##VIDEO ID:RRuh1Wl0mok## e e e e e e e e e e e tell me it's not good watching you're an hour too soon we were just saying nobody spoken like a true Yankee fan F words over there I don't oh I have a pen we're on the clock you ready my pen is it an extra thank you it'll to it thank you all right to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] [Music] all here public to instruct that it be recorded in the minutes that in compliance with chapter 231 of the public laws of 1975 the open public meeting located at4 Valley Road St New Jersey has caused this notice to be posted at the office of the Stan hope Board of Education mailed to the New Jersey Herald the municipal clerk of the buau of Stan hope the Stan hope post office and posted at the Valley Road school and on the Stan hope Public Schools website setting forth the time date and location of the meeting the Stan Hope School District in partnership with the community commits to provide a quality comprehensive education for for all Learners with equal emphasis on academic excellence and citizenship through values respect and service our vision is to inspire and cultivate a community of innovative curious compassionate and globally minded Learners equipped with knowledge problem solving skills and the ability to persevere to make a positive impact on society and and shape a better [Music] future an executive session will be held for the purpose of student confidentiality formal action may be taken and we will start with presentations okay um good evening everybody uh yeah if you don't mind just I'm going to go to the center of the horeshoe um so the presentation that I will um give in just a minute I mentioned last month is our annual presentation of standardized test scores uh that were required to present within uh I believe 60 days of receiving the scores from the state um I'm going to get up I'm going to try it with the lapel if it doesn't work Nick will give me a heads up and and will adjust from there um so just give me one second if you don't mind okay Nick how are we okay okay so um just some basic information uh we go through this every year uh this is now the third administration of the njsla since uh it was canceled in 2020 and 2020 due to the global Health pandemic um that's noteworthy uh because for anybody who who is in the business of analyzing data and identifying Trends you really need to have a a series of information that you can compare to as opposed to having a standalone set of scores and that's really kind of what we had the last couple years um so you know maybe not even so much for our sake but for the stakes States sake it'll give us the opportunity to kind of see how the students are doing and also it it'll help us determine the validity of these tests uh students took the njsla in English and language arts uh in grades 3 through eight they took the math assessment I'm sorry 3 through 11 the math assessment in grades 3 through 8 uh and they also took Algebra 1 geometry and Algebra 2 end of course assessments and for science uh students took this assessment in grades 5 8 and 11 um the DM which stands for dynamic learning math that is an assessment that's designed for students who do not take the njsla these are reserved for our most disabled students it's not for our general special education public it's for the students uh as as I stated have the most significant uh disabilities um and although I included it in this presentation as well last month we went through our scores for students who are learning English as a second language already okay um so for language arts and math these are the five uh proficiency levels levels four and five are considered proficient right so when we talk about proficiency percentages those are the percentages of students that earned either a four or a five for uh science there are four levels and they consider levels three and four proficient um so these are the percentage of students that were tested um in language arts as you can see 7th grade you have that 97% I mean literally in the entire school one student didn't test uh and to be quite honest with you it wasn't an opt out it was an attendance issue um same thing goes for math uh and we did not have the issue in science because the student wasn't an eighth grader right it was a seventh grader so we had 100% um of students tested this is noteworthy because in a lot of other districts uh students will refuse or parents will refuse to allow their kids to take the test um there's a variety of reasons for that uh I I will often go back to a sense of trust uh in the community um I think that we have um we have the trust and I do believe we have the trust of of our parents and of the community um and I think that they in in their trust they have their students take this assessment knowing and and we communicate that it does give us good data uh and over the years it's honestly allowed us to showcase the the positive things that we're doing here in the school excuse me um so here are the trends for the last three school years the last three testing uh for our school in language arts again levels four and five are proficiency levels uh you see a whole lot of green uh which is excellent um but what I honestly want to highlight more than anything else from 2024 to our previous two years is grade three if you notice in 22 we scored 23% lower or we had 23% fewer students proficient in language arts uh in 23 we had 22% fewer students proficient in language arts last year we really focused on third grade and what we identified through reviewing the data is that it was a writing component that our students were lagging behind in we believed after doing some additional digging that the writing component was less about actually writing but it was more about writing and typing on the computer our students weren't given as many opportunities early in the school year to use the computer to write out their essays um we changed that last year and as you can see although we aren't quite ahead of the state we're pretty much equivalent with the state right now which is significant considering where we were the last couple years um only 2% behind uh and to emphasize this point if you look on the left side of the the screen 2023 the blue squares and this is for writing the blue squares were where the state scored and the green dots were where our school stored scored if you look to the right you'll see those blue dots and those G those blue squares and green dots are about the same right so we were able to bring our writing up in third grade and close that Gap questions so far 2022 2024 fth grad correct yes and and actually later on in these slides I'll I'll show you the cohorts from year to year and how they've improved uh so these are our proficiency rates for the subgroups um so we have economically disadvantaged special education students uh Hispanic and Latino students and our multilanguage Learners you might ask ask why did I only focus on these four subgroups well these are the only subgroups where we have enough students where we can actually present uh information uh if we are under 10 students tested then the data is suppressed which is why you see an N there uh and I can't uh give you those percentages anyway um what you'll see and it's one of my takeaways at the end of the presentation is that for most of our subgroups we did see an increase in percentages uh which is great obviously not the case here uh for our special Edge population um from 23 to 24 and and to give you some perspective you're talking about 35 uh to 40 total kids in that demographic right there so here's our math scores um my greatest takeaway from last year uh is at the elementary level We are continuing to uh to thrive at the um in in math uh and one of the takeaways that we had last year uh is our belief that students were more significantly impacted negatively in math because of the pandemic than they were in language arts um and if you see our our seventh and eighth graders and even our sixth graders last year that's really the the the pocket of students right who were our four-year-old preschool kindergarten and first graders when when the health pandemic struck uh and they were most significantly impacted trying to learn from home and trying to learn online um again overall I think a lot of the things that we're doing are working uh but obvious concerns at that seventh and eighth grade score um to give you some perspective too uh you'll see that we didn't have enough students in algebra uh we had nine students um that took the algebra test uh it was a very very small eighth grade class um which is one of the reasons why we didn't have as as many uh and I believe that there were only 12 other eighth graders that qualified for a score um which is where you see that 0% right there yes they were taking algebra here so they're our students taking algebra here in our building correct the only students that we would have had taking algebra at the high school are seventh grade students which we did not have last year okay uh here's our subgroup performance rates for math again as you can see we have a pretty steady Inc uh increase uh in each of these um subgroups which we were pretty excited to see questions before I move on to science okay science as you can see across the board for all three years State proficiency levels were extremely low and they continue to be extremely low this is one of the reasons why most of the districts uh did not pass qac last year because science was weighted the same as language arts and math even though only in our District's case two grade levels took the Science assessment so you would get 10 points based on your Proficiency in math if you scored 58% proficient in math you'd get 5.8 points if you scored 62 proficient in language Arts you'd get 6.2 points but then when it came to science you can see how low the state scores were you get that percentage of points of those 10 points um in 2023 we got 2.4 out of 10 points which put us right where we were able to pass a lot of other districts because of that and because of their English and and math uh scores weren't able to pass qack and instruction and programming um our fifth grade scores continued to uh soar above the state while our our eighth grade scores were fairly I don't know significantly lower than the state average one of the things that concerns me just about this this data in general again is how few students we had in that grade level I think we graduated 24 23 I look at Mrs Harold because she had a graduating eighth grader um so when you only have 23 students I'm not I'm not trying to make excuses obviously for for this low score but when you have 23 there's a pretty large statistical impact if you have a few students who either didn't do well or maybe didn't put the effort in um you know we put so much more effort into being into the science classroom reviewing the science curriculum not just at eighth grade and fifth grade um but Kindergarten all the way up but but mostly fourth through e8th grade uh I feel pretty confident that we're doing a good job and I do think that our scores this year will will show that here excuse me sorry here are uh our performances based on the subgroups again you'll see the end because we had fewer than 10 students tested in that area um again much smaller sample size than we have with our math and language arts so here's where I like to look at our cohorts right um and compare how they did how specific students did in year excuse me in one year to the next um as opposed to comparing your third grade score in 20123 versus your third grade score in 2024 because those are completely different kids right it doesn't make sense to compare one group of kids to another group of kids let's compare the same group of kids to the state from one year to the next so if you look at the top chart uh for language arts the bottom has the 2223 year that's when these students were in third thir grade okay you see that Valley Road scored 20% proficient the state scored 42 proficient we were 22% less than the state in the 23 assessment when these kids were in third grade in fourth grade our students scored 75% the state scored 51% therefore for that one year we were 24% higher than the state average now if you look all the way to the right the growth the growth is a measurement of where we were in 23 compared to the state versus where we were in 24 compared to the state and that's where I get that number from so I'm not going to obviously go through that math for every single one of these charts but I just want to give everybody an idea of I guess my madness right what I'm trying to to demonstrate here is there anybody that has any question before we go through these how I came up with these numbers all right so if you look at the bottom for math you'll see again a lot of growth from you know these students from third grade into fourth grade and these are the students who are currently in our building as fifth graders right now the current fourth graders we can't measure growth because they only took the assessment once in third grade right after they take the assessment this year in fourth grade will be able to determine their growth or lack of growth from one year to the next uh here is our current sixth grade as you can see from fourth to fifth uh we don't like to see that red but what I am happy about is the fact that we did outperform the state in both years despite maybe not showing as much growth from year to year uh in language arts and then down to math you'll see uh considerable growth um from grade four to grade five this is our current seventh graders these students took the the these assessments as sixth graders last year um you can see lots of green and language arts and although didn't demonstrate rate overall growth from grade 5 to six we did outperform the state in our sixth grade last year in math these are our current eighth graders uh language arts again outperformed the state in both years didn't necessarily show growth over those two years um but performance is still pretty good um obviously the math demonstrates a pretty significant concern in the red uh and we've already brought in earlier than we used usually do uh our math Consultants to sit with our teachers to review the data and identify not just the overall scores um but we're provided with evidence statements that show you the specific areas in which the students scored lower uh than in other areas so we're going to Target those areas uh we're going to hopefully remediate uh and see different scores for next year excuse me and then uh these are our our current nth graders these are the current freshman up at the high school uh again language arts scores were pretty good uh math scores not as good um and for last year as eighth graders this is a combination of the students who uh took the eighth grade assessment and the algebra assessment um as I discussed the dynamic learning maps are for students who are our our most disabled students we did not have 10 students or more take this assessment so I don't have uh evaluation data for you um we did go through this last year this is our proficiency levels for our our ml students our multilanguage students uh we did see um a lot of uh Improvement for these students and actually because of these scores I believe we're exiting three or four students from the program this year which is pretty exciting it's like a a graduation for them some of our takeaways um as I stated already our language art scores are positive uh they have been now for some time um to me that says what we're doing is working uh the reading and writing workshop model has been very successful uh We've Incorporated morphology into our uh curriculum and the teachers are really enjoying that I'm actually learning a lot as I go in and do these observations right breaking these words down I don't necessarily know if I understood some of the prefixes and the suffixes that went into some very common everyday words um but the students are are really developing uh a better understanding of their language and the Orton Gillingham program specifically in K3 is helping students develop uh phonics and and fluency um and again a combination of these things over the 10 last 10 years has really demonstrated uh uh uh growth and and great achievement for our students um after identifying the the writing weakness last year uh we believe we've addressed a deficit uh we're on par with State averages and we'll continue to to to push that this year in third grade um mathematics seems to be the tested subject that's been most impacted by the the pandemic as we stated um our elementary scores are pretty solid right now um but we're going to look to continue to try to remediate to see exactly what we can do uh to improve those middle school scores um and as I stated earlier our subgroups or subgroup data for academic academic economically disadvantaged special education and and Hispanic students have mostly increased since last year as I said we've already brought our math consultant in to work with our teachers I think they did a lot of really solid work analyzing the data and diving into the curricular components uh where maybe we were a little weaker that we want to strengthen for this year uh we do anticipate bringing her back again uh in the winter time um and that Focus will be more so on uh some of the changes that we've made in our current curriculum for this year that will be required for us to implement next year um by the state of New Jersey um this is also a year where we plan to investigate uh different math programs um not necessarily change for the sake of change uh but we've been using the same math program now for eight or nine years at the elementary level and and slightly shorter at the middle school level so it's a really good time to look at what else is out there what other schools similar to us is are having success uh what they're using um and we'll be putting together um a small Committee of stakeholders uh to look into all of that um continuing to use the data that we have to support our RTI program uh which you know is very successful I love seeing the emails I always get copied on the emails from Miss di Dio and gryal um applauding the students and sharing with parents that they've graduated from the program and they're doing such a great job um and it's great to see when the kids come in how how quickly they're able to support them and then move them back out into the general education setting um I know it was quick I apologize for my voice cracking I still haven't gotten it back uh but I'm happy to answer any questions that anybody has terms of focus on science I'm sorry um collaborating with honestly other Regional districts other other schools uh just to kind of see what they're doing um you can see by the state scores especially in eth grade we we're all kind of in the same boat we we don't from year to year the state scores are just kind of staying below 25% and we can't really understand why we know we believe our curriculum is solid we know that our teachers are following the curriculum um for those of you who have had kids that have gone through the middle school I think most of you would agree that the the the lessons are engaging the teacher is invested right so it's a matter of just trying to figure out what we can do to separate ourselves right from the rest of the our schools who are really struggling um to to be honest with you to me that's one of the biggest mysteries right now and it's a newer test too so it's very possible that the test is flawed why why are only 20 to 25% of our entire State passing this assessment the other thing that's different from science with language arts and and math is it's more cumulative right so in eth grade they're being tested on on Concepts that they are learning in sixth grade seventh grade and e8th grade whereas math and language arts they're being tested on just that year right in fifth grade they're being tested on kindergarten all the way up through fifth grade so it's a much more broad um uh content that that they're trying to you know demonstrate that they have proficiency on anyone else all right thank you all for your time and attention with you all right excellent just turn this off y on all right so uh just to go into the superintendent report um we have two HIV investigations since our last uh meeting uh one of which was founded as HIV and we'll go into some further details excuse me when we uh when we meet an executive shortly uh we had one student who uh served one day of in school suspension since we last met in September uh our annual walk to school day uh where we celebrate and recognize national uh bike and walk to school day was held on Wednesday October 2nd um this was an event that's sponsored by Avenues in motion uh which is a wonderful nonprofit uh in addition to to the walk to school day they also brought programs in for our first and fourth grade uh classes I I'm pretty confident uh one is ready to walk in uh Walk and Roll uh and the other is Traffic Safety Town where they teach the kids uh how to safe navigate their Community uh abide by traffic signs you know uh when lights turn red and green and walking signs uh which side of the road to to walk on which side of the road to B to bike on um and it's a a really great program that they they they bring here for No Charge um we had a great turnout and we had great weather on uh that October 2nd I always loved the great weather days because I park down at the municipal building and I walk up with the kids and the parents and then I get offered the ride back down to the municipal building which I then refuse and enjoy my nice slow walk back to the municipal building with peace and quiet so love those uh those great weather days personally um we are going to be hosting here at our school um a program called Power of Positive parenting uh that's going to be on October 29th this is going to be facilitated by project self-sufficiency which is another wonderful nonprofit program uh not for-profit program in our County uh We've extended invitations not only to our community uh but to Byrum neong and haacon um we will be offering child care and pizza uh for anybody who's in attendance and so far I I I don't want to say shockingly but I got to be honest with you I'm shocked we've got 14 families that are signed up uh which if any of you have participated in in previous family events that we've tried over the last several years years that's like 12 more than we normally expect so we're pretty excited about that um at least one of the families is a nek hong family I think that there's a couple from Byrum but for the most part they're they're uh stanh hope community members um each of you received a formal invitation just a few minutes ago for our veterans recognition program uh I think all of you on our board have now been here long enough to to know what this program is about and how much pride we we take in it um if you're able to we would love to see you and and have you participate we understand if if you cannot uh again it'll be live streamed uh on our YouTube channel for anybody that wants to uh to view it and for any parents that also want to view it um lenpy Valley future Patriots field day took place on September 20th this is a day that where our eighth graders have an opportunity to go up and and participate in a field day on their football field on the turf uh they're joined by bym eighth graders and neong eighth graders and they're intermingled uh and there are I believe it's lenp Valley Juniors uh that work with the students and and facilitate different activities throughout the day it's a wonderful opportunity for the kids to to meet some kids from other towns uh but also for them to familiarize themselves with some faces right these Juniors who are going to be the upper classman uh next year right it's just that that familiarity when they go up there to be able to maybe connect with somebody uh when they're they're at their most nervous and their most vulnerable it's probably the fourth or fifth year that we've done this now or they've actually invited us up to do this uh and it's been uh it's been a wonderful event every year so I want to thank them for that um and the last item that I have is to just kind of bring to your attention and we discussed this a little bit in our policy committee uh this month um artificial intelligence in schools is becoming quite a Hot Topic uh it's becoming a Hot Topic not just in schools probably throughout the country um and although we're not a high school and we're probably not as impacted as a lot of our our secondary schools are it's definitely something that I believe that as as a board and as a school we need to investigate we need to look into and we need to come up with what we feel as a community are the most appropriate practices for our students and for our staff uh to engage in artificial intelligence Strauss Esme who is uh who we use for our our policy did come up with a a model policy it did come up with a template for a plan um it's it's uh it's shallow in that they expect districts to really uh incorporate their own values and their own beliefs in here um so there's not a whole lot to work off of as of right now um and I see this as a long-term process uh I'd like to engage our board I'd like to engage our teaching staff uh our student population our parents and community members uh to really see what our expectations are and what we can make of this um so uh I appreciate everyone's input that's on our board um whether you are on our board now and and you know even if you're not on our board uh you know come come January of this year uh if you have any input we'd really appreciate it uh and I'll keep you guys all in the loop as we develop a committee as we develop this task force uh and move forward so that's all I got for today unless you have questions I have a high level of interest in participating in any artif AI committee feedback form so just want to throw that out there us no other questions Jen all right Personnel it was a fairly quick meeting you will see on tonight's agenda there are some positions to be approved we have a counselor intern um another one because apparently everybody likes coming here we're pretty special um and working with Miss Copla on all things counseling this particular internal start in January for about 12 hours a week um we did talk a little bit about what Steve already covered in his presentation for the math consultant working with Math teachers so Steve pretty much already spoke to that Steve also covered the part where there's the power of positive parenting Workshop so pretty much he covered it and I'm done it's all good thanks you business services yes uh apologize if I struggled through this a little bit my glasses are at home um at the meeting we had the first item up was the um construction update um we're moving along fine we're just closing in on the uh HVAC that should be complet Ed shortly um one of the remember a few weeks ago or two board meetings ago we had issues with the shelving not being the right size to fit in between the units and the and the Cabinetry that's there and they're completed all shelves are in there are seven or eight filler pieces that just need to be installed in the classroom as of yesterday so and honestly that could have even been done last night but uh so we're in pretty good shape there so construction is is is moving along it's closing in we're we're the Twilight of uh of the project uh next is the audit things are going well our preliminary reports is the uh everything seems to be in line and our uh surpluses and our special project areas are are pretty healthy um at the close of the Year there was some additional balances that were in there and we were able to use some of them going forward in especially in areas uh that we could spend on to improve student saf safy and I'll address those in a minute um next was uh I can't read it I'm sorry number three uh open enrollment for healthare open enrollment for healthare it was this time of the year um we have uh a few uh staff members who were in the oldest form of that which was uh um direct 10 direct direct 10 and 10 15 um it's it's the newer one I have the newer one i' I've had it for a while since I retired and it's there's really no difference between the two at all but the other one is extremely expensive and and I don't know why anybody would stay with that you're it's costing the the uh person the employee a lot of extra money so uh Steve said he had spoken with them and try to lay out some Financial numbers with them so that could help them with that uh next was uh New Jersey school boards mandatory trainings for school boards Association mandatory trainings uh making that aware there's been some changes uh just you know since I know that it's really been a board goal over the last couple years to make sure that everybody stays updated with their trainings I just wanted to bring attention to it right so that everybody can can check make sure that everything is up to date uh even if you're not going to school boards I know that they offer a lot of uh virtual sessions uh you just got to go into your your school board's account uh check availability and and sign up and if you can uh reach out to Carissa she can uh help you out with that as [Music] well next was the uh M1 and the comprehensive uh maintenance plan uh those are paperwork that's done every year it's the state's method of keeping tabs on ensuring that schools are planning for and actually going forward with maintenance on their buildings and facil fa ities and it's a way of accountability for for our district to the state and the last two items were um uh on projects we have the science classrooms and uh closing um classroom doors uh the science um classrooms are still scheduled hopefully we're looking to go out with a uh Consortium so uh we're initially going to look uh to um go into contract with uh h no it's the um it's a co-op Co-op the co-op right uh which which could uh help us avoid going out to bid um so we're going to uh go into the look into the co-op get a price if we're happy with the price we'll move forward uh if we're not then we'll go out to bid um the issue with going out to bid is you know you're subject to having to use the lowest bidder um and we've experienced we've had great experience with that in the past but we've also had experiences where we've had contractors that uh you know maybe their their work was not up to our expectations so going through the co-op could hopefully help us uh avoid that um just wanted to mention classroom doors if you don't mind me jumping in we did uh meet with our architect and engineer yesterday we went through both of those projects in addition to the oil tank removal um the classroom doors we expect to be a summer project it's long overdue uh as part of the quote that I've requested uh I'm looking for a price to ultimately replace the doors and the hardware that we have but I also requested an itemized list of every single security feature that can be added to these doors right from um a swipe a keyless swipe entry uh to automated you know deadbolt lock should we go into a lockdown situation um protective film over the the glass uh window in each of the doors and anything else that these door companies uh can come up with uh uh that was clearly understood by the architect and I'm hoping we set a deadline of November 15th to be able to review these quotes um and and I'm hoping to bring information to the board so that we can you know weigh what we're able to afford and and what we feel is appropriate for the school um some of these Security Options come back and be completely cost prohibitive but they may not be and we don't know unless we get these prices so uh I made that pretty clear that that's a priority uh and I hope to have that to you for our November meeting thank you I got a question sure on the film for the windows M uh they work very well MH I had to put them on my house because my neighbor across the street at night was Shine for lights fac of my house and the lights came in the house once I put the the film on you can see out but they can't see in so the light doesn't come in yeah from the cars that would be in my opinion one of the best things to have as far as safety goes anybody wants to come by and look at my house with the with the the covering on the Windows wer welcome to look so so the the film that we would be looking at offers a a a greater resistance to shattering right if somebody were to try to break or shoot through the windows right and it would again anybody can gain access through that window but it's going to slow down that process and deter somebody from trying to get into a classroom that's been appropriately locked so also help though if somebody's trying to look in the classroom from the outside possibly yeah you can't see I guarantee you can't see it anybody else with questions on any of the items what they say about the oil tank I was really curious uh we have a price we have a price that the architect feels as though is more than uh appropriate um there are definitely some some things that could so we have to go through the Environmental Testing um if everything comes up clean and we don't have any contamination should be no problem whatsoever they're going to try to minimize the disruption to the asphalt and to the surrounding uh blocking and and um p patio or sidewalks um but we also got a price to re replace and repair that should it need to be come out the the tank is very close to the school uh and is right next to if you know right in front of that gym entrance um the sidewalks that come all the way around it in all likelihood those sidewalks are going to have to come out and be replaced and to be honest with you they're close to being needed to be replaced anyway the other price we're trying to incorporate is if any of you have ever noticed over by the electrical boxes kind of by where Scotty put in the The Butterfly Garden there's a real low spot uh an area that sunk when we redid um the parking lot and it collects water and it has a very large puddle and it becomes problematic in the winter so since we're already going to be digging up that section of uh the parking lot we're also going to get a price to put in an additional drain which would drain out um you know where where the current drain is tied in uh so that we don't have that issue anymore thank you okay Tom so in policy we exclusively discussed the matter of artificial intelligence in schools which Steve did a great job of recapping and we'll look forward to maintaining that as an area of focus for the school district easy all right back to you Gil ed services um sus ed services is moving along the big biggest uh thing going on there right now it's uh their negotiations um just having a hard time uh getting representation from their Association they're they're not a very strong Association so they're still not identified people to meet with and um I've been working with the superintendent to try and uh work it backwards um come up with a contract and make a contract offer can know what I mean and and see if we can work it backwards um uh enrollment strong um facilities are good things are busy uh audit reports are good um it's solid where we are oh one quick comment um because I'm leaving the board at effect of January 1st that means our representation going forward at susex said services will not be there okay so I don't know if there's any anybody here who would be willing to take on or want to go and and represent Stan hope at Sussex said Services um you need to let Stephen know and uh we can make that appointment or Mata know make it in January we make that part of reor meeting to do that when do they meet they meet the first Monday of the month is there a virtual option or is it all in person uh just committees commes are virtual committees are virtual and there's there's there's their Bo it's called the board of directors and there's 15 so uh it's it's it's quite across section of the county and you get a lot of uh good information coming across there you get a good insight into what the operations around the county are uh it's it's for me it's been a very positive very positive experience I've been uh I've been there for all 15 years I was assigned that my first year here and it was a wonderful experience so all right so board president report what you have in front of you uh as your extra piece of paper is the school regionalization efficiency program Grant application so the committee met again on the 23rd which I had reported we would be meeting we met we went through the application what's in front of you is the finalized application um what I want to point out on the application most of it is just identifying contact names and checking boxes of what type of District you currently are if you go to the middle around Pages 10 and 11 that's kind of the substance which there there isn't much they said it's a brief application a couple of paragraphs that describes the current structure of the district and numbers of students in the district and then the purpose of applying for the grant which is what that says which is the feasibility to study regionalization and then on page 13 where you see Financial numbers we did not come up with those those are populated by The Institute at Rowan who comes up with the projected numbers based on the enrollment and the size of the district and everything so just to be clear those numbers are populated for us not by us um so that's where those numbers come from and then the final three pages there are copies of the Motions uh from our meeting minutes uh indicating that all of the boards have approved and agreed to move forward with applying for the grant for the feasibility study so obviously everyone can take this you can read it at your leisure um but the the substance in the paragraphs um was read and approved uh by everybody on those committees and discussed um kind of at length in terms of what those words should look like um you know Gil took the lead on putting this together along with Kate Walsh in net Kong who is going to be the lead for the grant Administration when we get the grants assuming we do all the funds will run through that and area so just so you have a copy of what the final application looks like say seven that is seven yes I just want to take just a quick look at page seven at the top there's a lot of information the next seven and eight but we are if you look down on the there are three different types of regionalization studies we are a type A and that's so so once you go through a you don't have to read B and you can look and see what they are but that's not information that's uh that's pertinent to our to our specific and that's because like I said the checking of the Box indicates our current structure that's what that does it says we're currently what they call a closed loop District meaning we have three districts uh who are Elementary and one high school and there's nobody else in the relationship it's just the four of us um so that's what that indicates there and that it's always been that way that in fact no body's ever moved in or out of that [Music] relationship and there is nothing slated to happen between now and the next meeting because this application is in and we have to wait so obviously if there's questions please feel free to reach out and ask them I know you're just seeing this for the first time tonight as a completed application so um you know that was the committee's charge so we got that in right we don't have any dates anything else scheduled no no but I I I I think the time frame for the turnaround was was was one it's closer to two months before to find out if the grant is approved right so it could be another 60 days before we find out if the grant is even approved so we we have time to digest this and ask questions anything on the spot at the moment no maybe good okay all right all right so that would bring us to public session number one but seeing there is no public that will move us right into our executive session can I have a motion please motion can I have a second thank you very much uh be it resolved that the stanh Hope Board of Education adopts the following resolution whereas the open public meetings act chapter 231 of 1975 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances and whereas the Stan hope board of education is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist now there therefore be it resolved by the Stan hope Board of Education County of Sussex and state of New Jersey that a closed session of this board of education where the public shall be excluded will be held at this time for the purpose of student confidentiality be it further resolved that the action of the board with regard to the above entitled matter shall be disclosed to the public at a later date and to the extent that the same is not prejudicial to the interests of the parties involved and would not result in a possible invasion of their right to privacy uh Voice vote all in favor I anybody no any abstains okay we will move to executive e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good good okay that brings us uh to travel and workshop reports there were three does anybody have any questions comments none okay that brings us to minutes for approval can I have a motion please motion second second okay two sets of minutes for approval this is a voice vote all in favor I I any knows abstentions okay administrator action items one through four motion please moved second second thank you hey roll call please Mrs Harold yes Mr Pico yes Mr Val yes Mr vardo yes Mr ynam yes Mr muskat yes Mrs sharpstein yes obain on one okay education action items can I have a motion please motion second please second school trips 2425 calendar year a question please uh I saw I don't I got to remember which grade uh it was for March 31st to sus County Fairgrounds um it's kind of cold that time of year and I actually average I Googled average temperature which is like 50° I can check but I feel like they're in the greenhouse are they I have on that but yes I think they're in the greenhouse when they went last year cool thank you I'll double check though I have a question on the seventh grade trip to the Museum of Art and forgive me I forget the other Museum Heritage thank you is that in I'm assuming in Li of their right now that's the only seventh grade trip but it but it hasn't necessarily been determined that we're not doing anything else okay no and that L both of those museums when I was looking at them looked like a great opportunity the the Museum of Jewish Heritage was specifically added um because it it for at least this year it was cut out of the itinerary for the eighth grade trip the the Holocaust Museum um so we wanted to make sure that we at least Incorporated that somewhere into our middle school trips please Mrs Harold yes Mr Pico yes Mr Valley yes Mr Mr vardo yes Mr ynam yes Mr muscatello yes Mr sharpstein yes motion's Carri uh Personnel action items motion please Mo second any questions all right hearing none roll call vote please Mrs Harold yes Mr P yes Mr valy Mr Bardo Mr yagnam yes Mr muscatello yes Mrs sharpstein yes motion thank you business services motion please motion second second thank you 1 through [Music] 13 make quick comment Y please number nine our uh $2500 credit uh a lot of that thanks need to go to Mrs burwitz over here to my right making sure that we all cross our te's DOT our eyes get to the meetings we need to get to and complete the uh the online training you're uh pretty Vigilant about that and we appreciate it not just because of the $2,500 incentive thank you any other questions or discussion number 10 I'm sorry I just realized uh is a new student that we just accepted into our program within the last month uh obviously coming from the bym township or School District uh has been a wonderful addition so far to our school uh and we're very happy to to have the student here um again just wanted to point out that that's those are some of the things that we're doing to offset so many years of of declining state aid uh and one of the reasons why we're able to do some of the things that we we've done thank you anybody else from the board okay roll call vote please Mrs Harold yes Mr Pico Mr Val Mr vardo yes Mr yagam yes Mr muscatello yes Mrs sh yes motions Carri that brings us to new business anybody would like to bring up some new business before the board I don't know if this is under new business you know me um I like to say that the HSA they did the most wonderful job on the fair I mean I go to fairs every year even my hometown of Madison um and they're right up on the top I mean you couldn't have done any better of a job that that they do I I encourage them to do it again next year I agree it was fantastic I agree I I was very surprised of how nicely was run in the variety of events the number of people in attendance and uh it was nice afterno was it was beautiful day beautiful day that's all [Music] time any other new business okay old business old business sorry I'm gonna apologize in advance student leaz under the Board of Ed we're we're approaching November it's so we so as we did last year we're going to run our student council which is happening this week and then we're going to advertise for that so within the next week or two I would be Miss if I didn't you know put it out [Music] there any other I just want to add real quick too so it was it was brought up and discussed in September uh a potential monitoring system for the new boilers uh we did speak with Iron Mountain who who did our HVAC installation uh and Dan reached out to the insurance company so it's not something that came with the boiler project it's not something that our current insurance company is offering for us uh but Dan is currently looking into you know potential options uh you know that we could potentially add to our system insurance company doesn't offer it you certainly should get a discount for it yes absolutely and I can check for you if they do have a filed plan to offer such discount if you need to what what what kind of monitoring is it something that monitors moisture pressure anything of the sort there's all kinds of sensors that you can put on boilers right and a lot of insurance companies will now provide them as part of the insurance policy as a a risk mitigation device and companies that don't will offer a discount if you have it for a while that was it was expensive because every device had to have right it's not expensive anymore with Wi-Fi took that every you needed a dedicated phone line and now you don't next you got seven dedicated phone lines it gets expensive but now with Wi-Fi right it's you don't need it it's it's really water flow it's really water flow water flow or or water flow it it monitors how many gallons it's typically supposed to be running through the system it's very inexpensive and then if you have an issue the water level will rise significantly very quickly and that's the difference between Leakes versus you have a pipe burst and the gymnasium is going underwater you know what I [Music] mean any other old business right hearing none that would be public session number two but we have no public uh can I have a motion for adjournment motion second all right Voice vote all in favor hi I know