e e e e forgot my too because I also forgot about that all right I'm going to call this meeting uh to order and open the meeting first of all welcome everybody thank you for your attendance today uh thank you for those that can make it we uh just barely made Quorum so we're happy about that that we can continue this meeting today um clerk can you call the rooll chair Loren Vice chair Forbes uh present Board of member bronfield present board member Mathers board member Peterson present and board member STM here all right um let's uh do the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right so uh we'll need a motion to approve the agenda so move second okay all in favor I I before we move on uh a matter that did not make the agenda is that we have a new member Deana per Deana Peterson who has not been sworn in so um as I mentioned before we started my name is Mike mortell I will be serving as the attorney for the board tonight as the uh city attorney's unavailable and I would ask uh Miss Peterson can you please raise your right hand and repeat after me do you Deanna Peterson uh swear that you are qualified under the Constitution or I guess I'll say I de peerson am qualified under the Constitution I Dena Peterson I'm qualified under the Constitution laws of Florida laws of Florida and the code of ordinances of the city of Stewart Florida and the code of ordinances of the city of Stewart of Florida to serve as a member to serve as a member of the local planning agency of the local planning agency and that I will well and faithfully and I will well and Faithfully perform the duties perform the duties of an Advisory Board member of an Advisory Board member on which I am about to enter of about which I am to enter so help me God so help me God welcome to the board you are officially a member of the city of Stewart LPA and now the next time you guys vote her vote will count all right that's a beautiful thing um all right so uh do we have a motion to approve the agend the agenda I so second second okay all in favor I I I all right um I guess next uh we'll see if there's any public comment uh on the motion is that correct correct a non agenda items uh non-agenda items that I have none okay we have none um all right so I guess we have the minutes from last meeting uh hopefully you've had time to review it I need a motion to approve move approval second second all in favor I I all right motion carries all right so next up is comments by the board members so do we have any uh comments from board members no I just have a few comments and I'll make this quick um hopefully it'll be a quick meeting you know as we think about growth in Stewart um a lot of things really come to mind right so some people think of people moving here some people think of businesses some people think of people coming from different areas one thing I'd like to think of is when you think about growth whether you're for growth or anti-growth or um either way think about what that impact is right in terms of is it is it really people is that what growth is is it more people moving to steuart um because clearly over the years we haven't had high growth in terms of number of residents um or is it uh traffic so for me personally it's you know when I look at traffic and I get stuck in traffic for me that's the kind of biggest issue right is uh how that delays me from getting where I want to go if I'm going to the airport wherever and it's really interesting when you look at the at the traffic patterns and where the traff traffic comes from I think um our city manager explained it to me uh probably the best in that we're kind of a a wheel right and a lot of people come from outside of Stewart to either come through or drive through Stewart so you can imagine people from Palm City where I used to live and I used to come through to come Steward all the time so as you're thinking about growth and as you're thinking about what that impact is um definitely think I know like residential is a big part of it and some people are are afraid of that but if we have actually people who live in Stewart who used to live in Port St Lucy because I as I talk to people in the city especially people that work here a lot of them are like well I can't afford to live in Stewart I have to drive in from Port St Lucy or from other areas so just a little comment nothing we need to discuss but uh as we think about growth and as we think about that impact on Stuart and the city that we love um definitely think it from a way of how are you personally impacted all right so uh so we have a couple agenda items and uh I saw that some of them were pushed off until uh April and those are the Eden Mah I think uh presentation um so I had a question on those in terms of when they're pushed off uh there are signs that are posted right in terms of of getting feedback when the meetings are going to happen are those signs updated so that the public knows so the answer is no um sometimes the developer can update them but uh in either I think it was 21 it might have been 22 it may have been 23 but in 22 I believe it was the city of Jupiter Island had a an issue come up and they the commission postponed a matter 2 a date certain but they didn't even read vertise it in the agendas or anything it was just emailed to give notice to some specific people in Jupiter Island and Guy Nam named Ethan lobe challenged that and it went to the fourth district court of appeal who completely changed the law in the state forever for based upon the fact that they interpreted it that said if you ever don't hold the hearing on the day that it's scheduled everything has to be redone all the postage all of the signs all of the dates everything because the state statute said this meeting has to be advertised at in a newspaper in advance and posted on the property as to the time and the place of the meeting and if you don't have it it's they even said in their discussion that if the board went until 2 o'clock in the morning and didn't finish and then plan to pick it up the next day or the day after that that would not be the time in place and therefore it was all over so there was so much push back on it that the state legislature and I think it was last year that they rewrote the law they said no you have to have continuity and that is the landowner has a duty to provide the community notice by posting it on the sign and by advertising it in the newspaper and by properly noticing the agenda but that at the meeting if the board continues it to a date certain that that continuity is such that the person that would have been here tonight to hear it either saw that it was continued because it says it on this agenda sure and says the date certain or can get the minutes from this meeting and can confirm and find out where it is if not it would have been heard tonight anyway and that means they wouldn't have come so they would have missed their ability to speak so the new law on it has changed so it's not a requirement that those for the developer just to make sure that we have it in our minutes and that it's right so but it is important that the board's motion to continue continue it to a date certain not just a blank motion to continue but motion to continue to the LPA meeting on April 11th I believe that's when it is April 11 yes so that it carries that continuity okay thank you appreciate that explanation so um so we actually have uh two items on there item two and item three do we need to to vote on those separately we need a motion for each to continue the items okay so for uh action item number two uh do we get a motion to uh uh continuance for April 11th I'll make a motion go ahead I'll second second okay all in favor I and then for action item three uh continuance again for uh April 11th you have a motion I move that third IEM be moved to April 11th okay second all favor I all right all right so that's item two two and three um so now we have item four which is the uh Clarity Point uh PUD are we gonna have a presentation on this Jody is that you yes all right um good evening chair members of the board for the record my name is Jody cougler with the as the development director and tonight I'll be presenting agenda item number four for a smallscale comprehensive plan amendment in accordance with public notice requirements outlined in section 11.02 of the city of Stewart Land Development code public notice for the small scale comprehensive plan was advertised in a local newspaper on February 26 2024 and notices were mailed to surrounding Property Owners within the 300 feet of the subject parcel and a sign was posted on the property displaying the proposed itions the property is uh the property is situated on the south side of Southeast Indian Street approximately 580 ft east of the intersection of Southeast caner Highway and Southeast Indian Street the property consists of 9.46 acres of land out of a 11.27 parcel and the address is 500 Southeast Indian Street this gives you an overall data of what's happened to the property since it's been in fruition uh in 1997 this property was annexed into the City and assigned was signed a commercial commercial land use in 2004 the uh future land use was amended to a multif family residential and in 2005 uh the V vgo residential plan development was established to construct 66 multif family homes uh this development was never constructed in 2017 the ordinance for the uh development for the 66 units uh was repealed and established a Clarity Point residential plan development to develop an 84 unit Assistant Living facility with Memory Care on the property of 9.46 acres and amended the fature land use from the multif family residential to commercial for the remaining 1.92 acres in 2027 the approved uh they approved the abandonment of the 40ft rideway within the clarity Point PUD and this property was ploted in 2018 this shows the overall adjacent properties uh within the subject property to the north you have the residential uh The Crossings multif family residental to the South you have a low density it's undeveloped it's within Martin County you have a to the east you have a commercial plan unit development which is um pometto Edge shopping center with a commercial land use and to the West the commercial plan unit development is uh within your commercial land use and it's a five acre drainage track the existing future land use is uh multifam which allows for one to to three or more dwelling units per building which includes single family detached duplexes Town Homes garden homes foster homes and adult conjugant living facilities of four or fewer unrelated residents on a zero lot line residents um oops sorry the proposed uh the petition is requesting the um property be to change to Future land use to commercial which allows for uh predominantly retail sales businesses professional offices shopping centers financial institutions restaurants entertainment hotels motel and other temporary lodging the mixed use is uh in this in this future land use a zoning of a mixed use project are allowed when you're doing a land use Amendment you have to show the maximum buildout uh density intensity so if this property uh within the residential calculations for the potential intensity uh where most BTE family which is currently a feature land use today this this potential property could have up to 284 units um it's 30 units per acre and have a maximum of commercial uses of 42,70996 1,811 64 Square ft of commercial another one here okay as part of the land use uh traffic analysis was uh was uh done it was prepared by jfo group and it demonstrated that opposed request to convert an existing 84 bed existing living facility with memory care into impatient mental health and drug rehab facility will generate less than 20 peak hour trips this is also the maximum build out for residential I'm sorry the other one was non-residential I apologize this is for residential it's still you would still have the 284 units under the multif family and 95 uh units potentially under the commercial land use this concludes staff's presentation if you have any questions I you happy to answer them so um on the maps it it basically shows um that it was uh that it's all is that multif family correct right now all the different uh Lots in Pink So if you go back to the ones with pink there so this is the existing yeah and then um there before were those commercial and they changed them all to residential yes particular so all the Lots were yes when it was annexed into the city in 1997 the whole property was a commercial land use then when the assistant living facility came in they changed the land use I'm sorry when the the residential development came in they changed it to multi family to allow the residential units they were never constructed and um the multifam is compatible with an assistant living facility and that's what was proposed in 2016 okay and then is this all owned by the same developer or is it um are these different the 9.46 acres is owned by uh one developer and the uh the one in the pink at the corner is actually owned by a separate entity that's 1.92 and that is a built out it's commercial as well okay I had a question about parking so if we're increasing from 80 some odd beds to 140 beds are we increasing parking on the land at all uh board member uh Peterson if I could answer that during the um zoning okay portion of it this is just the land use but I do have that slide available during the uh zoning presentation okay and we don't have anything in land land use that specifically addresses that this is a residential treatment center I feel like is that under zoning our land use I'm sorry um because I know in Martin County they have specific code that addresses the residential treatment centers but I don't know if that's if city of Stewart does I'm going to give the the real short answer um land use is a very broad comprehensive plan matter that cannot include zoning and as a result the actual end use which might be doctor's office or Treatment Center or retail store or church or whatever it might be is a zoning concept land use is a broader scale of we could have multif family is what the current land use is on this use within multif family you could have duplexes and multile multif Family Apartments and Tow houses and condos and all the different uses of zoning that you'd get to the land use applica the application before the board tonight is to change the current land use from multifam to Commercial and on this stage of the game none of the zoning can be used in consideration for the vote the consideration for the vote is is it in compliance with the comp plan is it compatible with the adjacent land uses is there sufficient uh uh utilities and other uh roads and things to support whatever the land use is and the land use decision would be made by if this land use happens and the zoning doesn't whatever the zoning is is the outstanding land use that remains on the property that you adopted all of the other uses that could be done within that land use would they be appropriate for this and is that okay and is that what the vision of the comp plan says if the land use were to stay as multifam and somebody was coming in to seek an apartment building that's when you'd start getting into the Landscaping code and meeting the setbacks and meeting the number of parking spaces and how many square feet is it and is it too tall or Too Short or whatever it is but the land use has to be limited and the state statute says that we actually aren't allowed to base a land use decision on the zoning that's po potentially going to be the next agenda item I know it's silly to separate them because the reality is that the only reason the applicant wants to change the I use is obviously to finish the project and everybody in the room kind of knows it but we need to keep it separate for the record do I answer your question sure it doesn't really answer the question I know it's like a long yeah any other questions applicant oh is the applicant want to uh make a statement good evening for the record Brad curry with engineering designing and construction uh tonight I'm representing the applicant in a request to change the future Lane use designation of a 9.46 acre property staff did an excellent job presenting I think the um the question tonight is whether or not the commercial Lane use designation is consistent with what's surrounding I think staff did an excellent job say stating that it would we do have some details about the actual use and what's being proposed but as um Mr mortell just stated it's probably more appropriate to discuss during the next item but from our standpoint we believe that the commercial an use is consistent a portion of this property is already that the clarity Point PUD has a commercial portion which is developed and then this residential portion we're trying to make it all be the same um my applicant here at Jason anner is here to answer any questions and myself we'd be happy to help with anything thank you any other questions and then do we move for the motion or do we have public comments you can move the motion and then ask for public comment okay uh so do we have a motion to approve or is it just do we take a vote yeah okay do we have someone who will make a motion I move to approve the L's change all right and then do we need a second that or no yes please do we have a second I'll second okay uh and then we do a roll call or we we can ask for public comment and then do the roll call okay uh so do we have any comments from the public we do have two and I could call the first one if you'd like okay so Miss Barbara petite Miss petite you have three minutes and please state your name and address for the record okay my name is Barbara pedit I'm a retired RN and currently living in Willoughby Crescent 956 Southeast willby TR and Stewart close to the proposed facility my concerns are with the inpatient primary mental health and residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility what is the name of the company who will own and operate it is it reputable and responsible and a responsible entity number two do we know what the intensity or levels of care being offered at this Center will be number three will they leave the facility which I think is already answered as an 84 bed or will they be creating more space and now I just heard it's 140 so that was answer um I have multiple security and safety concerns and protocols what will be in place to keep the patients as well as all the residents there and the surrounding residential areas safe how will the premises be secured I have under a I have will the treatment be involuntary and then will the patients be allowed to leave on their own some of them are not able to leave um B typically a lot of these patients can have a history of being in and out of all the systems relapsing and leaving or eloping it's not eloping like running away getting married elopment is a medical term used with mental health that is illegally defined as a patient who is incapable of adequately protecting himself and who departs the Care Health Care Facility unsupervised and undetected so we're concerned about that and Staffing um what are the staff ratios required for the 140 beds like for example the medical staff the security staff the auxiliary staff such as dietary housekeeping Etc with mental health you usually need more medical staff per patient I mean you could say when they give their presentation that they have 30 employees how many are actually going to be caring for these mental you know the medical part of the aspect whether or the auxiliary and we already have a coastal detox it's called it's on the same block literally they're one block apart on Indian Street it's already so close I was wondering what the zoning laws are that they can have these two detox facilities so close on the same street and then that's the end thank you for your comments thank you we have Mr sha Reed will be answered by the next yeah yeah yeah good evening my name is sha Reed for the record this is for the land use so I did look at the city of Stewart land use and from my understanding it doesn't fall under pain management clinic that's that's why it's commercial Mike mortell might correct me if I'm wrong on that um but when we read Martin County because this was in Martin County in 1997 and according to their Land Development code in section 3.86 it says such facility shall at no time exceed 75 persons receiving inpatient treatment and this applies to residential drug and alcohol rehabilitation and treatment facilities It also says such facility now shall not be located within one half mile of another facility as far as 75 that's what the County Land Development code is these guys are asking for 140 which is essentially double thank you have a good one thank you appreciate your comments and I agree I think a lot of this will also come up as we discuss the next agenda item and I have one more Miss Rosie Shepard oh might have another just kidding hi um I was a few minutes late and I apologize for that um in uh regards to treatment facility I'm a former firefighter for the division of Forestry I've spent a lot of time out in the woods and when I go out there and see the homeless population that's living there dealing with mental health issues not not um allowing for a facility to be there uh it's we're hiding from what's actually going on um so I am in favor of the commercial land use change also with the um the need for uh jobs with the dealerships coming in potentially um I think that's really important too so the more commercial that we are able to develop along that Corridor the will support um the trades and that kind of thing are we definitely have a retail deficit and so those mixed things make me in favor of it thank you thank you and I have Christina Tucker hi excuse me so I'm actually the owner of the coastal detox which is across the street um a couple of things that I wanted to bring up the most important thing that concerns me is what you had mentioned Mr Forbes is the traffic situation because with um 140 beds the average stay in a facility such as we're discussing is seven days so that would be 600 admissions per month and 600 discharges per month that would be a lot of cars coming and going um the other thing I I wanted to comment on is the taxing on the eer mergency facil the Emergency Services we have 35 impatient beds and we don't do we don't Ser as primary mental health and we have emergency police and emergency fire fir trucks unfortunately call to our facilities several times a month sometimes a couple of times a week mental health would be much higher um let's see as far as not affecting the real estate values in the in the area one of the buildings they're looking for is institutional that's primary psych that will definitely affect the property values I'm not sure how many people want to live next door to a psych facility um let's see and the the other concerning factor is in we we treat people with substance abuse which is me many of them are people that are living locally they're going back they're getting set straight back on on track they're going back to their families going back to their jobs a lot of them are actually sent by their jobs to to get back on track mental health is really mental health is is mostly medication management and although there is a great need for it in most counties so they're located out where there's not as much residential around them such as in Fort pi we have um goodness New Horizons which is West on Midway Road and in Martin County we do have Coral Shores is which is on Cove Road um a lot of times when people come to treatment they stay the seven days and a lot of times they don't leave the area that's another major concern 184 bed me I'm sorry 140 bed mental health facility I believe that's why I wanted thank you all right so I guess we'll take a rooll for the land use can we ask any other questions I'm sorry sure is that okay yeah absolutely okay so I guess under the current land use um group homes are allowed so how is this not considered a group home or couldn't be considered because why change the land use if we could do this without we already changed the land use one time to do this and now we're changing it again and um I believe these just like Memory Care came and went that this unit could come and go and now we've changed the land use and what could that open up for that project and that property down the road if it didn't stay um a residential treatment center board member Peterson I can answer that one um so in your multifamily if you notice uh let me just pull that up real quick an adult congregant living facility which is typically an assistant living facility they stay there year round there they 365 days are residents so when you do the censes they get counted as residents um whenever you have a detox facility or a rehab center they are temporary lodging they don't stay they don't they're not counted as part of the censes so it's a transient type lodging just as like a hotel so they're not considered group homes they're not considered group homes so with the new land use change what could go on that property down the road were was this facility to yes so change hands as they seem you know it seems to happen um good question so if you were changing the land use back to commercial these are the um this is identifies you would have retail sales uh businesses professional and offices shopping centers uh Banks restaurants entertainment hotels motels and again the other temporary lodging they are allowed within that land use okay thank you any other questions we take a rooll board member Peterson no Vice chair Forbes approve board member stom yes and board member bramfield yes all right so uh next agenda item I think we'll get into the kind of the meat of the questions that you are asking in terms of of of whether or not we approve this now commercial um spot for the proposal um that is item number five Clarity Point uh PUD reone from the city of Stewart um official zoning outlas from residential plan development R RP PUD to the mixed use planned unit development zoning designated located at 500 Southeast Indian Street so Jody I think this is where you again my name is Jody kler I'm the development director within the city of Stewart um this is the agenda number five which is company would requesting to reone to a mixed use plan development known as Clarity Point PUD again notices were mailed out um within the 300 ft a sign was placed on the property and a newspaper ad was placed in the um in the local newspaper on February 26 2024 the property is located at 500 Indian Street situated on the south side of Southeast Indian Street approximately 580 feet east of the intersection and Southeast caner Highway and Southeast caner Street the property consists of 11.27 Acres total and the the property has been subdivided into two Parcels the parcel we'll be talking about tonight is the 9.46 Acres currently zoned as a residential planed unit development ment and requesting for the Mixed use plan unit development again this is the existing uh zoning District which allowed in 2016 was changed uh to a rpu to allow for an 84 bed assisant living facility with memory care the proposed is a mixed use plan unit development and their proposed use is 140 bed impatient mental health drug and alcohol rehabilitation facility with medical detox this again um goes over the category with what a mixed use plan unit development allows and as you can see within the mixed use a commercial land use is allowed within there also multi family however whenever you're looking at transient lodging or temporary lodging versus the residential that Assistant Living facility is it's not compatible with the residential plan unit development that currently exists today so the applicant has uh petitioned to change it to a mixed juice um what that does is if if this is approved um it would be approved for this particular use any other uses or any other uh change of occupancy would have to come back to the board and ask for approval this shows the future the zoning and future land use compatibility uh again the assistant living facility located on the site is is looking to be converted to a proposed impatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation center um the site is currently vacant they uh left about a month ago and as prev stated there is going to be no uh improvements for the exterior or the actual site they are just looking to um do some interior remodeling again this is the previous approval in 2016 this is uh when it was established as a Assistant Living facility as you can see in blue that is the 9.46 Acres um the facility was built and constructed um in 2016 and was occupied in 2017 as you can see there's they've um transformed some of the Lakes over there as your lorals and for storm water the 1.92 acre side is not included in this approval this is the architectural that was approved in 2016 and this is how it currently looks today and this is how it will be maintained in the future this site does um have a one-story 96713 ft building with 87 existing parking spaces the exist the infrastructure for drainage and storm water improvements have already been met and again they're just looking for um interior remodeling in 2016 when this property was zoned into a residential planned unit development and also incorporating the 1.92 Acres within the whole entire site um at that time uh there was wet Li mitigation that happened um they did preserve 2.81 acres and that is on this existing site um so all the Wetland mitigation has been met again in the previously approval uh all the trees and upand preserve was met at that time uh they did pay into the tree fund and also did um uh has an Upland Preserve of six 2.61 acres and open space of they provided 4.50 of open space uh this position this petition confirms with the criteria outlined in section 11.1.0 n of the city of Stewart Land Development code and is consistent with the goals and objectives and policies of the city of Stewart comprehensive plan and staff is recommending the local planning agents consider affording a recommendation of approval to the city commission and if you have any questions uh I'm happy to answer any so do we have any questions before we so I get I guess is this where the parking so we're saying that there's 87 parking spots 140 beds staff guests I assume they're allowed guests where's everybody parking on this property are we adding parking is part of the proposal at all so when this facility was built in 2016 they were only required to have 67 parking spaces so they overp parked the site at that time so with that overflow they are still within the the uh required they're still under the required parking spaces even increasing the occupancy to room typically in a a rehab facility um there's not a lot of they don't in have individual cars and in in in the analysis that was provided you can see that they only do a net 20 trips per day for pm and AM and PM peak time so they don't typically drive to the facility they are either brought to the facility or um typically they don't stay with the vehicles but I I the applicant would probably provide you a little bit more information uh can I follow up with that sure um can you go to that traffic graph sure let me just see that's on my other previous slide so I I know and I don't know if it was staff or the applicant had mentioned that there is nothing in the traffic manual that um calculates detox or inpatient mental health so in Lou of that um they stuck with the analysis as if it was Al parking I have an issue with that being compared to Al parking because I don't believe it's the same I just I haven't really seen proof that it's it's the same or not the same but this this graph talks about peak hour trips and what it did is it took the existing and then added the additional beds and then shows the net difference so it doesn't hit over the peak hours so maybe I can get clarification because if you if you look at this and you look at um so down below you see the Assisted Living beds and then you see the additional beds and then the net totals showing that doesn't exceed the but we're we're not adding nine at P PM hour out we're adding 21 so that's that exceeds the 20 and I would I would feel more comfortable with a better traffic analysis that uses not an Al as a comparable but a mental health and drug rehab and I don't know the breakdown on mental health and drug rehab how many beds are mental health how many are drug rehab I'm assuming that Mental Health would require more Staffing more parking than the drug rehab so how does that then tie into existing parking there there's just a lot of questions I have about the whole traffic parking calculations uh I would have to ask the applicant to come forward the applicant good evening again for the record Brad curry with EDC representing the applicant um very good questions about the parking I I wanted to um I don't have a formal presentation but there are a couple things I'd like to talk about before we get to the parking um as Jody stated the property is currently vacant it's been vacant for about a month unfortunately the the facility went out of business and is vacant and um we know what happens to vacant buildings it was a previously a assist leing facility and Memory Care Facility very similar to the use that we're proposing for the memory care you probably and for for the Assisted Living you probably have more visitors there are no visitors allowed for drug rehab for detox or for the mental health so all the parking on site would be for the people that work there my client Jason anner put together a list of of how many people he thinks are going to work there and when I give you this number you're going to say well how come you don't have that many parking spaces so I'll tell you that so he's expecting about10 employees at this facility but you have to remember this is a 24-hour facility so you're going to have people coming and going in shifts and 38 hour shifts so that's the reason that we can park it with the number of spaces that we're proposing um if the if if the property if this does this use doesn't get changed tonight if the zoning doesn't get changed to allow for the commercial use we have to think about that that property is going to be vacant I think it's an interesting um project because we're not proposing anything new I think we hear a lot about growth and about increased traffic and about building new things and bringing new people people here this is a facility that's already there if it's not approved tonight or when it when it goes our final approval then it could become bacon it could become derel and this is a nice building I don't know how many people I um I I visit my dermatologist is right next door to this and so I've been around the building quite a bit and it's a beautiful building that's been really really well maintained my client does have a a track record of of working in these sorts of facilities um he has three other facilities and about um 81 other 81 beds and other facilities he's been doing this um Mr anner was one of my very first clients when I first started working this so he's been doing this for about 20 years now so he's been in the business and he's he's going to come up and speak after I'm done to tell you a little bit about the business um the city um you know the assist leing facilities we talk about uses coming and going you spoke about that and and I think that unfortunately I think there was probably a little bit of an oversaturation of assisted living facilities built not just in the city of Stewart but also throughout the State of Florida uh Mr anner actually looking at a facility up in Wildwood as well very idental The Identical facility up in Wildwood that has gone out of business as well so these facilities I think it's a good opportunity actually a great opportunity for the city of sewer to reuse a building that if it doesn't get we don't think it's going to get filed with another assisted living facility because we think that that that market is not there so this is a good opportunity for for us all um we talked about the reason for the change I you know we tried to get it approved under the existing future land use and and just come back in for reason zoning but U Mr Martell and jod both stated that the difference here is that these folks that come to this facility are not residents they don't get their mail here Mr mortell said that and it made perfect sense to me so this is more of a of a short-term stay there are the three different uses the detox was discussed by one of the members of the public the detox use is a seven 5 to 7 day uh period but there also a rehab and a rehab typically 30 to 45 days and sometimes longer so we do have that that other type of use and then of course the the mental health facility can you talk about the level of mental health care Jason will be able to probably give you a little bit more about that he's going to come up and speak um just wanted to say again Redevelopment not new development um and Jason would like to come up and tell you a little bit about what he's proposing and then if if there's any additional public comment after Jason is done then we would like the ability to come up and and address that as well thank you Mr Curry I'm sorry you mentioned we were talking like I said about the memory coming and going it's my understanding that Mr Akers had a a facility in Broward County that was opened and then shut down and a facility in um Palm Beach County that was also opened and shut down um and this is you know concerning because it could happen again obviously here and we're changing the land use and changing the zoning to accommodate him um so can we speak a little bit to why those facilities were shut down and why that wouldn't happen here we can but let's first talk about the um L use luse was recommended approval by this board it makes complete sense uh you have commercial at the corner you have commercial to the east of us filling in the commercial in the middle regardless of what the use is from a pure planning Theory standpoint it makes sense to have that whole section on the Southside commercial it actually doesn't make sense now because you go commercial residential and then commercial again so the land use whether whatever use is there it makes sense this is a plan development and plan development is the zoning is and it Zone and it's attached to a plan so if it does change in the future and it could change I'm not saying it's not the applicant that wants to change the use to anything has to come back before this board that's the beauty of a PUD something else can't go in there without this board knowing about it without the LPA knowing about it that's why the the zoning the plan development zoning is such a good tool for the city because it requires any change in that use can't just slip in there they can't just go get a business tax receipt they'll have to come back to this to this group to get it approved so whether it goes out of business or it doesn't go out of business whatever the next use is it's if it if this project gets approved it's locked in to the use to the number of beds anything other than that has to come back before this sport okay and I guess to that point you talked about the building going derelict if it were to stay empty I believe that there were some issues with his property in Palm Beach County that it was left and there were some fines levied is that not I mean I might have misunderstood it but I'm just trying to see how this would change if he came here Mr anner doesn't own this property so I don't know I guess it would be the responsibility of the owner if anything like that happened um and I can't speak to what's happened in the past I can only tell you that he has a couple two facilities I know of in the city of Port St Lucy that are some of the best properties in the city of Port St Lucy so I I don't know I don't know the Palm Beach J and he has 81 beds across three facilities so are they all about 25 or so beds kind of you have to ask him that I I don't know the just was wondering if because this just seemed larger than what is maybe typical but I'm I'm not sure I don't know what's typical okay Jason everyone um I'd like to address uh all of the comments not any specific order um but first of all is to The credibility of my organization I've never owned a facility in Broward County at any point in time um I own several facilities in Palm Beach County which jod was part of the approval and we brought a lot of jobs hundreds and hundreds of jobs to the North Palm Beach area um we've never had a violent crime incident once in over 16 years in any of my facilities we've never had to call the police and have anybody removed in fact I would rather live next to a rehab personally than live next to some neighbors even in an affluent neighborhood that I live in um that that's just being very honest I have a neighbor across the street that has severe mental illness that has pulled guns on Neighbors in in a gated community the patients in our facility they're monitored 247 they're sober they're clean we know it because we're drug testing them we're doing breathalyzers they're they're engaged in therapy they're there because they want to be there we treat professionals police officers firefighters we've even treated relatives of former presidents um we are not a lockdown facility we are not a court-ordered facility um the facilities in North Palm Beach they were shut down for one simple reason they weren't shut down they were closed and I sold the buildings for a lot of money they were closed during covid because it was too expensive to have an in network and an outof Network facility we had over 400 beds between uh Palm Beach Martin and St Lucy County and we had to consolidate as a result of Co um the ability to get quality staff to stay they were scared having to quarantine people and isolate entire wings uh reduced our ability to have enough admissions to cover our overhead and we carried it as long as we could until we Consolidated now we're ramping back up um at no time was our facility shut down we finished treating every single patient they were discharged appropriately to after care plans where they went um as it relates to um Miss Tucker's comments I'm not sure if she's aware but I used to own Unity Behavioral Health Unity Recovery Center Lakeside treatment center and we've been a referral source for them for years I know that her son Ross has worked closely with David niffin Jason Levy Stephanie Matthews all employees of mine not to mention the fact that we only take out of network Insurance uh ppos we get 200 phone calls a month for hmos with our current size operation with this building will probably have 400 hmos to refer out a month and I know they're in network with most if not all insurances so they stand to benefit tremendously from the relationship we've had over the years and with this new facility um as it relates to the new facility um speaking of property values um aclfs assisted livings memory cares they're all going under across the state they're coming on online if you check the real estate logs in a plethora of them they're being appraised at 50 40% of their value this specific property was $35 million development it was just appraise at$ 122.5 million with my lease and my purchase off option the income approach to the appraisal now makes this property worth over $20 million so if you're concerned about property values my use being approve is actually going to significantly improve the property value um as far as the use as everyone sees it's going to be wedged between two commercial properties there's no surren there's no neighborhoods if a person was to walk out a uh B we do have mag lock doors that have key fobs badges we have cameras everywhere and we even have monitor bracelets with sensors that we can identify where a patient is and in a building at any time we cannot hold them there against their will but if we see that a person is mentally unwell they're irate we can notify the paramedics the police and then they can come there then we can stall with the maglocks until they come as far as the use and the breakdown we're only going to have eight mental health beds I have a mental health facility in the city of Rockledge and I have one in Port St Lucy Florida that's primary mental health and I understand the concern the eight that we're having is not for primary mental health it's for people that have substance abuse disorders that their insurance companies don't want to authorize for substance abuse because maybe they haven't drunken been drunk enough maybe they haven't overdosed enough but they have severe depression um they have anxiety and they use drugs and alcohol as a means to cope with those things so the insurance companies will say hey we'll authorize you to treat them for mental health but not substance abuse even though they have a severe substance abuse problem so that's our way of being able to help people that are kind of in between that don't have enough criteria to get substance abuse treatment um it's not going to be a primary mental health facility they do require obviously more intensive care and that's not the intent here only eight of the beds will be licensed for primary mental health uh we're going to licens approximately 24 beds for detox and then you're looking at another let's say 84 to 88 or so and don't hold me to the exact numbers but I don't believe that we're at any time going to have 140 patients there because some of the bedrooms we're going to convert to offices for physical therapy and for other purposes that we we do for amenities that we provide patients there is a barber shop in there there is a salon there is a spa the patients will not have to leave the site for any reason anyone familiar with it I don't know if you if you have an aial of the floor plan it has a courtyard where everything is centralized inside nobody will be outside smoking cigarettes no patient will ever have to step foot into a public area they will be congregating in the courtyard or in their respective corridors the building is very unique in the fact that it has four separate corridors which each lock down so there will never be more than 35 people in any Wing at a time so you got to view it almost almost has 35 little treatment centers that are together but they're separated by steel doors with maglocks that only our personnel has access to um all of their meals we have a full kitchen all of their meals will be provided um other than having to go off site for maybe the hospital for something they have a medical emergency that that's beyond what we can treat there's no reason for them to ever leave the 110 approximate employees that's not only 365 days a year 25 24 hours a day it's seven days a week so if you take that staff and divide it by 24 hours a day seven days a week you're looking at maybe 30 or something cars that are there at any given time um we don't allow visitation in detox residential we are not a 7-Day or a 5-day program we're a 45 Day program and we continue to follow up with our patients and we have outpatient programs in Port St Lucy which they would transfer to because we keep them in our care and provide Continued Care so that they can get establish in the workforce if they're not already working but probably half of our patients like I said are professionals that go back home to their husbands their wives their children and they resume their jobs but we still keep in touch and we do tella Health um to keep them engaged to ensure that they they get their first year of recovery under their bone sorry if I'm speaking fast my mouth's dry I had to meet with the DEA all day today I had to meet with Sigma today I had a Signa come in in person you guys know what that's like um so I've been talking for like 12 hours and my mouth's dry I apologize um just so you know also Dave aronburg and Al Johnson speak very highly of our facilities they're very close with our chief neuroscientists and they've written a letter of recommendation on our behalf I have letters from the Sheriff's Office the quality of work that we do the scholarships we donate to people that can't afford treatment and they wouldn't get help otherwise um let's see I think I pretty much covered it you guys have any questions um one of the questions was you said that there's 110 employees yes um do you know do you have like the mix of what those employees are in terms of security in terms of uh roughly it doesn't have to be exact DET so we have cop forone yes so we have a medical director an executive director an operations manager an executive assistant and office manager Clinical Director director of Client Services uh clinical three clinical lead therapists 14 primary therapists two case managers two intake coordinators four BHT leads 30 bhts three rnps a director of nursing an assistant director of nursing four nurse managers 14 nurses an executive chef a head chef a sue Chef a housekeeper facility manager uh billing two billing and posters two collectors two utilization review people can you tell me how many like so you have three other facilities yes how many beds at each of those facilities so we have 26 beds that are residential facility in Port St louy down the street from there we have 16 detox beds and then we have a PHP the IOP program with approximately 48 beds okay so is this larger than a normal treatment facility it's larger than your others but is it larger it's not larger than than ones I've had in the past however it's Unique like I said because it's not going to be one big open thing so each Corridor has its own restaurant has its own serving station has its own nursing station but the intensity to the neighborhood is going to be the 140 beds it's not on four separate Parcels it's all right but the intensity of the neighborhood doesn't exist because this is so unique in the sense that there is no backyard there is no front yard there is no side entrances everything is self-contained the outside is within it's like the Pentagon if you could visualize that so everybody's on the inside so there there nobody would even know that we're there to be honest um the the current owner um own nine of these facilities six of them are going under and the bank wants to foreclose he's a very wealthy individual he's very stubborn he says I'll hold the property forever I put 35 million into it I'm not I'm not getting rid of it for next to nothing um the bank is you know fighting with him that property you know who knows how long it could sit there vacant um and you know like I said we we're going to uh actually cause the values the surrounding values to appreciate especially when I purchase it because the purchase option I have is 50% above the appraise amount right now and Jason just for the record I said you weren't you didn't own the property so when are you planning on purchase so um I have an option within that three years so it's a three-year lease and I can purchase anytime after the first year and I have every intention of doing so and I'm actually working with the same owner um in the villages in the city of Wildwood to acquire The Identical building I'm actually heading up there after I leave here for the next two days to tour there and spend some times with the city council as well uh your primary mental health does that mean uh someone can get Baker acted in your facility no we're not a baker receiving facility we don't treat the severely mentally like if you're you know acute schizophrenic or things like that we refer them to to appropriate facilities we're treating people bipolar depression um anxiety PTSD things along those lines we had a we don't we don't have any me you know mentally insane criminally insane we screen people out we don't allow sex offenders violent offenders know anything like that in our facilities so are you getting your um residence patients primarily from the court system from the hospitals a little bit of both no neither we we get probably 10 maybe 10 % are alumni maybe 5% are professional referrals the other 85% are we spend millions of dollars for online advertising okay and then um the one of the ladies in the audience had mentioned that um about the um er visits and stuff and how many times ambulances and police are coming to the have that that often we we don't how often it is often we've had someone taken out by EMS maybe two to three times a month across all of your facilities or yes ma'am but again if that sometimes we go a month without having an incident because of the nature of the existing approval I would say it's very comparable the number of visits by the ambulance with the with the type of that's why this use is so keep be using the word great but that's why the this use is great for this project because it fits in the layout of the buildings the impact on the surrounding properties the amount of traffic the amount of visitors the amount of employees the amount of um ambulances that attend or that that visit all those things are very similar to the use and I think that's it's a very unique situation I've been doing this for quite some time I don't think I've ever seen it to where you have a use that's vacated and a new use come in a month later that's so close to what was there and and not to sound cliche but unfortunately that facility everybody that left there was leaving there in an ambulance without a pulse when people leave our facility they leave their restored with hope with joy in their eyes with their family accepting them back with their jobs accepting them back and to see that change in people is is nothing short of amazing that's why I do what I do I made a lot of money when I was younger estate development that I wasn't fulfilled um and I've been very passionate about this for a long time so you're do you co-mingle the primary mental health patients with a det or they in their own Wing they'll be in their own area we don't detox will be completely isolated in fact if you don't mind I'll walk over and just give you point it out we out I wish I had the BLS so so Jason before you do that let me just state that he did go and meet with a a contractor with an architect and with the build city of Stewart building official and walk this entire building to make sure that there wasn't going to be any substantial Renovations and it was determined that there was very little Renovations that had to take place for him to move in about here from here to here is detox with provider office nurses doctors there's a group room there over here sorry there you go over here here you got your commercial you got Spa bar amenities ands Therapy Room M unless anybody wants to go outside's this Beau ging boxes waterfalls putting green there so then you're going to have another set of Mag lock doors here this will be residential then you have back lock doors here this will be resal each one of these has its own dining area own recreational area living rooms complely separate then you have set of Mag do here you will have to theur station six to 10 about six to 10 mental health patients and then you'll have patients here that have moreal health issues called dual diagnosis patients and then the rest will be just resal alcohol treatment with this being that gives you a visual they will all be separated separate programs separate therapists separate group rooms separate activity rooms um they all have separate schedule times for the spa and uh auxillary Services chiropractic massage Physical Therapy things like that it is very unique I actually live down the street from a rehab AB uh Center that's completely wide open and I had some of the same concerns at first about security and things like that um but the reality it hasn't been what I thought it was going to be and that uh the people are there to get help uh versus being force and they can leave at any time at least for those folks so um I do un definitely understand the security concerns um but I do like how that this seems like and very handson a lot of a lot of of rehab centers um the owners aren't Hands-On my wife's the COO I'm the CEO we take calls 24 hours a day and if there's someone that is on the property that we feel is UN unhealthy for the other patients not withstanding the neighborhood we're going to discharge them refer them out to another facility because we don't want them compromising the other patients treatment first and foremost the safety of the patients and their well-being because they want to be there to change their life as our priority and if we make that our priority the surrounding neighborhood doesn't have to worry because if our patients are well and they're healthy they're not a threat to anybody and if someone's a threat for any reason they're going to be a threat to our patients way before the neighborhood and we're going to get them not only out of a facility we're going to get them out of the neighborhood so are they allowed to leave that was gonna be my question so Jason and I have um done this before so Jason what happens if someone wants to leave um it depends on the situation first we'll staff them clinically medically um you know find out the reasons for leaving are they wanting to leave because they want to drink or use drugs do they want to leave because their spouse serves them with divorce papers you know these are things we have to address and identify why um do you have some patients occasionally that say you know what I just want to drink and you guys can't stop me and I'm going to go find the nearest bar yes that does happen we can't hold them against their will if they're a danger to themselves um we can bakera them and we work with Port St Lucy hospital and New Horizons if we had to do so um but if they're not a a danger to other people and they're not a danger to themselves other than the fact that they're going to go drink and probably eventually die as a result of drinking and we have to let them go um we don't discharge them with if they came in with any narcotic substances medications we not hand those back to them um they they would have to get police involved and bring police for the police to order us to give them back and the police will usually destroy them at that point um so it's not I mean it's not it's not an issue we've never but is it literally like just open the doors and as you're saying they're not coming with cars so if you're discharging them maybe against medal we don't we don't discharge them like that if we discharge them we take them to a hospital Uber Uber yeah Uber exactly we take them to a hospital if we if we're administratively discharging them because they're disturbing bring the serenity of other patients or that we feel they're a threat then we'll take them to the appropriate place they'll either be bakera acted we'll take them to a hospital we don't open the door and say get out okay I think there was another audience member that had a question about like coming in and then staying in the area so like in Port St Lucy are most of your um residents patients are they from Port St Lucy and then they stay in Port St Lucy or are they coming in from Vero Palm Beach I would say about 50% of our patients are from the state of Florida 50% are from around the country so so half of them no they go back usually to where they came from some of them do say hey I want to make a new start can you recommend a good silver living where we can get a job and and you know start over and and make a fresh start down here um so it's not really a community thing that's going to be just really from Martin County it's going to be from people from all over correct I mean we will help everybody in Martin County but you know whether they come there or not I mean that's that's up to them do any of your other facilities currently collocate that detox rehab with the mental health in the same building so the detox no with the residential I have one property that has three buildings on it two of them are residential substance abuse and one of them is a license from AA and RTF residential mental health building so they have separate groups separate therapists but they are in the same property just not in the same housing not in the same groups and then this I don't think this is for you this may be for Mike or Jody if this uses approved for for these two things and then let's say detox Fades away and primary mental health becomes the thing this 140 beds could be primary mental health and then what's to prevent it from being bakera I I would be glad to put a restriction in the approval for that I have no issue with that like I said we have existing mental health and I'm opening a very beautiful upscale mental health uh in the city of Rockledge so so what are you willing to limit it to um let's say 12 12 12 12 mental health 12 mental health mental health and then is is there a restriction about Baker like I don't know what the terms are I'll agree to never be a baker receiving facility what did you say the classification of the other 88 you said8 mental health 24 detox and 88 other what are those rehab 88 residential alcohol and drug rehabilitation okay um I don't know if we have any other detox here in Martin County as this um facility yes yeah we do there's one uh Coastal detox on Indian Street Coral Shores okay right well I I I will share that um you know despite their concerns about us moving in the coastal detox is a far more upscale place than than Coral Shores is and far more reputable so um initially I had some of the same concern with regards to people hanging out but looking at the um the design of this place that gives me more comfort and I just want to say that um over the past three years I've come into contact with um males who are young productive people who have fallen into this alcoholism situation and it literally breaks my heart and there's a place of A1A here I don't know what it is on Sixth Street I think but in the mornings when I go to the gym at 7:00 and I I'll see 30 men and and just last week I was saying these are handsome good-look men they're just what what is what is this place these people should be productive they should be going to work you know we get so concerned about certain things that we want to throw everything out I think this is a great opportunity for our our community you know we we hold we'll hold this owner to what um you know what he says that he'll do and I mean there are people out there who need help and you know if it can help people in our community I know he's going to go a field to find the other 88 or you know a big part of it may be taking people from out of state or whatever but I think there's plenty in Florida yes well and just just so you know we frequently provide scholarships to people that seriously want help and they can't afford it and they've never been given a shot by anybody um you know there are patients has brought up before that are frequent rehab Hoppers they use their insurance card like a hotel card and stuff like that and if someone's not serious about our program we're going to refer them to somewhere else if they want to go and just use their insurance card as a free place to say then that they're not the right fit for us um additionally I think it's been stigmatized way too much that that people have the vision of the heroin addict under the bridge you know robbing people stuff like that so you have you have state funded programs you have not for-profits um where a lot of homeless people that are using drugs they go to keep warm to take a shower to get a meal um andan they're not there because they want to get sober they're just there to to clean up a little bit to get something to eat and those those aren't the type of patients that we treat not that we don't want to help them but not people that are there for ulterior motives people that are there because they truly want help and they want to change and when you see the difference in those people versus the people that are just using State funds as a means to you know take a shower get a free meal it's a very different type of patient so but your patients are um lowincome and homeless as well or no are they just private pay and um Insurance private pay and insurance so they're not really addressing like um Mrs shepher talked about like the people in the woods and Steward that we see that's that's not entirely true so if somebody shows a real passion we have people write letters requesting and applying for scholarships and if they show a true desire to change and they want to make a difference in their life then yes we will help them and we will give them scholarships but those people they have to work twice as hard we're not giving them something for free just for them to come in and take a shower and get a meal like like they do at other places um because there's a there's a thousand people standing behind them that that want help people that have lost their parents and they use drugs and alcohol as a way to cope because they're they're in such grief and they don't know where to turn and they have nobody to help them people like that we welcome into our facility and help out I don't know if this I I'm sorry I'm I have a lot of question doing this um so one of my questions before was that Martin County has zoning and I'm not sure if I'm even using the correct term for these facilities and they limit it to 75 beds and not within a half mile this butt Martin County and we don't have anything that I'm aware of in our codes if so why would we not limit it to 75 beds and or and we're also within that half mile so we're kind of breaking two of those rules and this is larger than it seems is standard so well I can speak to part of that first of all it's 85 units right and these were units for people for end of life to live there for a year two years three years and the units are very large so it's not 85 beds it's 85 units um some of those units you could fit eight bedrooms in eight beds in there I would never do that because I don't believe there should be more than two beds in a room um but they are set up for 85 units and to give you an example of some of the units they have a half wall that's probably eight feet high and then you've got about 120 square feet on each side of the half wall they each have their own private entrance and they have a common bathroom that they share that's considered one unit but that's easily one bed on each side that's the whole reason it was set up but the county limits to 75 people not beds or units or right it's 75 people I think according to the I don't know up um I could probably find it for you if you give me a moment but it is but isn't this maybe I'm confused this is the city St used to be Martin County and we don't have a code so why are we like doubling what's allowed and also doing it within half a mile when the county wouldn't do that and we don't have a code necessarily to speak of but I I guess maybe that's a I think the numbers I I I read out were about 116 not 140 not 160 so I'm getting much closer to that number of of the code that doesn't exist but I'm getting much closer to it6 so you're going to limit it to 116 people I'd hate to put that in writing but I it's what it's going to come out to be close to to one it it based on our plans for the bedrooms we're going to convert to therapy offices and stuff it look looks like we're going to end up having about 116 bets could it be 122 maybe could it be 112 yeah it's going to be somewhere but we won't that's not part of the yeah I mean ask for one yeah I don't I don't have an issue because it is a county Rule and this is the city um I think the the fact that the building's partitioned out it's almost like it's separate buildings in terms of how well it's interesting as you say that because that's how the State of Florida DCF views that and that's how they're going to be licensing it as well each Wing is going to have a separate independent license um and they'll each each uh Wing is also going to be accredited by Joint Commission separately as well too and just you know all of our current facilities have the highest level of accreditation that you can have yeah I think the the the biggest issues was the mental health and and how many beds in there um and again the the the true mental health we won't be treating at at this place these are for people that are treating their anxiety and depression with drugs and alcohol and the insurance company doesn't want to authorize them for substance abuse care why is it I didn't title that where is it on the agenda I mean because I didn't I didn't title it number one and number two because that would be one of the uses there I'm not going to pretend that it wouldn't be a use but as I've stated I'm willing to cap it at 12 beds um and I'm also willing to to put statements it will never be a baker act receiving facility so I don't think the title on a piece of paper that I didn't type is relevant when I'm saying that I'm willing to agree if it's approved in the order what I'm will to commit to I think the facts of what it will be is far more important than what the perception of a agenda says all right any other questions board member if I can just intervene real quick if I could just um with the plan development that he's requesting you can or we can work with the applicant to come up with that number and he be limited to um if that's something that the board would feel more comfortable with um instead of 140 just cart blanch it kind of breaks it down of what he's requesting um if that was if that's that the board's will I think maybe by the time that it goes to the city council um that we would have a specific number so that it's not just 140 obviously all of your comments will be conveyed to the commission and staud whatever motion ends up coming out of the the commission specifically but obviously we're sitting here listening to it and the intention is to you know find the correct balance and do the right B and I think that trying to negotiate it swinging on the floor is probably tough but what we're hearing is the board saying that there's tipping on the side of more than they want I don't know how many beds Cleveland Clinic has or how many rooms across the street can be treated at Cleveland Clin I know the building is significantly larger and so we obviously will find those balances and have them present to the commission as well well this that point not that it's it's entirely relevant but a facility of this size with bedrooms of this size with these type of amenities most operators if they were allowed to would have two to 300 people in there and they would be in there comfortably too because it's that large um there is a number and I don't know the exact number I know you guys are going to ask me at which the the finances of the deal don't become viable if there can't be a c amount beds proved um I don't say it has to be 140 it may be 116 it may be 122 but um it doesn't have to be you know there's there's I think 85 bedrooms so the 85 bedrooms if we put two patients a bedroom that'd be 170 patients I'm not requesting that at all so maybe what we could do is have a number not to exceed by the time talk yeah so how is that regulated like once how does the city of Stewart regulate that you keep 12 for mental health how do we know what the classification is on any given time there's 10 and some odd people there is somebody checking to make sure there's so many mental health approval the development order that's part of our licensing process which will go to AA which will go to DCF and they won't license for more than what the development order States has approved for and they come and do periodic checks and we have Audits and you know inspections and all those things competitors I mean I know in our code enforcement competitors help us maybe let us know if there's a issue what about uh you may not be able to answer this but my concern about the traffic impacts and the traffic study and how it was calculated I again may not be you maybe Brad can help well first of all we we have um well first of all over 50% of our patients are picked up either at uh Palm Beach Fort Lauderdale or Orlando Airport and they're transported in in uh like Sprinter vans um so that there's not any cars coming in that aspect patients that are dropped off by family um they're may be there for 30 minutes to an hour and that's not you know we're not doing 50 admissions a day you might do a handful of admissions a day and more than half of them are picked up at the airport you may have one or two family drive-ins um and as far as the employees like I said you're never going to have more than 30 35 employee cars there at any time because you've got people working 38 hour shifts so if you take the 110 employees and this is where we we were seven days a week but let's assume it's five just for the math you take 110 divide it by three what is that 35 roughly so that's 35 employee cars that would be there at any given time and you figure my car and my wife's car so that's you know we usually ride together at 36 37 but now you average it over seven days now you're looking at 25 to 30 cars maximum a time if not less so you'll you'll find the parking lot will be relatively empty um and employees will be parking out back and the front of it I mean you would almost think it's going to be a vacant building the way will operate it and the fact that there's so much parking in the back because all the staff's going to park in the back and there's really just a ton of parking um in the front and you've got a retail shopping center right next to us and I'm going to assume that the people in the retail shopping center are using more of our spaces in the front than we are because they're full all the time next door um the times that I've went there and toward the building with building officials and different things um the only people that are parked in that parking lot granted it's not open is the Overflow from the shopping center next door um that place is always packed so I can give a little more um definitive answer so we use the um it International Transportation engineer manual to determine trips and believe it or not the it manual does not have drug and alcohol rehab as a use so the closest thing that we could get to was an assistant living facility which is what's there now I thought that was interesting that it was I mean there there's got to be a difference in Impact it's it may be minor and I may be overblowing this but the fact that just a traffic statement saying oh we're going to equate it to this and then to see that the way the trip generation study at peak hour was actually over the 20 makes me think like why don't we do a traffic analysis and again takes a little more time but a level of comfort increases when you see okay the peak hours aren't as high as we thought a traffic analysis meaning actually count the trips well it because that would be the only way to do it because there's no calculation for it let me point out something real quick so we have our average length of stay is approximately 43 days so if you take 43 days and you divide that by 100 120 patients you're looking at roughly two admissions a day so that that three admissions a day that I mean that's the amount of traffic coming into the place not in addition to the employees and I'd be glad to show census numbers and statistics back all of that stuff up as well and and like I also said more than half of those admissions we're picking up at the airport in one of our vans and bringing them in any other questions so we need to make a motion first right so uh do we have someone make a motion yeah we'll get to that you want to do it now we can do uh do you have any public contented that there's no need for public comment if there's no motion because there's nothing to comment on right however the board of commission the City commissioners regularly hold public comment before motions because you know they whatever reasons they want to hear the comments the motion under parliamentary procedure technically the motion is for discussion anyway so be a motion for discussion then you vote afterward but yeah it's not the vote for discuss okay uh second I'm sorry I didn't hear who made the motion okay sorry about that what was it a motion to for the discussion motion for approval but to discuss it discuss discussed it okay yeah so we'll wait we'll wait let's do the public comment first do we have any public so there's a motion on the floor and then we can we're so let's go to public comment okay so Ross Tucker so this is my first time attending one of these and I I think this is great um I do want to say that uh being in the industry for six years um Mr arriman does have a a good reputation right um and he's we've you know hired staff back and forth and um I think what he's doing is incredible I don't think you're in this business unless you really do care and he's absolutely right at his level in his position being as involved as he is his phone's ringing 247 so you know he cares I genuinely believe believe that but being raised by um these two I also believe that while they care um they also so are satisfied with what they have being enough and I'm just talking about metaphorically uh business-wise right so the other thing uh what was your name sir Mike Mike Mike brought up this is not about the zoning right this is about the the land use right so we're getting into we're getting into so much zoning we're in the Z we are in the zoning okay got it well a lot of the points that he made up obviously he's trying to sell you guys on you know why he should be given the opportunity but I do believe that you know the numbers that he given were not accurate right we're a 35 bed impatient facility and we have 80 employees right which is a pretty fair number I think we could have more and we're trying to have more uh but it's extremely difficult to hire staff medical staff uh in particular and as we know our Hospital systems are overrun uh and they are understaffed and they're having problems they're paying crazy numbers to bring in nurses from out of state temporary placements and that's what we're struggling with the most so by bringing in this facility it would severely hurt us from a staff standpoint obviously being a half mile down the street um and again luckily we we do need help there's a massive problem in this in this country and in the world quite frankly um that you touched on by that you're seeing it uh two things there one his facility wouldn't be helping those people right his facility is going to be treating really high-end out of network cash pay like he said higher-end individuals of which you know they can go all over the country there are facilities that are treating that we do not need that we need more facilities that are going to treat exactly what you're talking about underserved people who can't afford treatment necessarily uh luckily we're in a position being in network so we you know people can get on uh Medicare and Medicaid programs and we are allowed we can treat them right so we are helping those people we're only at 82% capacity throughout the year we have the ability to to treat more people we Market locally and I'm directly in charge of that that's my responsibility we're marketing to Port St Lucy hop sound Stewart Jupiter West Palm Beach and we do a good job we're very happy and you know we have the ability to help more people thank you for your time but uh again he's marketing he's getting people from out of out of state he's going to be bringing people in I don't necessarily think we need that you guys luckily you have to make the tough decision the the good thing is is there absolutely right it's a beautiful facility all right yeah thank time do we have other comments that is all okay would you like to respond I think you have to P out a card I just had a really quick response to the Staffing um we do have a corporate headquarters in Jupiter Florida so the count of staff was just the on-site treating Personnel I I'm assuming I I don't know for sure but the staff count he probably quoted was related to his entire operation whereas we have separate corporate offices for all those other positions right and they're a higher level of care with detox where they require more but are your isn't it 84 detox beds no no 24 24 detox beds so I just wanted to to just say that one more time that I believe their facility is 100% detox detox is a much higher level of care would require more staff people not I also don't want us to start deing and yeah that's fine other buses all right I think we have one more comment parking spaces again we have 35 impatient beds we have 57 parking spaces and we continually have problems with our neighbors The Physician Offices in front of our PUD that are people are parking in their spaces continually that's the first thing so I don't understand how 87 parking spaces will be enough and then the 45 days stay the way that the levels of care work is it's detox and residential which and which they talked about having I forget how many beds but more 45 beds of the other levels which are the lower levels of care which are partial hospitalization intensive outp and and outpatient all of those levels of care according to DCF are allowed to come and go as they please and allowed to have visitors as they please so I just wanted to bring that to allowed to have visitors allowed to have visitors if approved encouraged to have visitors as a matter of fact family sessions encouraged to have visitors um so not having saying people are NE not coming and going not allowed to leave is not possible if it's not a lock down facility and the parking spaces again in the employees 35 impatient beds we have 80 employees that's that's 140 beds with 110 employees the numbers don't add up I agree they're doing a great thing we're doing the same thing it's a needed thing I'm not sure that we want to do it in Martin County to bring people from all over the country for that many people and that much traffic to our area that's it I'm I'm not going to go back and forth and debate with a competitor someone I just referred patients to last week there's no point um but to answer one of the questions we're not doing IOP or partial hospitalization where they come and go as they please to this location so that's a non-issue all right one so so I um out of everyone that's spoken I probably know the least about drug rehab facilities but I can tell you that the what we see um I've been told is called a Florida model where the getting the approval to get treatment and and live in the same place where you're getting treatment is an issue it's a considered a medical facility and most municipalities limit where that can happen so what Florida what what the drug industry drug rehab industry has done is they've created a a doctor's office where people go and visit every day and then they've created these houses that are in the middle of people's um neighborhoods and and I once had an attorney tell me his name is Jim green is a a pretty famous attorney down in in West Palm Beach he said you can't stop a group home from going anywhere any place in the entire country because it's Americans with Disabilities Act and so I said you're telling me in the most expensive neighborhood I could put you know six or seven unrelated people and it could be a house for for people going through drug rehab and he said yes and so that model is people live in one spot they get picked up every morning and take to where they get their treatment and then take them back so there's a lot of busting back and forth plus you have people unrelated living in neighborhoods one of my goals was always to try to have that together in one spot because I think it's better for the neighborhoods I think it's a better a higher level of care where people can go get their treatment walk down the hall and get their their food and then walk to their bedroom that's what we're trying to do here so I think it's out of all of the options that are available for people going through this um this process this drug and alcohol rehab and mental health having one place where they get all of their services I think is Extreme ex important so I just wanted to to to say that that I think it's you know we talk about intensity and density having everyone in one place is actually less intense less dense than busting them back and forth thing Jim green I know very well he actually sued the city of boa ran for Vi violating the Ada Stuart I but I wasn't behind any of those for Bo or for Stewart for that matter um you got me off track with that um the reality is is despite their oppositional comments to what I'm trying to do I respect Coastal detox I respect the work they do and whether I open this facility or not Brad made a point um everybody and their grandmother's looking to get into this industry because they think there's high-profit margins you've got private Equity groups you've got um hedge funds you got people that all they look at is bottom lines and they're coming in here they don't care about patients they throw them out they don't they don't care about anything but the bottom line they don't care if their patients die so whether it's this facility or another one people are going to acquire as many properties as they can and they're going to buy houses like Brad said they're going to line residential neighborhoods they're going to get PHP and IOP housing which I do have a PHP and IOP program up in Port St Lucy and that's where they would transition to after they complete our inpatient program here but they're going to keep doing it and they're bad actors as far as I'm concerned I'd rather there be organizations like Coastal and myself that supply enough that where the demand can be met um because otherwise you're going to get foreigners from out of town coming in that are opening these these facilities with the wrong intentions so while you're still there um can I know you don't want to do the comparison with the Staffing but it sounds jarring to me can you explain um your functionality that would um allow this L I'll give you an example our case loads which is how the maximum amount of patients we assign to one therapist is eight right so no therapist has more than eight patients at any given time so we have 14 therapists there right if you do the math 8 time 14 now these aren't all the clinical people but 8 time 14 I believe is 112 um that's what we're we plan on starting off with then you've got two case managers you've got three clinical leads so you really got 17 so 17 time 8 is um I'm tired someone could do the math but 17 time 8 what is that 115 17 time 8 so you so you've got therapists for5 patients plus you got a clinical D 136 plus you got a Clinical Director a director of client services so ratios are covered there as far as bhts those are behavioral health technicians which are there to check on their well-being uh make sure they're getting out of bed getting to group you know just helping facilitate we've got 34 of those we're not traveling off site we're not taking them to outside uh 12ep meetings we have what's called hospitals and institution Alcoholics Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous bringing meetings in so we don't need the amount of staff um and I I'm not going to speak on their organization their operation and and how they run I'm not going to try to analyze it but I could just break down our numbers for you we've got a total of 23 nurses if you think about that if you got 120 patients that's one nurse per six patients I mean think about a hospital you got one nurse for a two nurses for a floor of 40 patients so if anybody sees in the spreadsheet any staffing ratios that are off please let me know so I can get with our HR department our coo and tell them that they're wrong but when I look at these numbers um you know we have one executive chef one head chef and seven Sue chefs why do we need more than nine chefs in one enclosed facilities major restaurants don't have that many chefs and Jason part of your licens in does it look at your Staffing and determine if your Staffing is appropriate for as part of your license oh absolutely there state requirements there's jco requirements for our national accreditation that we have to meet and adhere to oh and and this isn't an end all Beall this is just an initial budget I mean I'm not spending too much money till I know that it's approved you know this would allow the applicant to give a brief re to the public com a little all right so so I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to move us along I think um what I like to do is I'd like to make a motion to approve with three caveats or three stipulation but any of the other board members can okay so any want to make a motion caveat if you'd like to speak of your cave so let me tell what the let me tell you what the the caveats are um before we make a motion um one I think there should be a not to exceed number that you should determine before you go before the uh the commission an overall number yeah well it's not to exceed so regardless of how many you open it we will not have more than this number of patients whether it's a mix of the rehab detox and mental health um the second one is no more than 12 mental health uh I guess is a beds or what is it and then the third is uh never to be a baker act I think you also agreed to that uh facility and what was your not to exceed number um they need to come up with that uh prior to to uh bringing it to the uh commission I think you said it was probably about a 112 116 whatever but a number where you know because you have the space you're not just going to add another 100 people in there so does somebody want to make a motion to approve you made a motion right I I can't make the motion to approve I make a motion to approve second do have a second died for a lack of second if there's no second what's that it died for a lack of second if there's no second all right can I second Al second did you pass the gabble to Mr strong Mr strong all in yep got it y okay so um staff will you call the vote please a motion there's any further discussion the board before just for the record there any further discussions and I I think regulating the limitation on this is going to be hard I think that the parking is an issue I think that we're bringing people if this was helping people in our community I totally agree I volunteer at laaya there are so many people who are suffering with mental illness and Drug addictions and alcohol and maybe we make accommodations to increase traffic and increase beds for our Martin County people but to do it for people not that they don't deserve treatment but perhaps this isn't the right place for it here in our County I guess I look at the uh facility is built and it's unoccupied and it's vacant um so that's concerning to me I also look at the jobs um that will Pro provide the local jobs um for our community and uh the mental health aspect and that uh I think you said half are from Florida half are from out of state so people could be local is there any chance to like Target and like local I'm not I'm not in the um business of that at all but I know that the uh Federal discrimination laws and equal protection requirements Mr Green that they referred to uses that discussion a lot prevents them from excluding being anybody based upon protected reasons so they would by law be required to allow people under the Commerce Clause of the Constitution um however obviously um it's more likely that they're going to be treating people of a local nature or else they could just have the building they're already in or whatever one building could be in the center of anywhere and people could fly to it all the time just like car dealerships you know the Porsche dealership in West Palm Beach could sell Porsches to everybody in the whole state of Florida but they move up the state because they want to be closer to where the customers are and quite frankly I I don't know that it's going to make a difference one or the other but it's likely that they're moving here because they've recognized a customer base and demand and that it'll end up being their primary source and obviously that it's a nice location so when they're marketing it they can get the other people to say look at beautiful Stuart Florida and 50% as mentioned are from the state um most of those are within a 60 mile radius and we're going to have a big grand opening where every therapist every psychiatrist and neologist I'm sorry um will be invited so we're trying to encourage more growth within the area not only that but um I don't know how many of you are familiar with addiction but a recovered drug addict and alcoholic or some of the hardest working um most integral people you can find and the people that do relocate from here out of state will help fill some of the gaps that that like competitors mentioned the workforce is a problem it's a problem I think for most if not all Industries so you've got restaurants that have needs you've got Hospital workers that have needs when you've got these rehabilitated people that are especially if they're in the medical field in transportation they're in a required to be in a monitoring program for three years so you get people relocating from different states that have professional trades that now you can add to the workforce where people are short that's just another added benefit Plus in addition like I said 50% are um from the state of Florida and they're within a 60 M radius thank you we have a motion in a second clerk will you call the vote board member Forbes yes board member strong no board member Peterson no and board member bramfield yesl vot a two two vote no you keep it I think she keeps it right get pass the you want it or not the the agenda item is over so he would return the gamble unless he has some kind of desire to keep it pretty nice um and the uh as far as the vote is concerned the uh matter will fail for failure to um get three affirmative votes but because you voted on it there's no reason to have it return unless there was a motion to have them come back and do another presentation but it'll just go to the commission with your recommendations and it'll have a uh notation on it that it was how it voted okay all right so uh staff do you have any information to share with the board not at this time all right meeting adjourn I meting e