welcome everyone oh the are the paperwork it's this meeting to order sent the email welcome everyone we're going to call this meeting to order Nina roll call yes mayor chair Bruner here Vice chair Rich here board member Clark here board member Collins here board member McDonald here board member Camp peny here board member board member breckbill here chair campenni here Vice chair bre oh this I'm sorry this is the community redevelopment board yes and chair C penny here Vice chair Breo here board member kovis board member Hawkins that's a crb board member mccristal board member Moser board member Noble here okay let's stand for the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation indivisible andice for all I hurt my back just before I got here okay do I have approval of the agenda move second we have a um we have approval first and second moved and second and um any comments from anyone in the in the in the public all in favor I I I okay approval of the minutes second approval second can we ALS get an approval for the next minutes we have two separate items there one's CRA and one's joint okay we'll do the first one approval of 12224 joint c crb c CM minutes move second we have move second um any uh comments from anyone anyone in the public all right all in favor I I the second one is uh approval of 325 2024 C minutes C second um any comments from anyone from the public I see none all in favor now we'll go to comments from the public agenda it we will I have no green cards mayor okay thank you comments by any of our board members I'm just say my board memb here today the CR was told didn't have we didn't want them to have to leave work come to a meeting and not even be able to vote or participate yeah very good okay and I just told mine to come okay good hopefully they got all right I would like to commend the city manager for allowing that cack yes and it will not count as an AB well one of the actions today is uh the mural mat Grant agreement between the CRA and the property owner of 728 Southwest Federal Highway penol thank you panal Gandhi savc director for the record um we have two applications for the mural matching grant program for your consideration on the agenda today uh the first one is the matching um Grant application for mural um on the buildings within the downtown public shopping center uh which is located on the corner of Federal Highway and pal City Road uh the property address is 728 Southwest Federal Highway um as you can see here um there's a nice big blank wall on the Public's building that is clearly visible as you drive north on Palm City Road um the artist is proposing a mural featuring sea life that is relevant to the Stuart city of Stewart and honoring environmental study center uh which has been part of our community since 1974 um they are nonprofit organization ation uh who's been part of our local school system and have been serving the students um of of Martin County for past 50 years uh the artist is also proposing uh two additional murals on the buildings in the shopping center featuring manatees Turtles and other sea life uh the murals were presented to the crb earlier this month and uh they did recommend approval of the murals um as they are the final decision maker on public art projects uh did question um how we would maintain these murals I did reach out to Nancy Terell at Arts Council um to get U to get some recommendations and she did recommend that the artist should put clear coat uh with UV protection uh to maintain these U murals um that are being funded through our grant program um this item is coming before you because um there's a request for a mural matching Grant of $3,000 um this grant will be paid directly to the artist so it's not going to public uh the total cost of the mural is $15,000 um the applicant is qualified to receive up to $3,000 um so the applicant's uh contribution is $12,000 for the project uh the grant agreement was aach to your agenda item with all the terms and condition uh for your review and today staff is requesting approval of resolution number 06-22-18 Grant an amount of $3,000 for the murals Madam chair move approval of resolution 06 2024 second second okay so it's all three of those for $15,000 that's the quote that's that's what I received from the artist and it's paid to a local artist and who's also a city resident correct right it's not a local Artist Artist from Sarasota right exactly is he here he's not here but Public's representative is here absolutely beautiful just beautiful I'm excited about this project that yeah because I scare at it you know every time we go to P City Road to get out of our neighborhood I lived off to Palm City Road for 24 years I know exactly what that wall looks like well this is a great planks canvas literally we have a motion for approval we have a second any more comments from board members anyone from the audience I see none uh roll call Nita chair Bruner yes Vice chair Rich yes board member Clark yes board member colins yes board member McDonald yes board member Camp peny yes board member Breo yes very good then uh next mural matching Grant agreement between the CRA and property owners of of 11 Southeast Oola that's resolution 07202 CR yes um yes so this is a second mural matching Grant application this is another exciting mural that's going to go in our downtown it'll be on the dehon building in Downtown here's a location map um it'll be uh on the exterior wall of this uh dehon building which is located on the corner of Colorado and Oola Street uh by the Hanny Creek Circle uh here's an image of the actual wall the property address is 11 Southeast aola Street um as you can see here again there's a nice big blank wall uh on the north side of the building that is clearly visible from Colorado Avenue um the uh the proposed mural is called Old Colorado in then and now um it will feature the histo historic Colorado Hotel building as it appeared in 1920s and how it appears today uh the artwork will will be painted by our local artist Christopher vitelli um he's the same artist who did uh completed the House of Refuge at Sunrise mural on the eastern wall of the same building and that mural is visible from Ula Street and U we've received a lot of positive comments on that one um so the applicant is proposing um uh requesting a grant of $3,000 uh the total cost of the mural is $7,000 um so they're qualified to receive up to 50,000 50% um not to exceed $3,000 and again the grant agreement was attached to your agenda package for review and staff is requesting approval of resolution number 07224 toward the Grant in the amount of $3,000 for this mural move approval okay second 07 2024 we have approval we have a second any more comments from or any comments from our board members I did have one comment on this and I I thought uh that it is interesting that we have a local artist and I think that is kind of good Campell you were talking about that but you know this person who grew up here knows here and and it's got a local connection and I think it's great that we're encouraging local artists to participate in what we're doing so I think that's kind of cool yes commission I just just want to say you know he did such an amazing job on the other mural it exceeded my expectations um tenfold it was so good I I watched them I'd go down there and watch them painting and and watching the process and how it all came together I don't I have no idea how these guys do it I mean it's just it's amazing when they can do something and has s and what's such amazing about that one is the uh the depth of it and um and I don't know if maybe Steve knows but do they what is you put like do they put a ultraviolet coating or something on it to protect it paint on this is that the Disney paint something like that yeah remember we bought special paint that doesn't as much in the Sun and then it's blazed with this location that one's a tough one exposure yeah this other location you know when I see these I sit here and think again you know how wonderful our city is all the wonderful artists and what they've done through the years it's just um the people love it and it just makes us even more more beautiful what was that award we we just got a couple days ago make the most phone calls that's Coast it was USA Today right very best coastal town best coastal small town I'm really proud overall town city and whatever Geographic other region we can C it is a small town everyone stays involved Mr Vel and his family what all they've done they just U you can't say enough for all the good things in our our city and I think we do have seal in that City Hall that might need painting like the cine Chapel so so do we you have any other comments I would just encourage panal to find more blank walls for Chris to paint because he's really good truly any any comments from the public I heard you mention may we use the microphone please one of showti Saras so I I don't know is the local artist a criteria or no no just we just like to Comm commend our young people and Mr Perez has done a good job too he's had several and Mr Vitali have you seen it my goodness it's awesome it's amazing I just refering to the you brought non artist I'm yes sir thank you no problem okay uh roll call Board member clerk yes chair Bruner yes board member bville yes board member Camp peny yes board member McDonald yes Vice chair Rich yes board member Collins yes all right this meeting is adjourned did it for