all right good evening everybody Welcome to uh planning board meeting we're upstairs in the wh room council chambers as usual goes Council counc um let me just call me order uh sure chairman Zer here Vice chairman Bon Alvarez is excused this evening Mr scar here Mr f is excused council member hand is excused Mr jori here MC here Mr forelli is excused Mr Stern Mr B is excused Miss B you have a quum you may proceed all right um so just so I know that my vote counts now yes so I won't put the we do all right uh time for adequate notice in accordance with New Jersey statute 10 4-10 adquate notice of this meeting has been provided through a newspaper of record and has been post here in City Hall please be advised this is a no smoking building fire exits are not to my right they're actually out of this building and then down to the right um and to the left in the back of this room um this is a scheduled meeting of the planning board there may be other meetings currently running simultaneously with this meeting if you're not here for some planning board your meeting may be upstairs or elsewhere actually downstairs or elsewhere in this building um at this [Music] time flag a flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all um next on the agenda uh is if we have any any contribution or any updates on changes share a quick update thank you Mr spur so um Jennifer Paul and I I've had an opportunity to a number of times via Zoom to outlay the process of we hope we on will endeavor to collect input around group potention group and so that has at least to date started with sisting input from a variet stakeholders most importantly our professionals U Tom and others in Christmas Place um helping to identify some opportunity for approvement there as well as the advisor reps HPC environmental commission and others so uh we're working towards delivering or sharing maybe initially email a summary of our findings to date and then what we would imagine doing is taking as a with your direction Mr Zucker since priorization action third of the year or so we have the time so kind of collecting all the inputs at the moment we'll set some priorization and then we can decide yes no good thank very you have sense of finding when like this initial due diligence yeah I think we'll get that based on at least my portion we've kind of divided divided amongst ourselves um I've asked for input for example government permission by the July 22nd meeting so next month a sense of what their priorities are we look to them all together and to the degree that we want sub take acation we can but I would imagine certainly as we've discussed among ourselves is resource so I think the goal is to exit summer say SE so whatever action want to take because to propose actual CH to Dr the judge whether or not on our agend Etc so I think we need to build that muscle our rtin over time we keep thank you so much anybody else have any questions I would say there probably also be other ordinance changes not related to the so there may [Music] be I can speak justly so cross acceptance is a process by which the state coordinates with the county and loc municipal to make sure everyone's planning is in coordination I think the state's supposed to do it every 3 years but 21 years later here we are and we are now going to wait for them to release the plant we've been in touch with the county and there is a template Tom baren uh has taken to St the first layer of the template but that will eventually go to some the M sub perhaps for discussion But ultimately it will come to the planning board and there'll be a process by which um res um people will be able to comment on that after which we report back to the county process and then back to the state Tom you no well said I think we're in a position we're just waiting for the state to issue a plan initially supposed to publicize on April 8 here we [Music] are been a March date if I correctly initially initially so we we don't know when it'll be dropped other than there's you know presumably the schedule for coordination public inp will be knows any EV there's only so much we can do preliminarily until so think we in good shape ready to hit the ground money we Perhaps Perhaps by the next meeting we might be able to share at Le a draft of the planning board constru familiarize yourself so there there are a few questions just to give an example in terms of you know what are some's top uh planning priorities example certain to address those types of questions to us um so as soon as I mean as soon as they have a plan in our response meeting well there there's a response template with um you know 11 or 12 questions let's say um which has already been made public and so those questions we sort of boards and so that's what we turn over to you and ask so by the next me at least a draft to familiar on and talk about and then set of course for so I correct that we are we hav we're not we don't have resol we're we're going to carry the the resolution on the uh two Park View Terrace is still in production uh so not yet ready for distribution we'll be ready while next month's meeting so I'm certain we'll be able to adop it the next meeting which just to remind everybody I believe is is on Wednesday 24th so Monday 2 can you tricky question multiple vacations your T is looking good would be none of not of right so we'll take up that resolution on the next meeting um next up is minutes uh from the previous meeting for approval does anyone have any thoughts or comments a chance that something like to see back in you know what I'm talking about used to carry more commentary from the boards board members I'm not sure if that adds color that's useful or not but it's up to the legal requirement uh of course this is more than sufficient for the legal reir uh and of course we do have trans necessary so at least in well I should believe it's the legal opinion which a legal opinion it's more than sufficient but cover them pretty sufficiently as well comprehensiveness but that that's more policy no one has any OB to down empis we wouldn't necessarily Rob or thoroughly than all right no any I'll take motion approve the motion carry as always we'll the extensions were yes they were we have we have a hearing tonight on Avenue and this time I'll inv the St forward Mr while we're approaching getting ready I have opportunity to the notes found the content efficient to be Ely Ser certifi mail on May 30 published on June 6 both 10 days prior to evening property is located at 30 Woodland Avenue at 9 1904 is located Zen it's Curr nonon structure Stories curring the to convert the structure not change it facade not change the exterior but to convert the structure uses to create three apartments one on the first floor one on the second floor one on the third floor as well as 7is 72 of off space on the first floring use for the location of the structure itself stories connection theer 10 refer to our and enger one of those trash we worked with City the property itself what he intends to do with it Mike ra from engineer our engine as well and Tim is our AR arit question with your permission I can all their witnesses as well as our board professionals professionals and all witnesses will raise your right hand do all of you swear to God or affirm that the testimony you're about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the TR we have okay um your full name for we SP last um last uh good evening thank you for being here and hos the hearing um we bought part together with my wife and actually the kids want to be here tonight um so um as introduced my name is I'm the owner of we purchased the property in AUST 2023 almost yearo so been working with GRE team in the last several months toel a plan who go to turn this into miuse house initi as R long ourselves um so as you aware and introduced is it was used as room ofing individ rooms our vision and plan is to um turn this into a mix house that will be to the there will be three apartments different sizes thats the office professional administrative purpose only no retail medical so we want to Ure there's a stable low to solve ISS and also for that of office there will be no need for regular loading on loading or products delivery will be simar to resal properties um in terms of the trash collection and Landscaping um I did call to the collection service and explain situation address and what so they confirmed for three apartments in one office space we can have 80 g per unit for to four that we can put on alongside the house the driveway and just come each time and take the trash to the truck and return them so for recycle that be put on the curve so the details will be explained Our Time Landscaping we currently have a professional landscaper inmm really looking forward to upgrading grp properly uh so it can look reallying from the outside neighborhood hopefully that thank you for your question m i just askur OCC no and I guess get park at some point inms [Music] alair I know there's no M just to make sure record we saw I don't have a room full of CH to roll professional Yes actually I you would we have show us spe to [Music] you give us the of actually we're going to start with2 um P2 really of this project is from the exterior we do not have any intent to do very much at all um we want to keep we don't really want to change the nature of the house um we will be replacing the roof in kind we will be um All trim uh railings spindles things like that that will all be repainted the existing sighting will remain um P2 shows all the existing Flo big issue about this project is that at one point it seemed like it might have been one very grand house that had a nice Grand Central staircase at some point somebody had mated it and then obviously theyve been Chun down into 15 different boarding room so we were going to Endeavor to put it back together in a in a much in a much easier way we're be able to replan some space um we are expanding the existing Dormer this was actually a recommendation I believe during the technical Review Committee there is an existing Gable Dormer on both the front and the rear um the the nature of the third floor is a large portion of it is is under a very steep roof and so we will be expanding this the materials will match the existing house um in order so we can get a little bit more play height in those areas and then add going to give some space back in some other areas where it is under the Ste actually wall walls you know spaces that are you know less than 2 3T don't have any use but so as far as the exterior goes that's really the nature of our project um we don't like I said we don't intend to do much we don't really want to mess with the character the um there are some improvements or what we feel to be Improv there's some uh he's looking at right now I don't if we can talk about that but there are some illuminated uh what we believe to be self-illuminated Street uh business signs that are on the canopy on the front on the side an addition side's one on the side we willing those rest it back to Ence section of the the ground floor [Music] what office will St stair will go down to the basement the existing basement is actually bated halfway the house here so the basement front storage will be used for the office and the basement rear storage SEC storage for k um the Northwest portion will be a one bedroom apartment um a entry to the two town houses are actually going to be two side by side units so each unit will actually have a second FL and a third FL component will be split right there at the entry has private entry um for the proposed second floor this is going to have one large bedroom with on Suite um they'll have a laer room kitchen living din we envision this to be the major leing space Maybe This is a professional maybe this is um maybe it's people that are downsizing getting out you know elderly people getting out and so they have their basically living on one floor but you know they may have family come over they may need guest room and that'll be accommodated on the second floor in addition we will have an office um you know for a board from home or just a home office situation on the I don't have question can you speak to the hpc's comment though they didn't object to the application they quote encourage the applicant to consider restoring historic exterior detailing using materials the new door other parts of the exterior designair but did you explore um explore say rejuvenation of theor in we have definitely we've definitely had discussions about it um and it has definitely been something that made you know that that we may explore um I'm sure I'm not sure how many people are familiar with the building but we have so much work to do on the interior I live at 63 outside okay that my number one question okay um what I know about this property is thank you forage that's wonderful um I believe there's vit siding on it now exensive spider of all kinds of wiring do believe that all that cabling is part and parcel to do with the fact that there are 15 C un there no that is that is a major PR for us as well so also does include the holes in all the all those wires go multip of yes at this point in time we would like to like I said we want to it may be a little bit bous to replace the entirety of the siding on the house at this point in time I guess I was when I was curious is given just the wiring issue for example it's going to necessitate patching or such a level of effort that replacement would like beur signicant bring the design more consist the of materials other aspect might be better to have that question so I'm Fring the issue correctly and I appreciate your comments uh and questions you're the exterior and and the issue really is the B is and's aot associated regarding cabling the holes so so you want to speak to yes absolutely we thought a lot about this and there's two things in my mind one is actually we have we have electrician to evate a lot of the cable wi just removed and we'll look at once the new wire need established what it will look like in terms of the sighting um I'm going if it's good material ha to waste it just replace with materials so we'll try our best we can maintain by repairing painting with a new wire established we'll do that the push come so bad rep it just note for purposes of anticipating a condition of approval should there be an approval I might need more definition at least subject to the review and approval of an individual or entity that determination as to whether the exterior will be sufficiently improved talk I mean this is J not so I don't need to offend her this is a bit of an area of when it comes to dictating the degree of specifically help yeah we need some guidance for the purposes of the resolution so what we have what I believe is exists today is V siding a mid green pachio I don't know so you know when you get into historic specifications sometimes color is part of that um and then you know obviously HBC seemed to have an issue with the material itself and so there's a question of that okay what are the Alternatives I would suggest that the building immediately to the West on the forest seems to have been a pretty sh very expense that bu right so so maybe there's a middle ground um and maybe there's a way of exploring that to the satisfaction of the HBC that that's a pretty loose uh stipulation Le a lot of room so who would be our regulatory individual assum that's weigh in basically planner or engineer you know on one hand I understand that if it's functional sting and but read the comment again I don't think I've had the H and for example before you read it like there are there are three maybe four different kinds of rails one on the stairs one on the porch one on the front porch which lended itself to the kind of repair that it saw when it was it was a home multiple people Liv that is still REM outside even though perhaps each own material stand sorry I'll the the reference but just at least the point or HBC Absolut is is consistency is what we're looking for so we have an opportunity through the construction of these Dormers perhaps with some embellishment of selective sighting or railings that point to help bring more consistent visual uh look to this to the structure but I'll I'll reread that real quick he stting the hbc's comments from May 29 2024 we would encourage the applicant to consider restoring the historic exter and other materials on the reers and other parts of the exterior consistently with design thank you for that we are willing toate to right now is to take care of that we will consider replacing the do caes and wires possible not necessary repair of think before you do anything the exterior that check the city first but that goes back to the question how that maybe just responsility Department servic I mean even even for example the prior under stairs where the wood I think to is important I think we could see that in the resolution I think the resolution would help the city as we resolution building DCS will be DCs consisten resolution andul there any questions from no I don't believe I I understand and gu going have with the city we want to nice so it doesn't make sense just real Qui interor constructional thisen people come to and they have ideas about what they want to build but when those are put into practice with the UC code there are a lot of expenses retrofitting fire system so just do Please be aware that commercial and residential require different prti AB I've spent the last five years in in commercial construction to that point in regarding Code Compliance I mean to the extent that you you design to review this are you fairly certain that it is compliant as design I guess leads me to the question of you know does it have proper erress it will be compliant and actually um under rehab sub code the way that it Chang in use for is it um it IT addresses a level of Hazard for each type of use and there's I believe it's probably around nine different items of Hazard um regarding fire separation um things like that um in every case this change of used is a move to a either equal or to a lesser and to that point so no case would there be a required exterior fire escape or two L walkway stairwell that would impact the historic container because because each of the units has has their own erress on the ground floor they do not nobody nobody is using a main stairwell and then also having to like to come off that nobody's on the third floor because they have their own their own entrance into Ada on the and all that as an existing building is going to be pretty difficult on this building um the there's a significant level change between the front porch and any of the any of the nearby graes that are around it um naturally we're going to have to fill out the form where you know we we address the the total cost of construction make towards um to making the making the structure more accessible we will do that um but in order to to actually provide a fully accessible building this would be very very of your Witnesses would like to address enviral yeah I can address that um the recomendations were you know sols that particular recomendation is your reasoning for why it would be do you feel it's notate I don't think visually approprate was a commercial building that was down with like a flat roof wouldn't see all the panels the the only athern face and the face thatof that's facing this direction I just are you familiar with these othering solar P products I am and I do Charing stations so as far as the electrical vehicle charging this is a requirement for new developments with five or more units we don't have that sotion will be a to speak this um to to decrease the amount of coverage I would like to plan I believe what agreement with comp the coms touch on your general the lighting site I thought Tom was take there's no fire department comments would you care that comment on on that or how you want to address sure yep that's an excellent observation so they on fireart will so the general condition all building code fire code applicable Provisions will be complied with and all reasonable comments and requirements from the Fire official the fire officials somewh later the authority to make that prospective condition or stipulation I should yes you agree with that abut anything Tom I mean absent the fire department's comments is for debate or discussion sprinkling for example the interior I mean a lot of those are code compliant issues that we dealt with the building forment I just wanted to make sure that anything they might require wouldn't impact the outside because that's the purpose of the other just general questions one um you alluded to the the usage of the basement I think a few times we've asked for basement plan I don't think hold the application but for the city's records if this moves forward think we do a basement plan to show access abely subsequent there's approval right um and then finally I'm surprised um the HBC didn't address specific but the dmer I guess configuration proposing understood that it's the intent is to expand the habitable area the floor um you know sort of shed configuration can you explain how that is consistent with I guess the style of the building or even the neighborhood um that that seems to be a focal point and when they directed us to look at the historic design guidelines that's sort of a component again maintaining historic Integrity of the maintained the original configuration I would be I would be very nervous that it would actually compete with the large main cable which I feel is actually F point of the front um now it couldas in which case we still maintain our playes as it returns back to the house and it would that not being a historic architect and I'll prefer to the board certainly but I'm seeing less of the shed roof more of the HP roof configurations and Gable so I think the you know sort of making making it come to a point configuration be more consistent with the planers so maybe the condition would be shed roof or subject HBC you accomplish the goal of adding s footage with versus actually would be it would it would have it would have no bearing on the area your point about the Gable is you'd end up with a large Gable thetion of the main Gable this is a better design alternative and it's historically consistent that's how I feel I feel be happy to you know I'm not sure what the mechanism for that would be but I'd be happy to work with HC would be sh details so might the alternative or we just decide now Ian don't seem to be Alternatives unless we just say that what's the SP toim yeah in order to turn this into a Gable at a reasonable play height it would actually interrupt the roof line yeah whereas if it were you know the alternative being if it were hit it least come off here to me this way you know we were able to maintain and I'm so we're going with the current which is just and because youum I I will verify that because we're also decreasing the volume there will be either way and I'll check with the attorney but at the time of submission you would even though still complet an ndf form look at the net what was previously have one question and uh the there one area where you're expanding uh the Dormer but it was an existing 3 and a half the um is it current how many stories is it currently and how many stories will the well be when okay so that half story increase what might have looked to me like a half story increase where it was there that that that didn't go beyond the three story threshold it's it's already C Bel so but was it a three story in that area or yes of the dwelling or it never got Beyond a three story anywhere the there was always a three story or three level building they're expanding the floor area of the third level with the door right so the third story is getting uh warmer if you more the seing he is increasing so that was a third story in that area already yes okay okay yeah make sure mainly I wanted to make sure we weren't going Beyond three stories in which case be different variance I understand you technically need a variance for the existing three story there changes being made but you're not going Beyond no was never there's technically this is a question for Tom gu S Spring but I the max height in feet is 35 uh in the zone but this was a pre-existing 39t I mean based on I go me right and the Dormers are not taller than the peak they're actually slightly bottom line not D6 it's preexisting at the 39t height the bottom that would be the the uh um but they still require three story stories even though existing stories I'm just trying to process the question so well the Dormer to avoid a deari be no more than 38.5% so that's the magic number and a question I guess even if a small portion of the would exceed that would that to for6 I guess that would be the question the level number of stores exist and the reason that the C variance from story perspec exist it's already 39t I'm not saying it's going it's not9 that one are is cat up 395 I don't yeah I I concur these six is not required we're the right word don't worry um but what I'm the simple question I'm asking uh uh is question myself I'm asking but this this the question I'm asking is if technically uh a Varian is needed three stories versus two Ms even though it's exist for consistency purposes should we also be considering a variance 39t as opposed to 35t even though it's 39 I he you're the thought was that because we're not exceeding the height um PA on that for second because the third level floor area the usable habitable space is expanding and technically the third level is expanding but not above the exist understand I see what you're saying it's an exacerbation of the third story but it's not an exacerbation of vertically of9 that of that dimension I don't mean too St but uh it's fascinating rting yes but I I think we're still below even the maximum 10% I can then I can I can concur both with the need three story variant um but not the need for the Vari for vertical height and heat so I think that would be a distinction yeah I think that's a valid subanal I'm not going to ask any more questions are we uh and so does anyone else board have a question I have a question Mr D did you think through I don't know if youing but did you think through having more than three apartments and what led you to saying three was the right number well no I think if you go more trigger some other regulatory issue with the even the state and also so as I said you know we already have one bedroom then three bedroom you do more you get into from a design standpoint will be difficult because now it's a symmetrical building as Tim mentioned you know it will be very hard also to access staircase Etc then you probably have to completely tear down the building just whole different level a threshold number um as far as requ a lot more do that I also wouldn't be able to I wouldn't be able to getbody out and more very well see we'll move on thank you Mr Tim thank you all right Mike Roth Now is our engineer and our planner with Roth Engineering sir please take [Music] your I've designed manage number projects just one will be discussing tonight I graduated science and civil engineering fromit license PE and PP in the state of New Jersey my LIC standing um I've been before over 40 different landage boards however this my first time before this board I look forward to you said you I heard you PPC Andes and if I may you've been accepted by multiple land use boards in each capacity as an expert correct that is correct sorry to a little any questions go so I'm going to start by discussing the exhibit that's on the board here also have handouts uh for the benefit of of the members just so this was not part of the U submission package so Mark as A1 A1 and we just call it you can tell us what it is sure so it's entitled existing conditions map dat June 17 2024 I'll refer to it as A1 what you see here is an a map in background the a map was uh taken from September 14 2023 the subject properties outline in red um the subject properties is lot n lot 94 located at 30 Woodland Avenue property has an area of approximately 0.1 acres and it's located in the city's orc office residential characters of The District the property is considered a corner lot with Frontage on the East and the farest outage in South the property contains a three story building which is currently vacant and formly used as a real office and groming house which is a non-conforming use the existing building is set back 9.7 ft from the Woodland Avenue property line and 16.2 ft from the the farest Avenue property line which are both pre-existing AC form conditions as the minimum setback is 25 ft and the building set back to the side property lines are 17.5 ft to the Western property line and 19.8 ft to the north property line which comply with the minimum 10 requirement the building is pre9 compon for being three stories on that body the architect as well as for the height of being 39 ft where a Max of 35 is permitted and the existing building coverage is 28.3% which complies with the maximum 30% requirement and the existing floor area ratio is 64.8% which again complies with the maximum 35% requirement the property contains a oneway driveway that drops around the building uh there's a driveway opening Avenue to the East and the farest Avenue to the south parking for the former use occurred to the north and west of the vill however there was no striping there uh and lastly the subject property has has a existing her coverage of 68% which compli with the maximum 75% requirement I'm now going to flip to the second page in the handout I'll mark this as A2 this is entitled SL plan rendering June 2024 and it's the same are the backround the subject property outlin in red improvements are rendered in color uh as discussed previously the FR proposed to convert the existing building to a miuse a mixed use building containing office and a web bedroom apartment on the first floor and two multile three bedroom apartments that SP the second and third floor uh the the proposed project is um um conforming in terms of its use in the orc Zone District the project has not proposed any changes to the buildings footprint therefore there's no changes to the setbacks the property lines as well as developing coverage as mentioned by the architect we are proposing again the Dormers that will expand the hitable floor area The increased floor area results u in a proposed for eror ratio of 67.1% it's a slight increase however it still complies with the 75% requirment uh next the variance is being requested since the project is proposing to expand thir FL where a maximum of two stories are permitted in building is currently a three story building next regarding the site improvements the project is proposing stri parking spaces in the north and west of the building with a oneway access Drive entering from W Avenue and on the forest three parallel spaces are proposed along the north property line one 0° spaces proposed to the northwest corner of the building and spes are proposed along theer uh and this plant here shows the relocated trash enclosure area which is now being proposed along the north side of the building you see the six rectangles which um which indicate the four carbage Ps and two um um recycling vins we previously had a propos on the North West corner but it was in close proximity to the residential property line we remove away now 19 ft from that residential property line which complies with a 7ot uh minimum 7t requirement uh project is seeking seven variances um dealing with parking and loading sorry the the the 7 foot requirement for the closures now is comping both north and west that's correct okay it was 0 and one before you uh what you say 19 ft 19 ft to the to the north property line that's the yes 19 ft to the north property line uh it's even greater to the Western Property Line okay than it was relocated thank you um so we're requesting seven variances um parking I'll run through those briefly uh for post parking setback is 1.5t nor property line at 0 ft to the Western property line for a minimum of 5 ft as required the parking line provides for six parking spaces where the requirement is eight parking is proposed in both front yards um where MERS permitted in no parking is permitted in the front yard uh parking is required to be screened from the public roadway uh where none is proposed the proposed 90° parking space is 8T y F deep where minimum with of 9 ft as required and the two parallel spaces on the west property line are 20 ft deep minimum 24 ft required uh the drive is 18 1/2 ft for the 90° parking space and 9 and 1/2 ft at its shortest distance for the parallel space which also requires variant and the last variant related to parking and loading is the fact that we don't have formal loading space where one is U uh required next the parking will be buffered by the adjacent Properties by fencing uh the existing wooden fence along the western property line will stay as is and we're proposing a a new fence the MCH that existing fence along the northern property line uh site circulation is um um improved from the existing conditions as we're providing AIC and striping there currently is n today to protect Public Safety and turning templates to show that Vehicles could safely enter the site and access the site were included in the site plans on sheets three and four project results the proposed um coverage of 70.5% which applies with the maximum 75% requirement was only a very minor 210t increase in imper cover which is not does not trigger these City storm water management requirements the project results in no negative impacts of the neighbor property as the drainage patterns will not change next regarding signage the site contain freestanding sign near the intersection shows up on the at the the North West Corner uh uh the sign panel itself there the post is there however and the project proposes to reuse that post to provide a sign for the new office tenant that will have informing sign area of 6 sare ft the free-standing sign is however is not conforming with a height of 6.7 ft set 17t therefore being requested confir these sign variances are due to the post location and height the sign area is going to be did you say the sign area itself is going to be compant with the order correct the the freestanding sign area will be six ke with the ordinance the can signs in board planers um um review memor there's a few sentences there about can sign we're notos those anymore so we descri the architect those were run in the South face of the building those are not conforming and they will no longer be proposed so we're improving the signage and cleaning that up next regarding Landscaping the project proposes new plantings uh around the south and east side of the building to provide an overhaul um um enhancement of the project the project also proposes uh new lighting to provide adequate light levels within the parking lot the lights are proposed to be mounted on the building and of the bu light set is proposed is 16 ft High which is a slight increase in the 15t requirement therefore bar is been requested so as mentioned previously we're requesting 10 C variances almost all them deal with the preexisting nment conditions uh there's no D variance required uh for this project um so seven of the 10 variances are are related to parking and loading the other three Varian the number of Stories the freestanding sign and the height of the building light the C1 and C2 criteria can beight are request for Rel um the property has been here for several years the been working ass nonform use a brooming house to a conforming mix building which is permitted in the orc's district thec satisfies the C1 criteria reason of the existing building there was the number stor is pre-existing conforming the S existing pavement area and driveways which result in a number preis par anding The Proposal as a whole it encourages many purposes of the M satisfy C2 criteria including purpose a h and I for the negative criteria the variances result I'm Sor but for the benefit of can you just briefly explain 2A 2 and 2i what the purposes are under Municipal Andre section two which is not an exhaust list sure uh so purpose a we're guing the appropriate use of land we are improving the property um and proposing a a mix project within the Zone that's um uh committed in the O Zone purpose a to encourage uh location design Transportation routes and pre flow of traffic creating this new stra parking lot that improves the sight circulation and purpose I to promote a desirable visual uh through through the pro site plan which uh proposes new landscape and also the the minor changes that are proposed to build in um so those are the purposes of the M that are being Advan St and how each is being I appreciate that thank you sure uh so talk about the ne criteria that request variance inment the public good Vari number of stories provides a better building layout internally as described by the architect not setb weprint is today property lines the variance for the parking lot buff um is being uh mitigated by the fencing existing fencing Department the J properties the variance for the number of Park spaces uh just is a there a minor increase and the landlord is proposing to manage the parking by U assigning one space per unit so the three residential units and one office use will have one designated space uh the remaining spaces remaining two spaces will be shared based on um between the landlord tenants the appil to that is of approval should the board approve the application yes thank we also confirm that the city of su Parking Services Agency at daytime parking is offered in parking lot one which is the lot on the forest in bloodland actually shows up on this R um there was some sort of function on the day of the AI but in most cases it's a it's a normal you know parking lot that offers daytime parking and it's right across the site um as far as overnight parking we confirm that it's offered at parking lot three which is on Forest and Summit a little bit further east is that view here and also there's another Park lot um 11 that's behind the CBS that off over so the new um U performing use we feels is much better for the site um and it's and it's less than that existing grooming house and just to touch you upon that briefly the former uh grooming house required 18 18 spaces total that's based upon the 15 bedroom rooming house and 1000t office our proposed use which is only three apartment units and approximately 700t of office requires eight spaces take and us you C half even more terms what we're next the Varian is par the front area screen that does not impact the cas of properties um as it's very common for Park cars to be in in driveways um and is a pre-existing un performing condition uh the Varian is for the parking space Dimension the dry a width are a result of the preexisting parking area where we're uh doing the best we can to provide safe layout increasing some payment area to provide a safe site circulation for the driveway parking um the variance with the loting spaces mitigated based on the type of use and voting uh operations will be uh controlled by the landlord and uh next for the free-standing sign again is a pre-existing sign post that's there simp to reuse that sign and provide the new office business a way to to um to show their show their business and for the public to locate that business and we're moving a few nonperforming conditions the can sign and finally the last day areen the building amount of light is based upon that there's no room on site provide a whole amount of light so we're proposing all light on the building in order to get the part parking space we had to go up that addition foot from 15 16 so very minor uh change in deviation there for the building am of light and we removed one of the variances for the trash closure so that's no what being requested U and finally the development proposal promotes many of the goals of the uh ST Master Plan by removing a not in for use and reusing the existing building that respects the neighborhood and maintain the character of the neighborhood U and provided a project that offers range of house three new apartment units B these reasons thetive satisfy Varan Grant without sub public good that not substantially impct the of the plan and Z than you also have a chance to review the uh col and vir professional col that were unrelated to the the it testimony start to the June 3rd 2024 just before you proceed just to be clear the plan was revised at some point recently right as far as the submission goes has that handed out to the so it's shown on a just for the board M benefit this represents something that engineering was WR great the only change it was just a minor change we did to cut down on the variances is relocate traction everything else pry Min changes all sh on2 that's correct to the we actually need them larger so the previous area in that northwest corner we relocated that so we had a little bit of more room up there um so they previously were under 24 ft which is not at 24ep so a better so the Northerly parallel space is able to stretch into greater that's correct and I'm but are there still some par there are still some parallel spaces that are not 24 ft deep correct that's correct yeah 90 parking space uh that is not 9t wi correct correct mag the number question so what's the final about the tra to one says everybody and saysed the circulation you enter from Avenue and you exit on the driveway to the South but now you're a garage truck an ambulance for a fire they would still well let's take the time that the applic provide a testimony on garbage that would be controlled what was the second well just I'm just looking at this February 1 plan that says the site circulation basically everybody's going coming down with them going into the building and then backing out again but then in the letter it says that the site circulation is coming in on going out on report and I'm just wondering which one is the right one one you want I think the ref we did a just a short narrative on loading garbage snow so that what are you refering to in theard Engine CC with number one oh I was looking at engine I'm sorry I was just wondering it just seems to I went to LOL my kids went to L I'm just so you know the the residents and guest anyone parking there they won't be backing up on the they'll be backing up on site the on the dver sou some of the you know the garbage pick up loading some of those miscellaneous activities may happen Drive okay I was just looking because it says fire trucks are going to do that and I'm assuming the Amazon guys going to do that and D truck's going to do that truck going to do that all driving in and backing up some of that may some of that may occur stu um um similar to if you were single family home with a small driveway someone's going to pull in back up on the street and leave and this is again this isn't for regular par thiss I just so going back to the board Engineers riew on the testimony uh number three uh we'll provide a survey we no improvement since the day of survey number four testimony was provided by the architect regarding building changes number six we provide the testimony for fening uh eight we provide the testimony for the variances number n cation I'm sorry skip yeah I'm just punching on the on the ones that require testimony so seven we did provide testimony on f um moving on to testimony circulation 11 storm was but you confirmed that you require a variance for that cor 16 versus 15 for the one just for one that's correct and then for 12 uh tesed regarding those operations for trash by the and lastly 1king all the other comments going to comply ttim those it sure so I'm referring to uh the B Associates memorandum dated June 11 2024 so starting on comment one on page two uh the architect provide the testimony regarding the building design and use of spaces number two no no additional testimonies required three regarding Landscaping we believe that the proposed design uh enhances the project uh still provid views of the building and does not impact the site so we we believe is is satisfactory uh we're going to um provise the landscape to address there's a few landscape comments the environmental commission and the forest are regarding the species of trees we're going to make that update uh for the proposed lighting is downward is all downward facing there's no um light spillings off the property and number five we talked about theing removing the canopy sign so there's no re required there however we still have the re for the sign six no additional testimonies provided seven eliminated that forra closure the remaining items in the letter are related to the variances so detail testimony Prov for variances 10 so we elim the last one on page six the trash disposal and the administrative sure um so the Consulting Zone officer issued a memor June 11 was more so a summary of the project and a few items that requested testimon provided regarding sign each two that I'll just some some of the other staff comments were already addressed so I'll just kind of go through it quickly um the police chief there's no comments the construction official we heard testimony by the architect regarding uh The Code Compliance items Health Department comments the city we agre that we're going to um repl or revise the species to to the one that they're request that's correct replace suggestes species that's corre the environmental commission review majority of few coms liting all the liting are down fa light spillage off the property uh regarding green infrastructure you know the project is a major it's it's not a major storm water Pro it's not even a minor so we feel that it's not um um appropriate for for the site to do El of infrastructure there was a recommendation to do firm p u it's really not a good application for small parking lots and it's it's a best management practice if you're a major storm water we're not we're not a minor um so it's not good U good application there's also recommendation to minimize the size of the payment and at that point it would impact safing of the site the park last design maximize certain areas provid a safe way for cars to enter and exit we demonstrated on Curr template so I feel that it's not appropriate to reduce the size of the p and then lastly we talk about the na species we'll U we'll revise the Landscaping to incorporate that and lastly the um HPC that was addressed by why why can't the light be moved down so we move the light down to 15 don't get out light levels at far corner so I was in the light we're actually playing with it and it's it's too low to a low spot of the corner so that's why we had to come up to that 16 ft for about safe light level and and that's a building there's no solution to that corner 15 correct when you say nothing you mean other than like putting another light in the corner yeah something other what happens is the spillage as you get 15 BEC problems for the neighbor even in situations is so the light shows um the foot candles and on 6 the pl we we have aay and once you get off the properties in that location there's zero foot candle reading so there's no light off the property is a very tight area uh therefore we building the best way that that area very minor um can you put corner there toate that you don't have I mean that would be in in an area that's people going to be parking next to I don't how about this so the alternative to the building now picture would be a light pole but understanding the concerns about being adj resal properties maybe can rain jurisdiction over liting an issue when you say retain jurisdiction it becomes like for six months or a year after the after the permits are issued or after the co is issued there complaints complaints right it's shining right in the neighbor's backyard and it's really obnoxious [Music] you come for amend it or we [Music] [Music] do comp well and recently um aill stud cost 25 to $2,000 um this happened on a site where the light was 15 ft but it actually unplanned an our course Village but an application did and this Village was a $2,000 study to figure out what is it or is it it's spilling in fact after the study was done it actually was spilling um so we're just trying to avoid that you put something above we granted but then a month later it is spillable what you had planned on and then perhaps review from engineer myself you can simply be out there with a light meter and get a would be $2,000 and determing if there's life from our proper engineer constru you know theard is okay with that want to do that problem do I think that's what time is getting at the jurisdictional after construction versus what you saying change there's two different when you sayur retaining the board retaining jurisdiction post construction is one thing if you're saying uh the board giving the board engineer the post approval authority to make that administrative determination that's a different that so if we're talking about the lad uh with the applicant stipulation as well that can certainly be done the for could be done as well but that would be more efficient much more efficient us don't have to yes you're giving you're giving compliance authority to an administrative official um professional consultant post construction that's difference which is is so we that'll be a condition so is it a condition that um it it automatically happens or is it something that um only if some I can only speak for myself but when people come to a Bo they want to break the rules you say well you can but you're going to pay for a study to make sure that in your breaking of those rules you didn't actually put anybody up SP light of them so I would like to see a study done conclusion that's not how I understood it so that's not something that we would agree to I don't think it's warranted support to increase foot AC by sufficient Pro to support of that then that stands on its own no no however there is a complaint we are obviously of course willing to do a field change and that to through the as a condition to spend 155,000 whatever might beis reason concept but the standards of we're requesting a deviation from the rules so you say breaking the rules you know that's not Dev the right so so if we present proofs to support that deviation theard accepts those proof then we're no longer breaking rules Pro a board of hey you know not withing this is the standard it makes sense to do it differently in this situation so if we get to that point then for our purposes disos all done there shouldn't be you know a followup uh step imposed upon the any bra know there's aost of other followup I think we understand that on the other hand that's assuming that you've actually made the case and we're saying that we're not sure that you've made the case because we're not sure what the impact ofing foot is are look me that no I I understand that as well I saw I'm sorry yeah so no I I didn't want to dismiss I like I want make clear why we're why we're saying what we're saying so we are willing to look for the board want for the board totally appreciate and understand the the light issue it's a major issue wherever you develop I live out in world country and it's a major issue there because resar and everything else we don't want to have light potion so we are willing to work with whatever reason asking for thoughts opinions suggestions other than a $2,000 uh life to address this real issue so um I'm wondering it looks like2 is is there a way to move it um more to the West on a different facade so that it throws it's closer to where it needs to throw light and then you can lower sure we can look into that and result adding a light somewhere I could I could see that that maybe might have to add a light near where a is one thing could you could you talk about um the topography that's on the Northern side of the property there's there's a wall property and fence on top of that wall could you talk a little bit about that what kind of height yes the the Jason Property to the north sits sits higher and and actually one of the things that that was modeled in this lighting plan is the is the cut off from the fence it's a it's a solid privacy fence so have that's why the the chasing foot candle is is zero because essentially if the fence wasn't there would be SP but fact that there's a fence there it cuts off the light level but if it's I if it's an issue we could we could rev the light yes no we we can absolutely look to move the lighting to different location add we talk about complain is received but the neighbor is offended by the light but Waits six months before they complain and you've got your C accounted down and then now have ating issue well who's on the to pay for the stud then and figure how to solve that problem and that's why between water and pork and lighting try to make sure it's addressed here so so post construction uh they'll subject to the review SC of yeah we're going to revise the plan to show all constru uh at 15 F house well that's where I was going it's also been eliminating the vs add open isor anticipated ier that to the a generator anticipated the a generator generator well I think we look no space we don't have another space for we don't have ADD space for it um there is I have not done the research I know that I have seen interior internal generators that they're going to require they're going to require flues they're going to require it's a lot of Noise Within the building it's so no the answer would be no we have not we looked into and and then for the three residential units plus the office base the four anticipated trash receptes and the two anticipated recycling recept adequate for those that configuration that's correct one each unit would get traction sh who would be responsible for bring that's every week for location Thursday night or Friday morning before 6 a.m. bring the recycl that's you know I have other rental property normally you can ask one designated tenants give them a littleit incentive or they take terms so that's not be issue stipula the lease agreement or some separate definitely adding the list but normally is verbal there's always someone actually volunteer to do that surprisingly you did speak on the subject of storm water management that the Recon site is triggering threshold but given that I don't know if there's any real existing stor existing stor management controls can you speak to what is in place today and its adequacy for the site sure um so the existing site drain in the the northwest corner in site and and there's runoff that um drains towards Woodland Avenue to the East and then um also to the South um the Overland flow uh Beyond payment flows towards the street everything pretty much close towards the street nothing impacts the properties to the North or to the west and we're keeping that same range pattern uh it's a really minor increase in the purose coverage to someone set that provide um new planting some landscaping and again this just reach that threshold City threshold Prov sort of storm water management uh practice but the existing the existing manag is sufficient for the proper configuration today the surfaces correct everything flows off the property in a safe manner to to the uh to the infrastructure about the signage to down here would be and just to be clear again can signage is going cor and then the signage on the corner ofland in Forest the variance anticipates a variance one variance but variance for height and location the location given the situation of the structure on a lock is necessary would the applicant stipulate to reducing the signage height at least to come to well end of the day the sign the post we can we can I think we can move back to within comp the request was the height question I think the location is best any that actually get the benefit and impact of the view of that sign as you approach the building and you've stipulated to the sizing of the letters being within our our ordinance so correct they can't get any bigger that's correct can lower the the lower the height I'll anyone else comments questions question um could you talk about if there's any assigned parking or how how that's going toase it so you know it's a six parking four units so it will be one designated assigned for each unit and then the two other I would call them floaters and that depending on you know sometime we be the tenant only have one car there's no issue if they do have two cars there will be a great you know uh depending on the size of the car where they can park so the two floaters will be uh agreed upon between me and the the so there but minimum one assigned spot for each how big are the supposed to be how big how big are the units going to be you mean the size or number of bedroom bom uh the one bedro on the first floor and the two side by side Town duplex St will be three bedrooms uh each and sixes and the sow REM oh I think this going to be currently that use shov use shovels you know in uh snow remove they use shovels it's I mean it's profession you know you have those kind of Jeep they put a thing in front um you know that may be too tight especially when you have cars parked on the side you know scratch the it's my house then they just use professional they I know it's hard work but some there's no not enough space you remain responsible for yes I'll the land will cover both snow removal and and uh long hair I don't know I know but I was just wondering if there's anything special right around the school Soom you're saying one car minimum one car but total there total six um spaces so the three bedroom two three bedroomart will have one car each for sure but I want to be a little flexible because three bedroom they may only have one car there's no need to give them two parking spots in that case and give one extra to someone else and have you envisioned what office what the use for the office would be uh administrative style like a you know accountant or U attorney that kind of things there no AR real estate architector engineer and you stipulated as a condition of approval that the office would be limited to professional or administrative and no retail correct correct no retail no no medic and and that and they are afforded one spot as well and they one parking spot as well minimum one parking again I think I want to make sure they definitely got one then based on the need I can allocate the I think on record definitely no business I think I don't want to limit too much about others I don't want to have definitely no retail business for sure as a the sorry as a result I thought it I thought were two all two bedroom units and just discussing that with my colleague uh the on the third floor of least uh one on the main level the third floor contains two mrooms the first of the three is on the second floor right correct you make your side by side side question can't definitionally consider options in fact they created more SPS by which to beir to them similarly match neighbor have a question about the U the windows it looks like there's maybe not all the same style is that accurate uh the current well we're going to replace all the windows a matter that respects theorical style of the house abely there's anything left in myot here the the I'm sorry the parking spaces what are the rsis required number of parking SPAC I can 2.1 for for two so doesn't up because you have the extras you're counting the extras towards the uh do you need an RSI as theous exception oh in addition to the to the VAR for from the coordinates um you need eight total spaces and you have six the office reques 2.4 722 it when you do it to the 10 calculation it comes to 8.4 round out just information quick question is the St is the tree that the tree stump a stone wall it's an picture does that still exist on the property stump and a uh stone wall still on the property where is that located the entr right so we're proposing a new wall along that North property line that's going to ultimately tie into that wall that you're see that's kind ofer thank you I'll the my summaries are supp Cent Cent status of the property we have well ring we coming down on so um certainly believe the the application is use property anybody challeng Prov support i' also like to neighbor I also think it's a nice use property it seems like we they probably didn't have cars for all potentially was that weed application cces so it is much less de and they're providing more parking than there was so I guess we look at that as AET anyone else I just not that for that particular lot in its location um it's intentionally transitional appla incorporating both residential and office use um not sh favor to the more residential applications woodland or the increasingly commercial use on Forest Avenue Frank I was just happy to see the One V so thank you for doing that so the I generally the Aesthetics are trending in the right direction I hope the applicant heard clearly from the board today is while there may be ambiguity on the application and design guidelines we would look for you to consult professionals or just carefully study those references and show some sensitivity to that um but things like being examining how snow removal and how trash recy pick up would be addressed as something that hasn't been addressed on that for decades on removing the wi extent possibly can the exterior is wonderful but the elimination of nonform use is one the mostly compelling elements of the application today everything else suggests that you've gone as far as you can to accommodate all the uniqueness to the property short of knocking it down and trying to build something which probably was not financially feasible I that so thank you for all the effort you and your professionals that are taken to keep this structure in place and rejuvenated actually have a question for does the change in use from the rooming situation toart units do any is there any affordable hous set that triggers at devel in this Cas they will fume time us certainly Mr chairman uh the relief sort uh site plan approval along with less than 11 variances variance for three story versus two story maximum I'll be at a preexisting condition a landscape buer reard setback of 1 versus 7 sidey setback uh 0 ft versus 5 ft is the second variance uh parking in a front yard one space uh is in the front yard versus non permitted uh is the third variant forth parking screening uh not along Woodland Avenue uh number five parking space number uh six provided versus eight spaces required uh number six sign variants relief uh only left now the there we go uh 17t sign setback versus 25t set back required uh the lighting height appears to be gone now uh so the seventh variant is parking stall Dimensions there are still some parking spaces at 90° parking spaces uh that have uh an 8T width versus a 9 with required and some parking spaces that parallel parking spaces that have a 20t depth whereas a 24t depth is required uh number eight Drive aisle width we have about 90° parking widths Drive aisle widths of 18.5 ft which is deficient and parallel parking at drive with 9.5 ft which is deficient and the n gu and last uh uh variance is no loading spaces provided whereas one loading space for the office is required I got that right those are the nine variances uh that was easy that's easy part conditions of approval uh all condition to all of the board professional and uh staff reports including the the uh board engineer including but not limit to board Engineers June 3rd report and the board planners June 11th report uh stipulation that the uh office will be utilized for professional or Administrative Office purposes only and no retail or medical use sorry can I just no retail only the medical sometimes can be also consed not can be like acemic that's a from a parking perspective that's a different since retail is probably required if I understand correctly no retail medical because depending on the medical nature that doesn't necess medical retail office could be medical office but no retail I think the requirement is no retail B these are important distinctions I think you just I heard yeah I me spoke about the medical part because I realize medical is not necessar retail sometimes you don't necessarily have a lot of traffic for medical can be can be T medic this St doesn't need to have to medical office parking is usually different standards General I mean the board can consider it just the first time we're hearing that why don't we go through the rest of condition I I was to that I'll take this step the uh let's see uh uh REM of uh all unnecessary cable of maring from the exterior as well as uh designing the exterior with a consistent visual look uh and many necessary repairs all subject to the review and approval of our City Department of Comm Services uh compliance with all building and fire all applicable building and fire code Provisions as well as all reasonable conditions required by our fire chief use of the basement will be for equipment and access show show the that's my apologies be shown on the plans as a condition subsequent the uh shed roof has been stipulated to for the expansion of the Dormer uh any applicable affordable housing developers fees or similar fees will be paid depending on the determination made as to what's applicable by the city the uh assignment of the tenant parking spaces one minimum for the office one for the one bedroom one for each of the two three bedrooms if I got right that's uh shall be uh assigned in the appropriate lease documentation by way of assignment uh so that it's documented I mentioned all the other applicable reports including the native species uh to the Landscaping the uh light V2 will be of a compliant height and will be relocated perhaps to the West on a of the side which may or may not require an additional compliant height uh light on the facade all of which shall be subject to the review and approval of our board engineer from AED use perspective Zone allows offices and professional offices um and no part of the code from a use perspec dises between professional and medical they are distinguished from a parking standard perspective so I'm getting to I believe the medical use would have an increased parking requirement relative to the that I don't know about an ADA requ you're in the Dr page 26 minimum parking in residential and non-residential zones medical and dental offices urgent care facilities at thank you every so um all right with that with that said uh I'll not to harp on the historic part but I just we want guidance in terms of what the board envisions because after the fact I can see in my crystal ball just there being different expectations in terms of the what so I think I've heard you know getting rid of the cables we're going to clean up the paint the trim Etc is that kind of where we stand Alli neighborh we're going to remove the the exterior wiring from from thisum whatever all that it's and may go without saying but we should say the Dormers decid will match whatever match the bance of the exteror of the structure okay that being said um with all conditions as as fored our board counil do I have a motion to approve this appliation Mr spur yes Mr yes m m yes Mr St yes yes chairman Zer yes the motion carries so thank you for a good