##VIDEO ID:qzHWK26TrjI## okay good evening everyone thank you for coming uh 6:30 I'm going to call the meeting to order commissioner Joseph here commissioner Cent here commissioner viscaro here vice mayor llama absent commissioner fet here by mayor excuse me mayoret we have a COR okay um Pledge of Allegiance would you like to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you Rabbi Baron are you doing an invocation for us please good evening it's wonderful to see everyone it's an honor to be here dear God Master of the Universe We Stand humble before you this evening as we recognize all of your blessings that you have bestowed upon us we're mindful of the fact that you have blessed this city with wonderful leadership Direction dedication and guiding Spirit which has resulted in the many successful achievements over the last 27 years we recognize that we are gathered before you this evening in pursuit of fulfilling your wishes as you dear God empowered Humanity with seven basic universal laws after the great flood of Noah these laws were once again re confirmed by Moses at Mount Si to be taught to all of humanity universal laws that provide a framework of law order and Justice which will allow Humanity to settle the Earth in a civilized manner we recognize that we have been entrusted by the citizens of Sunny Isles Beach to perform the sacred Duty almighty God please provide us with the Consciousness to constantly be aware of your presence so that we are consistent to our mandate please grant us the wisdom intuition sensitivity and the patience necessary to succeed so that we leave a legacy of having a positive impact upon Society for many generations to come protect our police force our service men and women serving domestically and overseas in the name of freedom and democracy please give them them the Peace of Mind insight and intuition to be successful please guide our city staff to make the right decisions with honesty integrity and knowledge for all of our citizens into the future and may they continue to serve as positive role models for a beautiful Community almighty God in these times we do not take our health and safety for granted May everyone gathered here tonight and all the residents of Sunny Al's Beach be granted with good health peace of mind and prosperity and let us say amen amen amen thank you will you play the opening yes good evening ladies and gentlemen we appreciate your attendance and thank you for joining us tonight before we begin there are a few important reminders regarding conduct during our commission meetings please ensure all electronic devices are turned off or set to silent mode to maintain the Integrity of our proceedings mutual respect is a foundation of productive discussions we ask that everyone remains silent and attentive when someone is addressing the commission clapping app plotting heckling or any verbal Outburst either in support or opposition of the speaker are strictly prohibited any individual wishing to address the commission must fill out a public speaker card and submit it to the city clerk before the relevant item is announced each speaker is granted a maximum of 3 minutes should you exceed this time the chair will notify you to conclude your remarks speak directly to the agenda's points remain concise and avoid redundancy should an individual speak without the chair's permission or continue speaking after a warning they may be escorted out of the chambers it is essential to avoid making impertinent slanderous remarks or becoming boisterous while addressing the commission such Behavior may lead to being barred from future commission appearances unless the majority of the commission members present vote otherwise the presiding officer May disallow signs or placards in the commission chamber please exit the chamber quietly and without disruption the goal of our meetings is to facilitate public input and participation however disruptive or disorderly conduct hinders our Collective objective individual ual who want to speak on an item on the agenda are asked to fill out a public speaker's card and give it to the city clerk before the item is called speakers are asked to speak to the issues make comments concise and to the point and refrain from making duplicate comments All speakers will be limited to one three minute comment per item if you exceed the three-minute allotment the chair will advise you to finish your comment if you speak out of turn without permission from the chair and or you do not cease speaking after one warning you will be escorted out of Chambers in order to maintain orderly conduct and or proper decorum at these meetings anyone who interferes with the orderly process of the meetings after a warning may be removed from the meeting and may be barred from further appearance before the city commission as permitted in s286 0114 fs and SS 745 and 74-2 of the city's code of ordinances any necessary removal will be made at the direction of the mayor and will be carried out by law enforcement or designated sergeant-at-arms it is essential that attendees adhere to these rules of procedure to ensure productive meetings that serve both the public and the city commission thank you for your cooperation and understanding great thank you um I'm just going to add to that first welcome everyone um and for those that have not been here before I'm going to just remind you that if you want to speak on an item public speaker cards are in the back please make sure you fill it out before that item is called um also this room Echoes so if you're having a conversation or you need to have a conversation please go outside because we can hear everything that you're saying and it's very distracting um I'm also going to add to the comments made about um decorum and the the process of of how you come up and speak everything is done through the chair which is me uh you have toit wait to be recognized and that includes all of us up here too the commission needs to be wait needs to wait to be uh recognized um please understand we're trying to facilitate the business of the city however this is also as as the public this is your meeting and you will have your time to be heard we just ask that you be polite and all comments are through me the chair so thank you and welcome okay go ahead Mauricio okay so we are in section four and we have some a few changes to the agenda tonight um um the following items have been revised 9 C which is an ordinance related to Temporary signs 10e has also been revised uh which is a approving a an agreement with fabrion for a modular 10i is revised to include additional language um based on a press release from the White House and recommended language from commissioner Joseph and 10 has been provided with additional information okay I need a motion so mov second second okay all in favor okay all right go ahead Marcio next item next item is zoning and I did not print out your introductory statement mayor if you give me one second I can pleas take your time this is a good opportunity to go fill out that public speaker card if you would like to speak on something okay I'll read it mayor if you don't mind please go ahead hey ladies and gentlemen this evening's agenda has one zoning application in these matters the Z the commission sits in a qu like judicial capacity the decision of whether or not to approve a zoning variance is not a popularity contest but must be based on substantial competent evidence as it is presented tonight if you intend to provide testimony on any zoning application you must be sworn in by the city clerk and you should also fill out a public speaker card and give it to the city clerk before the item is called we will first hear from the city staff and then from the applicant after this the mayor will allow anyone from the audience to be sworn in who have been sworn in to provide testimony the zoning applicant has a right to cross-examine any witness and for rebuttal please make your comments concise so with that the my statement my Preamble in accordance with the ldrs of the city of sanal beach all items to be heard today have been legally advertised in the newspaper notices have been mailed and posted on the properties all persons wishing to speak at this hearing please raise your right arm to be sworn in is the applicant here okay do you swear that the testimony you're about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing put the truth so help you got thank you and before we continue are there any expart Communications that need to be disclosed closed by the commission no no not me no no commissioner Joseph commissioner Joseph do you have any ex party communication to disclose thank you okay uh do you want to introduce the item 6A you're right thank you Amy 6A is a request of Beach Club acquisition for site plan modification and variances related to the Turnberry Ocean Club located at 18501 Collins Avenue okay uh good evening mayor and Commissioners uh This Is The Zing hearing for planning application pz 202 24-3 for the Turnberry Ocean Club oh here we go the applicant is Beach Club Acquisitions LLC which is the owner and the developer of the project the project is completely constructed and the applicant is Seeking a final certificate of occupancy um the reason that we are here tonight is because they are requesting a variance to decrease the required number of Street trees along Collins Avenue from Seven Trees to five trees and there is an accompanying site plan modification to revise the lands apape plans to reflect uh the five trees instead of the Seven Trees um this hearing was originally scheduled for June and at that time the application also included an additional request which was a site plan modification to allow the overhead utility lines to remain however since June those lines and poles have been fully removed so that is no longer part of this application oops going way so this is the proposed landscape plan um highlighted in yellow are the five uh Street trees along Collins Avenue and the two um trees that are requested to be removed are at the northwest corner um what happened was there was a lack of coordination between the plan sets and in that northwest corner there was um water main equipment that was installed and there's also FPL easements and uh North Miami Beach water easements that are now in place there uh we sent this to our Landscape Architects for review and they confirmed that two additional Street trees would not be able to be accommodated on site so in the future we're going to pay special attention to this to make sure that utility improvements do not impede the placement of Street trees uh this is a recent photo of the site as you can see the overhead utility lines are gone and um I tried to indicate the five uh Street trees that are installed on site today so with that I'll hand it over to the applicant for their presentation and I will will be available for any questions thank you good evening um my name is Dan Atkins I am president of governmental Affairs for Fountain Blue development with me is Rodrigo corillo who is a project executive for Fountain development Fountain Blue development and we're here tonight to ask your approval to uh amend the site plan and the variant it's necessary because as Amy stated we cannot there's no way to plant these trees there the easements are there for the city fpnl and it's just it's necessary because we can't do it that being said and again I I appreciate your uh consideration of this we fully intended to plant those trees uh that was our intent so in that regard we would also like to make sure that the city somehow in the future gets the advantage of that so we would like to make a contribution to the city traffic fund equal to what the city's landscape um Subs would charge and that amount I believe is around 20,500 so in addition to that we would like to offer that contribution to the city because we fully intended to do this and didn't expect this to happen so your consideration of this request is greatly appreciated thank you as far as donations are concerned we would have to vote for that separately correct Mr City attorney or could that be a part of this it could be part of this it would be as a condition of the approval perfect so that okay wonderful does anyone have any questions no no so do we need a motion to amend this or while if they do this we don't need anything we would need to have it reflected as one of the conditions so we would have to I mean we we're stating it on the record but we'd have to amend the resolution to incorporate that condition okay wonderful thank you that's uh thank you appreciate it thank you all right I need motion to approve I make motion as amended right yes as amended second second okay commissioner Joseph yes commissioner Cent yes commissioner raro yes Comm fetchin yes application is approved 4 to zero thank you all right next item please mauriceo mayor we have to go back to 3A um I skipped the minutes oh so 3A is uh uh the summary minutes for the regular City Comm meeting of July 18th 2024 okay do we have any public speakers no' okay uh any comments from the commission if not can I get a motion second second all in favor I okay now we can go on okay uh now we're on to item uh res excuse me ordinances for first reading 7A is an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of Sanel Beach Florida amending chapter 74 of the code of ordinances tit titled the rules of procedure providing for cability providing for repealer providing for inclusion in the code providing for an effective date thank you and I will start this off mayor okay um mayor and Commissioners uh this ordinance is being brought before you um to amend chapter 74 which is our rules of procedure uh the reason for this is because as of late we've been referring a lot to this section of the code and as we've referred to it we've uh realized that there are several sections within this chapter that need to be amended to to reflect either current practices or best practices and I'll just briefly go through uh some of the major changes uh for example one of the bigger ones is the code um provided for referral to Mason's manual for legislative procedures which is a manual that's more Adept for larger legislative bodies such as the state legislature um for local government agencies and I would say that the vast majority of municipalities in the State of Florida use Roberts rer water which is more conducive to business that's brought before this governing body um another significant change is that we are clarifying the language in how a uh presiding officer is selected in the event that the mayor and the vice mayor are both absent and that would be for the city clerk to open the meeting and then immediately after the roll call is made uh to have an election with the members that are currently present to designate one amongst themselves to Pride um that designation would only be effective until and if the mayor or the vice mayor attend the meeting uh thereafter excuse me didn't we decide that that would be the former vice mayor no commissioner that is for representation at events is what you're referring to and and I'll get to that I want to make sure that we start the meeting correctly so just you need to wait until you recognize so let him finish and then we'll ask the questions okay the next change is clarifying that um there is a recess month in the year so per the city's Charter the commission is required to meet at least 11 times a year uh provided there's no emergency um that would cause the meetings to be uh cancelled or postponed um we're also including or clarifying the language and how a member of the commission can call for a special commission meeting um um that would be making the request in writing to the city clerk will then in turn uh get in contact with the remaining four Commissioners um to set up a time and date and explain what the need for the special meeting is and we are increasing the uh required notice um from 48 to 72 hours so in the event that a special commission meeting is needed and is called by one of the Commissioners or even by staff um we would need to give at least 72 hours notice uh to the public unless it's an emergency unless it's an emergency which case um you know depending on the emergency and both a special commission meeting and an emergency meeting would need to have a quorum for it to be scheduled obviously as well as a workshop um the next major change is to the order of the agenda itself um so current practices is that we have a commission workshop at 3:00 where we have our special presentations and our discussion items so we are amending this section of the code to remove those from the regular City commission meeting um okay so now we can go down to the registration of the speakers so again this is just some cleanup language um right now obviously um we allow all public comments on any actionable item of the commission but we're just making sure that it's understood that public comment while it's allowed can be done or can be made uh before a vote is called so once the item is called preferably all speaker cards are turned into the city clerk uh the comments are made and once the commission starts their discussion and debate then the public hearing closes and no more comments are allowed after that um we are also requiring any speakers that are uh representing anybody uh whether it be a Condominium Association a group of homeowners to disclose that information to the commission before um getting up to speak uh we included language to uh prohibit proxy statements um so anyone that speaks or raises up to speak aside from them representing a group of homeowners or or a Home Owners Association all comments have that are made have to be your own comments your personal comments in the event that someone wants to make a comment that is either unwilling or unable to do so they may submit their comments in writing which will then be made part of the record of the meeting record and with that I'll turn it over to Allan uh to the City attorney um he'll go over the uh the Corum please go ahead so with the cor the theorum section we needed some clarity and more explicit language um it seemed it was very general and we used to field a lot of questions with regards to what's permissible and not permissible so as a limited public form we're afforded the opportunity under the Florida law and Florida statute as well as its interpretive case law to uh ensure proper Decor so the businesses the city can occur efficiently and and without disruption so it basically it's sort of self-evident in the in the language we've put in but it's just a lot more explicit as to what is permissible and not permissible um we've added some additional Provisions with regards to uh conduct as well and with regards to consequences if in fact uh that is not upheld uh we are retaining certain portions or most portions of what is already there but again we're just being more explicit as to what's permissible and not permissible okay is that all well one thing that I just like to point out because we are in in an election cycle right now currently um one of the provisions that we included in there um is that the political activity whether it's passive or um I'm sorry I'm looking for the language time yeah uh active or passive political campaigning is strictly prohibited okay because like uh the City attorney mentioned this is a limited limited public forum so that means that any candidate um or even a person that's supporting a cause can't wear any clothing that says uh the political position here in the commission Chambers they may do so on public property obviously because it is a public form but while a meeting is going on here um that's strictly prohibited when you mean cause something that's going to be like a question yeah in the ele right right right not someone that has a chair anything that's strictly politic that's going to be on the ballot okay yeah and then to um um did you go over rules of debate any of the changes or you want me to go through that um you can go ahead if you want okay so one of the major clarifications that we made there is with uh an exstension so we provided language that's already included both in the State of Florida uh Florida Statutes and in Miami dat County laws um where all Commissioners are required to vote so you no elected official is allowed to abstain from a vote unless there's a conflict of interest or a pered conflict of interest um regarding and just a note on that the perceived in uh conflict of interest is only for quasi judicial if it's non- quasi judicial you are required to vote unless there's an actual legal conflict okay and the only way well never mind I I'm saying um so okay in regards to an item that's presented before the commission that receives no motion or a second we clarified that language because it was a little confusing um the way it was written before where any item that's brought before the commission that fails to receive a motion or a second cannot be brought before this body again for a three-month period whereas before it only applied to um items that had in fact received an action and also there is still a provision for reconsideration at the same meeting or the next meeting right that doesn't change right okay okay um so in terms of renewal um for an item um if an item is brought back within a 3-month period that um failed that version of the resolution or any modified version that uh substantially contains the same information as the item that was previously voted down still cannot be brought back before the commission and the priding officer has to declare that uh motion out of order okay and then uh we clarified the adjournment um the adjournment is a privileged motion um it's always in order meaning that at any point a member of the commission can move to adjin the meeting however that motion still requires a second and a majority vote okay and then lastly to commissioner Joseph's uh question in section 74- 23 representation at City functions uh we included the language that in the event that both the mayor and the vice mayor are unable to attend a function at which um the commission is requested to attend or to speak that the order representation be by commission seats starting with one through four okay okay all right um do we have any public speakers no man all right and I have one one moment please go ahead you recognized so um why wouldn't the order of seats uh pertain to also um what we discussed uh where where you said it's up to the clerk to because the direction was uh specifically for representation at City functions um commission meetings obviously are different and it's best left to the members that are present to designate amongst themselves a presiding officer in the event that the mayor or the vice mayor are both absent it's best practice and it's actually done in several municipalities throughout the state I just thought it would make more sense to follow through the same procedure you have any other questions commissioner does anyone else feel the same way or no I don't I'm you really want you really want to have that done by a majority of the commission that's then present because you don't know who's going to be there correct well that's one aspect of it and then if you always do one two 3 four then one is always getting it right and there's no rotation it's understandable if you get to the point like we set it up with appearance at events where if the mayor's not available the vice mayor is not available and you don't have time to designate someone at a meeting then in that circumstance it would go in that regard but that's that representation of functions here in your legislative function your official function it really should be decided amongst those that are here as a quum okay um and I just want to clarify for the public that these changes are not something that the clerk and the City attor attorney made up this is consistent with Robert's rules um the other thing that I wanted to mention unless commissioner vcar did you have anything that you wanted to add just a question actually because it was my understanding that we had to vote always you do right the only time is when why are we is it was it not in there before it wasn't really explicit the language that was in there that and I don't know that it directly addressed it but it wasn't very clear um so it repli essentially with Florida Statutes provides okay mson okay the the other thing that I wanted to mention that was that's not included in here so I I want to get feedback from um the the Commissioners um so right now uh as often there's a um a convention Florida League of cities I'm I'm attending I think two other Commissioners are attending and there's a lot of vendors there that have been actively lobbying I believe probably all of us to you know to come see them offering such things as you know gift cards and and and so and so I I want to add to the or I want for you all to consider um that within these meetings no vendors will come and speak uh without being invited either by staff or at the request by staff because ultimately it puts every other vendor at a disadvantage um and potentially it then disqualifies that vendor from ever um putting in a request for proposal what do you all think of that that that seems logical because right now uh anybody that that lobbies us has to be registered as a lobbyist first of all but also it's really the the function of of staff to be a to be bringing anything to us and and really we don't decide who is chosen it's done through procurement so it sets up a false sense of you know being able to convince us when they would still have to go through the procurement process I don't understand the I understand what you're saying but I don't I don't understand it in this context So within the rules of the the meetings within the rules of decorum so we can let's say when we have our workshops or and we have an item that we would like something presented on whether it be for instance you know Childhood cancer or something of that sort then we would have an expert in that field potentially come and present to us however if it's something regarding a product that somebody wants to potentially sell to the city and so now they're coming to do a sales pitch in front of the commission that makes it different where they've already pitched you actually well it doesn't matter if you pitch they shouldn't be pitching us anyways it should be done through staff but my point is is that if you have somebody that wants to whatever come and sell you tires and you have them come and speak to us in a public forum where they have unlimited time to present now everyone that wants to sell the city T Tires we're obligated to give them that same time that's my point and also mayor if I could you have established processes for that through procurement and a variety of the statutory Provisions with regards to proposals and things of that sort so for them to come independently to pitch to the city commission as a body uh in one sense kind of stacks the deck in their favor potentially and goes outside the confines of your established procedures so that creates problems there as well and you're going to get into bid protests and all these types of things right does that in any way um violate the um the no well I guess not if there's no no actual bidding going on but I was thinking about the cone of silence and and how that plays with that that's once we put out a bid cor okay right so that would be if we have an active bid you have a cone of silence but the the effect the the the purpose behind it is a little the same because again if you have someone coming in that gets an opportunity to pitch a product to you where in our closed process of procurement they don't have that opportunity or the others don't have that opportunity you now have one vendor that's presented their product to the whole of the commission whereas three or four of the vendors don't get that opportunity because our process doesn't provide for that ultimately you decide who gets chosen after that process but you don't get to hear the proposal so you're not part of the procurement committees okay no I disagree with that I don't support that why because you know what if it's a new product new software is the first time that's exactly what we did a few months ago with the hats Sala so they came they presented their product and we were considering even giving them half a million dollar to buy their product so I is that I mean you're trying to put that with this uh ordinance right now point is is that it's part of our current process is that everything needs to go through staff so this is just to clarify it so that we all understand that those sort of things should go through staff and not be brought by us individually because we're putting those vendors at a disadvantage and then we're opening up ourselves to then be actively lobbied by anyone that wants to sell anything to the city they're going to Lobby us anyway not necessarily because if they know that they're not going to get uh an audience if they believe that they can come and get an audience then we're putting ourselves at at a risk because now any other vendor that wants to come and speak to you about the same thing we're obligated to hear them out as well and that's not our purpose that's not the purpose of these meetings is to hear sales pitches is my point that's not what we're here to do it doesn't preclude the vendor from coming to you individually pitching their product and then you think it's a great product you go to the city manager and say this is something we really need to look at into and then the city manager can bring that well first determine what the proper process would be to bring it because if it's something that we know we're going to actively procure then we have to decide how exactly would be presented to you but for them to come initially as a public body it kind jeopardizes your processes that you already have in place but it doesn't preclude them from coming to you individually okay well I still I disagree okay commissioner bcar I think we need to let um staff do their job and vetting vendors is part of that so um I prefer that it go through Staff first um but I don't know that we need to add it here but I do agree that it should go through Staff first okay um Mr City attorney just so that we oh wait um commissioner Joseph are you in support of this or I'm in support of um not having people come before us that haven't you know just uh trying to pitch us products I think they should be going to staff and have staff presented to us okay so given that we have this is there the question is is that does it need to be codified should it be codified it helps if it's codified does it have to be no um but it's helpful to the extent that if it occurs I mean it puts the public on notice and then it gives you the ability to enforce that um we can also come up with some language and propose it to you see you know rather than thinking of it in an abstract we can possibly come up with see that because I my my question marks are around whether it belongs in decorum or if this is more procurement process or I I don't know that this is a decorum issue I but but I would I it wouldn't be it wouldn't be in decorum I think it being another part of 74 but 74 has a a Litany of different procedural aspects your meetings well so that's what was throwing me off like I don't I don't see this as a decorum no but it's not it's not it's it's just part of it I do think that um you know we need to let staff uh vet okay we can try to come up with some language show you exactly where it was go and then that way you'll have the benefit of seeing it perfect thank you okay um I need a motion motion any you a second on on this one the whole yeah okay second okay uh Mauricio commissioner Joseph yes commissioner cyon as it is right without any Amendment yes commissioner viscaro yes may fetchin yes the ordinance passes on first reading 4 to zero second reading is scheduled for September okay next item please sorry May one second my computer closed okay 7B is an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of sel's Beach Florida amending the S Al's Beach code of ordinances sections 26-3 and 26-13 of chapter 26 entitled elections section 62 - 7 of chapter 62 entitled The purchasing section 104 d4.2 of chapter 104 entitled art in public places sections 25014 and 250-15 of chapter 250 titled utilities and sections 265-1 and 26562 of chapters 265 entitled zoning to remove all references to advertisement and publication of notices in newspapers of General circulation and to provide for advertisement of notices Miami dat County's publicly accessible website as permitted by chapter 50 of the Florida Statutes providing for cability providing for repealer providing for inclusion in the code providing for an effective date mayor and Commissioners uh this item so if you recall during the legislative session of 2023 I believe um the Florida legislature um amended chapter 50 uh which would allow municipalities to not be bound by the requirements of having to public publish their notices on in the newspapers um we are now allowed to publish them on miam Dat County's website um at a significantly lower cost than it would uh to have them published in in the newspapers um so this this ordinance amended amends all sections within our code that reference the need to publish uh these notices in a newspaper and it changes them to allow us to be able to do so on M County's website okay do we have any public speakers no ma'am okay do I have any questions from the commission I'll take a motion please motion seconds Macio commissioner cyon yes commissioner viscara yes commissioner Joseph yes mayor fet yes the ordinance passes on first reading for to zero second reading is scheduled for September great next item please n9a is an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of San's Beach Florida repealing chapter 17 of the code of ordinances of the city of sanal beach entitled computer use and electronic communications providing for repealer providing for effective date and this is second and final reading mayor members of the commission this is a second reading of our ordinance to repeal our computer use and electronic communications and this was done in response to some changes with the Florida Statutes okay do we have any public speakers no ma'am all any questions from the commission I'll take a motion please motion second Macio commissioner viscara yes commissioner Joseph yes commissioner stent yes may fet yes the ordinance is adopted okay next item please 9B is an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of San Beach Florida amending ordinance number 2023-24 24-3 to the city's operating and capital Improvement budget for 2023 24 fiscal year authorizing the city manager to do all things necessary to implement the terms and conditions of this ordinance providing for an effective date Mr city manager mayor members of the commission this is the second reading of our budget amendment that includes uh standard things that we discussed at the last meeting in the workshop okay do we have public speakers no ma'am okay any questions take a motion please motion second re commissioner Joseph yes commissioner sty yes commissioner viscara yes mayor fetchin yes the ordinance is adopted all right 9 C 9 C is an ordinance of the city Commission of the city of sanal Beach Florida repealing Chapter 227 of the code of ordinances of the city of sanal beach entitled signs temporary political and chapter 265 article 9 section 265-6357 26557 entitled temporary signs amending chapter 265 article 9 section 26551 section 26552 section 26555 and section 26556 to conform to existing law and to establish regulations governing the use and display of temporary signs reing chapter 265 article 9 section 265 d 63.1 63.2 and 265 63.3 providing for repealer providing for separability providing for codification and an effectivity Mr city manager mayor members of the commission this is a second reading of our temporary sign revision ordinance during the workshop you had directed us to change one section regarding uh one sign for 120 days total which we did great thank you do we have public speakers no ma' any com comments from the commission I'll take a motion please I'll just add before you do that for the record uh from second from first reading to Second reading we did add some language to two sections uh which was discussed also at the agenda review Workshop uh under 26557 a1e uh the language was stating that can be displayed for no more than 20 not more than 120 days once per year and then we've added per sign to clarify that that's also reflected this same exact language in section 265.0 B5 again can be displayed for not more than 120 consecutive days once per year per sign great thank you I'll take a motion motion second second all in favor I okay this is a roll call Mayor Oh I thought we were on oh sorry commissioner Styers yes commissioner viscara yes commissioner Joseph yes mayor fetan yes the ordinance is adopted all right now on to resolutions 10A 10A is a resolution authorizing the expenditure of budgeted funds with Central Square Technologies for maintenance and subscription services for certain Information Technology Services Mr C manager mayor members of the commission this is a renewal for some it subscription software great do we have public speakers no ma'am all right any comments from the commission no take a motion please motion need a second uh all favor I I I next item 10B is a resolution authorizing the expenditure of budgeted funds for the purchase of for Toyota ra 4 Prime all-wheel drive vehicles from l&j Fleet Sales mayor members of the commission this is the expenditure of previously approved budgeted funds to purchase for uh vehicles for the building department do we have public speakers no ma'am all right any comments take a motion please motion second second all in favor I I next item please 10 C is a resolution approving an agreement with Good Year tire and Rubber Company as the primary award e to provide Fleet Maintenance and Repair services to group one Vehicles okay mayor members of the commission this is an agreement with Goodyear Tire company for they will provide Fleet Maintenance and Repair services for City Vehicles any public comment no ma' questions take a motion motion need a second all in favor I I okay great next item 10d is a resolution authorizing the city manager to negotiate and execute an agreement with Schindler Elevator Corporation for the replacement of the elevators located at The Pedestrian over Pass Bridge at Gateway Park Mr city manager mayor members of the commission this is an item that's going to an amount not to exceed $ 79,3 36 to replace the El ators at Gateway at the pedestrian bridge during our Workshop you had directed us to go back and get a price for glass doors so we're asking that you approve it now we've approached the company and we're waiting for that cost to come back and we would bring that in particular to you so it would come back to us it will that part of it if that's possible I I um I think that would be a good thing not only because it's a claustrophobic feeling but we also have sometimes uh uh homeless like sleepovers there so okay that would be helpful do we have any public speakers no ma'am okay any comments from the commission thank you for considering the my proposition thank you okay I need a motion I would like want to say something so yes at the agenda review I had asked um for um someone to look into how much we had uh spent on this uh crossover bridge and the elevator and including repairs and all and apparently the number comes up to over three million so I would just like to put that on the record and um to have that in consideration of any other crossover bridges that we uh propose to build okay thank you I need a motion I need a second second all in favor okay next item please 10 is a resolution approving an agreement with fabrion modular LLC to supply install and construct a new 24x36 modular and pre-engineered building at 18070 Collins Avenue Mr city manager mayor members of the commission we submitted a revision to this to allow the expenditure up to 270,000 this is to procure a modular building that we're going to temporarily house some of our staff and while we do renov ations okay do we have public comment no ma'am but can I just add something um because this is one of the items that was revised before the meeting so this resolution gives the city manager the authority to negotiate up to a not to exceed amount of $230,000 and to execute that same agreement okay repeat the number please 230,000 23 any questions I have a question go ahead so this is going to be a it says temporary but it's going going end up being a permanent building is that what I believe we said at the agenda review at times according to the vendor people have used it to be permanent our our thinking is that it's going to be temporary but the vendor explained to us that a lot of times it's purchased as temporary but ends up being there for a long time so it is constructed to Hurricane standards to be there for a long longer period of time than just permanent I'm sorry than just temporary okay that makes sense so um visually is this the type of structure that uh will look out of place or is it something that we can somehow make look better if it's going to be there more permanently it's going to be somewhat obscured from view because it's going to be in the parking lot that is to the north of this building right so it will defin definitely be screened from view from half of it but we can also take measures to screen the end of it from view from the street right okay thank you and and we're putting there the the Personnel from the building department right the plan review okay um and when is it going to be ready um Tony Ras the updated anticipated renovation it has currently been completely gutted the interior is approximately one year or less thank you and that's for the cafe as well we yes we're we're including the cafe in that all right I need a motion motion second second all in favor I okay next item please TF is an agreement approving a First Amendment to the agreement with stall catering to provide Rental Management Services for Gateway Center manager mayor members of the commission this is a company that we use to rent out Gateway Center you asked for some additional information that we provided to you in the number of rentals but so far this has generated 15,390 to the city thank you income do we have let me see if a do we have public comment no ma'am okay go ahead I didn't receive the information the additional I believe it was EMA yeah yes you should have a memo that we sent it was email oh yeah I was going to actually make a motion to was see okay I I didn't get check your phone okay I'll check it out okay um any other questions all right I need a motion please motion need a second second all in favor I okay I next item please 10g is a resolution approving a First Amendment to the agreement with Southeastern surfaces and equipment to replace the hardwood floor in the Pelican Community Park gymnasium Mr city manager mayor members of the commission we had some delay in completing the floor in the gym due to weather so this is merely a contract extension but nothing is changing regarding the cost got it do we have public speakers no ma'am okay any questions or comments no I need a motion please motion motion second Mar you got yes okay all in favor I okay great next item 10 is a resolution resending resolution number 2019-29 related to an amendment to the city's Personnel manual city manager mayor members of the commission you had tasked me with looking at I think an overview of our health insurance costs as you know our health insurance has been going up over these past many years our latest renewal was going to come in at 35 5% above what we paid last year but we were able to change providers so as part of our overview we've looked in the past at prescription cost tier changes we've also looked at emergency room visits during the review by our insurance broker it was there was an item that came up of a prior commission approval amending char Charter office Charter officers and the provision of insurance so in order to effectuate any changes in the future for future health insurance cost this would be a change that the commission could make I'll leave it great do we have public speakers no ma'am all right any comments or questions go ahead commissioner Joseph yes thank you so I just wanted to say that at the agenda review I had questioned how many um people this might effect and I was told that it would probably be three is that still the number yes yes it is it's potentially affecting three yes potentially correct okay anyone else all right I need a motion please motion need a second second okay all in favor I great oh wait did I ask if there's any public comment I did yes thank you all right 10 I 10i is a resolution supporting the state of Israel's rights to exist and to defend itself and its people against all aggression from the Islamic Republic of Iran and its proxies including but not limited to Hamas hasbalah and members of the houi movement within the Republic of Yemen and supporting the United States unwavering commitment to Israel security and urging the United States government to continue providing military support and arms to the state of Israel for purposes of its defense thank you so this is my item and during the agenda review commissioner Joseph and commissioner ston asked to co-sponsor this so I appreciate that thank you um so uh I'm just going to say a few words about this we've had u a number of resolutions in support of Israel so some people may be looking at home May wonder why do we keep repeating ourselves um well partly because Israel keeps getting attacked um it's the only country being attacked now from seven different fronts um and more specifically right now Iran um this is very personal for me I have many family members that live in Israel I have family members that are in the IDF um but we also have a lot of uh Israeli residents we have a large Jewish population and in in general I'd like to think that we have a population of people that are anti-hate and bigotry and and and support the state of Israel which is um the only Western Country in democracy the only democracy that supports Western values in the Middle East um and uh Israel in a lot of ways is fighting for our values and fighting for Americans and preventing uh American troops from having to go there and and deal with uh these terrorists so as long as Israel keeps getting attacked um I and I hope members of the commission will continue to uh sponsor resolutions to support Israel and do everything necessary to make sure that the people there um everyone's friends and relatives also know that the city of s Al's Beach condemns all violence uh against Israel supports Israel's right to exist um and we'll do everything necessary for for them to know that and and again we do also have a sister city there um natana who has had been very very affected by this because the people that have been evacuated from the north which is I think right now upwards of 80,000 people have now trickled down and natana has literally um hotels that are just for um these people that have been displaced um and no one knows when they can never come home so this also supports our sister city and the mayor Miriam so again I want to thank the commissioner stus and commissioner Joseph for Co co-sponsoring are there any uh public speakers no ma'am okay mayor if I may add just for the sake of the public the title has changed to commissioner Joseph's uh recommendation we had it to exist okay and there was some language we added as well with the White House recently like two days ago um reaffirmed its commitment to Israel and as well as providing a substantial amount of sale um of uh assets to Israel Over 20 billion correct to sell not to give so the title has changed somewh great okay around 2026 so any comments or yes just that the uh the sale would be uh through 2026 not current not not immediate okay which is unfortunate well just keep supporting uh commissioner ston no but about the major of natania I know that she is being struggling with u some health issues so maybe we could send something to her as a for as a support some kind of basket or to the mayor of natania she she's having like really bad health issues I I can tell you that I think that if we sent her a message like a personal message she would appreciate that more because I've asked her what she needs and she literally says prayers and so if we individually wanted to send her a message even like a video or U she would really appreciate that yeah but something on behalf of the city Al So Physical I think will be she's our sister city yeah yeah I'm not against that I would for that as well um okay commissioner viscar did you want to I I do have um uh some comments I I support the resolution and I but I but I did want to highlight again like we we it keeps coming up and the last time it came up it was a resolution that failed and I wanted to just mention that it's not because we have a commission that doesn't support Israel because clearly we do and we've supported everything unanimously except for that one and it's because of the content of that resolution it touched on a um it it promised support it was a statement of support like this is but it also promised to do something and it's basically uh um you know tweaking some language around the sister city program which is unfunded I think uh commissioner stus um tried to discuss that part promising to change language around a program that's unfunded then it doesn't accomplish anything and then we're promising then we're not we're not going to be able to deliver on that commissioner rcar I just want to we have to be careful because we're talking about this item not that item we're not bringing back and we can't bring back I but I want wanted to mention it because it's it's why I think it's important that we understand why we're supporting this this is a statement of support and as we should right but the other one was the other resolution was fundamentally flawed in its content but again we're not discussing that other resolution but it is the reason no you're you're out of order we're not discussing that resolution the reason that it's my the AG supporting so I'll I'll just uh finish quickly I think that we inadvertently positioned ourselves to to just score political points and we shouldn't be doing that with something this sensitive so and because we're not doing that this time I'm supporting it I absolutely agree that using this for political points is repugnant and like I said I take this uh very seriously this is very very close to me personally so with that I'll take a motion well I would just like to add something as well as long as it's on this item and not anything it goes to um what commissioner viscara was as long as it's on this item otherwise it's out of order it's not on the agenda it can be out of order but I'm just going you're you're not you're out of order and so I've asked in the very beginning that we maintain decorum because we have the public here and we need to show them how to behave at a meeting so we cannot expect them to behave if we can't there was Wrath that was drawn you are out of order you are not recognized that's okay I point of order in order to be a continue that I'm following up on what commissioner viscar said not the correct toally proced in order that is is not in order it drew wrath from it absolutely is not I'm asking for from speakers and it was totally unwarranted because the resolution itself commissioner Joseph you are out of order stop well you get my point I will take a motion on this do I have a motion motion okay I need a second second great all in favor wonderful thank you okay we are now in the citizens Forum portion of the meeting the first speaker is Felix leaderman I'm going to remind the speakers that you have three minutes please say your name and address for the record and despite what you just witnessed I'm going to hold you to a higher standard and you will not be able to disparage anyone I ask that you do not uh bring up anyone's names and all comments are made directly to me the chair sure thank you hello sir thank you uh thank you for the opportunity to speak before the commission my name is Felix letherman I'm the resident of Winston Tower 700 Condominium Association I'm also the president of that Association um the subject of my conversation with you is permit application port recently deployed by the department of uh building department um we all know that such software must be built with one goal in mind and user is of use that cannot be said about current permit portal this is not user friendly at all it starts with the submitting permit application which is a fillable PDF that needs to be filled printed signed notorized and then uploaded that is wrong application must be generated and the keyw is generated via series of interview L questions this portal doesn't have electronic signatures they're not built in instead vet signatures required with notarization in 21st century seriously no integration web services were around for a long time and I'm speaking from my experience as a softare developer for almost 50 years uh the web services were around for a long long time when user enters proerty folio number the system has to do is to retrieve data from property records instead of requesting from the property owner to do this manually and then upload it's not right the same should be done with the sunbiz dbpr licensing validation etc etc there is no effective dated logic deployed transactions are out of order and very often contradictory application permitting is a typical case management system any cases open must have a case manager a single point of contact not happening here people having hard time communicating bottom line there are good applications that can be corrected and there are bad application that cannot be salvaged this is the case where a permit application portal must be scrapped and redeveloped from scratch thank you for your time thank you very much thank you we we'll look into it you're not you're not recognized next speaker next speaker is Vitali falkovich your name good evening ladies and gentlemen our commission my name isal falkovich 9280 Southwest 167 Terrace P Bay Miami uh as uh working here twice a week I appreciate and being in the most the meetings that I can make it here this is one of the greatest commission that I observe as working in South Florida in attending the meeting and today was a perfect example earlier today if you watch the police chief commanding his officers also where is it starts with it starts with city manager it starts who hires a police chief and you can tell that by the rank and file in the police department and where does that start it starts with the mayor that we elect and with the commission and to me that's one of the most important things I appreciate mayor in commission on the T I also asked that in the next couple of meetings that we able to have a resolution about having an anti-Semitism here in South Florida forly in something else as when I come in here to work I'm not afraid of wearing Star of David as a Eastern European Jew I'm not really afraid but I know a lot of places some people are afraid and I would love to see the resolution to how to fight that anti-Semitism in s thank you so much thank you next speaker please next speaker is Greg capro good evening GRE kaer 257 points again Island Drive I'm deeply concerned about the state of politics in Sunny Al's beach one of our founding members recently remarked to me that Sunny Al's beach has become the laughing stock of Miami dat County why Sun's Beach politics has never been dirtier than today the very essence of our community built on trust integrity and mutual respect is collapsing and sadly they're right we have Commissioners who vote against City resolutions not because they believe they're doing the best for our community but because they hold personal grudges and V and agendas this is not how governance should work the previous mayor who served only briefly has played a significant role in this degreg while in office blatant lies were spread about opponents and now even out of office she continues to interfere with our elections this is unacceptable we cannot allow our community to be manipulated by those who put their vendettas and agendas over the well-being of our city but it doesn't stop there a commissioner created flyers and circulated them on social media to demean a past African-American candidate for this commission and her daughter who was elected as a PTA president let me be clear such actions are not just disgraceful they are deeply damaging to the fabric of our community we should celebrate diversity and Leadership not tearing it down with bigotry and L the attacks did not stop there the same commissioner targeted the president of the Miami date PTSA with demeaning caricature cartoons this is a tactic straight out of the gutter designed with to humiliate and discredit those that are working to better our schools and politics we cannot allow this level of toxicity to Define our politics as if this wasn't enough we certainly witnessed a commissioner's arrest at a PTA event that turned political making the news the spectacle further tarnished our reputation and distracts from the real issues in need of our attention in an especially alarming incident young men were used as political pawns to provoke a confrontation and opposing candidates disrupted EV mayor just wait wa wa wait I the okay you can call what you want but that's you're not being recognized right now um I do have to caution yes pleas public speakers are permitted on items and subject matters that are within the jurisdiction of the city commission campaigning and politics are not within the jurisdiction of the city if there are issues with campaign practices or anything of that sort that's within the jurisdiction of the ethics commission not the city commission so it's not a proper statement to be made of the city commission meetings this is not a political Gallery this is for City business thank you thank you for the clarification this Reckless Behavior nearly resulted in tragedy Mr stop okay time is up anyways so you took my time I understand that but what you're speaking about is not within our jurisdiction so it should be I understand that thank you you're wel thank you next speaker that's all now' okay um I I want to just say quickly today was the first day of school and so for those that uh have children that start today I hope it was a a good day and it was uh safe and successful despite the rain um um and uh I'm hoping everyone an amazing school year and with that we're adjourned thank you --------- ##VIDEO ID:raiig_524zk## okay good afternoon everyone please take a seat Mr city clerk calling the meeting to order commissioner Styers here commissioner viscara here commissioner Joseph here vice mayor llama is absent mayor fetan here we have a quum okay great so we have a few changes to our agenda or some movement um there has been a request to move 2B to the uh to the beginning um and then two c d and e at the end after the discussion items can I get a a motion to approve that no motion mayor we don't need oh then fine okay let's go okay so the first item on the agenda is to be a police department promotional ceremony chief good afternoon mayor elected officials Mr manager moments like today are very proud moments for me as a police chief for the manager's office and our elected officials so first I would like to thank our elected officials and our city manager for always supporting the police department and we're very lucky to have each and every one of you thank you [Applause] I also would like to thank our neighboring agencies all our brothers and sisters in Blue Back standing and sitting thank you for coming today and show of support um really means a lot thank you for being here so I'm going to start off by calling up first assistant chief Luke Pisa [Applause] so ladies and gentlemen it is with great pride and honor that I stand before you today to announce a significant and welld deserve promotion within our Sunny Al Beach Police Department with the full support of our Command Staff and the city manager's office I'm delighted to promote Lieutenant Luke pissa to the steam position of assistant chief of police [Applause] I have had the privilege of working alongside Luke for the past 18 years since joining our Police Department in 2005 Luke has consistently demonstrated unwavering dedication and commitment to our community his hard work integrity and Leadership have been exemplary and he has been an integral part of our team always striving to enhance the safety and well-being of our residents Luke's journey within our department has been marked by his exceptional service and Relentless pursuit of Excellence he has not only upheld the highest standards of our profession but has also inspired those around him to do the same his promotion to assistant chief of police is a testament to his outstanding contributions and steadfast Devotion to our mission please join me in congratulating assistant chief of police Luke Pisa on this well deserved advancement we are confident that he will continue to serve our community with the same passion and commitment that has defined his [Applause] career ready for you out the office raise your right hand I state your name I do solemnly swear do Solly swear or affirm that I will support that I will support protect and defend protect and defend the Constitution and government the Conti government of the United States of America United States of America and the State of Florida the state of Florida against all enemies against all enemies both foreign and domestic both foreign and domestic and I will bear true faith I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and that I am entitled to hold office to hold office under the Constitution under theti and I will Faithfully perform Faithfully perform all duties all duties of the office of assistant chief of police of the office of assistant chief of police of which I am about to enter so help me [Applause] God I'm G to ask him to just um Step Aside we're going to call everybody up um one by one and at the end we're going to pin the badges so so next I would like to call up Lieutenant Melissa [Applause] poro again it is with great happiness and pride that I stand before you today to announce a historic milestone for the Sony Al Beach Police Department we are celebrating the promotion of our first female police Lieutenant promoted from within our ranks Lieutenant Melissa poro Lieutenant Poo's Journey with our department has been nothing short of remarkable she began a career as the agency's first female police recruit breaking barriers and Paving the way for future Generations throughout her time with us she has demonstrated unwavering dedication and commitment to the sunny Al Beach Community consistently upholding the highest standards of our profession this promotion is not only a testament to Lieutenant Poo's exceptional service and Leadership but also marks another significant achievement she becomes a first female command staff member under my leadership her hard work integrity and perseverance have earned her this well-deserved recognition please join me and congratulating Lieutenant Melissa porro on this historic and well-deserved achievement [Applause] Lieutenant William [Applause] how we all know him as bill so if I say bill so again thank you for Gathering here today today as we SE celebrate another significant milestone in the career of an exceptional individual Lieutenant Bill how today we honor not just a promotion but the remarkable journey of a person who has dedicated his life to the sunny Al Beach Police Department Lieutenant how is not only a respected officer but also a founding member of the sunny Al's Beach Police Department 26 [Applause] years his commitment and contribution have been found foundational in shaping our police force into the esteemed institution it is today from the very Inception of our department Lieutenant how's integrity and unwavering dedication have been evident Lieutenant how your promotion is not just a recognition of your achievements but also a symbol of the high standards and values that you uphold I am immensely proud of you and grateful for your continued service and Leadership congratulations Bill your legacy within the sonal beach police department and our community is profound we look forward to your continued contributions in your new [Applause] role okay you all would think this would be the best for last but he's second to last so Lieutenant Javier stz come on down Today We Gather to celebrate a remarkable achievement in the career of one of our finest Javier stz as we all know Javier has consistently demonstrated exceptional dedication leadership and unwavering commitment to Excellence his promotion to Lieutenant is not just a testament to his hard work but also to his character and the respect He commands amongst his peers in his new role as Lieutenant of Investigations I have no doubt that Javier will continue to exceed our expectations he will bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas that will drive our team forward his promotion is not just a recognition of his past achievements but also an investment in our future Javier congratulations on this well-deserved promotion we are incredibly proud of you and excited to see the positive impact you'll continue to make and on a personal note I'm very proud of you [Applause] lastly Sergeant Gino [Applause] Alfonso it's with great pride that we recognize Gino Alonso on his well-deserved promotion to Sergeant Gino has demonstrated exceptional dedication leadership and professionalism in every task he has undertaken his commitment to Excellence unwavering integrity and tireless worth ethic have made a significant impact on our team and our community Gino's ability to Aspire and lead by example has earned him respect and admiration of his peers and superiors alike as goo steps into this new role we have no doubt that he'll continue to Excel and bring us and bring his unique strengths to the Forefront his promotion to Sergeant is not just a recognition of his past ACC compliment but also a testament to his potential for future success Gino congratulations we're all incredibly proud of you and excited to see the positive influence that you'll undoubtedly bring to your new [Applause] position I just want to close by saying that I am truly blessed to have sergeants Command Staff officers neighboring agencies that I call my brothers and sisters um supporting me behind me and the reason why Sony ow is successful is because everybody in this room along with our residents is honored to serve you honored to serve you so um we can do the badge Penny now [Applause] okay if I could get the commission to come down to take a photo please for more e [Applause] we're just going to give everyone a minute who wants to go out there and we do have I believe Donuts Refreshments I think they are donuts no oh bun cakes okay fancy Donuts fire resue here e I know I know no no no it's only no it doesn't go out to uh just okay in the interest of time we're going to go on to our next item um 2A which is a presentation of the emergency response by Miami day County chief Hall if you wanted to come up [Music] good afternoon good afternoon um Madam mayor and and and Commissioners um I have't also our deputy chief is also here we had a trouble parking oh he's here um so I don't know if you want to do this jointly or you hello everyone uh deputy chief Danny ceso I'm sorry I walked in late trouble finding parking was there a question osed already not yet okay so mayor if I may please mayor at our last Workshop there was uh some questions regarding our emergency response so I've had conversations um with the chief and Deputy Chief and I ask them to come in and just give us an update and overview of the services that they provide to us uh the great Services I would say that they provide to us and thank them for their service and the presentation for us thank you so um my name is Shanti Hall I'm the chief of Emergency Medical Services for Miami D fire rescue um thank you for asking us in today um I know that you recently had your service delivery um presentation so um this is you know the information we have is very similar to that it's um we do have you have your own fire station here in sunny Al's Beach which not a lot of communities do um so it's a tremendous advantage to have that here as you have your own station um which has excellent response times they average about seven minutes um to all incidents um and that's that's pretty impressive when you consider all things so um we we stand by the quality of our services here and and honestly I'm I'm mostly here to answer your questions this isn't for me to do a presentation about our services like I said that was given to you in your service delivery presentation but I'm here to answer any questions that you may have okay thank you um so Mr city manager if you want to start it off as as far as what the um based on the direction you got or would you like each commissioner to ask specific questions U what would make this more right you can have um I've had discussions uh with the chief and Deputy so I understand the services and there was no real questions or concerns that I had so so really it's it's up to the Commissioners have questions so does anyone in the commission have questions um please I'll go first goad if you don't mind of course good afternoon how are you great good afternoon so my first question and we've had presentations prior to your uh being here today from other um ambulance services um telling us why there's a need to have another ambulance in Sunny Isles do you find that uh you require another ambulance or is the number that uh you currently have and uh regarding the number of calls and all uh do you feel that there's a need for another ambulance in Sunny Isles um so from our perspective in our data we don't feel that way um of course you know you as a city um when you review the information that we give you um you know you may determine that you want additional services or extra services but you know if we saw uh slower response times in other words if you we you know weren't able to get to your calls in a timely manner because we're running so many other calls I would say so but you know the seven minute response time is an excellent response time um and we also look at you know other stations having to respond here which is relatively low so um it's about 21% of all your calls are a neighboring station and again those stations are really close like you have a another station Station 21 is one mile away so um we have multiple stations within your area that are that are very close and honestly that's one of the best things about Miami dat fire rescue is our numbers is that we have so many resources so it isn't just your dedicated station but we have multiple resources all around you to be able to back that up so when you have Miami dat fire rescue here you don't just have your fire station you have many many fire stations with many resources all around and the other thing I'll say about that is that we have very fixed and regulated Staffing so all of our units have mandatory minimum Staffing with mandatory qualifications um there's not any other organizations out there that have that behind them in other words um the ability to staff with the proper qualifications 100% of the time right okay so just as a followup to that question so if there um and going on what you said that we now have in Sunny Isles at um more than adequate um ambulance response to um any type of um need right now or if if someone in a highrise has a cardiac arrest having another ambulance from another service would probably not um add anything additional to the response time you know cut down on response time so we're the only provider that's in the 911 system so what's complicated is if you have other providers they can't use the 911 system so there would have to be some other system and I think that that confuses residents and visitors especially um about who your provider is and the fact is is that we Miami date fire rescue is your service provider and we are the only service provider that comes through the 911 system so you know I I have no problem with other I know that you know there's volunteer ambulance services which by the way we have excellent relationships with um we are you know able to coordinate with them perfectly well when that need arises but those Services have to be requested of them directly not through the 911 system so um you know in terms of your needs here um myate fire rescue has a lot of options available on the table so one of the things that's available is we could do A needs assessment with you and we could really do a deep dive into any potential needs that you feel are not being met in this community when it comes to Emergency Medical Services and there are additional options that could be on the table that we can discuss um uh and and we're absolutely open to that but in terms of other providers um you you only have one 911 provider and that's Miami dat fire rescue right okay so um one other question regarding um I've been pushing for more speed humps in Golden Shores and originally we were told that that wasn't possible because your vehicles your trucks um don't react well to the speed hun that are currently in Golden Shores is that the case so that's not my area of expertise I can only tell you that I personally don't enjoy speed bumps but you know aside from my personal feelings about speed bumps I also recognize the value of them for safety purposes um but I think Chief cardo might have more information on that sure so for that conversation we'd refer you to our fire prevention Division and looking at the fire code and the requirements of the speed H humps dimensions and whatnot I I don't see why that wouldn't be a possibility with further conversation with fire prevention okay just to put a few numbers to some of what uh Chief Hall was talking about um the city of Sunny is is averaging 2700 medical calls a year okay that's excluding fires excluding all the other type of responses 2700 So that's about 7.4 calls per day which as you mentioned with an average of a 7 minute response time which is probably slightly faster than our countywide average uh despite the traffic and and population density here in the city um when it comes to another metric we look at to determine additional service especially that of an ambulance or a rescue truck is is transport volume right so how many people are actually being taken to the hospital um and calendar year 2023 and and so far this year you're tracking along the same lines uh there were 1300 transports which averages about 3.5 per day so uh your main fire station station 10 rescue 10 that's more than adequate I mean they're more than capable of conducting that and just getting back to another another number that was thrown out there at 20 some odd percent of other units running calls in your municipality that's for a combination of factors but let's let's not forget that the southern end of your city actually sits within the first due response area of a different fire station so that accounts for some of those numbers as well so the call volume in general doesn't support additional service the transport volume is is more than adequately being um handled currently and to your specific question on a cardiac arrest understand that to a cardiac arrest we dispatch seven people minimum right so if you had a cardiac arrest across the street from station 10 or anywhere in station 10 response area you would get uh ladder 10 or engine 10 and rescue 10 responding with seven Personnel of which depending on the Staffing Matrix that day could be seven paramedics um you know that level of care is is quite frankly UNM matched um by any of the other providers um I I hope that answers your question and I'm here for any others more more than adequate thank you does anyone else have a question please go ahead the um the seven minute response time that's that's averaging including the by the um fire department that fire station that's not in Sunny Isles that that's an average for everything for everything yes okay and um I believe you just said something that I don't think I knew so I just want to make sure I understood it properly the the southern I'm bad with directions so yeah the southern part which is for us it's Arling house so the station that is responsive to the South would be the hover station not not the not the so it doesn't go by your city limits it goes by the closest station so I believe that's what you're saying is that holiver station yeah so I referenced the map before coming here and I can't tell you the exact streets cuz it didn't have the map didn't have that level of deta it would make a difference to me anyway cuz I'm very bad right but it it looked like the let's call it the southern 15% or so of the city resides within the hover station's first due area because they happen to be closer to to that part of the city I didn't know that so that so that can that makes sense with the 20% technically it's outside but it's they're just doing their job I mean yeah yes I mean we we respond uh and in fact to Medical calls we dispatch by GPS so we do not necessarily take in consideration per se what fire station is within a particular municipality when that call comes in our dispatchers look by by GPS location identify the closest possible unit to that call and we begin with that as a dispatch and the purpose of that is to make sure that response time is as short as possible and lastly um thank you for that and lastly I recall the report that we get every year there there's like a a satisfaction survey that that's part of that correct if I remember correctly there was very high ratings like in the like in the 90 something percentile if I'm if I'm not mistaken because I didn't look at it before I came here yes uh that that's correct we we issue uh surveys to practically I forget what the exact percentage is of everyone that's transported to the hospital and we enjoyed countywide I didn't bring your municipality specific report but I know was provided recently what the the response rate is but we enjoy a four high four point something out of five out of a possible Five Points really across the board um okay that's it for me thank you thank you I have no questions I just wanted to tell you uh you you guys do a fantastic job and I really thank you for your service so keep doing what you're doing thank you thank you I have just a quick question um just for clarification so um obviously the fire truck and the ambulance are two different things when the ambulance is dispatched uh regarding where which hospital they go to uh right now what what is the Clos or rather what is the hospital that they have to go to okay so how does that work basically we have an actual a an entire protocol that's our transport protocol which is exactly what what we follow um our protocol states that any stable patient whether ALS or BLS so you can have an a advanced life support patient um that if they're reasonably stable and any basic life support patient they go to the closest appropriate hospital and by appropriate and we specify this that can be many different factors that qualifies as appropriate which can be patient choice or physician Choice our our protocol is very broadly accepts a patient's choice in hospital the only exception to that is certain types of calls must go to certain types of hospitals so for for example a trauma patient that is a trauma alert patient that meets the state criteria as a trauma alert must go to a Trauma Center so for example Mount Si is not a Trauma Center so if you have we have a trauma patient it does not matter how much they really want to go to Mount Si they must go to a Trauma Center so there when when somebody is denied going to Theo to the hospital that we say that they have to go to in most cases it is because for examp for example a cardiac alert must go to a cardiac alert Center so there's certain which one is that the closest one to here which one is that so for cardiac you actually have both both Aventura and Mount Si are cardiac centers so we you know in those cases you would have a choice but like trauma for example there's there's no choice we can't by state law we cannot take a patient to the wrong place and if by chance we did that if we you know the patient and we took them to mount Saia the first thing Mount sa would do when we got there would be say to say we can't accept that patient that's a trauma patient we cannot accept that patient and we would have to then turn around and take them to the correct hospital so if if somebody goes on their own to Mount Si and they're a trauma patient then Mount Si would have to transfer that patient to a proper Trauma Center they're not they don't they're they don't meet that they don't have that capability so aside from certain situations like that I'll take it again stroke a stroke center we have comprehensive and primary stroke centers if somebody meets the criteria where they need to go to a comprehensive stroke center they must go to a comprehensive stroke center um aside from that the vast majority of calls we take patients to the hospital that they want to go to great thank you very much and thank you for coming here I know you just did the report for us it was outstanding so we appreciate you taking the time and of course all the service to the thank you we appreciate everything you do no I just want to say on behalf of our mayor and the fire chief and of course ourselves you know we thank you for the privilege to serve your city uh we're we're extremely ecstatic that uh we're doing so in a way that you know exceeds all expectations and we'll continue to do so great thank you thanks so much okay Mr city clerk so that which we're going to discussion items first we're going to discussion items thank you 3 a then 3 a is a discussion regarding a request from the sib school you want to honorable mayor and commission um each year through based on our joint use agreement that we have with the school um the CCS director and the principal meet over the summer and they discuss the schedule the scheduled needs of both entities and come up with a calendar of everything that they need for the all of the facilities covered in the joint use agreement um this past summer the meeting resulted in I don't have all the dates okay um so for their athletic program their after school athletic program um they need our facility for volleyball and for soccer so that the children can have competitive you know they play other schools and so the facility for us our needs is that we needed it for our programming so the school is agreeable to using it in the morning before we open so they would amend the request um to do it before we open so that they can still have volleyball for the girls soccer for the boys um this is exactly what volleyball did last year okay so we're just looking for some direction this year all right is there question or discussion from the commission no I have a question um this agreement never came before us before right correct it normally does not so why are you guys looking for us to approve it now because we've had some conversations where there is um we're getting a little more strict with how we enforce the joint use agreement okay and now if they're going to use it at 7 in the morning we still have to open we open we have stuff there at that time anyways we you we usually have it so there is no new new for this there would not be any additional C there would not be any additional cost to us to open it for them we open it we let them in we lock it the general public cannot get in um the difference is they're now paying for that time so through the joint use agreement we calculate every hour of the time that they use the percentage of the facility that they use and then we build them for it okay so why don't we build them them for this different we would we totally would yep okay this is really just kind of letting you all know that this is what we want to agree to with the school this year for this upcoming school year is not affecting our services like our programs or nothing it would not so the original request would because they wanted the soccer field I understand that cannot give up our soccer field correct yeah working with them we've come up with this alternate schedule okay I have one question yes so if the school now which we're discussing changing it you know converting it to a charter this would not be necessary I could not even contemplate that at this time that is so far undefined right now I couldn't answer that well but right now we have a joint use agreement with Miami day County public school but if the if the school was currently a charter this would not be necessary correct it depends on who the charter would be out of it wouldn't it wouldn't it they would not so that's something we probably can cover in the other item but correct um no you you it would be obsolete to a certain extent depending on what would occur but you'd have to unravel this agreement to an extent or revise it but uh the school board was would always be involved okay thank you Susan thank you for uh negotiating with them and and getting them to uh do the right thing so all right do you need any additional direction to put this on for later no good okay I just wanted to comment that I mean initially I was concerned about the overlapping um but I'm I'm okay with the I'm okay with it okay next item Macio next item is 3B discussion regarding Charter School mayor members of the commission uh I've been rece uh I have been approached by a parent group to further discuss the possibility of a conversion of our charter school so initially in my discussions we've done some research back and forth and I spoke to a consultant who gave us some additional information regarding the steps that would take to become a charter school which as I shared with you is very involved the city itself cannot be an applicant for a charter school so the parent group has established a 501c3 that they are proposing to be the applicant the suggestion by the parent group is that the city uh participate in uh the processing of the next steps of the application which would include voting and uh those other issues surrounding the application to be a charter school which again cannot be from the city so in some of my initial research it was determined that the possibility for a consultant or someone to assist with this would be somewhere between 40 to 50,000 it was also suggested that the possibility of the school could be a municipal charter school but in further research it was determined that the charter schools that we were discussing for example Pembrook Pines and Asus and Aventura started off as a charter school initially so there's a big differentiation between starting a charter school and converting an existing school to a charter school so at this point I'm at the point where I need some direction from you all as to the next steps if you're interested in pursuing this further and there's also some legalities that I have discussed back and forth with uh the City attorney regarding the the issue and the potential So based on that that's why I brought it forward for more discussion thank you thank you Mr city manager so just to to so that there is clarification because this is a very big conversation I wanted to have the City attorney explain to us you know what would be the the the process and and the legalities that that are associated with it well as you can imagine charter schools are heavily regulated by the state um there there's as the city manager indicated there are two types of charter schools there's well there's actually more but the two primary are new charter school and then conversion so what we'd be discussing and what you'd be looking at here would be a conversion the Florida legislature specifically uh excluded municipalities to be involved with conversion uh you can you can start a new charter school but you can be involved in a conversion so that's one big limitation there um and and it is as the city manager said quite an onor rousk process so it would be uh upon the applicant to go through the statutory steps which are again honorous uh for example one cannot apply unless they go through State training to apply there's a variety of steps you have to go through um and then you also have to look at the way the school became a school uh if you recall possibly back in 2005 I believe City had attempted to obtain the property by imminent domain which they could not do the school board had to do that um at one point it was suggested that the city pay for the eminent domain although the vehicle would be the school board that the school board took that uh potential to the Attorney General of the state and the Attorney General said they could not do that so in lie of that you entered into a slew of ilas which I believe ultimately the city paid 12.125 million towards the building of the school uh and then ultimately as the deputy city manager eluded to we have also an existing uh joint use agreement which is a minimum 40-year agreement with mandatory 10year renewals thereafter with no termination Clause so you'd have to sort of figure out as well how to unwind these things and what cost that would be to the city if any uh because there was sort of joint contributions I think the school board minimum contributed 10 million to the school to to the creation of the school but I'm sure it was more than that so we'd have to again unwind those agreements and we can only do that with the consent of the school board part of the process as well is that the applique your sponsor you as the applicant not you but whoever is applying the sponsor is necessarily the district the school district so they have to approve obviously of it and you know there may be some challenges there it is an a school um there are things there that you know may be a factor but from a legal standpoint there's a lot of uncertainty well the I shouldn't say that the the certainty is we can't be involved directly and the uncertainties deal with the agreements that have already been in place to you point commissioner it's kind of an open question as to what the ramifications would be if it gets that far um um and there is a whole statutory process that I can get into also with the balloting that has to be administered by the school district through the school and so on and so forth but there's there's a lot of steps you have to go through which uh you know seemingly are not cheap necessarily so those are things you have to consider as well okay thank you um all right so uh someone want to ask questions or say anything any question I have a question please um okay so I'm I'm not very familiar I'm barely familiar with with this process right so uh but I did read The Joint use agreement and the most basic summary is the city built Pelican the uh Miami day County Public Schools built the building for the school building and they're allowed to use some of our facilities um during school hours and we're allowed to use some of their facilities during non-school hours that's how we could use the cafeteria for certain things and whatnot so there's some mutual usage there so if if we were to go this route you you mentioned it was like $10 million that we're going to call it 10 million whatever it cost to actually build a school well it was it was in excess I think 25 or $26 million our contribution was 12.125 I'm sure the school board they picked up the rest so okay so whatever the number is I I guess my question is you know are we taking o are we taking ownership are are we does there there compensation for the building itself here or we're just no so that well those are some of the unknowns but we we're not involved so if if you do choose to go forward with and it's not you choosing to go forward it's you can't start a charter school there so that that's that's clear uh you as the city um I ship the school board will always keep ownership the only way the school board can sell that property or dispose of that property is if it's no longer operated as a school that's one of the questions they took to the attorney general so it would have to no longer be a school and I think we have right a first refusal to possibly purchase but it would have to that property would no longer have to be a school in order for the school board to dispose of it so it's going to be a school so the joint use agreement would survive it not in the form it is now why because of the way it's drafted it plates it contemplates it it would have to be at the very least revised it could pertain to the same uh it could have the same Provisions but the document as is doesn't contemplate that being a charter school and now you're going to insert a private company nonprofit or otherwise that's going to be operating the school potentially so you're adding parties to the operation of the facility the operation of the curriculum and so on and so forth so there's a lot of variables that are going to change that would make this document almost like I said before obsolete to the extent that a lot of what it references won't exist anymore so at the very least assuming the school board is on board or paron the pun with it um it would have to be heavily revised or Unwound in some way to the extent that there's a financial component to that that would be up to the school board and I don't know again what the the true Capital outlay was with regards to building the school I just know of the city's contribution does this require school board approval absolutely you mean what the if if the the nonprofit does its job right and I understand that there's voting involved with for some because it's a conversion 50% of the teachers at least 50% of the teachers have to agree and 50% of the parents of the enrolled children have to agree so let's say that happens okay then that gives you the ability to make application which again it's tough to get to that point but you get to an application that application is is submitted to the sponsor the sponsor is the the school board okay so the school board will decide yay or nay on a charter school if they say no they have certain things they have to do in writing to eect could explain why um but then that can appeal that can be appealed to the Department of Education up in Tallahassee But ultimately the decider of whether that's just going to be a convergent charter school is the school board and the fact you mentioned that because it's an a school that it presents a challenge why is that a challenge well typically and it's not necessarily lower graded schools that necessarily become Charters especially new Charters because new Charters are are started all the time but the purpose behind the statute essentially is to augment the existing school system so I just from whether it's the school board wanting to if they have an a school they don't you know obviously the goal of a charter school would to would be to also have an a school well you have an a school typically you see conversions being school that may not be doing as well and you want to amarate it and augment what's being offered to the students uh that's typically it but I don't know that the school board would want to give up one of its a schools I don't know if it affects their averages and so on and so forth but they call it an a school but it's gone down right well I the a is provided by the state so I I I don't know how that that's created a certain way uh for for the the various schools and I know the district isn't a so I don't know how that affects it but it's it's just s it's it it's just more challenging and I don't know if the school board would have to be agreeable to that and I don't know how agreeable they would be to give up one of their a schools and financially how would this let's say you know all the planets aligned the school board says you can have our a school have at it okay so financially how does that work because it's not a municipal uh school so then how do the monies flow like what that would be the applicant and whoever they choose to run the school and the cost there should be no cost to the city except the unknown variables about unwinding The Joint use and then any other uh ilas you may have entered into to create the school and I don't know that there would be but that's something that we have to look through and see if there's and we'd have to consult with the school board to see what their position is on on winding all that but from a standpoint of creating the school there should be no cost to the city because the city is not involved so if I'm a teacher and I'm getting a paycheck who's signing my paycheck for conversion schools under the statute so it's a little so if it was a new school you have the choice of going to work for the charter school or to continue working for the school board and you can actually take a leave of absence from the school board so you don't lose seniority for conversion school all employees of the charter school remain public employees unless they choose not to be so so Miami day County Public Schools would continue to sign the paycheck that's my understanding unless they come to some separate agreement with but they do remain public employees as to how the payroll is done and so on and so forth I I presume they could come into an agreement ment with what whoever is running the school but that again would be up to the school board okay so the money that is allocated per school I again I'm not an expert so I just but but each each school has its employees it's it's fpnl Bill it's you know there's a certain amount of money that I understand the um government dollars State well you know it comes out of our taxes we see that in our tax bills so uh that gets allocated ated to a particular school so would all of those monies then be shifted because it sounds like the school board would still keep some administrative role there are some administrative roles they have to keep if they're requested for example uh testing assessments and things of that sort remain a school uh Schoolboard responsibility uh so there's certain things they do need to keep a hand in um including um there's a list of them but I'm trying to remember a good example but certainly assessment is if I may uh the taxes that they collect in son they don't come back to Sony like the whole full amount it goes to talah hassi and then we receive the money our school per pupil so they receive the money according to what tah hasi sent per child so it's not that we the the whole amount that they're collecting from son is now going to come back to no I understand that but maybe others I understand so we're a donor we're donor County yeah Tallahassee also doesn't care where the students come from so in the Char like we're limiting just let the attorney finish please sorry so in a charter school you you can't charge tuition right so that money would come from the state the only thing in a conversion school you don't get is the capital outlay money that the state provides to a new school which would be money towards Capital Improvements or you know the actual construction uh which you don't needed a conversion But ultimately the cost back to the original question should be to the applicant and whoever is chosen to govern the school with regards to actually administering and running the school the facilities Insurance you know all these things and liabilities you know all of that so the city would not be in any way no tied into that any of that no they they can't be um but how much the school board retains that because it is their property it is their building so those are things they would work out with whoever ends up running the school but again there has to be the charter that is created for the charter school is actually a joint document between the school board and the applicant and the operator so it's kind of like I don't necessarily a tri party but there's a lot of variables that come into it and the application process you know we keep referring that that that it's onerous but you have to provide again your full curriculum you have to there's all these things you have to provide to the state in order to even apply before before you can submit it to the school board so there's a lot of leg work that needs to be done beforehand which the cost of which is borne by the applicant okay um that's it for now okay thank you go ahead so um are there any representatives of this parent group here today I know we can't it's not set up the workshop to have it back and forth but are there are there ready any representatives of the parent group um we're this is a workshop so but I'm just questioning whether there are I think they were invited it doesn't matter oh okay well maybe they're watching on television yeah it doesn't matter part of part of the direction I guess the city manager is looking for is if it's something because if if it is something that again the the city's role is very limited so I don't know to what extent we want to go too deep into looking into it because it's not us doing anything so what what just for clarification what is our role here right now and and why are we even here I understand a parent group approach the city manager but what exactly uh what was the the reason for the request and then if and then what decision if if any that we make is going to affect anything if we can't be the applicant I guess essentially the request was for financial support to help support um putting together the application and um implementing or creating some sort of a voting process to become a potential shorter school so it's to pay for them to apply to help to to pay for the costs associated with the application provide some support in that way yes okay and and what was the request what was the request based on why are they asking for this is my question what did they ask you rather I don't know what their reasoning is what was the reasoning they gave you they expressed some I guess displeasure with the way things were happening at the school and they said said that they had spoken with a number of people that had interest in providing some sort of application for the school to become a municipal Charter so I explained that I had to go back and do some additional research to find out if this was a viable option so in the midst of the different research it was determined that the municipality could not apply to become a charter school okay so I explained that and then the request was you know if the city could support in any way moving the process forward and I explained that in order for that to happen I would have to have the approval by you all as a group okay but there was no that's kind of where we are now there wasn't any specific data that was associated with this meaning that we want to change the school because not specific to me no thank you and to the extent that there's a request for financial that I guess is some of the direction we would need is if it's something that you're looking to do we would have to look into to what extent we can because obviously you don't want to do an end run on the statute and sort of bypass what the legislature have stated that we're not involved so I'm sure there's some parameters that are set that but we'd have to look into those and Define those so what do you mean that would potentially prohibit us from even doing anything potentially I mean for example if you were to pay for the whole thing and pretty much just do it in an Absentia just have a different applicant and you're doing an end run on the you can't do that so there's obviously an extreme limit that you can't do to the extent you know if it's a little contribution here and there who knows but we'd have to look into that and I guess that's part of the direction the city manager is looking for to see how far we go into the viability of the city being involved financially to any extent okay I have one other question if you don't mind please go ahead so was anyone from the parent group were they given a copy of the conversion information just so they know and they're aware of what's involved I provided a copy to you all no to the parent grp yeah we can't we we it's a Florida statutory process so we can't give them legal advice as to what they can or cannot do as a prate but even so they could see what's involved because it's some it's one thing to have an idea and come to the city that it may sound like a good idea to convert the school to a charter but unless they see what we're seeing and what's involved then they have a different idea of what's you know what they're getting into okay so don't you think it's a good idea for them to actually have a copy of what we're I don't I don't know exactly what you're referring to if it's the statute is it the statute no it's the conversion charter school information that's in our website yes I don't I I don't know what that Alan it's the attachment to the agenda item the agenda they're free to request that it's it's no I understand but do we even know if they know what this is I imagine that if they are serious about this that they know the process I don't know but I don't think it's our job to to tell them cuz in in in all honesty um the group of parents would have to hire folks to do this for them right we paid someone to do this yeah so it could be that they're just coming to us with a good idea what they think is a good idea but they haven't I'm just saying maybe they haven't actually delved into it well the idea of the consultant is precisely to know if it's possible or not what like Alan was saying about the ramifications of converting right so it makes sense I received dozens of emails in support of this okay yes and I've had the same thing I've had phone calls and emails okay perfect so but I don't know the people who are writing to me and calling me I I had asked have they seen a copy of this and they've told me no well that I don't know about well I've asked correct so um bring back and and right now I hear a few of the questions being answered um that the people were they were asking like for example the ownership of the building so we the city let's said that the conversion goes through um nobody has to buy the building the building is always going to belong to Miami day County Public Schools right correct okay um un I mean again based on the Attorney General opinion and everything correct as long as the school the school board has it yeah and he says here that conversion charter schools are eligible to occupy the school building without rent or payment okay so it continue being part of the Miami they're eligible but the school board could charge them though okay it's going to be depending on what kind of agreement they would come together and I was reading also that all major repairs the responsible party is also the Miami day County Public Schools that's going to be depending if they bring in a company to run the school they could agree separately as to what facilities are going to be how they're going to be taken care of that's going to be an agreement between them okay perfect perfect so um the good thing is that what we are discussing right now is actually to find more information to have answers to all these questions right to get the consultant so we can have the whole idea of what to do and how to do it and to help our parents the people that is looking forward to to have a better um um education system in our school in our city uh which also is going to impact property values Etc so we want to have the answers and for that we need the money for the consultant and for the expert but we can't since we cannot be an applicant and actually be part of this school we also can't do the leg word and give them the tools the consultants and the information because they're going to rely on that and if we're wrong for some reason or our consultant isong wrong that that consultant was hired for our edification for our own purposes so to the extent that they have to be they have to get their own consultants and they have to get their attorneys and so on and so forth to put this package together because the city can't do that for them okay so then I have the same question if we can not provide them anything so what are we talking about it was I I'm I'm just responding question you know like we get Consultants all the time like we just spend $150,000 for the Park and Recreation master plan that was a disaster and it's three times this uh it took over almost two years of not doing anything with the parks because we were waiting for the consultant to come with a product so uh we had consultant for anything everything for the building department for the police accreditation Etc so my question is the original one we want to consider this or not that for me that's a question explore this originally I believe it came as a request and for us to determine whether we could or could not be involved we had to consult with someone uh obviously an expert in the field and then look at it from a legal standpoint and now we've come to the conclusion we can't be the applicant we can't actually do this for conversion so we've sort of gotten our answer that's why going forward it's not the city that would be doing it it would be the applicant and at that point the city that consultant was purely for our own education so that we would know what our role can or cannot be so that's this one right now what we are asking for that's part of it right that's the consultant on on that side and then mine on the legal as well well I'm totally fine with getting the consultant to get all the information legally financially what is it that the city can and what is it that the city Cann we already that that already we have all the answers already yes we do okay the consultant agrees as well from a legal standpoint we cannot do a conversion school and the statute is pretty clear okay so is anything that the city can do to help this process move forward not through the process itself again whenever there's a municipal purpose if you can identify a municipal purpose you know you can use your taxpayer funds to contribute but again you'd Poss you'd have to consider that we'd have to really to the extent you consider giving money we'd have to really get a lot of the financials guarantees and things of that sort because you'd be giving money to an organization a private organization that you'd have no control over okay so you'd have to sort of really do your homework just to be able to and I'm not saying you can't do that but we just have to be careful because the unfortunately with Charter Schools the I me some start to process and it doesn't happen so if you contribute money and it doesn't happen then you know that money is gone so those are things that those are all decisions you have to make now who verifies the track record of this organization School Board does yeah I have another question um so we talking about Municipal purpose the Char schools that you mentioned before like aces in Aventura for example they provide um after school to all the children of the school and the city because it's a municipal Char School help with with that and is free of charge so if we were going to convert into charter school and we can provide after after care after school to all the children in the school for free then that's a municipal purpose right but you're not running the school we're not going to be running the school no no the after after after school hours completely but then we'd be paying for it correct so that's why would we pay a private a private entity to do that no no no no then you don't get me to provide the after school inent that's their charter school it's a municipal Charter this would not be a municipal Charter I understand the after school we're providing it right now as it is and it's and it's not enough for all the children that they are wanting to do if we wanted to provide free Aftercare for the entire school we could do that now if we wanted to exactly we don't need it to convert to a charter is My point well the idea will be to convert so we can use the facilities like we have use the facilities now no they have to approve it the Miami day County Public School they to approve everything they'd have to approve it also because they own the building correct so they'd have to approve it even if it was a charter we'd still have to get some kind of agreement together that's why when I mentioned with the joint use agreement they would have to be revisions because it doesn't contemplate the charter school but you're adding parties in there so um you could accomplish that but not as not just because it's a charter school you could do that now because you can agree yeah yeah correct yeah who is the board of the chatter school if it becomes a charter school who's going to be making the final decisions for the school they well there's it's actually two so there's two entities there's two legal entities one that operates the school and then the board and the board would be chosen by the applicant has to provide all that information with the application as to who the board is going to be who each member each member has to make certain certifications there's training involved there's all these things and they have to identify who each board member would be now at what point would we get to see that we're at that point would we still be in the acceptance process or that would be part of not part we're not part of this at all no so the school board all that information would be submitted to the sponsor which is the school board right who would be ultimately The Entity that would make a decision on the Char okay so where where this uh cover sheet says that the implications are estimated to be approximately 1 to two million a year to our budget where is that coming from that's if you were actually a municipal Charter School okay but this is not what that would be no because we can't at the time at that that is if I is that the consultant letter okay that was just a summary of basically what charter schools are okay so she wasn't answering any specific questions she was just doing a summary of a charter school okay so this has no Financial ramifications to the city it right it can't because we can't apply that would that would come into play so if you were a municipal charter school and I'm sure aventur could attest to it if you talk to them that you know you have to you're going to have to pay for a lot of things you know so correct those are things you know the operations and so on and so forth so then it becomes a costly Endeavor so again oure it would the the parent group are they aware of the cost or I have no idea okay so there are a lot of variables that okay so that's why I mean again not to give him advice but that's why the applicant needs to probably have their own consultants and attorneys and so on and so forth so they can get this information so they know cuz it's something they're going to have to be walked through to make application because there's a lot of pitfalls and things you have to right interpret and find out from and you have to work with the school board so if there's a mistake to be made in doing the conversion it wouldn't be our mistake no because we wouldn't be involved we wouldn't be involved in most cases anything having to do with a charter school uh it's there a private Charter School company gets involved in it so I'm not giving them advice but that's probably who they would partner with to be able to do this so for the purposes of giving direction to the manager and I want to say thank you um to the city manager for putting this on here because um it just goes to show that you are responsive to to the residents and so that's appreciated what information or what what is it that you need from us if anything well I think if you have any direction if you want me to move forward I mean based on my discussions with legal it's understood that the municipality cannot participate right so really I guess it's incumbent upon the uh group of parents to move the item forward okay all right so we cannot um help them explore this we can as the city we cannot explore this even if that's what the residents they want right we can't be their consultant on them starting you can't be giving them because essentially you're giving them legal advice on how to proceed and you'd be expending staff time and money and so on and so forth to help this private nonprofit to apply and that would involve Us in the process okay um maricio do we have the but I wish everyone luck thank you do we have the proclamation ready for yes ma'am okay right thank you so we're going back to and and thank you for your patience uh all right we're going back to Toc okay so so yes is the proclamation for Childhood Cancer Awareness mon okay do you want to read the proclamation yourself or do you want me to read uh I want to read something really quick and then I want to read the pro Proclamation and then we'll come down to take a picture and so thank you again for being here um I wanted to read this and and and thank you for for uh partnering with us for so many years so the Mystic Force found was founded in 2008 by Dr Steven and Sylvia vany after their then four-year-old son Salvatore was diagnosed with Stage for neuroblastoma cancer Steven and Sylvia realized how little funding there was for Childhood Cancer Research when they were told that Sal had a 20% chance to live 5 years knowing that they had to do something immediately they opened the foundation and started a lab at the University of Miami specifically for Childhood Cancer Research they remain committed to funding research to find less toxic more effective treatments for children battling cancer and ultimately to find a cure for all childhood cancers and that's a picture of s I don't know if people on on TV can see it um and and this is the blur that's that's about him after having been a Trailblazer in his own fight against Childhood Cancer Sal's Spirit remains everpresent in everything that they do having had Sal's cancer cells immortalized he continues to inspire as he lives on in Laboratories across the country to help find a cure for CH for children like him like to read the Proclamation whereas Childhood Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children with the average age of diagnosis being 6 years old and whereas one in 285 children in the United States will be diagnosed by their 20th birthday and whereas 46 children per day or one 16,7 190 children per year are are diagnosed with cancer in the US and whereas 80% of Childhood cancer patients are diagnosed late with metastatic disease and on average there's been a0 .6% increase in incidents per year since the mid 1970s resulting in an overall incident increase of 24% over the last 40 years and whereas two-thirds of Childhood cancer patients will have chronic health conditions as a result of their treatment tox toxicity and one quarter being classified as severe to life-threatening and whereas appr approximately one half of Childhood Cancer family families rate the associated Financial tox toxicity due to outof pocket expenses as considerable to severe year and whereas in the last 30 years only six new drugs have been approved by the FDA to specifically treat Childhood Cancer and whereas the National Cancer Institute recognizes the unique research needs of Childhood Cancer and the associated need for increased funding to carry this out and whereas hundreds of nonprofit organizations at the local and National level are helping children with cancer and their families cope through Ed educational emotional and financial support and whereas researchers and healthc Care Professionals work diligently dedicating their expert to treat and cure children with cancer and whereas too many children are affected by this deadly disease and more must be done to raise awareness and find a cure and whereas the city of Sunny Al's Beach recognizes the devastating impact that this disease has on members of our community and the importance of increased research on Childhood Cancer and whereas this month we recognize that these burdens are shared by countless dedicated healthc Care Professionals organizations Charities and parents parent ADV advocacy groups which support PA patients and families by offering advice encouragement hope and financial assistance and work tiously to lift the spirits of children suffering from Camp from cancer now therefore I there is Su fet and as mayor and on behalf of the city Commission of the city city of Sunny Al's Beach Florida hereby Proclaim September 2024 as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month I'm going to bring this down we can come down EX e Tre St [Music] that's a tough one yes thank you okay God bless everyone uh Maia may we can do uh the other Proclamation 2D for day of remembrance of the October 7th Massacre and subsequent Gaza War okay perfect please okay I'm just going to read it whereas on October 7th of this year a tragic Massacre and subsequent conflict erupted marking a dark chapter in the history of Israel the C anel Beach stands in solidarity with the people of Israel as they endured the pain of this violent incursion in the ongoing war against Hamas and whereas the city is committed to honoring the memory of the Brave service men and woman who have sacrificed their life in defense of Israel as well as the innocent and civilians who were brutally murdered during this horrific attack and whereas the grief and sorrow felt by our community and by the people around the world can and must be transformed into a powerful force for good it is in the spirit of resilience and unity That We Gather to remember and to take action affirment that love is stronger than hate and that life will always trumph over destruction and whereas the incredible resilience of the people of Israel Inspire us all to stand together in the phase of adversity showing that hope can and will prevail even in the darkest of times and whereas the city is dedicated to supporting the land and people of Israel particularly during these challenging times and is committed to ensuring the future Generations understand the importance of standing with those who seek peace and Justice now therefore the city Commission of the city of selb Florida heri proclaimed October 7 he has a typo as day of remembrance of the October 7 m and subsequent gasa war in the city of s Beach thank you commissioner thank you okay so the next item is 3C a discussion regarding monthly progress reports and I just want to make sure that Cog of the time we're all okay with to keep going correct yes yes okay go ahead okay so I'm just I brought this up because we have um certain issues that um carry over from month to month and i' just like to ask the city manager if he could um just give us updates regarding open items that are being worked on currently throughout the city please yes I provide you all with a monthly report where I try to list the highlights of everything that we're doing throughout the month and some of the summary of some of our commission items so if there's anything that you would like me to add in addition to what I'm already providing I'll gladly do that okay what what were you uh looking to add so um regarding let's say Heritage Park where we had discussed um changing uh the open areas to something else is there any progress on that no not right now so we're still you know finishing our budget discussions but all of these kinds of things we try to bring you in concept and then go back and narrow the focus to bring you back specific items so it's a good example but Heritage Park we received some I guess general direction from you on what you would want to do with Heritage Park then we have to take that back boil it down into specifics but anything that we're going to do there ultimately comes back to you for approval so we're not going to move forward with anything there without you seeing it first right but the reason I'm bringing this up is because we have really no time frame on these things so it's just like kicking the can down the road which is what I'm trying to avoid have happened because then we don't accomplish anything for residents so just to get clarification and uh in addition to the have you read the monthly reports yes sure okay so do you think that they're comprehensive or you think they're Laing there are but there are well there are certain things that are lacking like like what such as what I just brought up I know but I want to be clear so that we're giving exact direction to the manager and it's not you know a vague idea what specifically are you talking about like Capital Improvement projects is that what you want Capital Improvement projects yes what's occurring with the center Island okay so Capital Improvement projects cap yes and uh the parks projects whatever is um and progress or uh ideas that should be moving forward that are not things like that just so that we keep things moving rather than just forgetting about them and time goes by and we make no progress okay so I can include a a separate section on the month reports that that has a highlight for Capital Improvement projects and Parks projects specifically okay so yes we can do that thank you sure all right next item next item is 3D a discussion regarding increased compliance of the motorized scho ordinance yes so um I just wanted to bring up uh whether regarding enforcement and I just see more and more uh kids riding without helmets um I just I guess the parents just are not getting it that it's a safety matter I know we keep giving out helmets for free but it's just I don't understand it but we need to either uh put out more information it's just not getting through or something that is not sinking in I so I don't know if it's what are you basing this enforcement that we need just what see personally yeah seeing personally and what other people see personally uh people send me videos uh photos of kids riding tandem um kids riding with no helmets this this summer I've seen actually a substantial decrease in in scooters because they're not going to the school so it's hard to tell how much they're going to be doing now well just today I saw a parent in Golden Shores um she was walking her dog and her uh son was on a scooter with no helmet and I said I asked her have you not gone to the helmet giveaways oh I didn't know about it I said how could you not know about it the city is constantly advertising and we've had several helmet giveaways so please contact Sandra block I told her and um have your son have a helmet it's just a safety matter and I'm sure you would you know uh if anything occurred you would be happy that he had one on so she said yes but probably she won't do it ultimately people need to decide for themselves what's what they need to do with their family and their and their kids we're not going to be able to walk to every single no but I know I know from uh people telling me that we we have to do better at getting information out to people I think it's it's been a problem for a long time uh just the way we get information out to the resident and I think we have to try to do better okay so in addition to the email blasts the social media the Flyers you know I'm not I'm not a media expert but the people that are that that we have in the city I know they know how to do it better than they're doing so we have to try better Mr city manager I just want to say that when we started the scooter enforcement uh process that you directed us to do I had kind of given this over to the chief who's done uh exceeded my expectations on the scooter enforcement and we've also involved uh code for example as well as our media Department who I think has done an exceptional job I I made some notes of just the different things we've done including we've had a scooter rally in February we've had scooter popup registration events we had a registration at our community resource night like you mentioned we've done numerous helmet giveaways it's constantly been out there on our media Department we also we even highlighted a section of road to delineate the difference between scooters and pedestrians we have issued I asked them for some numbers so that I would be able to provide you but we've issued through the PD over a thousand courtesy Noti and we've also issued from them a followup 520 warnings and then we've given that over to code who has issued officially 302 warning notices and we're now to the point where we've progressed it we've issued our first couple of actual civil violation notices for penalties so the good news and all of that as a result of all of those efforts we've read registered 633 scooters to date which I think is a lot more than I thought it was going to be so I'm I'm very happy with that I think we probably have double that amount in the city I I we may I mentioned it to the chief um I'm trying to think of what today is Thursday earlier in the week and the chief took it on his own initiative and we issued 41 notices today at at back to school so we''ve really been proactive and I've had to ask him to is everything else you know being enforced so we don't go so um so much so enthusiastic on the scooters but he's really made it proactive the red light cameras that were having uh taking effect soon are we blasting that enough that's not on the agenda no we can't it's just the no no no but this is not it's not on the agenda so we we can't be discussing it um I'm talking about giving notice to people for certain things but the agenda item is scooter enforcement um so if repeat that number 600 and how many 683 did you say 633 scooter registrations that's a significant amount if we look at the amount of let's just say we're assuming many most of these would be kids and there are approximately 1,700 to 1800 kids registered in the school and we also issued 41 notices through the police department this morning we're back to school so we're really trying to educate help the children like you mentioned we have the free helmet giveaways so we're really trying to get the message out I think we continue to work with the school and the principal and make sure that he knows and and pushes out anytime we have a helmet giveaway um and I'm sure whoever got that notice this morning is not happy um unfortunately sometimes that's how other parents find out about it because the person that got it tells everyone else how upset they are with the police so um yeah I I I mean I support continuing this effort I think one small way we can um improve certain the the reg increase the registration now that the spot is up and running and we're going to have uh I'm sure teenagers showing up in their scooters that we Reg register them there and that we only permit registered scooters to be parked there or to be you know to enter those premises that's a good idea that way we you know we snag a couple of more okay good all right next item next item is 3E discussion regarding additional speed humps and Golden Shores yes so we've clarified now that the fire department vehicles are not affected by the speed HPS it doesn't affect their efficiency we did not verify that how did we verify that I was told that by whom I had a a separate discussion and I was told that that did not affect their vehicles okay can or response time all right well I this is the first time I'm so we we can call them back and ask them again I thought that um when I had asked the question it was said that uh they they would not against having additional speed humps earlier no you didn't hear that no oh no I think she said personally she she was she doesn't like them and that but but I think the gentleman said that that's a question that would be referred to a different fire prevention we have to okay so then we have to call them in next so there C there's certain distances that limitation on distances like he indicated on great grade because it has to be a certain grade and then there's there's a frequency of them that does affect response times at Le in my experience so that's something that he was referring to fire prevention so we're continuing to do the research on the speed humps right now we're currently doing a speed study in Golden Shores we wanted to wait for the start of school so we could capture that data to figure out where the best possible locations could be for these and if we do have a problem I know that you all live there but we're determining that through these speed studies right so it it it is ongoing but there's more than just I guess overall the message is that there's a process that we need to follow in order to get these things done and also we subject to Dade County because ultimately they on that road in there so I understand it's just it's still a lingering issue as to who determined the 15 speed humps that are currently there that they weren't placed they were just basically placed in a halfhazard manner and because there was some areas that are just lacking so badly that it just makes no sense so we're continuing with that resarch yes okay thank you thank you all right next item next item is 3F discussion regarding a right share microtransit solution okay I I was approached for by this company that they want to make a presentation so I wanted to facilitate for them to do it thank you one second please has staff seen this presentation I have not seen it no okay hi Hi how are you um did you not get this beforehand so that we can see it I haven't seen the full presentation they send it to the city cleric they gave me a brief yeah we received it today today okay um all right I just want to make sure everyone's okay with this cuz we normally don't allow vendors to just come up and and Lobby us and just a word of caution if it's something that you ever would be just for your edic if it's something that would be procured through an RFP or something like that just be mindful that you're receiving this information but I I wouldn't want to affect their ability to bid on it or anything like that so what would affect their ability to I don't know I'd have to look into it but I don't I don't know if it's something that the city would ultimately bit on so I wouldn't want them to be out of the running for probably not but again this is all right so they take the they take the risk yes okay so just be warned that you take the risk of not being able to bid for anything that happens okay hi I would take the risk that's all my life um mayor Commissioners and authorities of the city good afternoon and thank you for having me here today my name is Leonardo G I am a a 10year resident of sun is I'm an Industrial Engineer entrepreneur and Co and the founder of Mages that is an endtoend software platform solution for passenger Transportation providers Maes was created in sunny ises and operates in the US Canada Latin America and we managed more than 1 million passengers and have processed more than 15 million miles during our tener in the following minutes I will introduce you our proposal of a microtransit initiative in the city of s eles that will benefit the community in affordable and accessible transportation for a diverse population it will increase with the young population the driers ship enhance Mobility for older adults reduction of the traffic and congestion that will have a huge impact with system adaptability and flexibility and supporting tourism and boosting Commerce in our city um the question is are the current Transportation options that we have are moving our community into the future or are they leaving our residents behind the current Transportation solution based on fixed routing of diesel buses have proven inefficiencies high cost and excessive CO2 emissions the the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Federal Transit Administration backed these affirmations the data talk by itself historically Public public transit has low ridership of less than 20% there is a decrease in the use of the younger demographics and lack of on demand or uh Dynamic options The Proven solution of historical issues is a public on demand microtransit system led by the cities and operate by private operators in a professional manner the three main goals of a public microtransit solution are simplifying passenger engagement for residents and non-residents and dramatically increase the ridership to increase the safety of our community with W W2 professionals and other safety functionalities provided by advanced technology and reduce the cover footprint the highlight of micro the microtransit initiative is that are that we will provide a worldclass software platform to manage autonomously all business processes a full service easy to use write request using branded smartphone apps WhatsApp a web browser and social media all these using an on demand request with standardized electric and hybrid Tre Vehicles safe better and trained company drivers zero or low emissions and residents may have an e resident card to uh to write uh the service we propose implementing a public on demand microtransit system led by the city of the sun El Beach and operated by a private professional operator the name that we put to the system is Sun flex and the three main goals of our proposal is to to provide our community with a flexible on demand microt Transit service with a simple way to request rights for residents and non-residents and dramatically increase the ridership to increase the safety of our community with W2 professionals and B sa uh safety procedures and reduce the carbon footprint the service that we propose includes six vehicles with easy access for passengers of all ages and a comfortable ride the full Fleet will operate two daily shift seven days a week and three night shift with a reduced Fleet the service will be for residents and paid for non residents that this is optional we know that the municipality cannot uh charge the non residents but uh we have that option as well in our system it also have a limited operative area and routing within s El and its suround suroundings we can uh geofence all the city in order not to allow pickups or drop offs outside the city Sunny Flex will be a public microtransit uh service with the following features the sunny uh fully branded it will be on demand easy to join use and engage and a professional service the right request will be performed from our obni Channel interface giving passenger of all ages multiple channels of of communications such as a mobile app WhatsApp a web browser social media you know that for young people today social media is everything they can request a right through social media and optionally we can include a telephone operator on ivr for Elder uh elderly people among other features the city will be able to provide free rights to resident uh fostering resident registrations and paid or free rights for non-residents within the city limits our proposal is to implement in two phases H in phase one we propos a combined service with the current bus fixed routing with a Geo fence area limiting the drop off and pickup zones with within the city limits and also we activate two special routes the north route to reach the Aventura Mall Aventura Hospital mons and the bright station bright Line station and the South Road uh to reach the FIU bis Bay Campus we can always add additional stops to these proposals because they are set up digitally in the phase two we propose what we call comingling Based on data from the first uh six months of operations we can optimize the use of fixed routings and On Demand rights here are the proposed schedules uh we propose to shift uh during the day uh seven days a week and three ships during the night especially Thursdays Fridays and Saturday nights uh reducing any reducing increasing safety and reducing accidents in the in the city um based on our research we see two Fleet options EVs and hybrid cars designed to be robust for microtransit operations we designed the proposal with a total six vehicle Fleet the for the EV options we propose uh six Tesla X to cover all the shifts the investment required uh is as follows it's one setup fee and 48 uh monthly installments of course depending on the amount of cars amount of shifts amount of uh we can discuss that and work with your people uh this could VAR significantly um the second uh option uh for the hybrid option we propose six Toyota Sienna hybrid autonomous cars these autonomous cars are level three uh with pilot assistant to cover only week days with da daytime shift the vehicles have two configurations it's one five seats uh the first configuration is five seats and the second fig second configuration is two seats and one wheelchair and when the wheelchair is not inside the car you can carry four passengers inside the car uh we have partnered with main Mobility which is uh which provides autonomous vehicles the compan is based in an Harbor michig and operates in more than 10 cities in the US one of which is Miami they're currently operating in daland and the City Hall I think uh yeah the Civic Civic Center uh the third option we propose a combination of three Teslas and three Toyota CN hybrid autonomous cars uh to cover daytime shifts nighttime shift and weekends as well as a summary uh the prop The Proposal highlights are four month 48 month agreement and On Demand micros microtransit system for residents and on resents a branded Mobility app WhatsApp web browser social media and optional pH phone calls for right for rights requests uh W2 beted uh drivers and yearly report of CO2 reductions we anal we analyze uh the average cost per trip reduction of microtransit systems in the US and we can predict a reduction of 49% compared to traditional uh buses with fixed routed if implemented with the solution in our city also this charts includes a cost per trip comparison table for the sunny Flex Solutions versus Uber and taxi fleets in conclusion these are the main benefits uh for our community of the slex microtransit solution is Affordable and accessible transportation for a diverse population increase engagement with the young population enhance Mobility for old adults reduce of traffic and congestion and environmental impact adaptability and flexibility and support for tourism and boosting the Commerce in our city I'm excited about the potential to work together to transform the urban mobility in the city of SES our microtransit solution is not just a service but a partnership with the community to build a more efficient Equitable and sustainable Transportation future thank you for your time and I look forward to addressing any question you may have thank you do anyone have any questions no no okay thank you thank you much you very much okay there's no further business all right and I would just note just for the record that because it's been termed as a proposal that it's made clear on the record that we're not accepting the proposal we're not we we just yes and um are you a registered lobbyist yeah okay making sure thank you very much okay see you all at 6:30 thank you thank you meeting adjourned