e I this before welcome ladies and gentlemen gentlemen we're going to start this meeting she say roll call Mayor Bruner yes vice mayor Rich yes commissioner Clark yes commissioner Collins here and commissioner McDonald here and um James harp from the steward Alliance Church is going to lead us in prayer and Mr harp right after that could you lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance we'll all stand first or second second prayer first PR first all right sounds good to me let's pray than sir father thank you for this day this beautiful day you've given us Lord thank you for the privilege of living in one of the most beautiful places in the world Lord I Thank you for these that you have um raised up uh to provide leadership for our community father I I just continue to ask I don't pray just here uh couple times a year but I pray all the time lord for the leadership your word says therefore I exhort first of all that supplications prayers intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men for kings and all who are in Authority all who are in prominent places of leadership that we may lead quiet and Peaceable lives in all godliness and reverence and it says for this is good and acceptable in the sight of the Lord Our Savior so God I thank you that you've encouraged us to do that and I pray Lord for this uh commission Lord that they will lead and and such a way that we as residents of this city Lord will know that that we're being led right Lord and you would just bless them bless their families encourage them provide for their needs according to your riches and glory in Christ Jesus in whose name we pray amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all do you have any comments from any of our commissioners um I just wanted to say that I don't know what dat it was but the NAACP had a a n um their annual Gala and I received a humanitarian award from the NAACP and um that included things that I did with other community organizations as well as my participation on the city commission and I appreciate that I didn't bring my little show and tell thing but I just wanted to say that that happened and I was I want to say also that earlier today we had a um CRA meeting and um it wasn't very long or involved but the idea is that the CRA has been successful for the many years since 1988 89 and um we just want to continue to work uh to see what we can do to to make things better in our CRA district and and uh for downtown area and in know big issue is traffic circulation and some of the other things that happen in our downtown are but I I just want to commend our CRA director and for those who are continuing to work in helping um to make sure that we do some good planning and I think we have a lot of opportunity to do some good planning for that area and I I look forward to working with that with our CRA director and our Main Street group and other organizations that really helped the city of Stewart to shine thank you commissioner Collins no I have no comments this evening no coms well I do I just wanted to say that if it wasn't for the businesses in our downtown our little city wouldn't be the little city that it is it's very important and that's it oh one more thing speaking of uh uh the Boys and Girls Club I've been to three of gatherings and functions where where they have been and they're amazing children um they go up to 18 maybe six seven and they were all uh volunteering at each one of these uh functions and and uh preparing Foods they learning to to uh cook foods and and to talk and present themselves with people um they were just amazing group of people the Boys and Girls Club in this county is going to be so awesome when we get when they get their new building built they're helping so many children and um I believe that we are uh if correct me if I'm wrong Mike that we will be um partnering with um uh project lift and and even doing more and teaching the children's trade so our our little town is doing great things and I hope people notice that and realize that thank you now we will go comments from our manager um I was going to mention that at the uh NAACP Gaya last Saturday that our own commissioner Clark received a humanitarian award but that was stolen from me by commissioner Clark herself I did take a picture of it and I can't don't know if you can see it or not but uh thank you um which was great and uh her husband was there all ear smiling in support Dennis was very happy for her um in addition to that I wanted to mention that this morning we had a ribbon cutting for the peton Creek Park which is officially open for business it is located adjacent to the rideway that has been set aside for the eventual um Willoughby Road expansion and I am going to continue mentioning that every time it comes up so that when the Willoughby Road expansion happens everyone doesn't say why are you putting this road through this park um the road actually was there first the park was some Surplus land that really turned out to be a beautiful Park setting and uh mton and his crew have done a great job putting it together and I Sophia Weber joined our vice mayor in doing the honor of ribbon cutting today um and they did say that if they had one critique that they would add swings in case anybody wants to know uh the uh over the weekend the city had its annual water Fest in Memorial Park and it was timed at the same time as the Howard Allen art show which was downtown which made downtown very busy on Saturday uh for anybody that was there and again it was just as busy on Sunday um because of the art show and other regular activities the um events um I also want to mention uh myself and Milton and Peter met with a gentleman Rory from the US Department of Transportation federal rail Administration and discussed in great detail um quiet zones and safety issues and Steward intersections and other issues and I've asked uh Milton and Peter if they would put a presentation on to the city Comm on our April 8th meeting so that'll be coming back to you um not so much an agenda item related to a quiet zone or applying for a quiet zone so much as just an educational presentation from them as to what we learned what some potential safety uh issues we can address and and other things and we'll let the um commission give us direction from there that's all I've got thank you okay do we uh have approval for the the agenda move approval of the agenda is published second okay we have approval of commissioner Clark and a second I Believe by commissioner rich and um do we have any comments from the public that we' like to speak on our agenda okay we have none uh r no Candice did you want to speak none agenda items no okay all good all right roll call please commissioner Bruner yes or mayor Bruner I'm sorry commissioner McDonald yes Vice chair Rich yes commissioner Collins yes and commissioner Clark yes okay now I have a few um comments from the public first one is uh Trevor Shar welcome Mr sherid sherard sherard it's okay everybody gets my last name wrong John um good afternoon Commissioners how are you all doing today I came um uh to the December meeting to discuss with you um my name is Trevor sherard I am an attorney here in Stewart Florida um but I am also the founder of Miracle League of Martin County which is a nonprofit that allows special needs children the ability to play baseball um we came on December to kind of introduce the idea to the commission to explain what we were doing and I wanted today to kind of give you the uh update of everything that's been occurring um we have have registered 32 Special Needs individuals uh to play this April 4th at at sailfish Park um there are going to be two teams it's going to be the Colorado Rockies versus the New York Mets um they both have uh really great uniforms um I can't wait to they're just they're very realistic and and legitimate so I can't wait to see them in in the uniforms um we have a mascot now um Homer the mascot um it's it's this uh big guy with a big baseball head um he's G to be attending uh April 4th him he is I so I will be in the in the mascot if you if you don't see me April 4th I will be in the mascot um Chief uh Joseph has been incredible the Stuart Police Department are also going to be coming out uh for April 4th the Stuart fire department is also going to be coming out the Martin County Sheriff's Department is also coming out the um Jensen Beach Air Force Jr OTC will be coming out and doing a color guard and star spangle Banner uh we have Chef Howard who is a good friend of mine from high school he's going to be he's offered to come out and do some food for everybody it's going to be an incredible event everybody uh we have a lot of the community is coming forward to uh to kind of be a part of it uh we have local businesses have have donated um mostly uh um attorneys and and legal businesses in the in the area but that's just because that's my circle and and that's who I talk to um we're hopeful that more businesses will join and support our our mission um we we are hopeful that some of the Commissioners will come out April 4th and be a part of this um it's going to be an incredible time everybody um we we just need some more volunteers and I'm gonna I'm G to kind of piggyback off what uh mayor Bruner said this this is an incredible City our city has done so much for so many people in this community the special needs Community is is out there and we we need support and and and we need people to show up to support our message and these children um they are looking forward to playing baseball on the 4th and we currently have only 20 volunteers to run the bases we need 35 there should be no reason why there shouldn't be more people coming forward to uh to support these children so I'm just asking to just look us up uh Miracle League of Martin County uh Miracle League of mc.org uh there's there's plenty of ways to be able to to volunteer even if you can't run the bases with the children you can come and just support them I have some uh handouts for the Commissioners and the attorneys as well but I'd really appreciate it yall if you just anybody you know if they want to uh to be a part of something that's going to be incredible because I'll tell you this right now this first season is just going to be the first season sure it's going to be our starting season but I can guarantee you the next few years we're going to be huge and so get behind this this is going to be a great cause and it'll be great for anybody that to say hey I was I was behind them the first season since the first season they started I remember that so I appreciate it Commissioners please uh we would love to have you attend and all the members of the public we wouldd love to have you attend April 4th I hope to see everybody there okay let me ask you one thing you've accomplished all this in the last three months I haven't slept uh mayor Brun I I have I have and there's way more there's uh local businesses socially synced is going to be coming one of the weeks um Grace Place a church in in Stuart Florida is also going to be coming one of the weeks uh as well I've reached out to the Martin County uh high schools um as South Fork Jensen Beach and Martin County the guidance counselors have reached out to all the students to kind of try to explain to them what's going on I think you'll have all that support so we're just we want it so we appreciate we appreciate you giving me the opportunity to explain everything and we really hope to see you guys thank you sir thank you thank you Mr ceny thank you Tom ceny mayor Commissioners I just want to say that I had a leak at my house and Peter and his crew responded so fast and worked so hard and everything was done in a matter of day two days so I just think you should know what a great bunch of guys worked there all of them maybe waterline leak not a roof leak he no we don't do roof leaks it was a water main leak we know that on my waterline Meek and six or seven different people yeah showed up at different times and they did a terrific job and you were in town yes thank God but thank you good okay m Callahan hello Commissioners mayor um friends Candace Callahan for the record um executive director for Stuart Main Street heard some comments about how busy downtown was sorry not sorry just doing our job of promoting our great District um we had just a recap on our Howard Allen art show it was our last one for the season um and to locked over so statistics we had 80% of attendees specifically coming to downtown for that event we had 34% found us on social media 30 30% came from out of town 93% also said that they were staying in the downtown to support our downtown businesses 39% saying that they would spend over $100 at each business 63% said that they were visiting the Farmers Market on Sunday and then 83% said that um unfortunately ending this on a sour note and I'm sorry but 83% said when surveyed that the biggest obstacle to coming to downtown is unfortunately the lack of parking I digress moving on so um forgive my voice I'm a little horse it's been a long week of educating um I just got back from St Cloud earlier in the week visiting another um amazing little Main Street program and then later in the week we went to Melbourne for some board training because I have some new board members that we're really excited about getting them involved um upcoming events we had the Florida Main Street conference that we're hosting it's been um about six years since they've been here in our district so we're really excited to brag about the good work that we have all been doing together that's April 7th through the 9th many of you should already have that on your calendars and I will be reaching back out to remind you um about the different events and activities that we have planned um our CRA will be giving a little presentation as well um and then our trams um is such a they're such a unique thing to our district that we'll also be doing a presentation on that to hopefully Inspire other districts to get the same service other events um we have a sidewalk sale to promote our downtown businesses and our little somewhat insignificant Earth Day event is actually up and nominated for an award so I will be reporting back on that hopefully inviting you good people to join me at my table when we accept that award and then our stroll event which is happening on May 2nd to also promote our downtown businesses and I sat on a podcast the other day called the new uh the Good Neighbor podcast so always advocate ating always promoting doing our jobs thank you very much for your uh time and uh support thank you Candace for those figures welcome thank you okay now can I get a a motion for the our consent calendar um move that we approve the consent calendar items one through 8 through five Madame mayor could we pull item three please oh okay um consent I want approval for the consent calendar mine is number three do I have a second second okay um any comment no comment any comment from the public I see none roll call Board member McDonald yes Vice chair rich yes board member Collins yes board member Clark board member Clark yes and and mayor Bruner yes okay do you like to speak on number three yes thank you um yeah I share so just to clarify what this is we're just approving for panal to go out and obtain bids correct correct right and I I share P's frustration I mean I remember when this when the number became came before us initially and it was quite small five or six maybe not even that large and now it's over $12 million so I appreciate uh the additional effort here at not an inconsiderable expense uh to obtain this uh updated RFP the only thing I'd like to see panal is could we see the streetcape without the undergrounding just so we have all the information we could possibly have before we make a decision to spend that much money yeah we can well whenever they do provide the price proposal They Do by uh each area so a seminal Street undergrounding has its own price proposal and then the undergrounding for Oola St Lucy and Colorado and then uh streetcape so you will see three different price proposal and all together was 12 million that we saw in the second RF but can we also see what it would look like a visual you know show us a picture of what it would look like oh the streetcape improvements we'll do the whole presentation when we bring back the this the third proposal the street scrape impr without the undergrounding right okay yeah so we'll see an image of that as well yes yes m i no if I could uh I think I was actually in the going the same direction as commissioner rich I would like to see what not only the street oh yep sorry thank you uh what the streetcape would look like with the enhanced uh if we don't underground it on both Oola Street and seminal Street what the sidewalk would look like because what I'm hearing is that on Oola Street the telephone poles or the light poles that they would be putting in to replace the wood ones would be so large that would BL block the sidewalk and I want to get a I want to get an if you have to get with Florida Power and Light to get an accurate depiction of what that would look like because I think it would be a disaster to block the sidewalks but there would be fewer poles as well so yeah there would be fewer poles as well I think with the but anyway yeah just let's just get a a comprehensive picture and that's our goal to present the whole thank you Mr Mortel did you um yes I just wanted for clarification the agenda item which is resolution 31 2024 is an agenda item authorizing the city uh to negotiate with barart construction of West Palm Beach who was the response to the request for proposals will it be coming back to the commission for their contract for the amount to prepare the proposal um that we have it already in the budget so we would move forward with the with the actual price proposal for the construction uh portion so this is to actually hire them and pay them whatever amount proposal did they tell us a price proposal yet that would be U something we would negotiate when we start the process they don't provide that as part of the then how do we know it's in the budget right it's in the undergrounding street gate budget that I have for the overall project and I wanted to add also that we've said yay nay and and these figures but I I can't I just I think it would be just so much better we're going to have to uh me personally I believe uh to pay this money hope it's under 12 million because it's needed um all the big polls and all the work we've done in in in and the beauty and and how it will help us and we don't have to worry about these polls anymore and all of our business in this town so I believe we need it but thank you for all you're doing well just to clarify we're not approving this is just to approve her to go out and Main it bid correct for Price unknown no they've picked the company burkart construction has been chosen so this is authorizing panel to pay them an unknown amount to draft a construction man management at risk proposal so the amount that she's going to probably negotiate with them will be between 30 and $70,000 that she pays them now for them to put together a full Soup To Nuts number and they make recommendations of where we can cut down costs in order to get you know to the to the price that we're looking for um so there's there's going to be a lot of discussion meeting and reviewing the plan so that they can give recommend and how long do you think this will go back and forth um well then once uh two months three mon I I would say three to five months once we get the final proposal and for clarity would they also then be the company that does do the undergrounding correct so there has to be some number what you're going to say you're going to say no I'm not willing to pay you $100,000 right exactly so we're going to see what that initial cost looks like um it should be around 30,000 to $50,000 U for them to put together the bid proposal and then that final bid proposal is what I'm going to bring forward to the board okay good thank you thank you for clarifying that I'll move to approve three second good right we have a um commissioner McDonald for approval commissioner Clark second it um thank you pel is there any other comment from our commissioners do we have any public comment on this I see none roll call commissioner Collins yes vice mayor Rich yes mayor Bruner yes commissioner McDonald yes and commissioner Clark yes okay commission commissioner Clark commissioner Clark commissioner I mean mayor sorry mayor that's the end of the consent agenda yes I just wanted to say for the public and those who may not know on the agenda I appointed um Aaron Hawkins to be a member of the crb and I wanted to publicly thank uh Chris Lewis who had been the prior member I think for about four years and I appreciate that that was approved in item number four okay thank Youk uh I just comment yes so I I I sat through many of those meeting and listened to Mr Lewis and I thought he made valuable contributions he obviously cared about the city and I'm sorry to see him leave the board but I know we've had issues of course everybody has talked about the things so there might be an opportunity to come back but he had a really tough schedule and when he comes he does participate really well and you know I could you know the way that the board was going if I keep making excuses that he's good but he could make it to this meeting or the next meeting or the other meeting and I heard from the clerk that he was very good about advising them when he could not come to a meeting but he did have a lot of schedu and conflicts six authorization to resend Hudson on the river valet parking agreement and um Lee could you read that for us please of course mayor uh resolution number 37-22 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Stewart Florida were sending the license agreement between the city of Stewart and Hudson on the river LLC to utilize parking located at North End of Flagler Avenue for the purpose of operating a downtown Valet Parking Services pilot program providing an effective date and for other purposes um I'll be handling the matter um so the board asked me to schedule this uh on tonight's meeting because it was contract that was already in place the only way to put it as an action item was obviously to include it as a resion resending of the uh contract the the reality of it is that the um if you look at the resolution I didn't even put anything in as far as the action the commission was going to take because I wasn't sure what the direction was as a brief history uh when the the Roosevelt Bridge expanded to the big Roosevelt Bridge floor Department transportation purchased all the land for the taking on both the South and North sides of the river when they were finished with the construction they offered to sell Surplus lands to the city the city purchased the Sunset Bay Area as well as um some of this land down here that's uh the subject of this conversation as well as some North Point Property um Sunset Bay was converted into a Marina and the parking lot on the Sunset Bay Side has a uh reverter clause in it from fot that said that the property had to be maintained as open to the public um the city commission as part of the approval for the Sunset Bay Marina uh agreed that the operator of the marina and restaurant would manage the parking lot and as a result at least the entire parking lot uh 36 65 days a year uh to them to manage as they saw fit conditioned upon the fact that the uh they could not charge someone to valet park um and it would be remained open to the public under that term the city then went out uh when the dailies were uh after the dailies um did the public referendum for the Pelican Cafe and extended the lease they um Turned turned around and were closing the Pelican Cafe and uh Mr manius had come forward and entered into a long-term lease with the city uh wherein he bought out the Pelican Cafe and then agreed to uh build a new restaurant on the site and as the that new site um became uh open for business it had turned out that the uh employees and staff and other people had been parking at the at the North End of the Flagler Avenue parking lot and then walking the boardwalk over to get to work and as a result he approached the commission and um asked for a public hearing to allow for Valley parking on Thursday Friday and Saturday nights and the city commission uh after uh reviewing the matter entered into an agreement allowing for the valley parking on Thursday Friday and Saturday nights um which has been ongoing since that date uh the uh his claim was that if he didn't have the valet number one the um other employees were filling his parking lot before he could even get customers and number two by having valet he can uh make sure that there's sufficient uh parking just like Sunset Bay has um I don't really have much more by way of information I know everybody's been down there to look at it um as it relates to complaints we get we've we've had complaints over the years from Sunset Bay um as it U pertaining to the valet or people not knowing that it was open to the public or actually recently the valet is telling one of the businesses over there that their customers couldn't park there because they weren't customers of the marina or of um at Bay and I had to intervene a little bit and just remind everybody that it was public and it solved itself in 24 hours um in the instance in this case um I'm aware of an incident where there was a fisherman that wanted to park in the FEC parking spots because the first two spaces were reclaimed by the FEC and uh I know the police got called at the point but he refused to participate did not want anybody to Valley Park his car and did not want to park um up further toward downtown where there were spaces available and um I think that was like three months ago or so but other than that I'm not aware of any other formal complaints and I know that uh Miss McBride mentioned that there was some issues but I thought she was referring to the same fisherman or she may have said that she drove down as well and saw the cones um but the cones are probably not there tonight but they would be Thursday Friday and Saturday Saturday uh unless the commission directs otherwise yeah um commissioner McDonald mik just didn't at the same time we did the ballet didn't we change it to three hour parking as well there I would like yeah so I'm sorry didn't we didn't we change it to three-hour parking as well down there at the same time I don't know if it was at the same time but I know that there was a three-hour parking addition added but the problem with 3-hour parking is at 4:00 you beat the 3 hour cuz if you park at 4 3H hour expires at 7 so 401 makes you technically not get a ticket at 701 and so that that kind of has been part of the problem with our three-hour parking but you know what the reality of it is you know there's there's a lot of downtowns that would beg to have enough customers going downtown that they got to have a parking discussion um so you know it's however you want it to be I I do have a I think I should speak first um because um I went to see um Mr M mtis and um I think I I spoke out of turn I think I um I um I think I my commissioner's an apology because this town and these businesses are the most important thing and as we sat and talked I remember the $2 million that he had put in that and built that building and plus he pays us about 10 times more than the cafe and we did he hasn't broken his contract his lease we did agree to those parking spaces um and everybody uses them it's mix you never know when uh um the fishermen are coming and going and I I I would never want to do anything on my part that destroy a man's business um it's this is a great little town and we work things out um and and I would hate to see us take any of that away from me myself have any other commission Madam mayor yes uh [Music] uh okay I mean so you're you're saying that this was brought up by I think a member of the public and you had brought it up too but I'm not going to kind of respond to what you're saying now I I I I unless you wanted somebody wants to withdraw this whole whole thing but before anybody does that I just have some questions that I just have to want to get out so um number one I know that when this came up from our citizen um um Miss McBride had brought this up I was wondering if we actually had a way and I did talk to Mr um leot earlier on today if there was anything that maybe any of the fishermen or anybody had sent in any direct complaints about the parking and the availability of the parking for them or if it was just somebody looking from driving around around saying well maybe these guys just don't have any place to park because the valet is probably using the spot or whatever is happening I just wanted to to to follow through with that the other thing that I wanted to look at was we knew that it was at the end of the point and I do agree with you um mayor that when we approved it we knew that there were not 200 300 or any hundred parking spaces there that would meet the requirements of the rest restaurant and it would follow under the same thing as anybody downtown you have to scramble for parking or park in a parking lot and take the trolley and come to where you're coming some people don't do that and they expect that when they come they'll get the valley hopefully the valley will find somewhere to put them I don't know where they're putting their their parking there so I have a couple of questions for maybe city manager he might be able to help me number one I don't know where they're putting their their people when they do the valet if they're putting them behind here where the um the uh steart feed store is or they're taking them somewhere else I'm not sure where they're they putting them in the ConEd spaces that they block off that's all so they're not moving further away then they're just staying in that area okay fine that's good the other thing is that if there's anything that we can do with the park or with this the the the the Island that's there where you you go around if there's anywhere that either the city under collaboration or allowing Mr mantis to create some additional parking spaces whether 8 9 10 15 14 whatever I know that will cost more money and I hear um the mayor speaking about the money that has been put into the property um into city property um if there's a possibility to restructure something in the in the park I know we have the basketball we have other things or maybe there's a way to look at it and restripe and work in the area or to reduce a little bit of the green space in the middle and create something I don't know if that has been explored fully with Mr mantis um and then uh what else reorganize um I wanted to remind remind us too that it's six months out of the year and not 12 and I did explore it with Mr midus and originally he had approached the city and offered to build the additional parking spaces but he wanted in exchange for his paying for them to them to be dedicated to his business and uh Mr Das and I informed him that because the uh spaces would be in public right of way that there would be it would be impossible for the mission to dedicate them to him exclusively and as a result he didn't seem and has never brought up again the idea of him paying for them is is there some type maybe we could look at a downtown Grant where maybe the city and and him could we could get some funds from I don't know what Redevelopment potential there is between whatever Main Street has or penal can find that maybe we could do a partnership and and because it is you know it is going to be I don't think you'll ever be able to say it's exclusive just to him alone and and we need to have it as available but he could still put in some of the funds but I don't know where those funds will come from from us um realistically it's I think you could put like nine spaces in if you took out the grass area that's in the center of the um part that goes underneath the bridge and in the general scheme of things the issue wasn't whether or not there's nine spaces because up by uh the Flagler Center and up by uh where Brian Mass's office um there there's parking available it was the 31 spaces that he had rented to valet in that was was the was the issue um so right I don't know if he built those nine spaces if you're saying to resend the valet agreement in Li of the nine spaces or what but I'd be happy to talk to him about it one way or the other I wanted to also ask um the railroad station I mean the railroad bridge do we have any idea when that will be coming and what what side they'll be working on I know that's going to cause another it it's not going to be the the the bridge construction is not going to be terribly impactful as it relates to uh the parking just because when they double tracked through downtown Stewart most people didn't even notice it okay the new bridge will not start construction for some time they're still waiting to find out what level of NEPA uh is going to be required um if it's a full NEPA evaluation when they came forward the first time it took three years of NEPA they're hoping it's less than that but even so um it shouldn't impact the parking they should do everything within their right of way even the construction uh vehicles and everything at the end I do know that there's some discussion with the County about modifying that settlement agreement that they have with the county that requires them to have the two parking spaces for the bridge monitors and uh fecr and bright line are uh requesting that that be released because they don't uh receive significant benefit from it and I believe the county is going to amend the contract but I'm not 100% sure and if it does those two spaces that are currently dedicated to the FEC uh um Bridge monitors could return and then be dedicated to the fishermen now I will tell you that no one has verified that a single fisherman actually lives in Stewart so I mean like when we talk about this dedication of spaces to the fishermen like their St residents I don't know that they are or aren't okay thank you thank you Mike any other commissioner I I didn't um I wasn't looking to in this conversation resend the parking agreement at all my thought process was more you know how many of these spaces are so I appre I appreciate this conversation coming up because I could kind of look at this in a little more detail and see the agreement and um my my thoughts are having signage on either side of that line so whatever that c car out is exactly so that to kind of serve two purposes I think it's a little bit nebulous exactly what the problem is beyond just not enough parking down there and at certain times so with regard to their agreement and just enforcing it so that maybe cones Don't Drift outside of that zone having a defined signage on both sides of that um you know where it says something to the effect of I almost imagine like at the beach where it's you know swim and no swim but where there is a zone that is valet you know that that lays out the time frames when it is valet and then also you know lets residents know that it's free parking you don't have to be a patron um even at that spot right there um Beyond other signage that we had discussed so it's just painfully obvious what is happening and at what time down there uh to where you're kind of above approach and nobody could say that that they didn't know because even I pass that and walk you know past that you're going to see that signage clearly on both sides uh of that was was going to be my recommendation towards trying to solve the problem but that was all any more comments no have a comment thank you so just before I make my comments I just want to be clear because the statement was made from the Das that his agreement allows him to operate a valet Thursday through Saturday it's actually Monday through Saturday isn't it I it says one item one the license he agrees to provide ballet service Monday through Saturday has that has that been superseded by a document that I don't see or well maybe I just want to I just want to be clear then the public knows that he has and it says and also I believe last week or two weeks ago it was it said that he could put the cones out at 3:00 it's actually 4:00 it was up it was always 4:00 um they said they were out at 3:00 but we haven't actually seen them out at 3 um and I think that it was originally at the meeting I think it was originally discussed Monday but when it actually got implemented it has always been Thursday now I do think the agreement authorizes it for as much as Monday but it's never been enough of a demand to even go Monday Tuesday or Wednesday but he has the right to do it by agreement and so yeah in discussing this you know it is it's it's the supply issue and he's impacted as I understand now by the valley parking uh at Sailor's Return and they're parking over there in those in you know spaces right in front of his restaurant so it's it's there's obviously no ideal solution here um I assume both those very successful restaurants are doing the best they can the presence of this item on the agenda I think serves our purpose first of all the public is aware of the agreement we have with Mr mettis and we certainly will be paying closer attention that that he conforms to the agreement um and I'm sure he'll act in the best manner possible and I agree we don't want to do anything to hamper their ability to to to operate these businesses it's a difficult situation and it's not one they created it's it's a situation we find ourselves in in this part of our city so thank you madam mayor yes can I um I guess I'd like to make a motion that we not do anything with resolution number 37 2024 I don't if you remove it from the agenda or we just uh just remove it from the agenda I you don't make a motion okay well just okay so fine so we're going to do that we we discuss it but I'd like to make a a a statement prior to this meeting we had the um and it's related so I'm continuing with this even though this motion we're going to be removing this we had the CRA meeting in we talked about the downtown I think all of us when we run for office we talk about transparency we talk about all kinds of stuff and I think we do need to look at just not say Okay works on Oola to have parking exempt and people you know park somewhere and they come onto the the shops that are there in Oola and everything kind of works out okay and their employees park somewhere else and maybe because they've been there a long time when we had the property which was coming up on on 100 Colorado they're withdrawing now but them the triangle parcel we talked about that earlier in the CRA meeting this parcel others we yes we may have a parking garage when the train station comes if we if if that happens in the next few years we may have that but honestly we need to be honest with ourselves and look at parking parking exempt or what it is that we're doing and let the people who are going to develop and let the people who have to drive and be in downtown and work in downtown we don't want people to leave downtown and say I'm not going to have my office here because of XYZ and we don't want people to not come to a business because of XYZ so we really need to be honest and figure out something and give the people people something whether or not it's I know that we're trying we're working through that commitment with with regard to the train station but there are other areas and there are other things and we need to have staff look seriously into this matter and look seriously into our parking exempt zones and into zones that could be redeveloped but they need to have the option and the collateral of a parking garage somewhere else or how we can work together to get that to use those 450 spaces if they come up at the um at the courthouse here but it just needs to be said and it needs to be looked into and we have lots of areas that are going to be redeveloped and when we come in with this peac meal effect or people start their businesses or have a huge contract and a huge commitment like Mr mantis and it technically it benefits the city it benefits all of us it's a tax base and we're all in this together and we really need to look seriously at it and have our staff look at some things uh and I'm not giving any instructions now but I'm just putting it out there that we need to get our minds wrapped around this issue commissioner Cen yeah just to piggyback on what you're saying you know making sure we're not approving things we can't park and not looking for Solutions all around the city to park certain projects and you know and and um not indicting any of us but just going forward you know that we're really looking at making sure that what comes in front of us can be parked thank you thank you miss Helen McBride do you come speak to us Helen yes hel McBride Flamingo Avenue first of all you can ask Mr leet Pete Jim I don't know why people come to me with their problems I'm not the city I tell them I'm I'm not City Hall but they do know I will investigate and if I can help my neighbers I will and I thank you you did read the contract Mr Mr rich and it is it there s money but the one thing is it says the cones don't go out till 4:00 they're out at 3 3 well uh not this Saturday the Saturday before now three saturs I have come down here cones are out around between 3 and 3:15 so if I have a problem at my house or thing code enforcements right there you give me a fine this man signed a contract it's not we the people who told him to build there we all like the Pelican little restaurant he he's got a you get we gave him a fantastic deal that's a fantastic building he's always going to make money and as far as the fishermen go all you have to do and Mike maybe you should try this walk down on the fishing pier and talk to the fishermen and the fisherman ladies they're the nicest people that's how I get a lot of my information I take a walk down here even though I have it's kind of painful sometimes I talk to people and the people are saying you all sit up there and you say oh we're going to do this and here's a nice contract oh it sounds wonderful and then Bingo now as far as the ballet and I spoke to you about this Mike all you have to do is on that Park valet parking complimentary valet parking then not only we the people but our guest the tourists they come down oh it's ballet parking I don't have to go into that restaurant I can go up and Shop on the aola it's a simple thing and if they can't put the complimentary you can just tack a little pre ballet parking I know at the doctors I go to the sign says complimentary ballet parking that's all we're asking treat us as their equal just because he spent two I don't care if he spent $6 million that's that was his he wanted to do it all we're saying is and as far as what happened with the fishermen it was the ballet parking and whomever came out of uh Hudson on the river they could all the police that's that's yeah I do my homework so you know it's nice you can stand up there I know everyone's running for reelection and give a big speech about you're here for the business anyone knows and can ask I've been here from the very beginning fighting for the business in downtown so I'm not but you know I don't want to say to people who come up to me and say Helen can you could you aren't you Mrs McBride let me tell you and I'll say well I can look into it I don't know what I can do you should call the Commissioners and that's who they should call but as long as people approach me and ask me this thing like I just tonight there was neighbor on 13th Street that were having some problems and Pete's going to look in Peter's going to look into it for them but I don't know that's why I'm here and I'm going to continue I will fight for the little guy I don't want to sit up there right were you why I always tell you that I I have more power down here than I any of you have up there but stop don't Bel little us people that we want our freedom we want what is ours complimentary valet parking that's all or like you said and bring the sign up closer it's right in front of Hudson on the river so a tourist will say oh you got to go to that restaurant but if he brought it up to the beginning of the circle then you say it compliment your parking and if they want a tip you can chip but thank you thank you Helen thank you okay I I think that uh Makey there's somebody without a card you have to get yes yes ma'am you can you can come speak and then fill out your green card yes ma'am I'll fill out a form yes ma'am I'm just sitting there I'm reminding my name is messy Harris Alamanda way um when we were talking about the hotel coming on Colorado they were saying we were going to be able to use is the parking underneath the big Financial building what my thought is is having more shuttles back and forth and what they do in the small towns up in Maine you get a ticket when you're on the shuttle and they punch your ticket and then you if you have to travel up on the shuttle you get 5% off your dinner or you get 5% off of your first purchase they make it so so that it's worthwhile and you still get the people coming to town I mean we have the the um Wells Fargo building parking lot we have um what else was I thinking cour we have other areas that we could valet if we get the valet to go far away then we've got you know the people waiting but that's okay with them you know if the valet man tells them it's going to be 10 minutes and he's got a scooter and he has you know I don't know how they're going to get back and forth but it just came to me that that's what they do in the coastal towns in the you know all over the country I mean I've been around so I recommend that you know that but we use more of the shuttle which would be another expense for the city so that's my suggestion thank you thank you thank you we have the shuttle is being used more and more it's really growing actually I should also point out to the board that the city of Steward has never ever had a sufficient enough Demand on parking to charge for it when you talk about the coastal towns it's not just coastal towns it's almost every other town or city that has any type of demand for parking resolves it by putting parking meters up we do not charge for parking at all and that's why people are comfortable leaving their cars there for five and six hours at a time if you go to Vero Beach if you go to West Palm if you go to other all the coastal cities in Maine during the summer or Newport Rhode Island or Cape Cod or any of the uh Eastern Seaboard cities they all charge for parking um to offset the demand uh Naples on Fifth Street all charge for parking we have 100% free parking everywhere the feedback I get from the Consultants is that that means we don't actually have a parking problem we have one more Mr Foster Ben Foster hello my name is Ben Foster I I'm the director of operations for Hudsons on the river um I just wanted to State a couple of factual things about the valley parking uh we actually there is a sign right on the front of the valet stand that does say compliment valet parking we instruct the valet company that they Park anybody that comes to them it doesn't matter where they're going they can go fishing they can go to Sailor's Return they can go to any of the other businesses in Stuart and we park their cars for them the only thing that the valet company has requested from us is that the valet company themselves Park those cars because in those ConEd areas that that we have the valley is responsible for every car there so if somebody backs into the car then the valley company be would be responsible for that car so that's the only thing that is asked of some gu that have pulled up and refus to valet park and think that they can park themselves the only thing that we ask is we're happy to park their car for free at no charge but we just ask that the valet Parks the the car for them I know the midus family has has also you know put money into downtown we are business you know we have other businesses in Stuart and in this community and we donate a lot of money to charity we are engaged with the community our employees make money by coming to work and without that valet on Thursday Friday Saturday night that will dramatically hurt our business and it will hurt our staff and these are working mothers and working fathers so they rely on our guests to be able to park and a lot of our guests are elderly a lot our average customer is 60 years old so if they don't have the access to Valley Park they will not come to our restaurant and that will hurt not only forget the owners of the restaurant it will hurt our staff and these people live in our community and they work very hard and they will do whatever it takes so that's all I have to say okay Mr Foster at 4:00 cone yes four o00 cone yes sir Thursday Friday Saturday and once we get out of season we don't really use valet I understand the contract was Monday Tuesday Wednesday if there if the business does warrant it we will put valet there but sometimes it's not there so we don't have to do that we do it on those those nights that matter the most to us we wanted to do Sunday brunch but obviously we can't do that because of the Green Market which we understand so that's why we don't you know didn't ask for that because that's you know the green markets parking and they take up most of the parking on that Sunday you know we do benefit no doubt we can benefit from that but sometimes it does hurt and we have some cancellations on res reservations because people can't find parking so they have to cancel their reservation and they they go somewhere else thank you sir thank you uh M now that they've brought that up would Mr Morel would it be a time to change that agreement to be a minimum of XYZ instead of saying that Monday through so just so that we don't end up with a violation situation I don't know what you mean I nether uh with like three or four days that they must have valet parking the key days the critical days or should it be from Monday through let me see what it said so what you're saying is not let it be optional and require them to have the valet let me see what it says it says um the license agre to provide valet service Monday through Saturday 5: to 10: p.m. and he's saying that they're not doing it every every single day yeah they don't do it on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday right but it says to provide valet service Monday through Saturday I guess what we're saying there's no need to change it so what you're saying is you want me to say that they're in breach if they don't provide it well are just put the days the actual days you're saying that they're only doing Thursday Friday Saturday are they doing Monday Tuesday Wednesday no he's saying that they're not but it says he agrees to provide valet service Monday through Saturday can I answer the question real quick helps you out tell me how it works actually so since the valet is complimentary we we do pay the valet company but the the the gentleman or the the the the employees that work the valet company the way that they make money is off of tips so if there's not enough cars to park they don't make any money and so it doesn't behoove them to work so that's how the valet any complimentary valet service that's how it works so we pay the company to to supply the valet but the valley attendants themselves make make tips off of that so it's we can do it other days but it just we're not as busy and it doesn't require that I I also if I can chime in I think what What's Happening Here is Mr manius had never had valet before uh Miss uh Gandhi sdes had implemented a parking valet system where City Hall was being used Thursday Friday and Saturday nights all of City Hall out here was blocked off with cones and so the contract for the city hall valet was probably what was adopted by Mr midus so when it says he agrees to provide that was what was being done when the city itself was blocking City Hall off for valet parking preco there was no when the when the board negotiated with Mr mtis I don't think anybody had an expectation that that they were mandating that he provide valet parking even if nobody's there Monday through through Saturday if that's what you're saying I can certainly talk to him about that but I was under the impression that the commission was the opposite that you guys didn't want to have valet parking there and have the cones up every day I agree Madam mayor yes is is there any traction from U the others of you to have signage there right at that line that's an attachment a I'm GNA do that anyway okay all right I see no other comments any more from the public okay we have no motion so we will move on ordinance second reading amendments to the city of Stewart's Land Development code and code of ordinances Lee sure Madame mayor um ordinance number 2525 d224 an ordinance of the city of Stewart Florida amending chapter 8 of the city of Stewart's Land Development code which is Administration and enforcement and amending part two chapters 2 and 32 of the city of Stewart's code of ordinances providing for the repeal of Prior ordinances and resolutions incorporation into the code severability effective date and further purposes and uh this I can take this one uh as you recall last time we were here for the first reading I um reiterated to yall what we were doing is we were Main mainly kind of consolidating we had bylaws and rules and regulations for all of our advisory boards in like three four places we had bylaws which were not in our code and we had some bylaws that were in our code so what I did is I took all of the bylaws and all of the rules and regulations and and Consolidated them in one place instead of having them in three places and some places which it was very difficult for anybody to see um and um we discussed that last time but since the first reading um the legis Florida State Legislature passed a new law um and it's House Bill 601 and uh passed the Senate as well and uh it amends Florida statute section 112-539 uh and in this amendment to the statute it was the intent of the legislature to make the process for receiving processing and investing um investigation of complaints against law enforcement or correctional officers and the rights and privileges while under investigation apply uniformly throughout the state and political subdivisions so they were trying I guess there were too many um um various laws and and and and setting up of advisory boards like we had that they wanted to apply it uniformly throughout the uh State uh and the bill and the statute will become effective July 1 um the bill will uh prevent us from adopting or attempting to enforce any ordinance um related to the receipt processing and investigation of complaints of misconduct of law enforcement and so um part of our uh code of ordinances had to do with the Stuart independent review board and so what we had done is since the first reading I did not discuss this with you in the first reading but since then this was passed uh March 7th and like I said it becomes effective July 1st but since we're amending this part of the code anyway we went ahead and removed uh the uh sections of our ordinance that deals with the steuart independent review board uh because it will be uh we won't be able to enforce it as of July 1st of this year anyway so so it just eliminates the uh steart correct I'll vote for approval second we have a motion for approval second by commissioner Clark any comments any comments from the audience anyone want to speak on this I see now an okay roll call commissioner Clark yes mayor Bruner yes vice mayor Rich yes commissioner McDonald yes and commissioner Collins yes okay we are at um the uh applicant has withdrawn for 101 South Colorado restaurant uh reson to Urban plan unit development and site plan approval so that is it um no uh first reading any discussion deliberation we don't have any this meeting is adjourned thank you mayor thank you madam mayor