all righty I hereby call to order this regularly scheduled or irregularly scheduled meeting of the Sunland select board um the time is 6:30 p.m. our first order of business will be to approve the minutes of our last meeting May 13th 2024 I'm also we approve the minutes for May 13th second we have a motion made and seconded to approve the minutes of May 13th 2024 all those in favor I I I three nothing def thank you all right first order of new business is our summer schedule yes um I don't think that we have any conflicts so whatever is most convenient for you all we can start by taking next week which is Memorial Day week off and then go every other week from there unless we need to change it um let's tentatively do that so off so we'd meet the 3rd the 17th the 1st yep the 15th 29th 5th 19th well probably not the 5ifth cuz I'm not going to be here but okay when we get to August we can figure that out okay um but yeah okay that generally worked for folks that works perfect that worked perfect for me SS all right if you don't mind just shooting off an email with that in text so I can have record of it all right beautiful um and obviously if a members of the board have something come up just let us all know and we will be flexible and Y all right the other order of new business is the marijuana social Equity policy yeah so glad I'm bringing this up because I got an email today about it so I think in 2022 the legislature amended the marijuana legal ation law and changed how host Community agreements work and basically required the CCC to do a bunch of stuff and Implement regulations um the CCC has done that one of the things that it is requiring one of the unfunded mandates that it is imposing upon towns is to create a social Equity policy um and put it on the website and basically that gives um an opportunity for those disproportionately impacted on the war on drug drugs or marijuana convictions um an opportunity or a leg up to apply for uh Municipal um cannabis license so just to clarify this isn't requiring the town help in any kind of financial way right this isn't like oh town has funds to help you get started this is more of a it encourages the town to um reduce fees okay okay but no not direct not direct financial support um um so really it's it's setting up a policy that says we will do everything in our power to be able to help make these this happen but you still have to be able to figure out how to come here and have the funds and secure the funding and whatnot and we're not responsible for helping you do that right okay can it be short and sweet and something along the lines of the town will do everything in their power to facilitate and help in accordance with the Canabis commission requirements well I don't know I'm having a conversation with somebody from cannabis Control Commission next week uh they I think I think recently um like within the last month or so released a model ordinance and bylaws um I think that the Deerfield social Equity policies are very similar to the model that the state had so I I think there are certain minimum things we can't just say we will be open to social Equity candidates um as defined by the C CC it has to be a little bit more specific okay um but you know I think deerfields has two pages I I think anything less than one page would probably be considered not um enough okay I guess I have some confusion over this it's a you can't get loans or anything else to open up these type of businesses right look not not bank loans not from banks that will that want to do business ferally no so I'm not sure where I yeah you know what I mean where I'm not trying to be about it but if this is kind of like a you got to have quite a bit of cash to open this up how would you even qualify to need red fee you know yeah I I don't know the answer um other than I mean we have to do it we have to do it I understand that it's just I I'm not sure how somebody would even qualify for and I understand the intent the intent behind it is to say hey in the past these these we're acknowledging the the policies that put people in jail for a long period of time for simple possession what not were overly punitive and we want to give people a you know a leg up in in trying to do this because you know we feel bad about that I I get the the intent behind it but it feels to me like rather than the state than saying and in order to facilitate that we're going to put aside $500 million for interest free loans to people who qualify based on our guidelines to be able to make that actually happen in real life rather than just putting on the town to oh yeah create some sort of policy that'll make this all look good for us without actually as Jeff said you know funding that mandate um if I could just take this opportunity to also point out that the state collects uh 177% tax in the municipality which the state said we can't collect host Community impact fees um we're only collect 3% so we get three we don't reduce that that that stands no matter who we okay 3% what kind of fees are we talk what fees could reduce like a building permit yep that's it yep which I don't know I mean again maybe this is just my opinion but if I was if somebody was a formerly incarcerated drug dealer who was trying to put in a apartment complex in town would we give them a break on on their permitting fees you know this this doesn't seem to me like we're helping people on small scale the only people who benefit from this would be somebody who's talking about a multi-million dollar business deal and at that point like I'm sorry but like do they really need a leg up at that point like they're already Cas with like a multi-million dollar cash like deal like I'm I'm not sure that like the the $80 we would give them a break on the on the permitting fees is going to make any kind of drop in the bucket there so any I I I I have a whole lot of questions that being said we have to to do something can we basically take deerfields or the the the the sample one just yeah I I I wanted to start the conversation just to see if there was any particular items that you wanted included before I made the first draft um so that I could but I I can start by looking at deerfields looking at the sample sort of combining them and and having something in two weeks for you guys to look at if that's all right yeah that would be great okay yeah and yeah I don't I can't think of anything specific outside of what I'm sure the minimum would be that I would want to include in there because yeah yeah do the best we can all right thank you I mean and again I get I get this for a town like Boston or Worcester or midford or some large municipality that like is going to have seven of these 10 of these 15 even Northampton like I could see this being a bigger deal because they have what like six of them in Northampton we're probably only going to have one maybe two ever I would also point out that all those cities have planning departments if not Economic Development staff that can work on this and and it'd be nice if if maybe the the campus Control Commission said hey this is our this is the blanket policy all towns have if you want to make one outside of the policy feel free to but like or if you or if you want to app apply for exemptions on any of these items but just if if they have a minimum standard that their template says you have to do X Y and Z great you have to do X Y and Z you're telling us cool if we break that you call us on it and you find us that's how the commission works like why do we have to put in writing what you want think so the state gets 17 we get three I believe so why don't they just give these folks 10 they take 10 from them and make it sweeten it that way or as I said take that 17 take half of that put into a fund and offer 0% lo you can't take out a loan the only reason you can't take out a loan is because banks are afraid the federal government's going to shut them down because it's still illegal to Federal level if the state is already saying no we we're we're disagreeing with the federal government the state can give loans who however they want and they're not going to be shut down by the federal government State Banks do you have State Banks you could jeopardize federal aid to the state you could you could I mean but that argument could also be made for having legalized marijuana in general true sort of like it's sort of a once a bandaid has been pulled we're getting into the weed here on something that's number business moving on that's all new business today uh old business selectboard updates um nothing big just a reminder to everyone that this Friday is the Memorial Day Parade um if it is a um rainy day there is a plan for a indoor event is that correct yes in the uh Elementary School gym gym okay so hopefully the weather will be lovely we've had great luck with that in the past hopefully that will continue on in the future um that's all I got anything from you I've got nothing wonderful this beautiful that's what I like to hear it must be getting into summertime for us all right uh Jeff that's all for selectboard updates anything from Town Administrator side yeah um the kayak kiosk is finished so a special thanks to Lauren star um I hope I remember everyone Hollis Graves Dana Rosco and Jim Williams um and then the Architects uh Naomi darling and Ray man they were all out yesterday putting the final touch and obviously Catherine I'm up for you know driving this but the screens are up the tables are up so that is more usable now so that's exciting that's great um and then the only other thing I was going to mention is um we have uh a letter that we've drafted to representative blle and uh Congressman McGovern regarding the applicability of Osha standards to emergency resp responders and specifically our fire department the fire chief has concerns um they're already regulated by the NFPA um having OSHA standards would require a lot more trainings um and be financially uh very difficult for the Department to handle so um basically we're not saying don't do it but we're saying consider these things before you do it um so I don't know if you wanted to mention anything in the letter or had any thoughts I I'm I trained as an electrician and I can tell you that the FPA text is extremely extremely clear about lots of things including safety um in fact the whole reason behind it was because when electricity started getting put in across the United States a lot of things burn down really fast so they were like hey we should probably do this and so they drove a lot of that kind of stuff um I have no doubt that the NFPA is adequate so I support this letter um I don't have anything in particular that I wanted to add I just you know I'm I I want to make clear I'm all for OSHA I'm all for safety but if they're already safe adding an extra burden to a town of our size you know that's hard Crystal you want anything or no okay that's all I got all right all right at this time uh pursuant to match General lot chapter 3A section 21A paragraph 3 um sorry before that we public comment I do not see anyone in person or on the Tedy all right um pursuant to Mass General Law chapter 38 section 21A paragraph 3 discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and the chair so declares police Union sundland Police Association verse town of Sunderland M 22953 uh we are moving into dective session we will return to public public session just to adjourn after the said exective session and I need a vote to do so right all right so all right you ready for roll call a motion first yeah I motion we enter executive session second we have motion made and seconded to enter executive session all those in favor roll call vote i crystal Drake jum I Dan Murphy I Nathaniel wearing all right thanks everybody