes for enjoyment throughout the years ahead said resolution being adopted and approved by the Board of Trustees St Petersburg College this 18th day of June 202 for ladies and gentlemen the gray ghost thank you I certainly want to appreciate all my support here over the years I want particularly recognize Pam Malone she was my secretary years ago in the school system a uh Pam later became the uh executive secretary for superintendent Howard heinley and uh she really did a nice job and of course Carol Mashburn was my right arm here at St Pete college for many years as we helped develop the college's Emergency Management plan along with my old boss Jim Brock down at All State campus uh certainly want to recognize Deanna Duncan as well uh when Carol retired de stepped up and and helped assist me with uh preparing for emergencies and so on and so forth so I want to thank the uh Board of Trustees Dr Williams certainly the administration here at the college all our Deans our provos for your support over the years I particularly want to thank our um Security Department Dan Barto and all the security guys that worked with me over the years they were of great support to us and uh I want to leave you with one thought uh emergency preparedness is everybody's responsibility it's just not security it's just not Emergency Management it's everybody's responsibility so uh hopefully we can grasp that philosophy and move forward here as a college and maintain a safe learning environment for our faculty students and staff again thank you very much than you have to take a picture thank you thank excellent job thank you Nancy Jones [Applause] how you doing I love that yellow note thing said resolution whereas Nancy Jones joined St Petersburg College as house manager of the Palladium Theater when the theater was acquired by the college in 2007 a few years later she was promoted to Performance operations manager the position she holds today and whereas Miss Jones was a key factor in bringing the theater into the college system she was she has successfully and responsibly overseen all aspects of the Palladium front of house operations including managing hundreds of volunteers and concessions operations overseeing assistant and Ops house managers and all security Personnel since 2007 with her attention to detail she had she made sure the hundreds of thousands of dollars that passed through her concessions operation balanced to the penny every night and that all inventory was accounted for at the end of each event and whereas Miss Jones was beloved by hundreds of volunteers who have worked with her over the past 17 years she has kept up with them sharing their happy moments and their sad ones and she always made them feel they were an important part of the Palladiums operation and whereas Miss Jones was also beloved by the Palladium audiences the community and private organizations that utilize the theater she was also a friend to the performers the Palladiums executive director took comfort knowing that Nancy would manage all the crazy and unexpected things that can happen on show nights and whereas Miss Jones is a loving mother and daughter and has spent countless hours outside of work caring for family members we are happy she will now have time to do more of that without having to take care of all of us at the Palladium we wish her happiness in her retirement now therefore be it resolved that the St Petersburg College Board of Trustees and the total College Community hereby recognize and appreciate the outstanding contributions to the college and to the Palladium by Nancy Jones and extends to her our best wishes for enjoyment throughout the years ahead said resolution being adopted and approved by the Board of Trustees St Petersburg College this 18th day of June 2024 ladies and gentlemen Nancy gentl I just want to say thanks um I'm not prepared to say anything I'm not good at this sort of thing I'm not good in front of a mic I'm like in the Shadows all the time so we appreciate yeah I just uh you know want to say thanks to everybody at the Palladium and with the college and uh y'all are going to have to find a new Den mother that's I only got that's all do a picture okay thank you job well done thank you [Applause] Miss Sherry Pellerin [Applause] wo okay I'm not going to cry she is too come here good all right said resolution whereas Miss Sherry Pellerin has been a dedicated St Petersburg College employee since 2011 when she was hired as an administrative Services specialist in the office of special programs under the leadership of Dr Linda Hogans and whereas Miss Pellerin began a new role as senior administrative Services assistant in 2015 where she provided exceptional support to the college's title 3 Department processing numerous tasks daily and warmly welcoming students and staff to the student services suite and whereas Miss Pellerin transferred to the Simo campus in 2017 after accepting a position as an administrative service Services specialist in the student life and Leadership office where she enjoyed interacting with students and assisting and planning campus events in 2019 she moved to the college's academic Services Department to support the academ Services director and the associate vice president of institutional Effectiveness and academic Services whereas Miss Pellerin joined the president's office in 2020 as an Executive Administrative Services specialist since that time she has been instrumental in helping to resolve student issues handling various requests from faculty and staff providing accounting support making travel Arrangements organizing and supporting various College events and programs and offering backup support to others in the office and throughout the college when her assistance was needed whereas Miss Pellerin is a kind and conscientious person with a deep Devotion to St Petersburg College her many talents and skills have benefited many students staff administrators and faculty throughout her career she will be missed now therefore be it resolv D that the St Petersburg College Board of Trustees and the total College Community hereby recognize and appreciate the outstanding contributions to the college by Miss Sherry Pellerin and extend to our her our best wishes for enjoyment throughout the years ahead said resolution being adopted and approved by the Board of Trustees St Petersburg College this 18th day of June 2024 ladies and gentlemen Miss Sherry pel I I can't say a lot just thank you um I made a lot of relationships here Dr Hogan's brought me into this family and I'm so grateful so um I'll be seeing y'all around go titans [Applause] conrat Dr ly Taren there did I say it right ly okay [Music] did Ice your is absolutely okay yes thank you said resolution oh man need some big groups today whereas Dr Lillian Taren tun Jaren known as lightly to her many friends and colleagues began her career at St Petersburg College in 19 1990 she founded the English for academic purposes program at the Clearwater campus providing Cutting Edge instructional technology and pedagogy for students and faculty she served as the college's first director for the center of excellence for teaching and learning and was also academic chair Communications at the Simo campus for 5 years during which she completed her doctorate in second language acquisition and instructional technology and whereas Dr tun Jaren is well known and respected by faculty staff and students college wide an active faculty colleague she regularly attends and presents at conferences on foreign language Learners technology classroom engagement and online learning in 34 years she has mentored and served as a role model to many of her colleagues her enthusiasm for teaching and learning are evidenced by by the success of her adoring students whereas Dr ton jiren is recognized I don't want to mess it up I'm trying is recognized for her leadership and compassion having conducted study abroad programs to Europe volunteered for the peace corpse in af Peace Corps in Africa and received a full bright us scholar award to teach in Hungary for 2023 24 for those individuals who have had the pleasure to meet her ly Le has a perpetually positive outlook is a people person creative professional and absolutely dedicated to her students now therefore be it resolved that the St Petersburg College Board of Trustees and the total College Community hereby recognize and appreciate the outstanding contributions to the college and to the community by L ton Jaren and extend to her our best wishes and much happiness as she travels and spends time with her family and loved ones throughout the years ahead said resolution being adopted and approved by the Board of Trustees St Petersburg College this 18th day of June 2024 ladies and gentlemen Dr ly tun Jaren hey watch out I have the mic I love you all what can I say so yeah uh I would like to bring back the memory of a very special person the person who hired me was Maria Toms Edmonds and um when I walked in the door on the clearw campus we just something happened you know and we started the ESL program and now all these years later I'm just returned about 3 days ago from Japan on a study abroad trip and I was able to meet with five former students over there and one of them you know reminded me she was in my class on 9/11 and how we huddled you know and hugged in the hallway watching the TV you know and another one said you know remember we went to Ringling Museum and she became an interior director I mean designer and what I you know what all that made me think about was all like with all of you all the spreadsheets we've worked on and proposals and um you know all the work we do and with students all the grading all the prepping and all that work we do what it really comes down to for me is the experiences together the the sharing of ourselves you know what we learn from each other what we give to each other and that really brought it back to me seeing those students that I'd had so many years ago and seeing them successful like that so anyway I just hope that I can offer the best to St P college going forward that we continue to have a very safe place that welcomes diversity and creative thinking and dialogue and um everyone can learn everyone can teach I feel like we're all teachers and Learners whether we're staff faculty admin students you know and I just thank every single one of you for working with me welcoming here and uh I'll miss it but I do have a few things up my sleeves that yeah thank you thank you good Martha my former I forgot to thank all my mentors she's one of them per thank you than Martha mentored me too yeah thank you you go I get to keep that thank you [Applause] all right I love hearing about the um the careers the impact that folks have made the relationships that were established um I love hearing these resolutions and retirements and things like that um so congratulations to George and Bill Nancy Sherry ly you know um Dr Williams the guy gets a super cool and mysterious nickname you know great ghost yeah meanwhile I still answer to butt you so to the gray ghost good luck um I think with that it goes over to uh Dr Le trough you're up sir good morning chair buts trustees president Williams it's my great pleasure to introduce our new Dean for the bacus College of Education Dr Heather Duncan uh she has been with the college for many for many years off and on has adjunct for us came to us uh in the last couple years as the associate Dean for the College of Education and with great acclamation was strongly recommended to be the dean for the College of Education she has strong ties with pelis County Schools as well as our program and our students and so I'd like to take the opportunity to introduce Dr Duncan to you all good morning chair bus trustees president Williams it is my honor to be named Dean of the College of Education um it's a very exciting time for the college right now with our new programs launching uh additionally I work alongside an amazing faculty who are truly committed to developing future Educators who are going to make a positive and lasting impact on our students in our community uh across the state and Beyond so thank you very much for this opportunity welcome thank you chair buts trustees and president Williams I would also like to take this opportunity to introduce our acting Dean for the College of Nursing Dr Jean Lee Dr Lee has been with us for more than a decade has been a strong leader in our Bachelor of Science nursing program very much understands the entire uh career trajectory of uh nursing and the entire academic Enterprise and we're very happy to have her stepping into this role for the coming [Music] here chairman buts trustees Dr Williams thank you so much for the opportunity to continue the good work that the college does for nursing and the community thank you [Applause] welcome good morning chair buts trustees Dr Williams this morning I have the privilege of introducing the new associate vice president of safety security and Emergency Management um I'd like to thank Bill Gray because uh based on the all of the work effort that he did towards the college the foundation that he set uh for the college in emergency management will be able to build on that and so I introduce uh Andrew mcferson and he comes to us from Kirkwood Community College and he has over 20 years of higher education experience so please help me welcome Andrew chair buts trustees Dr Williams um I want to thank you for the opportunity to be here I am very excited to work on the found build on the foundation that uh Mr Gray greay Ghost and Mr Barto both have built over the years I think we have some excellent opportunities here and I just hope that at my retirement I get the privilege of having such ACC blades red because it clearly that's what SPC is about so very excited to be here thank you thank you just let me let me know if you need help with a nickname I got you um I think with that we're going to just uh have some board comments um I just wanted to say thank you to Dr Williams Dr Williams and I traveled to Miami Dade College two weeks ago a week ago um to participated in the pathways program where we had the opportunity to meet with uh the education Chancellor a lot of folks from Tallahassee to discuss uh ways to be able to um have students here at St Pete college and then transfer off to the universities um so it's it was very uh inspiring to see the work that's being put in there and um once again Dr Williams continues to represent this college uh in a way that um you know is I'm always impressed so well done um everybody knows her they come to her with the ideas and it's uh it's great to be a part of it so thank you uh for for that trip and joining and allowing me to join did a great job trusty Kidwell trusty Cole trusty Gibbons any comments just congratulations to everyone that is retiring and moving on to the new the next chapter uh it is I Echo cherbut sentiments it's great to hear everybody's story and the back uh the backgrounds and to see all the camaraderie because that is what it's all about anything online Mr chair I'd like to second that for all the folks that are retiring I know a few of them um we're going to be missed that institutional knowledge will be missed by the by the college and uh I wish them well um also I'd like to Echo your sentiments when you talked about the Miami dat um when uh you guys traveled down there I heard a lot about it um and St P College continues to be a leader in the state in in our space and that's because of all the the president all the way down to um every employee that we have uh at our College um so thank you to everybody um again um the chancellor of the University system and um to our Chancellor um of the community college system they both always tell me how highly regarded STP college is because of the product that we put out which are you know people that are ready for the workforce and or career um so thank you Dr Williams and to everybody at the college for all of your steady hard work um and continuing to produce quality product thank you thank you trusty Gibbons trusty Cole any additional comments yeah good morning and thank you all I won't uh I won't drag it out by repeating everything that everybody else said but um I too agree with that also wanted to apologize for not being there in person last month or this month probably won't be there next month but I think we're off so um as before I I'm released to drive again so uh I look forward to seeing you each in person when that happens so thanks so much and I appreciate you all accommodating me via zoomk thank you trusty Cole we miss seeing you and Mia kzo with our general coun report good morning chair buts trustees Dr Williams the college continues to bargain with the full-time faculty Union we currently have 15 agreed to articles and six that we're still working on um of those six it includes compensation faculty duties and responsibilities and faculty rights our next bargaining session which is scheduled for for a full day is on July 29th and also on July 9th as you'll recall the union filed an unfair Labor practice so the hearing is set for July 9th so we'll keep you updated um as that hearing um happened so thank you thank you Miss kzo would like to seek approval of the board minutes from May um if there was any questions happy to address those but if not thank you is there a second second all in favor of approving last month's board minutes say I I I need one more we need one more I trusty given trusty Cole I'm sorry I didn't hear you you're good can I have approval for last month's minutes oh yeah we both said I thank you didn't come through uh and with that we will move into our public comment time I don't know why I've got to tap the gavel is that something like tap the gavel just have to do it okay uh there are no blue cards that were turned turned in I believe for public comment so with that we will close CL the public comment and off to the president's report Dr all right thank you so much um I do want to go back and reiterate uh what the chair stated it was so important that we had our chair they literally called the chairs to join that meeting and chair buts changed his schedule to be there with me and I was so proud because um SPC was well recognized um there were great conversations when we had a chance to meet with the chancellor um of the State University system as well as the um commissioner and I also want to um recognize um Matthew Leo Troth um Dr Matthew Leo trro and Dr Heather Duncan who came the second day um to meet to talk about our education programs and how we can accelerate those and build those and thank you both for being there but for also sharing the feedback from that that meeting so I was very glad that you guys were there as well the more that we are actively involved the better it is and I'm just proud of all of you who step out and get involved and learn more and collaborate and bring our our aame I have great news um we received notification from Sac C that um we are well in compliance and we are done with our fifth year review so w and I want to thank Dr Sabrina mcfar and her team for the work that they have done um completing that um review and getting those documents in it's a lot of work so wherever Sabrina is thank you appreciate you for that um legislative I have um never been more proud legislatively than I have been this session and we've done well in every session um thank goodness for the work of many but I'm going to read what I'm going to say cuz I don't want to mess it up so you guys know I add Li a lot but I'm not going to do that on this thanks to our pelis County delegation Board of Trustees Chris skover from Capitol City Melissa Gonzalez and others for advocating for St Pete College I am proud to share that both of our legislative budget requests that were submitted was approved by the governor um 1 million for manufacturing at Midtown and 1 million for Palladium so thank you for all who was involved in that we received our legislative request we are now working on next year's because it is a very short window and we have to get that in now for the moment that you've all been waiting on health insurance um I am even more proud to um share this and I'm going to read it thank you president Paso speaker rener Senator brockson and the Florida legislature commissioner Diaz Dr Ed Med president of Pensacola State College and the chair of Council of presidents our Board of Trustees individually you all have done exactly what we needed to get us into the state health insurance plan I thank Governor Ron de santis for approving conforming Bill 511 that by law includes all state colleges in the Florida health insurance plan no later than July 31st 2025 we got it [Applause] this historic legislation will enhance the system's ability to recruit and retain the talent needed to strengthen Florida's pipeline this benefit will positively impact the employees who have struggled to provide their families with affordable health insurance so for the next five or six months we're going to be working on a smooth transition by partnering with the Department of Management Services in Tallahassee to transfer all of our data and everything that needs to be done for us to be in the plan no later the law says no later than July 31st 2025 so we are working diligently as a council um to make sure that we're in by July 2025 and we may get in there earlier but I just want to assure you all I know that there's there was information on some budget things we're working through that we think we have a strong plan to get us in and meet the state requirement by July 2025 now the board is going to have to make some decisions later in the meeting about the two-pronged plan that we had on our health insurance plan um the first year we were um changing the ratio of the employee employer um payout 752 contribution 7525 and then the second phase was the 100% of um employee only and so now that we are moving into the state plan I am asking the board to reconsider that and to allow us to continue as we are until we get into the plan so that is something you guys will have to vote on no pressure but that's um definitely uh my recommendation going forward for continuity for the employees until we get into that um state plan um next we will have a presentation any questions from the board on the health insurance no great work on that thank you it wasn't just me it was a lot of folks 28 folks got rowing in the same direction in today's world that's pretty tough so ex they did a good job all right so we're going to move on to the proposed budget um for 2425 again I want to thank our board members for their due diligence in helping us develop our budget for the Academic Year I also want to thank um Dr Laura and Fabiola Castilla for their budget and finance work that they've done with supervisors over the years to help us manage and make sure that we are strategically utilizing our resources and executing our budgets in a good fashion last month we held a b Workshop to review and discuss the budget and so I'm asking Dr Laura to please come and provide us with an overview Dr Laura absolutely good morning chair Dr Williams I want to thank the Lord for the opportunity to be here today I would like to thank our budget managers and vice president for their unconditional support during the budget season our budget director Fabiola Castillo budget specially Margot wesland Lin Perez and our financial data analyst how Leu for their excellent work during the budget season on assisting our budget manager and achieving efficiencies we understand that budget managers have a regular job in addition to the budget management Duty and our job in the budget department is to assist budget manager to ensure the budget is in alignment with the Strategic goals set by the president and the bard of truste we will begin with our timeline as Dr William mentioned it we kick off our College whyde overall budget season on July the 1st last month during the workshop we walk you through the entire budget planning approval process in April and May we focus on the president in cabinet budget planning SE section to look at different scenarios of the proposed budget we conduct individual Bor thrusty meeting and concluded with the Bor thrusty Workshop where we present the budget proposal for the fiscal year 2425 the proposed operating budget for the fiscal year 2425 is 168.5 millions this include 95.7 million in state funding 52.3 million for the student tuition and fee 8.2 million for other revenues 2 million for the fund transfering auxiliary funds and 10.3 million for Reserve which include the spending plan purchase of the rollover and other restricted funds the fiscal year 2425 budget for dispens is 168.5 million 68% is allocated to instruction academic support and student support the remaining 32% is directed to institutional support physical plan operation and maintenance Student Financial assistant and our contingency overall for State funding we receive an additional 2 million Dr William mentioned for appropriation that is reflecting our capital outlay budget despite an uptake and enrollment student to issu revenue remain flat on the spend side we have some salary adjustment F FRS increases health insurance increases utilities increases non health insurance increases and the spending plan of $5 million you have any question about the operating budget all right so now let's going to move into the capital budget I want to thank Adam Colby Julie Kena Tammy calber Sandy giv and the entire facility team for their assistant duing the budget planning for the capital laay budget the proposed capital laay budget for the fiscal year 2425 is 93.8 million this include 44.9 million from the public education Capital outlay 14.4 million for the capital Improvement fee 22 million for the property process 3.6 million for Tarpon Spring the fir maintenance 3 million for the paladian 1.4 1.5 million for the fire training center 1.4 million for the Tarpon Spring Workforce 1 million for the manufacturing lab and 2 million for other funds on the spend side we have the construction Bond payment for 2.7 million major construction project 75.9 million which include the F maintenance and some of the uh the college wide master plan relocation College infrastructure and renovation we got 6.7 million contingency we had 7.5 million and internal construction personnel and assisting small projects we got 1 million got any question about the capital outlay to safeguard the college sustainability our budget priority doing the fiscal year 2425 focus in program Synergy student learning experience competitive wages and professional development at this time approval is s to adopt the fiscal year 2425 operating fund budget which include 2 million for auxiliary fund transfering and the fiscal year 2425 Capital outlay fund budget great thank you Dr Laura I think we've included are you are you done with your presentation yes sir I am okay great I think we've included the budget into our consent agenda so um if there are not any questions from trustees on the rest of the agenda I will entertain a motion to accept the consent agenda so moved so moved thank you trusty Kidwell is there a second buer they're talking buer they're talking but I don't hear what they're saying it says they unmute we can't hear what they're saying trusty Gibbons or um truste Cole are you on the line do you approve the consent agenda call give me a second hello hi trusty Cole sorry uh you're good is there any chance uh we are looking for a second on the consent agenda okay uh could to refill my coffee okay uh trusty Cole is is there a second for the consent agenda so moved thank you all in favor of the consent agenda being approved uh as listed here in the agenda please say I I I I I that passes thank you that was not tough at all appreciate it all right um with that uh new business uh seeking n one thing I I did want to say before we moved on and it was included in the consent agenda Dr Williams was your evaluation um and you know we we had that it goes out to um to all the trustees as everyone probably knows um we are asked to um sit down and really take some time um and rate you in three pages four pages of items and uh though I know everyone um has feedback for you um and you know encourages you and challenges you um once again your scores and the comments um you know I've said it before outstanding work and um you know very very proud to be able to serve at this organization and have you at the helm um but congratulations on once again taking th this feedback and some of the stuff that we've seen in the past and really making an effort to improve so um job well done thank thank you uh moving on to uh to new business um seeing none there was informational reports provided in the board packets um I think our next thing is uh we are making some changes to the Board of Trustees rules manual which requires me once again to tap the gavel and state this meeting is now open for the public hearing section of the agenda trustees we have proposed changes to the Board of Trustees rules manual they were provided in your packet members of the public that wish to speak should provided the board clerk Rebecca Brown with a uh completed public comment card I do not believe we have any so with that um unless there are any questions from the trustees we will make a motion to adopt all three all three of move Mr chair that we adopt those three uh rule changes to the board rules thank you trusty given it's like you've done this before uh trustee Cole thank you for the second all in favor please say I I I thank you and with that they are adopted that part is closed and um I think that that is it is that correct yes Mr chair my um in my report I I did fail to say something that I I wanted to make um make an announcement on is we have welcome Titans on August 8th um and that's where more faculty and administrator are but this year we're also having welcome Titans for our career service staff and others on September 20th so that they receive that same experience and um start at the beginning so for career service staff and other administrators who stay behind when we have the first one to make sure enrollment and registration is happening we we will be having um another um welcome Titans the um first week of class is August 12th and SPC day is at the Simo campus this year on September 12th 12 okay at the Simo campus and our next B meeting is August 20th perfect thank you Dr Williams and with that we will see everybody August 20th simal campus for our next meeting and that will conclude and we will adjourn congratulations again to um to all the folks who are recognized perfect got that meeting out of the way yeah all right so we are now going to open up for our uh meeting with the St Petersburg Collegiate High School good morning chair bus board members Madam president the Collegiate High School principles and I are here today to seek your approval for some District systems which are either opt in or opt out and they do require the chair signature if approved in addition we will be sharing our proposed 2425 School budgets for your consideration and approval along with highlights from each school for this past year we have a longstanding and well-working relationship with pelis County School District and our partnership affords us the opportunity to utilize some of their existing processes these are not new and most of you already may be familiar with them as they have been brought to you in previous years I would like to share three of the programs that we were opting into the school messenger the cycle assessments and the mental health programs and then we'll take the reading plan which we are going to opt out of with your approval so first again the school messenger program has a nominal fee a little over a dollar a student this is a communication tool for our schools to be able to communicate very clearly with our families throughout the year the second that we would like to op into are the district cycle assessments these um are programs and resources that allow us to help our students move along to those endof course assessments that they have in courses like biology Us world history algebra geometry um and again nominal fee it's about $2 a student and the third program we would like to opt into with the district is the mental health program again a wealth of resources for our staff and our students a curricul ulum for our teachers to use with our students God bless you thank you um so those three um if we have your approval we would like to op into those and then if you agree then board chair we would need your signature on those forms just for me would you tell me why we're opting out of the reading plan that's coming next yes so the opt out program the fourth one is the reading program um and if we opt out the school district gives the school the option to create their own reading plan and we're doing that because the school district requires teaching of certain courses they don't have courses at the honors reading level therefore we've created our own reading plan which does include those honors level reading courses and that reading plan is in your packet so for that one we would need two approvals approval to opt out and then approval of our reading plan great thanks so um we will take a vote on the three that we're opting into is that correct yes sir all right perfect um do I have a motion to I make a motion that we accept the three uh the three programs that we're opting into second thank you I have a motion a second all in favor say I I I I thank you and Mr chair I also make a motion that we opt out of the reading program that the Collegiate High School would like to opt out of perfect is there a second second thank you all in favor I I I we good and then Mr chair finally I I oh we already opted in the other one sorry and now we need to opt in to the one that's being presented by you is that correct and then if you approve our reading plan yes sir perfect I Mr chair I make a motion that we approve um creating our own reading plan of action U with the Collegiate um schools second great all in favor say I I I I great thank you I think we're good thank you trusty Gibbons and now I would like to turn it over to our three principles um so that they can share their proposed budget for this next school year as well sharing highlights of their schools I am going to spoil the end of the story all three schools are planning on spending less than they bring in we will start with the principal at the St Petersburg Collegiate High School on the Gibbs Campus Dr Ian call good morning good morning good morning chair buuts good morning spchs governing board members and Dr Williams I'm excited to be here to share the spchs St Pete Gibbs budget and highlights over the last year for the spchs budget this year we anticipate receiving a little over $2.6 million in Revenue we anticipate spending 2.3 million to oper operate the school with a difference of 330,000 that will increase our fund balance to just over 3.7 million at this time we continue to save for a possible expansion to 9th grade or to add additional programs to spchs at St Pete Gibs this table shows our Revenue projections for the upcoming fiscal year which is made up of our K through2 funding per people funding from the state our Capital outlay funding from the state and our title two and title four allocations this slide shows expected Personnel costs including our teachers school counselors Administration and support staff spchs will be increasing our academic support and increasing programs for students to learn leadership and business skills [Music] this line shows operating expenses including our cost for textbooks student lunches our lease and Furniture this year we are continuing to replace the furniture at CIT by replacing the furniture in our Fishbowl we are also getting the entire School repainted our anticipated expenses for the upcoming year will total 2 million 2,332 274 which will leave us with a fund balance of $3,775 930 are there any questions regarding the spchs St Pete Gibbs budget I respectfully ask for board approval for the fiscal year 2024 2025 spchs budget individually motion to approve thank you or do you want to wait to do them all uh we'll do them individually I I guess trusty Cole thank you so I heard a motion and uh trusty kid will is out a second second great thank you all in favor of approving the St Pete Gibbs uh budget please say I I I I I great thank you thank you Dr Co we are delighted that spchs continues to be ranked highly throughout pelis County and the state according to Niche we are the number one public high school in Tampa Bay and we have the number one public high school teachers in Tampa Bay this is our sixth consecutive year of being a school of excellence we ranked so highly because our students continue to do well in their classrooms spchs will have a 100% graduation rate we anticipate an AA graduation rate of 97% after the summer we're also very proud to announce that four Juniors qualify for the first round of National Merit we'll be supporting them as seniors and hopefully they will all make it through finals once again Ella balb and spchs Senior did a great job at the pelis county science fair she won best of science fair senior division for the entire pelis County our ethics Bowl team made it all the way to the finals and finished in second place at the Tampa Bay Regional ethics poll this year we created our very first spchs robotics team in that picture you can see our robot competing we had so many students that we have expanded from one competition robot to two competition robots this year we're hoping to make it to Nationals AHS partnered with Steward of our Urban Lakes keep pelis beautiful the City of St Petersburg Dr Stephen andic and Dr Stephanie Palamino to spruce up Eagle Crest Lake which is next to the St Peak Gibbs Campus students participated in several Lake cleanups and pled planted native plants along the shore and to highlight how spchs is part of the entire SPC Community one of our spchs seniors Jackson daily won the Titan Trot I'd like to highlight some of our seniors and I I'd like to highlight how the collegia high school not only hope helps students of Ford College by offering them a free AA but how attending spchs and SPC can help in the next step in their college journey and making that step affordable and accessible on the left chrisa alch was accepted into Embry Riddle Aeronautical University and earn a $120,000 scholarship to attend the school in the middle myy Allison was accepted in eard college and was offered a full ride scholarship to attend the school many of our students are not only academically talented but have other skills also Raley fedick earned a $119,000 scholarship for soccer to the University of Maryland Baltimore and the University was so impressed with her academics that she earned another 48,000 on top of that in academic scholarships I'd just like to thank the board for all of your support and now if there aren't any questions I'll hand it over to Mr hon thanks good [Applause] job way to get out of there good morning chair buts Board of Trustees president Williams I'm excited to present the 2425 budget for Tarpon Springs Collegiate High School as well as share some exciting highlights about what our school accomplished this past school year as you can see on the slide our total revenue has been increasing um it's projected to be 2.4 million for the upcoming school year and a lot of that has to do with an increase in our enrollment uh We've projected to about increase our enrollment to about an additional 40 students over the last two years which is the additional Revenue coming from our total expenditures is estimated to be at 1.7 million that includes some additional Personnel costs due to this additional Revenue we've been able to get from the state we've been able to add some support uh staff members including a student support adviser who has served the first year this past year and we'll share some of the impact that that staff member made on our school so the overall difference will be an increase of 653,000 for projected fund balance at the end of the school year with 3.3 million excuse me three just over $3 million breaking those revenues down same as our other campuses the majority of our funding comes from pupil and enrollment Fe Fe excuse me Fe FP funding at $2.2 million but we also have capital outlay and this also result in performing at a high level clean Audits and then our professional development and supplies that we get from the state and the district as well which comes out to about $2.4 million our expenses you can see a breakdown of our Personnel expenses that come out to about just over $1 million and then with the the additional 69200034 whether it's through Personnel expanding in programs or as we've talked in the past potential addition of a ninth grade at this time I would respectfully ask and request approval of the 2425 budget for Tarpon Springs thanks Mr holstead entertain a motion thank you second y great thank you all in favor of approving the Tarpon Springs uh collegia high school budget please say I I I I great thank you thank you now I'd like to share some of the exciting highlights of our school this past year we were awarded an a rating from the state of Florida we also were awarded the School of Excellence program which or designation from the state of Florida which is a very prestigious and the first time that our school has been able to uh achieve that designation in our short 5-year history Excell in the process of being a school of excellence we finish in the top 10 in the State of Florida and number one in penel county for total percentage points earned for our school grade and based on our data that we have for this year's past testing we anticipate that we'll maintain that school of excellence and finish among the top in the county and the state we had one National Merit Scholarship winner we also had a 100% High School graduation rate and we were recognized again as a US News best school and uh to go back to a question I got the last time I presented um part of the C culations for the new US News best schools award is really Waits AP and IB tests and and students over dual enrollment because the data for dual enrollment is different from state to state and how they do that so that's why some of the schools like Palm Harbor and St be high tend to get a little bit higher in that recognition but I just wanted to get back and give you that research great thank you what I'm really proud uh to share is that our school just achieved 100% % AA graduation rate for all of our seniors this last that is amazing the hard work and dedication of our students being able to walk across that stage in Tropicana as well as the Palladium was something that I challenged them with in February and when they knew that they had a chance to achieve it collectively uh we also said that you will get a banner in our school hanging in to mark that historic accomplishment for the class of 2024 additionally all of our students earned over a 98% college success rate for the fall and spring term amazing as you can see some of the awards uh and Honors that our students uh achieved but basically all 69 of our high school graduates and that includes two Juniors that finished a year early um graduated with an honors designation we achieved over 8,500 bright future volunteer and work hours and over 500,000 in scholarship money for our graduates and just because this is a fifth year Trend and knowing that we opened up our school and kind of unchartered times with the pandemic and the tremendous leadership that Dr call provided during that time what we've been able to see is a starting to see an uptick in our enrollment with that first line so I wanted to share that and also emphasize that we're projected right now with 220 uh students U maybe a little bit higher than that for the upcoming school year but also the number of classes that we've been able to take but because of Shifting some staffing model we've been able to really concentrate on uh the correct model of teaching our 10th graders with our staff instead of putting them in online college classes too soon which has increased the success rate and as you can see also the criteria of the 10th grade shifting um we're very proud of the success and the the the building of the solid foundation that I was able to inherit when I took over uh after Dr call moved to the Gibbs Campus so thank you for his leadership and providing very stable foundation and we've been able to build some tremendous things whoops and now I would like like to pass it over to my awesome colleague Miss Harrison thank you board great work Mr holid good morning chair buts members of the board and Dr Williams morning I'm excited to be here with you today to present the 2425 budget and a few highlights this slide includes a budget overview of the revenue and expenditures we are growing and we are super excited about that we ended this year with 100 37 students and we're moving to 220 for the next school year and as you can see amazing there is an increase Revenue in expenditures and our projected fund balance is a little over 282,000 this slide is for Revenue projection that includes the K12 funding capital outlay of little one over $51,000 title 2 professional development title 4 a little over 3,400 we will have zero for our budget stabilization transfer because we are anticipating ending in the black with a fund balance we're excited about that finishing up year two this slide includes our additional operating expenses for personnel costs for instructional administrative and supports plan operation non- reoccurring and that's a little over 1.3 million our current expenses include professional development textbooks instructional materials facilities lease and other necessary expenditures that come to a little over $390,000 so our total budgeted expenditures is 1.7 million and again as you can see we will end with a fund balance of a little over $282,000 beginning to build those reserves may I please have the budget approved for the 2425 school year yes motions uh looking for a motion to approve the budget motion to approve great thank you is there a second second thank you all in favor say I I I I thank you approved now let's hear all the highlights thank you so we closed out again year two going into year three but I have to tell you this past year was filled with many challenges we had three teachers resigned last year one in m one in biology and one in social studies all for different reasons yet it was still very challenging I have been a principal for 15 years an assistant principal for 5 years before that and this is by far one of my most challenging uh years however the good news is we were able to Pivot we made strategic decisions we implemented change management strategies by evalu evaluating the existing resources making crucial Personnel decisions and we really wanted to see how we could maintain momentum and keep the focus on learning we eventually hired two teachers and we ended up collapsing one of the positions I have a fantastic team of teachers and I have to give them a shout out and a dynamic assistant principal Mr bulmer I cannot do what I do without that team so with losing three teachers two in critical shortage areas I stand before you very proud today to say we received in the midst of that cogni accreditation and we are projected to be an a-rated school again for the second school [Music] [Applause] year our students participated in the N National Association for Community College entrepreneurship stem shift event at USF on innovating patent design and landed in the top three of the judge favorites for idea for their idea for a special wristband that can find lost individuals I'd like to give a shout out to Professor gr Greta Kish and the College of Business for their collaboration with our high school all right we also had students win first second and third place in the regional stock market Challenge and then finally we scored third place in the battle of the books competition overall it's been a dynamic year our College course success rate was 96% 92% pass rate for CIT and data science courses 91% pass rate for college algebra 99% pass rate for our general education courses and I will explain a little bit about the l25 growth on the next slide I want to remind you that our model is slightly different from the other two collegiate high schools our students graduate with an associate and science degree in two Pathways computer information technology or data science we accept students in grades nine and some of them entering with a GPA as low as 2.5 the program narrative for the Collegiate stem campus says this and I quote we will serve some of the most underserved students in pellis county and given them an opportunity for economic Mobility for themselves and their families and I'm proud to say we are doing just that at the downtown Center we track proficiency rate we track learner growth we expect at a minimum one year's worth of learning gains for every scholar in our building some of whom have significant gaps and we've seen them grow from a level one which is the lowest level some of them jumped to a level three four and five 94% of our students made gains in math on the end of course math assessment 100% of our lowest 25 lowest performing students made gains on the math end of course assessments 90% of the lowest performing students made gain G on the fast reading assessments we are tasked with moving all Learners and what we see is that they are moving and they are moving at a very proficient rate again I'm extremely proud of the work that my teachers and team have accomplished this year excited that going into year three we will have our first graduating class and I wanted to let you know we have positions posted because we're growing so we are in need of a biology teacher a school counselor and we are adding a stem elective teacher so please help us get the word out we have a lot to offer in our program thank you great thank you excellent job it's fantastic hearing from all three of you and the success I think that that is one of the programs and we we say it I feel like almost every meeting that it's continuing to grow in the county that people are becoming aware of it um it was phenomenal to have all those uh young students across stage um at the Trap look forward to that first graduating class next year um but great work all of you so thank you Mr chair yes spam I I definitely want to applaud all three principles um you all are continuing to make the changes needed in the adjustments for your students to be successful but I can tell you that the college benefits from the Collegiate High School students they are actively engaged um they have gained momentum they know who they are they help in tutoring um they helped some of our other students Thrive and move forward and then for the um stem based program um you are really teaching for potential and um it's not where you start but where you finish and so I hear the passion in your voice and the work that it takes to get those students who may have thought they didn't have it but they have it they can do it and they are doing it I'm very proud um of all three of you and the work that you are doing to help students um gain accelerated education and um be Juniors you know when they move on whether they stay with us or they move on you know I prefer they stay with us um but we are very proud of the work that you guys are doing but also the training that you're giving our youth to help them and acclimate into the college experience but also be a part of it so kudos to all three of you great job great with that uh see no other business before us so we will adjourn the meeting have a great okay all right