##VIDEO ID:7wQ7nKnHXdI## folks 6:30 good evening everyone thank you for coming especially in this weather U calling the meeting to order Mauricio commissioner Joseph here commissioner Stenson here commissioner viscaro here vice mayor llama here mayor fetchen here all members presid great thank you stand for the Pledge of Allegiance um Javon would you like to lead us Pledge of Allegiance yes start you go that way too as well it doesn't matter y I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you please be seated um we had a scheduled invocation but I don't see anyone here so we'll we'll we'll skip that okay all right uh go ahead Mr city clerk okay the first item on the agenda is the approval of minutes um the following minutes have been provided for August 15th the regular City commission meeting and the two special City commission meetings first and second budget hearing respectively for September 3rd and September 12th take a motion motion second second all favor I we doing the opening statement yes pleas good evening ladies and gentlemen we appreciate your attendance and thank you for joining us tonight before we begin there are a few important reminders regarding conduct during our commission meetings please ensure all electronic devices are turned off or set to silent mode to maintain the Integrity of our proceedings mutual respect is a foundation of productive discussions we ask that everyone remains silent and attentive when someone is addressing the commission clapping applauding heckling or any verbal Outburst either in support or opposition of the speaker are strictly prohibited any individual wishing to address the commission must fill out a public speaker card and submit it to the city clerk before the relevant item is announced each speaker is granted a maximum of 3 minutes should you exceed this time the chair will notify you to conclude your remarks speak directly to the agenda's points remain concise and avoid redundancy should an individual speak without the chair's permission or continue speaking after a warning they may be escorted out of the chambers it is essential to avoid making impertinent slanderous remarks or becoming boisterous while while addressing the commission such Behavior may lead to being barred from future commission appearances unless the majority of the commission members present vote otherwise the presiding officer May disallow signs or placards in the commission chamber please exit the chamber quietly and without disruption the goal of our meetings is to facilitate public input and participation however disruptive or disorderly conduct hinders our Collective objective IND individuals who want to speak on an item on the agenda are asked to fill out a public speaker's card and give it to the city clerk before the item is called speakers are asked to speak to the issues make comments concise and to the point and refrain from making duplicate comments All speakers will be limited to one three minute comment per item if you exceed the three-minute allotment the chair will advise you to finish your comment if you speak out of turn without permission from the chair and you do not cease speaking after one warning you will be escorted out of Chambers in order to maintain orderly conduct and or proper decorum at these meetings anyone who interferes with the orderly process of the meetings after a warning may be removed from the meeting and may be barred from further appearance before the city commission as permitted in s286 0114 fs and ss74 D5 and 74- 21 of the city's code of ordinances any necessary removal will be made at the direction of the mayor and will be carried out by law enforcement or designated Sergeant at Arms it is essential that attendees adhere to these rules of procedure to ensure productive meetings that serve both the public and the city commission thank you for your cooperation and understanding okay so um we have a really packed agenda uh and I see some new faces so I'm going to say some things that some of you may have already heard we follow strict Robert's Rules here H if you are going to sign up to speak I encourage you to please sign up now uh you can change your mind later and you would give it to the clerk please direct all comments to me not to any commissioner directly and um I want to remind my colleagues on the days that uh everything is done through the chair as well uh we want to get through the agenda but I also want to make sure that you all get the opportunity to be heard because this is your meeting as much as it is ours um but please be cognizant of the rules of decorum um and just follow those rules okay thank you I would like to say something if you don't mind may I speak sure go ahead thank you i' just like to say to the mayor that once you allow a commissioner to speak they should be able to continue their comments until completed absolutely of course thank you that's part of Robert's Rules thank you okay okay so there is no there are no changes to tonight's agenda mayor so we're going to go straight into item uh 6A which is zoning and if you can read your statement ladies and gentlemen this evening's agenda has one zoning application in these matters the commission sits in a quasi judicial capacity the decision of whether or not to approve a zoning variance is not a popularity contest but must be based upon substantial competent evidence as it is presented tonight if you in to provide testimony on any zoning application you must be sworn in by the city clerk and you should also fill out a public speaker's card and give it to the city clerk before the item is called we will first hear the city staff and then from we will first hear from the city staff and then from the applicant after this I will allow anyone from the audience who has been sworn in to provide testimony the zoning applicant has the right to cross-examine any witness and for rebuttal please make your comments concisely Mr City Clerk yes mayor thank you so in accordance with the ldrs of the city of s's Beach all items to be heard today have been legally advertised in newspapers notices have been mailed and posted on the properties all persons wishing to speak at this hearing please raise your right arm to be sworn in do you swear the testimony you're about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing put the truth so help you got thank you so the application tonight is a request of RT advisory team for a variance for a single family home located at 329 Atlantic Avenue before the city presents their side um are there any expart Communications that need to be disclosed yes nature spoke with Mr tillet and the content of the conversation subject my position on AAR thank you yes likewise same subject matter I spoke with jav same same I was given a cursory overview of the project Che thank you I received an email but I didn't speak to him I receive another email from former major cup okay thank you good evening mayor vice mayor and Commissioners uh tonight's zoning hearing is for application pz22 24-5 which is for the property located at 329 Atlantic Avenue um the property is located in the Atlantic Isles neighborhood and is zoned R1 single family District all properties in the R1 one zoning District have a maximum Building height of 35 ft which is measured from the crown of the road the applicant is requesting a variance to increase that maximum height to 38 ft and 11 78 in or approximately 4T the photo on the right depicts the existing house which was originally constructed in 1957 and according to the property of Appraiser's website has had some uh building additions since then as shown in the rendering on the right the applicant proposes to demolish the existing home and construct a new house that has a third story this is the proposed front elevation of the home the red line was added to show the 35 ft above crown of Road Dimension uh the third floor that extends Beyond this red line has a 580t living space with a bathroom and is accessed by an internal stair and elevator Amy sorry the how much is the above the red line what's the height there approximately four feet fouret and then the zoning code does allow for additional 44 Ines for parapets so the four feet that we're discussing is just so the roof slab um here's the right side or east elevation which also shows the third story compared to the maximum 35t from crown of Road the zoning code has seven specific standards for variance applications and states that all seven standards must be met in order to Grant a variance the requested Building height variance is in relation to new construction and a hardship related to the property has not been identified that supports the proposed Building height increase the subject property does not have a special condition or circumstance that is not applicable to other lands structures or buildings in the same zoning District the height measurement from crown of Road applies equally to all homes constructed on Atlantic Avenue the variance is not necessary to make possible reasonable use of the land building or structure as a new home can reasonably be constructed without the need for an increase in allowable height with that said granting the variants would not be injurious to the neighborhood um therefore staff finds that the application is not consistent with the Land Development regulations um the applicant will provide you with their presentation and I'll be available if you have any questions thank you thank you thank you good evening mayor and Commissioners Mr manager my name is Javon tillet I'm with uh east of colins Expediting um here on behalf of my client um the property owners at 329 Atlantic Avenue um as Amy eloquently stated um there is criteria that the city has uh regarding the variances if I may just go through those myself and address what we believe to be our hardships um you know item a the special circumstance exists that are particular to the building structure or service systems involved um you know my client um Sam and he uh first of all a little history with the property uh my client has owned it for over 10 years um they have been taxpayers uh the whole time they were previously renting out the home um but given life um they've decided to finally make sunny is Beach their permanent home um not only is Sam going to be moving in but you know based on their culture um he has elderly parents and he'll be living with his elderly parents um his his father is currently using some medical assistance um with a Walker and his brother um has some uh special needs that uh require uh um special attention and Care um he's been going through Physical Therapy um at home and um based on these conditions um they are requesting an elevator for the home um the elevator would go to the third floor so that is the the main purpose of requesting the variant is to accommodate for the elevator but it's not just the elevator bulkhead on the third floor on on the rooftop um there will be a small room up there which will be used for the physical therapy um again just going back to the city uh requirements you know it does State service system again the elevator is specific to servicing the needs of this family um the special conditions circumstances uh do not result from the actions or inactions of the applicant um clearly you know the the this family did not um anticipate or or request having these Special Needs um granting the variant request will not confer on the applicant any special privileges that are denied by the code um you know the for feet will not provide any special privileges you know beyond just the four feet um the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the structure um again as per the medical conditions this is what we deem reasonable U granting the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the code and will not be detrimental to the public health safety and general welfare I believe as if I heard correctly Amy said that this would not be injures uh to the neighborhood um you know it will not be detrimental to public health safety or the general welfare in fact we have 14 letters of support from the surrounding neighbors including five of which sit on the association for Atlantic Isles uh including the president of of the association so that addresses what the city requests in terms of the variance um and the hardship but I I I personally don't find it appropriate to only go based on that you know there are circum circum certain circumstances that every particular um household has and and I don't think those should be overlooked um as stated previously there is a medical hardship I know that some may argue that you know getting old and needing some assistance is not a hardship it's just part of life um but I I would argue different um you know federal law with Ada is put in place to require properties to be modified such that they accommodate for those that have special needs in which case we're asking for for those accommodations also um when my client purchased the property uh 10 years ago that you know there has been changes to the code as it relates to where the finished floor of the house um needs to start um it used to be based off of BF base flood elevation Florida building code changed and required it to be BF plus one meaning the first floor had to start one foot higher but the roof height has not changed since the Inception of the code here in San so that just shortened the um interior space of the home by 1 foot that was the change to the Florida building code side from that there's also been changes to the flood maps throughout the years um I know previously base flood was at 7 foot it's currently now at 8 foot um so that's an additional um loss to the property's rights um may I ask yes ma'am uh with regards to the flood maps did that affect the height conversation at all it does so what it has required is that the first floor be constructed one foot higher but the roof is still based on Crown of road so the roof height did not increase so it it basically shortened the Interior Space commissioner visar I want to be able to let Ed speaker speak first yeah um you know obviously this is a different neighborhood District um there's several districts within Sunny Isles but you know I I I I would be remissed if I didn't bring up the fact that within the single family home District here in Atlantic Isles again since the Inception of the code there has been no modifications to allow for changes to the height although as I mentioned there has been some requirements to raise the finished floor um not only that you know there have been height variances specifically for the east side of Collins which I understand is a different District But ultimately that's where the developers are able to continuously increase uh back in 2006 the heights of the buildings were about 550 ft in 2015 643 ft in 2021 672 ft and most recently my understanding is that we're approving them at 750 ft and so while these are developers that have Deep Pockets you know these single family homeowners they're trying to make this their forever home and so they've been paying taxes to Sunny Isles they've been good citizens to the city and we would appreciate some consideration aside from that um as I mentioned before we have support from our neighbors um there's 14 letters including um five members on the association including the president as well as a letter from the medical doctor that has been um take uh giving care to um my my client um that medical letter if you'd like I can read it to you it is on the record but if I may to whom it may concern I am writing to you in regards to the shv family appeal in s Florida my practice has been taken care of Vladimir and Victor for the last 25 years this summer Vladimir was hospitalized for over a month with a severe case of menitis and had a stroke during hospitalization he made by all standards a miraculous recovery since he was discharged from the hospital I have prescribed Vladimir at home Physical Therapy 4 days per week Vladimir requires continued Medical Care under the supervision of family to ensure that he can maintain his health Vladimir benefited greatly from having the support and care of his family once he became once he came home although Vladimir suffered a serious health scare he is still responsible for the care of his son Victor who is int who is an INT intellectually disabled adult Victor is not self-sufficient has a significant speech impediment and requires help with most tasks including personal hygiene he is unable to care for himself Victor has been living with his family his whole life and will continue to do so for the duration of his life from my understanding the shamov family plans to move to Sunny Isles to ensure both Vladimir and Victor's medical needs can be met in the comfort of their own home if there are accommodations that can be made for this family they must be granted these accommodations should include expansion of their home to at least standard Heights that will allow for inhome therapy and creation of comfortable living spaces for everyone residing in the home this will contribute greatly to my patients overall health and ensure and enable them to achieve a healthy secure way of living um if I can show you the slides actually we just had one that was up there before but I'll just show you had one up there that showed where the red line was maybe I can get yeah the the point I want to make is that if you look here at the elevation by all matters the roof line where where the um sloped roof is it really sits on top of the second floor the third floor is going to be very much set back from the front of the house and it does protrude beyond the second floor obviously it is a third floor but it is minimal in fact if you take the area under AC on the third floor it's 561 ft whereas the total air uh area under AC for the home is 5400 ft² that's less than 10% % for the third floor not 33% as one might think if you have a three-story home also the square footage of area under AC again on the third floor is 561 but the total foot plate of the third floor again most of it is balcony space it's 3784 ft that's only 14% of the floor plate which will be under AC meaning underneath a a third floor roof slab not only that um we really need the floor in order to maximize the um potential of the property um given the code U my understanding is that we we have an allowable buildable um square footage of 5500 Square ft and we have respected all of the side setbacks and front and rear setbacks and in doing so uh we're we're still not able to even reach the 5,500 Square ft and that is what I have for presentation do you guys have any questions um M do we have any other speakers yes we do have some speakers in mayor if I may just to know for the record uh before the meeting started the applicants representative did provide the city with some additional information uh which is comprised of the property appraisers um information a list of the Atlantic aisle board of directors the letter as uh jabon read into the record letter been sent by Sim shv and the 14 letters of support for the um application and we also received uh one letter in opposition and for the public speakers we have Vali pinchuk did you want to add something yes may if I may just add one more thing here I just want to point out the renderings that we have the these are the photos on the third floor right the roof um as you can see the the second photo on the left hand side the one in the middle shows the Interior Space of that third floor it will be used as a physical therapy room and then you can see on the um you know first top left and and bottom left um the balcony they are designing it to have as much green space as possible make it appealing for you know anybody across the street or um just make it a green space uh my client would like to be able to enjoy the outdoor space um you know as as part of their their therapy and their healing thank you um Mr pinchuk yeah please come up your name and address for the record please hello my name is vitalin I live at 318 Atlantic Avenue same island as the Mr shamay I also applied for a variances two years ago I'm at the middle of construction right now and I understand and I just would like to share uh what were my problems in my particular situation the it's really the zoning required in my case leave the house 6 feet up not two 6 feet so we don't know the final project but most likely it's going to be than that he I'm I'm supporting his application uh everything else what I was going to to say was already say so thank you just one question as the house was rented before for many years and it was almost across of my house and I was watching for this house if he wants to build his dream house for his entire family to be together it would be better if he does it on our island or he moves somewhere else and will rent this house to the ground with the people who we don't know who who doesn't uh respect our neighborhood rules who doesn't care about our um manners and so on so on so I'm completely in favor of his application great thank you you do we have any other speakers yes one more if I could just remind you Mr city clerk to put on the time yes thank you sorry about that uh Samuel sh sh your name and address for the record please uh my name is Samuel shamayev my address is 329 atlanticos uh first and foremost I just want to thank you guys for being here and for serving our city of Sunny Isles uh little backstory as I as uh giovon said 10 I think like 11 years ago now uh I was 16 years old me and my dad landed in Florida we went to Sunny Isles this would be my first time actually being in Sunny Isles and my dad looked around my dad sitting right there next to my brother Victor and uh my dad looked around and said this is Paradise this is where I want to call home this is where I want you to raise your children you know life being life uh we had to rent the house out we rented it out for more than 10 years for financial reasons we didn't have the funds to to build the house that we needed to build my dad had me when he was 44 years old which was a blessing and a curse I get to grow up I have older parents older than all of my colleagues and Friends and uh my father did suffer a stroke about three months ago he it was something that my family couldn't bear but somehow some way he he recovered and uh he recovered with his own difficulties he does need physical therapy and uh he does need the help of his family uh and also as he said you know our family is close and that being said my brother who's also standing right Victor say hi uh he he is suffering from severe severe severe autism he cannot be alone he will never be alone I will not allow that to happen my brother will always live with me that is not something that I will ever renegotiate on and in the renderings you will see that on top of his physical therapy room I made the room there a little bit bigger that way I could accommodate his living accommodations as well as the physical therapy room so there is a bed there for him as well you know like there's not much that I could say other than you know we want to be good neighbors to the community we want to be good neighbors to the community and all the communities that we've ever served if you ask my neighbors my brother would take their garbage out from their garbage area to the stoop of the curb all of our surrounding neighbors and he just did it to help he didn't he did he just wanted to do you know my dad always said like only if they're okay with you touching their garbage and they with the there for 20 years they they treated him like family you know and uh I again I'm thankful for that sun exists I'm thankful that such a community that accepts a lot of diverse religions and nationalities exists in Florida and I'm happy to be a part of it so thank you guys again really I do appreciate it thank you no further comments okay um I just want to remind the audience that um there's an echo in this room so any conversations that you all are having we can hear them up here and it's very distracting so please if you're going to speak go outside you may say one more thing I apologize I was just a little nervous so this slipped out of my head uh you know we're not looking for more square footage we're not looking for uh better setbacks you know if I didn't if I was able to accommodate that extra room somewhere within the first and second floor I would with me trying to rais my family as well I just got married you know we we are expecting children if I as I said 50 we are allowed 5500 square fet if you take every single setback from all sides full two floors is about 5,000 so I lose 500 feet of right if I'm not allowed the third floor which to me the big hardship for me is the fact that I need to have my family with me so that's the only reason that this is all going on I don't need a big fancy house I don't need 7,000 square ft I just need what I need for the needs of my family that's about it thank you thank you thank you that's it that's it okay so um comments and questions from the commission commissioner [Music] Rara okay so I'm I'm still processing um the information I I had a question for one of the speakers the gentlemen in the back about the six feet what um yes can you come for you can you explain that six okay you need to be on the record though you need hold on a second I just want to remind everyone including uh my colleagues please that everything goes through the chair and I I will call everyone up and and please do not uh I know everyone here is nice but please do not uh come to the for safety reasons I'm just trying it's a very good question I had the same I'm just trying to understand like um like what happened and and more importantly at what time at what point in the process of your project did you discover this sixf foot difference and was it required or was it a a choice that you made I didn't make choice to go higher of course but uh at the moment where the time when the were Architects were working on it right now to get to the full I have a four step up my old house which I was living in for a couple of years at the final project I will have a four steps up from a seaw wall and right now we put a perimeter walls and at this point uh we have a red line on the perimeter of our property which is five or six ft high and I have it on the picture I can show it so the rest have to fill up with the material so this was not part of your the original plan it's something that you you had to change was required by the Z but you didn't know that when you began not really I didn't pay attention for that and it never occurred to me that it could but I I respect those regulation and I have to go for it okay um I okay I'm just I'm just trying to understand whether there's a risk for these property owners that they would lose those something similar that high in their project that question should be addressed to their Architects because I don't see how one fet can change the situation I don't see it happen okay I was I just wanted to know how it went for you because I I'm trying to for me it's a plus six feet at least okay all right thank you I just want to clarify for the public we don't engage with speakers but this is a zoning matter and Mr pinchuk um as far as I'm concerned is speaking on behalf of the client as well so um commissioner viscar do you have other questions for joh um no I I think Mr tillet addressed my the only change in circumstance um since the ownership of the home is that one foot difference then right please hi so uh when Vitali was getting his approval it was 6 foot plus one foot slab the the FEA code and the I'm sorry and the zoning code changes all the time currently I have to do8 foot so an additional twoot plus one foot slab that goes away from the 35 so my 3 5 - 9 I'm really at 26 you understand he was 6 plus 1 I'm 8 plus 1 so it's a three foot discrepancy that we have to respect the code we have to do for female regulations however the roof limit doesn't the roof limit doesn't change so I'm having a hard time following but I I think I'm following but okay so I'll clarify so here here's my bare bones question okay so the per the property was purchased 10 years ago there were certain rules around that property yes 10 years ago since you purchased the property let's say 10 years ago you would have been able to build we'll call it we'll just call it 100 okay Ma so you were able to build like 100% but now or 100 points we'll call it right so now in those 10 years have the restrictions changed so that now you're at 96 or 95 yes is that that's what I'm trying to understand from the bottom we have to go up but our top has to stay the same so from the moment that we bought it I believe when we bought it it was five when he went in for application it was six when I'm going into application it's eight and that 35 limit doesn't change it did not change so there was a considerable change in respect to that since you purchased since we purchased yes okay that was my question thank you very I think we understand each other thank you thank thank you maybe you you want to just stay up here since you're the applicant in case there's other questions from the commission um is that all Commission car as far as questions yes I might need to come back but but I I need to hear more uh vice mayor do you have any questions yes so I I understand the uh the need for the elevator um C can you please just um explain again the need for the room upstairs you know so I I mean I know you explained it but if you could just refresh a little a little bit of the importance of that yeah yes sir thank you so uh you know my father had a stroke my thank God my father is recovering very well but he's recovering for that fact due to the physical therapy that he's getting at home with the help of his family yeah you know he has to he started using a cane he was a very proud man you know we as his kids had to settle him down and say you know what you're getting a little bit older you have to listen to what the doctor says uh that room will be his physical therapy room where he will be able to have physical therapy inside when it's raining and Outdoors as well as well that's why the terorist is there to get the vitamin C and D that he needs uh he also as I said my brother is going to be living with me for the rest of my life uh and my brother needs a place to live as well a separate place with his own bathroom that nobody will bother him you know he is severely autistic and it's sensitive so you he needs his own private space that if need be he could also enter uh use an elevator to get to you know my my brother is 47 my other two sisters are 49 and 48 so I'm I'm the baby in the run so when I grew up I had three mothers you know like my mom didn't go to my parent teacher conferences my sisters did you know so uh so we're very close and it's not going to you know it's our tradition you know we are from the from the Jewish tradition you know our family lives with us our parents live with us in old age we don't especially where we're from We're Mountain Jews we don't give away our family to Nur ing homes we don't give away our my brother you know it's it's a gift from God I always look at it that way it's a gift from God it's never a burden because there's many things that he's taught me in my life he's there's many things that I have come to understand because of him and I take these lessons with me throughout my whole life you understand and uh he's I want him to eventually meet his nieces and nephews and and I want my parents to see them you know we it's a like Sunny is a dream for many people you know a lot of people come here and they just buy a condo and they forget about it you know we're not buying we're not we're not buying a condo we're we're here to create memories and we're here to create a different landscape of what Sunny Isles is there's very little single family homes in Sunny Isles and I feel like those homes are are special because it makes us seem like a normal neighborhood without those homes we would have just towers and towers and I guess we could call ourselves Bickle or or or Edgewater you know take it easy easy I we love it here like as simply as put we love it here we want to stay thank you did you have other question thank you thank you Joseph yes so I've built several homes myself so I understand that sometimes uh building codes don't keep Pace with reality so in that regard I understand uh thank you commissioner no questions okay commissioner vcar said you want to come back with comments okay all right um all right so then I'll does anyone else have anything else they wanted to add no okay um so I just want to clarify some things as far as that that were said uh the the height restrictions on the east side there are no height restriction that's not up to us not like we decided uh um have have the next door neighbors been approached are they yes ma'am all of them 14 of the no no I mean directly next door you everybody if you take a look at the map if we could pull up the map no it's fine if you say that everybody from the left right up down I spoke to the jales in the ground too they're all all right um okay so for you know when we spoke and and I had said this before in the past because we had an application like this a few months ago which we denied in Golden Shores um because it was inconsistent with the code and I believe we should change the code because you are right uh we want to encourage houses to be elevated because of of regrettably flooding um my my challenge here is you know reconciling how we said no to that applicant and then saying yes to you and I mean your story it's very touching and you are really great speaker I don't know what you do for a living but um so so um I just I wanted to hear from Amy please if you can um please after hearing this uh certainly from from my side it sounds like they do meet the criteria for hardship but if you can please clarify thank you uh sure so a couple of things um the base flood elevation plus one foot requirement is from the fora building code I don't work in the fla building code so I conferred with the building official this week from my understanding that requirement was adopted into the fora building code in 2007 and the fact that another property had to raise it 6 feet and this one's 5 feet or 8 feet I my understanding is that's because it's based on where they're starting at at grade so everyone is in this flood zone which this entire city is in the same flood zone is BFE plus one so whether we're regarding where they're starting I think varies property to property um as far as the hardship the criteria in the code is talking about a hardship that has to do with the property not a personal hardship or an economic hardship so this property is the correct size the correct width there's that's why I'm saying there's not a hardship relating to the property that's different from other properties can you clarify what what would be an example of a hardship with a property like the shape of the property maybe it's like a pizza shape or if it's um too too narrow then okay thank you I have a question all right go ahead question because we're basically looking or four feet right and I would even be willing to say well maybe we're just looking for three feet because it's the one foot thing we we have a conversation can we find that if we can we shorten the floors so that they or are they at minimum height um so the applicant might want to speak to that but what they're proposing is a 12ft ceiling height for the first floor and an 11t ceiling height for the second floor um the minimum ceiling height let him answer let the applicant answer that one okay what is a standard height for a floor again I'm not I don't work so much with the building code but I think it's 9 to 10 feet is typical to accommodate if we make them if we do the simple math if we make them 10 feet floors we find the three feet I'll let the right please come up and and tell us the height of your so uh it's not 12 feet first floor is 10 second floor is nine third floor is eight okay not 12 okay it's 10 8 that's because we we have to take the slab into account you have to take in the DT work you have to take in all the electrical and plumbing that needs to put in so the actual height first floor is 10 second floor is nine third floor is eight could I be quite honest with you Sunny being what it is all of the neighbors have higher ceilings everybody has between 11 and 12 I don't need that I just need what I need you understand so I'm not I'm far from 12 feet and uh I don't I don't mean to over uh step my boundaries in any way shape or form but it is 8 ft for everybody it is not properties the the 8+ one is for everybody across the board in Atlantic Isles it's not property specific it's because the the rules have changed so anybody whose application goes in at this time period is 8 plus one when valal was going it was 6 plus one when we purchased the respective properties it was five or I believe four plus one so it changes as the water level changes and you know a lot of people are actually trying to be they from the get-go they build it higher just so think of the future you know they want their house to be higher even today I was looking at a I have a picture I wish I could put it up everybody's dock is underwater it was high tide today everybody on the island everybody's dock was underwater almost everybody's seaw wall was under waterer you know and only the people who have recently done done these changes are the ones that have a little bit of breathing room which is unfortunate because they're going to have to go back and change it again eventually and then you know I I hope a solution comes across the board for everybody maybe we put balloons and lift us up thank you thank you no problem I have question any let commissioner bcar finish did you have any more I think I'm okay for now please go ahead yes so do we have an elevation map of the island um I believe there was a map here actually because I believe this property might be in a little Valley of the island you're asking the island yeah the there was a question about the entire Island I don't believe we have the entire Island no I think this property if I remember from driving over there it might be in a little Valley and the same uh situation as the property across the street 330 has the same situation so you might be lower than some um properties closer to Collins so I I was actually going to speak exactly to that point and I think one of the hardships with the property itself is is the code that governs the property it has not kept up with sea level rise you know the common uh conversation these days in government not just the billing department is resiliency and I don't think if we haven't changed the code in 20 plus years that there's been any efforts for that and to expect Property Owners to invest and and beautify their homes and and rebuild something that's uh worthy of of today um but with codes from 20 years ago to me that's a hardship okay thank you Mr ston do you want to add anything so about the height you say 10 n and eight that's 27 plus the nine of the slab so that's 36 but you are requesting to go to 30 almost 39 yes so those three feet it's the slab so you do the nine and then you do 10 that's 19 and then you need a foot for the walls okay and then another nine and then another foot and then the eight and then the foot for the ceiling correct so you're going to have the tank from the floor to the ceiling plus them the slap correct yeah the the open space because uh and like I was doing some research uh to get approved for for proper Physical Therapy you need at least the clearance of 8 feet you know so so you need at least that to to that's a minimum yeah thank you very much everybody anyone else okay so with that I will take a motion motion second just to clarify on is it a motion to Grant an a motion to deny we just need to know that for purposes of the resolution to Grant motion to Grant motion to Grant thank you second commissioner Joseph yes commissioner Styers yes commissioner viscaro I'm very happy that I'm gonna be out voted on this one but I'm a no but I'm happy it's going to be I'm going to be outvoted vice mayor llama yes there is fet same as commissioner viscara I'm I'm glad you're getting it but I'm a no the application is approved three to two thank you and we need to change our code so that you don't need to come keep coming back abolutely need to change the code so have be up to date thank you um all right so we have quite a few more people in the room since we started thank you very much um I just remind everyone we have a very full agenda if you're here to speak on any item please get a public speaker card it's in the back give it to the city clerk please um again let me remind you that if you are going to be having conversations please take it outside because the echo in this room um forces all of us to hear your conversation it's distracting and then if at any time anyone needs to be reminded of the process or Robert's Rules either myself the uh City attorney or the clerk will uh instruct you okay uh Mauricio we're combining some items uh yes but that's not until the resolutions mayor okay so we're now into ordinances for second reading 9A is an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of sanis Beach Florida amending chapter 74 of the code of ordinances titled rules of procedure providing for cability providing for repealer providing for inclusion in the code providing for an effective dat and this is second reading thank you uh mayor mayor and Commissioners uh this is second reading of uh the revisions to chapter 74 uh entitled rules of procedure we had received some direction from the commission for some changes between first and second reading uh and we also made some other clarifying changes to the resolution to just in essence State the obvious um if I can for the record very quickly go through uh in there's essentially four changes um under 74- one we've added some language uh that these rules apply not only to the city commission meetings but to all meetings uh whether they be special meetings workshops and things of that sort um in section 74-14 um which provides the order of business for our commission meetings like this evening's meeting uh again stating the obvious that doesn't does not apply to special meetings or workshops because we don't follow those particular uh procedures for those types of meetings uh in section 74-2 2 there's some language that we added but this evening we've upon further discussion uh in its language essentially that was providing um application of the renewal position uh provisions on items that you bring here at the city commission meeting the ability to renew it at this meeting or the subsequent meeting we had added language to apply that to Workshop agendas as well but it really doesn't fit within that language you can't make motions and you can't follow the proper procedure in a workshop so we would recommend removing that language which was added to begin with and placing it in the guideline resolution that we have uh for the city commissions on certain procedures which would be coming back to you in any event so that language will not be added in and lastly uh section 74 d24 is added which uh refers to vendor presentations prohibited I won't read the whole matter since it's it is in the record uh but essentially Pro uh prohibiting vendors from coming in and actually selling their wees in front of the commission as a body um which comports with our purchasing processes and our code uh on how to appropriately uh solicit uh sales of goods or services okay and that's again that was something you requested by the Comm thank you excuse me by the commission and those are the only changes made between first and second reading um Mar do we have any public speakers no ma'am not do we have any questions or comments from the commission commissioner ston yeah um section 7424 it was added after the first reading and not allowing vendors or people with new products or new software Etc to come and talk in front of us I think it takes out the rights and our rights and privilege so I'm not in favor of this so as it is I will vote no for it if we take out the 74 24 I will supporting the ordinance Joseph anything um in that regard I also believe that we should be open to um hearing about uh certain products whatever it may be without someone having to register vice mayor any questions comments no okay commissioner nothing nothing prevents us from meeting with potential vendors this is just about vendors coming here without being vetted by staff which is the conversation that we had last time and uh if it's something that you know staff wouldn't recommend because of you know based on all of their knowledge and expertise then it becomes a waste of time potentially right not necessarily so I I support that section but that doesn't stop us from meting meting with people but it would just be us individually and then we can sit with the city manager or staff and like oh you know this sounds interesting how does this fit in blah blah blah and then as it evolves then maybe it can become an item where the uh the person is presenting but we put it through staff so that we don't end up with things that um you know that whe they're potentially hurting their they're they're shot out a bid or things that we can't actually consider for whatever reason that we might not be aware of so I I support that language thank you commission uh vice mayor you look like you want to say something yeah so uh I mean a lot of vendors I think uh approach all of us um they're trying to sell us something and um you know I don't know if it's my decision obviously it is my decision right we could make the choice to to um meet with them hear them out and then refer them to staff and then if we feel strong about having them you know present in front of us we could make that push and make the case with with staff um you know if we see that is a product that is worthwhile it will contribute to the well-being of of the residents in the community so yeah I I I agree with um uh commissioner viscara that that we can meet with them and then push I think um the intent of this is to not have people coming in randomly L and and and present to us um uh so I think so there's a process in place so yeah those are my thoughts because I do get solicited a lot and and I think that I mean if they would all love to come and present to us at every commission meeting so yeah may I wait once I again Comm commissioner Joseph wanted to say something on the other hand we we have recommendations from staff all the time that and we've said that we would like to have some input I know we've had this discussion uh with with uh staff in an open Forum so we could have communication back and forth between us um so that we can have mutual feedback and if what you're saying to have them uh vendors meet with us individually that doesn't occur um similar to when we had um an ambulance person coming before us a what I'm sorry uh for an ambulance ah that we had a discussion if that would have been individually we wouldn't have been able to ask those questions and have mutual feedback and the mutual feedback is what's important in order to save money for the residents and also to get to the right decision which that doesn't occur if we meet with these people individually plus nobody can come randomly they need to be in the agenda and to be in the agenda it has to be placed either by the staff or for one of us so like for example I I went recently to the Florida Leo cities and I saw crazy good uh products that for the beach for the people with a low Mobility to be able to come like brand new technology so if you guys didn't have the opportunity to go there or to see this product it would be great if something that is going to impact and is going to affect our uh residents and visitors they could come and show it to us so by with this section like I said I'm perfectly fine with the whole ordinance except for the section 7424 like I said we are taking our rights and our privilege and also the rights in the people nobody can come here randomly to make a presentation they have to request us and that is maybe the first line of betting that we know that is something that makes sense for our residents in our city we can say yes please please come uh like the ambulance for example uh which is was a great presentation and I think we should consider that again um it was sad that that the mayor took it out of the budget uh but uh I'm not in this section 7424 I'm not for it so I'm okay with the ordinance but I will eliminate that uh section okay I think I if I may just add uh in your Charter it indicates that you have to follow a procurement process and you have a procurement process set forth in your code if you allow vendors to come and again for the lack of a better term pitch their wores to you as a body before going through that process it violates your code thank you it puts them at a disadvantage as well because they very well can be or should be precluded from participating in any bid thereafter great thank you all right um I'll take I have one more comment hold on so so going back to some of the points um they made uh commissioner Jo Joseph and commissioner Stenson within our code and our process because obviously you know it will be good to have more information right and perhaps you know sometimes we're sitting up here and there's information that we are not privy to for one reason or another could we in our Charter and our code can we change our process a little bit I mean I know that there's got to be a procurement process right I don't want this to become a mess obviously anybody coming here to present and sell their products whatever it is so can we perhaps you know put on our thinking hats and have a discussion on how do we perhaps include some type of conversation among us or if we do have you know a somebody Pres it to us and it's a great product H how can we make it come to surface right so Technic well go ahead typically in public procurement you cannot be involved in that process okay you can't be part of the selection committee you can't be any part of that so the very essence of public procurement would disallow that your participate in fact you have a cone of silence right once we put out a bid you can't which new by the way excuse me which is new we didn't even have it before right well you should you should have have it and then we we just we need to have on time please so you would have to change the nature of public procurement in order to do that uh Plus in your Charter you wouldn't be able to change anything in your Charter without going through referendum with your voters um so technically yes you could change it but that it would be it would fly in the face of of any proced I mean of any standard public procurement uh best practices out there okay so just hypothetical let's say I go to a trade show and I see a great product for Beach cleanup right and I'm like hey Stan man this this is uh the best product I've seen out there we're not going to have any problems with Beach cleanup can you please meet with them uh and it'll be good if you know we could also get access to whatever information or perhaps you know be present when they're presenting to you um Can something like that happen andin our code sure so there's and I'm M um so yes so if you see something out in your travels that it would be a good product for the city absolutely the procedure should be going to the city manager and advise that let's say you dis the city manager disagrees with you and says no it's the worst product in the world you could still bring it up at a commission meeting and say hey there's this product out there that the city should look into and have the city commission direct the city manager to look into that the difference here is you would have a vendor coming even without speaking to the city manager but even if they had spoken to the city manager and presenting to you as a body so you could do it that way if there's a product or a service that you're interested in bring it up to the commission if the city manager is not inclined to bring it himself and you can discuss it and direct him to do that that would be a sorry wait wait a second wait a second because we're hitting the the thir I think we're actually past the 30 minute Mark and I I believe commissioner vcar did you want to add something or no I've said what I had to say okay the the the one caveat I would add is I'm not speaking about unsolicited proposals those would be statutory in the Florida law so if there's someone that wants to do a statutory proposal that also has its own process under the Florida Statutes okay thank you one more comments because we have yeah so so but also we have the choice of uh having the workshop right if we say hey we need to to fix this issue with uh um Beach cleanup uh technology whatever it is we could have a workshop on that right you can it just it gets into a problem when the vendor is actually presenting because they are um you're essentially not following your code and it puts them in Jeopardy and then you get into all kind of bid protests if you do put it out to bid all right so okay we could put on wait wait wait wait we're not going back and forth we're past the 30 minutes yeah to clarify you can discuss in a workshop you just can't have the vendor making presentations if you want to come to a workshop and say we need to do something about Beach cleanup and in your conversations you say there's this product out there called X and Y that is perfect for that and that we should look into it then you as a body can direct a city manager to do that okay that's different than the vendor coming here and actually making a sales pitch understood but then one second one second one second yes so in that regard I've mentioned the product and I was asked am I being a lobbyist for that product so your answer then is by mentioning a product you're not being a lobbyist if you're mentioning it to discuss it in a workshop no is that correct no I mean you'd have to do a lot more to be a lobbyist for that so there's rules beyond the city that would regulate that for you okay whether you're able to do that or not because that's that gets into the rules of Ethics with the county and with the state correct okay thank you so um cityor attorney so we have a workshop not have the vendor there or any vendor there obviously but then after let's say within the workshop there's consensus that you know what about Beach cleanup we want to bring in three vendors to present to us like we've done in the past we've had presentations here that are directed uh by the city manager um can we do that if it falls within your purchasing code there is a provision where you can get three quotes for certain types of procurements under your code but you still have to follow your code if it goes out to bid no typically it'll go out to bid if it's something that you're directing to do it's going to go out to some form of bid unless there's a piggy back but even then uh and it could be a piggy back and that's something the city manager would look into with staff to see if there's something that you can travel under your code but it would depend really it's a hypothetical that would really depend on the facts of the particular procurement what about if we're in the discovery exploratory phase and we're doing research and we want to have presenters here no because again they have an audience with you as a commission and then if we put it out to bid those other companies didn't have you're you're completely violating the process you've set forth you're at the tail end of that you make the final decision you can't be part of the procurement process so up until the end when you make a decision all right so I'm going to say a few things because this conversation can go on forever and it almost sounds like we need to have a a workshop so people so the commission understands how the procurement process works so the the time to bring up any ideas would would be during the budget time um because any of these vendors would impact our budget and if there is a vendor that wants to meet with any of us individually as uh I what I normally do is I I give them the meeting but I always have someone from staff there because I make it very clear that it's not me individually making that decision and that it needs to come from staff um the reason this process in some place is because exactly what what was said was that if they are the first to get in and speak to us but the bid but it's not been announced to the the rest of the vendors it's it's an unfair Advantage um and so that's one of the reasons that that that's in place um is specifically for for the purposes of allowing the staff to do what they need to do and as far as going to conferences and seeing any products staff goes to conferences that's the you know we we support that for them to see the products and if you go to someplace I've collected you know whatever it is the the um the the Flyers and and give giving them to the dep Deputy manager or whatever nothing prevents us from bringing a vendor directly to staff or meeting with them um and with staff together so if we want to have a procurement workshops everyone understand why that's in place I would I would support that but with with this I I think I we need to Mo move on well I have a last comment so if it's already in procurement we don't need the section 7424 so we can pass the ordinance with without the section the problem is that in the history here is we've had vendors come and present correct and you always tell them that they're getting in trouble by doing that so my point again is that we don't need this section because this is to add to the procurement that we already have in place so I just don't see the point of having the section 742 24 I'm okay making a a motion without section 7424 like an amended motion you want to amend yes as yeah as amended yeah yes and I'll second that okay okay I'm so sorry mayor just uh just to clarify so commissioner cyberon is making a motion to adopt the ordinance on second reading with the amendment to remove section 7424 and there's a second by commissioner Joseph correct so that's what the motion is on the floor right now so with that motion commissioner isara no commissioner serson yes commissioner Joseph yes vice mayor Lama no no there's a motion on the table like have a work you have to vote on there's item on the table you have to vote um first we have to do this V on the item that's to make the motion I'm a no because this goes against our procurement code um and and and for the record um the ambulance was not removed by me it was the amount that was removed because it was going to be vague um all right next item please hold on mayor um we have we have to vote on it as is so now a motion to approve as is isn't it amended by isn't it a motion as amended by by as amended to the extent yes the the one provision second reading orig I need a motion so moved a second okay commissioner Joseph no commissioner cson no commissioner viscaro yes vice mayor Lama yes mayoret yes the ordinances stoped 3 to two Okay thank you all right now down to resolutions um uh we're still 9B mayor I thought we got to 9 9B oh that's right thank you 9B is an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of sanal Beach Florida amending the city of sanal beach code of ordinances section 26-3 and 26-13 of chapter 26 entitled elections section 62-7 of chapter 62 entitled purchasing section 104 d 4.2 of chapter 104 entitled art in public places sections 25014 and 250-15 of chapter 250 entitled utilities Utilities in sections 265-1 and 26562 of of chapter 265 entitled zoning to remove all references to advertisements and publication of notices in newspapers of General circulation and to provide for advertisement of notices on Miami dat County's publicly accessible website as permitted by chapter 50 of Florida statutes providing for separability providing for repealer providing for inclusion in the code providing for an effective dat thank you uh this is me mayor okay so this is uh no changes from first to second reading so essentially this ordinance would allow the city to be able to publish our legal notices on Miami dat County's publicly accessible website um and that would uh translate a significant cost savings to the city thank you do we have any public speakers no ma'am all right do I have any comments no I'll take a motion motion second okay commissioner cyers yes commissioner viscaro yes Vice May Lama yes commissioner Joseph yes may fetchen yes the ordinance is adopted 5 to zero all right okay so now we're on to resolutions Maran if I may can I make just one quick comment sure just to remind uh the members of of the audience that if you wish to speak on any item that's coming up in this section of resolutions to please do so before the item is called um once the item is called no further uh cards will be accepted it just becomes very disruptive while the meeting is going on so item 10A is a resolution authorizing wa wait a second are we combining uh not yet 10 you want to get to it first okay a resolution of the city Commission of the city of s Beach Florida authorizing the chief of police in accordance with section 93275 5 Florida Statutes to expand $50,000 from the law enforcement trust fund to fund the creation of a new police unit for the purchase of a new drone great do any public speakers no ma'am okay I have any comments from the commission take a motion motion second all in favor I I next item 10 be a resolution awarding request for proposals number 24612 and authorizing the city manager to negotiate and execute in agreement with TD Bank NA for banking services Mr city manager mayor vice mayor members of the commission this uh is an item that we put out to bid it's to continue banking services with TD Bank who is our current bank great thank you any public speakers no ma'am anyone on the commission have anything to say I'll take a motion motion second all in favor I I great okay okay so now uh to your point mayor we are combining items 10 C 10 D 10 E 10f 10 G and 10 H okay we we are combining those because they're all related if you would like to speak on any of those items please fill out the public speaking card now note which item you'd like to speak on you will have three minutes for each one if you would like to speak on more than one item you will have three minutes for each um so because this has been a little bit different than what was on the agenda I'm going to give everyone another moment to just take a look we're combining c d e f g and H correct yes ma'am okay so if anybody would like to get a public speaker card now is the time all right Rio go ahead please okay 10 C is a resolution authorizing the city manager or doign need to purchase parts and supplies from WWE Granger for fiscal year 2023 2024 10d is a resolution authorizing the city manager or designate to purchase necessary supplies and equipment from home people for fiscal year 2024 2025 and just to clarify the previous one 10c it's for fiscal year 2024 2025 10 e is a resolution authorizing the city manager or designate to purchase necessary office and other supplies from Staples for fiscal year 2024 2025 10f is a resolution authorizing the city manager or design to purchase necessary office and other supplies from Amazon business for fiscal year 2024 2025 10g is a res resolution approving blanket purchase orders for the purchase of necessary office and other supplies and services from various vendors for fiscal year 2024 2025 under $50,000 and 10 is a resolution authorizing the city manager or designate to purchase it computer hardware and software from Shi International court for fiscal year 2024 2025 do we have any public speakers no okay um I'll take comments from the commission or I'll take a motion motion need a second second all in favor I great thank you next item 10 I is a resolution authorizing the expenditure of budgeted funds with Central Square Technologies for maintenance and subscription services for certain Information Technology Services mayor vice mayor members of the commission at the last meeting we had a scrier error and this should have been approved in an amount not to exceed 20,00 more than our prior approval thank you do we have any public speakers no ma'am okay do I have any comments from the commission no take a motion motion second all in favor I I next item please resolution authorizing the expenditure of budgeted funds for the purchase of computer work stations and related equipment mayor vice mayor members of the commission this is authorization purchase computer workstations and related equipment for the staff great any speakers no ma'am okay I'll take a motion motion second second all in favor I okay next item please 10K is a resolution approving the renewal of the commercial package policy workers compensation and miscellaneous insurances with brown and brown preferred government insurance trust for the period of October 1st 2024 through September 30th 2025 mayor vice mayor members of the commission this is our standard renewal of our commercial Insurance property liability automobile workers comp represents a 2% increase over last year thank you any public speakers no ma'am okay take a motion from the commission and that's well below inflation correct that 2% is below inflation actually yes sir it's a good number I need a second second all in favor I okay next item next item is 10l resolution awarding invitation to bid number 2 4- 0622 and approv an agreement with visual escape to provide City landscaping services as a primary awarde mayor vice mayor members of the commission this is our landscape bid that we put out for all of our parks and right of ways throughout the city the primary w e uh visual Escape at a cost of 5.2 million for two years do we have any public speakers yes we do Greg kaer your name and address for the record please and Mauricio please remember the three minute Greg kaer 257 Point CN Island Drive thank you may commissioner city manager yeah so you spent a lot of money 5 million coming for maintenance of course necessary um thoughts that I had was you know in the Years starting when the city began did the commission at the time and Mayors think about all of this green space and what the cost would be in the future which is growing and looking over the budget I don't hear the commission talking about all of those expenses and what it's going to be exponentially into the future so just look looking at that and reviewing that in addition with all the parks that we have which are beautiful um in the budget there's like another $10 million to buy layons for possible Parks how much Green Space can we have and how much are we going to be able to afford in the future to maintain all of these properties um and as I look in that I mean I see $2.9 million for maintenance for the town city park needed City wants it more money I see another 40 million to be spent on Heritage Park for the community and then I say Gateway loses about $1.5 million a year if I can just stop you for a moment um you need to speak speak to the item we're talking about just the Landscaping I'm talking in generality about about money that the city is spending in that and what's in the budget which when you think about it is a little bit mindboggling um Park maintenance which is happening right now in the budget 3.5 million Pelican Park $2 million loss um I'm sorry it's not on the agenda meditation Gard understand guys let me handle this was significant amount of money if I can just remind you we're talking about the Landscaping we had the budet meditation Garden is landscaping and and that is cover but if you want to wait till the end for public discussion or we we already had our budget uh discussion so please just stick to the Landscaping okay well a as to that and there was no discussions as to all the money that's going to be spent which is be more and more as to landscaping and we talk about Heritage Park where there's in the budget $40 million more and more Landscaping which is going to add up over the years and at what point does the city begin to become overburdened with all of this infrastructure to be taken care of um and there's more and more in there to be had and I don't hear that and look city manager I'd be happy to sit with you and go over this to learn more about it but it just seems to me that the city commission is not paying enough attention about what's happening in the city and the expenses that that are coming and how in the future that's going to be paid when we have so much that's running at a tremendous loss today thank you thank you very much do we have any other public speakers that's all all right um do I have any comments or questions for the manager I'll take a motion then I have a comment only please go ahead I just wanted to make sure that there are not part of the contract is that they cannot park under the cway anymore right correct okay all right take a motion motion you a second all in favor I I next item please T members resolution awarding invitation to bid number 24622 and approving an agreement with bra view landscape Services Inc to provide Citywide landscape Services as the secondary awarding thank you Mr city manager mayor vice mayor members of the commission this is a backup item um to the visual escape this is Bright View as a secondary awarde in an amount not to exceed 500,000 should they be needed thank you Mar you any speakers speakers okay any comments from the commission take a motion no motion any you second so second all in favor I okay next item please ten is resolution approving the expenditure of budgeted funds with pats pump and blower for the purchase of a street sweep mayor vice mayor members of the commission this is uh our purchase of a street sweeper in the amount not to exceed $455,500 and overpass bridge at Gateway Park thank you Mr city manager mayor vice mayor members of the commission we had brought this before you last month and you had requested that we get some additional pricing for glass doors on the elevators which we did and this amount represents including the glass elevators with glass doors thank you any public speakers yes we have one David ver Virgil don't forget the timer thank you good evening honorable mayor vice mayor and commission my name is David D Virgil my address is 17500 northb Road Sun's Beach I think that the replacement that of the elevators have been badly needed for years they break down often and I'm glad something is finally being done about it it'll help people with mobility issues and parents with strollers to get um to Gateway Park easier um the idea of glass doors I think it's great it'll help people who have claustrophobia to feel less tra in the elevator I just hope that the glass will be impact resistant in case there's like an act of violence or a storm or someone BRAC it by accident um but I think it's a good idea thank you any other speakers that's okay go ahead please yes I would just like to note that uh regarding the elev ERS and um CR if there is any in the future um mention or uh thought of crossover Bridges uh that how how much money we're putting into uh maintenance on the elevators on the crossover Bridge we currently have and um what a negative uh it is okay thank you no and may I please the um and the the um implementation of the of the doors um which um commissioner Styers um gave gave us that idea I had never thought of that uh it's not so much the claustrophobic issue although it is for some but I think it's also a safety issue we have kids who use that bridge uh to go to school and you can't we have sometimes homeless people in the elevator who who spend the night there and then the kids push the elevator and then they have a surprise right so I I think this will help also with policing the area and um you know I I I think it's an excellent idea and worth the the extra dollars thank you take a motion motion all in favor I I next item TP is a resolution approving an agreement with Team Contracting for the installation of a new pre-engineered metal building mayor vice mayor members of the commission this is for uh Steel structure to be located at the Layman that would house our existing tools and equipment for Public Works any speakers no ma'am okay any comments from the commission I I would like to make the same comment that I made at the agenda review that we should um uh make sure to put uh cameras around this building we're going to have expensive equipment stored there as everyone will know and we need to be able to secure it and watch it take a motion so move we receive the layout and it makes a lot of sense to build the building just I want to make sure that it's not going to be affecting the under costway uh plan for the for the tennis courts and everything else that is going to be built in there hopefully okay you made a motion I need a second second all in favor I I next item thank you is a resolution approving an agreement with NBR construction to repair remediate and resurface the city's pedestrian bridge located at North Bay Road mayor vice mayor members of the commission this authorizes us to do some remediation and work on the pedestrian bridge um there needs to be some work done on each approach the bridge will remain open been during our construction great any speakers no ma'am okay need a motion motion need a second second all in favor I next item please 10r is a resolution requesting waver of the Bing requirements set forth in chapter 62 of the city's code of ordinances approving an agreement with General cocking and codings to replace and install exterior windows at the government center manager mayor vice mayor members of the commission as you know we um remediated the building the exterior of this building and during our inspection it was determined that there's 13 windows that need to be replaced that's what this item is great any speakers no ma'am okay take a motion motion need a second second all in favor I I next item s us is a resolution of this excuse me SS is a resolution approving the appointments of Renee e Lamar Oliver J langat and Myra Perez as special Magistrate proide over red light camera hearings thank you Mr city manager mayor vice mayor members of the commission these would be appointments for special magistrates that would hear any red light camera appeals great thank you any speakers no ma'am take a motion motion I need a second all in favor I next item 10 is a resolution resending resolution number 2024-25 with kma Gourmet Espresso Bar to design build operate and Lease restaurant space at the property located at 18050 Collins Avenue mayor vice mayor members of the commission you had previously given me authorization to enter into contract negotiations with Negron and unfortunately Negron was able to find other space in a neighboring city so we entered into some preliminary discussions with kma they're very very desirous of coming into the city so this would give me authorization to have discussions with them and hopefully bring back to you next month a contract but the terms initially at our discussion would be more favorable than those of the prior restaurant any speakers yes we have one Jody Joseph your name and address for the record please and the clock please Maru Jody Joseph 18560 North Bay Road um I remember um you had a plan of the restaurant and it was absolutely beautiful everybody was really excited uh the layout was fabulous and if I'm correct it was serving dinner is that correct breakfast lunch and dinner as well we're we're not going to be having discussions Back in Forth no can I just ask stand that no you're everything goes through the chair all righty so is that a difficult question it's not a difficult question it's it's not it's not part of our procedure the Corum remember ala um so I was just hoping that I don't know what happened with the contract but I understand that they went to Aventura instead but that was really wonderful and um if we have something now that just serves breakfast and lunch that's really not for the residents and even we have our officers that work night shifts it would be nice to have a restaurant to go to and even um you know people that have children and grandchildren at the school ask after school there's after care soccer basketball sometimes you don't want to cook and we have fabulous restaurants here but some of them are a little expensive um so it's nice to be able to and the prices were fabulous as well to be able to pop in and have a nice dinner at whatever 5 six o' with the kids so if we can please consider having a restaurant like you originally showed us uh serving all meals breakfast lunch and dinner as well because honestly if you don't have dinner it's more for the employees in the city than the actual residents and like I say we always have to look out for the residents so please consider someone that does breakfast lunch and dinner thank you thank you any other speakers no ma'am okay and for clarification Mr city manager this there is dinner included as far as your presentation before correct there would be us all right I need a motion please I have a few comments go ahead okay um we might get even better restaurants and better offers if we do an open bit process this is being hand selected that undermines transparency fairness public trust your name it so we we need to encourage competition and and right now there is no other restaurant that they know that this space is available so we are hand selecting who's going to be there that goes probably against our procurement uh so I am against this this should be an open bit process for anybody that wants to participate bring us a um a proposal so I'm against it okay thank you anyone else yes again uh Negron was an excellent uh choice I was very happy with it unfortunately we lost them but I would also like to see the bidding process opened in order to have um a more um uh substantial restaurant that suits the needs of the city anyone else yeah can the city manager um just walk us through how this process how we landed here you had previously opened a bid for restaurant and through those negotiations we narrowed it down to Negron and we also engaged with a consultant to help us negotiate the contract and so the only reason that NE gron left was because they went to aventur mall so it wasn't anything regarding our negotiations so we went back to the consultant asked them for other options and they brought us a potentially well definitely a better deal than we had previously um increased amount of price per square foot as well as the different business negotiations and so we're bringing that to you in the form of this restaurant to ask you if we can enter into negotiations with them to bring you back a contract at better terms than what we would have brought you before and this would keep us on track with um with the timeline for for the development of that building I don't know the Redevelopment of that building I guess is so is this to keep us in in line with the with that timeline yes it is if you want us to put it back out to bid you're looking at a delay of probably six months if not more okay thank you vice mayor do you have any questions okay okay so I would like to say so when you talk about timeline you're not talking about timeline regarding moving the building department in you're only talking about the restaurant area correct correct yes okay so if it takes a little more time to get a more excellent restaurant that would be worthwhile for the restaurant for the residents would it not I think that what we're going to bring you and show you with this company it would be up to you to determine whether it's best for the residents or not but we're essentially going to have to start the process over to possibly bring you the same or similar restaurant we like we did before do we currently have a menu that we can look at the same as we had from the grony if you uh authorize me to enter into negotiations the time I could bring you the contract I would also bring you the menu and the representatives of Creo would like to come and speak to you why can't we see that beforehand because I asked them I'm asking you to give me authorization to have discussions with them before I go any further because if you deny it then there's no reason for me to meet with them then we're telling you to enter into a contract before we have full information no no no no no no contract negotiations not to enter in the contract we would still we would still be voting on that um if I can get some clarification from the attorney please yeah on the timeline it depends also on how the build out's going to occur so that's something that's going to be part of the negotiations it's different with the different restaurants so there's a certain part of the buildout that's going to have to be done by the restaurant with regards to how they're going to operate where they need things um and it may be done in conjunction with a separate contractor it may be the same contractor so those are things we still have to work out with negotiations so that may affect the timeline as well so it's not necessarily building their piece and building our piece on a separate timeline and actually may meld together so that may affect the timeline well for me uh what I had seen from the grony was um an excellent fit for the city and I'm not seeing the same from this restaurant well even if if may I we are denying any qualified vendor the opportunity to participate we are hand selecting a company a restaurant which by the way I don't know anything about them they might be great and might be the winners of the bid but as of right now we are denying anybody else to participate so I am okay with the bidding process with the six months I'm still not in favor of moving the building department there which is another conversation I get it uh it should be a full resonant like it used to be generating income and revenue for the city but I want to see an open process where anyone that is qualified had the opportunity to participate if I was an resident owner I will feel very bad that I don't have even the opportunity to show my product and to participate in the process okay Mr city manager could you clarify when you had the the initial um bid opening was it open to everyone to participate yes it was okay thank you all right I'll take a motion so moov I need a second second okay all in favor no any any opposed Macio okay I'm so sorry so we had a motion and a second um can I just take the role just to have the clear commissioner viscara yes vice mayor Lama yes commissioner Joseph no commissioner Styers no mayor fetchen yes resolution passes three to two Okay next item please next item is a resolution amending resolution number 20 202 24- 3632 approving appointments of the historic preservation board accepting the resignation of UR robinovich and approving the appointment of Robert thater to fill the vacancy so we had uh um a resignation on the board of uh on the historic board being that it was commissioner excuse me vice mayor L's original appointment it was his vacancy to fill and he provided the name or the appointment of Robert Tater subject to your approval any speakers no ma'am okay I'll take a motion so move I need a second all in favor hi next item please 10v is a resolution amending resolution number 2024 d36 98 revising the effective date of said resolution mayor vice mayor members of the commission last month we brought this forward and we didn't have a clear I don't think um date of that it would be effective so it would have stated it would have gone into effect at the end of August this clarifies that it is in effect September 30th of 2024 got it do we have any public speakers no ma'am okay I just want to remind the public if you still have an opportunity to sign up we have a few items left if you would like to speak um I'll take a motion then motion need a second second all in favor I all right next item 10w is a resolution approving an interlocal agreement with Miami dat County for the publication of legal advertisements and Public Notices and Miami dat County publicly accessible website mayor Commissioners this item is just to approve the interlocal agreement to allow us to um publish on on their website and it's uh supplementary item to the ordinance that we just passed great do we have any speakers no ma'am okay take a motion motion second vice mayor second all in favor hi okay next item our final item I think 10x is a resolution prohibiting the establishment of sister city relationships with any City cities whose beliefs and official acts do not align with the city's wellestablished support of Israel and its historical territorial boundaries or with cities located within countries that support or sponsor terrorism or that officially recognize and thereby legitimize terrorist States and territories controlled by terrorist organizations okay this is my item hello everyone thank you for coming um so I want to make it very clear that our city has always stood with Israel uh from 2014 we have that I counted but I believe there's more uh easily 12 uh between ordinances resolutions not even counting proclamations so it's past commissions uh this body has uh voted uh unanimously for supporting Israel in the past um and I'm very proud of that and I think it's because this reflects the the will of um of the residents um but also it's just really the right thing to do um you know um after October 7th um many of us became um very um diligent in in supporting Israel and and protecting Israel and doing all things possible um me included um and and especially after I went um on a trip with combat anti-Semitism in June I I became that much more engaged in in that um in in June I I had proposed a resolution it did not go for a vote so that's why I'm bringing it back back now and the reason it took so long is because we have a rule that it needs to be 3 months and one of the things that was really important for me to do this time around was to make sure that the Commissioners understood what I'm doing here so there isn't any miscommunication misunderstanding um to give the public an opportunity to participate because they really didn't last time they believed that it would pass easily um and I I'm I'm very happy that um in the last one of the last events that I went to to uh at the council General's house um the commissioner Styers and commissioner bascara were there as well so I believe that they've um really gotten additional information that made it a lot clear what I was trying to do so for those of you that don't know what I'm talking about I'm I'm going to read you some some historical information um Regarding why I proposed this resolution on May 28th 2024 Spain Norway and Ireland officially recognized a Palestinian State an action condemned by Israel foreign minister Israel cats as inciting genocide and war crimes the United States United Kingdom France Italy Japan Canada and the European Union have not granted unilateral recognition to a Palestinian State as it does not meet the traditional International standards for Statehood which include a permanent population defined territory government and the ability to engage in international relations Hamas designated as a terrorist organization by the United States United Kingdom Canada and the European Union holds significant ific an power within the Palestinian government and controls the Gaza Strip by way of this resolution the city commission states its refusal to enter into City sister city relationships with cities and countries like Spain Norway and Ireland which recognize and legitimize terrorist organizations and terrorist armies such as Hamas which do not align with the city's well-established support of Israel and its historic historical territorial boundaries and contravene to the principles of the sister cities International um so some people were going to come speak that they couldn't and uh I want to just read into the record an email I got today I believe we all got this from uh the mayor of North Miami who actually was uh with me um uh on the trip in June uh Dear honorable members of the city s Beach commission I'm writing to express and this is from Alex doel I'm writing to express my full support for the resolution proposed by mayor Liber supension it seeks to prohibit the establishment of sister city relationships with cities whose beliefs and official acts do not line with your city's unwavering support of Israel as a longtime board member of the sister cities International and its former board secretary I understand the significance of fostering Global cooperation and cultural exchange however it is essential that these relationships reflect our values and principles by adopting this resolution you are standing firm in your refusal to engage with countries or cities that legitimize terrorism or support organizations that threaten peace and stability in the region I deeply admire your commitment to ensuring that your sister city Partnerships honor the principles of Freedom democracy and mutual respect this resolution not only safeguards the values of sun Al's Beach but upholds also strengths our Collective resolve to stand with Israel and the global Community against forces that seek to undermine peace you know that you have my full support and I commend all of you and your leadership in taking this important step um additionally what uh was also added to to this resolution in order to really clarify what this is about and this is really about understanding the concept of why we would oppose recognizing uh a state that is run by terrorists um it's also we would be now acknowledging the historical and biblical area that is properly called Judean Samaria uh which is also referred to as the West Bank the West Bank of the Jordan River um this is important because again it reiterates our shared values um not just as as Jews but as Christians the these are places that are mentioned in the Old Testament and and very much so in the New Testament and it helps to establish the whole point of why it matters that we do this and further I want to clarify for the public I believe there was some confusion um well there's a lot of confusion but this in no way has any sort of financial repercussions or or uh obligations this does not uh Force us to go into into any sister city uh relationship all it does is prevents us from going to sister city relationships uh in fact our sister city program while it's not uh active because we don't have it's while it's still there it's not active because we have not agreed or approved not even $ one1 doar towards that program um so again this is something that we as a community are saying to these countries but anyone else who chooses to support and recognize and more importantly legitimize states that um are run by terrorists um and and and further you know the next I step here and I I I trust that the my colleagues now are clear on this and would support this would be for it to go to the council general of um Israel in South Florida rather in Florida um and um to the uh leadership in in Samaria so do we have any public speakers yes we do okay Jody Joseph excuse there is but you're we're going in order that it was submitted hi Jody Joseph 18560 North Bay Road speak up um can you speak up please yeah I'm very disappointed with what was just said and actually I don't understand what the sister city has to do with the resolution um quite frankly the sister city I don't think anyone has abused it more than Lissa fetan and I have an issue with that because a lot of people are not aware of the fact that all the trips that a mayor or any mayor or commissioner as the people that came in at the last meeting from Hallendale the residents were really shocked to find out that this is something the taxpayer money is paying for um you send them on a trip and it's it's very expensive as we know you go all over the world to the finest places I believe Italy taramina you've been to you just got back from Israel now maybe the sister city didn't pay for Israel but I know you're as recently involved with this IAC it's a non for-profit maybe you got them to pay for it but what I'm really concerned with is I don't understand what the sister city has to do with anything we don't have a sister city as was mentioned number one sister city I'm sorry second yeah right no but you you understand what I'm talking about but you just got back from Israel and also you got an invitation which some a resident send this to me and it was very hard to find I don't know how they found it the city I think hid this you got an invitation to go to China and with a delegation and they want to whine and dine you and you actually even got a gift which when you say there's no money involved I have to say I don't think that that's honest um there's money involved because when you go on these trips which I think is fine go and represent the city but I think you should have to pay out of your own pocket I just I don't understand the gall of someone to think that it's okay to take money out of our residents pockets and go on trips all around the world to the most extra extravagant of places and when you went to Israel this is not working properly you actually said that um you did a favor because you're coming back and telling everybody what actually happened and quite frankly I know in our area we have people who have children and grandchildren in Israel and they are fighting and they thought that was really not appropriate for you to say because they know what's going on firsthand to send a mayor or Commissioners on our expense to go there and we know you're also going as a vacation there's food I mean such as this um notes let's see um immersing thems in the warm Hospitality that Taiwan has to offer now also this you restricted a lot of residents from Sunny Isles we try to sign up for this that you put your picture in the middle of these two people and this is the first one that IAC you were asking for a donation $36 donation now if you go on their website IAC nobody's asking for a donation and a few people from the city trying to sign up but it was rejected by you you wouldn't let anybody go unless you knew them thank you so next speaker please Alexander Ker we missed your invocation I know next time thank you uh good evening honorable mayor Commissioners first of all I would like to start by thanking our city and thanking our Police Department where we and myself both as a community leader and as as a Jew in the city feel so safe here and uh as the mayor mentioned our city is amazing in supporting Israel and passing so many resolutions in support of Israel um that being said um I personally watched a while abroad in uh June the meeting and since then I have spoken to some of you and in my personal opinion it was a mistake um not to vote on that or not to pass that vote but I was given some reasoning by some of you that did not support it and I I understand that maybe you had valid reasons um I do uh want just to point out one thing I only have two minutes left I don't know how to speak short uh but um I know that U it was mentioned in that June commi commission meeting two-state solution and we don't want to vote against it U the disastrous in my opinion Oslo Accord that did um kind of formalize the peace process and uh the dialogue between PLO and Israel then in 1993 in fact in its um section seven states that no side is going to take any unilateral steps and when be that Norway or uh Ireland or Spain recognize unilaterally uh Palestinian territories as a state that is actually detriment to the peace process even according to those Accords that were signed then that's number one in my opinion uh number two it's not a secret um that um 90 some per Maybe I'm Wrong correct me if I'm wrong uh of people in Gaza supported uh October 7th Massacre and Palestinian uh territories 87 or something and actually more people in Palestinian territories now support still the massacre October 7th so speaking of democratically elected leaders and Hamas was democratically elected in Gaza and speaking of the Abbas regime which has not changed in over 20 years um this is their choice and Israel has repeatedly given and conceited territory many times suicidally and unfortunately some people in Israel contemplate still doing that again and again and I think when our city and our leadership uh makes a statement I understand there is no sister city program I understand that this is but when we make a statement that we're not going to um consider relationships with the relations with the and and and City syst City relations with the cities or countries that do that I think that's sends a message to the local community and makes us all feel safe and we know where our leadership in the city stands and where their priorities are thank you I urge you to support it thank you thank you no further speakers okay great there any comments or yes please go ahead okay so um I would like to speak to what Rabbi ker just said if I may because um if we read the language and we take out the words sister city we can um read it through that a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Sunny Isles prohibiting the establishment of relationships with any City whose belief and official acts do not align with the city's wellestablished support of Israel and its historical territories boundaries or with cities located within countries that support or sponsor terrorism or that officially recognize and thereby legitimize terrorist States and territories controlled by terrorist organizations directing the city clerk to transmit certified copies etc etc etc so taking out the word sister cities does that change your understanding of the resolution Rabbi no okay I understand okay so it does wasn't we're taking out the reference to sister cities in order that now let me ask you uh mayor are do you have plans to go to Washington in the next few days according I think according to the IAC were you going to are you going to Washington thank you for being interested in my schedule I am not oh you're not okay so so let's let's be clear here this let me clarify again sister city program is unfunded completely correct relationships that we have with International cities which are in intern which are obviously in countries are strictly associated with the sister city program we don't have any other relationships it does not change the Lang I want you to finish what you saying yes so if we take out sister cities it does not change the resolution whatsoever and that that would make it um absolutely for me um it doesn't change anything regarding support for Israel it only takes out mention of the sister city program which has nothing at all to do with this resolution what you had posted online said this resolution was regarding support for Israel which I've supported my whole life support for Israel I'm a 100% Jewish person I M Zionist and I've always supported Israel and I've never done anything different except on the one resolution that made no sense as far as uh that it was convoluted for the residents and again uh even what you had put out saying that this was strictly in support of Israel it is not unless we take out the word sister city okay thank you thank you anyone else no um I'm just looking this is you handed us this yes correct so I'm just reviewing that I I'll get to that in a minute I I I did have um um I prepared my comment so I didn't miss anything and uh to your uh initial to your opening I I understand the why um and I understand the intention but the devil's always in the details and our details as a city are do not align with the resolution ution so at last month's meeting I noted that except for this resolution which was presented in June or was it June or May June in June um this commission has voted unanimously in favor of everything related to Israel so contrary to what you might have heard in the campaign Rumor Mill uh this is not an anti-israel commission and this is not an anti-semitic group of people sitting up here uh to the contrary I mean you just you just heard Rabbi caller mention right that we've uh supported and and Etc so as I mentioned last month this resolution failed because it is flawed it tries to accomplish two things like the first it's like an implied statement of support uh you know for for peace which which I read is for Israel and that can absolutely be done and we've done it repeatedly that's not a problem but the second piece is is the sister city piece right uh and it promises to change our policy however our city uh our sister city program has been inactive since covid and has been unfunded I think this is now the second year so in my view making changes to an inactive and unfunded program accomplishes nothing and it's it's I feel that by that it's an empty promise that we're offering an empty promise and that obviously we can't deliver because it's an unfunded program so we enter the space of smoke and mirrors pretending to offer something when in reality we are not and that's my problem with this I would love to be able to support it but I fear that doing so as is as our as our our facts are uh would reduce us to I I don't want this to become something of like political opportunism right so I don't understand why this is before us once again without a companion item addressing the flaw which is the um the unfunded sister city issue so I'll reiterate this commission has always voted unanimously for pro-israel Resolutions commissioner Joseph brought forward actually something really nice it was at the day of unity is that what you called it yes was it we had the five rabbis here we had the mayor of Miami date County here uh it was really nice to hear uh the support from the Jewish Community commissioner Styers put forward that October 7th day of remembrance we're going to have a really nice art uh installation around that which we discussed earlier today and last month the mayor brought forward uh a um a resolution that was co-sponsored you know acknowledging the right to exist acknowledging the right to defend itself Israel's right to defend itself uh so anybody who is aware of our voting history and still spreads the lie that this commission does not support Israel in my mind mind they can only be doing so for their own benefit and they should not be trusted that said if the mayor can find a way to fix the Flop I will be happy to support this resolution in the future okay so I I just want to um answer that normally we don't do it like this but this is really important to me and and you said some things that were um important uh I recognized in the beginning of the item that this commission has um been supportive of Israel whatever anyone is saying outside of of this room uh whether that be to their neighbors online that's between them and let's just say they're God if I may say that your candidates that are saying it you're not recognized so the the point of this and the reason why the sister city program is attached to it is because we as a world class City have been approached by many places to be sister cities and and as we become more and more popular and as obviously we we our Real Estate Value grows in the billions so the only way to get the attention of countries or states that support or legitimize terrorism or terrorist armies is to explain to them we will not go into a relationship with you which at this point the only relationship we have is s City relationship if if we had a a relationship with procurement or buying trucks from them or whatever I would say the same I would say okay we are not going to do that but in fact we actually already have a BDS uh resolution so we wouldn't be able to do that anyways so my point is is that the sister city language is actually integral to this not flawed and the reason for that is is because it attaches something of value to them they don't know that we don't have a funded program and this would be for future this with this year our program is unfunded maybe next year as well but maybe future commission commissions will be funding it so that is integral to I agree that the sister language is integral otherwise it falls apart that those are I mean that that's my issue with your recommendations commissioner Joseph my issue is that if it's not funded then we're not engaging in those conversations anyway so then what are we offering I'll I'll tell you like so for instance so it's unfunded but yet we still uh a few months ago um maybe a little bit more a city in uh Mexico uh wanted to have conversations with with us about uh the sister city program and I explained to them it's unfunded there really isn't anything that we can do for you but I I will speak to you I will look at you know whatever it is you want to discuss so it's more of a uh an open conversation because they have not recognized uh terrorism or terrorist armies do you understand what I'm saying so it's more of okay I don't I believe places like Norway probably would not be contacting us but certainly Spain which has very similar uh climate and very similar cities the the message is you're not going to be able to speak with us about something as important as establishing a sister city program because sister cities have to have the same values and the definition of that is having the same values and you do not share our values and my point is it's all irrelevant if you don't have a working program so what are we actually offering in terms of support to the Jewish Community or to Israel or to anybody if we don't have a working program it's a it's a non-starter i if we fund it if we to me that's the fix right if we fund it then okay then to me it makes sense right but if we don't fund it then it's a nothing Burger that's how I see it that's so I'm so told you last month and I'm telling you now there is a solution I'm I'm willing to entertain it I would support it if that were fixed because otherwise for me it's it's empty can you just clarify what you mean by that because I'm not what I mean by what if what was fixed the what I see as the flaw in this is that we have an that we're promising action based on an unfunded and inactive program action potato potato well no no we're promising to we're promising a position how about that yes very good based on something that's unfunded and inactive so there's nothing to be done then there to that's that's how I see it it's it there's nothing to be done so if it were funded if it were active even if it weren't I mean just at least if it was alive right that the thing that's so integral to this which is a sister city program if it were funded and active then I would say okay now we're offering something but if it's inactive and I and I feel like we're we're getting in the weeds here so I I I'll leave it at that if we're inactive we're not offering anything nothing changes that's my perspective if we fix the sister city issue then I would support the resolution to me that's the fix I I don't know what more to say but I'll I'll leave it there I don't think we're we're in a position to um make adjustments to the budget right now please go ahead okay yes so I would like to go to the point that um commissioner vascara made that um regarding uh the word relationship if we take out sister city um we're we're have we're actually qualif uh quantifying the language uh but we're generalizing the word relationship to make it um let's let's take for an example that when we had our um anniversary celebration we had Trinkets and all and on the bottom of the trinkets it said made in China so if we were to have items that were made in Spain and we had this language this resolution without sister cities but just relationship itself it would not allow for us to have trinkets made in Spain so in that regard this language even with taking out sister cities it would did not allow for our city to purchase items from Spain because they recognize Hamas so in that regard I believe that still we could remove sister city and have it be a viable resolution do you want to say something okay I have a few uh comments to make first of all the first the the June resolution was not about supporting Israel this is so because this one say clearly about supporting Israel I would like to co-sponsor the resolution I'm okay with the resolution however there is a lot of things that they were said that they're not accurate for example I didn't need to go to any meeting to have any additional information because the meeting that that we the three of us attended didn't change nothing of my support for for our Jewish community and for Israel I attended because I was invited and I'm glad that I did it um because every meeting that we go we just learn something from second um like that is is being established that we have passed any and every resolution to support Israel and our Jewish Community not only in paper like a rabbi said they feel safe in son El thanks to law enforcement our police third the resolution didn't go for a vote so I'm very surprised when I got in writing the following to a room pack at a recent Israel American Council event in support of Israel mayor Ving explained to those in attendance that the son elb Commissioners refus to support Israel the guess in the room was the sib Commissioners are pro Hamas so I just want to on the record clarify if you Madame mayor has been saying to anyone that we are pramas or that we don't support Israel because that's very important like I said I support this resolution in any resolution any Proclamation anything that we are going to do to support our Jewish community and to condemn Hamas Hezbollah and any terrorist organization so for me it's personal to be accused of being anti-israel or Pro Hamas so I want to clarify that so I would like to say also that I have heard the same language that you have been spreading this and your candidates as well you're not recognized we need to settle this we don't need to settle anything we need to follow proper procedure and protocol that's what we need to do because we're all adults here and we're going to wait and we're going to talk one by one not over each other commissioner Stenson I want to make it very clear for the record that I have never said that I would never say that because first of all it's not true I don't know it to be true so second of all I don't spread rumors that goes against my values that goes against the Torah and and I don't know who wrote that to you but that's what I'm saying it doesn't matter who who wrote it because whatever is out there is going to be out there if we listen to everything that someone says about all of us we will be very upset all the time people talk about us all the time I choose to ignore it if you have a question like that I would urge you to please speak to me directly because that's not I'm saying that's not something that we would ever vote on that's a that's a that's a conversation you and I can have okay so for the record that has never been said and and I truly appreciate you putting that on the record because like I said to be called that this commission this city is pro Hamas is really low like it doesn't go lower than that I agree and to be called that we don't support Israel or our Jewish Community the same we has done anything above and beyond we have passed software for the police department that we don't even know the details of us like the police come to us and say we need this but it's so sensitive that they can never put it as a public record what is it that we're passing and that any money for software Hardware training You Name It We have always been able to to accomplish that and we have a very healthy budget so actually that also helps so to be called that we are pro Hamas like I said it doesn't go lower than that so I just wanted to put on the record and and I'm glad that everybody saying here and if you guys want to say it um we are a commission that support our Jewish Community we have done that and we will continue doing that uh hopefully forever and we want to make sure that our Jewish Community is safe and not with only symbolic resolution like this one because at the end of the day this is going to be symb but with actions like what we do with the police department law enforcement and your name it so thank you so much for the clarification and thank you for co-sponsoring I appreciate that absolutely please go ahead but please keep it to the resolution I would well I just like to say I'm going to what uh you said that you had not been spreading any rumors Rola and myself we were at a um meeting a republican meeting on August 4th where you were present your uh candidates puppet candidates were present and um they were spreading rumors saying that the commission was Pro Hamas it was uh spread amongst everyone at El Tropico you were there you heard it you knew and you participated so you just lied on the deis to the residents and to everyone in the city okay thank you very much that's uh categorically untrue whatever you heard anyone say I do not control other people's mouths and for the record I am not running for office nor do I personally have any candidates so uh if anyone has anything else to say Madam mayor Mar up for one second yes um in keeping in in keeping in line with our rules of procedure specifically chapter 7422 e um the time for debate we've exceeded the 30 minutes thank you so in order to be able to move forward uh we would need a motion from to continue okay all in favor I thank you m yeah so well hopefully um I hope those rumors are un true we're not pro Hamas or in favor or anti-semitic um definitely you know I I despise Hamas and their horrible and evil uh beliefs with that being said you know and specifically going to you know these three countries in in question Spain Norway and Ireland recognizing the Palestinian State you know when we're looking at the situation and the conflict you know I think and they might be wrong it might be the wrong timing who knows but I don't think their intent as the foreign minister of Israel stated is to incite genocide and war crimes I do not think those three countries have that in mind what they have in mind and that is my belief is that they want to see a solution to this conflict they want to see a two-state solution where there could be coexistence it's been a conflict that's been going on for 75 plus years there's other conflicts that have come to resolutions you're talking about Ireland you're talking about other conflicts that gone on for many years and I think that perhaps they're looking at something like that where there could be some sort of Peace whether it's short term or in the longer term but absolutely I don't I do not see those three countries as you know supporting genocide and war crimes uh with that being said you know it is um I hope that you know these things don't come up for the sole purpose of political gain I mean we're talking about death and suffering so hopefully that is not the case um I despise all forms of racism bigotry anti-Semitism I actually brought to I brought an item to the uh commission back in uh October November of 2020 where we adopted the international Holocaust remembrance uh alliance definition of anti-semitism that resolution passed we codified that into law giving our Police Department further you know power to be able to combat any transgressions of anti-Semitism any crimes of anti-Semitism so I want to make that clear that I just don't see how Spain Norway and Ireland recognizing a Palestinian State translates into some sort of anti-Semitism okay um I think that at the end of the day there's got to be some sort of Peace at the end of the of the road and this conflict cannot continue with so Much Death destruction and suffering so that's the way I see it and I hope that in a future there could be peace and that's that's my view on this topic yes yes I would just like to say that um maybe what some people don't understand is that Palestinian children from the age of two are taught that they can never live with uh Israel or Jews and they have to murder Jews at every opportunity and uh there can never be any two-state solution and the only solution is to have the uh state of Israel uh no longer exist so in that regard myself and and being a True Believer in Israel and someone who is pro-israel you can never um accept a two-state solution thank you well that that that's your belief but I I believe that Spain Norway and Ireland my thought is that their intention is not to from what they did is not that they are inciting or supporting any genocide and war crimes it's as simple as that to me well they just don't truly believe in uh the existence of Israel I I don't think that's the case but we could continue okay having a conversation it's a complex issue it's a very complex does anyone else have anything okay so uh uh to to some points that were made about intent intent is very important um the decisions we make up here and our intent uh why we make them and and what we propose uh matters um these are not random acts and the reason that we propose something or the reason we support something and what we do with it has a real impact it's not just a piece of paper so while it may not be attached to any program per se that is not active what it says to our public uh to our residents to our visitors but almost more importantly to our city manager to our uh attorney to our PD is that we as a commission unequivocally support Israel and we denounce terrorism in every single way which allows them then to do things like sign up for uh anti-semitic training which the police as I understand are going to be doing a free training that they decided they're going to sign up for themselves so all of these conversations uh and and and please know that for for all of you it may seem like we are not getting along and sometimes we're not but this conversation is important because I need to hear what my colleagues are saying and they need to hear me more importantly you need to hear what we're saying um the idea that this is in any way connected that my intent would in any way be connected to uh politicizing this issue um I find repugnant and insulting uh in going to Israel of which uh for the record uh the city of Sunny Al's Beach and the taxpayers did not pay one cent for uh going to the Nova Music Festival uh seeing those images talking to people that actually lost their children their grandchildren uh talking to people that have their fam still in captivity which includes American citizens for anyone to even consider that that could be politicized is is important to me um that trip and and 107 changed me intensely and I think it changed a lot of people in this room and around the world it brought people together and that's what the point of this resolution is is to really give this commission another opportunity to show that we are united and that we can come together despite us not agreeing on the politics or what Ireland or or Spain or Norway meant or didn't mean for me it's very clear what it means when you um uh legitimize a terrorist Army uh and I but I respect that for you you don't agree so that is why this is not about having that conversation it's about us not allowing them to approach us with a sister city agreement but almost as importantly is recognizing Judea and Samaria as the proper biblical and historical names for the for the uh West Bank we're gonna keep we're going to go into another 30 minutes but go ahead okay so I would I would make a motion to amend um this resolution to remove the word sister city and remove um sister cities International from the language from the whereas above the signature line and to um make a motion on uh the corrected resolution uh without without that language it has the same exact meaning except it makes no reference to the sister city program whatsoever okay and I would like to ask a motion there a second may I ask a question please go ahead but there's a motion on the table so go ahead this is why I I might consider I I think it addresses my issue which which is tying it to an unfunded thing which I don't like because I don't think but mayor does does that would that undo your intention if we remove the sister city language it would because that's the only value that we have to them uh we don't buy anything from them but let me ask a different question actually so uh Mr attorney if we remove the word sister city and it says relationship doesn't that include sister city relationship theoretically it could it's not as direct but that would be any relationship with any cities so that would so it even makes it broader so that's even better it's a it makes it a stronger well wait a second solution uh but do we need to Define what relationship means not necess no you don't need to it just opens it up to interpretation but as stated I don't know that we have any relationships with any countries or cities in foreign countries besides through the sister city program so again I haven't had a chance to really look at the and that's why for me that is the language is important because it's the only thing that we have a connection to it's relationships with any cities so theoretically it would include any sort of sister city relationship as to what the ramifications I don't know again I I'd have to read the whole thing again but what language would need to be added in order to make it very clear that it includes all relationships including sister city relationships because my concern is that then it is unclear why we did this well that was the point June let me let me it wasn't it was an unnecessary resolution I disagree I couldn't really suggest Beyond again the removal of the I couldn't really suggest any Lang that would be up to you all I'm sorry I'll I'll say this like it by divorcing from the sister CED language I can get behind it because it solves my issue with it right so but for the record though you would then still support the concept of obviously we we would not go into sister city relationship if we are not going into any Rel that anyway I'm not saying us I'm saying future commission this this has become a a right this is what I'm saying like I'm offering a compromise right because I'm very process oriented and I'm about the letter of things and the letter of it doesn't work okay that's my my interpretation if we remove the sister city language it becomes basically symbolic and it's not never really going to be tied into to a sister city program which is not funded or active but if we remove the sister city language I would be willing to compromise because it resolves the technical literal issue that I have okay go ahead so I I would second the motion but go ahead and the C city is a contract so actually also um it will be included so we cannot to your point we cannot get into a relationship ship with a c sister city if it if even if it's not mentioned per se that's the thing so I think uh it is broader and I like the idea that we will never have those kind of uh sister city contracts with anybody right now because of budget but not only that clearly we are not going to be supporting any city that is in go against our values okay so we have a second I will second the the um with the removal of the sister city language as as recommended by commissioner Joseph Mr city clerk do you have what you need yes okay all in favor I I any opposed no okay passed you all right thank you for your patience now we're on to Citizens Forum citizens forum and we have just one speaker George Bart Messer I don't think he's here okay okay so ladies and gentlemen thank you very much before you leave I I had to I have to uh let you know that uh um there's a resource Fair a community resource Fair next Tuesday from 3:00 to 7: at Gateway Center it's open to to everyone there's going to be resources from the county from the city uh I want to thank uh Myra who's in the back for putting it together uh please put it on your calendars it it should be really informative and again I want to thank everyone that came out in this weather everyone that's watching on on TV uh I'm glad that we have been able to finally um put this to bed thank you one more one more yes wait wait wait wait wait yes one more comment just to remind everyone that next month's meeting will not be the third Thursday as we customarily have our meetings we will be held on October 22nd instead because of su suot yes yes thank you thank you meeting a everyone --------- ##VIDEO ID:JiKV7mvw5CY## okay we're gonna start Maro commissioner viscaro here commissioner Joseph here commissioner cyon here commissioner Joseph here thank you sorry uh vice mayor llama is not here uh mayor fetchin here thank you we have a COR great um first item we have is everyone here I think so right there's three okay great um so it is my pleasure to to uh make this presentation to to these girls and and this coach and these parents I have known um coach Andrea for for many many years um both as a friend and and as a coach and it's really remarkable what she has done with uh this group of girls and it's a testiment to her hard work um the girls very hard work but probably most important the support of their parents um you know the the traveling and the the kind of commitment and investment you have to make um I hope you girls really appreciate it and we are really really proud of you and what you have accomplished um I'm going to read this really quickly so it's in the record Andrea n mom AKA gymnastics and her team of gymnasts akimi what Tai is that right thank you Gabriella Gonzalez and Oda Kashi competed in the 2024 aaou gymnastics national championships in Del delr Beach on June 20th 2024 teams and gymnasts from all over the country competed hakeim came in second place in the all-around ad came in fifth and Gabriella came in ninth we are so proud of all three of them and it showcases how far they have come and how dedic at Andrea is to her gymnast and the city so if you guys can please um come up we're going to give you some awards and then we'll take a picture [Applause] two spe con conratulations okay marce Ste the next item on the agenda is to be a proclamation presented for Republic of China Taiwan National Daye okay thank you so um I I want to say that uh this is a relationship that we've had for many many years and it brings me great joy and pride that you all have come here to accept this Proclamation um um commissioner vcar and I had the pleasure of of visiting H and it's it's a beautiful country and our sister city there is amazing um and we just love how much you support us uh I remember that you know during Co you made a large donation to us of masks and it's very appreciated I'm going to read the proclamation so we have it in the record whereas the Republic of China Taiwan observes the 113th National Day on October 10th 2024 and whereas the United States and Taiwan have maintained close friendships based on the 1979 Taiwan relations act the Cornerstone Cornerstone in enhancing bilateral ties between Taiwan and the United States which commemorates its 45th anniversary in 2024 and whereas Taiwan is the United States eighth largest trading partner with two-way trade totaling 127.5 billion in 2023 as well as Florida's ninth largest merchandise trade market in the India Pacific region as of 2023 whereas the Florida Senate and the Florida House of Representatives each passed a resolution on February 28th 202 4 expressing support for enhancing bilateral economic ties between the State of Florida and Taiwan facilitating taiwan's accession to the com comprehensive and Progressive agreement for transpacific partnership and the indopacific economic framework and recognizing the signing of the United States Taiwan initiative on 21st century trade and whereas the United States of Representatives passed the United States Taiwan expediated double Tax Relief act and the United States Taiwan tax agreement authorization Act act on January 31st 2024 which is a significant step in advancing the US Taiwan and Florida Taiwan economic partnership and whereas Taiwan and the United States signed the memorandum of understanding on International Development cooperation on February 22nd 2024 which facilitates cooperation between the US International Development Finance Corporation and its partner in Taiwan to collaborate in creative and diverse ways for development cooperation in developing countries whereas taian R's meaningful participation in numerous International organizations including the international civil aviation organization the World Health Organization the United Nations framework convention on climate change and the international criminal police organization would benefit Regional development peace and prosperity and whereas since the establishment of the Taipei economic and cultural office in Miami in 1988 Taiwan has developed multiple sister State sister city relations with Florida and we are proud to have have a 32-year long sister State relationship between the State of Florida and Taiwan we support taiwan's mission of economic Liber Liberation democratization and significant International participation now therefore do I Lissa fetchin as mayor on behalf of the city of Sunny is Beach here proclaimed October 10th 2024 as Republic of China Taiwan National Day in the city of Sunny Al's Beach I'm going to come down and take a picture for for okay Mao next item is to see a proclamation presented for Hispanic Heritage Month commissioner Joseph thank you uh the representative um to accept the proclamation is not here but we will present it to them at another time uh I'll read this Proclamation uh do we have it par yes sir okay thank you so whereas Hispanic Heritage Month is a month-long celebration of Hispanic and Latino history and culture providing an opportunity to celebrate the integral part of Hispanic Latino Community has had in growing and strengthening our democracy and whereas his Hispanic Heritage Month provides an additional opportunity to explore the incredible impact the Latino Community has had across the country and especially in the city of sun Al's Beach and whereas the Latino presence in America spans centuries predating Spain's colonization of what is now this part of the United States and they have been an integral part of shaping our nation since the Revolutionary War and whereas Hispanic Heritage Month began as a weeklong celebration in 1968 under President Johnson and was expanded to a month by President Reagan 20 years later in 1988 and whereas in 2024 we celebrate the theme pioneers of change shaping the future together highlighting the Hispanic and Latino communities cultural contributions and historical impact and whereas Hispanic Heritage Month does not cover one single month but instead begins in the middle of September and ends in the middle of October and whereas the time frame of this month is significant because many Central American countries celebrate their independence days on these dates beginning on September 15th with Costa Rica El Salvador Guatemala Honduras and Nicaragua and whereas by aligning these independent states Hispanic Heritage Month honors the resilience and determination of the Hispanic community and whereas the month-long celebration provides more time to to properly recognize the significant significant contributions of Hispanic Latino Americans have made in the United States and whereas we will continue to advocate for Hispanic Latinos as representation matters Latinos and Latinos continue to shape our nation as business owners activists artists public servants and more from serving in the military to beginning to being champions in the fight for civil rights Latinas and Latinos remain strong leaders and change makers now therefore do I Lissa feten as mayor and on behalf of the city of s Beach hereby Proclaim September 15 through October 15 2024 as Hispanic Heritage Month in the city of sun Al's Beach wonderful thank you for that commissioner okay we'll present it at a different time thank you okay next item please next item is Tod a presentation by the international draws Federation by commissioner ston okay go ahead commissioner I invite them to do the presentation okay wonderful please come up mayor yes may I yes we start I just want to let you know that this matter came to me a couple of months ago okay and I declined so just letting you know in advance okay wonderful and you met you met with we corresponded by email but I have met with them in the past yes thank you and for consistency sake mayor just as I did with the last vendor just to advise that this is completely outside our process for procurement so there could be should there be a need for this service in the future they may be precluded from participating because it's completely the commission is not supposed to be involved in and they understand this have they I have had no communication okay so can you just clarify that for the record that right under our Charter and our code there are specific methodologies to uh solicit or try to sell a product to the city and there's a process to do that through purchasing and the city commission is not involved in that ultimately they decide but there's a bidding process there's a if it's not a bid there's different processes that you have to go through in order to bring a product to the city for either product or service to the city for purchase this is outside that that process so therefore if we the city decided hey it's a great product let's go out there and see if we can we would have to put it out there publicly and every other person that would possibly want to do this would have a rightful objection because you've had an audience with the commission and they have not so the commission is out of that process until the very very end so this is unusual and that's why I just need to mention it for the record that it's outside the confines of your purchasing code okay and so just to be clear this this would this may possibly preclude them then but there is not a product here one second can please it's it's anything that the city spends money on product or Services uh anything of that sort has to go through your purchasing code okay thank you perfect please go ahead so do you understand actually I understand uh that this process could be a little bit more complicated that uh I uh was understanding it because I didn't uh look at it as uh to the product it was uh the is the microphone working yes it's working you need to put it closer because we can't hear you so the idea was to make a uh good um recognizable um cultural and uh sport event to the city not to propose the product to purchase and this is actually what I was going to present uh for uh Commissioners and City sores uh in this presentation again I I I don't I don't take a position one way or the other I just wanted to make sure that there it might be at risk depending on what it is because I don't know what you're I don't know what you're necessarily proposing I just wanted you to be aware okay okay please go ahead so uh yeah ladies and gentlemen uh we are the National drafts Federation of the United States of America uh and we are um nonprofit oh yeah now it's better nonprofit organization uh that uh is created uh for developing of uh drafts and Checkers in territory of the United States of America and U one of our goals is also to um make um development of Youth and adult uh sportmanship in the country so we come out with this proposition for the city um because we uh actually many of our members are residents of the city and they would like to do something good for S Al beach in particular so now in our city there is a very specific uh situation when very U many good factors that could uh create outstanding event came together in one point and we um can um organize very recognizable one of the most famous tournaments in checkers and drafts in the world because as for now we have both outstanding players and outstanding organizers and managers who together is that Sor for a moment what what is that is that an echo or just someone having a conversation one more time I think just some feedback you can continue continue okay I will try to continue so we have both management organizers and uh high level players uh who together uniting our efforts could create not the good and but one of the best most recognizable tournaments in checkers and drafts in the world because here are um in your city leave the world champion uh among veterans in drafts uh in your city leave other strong players there is a possibility to organize this tournament because personally I am the um referee of the world job Federation International Arbiter I was uh supervising and was main referee in the world championship in uh matches for the world women uh draft title twice and I have a good experience in this sphere and what we together as a organization have the respect and uh possibility to U involve the best uh players from all over the world to our city this is what uh very rare for any city in the world I believe so what we would like to bring to the SEL Beach the recognizability of the event um the popularity of the city um people from all the world from different Federation that are um dozens and dozens Federation all over the world will be able to follow the information about what is happening here what uh people and how strong tournament is organizing here and they would be happy to also come here to participate or to spectate to this tournament also uh the thing what is uh going to be increased in SEL is the intellectual games movement because it Al also will increase the demand of uh draft and checkers uh study teaching process um kids and adults would of course be interested in this kind of sport and it will be a good possibility of developing of intellectual kind of sports in the uh in the city so the uh popularization of this kind of sport among children and adult would be on the horison so as I mentioned we have world class or organizers and managers who could uh do it uh and this is what we are already spending our time and efforts for we U make those efforts uh that are directed to the organizing of the tournament we have uh um done and we keeping doing a lot of work with uh hotels with people who are supporting int intellectual kind of sports we are going we are doing fundraising and we are keeping preparing this event um also members of our organization are already um making the coaching process not only in Florida in different cities of Florida and in other cities of the United States and um of course uh for residents of s elit it could be good if um there would be [Music] some classes some lectures some um events organized for them because we have uh many people who are interested in this event inide of s city of s Isle Beach and among the residents they are asking when and how they could be joining the drafts particular also so this uh what actually uh we could help City to organize in close future so about the um situation with our plan L what we would like to create and how it could uh start and go forth um making this tournament the biggest one is of course not the um matter of one year it should be done step by step consecutively for uh by making it annual um that will be happening every year in the same approximately time as it usually grew ups and makes uh more and more participants of that so the first year we um are expecting to have 50 or 60 in this number of participants um among those will be U maybe um couple dozens of players from uh our city all the rest participants will be uh presenting other states of the United States and um players from other countries uh for that we have already uh gained the agreement with the Newport bit Hotel they are astion given us possibility to um to uh host uh they hosting the rooms for um 10 rooms for players and of course we are going to uh continue work with possibility of um making uh other hotels cooperation well for example mother hotel and what very important the Newport Beach Hotel um gives us as a donation uh they playing whole Tiffany uh room for two days for um the by the way the exact dates we are going to organize this tournament is from 8th to 15th of September 2025 uh this is almost a year uh from now and this will let us um prepare ourselves and prepare the venue prepare everything for making this tourament really good and uh strong depending of uh uh the way it's going to um approach we are also having the agreement with the world draft Federation that is willing to uh grant us the status of the stage of World Cup uh so uh what uh would uh we uh like to have help with from the city actually this is not much uh what we need we need the plane room the plane room is uh important for only those day that are remaining so since we have the eights and nines we need the plane room from uh 10th to 15th of September uh this is actually um the time for playing our rounds uh for players it can uh be from the morning from let's say 9 to uh 2:00 and if there will be the will of the city to support uh our participants with some um awards from the city it will be also good if the city would organize the awards and uh also um not on the AL on the trophies but maybe the money awards for winners it could be great it could be personalized and it would be making the uh good memory for players about part their participation in the event in the sunny ale Beach actually this is all we uh ask all all we um ask uh to support our idea and all the rest work we are already doing uh there is a all organ organizational work that is with the world job Federation with uh invitation of players with making the uh regulations and making the uh possibility of running this tournament this is all of all on us so we would be very happy to um have your support and uh hope for your cooperation and of course I hope it will be um uh in like uh according to legislation everything will be proper and good and U we have only the best uh expectations in this sphere thank you okay so I start um clearly there is no cause for the city to do this they are requesting to use gateway to use the space this is a park that was built with taxpayer money and now our residents are are asking to use the space to be able to hold the competition in there so there is no cause Associated um they just need physically to be able to use the place um like they presented to us other cities have done it like West pal Beach Etc so um I don't think this even should be a matter of discussion we have um our residents willing to pay for everything they had already sponsors in the city uh for the hotels Etc so I don't know what is it up I hope there is consensus between us that our residents should have access to use the spaces that they're paying for and that they're being built and maintained with the taxpayer monies so so I I just have a quick question uh I it was a little bit hard to hear so I'm going to ask there was a request for uh prizes and trophies as well as well but we don't need to do that if we don't want to right no I just want to get clarification yeah for what I had right now that I put in my notes they need Gateway from the 10 to the 15 to hold the competition apparently from 9: to 2:00 p.m. um and then if we so wish to do so and the name of the of the program is Sony El Beach open um I will believe that I think we can afford maybe a few trophies uh and and be part of the celebration once the and give the trophies to the winners so but that's what I say the use a Gateway it for me just a no-brainer and if we can because I do believe we can spur the money uh also give some um trophies we can do so if not that is something that we can help facilitate some other ways okay so I I just um I I think we've met with uh they've met with each of us I believe um they met with me I don't know about your um my question is because this is uh and and you're right I agree with you that Gateway is built obviously by taxpayer dollars and it should be used by by the the residents what what when did they do it in West Palm Beach what was the event I know it's in the slides so I don't I don't know I was in it was with the city of West Palm Beach for what I understood yes but we should ask them I I don't know I don't know that directly um commissioner Joseph do you have any questions well um in my regard I'm for um anything that uh builds brain power and certainly chess and checkers uh is are games that do that and in competition um I believe that um that that actually um expands knowledge and we already have in the city chess and checkers uh tournaments right not not on this scale but I certainly uh look forward to um having this tournament and I hope that the city can up Lodge in any way they can um I I just want to get clarification unless you want to speak first uh okay uh so you had mentioned in the beginning um Mr manager that you were not recommending this if I can just get your reasoning on that um before I I give my comments the direction that we got from the commission regarding special events were more for local residents and not something that was really based on tourism uh would be my first point the other part of it would be we have a number of events scheduled during that time so we would have to take whatever events we've scheduled and rescheduled those um the request that I saw was for at least $5,000 from participation for the city and in terms of using Gateway there's no event that we ever have at Gateway that's free so we have to have staff there to set up break down there's some significant cost with that and then to have it for multiple days also affects other programming uh we have a lot of senior programming at Gateway so as you can imagine residents just coming up to ask to use Gateway we have a process for that it's already established where they could they're welcome to contact our vendor and schedule it and pay for it but it's definitely not free uh the other thing is as part of this I'm not aware of the other cities participating in this at least the two from the slide um I know there was an event in West Palm and Hollywood but I didn't receive any kind of confirmation that the city actually participated in the event so as part of this you can imagine that every day I receive probably five to 10 different requests from vendors to use our facilities so I am essentially I guess the Gateway of Gateway so I have to go through and compare any events that want to come in because everybody wants to use it for free and then assess whether it's in line with something that the commission wants and then either move it forward to you or not according to your budget this was not budgeted for so it would require a budget amendment which would require two readings so from that you know obviously I serve at whatever will and pleasure of the commission is but those are the May um okay yeah and I I appreciate the the um your your your patience Mr manager because I know that I myself have sent people your way that have wanted to use the space and um I understand the the frustration from the public because they feel like they should be able to use it when they want to um and um I think that we definitely could use a more um specific process um potentially for next year for the next year's budget next fiscal year not this one U that we just approved so that residents especially can can use it because we have people that live in various buildings that have their own you know party rooms or uh what building do do they live in uh commissioner stavon not sure but I believe some um s point and another of the um and laera if if find not me take him sence point in laera so I mean that uh that's a start as well because I know those two also have rooms that are available for their for their residents I used to live in LA is very small no I I understand my my point is is that if we have many many people that want to do something U one of the very first things that I was approached for was to use the gym for a gymnastics competition um you know to to do something on the field so I I get it because I I think that people should be able to use it but I don't know what's the best way to do it and I would rely on staff to for that recommendation and if the city manager is not recommending this especially if this is a budget amendment I don't know how I can support it but I you know I'd like to hear from commissioner viscara I don't have any feedback I'm city manager doesn't think this is a good thing well um I do have a feedback because there is something that is not accurate that when we say that nobody uses Gateway for free um our city staff with all due respect use it for free recently we have a four hours employee picnic four hours and that was for free it cost us money uh does not directly benefit our uh residents uh I love and support and I appreciate and have all the respect for everybody that works in the city everyone so this has not nothing to do with serious staff my point is that like I said we use that for ourself and I'm going to put now as part of the city for the staff for free whenever we want to do whatever is it that we decide to do but when it comes to the residents the resident has to go through that process uh multiple screening is extremely expensive it was built with the people money and it should be for the people to use so I am in favor um of giving them and and we're talking about TW September 2025 so we have a full year to be able to accommodate the programs or anything else that is necessary to make it happen so yes definitely I support this um I I believe we should support anything that has to do with education and sports for a for for our residents specifically um and it will be a shame that they need to move being residents of sunal that they have to go to another municipality to do the sunal Beach open I have one please go ahead yes I I would just like clarification on how many Sunny Isles Beach residents are involved in this tournament I don't think they have you can come up so it could be on the record would would you mind coming up please so the question is how many s Beach residents the participants of the tournament going to be at least five players five players and the building just for clarification are you in Sans point or are you in laera uh I'm um Al alexin is in laera you live in laera Alex rudnitzki not me I am uh I am not a sun Isle resident I'm right now I'm from P from P all right thank you okay thank you so just one other question so the participants the players are they from Sunny Isles Beach or they from outside at least of five of them will be from five out of 20 five out of uh expected uh 50 50 so five out of but they haven't published it so you don't know who's going to participate so it could be more it could be less oh clearly yeah right okay thank you thank you um okay I don't think that we have cons enses to to support this right now so you are not supporting it I'm not supporting anything that's a budget amendment no no okay but you are not supporting this specific we're not talking about about anything else I think I made it clear I'm not supportive of any budget amendment okay so you're not supporting it yes you're not supporting the tournament and and I would like to hear from everybody if they do support or not we already heard from everybody no I would like to say that I do support the tournament okay so you have two two and one because commissioner bcar didn't say yes or no I believe she did I I I'm going to follow the city manager's uh recommendation okay so we don't have Comm vice mayor Lama here so we have to bring it back how does it work no it's based on who's here okay so so I'll bring it back next month is a discussion item is there a restriction with the new ordinance tonight it's going to be three months okay so okay thank you thank you Mao we're now on to discussion items the first discussion item is 3A creation of a loan assistance program for condominium assessments okay this one should be very simple uh the idea is uh we know uh how people is being affected with the new special assessments Etc uh so I'm bringing this as a discussion item to consider opening a long assistant program for um the residents of sonel beach very similar to what the county has they have already a program the requirements of that program are very uh extense uh and many people cannot uh afford to do what they are asking for so um now that we are going to enter into a new uh fiscal year I will propose for the um to give that direction to consider not to bring it to us nothing today but to consider how much money we could put and if we can do something similar to the county more um in line with the needs of our um residents okay anyone have any com comments or questions commissioner Joseph how would that uh how would your idea even be established no like I said similar to what the county has are you familiar to what the yes okay okay except with City money correcty and different requirements more simple requirements I know of people who have tried to apply to the county and actually their own HOA uh they have to submit so many paperwork and they are not submitted to them so the requirements are like very strict uh for the county one uh so maybe we can do something similar for the for a city and how would you handle defaults that we will not have to handle default they will be it will be part of the program whoever is going to be handling the program they will be handling the defaults so I'm not going to go into the detail because it needs to be set up with the safeguards ETC I don't I just don't know enough about the the county program I I I honestly I don't I wouldn't even know where to begin because I don't know enough about the county program to even begin to imagine what a city program would look like okay I so it's um kind of in the dark here okay um so would you like the city to propose something and show it to us know because I don't know enough I like I don't have enough of my own knowledge right now to even form an opinion because I don't I don't know how how like financially how what what the approval has been you said some people have had trouble but I don't know if they're the exception or if or if it's just flawed and how mean this sounds like a major budget amendment that we have not talked about we just passed the budget uh we just lowered the millage I mean just on the surface based on what little I know it it it's not sounding like like this would be the year for it because we just lowered the millage and we just pass the budget so um but I honestly I just don't know enough like my basic inclination is not now you know but I I just don't know enough I also would sorry I also would say that um I have to research further okay to see details this is a totally new subject and um I agree so yeah requires a lot of um looking into I'm sure the county also um if if it goes through uh they're going to have a lot of issues to overcome okay okay thank you commissioner sson next item next item is 3B a discussion regarding waving of permit fees related to building recertifications in line with the same conversation um right now I'm going to put as an example if one of the big buildings needs to um paint the building even the same exact color um and the job is 1 million dollar for painting the same color if I'm not mistaken it is between 2% and 2.75% of the cost of the job what they had to pay in a building fee which for a million dollar project it will be $20,000 so in line to the situation that is happening right now with the condo recertifications the new legislations Etc and considering that our building department has a big surplus of money in the building fund uh was considering uh I was bringing for your consideration uh that we can wave a part of the fees when the job is going to be for recertifications for the 25 the 40 the 50 the the 60 and so on and to put a cap of how much money per unit so if it's a building of let's say 100 un that we have here in the in the ordinance or resolution whatever probably is going to be an ordinance for this uh no more than let's said $500 per unit for recertification in the line with this previous item the idea is for you guys to find more information maybe for the um City manager's office to prepare us more information so we can consider giving a little bit of a break to our um to our residents especially the ones on the west side that all those buildings are aging right now and they have uh multiple special assessment that they are connected to those R certifications okay commissioner Joseph your thoughts I'm I'm thinking that uh this should be worth consideration I know we have other issues regarding uh when someone is looking to replace a few tiles on a roof uh they need to H um have a permit where possibly we could have something uh such as if a certain percentage um only needs replacement that they should be able to bypass a permit um so in that regard there are certain issues regarding permitting that I think could be looked into to make the system more fair and Equitable and also retain the um the fact that we need to make sure that uh standards are being being held to and uh safety adherence to our building code but to make it more um more um well less expensive for residents let's to give to give uh some type of a break uh if we can okay mcar similar issue right we just lowered the millage and now we're talking about about reducing fees uh so I I don't I don't even know MoneyWise what it means a cap of 500 I don't know what a unit might pay is it are they paying 5,000 then we're lowering it I don't know what that means I don't like I don't have the information but I do think before we give direction on something like this I on something like this I would favor maybe like a workshop where we can ask these questions and and really understand what the numbers are before you know I I don't I couldn't possibly give direction to cap it at any number a 500 or a thousand or I don't know because I have no idea what's coming in per unit um but I would I would favor a real conversation with numbers and and our our building department and so we can see what's going on and see if it's if it's a feasible idea um Mr city manager when's the last time that we um I I think I remember changed the permitting fees I think that was about 5 years ago or 18 it was 2018 right and that was if I remember correctly it was for this for the individuals so that um they would be incentivized to go ahead and get a permit rather than doing the illegal work correct yes that's what it was but but the recertification requirements have changed no no no I know that I'm just for the purposes of the histor his so that people understand the last time we did that um and so for me I I I do know that we have um uh somewhat of a surplus in the building department but uh I have very similar questions to commissioner vcar how would this even work and then how would we treat the single family homes because they also are getting permits for uh aging um would they also be getting free permits or is it only for condos no it was waving a part of it to give free permits just waving right so then like you know so this is very complicated it's it's very challenging to to know um exactly how this would work and certainly this would be uh very uh big impact to our budget if I'm correct um Stan potentially yes okay yes I don't I don't know the scope of it but and I don't know that we could relegate it to just the West Side have to I don't mean only the West no no no yes clearly yeah um so I'd have I'd have to research that about the potential impact but I need some sort of parameters in order to do that so that's why I think the idea of a workshop would be excellent yes absolutely um yeah you have consensus that we can set up a workshop where we can have a discussion about uh with the various questions that the commission has okay yes we'll do it all right thank you next item next item is 3C discussion regarding Memorial event on October 7th your item yeah for these item I receive a memo about it um I don't know if anybody cares to explain a little bit I can okay please yeah since um commissioner stent brought this to me a couple of weeks ago and we had scheduled a workshop I began at that time working on having an event that would be very respectful um solemn and having discussions with the rabbis about how we could put together something because it's such a a significant day being October 7th so the different discussions that I had with them was if we were to have some type of event would they be able to commit to it or what would the interest be knowing that they have some type of Memorial or special event on October 7th either to attend or at their own places of worship so in the end of the day um we were able to make contact with a local artist who is a Jewish artist who put together what we feel was a very I think reverent and respectful remembrance of everything that happened on October 7th so we met with her she's visited us a couple of times where we're able essentially to do an art installation here at the city and it would begin with a special first look on October 6th with um our Rabbi as an elected officials and then for at least 2 weeks we would have the event that is open to the public where it would be in our first floor meeting room and also in this area just outside City Hall so part of my I guess objective was I also worked with the police chief to ensure because of the significance of the event safety in going forward forward so we sent you all an email that gives an outline of the event but we have that scheduled um as a way for the city in addition to some other things we're going to be lighting up the city in blue and we've also ordered some I guess lights to be displayed throughout City Hall but we really feel like all things considered this would be the event to commemorate everything that happened on October 7th and would involve you and our local rabbis and then members of the public that want to visit okay okay first of all I'm completely um in favor of this event okay however I have a lot of questions about process so this event is already set up it's approved we have met with the artist and we have established a contract with her yes okay so how is this different that what we were trying to do with the chess so I have a few questions here so who approved this event why didn't come to us why we don't have to have a discussion item about this why we don't need a workshop about this so now apparently it's been pick and choose who can use our parks and our city building for two weeks and I'm going to read here something from the memo this and it says with the only cost to the city being the supplies so there is cost and set up and breakdown cost which is people which is our employees also these minor expenses are covered through the r fund account which I'm not sure about how is that process to be honest because for the years that I've been attending the commission meetings as far as I know I may be wrong with this but the AR fund account it has anything that is going to be used from that money has to come to the commission for approval if I'm not wrong about that okay so for me really this is infura that we are that the staff that you guys and again I totally support this event I think it's going to wonderful I never met with the artist I would love for her to have come here and give us a presentation and show us in in in the TVs what this is that she envisioned to do for us but apparently we are not supposed to be part of that conversation and the last time that I I believe we as elected officials we are here to set the policies and the staff Implement those policies here we have not set of what is going to be used and how much much money is going to be used for a two we event and we just said to our residents right now that they cannot use the our park that they pay for for five days so I need a little bit of clarification of the process so um so that I understand your question um and so I and so that we have on the record the the background on this uh we did give direction for the city manager to to plan an event correct Am I Wrong uh one second uh because I just want to so that people understand setting policy you're absolutely right that is what we do okay but we don't get involved in the day-to-day that is absolutely not what we're supposed to be doing that's why we have staff to do that so Mr city manager can you just clarify for the commissioner yes when we first when the commissioner first brought it to me I immediately began working on it I then spoke with each one of you individually about having some sort of Memorial event so I did have consensus moving forward on that and that's how we put the event together okay so I'm now even more confused because we have here in agenda item three C discussion about Memorial event on October 7 so if we already gave the we if already we told the the staff and the city manager what to do if we are already give direction so what is in the agenda today let me respond to that if I may um remember that we had a workshop schedule yes that was supposed to be the opportunity for this correct but we couldn't have it right corre and this there is a time crunch like if we don't uh so we spoke individually to staff um they shared the idea I liked it and but they couldn't we couldn't do this because there wasn't the time we didn't reschedule the workshop every got got pushed to this I mean this is not news to me and I'm I mean and I think it's fantastic CU we we talked about um not competing of course everybody wants to do something October 7th but you don't want to compete with with bigger events um you know our rabbis are going to have probably you know conflicting uh schedules but at the same time there's people that maybe don't want to go to Miami Beach or to some of these bigger events right so I felt like this was a great uh this was a great response to that you don't compete with an October 7 event we do on October 6 our rabbis can be present our residents who you know who may have transportation on other issues or competing events you know they can be present and it's it allows us to have the day of remembrance which is was your your item uh and this is I think driven in part because of the the time crunch right so I don't have any any issue with this at all no no no I don't have any issue or how it was done or the process I don't have any issue with no I think it's fantastic I just find out about this idea yesterday from this memo so maybe you knew about it before NAMI I just just yes well I no we we've been we got the email before yesterday well and and then so and and and to commissioner VC's point we had a workshop set up corre and I think I'm the only one that showed up that was last week they Thursday yeah and so the you know October 7th is around the corner so I don't have an issue with the way that this was done because I was approached and asked my opinion and commissioner vcar doesn't have an issue but you're saying you you were not you did not have any discussion with the manager about this about this event the way I just saw it the first time when I got this email yesterday September 18 I only received an email also not I never heard about it we've been talking about October 7th a commemoration and like I said I think it's a fantastic idea and I'm fully in support of this event 100% what I'm not satisfied like I said with the process because we I don't think we are being fair with our people I don't think we are setting I I don't think we are doing the same thing the same process for two things so in the case like I said comparing to the chess we just told them that what they cannot use when they come here they pay like a lobes I believe right Macio they have to pay they're required to register as a lobbyist but since they are a 501c3 they're not the fees are waved okay okay okay but they were technically required uh the artist was required to pay us a commissioner ston let me let me we did not give the city manager direction to set up a chess or Checkers competition I I understand so this is you're comparing apples and oranges but I I I I hear your your frustration and uh it's noted um Mr city manager you have anything else to add I don't I think that especially with [Music] um the memorial part of October 7th it's really significant that when the commissioner first brought this to me we immediately started working on it to see what our options were and being that we didn't have the ability to have a large scale event because some of the things that commissioner bascara mentioned and also my discussions with the chief from a security perspective we then looked at what would be I think an event that would support all of your mission and direction to me so we had to immediately begin working on it okay and and that's what I did and I think that this event will I think you will be really proud of what we've put together all right thank you and if I finish I I I believe it's going to be amazing I have no doubt like I said 100% in support of it uh it just s to me that the use of our spaces is 100% out of our hands and fully in the hands of the city manager's office Etc you guys approve the events and and use our spaces without asking and that I'm not satisfied about it yeah it's at our Direction it's not without asking I mean they're they're putting something together at our Direction and there is a fund that can be accessed for that purpose so budget wise is not really affected we're not dipping into anything else the art money for as far as I know not really been touched for a while I I think that we're let's I think this has this is going to be wonderful I agree and the circumstances for putting it together we couldn't follow the regular process because it it the way that it came about and then we had the the little hiccup and the scheduling I think we so it's different yes it's treated differently because the circum cumstances were different and the item is different so I I think this going to be wonderful and I was thinking you guys really hit it out of the park I I think it's fantastic yeah great great job please go ahead yes so I would just like to um also uh commend uh stand for putting this together I know it will be solemn respectful and it'll be amazing for our city and like you said we have larger events um memorializing the day um you know well beyond what we could do and um it also allows us to you know represent the city at those events great thank you thank you thank you Sam and Susan thank you all right next item is yours uh commissioner Joseph yes okay so my monthly update on the speed bumps in Golden Shores I know that I I saw that we have uh speed monitoring is that it or tracking Vehicles yes mayor yes yes we did we worked this past month um to we set up some speed tables yes and we had one issue with one of them that was not working right so which you and I spoke about we got that corrected so we are now we have all of the data minus that last one okay which we should have by next week right so once we have all of that data we plan on submitting to the county by the second week of October requesting right now speed tables yes so the purpose of the monitoring was for the number of vehicles or the speed the speed speed only yes sir okay yes all right thank you okay thank you commissioner Joseph and next item is yours as well okay so I would like to to um have a maybe a workshop uh regarding improving the building department as to digitizing it um speeding up the permit process I know for a large commercial building it can take up to a year for permitting for residentials it can take uh from 4 to eight months and um what is it that we're doing to speed up that process and to uh digitize our building department Mr CER go ahead thank you earlier this year the commission had given us Direction last year to go fully digital as of this year 2024 which we've done so we had a couple of minor issues but in my discussions with the building department we are essentially fully electronic now so there are a few residents that come in that we will help because they're not used to the electronic permitting and there are a few pending permits that were submitted prior to the electronic permitting but in essence right now we are fully electronic so in my discussions with them the the process is only as good as what is submitted through the process so a lot of times if there's incomplete or missing data we cannot move the process forward but we're happy to meet with anyone and try to get them permit as expeditiously as possible yes so I'm aware that um in certain issues such as air conditioning and all there are calculations that are required that sometimes they're not submitted correctly and that can delay the process um and other elevation issues and all um but as far as what do you think um let's let's take for example a residential uh permitting from four to8 months what do you and take into account maybe the eight-month process what do you think that might be logically reduced to um if you can just uh you know give us some type of and this is for the residents I'm asking these questions because people aren't aware what I'd like to do is go back back and get some information to the average processing time and then share it with all of you so you'd have something an email because I don't know exactly what it would be okay but I'd like to I'd like to bring that back to well rather than just giving us memos uh could we make it that we um do it in open Forum so that the residents themselves know yes of course thank you yeah certainly if I could mayor also there's new legislation that is effective January 1st where Florida statute dictates the time periods where in permits are to be issued there are exceptions to that obviously as as the city manager indicated because there's often times a back and forth so there is accounting for that but a lot of those times are statutorily um mandated now starting January 1st and I can send you a copy of that legislation if you I believe it's two months I'm sorry I think it's two months oh depending on the type of permit and there's a lot of different uh there's a lot of back and forth times yes but I can I can circulate that if you'd like okay thank you appreciate it and we could share that as well on social media or whatever presidents have it but yes yes okay all right um I think that's it thank you and we'll hopefully see everyone at 6:30 thank you for coming