##VIDEO ID:OYsixmBroo0## here vice mayor Rich here commissioner Clark here commissioner Collins commissioner McDonald here and next uh we have Pastor Orman here from the First Baptist Church he's going to lead us in prayer and and uh Pastor Orman will you do the Pledge of Allegiance right after that is he here I don't see him I don't well go right on time you do keep us standing to do the Pledge of Allegiance right after sure thank you sir leading the Pledge of Allegiance yeah no your pray oh after the prayer okay yes Father we just want to tell you we love you today and thank you so much for our City commissioners and thank you dear God for their love for you their desire to serve our our city and we ask you please to anoint them we pray that uh they'll sense your presence and power today the power of your spirit uh bless our citizens who are here today and Father we just want to ask you please to uh supernaturally guide and use our our city to glorify you and thank you for your Mighty son the Lord Jesus in Jesus name amen amen I pledge aliance to flag of the United States of America andics under god indivis with Liberty thank you sir okay Proclamation let me see here what we're doing on Constitution week that por por art moment messed up didn't I apologize Arts moment um a danan Rhoden Stars over Stewart singing Build Me Up Buttercup by the foundations okay hi everyone I am Adriana good job wow C [Music] [Music] [Music] me up but a cup don't break my heart I'll be over a 10 you told me time again that you're late I wait around and then I went to the door couldn't take it anym it's not you you let me down and then baby baby try to find a little time and I'll make you happy I'll be home I'll be besides the phone for [Music] you why do you build me up but baby just to let me down and mess me around and then worst of all you never call baby when you say you will but I love you still I need you more thanone darling you know that I have from the start so Build Me Up but a cup don't break my heart you myy but I could be the boy you adore if you just let me know although you're untrue I'm attracted to you all the more why do I need you so baby baby try to find a little time and I'll make you happy I'll be home I'll be beside the pH waiting for you you you why do you build me up a baby just let me down and mess me around and then wor of all you never baby will but I love you still I more than anyone darling you know that I have from the start so build me up but a cup don't break my heart I need [Music] youling know that I have soild me up a cup don't break my heart I need you more thanone darling you know that I have from the start so Build Me Up but a cup don't break my [Music] [Applause] heart go up with [Applause] we're going to go into the U Service Awards but if it's okay with um my Commissioners I'm going to bump the U the Kanas club they're here and they that way they can uh go if they would like um the Kanas well I'll let um our president of the kowas Miss Hill Virginia Hill come up and tell us so skip the proclamation she's going I just bumped them up she just bumped them up ahead not really they can go she's going to do them first thank you for the award they won is an amazing award I'm so proud of our kowas and all you do well thank you very much um for those of you who um who don't know me my name is Virginia Hill and I am president of the quanis club of Stewart um our club has been serving this community for 86 years uh but today we are here to celebrate uh 35 years of cooperation community service and an exceptional partnership with the city of Stewart that has brought us a worldwide winning Children's Park the quanis club of Stewart has worked arly for 35 years on quanis park at wood law and the the park arose um as an idea within the club and a committee formed uh back in 1989 the club then inherited a generous sum from the estate of uh Mr William hesler and they were looking for a project to fulfill a need in our community uh the club met with City officials and after reaching an agreement with the city of Stewart began preparing long-term plans for the development of the park and after much planning physical changes to the property began in May of 1990 uh subsequently over the years numerous major additions were made including the building of The Pavilions uh four major Eagle Scout contracts uh and projects that were coordinated uh one with the city of Stewart as a part of the America Bloom contest which you then won and then in 2015 approximately $250,000 was raised for the first accessible playground um in 2017 the club raised another $96,000 to provide the major shade structures and added the first of three little free libraries in 2018 the City built the new restrooms and in 2019 the club built the concession and Commercial Kitchen areas for events in 2022 a sensory garden was added and in March of this year the grand opening of the destination playground for older children a nearly $500,000 addition along with the renovation of a swing set a new Hopscotch court and new signage these Renovations and additions were only achievable because of the incredible trust and partnership that we have had with the city of Stewart with our many Community Partners and with generous donations and volunteers from our community in January of this year the club sent in information about our park to kuan's International to enter their signature project contest knowing that we would have a grand opening of the destination playground in about a month and a half this is a worldwide contest designed to showcase the work of kananian all around the world to become a finalist the clubs have to show that their project had a significant impact on their community that it is reoccurring and continues to assess the needs of the community that it enhances the quana's image in the world and that it has strengthened membership and Community Partnerships there are over 8,000 kuas clubs in the world in over 90 Nations whose focus of the organization is improving the lives of children the contest is open to all of the clubs and a record number of entries in approximately 600 came in from all across the world to be selected as a finalist is an incredible achievement and the quanas club of Stewart was delighted when we receiv received notice in early March that we had been selected as a top 30 finalist in the Florida Division to weeks later we were estatic to learn that out of nearly 600 projects submitted internationally we had made the top 10 in the kuas worldwide competition when we saw the kinds of projects that we were up against we were amazed to have gone so far in the competition as the contest showcases quanan from all across the entire world last month um Bob buron our secretary and board member and Brandon be a board member Prairie riyle our Florida Division governor and myself attended the International Convention in Denver where the top 10 finalists and their projects were recognized for their contributions across the world at the event the quanas club of Stewart was awarded the silver award for second place in the worldwide community service [Applause] contest I have to say that the four of us were incredibly honored and very humbled to accept on behalf of not only all kananian who who have worked on this park for over the last 35 years to make it what it is today but also on behalf of our great partnership with the city of Stewart and our incredible Community Partners and volunteers that have made this possible this award is first and foremost a community award which really shows the culmination of vision persistence and commitment by all of us in this community and as president of the quanas club of Stewart on behalf of all of our members we just want to thank you for your trust in us and your generous partnership with us this community can celebrate the realization of an incredible dream that came from an unused piece of property and the remains of an old transmission shop that is now a part of a beautiful entry to our city our home and is a true symbol of cooperation and Community spirit thank you thank you for being a very very important part of our journey and bringing this award to our community um this award is normally just a bragging rights uh award but this year for the first time they gave a monetary award along with it so we will be receiving another $1,500 here shortly uh and that's the start to something else in the future for that Park all all kananian uh and anyone who has volunteered or been a part of um of this including the members from the city of Stewart uh we would really like to have one quick photo of all of us together [Applause] please there I think we should let him speak we did we did something I know that's okay I'm not dressed for it wow thank you so much I didn't get a open but I saw it sh Quan i' just like to say that Park gets so much use it's a and all the families and all the children it's only two months [Laughter] away this is um no it's congratulations it just shows to persevere over all that time and just a great great job you guys congratulations second in the world beautiful it's really remarkable our next uh is a proclamation it's Constitution week and U Porsche Scott is going to be receiving this she's a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution and I'm going to have our attorney read this okay whereas September 17th 2024 marks the 20 37th anniversary of the signing of the Constitution of the United States of America by 39 Brave Patriots and whereas it is fitting and proper to Accord official recognition to this enduring document and this memorable anniversary and to the Patriotic celebrations and educational events which will commemorate the occasion and whereas Public Law 915 assures the issuing of a proclamation each year by the president of the United States of America designating September 17th through the 23rd as Constitution week now therefore I Rebecca s Bruner mayor of the city of Stewart Florida to hereby proclaim the week September 17 through the 23rd 2024 as Constitution week Miss pora please come forward if nobody knows M Porche is some some know that famous last words hi everybody and as always I want to thank you on behalf of the halao chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution for again recognizing the Constitution and Constitution week as the Proclamation was read so beautifully by the way as the Proclamation was read it is uh such an act of Courage of the the the signers originally and I hope that we can all maintain that courage continuing to recognize the Constitution and the powers it brings to us it is a Melting Pot uh in America and out actually right outside is really a Melting Pot right um but uh I want all of you to all remember that not only is your voice important but your voice is only heard when you vote and I bet you don't know but uh August 20th is election day and I know some of you are residents of the city of Stewart so I certainly hope that youall get out and vote and remember uh the Constitution as you do so thank you so much thank you thank [Applause] you now we're going to go into U our Service Awards we have a an award our recipient is Theodore Delany Jr 20 years of serving Mr L you [Applause] [Laughter] speech speech Dazz Dazz I just wanted to say it's been a pleasure I give y'all a couple [Applause] more now I forgotten to read it I'm going to have our attorney read read this our recipient is Carla Nero 10 years of service no we don't have anything Miss uh uh Nero 10 years please come forward she's not present mayor I'm sorry I think we we don't have to anything our next recipient is Kimber no yeah no it is Kimberly Agora are they sisters five years of service is she here it should be Kimberly Hearn and she is not present as well then something U is wrong here because it says neuera and this says Kimberly Allen Hearn H it's Kimberly Allen Hearn Miss Kimberly are you here please come forward okay was written down wrong all right we will so the next one the next uh is our presentation on the mpos US One congestion management and there you are welcome I'm Beth Bel I'm the N administrator of the Martin NP and can you hear me okay welcome do I need to speak louder is that better okay louder it's hard he okay we have it I know all right should I start over no please go ahead it's my fault I'm I'm the M administrator I'm Beth Beltran no stands for Metropolitan planning organization and we are this area's Transportation Planning agency and a couple of years ago the no board directed staff to develop a work program that included a US1 congestion management study to look at the traffic congestion along Ong that roadway and to do a study and Analysis on how the congestion can be improved so I'm here this evening with kimley horn and their subc consultant Stuart Robertson is the project manager and the subc consultant is Bonnie Landry and they will give you an update on this study of where we are in the analysis and I hope you all can provide some input so we can incorporate that in the study as we move ahead so with that I'll turn the mic over to steuart Robertson thank you B thank you Madame mayor members of the city of Stewart commission my name is Stuart Robertson with kimley horn working on behalf of the Martin ilpo on the US1 congestion management study thank you for having us here this afternoon to provide an update on the work that we are doing on the US1 congest congestion management study we look forward to hearing any input or ideas that you may have on the project we're kind of right at the midpoint of the stud study and so we thought this would be a good time to come and give the city of Stewart commission an update on the work that we're doing so that we can take into account any input or comments or ideas that you may have as we move into developing our recommendations to bring forth this fall to the mpo governing board so next slide please so the background on this study is that we are looking at US1 from Joan Jefferson way to the St Lucy county line so thank the northern portion of US1 within Martin County this is the segment of US1 that has the highest traffic volume anywhere within Martin County and in fact only I 95 has a higher traffic volume than this segment of US1 within the county next slide please our objectives are to recommend Corridor Focus areas to pass on to the Florida Department of Transportation District 4 which maintains US1 throughout the study area to identify non- widening opportunities to achieve viable Transportation options our initial analysis shows that widening of the roadway is not viable within the RightWay most of US1 is already eight Lanes wide with this within this area so we're focusing on non widening opportunities thirdly to identify opportunities to increase connectivity through improving the transportation grid so think Making Connections that may not currently exist today so a new driveway or a new Street or even a new sidewalk or bike path that could connect one land use to another to improve connectivity without having to uh without having to um have more people in cars uh using the transportation Network fourth to um identify opportunities to further develop the multimodal network so multimodal just means multiple mod multiple modes of transportation so walking biking access to Transit we're looking at improving the bicycle Network along the study area in US1 for example we currently have bicycle lanes that are U marked on the roadway but there's no separation between the car lanes and the bike lanes and one of the things that we've heard in the public engagement and I'm going to ask Bonnie to speak to this in a moment but um some people in fact a lot of people just don't feel safe biking on US1 so one of our recommendations that we're beginning to develop is looking for a way to create more separation between the bike lanes and the car Lanes uh fifth to enhance the opportunities for safety in the corridor we do have um a crash history that shows the northern part of the corridor north of Jensen Beach Boulevard is where most of the crashes occur so we're conducting a safety analysis to identify uh safety improvements that may be eligible to receive funding to uh improve the safety conditions along the the corridor and then finally the sixth bullet here is to identify strategies to connect um joint access and cross connections this could be off the state highway system RightWay like between one shopping center and another so that people could make short trips without having to get off onto US1 next slide so the uh traffic volume along US1 uh ranges up to 63,000 Vehicles a day as I mentioned uh north of Jensen Beach Boulevard up to West Morland is currently the highest uh segment so even with this level of traffic in the constrained rights of way our challenge is to try to identify ways to um manage the congestion on the roadway without necessarily building more asphalt widening more of the roadways um and creating less of a car dependent environment we also see of course that most of the trips happen in cars single occupant cars um the work that the mpo has done in the past in this Corridor in the planning area called North River Shores which is one of the L essentially um organizes the county into um planning areas and over 91% of the traffic that occurs in the North River Shores planning area is in single occupant automobiles also 24% of the workers uh people who work in Martin County reside in uh the city of Port St Lucy so we know that a lot of traffic is coming for commute trips people that live in Port St Lucy and work within Martin County uh much of that traffic uses US1 on the next slide um this shows the study area the red line here is US1 from Joan Jefferson way up to the St Lucy county line so this includes the area of the Roosevelt bridge but also into the area adjacent to um Baker also North River Shores up through the Treasure Coast Mall area and then eventually into uh the segment north of Jensen Beach Boulevard we also have other roadways that are part of this network I mentioned Baker there's also Green River Parkway this part of the network that we're studying Jensen Beach Boulevard and West Morland as well one of the things that we have observed from our field reviews are frequent stopping and turning Vehicles especially during peak hours as we have observed that many uh motorists do make fairly short trips on US1 going from one shopping center to another and this could be because of the lack of connectivity between those shopping centers which is um is it's characteristic of suburban development Styles where there's one way in and one way out of of of these developments next slide so our project schedule uh this is a 12-month project we got started in January Ary and the schedule runs through December of 2024 within this 12-month schedule we have a series of public engagement activities there's a project advisory committee or PAC that's meeting four times it includes city of Stewart staff as well as staff from other stakeholder agencies we have one-on-one stakeholder interviews with residents business owners and other private stakeholders within the corridor uh Bonnie Landry is going to speak to that in a moment we have two public Workshops the first of which was held um in May of this year the second will be in October together input from the public we also have an online survey that is available for anyone to fill out to give information of how they experience US1 and some of the challenges that they face and how uh they might provide some recommendations for us to to um to take into account for the recommendations our most recent project advisory committee occurred in mid July and we got a lot of input at that meeting from your staff as well as other stakeholders related to the specific locations of safety and congestion concerns we're going to be conducting um more detailed studies traffic counts and safety studies now that school has started back uh after Labor Day we're going to be looking at uh more detailed data specifically on the locations that were recommended by the agency stakeholder staff and next slide I mentioned crash history once before we're looking at six years of Crash data from 2018 all the way through 2023 what we have seen is that the number of crashes have been increasing annually since 2020 so there has been an increase in the number of crashes it is a high amount of crashes for this type of roadway and most of the crashes are although they're fairly well spread out most of them that are happening are north of uh Jensen Beach Boulevard which corresponds to the area of the highest traffic volumes in terms of the types of crashes rearend and left turn crashes account for over 70% of all the crashes that are occurring so motorist safety is becoming more and more of an issue on this segment of US1 it's something we take very seriously as does the State Department of Transportation their target zero program and so we are going to be making recommendations consistent with that program in this study and next slide so the corridor Focus areas this slide shows the areas that we're going to be collecting more detailed traffic counts as well as time and delay uh travel time studies and and again this was from information uh specifically provided by the project advisory committee and then next slide this slide shows um examples of some of the analyses that we're looking at uh with land use and connectivity to US1 we have many popular destinations for attractors of trips within the cordor including LA Fitness grocery stores other retail stores high schools shopping malls um very few pedestrian facilities that connect between properties um and as we're spending time R reviewing these segments and noting the major destinations we're still seeing that a lot of there's a lack of connectivity between the roadways and these uh developments as well as in particular pedestrian facilities going back and forth particular we're hearing that a lot of people walk from Golden Rod to US1 even though there's no Street driveway or sidewalk to make that connection and um also noticing for example the bottom right here is an example of the blue line here represents a connectivity that could be made between the Treasure Coast Mall circulation Road and Target that would allow people to make that connection without going out onto us one which could reduce the traffic uh congestion on US1 for people making very short trips so these are all things that we have been uncovering from our analysis but also things that we're hearing from the public as part of the public engagement Outreach and so I'm going to ask Bonnie Landry from Bonnie Landry and Associates who's partnering with this on this study to come up and give you even more detailed information specifically about what your public is saying on our study thank you thank you very much thank you uh again for the record my name is Bonnie Landry um and my uh my role in the project next slide is to get data from the actual users the people that drive walk bike the area so the way we do that is through a series of public meetings and an active website so our first public Workshop was right here at Flagler Center um we had about 25 30 people show up um we we allowed them to look at the project area and talk to them and then we took them through some polling questions which are also available online and the QR code there you see we have these cards that we're going to pass out um we would really like to to have uh people participate in in those survey questions um key findings at the live event um about 85% of those looked at the different segments along that route and felt that Joan Jefferson way to uh Brit Road was the worst and second worst was Brit road to Jensen Beach Boulevard as far as congestion goes um this was the first public Workshop we are going to have another public Workshop in October and that will be located further north it'll be in Jensen Beach at the hul library and uh we'll we'll also take polling questions at that time next slide please so as I mentioned we do have a an online poll and those questions are the same questions that we gave at the live event and we're trying our best to get more responses so far the combination of Live And online we have about a 100 responses so we're hoping as we present tonight we have the cards AA able if anybody would like to participate in the poll and it's series of questions about your experiences as a driver along that way um we think when we put that with the regular traffic data it it kind of makes it come alive and it reinforces you know this is these are users of the road and that this is how they feel about it um but the poll so far is very similar to what we heard live in uh in April is that more than half of those poll think that the study area from Joe Jefferson way to Brit road is the most congestion um and again like we say we encourage anybody tonight to to please participate in the study next slide um and the fun part um myself and Lucine who is in the audience we went out and talked to businesses along us one and our goal was to talk to 20 people which we did we had to make a lot of calls to get those 20 because they're busy they're busy they're businesses um but we did talk to 20 people some of those are going to be video we're videotaped and we'll provide a video diary and um it it was very interesting um they again they they really did not like the intersection Jensen Beach Boulevard and Joan Jefferson way um and we asked them a series of questions about um like when is the worst time to drive it um many of them said that afternoon peak hour 4:30 to 6 was the worst and overwhelmingly every they they continued to say that they felt unsafe and so we said well why do you feel unsafe and some of the things that we heard over and over again was aggressive drivers um people who are just not patient they're in a hurry to get somewhere and they just don't want to wait they beep their horn they do a lot of rude things um and the rudest would be running a red light because that's terribly dangerous and we have seen a lot of people that are just running right through the you know the yellow light and turns red um another thing that they pointed out is and and and this was in uh Stuart's slide as well are those u-turns um those were some of the accidents that happened and the reason why they felt unsafe making those u-turns are they can't see it you know there's there's either like a high SUV and they can't see and some people want to wait till they feel safe to turn and then other people beep their horn and say go go go um but myself I wait till I feel safe um but we do want to look at you know how do you feel with the u-turns and maybe make that sight line better for people if possible um and then um unprotected bike Lanes they said if we only had a barrier between the you know the cars and us it we'd feel even a distance so if we could do something with the bike Lanes to either make them protected or have that buffer Lane that that people are doing now um they said that would make them feel safer um one of the questions we asked them is do you use us one to come to work because obviously they work on us one or do you avoid it and many said when I can avoid it I do avoid it so they take alternative routes Golden Rod um uh and uh Green River Parkway alternative routes from US1 actually that's what we want people to do to reduce the traffic take those alternative routes so one thing we could do is encourage and and tell people about the alternative routes to get those cars off us one next slide oh is the last slide well I want to thank you for your time and this concludes our presentation we're all available for questions if you all have any no thank you thank thank you very much B thank you do we have any questions I just wanted to say it was an excellent report really appreciate it because um it is a lot of problems with the traffic and stuff so good job thank you thank you and we're happy the nop's doing this project thank you thank you okay we're going to go I have a question yes yes I would just like that to ask commissioner McDonald since he sits on the no are there any elements in particular you'd like to point out to us or provide additional context to any of the information oh I think I think that's uh I think that uh we're waiting for to see the results of far future planning uh it's interesting the barrier I've actually been advocating for years that we should use uh delineators uh that delineate the delineator the plastic PVC delinear poles to delineate the bike Lanes especially on the bridges uh but also I'd like to just say that e this even uh as this as this study goes forward there is actually several projects such as at Joan Jefferson um in US1 which is the southern end of the study is funded for construction uh for Lane modification improve the traffic flow because there's if you look at the traffic Counts from on us one you can see about 25,000 cars peel off of US1 soon as they hit the downtown area and so and a lot of those are making left-and turns on the Joan Jefferson and so there's actually I have to check with Beth was it 28 29 I think that's funded for 27 28 some somewhere around there is funded from the state and then also for 27 28 28 29 there's 8.8 million funded for caner Highway and us one for traffic to leave the traffic that will include I believe it's widening the intersection uh a right-and dedicated a right hand learn turn lane on the US1 and then adding a third turn lane onto uh from caner Highway to US1 North because there's there's 40,000 of those cars are going to and from Port St Lucy in the highway every day and that's why there's so much traffic coming through that intersection I have a question for the gentleman who spoke first so I believe you mentioned Vision zero I think you called it Target zero was that correct but did you mention Vision zero plan yes so Target zero fdot's implementation program for what we call Vision zero okay at the local level so yeah Target zero is essentially fdot's implementation plan in order to Target zero serious injuries and fatalities on the the highway Network which we are seeing and I mean could we be more diligent in in implementing the recommendations made in the vision zero and the target zero yes we're definitely going to be inor ating those recommendations from the vision zero plan into the US1 congestion management plan to present those to fdot as consistent with what the oo has adopted with their Vision zero plan okay AB thank you and I believe that we'll be adopting a lot of these uh uh recommendations as next year when we go into our was it our 2050 longrange Transportation plan every five years to 2050 yeah so the NOP the noos uh have a 20 20 to 25 year planning Horizon for long range Transportation Planning and so every five years we update that plan so we're getting ready to kick off our 2050 uh plan and we'll be Implement working on that and by next this time next year we should have the 2050 plan hopefully approved is that about right Beth oober October so October and next year we'll have the 2050 plan approved and the 2050 plan will be a 25 year 20 to 25 year Horizon and will include all these types of recommendations interesting enough I was out of the country earlier this year and actually saw Vision zero uh advertisement suiting for the uh it's Vision zero is not just the State of Florida or even the United States it's actually a it's actually a program throughout the world trying to lower traffic accidents and I thought that was uh fascinating when I was in Ireland and saw that so question good I I can also uh tell the board that back in 2003 or 2004 uh a study was similar likely done like this and the uh Florida Department of Transportation presented to the commission that it wanted to widen US1 make some improvements to the gon Beach Boulevard uh intersection as well as some other changes and they said that the US One Corridor needed to have a lane added for Northbound and a lane added for southbound from the Roosevelt bridge to Jensen Beach Boulevard or else the city would have an F for concurrency in that area and the commission voted to maintain an F concurrency we don't do the concurrency anymore but after the debate for them one of the biggest concerns the commission had was the speed of the drivers and that they said they would rather have them drive slower and wait and take a few more minutes to get through that Corridor than to be racing at 75 80 M hour and ironically we've had some of the most terrific accidents that have happened in Martin County in the last few years there was a Tesla it was going almost 100 miles an hour in that Corridor a couple years ago and then we had the Fourth of July on top of the bridge that had Vehicles traveling in excessively high speeds which is seems counterintuitive to the fact that during rush hour these same road lanes are jammed with cars and nobody feels like they can move at all but the reality is it's kind of a balance that the commission and the M are going to have to figure out as to which is most appropriate okay thank you our next um presentation is um our legislative and I wanted to welcome and honor our Senator Gail Herold thank you for coming Jim Kowski is is um going to lead this did you yes mayor I'd be happy to lead it um as you know earlier in the year you adopted some legislative priorities and of those priorities we had um some legislative appropriation requests out of those requests due to the success of Jordan Connors who is here as well he's created wonderful relationships with our friends that are up in Tallahassee including senator harell who has been with us ever since I've been working here in this role as well as now rep representative Snyder in his office um and I would like to let you know that we were successful in obtaining $500,000 appropriation for guy Davis Park y wonderful thank you very much Madame mayor and thank you Jim I want to say it is a pleasure to represent the city of Stewart I am delighted to be here today and we have a check presentation and I would ask that we all come down and do the formal presentation but for me one of this you know the guy Davis Community Park rev revitalization is extremely important I am delighted we finally got that through uh you know it's tough to get uh Appropriations through and you're one of 40 in the Senate and everybody's got a 100 appropriation requests so and there's a limited pot of resources so to be able to get this this these dollars which of course have to be matched by the city uh will be will make a huge difference and it is a delight to be able to do this today to present to you uh on behalf of the State of Florida $500,000 that's going to do a major maor Reen renovation of the guy Davis Park so I'd love to have a picture with everybody and Jim you were instrumental in helping us and uh Jordan Connor as well so thank you it's heavy thank you thank you I do want to add also that representative Snyder who represents the city of Stuart or at least from this from the river south of the city of Stewart uh was very instrumental in getting it moved in the house and he couldn't be here today but we do want to certainly acknowledge Him and uh we appreciate his assistance it's a team effort you know where a delegation that works very closely together in Martin County on the and on the Treasure Coast so working together we are here for you I am delighted to represent the city of Stewart and I think I think city of Stewart uh uh Mr manager was acknowledged I understand as what the number one town in the country it was a small coastal I believe is small coastal city and has been acknowledged nationally by the New York Post so we are a very famous we were on the front page of the Daily Mail on a front page I we appreciate what you do and we love the city of Stewart thank you thank you thank you representative Jordan go Mr Mr Conor you're um our um lobbyist would you say a few words hello Madam mayor and City commission I just want to thank Senator Harold and representative for all the great work they do for uh uh representing the city of Stuart and making my job a lot easier but I also want to thank the commission because one of the things that's very important is we're be able to present projects that are very good projects with Merit to actually to get uh funding and as the senator says it is so tough to get funding for local government or special projects I mean we hear of the of a budget of $116 billion do but that money is tied up in so many different other areas and as far as local projects so it's really good to be back in the winter Circle this year that's all I got to say so thank you very much thank you thank you for all you do for us okay Madam mayor yes sir if there's no objection um and I think the senator for reminding us um it would be nice if you could send a letter thanking representative Snider and uh expressing our disappointment that he was unable to attend we actually I believe we s to the legislative delates originally Reed the a thank you thank you thank you thank you girl still well okay we got the uh another presentation Development Department for left site you're going to do that presentation no this is going to be uh jod from the development department I don't see her okay but um she may believe that it was going to start uh at the 5:00 meeting I can have someone reach out to her and find out um this is she was going to give a presentation of the update of of the city's uh website why don't we go ahead and start commissioner comments and I'll send a email to her okay thank you all right any of the Commissioners have any comment start okay yeah if you want to you can go first I have a long set of comments so um I've had at least one resident has contacted the city and and through and also me just discussion and this has to do with um some properties in the East Stewart area that um seem to fall in a pattern uh close to the railroad track and around Central Avenue Lake Street area that they're um some properties that are uh belong to the city and um they abought residential as well as other uh properties in the area and they've been asking about the possibility of looking into the city abandoning some of those right away if the city was not going to use them and I think that people want to figure out some drainage issues and some other things also in that area so I was going to ask if we need a vote or just ask the city manager give him some directions to look into it and um if I if I can chime in the if the commission remembers um Mr Brinkley also came to a meeting uh several meetings ago and was talking about a right of way adjacent to his property and and after the meeting we reviewed it and the city does have some uh RightWay on uh the off of Lake Street that has uh effectively not been used by the city for some time I don't know if it's an reservation at all as it relates to the um East Stewart overlay Zone but if the commission were to give direction I'd be happy to bring back a resolution regarding the abandonment of the adj of the rways adjacent to Lake Street and then you can evaluate it as that as an agenda item I'd like for us to do that so do we need a vote on that like and L and where it's it's actually the right is off of lake so it's it's kind of right next to Mr Brinkley's and next to Central and it like it goes up it's got be of the agenda item to go through and actually describe the yeah the um items and we'd place it on a map for you obviously because we'd have it in advance and you guys could all review um the thing so it goes south off of Lake Street just before Central and it also goes um North off of Lake Street um right after Central you can see that kind of goes into the the retaining pond as well down there yeah there's there's actually three right of ways when you see it but I if the board's inclined I'll be happy to put as an agenda item I just need some direction I don't think you need a formal vote but if you just give me a consensus that you want me to bring it back I will okay okay all my next thing is um unless you want jod to go my next thing is um we've had the cdbg money that went to 11 homes to do some improvements I think up to $80,000 and I've had residents whose homes have been worked on they've complained that the city has come and has denied the um the work that the contractors are doing they can't pass inspection uh the people who are administering the cdbg grant they've been they've come up from homestead and they've looked at the projects but it just seemed like the these things are are continuing and they've been waiting since I think April of 2022 to get this in place and to get this done and um you know uh it's just really bad it's not the contractors aren't ours they they're the ones who are managing it and they're the ones who got the contractors but we're dealing with the with the funding and just making sure that whatever happens in our city is done well but you know it's it's that for the residents whose homes are being worked on to say you know this is something through the city and the city is denying the projects because the workmanship and is it's so bad and I I know that I've talked to the department about it but I just wanted to to bring this up so that if city manager can either talk to the cdbg folks or administering this and see I don't know if in the future they can get better people especially the subcontractors who are doing these things that when they do a project in the city of Stewart and they're using cdbg funds that you know we need to get you know good time in good quality just as if it were you know some other developer doing something in the city because it's it's something that's attached to us directly well I I also want to chime in that I I do not want our um Development Department our inspectors to feel pressure to pass any of these things that don't meet code and they're doing a good job that because we we had a a house last year off of central that had been rebuilt by a contractor and then after the contractor left I had to go out there and we had to have several visits and um and what had happened was exactly that the contractor come in and put screens on for the temporary to get a CO before the holiday and some other stuff but then the resident wanted everything finished and was mad that it wasn't done and was calling every day calling the city and it would have been better for the city to have just said no not until it's finalized it can't be done but they wanted to get the person in the house as early as they could so it's a it's a difficult balance and we don't get to pick the contractors they hire the contractors and in that particular instance the contractor didn't even have a floorida Contractor License he was out of Texas and he didn't meet the Florida building code as it related to build to hurricane straps but um the the issues still remain and I and I want to stand firm that the I'm glad that our building department is doing a good job and making sure but I know that it's just an an issue I'm glad you brought it I'm glad you brought it up because uh before the meeting I was on the phone with a a gentleman that's had a lot of problems and he's going to be sending me over the information and everything but thanks Mike for for what you said so I can I'll understand it more after I go through that but thank you for bringing it up okay and then the other thing is that everybody has been asking about project lift and the status of project lift on MLK and I don't know if there's something that we need to do to bring something in or find out if they're going to be having any Community meetings they did have a community meeting and then they had a crb meeting and they had an LPA meeting so now it'll be coming to the city commission at the September uh I believe it's the September 12th meeting I'm looking at they're coming to the meeting uh August 26 August 26 if they have another one thereon be another Comm for the public I know I know the city commission meeting and they're invited to come to that obviously I hear you there'll be two meetings on that I was just asked and I two commission meetings on that issue right yeah I I don't know if it's PUD or not I if it so it could be yeah there'll be two so they'll come back again and I know that their residents or Target in those meetings to come in and talk so we'll we'll deal with that um my other thing is um uh bright line which is on our agenda tonight so that that's good because people are asking about that and then the the other issue is uh you know uh we haven't really said much at City commission meeting I'm not trying to S anybody one way or another but I just wanted to know especially for the public that we do have this um the city of Stewart does have a question on the ballot for August 20th with regard to the um Stuart Heritage Museum property and so I think that um the information has gone out to people and I just want to be sure that everybody knows that the city of Stewart has a ballot um question on the I mean a question on the ballot uh regarding the steuart Heritage Museum historically the city would take a position and sometimes send postcards but they changed the law a couple years ago that prohibits us from taking a position on those types of items or lobbying in favor of or against yeah that's and that's why I said we don't think we had but they other people have but I just want to say that the city has a ballot issue on on on the ballot a question on the ballot uh then the other thing is of course oh it's not here anymore guy Davis spark um just wna be you know bring it up it was already brought up but um it is so important that we continue the planning and the work and obtaining the funds for guy Davis Park and uh start working on that so uh I just and to keep up with the community input throughout the city of Stewart with regard to the uh improvements at guy Davis Park thank you that's it thank you I have no comments Madam mayor thank you do you want to do the development um presentation and then pick up comments afterwards you want to finish comments we can you my comments going to be 10 seconds all I want to do is I want to pull item 13 uh regarding Kingswood from the consent agenda I don't have any issue with it I just thought uh it would be important to know what we're doing so thank you Troy I thought about that yeah I have um M mine might take a little bit um what should I do here I don't we go ahead and get Jody finished and then she can get back to work and you can then do yours go ahead Jody presentation I get evening uh chair members of the board I apologize for my delay I was on a phone with a a resident um so I just wanted to kind of give you an overall the city is uh we're working on trying to uh Implement our open G program which is our building Department's already been implemented our development department we're working on trying to work to move forward with that but in the meantime we wanted to give some information for our residents so they can go to our website and see what projects that are under review what's been approved and what's under construction so we've kind of built this uh website and I only have a few examples tonight to show you but if you go to the development department and if you click here and you go to development projects and we linked them in three different categories one is approved projects projects under review and projects under construction and it kind of will give you eventually a overall map but if you go into projects under review and if I one of them is Project LT in there um but if you click on uh just want to kind I'm just going to kind of give you an overall what you're going to be looking at and what we're going to be loading on the website and if there's any other suggestions that you would like to see and we can Implement that as well so these projects under review are ones that are not approved through the city development or through the city commission requiring whatever is required for this project to uh move forward so we have a project right now it's called C on Camden and this just kind of gives you a little bit of a scope of what what the project is where it's located who your project planner is um who's the agent it gives you an overall draft of the application so you can kind of see that as well um you can also see the site plan that's the draft site plan so you can actually see what they're proposing and this is also um typically if there's any meetings requirements or how they're going to be approved these items will be populated as we move forward through the project then once the Project's approved we'll put the approval date in the resolution in there under here as well and this is the uh first project we have under review right now we will be having this populat hopefully by the end of this month and you can search all different types of projects under review oop I didn't mean to go out the way so next we have um projects approved and right here we have the Stuart Creekside hotel which just came around January of this year shows you that the project who the um the application who the project planner was if you have questions you could actually click on to that particular link and be able to email the project uh planner right away um the location map shows you where that project is and then also the approved site plan that was approved and it is stamped by the city gives you the actual pro project and then also we uploaded the probe resolution as well this one might take a few minutes because it was a fairly large resolution but this gives you all the conditions that were applied to this particular project we'll come back to that one because it's going to take a few minutes is everything going to be in there the traffic studies and not the traffic studies we're just trying to keep it as a minimum of what what's coming down to Pike if you want to know what's going on instead of having to figure out like you want to know something and if someone asked you a question you can actually go look on the side to see if this project is actually in the process but we are adding the dates of like when it moves through the four like with project lift it's already had a uh required neighborhood meeting it's already had a crb meeting and also an LPA The Next Step will be the uh City commission meetings so this is just basically giving you a snapshot of what the project is go back here and these are projects under construction and what that means is these are projects that have been approved by the city commission or through uh development department and is now starting the site permit which is the groundwork prior to going vertical and this is actually again same thing you can see the address you can click on the application you'll be able to click on the project manager so if you have a question or a complaint or you have anything that you want to know about the project you could email the project manager right away um the location map the ordinance and then the site rendering we also added the building permit in here so if you wanted to go look on open go you could actually reference this building number in there as well and this project is under construction so these are just some highlights that we're trying to work through um so you can kind of get a glimpse until open gov is fully up and running with the development side this is um kind of gives the uh general public some knowledge of where our information is and how they can research their own projects or if they have questions they'll know directly who to contact um who their project manager is and and obviously the point behind this is transparency it's not just for someone going through the process but it allows the public to be able to see what's going on in the city but we've we've run into a lot of situations where um people will be under the misbelief that the city has had their whatever it is for weeks or or months and the request was actually made two days ago and when the applicant is they're told by the contractor or by someone else oh no I submitted three weeks ago I'm waiting for the city and there's no way for them to know when it was really submitted or not now before they call me and I have to pull the records and go through the whole thing they can be added to the program they can receive notices directly but they also have the ability to just go on online and be able to look and see the progress and see what's going on and see if in fact who you know if we're waiting for something and they're probably their matters not moving forward the city could be waiting for them to send a response back and until they send it back we won't do anything either and this will give the opportunity for the uh everyone to be completely aware of what kind of time frames are expected and um the status of it which I think is great for residents it really includes everyone you know the build us as the residents thank you J so if there's anything you else would like me to add um we can certainly incorporate that um i' like to give a kudos to my staff um Edith she was able to prepare this and work through the logistics and work with uh Jordan and our CRA Department to learn the website and try to figure out a best way to upload the information that was legible and made sense to the outside Community or our residents yeah and this went live when it is live right as now about a week ago we tested it and it's been up so like I said if you have any questions for your project manager you can just click right in there and send a email or you can contact them directly well I must commend the department for this because I remember when we had a former city manager who was trying to give us monthly updates on what was happening and we had paper copies and it wasn't too long ago and then we also had a uh it um a design like a cat design type person over in the department I think they went to work for FPL or something now but I thought that they were way ahead of their time and doing things and we never got to this point so under your leadership I I really appreciate that we've gotten there and it's been a combination of everything that now it's there so thank you and thank you thank you uh now we will be uploading um approvals up to 2020 this how far back we're going to go okay um so we'll give you that time shot time of what's been going on and where we are today a lot of our projects have already been completed um but we'll be adding those on the site as well now that and that's just project you don't have anything in terms of potential Redevelopment people are always asking where are all the vacant Lots or what's happening with certain things do you have another part of your website or data set that will have that kind of stuff well we have the future land use map that shows both uh vacant and uh developed properties in every single land use so you can identify find that quickly you can Google steuart future land use map you can also do it to County future land use map as well thank you thank you thank you very much Jody thank you I apologize again for being late no no no well first I want to say that I was at a swearing in Chief tomanelli swore in a new police officer last Wednesday I was there it was so nice being there a young uh very bright officer named Ashley Montoya is that right I remember the name I didn't go oh and I rode by the uh the new Fire Station it's amazing I love that new fire station I love that green can't wait till that's open and probably the office the fireman can't either uh what I wanted to say and ask my uh Commissioners is that um a lot of people have said with the electric bites and I've really noticed it too that are on the sidewalk and the City of Jupiter is uh already banned those electric bikes on our sidewalks and I wanted to run this by my Commissioners and to see if they would uh be willing to uh stop we abandon um and not allow them to be on the sidewalks these electric bites some of these electric bites are like motorcycles it's like a used to drive a Yamaha 100 and I swear I mean the tires are wide um I just want to hear what you from you guys and what do you think people are very concerned I would actually like to have a discussion about this because I've been hearing the same thing and I've been seeing the same thing I've actually seen I've talked to the chief about one particular kid on a on what it's considered electric bike that's constantly whipping up and down Dixie Highway and Baker Road about 50 m an hour and uh on the sidewalks on the road against traffic and there's far as there's not much they can do about it because it's considered a bicycle uh I do believe from talking with the chief we need to talk to our legislature about ident you know really nailing down what is a bicycle and what isn't uh because uh some of them don't even have pedals I think the um uh Mike you didn't the young man send the information over to you of Jupiter uh I have a couple ofs Mr Hernandez sent me um a couple of different ones and was demonstrating that some of the Cities down south have all been adopting the uh regulations as it relates to the electric bikes I will tell you that we have a former uh commissioner that was legally blind that regularly rode an electric bike and used the sidewalks on Palm City Road to get into and from his home so that same regulation would probably make him be unable to um go around the community because he wouldn't be able to drive on the roads um but very dangerous but there's a like you said there's a balance because and there's also areas I mean I don't think there should ever be even regular bikes on a Friday evening in downtown Stewart when there's all the pedestrians like it just they just don't mix and the board before has looked at the scooter issue as well and turned it down because of that same thing you know you the electric speed of those scooters and bikes going through sidewalks with pedestrians is a very complicated issue but as it relates we we do have some draft uh language to related to ordinances and if you guys are interested I'd be happy again to bring it as an agenda item obviously with no intent for the commission to adopt it you have the discretion to you know vet it and and address it and have some public hearings and then if it doesn't work out you can always not pursue it all right we'll do that and bring it up and we'll all we'll discuss it okay Commissioners you all agree with that yes certainly all right um com uh Mike do you have anything to add as our I I want to keep it short tonight but um I received a request and I sent an email out to the Comm as a whole this morning when I received it it's my understanding that commissioner Collins had a medical problem in their family where his father was admitted to Martin male hospital and said he was unable to attend tonight's meeting he asked um as a result if the commission would consider um continuing the consent agenda as well as the um bright line item which is uh items 14 and 15 um I told him I would write the email and I would uh leave it to the discretion of the board I don't believe that's ever been had here I don't think we've ever done that in the city of St and if it's a tie it gets continued if for if there's the set it gets and it's a two two tie it we get continued anyways so uh but and we all have had missed meetings here or there for some reason have had the ability to send over comments to the manager so yeah that would be we have to just put the whole agenda on until the next meeting that's the request we need a motion and a second and a v it's never it's never we have people I don't think it's necessary I don't think and we have Kingswood has you know their thing needs to be done today so yeah I appreciate him but if we have an illness every time and I was just going to say that I wouldn't be at the next meeting but I think I'll be at the next meeting I missed another meeting but yeah it's it's I mean it's it's tough I understand that he wants to be involved and his father you know it's an illness but if every time we have something like that then you know nothing get done yeah all right well then we uh do I have approval of the agenda Min approve the agenda um actually one other thing I had asked um speaking of people traveling um we have some members of bright line with us uh today that have to drive back to Miami as soon as the matter is over and they've requested that we take the bright lines uh first thing on the agenda and I told them we could take it right after 5:00 so if the board wouldn't mind taking items 14 and 15 um we actually we don't even need just 15 is the bright line one because we can do 14 without them so just item 15 out of order and do it next and then we can move forward you bet okay after comments from the public we have a motion um and we have a approval of the agenda yes with the with with the items in in the ORD proposed all in favor I I did you get that right Mary I did okay sorry about that all right I have one uh public comment do first of all do we have anyone from the public that like to say something on the agenda I see none okay we have uh miss Karen rudge good evening uh Karen hallos rudge 1701 Southwest City Road I've been voting in Mark County since 1992 uh I was a homeschooled mom for 21 years and the Kanas both of my children spent so much time there so I'm very grateful to have homeschooled my kids in this County and live in the city of Stuart okay so um I wanted to thank commissioner Rich for saying that um to interrupt a speaker is uh Unbecoming or bad form and I thought that was really good and then I also wanted to thank uh mayor Bruner when we had those anti-semites come in April they said horrible things at this meeting about Jews but the beauty of this country is that you're allowed to do that so I'm grateful that you allowed those anti-semites to speak because um that just shows that uh we're not going to uh silence anybody and right there I called out two Commissioners and nobody said anything but the minute I say that Troy McDonald is um on the dis during a meeting texting with the Martin County Realtors that Troy McDonald sued uh you know agreed to sue us in 2014 Troy McDonald you go speaking if they're intending to disrupt the meeting I'm not disrupting the meeting I'm speaking truth and we should be allowed to you don't think those anits saying horrible things about Jews was disruptive no just when I talk about Troy McDonald but that's okay I'll let you cannot point out the names but I can point it out when I'm saying good stuff I just pointed out his name and your name this is hypocritical and it's nonsense stop don't say the good things either oh oh okay well it's very hypocritical of you anyway I do want to just say that um I have some emails here I would like the clerk to give each one of you a copy please put it in commissioner Collins's mailbox because in 2021 they had a canvasing meeting and it's um between thank you it's two uh pages with Mary Kindle and two pages with attorney mortell where they had a canvasing meeting so I want to prevent this from happening in this election I want people to know to pay attention that there's canvasing meetings you have to do four things you have to let people know it was not done and so I have all the smok and mirrors for Mr mortell and Miss Mary Kindle I want you guys all to read this and I want to prevent that to happening to the or happening in this next election I appreciate your service I think it's great um I think that uh Pledge of Allegiance then public comment then you can do all your bells and whistles and your singing and your staff Awards and all that but you have to respect the public right public comment goes right after the Pledge of Allegiance and then everything else thank you so much for your service here we go from the public okay we have a so we're going to go to Mike you want consent calendar pulling 13 we did that we were going to take number 15 out of order okay fine okay fine 15 did we do yeah let's do 15 we're doing 15 let start with 15 got it my bad sorry the wrong Okay resolution authorizing the city to enter long-term lease and development agreement with bright line trains LLC um the [Music] resolution thank you sir Okay resolution number 52-22 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Stewart authorizing the city to enter into a long-term lease and development agreement with bright line trains LLC for the construction of a passenger rail station on Flagler Avenue providing an effective date and for other purposes um I'm obviously going to be handling this matter thank you the in on December 13th the city commission passed a resolution adopting an inter local agreement that authorized the city and the county to submit a request for proposals to Bright line um Rel related to the passenger rail system in Stewart technically the reading of that resolution authorized the staff to enter into the lease agreement but during the meeting I also said that it would be returned to the commission um for further discussion and and um basically transparency to make sure that the public is aware um since then we've gone back and forth with bright line in the county on several issues we've reviewed the site and it's been identified as uh the three Parcels adjacent to the f Corridor across the street from the courthouse on Flagler Avenue um the original submitt by the city was uh in response to a request from Bright line for um a station between 8 and 10,000 square feet and 200 parking spaces as well as two two acres and 900 ft of Frontage on the railroad tracks um all of those criteria have been met the bright line sent the city and the county a letter on March 4th um listing some conditions uh to necessary to select uh the proposal by Martin and Stewart in response to some of those conditions Martin County has amended its settlement agreement with bright line and that's unrelated to the city lease agreement however the interlocal and the lease agreement between the city and bright line is going to assistant essentially consist of an 80-year lease that's going to be made up of a 40e lease with a 40-year option the city and county are going to uh fund the construction um of the project uh up to $45 million the um truth of it is that we believe that it could end up being lower than that um one of the things we've looked into working with bright line is to try and maintain the character of Stewart um as best as possible and that has resulted in a bright Line Station that's only going to be one story tall similar to the Boer rone station not the West Palm where it kind of goes up and over the tracks instead it'll be just a one-story building that you walk out the back door and you walk across the platform or across to the tracks so there there'll be a track that kind of deviates off of the corridor just up to the station so that it won't be as big and as a result we also have looked into it and believe we can place the 200 parking spaces on the surface of the remaining property which will allow us to preserve a lot of the oak trees and allow us to have a very lowprofile um station and parking garage it's still subject to design that design um won't be finished for several months in fact none of the funding for the design can start until we approve this agreement tonight and then once that design happens if in fact we can't put all 200 spaces on the site we've been discussing possibly doing a second story or you know one area of parking that would be covered and then a roof above it that you could park on the roof but it'd still be a very low profile uh scenario and it would still limit it to the 200 spaces so that it doesn't get overp parked as well um again the terms of the agreement are essentially a non-s subordinated trip net land lease normally there's a lot of discussion about appraisals and assessed values and things like that to talk about how you arrived at the rent but in this particular interest in uh in this particular instance in December the request for proposals submitted by the city and the county was that the rent would be $1 per year as part of the public transit and therefore there is no rent however bright line will be responsible for the maintenance operation taxes and insurance for the property what the proposal is is to maintain the property if our approval is conditioned obviously on Martin County's approval but assuming Martin County is going to approve it as well the city of Stewart will receive the three Parcels back within 14 days of the county meeting which is the last Tuesday in um August I believe and once we receive the property back we have agreed to maintain the property as a parking lot open to the public and use for the public until such time as uh bright line actually needs to take the property for construction purposes so our desire is to during the design and during their due diligence where they're doing any phase testing is to Simply allow them to block block off a few parking spaces to do a boring test or whatever but keep the parking lot open as much as possible and because bright line would be subject to liability once they take the property it would have to be fenced in so we're going to keep the property in Steward's possession until either the permit is issued or such time as bright line notifies us that they need the property hopefully that'll be longer than shorter um but as it relates as this goes forward what will happen is the city approves it the county approves it and then the city and county will produce approximately $2.5 to3 million initially which will be used for all the design and Engineering that will last well into the fall and probably January when the design is complete bright line I know for sure is going to have to have a conditional use or a major Urban code conditional use for uh legal clarification because our Land Development regulations um require I believe it's a 20 or 25 foot setback from the back lot line and in this instance the design is going to put the train station literally on the lot line so I don't believe that there's any other deviations from code they're providing more parking than code requires there's no height there's no Landscaping that'll be thing the storm water will be taken care of and all that so there's no other deviations but I am confident that there's no way they can do it by Straight permit without coming back before this board for approval so what'll happen is they'll finish the design and plans and then it'll go through the process of uh site plan review it'll have a public meeting it'll then have a crb meeting and then it'll come to the CRA for conditional use um there was a reference from uh the development director earlier as it related to project lift possibly having two hearings in that really isn't the case it has two agenda items this won't have that because we don't need to do a land use change or zoning change on this property it's already got a land use and Zoning of downtown but going back to the project lift people misconceive two agenda items as two hearings it's actually both agenda items would be heard in the same hearing anyway if this needed a zoning change it would have been the same case but we there is no zoning necessary it is owned for this use the only thing I anticipate is the setback the way it's going to work is um the city is going to be the uh manager of the project and as a result um we will develop a draw schedule that um will be approved by finance and the county because they're participating in as well and bright line wein we're going to give them this initial design money money up front and then the draw schedule will be based upon exactly that the draws of the construction leading to the final draw which will be you know the completion of the project and certification of occupancy um the desire and timing on that right now is that we approve tonight County approves at their next meeting we provide the initial draw or the initial uh payment in September they then do all their designs come back for site plan approval or whatever is necessary um hopefully start construction sometime next spring and then the desired completion date right now is the fall/ spring of um 27 which would you know it's really January February of 27 is what I what I project us to be into um but I don't believe it should be any longer than that because again it's an 8 to 10,000 foot building some railroad track modifications and a parking lot um the agreement was being emailed from uh general counsel for the bright lines parent company this afternoon I wasn't I didn't receive it by the time the the meeting started so I wasn't able to print it out but none of the terms have changed it's still the uh same financial terms same square footage same parking terms um it's just that the anticipated cost of building a four-story parking garage and man and managing and maintaining that to uh maintain those 200 parking spaces versus building it as surface parking should considerably reduce the cost and exposure to the county and City residents as well as any future maintenance costs making it a much more manageable project for bright line and hopefully much more successful and it makes it so much Greener and um there are two members uh of bright line Brian cronberg and Ali soul that are both here tonight if you'd like to grill them you're welcome to um they drove all the way up from Miami so we should at least have them say hello yeah before can I ask Mr okay actually I was going to make a motion to approve uh so that'll be on the floor okay I have a question on that Mr Bag A second we have a second okay second and question yes I know I know that we're we're on resolution number 41 d224 what attached to the thing uh is amended interlocal agreement and that's like something that that's the other agenda item okay all right so that's your we got that one I want okay I'll get into it next I'll I'll okay go on talk about this item I'll ask Mr um bagot in private well and we have a a motion commissioner McDonald um we have a second by commissioner Clark any other questions on Brian did you want to give us any comments Mr Mor he wanted to ask one more question stay right there go ahead commissioner there's going to be no covered parking correct I mean we could demand it and pay for extra for it if you want but they're going to charge for it and it's not going to be open to the public anyway so that's your call at no time will it be open to the public there was never the the design was always that the parking would be paid for so it's open to the public anybody can park in it but you have you'll be able to park for free on the street or you'd have to pay to park there so I doubt that people are just going to randomly select it to park in the non-covered parking correct the parking is really designed for someone going on vacation and wanting to leave their car for 10 days and then come back it's and so that's one of the reasons also that we didn't feel like a parking garage was that Ben Ben official to everybody because the 200 spaces again if it's artsfest or 4th of July or something like that people will probably pay to park there even if they're not getting on the train but day in and day out all the studies show us that they're not going to use that many parking spaces and that they'll be available we also have free parking at Wells Fargo that people don't park at now to go downtown on Friday night yeah I just I think there's an opportunity here is especially locals and speaking with locals the ability to go to a parking garage Park undercover and get on and off the tram undercover creates a much greater appeal for that multimodal Transportation Ram wouldn't have gone in the parking garage no matter what but it could have we could have made the arrangement for that to happen or pick you up up right outside of it I'm I'm I just there's an opportunity there I think we should consider um I understand there would be greater expense with the covered parking but and especially if you're going to leave your car for a length of time the ability to leave it in covered parking has much greater appeal I mean what sort of rates were we looking at I I think it's the same you can answer but I think it's the same rates as the West Palm yes it would be comparable to what we have in West Palm and bokeh which depends if you pay in advance or at the meter it could range anywhere from 8 to $15 per day now I will tell you too I mean I've been going back and forth with Brian as recently is today as it relates to the parking we don't have a site plan so it could end up that when they submit the site plan there actually is covered parking because the two it's going to have 200 spaces no matter what and the question is do they fit or do they not fit and so it actually could come back before the commission with covered parking included in it it's covered parking in West pal correct there's 10 it's a 10 story parking garage it's covered parking in Boke isn't it uh we yes we have we have parking garages at each of the but but it's also a function of the size of the the sites so this site is is longer and as the city manager mentioned it's very possible that we cannot accommodate 200 spaces at the surface and in that case we would be um having structured parking R likely two levels so one first level would be covered and second level would be exposed but as soon as we're able to hopefully we get this um approved tonight we're anxious to start the design the first thing that we're going to look at during the design is the parking configuration and and what's the best way most efficient way to configure 200 parking spaces okay okay thank you commissioner McDonald I was just going to say that and as future need goes we start off without the coverage parking without the parking garage we can look at it and that would also give us an opportunity to apply for grants for the build the garage later and get it paid for so there's it creates opportunities as well so and I will mention that a little bit we in speaking with uh the brightland representatives one of the things we talked about and I'll give um don Donaldson the credit for it because it was his kind of idea was to designate where the parking garage would have been and in the agreement have some language that agrees to allow the county in the city to apply for the federal Chrissy Grant funds next year or the year after and we didn't apply for them now because to get the Chrissy Grant funds you have to do the NEPA evaluation and it would have been about a 30mon delay in the project just to do the NEPA evaluation however if we go this approach we can build the surface parking reserve the space at the end of the parking lot for the parking garage in the future event and then if we apply for Chrissy which is the Consolidated rail infrastructure and safety act and were to get funding to build an entire parking garage it wouldn't bother anybody to wait the 30 to 36 months for the NEPA evaluation because you were still operating the train station things are still going and then at the end you could then build a parking garage if it was deemed needed or plausible or whatever and if bright line didn't want to have to maintain it because the ridership wasn't supporting it we could figure out some kind of hybrid on how to operate and maintain that parking garage as a public structure and facility makes a lot of sense Sor before the bright line the city spoke about the desire to build a parking garage before the bright line well I can tell you I've been trying to build a parking garage for 14 years and I've had no success so that that that doesn't obviate the need that you recognize commissioner McDonald I'm just saying if we can accomplish two things with one you know we should take advantage of this opportunity if we can to accomplish some of our goals and obviously accommodate bright line that's that's all I'm asking and two months ago I would have said exactly the same thing but since then I've read a book about parking and uh it's a it's called pave paradise it's a fascinating book about parking I boarded my wife to death with it and my wife and my wife is like do you really like this and I said this book Chang my life and lose your Viewpoint yeah and I think that oh it's actually changed some of my thoughts regarding not just parking garages but parking in general and how we are not doing it right nobody's doing it right uh in general and so I really uh I've been fascinated by the subject I've been digging into parking as you know as a hobby um so I so I'm not as concerned about it as I would have been two months ago that's fair enough so if more parking comes out of this I'll be grateful for it uh commissioner Clark concerned about the entire strip from uh Mr bal's property down which is from the lumber company where that starts there at the lumber company all the way down to Ernest and including this parcel I'm just concerned about that the planning for that strip and the parking for that strip if anything else should happen like we say in the future um as soon as the bright line goes in I'm sure that those ownerships and land uses are going to change while the the uses are going to change in that area and it would be kind of shortsighted if we can't try to come together and do something or be able to convert to a larger parking garage if we need it based on what may happen in that little Street trip along there well the the good news is is that we are going to keep that reservation but also I should mention following the original request for proposal and discussions regarding the parking garage we also were getting feedback that we were secretly building extra parking so that we could secretly build a bunch of Housing and overdevelop downtown now it was misinformation and it wasn't accurate because we never had even discussed TR it but if you over bu a parking garage the perception is that there's a purpose behind it I he you um I you'll see the design when it comes back this is a big it's a 2.3 acre parcel of land the footprint for an 8,000 square foot single story building is exactly that 8,000 square F feet can be 80 by 100 however you want to make it but it's it's just not to .3 Acres so you're going to see when they come back with the presentation for the approval of the project that there is going to be a large area that is going to continue to and it can be a future site under the Chrissy grant for a parking garage but there are part there are oak trees that were planted there in the mid 80s so 30 to 40 year old oak trees that would all be ripped out to build a parking garage that are all going to be able to stay because the shade trees along the sidewalk that have now gotten mature will all be able to stay and be there until such time as it's absolutely necessary and again the the opportunity to go for the Chrissy Grant to me seems like kind of The Best of Both Worlds we won't have to pay for it up front we don't have to create and and I'll tell you bright Line's bigger concern is the operation of the garage and the and this station obviously the balance is they need to be able to pay their staff and make money from the operation of it and the and the garage itself has elevators ADA compliance lighting air conditioning for the elevators in addition of that you have to pressure clean the garage you have to maintain the the Expansion Joints in the garage that'll actually are very expensive to replace and if you you also have uh people that sleep on the ground inside parking garages so you have to maintain that and constantly monitor it and um the cost of the operation including a parking garage actually goes up exponentially now if in fact the demand is such that there's so many riders it supports a parking garage I'm sure bright line would be happy to maintain it and support the parking garage and we can go down that path as we get that but the the the reality is right now we just don't see the the the real need for um anything even close to the 200 spaces that are going to be provided so there will be a surplus of parking that's available to the public if they're willing to pay for the parking thank you and like I said we'll also have the ability to apply later all right good good go ahead no no everything uh we are anxious to get to the next step which is design and then that'll kind of tell us what the site is able to accommodate or not able to accommodate and we I mean probably 50/50 chance that we end up with a parking garage on this site so we don't know for certain if the 200 could fit on the ground and if not we've we've got no problem and we're committed to to building a parking structure on this site all all we wanted to do is make sure that the the flexibility exists so that in the event we can fit 200 on the ground we we would do that but we would do that with the ability to expand into a parking garage at a later date as uh Mr mortell talked about so I I talked to a lot of people that can't wait to ride that train yes so um and thank you all we it's been a a great few months working with um city manager mortell and attorney uh Mr baggot and it's been great to see the cooperation Not Just Between the city but also the county and and how everyone is working together to make this happen so thank you okay thank you thank you sir I just have one more question I have so that it's sort of like the airport where you you'll be able to be dropped off Undercover corre correct correct right yeah yes we'll have a covered uh portic caset as well pick up here okay y thank you thank you everybody good well we have a motion in a second do I have anyone the U audience would like to say anything on this yes you f out a card Tom ceny say Lucy Crescent I am so happy that I know of two Commissioners that have read a good book that book should have you read it too commissioner not that book but I have a book club and I'm reading all the time it is a fantastic book you're talking about P parad yes so I I hope you all remember that the second thing is we talk about little old Stewart and how we want to keep the small town character and so the first thing we want to do is build a parking garage that we may not need knock down the trees make it look like boka or West Palm Beach that's nuts besides the2 million cost so commissioner Rich please think before saying things like that because we are going to have the perfect station to get us either to Orlando or Miami and we're still going to keep the small town Steward we all keep saying we want thank you thank you for that okay I needed to hear that any other any other comments I see none let's have a call roll call commissioner McDonald yes commissioner Clark yes mayor Bruner yes vice mayor Rich yes okay I want to go right into H 14 If U Commissioners don't mind can I get a motion do we need to talk about this to read it okay I I'll let Lee read it all of it Lee 14 give me a second here yeah take got to find it here it is all right resolution number 41-22 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Stewart authorizing the mayor to sign an amended interlocal agreement with Martin County providing the responsibilities of the parties in the construction of a passenger rail station on Flagler Avenue providing an effect effective date and for other purposes thank you sir you want me to talk about this morning um yeah why don't you go ahead and sure um this was prepared by myself and uh my paralal um as Mr mortell has already giving you somewhat of a brief background in the prior um item number 15 and in that back in uh December of 2023 we entered into the First interlocal Agreement uh in that first interlocal agreement we since then we um uh propos filed the joint proposal um uh with the county to Bright line in respon to the RFP uh since then we've had somewhat minor modifications on what we originally brought before you in December of 2023 so what we're trying to do is just kind of memorialize some of those changes uh that in in an amended um agreement which is before you now um both Mr mortell and myself have worked with the administrator for Martin County and also with um Sarah the uh County attorney on coming up with the language and the agreements in the amended in a local agreement which we had attached to this agenda item um briefly the uh couple of the things that we pointed out within 14 days of the effective uh date of the interlocal agreement as amended the county will go ahead and convey the three Parcels there on Flagler AV to the city um and that was not in the the prior one there was no date or deadline um the only thing that she wanted added was um that the properties have a restrictive covenant in the conveyance that they can only be used for public purposes which we did not object to um um also um we kind of cleared up as far as the the funds um so you've heard 30 million from the city and 15 from the county and that was uh identified originally but uh what we did is we clarified for the first $30 million spent both the county and the city will equally be responsible and after $30 million in funds have been expended then the city would be responsible for uh the amounts above that so it wasn't a one3 uh 2/3 split but 50/50 up to 30 million um and uh it talks about the uh parking uh spaces of being 200 which we've just discussed agazian but there was a period of time where the county was talking with bright line about conveying the triangle parcel which is a parking lot that the staff for the courthouse uses between uh the courthouse and the uh baseball but that was um that's for the most part gone away for my understanding we took that out we took that out we do still require that we're going to stripe the local agreement my recollection requires that in exchange for the spaces that are being used that we' put 54 or maintain 54 spaces within 2500 ft of the uh current location there are 54 spaces already being maintained open to the public but I've already started looking at Milton's finding out for the first time right now that um we are looking to put um diagonal striping on the spaces right along the water treatment plant on stman directly across from the baseball field and I'm going to try and put formalized parking there that should create probably 30 or 40 additional spaces I I I wanted to point out the 200 spaces because I don't know if it was addressed um in the last item or item 15 but uh there was talks with with when the county was talking about conveying the triangle parcel to Bright line they were going to lose over 100 spaces and so they were requiring over 300 spaces in a parking garage so since uh they that deal did not go away the the county has not lost all of that parking in that triangle parcel um but other than that that it's it's minimal changes from what you've already um approved back in December but we wanted to memorialize those changes the county as well as Mr mortell mentioned it's on their next agenda this same our local agreement as amended I'll move for I'll move for approval okay I'll second it with question so uh have a motion U commissioner McDon we have a second by commissioner Clark you would like to say so um so we're talking about the amended interlocal agreement is that correct so I have a question on item number six on page three of eight and then I just talked to Mr bagot about item number eight to see if there was a typo and I was looking back on the um agreement that was done on December 12th to see if they had mentioned um the issue that I saw in item number eight and see if there was something done by the tourist development board on November I know that the tourist development board is giving an $800,000 payment through the Martin County settlement agreement an amendment to the um bright line settlement from 2018 but that's not a part of this local agreement that's not a part of what's number eight then explain item number eight to me on page three the County Attorney wanted this uh paragraph in there but it it it doesn't necessarily well doesn't apply to the city uh the county is responsible for paying an additional $800,000 on top of the 15 million uh to Bright line for marketing purposes from the tourist development plan and the date that they have is a future date or a past date or November that November 8th 2024 um I can check with her that was when the travel and tourism board voted to approve it but the date hasn't happened yet is what she's saying nov supposed to be 23 I think it's supposed to be 23 okay I was wonder about that and then they within 30 days of the execution item number six and that's what Mr mortell spoke in the last item uh that uh as soon as it's approved by both the county and the city that we would do an initial fund uh towards the design stage and it would be proportional 50/50 like uh it stated in uh paragraph um each would be controlling their own money or would we be putting into some initial fund that you're talking about so the initial payment is going to be paid directly to Bright line that money will go to them right now for their design and it'll be paid out as bills come in the const ruction draws the county is planning to either get joint financing with the city if we go to a bond or to transfer their $15 million obligation to our finance department for us to hold that money in trust so that as we do the construction draws we account for the County's funds and then um obviously keep them apprised of it but that'll be our finance director making those [Music] draws and we do this today and it goes to them [Music] tomorrow think the county yeah we approve it today and then the County's going to have to they were originally planning to approve it first last Tuesday but um some finalization stuff caused it to not make it to their agenda and so in order to not disrupt it we said we'll come in and approve it conditioned upon County approval so the approval of last item and this item in the resolutions it says our vote is conditioned upon County's approval so if the county were to vote no our votes the our approvals would have been canceled so everything is conditioned upon the approval by the county on whatever their meeting date is but I feel confident that the county will approve it just like they did on December 12th or 13th as well well this agreement is the result of negotiations between right but I mean I the Commissioners weren't parties to that so but I still believe the commission supports it and I just want to say that on the December 12th uh original intercal agreement I'm glad that well I'm sure that there's a reason for it but uh that we have actually did have the three Parcels listed and added on here as an exhibit and I think that that's important and I'm glad that they did that it wasn't on the last thing it was mentioned but it wasn't really we didn't have this we didn't have the survey and site plan uh ready at that point because it was for the submitt to the RFP and since the county was able to get it for us and identify it and we had the survey done and that's why they were able to identify them more clearly and it was also based upon the fact that it was just for the submittal for the RFP before and now that it's officially to transfer it they want to make sure that we identify the actual parcel ID numbers rather than just a picture of the parking lot having three attorneys up here makes you feel pretty good thank you try for your questions all right can we uh you we're going to do roll public comment oh yes public comment I see none hey we'll do aoll vice mayor Rich yes commissioner McDonald yes commissioner Clark yes mayor Bruner yes okay now we're going to go back here uh commissioner me Donald pulled 13 I'll let uh Kingswood three-w line replacement agreement leave would you read the res resolution 113 sure resolution number 78-22 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Stewart Florida authorizing the utilities and engineering director to move forward with the agreement between the city of Stewart and the Kingswood 3 condomin Association Kingswood 3 contingent upon the approval of the City attorney and to move forward with the construction of a new water service line to serice serve the Kingswood 3 property providing an effective date and for other purposes very good Madam mayor yes the reason I asked the PO is actually this is a great project but kind of explain why we're here there's a piece of property that used to be part of the Kingswood development and somewhere along the line the developer sold it off and it had a water line that went to the Kingwood residence and there was never an easement Granite for the water line the owner of that property is getting ready to build some uh build a couple houses on the property and so the water line needed to be moved and unfortunately there was litigation and stuff between the two parties and it became something was becoming a big burden to the uh to the uh residents of Kingswood uh not only because of cost but also because of time because literally they were there was threats of having their water shut off um going to the whole development and thankfully Mr mortell and Mr cun from our came up with a plan that once they got the new easement for the water line to for the city to actually go in and and build build the water line and we're going to charge them for that they're not getting it for free but it's going to be put onto their water bills and this is going to Ure that 300 and some residents don't inadvertently inadvertently lose their water um so uh fortunately our staff was also able to determine that uh they could reuse the back flow preventers and stuff to keep the cost down I believe that's what I understand and so and it's going to add like $10 a month to do each one of the uh uh residents water bills which you know many of those folks uh in places like Kingswood have um are in fixed incomes and they've been hit really hard with for example really high insurance rates affecting their HOA so by helping to keep this burden down and working within our system and being able to get it done on time for them they actually have a requirement to start by a certain date here coming up in the next week or so that's why it was so important that we get this approved so I'm going to move for approval and I just on top of that I just comment too that um the city had the program called uh sign up and save for the uh sewer Utilities in the past and what the city said the president to do there was to allow people to sign up and then make the payment over a course of time so that it was more acceptable to them and more digestible so when this issue arose rather than having a giant special assessment that crushed all these people in the same year they're getting hit by the insurance increases Etc um we worked with Kings Kingswood to come up with a payment plan that's my understanding is agreed on as three years so it's spread out but the city is not inuring a special benefit to anybody because it's getting paid in full it doesn't impact our bond coverage or anything like that because again the Enterprise fund is receiving 100% of the money and it's it's not providing anything to one condo association that it wouldn't provide to another which is important to maintain the uh Clarity there but at the same time it's also an agreed upon length of time and everything is satisfactory to Kingswood which is also important to Kingswood and the the people who are developing the property jackard who's also our LPA representative happens to be present in the audience and he is uh Kings Woods are you president or he's just a resident of Kingswood but um he is present here if you wanted to ask him some questions I was just thinking of the the any developer in the area who the the line affects if everything is it's just yeah this is just their only their water um Marcela owned a 1 acre parcel on St Lucy Boulevard that she had bought from the original developer of Kingswood that had the water lines under it the reason there was no easement for the water lines is because they were in the property in possession of Kingswood so there would be no easement necessary it wasn't until that transaction when she acquired the property that an easement would be required and I don't think the residents of Kingswood knew that transaction took place and it was like over 10 years ago um in any event this property now has provided an easement to Kingswood that the city couldn't move move forward until Kingswood Pro showed us that they had the evidence of it and so this one line will come off the city's line that goes down St Lucy Boulevard and will'll just provide water to this Kingswood development as long as we weren't triggering a new law suit no no we're actually saving M yeah it goes down River Terrace right any other questions River ter I don't think it goes down that street it comes right up of St Lucy right there right I have a motion but I don't have a second I'll second it okay uh we have a motion in a second anyone from the audience like to say anything on this no more questions R mayor Bruner yes vice mayor Rich yes commissioner McDonald yes commissioner Clark yes before we close uh there's a young man I'll probably embarrassing um did we also approve the the whole consent agenda we did not no we need to do that do that I apologize thank you approve the consent agenda second second um we have a motion um we have a second comments any public comments I hear none roll commissioner Rich I'm sorry vice mayor Rich commissioner Clark yes mayor Bruner yes commissioner McDonald yes okay one more thing I wanted to say um Jake I'm sorry to embarrass you Jake Jake's a young man it's he's going to Martin County High School and this is his second meeting he went to the uh LPA the other night and he wants to learn more about the uh the the city stuff the county and all that and I'm really proud of him that he and today was his first day at school so thank you Jake for for really caring about your community all right g j sorry Mr give you a