it's 6:30 so we're gonna start uh the mayor cannot be here today she's out of town so I'm filling in for her and we're going to start with a call to order commissioner Joseph here commissioner cyers here commissioner viscaro here vice mayor Lama here and may fet as you mentioned is absent so we have a quorum okay perfect um Pledge of the allegiance let me see David you want to lead us in the pledge of the Allegiance please flag of United States of America to to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all and now the invocation um by Rabbi Baron thank you very much Rabbi thank you good evening everyone it's wonderful to see you all today dear God master of the universe We Stand humbled before you this evening and we recognize all of your blessings that you have bestowed upon us we are mindful of the fact that you have blessed this city with wonderful leadership Direction dedication and a guiding Spirit which has resulted in the many successful achievements over the last SE 27 years we recognize that we are gathered before you this evening in pursuit of fulfilling your wishes as you dear God empowered Humanity with seven basic universal laws after the great flood of Noah these laws were once again reaffirmed by Moses at Mount Si to be taught to all of humanity universal laws that provide a framework of law order and Justice which will allow Humanity to settle the Earth in a civilized manner we recognize that we have been entrusted by the citizens of Sunny Al's Beach to perform this sacred Duty almighty God please provide us with the Consciousness to constantly be aware of your presence so that we are consistent to our mandate please grant us the wisdom intuition sensitivity and the patience necessary to succeed so that we leave a legacy of having a positive impact upon Society for many generations to come protect our police force our servicemen and women serving domestically and overseas in the name of freedom and democracy please give them the Peace of Mind insight and intuition to be successful please guide our city staff to make the right decisions with honesty integrity and knowledge for all of our citizens into the future and may they continue to serve as pos positive role models for a beautiful Community almighty God in these times we do not take our health and safety for granted granted May everyone gathered here tonight and all residents of Sunny Al Beach be granted with good health peace of mind and prosperity and let us say amen amen thank you Rabbi now the opening message good evening ladies and gentlemen we appreciate your attendance and thank you for joining us tonight before we begin there are a few important reminders regarding conduct during our commission meetings please ensure all electronic devices are turned off or set to silent mode to maintain the Integrity of our proceedings mutual respect is the foundation of productive discussions we ask that everyone remains silent and attentive when someone is addressing the commission clapping applauding heckling or any verbal Outburst either in support or opposition of the speaker are strictly prohibited any individual wishing to address the commission must fill out a public speaker's card and submit it to the city clerk before the relevant item is announced each speaker is granted a maximum of 3 minutes should you exceed this time the chair will notify you to conclude your remarks speak directly to the agenda's points remain concise and avoid redundancy should an individual speak without the chair's permission or continue speaking after a warning they may be escorted out of the chambers it is essential to avoid making impertinent slanderous remarks or becoming boisterous while addressing the commission such Behavior may lead to being barred from future commission appearances unless the majority of the commission members present vote otherwise the presiding officer May disallow signs or placards in the commission chamber please exit the chamber quietly and without disruption the goal of our meetings is to facilitate public input and participation however disruptive or disorderly conduct hinders our Collective objective individuals who want to speak on an item on the agenda are asked to fill out a public speaker card and give it to the city clerk before the item is called speakers are asked to speak to the issues make comments concise and to the point and refrain from making duplicate comments All speakers will be limited to one 3 minute comment per item if if you exceed the 3-minute allotment the chair will advise you to finish your comment if you speak out of turn without permission from the chair and or you do not cease speaking after one warning you will be escorted out of Chambers in order to maintain orderly conduct and or proper decorum at these meetings anyone who interferes with the orderly process of the meetings after a warning may be removed from the meeting and may be barred from further appearance before the city commission as permitted in s28 6 0114 fs and SS 745 and 74-2 of the city's code of ordinances any necessary removal will be made at the direction of the mayor and will be carried out by law enforcement or designated Sergeant at Arms it is essential that attendees adhere to these rules of procedure to ensure productive meetings that serve both the public and the city commission thank you for your cooperation and understanding okay so the first item on the agenda tonight is the approval of the minutes of the June 20th commission meeting so moved thank you second second okay all in favor everybody in favor yes yes I perfect now we're on to section four the order of business and there's only one change to tonight's agenda um it's a revision to item 10h was a which is a an agreement with CT mechanical the changes is that it's changing from a ratification of an agreement to an actual approval of the agreement okay thank you maio okay um no special presentations correct no sir no okay so we just need a motion to approve the change to the agenda okay perfect um so moved okay anybody second second yes okay all in favor I I I okay perfect so next item is 7A 7A an ordinance yes 7A is an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of sanalo Beach Florida repealing chapter 17 of the code of ordinances of the city of sun El's Beach entitled computer use and electronic communications providing for repealer and providing for an effective date and this is first reading okay Stan thank you vice mayor members of the commission this is an ordinance that repeals um this is uh repealing chapter 17 of our code of ordinances regarding computers and electronic communications and based on some new requirements by Florida law we are repealing this and going to be instituting it policies and procedures administratively okay perfect uh any public speakers any public comment on this item okay okay any any comments from the commission no no okay anybody want to move make a motion so mov okay second second roll call this is a roll call yes but first we need a motion yeah so roll call commissioner Joseph yes commissioner cers yes commissioner viscara yes vice mayor Lama yes the orance passes on first reading second reading will be scheduled for August thank you now item 7B 7B is an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of s Elis Beach Florida amending ordinance number 2023-2024 -03 to the city's operating and capital Improvement budget for the 2023 2024 fiscal year general fund and capital projects fund authorizing the city manager to do all things necessary to implement the terms and conditions of this ordinance providing for an effective date thank you Macio Stan vice mayor members of the commission this is uh one of our standard budget amendments that we do throughout the year closing out some prior year balances carrying over some money uh adjusting some fund balance and reallocation of other funds okay thank you do we have any public comment on item 7B no sir no okay uh reminder for anybody that that wants to speak on a specific item uh please fill out uh a card there in the back or if you have any comments on the uh citizens Forum you could also please fill out a card okay in case you you forgot so okay moving on oh no we got to vote okay uh motion I'll make a motion okay second okay perfect all in favor it's a roll call yes so uh commissioner Cent yes commissioner viscara commissioner Joseph yes vice mayor Lama yes the ordinance passes on first reading second reading is scheduled for August okay all right thank you now moving on to item 7 c 7 C is an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of San Beach Florida repealing Chapter 227 of the code of ordinances of the city of sunal beach entitled signs temporary political and chapter 265 article 9 section 265-6357 entitled temporary signs amending chapter 6 265 article 9 265 section 26551 26552 26555 26556 to conform to the existing law and to EST establish regulations governing the use and display of temporary signs reing chapter 265 article 9 section 265 63.1 265 63.2 and 265 63.3 providing for repealer separability codification and an effective D this is first reading okay vice mayor members of the commission this is um a revision to our sign ordinance keeping it updated with current law and based on the feedback that we've gotten from you regarding temporary signs okay thank you uh who wants to make a motion I'll make a motion before I'm so sorry to interrupt VI if I oh yeah yeah sorry so just um procedurally because we are amending the Land Development regulations this uh ordinance needs to be referred to the local planning agency so at the time the motion is made if that part can be incl ined as well so that we can have it for the record so a motion essentially would be to refer this ordinance prior to Second reading to the LPA and then scheduling for a second reading okay okay and how long is it anticipated that that would take no it'll be at next month oh okay it'll be next month yeah it will be so essentially and for the the benefit of the public this board sits as a local pling agency as well provided you know as as permitted by Florida the statute so essentially you're just referring it to yourselves before final action is taken so right now I have to make a motion to refer to the LPA one of your colleagues will make a motion to refer it to the LPA and approve it on first reading and approve on first reading and then they'll come back for it'll come back in August for second August okay who would like to make a motion so I will make that motion to refer this um yes this resolution to the LPA and un hold that that's second we need our public speakers which we have not but just for the record okay any public speakers on this item no now can we comment on this or yes any comment from the uh commission no I don't I don't so going back to your motion to refer to the LPA yes I make two seconds perfect so this is a roll call commissioner viscara yes commissioner Joseph yes commissioner serson yes vice mayor Lama yes the ordinance passes on first reading it'll be referred to the local planning agency and the second reading will take place in August thank you okay now no more ordinances we're moving on to resolutions resolution 10A yeah 10A is a resolution ratifying the expenditure of forfeiture funds from the Department of Justice uh to purchase a Jeep Gladiator Rubicon and authorizing the chief of police to expend forfeiture funds to purchase upgrades for the Jeep Gladiator Rubicon and for upgrades to the CCTV system at Government Center okay thank you Mr city manager vice mayor members of the commission this allows us to spend forfeiture funds for two purposes one is to purchase a high water vehicle for the police department and the other is to upgrade our CCTV cameras in the Government Center lobby okay thank you do we have any public speakers on item 10A no sir no okay any commission discussion I just have a question the vehicle is going to stay in the city yes ma'am okay okay another question who would like to make a motion I'll make a motion second okay um this is a board all in favor I I I thank you okay moving on to 10B 10B is a resolution approving an agreement with Millennium products to upgrade the ccvt the CCTV system at Government Center vice mayor members of the commission this is the company that we're going to use that will upgrade our closed circuit television in the government center it's related to the item that you just approved for the the expenditure forfeiture funds okay thank you um any public speakers on this item no sir any commission comments no no okay who like to make a motion motion second second okay all in favor I I I perfect item 10 C 10c is the resolution approving a mutual Aid agreement between the city of San's Beach and the City of Miami Florida for particip ation in the Miami Police auto crimes task force okay Stan y vice mayor members of the commission this allows for a mutual agree Mutual Aid agreement between the city and the City of Miami specifically related to Auto crimes task force investigation okay any public speakers no sir no commission any comments no from the commission no okay Mutual Aid is always welcome yeah yeah yeah for sure okay who would like to make a motion motion second okay all in favor I I okay item 10d 10d is a resolution ratifying the expenditure of budgeted funds for the purchase of 2 2023 4x4 Jeep Gladiator vehicles from Kendall Jeep okay vice mayor members of the commission these this will allow the expenditure of funds budgeted funds for the P purchase of two of the 4x4 Jeep Gladiator vehicles from Kendall Jeep okay perfect any public comment no sir this item any comment from the commission who would like to make a motion motion second okay all in favor I I okay item 10 e t is a resolution authorizing the expenditure of budgeted funds excuse me no we are yes I'm so sorry Tenny a resolution authorizing the expenditure of budgeted funds for the purchase of four Toyota R 4le hybrid vehicles from seminal Toyota okay thank you Stan vice mayor members of the commission this is authorizing the purchase of four Toyota hybrid vehicles from seol Toyota for the building department okay uh any public comment no sir any comment from from the commission no okay who would like to make the motion motion okay second second okay perfect all in favor yes I okay so the item passes uh item 10f 10f is a resolution approving a First Amendment to the agreement with MC Causley LLC to provide non-exclusive structural inspection and plans review services on an as needed basis okay right stand vice mayor members of the commission this allows for an amendment to the agreement with the company known as Mt Causley LLC we use them to assist with structural inspections and plan review services on an as needed basis okay thank you any public speakers on item 10f no sir no okay any comments from the commission no no okay would like to make a motion motion second second okay all in favor I I okay the item passes moving on to 10g 10g is a resolution ratifying the issuance of a purchase order to Thompson pump in manufacturing for the purpose excuse me for the purchase of two water pumps okay perfect uh go ahead Stan vice mayor members of the commission this is ratifying the pur purchase of two uh significant water pumps uh due to our recent flooding event we determined that we needed additional pumps and resources so we did we have purchased these pumps bringing it to you for approval okay thank you now on a related item um I see that there's some work being done in central island is that repairs or is that part of the um the job we were talking about when installing some of those uh smaller pumps we're beginning that process uh it's an addition to what we have here these will be mobile pumps that are on trailers that we can move to areas where we need it okay as needed as needed as needed okay okay perect what are we doing in Center Island now we're drilling Wells we're beginning uh the initial stages of putting in um what we discussed right yes yes okay exactly all right and the well I know we know but maybe the public doesn't know could you go over what it is that we're doing Stef yeah hold On's um Jerry Jerry let's let's go back to public uh comments and then we come back to any comments from the commission so we don't get out of order so are there any public speakers on on this item no sir no okay now any comments from the commission okay I was just asking Stan that the public does not know what we're doing in Center Island if you could just give uh them some type of explanation sure yes go ahead Stan originally we had put out the bit a substantial project for the drainage issues we're having in the central island area but the bid came out came back at substantially more than what we anticipated so we rejected that bid we put the entire project out to bid again and it came in at least triple what we had anticipated because of rising cost so we've gone back we've re re-engineered the project and instead of doing one or two substantial um Wells we're now going to put in approximately 10 to 13 smaller Wells to try to mitigate a lot of this flooding that we're we're having these two mobile pumps we found that we need for any area that may anticipate flooding uh because of the recent event that we had okay thank you okay any uh further comments from the commission no okay motion motion second okay all in favor I I okay perfect uh the item passes now moving on to item 10h 10 H is a resolution waving the biding requirements set forth in chapter 62 of the code of ordinances approving an agreement with CT mechanic company for the replacement and installation of an air conditioning unit at Pelican Community Park okay Stan vice mayor members of the commission this is an item that we had uh an addendum on and the issue is that we had anticipated being able to get this air conditioning unit and replaced and installed at PCP but we were not able to get the parts in time so this is approving the item versus ratifying the item so there's about a two to three month delay in getting this equipment in okay all right thank you any public comment no sir no any comment from the commission no no okay motion motion second okay everybody in favor yes I I okay the item passes now to item 10 I 10 I is a resolution approving a First Amendment to the agreement with Goodyear TI and Rubber Company as the primary Awards provide Fleet Maintenance and Repair services to the city's Fleet okay Stan vice mayor members of the commission this allows for an amendment to the agreement goodye Tire handles a lot of our general Fleet Maintenance and Repair to our vehicles L looking at other cost-saving measures but so far this seems to be working to keep us up to speed okay any public comment no sir no any comment from the commission no no okay motion motion take all in favor hi I okay the item passes now 10j 10j is a resolution establishing the city of santi's beach proposed ad of Alum tax millage Levy rate at 1.800 Mills per 10,000 of taxable assess value which is 3.49% more than the roll back rate of 1.7 393 Ms for fiscal year 20124 2025 okay thank you Stan mayor I'm sorry vice mayor members of the commission this establishes our millage rate at 1.8 so we have based on your direction to be extremely U fiscally conservative we've effectually lowered the millage from 1.9 to 1.8 this upcoming year okay perfect um please uh can we hold the the the talking because it's distract us please um no talking so everybody can listen and we can listen too uh okay so any any public comment on this item no sir okay any comment from the commission good no okay yes I would like to say go ahead J that um we we're just going through the budget and um I know that for every 2 million uh that we uh spend on reducing the millage we can get it down by 1110th so I'm still looking to get it down if possible to 1.7 if at all possible okay any other comments no okay perfect so motion motion second okay all in favor I I okay the item passes and um item 10K 10K is a resolution waving the bidding requirements of chapter 62 of the code of ordinances of the city of sanal speech authorizing the expenditure of budgeted funds with dream for Kids Inc to provide theater classes for registring to the cultur and Community Services Program okay Stan vice mayor members of the commission this waves a bidding requirements to expend budget budgeted funds with dream for kids theater classes for our cultural and Community Services Program okay any public speakers on item 10K no no sir no okay any comment from the commission I do have a question so these H theater classes are only in Russian right yes currently they're only offered in Russian if a child don't only speak Spanish or English wants to participate can it still participate yes they can okay yes that's my question how would that be possible you go ahead stand they're welcome to participate but it's entirely in Russian Jerry Jerry come here okay all right you could go ahead and so it's entirely in Russian so how would a a non-russian speaking person participate go ahead Stan I imagine they would have to learn fairly quickly okay okay anyhow okay so do we have any public comment on this no sir no any comment from the commission no motion motion okay anybody second second all in favor I I okay uh item 10l 10l is a resolution approving a Second Amendment to the agreement with neighbors Giblin and Nickerson PA for General professional legal services Stan vice mayor members of the commission this amendment we have budgeted funds in an amount not to exceed 60,000 will allow for more in office services from our City attorney okay perfect okay thank you very much so any public speakers on item 10 L no sir no any from the commission no no okay no motion we'll keep you busy alen we'll keep you busy Alan yeah you'll see us more perfect yeah motion I make a motion I'll second okay all in favor I I okay now item 10 m 10m is it a a resolution approving a First Amendment to the agreement with Ronald lbook PA for professional legislative Rel relations and lobbying Services okay Stan vice mayor members of the commission this is the same item that we did last year approving an agreement with Ron book for legislative and lobbying services for us in an amount not to exceed $772,500 okay uh any public speakers no sir no any comment from the commission no no yeah I'll just like to add that this number hasn't changed in uh about two three years correct Stan correct yeah okay perfect and I would add that they they've really upped their game I think the past couple of years and I I appreciate getting more direct communication from them okay and they are setting up meetings for us and helping us um in Tallahassee when we're there coordinate so um I appreciate that and you know they're not everything else is going up it's nice to see that this isn't yeah it's nice to see I mean I still see the same number year after year and then also is important to note that they do help us uh win some grants for any uh Capital Improvements or any improvements to the city so um yeah it is well well worth it I would say and mayor I'm sorry vice mayor if I may I was just going to say that the amount of monies that we receive in Grants back to your point exceeds the amount of money that we spend on this we get that that the ROI for sure yes sir all right thank you thank you okay um motion motion second okay all in favor I I okay uh 10n 10n is a resolution pursuant to section 5.1 of the municipal Charter calling for a general election to be held on Tuesday November 5th 2024 for the purpose of submitting to the electorate of the city of San Beach the names of all qualified candidates for election to the position positions of City Commissioner seat 1 Northern Area and City Commissioner seat 3 southern area providing for a runoff election if necessary to be held on Tuesday December 3rd 2024 okay perfect would you like uh yeah so it's uh pretty self-explanatory is this is a a resolution that's needed to be able to be placed on the ballot um it's a requirement by Miami Dade County elections Department uh the only thing that I would add um for those that are listening those are that are in the audience um the official qualifying period for for candidates begins on August 13th and runs through August 16th okay thank you any public speakers on this item item 10n no sir no okay any comments from the commission no no okay I'll make a motion all right I'll second okay all in favor I I okay now uh moving on to Citizens Forum we have an add-on we have an add-on okay um hold on wait s it it wasn't made so if if you still want to add it on it should have been mentioned at the beginning of the meeting well that I'm not running the meeting I understand um so right now the procedure would be you can mention it introduce it and then we would require a motion by the commission to accept the add-on correct yes so I will make a motion to accept an add-on uh resolution okay um could you explain what the resolution is yes the resolution is um a resolution in full support of Israel and prohibiting the city of s's Beach from establishing relationships Financial ceremonial or otherwise with countries or any City within that country that supports uh that support or legitimize any terrorist organization or state or any territory controlled by a terrorist State organization or regime okay so it would be a motion which um commissioner Joseph made for the commission to AC so just an add-on so just to explain um based on the guidelines for commission initiated items any items that are being added to the agenda as an as a walk- on after the agenda has been published need uh the approval from your colleagues so essentially right now so we're waiting on a second to see if we want to add this item to the agenda and then I would have to Note One Thing from your code the as proposed I've been told I speak too close to the microphone uh as proposed the same substantive resolution with some minor deviations was presented at the last meeting under your code you cannot reintroduce that for a period of 3 months the only way that you could reconsider the substance of it would be to do a reconsideration of the resolution you had last month okay so according to your code my console to you is under your code as proposed this resolution could not be added to the agenda it have you'd have to wait till September well this this in its form cannot be added to the agenda under your code because substantively it's essentially the same as except with some minor deviation and in fact the way it's phrased would Encompass the relief that was asked last because it talks about all agreements and your sister city MH it does not mention sister city it doesn't but that's by agreement so as proposed they would also include sister city agreements so it's the same relief as last time as well so um because it's so close in substance either it has to be brought back in September or or if you want you can do a reconsideration of the last resolution but that's the only way that subject matter can come back on to the agenda okay unless unless the Commission in reading this language accepts it correct through the chair please through the chair yes yeah okay so okay go ahead you could yes thank you talk the city commission can do what it wants I have no decisional Authority I can only counsel you but if do that I would just counsel you that that would be in violation of your code will'll be a violation of the code so right now Jerry has the choice to make a motion to reintroduce last month's um it would be a motion for reconsideration motion to reconsider the the one last month right correct and then if that gets second that will get added to the agenda last month's resolution correct and then we'll have to vote on that again except there's a little it's like a thre step process the way your codes written so you would have to do a motion for reconsideration if that's granted that technically gets removed from the prior agenda and gets placed essentially after you have do another motion to add it to this agenda you do that and then you can consider the reconsideration so you first have to agree to whether you're going to reconsider it or not add it to the agenda and potentially deviate also from the the uh the agenda because we've already passed that portion of it and then you'd vote on the substance of it the actual reconsideration so Jerry go ahead okay so I would like to say that upon each commissioner reading the same language that you've ruled on Allan if they consider it to be different from last months enough different from last month's motion resolution then this can be considered as a new resolution today correct if the city commission determines that to be the case again it would be against my Council but you all can do what what what you want okay so I'm going to ask each commissioner if they've had the time to read over the resolution to see if it's different enough from last month's non-vote resolution whether uh this would be acceptable to consider to be added on to this Commission and to be voted on and just to note that what you have before you is not a resolution it's a memo describing the resolution so we would have to have more detail yes they have to be drafted correct so th this at its present form is just a a a memo correct correct okay yeah I mean it's not a resolution it's not in resolution form okay um so Mr attorney can so his motion still stand stand at this moment what's your motion right now to my motion is for the the uh commission upon reading of this language to consider it different enough from last month's non-vote resolution to but allow it to be presented for a vote tonight and have it drafted as a resolution okay Jerry I mean just my own opinion here is that it over I I I've read this yeah but but the the issue I'm having not nothing against you is that this is really another a resolution and then we would be voting on memo even though Allan had it uh earlier this afternoon a resolution was not prepared I wasn't asked to do a resolution and it was provided to me right before the 3:00 meeting there's no way I would prepare a resolution that quickly okay so so can we vote on a memo no you have your vote your motion would be to add first you need to add this item whether you're going to add to item this item to the agenda or not which is a motion for resolution um again I don't think your code allows you to do that but it would be a motion to add it to the agenda essentially as a proposed resolution a proposed resolution then we will vote on this but the issue I'm having is that this as the way it is is not a resolution it's not written you know what I mean it needs to be the resolution upon acceptance needs to be drafted vice mayor I'm sorry if can I can I add something go ahead so right now the only discussion that should be had is whether you all are going to agree to add this item to the agenda the motion okay got it after if it's decided to be added to the agenda then you all can enter into the discussion whether this is deviates from the previous agenda understood okay all right so who wants to Second Jerry's motion to add this onto the agenda I'll second okay all in favor I no no so it's two to two it fails it fails okay and now public comment okay so vice mayor we may we can proceed to uh the citizens Forum yeah we have a few public speakers the first one is George parer okay uh George barder 18911 Collins Avenue vice mayor members of the commission uh David Samuels once wrote politics is the art of governing men as such it necessarily partakes of the irrational men are motivated by all kinds of things things both good and bad they're motivated by Tales of heroism calls to sacrifice and by the desire to defend their families and homes they're motivated by calls to expel foreigners and to restore ancient purities they are motivated by lust including the Lust For distinction by greed by Prospect of Violence by the hope of recovering a golden past that historians might agree never happened and by Pro Promises of attaining an other worldly Paradise which rationalist philosophers might dismiss as nonsense so let us return to the last commission meeting what have you motivated anyone to believe about you four Commissioners refused to support a resolution that said that Sunny Isles Beach did not need sister cities from countries that support Hamas and Hasa four Commissioners put their own Petty grievances ahead of the common good four Commissioners tar tarnished themselves with dishonor it's a stain you can never scrub off four Commissioners took a stance that notorious Congressional anti-semites ilhan Omar and rashidat laib would be proud of our four Commissioners I I call for the Corum Alan I'm calling for the Corum we didn't vote for not in last in last commission meeting nothing in regarding uh sister cities or anything like that nothing was voted it faed they failed for motion so nobody voted against nothing I didn't say anyone voted for okay may I continue please do excuse me uh Mr attorney is is e okay um obviously he's referring to us and um I'm not sure if this is something that will be pertinent to the uh to the business um so far yes because it's it's regarding a resolution that was before you last meeting but for for now all right thank you uh this time you can't hide behind the mustache uh four Commissioners yeah deorum please George George I'm going to ask you to please uh don't you be within the rules of the uh Quorum please obviously you're making a reference that you know is recognizable so I ask you to please uh utilize um some decency and Common Sense yes uh with all due respect uh vice mayor it is my constitutional right to criticize our elected public officials including elected public officials criticized by name that is exactly the purpose excuse me I'm I'm going to ask you to please do not violate the rules of the Quorum um you are aware of these you're you're a candidate so I ask you to please again um you know go by the rules rules and and you should know this so please go ahead and and you know make any references that are not pertinent to vice mayor if I may just add business uh a public meeting is this a commission meeting is a limited public for so you don't have a constitutional right to essentially say what you want we do have the right to uh enforce the Quorum and anything that's impertinent of slanderous should not be allowed okay thank you go ahead George some then tried pedling lame and pathetic excuses for their pettiness uh some tried to latch on to some fake high principle uh a week later I listened as one of the Commissioners we all know who that is uh tried to sell his excuses to some old ladies at the Gateway Center uh their faces uh said at all does he think we're that stupid uh I have spoken to numerous residents about this issue over the last month uh every single time their reaction was they did what we got to get those people out of there uh I can tell you this resonates this little clever discussion that uh you just had is not going to work uh I once said that uh some of the people here if I may finish because I was interrupted go ahead you have five seconds uh I once said that some of you got elected under false pretenses this ex explains this uh I was right uh is this the kind of city council we want to have uh I think not uh so guess what uh the November election is coming soon thank you we all see you for what you are all right Jerry please stop this please let's let's respect the deas okay let's keep the quum thank you okay the next speaker is Leon Catz Mr Catz actually uh feels that he's uncomfortable speaking in English and he asked me to speak for him so I'm familiar with what he said I will translate as best I can we don't we don't allow proxy speakers we don't allow that okay so you do not allow so if an individual does not feel comfortable speaking English then he cannot speak is that the procedure no but this is clearly this gentleman has not approached the city clerk has not mentioned anything within that regard and it's just an opportunity to get another 3 minutes very well thank you thank you okay next speaker is Vitali falkovich good evening ladies and gentlemen my name is falkovich United to a Southwest 167 CH May um as a visit of s Al you see what amazing job you guys do this Administration and seeing your services that city of s provide Police Department Public Works and everybody else it starts with the mayor vice mayor commission and also hiring by amazing police chief and that also starts with the city manager that you guys make a good choice with the city manager and the police chief and I appreciate that as being a visitor of of your city thank you so much thank you thank you very much next speaker is Ari stiger 262 Atlantic Island I wasn't here for the past six months because I was disgusting with his Das what you're doing to the city is bad spending money like there's no tomor the resolution That was supposed to pass with the sister city of terrorist organizations is disgusting they killed 3,400 Israelis in in in terrorism beheaded people beheaded kids and you voting to didn't vote but brought up to not to eliminate sister city with terrorist groups I think that's a shame to the city and it should be I don't know what to say anymore but it's disgusting uh another thing we have a charter company in the iseland nothing was done for the past six seven months with it for the city manager thank you you know the the big boat when you go into the island and sometime they have two big boats so Arie I'll have I'll have the city manager look into that I'll have contact you yeah and comes November more detail we'll make sure you not get voted in you as a Jewish guy shame on you okay please okay no please let's keep theum I can't chair yeah please all right last speaker is Jody Joseph Jody Joseph 1850 60 North Bay Road just um I understand that you all can't really say anything but honestly speaking to accuse everyone up here of anti-Semitism and being pramas is absolutely outrageous cuz Frankly Speaking from actual factual information the only person that supported a pramas individual and gave her a scholarhip and I'm just speaking in terms of facts is Mayor Lissa's fetchen and it's all documented on her Facebook page she congratulate her please let's not let's not mention any names okay I'm sorry the the mayor but we know no one up here is anti-Semitic and to accuse you of that is absolutely horrible and quite frankly this person got caught because the person she supported her father ripped a Israeli Banner out of someone's hand and she is so panicked because she realized she has to backpedal because she knew that this family is anti-Semitic the mayor sister who she's very close with lived directly next door to this family can we please can we please not not mention names please can not just to mention names Nam very impertinent I'm saying they're saying you being Jewish and I'm being terrible to accuse you to be anti-semitic and Fabiola and you Alex and you Jennifer that's absolutely outrageous because again facts speak for themselves and we know the only person that's supported an anti-semitic person is the person we're referring to I'm not saying any names what am I doing wrong it doesn't matter if it's a name it's a matter of that's disrespectful we we know who you're referring to you've already named the person we're trying to establish the Quorum where we're not accusing or directing comments impertinent comments any indivual I'm saying it already came out and it's in emails and it's on letters and it's in text that they are all I think we we we we get the message uh thank you so let's can I finish my I have a minute left you can finish yeah finish but please yeah okay I'm just saying something that's honest without a name and we all know this happened and it's on a Facebook page it's been posted and quite frankly in the sunny is Beach magazine can I just say something about the sunny Al Beach magazine there's a three-page spread about this person and people are upset in the city because she was given a scholarship the only person that you know supported this person is we know who that PO person is you know I'm not mentioning a name no I know Jody but you're we're referring to someone and I think that um we all know who it is yeah right but I'm saying it's not right to be all of you to be called anti-semitic and I'm just saying it's not right can you please explain again we're we're directing comments and fault or lack of whatever it may it's factual we know that factual to some factual perhaps not it's writing I'm not arguing what I'm saying is that we don't direct comments towards individuals it's against the code my direction to you or not Direction my sorry my my Council to you thank you I just wanted to State the truth they are not anti-semitic I'm done okay thank you Jody that's all by if I may I would like to finish with a message but after you go ahead no no go ahead okay so um um first I wanted to pray for the victims of uh last weekend attempt to president Trump um and I want to read something about it so political rhetoric in the minds of disturbed individuals is very dangerous especially in an era where information flows freely and words can be wielded with unprecedented Rich Lies when repeated over and over again and spoken with conviction have the power to chatter TR us divide communities and inside chaos they pray on people's fears and insecurities political rhetoric too also holds in most power when youed responsible it can Inspire and unite but when manipulated it can fuel hat hatred justify violence and embolden those who seek to destabilize Society we must acknowledge the profound impact ser liars and their incendiary Wars have on those who are most vulnerable individuals already grappling with their own inner demons for them the distorted reality painted by lies and vitriolic speech can become a dangerous Echo chamber amplifying their distress and driving them towards acts of desperation and violence our responsibility is clear we must Foster a society where facts are respected where we lead with integrity and compassion Drive our interactions let us commit ourselves to this cause let us be vigilant against the spread of lies and let us work together to build a world where truth prevails where words heal rather than harm where every person can find peace and understanding thank you okay well thank you very much and with this um motion to adjourn okay thank you okay that's it we yeah what no second no second right all right again thank you thank you very much to everybody thank you for coming --------- okay we're g to do we're going to call to order uh you want to do a roll call Macio yes thank you commissioner Joseph here commissioner cyon here commissioner viscaro here vice mayor llama here and for the record mayor fetan is absent vice mayor may I yes sir just wanted to say that I was contacted by the mayor before the meeting she explained to me that she's a delegate in Milwaukee and apologize for not being here for this meeting or the meeting this evening but that she has full faith in the vice mayor and the commission thank you okay perfect thank you so um should we proceed with the first item or yes so the first item on the agenda is a special presentation by our sister city delegation of H ala Uruguay great good afternoon everyone I have the pleasure of having our sister city um commission from bu they love Sunny Isles Beach and they love our relationship and they're really here on vacation however that it was very important for them to come and bring and acknowledge um Sunny Al Beach as their sister city and they brought a little gift for us so I'm going to have Carlos and Monica come up to the stand great thank you very much um so they don't speak um very well English so I'll translate um um vice mayor can you um come down and okay yeah for sure okay okay so okay anos 7 7 27 27 years anniversity okay [Music] so yeah I I'll summarize a little bit of what he said so he said that uh they they come from Pune ER Carlos and his wife um Monica so I have not known them too long I I I met them at our 27th anniversary for the party but I could tell you that they are very kind people they're very nice people and they're very gracious and uh I've come to really appreciate them and they have come here to gift us with with with this this is uh Glorietta I I'm sorry I don't know how do you say that in in English but this is something that it is there in there in their city so this is uh something that they came to gift us and um I believe Puna has been not sure how many years they've been a sister city of ours so pun is 117 years old so they've been a sister city for about seven eight years and and they're inviting us all to go over there so that's that's great yeah big round of applause for that [Laughter] so ah okay and today and today they're celebrating the uruan independence the 18th of July is um uru Independence Day so it's great so it's in July to J okay okay come down and we'll take a picture oh yeah yeah hold on e you h thank you ready for the uh next item the next item is a proclamation presented for parks and recreational month perfect so um so thank you very much to uh Parks and Recreation and obviously we want to recognize you and I'll read the proclamation here if I you know what Rita I can't I can't see too well yeah so you just want the glare yeah if you could read it please yeah I forgot my glasses here whereas it's somewh whereas Parks and Recreation is an integral part of our communities throughout this country including the city of sunal Beach and whereas Parks and Recreation promotes health and wellness improving the physical and mental health of people who live near parks and whereas Parks and Recreation promotes time spent in nature which positively impacts mental health by increasing cognitive performance and well-being and alleviating illness such as depression attention deficit disorders and Alzheimer's and whereas Parks and Recreation encourages physical activities by providing space for popular sports hiking trails swimming pools and many other activities designed to promote active Lifestyles and where whereas Parks and Recreation is a leading provider of healthy meals nutrition services and and education and whereas Parks and Recreation programming and education activities such as out of school time programming Youth Sports and Environmental Education are critical to childhood development and whereas Parks and Recreation increases a community economic Prosperity through increased property values expansion of the local tax base increased tourism the attraction and retention of businesses and crime reduction and whereas Parks and Recreation is fundamental to the environmental well-being of our community and whereas Parks and Recreation is essential and adaptable infrastructure that makes our communities res resilient in the face of natural disasters and climate change whereas our parks and natural Recreation areas ensure the ecological beauty of our community and provide a place for children and adults to correct to connect with the nature and recreate outdoors and whereas the US House of Representatives has designated July as Parks and Recreation month and whereas the city wishes to recognize benefits derived from Parks and Recreation services now therefore do I Lissa Vin as mayor on behalf of the city Commission of the city of sun Al Beach Florida hereby proclaim the month of July 2024 as Sparks and Recreation month in the city of sunal beach thank you very much uh that was long I couldn't have done it but so I with this Proclamation I just wanted to extend uh uh my gratitude to our CCS team obviously they're part of uh of this uh of what this uh Proclamation reads so uh just keep kids active and people uh Outdoors so thank you very much yeah uh we have a great team thank you do you want to say something are you going to say something good spe okay so now we have uh discussion items the first discussion item is uh yours commissioner stasan it's a request for donation of an ambulance to the Jewish volunteer ambulance Court actually I yeah thank you I had never met with them I I think we all received the same email I um I sent the email back to Mauricio and told them like I will say to any other company that wants to do a presentation that uh we will honor the request however I believe they we did not let them know yes that they were they they had the the the opportunity to present this item today so maybe we should defer for another yeah clearly yeah absolutely so for the record we will be deferring item uh 3A discussion item 3A and like I said I I neither support or oppose this it's just like they request to do a present in front of the commission that's it now I would just like to add if I can Alex is that okay yes that's fine okay thank you so um for next month Stan if this is being deferred for next month could we also arrange to have someone from Miami date fire to explain whether we have a need for another ambulance and to explain you know the number of calls that they receive on um an annual basis and whether you know they need another ambulance Miami dat fire themselves or we need to even consider a volunteer ambulance from some company I think that just for clarification of the whole idea of it I think that you need to share with me what the will of the commission is regarding the item and having someone present next month firstly and then secondly if you would like to have you're requesting to have Miami D fire rescue here so I'd like to hear from you all as a group because if this is the process you know going forward I would like to have some consensus on who's going to appear at our workshops or meetings going forward if you're going to request it individually or as a group okay does that make sense yes so yes that that makes sense um so do we have consensus from the uh commission well I believe like any other um agenda item if we put it on time we can each one bring anything that it might be um of interest for the community so I think individually it's okay the way the same way we've been doing it I don't want to change the the U the process again I think it's working right now and if you want to invite the fire department or Alex me or anybody else uh I don't see why that would be an issue like you can contact them or the same way that like for example this company contact all of us right you know so and then you can address a one of the your uh the presentation that you want them to make if they're willing to do it clearly you know so because if we have an item that's being deferred it's being deferred for when for next month well question do we need a vote on the deferment not we don't need a vote to theer this discussion item right Workshop yeah when when would it be deferred to um until they want to come if they want they have the interest you know they request to be here yeah since it's since it's a workshop it so you can agree to defer it but you would just essentially resubmit it as a discussion item when it's there available yeah absolutely you don't need you don't need a date certain I just want to okay go ahead Jerry just to your point yes um I I had questions cuz I you know I keep saying I need data data and part of that data is is understanding the interface like how with with the fire department so I reached out and I set up my meeting I had a zoom recently and I was able to ask my questions and I can tell you from that that um I mean the if you're looking for a recommendation do do we need it they're not going to answer that because they're not in they're not in the position to they can tell you our our response time you know how many calls they can give you the information but that Judgment of do you actually need this uh I don't think that they're going to give that to you they will give you the data okay you know so if that's what you're looking for I don't think you're going to get it but you might um depending on your how your conversation goes uh get well from your discussion I don't know uh what questions you asked but did you ask whether they themselves needed additional ambulance in our area or no I I didn't ask that specifically I was looking for response times I was looking for the data that would help me make my own assessment my I we can you can try to schedule somebody to come in I don't think they would say no but scheduling can be tricky but what Fabiola is saying is if you make your own meeting independently you have a lot more flexibility but they've come before and we can and they they give us that information in the in the um Academy also we get the report so I know they have the data I don't have it with me here what I was trying to bring forward was that if we have these companies come in and give us information and we don't have full information from where Sony is is lucky enough to have Miami dat fire in our city if we don't have them here at the same time in order to for us to understand the full situation when we're trying to make a decision like last month we were having one ambulance Force down our throats without full information you can how can you do that so then we go on months and months and months and we we just things linger and what that's what I'm trying to have not happen is we're trying to make progress on things in the city not to have to have it go on month after month after month without being decisive on anything so in that regard I think when we have a discussion item if we can have the people come in whether it's in an afternoon Workshop or in the evening to have those people that can give us full information come in so that we can make a decision and not kick the bucket down the road anymore I understand that what what I'm trying to convey to you is it if not to have the expectation that these two entities are going to battle it out they're all they're not going to battle it out they're just going to yeah provide you their statistics or whatever and then it you know it'll be up to the commission statistics or basically for Miami date fire to say is based on the number of calls and our response time and all do they themselves need another ambulance are they lacking an ambulance if they tell us no we're you know we're in a good shape and our response time couldn't be any quicker and having another Ambulance Service in the city is not going to give anywhere any benefit except for the city to spend funds that could be could go somewhere else to benefit residents then let them say that I'll tell you um remembering now like uh one of the things that they said that they're working on um one of the comments was that in a city like sunal because remember they they're dealing with the whole County right but that in the city like sun else that's very um high traffic and congest Ted taking out the fire truck sometimes you know can can be challenging because it's a massive vehicle in a in a very um high traffic area so um and despite that they have good U response times but they're working on on um uh supplementing that model May a smaller vehicle with the smaller units I think they I forget what they call them like a a two person unit or something like that so they're they're looking that you know at our challenges and they are looking to supplement service but that hasn't been that's still very much in their discussion process see so I don't know if if we don't bring them in and have those discussions maybe they have some an idea like that that was sitting on the back burner but by our having that discussion with them maybe it prods them to you know promote a smaller vehicle sooner all I'm saying is you can yes we can bring them in but you can also make your own meetings and you know right because especially if you have a very lengthy discussion that that you know then makes the meeting longer but that's up to you how you want to handle that I'm just telling you that option you there for my feeling there's nothing better than firsthand information you know for me to have a discussion with them and then to present it to the commission it's hearsay so we we can't make decisions on hearsay we have to hear firsthand information and then make Ral you know decisions that moves the city forward yeah I like to hear from the uh fire department if you want a presentation whether it's here during a workshop setting or not I I'm I'm willing to to listen yeah yeah and I'm so glad to hear that they're looking to uh promote a smaller vehicle maybe that's something that now that we have that idea maybe we can get them to you know move it ahead more quickly yeah so next steps do we Jerry you want to get in touch with the fire department talk to Stan about it yeah who usually sets those up is that through your office stand yes that's procedurally how it's supposed to work which is to my point so if you're putting things on the agenda and I'm not aware of itre I don't coordinate who is here or who is not here okay and so right I guess my question was I would like to know from the commission first if you have any interest in adding any additional ambulance or Services if you do then part of my background would be to also contact fire rescue if you to get information from them if you don't if we don't have consensus as a group then there's no reason for me to bring fire rescue in that's that's those are the discussions I'm trying to figure out well I I think this this ambulance um issue I mean I think we're still we're still discussing it it's still simmering in our in our minds and I think to Jerry's point I think we need more data and I think to my opinion speaking to the fire department perhaps will be a good first step um to understand the needs uh service the speed of service anything that is they are lacking uh Etc any future plans for improvements Etc so yeah I I like to listen to them uh I don't know if my fellow Commissioners have the same feeling okay so as a group would there be consensus for me to ask fire rescue to attend our next Workshop to get give us just an overview of services that they're providing yes and I would say yes okay yeah and also for the last last month we had um a proposal regarding an ambulance core this month we had one that you know they just weren't notified but possibly then next month Fabiola you can contact these people and they can also I would send them an email yes yeah to have them also show up they want to be here that we are providing because so we need to know if we're going to have an additional service we need to know what their connection is with Miami date fire right now it could be that we're looking to get an ambulance from a service that's not in coordination with Miami Dave fire understood thank you thank you okay so we have consensus we know next steps um next item item 3B yes that's a discussion regarding an ordinance requiring remediation of swell areas that's you Mr Jerry Joseph yes so I had brought this issue up previously uh regarding uh swell areas um particularly I know of in Golden Shores but I'm sure um in Point Sienna um Atlantic aisle and even in areas on on Collins Avenue where the condos have uh swell areas and property uh and in order to alleviate flooding uh there is ground that um is not doesn't have uh and you can see after a heavy rain where there are puddles and the uh soil is not doesn't have the the absorption you would think and the reason being that uh at one time or another there was gravel laid down that was not dug out and at the time that I previously made this um request for an ordinance it was uh the the end result was that we were stamping on future plans for um development that um at before a CO the developer would be pulling out the gravel um so I don't know for myself whether that language is actually being stamped on all plans yes okay or whether it's being followed through on but then in that regard as well we have properties that uh were uh built prior to that language being stamped on plans which needs to be dealt with because after any rain at all we drive around and we see that we have mosquito Havens on property where we have that gravel in the ground and uh sod was just put right on top of it so I'm asking that we have some type of ordinance that we can go to those homeowners and say look you have this situation um you know that needs to be remedied uh it's not a big uh job to do but it certainly um AIDS in the uh need to have to spray for mosquitoes and all if this water was being absorbed there wouldn't be uh mosquito larv developing in this area and that's what I'm asking for at this point to go back and uh rather than along with the language being stamped on future plans to be able to go to homeowners um or uh any condo owners where we see sitting water and uh let them know that that ground needs to be dug out and replaced with um up to four feet of clean fill for you all for discussion we we currently have an ordinance regarding standing water um we don't have in the ordin ordinance and a requirement that there be a remediation and the removal of up to 4et of fill in my general discussions with the city engineer some something like that could have the potential to affect water lines or electric lines or some things like that so we'd like to look at it a little bit further look at our existing ordinance and see if perhaps it can be strengthened or revised to meet some of these requirements and additionally just note that any changes you make to your code would be prospective not remedial so those are existing non-conforming uses so you couldn't go back and force somebody to change their sale but any changes applied for or any prospective uh development you could apply an ordinance to so I have a question so at this point when somebody's building a new house right and they they lay down the gravel and then they pour cement on top of that did have we CU I I think I saw uh clay nod and I'm not sure did we revise our our building code or ordinance to for for that Builder or that future homeowner to remove the gravel before so nothing so that has not taken place we have we have implemented a stamp on the plans that speaks to that and we have also implemented where our city engineer does a final inspection to ensure that any type of drainage is met and proper according to the plan so that is in place currently yeah okay all right but that if I can say that um you know that issue gets overlooked a lot uh if if um the homeowner puts down sod and then they have a CO you know an inspection for a CO the inspector never knows what's under the S so if we have an ordinance regarding the uh require to dig out the gravel which we don't really have right now um I think that would be helpful and also regarding our um our our code with with regarding standing water I think if we see standing water we know what the issue is that that gravel has not been removed so even if you don't go down and I don't know myself uh regarding the utilities how far down they put their pipes and all but I think even if you would have put two feet of clean fill which I think is uh if I can ask anyone in the uh audience happen to know how far down typical utilities are laid underground clay they don't it would oh we can go back and research it we don't we don't ask questions from people of the audience they're so yeah so um I had thrown in four feet just to have it be uh the most effective as far as absorption but according to how many feet the utilities are um we could adjust the the amount of uh fill to have it uh still have an ordinance go through with without having that be the reason that uh we don't enact an ordinance at all okay we can certain look at it all right sir thank you thank you okay uh next item um item 3C discussion regarding revisions to section 2011-5 uh fireworks and that is you Jerry again yes okay so I noticed uh prior to the 4th of July the city put out a notice saying that uh fireworks were not allowed on the beach in Parks but they didn't mention anything regarding neighborhoods so are fireworks allowed in the neighborhoods and just not in the beach on the beach and in the Parks that's correct so there's been a moratorium a state moratorium on the ability of local government to actually enact laws regarding fireworks um it is fireworks are only permitted three times a year under State Statute which is New Year's New Year's Day and uh Fourth of July otherwise they're banned uh Miami day County also bans those and with regards to the beach being it that it's Miami Miami day's Beach uh they also have regulations in place with regards to that but on those three holidays they would be allowed to set them off in the neighborhoods okay so anyone can set off fireworks in their back backyard and have a party and have fireworks yeah and there's a there's a variety of and it depends there's there's we don't I don't believe we have any retailers in the city of the of for for fireworks but there's also it gets very convoluted as to them being able to get the fireworks I think a lot of places there's only legal fireworks are only for agricultural purposes but I from anecdotally what I understand is for you to get your hands on those types of fireworks you sign some paperwork that says it's for agricultural purposes and then nobody questions it so um but the state has allowed the use of such fireworks uh on those three days aside from that they're they're not they're prohibited okay and cities are not um allowed to enact any ordinances regarding neighborhood fireworks correct nice but the only caveat to that I would say like with our public parks not so much as a regulatory body but that's our problem property right so that's our land so let's say the beach we own the beach then if we own the beach we could do it under that ownership hat versus regulatory hat same with our parts so I think you're fine with with prohibiting them in your parts um it's just that in the neighborhoods and individual uses the state kind of takes over all right so I'll just have to get my dog's headphones yeah okay Alan does um does our ordinance distinguish between residential like a a um Golden Shores like versus the North Bay Road where margolus is I mean can people just set off fireworks no the fireworks Road the fireworks section is basically a a park rule that's codified in section 2011-5 and it makes uh if I can find it the exact area no person may bring into or have his possession or set off or otherwise caused to explode discharge or burn in any Park area or any public lands or highways adjacent there to any firecrackers Torpedoes Rockets toy Firearms cannons blah blah blah blah blah fireworks or explosives of inflammable material or any substance or compounds that may explode discharge or burn unless first obtaining written permission from the Department director so it's it's actually a park rule essentially in that section of the coast so that's the only language pertaining to it yeah I don't feel you're answering my question North Bay Road can people come out of their cont condos and set off fireworks in the middle of North Bay Road on the 4th of July yes they can okay right now if there's you know there's safe discharge and unsafe discharge obviously if you're discharging it and shooting it towards another building that's but that's the problem right these this is very dense it is but you can't a very dense you can't outright prohibit them but certainly if law enforcement or or anyone else reports it I even though I can set up a firework on New Year's on New Year's Eve doesn't mean that I could shoot it towards Stan right I can't point it towards Stan and shoot it towards him or inside a house or those rules are still in place maybe this needs some some looking into because I don't see how in a narrow dense densely populated area with with a narrow road I don't see how there's a a safe way to set off anything right in any direction you know what I'm saying but we're I know but the state it's all state regulated well some legislative advocacy and I mean there've been efforts for years of for cities to try to outright ban them U because of the issues you rais with pets and with veterans and things of that sort but that's fallen on death years in in Tallahassee so okay all right I'm glad we had clarification but certainly you know anybody that's seen dangerous ly uh setting off fireworks that's that's something different that's subjective right and and I mean well it is but sometimes it's not and sometimes it's obvious but I think in in in an environment like ours right this is the issue these laws are made with some concept and that nobody thinks about a city like ours we're we're not like most cities um and I I don't think that this law adequately addresses our concerns no I but I you know I understand it's not for for you to or fost to fix but that's good to know I thought you couldn't I thought you couldn't do it on the road well you can't do it on the I mean when you say North Bay Road I mean again it can't be on the road it can't be you know that type of thing well I'm talking about the street right no the street itself no so okay that's but that's a different set of laws that's you can't just like discharging Firearms you know it's not all in one section you can't go in the middle of the road and discharge um that's where people do it though like when if you go in that residential area they're not doing it in their yards it depends to set their Gardens on fire so they do it on the pavement and it depends whose Road it is it depends uh okay so so but that's my question North Bay Road right is a main road it's a city road right it's pavement so you're telling me no no cuz they're they're technically obstructing the roadway okay so then but that's not has nothing to do with fireworks I don't care where the law comes from as long as it addresses our needs so it's not because it's dangerous or not dangerous is because you're obstructing the road right I'm good with that I'm good with that yeah but again just to on the enforcement side it gets very tricky because there's a great picture of Los Angeles after they banned fireworks and you see all the fireworks everywhere and you don't have a large enough law enforcement Force to go to every street and that's where the challenge really comes in is uh even having it on the books it's so hard to regulate because they're just going off everywhere commissioner could you turn on your microphone please yeah I had people writing to me on the 4th of July that the beach is inundated with alcohol and fireworks and you know the the enforcement is difficult especially you know the vehicles uh they go on the sand and then they sink in and get stuck and you know yeah yeah okay okay all right thank you next item item 3D discussion regarding additional speed bumps and Golden Shores commissioner Joseph okay so I had the um opportunity to take a drive-thru with Stan our city manager in Golden Shores um we have I believe what was it 15 speed HPS that were installed but in a halfhazard manner um which no one can rationalize Iz and we need a lot more and this ride through was at least what two months ago now and we've had no action whatsoever so I had to bring it up again uh because we have actually there are areas where we have a speedway in Golden Shores that needs to be addressed and it's not happening so I need to take it further and see what uh can happen well a couple of things after our review I've sat down with a city engineer and we've looked at the area as a whole the first thing to note is that this is a county road so anything that we do there requires all of Golden Shores is a County Road requires County approval yes and so that's the first challenge with adding additional speed tables speed humps speed bumps the second thing to consider that we're reviewing is the effect of adding additional speed tables on emergency response so there's a lot of factors to consider before we go in and start adding additional speed humps or bumps throughout the area so we have to look at the challenge of our emergency response and I have the city attorne the city Engineers doing some additional research to see what the average um I would would say Decline and response time would be per speed table that we add because every second counts in an emergency so we're trying to figure out that formula and then the last thing we're trying to determine is we want to do a speed study to see if there's areas throughout Golden Shores where there's actually speeding that we could deter through either additional enforcement prior to the install a of speed tables the other thing to consider is there are specific uh processes and means when you're adding in speed table in terms of location where it could be potentially too close to a stop sign so it decreases its ability to bring about the required action or the other issue and the challenge is installing a speed table or speed hump where someone's uh Ingress or regress is for their property some people do not want it at their driveway so those are the various factors that we have to review in this it's not a matter of us being able to go out and just add some you know speed tables throughout the area so okay so the 15 that were added originally how were those uh the location of those determined Rick do you want to come up and speak to some of that please hi Rick and you were afternoon gracious enough to uh be along with us on that ride through yes yes I don't know if this is on but uh the location of the the speed tables that were were there were basically the same locations we had them previously that our engineer took to Miami date and got reapproved so they're they're where they were before so that so we just replaced them as part of the undergrounding project and Paving project the ones that didn't get put in were because Miami dat felt they weren't warranted there due to driveway connection points or location within the block um okay so those are the ones we can revisit right so you saw when we did the drive-thru that you have from 189th Street all the way up uh on 186th to Collins it's a Speedway there with not one speed hump which is yeah almost um at least three4 of a mile without a speed hump straight run and cars speed there all the time that we can determine okay and then there's not one speed hump on Atlantic at all but that people they are they're they're in the 189 area but they didn't put the ones I believe there was one south of there should have been replaced also down around 186 right but there's nothing there no and this is the street that people use for the uh pass through when there's traffic on Collins so if uh we had more speed humps there it would deter them from doing that and it's also a safety problem because we have a lot of kids on scooters um on Atlantic and the speed humps even though they have to be careful and they should wear their helmets but they don't uh the cars it's it slows down the cars from flying through correct that's the purpose the speed tables yes but they're not there so I'm requesting that we have ones installed even the temporary ones I have neighbors calling me every day we can't do temporary speed humps excuse me we can't do a temporary speed hump we had screwed in ones previously they are not permitted oh they're not they're in violation of Miami dat code and we can't put those back okay so all that time we were in violation correct okay all right so then the the permanent ones then then let's and that's the process we would look at okay so it is it in process or not now yes so how many do we have in process well it's under review and like I said one of the things to consider is also the effect it may have on Emergency Response vehicles and then once we finish our review we would bring it back to the commission where the commission would give us the direction to add additional speed tables if that's what you all agree so how long might that be that's undetermined because we'd have to go through Miami day County so okay but it hasn't been submitted to Miami dat so how long before it goes to Miami dat we're still reviewing the data give you a timeline on that so it could be never no okay it won't be never it there's a lot of elements that have to be put together I'm not exactly sure how each of those are going to how much each of those may take once we start getting into them more so there's no time frame at all it could be it could be within the end of the month okay could be a you know middle of August okay but you know I mean it's not six months down the road right okay so I should continue to ask them to make to make initial submittal right and okay right the final answer is I can't give you that date until we get into it right okay so I'll just continue to pursue it I appreciate it thank you thanks Rick thank you thank you thank you uh the only comment I have about that is that I I've noticed that depending on the type of speed bump if it's not sizable enough or raised enough that some drivers are crazy enough to just speed through them so I I would just give that you know observation uh I believe we have replaced we had some smaller ones along 172nd and North Bay Road um on the south side and I think the north side too and those are better now but just that observation I just want to put that out there yeah during our meetings I wanted to explain that it was a good point that was brought to me by Rick which is the effect on the possibility of response times for emergency vehicles coming in so yes it may decrease Speeders but we also have to consider you know potential um the effect it would have on emergeny vles so so that's why we're looking at it as a group and then we'll bring it back to you all for determination and there's also having dealt with this issue before there's also regulations as to how they're done the grade the height so because you pitch it too high you're going to damage a lot of Transmissions right so there's a lot of Standards by which you know the city engineer and others have to follow uh sometimes they seem ineffective but we don't have much of a choice on on how to grade them okay thank you thank you any other comments before we adjourn I think we're done well what is this that's for this evening oh so okay this for this evening okay yeah I was not given any instruction on this or are we adding no we're we're going to have a discussion whether to add it for tonight okay all right okay but I was told that we have to bring that up at 6:30 okay all right with that being go ahead Jenifer no I I I no I just wasn't sure on the process because this is like a since we split the meetings I don't know yeah I didn't mention it because I was not given any instruction in this and I I I thought it was it was going to be for 6:30 since it it says resolution so so just just to if I may vice mayor just to clarify because that's an actionable item and being that we are on a workshop um that has to wait until 6:30 o00 so that'll be part of the order of business portion of that yeah that that's what I thought because it says this resolution is presented so I thought it was going 6:30 we vote whether whether you'll consider it or not added on exactly okay all right perfect okay all right sorry all right um well I call to adjourn all right I hear a motion yeah thanks oh yeah no motion yeah thanks thank you for