e e e e we okay i' be happy to going to call this meeting to order Mary roll call chair Bruner here Vice chair Rich here board member Clark board member Collins here board member McDonald here board member campenni here board member schro here all right do the Pledge of Allegiance everyone to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all let the record show that commissioner Clark is here thank you mayor can I get approval of the agenda so move second everyone say I or may I I I All Eyes Mary um any comments from the public non-agenda items I see none any comments from the board members there's not any okay our action item number one mural matching Grant agreement between the CRA and property owner of 432 Southeast Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard Lee oh we don't have Lee yes thank you sir sure resolution number 02-2020 CRA a resolution of the community redevelopment agency of the city of Stewart Florida authorizing the board chair to execute an agreement between the Stewart community redevelopment agency and Craig mccardy who is the property owner for a mural matching Grant in the ount of $33,000 to install mural on the exterior wall of a building located at 432 Southeast Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard providing an effective date providing for conditions of approval and for other purposes thank you sir panal she will give us um the information good afternoon panal Gandhi Sac director for the record we have an application for a mural mural matching grant program um just uh brief introduction um as to the property it's the property is located along MLK it's just across the city owned garage complex uh the property address is 432 Southeast Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard it's owned by the mccardy family and it was recently improved uh to provide peer mentoring Services um since this is an old building it doesn't have the frontage along MLK so this is a great opportunity to transition this blank wall into something more exciting and celebrate the history of East Stewart uh here is a proposed rendering that's created by Benjamin per Perez uh he's a local artist and attended Martin County High School uh he was also involved with the mural on the prescription shop building along Colorado um staff shared some of the history that we've gathered over time about East Stewart with Mr Perez he did additional research uh about the community uh by visiting the feed store he met with Mr Harvey Mr McCarthy McCarthy to learn about the history uh so that can be depicted in this mural um the mural uh was presented to the east Stewart historical advisory committee and they requested to consider adding Dr Martin Luther King and other contributing members to the community um and so the artist did make some revisions which was presented to the crb uh who recommended approval of the mural um and they are the final decision maker decision maker on the public art projects uh but we wanted to present the mural um to the CRA board also uh Mr Perez is here so he can um go over the public this art and show um the historical activities that's depicted in this collage thank you very much you hello my name is Benjamin Perez I'm the artist that did the design for this mural um and here's the the description of uh the content of the mural um the Easter mural is a project dedicated to showing significant aspects of the community the different images portrayed in the mural include James Hall the first black police officer from East Stewart two young men in jerseys F AMU Jersey which is the Florida and M a public historically black land grant University located in Tallahasse Florida on Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard and the other Jersey is for the Stuart Hornets the local youth football team Sor Neil huren an American author and filmmaker who visited the East Stewart area Justin Simmons a professional football player whose family lived in East Stewart the Stewart training school which was the high school for black Americans in waren County during segregation a saxophone player to symbolize the jet ER which persisted through the 1900s a scene from prom with a couple dancing to live music since dancing school and Community were all tied together the the steuart baseball league Martin Luther King Jr who inspired the community and has the name of the road uh the mural is located at after him uh habiscus flowers that have a presence inspired beanie Backus painting located at the Stuart Heritage Museum Miss Castell Williams she served as a teacher in the 1900s and she would help the community by opening her garage allowing people to take whatever they needed such as clothes and shoes uh Richard mccardy who he served for the better part of his life in the American Red Cross the image is then completed with the hug God game nonprofit organization theme we mentor to save lives which is a significant ific part of the design showing people who were mentors to the community may M may move for approval I I have a question second I'll second your approval Mr well this was a um application for Grant um so I'm going to continue with the presentation if you don't mind I have a question sure now or after you present it's up to you okay it's about the format of the mural I guess I don't I I guess we're following what the others did on the other walls but because there's so much in this mural and he did when Mr Perez made his presentation he said something that I think is there any way that when he mentioned about Who's got game and and their their theme we mentor to to save lives I see that there in in the Bold part but is there any way you see like how I guess the mural is probably that that entire white part but even like where that whole strip is at the bottom there is there any way that like some kind of a plaque or strip can have either some names or something so that somebody can see is there anything so yeah so what we plan to do is attach a QR code um to the mural next to this artwork so they can scan the QR code and it'll take them to this website that you see where you'll have the artist information and description of the artwork so we've already have a landing page for this it's just a matter of when the artwork gets completed and we'll install the QR code just so that the public is aware of that exactly okay thank you thank you M Clark now you um so the applicant is requesting a mural matching Grant of uh up to $3,000 um so uh the total cost of the mural is $6,000 and they're eligible to receive 50% of the total cost not to exceed $3,000 uh the grant uh agreement was attached to your agenda package so um this item is to request approval of resolution number 02-24-20 for this mural okay thank you I have a pural um from commissioner McDonald and second by commissioner Clark is there any uh say any uh public wants to speak come forward miss m here can I say something I just want to say that um you know we've had some on Colorado and other places this probably going to be the first one that's funded uh by us other than the one that was done on the Cherokee um where I think that person was an individual this is a business and I wanted to say that for this business the Mardi family and the Mardi business it might look small at $3,000 but I know that there is so much to be done on Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard and they just have such a great opportunity in that building and bringing back that building which used to be the lifeblood of the community especially during segregation and even afterwards in the 70s and the 80s when they used to have activities there whether it were dances or social activities with the different clubs meeting there club excelsa and even churches and other men's organizations were meeting there and I just think I think if I can see right the young man in the audience is Mr Craig Mardy and uh Martin County school graduate FAMU graduate and I think that um this is really a start to something great in uh keeping up with read developing and um highlighting U Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard we went through a lot to get it named Martin Luther King Boulevard from from Seventh Street and it's been more than probably 30 years now um at least since the early 80s I think when it was named and uh we still have a long way to go and I just think that um again I seconded Mr um commissioner motion and I I look forward to seeing what Mr mccardy will bring forward in the future with this this um thing and I didn't get the size I know that I read the item what was the size of it again Mr Perez yes the um was it like six feet by something or I didn't I didn't did we see it in the agenda item I can't remember seeing it okay I can't I can't tell you the size except for um it covers the uh the width of the wall so it goes from one end to the other entirely um which is why it did end up adding more elements because originally there was lots of extra space okay um and um and and there were so many suggestions that I could put toward the uhu uh to the design for people significant to the community as far as height wise it might go up to about that uh six feet um height um yeah I think so thank you sir thank you and and commissioner Clark thank you for giving all that history um I truly appreciate and I agree with you commission um I was just curious the dimensions all right and there's uh no comments from the mayor yes yes um and are those the colors that you're going to be using as depicted yes thank you blue and gold but you can change it to orange and green if you want to is that isn't that a college football team's colors it got to create controversy no no it's that it's Rattler colors all right let's move rightall let's move right along can I get a roll call Mary Vice chair Rich yes board member Clark yes board member ceny yes board member McDonald yes board member shro yes board member Colin yes chair Bruner yes okay now we're going to go to the second one Amendment to the mural matching grant program thank you Lee uh resolution number 05 2024 CRA a resolution of the community redevelopment agency of the city of Stewart Florida authorizing the chairperson to approve Amendment to the the mural matching grant program boundary to include all Parcels within the CRA boundary providing an effective date and for other purposes thank you thank you we have more yes um so this is actually an amendment to the mural matching grant program which was adopted in 2018 uh staff is requesting to expand the boundary of the program to include um the entire CRA uh currently the program includes all public buildings and Facilities within the CRA and private properties limited to Commercial and mixed use building in the urban District East Stewart neighborhood and the creek District staff is requesting to expand the boundary to include the entire CRA since this is funded through the Tiff um and so uh the the program should benefit all the properties within the CRA and not be limited to certain areas uh we're getting more interest from uh commercial properties outside of um the boundary that we have right now now um so we would like to make it available to those Property Owners also currently we get about two or three applications and we allocate about $22,000 for the program so we have enough funding um even if we expand the boundary uh to make it available to other properties uh this map here highlights some city-owned properties and that have structures or some walls for potential mural that could be added um so we're going to add this exhibit to the program to encourage artists to do mural on city-owned Parcels through this program and so today staff is just requesting approval of resolution number 05- 2024 extending the project area boundary to include the entire CRA Madam chair I'll move approval second we have approval by commissioner um uh Madam chair the crb unan unanimously approve this to recommend to the CRA that they do have the mural program throughout the city or throughout the C all right we have a motion for approval second we have um any comments from the Commissioners it's about time yes any any comments from the public can can you announce how much the total budget is for each one no can no how much is the maximum match uh $3,000 okay all right can I have a roll call sure board member Clark po did you get public comment yes yes yes ma'am yes board member shro yes chair Bruner yes Vice chair Rich yes board member Collins yes board member Camp Penny yes board member McDonald yes okay meeting is aded thank you 15 minutes you want would you want to update did you want to update for now did you have didn't but unless you had something in mind okay thank you panel for all you do