##VIDEO ID:2o3nWCMHQLg## so at this time I will call the order this regularly scheduled meeting of the sundland select board the time is 6:30 p.m. our first order of business tonight will be to approve our minutes of the last meeting which was September 9th 2024 I'm motion we approve the minutes of September 9th second all right we motion made and seconded to approve the minutes of September 9th all those in favor I I I three nothing all righty our first new business today is going to be to discuss our select board meeting schedule for the next couple of months so uh I think at your last meeting or maybe not I um I've been I I've thought about making a recommendation to the select board that you consider moving to a biweekly schedule for at least part of the year um outside of the budget process of course um my suggestion would be to move to a bi-weekly schedule until or through the month of November um in December the budget is going the budget season is going to be really kicking in you're going to start with budget meeting um but until then unless there is a dire need for a special meeting I think that given the length of your meetings you might be able to manage uh bi-weekly meetings uh pretty well um this would not only um uh relieve the board of having to meet every single week it will also be I think it will also help the New Town Administrator transition um in not having to prepare for a weekly meeting right at the get right at the get-go so my suggestion um or my recommendation would be um to after tonight's meeting schedule a meeting for September 30th then October 15th because October 14th is a holiday and so the 15th would be a Tuesday MH um October 28th November 12th which would also be a Tuesday because the 11th is a holiday and then November 25th that sounds great to me um and I think in general this is a good conversation to have not just about this specific year but in general we do already do a bi-weekly schedule in the summer um but extending that from the end of budget season to the beginning of the next budget season makes sense to me uh We've definitely seen you know in the last two years the majority of our meetings outside of budget season are half hour 45 minutes we could easily have that be an hour and 15 an hour and a half every other week and save a bunch of people driving and and um and obviously you know your time and the new the new town administrator's time and whatnot um so I'm all for it I I think right and we don't it doesn't have to be set in stone we can do it and if it's not working out yep go back to every other week or back to every week or or if a special meeting needs to be called in between time that can always be done sure I like getting that out in front and then again if we need to decide that we really need to meet on the what would be the this 4th of November or something like that great we'll we'll talk about that and we'll you know make that happen um but yeah let's let's um let's vote on that if yeah that work for you yeah so uh I would entertain a motion to move to bi-weekly the dates listed uh until the end of November make a motion we move to biweekly through November second all right we have a motion made and seconded all those in favor I I I okay thank you nothing and do us a favor um and just shoot an email out with those dates so that I can get those in my calendar absolutely wonderful that's what like there all right so that's an easy one um next up is um well actually I'm going to switch the other two because we have David on the line here um next we're going to talk about approving one-day liquor licenses for Mike's maze so okay thank you for being here David um not a problem so just for everyone who's watching knowledge uh Mike maziz does a beer maze every year which is very uh very fun and has been very successful for the last bunch of years um and is here today to ask for one day liquor licenses for I think it's 7 something seven eight something like that uh different it's uh it's actually oh I I think it's actually 5 and it's uh they're all uh they're all for Fridays beginning September 27th through October 25th great yeah right any questions from the board on that wonderful David anything you want to add or no it's been a great event um and people seem to still have a very fun time when they come out so we're excited to do it every year um yeah so I'm excited to people to come back out and enjoy it again wonderful uh I've heard nothing but wonderful things about it I have many people who have gone uh and reported back that it is just an absolute blast so hey if you're listening and you want something fun to do on a Friday there you go um at this time I would entertain a motion to approve the five one-day liquor licenses as requested contingent we we just have two things we're waiting for so contingent on receipt of the public safety feedback and a liquor liability certificate great so five Li license is contingent on those items all right I motion we approve the one day liquor license contenent upon the safety Public Safety and liquor liability certificate Li liability certificate second all right we have a motion made and seconded all those in favor I I I three nothing thank you thank you so much D I appreciate it thank you very much for coming in all right last on our new business is to authorize the chair to sign the mass Trails Grant feasibility study contract upon receipt of DCR notice to proceed finally this is moving along um Dan and I are going to be attending a grant is initiation meeting tomorrow morning with DCR uh following that I need to submit a grant initiation form once we submit that Grant initiation form which I plan to do tomorrow uh we will we will have completed the grant initiation process um we have received the notice to proceed from the state along with the fully endorsed State contract and so um the VHB um uh VHB Engineering Services is going to be charged with doing the feasibility and feasibility and design of the or yeah feasibility study of the um shared use pathway um the contract value is $195,900 and um the contract is ready to be signed by the select board and you are authorized you're authorized by the state now to do it because the contract's been executed wonderful so at this time I would entertain a motion to to authorize myself the chair to sign the mass Trails Grant feasibility study contract now that we have our receipt from DCR motion to have Nathaniel sign the contract with BHP to get the project moving second all right we have a motion made and seconded all those in favor I I I three nothing that is great news thank you Dan thank you Margaret um this is really wonderful to get that moving all right so that is the end of our new business today uh for old business we have select board updates I don't have anything this week Crystal I do not I do not either actually 3 for three Wonder did The Village Center committee have a meeting yeah we did have a meeting actually yeah I'll tell you about that so we did have a meeting on Thursday and mot came uh we had two by in person and one on the zoom and we just went through yeah it's actually a good discussion we talked about uh how we would because I think there's a lot of agreement that we want common through the corridor the center itself is pretty much a split so we we talking so we had M need to talk about that to talk about uh we have a an old project that's sitting on there kind of in that they have active not active but it's it's it's a project that was defined some years ago to look at the roundabout and do the roundabout in the center um that's stagnant so we talked about whether it makes sense to open up a new one one day once we did through the Fe study we talked about the things we agreed on uh they talked about some of the uh programs that are available we try to we kind of flushed out a little bit some of the peace meal stuff and then higher level stuff um the one thing that is sticking with me still is um parallel parking and uh state law pretty much says you can't have parallel parking on a state road they don't like any parking on the roads but it happens and Conway's got some there's places that have it and I think there's initial indication from Mast that they would talk about it if it's something we wanted uh but I don't know what that means and I'm trying to learn more a feasibility study help flush it out but the thing I'll tell you is that I've heard sometimes they'll do it if you want to take over the road or it would be some kind of maintenance agreement where maybe we had a deal with the the snow clearing or the parking related stuff so anyway to be to be found out later or this should be thought of we're a long way off from any of that Al think nose in parking like the you do you do the one thing about parallel I like about parallel parking is that it's really good to slow people down if you have it tight and you have I mean the state Highway's a little tougher and I always use this example in East Hampton you ever go Cottage Street you realize that when you go through there there's only 20 ft between Park cars and that is the best calming thing in a vertical you know once you're doing bumps that I've ever seen I mean everybody goes 20 M hour through there but where would you put the parallel parking you could put it in front of the bridge side you could put it on in front of you can put plenty of places but depends if you have depends kind of depends you could put more in um I guess with you can prob put more in with the roundabout because you only need a single Lane in each dire single Lanes going in both directions with you don't have the slip Lanes or I'm sorry the Turning Lanes there's more room to do stuff that's all I'm not saying we want it or we haven't we haven't no I'm just trying to think you know in my head I'm just trying to picture where would we put parallel parking and who would actually use it true around their little Center triangle thingy they've got parking like on the fountain side of things I think that works pretty well some some people it's attractive business it gives people they can come Park downtown they can walk into I mean I know we've got private parking you know not some but we could you know there there could be need for more and um again I see this it kind of helps Define a village when you come in you go oh this it feels more like a a village than a you know 40 foot of pavement kind of get through it well in the St Tech or whoever it was person who came in last time said one of the things that we try to do is make it look like it's like having cars on side is going to going to make it feel like a a village rather than just a highway that happens to have some buildings on the side of it you know and it's going to help the whole so it's just it's just a thought and uh so we're going to look at that we're look at all sorts but uh um exciting that they came glad they came they were supportive you know they OB want to hear what the town wants and uh I guess I forget the date what's the October meeting is coming up I'm sorry I don't have I want to see the it's a it's be a Thursday night in October coming up soon though but I'm yeah I should I shouldn't have there we'll we'll get the word out on that that meeting's coming that's going to be a big presentation actually invite the whole town and uh oh okay feel bad one the date but uh we we'll get that word out yeah that's that's going to be important yeah we can help do that okay yeah that's that's pretty much it wonderful thank you Dan uh that should be it for select board updates uh Town administer updates okay uh first of all an update on the Town Administrator recruitment uh process uh Deb Bradway the HR consultant and I started um preliminary interviews remote Zoom preliminary interviews today they're going to continue through this week um we have a number of them on Wednesday and um my hope my firm hope is to bring finalists for public interviews with the select board um as soon as September 30th hopefully on September 30th um that would take a a good chunk of your meeting that's going to be a fairly fairly long meeting um the uh I think we have some good candidates we now have 12 rums that have been received or 12 application packets so which is which is a good number for for this are all 12 being interviewed no not all 12 are being interviewed um not all 12 will be interviewed but uh let me think I'd say I think we're at about seven at this point being interviewed so for preliminary interviews um the number of finalists it will be either three or four okay all right uh the last meeting the board locked in a heating oil price My Hope was that we'd get a $2.50 per gallon price we got $257 so we're a little off but it's still a good it's still a good price better than last year's and that's the nature of the fluctuations you can't never that's right exactly we have daily future daily Futures fluctuations um an update on uh D's uh notice to the town on the past ction in um in a residential well near the old landfill thank you Crystal Crystal was able to attend the meeting um with me we had a virtual meeting uh with stantech our our engineers and um we're I'm very thankful that the town has um stantech doing the engineering because they will head up the um um meeting the requirements that D has has imposed upon the town at this point now we are waiting uh for stant's proposal for the work that's going to be required under D's notice of release so we're waiting for that stantech has sent a notice um uh to the residents that's affected and is waiting for a response from that residence if there is no response by this week I will be sending a letter as a follow-up to stantex on behalf of the town trying to get a response from the residents so there are steps that we would follow should we not receive any acknowledgement um from from the residents so we're just going to stay on it because the town has to do its due diligence here now um in terms of funding for that do we have money already available to be able to pay for the remediation and also my understanding is that we're additionally going to have to increase the frequency of our monitoring it's possible we don't know the details on that yet we do think there is going to be a um at least a short-term increase in the monitoring requirements whether it's frequency or what chemicals are going to be have to be uh tested um we don't quite know that information yet that's going to be included in the proposal however there is going to be an additional cost my expectation would be to come to the select board to use all of the remaining uh uh well probably all of the remaining arpa funds which is less than $5,000 at this point um it's possible that we may have to ask the finance committee for a reserve fund transfer as well uh because the well monitoring um budget line is is not going to be able to fund the additional costs okay and we're going to obviously want to re readdress that that that budg item this year for the future yeah ABS absolutely um and there is going to be a long period of time that D is going to require have additional requirements so we just don't know the costs or the scope of of that yet but uh I'll certainly share the proposal as soon as I receive it okay great thank you for keeping us uped on that um uh my schedule this this particular uh pay period I I I I expect to exceed um the 20 hours a week um this week I haven't had an issue um to date but but this week is going to be an issue because I'm going to be off next week and I'm really trying to pack everything in uh this week that needs to be done um and so I um I just ask for the board's um approval to to do what I need to do I'll I'll assure that it it's all balanced at 20 hours you know in the end um or if um I do need to exceed 20 hours over the next few weeks I'll I'll uh ask the board for approval on that great and that is all I have right now wonderful thank you for those updates mhm all right I don't see anyone on Zoom or in the audience so at this time I would entertain a motion to adjourn a motion we adjourned second all right we have a motion made and seconded to adjourn all those in favor I I I 3 nothing and it is 647