##VIDEO ID:ar0kOnSt1s0## all righty I hereby call the order this regularly scheduled meeting of the Sunderland select board the time is 6:30 p.m. our first order of business will be to approve the minutes of our last two meetings from October 2nd and October 15th I motion we approve the minutes from October 15th and second second second all right we have a motion made and seconded to approve our minutes from October 2nd and 15th all those in favor I I I three nothing all righty our first order of business will be to vote on a one-day alcohol license and entertainment license for November 2nd and 3rd for Teddy smosi for his Potato Festival yes um thank you for being with us today uh I'm going to recuse myself for this because uh my kids work for him so okay um then for for Crystal and Dan um Teddy submitted um his annual application for a one-day liquor license one-day entertainment license actually for two dates November 2 and 3rd um the proposed hours of alcohol sales or service are from 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. and the entertainment is from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. the estimated attendance is 200 he has provided um the map of the area in which the event will be happening and we have gotten reviews from all public safety so everyone is in the know we've received uh the fee and we've received the liquor liability certificates so we should be good to go all right so are you doing the event two days or is one the day of the event and the second a rain day no both days just like last couple years um over the years we just figured it's uh easier to do it both days we have everything else set up um and then we also have a country band the first Saturday and Sunday's the Poke band just here big H excited to have it again everybody's pretty excited to uh to be there so great Rock great I got no other questions motion all right so um do I hear a motion motion to approve the liquor license for November 2nd and 3rd I second that all those in favor i i two nothing okay wonderful we're all set sign so they're signing everything tonight and the license will be ready for you to pick up tomorrow okay okay thank you very much appreciate it thank you very much good luck absolutely look forward to it hope you have great weather yes we hope so too all righty our next order of business is to authorize the chair to execute the lease documents for the new highway loader and my understanding is that Dan you need to read that into I have to read this yes okay this comes with a resolution that must be read into the minutes and we have to provide this to the the uh Lor all right bear with me here be it resolved by the governing body of lesie as follows one determination of need the Govern governing body of leie has determined that a true and very real need exists for the acquisition of the equipment described on exhibit a of schedule number four dated October 15 2024 to the master lease purchase agreement dated as of December 15 2016 between the town of Sunderland and leie and tax exempt leasing Corp L Lor two approval in Authority the governing body of Lei has determined that the agreement and schedule substantially in the form presented to this meeting are in the best interest of the Le and for the acquisition of such equipment and the governing body hereby approves the entering into the agreement and schedule by the Lei in here by designation authorizes the following persons to execute and deliver the agreement and schedule onless he's behalf with such changes theto as such persons deem appropriate and any related documents including any escrow agreement necessary to the consummation of the transaction compl contemplated by the agreement and schedule authorized individual is Nathaniel wearing select board chair in addition to the authorized individual above the governing body of Lei further authorizes the following individual to sign any payment request and partial acceptance certificate Andor final acceptance certificate authorized individuals Nathaniel wearing select board chair and three adoption of resolution the signatures below from the designated individuals from the governing body of the Lei evidence the adoption by the governing body of this resolution thank you wonder um for The public's information uh the old loader is a 2,000 so it's 24 years old and the tradein is going to be $25,000 on the old loader the new loader is a a brand new 2024 caterpillar 930 wheel loader with equipment the financing costs are $50,000 a year for four years and then year five we'll have a lower cost where by by keeping the the front costs um High we were able to um reduce the interest rate by a little bit so it is a 5-year lease with a year five payment less than the first four wonderful any discussion from the board right at this time I would entertain a motion to authorize the chair to execute the lease documents for the new highway loader I motion we nominate the chair to execute the lease for the louer second all right we have a motion made and seconded all those in favor I I I 3 nothing Margaret thank you MH all right next up is to approve the 4-year 26 budget memo contingent on finance committee approval on October 30th 2024 oh I hope you've all had a chance to read this it really is the standard budget memo um and there only a couple of little tweaks uh that the finance committee discussed at its last meeting uh the first is that it does note that arpa funds have been depleted and they're no longer available so we are going to be um challenged with with revenues in the coming year and the second change is making the submission date for the budget request and the submission date for the capital requests consistent so both would be due on December 16th this will give the select board and the finance committee time uh to look at the budget request prior to your budget hearings in January great all right and you just need a motion to approve the budget memo and send it out yes um the finance committee is also going to be meeting on October 30th their meeting this week and they'd also like to vote the final version as well so uh between the board and the finance committee if if you're okay with that then the memo will go out upon their vote wonderful so I would entertain a motion to approve the budget memo motion to approve the budget memo second all right motion to made and seconded to approve the budget memo all those in favor I I I 3 nothing3 Margaret thank you okay all righty uh last but not least is some very good news and new business uh which is executing the Town Administrator contract with our new Town Administrator Rebecca Torres yes and I spoke with Becky today um once the select board votes this tonight um it's going to be sent over to Becky for her signature um she has tentatively agreed to the terms and Nathaniel you're welcome to go over a couple of the basic um items in the contract if you'd like since she has tentatively agreed and then if um the public is interested in seeing the contract it will be fully executed tomorrow wonderful um the the terms are very simple um she's picking up where Jeff left off and so we are starting her at the same pay that he was at when he left um the term is 3 years which is a standard contract term for that kind of thing um the most of the manua is the same as before the main difference which I think is a very positive thing for um leadership in the town is that um Becky has requested in of course agreed uh to have her pay um increases be tied to the cola that the town employees get um and so rather than it being stipulated in her contract she's going to get what what our non-union employees in town get every year um which I think is a great um you know motion on her part to you know have parity with the other you know members of the town so I think that's that's a great move um other than that it's a very standard contract that looks a lot like Jeff's contract does any questions from the board any other comments or anything I'm good all so at this time I would entertain a motion to approve and execute the Town Administrator contract with L record Torres motion to approve the contract after threee Town Administrator contract for Rebecca Torres second all right we have a motion made and seconded to approve the contract all those in favor I I I three nothing excellent you're very excited about that yes yes all right so that's all of our new business first piece of old business is Select board updates um I don't have anything from my end Crystal I don't have anything not quiet this we do wonderful love to hear it um Town Ministry updates okay the first thing I I ask is that the board received something within 48 Hours of this meeting um this is an annual vote the select Board needs to take this is um this record of vote is submitted to do every year and what it is is an authorization for an increase in the um in the levy the purposes of capital stabilization and I think you've you've you've voted this every year ever since the uh Capital stabilization override was first established so um the uh the mechanism is that you take the fy2 capital assessment which was the amount voted at town meeting $45,600 per and the amount that the select board is voting for an additional for um an additional Levy is $415,000 $41 15,834 per uh increase to the uh FY 26 Capital assessment over the fy2 capital assessment a motion we approve the up to 2 and a half% it's up to right so I would I would actually make the recommended motion oh okay yeah please all right yeah move to assess an additional 45,8 in real estate personal property taxes for the fiscal year beginning July 1st 2025 for the purpose of funding the capital stabilization fund to expend for municipal Capital purposes included in Mass General Law chapter 44 sections 7 and 8 second we have a motion made and seconded all those in favor I I I three nothing thank you and we'll report that to do excellent um I as I mentioned just a little bit ago um this is under ta updates uh the finance committee is meeting again this Wednesday they asked me to ask the select board if the board would be amenable to conducting uh budget hearings or or or um setting aside a meeting every other week solely for Budget hearings with the finance committee committee on alternating Mondays which means that you'd be conducting your regular business meeting on the other alternating Mondays so we tried to get all of our budget stuff done so you try to get all your budget stuff done in one night instead of trying to do budget stuff then routine stuff and um with the understanding that if we have something that needs to be done in that week we can put it on sure you could put it on on okay um I mean I'm comfortable doing that I think that that makes sense um of course want to respect the finance committee's time and not have them sit around waiting for us to get through our normal business I do remember in years past that had been a thing that happen sometimes where something would drag on and they're just sitting there like got the budget stuff so yeah I am I am fully on board with that any any discussion from the board on that or no I'm good with that I it doesn't require a vote I'll just report back to them let them know that the board would be amenable to that okay great wonderful and then the other thing was um and I I did um mention this to the finance committee and I'm happy to share um this sheet with the select board uh in scrubbing uh some budget lines for the current fiscal year we do know that they were going to be some anticipated uh shortfalls um there there are a number of different lines uh that may be impacted but rather than go through every single line I'm going to send the select board um a list of the line items that I noted uh might have shortfalls a couple of others might have surpluses so um I'll I'll send you what I've discovered so far and I'm sure Becky will look further into it when she arrives but I wanted to let you know well ahead of the end of the fiscal year because transfers will ultimately be are they significant short not significant I would say um one of the largest is the one you know about the uh de requirements on the posos that's that's one of the bigger ones um there was a in the current year there is a midyear MedEx the supplemental an end ofe shortfall because there was a payout to the prior administrative assistant on on her retirement um and additionally the position was advertised for 30 hours a week um but it appears it was only budgeted for 25 a half hours a week only because the position was previously combined with the Board of Health clerk I think that we'd be able to kind of or Becky would be able to look into that and see how those funds could be transferred as well Town Administrator salary should have an endof year Surplus of approximately $ 13 to $1,00 maybe even a little more um I've notified the finance committee about a possible need for a reserve fund transfer for the D compliance and um uh I think those are the main things yeah those are the main things I'll give you the list and you can look at it and just have as a heads up for and can you remind me the the reserve fund to transfer money that's a finance committee approval that's finance committee yes and I you know as a best practice the the administrator would probably take their vote just mention it to the select board for your for your information okay um and then one last thing this large the frontier assessment was reduced uh because the additional Chapter 70 was received so the assessment's been lowered by $859 so that's a that's a line that you might be able to find some funds in okay that's all I have excellent all right um I don't see anyone on talk about technology no just I think we need to I would I I think that it would be advisable for the town's boards and committees that meet in this room uh to learn um the technology in this room because staff can't always be available and um it does um you know there is obviously a cost to having staff uh come in and operate technology so I'm happy to help anybody that comes in in the next week um or two and then I'll I'll be sure Becky understands how to work the technology so she could also train we have some pretty good instructions here um and the more designes the more committee designes there are to operate technology um the more the the task can be DED out to more than one person so can we just send an email to all the committee chairs yeah Y and just saying that you know moving forward um you know please designate or you know a person or a couple people to spend some you know to learn this technology because we can't always guarantee that there's going to be somebody here to yeah to run it for you yes I will and I'll note that there are instructions and we can we can answer questions okay yeah I mean I know some of the Committees don't use it I don't believe Personnel use it it but yeah the Committees that want to use it is not a problem it's just yeah learning it yeah okay absolutely wonderful thank you very much all right uh we don't have any correspondents I don't see anyone here or online for public comment um notive session so our next meeting will be Tuesday November 12th 2024 at this time I would no no no I just want to say thanks to Margaret oh thank the transition yeah Becky officially starts on the 12th she'll be with you that night oh my gosh is this your last yes well I mean yeah I I can I can poke my head in if needed but Becky will be in this chair wow yeah see thank you very much it was a smooth transition it's been yeah you you you saved our proverbial bacon in many ways because uh you know we would not have made the last couple of months through without having your guidance so thank well thanks was absolutely a pleasure coming back and helping out for a little bit absolutely all right at this time I would entertain a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all right we have a motion made and seconded to adjourn all those in favor I I I three nothing 648 p.m.