##VIDEO ID:lh1ljJJqTTc## I will hereby call the order this regularly scheduled meeting of the Sunderland select board the time is 6:33 p.m. our first order of business tonight is going to be to approve the minutes of our last meeting from August 26th I motion we approve the minutes from August 26th second all right we have a motion made and seconded to approve the minutes from our last meeting all those in favor I I I three nothing Margaret okay all righty our first order of business will be to approve the UMass Transit uh basic transit services agreement this is your annual agreement that is funded through cherry sheet assessments for UMass Transit throughout Sunderland wonderful any discussion from the board I'm good all right at this time I would entertain a motion to approve the UMass Transit basic transit services agreement a motion to approve the UMass Transit agreement second all right we have a motion made and seconded to approve the UMass Transit basic transit services agreement all those in favor I I I three nothing thank you all right next up is approve The Dump Truck financing okay so um the financing was actually approved at town meeting through the capital article the capital budget article but the select board now needs to execute the financing agreement and part of that requires the reading of the resolution of the lesie so I've asked Dan to to read the highlighted section please okay the following resolution was introduced and adopted and here could be it resolved by the governing body of Lei as follows one determination of need the Govern governing body of leie has determined that a true and very real need exists for the acquisition of the equipment described on exhibit a of schedule number three dated as of September 1 2024 to the master lease purchase agreement dated as of December 15 2016 between the town of Sunderland le e and tax exempt leasing Corp Lor number two approval an authorization the governing body of leie has determined that the agreement and schedule substantially in the form presented to this meeting are in the best interest of the leie for the acquisition of such equipment and the governing body hereby approves the entering into of the agreement and schedule by the lesie and hereby designates and authorizes the following persons to execute and deliver the agreement and schedule on Les's behalf with such changes theto as such persons deem appropriate and any related documents including any escrow agreement necessary to the consummation of the transaction completed by the agreement and schedule authorized individuals are Nathaniel wearing the select board chair in addition the authorized individuals to the authorized individuals above the governing body of Lei Lei further authorizes the following individual to sign any payment request and partial acceptance certificate form Andor final acceptance certificate authorized individuals Nathaniel wearing select board chair thank you Dan thank you very now this um this lease agreement is for four years the town is paying a uh deposit from funding on the FY 24 capital budget and for the next four years the payments each year will be $ 4,394 67 wonderful and do you need a motion to approve all right at this time I would entertain a motion to approve The Dump Truck financing as read by Dan I motion we approve The Dump Truck financing as read by Dan second all right we have a motion made and seconded to approve The Dump Dump Truck financing all those in favor I I I three nothing okay thank you very much next up we have the marijuana host Community agreement um Amendment for Alti Alternative Care thank you uh Pete John and Matt for being here for this um do you want to give us any background on this uh sure yes uh the host Community agreement that was executed by the town and Alti Alternative Care Incorporated was actually deemed uh non-compliant by the Cannabis Control Commission um and the specific section of non-compliance was under indemnification they cited a specific sentence at the end of the indemnification um section that they indicated was not in accord with code of mass regulations um so this uh amendment that was drafted by Town Council uh um uh amends the host Community agreement by deleting that sentence if for any reason and I've talked with Pete about this if for any reason the Cannabis Control Commission deems it non-compliant again we plan to submit a request for reconsideration of the amended agreement sounds good cuz yeah if they're complaining even after we fixed the thing that we asked to fix that's right that's what we're trying do here exactly all right wonderful um any uh comments or questions from the board no no uh Pete Matt John you've already said a whole bunch the last time you were here you're welcome to say more if you'd like otherwise I think we're at this point are good to move forward with signing this and get you guys in in business well we all I will say is we can't appreciate uh can't thank Margaret and Town Council enough for turning this around so quickly it's been challenging for a lot of towns to get these through the commission uh and they were both incredible to work with and the town's been amazing and that's why the three of us wanted to just show up um to be here in case there is a question but we know it's somewhat procedural but we want to be here anyway so thank you and happy answering questions the board may have thank you very much Pete and I Sor gok you so much great thank you thank you all for being here um and yes I I also reiterate the the thanks to Margaret and Town Council for making this such a speedy turnaround um it's in both a town and your Allen just for us to get this uh finalized so that we can keep moving forward all right um not hearing any more discussion from the board at this time I would entertain a motion to approve the amended marijuana host agreement as presented by Margaret and mo we uh approve the amended host agreement as presented by Margaret second all right we have a motion made and seconded all those in favor I I I three nothing Margaret wonderful nice meeting you all thank you gentlemen very much and we look forward to you in the future all right next up is the appointment to the cultural Council um for a three-year term from 99224 through 98227 uh you want to give us any background on that um the uh appointment to the cultural Council we the board did receive a letter from Mr cek and also a recommendation from the council uh cultural Council for this appointment cultural Council is interesting and that the terms are from the date of appointment through um 3 years from that date so that's why this term does not coincide with the fiscal year gotcha all right any questions from the board or anything that no I'm good all right anything from anybody on the phone all righty uh in that case I would entertain a motion to appoint uh Aaron cek to the cultural Council for a term of 3 years starting today through 98 2027 okay I motion we appoint Aaron cek at to the cultural Council effective today with a three-year appointment second all right we have a motion made in seconded to appoint Aaron cek to the cultural Council for three years all those in favor I I I three nothing Margaret okay thank you very much all right next up we have an appointment to the Conservation Commission for Greg Greg uh got okay and we did receive a recommendation from the Conservation Commission on this appointment and the chair of the Conservation Commission is attending this meeting wonderful um and that's for a three-year term from uh through 6:30 2027 any questions or discussion from the board all right Jennifer anything you want to add we miss stand so we did the best we can to get a different a different engineer in that spot he's gonna be he's gonna be great he's gonna be great excellent thank you very much Jennifer all right uh at this time i' would entertain a motion to approve the appointment of Greg to the Conservation Commission for a three-year term through 630 2027 I make a motion we approve Greg what's is Goa got gotcha got to the Conservation Commission for a three-year term second all right we have a motion made and seconded all those in favor I I I three nothing congrat congratulations to both of those new members to our councils and commissions um thank you very much for your service to the town it is very much appreciated all right next up we have old business uh first up we have select board updates Crystal anything from you today I have nothing wonderful yeah I feel bad I don't I don't have anything to report either well that's great news um nothing big for me just uh it's starting to look like fall and it's a beautiful time in to be in Sunderland so look forward to that for all of us um all right next up we have Town Ministry updates okay we've got a few and a couple of action items actually that were received uh these items were received within 48 Hours of the meeting uh the first is on the town's mowing uh contract uh Bob aarn of aarn landscaping has notified us that an additional foros are needed at the sundelin elementary school um he provided the cost to the select board the cost would be $1,228 um and that that in addition to the executed contract costs um is within the fy2 budget appropriation I've requested approval from the accountant for the contract Amendment the accountant has no no problem with that whatsoever and now if the board agrees um I would just ask for uh authorization to amend the contract by increasing it an additional $1,228 for four additional M at Sunderland Elementary Wonder um um before we do that I want to just mention that last year we also had to extend the number of M because of the the requirement from no um and I think it might be booo of the coun of the board to consider for this next year increasing that Baseline to include for new Mo because we are moving into a wetter phase of the climate for sundelin um and that it makes sense to budget more realistically for our needs um so that we don't every year just have to keep King this point and saying yeah four more mes four more mes okay uh so the board executed the three-year contract in April of this year so um the board um if you'd like um could also vote to amend the contract in each of the coming two years as well makes sense so so do we want so again I guess we got we don't know what next summer is going to be like right we could have a very dry summer where that is true it doesn't happen um I think as long as we have enough wiggle room in the budget you know in the budget it would be no different right we did it last year we're going to do it again this year if we have to do it and I'm fine with even the contract I mean more when we appropriate money to make sure we leave a little cuz we're already dipping into our extra this year maybe a six next year we don't know I'd like to maybe just appropriate a little bit more in the budget but in terms of the contract I'm fine with leaving the contract yeah for the next two years we can address that um but yeah I just want us to make sure we have the money so that we don't come up to the end of the season next year and find that it's and last year I think we it was was an amended only for the school or was it for the this property I think it was I think it was both I thought we did here too but I feel like we did both but yeah either way just be good to have a little bit more of a cushion there because we are coming closer to the okay so in the budget development process we will look at the contract cost for next year and make sure that there is again a buffer there beautiful all right that's all I wanted to to add yeah um all right any other discussion no all right um at this time I would entertain a motion to approve four additional M at the cost that Margaret said a minute ago all right so I'll motion that we I just lost the word that we oh approve the additional for thank you that we approve the addition of four additional MOS at the elementary school for an additional 1, $1,228 second all right we have a motion made and seconded all those in favor I I I Margaret thank you wonderful that word approved just wasn't there you got it all right so the next item that I would ask for board uh consideration of is a building permit uh building permit fee waiver request this comes directly from um the highway super intendent for the highway department project uh which is going to be a new steel building um the anticipated permit cost would have been $410 um I have reached out to our Building Commissioner to ask if he would be uh willing to wave the cost he said yes but the select board is the only Authority that can approve a waiver of the building permit cost and again it's $410 okay and this seems like one of those situations where it makes sense to not charge ourselves a um so I have no I have no comment or questions anything from the board no all right at this time I would entertain a motion to approve uh the the waiver of a building permit fever for $410 for the um all the for the highway Department's new steel structure that we were approved last year at uh town meeting I make a motion that we wave the $410 fee for the highway department steel building second all right we have a motion made and seconded to wave the fee for the building inspection of the highway department building uh all those in favor I I I three nothing okay and just a couple more updates here um uh Wendy the town clerk has received a small Grant uh for $3500 uh so she can invest in an addition in an additional tabulator early voting machine I should say one of those um the little kiosk keypads um and to get a little extra help for early voting for the presidential election um that's $3500 so congratulations to Wendy on that um the uh let's see we've received notice of P release at one of the wells that is tested annually by uh stantech engineering um this is near the old landfill um so there was past detected in the sample and because of that release the level of that release which is just above 2 nanog per trillion or something along those lines um it required a notice to the Department of Environmental Protection so stantech uh after talking with me they immediately contacted um D gave D the required notice and now we have re received um a notice of responsibility from Mass DP I have a meeting tomorrow morning um on a remote meeting with stantech regarding this situation what it's going to mean for the town stantech contract um what it's going to mean for future testing at the site um and how we are going to comply with D's several requirements under this notice so um this is something we need to stay on I'd welcome a member of the board attending this with me I can share the teams um the Microsoft teams link if you're interested um otherwise I am going to have the Board of Health Clerk and our Administrative Assistant attend with me so that we can all together stay on top of this I'm I'm unfortunately not available for that meeting or either of you what time it will that's 9:30 tomorrow maybe maybe okay all right I'll I'll send you all the link and if you can join that's that's great great thank you for keeping uh us update on that and let us know how that goes sure and then the last thing I have is that I found out um well a couple of weeks ago I think when when the board had voted on the diesel and gas bids for the year that the town has not locked locked in yet for heating oil for the current fiscal year um right now uh oil the future price Futures prices are much lower than they were earlier this year when a lot of people were locking in so this is very good news um I would ask that the board authorize me to lock in in um a price uh with the low through the lower Pioneer Valley educational collaborative bid um for heating oil and then I will bring the contract to the select board for execution once we do that right now we're looking at a cost I can't I can't give you the exact cost because it fluctuates on a daily basis but right now we're looking at approximately $2.40 a gallon including markup that's pretty low compared to what it's been so um i' I'd ask the select board just to authorize me to lock in and I'll bring you the contract all right the time I entertain a motion hi motion we authorize Margaret to lock in a f fast fast fast down all right we have a second all right we have a motion made and seconded for Margaret to jump on the phone right now and lock it in um to in order to lock in the uh oil rate all those in favor I I I 3 nothing wonderful thank you that is great news that's a good price for us that's going to be very nice all around good to see a little savings somewhere all right anything else from you on Town administer updates that's it for me for today wonderful anything else from anyone on the phone Jennifer do you have anything else you want to say all right not hearing or seeing any uh hands shooting up on either the phone or in person at this time I would our next uh meeting will be Monday September 16th 2024 next Monday at this time I would entertain a motion to adjourn I motion we adjourn second all right we have a motion made and seconded to adjourn all those in favor I all right all right 3 nothing Margaret okay 6:52 p.m. take us out