##VIDEO ID:MpEJR_yMLp4## all right I hereby call the order this regularly scheduled meeting the Sunderland select board the time is 6:31 p.m. our first order of business is going to be to approve the minutes of last meeting is that we are not um we don't have them for this week all right we will catch up on those soon uh our first order of new business is the classification hearing with the assessors thank you for joining us very much to give us a intro Jim you want me to take I'm I'm I'm sure I little familiar I'm Dave Gori I'm the former uh uh principal assessor I'm just showing Nikki uh for first classification hearing um you all should have a copy of the presentation so y um so as normal um the board of assessors recommends a single tax rate for all classes of properties um the open space discount uh property town has no properties classified as open space so uh recommend no open space to Discount uh Sunland does not have a large number of vacation or non-owner occupied properties it is not recommended to vote for residential exemption and uh as there's no large Commercial Business in town it is not recommended to approve a small commercial exemption uh so in summary for fiscal 25 the board of assessors recommends a single tax rate for all classes of property no open space discount no residential exemption and no small commercial exemption and that's just clarify that's the same recommendation is every year I've been on the board okay wonderful uh any questions from the board Crystal do you have anything I'm all set anything from you Dan no all right uh do you need a vote from the board to accept the recommendation and approve it yes yeah I would I would do each each one okay all right so uh at this time I would entertain a motion to accept the single residential rate as presented okay I motion we accept the single tax rate we have a motion made and seconded all those in favor and just a reminder Dan you need to do a roll call vote I I I all right three nothing for the single residential rate and you said you wanted one for each of the other ones single tax single tax right yes not just res that's right um and then so do you want us also vote on no additional open space discount no additional commercial small commercial discount and no additional what was the third one no residential yeah all right so I motion we have no open space discount right we have a motion made and seconded all those in favor I I I three nothing I motion we have no residential exemption second we have a motion made and seconded all those in favor I I three nothing I motion no small commercial exemption all right motion made and seconded all those in favor I I all right three nothing wonderful that's it that is it for another year wonderful all right we can keep on funding the town excellent thank you gentlemen and lady for coming we appreciate it is there anything else we can do for you today while you have us wonderful well thank you very much for coming in we appreciate you making it short and simple and sweet for us always work excellent have a great one thank you thanks you as well all right that was simple and easy all right next up is the uh 4year 24 sewer users sewer use user fees well I don't know hard to pay all right so um the treasurer has given me an updated list I had put one in and then it was updated since that point someone came in and paid so we've dropped from 100 um 100 100 different fees that we have to set um down to 99 so that's a good thing [Music] um did you have a question no oh okay um so the one thing I found dramatic about this year it's um last year we had 40 um so the the it was closer to $66,000 and this year it's $77,000 that is owed so it's a significant increase um I think what's driving it is just this one um the one LLC that's here with 62 different um different residents in that were build separately so I think there's you know some conversation we can have find out why why this isn't getting paid and um hopefully get it cleaned up before next year CU um you know we're going to add this to their tax um their property tax bill but you know if they haven't been able to pay it up until this point I'm not sure it's going to they're going to be able to pay it so I will be sure to follow up on this issue and make sure that we can figure out why um it's grown so dramatically yeah that makes sense thank you for doing that um are you able to tell us which which department complexes that covers or um it's one it's Lantern Court Lantern Court okay okay um so yeah if you don't mind uh reaching out to the LLC um inquiring about that you know let's all hope it was a oversight or something along those lines but um assuming it's not um you know I don't know what the town has in terms of options in terms of working with them with a payment plan or something like that but um you know obviously dollar amount isn't correct down there is it um three the 3722 yeah does look a little funny looks low for how many units they have for 62 units that looks low yeah that that does probably zero missing is that the delinquent amount or is that the total maybe that's the delinquent amount or something well it says 62 that rate so from here to here is looking an awful lot like just 10 times from the rate to the total yeah looks like that's just being accounted for only as 10 units yeah so we're doing 62 * 3 3355 yeah I come up with 20,000 and then add the interest on top of that and looking at another two grandish so I I better check that figure right but then that probably yeah I think unless I'm just totally missing something but I'm looking at when you when you look at the other two and threes they they make sense right the other the other math all looks like it's working out that line looks like it's being calculated as though that's 10 instead of 62 everything else okay falls out if it's 10 instead of 62 so yeah if you can take a look at that that' be great I better do that before we go any further um so on that on that not do we want to push voting on adding these to tax bills off until next time then so we can get this settled okay I'm just concerned if the tax bills might I guess the tax rate is going to get set next week yeah we should still have time to do that because our next meeting isn't until the 9th yep okay okay I just don't want to hold up the tax bills either yep no I appreciate that okay so we'll we'll table that one until uh we have we check the math check the math exactly all right that was our only two pieces of new business uh first piece of old business is selectboard updates Crystal do you have anything for us this week I do not Dan anything you want to share today uh noil stud continu that's right now to for really great thank you Dan uh myself I don't have anything uh per se just glad that we got a little bit of rain because we've been having a real rough time not necessarily Sunderland to say but uh m in general has been having a real rough time with fires and whatnot so it's been good to have a little bit of rain um you know wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and uh Happy upcoming Holly season that's it for me um 10 minutes for updates um I've had a good couple of weeks um met a lot of wonderful people um I've had sit down meetings with the fire I'm sorry the police chief I met with Eric uh this week and the week before I met with George our Highway superintendent uh this morning I met met with our library director um and I've also met with our Building Commissioner uh the assessors um the chair of the zba and um a few other folks that don't all have titles so that it's been a good couple of weeks everyone's been really helpful I've learned a lot about what people's issues are we got I got the um budget requests out um in email um digitally on Friday so everyone has that now and we'll be looking for um their responses I know from the Department's heads Heads I've spoken with that they're all busy working on their budgets M um I have learned that um the police chief's contract is up for Renewal this year um so that'll be a contract that we'd like you the select board will need to start working on pretty soon since we're coming up on January already okay uh and it would be good to have that information um before we close the budget yeah no that would definitely be good to have so we can put accurate numbers in there um all right uh we haven't already appointed someone to do that yet do we want to do that now or do we want to sure okay why not does anyone want to negotiate with uh Chief the Metropolis about this is that something you're interested in doing Dan I mean I yeah I can help I'm trying to remember what the one I took last was I just you took the um Capital the frontier Capital oh okay yeah so yeah Dan if you don't mind that'd be great um I did the y y great contract um and I have a couple thoughts but I will uh share those with Becky um to avoid open meeting issues and then yeah she can talk to you about that okay great any other Town Ministry update from you um we did I did join a meeting with Dan um with the South County Senior Center and there's another meeting on Wednesday Dan at 5 oh you're muted sorry Tuesday Tuesday they basically presented uh some plans for 11,000 foot uh buildings and now they got some push back to back to the original which was 15,000 so they're going to have updated presentation uh to present those Tuesday at 5 and again it's the two the two two ones one thing I will say is that it shied to the kind of the Town Hall that are kind of from I guess they the church Som sh so it's the the original one kind of downtown I think station that area kind of building that okay but I don't know I don't know I think that's what they're going to continue now they still looking at the weight lead location also or is it so it's between the okay so weight lead location and then this different one okay yep all right great wonderful anything else um I think that's it for now wonderful so I don't see anyone in person or online for public comment we don't have a correspondence this week uh we do have an executive session which we will be voting to go into momentarily when executive session is done we will vote to return to public session just to adjourn um so at this time I would entertain a motion to go into executive session a motion we enter executive session and return to public session only to aurn all right we have a motion made and seconded all those in favor I I all right three nothing