##VIDEO ID:IOZz8s1lvPc## hereby call the order this sched meeting board the time is 6:30 p.m our first order of business is once we approve the minutes of our last meeting from August 12th we approve the minutes from August one second all right we have a motion made and seconded to approve the minuts from August 12 all those in favor the the here okay um the decision requires in part that a uh deed restriction be placed on the open space protecting the land in perpetuity the Commonwealth's natural heritage and endangered species program requires specific actions by the local Conservation Commission and the select board in order to preserve this the open space and perpetuity at its July 25th 2024 meeting Conservation Commission read aloud the required highlighted text in the um expedio Group LLC deed to the town of Sunderland and voted unanimously to accept accept the open space protections defined it defined by the state in its official document now it's the select board's turn must read aloud the highlighted text um would any of you like to read the entire section it has to be read aloud um in the uh in the deed that's this language is from the deed and um you must uh vote to affirm the July 25th 2024 vote of the Conservation Commission accepting the open space so first step is to read aloud the portion of the deed all right a certain partial of land off plump Road Sunderland Franklin County Massachusetts known and designated as protected open space on a plan entitled flexible development subdivision approval not required plan of land Sunderland Massachusetts prepared for expedio Group LLC dated March 12 2024 by Harold L Eaton and Associates Incorporated and recorded with the Franklin County regist registry of deeds in book of plans 154 page 49 which plan is incorporated by reference herein and to which plan reference is made for a more particular description containing 18 acres plus or minus according to such plan subject to the Restriction that the property is dedicated to the public for the sole purpose of conservation and natural resources and passive Recreation pursuant to chapter 184 of the general laws of the Commonwealth including for the purpose of but not limited to the conservation of species listed pursuant to general laws chapter 1331a EQ which shall be considered the most important conservation purpose for which the land is to be protected in perpetuity held under the care and custody of the Sunland Conservation Commission pursuant to General Law chapter 48 um C any proposed use including but not limited to passive recreational development Trails vegetation or soil alteration must be approved by the Massachusetts division of fisheries and wildlife pursuant to their authorities in the general laws chapter 131 a etq meaning in intending to convey the above described property to the town of Sunderland under the provisions of general laws chapter 48 C and to be managed and controlled by the Conservation Commission of the town of suland okay and the form a motion is very specific so I've just highlighted this area and you'll move that before go the motion to so that land are we going to need to do some type of vegetation Management on it it more so knocking down the weeds couple times a year having it mode anything like that I can't answer that definitively but I did meet with the Conservation Commission chair on Thursday and she um she didn't uh express any concerns about the vegetation Management on that parcel um I think they're comfortable Conservation Commission is comfortable leaving that untouched for the time being okay I'm just thinking you know I know there's been other of these Open Spaces where you know the Golden Rod gets out of control and it becomes an allergy issue to people in the area things like that so I wasn't sure if it was something we needed to consider next budget season for some you know yeah even if it was just a couple times a year to have it mowed or anything like that but if there's not a concern guess we don't need to create one anything you want no I'm okay okay with it at this time I would entertain the motion as you read all right I'm I move to affirm the July 25th 2024 vote of the Conservation Commission accepting the open space protection defined by the state in its official document second all right a motion made in second to affirm the July decision all those in favor I I I okay wonderful thank you thank you like for that our next order of new business is to award the 4year 25 Diesel and gasoline bids yes um George Emory Highway superintendent has recommended that the town accept the gasoline bid at a fixed rate of $325 and uh from Dennis K Burke and Diesel at a fixed rate of $33.15 from Kos oil any question about about those right at their time to entertain a motion to approve the bids um as read by the time by motion we accept the bid Dennis K Burke gasoline at a rate of 325 in Caris oil for diesel at a rate of 315 second motion made and seconded all those in favor I I I excellent all right our next order of the business is to approve the count administrator recruitment Counseling Services proposal yes um this has been discussed um at a few prior meetings um Deborah I will be working closely with Deborah radway we're going to work in tandem on the recruitment um she has agreed um to the same hourly rate as as I receive $43.50 per hour worked um she may have to attend a screening panel meeting um should we decide to have some preliminary uh screening interviews um at which case she would obtain she would get the standard business mileage rate 67 cents a mile she's where she's only commuting from monu it's it's going to be minimal um and we expect the um the timeline for the recruitment um to be up to three months from the date of job posting and the job has just been posted in the MMA and on um another state a state list uh website so very excited a any discussion or questions about that no all right I assum you just need a uh motion to approve the yes to authorize the chair to sign the proposal all right the time of entertain a motion to authorize the chair to sign the proposal for the town administrative recruitment consultant so moved second all right we have a motion made and seconded to approve the recruitment counseling servic proposal all those in favor by very excited that along yes we have two other items of new business that are you not Curr on the agenda the first one um has to do with the sludge um that we send L it is a is a yearly contract it is it's an annual contract and the contract is the overall contract is managed by the Franklin waste solid uh Franklin County Solid Waste Management District um and there are number of participating towns each town has to individually sign on um are there any noal differences from last year bew there has been nothing noted no major changes from last year beautiful i' like to hear any questions from the board all right at this time I would entertain a motion to accept the annual contract for our Sledge services with I motion we accept the annual contract for sludge services second all right motion made and seconded all those in favor hi I all three nothing okay thank you very much all right and then our other order of business is we need to uh select a delegate from our board to negotiate with concast for the cable contract for the town for the next period of Time how long is the next period of time you I believe they're 10 years sounds right yeah I believe they're 10 years yeah yeah so um discussion would anyone like to do what the meetings um the the board could designate a primary uh negotiating Committee Member and then an alternate as well I'm for the period of time that I'm here I'm willing to to sit in and and you know just take notes and pass it along to the New Town Administrator if the board would like um but it's your prerogative so how often does this for me I don't think they're gonna um I don't I don't think they meet all that often but once they're up in meeting I I get the impression from Joyce's email that they're going to want to keep keep the ball rolling because they think that you know timel timeliness is of an issue is an issue here so I can't I can't answer I can't answer the question on frequency though yeah that's all zoom zoom I'm guessing it's probably going to be Zoom I haven't gotten clarification on that either I suspect it might be because the attorney that works with the town pounds um would probably have an easier time participating by Z but yeah I don't see that being a thing that is enhanced by the in person so being good opor for that um and and I'm ass you like have a decision on that tonight yes please so we they can start putting the they can start getting that um the wheels turning on this on the negotiation I mean I don't mind doing it as long as the time wor so I would be happy to be your ultimate okay but just full disclosure on the record I spent seven years as a comast technician not working directly for Comcast but working for a contracting company that works for Comcast so post closure I've been separated from that job for 7 years now some eight years now um but just full schol sure okay I know a lot oh that's this is wonderful and you know the landscape has changed so much in the past 10 years they really have to start focusing on streaming I it's going to be interesting to see oh their discussions around yeah people actually dropping cable TV but I mean 10 years ago yeah the their their their business was TV and now it's internet oh yeah we do other stuff also sometimes you enough give you a enough deal so no I'm very interested in those in those negotiations also thank you very much that all right that should be our last order of new business which you need to vote on yeah if you would just if the board could just vote on designating uh Dan as the primary and Nathaniel as the alternate I motion we designate Dan as the primary for the cable licensing and Nathaniel as the alternate second we motion made and seconded all in the paper I I wonderful all right that is the end of our new business up first for old business is Select board updates I don't have anything this week the do you have anything I do not I do not hey how about that moving on to updates do you have anything for us I'll try to keep it quick um the new the Town's new select board Town Administrator Administrative Assistant will begin her duties on Tuesday September 3rd currently we're in the middle of a two-e period we we're without someone at all in the position so please bear with us as we get through these these couple of weeks we're we're doing our best to pull our our resources to get day-to-day work done uh Building Commissioner Tom quinland stopped in last week he's investigating a possible increase in permit fees to cover program cost increases and he's going to present oh he he is going to request to present proposed updated fees including comps from other towns at are future select board meeting the Cannabis Control Commission ccc's determined that the last sent s in the indemnification clause in the town's HCA with alai is not compliant with the relevant CMR it's only one sentence that they're pinpointing so I've reached out to Town Council um to advise on whether or not the removal of that particular sentence would harm the indem indemnification clause in any way I don't believe it would because the um the substantive information is still in the indentification Clause so I'm waiting to hear back from Town Council on that um the applicant has confirmed that they are still willing to move forward with the project in Sunderland and so they're very interested in taking care of that um the zba is also going to want to meet with the applicant because the applicant changed uh from the initial petition or the initial request for the um post Community agreement I met with Jennifer uncles last Thursday I mentioned this already and um just a couple of Conservation Commission updates oversight of the Falls Road land clearing and wetlands um violations has been taken over by D under a unilateral administrative consent order so while concom is staying in contact with d they are no longer monitoring it directly D is taking that over and is likely going to be visiting the site every single week to assure that that progress is made um Jennifer also mentioned that the mount Toby roads um middle Mountain Road and reservor Road in particular are continuing to experience erosion and filling in of some streams in that that area um she expressed an interest in exploring the MVP grant program or other funding sources for Culvert replacement and other climate resiliency measures um and she's also asked if the MVP prioritization plan could be updated to reflect these Road issues because they're not currently listed as a high priority she'd like to try to um um reorder them in in priority order so those are my updates for this week great does Jennifer want to meet ask about that or just right she's just expressing an interest right now um eventually she may want to meet with the board on the MVP plan you that something we could update or it's it wouldn't we have to go through MVP the MVP program at the state and I can certainly reach out to the state I'm willing to do that to find out what what it would require to do updates we just do you know just B some language don't find out absolutely yeah then figure out how do okay great all right um that's it for you right that's it for me beauti so that's all of our old business um we don't have any correspondents I don't see anyone in person or on Zoom for public comment um so in that case our next meeting will be Monday September 9th are we do are we meeting on the Tuesday after Labor Day it's not it's not on your calendar at the moment hey I'm not going to complain week after that's okay I just want to make sure we were on the same pict so great yes again our next meeting will be Monday September 9th 20124 at our security time at this time I would entertain a motion to Jour hi motion we second all right we have motion made in seconded to adjourn all those in favor I I three nothing the time is 6:48