all right it's 11:30 good morning everyone we call this meeting to order oh wait let's just wait for commissioner bisara one moment B okay still 11:30 now we'll call the meeting to order Marcio commissioner Joseph present vice mayor Lama here commissioner Cent commissioner viscara here mayor fetchen here all members presid okay great so uh This was meant to be first a workshop but we needed to add an item from last month that we did not include um which is this one resolution Rio if you want to so it's TOA a resolution appointing the city's delegates the M the league of cities and an alternate to attend the meetings from May 20124 through May 2025 okay great um so normally we do this uh every year and as we're doing it again we like to rotate this so for this year I'd like to appoint vice mayor Alex Lama um as the delegate will you accept that appointment I I I'll be honored to accept it um out of fairness I mean I already been in that position already so you know I think we should give an opportunity to perhaps other people that have not served I know that commissioner viscara last year when she she she was appointed she kind of you know kindly um offered it to someone else else so I would like to either offer it to commissioner viscara or commissioner uh stent um just so we could all have a chance to be that representative with the league I was I was representative for like two years right right right no and this is look this this is more ceremonial it all of us all of us are allowed to go to this and we encourage everyone so who commissioner viscara thank you I share his sentiments and I'm really more focused on the the okay the Florida part commission but uh what do you mean you're focus on the Florida part I'll second it you second what okay so there's there's no there's the all right so then I will recommend commissioner sson for that and then as an alternate I'm going to place myself since I've never actually done this so but you all in favor you never go I all in favor sorry mayor can I we don't have a a motion oh I'm sorry I need a motion wait wait wait so if you're going to be a representative don't you actually have to go sometimes is the delegate not able to go then the alternate goes correct and mayor just to clarify this is not to attend the meetings per se this is more for voting so in the event that the appointed delegate can't make it then the alternate has the voting Authority perfect okay so there has to be then communication if you're not showing up to something you have to let people know in plenty of time correct okay so again this is not necessarily to attend events so I unless you have another question regarding the actual appointment no okay comment of course yeah yeah can so um you know when I was appointed there was a lot of activity because covid hit so there was a lot of resolutions coming from the county ordinances Etc so at this point yeah there there's things that we need to vote on if let's say the Miami dat County League of cities is lobbying the state or lobbying the county right to do something but the activity in my opinion has gone down significantly obviously we still need a representative but just wanted to give my my comments yeah mhm so yeah I mean you don't have to be there I mean not not everybody shows up to uh um to all the all the dinners but yeah we definitely need someone because there's issues that come up from time to time where we do need to either support the county and their lobbying efforts to represent us or not but I'm just saying sorry that um when I was a representative I didn't miss one meeting because just in Cas understood yeah yeah yeah a reason so someone who takes it should be able to I I I agree commissioner ston will you be able to attend any meeting that requires a vote if I kind I'm making I will let you guys know thank you very much okay so I need a motion motion I need a second second all in favor okay great all right so now for the real purpose or rather the initial purpose for this meeting is to discuss our um operating budget the philosophical conversation that we start off and where we would uh individually like to see um you know any changes or not changes so I don't know um Mr city manager if you wanted to present this item or is yes okay so last year when we went through the budget we had a very involved budget season and process with each one of you and participation and I feel like at that point we made a lot of significant adjustments uh the budget in general uh was has been running very smoothly we have a strong and continue to maintain a strong reserves and balance in the budget and we went through and we made some cuts to the budget I feel like overall if we have 25,000 residents 24,999 of them were very pleased with our budget and support our budget in our efforts of having a strong conservative budget including supporting all of the events and the various projects that we did or that we do throughout the year so really our point this perspective and I believe that our our Mantra or approach is going going to be a little bit different in that we want to hear from you very basic basic synopsis of things you feel are important that are not captured or were not captured in this budget SE season that you would like to see captured for this next budget season keeping in mind that we have some capital projects that we have planned that are still in the process of um being worked through or that have been delayed the best example would be our central island drainage project we've budgeted we put it out to bid twice the money has exceeded what we felt like was fair and reasonable and therefore we have a different approach so there's no real reason to bring up that Central Central Island drainage project again because we're going to carry that over to the new budget and how much has said aside for that I don't recall the exact amount you know off the top of your Heaven uh the general I know originally we had a budgeted six six and a half and then it was 25 something go Milli so 25 right it was six and then we added 25 right so I guess what I'm trying to say is um Tred to say this as nicely professionally as possible going forward we have the experts putting together our budget and so we don't necessarily need help with the weeds part of the budget as much as we do philosophically from you things that you may want that we have not budgeted or captured going forward that we may or may not be able to build into this current fiscal Year's budget depending upon the millage rate going forward so with that we'd like to hear from each one of you what your general ideas were for the budget one of the things that seems like a small thing but each one of you I believe at some point has come to me and we cut out giveaways for example we got into the Weeds last year of each line item and we cut out giveaways it seems like a small thing yet we've heard from the majority of you whenever someone is visiting or when whenever we have the workshops where we're giving someone one some sort of award whether it be ceremonial or not we've been asked to put together simple things like a gift bag from the city that includes mugs and pens and things that have our city logo on that we had to cut out as part of last year that we would like to include this year other than that our Mantra and our mindset going forward is going to be keeping things flat and essentially the same as as they were last year with the exception of we need to add a position or two into ccs and we also need to add a position or two into the building department we've recently made an offer for the assistant building official which has been accepted and we're also expecting to him to bring forward some new technologies that we with some efficiencies in that department so from that area I'm only expected to bring forward to you probably somewhere in the nature of four or five new positions that are either in CCS or the building department other than that we expect things to to remain the same so from that perspective we're looking to hear from you a very brief synopsis of your philosophy on the budget going forward for the next year okay well um first of all I uh thank you for that and I um I actually appreciate that we're doing it like this so that we could be televised because I did have a few people reach out saying they can't make it but they're going to watch it so I'm just asking everyone to please speak into your microphone and you know one at a time so that those that are watching can can hear us um and uh again for those that are in the audience and those that are watching this is a philosophical conversation this is not us going line by line it just gives um everyone a sense of where each of us is coming from um holistically so who would like to start oh mayor I'm sorry I just wanted to add one thing I forgot you all have spoken to me probably individually a couple of different times about events so at this part we're going to break it into two sections the first section is going to be your philosophy about the budget but then we're going to have a follow-up session today once this ends where Susan is going to give you a breakdown of our events and where you can discuss with us where or how we should approach our events great all right thank you and you like to start please go ahead okay so before I start I'd like to I have a couple of questions to ask um so regarding the millage rate when we lower the millage rate how um for every uh point that we lower the millage rate how much is that actually taking out of our budget I believe that the total millage last year ended up equating to $1.3 million I'm looking at Tiffany she's saying yes so 1.3 for every point that we lower the milit okay so and how much do we currently have in our budget uh Surplus I'm going to ask Tiffany to come up to answer that an unassigned fund balance um we have about 55 million that's in the general fund general fund and how about other funds that uh we have access to well the other funds are restricted for certain purposes right um I'm not talking about those okay so it's really going to be the general fund and then we have our capital projects fund but those are assigned to capital projects and then we have our law enforcement trust fund and that's assigned to the public safety okay so basically the city right now has 55 million unassigned unassigned okay thank you you're welcome okay and we have um I know that um from uh deser we have 27 million approximately owing to us that's not that's not in that number correct right and then we have um there was another the Miami uh Beach property that was just purchased that that's going to be a future uh project that the city will have income from and then we have the Bentley and others Jan reges still we have income that's that would be uh in the future correct generally yes we have incomes from building and permits and other things but those are offset by cost no I understand so those are not monies that are just you know floating in a Special Reserve fund those are offset by hard cost for a building department right I understand that but still those numbers and consideration of lowering the millage at any time would be taken into consideration correct St may I the the large sums of money I believe you're referring to the TDR payments are are will not be due to us there they were given an option to defer those payments right um we don't anticipate seeing those for probably a good five years okay and we have others as well that um all future years out fure years right okay all right so that's uh that's regarding the millage now regarding the uh Parks uh this the um acreage in our Park system are we compliance currently with our master plan yes when we calculate the beach area we are in compliance with our compx okay but the beach is not our property but it's Recreation open space so it's it's a it's the county so it's really not a fair assessment to include the beach it is allowable because it is Recreation open space within our boundaries that our residents can use so so if the state were to come to us and say how much uh acreage do you have in your Parks compared to other cities that don't have beaches we would be in compliance I would have to go look at that but I okay and it fluctuates it it depends on individual City's comp plans but if the if the beach is not included we could be well below what we're required to have I will I will check and get back to you okay thank you and if that's the case Cas then we would have to make some Provisions to increase our acreage correct if we're not in compliance with our comp plan we would have to but unless if someone privatized the beach we are still allowed to use that as Recreation open space in our calculations is that correct Allan that's my understanding you don't have to own the recreational area and she simple mhm as long as it's available to the public okay so is that a gray area or is that you know in stone I mean we'll double check but that's my understanding otherwise it would be unfe it wouldn't be feasible um in a lot of areas including counties and areas that have large state parks or even this situation here I mean the acreage you have on the beach you would NE never be able to replicate that for city-owned property I mean you'd have to demolish an incredible amount of buildings to be able to replic what the beach provides in the way of acreage for recreational open to the public okay let's see uh but we end up with I'll um look forward to those results um okay so now regarding um so we said we're going to speak about events at another time is that it okay so regarding the way that um the Departments um deal with Commissioners regarding and the mayor regarding uh the budget I I would like to have the Commissioners included more in in paperwork that we receive as to what goes into the the uh numbers if that would be possible I feel like I'm uh asked to make decisions on numbers when I don't have full documentation as as to the thought process that went into those decisions and I think the way that we're going to handle that this year is because we've given you all information that you need you're welcome to review it at any time if you have any questions then I think what we'll do is if you will submit the questions to me in writing then we'll provide you with some sort of link where you can find that information but all of the information for the budget is available to everyone including the public thank you that that will be it for now but I'll okay but but just commissioner Joseph do you have any sort of philosophical view that you'd like to share with with the staff and the manager so they know what your priority is as far as what you'd like to see happen in the city it's not already happening you don't have to I'm just asking I I'll come back to that all right anyone who would like to go next I can go next okay please go ahead so I have a question St um what would be your recommendation with the m State we're still doing an assessment and I think the first step is to find out philosophically what it is that you all want keeping in mind that we plan on holding the line regarding our budget especially concerning adding new positions so we're really going to look at the millage rate closely and once we gather all the data then I can give you the information regarding that but I know that's important to all of you yeah and I would like to see it uh continue going down I do have a question about how much was the capital fund restricted of 2022 and how much was it 2023 can Tiffany please answer that question Tiffany okay can you repeat that fund of 2022 of the fiscal year 2022 2023 the the total yeah how many millions I around 20 something the capital projects yes that we had restricted yeah so for 2223 we did an assigned um I'm sorry that was for 23 24 so for 2223 um I believe our total let me just yeah please see if I can because I want to compare with Al 23 24 please me answer second did you have another question while I try to find that one so while we wait for that commissioner s is there anything that you wanted to bring up as well the idea of comparing those two numbers is that what one thing want to see stop doing is to put the money in the capital funds and I'm going to say why um if we have the money in the general fund uh that money is getting invested and is generating interest that interest goes to the general fund and it can be used for whatever other purposes however when we have the money restricted in the capital fund then the interest that is generating also gets restricted so let's give an example if we had $10 million for parking Recreation in the capital fund any money any interest that those 10 millions are created then get automatically restricted to be used specifically for par and Recreation so uh financially I would like to understand what is the thought process to restrict even the future money that we are generating with interest for a specific cost okay so that is a question that I have that I would like to find find uh an answer um and my recommendation will be instead of restricting that money and the future money that money is generating to keep it in the general fund and then we can clearly have unrestricted future Capital fund account and the money that is generating it can go anywhere else and then that easily can give us the the money necessary to continue lowering the Mage rate and giv even if it's a small break but a break to our residents so um if I'm not mistaken I don't have the numbers I hope Tiffany can find it from in one year we basically double our Capital fund and I don't believe that is a um Good Financial or fiscal um way of using the money the money that we have plus the money that we're generating so my point is that I would like to see to stop the practice of if we could have to continue get an explanation why we are even restricting the future money that are that that we are creating through the interest so you have the numbers yes okay so for 201122 um our budgeted expenditures and capital projects was 52 million no no the 22 23 and then 23 24 yeah those are the two numbers did the last two F years yeah yeah to compare I thought you said 20 2122 no um and then for so just so I understand what I'm hearing you say is um because again I want to remind everyone we don't have these conversations outside this room you want to be able to have more flexibility with how uh Tiffany uses the interest that we gain clearly okay so we don't restrict those funds for whatever money it is that so if we keep the money in the capital fund then we are restricting even the future money that we are generating I so if we keep that in the general fund then the future money can be used for any things and remember that not everything is budgeted for like for example big example when Co happened and we hit we could never imagine what what's going to be the impact of the pandemic so the point is that we are restricting ourself with the money that we are generating right now we are the the interest are very high and they're going to be continue going up so I don't want to see us restricting oursel with the money that we are making if that makes any sense Tiffany can you clarify please yes so our accounting is based upon what's called pulled cash okay okay so the cash portion is not allocated to any fund it's pulled and it's in a money market account it's in various instruments so we are getting the interest on those funds that have not been spent as long as they're in the account okay even though we budgeted 26 million whatever we budgeted we haven't spent them so we are still earning interest regardless of how we've assigned it for a budget if that makes sense and so the interest is not then attached necessarily to that item and then we allocate based on the actual um cash balances we allocate that to each of the funds based upon the equity within the fund without getting too Tex so the interest moves the general fund the interest is allocated accordingly within all the funds based upon their Equity balances so it's an allocation it's a true allocation it's an accounting thing we get you know a million dollars in interest but then it gets allocated to each of the funds based upon their Equity okay so whatever it was created from the capital fund money goes to Capital fund as well yes the interest correct the interest gets allocated basically what which is my point then the money that is created the money that is already the capital fund then it's going to get allocated to that account as well correct and then it's still restrict the unspent and it's assigned it's not restricted so there is a difference there can you please clarify that so that so yes restricted means you cannot move it out of there it must be used for so building building permit fees so forth and so on they must be used for building that is a state statute right assigned means okay this is what we are allocating this is the piece we are moving over for capital projects but it's not a statute it's not it's not law it's not anything we could easily say okay so now we're we're we're not doing that so we could move those funds back over because it's just an assignment this is what we're saying that we're we're carving out this piece for capital projects so maked so it's not restricted it is not restricted okay all right that answer one the once the money is in the capital funds what it takes to take it that from there to the general fund we have to pass an ordinance correct so that's you as a government body saying okay we're not doing this or that project and so we do not need those funds to remain in the capital projects but understand we don't even though we budget so we budgeted 25 26 million as a transfer out to capital projects we don't actually do it until we spend those monies so it's not like monies are just sitting and capital projects not being utilized they stay in the general fund when we need them we then will do a budget amendment to move them over so that 26 million that was budgeted no transfer has happened so far this year so okay so wait so out of the 55 million that I was told is in the general fund 26 million would have gone to the Sewer project potentially if we did it so then we actually would have had that much less in the general fund to consider for a millage lowering that is correct so that wasn't explained earlier well so that's another thing so we don't need to continue growing the capital fund which is philosophically what I would like to see and in keeping the money in the general fund um at the end of the day like we know even to move from one side to the other it has to come to us for approval so why to put it in the capital Fund in the first place when we can continue keeping it in the general fund and then having the the potential that we have a little more of leny on where to allocate that money and it's not going to be uh restricted to the capital fund so that is that is why last year I was against and I voted against the project uh against the um budget because to see only one fiscal year 26 million like I say it's almost double uh to go to Capital fund it is fiscally in my view unnecessary when we can continue having that money in the in the general fund and then if we need it for anything else you guys will come and request to the commission to allocate that money to any project or anything else that it comes even budgeted or not because like I said things happen that we cannot foresee so that okay understood but doing that you could end up in an overdrawn situation I mean another that's not I think that we need to stick to the philosophy here because I think that you know you're the expert and we need best practices and it and potentially just and we have to have a balanced budget so with you're saying not moving the funds then our balance then our budget doesn't balance so if we have these capital projects that we're saying we're going to spend money for you got to balance it with the revenues and the expenditures to have a balanced budget otherwise we say okay we're just not budgeting for a project even though we plan on doing Mr attorney and you have to be careful too because if you're if you're projecting or you know you're going to be spending x amount of dollars on a particular project or for particular purposes you have to project that in your budget and you can't artificially inflate your general fund artificially because of that to reduce the millage rate because that's disingenuous so you you have to accurately project that expenditure in your budget so leaving it in the general fund is not accurate so you have to set it aside at least from an assignment standpoint because you're anticipating that expenditure yeah but we doubl in one in one fiscal year we we double we assign around 27 million how much of that money million and 2223 to 53 million and 2324 but that was primarily because of the central island drainage well which is what I say you almost double you know what is assigned in the capital fund and and we need to also be careful with that because we don't also want to just to balance the the budget because we have to and because also we are always balancing up it got to be balanced clearly um but also we are just usually every when we go to how much actually we really spend during the fiscal year usually is exactly what we budget more or less it's usually less corre historically historically which is my point exactly so we usually calculate a little bit higher because we don't know anything that can happen Etc and it's because it's best practices five 10% Etc so right now and which is my point with the millage rate you know and like you said the impact is so lat it's 1.3 1.5 millions and then we get CAU up on this is so big or so important well just it is for the for the resident and if we can continue lowering what we' been doing historically knowing that at the end of the year we're going to spend less money that we budget for and we be more careful with a capital project having a balanced budget that is what philosophically I would like to see okay thank you uh commissioner visar or vice mayor no no okay um let me just like get in my head here so I I have a list of the things that I would like to see I went over what we what our wish list was last year and uh and I've been throughout the past few months like reaching out to keeping track and sending the the city manager and the deputy city manager emails so I have a question these papers that were on our desk what is this um that's for the second part of this meeting okay so because I see on here the Adaptive speech days which was my number one on my list so I don't know if that came from my okay so or you guys were ahead of me okay so one of the things that you know in terms of um things that we could be doing better I think that we can uh be servicing um our um we could doing we could be doing more for our disabled or or compromised um like our elderly and also like our veterans our injured veterans or um we could be doing more for that and one of the things that I like um that Miami Beach does they have this adaptive Beach days and I think they do it like once a month and we whether we could uh join with them or just borrow the idea um which is basically you have a um a day where you where people can come and you have the extra equipment you like the you know like the the let's say the the the bicycles or the or the wheelchairs with the really big wheels or you have staff on hand to help people enjoy the ocean the way that we take for granted that maybe other people can't um and we maybe can extend that I you mentioned something Susan recently about giving like a preview to uh invitation to U the the families that are um have voluntarily registered with us on on autism just having better better Outreach uh for for that population I think we we don't really have a whole lot going on right now and I'd like to see more of that um on the art side of things um I there's a festival it's it's called o Miami that's a like a poetry Festival it's a really nice and you see it in different parts parts of the county it's a date County thing and I think that's something we the the pack it hasn't really been uh active um so I don't know if that's something that could tie into those funds but um there there's a lot of variety in the activities that we could do with that like one of the cities does like poetry and pajamas which is like an even similar to the reading that we've done under the stars but it's it's a poetry thing it's with families there's one that does a scavenger hunt uh which I was thinking uh we can connect maybe to the sunny spaces that's already a scavenger we don't have to reinvent the wheel there's one that I think is kind of funny but maybe it would just create litter it's parking tickets and you there's things that they look like parking tickets so you get it and and and then when you it's not really a parking ticket it's just poetry you know um I know those will end up on the floor but but I I like that idea if we could have something like that where where we could highlight our particular diversity like maybe have like the same poem and like English Russian and and and Spanish or something like that so um I think that kind of participation we' always looked at Art like like uh maybe statutes or Stat not statute I can't say the word statute any statues sculptures um and and paintings but we haven't really looked at um literature or uh maybe like a Shakespeare in the park or something like that I would like something like that um the other thing is um on the legislative end we started pushing this last year more and I and I think we made progress um but I I'd like to see um there there's uh legislative conferences like the FLC we all go to the one in August but there's also one in December I think um interested Commissioners should get uh that training as well and also uh on the on the legislative side and speaking to our lobbyists you know the just sticking to the FLC is it's kind of late in the game if you guys have gone by the time we get there it's a a a lot of things have already happened and it's very late to start advocating if we follow the FLC calendar uh so our lobbyists recommended that uh we go up earlier uh and maybe have our own meetings and whatever so again that's part of the advocacy piece um we've been improving but I think going forward if we're going to push harder we're going to need to go there more um let's see uh We've also been talking um an idea from last year which is the the water taxi that idea has been going around for a while I thought it I was thinking about it in terms of just um like going to FIU and mask but I was told that's really not a sustainable Thing by itself but if we pair up with Aventura who I know is always is also thinking about it or other cities uh maybe that's another form of transportation that that we can use news I'm thinking about school but I'm not sure how that would play out um like I don't know how I been sure I would use it or how how andelle might use it uh but I would like to explore that I don't know how feasible it is uh let's see the charitable giving piece um not just the giveaways I mean I understand fiscal responsibility I I like um but I but I think there's a difference between that and behaving like we're in the Great Depression because it is the the residents money it is our taxpayers money and we they should be able to get things they enjoy in return you know not just services but something nice in return right like the events and things like that it's part of it uh I don't I don't U I don't see why we can't bring back um again with parameters uh so even if we can say okay no more than $1,000 we can put a rule around the amount but we can be helpful we in the position to be helpful let's see um the Police Athletic League got off the ground it still we not active yet but I'd like to know uh you know how that's going to be funded going forward I don't have a number for that um and with regards to our teenagers I was thinking maybe like some kind of a I call it like adulting presentations but there's things that that maybe we could be doing for them like talking to them about college applications or maybe like the options of military service or ROTC Health and Fitness career planning social media Norms um whatever you know whatever's in their world maybe we can like like the teen version of the round table for the seniors right uh let's see um the uh comprehensive plan I'd like to see that completed and whatever adjustments we have have to make or whatever that is I know we've been working on it I'd like to see that be finalized um and let me see and I think that's it I think that's it for me yeah thank you R mayor y okay so a lot of things a lot of things paper uh okay no a lot of things in general you know from coming from all of us and um so the the way I see the budget right is obviously the major expenses are Capital Improvements the capital projects so I think that us as a commission and as a staff I think we need to take what happened to the central island drainage um project as as a lesson and as a let's say new way of moving forward perhaps on things that we know that need to get done so you know W with anything that has to do with Capital Improvements I'll start with the central drainage um project okay central island drainage project and some of the refurbishments that our facilities need I think that we should take a look at that and if we know that it needs to get done you know move quick on that because uh obviously inflation keep keeps ticking up so we'll save ourselves a lot of money that way you know obviously one of our duties is to save uh the residents and the City money and uh I also another another uh of our duties is to give the resident the best service we could give so I think that goes hand inand we'll have more money and we'll be able to spend it more wisely and perhaps um be able to plan for for other things you know one of those things I think it has to do with with Capital Improvements too is that you know something I have in my mind is the Pelican uh Pelican Park extension right there's a need for more more activities there's a need for more Sports I mean basically that facility right now is is small we're we're bursting at the seams uh with that so that's something else that I'm I'm I'm thinking about um what else you know our Parks obviously eventually we're going to have to start uh refurbishing those or redesigning those um whether it's a big redesign or a smaller redesign that's still to be determined obviously we have the parks and wck master plan but that could be flexible I need to make that point that it needs to be flexible and um we could take some of these parks on a Case by case basis just to make sure we're being fiscally responsible um the police station I think perhaps this is not something that is going to happen uh from one year to another or even three years to the next three years is going to take a while by I think that needs to be um on the on the backs of our mind and it needs to be something that needs to be pursued and um let me I'm just checking my notes give me one second here oh something else that's that that's important too so we need to make sure that we are fully staffed in all of the Departments we were able to achieve that with the police department I think that we could see some of those benefits right now um you spoke about the building department um uh stand so I think that we need to prioritize that as well I know that is very difficult right now to hire qualified people or to hire anybody at this point is very hard so um let's try to find ways on how to perhaps um hire these find these qualified people and bring them over to the city and uh Team programming I'm I'm happy that I see you here on this list I know that we're going to talk about the list of events later on but I'm happy to see more programming and I think that overall we've been doing a better job at uh targeting teens and and Catering to their needs um I'm very happy with what's been happening with the senior citizens I think that the senior citizens are very very happy with what we've been doing for them I mean you they they come up to us they're super happy so good job on that that's a round of applause to the to the staff um so kudos to you and then that's about it oh Charities Charities so I I I think that we are in a good position there's always a need you know I don't think we should be let's say giving out money handing out money just because but I think when there's a need we are in a position to you know help someone especially you know residents or entities that need that because that way if they're helping residents of our community I think that's a win-win situation for for for everybody so I think we should take another look at charities perhaps go to a model how we had discussed before where each of us gets a A let's say an amount of money that we could donate to a charity or charties of our choosing but obviously we would need to come up with a criteria that makes sense it's fair and it's um it's fair for everybody for for for the charity so that's um that's pretty much my uh philosophy or my what I have in my mind all right but yeah we should concentrate on capital projects see could best um you know manage those and move forward with with the ones that we absolutely need are necessary so we don't have to you know be here two years down the road and saying oh this cost double now so I think we need to learn that lesson and and apply it now I have my list now all right you go ahead and then I'll go last go ahead yese okay so um okay so Transportation I would like to see something better for transportation with what happened with a better bus Network we know how it affect our people so we need more resources if we need a um different type of vehicle because I really we need to make sure that especially our citizen that are the most vulnerables which is are the seniors and the teens that they don't drive yet I want to see more ideas about what we can do for them in transportation also about the teens um and piggy Bing on about the legislation and the different conference when I go to this conference all over the place I see all with the youth committees from the cities um and they're investing a lot in them in creating the the the new way for leaders that they're going to be sitting down here in the future I don't think we do enough to um to to bring this youth uh and represent our city we have a lot of talented children and kids and and teenagers that they could assist to those conferences there are other ways to participate they have different competition they have different events so I would like to see somehow how invest a little bit more in in in this group of uh young adults or teenagers also um which is something that I've been pursuing for a long time is to finally develop something under the cway um I truly believe that we want to we need to give a safe space for the people to walk and to do exercises we can maybe without such a big investment make a track system there that is parking so the people instead of being running or walking around cin Avenue they can do it in a safe area so I would really would like to see some resources a little bit more aggressive maybe conversation with the fdot to be able to develop something under the cosway um about sports and recreation and I want to say the same thing we have been doing a very good job with the seniors thank you guys like you guys are such a good team and continue doing it I see them happy I love to go bingo with them it's such a good thing but um about the the sports and again when I go to different competitions and I see many other cities and many other clubs they have more resources or like better like uniforms and better equipment that what we have so maybe we have to put a little bit of money there to be in better leaks Etc uh really focusing first servicing our residents uh but for this team uniforms um I I remember back in the days when we used to receive the full uniform right now we are sometime just getting the church so and I know everything cost money so don't get me wrong but we can allocate resources to that give them also some sense of belonging that they want to show off and be better you know it's just like a mind thing as well um to develop some resources for the parents which I am already working on that but to continue doing that uh about the building department um I'm going to research this a little bit better but I believe the city of sorai is making some kind of adjustment for the building that they need a 40e recertification to have no fees like zero fees so um maybe we can do something similar um I spoke with Alan about this a few months ago but maybe we can revisit how they are doing it and if it would be feasible for us also to help the the the building that are going through these H recertifications we had the conversation again but don't forget about the EV stations the with the Florida power and LI or whoever if they can build more we need more we had that need and we don't want to see fights because of the EV stations and last but not least um about the donations and the Charities um yes I do believe that we are in a position to help certain groups that they do good for the community um I was very disappointed when we were for the first time in I think many years we didn't give the donation that we used to go give to the social C social senior CI of South Florida I know they come with that money and we've been doing it and I know that we don't want to make sure that they always going to get the money from the same organization but I don't see anything wrong with that uh and and they do serve our seniors and they were very active to the pandemic calling them and making sure that they were not feeling so lonely Etc we both actually voted for it yeah yeah correct which is my point like maybe we had to revisit and we are in a position of helping organization that they are doing good things for our residents or at least for a city it can be the turtle people the seniors whatever but keep it local to the to help our residents so that is my philosophical okay thank you did you want to add something um I have a few writing so please go ahead yes I so um I would like to uh see something regarding we have a lot of uh talented uh residents uh students um who would be interested in having a student Choir in the city that's something that I've been um that's been brought to my attention also uh we have a lot of talented residents that would like to see um some type of City Orchestra which um I know the residents um would be thrilled to have um we have the Golden Beach Civic Center opening soon um I'm interested to see how that's organized and and what they have Incorporated in that building and maybe for us to use that as a model going forward um and also any structure that we do happen to build I would like to and Clay um to have um because uh take Gateway for example where um I know the structure is not able to sustain a second floor uh going forward I'd like to make sure that we have um you know architecture architectural plans that uh take into account future needs um and with pilings that could um you know sustain additional floors for the future's I'd like to um be sure we have a new um director of our code enforcement I'd like to make sure that he has an increased budget in order to um to assist in our code enforcement we have issues with uh vehicles that are blocking the right lanes on Collins I'd like assistance with that I know that our police can't be everywhere but certainly our code enforcement can assist with that let's see oh also I I had brought this up when I first ran for election and at the time we had it we had a stateum budsman but right now he's kind of disappeared so I would like to have some provision with the city where we have a fulltime either retired attorney or a young attorney uh full-time to assist condos uh condo residents with questions not for the city to be involved but at least to answer questions and assist them on also a philosophical basis I think that would be quite helpful to condo residents P you okay um thank you so I um thank you all of you for for all that input because I agree with a lot of what you're saying um My philos Philosophy is um foremost is relying on the experts I I don't want to see any more studies any more Consultants you know we you all uh you know you have this job to do we hope that uh you're you're making a competitive salary and we increase those salaries and we want to make sure or at least from my point of view that we allow you to do that so that we're not micromanaging because that's not our role uh for for me it really is about giving you the tools that you need but specifically not Outsourcing really allowing you to come back to us and if to Vice mayor's point if there's a project that needs to be done you know uh recommend for us to do that sooner rather than later um regarding some of the other things that were mentioned by the commission uh I'd like to see more Community focused planning things that involve more of the community's input in a way that makes sense and not necessarily by surveys but you know how do you interact with them in a way that you we're coming to them I I love the idea of being more inclusive with the beach you know for a few years ago I know we discussed finding ways to have uh children that have autism how can they enjoy the parks um that's in you know safe for them and with that being said I think that we have plenty of parks um and I think this is a great opportunity for us now that the parks master plan is done to allow you all to come back to us and say what you think is the best use of those Parks given the philosophy of understanding you know who was going to be using that um I'd like to also see efficiencies across departments um and I'm not saying this doesn't necessarily happen but I'd like to understand better how that's happening so that if we have people that are assigned for instance at the parks um for whatever reason to potentially be you know of cleaning or whatever else they're doing that if they see something going on that's not specifically attached to their job that they're able to somehow be cross Tred so they can help in that capacity um as well I don't know if we ever did get to the point of having those additional Parks people at the parks uh that we had approved last year um and and what exactly their role was and how did that work if you can just we increased the park staff and if we can fill every position the goal is to get back to where we were where they are cross training their their enforcing rules but also cleaning the restrooms and pressure washing and doing things like that so that they're not just sitting there enforcing rules but we have them doing both and then they have direct contact with code if it's something code and police if it's anything beyond what they can handle okay great um and and obviously I think that uh it goes without saying but I'll say the the priority is safety so whatever we can do to to increase um and it's it's increased you know three-fold I think but more of that and communicating in a better way so that our residents feel feel more comfortable um I think that they see more PD but whatever else we can do to encourage that um and then standard of of living you know um things that we can do that are small to to help our residents really appreciate that they live in such an amazing City whether that be adding to the uniforms or you know doing things that are extra special that perhaps other cities are doing uh I don't know how much you all go to look at what other cities are doing um I would also like to see sort of more staff walking around and I'm not talking about PD but just really walking around and seeing it from a different point of view a perspective that our residents see and uh you know really understanding what the accountability is so when we have a project for instance and I'm you know I'm going to bring this up the the the Gwen marolas Park you know once we start that project how do we how do we ensure that it comes to a point where it's finished and that we don't have residents coming to us you know with questions or complaints um so that we have an understanding of of uh when something is complete or when something needs more uh um resources um going back to what I said earlier getting a a way of uh incorporating and including people I had said this before and we talked about this earlier having a uh a system in place where residents can and give feedback not necessarily what they think about events but what they would like to see uh to commissioner VC's point I I have had a lot of people come wanting to do things that are theater related um to uh commissioner Joseph's Point there's been a lot more adults that have been wanting to get um added to programming an example is the volleyball the the adult volleyball uh League I had no idea there was so much interest and I know that there's are plenty of adult that play instruments and that are uh in addition to being artists that are also you know poets um uh I'd like to see if possible now this goes back to uh what commissioner Simson said about you know being uh fiscally responsible I want to make sure that we're fiscally responsible so I'm not going to give a list of things that I'd like to see I want me rely on you all to come back to us and make it work based on this giant list that gave you but um you know including our community one of the things that I think we could do better is include small businesses um Aventura marketing uh Council does a great job with Aventura and I would love for us to help them include more of our small businesses so they can have more Ribbon cuting or whatever it is that they do in Aventura that we can do here um and looking maybe at things from a different perspective I know that we give you a lot of our feedback based on whoever is speaking to us but often it's the loudest voices that you all are hearing and uh you know I would like to see how you can come back to us and let us know what you all are hearing because it's the staff that is talking to people every single day um and and to create an environment where we can get more of that information so that we literally aren't just walking around trying to get feedback you know we lit we pay people to get that feedback and I'd like to I'd like to know what it is they're hearing what's working what's not um and then finally having a system that allows for some sort of metric how much is it costing us to hold an event per person so that we know that for instance events like the city anniversary or the Halloween event those are huge um and those are definitely something that that I feel are worth it but how much is it costing us uh compared to you know one of my favorites the Bingo event you know how much is it costing us to have the teen events versus you know the egg scram you know how how is it can we that we can balance some of that um and what is it that you think works best I'd like to really hear more from you all as to what you are recommending what you strongly feel uh we should be focusing on but with a metric attached to it okay just me please go ahead sir I would like to wel to commissioner could you turn on your your microphone please yes um I would like to uh have the city building department look into if whether there's any way that Gateway Center the first floor can be reconfigured in any way I know there's one workout room where we have exercise classes but it's over full and there's an absolute need for another at least room that size in that building if there's anything that can be done to uh make that happen good okay so yes wait one second wait wait but what one more thing please can we refurbish some of these bathrooms um uh T yeah Town Center uh Gwen Margolis yeah the ventilation also is is poor too yeah well I think that's part we discussed that that's part of the whole Park's plan is to yeah to to please you you all know but but let's not wait because then I mean no not wait yeah can we start with the bathrooms uh okay I'd actually brought this up previously because we all did yeah there's rusted ums no we and it I thought that had been corrected previously well it's it's an ongoing issue we live by the ocean so all right so what uh May before Susan before you jump in I just wanted to mention you know a lot of the things that you're talking about um an orchestra adding a full-time position giving money to Charities bathroom remodeling adaptive Beach events you know developing the causeway all of those things require one unique thing and that's money so you're wanting a lot of things and you're wanting us to cut back the budget and you want us to cut back the millage we have to understand where is that money coming from and I'm not aware of anyone saying oh they've looked at their savings account I have too much money and savings yet I hear that a lot here we have a lot of money and savings we're a rich city we've heard that we have 55 million in reserves 25 let's say 25 million of that we're going to go to centralized drainage which we all know is a problem let's say that that happened that's not a lot so then we have 25 million left well one hurricane even though we have some money set aside for hurricanes could completely wipe our budget out okay then you're all looking at raising our substantial our millage substantially so I'm what I'm trying to get you understand and we're having a philosophical discussion is you really can't have it both ways so for holding the line on the budget you've just given me probably about 20 things you want to add we need to go back and see where we can work and make some things around and accommodate some of those things but some of them are also Big Ticket ongoing items so that's the first thing to consider the second part of this and in my discussions with Tiffany she constantly reminds me that what's helped us in these past two years has been receiving that $10 million from arpa uh the covid money that's helped offset our budget this is going to be the first year even though it only seems like a small amount in the millage that we are dipping into our reserves to cover some of our operating cost so I want you to keep that in mind and then as we talk about events I've heard often from many of you that well this person wants to donate their time time and this event will be free there are no free events there's nothing that we're going to do in this city that's truly going to be free because we also have to we have to set the room up I have to have staff there we have to empty out the garbage if we're providing even something as simple as water or some type of snacks those are all things that hit our budget so we create line items to track every bit of money that we spend you're welcome to see any of those line items but the events alone in my discussion with Susan earlier I think we have 999 events Susan is that right we have 99 events in the city so how many events is too many and there's some events that we need to have I'll give you an example we want to have a grand opening for our meditation Garden we have so many events scheduled in in between now it's ready to open it's ready to have a dedication we have so many events scheduled that we can't schedule a grand opening I think until the end of May so adding just one more event then that's the H hundredth event that the city is going to have we really want you and I'm going to let Susan go through this with you prioritize some of the events and what I would like for you to do frankly is cut out some of the events that you feel are not necessary so that and give us some of the events that are truly important to you that we need to have but everything there's a cause and effect element to everything we do as we go through the budget and I think the staff has done a great job of holding the line we're going to really try to hold the line again but those are all things I consider when we look at the millage and I want to get away from the mindset of being a rich City because I want us to remember the West Coast that one event wiped out bridge and something like that we only had a small Skirmish of an event that cost us hundreds of thousands of dollars where we had to close the city down for a couple of days so let's change the wording to phisically sound how's that so my approach is to be I want to have that money and I want to be conservative as I always have regarding your money and the taxpayers money I don't want to consider our savings as well you know we've got plenty I want us to be fully prepared for any disaster that we may have here and when you have things that you bring up that are equally important to all of you events that you want to have I want to be able to have the money to go in and get that approved by you so philosophically that's the mindset okay and and I can I appreciate that and and I think that we all understand it I think this this was more sort of of a brain dump and you know what it is we'd like to see I I that's what I'm going back to you all need to come back to us and say what makes sense and what doesn't make sense and I know it's a challenge because we all said very different things but I need to rely and I will rely on your expertise um and and for you to tell us how this is going to work or how it's not going to work commissioner ston you wanted to ask yeah okay so first of all I do speak with the residents every day every day um many times many places so I know the staff is speak with them also uh but I believe we also have a very good sentiment of What the residents want not only the staff second I believe that we need to be we clearly have to be more responsible with the money but which is my point why are we locking ourself so much money Capital that is not being used um and in being responsible and spending over $200,000 in one anniversary party that is not being responsible we can we can scale that down tremendously and still give a very nice event my proposal is having it every five years and then doing something a small every year or or and or or during Four of July but the 200 like in no time is going to be a quarter of a million dollar only in that evening event then coming back to to the capital H projects that we didn't even do like for example we put a lot of money um in creating something for the Fleet Maintenance that it was going to be under the costway where are we with that do we do anything with that we had we had set it aside when we were talking about putting something under there so it got delayed but we didn't I don't believe we funded that EXA no no it's there it set us it's in the capital funds it is a it was around 100 and whatever thousand we were going to build the whole facility to do the Fleet Maintenance which is one that is on top of my mind the same thing like we talking about being responsible and we are spending millions of dollars in Tony Ras instead of creating Revenue we are spending and spending which which was never the now we're talking also that we want to we're going to it was decided by you guys to put the building department there but also then we're going to build a new policy station when we're going to have all that space for them or we're just going to hire people to F that space so we need to make sure that one decision that we take how is going to affect the other because when we decide to be spending millions and millions for the building department and Tony Ras I think that is going to impact the future construction of the Poli Department um so I understand we have to be responsible with the money I don't believe we are doing the best that we can but and and we need to move into that direction okay Mr manager yes I just wanted to respond to some of the complaints um first uh or or some of the comments the first thing I wanted to talk about was the anniversary party last year because we've discussed that a lot in all of the years I've been here for 11 and a half years that was the event that I received the most positive feedback concerning the event including from all of you um was one of the events that I attended the Drone show the food having the event on the the beach I saw spe uh our residents were happy I'm only aware myself because I had a lot of people that came up to me and thanked me of one person complaining about the event one since that time then all of a sudden there's questions about the budget we need to hear about it we want to hear about I want to know what the budget is first I want to approve the events okay no problem we brought that back to you this year at our last meeting you approved essentially the exact same thing for the exact same amount of money so I'm not seeing that there's any problem with that part of it let let's talk about Tony Romas Tony Romas what we have now is you know our space needs on from the building uh the building as a whole it was not built functionally to have the number of people we have by placing the building department into Tony Romas the research that we've done the building Department's going to be paying us rent from here forward and it's going to be a substantial amount of rent so that's rent guarant guaranteed going forward it's not an amount of money that's not being captured or not not being considered uh the other part of it is we've also built in a cafe that's going to bring us in a substantial amount of money R my anticipation is going to be that the rent between the building department and the cafeteria are going to or the cafe are going to exceed the amount of monies that we collected from Tony Roma now now while the cafe is questionable in terms of the future the building department is not that's our building department so they are going to be paying us rent that's captured from our building permits so we're not doing any of the things that we're doing in a vacuum or making this decisions without your input bringing all of this stuff back to you we're getting approval we're also doing it from the perspective of being fiscally conservative that's why we presented you the options of the anniversary event did you want to scale it back did you want it to be less but you all voted to keep it the same if not better than it was last year and so that's what we're doing okay yeah and I think that the purpose of this is not to to hash out everything that we voted on before you wanted to say something and I think we need to move on then to the to go through all of this okay so I was um and when I go to these events I speak to people and we actually have a lot lot of nonresidents that come to our events I believe that we should increase the the amount that we charge to non-residents um and we can do that substantially sus we are Susan's going to speak to that as we go through the events but yes we are looking that at that as well Susan do you want to start with the actually if you don't mind um I have some follow-up questions oh sure sure please go ahead um took a lot of notes a lot of the things that you've talked about um I think we all kind of very much understand how we can make that work um some of the some but I have some questions so that we can develop the budget that's going to accurately reflect that um so for example um vice mayor you mentioned Charities and allotting an amount do we have a dollar amount in mind are we thinking $5,000 per or so so the previous the previous budget was 50,000 so perhaps we could take the 50,000 and divide it equally among the five of us but but we need to be very cognizant that we need to have a very clear criteria and a qualification process for these um organizations to to to get you know the money also we cannot have perhaps like what happened in the past that you had two organizations ations where one person was involved in both of them was in the board of directors and they were getting 40% of the budget you know they were getting 10,000 and 10,000 that's 40,000 of out of the 50,000 so we need to avoid those types of situations where on the other hand I wanted to give a school $750 for their media center and that was denied so we need to really have a clear path to how these uh uh check ities are going to are going to work okay and it needs to be fair um so that that's my take and then obviously we I'll have my 10,000 but it doesn't allow me to just give out the 10,000 how which way I want there's got to be a clear way and a process and we need to vote on that perhap still and uh it needs to go through a process but there there needs to be a criteria first we've been talking about that for for a few months now but yeah it's time to like if we all want to uh reinstate charity um then we will have to have a discussion on that yeah okay so for the ease of the document we will have a program modification form in the budget document so you can clearly see the these types of things that we'll be adding based on this discussion okay instead of It kind of being in there somewhere um commissioner Stant you mentioned um teens and a youth committee we had a meeting the other day day with um ipal and they do want to grow it into they have a team component named the Youth Development Council I happen to be familiar because my husband used to do this is would that suffice would something like that suffice or you looking for something greater than that I I don't know iPad so I mean I don't know that specific program so if you give me they they have a board they have you know so so it is a leadership committee you know they do have leadership opportunities within that that I want know a little bit more and probably if they can go when we go for example to the Lego Cities conferences say if before that they can have their they can participate in the the competition they have different like really good specific competition so I don't know that's what I don't know there so the right so my question is do you want something specifically through the Florida Le of cities so they can participate in that or any type of teen Leadership Council that is City running that allow them to participate in in in any type of correct exactly it doesn't need to be specifically that one yeah okay good okay the problem I have with um having the team Council through the pal is that it includes Aventura so we might have people from Aventura making decisions for Sunny Isles I don't believe that's I don't think they make any decisions it's just an opportunity for them it's just for them input that we might well we agreed that we would partner with them so yes but as far as a youth Council that makes decisions for Sunny Isles or makes advisements to Sunny Isles it would not be an advisory committee so like for example the YDC they have leadership positions but they're um doing community service work so they're basically you know voting on which community service work they'll do things like that and I think through the the partnership they would be Equitable with both both but if you want to separate something that's a whole different program and that's why I was trying to get some clarification your goal is to have leadership opportunities for our teams cor and and not for them to come back and give us like a any recommendation not advisory I want them to be able to participate and to to I there are so many resources right now we are not getting those resources or giving those to our teenagers so the idea will be to give them access to those resources yeah and understand they don't have to be an ADV commit they don't have um from the commission if um EV stations is not working out through FPL where we can get them for free is there a desire to fund this through City funds no I I support it I support it anything that because there's been a lot of requests for this now if it's going to be hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousand dollars but I mean obviously we need to know how much but this there's been a very big big push and that is probably where um commissioner viscara was saying that we can go early on to our Congressman or or representative and ask them for Acquisitions and to put this money what they're going to be fighting for in talah or even DC and make sure that we have this need these are your voters you represent these people to help us we have our um drum book our um lobes to use our lobbies I I believe there is a need I had had those conversations that's what I brought it up a few months ago so we can probably use some of the resources and apply for Grants Etc that they are right there uh available and we had somebody writing grants um for us in staff or we we have a consultant for grant writing it's a need basis right yes on an as needed basis okay okay okay so precisely so maybe if we can see what options are available we have the need and whatever we can do to to make sure that we can go to I have the direction I need thank you question I have a question right now do we have any idea what these EV stations are costing yes for installation or ongoing usage uh yes uh the Quick Charge is $450,000 to $500,000 and then you charge for it so there is a you know you do get revenue from it what the break point is I don't know and I don't know um but one of our um neighboring communities is going out to bid right now for that so we're going to follow that closely learn what they learn and and see where we go from there but I just wanted some kind of Direction someone else's mistake either right correct um and then mayor you mentioned more Community focused planning um we met briefly this morning right after and um we have a way that we will open it up through the website um we will put it out on social media one of the challenges that we have and I'm sure you do too is we plan a budget and then all these other things come up very last minute so we have several examples that we could give you but we won't waste your time and last minute requests that we get from the public as I'm sure you do too so we are going to open up we're going to put it out have a seamless doc they can fill it out so that we can consider it for this upcoming budget year and then every year thereafter we will have a a open Period like where they can present their their proposals for us to consider for the next budget year that we would then be able to bring to you at this philosophical discussion say next year um does that yeah it basically is a a mechanism that allows everyone an equal and Equitable way to to access it so that they're not lobbying us individually because someone comes to see me and I tell them you have to see every commissioner individually and then I think that's when they kind kind of get dissuaded and they feel like nothing's going to happen so as long as it's very clear there's deadlines so that it avoids us coming to you with hey I think we should do this because so and so you know came to me there's a lot of good ideas but ultimately it would be your recommendation back to us as to what you think is the strongest um program so yes all right very good that answ okay so I think uh Vice May needed to leave soon so he wanted to go first yeah so regarding the the the events um from first of all I like to see a cost attached perhaps we could add a column with the with the cost for each or the projected cost more or less so we could really see what what the uh cost per event is and and the total cost of let's say having a year of events um I see the ones in Orange it says not recommended I like to to know why I mean Summer Splash sounds good but I don't know if it's a cost issue or if it's just um logistical issue so this is one of those things that kind of came to us this like last month um earlier this month to have like a carnival style event at Gateway um once a month in the summer months oh yeah yeah we I think that it was a resident or a um somebody a a contractor okay okay who who um met with staff and him brought it up um our concern is a staffing because we have full-blown summer camp during the summer and weather so from our experience events in the summer with afternoon storms always tend to get um rain down and then we have um we need to have time to refurbish our fields and our parks for what we call inseason so a lot of our residents travel during the summer and it it's less crowded and that's our opportunity to do all of those kind of bigger refurbishment projects but we put it on here because if it's something that there is a desire of the commission to do something like that you know let us let us know um it does have a funding impact we didn't put amounts on here because it was to be more philosophical no no I understand but tie into what it is exactly that you're really looking for and we don't have to go through this line by line the goal here was to give you the information let you take it back a week from tomorrow Friday May 3rd I think is the date please give this back to us xing out anything you think is not interesting to you know or worth one it all seems interesting to me because to be honest with you I mean you see like maybe six to seven events per per month right more or less some of them I don't think are not that costly like the beach cleanup obviously you have an October to Boogie by the beach um moving on to December I see art basil event the rooftop movie and some of the ones in pink the newer revised events like the Florida Arbor Day Festival I like to know more or less what those cost our fashion show I mean that that can't be cheap either so I I would like to know more or less the cost because that way I could say and no if it's a million dollars scratch that out that'll be the first one I scratch out you know so I think with some sort of not an exact cost but more or less an A Range uh I think it will help me so anything that is a new event on here would come to you as a program mod where you would see the actual breakdown um this was more um kind of set up this way for you to realize yes uh Beach cleanup is not a great expense yeah but it's more a staffing situation well it's a good thing that we're doing too it's yeah I think to to vice mayor point to have perhaps just a sense of what that Staffing cost is because sometimes that could be more than the actual cost event and and you know just using that as an example the the beach cleanup I know that um you know that's open to everyone that's not just our teenagers and so are we potentially funding somebody else's volunteer hours you know um because a lot of that is is that as well maybe that cut gets cut down if we're if we're paying so so much in overtime like does that require overtime that sort of thing um okay so you need this back from each of us by next Friday I'll tell you what we'll give you a little extension but again we we we're developing our budget literally going to work tomorrow we have a meeting tomorrow based on this conversation so we will put some numbers Gail did have numbers on here um we kind of pulled them out cuz we don't want that to we didn't really want it to sway nothing is a million dollars but are some more significant costs so yes fashion show looks like a lot but it it's a it's a scaled down version we're we're not having Dior or anything you know that's going to having the light built up yeah yeah um Florida Arbor Day is um really a combination we always do Arbor Day as a very minimal event with the school this was to make it a more interactive event try to get more people so we'll give you a little more information about that and then we'll give until Monday so you can work over the weekend like we do to to to get that list back to us how what is the best way for us to to bring this back to you you literally want us to just cross things out I would literally like for you to mark up this page okay um and then you know you're going to give us the cost for some yes we'll have that for you tomorrow and then you'll have till the following Monday um and then anything you want to add just add that please send it to us individually do not send it to no absolutely and and just before we end again as I started I said a lot of people are watching this on on you know on TV or online uh and residents uh at least the ones that reached out to me really wanted to be involved and I explained to them that the best way is to just reach out to you uh if they have questions what would be the best way for those that would like to have more information now um while there's an opportunity for them to voice their concerns rather than you know obviously they'd speak to us individually but is there a mechanism is there a way for them to reach out to you as well I think we can come up with something we'll work with media and find a way to get something El yeah so that it doesn't feel like it's it's in a vacuum you know I think that this has progressed to be much more interactive with every year and so I'd like to just continue that if possible and I'm not suggesting everyone needs to send in all of their requests but just to have a better understanding and inclusivity yes we'll create something through media and then the other part of it Mayors if there's a resident that has a question if they want to come in and sit down with us we'll schedule time with them that's fantastic okay thank you all right thank you everyone