##VIDEO ID:wRMgh4T7-ic## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e oh yeah roll call please chair campaign Penny here Vice chair bre Bill board member Hawkins here board member mccristal board member Moser here and Bo board member Noble here okay let's stand for the pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all and without Breck bill here we said it the right way okay can I get approval of the agenda please motion to approve can I get a second second all in favor I I and I got approval of the minutes so move and I got a second second all in favor I you do we have comments from the public chair I have none okay do we have any comments by board members on non-agenda items see none number two business Improvement reimbursement grant program guidelines resolution number 12-2020 of the CRA do you need to read that why not we got nothing going on here I do for the uh normal uh Board of Commissioners but obviously at at your leisure on this one I I do want to note that the title is a little bit off of what the actual resolution is there was some changes and it's not reflected in the U agenda item summary title but if you actually look at the resolution it's slightly different than what's in the title so I'll read the one that's in the resolution okay so it's a resolution of the board of the community redevelopment agency of the city of Stewart Florida to amend the business Improvement reimbursement program also known as burp criteria evaluation Matrix and clarification to program guidelines providing an effective date and for other purposes thank you y m Jordan good afternoon crb board members Jordan pingston CRA program manager for the record on October 1st 2024 the community redevelopment board was presented and proposed amendments to the business Improvement reimbursement grant program guidelines the board recommended approval to implement the revised program guidelines other items that were discussed at the meeting were to create a loan program for businesses to purchase or improve their property and to phase out the language that promotes asphalt parking lots to encourage prvious services staff um did speak with our city manager and City attorney regarding the potential for a CRA funded business loan program um many factors were discussed such as loan qualifications um Bank participation public records of financial information interest rates property leans funding allocation um things like that and then currently we we simply do not have the resources to manage a program of the stature however there are other ways we can further assist businesses who would like to improve their facades um it was previously suggested to possibly increase the match amount and overall budget to the business Improvement grant program other cities and counties in Florida that offer similar programs to burp which support facade improvements as part of as part of their Economic Development initiatives to revitalize commercial properties and attract businesses um some of those municipalities offer a large Financial maximum match amount While others provide a higher percentage match a good example that the board may want to consider would be Martin County's property Improvement program which uses an 8020 formula the CRA would provide 80% of the project cost as a reimbursement up to the max of 20,000 per property to supplement private funds to pay for the design and construction of the property improvements so for example if a project cost 25,000 the CRA program would pay a maximum reimbursement of 20,000 making the homeowners or sorry business owners responsibility only 5,000 um but at this time staff would like to open for discussion and request a motion be made to recommend approval of resolution number 12224 CRA to amend the business Improvement grant program guidelines okay so right now you're not asking for us to to approve that correct or you are asking us to approve that so we I know that we had discussed possibly another program so I didn't know before you approved this in the guidelines if you wanted to amend it in any way maybe upping the amount um or or or something like that but if not your recommendation goes to the CRA board and the CRA board will actually execute the resolution and are and so do we want to leave it the way it is or is that is that the I'm trying to find leave it the way it is or do we want to up the amount is that the is that what we're discussing okay so does anybody want to say anything so just so I'm clear outside the 8020 what what is the maximum amount right now that that can be 10,000 into 5050 okay does anyone like this recommendation if I remember correctly this recommendation was and he's not here unfortunately but this was Mark bre Bill's recommendation I think I know that I'm not for it and I don't think I was at the time and I don't I probably would guess Frank would not be for it and I don't remember how the rest of you felt so how do the rest of you feel Aaron well I think it's an excellent program I'm not sure if we should increase the uh the funds per business um I mean that's what we're talking about right we're talking about whether or not now you said said that you could do a percentage increase though so mm if a project was say $110,000 they would get 8,000 instead of the 50% of 5,000 right yeah we could do it we could change it to an 8020 split versus the 50/50 keep the 10,000 cap if you wanted to do that um right now our current budget for this year is 50,000 total um so obviously that would change the amount of applications we would receive too before we maxed out are you having any trouble placing the 50,000 no you're you're able to exhaust all those funds okay last last fiscal year we didn't but the past fiscal years we have okay M we had nothing to say okay well can we do anybody does anyone want to make a motion about something or other I think we put forth a motion to approve the to to maintain the status quo and the current setup of the program would be would be a way to put forth a motion right so approve the resolution before you approve it approve the recommendation of no no no approve it without the recommendation of the 8020 up to up to $20,000 just leave it exactly the way it is at present that your motion is it not Andy yes that would be my motion okay can I get a second second okay does anybody staff want to say something um so with this resolution you are adopting new guidelines that we discussed at the last crb meeting the answer apparently is no we don't want to we don't want to have new guidelines well the guidelines because we were having trouble getting good application so we wanted to change the guidelines because right now they're required to do landscaping and irrigation and we created a separate program for that so we want to change the guidelines that's what we discussed last time we were just not sure what you wanted to do about funding okay so can we adopt this could you change your motion to adopt this resolution minus the new the new funding formula Andy as stated you're second second okay so I'm gonna I'm going to re sort of repeat it because we are going to adopt the resolution but we're going to keep the same guidelines for funding which is $10,000 with a 50% match okay okay yeah you want to call the role please uh is there any public comment I have none chair seeing none do you you want to call the role yes board member Moser yes chair Camp Penny yes board member Hawkins yes and board member Noble yes okay commercial landscape Improvement reimbursement Grant PLL program you can read the resolution so we make sure it's the right one I checked earlier and this is the correct one so resolution number 13224 crra a resolution of the board of community redevelopment agency of the city of Stewart Florida establishing commercial property landscape Improvement matching grant program within the community redevelopment area providing an effective date and for other purposes thank you Jordan good afternoon CRV board members on October 1st 2024 the crb was presented the proposed commercial landscape Improvement reimbursement grant program guidelines the board recommended approval to initiate the new program with the provided guidelines and budget um at this time staff would like to request a motion be made to recommend approval of resolution number 13224 c to establish the commercial landscape Improvement reimbursement grant program okay you want to just go through not you don't have to be in detail but go through what what this all me means what the program is yeah what the program is sure so I can get out the so the board had discussed wanting to um Implement a landscape Improvement program to Branch out from the business Improvement grant program um in the past applicants had been request Ed last minute to um provide some irrigation or upgrade their Landscaping which was causing some hardship in meeting the cost demands um in the in the bracket that we had approved them initially for um so we thought that we could create a whole new separate program in order for them to either apply for separate programs or they can use them um together and try to get a bigger scope of work done so so the grant program provides a reimbursement up up to $5,000 um of public funds and that's going to be a 50/50 match similar to the burp program thank you does everybody understand that can I get a motion motion to approve can I get a second second okay you have any public comment on this one I do not have Okay does anybody else want to say anything about this before before we take a vote seeing none go ahead and call the role chair Camp Penny yes board member Hawkins yes board member Noble yes and board member Moser yes okay thank you is there anything else that we need to discuss today that is all I that's it does anybody else want to say anything I was counting on you to say something yeah yeah you can't you came in all right seen seen nothing else the me can I get a motion to adjourn so move second all in favor I I this this meeting is adjourned for