##VIDEO ID:c3kRggIB_jI## uh and uh thank you all for joining welcome and I think we go to roll call okay chair Len Vice chair Forbes pres board member bramfield pres board member Mathers here board member Peterson here board member rard here and board member strong here all right uh we're going to leave with the Pledge of Allegiance got two flags I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible and Justice all all right thank you um we also have a new board member so we'll have to have the uh board members stand and uh we have Lee here to uh his oath me down there up here she gave you so you can read along instead of having to repeat after me it might be a little easier so I'm gonna go ahead and start if you'll raise your right hand sir uh I uh Jack Renard I jack Renard am qualified under the Constitution I'm con qualified under the Constitution laws of Florida and the code of ordinances for the city of Stewart Florida local code of ordinance of the city of Steward of Florida to serve as a member of the local planning agency serve as a member of the local planning agency and that I will well and Faithfully perform the duties of an Advisory Board member and that I will well and Faithfully perform the duties of an Advisory Board member on which I'm about to enter so help me God which I'm about to enter so help me God and before you leave tonight we'll need to get your signature on it for it yeah thanks all right thank you welcome Jack um so next up we have I need a motion to approve the agenda move second all in favor I all right um is there any public cond uh comment on that motion no all right um I need a request uh for a motion to approve the minutes move approval second all in favor all right um so now we have uh comments from the public and so uh you should have filled out a blue card if you have it do we have I don't have any okay oh wait you got one you would please turn it in sir non agenda yeah and this is non- agenda right so not related to uh the agenda items is that correct sir okay so uh we'll hold off on that yes until uh that that time um all right uh next is uh comments from the board any comments from the board for me no all right I just like to add this thank you all board members um you know this is a something that you volunteer your time for uh Jack being new and Y you were you were new last time I'm just want to say thank you for uh serving your city appreciate it all right um so next we have the agenda items uh there was a change on some of the agenda items uh we are only going to be talking about the first agenda conditional use will not be part of this meeting it was uh basically an oversight from uh one of the other crb boards so the uh first item that we have up to date is uh let make sure I'm on the right page chair Forbes I'd be happy to read it into the go ahead if you would M all right so this is the title is 710 Martin Luther King Boulevard rezone to business mixed use zoning district and it's ordinance number 2532 d224 in ordinance of the city Commission of the city of of Stuart Florida amending the city's official zoning map to rezone a 2.4 acre parcel located at 710 Martin Luther King Boulevard being more described in exhibit a attached from commercial plan unit development cpud to business in and use bmu zoning designation providing directions to the city clerk providing for repeal of all ordinances in Conflict providing for an effective date and for other purposes all right so uh do we go right into the uh the presentation the yeah so we'll go ahead Jody right we'll go into the presentation on the item uh good evening board members uh and chair uh tonight we're going to just kind of walk through the background of this particular property and how we are at today's meeting we discussing the rezoning we have ourc director panal and she's going to kind of walk through the timeline of what has happened since to to today good evening uh panal Gandhi savda C director for the record uh I just want to walk you through uh the process of how we got here City and the CRA has been working on this project since 2001 2021 um so the project was initiated when the governor announced that there was going to be a cdbg covid grant um that was going to be available able to the communities it was a 5 billion in federal funding that was made available to states to prevent prepare for and respond to economic impact uh from the pandemic and then the her HUD which is federal government partnered with the state government uh which is known as the Florida commerce to administer the grant um the grant became available to communities um throughout the state and then the city decided that we wanted to pursue this grant there were some opportunities that we could use this gr grant for uh to help with economic development during that time uh we published a a notice in the newspaper that we were pursuing this grant because we wanted public input um so we had two public hearings back in February 2021 um to hear ideas from people as to what we should apply for um and there were certain activities we could apply for it was limited to um activities that actually responds to a pandemic uh some of the activities included acquisition construction rehab of buildings uh assistance to businesses Public Services um project planning which could be design or doing studies um so we did hear ideas from people and then the commission did recommend that we go ahead and move forward with the application uh to acquire the wiie Gary property for a job training center and create jobs for the community um so we submitted the application back in March 2021 um this property was for sale at that time but again we couldn't do anything until we applied for the grant and we were actually going to get the grant so we were just applying and see what happens um and then in 2022 we found out that 23 communities uh were receiving grant for economic growth and we were one of those communities and we actually received the most amount of Grant um at that time so then um in 2023 we went ahead and executed agreement um with Florida Commerce in January 2023 um now that we had the agreement we started the negotiation process to acquire uh the Willie Gary property uh which is um on in on MLK in the East stward neighborhood uh as we started working through the process we realized that um that it wasn't cost feasible to rehab the building we actually have to move forward with Demolition and new construction um so then I went to the state and I said hey we need more money uh we need an additional 1.5 million if we want to do new construction they said hey great we would love to fund this project uh so we received a total of $6.2 million for this project um we had to go through the environmental review process uh which took almost a year uh we had to meet all the federal and state regulations um and then finally we received an authorization to use Grant funds uh in December 2023 so we couldn't really we couldn't even acquire the property we were just doing our due diligence up to uh last year and then we acquired the property for 1.6 million in January 2024 uh we went out for RFP and contracted with Kim Le horn to prepare design and then um we decided that we wanted to partner with project lift um for to provide the service at this new facility so uh the board approved a memor of understanding to partner with project lift and then we last last month we had a meeting uh in the East Dart neighborhood um to discuss the preliminary site plan and receive their feedback on the site plan um and then just on Tuesday we had the crb meeting um to uh uh uh show the site plan and get their approval uh we did get a a 51 vote from the crb to move forward with the project and here we are today uh we're requesting approval for rezoning from cpud to bmu uh we're planning to go to City commission uh end of this month and then the second meeting on September 9th um so um we're hoping for approval on this project uh and if we get approval we'll move forward with the site and building permits um in September fall of this year we'll advertise for bid to construct the project in October 2024 uh hopefully we'll award the contract by November 2024 and start construction early 2025 complete construction by January 2026 and close out the grant by March 2026 so that's a timeline for our project and we're hoping uh to get your support for rezoning application thank you um so we have to make a motion right to to discuss or is it discuss first let I'll interject I think we still will have some um some presentation from development director on the actual resoning issues and thank you for your patience I normally don't share this meeting so I appreciate your uh good evening for the record my name is Jody Couer I'm the development director um tonight we are here to discuss discuss item four which is a rezoning for 710 Southeast Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard from amending the official zoning map from cpud which is a commercial plan development to Res Zone to a business mixed use bmu this is the required notice that was sent out um we sent letters within 300 ft of the subject property the property was posted with three different signs and the affidavit stating that the requires requirements were met this is the overall area of where the project is located if you see it's highlighted in blue the property is located at 710 Southeast Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard and at the property is located at the intersection of Martin Luther King Boulevard and Tarpin Avenue the total acres is 2.4 and is within the CRA and East Stewart overlay District just to give you a little bit background uh back in 2023 uh of February this the city commission adopted the form based code uh for East Stewart neighborhood and the purpose of the code was to encourage Redevelopment infill development Small Business Development affordable housing and work preservation and restoration to Pro to promote stability within the East Stewart neighborhood within the uh East Stewart overlay District uh section Land Development code section 3.2.2 adopted a regulating plan which identified three zoning districts within the East Stewart neighborhood neighboring District zoning code um as you can see the one highlighted in yellow is the request um that they're requesting to reone it is the business mixed juuse zoning district and this district is appropriate for areas that Encompass traditional business area AB budding the souths side of Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard uh this meets the requirements um for where this property is located you also uh there is two other districts uh which is the general residential which is known as The Grow zoning district and single family and duplex this is the regulating plan uh as you can see in circled in the um uh bold uh black line uh circle is the property in question um as you can see it is a CP UD today uh the only pink light pink Square the property is requesting to go back to go to a dark Square color which is consistent with the district again this is the existing zoning map with the cpud and this is the proposed zoning map which is consistent with the neighboring property the property is in the uh future land use is the East Stewart land use designation uh which uh the purpose of that is to designation applies only to land areas within the Stuart community redevelopment area and in designation within Pacific historical africanamerican district and adjacent land areas General uses permitted include low density residential multifam residential office commercial recreation and mixed use projects uh this is the ordinance that our attorney just read and St is recommending uh the local planning Agency for a recommendation of approval to the city Stewart City commission to amend the official zoning map to from commercial planning and development to business mixed use this is my presentation and if you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them okay um so we go to uh comment com comment we have one how many do we have we have one comment okay and uh so you get three minutes to uh make a comment and uh there's no like question and answer it's just uh to be able to make your comment so you want to call the first okay okay very good yeah if they want to comment first is that if you want to go to public comment yeah we'll go to public comment go ahead if if I'm doing something out of order Lee um I I would suggest that you entertain motions and and and and if the uh board has any questions for the staff who gave a presentation I'm sorry sir well be one one minute no no and there's the applicant is here okay um that's going to run project lift and um they they are not presenting any but if you have any questions for them or the staff okay that would be time and then I would probably entertain motions and then before you vote and have public comment come up all right so we need to make a motion first to unless any of the board members have questions for the staff or so we'll got questions then from the from the board any questions for I have a question um is it is a reason it needs a zoning change because it's in a special district or could this not go through as a CP uh um chair um and board member yes right now the current uh commercial planned unit development is expired okay so it has to Res it has to Res to something so uh when staff looked at this it was more appropriate to be straight zoning which is the uh bmu which is what it was adopted through the form based code okay and then I did have a question how long was it uh a gas station like not basically not being used how long has it been I I've been here almost two years and I know the gas station hasn't been and fruition I think the CRA could probably answer that better than I could yeah I I I have a com I have lived here for 30 years I have lived here 30 years and the gas station has never been in use and I've always feel grieved that such a beautiful property with with it's just a beautiful property just sits there and it's in waste so it's been a long time thank you I have a comment more for the board a lot of the stuff in our item packet doesn't apply to what we're discussing it's for the conditional use the site plan all the kimley horn reports doesn't really apply to what we're discussing yeah it's just uh just a zoning zoning y okay I'm sorry I don't know that I understand so the old zoning expired so we have to do a new zoning but why would we not keep the former designation what's the difference between what was allowed there wouldn't allow um project lift to operate this as a training center under the cpud uh chair and right uh board member Peterson that is a good question so if you go back to a commercial plan unit development then some of the requirements for like the street Scapes and the frontage and the way that's located The Pedestrian walkways that's were adopted in the form based code would not really apply to this site so you do want to make sure that we that was the whole purpose of adop opting the code at that time in 2023 was to show those connectivities and beautify the property and add more walkability throughout the site so this will conform when they do the new streetcape on Martin Luther then it will kind of integrate with that is that the plan yes when when the city will coming through with the uh Martin Luther King beautification project that's going to come through within the next couple years um this will conform to those and the easements will be dedicated at that time during the site plan process any other questions uh just comment um I know it's not related to zoning but I know the partner the city is working with project Lyft is a phenomenal organization and uh they've done a lot of pretty incredible things in the area so uh I'm I'm pretty excited to see this all right any other I have another comment I was born in Jamaica and um there we we have lots of vocational um offerings and it has always grieved me because there's no provision for people who don't really go to college and I've observed in the time that I've lived here I have said how horrible it is that people who don't desire to go to college don't have any options I have brothers who live here who have actually lived with me they're not great readers they're not even very very educated but they came from Jamaica with excellent building skills they can build from the ground up and they have never had any problems being very self-sufficient financially because they always have jobs they they have become homeowners because they have great skills and great jobs so I am just wanting to to to to see this happen because I think it will be a good thing not everybody wants to go to college but I think everybody need to be able to have a a good um living and I am hoping that this project being right there in the neighborhood because I think there have been other offerings or suggestions but it was always stated that the places that theyve wanted to do this was not within reach of the local um neighborhood and this would afford young young people to walk there and get vocational training so I'm hoping it's a positive thing and everybody sees it a positive thing thank you any other comments I think we make a motion right and then we we have public comment is that yeah Jer asking whether anybody has a motion and want to make a motion I move approval second second all right favor before you vote then don't V all right now we can public comments all right thank you uh James Chris my name is James Christie and I appreciate opportunity to address um the board on this issue and I want to make a few comments I will not be over three minutes but um to Mr Broomfield it's not a positive for everybody regarding the zoning change particularly the community and as I just heard the conversation uh people don't even know the timeline of the store what happened I own the business in the store okay I own the record store in the particular property and it has not been 30 years since the gas station has been dismantled but I'm very disappointed I'm hearing information about this property but no one even knows the history of the property I'm speak for some of the black community of East Stewart I was born and raised in East Stewart went to school walked the streets did everything we have seven people here today that was born in E storeart still Liv there that's been there for decades multiple decades 50 60 years and this what's happening with the zoning change we are opposed to it a few things with this timeline I I think the city s just brought the property but I'm hearing that all the way in 2021 there were plans made for the property and I'm not I'm real shaking on that timeline that's being presented regarding how this originated but to make a long story short the gar property easto is a historic property for eastor for the black community easto which is pro predominantly black and for the city to come in and Pros changes that will affect us we have no we have a big problem with that I'm not against the owner project live I think it's a great program like you said it's very good but we want things in these store that's going to be an economic engine for the people of East Stewart and we feel the CRA money is being generated by each St but used according to how everybody else wants is our desire that that property whatever it changes to benefits their citizens of East Store where the money is being driven as the city looks at the history of what how easto came about it wasn't a place that we decid to live there it was a place that we were forced in pushed in E was a uh what's what's called A Sundown Town St Was A Sundown town so the history we was kind of forced to be there but now it's being taken away from us we feel when these meetings are held and decisions are made uh or we we call a meeting the other the other day the members of the CRA board didn't even know about the zoning and you expect to call one meeting and explain everything and you guys always say all the community was on board no the community wasn't the community does not want this the community wants something that's going to benefit them so we have big opposition we want to get on record we want to be loud and clear we're not saying it can't be done but there there could be changes and there could be a compromise also so we wanted to just make that very clear that's it thank you I appreciate your comments um can we ask additional questions or we uh we have to move to vote you me to ask questions of the staff um yeah just make comments or make comments sure if you have any comments or you want just more more comments um I definitely want to say that that I I hear what you're saying and I did look into the history and I do understand it I'm not going to discuss it here but I understand A lot's happened into that area and I look at at both the good and bad and and every decision ision because there's always going to be somebody who's happy and there's always going to be somebody who's not happy with the decision that you make um you know and it definitely means a lot that you're from the committee and my or from the community and my understanding is that that uh the city did reach out to to get uh feedback uh on the project you know the the the thing that I also look at it is economically what it is now in terms of the gas station and the reason why I asked how long is because I didn't know exactly how many years or decades it was but I did know the history of of who had owned it before and the history of East Stewart and the businesses were that were there right and um it it just doesn't seem like anything viable has has come to replace it uh within that community and that's a shame right that's a shame in terms of uh of the community and so I also look at the other side of it of of how do we how do we improve the community right and and definitely investment is is is an important part of that and it it can't necessarily be every investment that you say Hey you know why couldn't we open up a store why couldn't we put a gas station back there right um it has to be uh economically viable obviously and and and nothing has gone in there to to replace that for some time but what I also look at is I I've seen the building and I've been there and and I see the state that it's in now right and that that's a shame also in terms of of of kind of how the building uh has fared over time uh but I definitely appreciate and understand you being in the community and the feelings that you have uh having liveed there so I just want to say that that out loud that it that you know regardless of how we vote and again this vote it it still has to go to the commission right so how however the board members vote um it still has to go to the commission we're just making a recommendation can I make one more comment absolutely J can you put up the slide showing the three zoning districts so of these three to me that one likely provides the most economic impact whatever goes in there whether it's project lift or not that gives the most flexibility for that property to become an economic engine for the community um so I just want to point that out I have another comment and um yes the mix use will allow the property to have maximum use and I I'm wondering what is a better way to benefit a community than to provide the youngsters with training and skills I I would I would have loved to hear Mr Christie make some suggestion as to what he is thinking but as you know we are only considering the the the change of the usage and the mix use does allow for a more diverse usage of the property I have great um affection for my neighborhood steuart E Stewart neighborhood and I can appreciate the concern and whenever there's changes we all are anxious because change is not comfortable to any of us but I don't know exactly how long that property has been empty but it's been over 20 years it's been a long time it's been too long it is something that I notice every time I drive by I say why is this beautiful property just sitting here so my question is which is probably a rhetorical question but what is a better way to use a property than to provide training and skills for our youth appreciate your comment any other comments before we move to a vote Yes yeah and again this is always tough you know uh anytime you got the public and there's going to be development however one thing everybody needs to understand uh we're a Advisory board so we will pass along if we vote for it against it it's merely being transmitted to the city okay commission um I would say you have an opportunity that if anybody has some feelings or something that you see could go Ary uh as the gentleman spoke here uh don't be afraid of putting it up here on the record uh to our board uh because it gets distributed not only through our board but the staff's and it gets uh to the commission and uh so you do have an opportunity of anything you feel or uh such that by no means don't feel uh you know uh scared to step up and you know put it of record that helps the whole Community for whatever your input is okay because again uh we understand it's going into a community and uh if we can't listen to the community then uh you know we probably shouldn't be doing things unless the community has an input and I have all faith in the city of Stewart and the staffs that they will do their best to work with you uh you just don't be afraid to approach them okay uh and I'm sure they the Commissioners will be glad to uh you know get your input and so that it comes out for the community as well as for the use that's being intended so uh just if you feel free to step up let us know anymore uh certainly that's why we're here uh so but definitely don't don't give up on dealing with the you know Community uh dealing with the city staffs and stuff okay because they've got a ways to go before it's GNA be built all right any other comments I was I'd like to say something we have some time before the um the commission actually votes on this again we're an Advisory Board it's just on the zoning come up with other Solutions other things and I one of the other suggestions that I would make again outside the purview of The Zo zoning which is all that we're considering today is maybe look at the length of the lease I know a lot of times the city is doing 40-year leases maybe we don't need 40 years maybe we need five years or 10 years or um something shorter to see because the needs of the community changes so maybe this is something to get some Education and Training into the community now but maybe in 10 or 15 years it's something different um and maybe there are some businesses or something that now we've got a more Vibrant Community more vibrant than it already is that maybe can support some businesses there that maybe right now we need the training but maybe in five or 10 years those needs change um so maybe talking to the commission about keeping the length of the lease a little shorter and giving your input as to some Alternatives and suggestions all right any other questions um so let's go ahead and take the uh the roll call or the uh roll on the motion uh I believe it's you in all in favor correct go ahead go out of order um yeah if you want to do all in favor and if there are any opposed after that okay do it that way all right all in favor yes I I I yes maybe clarify seemed like everybody was but maybe anybody post uh motion carries uh I think that was our last agenda item correct so um staff do you have any information to share the board not at this time thank you all right well I'm going to go ahead and adjourn the meeting thank you very much again everybody for for coming