e yep I want to call the meeting to order of the CR crb and the historical preservation board please silence your cell phones if you are going to speak you will have three minutes we may not answer you from up here but that doesn't mean we're not listening that just means that we're getting information in I may ask staff to answer your questions afterwards okay all right uh roll call please chair cenny here board member brickville here board member Hawkins here board member mccristal here board member Moser here and board member Noble here okay let's have the ad let's have the swearing in are you going to do that Mr baggot Pledge of Allegiance oh I'm sorry sorry Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the stands na indivisible withy andice for all uh for the record uh City attorney Lee bagot and um Madam clerk it's uh board member Hawkins is the only one that needs to be sworn in okay yes board member H Hawkins would you please stand uh raise your right hand and uh city clerk might have given you um uh the oath so you might it be easier than trying to listen to me and repeat it but you could follow along I'll I'll I'll I'll say some words and then you repeat it okay all right I state your name I Aaron Hawkins am qualified under the Constitution laws of Florida am qualified under the Constitution laws of Florida and the code of ordinances for the city of Stewart Florida and the code of ordinances for the city of Stewart Florida to serve as a member of the community redevelopment board to serve as a member of the community redevelopment board and that I will well and Faithfully perform the duties and that I will well and Faithfully perform the duties of an Advisory Board member on which I'm about to enter so help me God of an Advisory Board member on which I'm about to enter so help me God thank you be seated congratulations Aaron I am sure the clerks have given you all the instructions okay all right we need to select a vice Chair say our vice chair step down I'll take nominations I'd like to nominate Mark breckbill a second is there any other nominations seeing none Mark you are now the vice chair move on over buddy I told you it's getting dangerous I'm getting closer to you no that's all right we're GNA we're g to let everybody guess want to recognize you thank you okay sure see how fast you you come up in this world okay um nomin we we also need to nominate a board member for the community redevelop agency since our vice past Vice chair was on that so I'll take nominations for that okay so I'd like to nominate Mark breckbill okay do I have a second second Mark you accept that nomination because that requires more work yeah I know and but the pay is good so I don't mind all right is there any other nominations from the board seeing none congratulations Mark you get to go to one more meeting a month could we could we get an all in favor for that I'm sorry pardon me an all in favor you need an all in favor all well only but okay can I get an all in favor I I okay okay can I get an approval of the agenda so moved can I get a second second all in favor I I I okay can I get approval of the minutes motion to approve second second second by Mark all in favor I okay comments from the public on non-agenda items if you just want to address this to say how lovely we all look or anything like that please seeing none okay comments by board members are non-agenda items does any of my board members have something to say seeing none okay we're going to uh adjourn this meeting recess we're going to recess this meeting and and we're going to call the historic preservation board to order okay and that is for the Women's Club of Stewart Clubhouse historic designation petition for listing Stewart historical registry it's resolution number 04224 crb CH uh PB a resolution of the community redevelopment board Stewart historic preservation Board of the city of Stewart Florida Florida approving the request for certificate of designation of the Women's Club of stward Clubhouse for listing on Stewart historic register providing an effective date providing for conditions of approval and for other purposes this is a quasi judicial hearing so I'm I'm going to ask have a little cheat sheet that we have to follow for this do the board members have any expart Communications disclose that means have you spoken about this item to anyone the applicant staff or anyone else I need affirmative Frank have you no sir no no I have not and I enter this with an open mind we weren't G to go that far come on no and I haven't either okay all right um can all those giving test testimony please stand and raise your right hand to be sworn in by the clerk okay do you want to SAR them in my my clerk give me one moment here ready for that but here we go uh with those giving testimony please raise your right hand you are so let the record reflect there are three people being sworn um if you could just answer me at the end do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give is the truth the truth the whole truth truth and nothing but the truth so help you God yes yes thank you let the record reflect that three people testified affirmatively okay and our staff report are you going to do this yes I'll do a brief introduction um panal Gandhi savda C director for the record uh this is very exciting for the Women's Club of Stewart they have um submitted a petition uh to designate the their Clubhouse on the local register listing uh for the city of Stewart um just a brief history uh it this property is located at 729 Southeast Ocean Boulevard and uh so far we've had two other properties listed on the local register listing uh which is a steward feed store and Heritage Museum and the Hall Lane house uh which serves as the law firm for John Edgar sherard on Fifth Street uh those are the two only two properties listed on our local register and and this will be the third one so it's very exciting uh we do have Cecilia Lewis who is a president of the Women's Club of Stewart and other members as you can see here uh from the club uh to here to support the designation of the clubhouse uh we also want to thank Julie priest um she's the local historian she did a significant amount of research to prepare the petition package uh detailing the history of uh of the clubhouse and the club itself uh the property and the Building architecture um so at this time I would like to invite Julie priest to give a presentation on all the research and findings uh that makes this uh project and property significant to the steuart's history um the whole a the whole package the research was submitted in your agenda package so if you want to follow along um she'll she'll refer to the pages that um she'll describe as her part of her presentation thank you panal good afternoon chairman and members of the board I am Julie priest I am a historical research volunteer with emphasis on the word volunteer as a matter of fact I already uh gave fair warning to panal this may be my last presentation on historic preservation for a while I'm going to be focusing on personal projects uh for the next chapter of of my life uh I refer you to page number one at the start that contains the contents you've received letters of support the property deed data and Aerials the petition itself photographs uh the name of the architect is Robert George jela quite distinguished newspaper articles only for certain years there are tons of newspaper articles on what this group has accomplished since 1913 and the chronology which is probably one of the easiest documents to look at to see how things have progressed since 1913 now I ref refer you to page 30 if you don't mind penal to the board do you all have I guess everybody's looking at the screen so you don't have a computer computer uh let me get to page 30 maybe someday Julie maybe someday I hope so okay uh this is actually on page 30 the start of the of the petition prior to that you saw the letters of support the Deeds the Aerials and things uh showing you the actual on-site building where it's located within the city of Stewart and so forth which I'm I'm sure you all took a look at I have prepared this petition so that the next person that will do this can actually take this information almost as as it is written and present it to the National register of historic places to get designated by the national register I'm hoping that someone else will fill my shoes and move forward with that so this is a midcentury modern structure and um panal probably has a photograph but we'll get into the photographs later the walls are are stucco concrete block and steel the roof is stand a standing seam metal roof and of course there are other uh items that are of importance it's reclaimed brick it has rot iron columns at the front on the porch it has another porch to the rear and they have replaced the windows and the doors however for the most part the shell of the building is original but the things that you would assume uh had had deteriorated and needed to be replaced were replaced the windows the doors on the exterior the interior doors are all original um and so that's pretty much the only change to the building the building was never moved it was never added on to it's still on its original footprint the architect as I said is Robert George jela who is very distinguished in Broward County and that information of what some of the buildings that he designed are in this report also a former City Commissioner was the contractor Mr John L Taylor which I found to be quite interesting that's the first time in my uh doing a research for historical preservation that a City Commissioner was the contractor so I'm going to scroll down you have the description it is a 3854 ft building uh which that number came from the Property Appraiser's office and all of the details are on the following pages and let me just uh get to where there were some modifications please if you give me a second panal if you would go to page 32 the modifications to the interior those are very important features that um the national register of historic places is always looking at as I told you everything else pretty much for the exterior is as original but what has been changed in 1971 they put in air conditioning naturally they did a Rejuvenation of the interior of the building uh they uh did a brand new kitchen and they did some other features on the inside where they removed they had a stage at the front of the primary Hall I hope some of you have already been in this building in the past uh they changed the ceiling out in the primary Hall uh and they they changed the vanities in the restroom in the restrooms believe it or not the wall tile is still original the floor tile is not but the interesting part about this building and when you walk into it you immediately notice the tazzo floors those of you who grew up in Florida are familiar with tazzo floors there were people of significance and um I've gone to page 33 panal that um were in the group that started it but penal I'm going to move you if you don't mind and I'm going to enlarge it on my screen page 34 that shows a scan of the original document that we were able to find from 1950 well no this would be 1913 the building itself and I fail to tell you was constructed in 1958 however this group was started in 1913 so we have to give credit to the people of significance if you look at the list you will see some important names some of you will recognize I'm just going to quickly go through Harry Dyer the dyer building on the corner those of you who are always asking what's going to happen to that building Frasier Margaret Frasier she donated kuan's Park kowan uh that entire subdivision was a project that she was involved with uh Miss Haney is on this everyone knows Miss Haney uh we have harre she was very active John's uh the funeral home we have Krueger you recognize that name we have kitching uh let me move on to the second column you have Matthews Matthews Sam Matthews built a lot of buildings Here original historic buildings we have Edward map map Road in Palm City we have the mcferson uh let me move on we have pomoy you recognize the street name uh I believe he was Sheriff at one point we have George Parks we have the steart feed store that was George Park's building we have rku from Palm City and let me we have tucs Sant which is uh from my neck of the woods in Rio as a matter of fact uh and those are the names that you might recognize now I'm going to scroll down further and if you think of any questions please do not hesitate to interrupt me this group has accomplished many events their biggest contribution to this town was the creation of the first Library which I believe was started in and I I'm sorry I have the details here for you but uh I don't have the exact date in front of me uh probably started around 1916 as I recall panal if you would go to page 39 on page 39 you see the list of some of the buildings that were designed by this famous architect uh from Broward County whom you probably never heard of Mr George Robert J jela please notice that I highlighted sus Point Town Hall so he designed that after he designed the building that we're here today for designation he underneath that you'll see the lassis hospital you will see the First Presbyterian Church in Deerfield Beach you will see Church By the Sea on Mayan Drive in Deerfield Beach the way he was hired to do the design for this building was that he designed the dear field Beach Women's Club the year prior in 1956 to designing the clubhouse so it must have been a network situation where one person told another and they hired Mr jela let me move on we have in we have all the items that you all need to look at Integrity of location Integrity of the setting I'm going to speak over the the train Integrity of design we've accomplished all of those Integrity of materials and work ship I'm just moving through an Integrity of Association now if you could go to the photographs starting with page 44 penol this is always best it's it's certainly a lot more interesting for you to look at a photograph this is obviously not an original sign but this gives you an idea of what you can see from the street because from the street quite frankly you can't see much of the building because they they've got done such a gorgeous job of honoring Dr men ander's garden and there it's very Lush with vegetation so that's what you see from the street the next picture if you go to the next page I'm going to go Page by page panal is the one of the pictures that we were able to get of the original construction you notice that the red towel roof is not on there yet they just have the tar paper on there n 1958 and if you go to the building right there the the second photograph on there please take a good look at the front doors which are the multiple lights on there both in the doors and the surround and take a look at the awning windows which are no longer awning windows they're single hung Windows both on two sides and unfortunately we have no original photograph of the other two sides of the building but from all indications those weren't changed either please also take a look at the lettering my review indicates that the lettering is original those letters Women's Club and what's underneath are originally made out of wood if you stand in front of them as I did they're still there same original lettering which is which is quite interesting the landscape has changed and the columns just have been painted from white to black and the porch has been painted a couple times which we will see it is now on on the grayish tone all of the reclaimed brick is still the same the Planters are still the same the only difference here is they didn't have money to put the red tile roof when they built it they raised the money in the first year and they got the red tile roof put on which you and I have never seen and then the Red tole Roof switched over to shingles and now in the recent years it's now the standing seam roof I believe it's standing seam but it's definitely metal it might be 5V crimp but again all of that is indicated here in the report so just move through the um photographs uh panal if you'll go to number 48 they can get a closer look at the lettering page 48 thank you uh you see the lettering there still exactly the same those are awning windows of course they've been changed out and we'll just keep moving through the photographs I'll I'll tell you which photograph to go to next just keep scrolling down P oh if you'll go to um photograph on page 50 please notice that the club decided to paint the porch red and at that time the uh columns the rot iron columns were also painted black so those were probably the first changes that took place and I was lucky to get those photographs I believe those were from the 90s 1996 so we're moving and we're moving forward and then if you'll move to pH uh photograph on page 51 yes please notice that the doors appear not to have any lights in them it's very hard to tell but they appear to be solid doors they kept the lights in the surround but they changed out the doors so that's another change that took place but these are are are minimal changes now in the back of the building which is on page 52 the original French doors that are still French doors but have been replaced the original French doors had jealousy glass in them those of you again who grew up in Florida are familiar with jealousy glass also the transoms if you look closely which you'd have to blow it up there are jealousies in the transom above this was all done naturally for ventilation because they had no air conditioning so that was changed out but all in all the building remains as original except for those features I I can um I can go in depth you saw there were hundreds of pages in this report and the ladies wish to speak with you if you have any questions I'm here to answer them this building is certainly worthy of the designation we invited Mr Rick Gonzalez who I believe is currently ly the chairman of the national register Review Board in Tallahassee actually his architectural firm is in Palm Beach he came and visited and he said that this building is worthy of nomination to the National register so I I feel that's a pretty good source so I'm hoping that the group will move forward thank you very much Julie I'm sorry go ahead Frank do you have any Julie do you want to just stay there in case there's any questions so you don't have to keep jumping up Frank do you have any questions for Miss priest so it was built in 1958 remodeled in 1971 kudos for keeping the terazzo and you have the original lettering 1971 called when they got conditioning called it's called midcentury modern yes [Music] MH what and what do we mean by Integrity of design that the building has not been altered that it is it is good it is a a good example of mid-century if you go out to Palm Springs their buildings will look similar to this most of them will not have and I checked with Rick Gonzalez most of them will not have Gable roofs they will have flat roofs on a slant um but this one does have a gable roof oh I forgot to mention this special features here of this building it's got flying Gables I had never heard of those until I started doing the research for this building uh the Gable at the front of the building over the lettering of the Women's Club Jets out to a point the overhang Jets out to a point about 60 in same thing occurs in the back that overlooks the parking lot and then the kitchen section also has another flying Gable so three flying Gables very distinguishing features that you don't see everywhere you know why you know why you have one at your house I think the flying Gables is is a is a legitimate term yes it is I had to look it up they occasionally go flying more than occasionally all right will I have will I get more comments later uh you should ask all the questions you have of Miss priest okay thank you I'm good okay nothing for me nothing now sorry I just have a couple questions one the original Women's Club was built in and was where the um aul apartment says right isn't that the original one right okay um and and I know that was you know torn down ultimately as a result of it the hurricane destroyed it is there is there any um intent on on your part to put some U plaque or information in the in this building tying back to the other building that was there because it had some historical significance as well the tax that you will be approving as a board to put on the marker talks about the original building being destroyed it was actually the original library that the ladies had started back then so it it is mentioned in the text for the marker um if you want something more then of course that's well the only reason I mentioned is because you know I we did those sailfish markers right and so I've U got one of those sailfish markers but and on it I ran out of space to be able to put anything about the Women's Club because it was across the street we had to take that off and I I don't know if it got moved or not but it would be nice to have you know something like that I think if if that's something you guys can do the other thing that I was wondering about is um what does it actually mean I know this is a a more specific designation then you know we've got a historic designation within Stuart that really just has to do with age but what can they or can't they do with this building once this designation has been given they can do anything they want we have no regulations they can demolish the building even if they want okay uh the same thing applies to anything that's on the national register of historic places here in Martin County so we do not have anything that hampers the property rights of the individual what they need to do is come before you if they do want to make modifications if they do want to demolish and you can give them your opinion as to that but that's the most you can do there's no way of stopping the changes or destruction to a building okay all right gratefully but up north some neighborhoods that those of you you are raised up north might know that they do have stronger Reigns on their historic buildings but we do not have that here okay thank you anything else more no I Aaron you have any questions um no nothing for me okay um gee I just I just I'm sorry I thought the ladies well I just I just want to say Julie that this is a pretty interesting building unit of itself and it's seen a lot of history it's contributed a lot of history it saw me in a fashion show there oh my gosh I was with M I was with commissioner Clark she ran out but yes we were at a fashion show together there I'd run out if I was in a fashion show with you too so and you know there was other things and I just want to say it's a really unique building all its own and tried getting about 10 six year olds dressed in a for a fashion show in the bathroom there so anyways I I I think it's a great thing and I really really appreciate it thank you is there any other questions for Miss priest yes excuse me one second sure in the in the um text you also saw photographs of the mural that is on the South Wall created by Miss pastell uh an accomplished artist they have have protected that and they also have some other individual paintings in their boardroom and so that's also that's an interior feature um when you're designating buildings for the most part this and also the national register they don't do so much with the interior they're interested in that shell in the exterior but the ladies have managed through all the years and all those thousands of feet that have walked on that teras which is amazing because the Tazo looks gorgeous to me uh it's in great shape uh they have managed to protect the interior do doors they have made just one minimal modification to the interior where they added a Pantry in the kitchen but otherwise the footprint print of the Interior is still original they have preserved everything they've done a marvelous job for this community not to mention the community service that building was originally built because our rec center which uh was serving our military at the time when it was built um was not able to take care of all of the events that were happening in this small community at the time so they needed to build what they called another Auditorium and that's what they call this building in the early articles another Auditorium so it has served this community tremendously and there is no way I could list all of the events that were held there including the fashion show uh but when when these ladies do go to the National register they may want to do that because all of that significance community service makes a difference thank you thank you uh Frank did you have another question for Miss PR yeah it's either for Julie or panel uh what is the benefit how does the Women's Club benefit from this designation by the an honor it's the honor it's just an honor there's no nothing else that goes with it it's the honor if they go to the and and actually even now they could if they want to upgrade something they could go for a grant for this uh special grants that they have in Tallahassee right only specifically if they have the de designation so having the designation opens up opens up a bunch of gr Grant application this box gets check you answered my question thank you also they get city tax exemption for any of the improvements they don't pay tax I don't believe no right okay so yeah that doesn't apply then right one of the benefit of the program is that you do get tax exams well tax credits to and ta any of the improvements that you add to the property right okay thank you now who else was sworn in okay if you want to give more pres another presentation please my name is Cecilia Lewis I'm the president of the Women's Club and a couple of things I just wanted to to point out because it is true that we started in 1913 our club started here in Stewart it was a different building however the relationship between the Women's Club and Stuart goes back almost that far since the information that I found said that the city of Stewart was incorporated on May 14 1914 in the Women's Club building so I thought that was interesting and also I found out that uh the Women's Club joined the petition for a County division and Martin County was formed in 1925 so there is a a long and wonderful relationship between the Women's Club and the city and as was pointed out before it would be an honor to have the city designation so that then we can proceed for a national so I would also like to thank people if I could do that please um I'd like to thank our two previous presidents who are here Joe Baxter and Sharon Mason who started this whole process and of course with the document in front of you Julie priest has as a volunteer has done so much to get us into where we are right here with you and um I would like to thank her in front of everyone here and would like to read that um we'd like to give her an honorary membership to our club in appreciation for her time effort and dedication as a volunteer historian so I'd like to give that to Julie thank you very much thank you thank you and I'd like to thank all of you for your time thank you is there any other questions for panel or the applicant seeing none I'm going to close the public hearing and it comes back to it comes back to us and we'll have public comment I have no cards do you have anything I do not does anyone want to make public comment I do have one question you have to fill now you have to fill out a card well no you can speak and then you can fill out a card later um yes I did notice that there is a city of Stewart historical tour pamphlet and I just wanted to know how often that gets printed and if all goes well I'm going to say you should speak to panel afterwards okay okay thank you thank you all right it's back to us for discussion then I'll take any discussion or I'll take a motion so moved uh let's so move Frank to I mean no motion to approve the um designation motion to approve by Mark do I get a second no discussion we can have discussion let's second the motion now that's on the floor for discussion speaking to you Mike record second okay we have a motion by Mark we have a second by Andy and we have discussion do you want to what do you what do you want to discuss when when we compare this building to the two other previous historical designations in the city of Stewart there there's just no comparison um I I'm wondering is this historical designation what is it about I thought it was mostly about architecture and the way buildings look historic from the street and uh the same building being used since you know I don't know the feed store when was that built in the in the 20s or the 10s 1913 I believe in 1904 so my point 1901 so this house and you can put a title on it midcentury modern this this building just resembles half the houses in my neighborhood and there's nothing spectacular about it from a historical architecture point of view and my point of you because there are so many if we designate this then we open the floodgates for everybody and as far as and if it's going to be about and no one's arguing the the benefits to the accom and the accomplishments of the Women's Club for the community but I'm wondering let's say let's say my house which was built in 1957 let's just say some historical figure lived there for 20 years okay check I'm good so this this opens a door I think it cheapens it cheapens the other two as far as the designations if if if we're going to start designating everything built after 1955 as historic uh where's the you know where's where's the meat on the bones as far as you know the real historical buildings in in our in our in our city so no this is uh this doesn't check any of the boxes as far as I'm concerned thank youel could you go through why this is an historic building as far as what the regulation is and what well it is it does have to we do have to look at the architecture of the building but it's a voluntary program so it's just because something is historic doesn't mean that we're going to designate it and and um give a designation of local historic uh register listing people the the property owner has to come forward and has to uh submit a petition and it's a voluntary program so it's not something that the city would make somebody um do and add on the local register listing so if we recommended then the the is there another like historical society that approves or denies their request is that how it works right so that's why they're coming before you um to list this on the local register and and and as far as that uh um organization how much weight is put into historical architecture and and and and the uniqueness of the historical architecture as compared to all the houses built in the 50s I would defer to is there a lot of weight there or no because I don't I can't really speak on the architecture for the record City attorney Lee bagot um so in section 5.9.1 Point a.4 uh section of the Land Development code it gives the criteria and it lists looks like six I can sit here I can read through them I don't know that'd be good if they were in the packet or not but okay cliff notes of the six be fine um so I I I'll read follow along if you need me to stop and repeat just let me know um okay so it says subsection a criteria and the board shall issue certificates of designation to designate historic sites districts places buildings structures landscape features archaeological sites and other improvements or other physical features that and then it lists the six um one is are significant in the city of Stewart's history comma architecture comma archaeology or culture and possess an Integrity of location design setting materials workmanship or Association and then it's or so each of these factors it's not they don't have to all be there it's just one one or more of these factors number two uh are associated with distinctive elements of the cultural social political economic scientific prehistoric and Architectural history that have contributed to the pattern of history in the city of Stewart South Florida the nation or number three are associated with the lives of persons significant in the city of Stewarts the state of Florida's or the United States of America's past or for embody the distinctive characteristic of a type period style or method of construction or work of a master or that possess High artistic value or that represent a distinguishable entity whose components May lack individual distinction or number five have yielded or are likely to yield information in history or prehistory or six are listed in the National register of historic places okay thank you um so it checks enough boxes other than architecture that's all I have does anybody else have anything I just have a comment regarding the same thing and and I understand what you're getting at Frank a little bit but you know um in having gone back and done some looked at some of these things myself the problem with Stuart is that first of all we don't have a set architecture sometime I mean it's over a period of years and and sometimes any history of that has been eliminated already just because it wasn't something that was strikingly significant for from an architectural standpoint but maybe had a historical sign significance or whatever so it's it's the problem that I think we have in Stuart a little bit is that you know if you go up north there's buildings that are you know 250 years old and and and here you know we're we're 194 so um I think that's the one thing and I think the other thing too is that I think that all we're doing is basically giving a designation that may means that if somebody wants to tear that building down we have a we have an opportunity to have somebody save it if they want to right when you go to the federal registry that's a whole different scenario but with our designation basically all it really in my opinion all it is is a second look at ability to say hey wait let's not tear this down and let's give somebody a chance to do something with it and I'm I'm going to say very similar to you Mark we're actually just recognizing the history of not so much the building but of the Women's Club and what it has meant to the city of Stewart and to Martin County if it if it it in any way had stopped the Women's Club as the owner of the building from from tearing it down or changing it I would definitely vote against it I would vote always vote against it I come from a place where I've seen real danger done because you can't change anything think so property rights are very important to me and I think it just means that we recognize that the the Women's Club and this particular building which is younger than me uh is something that maybe we shouldn't preserve as a community but if the Women's Club feels it's important I think we should say to the Women's Club I think it's important to me because commissioner Clark and I got dressed up in our fancy clothes and did a fashion show there so that's the way I look at it is there any other comments yeah I I was going to say I I think what compels me is the the entirety of the circumstance Mark that you touched on I think it's the history it's the architecture that you addressed it's not one thing and I think when you when you look at the uh the entirety of of the history of what this organization and this bu building is meant to the community I think it kind of compels me that there is historical significance and uh yeah I'm I'm very much in favor of it Frank you want to add something just so I know you're not supposed to assume anything so I can so now I can assume that they in this National Registry there are many houses that were built in the 50s on this in this registry many buildings built in the 50s depends on the area I I believe there probably are Julie you you want to add to that this is going to be a little bit shocking but there are even buildings on the national register that look like they're ready to fall down they look like Shacks they were originally probably African-American school buildings from the period of segregation and so it's not all about architecture or age it it's not just age it's what does the structure that site that location represent they frown on buildings that have been moved uh they frown on buildings that have been rebuilt as a matter of fact I just worked on the 1934 Ceno color school that was the name of it down across the street from the Murray school that we have now and it was declined that was my project previous to this it was declined by the national register Review Committee uh because they said it had been almost totally reconstructed which is not a lie Martin County came in and essentially the only things that are original are the floor joist and uh I'm trying to remember what else one one wall just the three the three interior walls thank you Aaron Aaron was involved with Martin County black Heritage initiatives that looked at that so and they had actually moved that building because they considered it a portable the school board at the time so what I'm saying is this has a lot of Integrity both in the social aspect of what's gone on with all the citizens all those feet that have gone on that Tazo floor and all the meetings that were held there all the names that I mentioned from the the early page m Miss Frasier totally Associated here with the city of Stewart Sam Matthews so we're not just talking architecture we're not just talking the building how it looks is it a is it art deco or something that we kind of really like and yes there are tottal there are homes probably in your neighborhood that still have their jealousy windows I agree with you but those owners can come before this group and say I'd like to put it on the Stuart historic register then you can look at it and you can de decide with the understanding that when they sell that home the next person's probably going to knock it down and put a two-story MC Manion on there which is what's happening a lot so it's a matter of just registering the history of what occurred on that site and what was there thank you Julie you know what Frank I'm going to call the vote yeah board member or vice chair Breck Bill yes board member Hawkins yes chair C penny yes board member mccristal no board member Moser yes and board member Noble yes it passes 51 you are official thank you okay moving on if you ladies would like to leave before we call the other one are you going to stay Thank you you're welcome if you could adjourn this uh chair Cy oh the historic preservation board is adjourned and I'm reconvening the uh crb Tom can I say something real quick wait I want to say something to oh go ahead quickly hey Julie Julie I wanted to just mention that before you got out since this might be the last time you make a presentation like this how much you know I I appreciate I know all others in the in the city appreciate all the things you've done to make steuart better Preserve its history and and all of the dedication that you've put in that and I I really think that's a great thing and I'm I'm glad that you're not going to leave completely but I hate to see that you're not going to be spearheading some of these efforts anymore but you've done a fantastic job so I appreciate it I make myself available to help those that will and answer questions thank you very much for that acknowledgement thank you okay next next uh item is item seven minor Urban code conditional use murals on buildings in the downtown public shopping center located at 728 Southwest Federal Highway resolution number 02 2024 crb a resolution of the community redevelopment Board of the city of Stewart Florida granting a minor conditional use approval for the for public artwork mural named ecosystem in Steward on a property located at 728 Southwest Federal Highway as described within the attachment legal description granting approval to paint mural to the exterior walls of a building providing an effective date providing for conditions of approval and for other purposes panel thank you I'll just give a brief um introduction of this item we have a application for a mural on the downtown public buildings uh again as you mentioned um the the murals will be going on the exterior walls of the buildings uh of the Public's building and there are other uh buildings within that Plaza so they're proposing three different murals uh on two different buildings um the property address is 728 Southwest Federal Highway as you can see here there's a nice big blank wall on the Public's building that is clearly visible as you're driving north on Palm City Road um the applicant has uh requested to paint this mural that you see on the screen here the artist David Lee is uh proposing to honor the Environmental Studies Center uh which is uh a you know who was paid played a big role in our community and touched the lives of thousands of students over the last 50 years um and they're also proposing another two murals on the other buildings of the shopping center featuring manatees Turtles and other sea life and the art Cil did review and provide letter of support uh for the artist and recommended approval of the mural um when uh Nancy charell reviewed the the mural she did make recommendation that the language uh the text that was provided on the mural initially said celebrating uh celebrating 50 years of education um she said that would only be true uh during the year that was painted so she did recommend uh a change in language which the artist incorporated as part of the revised rendering that was provided in your package um additionally uh typically the text is considered a wall sign and they are supposed to submit a sign permit for that so we did out a condition of approval in the resolution that they would have to obtain a permit or some sort of administrative variance to comply with the Land Development code for the for the signage part of the mural and staff is recommending approval of resolution number 02- 2024 approving the proposed mural with conditions attached to the resolution okay you want us you want to give us your name and who you are and um Steve Derby I'm representing brickmore the property owner for the plaza so okay I was just sent here as a representative to see if you had any questions or any additional information about it okay does anyone have any questions for the applicant Frank yes sir are these hand painted mirrors are these uh plastic wraps I believe they're going to be hand painted uh with the the way that it they were designating the artist for it so that's the way I understand it they are hand it was in the packet wasn't it okay any other questions for see none you you can sit down you does anyone what what is the what is the longevity projected when these things are painted before they have to be maintained or is there maintenance involved in maintaining a painting once it's put up uh that I do not have that answer uh I'm sure they're going to use you know quality exterior paints uh so you know I would assume you to get at least 10 years out of them uh with you know the weather and everything around here um I'm not sure what the repair would be if you you know contact the artist to come back out 10 years from now to touch them up or whether you would just repaint over top of them or I'm going to get an answer to that question right now we have an artist here you want to just come up and just because you have to speak in the microphone as an artist who will be later asking hi my name is Christopher Vali um I'm the artist who painted the House of Refuge mural um on aola Street um so basically um there's a couple of different ways that you can protect an exterior mural um a lot of people use like a a clear coating that'll go over the mural after it's painted um some of them will have like a UV protection to help filter out some of the sun rays and help protect the mural over time um there's other types of uh treatments that would restore the original color of the paint I've never used those myself so I don't know how well they work but I've heard of people using those um you kind of spray it on to the to the mural and it helps to kind of bring back the original Vibrance from when it was first painted uh but usually these kind of clear Coatings are pretty effective um and then the other treatment I guess that people sometimes do is just bring the artist back to kind of touchup which I've done on my mural um so yeah there's a couple different op but it's not terribly um difficult to maintain thank you okay so I'll take a motion I'll take discussion I'll do whatever the board pleases um I'll make a motion to approve it with staff conditions uh I want to discuss that but uh yes with staff conditions okay can I get a second second second by Andy okay we are now open for discussions let me just say before I forget uh earlier today uh former mayor and commissioner Mary Hutchinson called me she is on the board of the uh Center and she said she couldn't make it but she wanted me to tell the board that she was very much in favor of the mural go ahead okay thanks my only question is for staff and and and it is why we are having to charge a permit fee for a sign that's obviously associated with um this mural approval I mean if if we approve the mural shouldn't that include the sign that's necessary to explain it at not an additional approval not an additional cost I mean it it seems to add another step to the mural approval process that I'm not sure why we really need it I think we're going to get the big shot to um well first because theik Mor Mike Mortel city manager uh responding to the question but the answer is simply because the code requires it um the commission could change the codes but if the city were to approve let's say the um apartment complex across the street known as aul that doesn't mean that aul doesn't have to pay impact fees or that a zul doesn't have to pay for a permit fee to put up a sign and when the sign gets constructed next to the mural whether it's made out of brass or whether it's lit from the ground or whether it isn't still has to go through the review process take staff time to review and be inspected because you still have to go out and it has to be coed and closed out and maintained and monitored and as a result all that stuff adds up to staff time and I agree that it seems uh counterintuitive but the truth is all the that we're approving here is the particular image and then the city's agreeing or the C is agreeing to pay for it but right now our code prevents the painting of graffiti on a wall someone might say the graffiti is a mural and it also prevents the painting of murals without a permit that gets to reviewed because again and again I'm not saying it's right or wrong but there are some people that think art is Art and some people that think some pictures aren't art and as a result we've found a a reasonable way to evaluate that by having a board look at the actual image that's going to be painted and then having the um building officials inspect and make sure that the proper paints and things that were used are not dripping lead paint into the soil and that the sign is not installed improperly Etc but it's just the simply the permit process thank you Mike did you want to say anything else no that was good that was it anyone else has have any questions yeah just that uh I see some other murals around town that are fading uh maybe if the owners knew so they're obviously investing in this painting those clear sealers the trick and and the artist would agree the trick is to say okay I'm going to do this in two and a half three years before the degreg starts cuz once the paint starts to chalk then you got to pressure claim before you can put the sealer on so the whole the whole game is to stay ahead of that and again it's not that big of a deal if you stay ahead of it and I see some mirors around town where that was that was not done that's all you you know I'm going to suggest that perhaps you may want to come you come back to the board not for this of course but maybe we want to look relook at what we want to do with a mural and how we want to protect it and make it all part of and put and and recommend that language go into we do have language in the agreement that they have to maintain it for five years but we don't have details on how they need to maintain it if we go out there and we see that the paint has been chipped or something we can obviously based on agreement we can ask them to repaint it or okay if the board feels that's good enough then that's fine with me okay is there anything else I I would agree with you Tom though I think we should look at that because um you know these things are great I I love what people are doing with them but um you know down the road 10 years you know they could be an isore if we don't you know require certain things and I know we require maintenance for five years but that's what that's the point and we're just a little preventive yeah they look new forever that's all so why don't you at some point bring back to us perhaps putting something else code preserve method yeah okay yeah okay uh Madam clerk do you want to call the role board member Hawkins yes Vice chair bville yes board member mccristal yes board member Moser yes chair Camp Penny yes and board member Noble yes okay passes six zero all right mural matching Grant agreement between the CRA and the proper the owner of 728 Southwest Federal Highway resolution number 06 2024 CRA a resolution of the community redevelopment agency of the city of Stewart Florida authorizing the board to execute an agreement between the steuart community redevelopment agency and Bricks Moore IIA downtown Publix LLC who is the property owner for a mural matching Grant in the amount of $3,000 to install murals on exterior walls of the building in uh in Highway Southwest Federal Highway providing an effective date providing for conditions of approval and for other purposes panel okay so this is related to the downtown public murals um the applicant is uh requesting a matching Grant uh we provide a matching Grant of 3,000 up to $3,000 for this type of project the total cost of this project is $155,000 so the applicant is contributing 12,000 and they've asked that um that we pay directly to the artist so it's not that their public is interested in getting the grant but it's for the artist um so the agreement has details about um the terms and conditions of the the Grant and um it staff is just looking for recommendation U to the CRA to approve resolution number 06- 2024 to award the grant award in the amount of $3,000 for the murals okay any question questions for panel can I get a motion to approve a motion to approve can I got a second second okay we have a mo motion by Mark seconded by Frank to recommend approval of this resolution to the CR for $3,000 is there any other comment any public comment okay please call the rooll board member Noble yes chair Kemp Penny yes Vice chair bre Bill yes board member h yes board member Moser yes and board member mccrystal yes okay passes 6 Z thank you all right going on to item nine minor Urban code conditional use mural on the Dehan Building located at 11 Southeast acola Street resolution number 03224 crb a resolution of the community redevelopment Board of the city of Stewart Florida granting a minor conditional use use approval for the public art work named old Colorado Inn Then and Now on the property located at 11 Southeast acola Street as described within the attached legal description granting approval to paint a mural on the exterior Northern wall of a building providing an effective date providing for conditions of approval and for other purposes pel thank you so we have another Grant application or another mural application for Colorado in then and now that's the name of the mural on the dehon building uh as you can see here the building is in the downtown core by the hany Creek Circle right across from Duffy uh the property address is 11 Southeast Oola Street uh again we have a nice big blank wall on the north side of the building that's clearly visible um as you're driving or walking on Colorado Avenue uh the artist is proposing a mural called Old Colorado in then and now it will feature the historic Colorado Hotel building as it appeared in 1920s and how it appears today uh the artwork will be painted by our local artist Christopher vitelli uh who's also done artwork on the same building and he completed the mural named House of Refuge at Sunrise mural on the eastern wall of the same building and it's visible uh from Oola Street um Art Council reviewed um this proposal and and provide a letter of support uh and recommended approval of this mural however Nancy did point out that the code requires that the mural does not have any advertisement um the ad the rendering does show some reference to the commercial name of the business and she thinks it could be minimize however um staff believes that due to the context of the artwork and uh featuring The Local Historic Landmark that the artwork tells a story and it's not advertising or promoting a business and that's not the intent of the artwork uh Mr vitelli and Christopher can uh explain that further um and so today staff is requesting approval of resolution number 03202 24 approving the proposed mural with conditions attached to the resolution do you want to bring back up the mural while we discuss it okay okay uh do you want to add anything this isque good afternoon Sten Vitali I'm the manager of the entity that owns the building and this is my son Christopher who will be pain speaking to the mic I can't even hear you Stephen vital and my son Christopher who will be painting the mural and we thought it would be fun since people coming from the boardwalk walk the sidewalk and right now it's just there's nothing to look at and they've just passed these two historic buildings the building on the corner of Colorado and seminol located at um 2011 Colorado is the original Coventry hotel which was built in 1914 it was the first brick building in the city um and now it's we call it old Colorado in and there's an adjacent Building located at 211 Colorado in that's part of the what I'll call Boutique Hotel and it's combined with this porch that kind of make it one building almost um but historically it didn't have that combined a combining porch so we thought it would be fun we have some old photos that show the the original building on the corner and with the sign Coventry Hotel on the top of it an old 1920s car and we have some of those photos up in a hallway people love to look at them and we thought it would be fun if people have just passed our buildings but they they don't really know the history of what it was so can we tell the history of it in one mural that shows what it was like here's the original the left hand building is a 1920 scene with the 1920s car the original name of the hotel which is exactly how it looked on the on the old photo and then do the rightand building have it transition to the modern colors and it show the rightand building the way it looks right now the sign in the middle um above uh the front door in between the two uh pots that sign is also historic that was there when I purchased the building and there was always a sign that said hotel when I purchase the building right where that hotel sign is too um we did add the um the blue warnings that say oci um so we want to keep it that way because it represents this is what it looked like in 1920s on the left hand side and it transitions to exactly how it looks now and and um we want to keep it exactly the way it is if you are willing to approve it is there any questions for Mr Vali uh yes so the car is from the 20s when it was built is that right it is so the color so I'll let Christopher talk about this but the we wanted to keep the left hand side right uh the feeling of this is the historic side of the mural and that's why that doesn't have color we did that or a black you want to explain that yeah so um we had a few different options of Designing this so um you know obviously we could have done it the way it looks today um with kind of the modern color scheme and the the way how's the porch connecting it or the flip side was doing the just the historic buildings um the way they originally looked uh but we ended up settling on doing a then and now um sort of past and present things we kind of wanted to bridge you know Stuart today and Stuart as it was in the past and kind of show one artwork that um you know shows both sides our history um so yeah the way that I decided to design it was to have on the left side have it kind of look almost like an old photograph in the black and white um with the old car out front and everything and a couple you know those kind of landmarks to help identify um the historic side of the art and then have it transition into um the full color you know rendering for what it will look like um for the building as it appears today um so yeah that's kind of the the way that we mutually decided to design it um and yeah as far as the like the lettering and everything um like my dad was saying the Colorado sign and the hotel those are both they've always been there as far as we know um the awning on the right side is that one we added I mean you know if that is an issue we're willing to yeah do whatever needs to be done it's pretty cool I mean it's Unique because it's a mural of buildings on a building right and uh where's where's the Tesla in front of the new [Laughter] building you can have my MGB I'll put that out there as long as you show the gator bumper guys guys guys any other questions for the artist or the applicant see none i h I only have one for panel and I just want to raise this we already paid for a mural on this building there's nothing wrong with doing it on another side there's nothing in in our code that says you can't do another side a blank wall we don't have any number limited num of murals you could do on a building okay all right any other discussion seeing none I'll take a motion motion to approve motion to approve move can I get a second second second by Mark is there any other discussion on the mark on the motion I just make one comment sure um I I think it's really great too that we've got a local artist and I I I commend you Chris for the one you did and I think it's great that we're developing local artists who can do this kind of thing so okay we again we have a motion by Bonnie seconded by Mark uh call the rooll Sher cenny yes right chair bville yes board member Hawkins yes board member mccristal yes board member Moser yes and board member Noble yes passes 60 and going to our last item of the thanks wait you want the money don't you oh yeah resolution number 07 2024 CRA a resolution of the community redevelopment agency of the city of Stewart Florida authorizing the board chair to execute an agreement between the steart Community Development agency and Steven Vitali who is the property owner for a mural matching Grant in the amount of $3,000 to install a mural on the exterior Northern wall of a building located at 11 Oola Street providing an effective date providing for conditions of approval and for other purposes pel again the applicant has applied for mural matching Grant uh the total cost of the project is $7,000 so they qualify up to $3,000 for the grant program um so that applicant is eligible um to receive the Grant and the complete agreement is attached to your agenda item and staff is just requesting approval of resolution number 07224 to award the Grant in the amount of $3,000 for the mural okay can any questions can I get a motion to approve second we have a motion by Mark second by Andy is there any discussion on the motion any public comment then please call the role board member Noble yes Vice shair bre Bill yes Cher Kenny yes board member mccristal yes member Hawkins yes and board member Moser yes okay passes unan unanimously 60 do we have anything else from staff I don't have anything seeing none motion to adjourn so moves and second it by Andy e e e