3M we're going to start this is where we do most of our presentations and awards any items that we vote on we vote on at our 6:30 meeting so uh you are all very welcome to stay but please know that there is no opportunity to speak at this meeting this is just a presentation um okay with that Macio please go ahead so the first item on the agenda is item 2A the police officer of the year an introduction to the first female motor officer by the chief of police mayor just as as the chief walks up what we would ask is that we were going to do our police officer of the year and our other Awards uh one after another and then when we're done we're going to ask that you all come down so we can take a group photo of everybody one picture yes perfect thank you Chief good afternoon mayor Commissioners city manager esteemed colleagues and honored guest I'd like to First Call up our 2023 Office of the Year maximal [Applause] fan so every one of our officers are deserving so I'd like to thank everyone that works for the police Department both sworn and civilian for all their hard work that they do year round so today We Gather to celebrate a remarkable individual whose dedication and Valor have set a shining example for us all it is with great pride in admir admiration that we honor officer maximal fanel as our offic of the year throughout the past year Max has demonstrated unwavering courage and quick thinking EMB body ing the true essence of a hero on multiple occasions on January 23rd 2023 faced with a medical emergency officer fanul displayed remarkable composure and expertise when he encountered a victim in dire stats suffering from seizures and not breathing without hesitation officer fanul sprang into action recognizing the gravity of the situation his Swift response and proficient CPR skills proed PIV in Saving the victim's life it was a testament of his unwavering commitment to preserving life under the most challenging circumstances by administering CPR for over 10 minutes and I would like to say that I actually responded to that actual incident and I was very very impressed because you you blew me away with with just the amount of effort you did and gave this guy a fighting chance so additionally on June 5th 20 23 officer Fel once again demonstrated his extraordinary skill set confronted with another medical crisis he encountered a victim bleeding profusely from a severed arterial wrist injury recognizing the urgency of this situation officer vul's training and quick thinking came to the for with precise knowledge and Swift action he expertly applied a tourniquet effectively controlling the bleeding and stabilizing the victim until further medical assistance arrived because of his quick and timely actions Miami day fire rescue praised officer officer fanul for saving the victim's life on this day officer Fu's bravery resourcefulness and unwavering dedication to protecting and serving our community have shown brightly through these incidents his ability to remain calm under pressure and an exceptional skill set and emergency situations have undoubtedly saved lives today as we bestow upon off officer Maxell ful the titter the title of Office of the Year let us not only celebrate his individual accm accomplishments but also recognize the spirit of selfishness and service that defines our law enforcement Community officer Fu's actions serve as an inspiration to us all reminding us of the profound impact that dedication and courage can have in making our community a safer and better place for everyone please join me in applauding officer maximal fenu for his exemplary service self nness and unwavering commitment to duty officer ful your bravery and compassion are a Beacon of Hope and we are immensely proud to have you Among Us congratulations on this well-deserved [Applause] [Applause] honor thank you Chief okay lastly I'd like to call up motor officer roxan Martinez [Applause] yeah today We Gather here to celebrate a historic moment in the history of our Police Department it is with great pride and admiration that we recognize the outstanding achievement of Officer Roxanna Martinez who has become the first female moto officer in our esteemed Force breaking barriers and shattering stere shattering stereotypes officer Martinez has displayed unparalleled dedication skill and determination in reaching this Milestone her journey serves an inspiration to all proving that gender should never be a limitation in pursuing one's passion and contributing to the safety and well-being of our community becoming a moto officer requires exceptional expertise and precision and officer Martinez has demonstrated these qualities with Grace and resilience her commitment to the principles of duty honor and Service reflects the highest ideals of law enforcement as we applaud officer Martinez for her historic accomplishment let us also take this moment to reaffirm our commitment to fostering an inclusive and diverse police force by embracing and celebrating the achievements of individuals like officer Martinez we strengthen the fabric of our community and create a more just and Equitable Society congratulation officer Martinez your achievement will undoubtedly Inspire future generations of Law Enforcement Officers reminding us all that the pursuit of Excellence knows no gender thank you good thank you mayor our employee of the year award we're going to ask to be moved to February because our employee is busy working at this time and it's a well-kept secret so we can't reveal to you who that is but we do have the city manager award and the chief always has these eloquent speeches I should have prepared something um but I prefer to just kind of share with you the importance of this award for me we established this war award a couple of years ago when I first started and I wanted to recognize uh not only the good work that our employees do but someone that really stands out to the residents as well as my office to recognize truly outstanding and exceptional customer service but these are some of the the words that are used to describe the person that I'm going to bring to you today profound professionalism exceptional initiative and unquestionable Devotion to public service and I think when we look at these Awards working in my office should not be mutually exclusive this person has elevated Service delivery through increased customer service and built several key relationships for the city as well as my office they serve with integrity and this year uh for the 2023 city manager award goes to Myra Elman [Applause] [Music] Myra normally Myra gives me all this stuff so I'm looking for her award and I don't know where it is thank you [Music] [Applause] Myra sure for thank you okay our next item is a proclamation for Tree City USA and um today we celebrated Arbor Day so it's very appropo thank this is from good afternoon mayor vice mayor and Commissioners this Proclamation recognizes January 19th as Florida Arbor Day in the city of sunal beach this is yet another way for our city to demonstrate its dedication to our tre's health and well-being for the fifth consecutive year we have been designated as a tree City USA for 2023 thank you for your continued support and thank you to our Parks Division and public works department for keeping our trees beautiful and healthy all year thank you at this time we can take a picture with the [Music] proclamation last picture I promise thank you inter [Applause] there commissioner llama missed all the pictures Vice May rather um okay okay uh next item uh is a presentation um I neglected to uh acknowledge uh from commissioner Mickey Steinberg's office we have Alexis in the back thank you Alexis for being here um and for those of you that are uh here for this presentation to hear this presentation there's going to be um do we have these in the back by any chance the Flyers that we can hand out no okay we don't have in the um Lobby if we can get some yeah so Tuesday January 30th at Gateway from 10:30 to 1 is where there's going to be the informational session where you're you will be able to interact and give uh input and we'll have some uh in the lobby in in just a few minutes so please go ahead good afternoon mayor Commissioners my name is Eric Zan I'm the manager of service planning at Department of Transportation and public works and I have a brief presentation just to get everyone up to speed on what the better bus is if you haven't heard about it um recently or or previously trying to get you up to speed and some of the things we're going to be doing uh moving forward with our next lineup um we are we have some significant service changes coming up uh we know that the first round we didn't get everything right so we're coming back to uh look at the data a little bit closer and trying to make things work a little bit more smoothly so with that I'll get into my presentation so what is the better bus like I said if you haven't heard of it um it is the most significant redesign in miim day transit history over the past 40 years so a lot has changed since 1986 which was the last it was called Network 886 that was when the uh the rail was introduced to Mi day County and since then almost 40 years nothing has really occurred on a significant scale so this uh this new network is is the biggest change over the past 40 years um so taking back taking us all back in time here over the past five years this has been going on uh it was was launched by a Grassroots effort um back on in 2018 uh with support from the county mayor's office um for a uh local advocacy group called Transit Alliance um through 2019 there was a historic public engagement that occurred 130 plus events 5,000 engagements 7,000 surveys 1700 writer Texs uh 2020 not too much occurred due to covid uh 2021 fast forward to we have a countywide engagement called thrive 5305 um off off across the board support for the uh more service where people want and need to go so this would included the uh the action plan to move forward with the uh the implementation of the new network uh unanimous BCC approval towards the end of 21 um doing a lot of more analysis and scheduling work uh during 22 trying to figure out um the best way to move forward we are dealing continuously with operator shortages and vehicle shortages just due to the fact coming out of the pandemic um additional BCC approval uh 23 we did a phase one soft launch which included about four corridors and then the phase two launch was launched on November 13th of this past year so what are some of the key features of the better bus uh more simple and more direct routes you can see on the left there we you know that kind of resembles what our system used to be a lot of routes that that took a lot of turns Meandering around uh the new service has been straightened out a lot to provide faster Journeys for for our passengers and also more frequent service throughout the entire day so we used to have only five frequent lines that ran 15 minute or better service throughout the entire County that has now increased to 19 Total Lines number three better transfers so before we had a lot of infrequent service buses coming once an hour maybe 30 minutes um not good for transfers so now we have more services that run more frequently reducing the weight times to transfer from route to Route and then also more consistent service throughout the uh the weekdays and as I mentioned all throughout the entire day so instead of having a more Peak driven service only um we're having an entire network of 19 routes that are running 15 minute or better throughout the entire day so some of the uh the key changes and these are specific to Sunny Isles um so the route H was renumbered to the Route 75 there were some realigned routes on the route 100 the route 100 is actually combination of what the route s and the 120 used to be the uh schedule changes there were some schedule changes made on the Route 75 to increase service and there were some discontinu routes in the system as I mentioned and one of those affecting Sunny Isles is the route heat yes s is what the the S is the one the 100 now yes but it's not actually the same correct let's let him finish his presentation go ahead yeah so what have the writers seen um since the the new network so riders or residents near frequent service has increased from 380,000 to over 840,000 jobs accessible within 45 minutes on Saturdays from 34 to 45 and households without cars near the frequent service um that's 20,000 is 60% of the entire total so some of the Riders um as mentioned here the route e there have been some impacts and with some discontinuation of particular routes and services that are that serve more of a niche uh Rider there are some additional transfers that are have been introduced to the system um there are going to be some longer Journeys to the bus stops so you have a route that that used to serve a stop right in front of where you live or where you work now you may have to walk a few extra blocks up to a quarter of a mile to get to a new stop and also um replacing the county fixed route service so as I mentioned there has been some discontinuation and this is an opportunity for collaboration so we have other services we've introduced called Metro connect which is essentially um an on- demand service similar to an Uber um we also are looking to collaborate with our partners uh to to realign services with the uh the trolleys the local Municipal routes uh there are also freebies that a lot of municipalities are working we're trying to get the word out for the residents and then also with Uber this is a new collaboration that we've worked on with our partners at Uber to establish the uh Uber voucher program so these are the Uber vouchers that you can actually access um if you along an old line that's been discontinued and I'll have a a slide later on on that so how' the county prepare a launch we went out to the public uh we did a lot of Engagement Community engagement we had BN BBN ambassadors um at key locations throughout the county um and then also down to the stop level so we put these riter notices at each one of the stops that whether they're going to be affected or not every stop in the entire County got one of these notices to to make sure we provide enough information for folks F that are going to be um potentially impacted so how does this affect Sunny is um with the the new service uh launched on November 13th as I mentioned the S 120 they've been combined into the new route 100 the route 100 service was streamlined um to and from the Layman Causeway so I know that the uh the route s did go up to 192nd as well as route e the route 100 will not does not serve that stop currently anymore and as I mentioned the route e was discontinued so the some replacement routes for that include the routee 100 and the Route 75 um so we've done some immediate changes uh to try to deal with some of these impacts to the residents uh as I mentioned Uber vouchers and we're um actually looking to add an additional stop on Collins and 189 Street to get a little bit closer to the 192nd Street stop that was eliminated excuse me um on April 29th we do have some really good improvements so the route 100 today it's currently running every 15 minutes with the uh April 29th lineup we're going to have six buses an hour so a bus every 10 minutes coming through the city of Sunny Isles um also adjusting schedules for better on Time Performance we've heard a lot of feedback the routes running behind schedule it's not coming on time so between increasing the frequency and addressing on time running times we call that building our schedules more accurately this this should really significantly improve the service and also the Route 7 the sorry Route 75 um Improv the schedules for better on Time Performance as well and continue the collaboration uh with the info sessions that have been held uh in the city back on uh November 9th and we have a future one as mentioned on the 30th of January and we have held a workshop with City staff not only um Sunny Isles but Aventura North Miami North Miami Beach to try to better collaborate and um integrate better integrate the uh the municipal services and we do have a followup with them the day after that info session on the 31st uh a little bit on the Uber voucher program I know this is of Interest so there is uh you have to sign up for it a link on the program website which is down there at the bottom I can send a link and I can provide this presentation I'm sure you you already have it but um if anybody needs that link it's uh it's actually just on the County dtpw website I don't think we have we don't have this up right now do we have this up we do have the information about the vure program and Leah also sent out a social media post or an email blast right yes okay so just a few of the highlights this is an Uber voucher that for each trip you have an up to a $25 reimbursement uh it's operating seven days a week from 6:00 AM to 10 p.m. um so what is where does it serve it's a buffer of about 500 feet on either side of where the old Route used to operate so you have to you can't just um you know if a route wasn't serving in front of your house you can't Uber from there or else potentially you won't be able to use this voucher and you'll have to pay the full fair so basically you'd have to go to where that old Route used to serve not at a particular stop just anywhere along the old Route and and halil and Uber from that point on the app or you can call the uh the number on the screen there as well so specific to Sunny Isles route e uh this particular Uber voucher program works all the way from the old alignment from Golden Glades to aventur mall serving Eastern Shores serving 192nd Street and as I mentioned it'll take you from Golden Glades looping through the the city of Sunny Isles to aventur mall and there are also other route segments that are included on on the old discontinu routes so those are the 2642 104 and the 135 and that is the uh the program website address so we continue our ongoing efforts um please if you have any comments feedback call 311 we have surveys on the website as well that you can fill out we're about to launch a new one a new satisfaction survey so that's going to be launching very shortly um so please visit the dtpw website thank you so um because this is we have other items on the agenda and I know that you're going to have a very long presentation on Tuesday um and I'm just going to ask the commission if we could just Reserve you know our questions to just a few so that we don't go deep into this because the public cannot um participate here um but I just have a question regarding the the app and and the Uber portion of it um as you can see the folks that are here that came here to hear your presentation are probably not as likely to be able to understand how to use the app and quite frankly I don't know how to use it for this so for the purposes of I think the E is our biggest challenge um obviously that that those few uh stops going north um for the 100 as well but for the E so just if you can just walk us through so let's say I lived at Maran towers and the e used to stop there so I walk out and when I walk out and I stand at that old Buzz stop I can call what do I do tell me just walk us through it yeah so this is a number on the screen here the 786 469-5555 you can call that that will um link and what what do you say like what what happened um just say that you need to book an a a uber voucher ride Uber they'll know and so they'll work with you on that um working through unfortunately I'm not the one that runs that program um but we can we can have somebody there representative um at our our meeting our information session please that's probably the most important part about all of this because that's the connection that everybody needs um and yeah as as very very very important now also possibility of having the individual not get stuck for a fair you know to have to pay out of pocket that's another issue um okay did anyone have any other questions so that we can let go I do have question go ahead commiss okay so is $25 daily monthly weekly that's for each trip so you can book as many trips and they will be you will be reimbursed up to $25 for your trip how are you re questions I'm sorry you know what you can't answer that question all right we're gonna have to save that for for the presentation so um also what do we need to do to bring back those stops the for the rout for the route e to go inside like to the Marian Towers Mar yes um so we're working uh we have a workshop coming up with City staff to try to better align their services with our services with the network redesign um we have been collecting data and we're looking that on on the dtpw side so whether we're prepared to come to that workshop on on the 30th okay to to further discuss um but at this point we don't have plans to reinstate the route e at this time so um we do feel that the Uber voucher program this is a a very good program um we've had a lot of very quick response times you know under five minutes it's just calling a regular Uber but you're being reimbursed up to $25 so um I we would definitely want to get the word out more about that so that will help out a lot of folks and you guys have the recommendation of using freebie so I would like to reconsider uh to give a a to bring a service like freebie of any other right share free to the city we had in the budget before I brought it I brought that item um people with low and slow Mobility they need help we have money in the budget for it um like you said you make it more simple not direct more simple more direct is not what is happening right now it's more simple for you guys it's not simple for our people so we need to consider bringing back that uh Stu because uh for many of our folks to be walking uh two three um um it's very long yeah for them so let's let's do something for our people thank you appreciate it go ahead commissioner yes so also with the voucher problem voucher problem I'll call it is that you're asking people to advance the fee and these are people a lot of people that are cash strapped so how are they supposed to do that and then for reimbursement I think that's he he's he can't answer the Uber part of it unfortunately I can't give that in-depth of an answer to the Uber program um we definitely will have representation from grp you can have that really flushed out for us okay commissioner viscar vice mayor yes I had the same concern um whether you don't have the money or if you don't have a credit card to attach to an Uber account then you got to walk right it doesn't it's not a full solution uh and not everybody has uh however unlimited the $25 to be advancing right that's one and number two also related to The Uber uh is that a permanent um feature it's um still yet to be determined the length of the program uh we do have a you know a significant amount of funding towards it right now I'm not sure how fast uh that funding will last in particular this is a you know first of its kind down here um so that Still Remains to be seen I don't have a solid answer for that at this point so my my ask because I don't think I'll be able to go to that Workshop is that we we keep that in mind because it if it's a mandate then what happens after exactly and that's why we're trying to work with the city of Sunny Isles Beach staff to to see how we can better align both of our services to to complement these these stops that were served by our old Route e in particular BR back yes I have I have a few questions so um basically at the end of the day this is a beta program right so I'm wondering how flexible you are and I've noticed that for certain other areas in Miami date County you were able to reestablish or you're able to keep some of those internal bus stops because obviously there's a need there um we do have a need here Maran Towers obviously because of the demographics of certain of our res residents also around Winston towers and some other areas so you know my ultimate question would be if if the voucher program if doesn't work as well you know how flexible are you how willing are you to accept reality and say okay you know what we need to reinstate the eoute or some internal routes M yeah these are yeah these are very good questions um and this is something that we're going to be working on and looking closely at and working with the municipality moving forward to see you know to better align our services with the municipal services and if that is you know we do reestablish a service it's determined that that's the best choice then then we can we can look at that as an option U we are just a a few months into this new network and we are hearing all the the the comments and the feedback that we've been getting and we understand the route e is is a hot spot okay thank I mean My ultimate comment would be the sooner we could come to an uh um solution and get this you know obviously done and see it till the end the better so I just don't would not like to see this prolong itself more than than needed yeah thank you V Mar you had one more question yes please so Eric I would just like to point out to you that the the residents that are in the audience tonight those are ones that were able to make it here because their immobility issues are not like others that would have been here but couldn't make it so just please if you would take that into consideration because you were talking about having to walk a quarter mile and that is impossible for a lot of our residents thank you I appreciate it thank you and and again I want to also thank Alexis uh I I hope that you bring this back to commissioner Steinberg thank you very much right thank you okay thank you okay all right next item is mine it's a discussion regarding uh Israeli bonds so uh a as many of you know in not just but quickly in uh response to October 7th we passed uh a few resolutions in support of Israel also condemning Hamas Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations um so what I wanted to put in front of the commission to consider is something that I've actually talked about before and that's uh to allow the uh finance department and the city manager to consider Israeli bonds um in in support of Israel but not just because of that and and because this is somewhat of a technical conversation and um this is not my expertise I've asked uh some people to please just just make a very very short presentation to give us a sense of what the Israeli bonds are um so that then we can make that uh determination later on this evening so please uh come up Melanie come up and I I thank you we also have a representative from the Israeli consulate thank you very much for being here thank you mayor and Commissioners I do have some material if I have a minute to distribute to you a few I'll take it and I'll distribute thanks and let me first thank you for your very valuable time today to listen to me I'm sorry I'm on the phone a lot so my voice is I my name is Melanie Weinstein I'm the assistant director of Israel bonds state of Israel Bonds in this community Israel bonds are a direct investment in the state of Israel they were founded in 1951 as a way to resettle immigrants and build infrastructure in the newly formed modern day state of Israel uh we've been selling to institutions States counties and municipalities for years years in 2006 I believe it was uh then Governor Bush rewrote the State Legislative Finance investment policies to include state of Israel bonds as a as an excuse me approved investment uh state of Israel bonds are fixed income they are your bonds you get a coupon rate of return we sell Bonds in terms from two to 15 years within the last three months since the war we've sold to many new municipalities that we hadn't sold to before and we've seen a tremendous amount of increased investment from other counties and municipalities may have seen some recent press Palm Beach County bought considerable amount over $150 million I just completed a purchase with City of Miami Beach um mayor gelber on his way out confirmed a a doubling of the city's Investment Portfolio and bonds Israel maintains a perfect record of repayment of principal and interest and since Inception even in the worst times which sadly is now during Six Day War during dur yam kapor War Israel's never defaulted she's not called she's repaying right now in full and on time November 1st interest payments drop everybody got their money I know because they called me and they want to repurchase bonds with those interest payments maturities are being paid Israel bonds typically go for infrastructure Bond purchase money dollars are directed to the general treasury to be spent at the government's needs uh we believe right now we probably are filling gaps as struct money gets restructured to fill other needs that Israel is facing in a crisis currently um for some of us it's a little personal we have family friends people who live there I have a kid brother that served he lives there that's I was doing this job before he moved so it's a little different for some of us but uh we're really proud we delivered an extra billion dollars in the first month of the war Nationwide through many many states and municipalities over 15 new ones there's some marketing material included in the kit I'm available to answer any questions we are doing all we can to create exposure and awareness of the investment in Israel anywhere I can Commissioners and Broward are assisting me with some work at north of the lake I'm going to Gilchrist County I'm going to Levy County I'm going anywhere I can go and I want to offer this opportunity Israel investment is good it's been safe for all these years we don't being any reason to think it wouldn't be and uh it fits into anybody's Investment Portfolio some a lot of your city neighbors that you weren't even aware of are investing actually right now and uh we worked sort of for the finance ministry I'm Council General works for the foreign Ministry we're Partners in this effort on behalf of Israel and we're very grateful for your time thank you thank you so I just want to clarify we we do not make the decisions as to what is purchased we just help to uh give direction to the city manager in order to review this but with with that if you if you don't mind could you just give a a range of the percentage um the of the rate of the that you are currently selling or that uh municipalities are buying people are but usually 235 we had a run since October at the end of the year our rates were over 5% Israel does price her price her bonds based on the movement of us treasuries we are not compared we're not the same instruments but if you want to know watch the treasury market Israel pricer instruments with about a 35 basis point spread basically 35 cents above on our rate we were selling bonds over like 5.4 just a couple months ago right now we're straddling just about 5% based on the term it's hard to quote I mean there's rates in there and I you chose three years depending on which term obviously the longer you want to invest a little bit higher the rate will be offered um I had a graph I was going to chart this out but because they fixed income and their coupon it doesn't really move and they're sold at par and they're redeemable at par right no I just wanted her to put it on the on the record okay uh are there any questions from the commission no okay call me anytime I'll answer anything you want to know I know you will thank you and I just wanted to say something I will just add a few words mayor vice mayor Commissioners thank you um we just heard uh the story of The Bravery of uh the officer and uh the female officer who became U who became the the first uh one to ride on a motorcycle so I couldn't not think about my brothers and sisters the fellow soldiers that are fighting right now against Hamas and other terrorists in Israel we are definitely sharing the same values and uh when even if we share those same values it's not taken for granted what you are trying to do what you're considering about Israeli bonds and all the other initiatives so this is a great opportunity for me to say thank you to say thank you to you to other municipalities in South Florida to Florida to the administration of course and um that's it I don't have anything to add I just wanted to say thank you for considering that and let's continue with sharing our our values thank you thank you for coming thank you we appreciate you being here okay next item next item is 3B a discussion regarding the comprehensive plan and code discrepancies hi hi hello good afternoon mayor vice mayor and Commissioners um this discussion item is regarding the city's comprehensive plan and the Land Development regulations because as of today we are kicking off a project to fix the inconsistencies between these two regulating documents the goal here is to create a predictable plan and a procedurally sound process for the future in 2022 the commission directed the city manager to proceed with an in-depth review Into the current state of the comprehensive plan and the Land Development regulations or what we commonly call the zoning code uh this is because previous development approvals had raised concerns that regulations had not not been applied as originally envisioned and that there may have been allowances outside of the intended code Provisions what was revealed in our analysis of the comp plan and the zoning code is that they are not aligned and this has resulted in uncertainty about the city's future because the misaligned regulations leads to various conflicting interpretations you're going to hear me and the Consultants say the word predictable a lot during the dis this discussion because what has resulted from the Inc consistent regulations is uncertainty and that's what we are looking to remedy however the remedy is not a task that can be completed overnight uh what the city needs is a development plan that provides Clarity to the residents to the elected officials to staff and to the development Community this project requires a systematic process that must be followed to ensure a meaningful lasting and successful end result okay so to guide us through this process the city will be assisted by two project Consultants Jeff Kims and Caitlyn Forbes uh they lead their own consulting firm called the complete City's uh Planning Group this is a subc consultant of trans systems who we have a contract with for General planning Services the reason that we selected Jeff and Caitlyn is because they have a combined experience of 40 Years of local planning uh the vast majority of that experience has been in assisting cities in the Tri County south Florida area just to name a few they have worked with the city of aventur north Miami beach pompo beach daa beach Wilton banners Miami Shores Fort Lauderdale Hollandale Beach and more and they've specifically helped those cities with their comprehensive plans they have worked with these cities and more on overhauls of their Land Development regulations as well Jeff and Caitlyn have master's degrees they are certified with the American Institute of certified planners and are accredited with the Congress for new urbanism which is an organization that focuses on creating walkable and vibrant cities so with that I'm going to um turn the presentation over to Jeff and Caitlyn to walk us through the project scope and timeline thank you perfect good evening mayor members of the commission my name is Caitlyn Forbes and on behalf of the complete City's Planning Group we are very excited to be here with you today for this very important project as you know we are in a position as a city where the city must take action in the form of amending its comprehensive plan and Land Development regulations so as an extension of Staff we've been working closely with the city to understand the current conditions in need and we propose a two-phase project process both will run concurrently and take approximately one year uh in total to complete so as that extension of staff we're here to guide the process and provide our technical expertise but final direction will come from this commission and importantly its residents it is very important to us that this plan is embraced that it comes from the Grassroots of the community and that it reflects the city's current goals and vision so the first phase of this project is what we call a cleanup phase and it largely addresses conditions east of Collins Avenue but it also does look at General issues in the code and comp plan Citywide the second uh phase you'll see we've been calling the visioning phase and that largely addresses Town Center North and the Westside business districts the goal of this phase is to create consensus on future Redevelopment of these areas and establish and this is very important to establish the development maximums that are currently missing and just going to um talk about the process shortly after importantly you'll see also uh the public Outreach is going to be an enduring part of the process it will start with phase one month one and it will run through throughout the lifetime of the project so to give you a little preview of what we'll be discussing today uh we'll be starting by reviewing how we regulate development in the State of Florida how the state tells us that we need to regulate it rather uh the project history the proposed project process and timeline as well as the goals and the final results so we'll start by getting into a refresher on those state requirements when it comes to the scope of work we have two primary documents that we're working with uh the comprehensive plan and the Land Development regulations and the comprehensive plan can be thought of as more of an overarching guidance document with broad brush goals objectives and policies that are refined through more specific language in the Land Development regulations importantly in a place of conflict between the two the comprehensive plan would Prevail comprehensive planning as you may be familiar is regulated through chapter 163 of Florida State statutes and that outlines all of of the components that a comprehensive plan has to have in it it tells us how plans can be amended among other things uh a CR a critical component of those regulations is that there must be established development maximums for residential and non-residential development in the city you can choose to regulate uh the residential and non-residential in a variety of ways Sunny Isles Beach is chosen to regulate residential development in a traditional manner using density maximums and you do regulate your non residential development using floor area ratio or far and we'll be talking about that in a couple slides as well so this slide shows those two adopted Maps the future land use map from the comprehensive plan is on the left and the zoning map from the Land Development regulations is on the right probably familiar with seeing these maps and different iterations as you have gone through this process so let's take a look at how we got to where we are today starting with the original plan the original plan did not include the necessary language um that we just discussed to establish those maximum development allowances in each and every land use category some are missing this very strategic uh regulation and this was further complicated uh by the Bonus allowance structure it became unclear how bonuses were considered in relation to categories that did have maximums and so it somewhat snowballed from there of note for the phase two pro pro part process of this project the Town Center overlay was separated into a north and south component on your land use map uh however the plan only establishes regulations for the South and that means that development to the north if some if someone were to submit an development application today would be subject to the underlying land use designations somewhat defeating the purpose of all the hard work that went into establishing that overlay So within the last few years the city um has identified several conflicts as Amy noted throughout the uh code and the comp plan and had expert planning teams develop a list of recommendations to mitigate those conflicts and the recommendations included the bullets on the screen here first addressing uh the clear points of conflict before the complain and the code or between the complain and the code rather second to update the plan to include all of the state mandated measurements and add any necessary clarifying definitions three to clarify the bonus structures and tdrs as they relate to maximum development rates the four recommendation uh is to establish a vision for Town Center North and Westside business districts and this is uh to ensure that the maximum development rights and regulations are reflective of the city's current vision and goals and importantly to adopt implementing language and regulations uh so that the the developments can be considered under that town center overlay that was created and all of this concludes with uh establishing predictable plans for future Redevelopment and as we know predictable plans are best for everyone involved it eases tension and creates a much smoother process with all parties involved so we'll look at the uh visioning portion of the of the project here we talked about that the phase two work this slide shows the study area on the right in an aerial of the study area to the left um this does include the Town Center North and the Westside business districts as a reminder again it's extremely important that we do establish those required maximums as it relates to the development rights so that the overlay is effective and implementable as we noted previously a development application if it were to come in today would need to be considered under the underlying districts which are shown in pink and red in the Town Center area I if this has a laser function but I can point that out if someone has questions on that um and also importantly those regulations are in conflict with the existing Town Center zoning regulation so it just creates a lot of confusion and really again negates the purpose of having that overlay which which is important to the city's Redevelopment so we've talked about development maximums and we talked about F so before we move on I want to uh talk about this concept of floor area ratio or far so far is typically used to regulate the non-residential development as it is in Sunny Al Beach and it's important to note that density and F are different they serve different purposes density is typically associated with the residential portion as we said uh while f certainly be used to regulate residential development it would be supplemental uh to a density maximum and there's an overarching acceptance of the concept that you can't necessarily see density so when we're trying to regulate the overall form the scale the mass of a building what it looks like visually f is a much better tool to use than density when we're looking at trying to regulate that character of a building so with that in mind when we discuss F in Sunny Isles Beach we're going to be generally talking about the non-residential portion of a project so what is f it's all about the ratio of a building's total area to the area of the site that it's located on so the same F allowance could look different um on the same site depending on how a developer chooses to lay out that site so usually it's expressed in numbers like a a 1 a 2 F or similar and generally the concept is that to maintain the same F the taller you go the smaller your building base has to be and you can see that concept played out in the graphic here on the left of the screen on the bottom you see a 20 F and it's expressed in a two-story building that covers the entirety of the site or an eight-story building that covers just a quarter of the site and a couple points specific to Sunny Isles parking garages did not contribute to the maximum F and this means uh that a building could potentially be taller and with the exception of any sort of height allowance that than you were originally contemplating uh because those areas are excluded from the the F allowance Town Center North is currently missing those F in density maximums and that is something that uh we intend to establish through the visioning and the amendment process so speaking of the process Jeff is going to take us um forward and talk to us about how we move forward thanks Caitlin uh again I'm Jeff cadams the uh the other half of this team um the process for tackling these issues and these are existential kind of issues for a city U not having development maximums having conflicts between his two the two documents that regulate Lane use and development and not having an established Vision uh for the Town Center area which is a important part of the city's uh ultimate um buildout uh these are things that um have to be uh tackled in the right way we know how to do that because we've done this before in other communities uh and the and tackling it the right way is absolutely critical to getting a successful outcome which is the predictability and everybody on the same page and um eliminating all the conflicts uh Etc um we propose approxim I can just interrupt you for a moment yes ladies hi we could hear your conversation up here so it's kind of hard to to hear him if you don't mind thank you okay uh We've proposed approximately 11 months for the timeline this timeline is necessary it's necessary both because uh public Outreach um does take some time to do it right um we plan on being coming before this body several times with updates uh and seeking incremental direction from this body and we have statutory requirements um that have to be met when it comes to the code but also especially uh amending the comprehensive plan there's a third phase which is shown here as uh the Land Development regulations it's not part of uh the scope that's presented um for for tonight's um uh consideration it would be a followup um to this immediate scope the first phase is what we call the cleanup phase it's primarily addressing uh the confusing language in the comprehensive plan um that governs development east of Collins uh we call this uh a clarification because um we the the the comprehensive plan has been interpreted in a consistent manner that manner has been consistent with the way the Land Development regulations read and it's an established development pattern that that exists uh east of Collins so we we're going to clarify that and at the same time we're going to do a cleanup of the future Lan use element the future Lan use element is the portion of your comprehensive plan that has all the Lan use policies and it's essentially The Narrative and the standards that support the future Lan use map uh as the Consultants report that Caitlyn referenced uh had noted there are a lot of undefined terms that have significance uh in terms of Regulation when they're undefined that's that is uh not a predictable outcome and requires interpretation uh so we're going to um accomplish all that as part of uh the phase one uh the other part of phase one is providing the city with concurrency regul ulations in a concurrency management system concurrency is a statutory requirement that uh all local governments ensure that ex uh adequate facilities in terms of parks recreation Transportation water sanitary sewer Etc that they that they are sufficient and available to serve any new development that's proposed so as part of the site plan process in some cases plating or permitting um a concurrency analysis has to be done the city does have Provisions in its comprehensive plan that provide General guidance but the statutes require you to have uh more detailed regulations in Your Land Development code so we will prepare that uh for the city during this phase one uh and we will prepare we will create a uh concurrency management tracking system um that the staff can use to uh to to know what available capacity cities there are when each development comes in and how to assess the impacts of each development phase two is the div visioning phase um it's going to start uh immediately uh with uh us working with your your excellent marketing team to get the word out that this project uh is ongoing to um to advise people what it is and how to get involved uh and really what our what our goal is we're going to do this through uh Flyers um through the city we're going to have a dedicated website linked to your homepage uh your city's homepage um and use other uh methods of getting the word out including um direct contact with HOA boards and and that type of thing um we're going to start with a the public survey um the public survey will be available in electronic form through the website uh as well as hard copies that will be distributed to homeowners associations um possibly businesses and uh some of the city's events some of the more well attended events um we will present um the findings of those U of the survey results to a focus group um the focus group is going to be compr IED of um a cross-section of the community um biased towards residents um that will uh help guide us uh in developing that Vision we will take the actual um uh survey results to them um we'll consider those um evaluate the issues um develop Alternatives and ultimately choose which ones are going to be recommended to this body following that we will make make the presentation to you as to the outcome uh of this process this would be approximately month six and based on your direction we would then further develop it and articulate it in a vision document and the vision document is essentially uh a more graphic and informal version of what the Land Development regulations would ultimately look like um so rather than first reacting to a very technical ordin uh you would be evaluating and approving uh something that's more graphic Rich that's more con that's more um relatable and that will guide the development of the Land Development regulations ultimately and the uh updates to the comp plan to implement the vision the project goals even though we've broken them out into specifics here really uh fix what we know is broken and and and we know how to fix it um those are the thing that's east of Collins the missing definitions the lack the missing concurrency management system and ordinance uh getting the community on the same page with the development of town center and uh the West the the business districts line the west side of Collins uh and then implementing it all um with comp plan updates the vision document on ultimately amendments to the Land Development regulations and uh the end result is that you would have um a comprehensive plan that establishes all the necessary and appropriate maximum intensities um has defined terms what's clear and precise in terms of what is allowed and what is expected uh you'll have Land Development regulations that do not conflict with the comprehensive plan that implement it and that both of those will reflect the vision um that is articulated in that Vision plan through that visioning process um that concludes our presentation we're happy to answer any questions you may have thank you um commissioner vcar did you have any questions V mayor yes I have a question so you mentioned that parking spaces do not garages parking garages or parking structures do not account for f or not included in the f is that the standard or is it the standard to include parking structures into the F calculation are you asking in regards to experience with other municipalities correct yeah I've seen it written both ways it certainly isn't unusual for the parking garages to be exempt I would say in my experience that's probably more traditional for the garages to be exempt I'm not sure if Jeff has different experience with his municipalities but it it certainly is a typical proc even in the municipality where we have big buildings extremely vertical municipality yeah that that's correct in in more urban municipalities I have seen the garages still be exempt from F all right but at the end of the day it needs to work for you ex the regulations need to accomplish what you want them to yeah yeah thank you that was the right answer for me commissioner Joseph you have a question um no commissioner Stenson um the focus group who's going to be part of that group um we have a preliminary idea from Administration um that I believe it was 12 to 14 total size uh but there would be uh mostly residents um and and correct me um Mr C manager if I'm if I'm mistaken uh mostly from uh different HOA boards throughout the city um some businesses I wanted I want to say two or three businesses and um probably two developers just to provide their their input on the same issues so we get balance feedback okay I want more clarification on that and also and I believe this is a question for for city manager or the staff how much is going to cost this study uh we did provide a scope with various uh tasks with sub um components included with the the fees for each of those I believe the total that we provided to get us through phase one and phase two was uh around 114,000 and then following that we would come through with the Land Development regulations and it's hard to scope that because we don't know where this process is going to take us it could be minimal effort to update the Land Development regulations or it could be something that's more of an overhaul okay okay and you mentioned that there is going to be a um phase three can you give us a little detail about that yeah phase three is what Caitlyn was just talking about uh so um once we've made the corrections to the comprehensive plan um that are not dependent on the actual visioning process once we have um established that vision articulated it you've approved it um then it's time to go back and amend the Land Development regulations the Town Center zoning District on the zoning districts that regulate the businesses on the west side of Collins to make sure that um it's implementing that vision and since we don't know what that is at this point it's hard to say the extent of revisions that might be required but that would be the ultimate uh phase thank you Commission if you had a question yes I just have a question regarding your intake procedure so um what you're saying the group that you would be um having input from those would end up being suggestions to the commission correct correct the the the purpose is for us to do all the hard work for you to get out there um get as much feedback as we can from the community and representative diverse feedback um and then work through issues and uh develop it to the point where um there are fine grain recommendations like higher level ones as far as this this height this F but also finer grain things as to what you might experience walking down the street and open space and other types of things um architecture could be any number of things uh but to to have uh um a an overall recommendation uh on at these various levels for you to consider and essentially us facilitating the community and this representative stakeholder focus group and sort of uh synthesizing it and presenting it to you um for you to consider at that point and provide further direction right so I I would imagine at some point you're going to have some way that that you're thinking of to not have have your focus group skewed in any way correct yes the the composition of the focus group is critical and uh through discussions with Administration um I think we're on the right track okay thank you thank you just to add on to that point um in addition to the focus groups each and every resident business owner interested party is able to take the public survey as well um so even if they aren't directly a part of the focus group or represented by a member on the focus group there will be the public survey there will be um open comment Forums on the project website that people can provide feedback throughout the process and we'll receive those in the form of an email if someone has an idea at 2 am they can get on the website and add that in there and we'll get that feedback the next morning not at 2 we had a um I just want to say we had a Parks uh Redevelopment plan that we had input the same situation and it didn't work out so well so hopefully you'll have a better idea to have Community impant um commissioner STS you had followup question yeah um it's about the same thing the same topic about the focus groups um whenever they're going to meet my suggestion uh will be to make it a known to everybody and to be open to the public so whoever wants to participate should have the opportunity to be there okay 100% agree U that's very important um these meetings will be held at a time when people can attend uh so they may very well be evening meetings um to facilitate that we're going to update the community on the website uh and through other other means available to advise uh of when the next meeting is topics the agenda and we'll make available any backup materials we have that are going to be presented to the group on the website yeah I would like to propose a few people to be part of the group thank you thank you um thank you very much uh we are past 4:00 do I have consensus to go another half an hour so we could finish the agenda that we have yes yes yes yes okay thank you uh next item next item is 3C a discussion regarding the labeling of light part sence by commissioner biscaro so this is pretty self-explanatory uh when you when you are in your balconies if you live on on the beach and you're on your balconies you look down and and uh you see the Lifeguard stand but if you were to witness something or want to report something uh if you have the number of the of the Lifeguard stand on the roof uh it gives you a better point of reference I think this is also important for tourists because they really don't have an idea about if you're a resident you may say well I'm near whatever but if you're a tourist um you may not have that point of reference so it's it's pretty basic yeah I I agree it's it's a very good idea absolutely makes sense um Mr city manager do you need us to give any sort of Direction on this I think you were planning to do this already we are we are we had planned on placing the numbers on the stands and then it was determined that some of the roofs need to be replaced so we're in the process of going through the procurement to do the roofs but we are including having signs on or the numbers on all of the stands yes yeah thank you thank you commissioner RAR thank you good next item yes next item is 3D updating or an update on the implementation of the revised Newport peer fees commissioner Styers yeah I wanted to have an update on the fees um I was there uh two weeks ago and the the new fees were not being implemented just yet so I want to know where we are with the implementation of the fees um mayor vice mayor commission um the you are correct they had not because they didn't have the signage yet so they now have the signage as of this past weekend they're charging the new rates um I believe the city manager put out a memo the only thing and and Alan can explain it further if need be we need them to agree to the new rates so they agreed to $10 for fishing for non-residents and free for residents they did not agree to charging the non-residents to just walk on the peer so they are trying out the $10 for fishing and they will give us some feedback but it's it'll now be one week by this weekend okay that was it all right thank you um we're Jed no we have additional uh 3 is a discussion regarding the 72-hour vessel anchoring limit in Dum fing Bay oh because I don't have it on here that's why thank you I have paper so yes thank you that was my issue okay uh uh this is uh commissioner Joseph please go ahead yes okay so in discussions with um the City attorney it turns out that we um don't have uh the right to have an ordinance regarding these issues as you can see by the pictures that I passed out we have people anchoring out um you can see gas containers um that they use to refill their fuel um actually turns out and you can see that they're actually refueling with their gas containers it turns out that and I spoke with um our representative baban Babi today and there is a um um FWC has a um Bill 487 and um the house has a bill 437 regarding anchoring out and refu fueling um that uh that would make it illegal to refuel uh through gas containers um and I in in exchange for this um discussion I would like to have those two bills uh supported by a resolution and also to ask that Ron book um our lobbyist support those bills and PS you do we have those bills we have copies of those bills yes my apologies I have some here yeah we just pulled them up this afternoon I haven't had a chance to read them so I don't know specific I can't talk about the content they absolutely um take into account Mr city manager exactly what I was um proposing thank you mayor we just I I spoke with City attorney we just received the information this afternoon from commissioner Joseph so we've not had a time had time yet to review it okay all right so given that I don't really think we're in a position to I certainly am not in a position to uh support or not support this but it's up to the the rest of the commission vice mayor Sor I know I I'll have to take look at this I mean do we have time to support this in our commission meeting when is this going up um to committee it needs the support now it's um like today yes it's C we cannot wait for next no month it's currently in discussion next month is uh February yeah sessions are still happening okay yes so I spoke with Fabian he asked if um if it's possible if we could have a resolution to support these bills tonight I don't think we can possibly have a resolution completed in in two hours I was and just just a cursy look and again I don't know I haven't read them all but the changes in uh HP 437 um because Florida satat already identifies certain anchoring restriction locations and they're eliminating three of them and doing a more broad um that they are within 200 yards of any part of the shore of the city of Miami Beach lying between State Road A1A and State Road 112 previously they had them listed as River Alto Island and delo Island San Marina Island and San Marco Island and San Marco Island and biscan Island um but I do not see at least in uh HP 437 addressing what we are talking about the other one's 15 pages long so I I have to okay so I I don't I don't think that we can have something ready in in two hours less than two hours and you know if we if we're able to considering the session is still going to be um going in February we can decide in February if we want to support it but certainly we could do that separately we don't have to support it as as a um as a body you can easily support it uh by sending a letter of support or we can do that individually if we wanted to okay well I will certainly do that then myself okay all right thank you the last item on the agenda is a discussion regarding Car carriers uh prohibiting car carriers from parking and residential areas yes so we've had uh car carriers um taking advantage of Golden Shores many many times I've chased them out some are belligerent and don't move move we've had um code enforcement come down I would like to um have an ordinance stating that these car carriers have to do their drop offs and Pickups underneath the causeway and uh increase the fines to $500 yeah I I have can you just clarify what what uh what is currently place and what is possible or isn't possible okay so for parking issues and violations the fees are set by the county so right now and since you have expressed this concern to me before we have done increased parking enforcement in Golden Shores so right now currently they can receive one of two parking citations one is $36 but the other and this is the one that we've been using is $124 for obstructing traffic so I've instructed the parking enforcement to do an increased Patrol in terms of increasing the amount that would be subject to the county so we would not be able to alter the violations for that I haven't had a chance yet to discuss with attorney if there's any other alternate ways of enforcement well any anything that we do would it would not just be for the car carriers it would have to the same fines and the same sort of penalties would then translate to any car that would be parked correct generally that that would be correct you couldn't just uh so if it's obstruction of traffic to the extent we'd have any sort of uh ability to increase the fines it wouldn't be just for one type of vehicle it would be for any vehicle that's obstructive traffic so you're correct in that regard okay so let me let me ask you a question commissioner Joseph when you see them how long do because I I I live there too so I do see them as well how long do they typically how long are they typically is there enough time to call code well oh yeah I called code code doesn't come right down um I've had them I've made some of them move myself just by standing there and telling them uh you can't be here and just being obstinate and uh they move and and they go around the block I don't know where they end up going but they're always um delivering and either picking up or delivering cars for the East Side High Rises have we Mr city manager have we spoken to any of these companies I sometimes it's best just to speak to them and and you know remind them that this is not something that we appreciate in the residential neighborhood especially during times of uh when kids are walking around do we have list of those companies do we have we been able to identify them with the you know the fines or do the fines go to the um driver the fines go to the company and you I fear that this is also just part of doing business for them there's a number of different companies that we deal with uh some of them will leave drop it off in another area and then bring it in but it's is definitely an issue that we're trying to deal with so can we make it can we have something uh that states that they have to do these deliveries underneath the cause I don't think we we we would have to look at that um I'm I'm not sure that there's a variety of things that the County May regulate that we can't override or the state so we'd have to take a look at that we'll have to look into it further and then get back with you okay so let's look into it it's so I believe it's a need that has to be dealt with or in Hover they can do it in Hover as well or hover yeah because they are all the time in front of uh the south of soning colins as well I recall don't we have like uh designated places where they could I I recall having a conversation already and and um I don't know if that came to fruition or not but we we did have a conversation about designate in a couple of spots where they could drop off those cars and people have to go pick them up there so I think if we could probably you know um have some regulation as far as that you know have some sort of structure where they could go and perhaps you know Identify some spots where they like to park where they're not supposed to park and put signs saying you're not allowed to drop off cars here you're going to get fined so I'm sure there's some favorite spots that consensus there's consensus for you all to just look into this and see what what is possible um if anything but certainly I think that we all agree that if there's could be heightened enforcement which you already started doing that's that's good yeah and several times they've parked on Atlantic um everywhere yeah and you know it's just they don't care for the uh uh you know the child danger or the vehicle danger okay thank you thank you all right so with that we Jour thank you see you all at 6:30 --------- good evening everyone calling the meeting to order Mara will call please commissioner viscara here commissioner cyon here commissioner Joseph here vice mayor Lama here mayor span here all members presid great thank you we going to do the Pledge of Allegiance David would you mind leading Us in the pledge pleaseed Al to the flag of United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all have Rabbi Baron hi everybody good evening it's wonderful to see you dear God Master of the Universe We Stand humbled before you this evening as we recognize all of your Abundant Blessings we recognize that our health Safety and Security is dependent on you likewise we recognize that you have empowered Humanity with your commandment to in inhabit the world in a civilized manner you dear God empowered Humanity with seven universal laws these laws were once again reaffirmed by Moses at Mount Si to be taught to all of humanity therefore we are gathered before you this evening in pursuit of fulfilling your wishes we recognize that we have been entrusted by the citizens of Sunny ises Beach to perform this sacred Duty therefore almighty God please provide us with the Consciousness to constantly be aware of your presence so that we are consistent to our mandate please grant us the wisdom intuition sensitivity and the patience necessary to succeed so that we leave a legacy of having a positive impact upon Society for many generations to come protect our police force our servicemen and women serving domestically and overseas in the name of freedom and democracy please give them the Peace of Mind insight and intuition to be successful please guide our city staff to make the right decisions with honesty integrity and knowledge for all of our citizens into the future and may they continue to serve as positive role models for our beautiful Community almighty God as you recognize in these times not to take our health and safety for granted please Grant everyone gathered here tonight and all the residents of Sunny Al beach with good health peace of mind and prosperity and let us say amen amen thank you thank you very much thank you very want say Happy New Year to everyone um and we have a few changes to the agenda so we're deferring item 3B we're adding 10m and 10 p and then um we're also need to decide if we're going to be adding um an item by commissioner vascara um in the past we we um we had all discussed and agreed to uh having all of our items in advance so that the public would have access to those in advance um this is an item to express support of Senate Bill 688 relating to Alternative Mobility um funding systems uh can I get a motion we do it together or no um no can I have that separate so Chang all right so we'll first uh the the items that are deferred and then the additional items I need a motion for that so move okay second all in favor I I okay now I need a motion for commissioner rcars um item so move can I get a second can I second that yeah you can second it okay I'll second okay all in favor I any opposed okay go all right uh we do the opening State oh uh before you do that I just want because we do have uh a number of people in the audience please remember to fill out the speaker cards um they're in the back um even if you change your mind decide you do not want to speak that's fine but once we have uh called the item you're not going to be able to fill out the card so just go ahead and fill that out please if you change your mind it's totally okay and make sure to give it to Marcio and I'll remind you throughout uh the evening U Macio please play the opening statement good evening ladies and gentlemen we appreciate your attendance and thank you for joining us tonight before we begin there are a few important reminders regarding conduct during our commission meetings please ensure all electronic devices are turned off or set to Sil ENT mode to maintain the Integrity of our proceedings mutual respect is a foundation of productive discussions we ask that everyone remains silent and attentive when someone is addressing the commission clapping applauding heckling or any verbal outbursts either in support or opposition of the speaker are strictly prohibited any individual wishing to address the commission must fill out a public speaker's card and submit it to the city clerk before the relevant item is announced each speaker is granted a maximum of three minutes should you exceed this time the chair will notify you to conclude your remarks speak directly to the agenda's points remain concise and avoid redundancy should an individual speak without the chair's permission or continue speaking after a warning they may be escorted out of the chambers it is essential to avoid making impertinent slanderous remarks or becoming boisterous while addressing the commission such Behavior may lead to being barred from future commission appearances unless the majority of the commission members present vote otherwise the presiding officer May disallow signs or placards in the commission chamber please exit the chamber quietly and without disruption the goal of our meetings is to facilitate public input and participation however disruptive or disorderly conduct hinders our Collective objective individuals who want to speak on an item on the agenda are asked to fill out a public speaker card and give it to the city clerk before the item is called speakers are asked to speak to the issues make comments concise and to the point and refrain from making duplicate comments All speakers will be limited to one three minute comment per item if you exceed the three-minute allotment the chair will advise you to finish your comment if you speak out of turn without permission from the chair and or you do not cease speaking after one warning you will be escorted out of Chambers in order to maintain orderly conduct and or proper decorum at these meetings anyone who interferes with the orderly process of the meetings after a warning may be removed from the meeting and may be barred from further appearance before the city commission as permitted in s286 0114 fs and SS 745 and 74-2 of the city's code of ordinances any necessary removal will be made at the direction of the mayor and will be carried out by law enforcement or designated Sergeant at Arms it is essential that attendees adhere to these rules of procedure to ensure productive meetings that serve both the public and the city commission thank you for your cooperation and understanding thank you and just to clarify some of that that was kind of long uh just make sure that it's three minutes and uh any uh um presentations or questions are directed to me who's the chair we don't want to engage with the rest of the commission okay so we have a zoning matter so I'll read the zoning statement ladies and gentlemen this evening's agenda has one zoning application in these matters the commission sits in a quasi judicial capacity the decision of whether or not to approve a zoning variance is not a popularity contest but must be based upon substantial competent evidence as it is presented tonight if you intend to provide testimony on any zoning application you must be sworn in by the city clerk and you should also fill out a public speaker's card and give it to the city clerk before the item is called we will first hear from the city staff and then from the applicant after this I will allow anyone from the audience who has been sworn in to provide testimony the zoning applicant has the right to cross-examine any witness and for rebuttal please make your comments concisely Mr city clerk so in accordance with the ldrs of the city of sun Al's Beach all notices for tonight's hearing hearing have been mailed and posted on the properties anyone that will be speaking please raise your right arm to be sworn in includes the applicants you s the testimony you're about to give is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you got it thank you so before we move forward are there any exp party Communications that need to be disclosed no no thank you okay good evening mayor vice mayor and Commissioners uh the zoning hearing on tonight's agenda is application pz 2020 3-17 which is regarding the property located at 2411 189 Terrace the property is owned by the applicant Mr hernand raldi and is located in the Golden Shores neighborhood there are three variances requested these are to increase the allowable size of a gazebo from 150 ft to 278 ft to reduce the side and rear setbacks for a gazebo from 6 feet to 0 feet and to reduce the landscape Green Space from 25% to 14.6% uh there is some history that is pertinent to this request so in 2015 the owner applied for and received a permit to install pavers in the back and sidey yards of the property in 2016 the owner then applied for permits to build ground floor and Second Story additions to the home the SC of work triggered the property to come into compliance with the zoning code the permit plans that were issued in 2016 show that some of the pavers would be removed and replaced with Landscaping in order to meet the minimum Green Space requirements and that the gazebo in the northeast corner would be removed entirely today the building additions have been constructed but the pavers and gazebo remain as is so the permit remains open therefore the owner has requested these variances uh here is the existing condition survey on the left side of the screen which is was drawn this past summer uh the snapshot on the right has the green area within the property lines highlighted the difference between the required Green Space and the existing Green Space is 8814 Square fet on the northeast corner of the survey there's an area label covered and that is where the Gazebo is located uh these are a couple of photos of the existing gazebo in the northeast corner and the size of the Gazebo exceeds what is allowed by 128 Square ft and the structure encroaches into the property setbacks uh so I have followed the city code which outlines criteria for evaluating variance requests the subject property does not have a special condition or circumstance that is not applicable to other properties in the same zoning District this is a rectangular lot that meets the minimum width and size requirements for R1 properties so with that um I'll allow the applicant to give his presentation and I'm available if you have any questions okay thank you does anyone have questions you want to hear the applicant first okay let's hear the applicant I'm are we likewise lied to minutes no you're different okay yeah yeah good evening M mayor hello congratulations for your position i r for you thank you your name and address for the record please Eran recal 2411 189 Terrace Sunny is I've been around for the past 29 years um since I purchased the house I have made some improvements and good of for myself and for the city of course those Chang that I made in my house was uh uh swimming pool that I built back in the n 2005 and I was granted permissions for what it is today including the papers and of course when I finished the papers I added the gaso to hide from the Sun I um placed to enjoy with my family my friends uh there's much more space so I took advantage of what I had um so yes uh as Amy explained to you the variance that I am requesting is to keep as it is uh in fact when I made a uh an addition in my house few years ago six years ago started I was not aware that the permission that I was granted for the papers and swiming pool Etc to me was that was that was enough so I I was not even concerned and as I understand now that after I made my addition in my house things change but to this point I compare my um my back and front yard with the new constructions the house behind my house there no backyard I know there uh contractors they worri about their uh forage in my case I was worried about my backyard have a good time because that house belongs to my family not to myself at any rate I kindly ask to provide me with a permission for the varing um I didn't put any grass because uh my wife she is allergic to bites mosquito bites and she gets her hand swallen I have to take her to the hospital so I kept as clean as possible but uh that's my story and uh I'm in your hands okay thank you first time in TV in my 77 years do do we have any public comment no ma'am okay all right um commissioner viscaro do you have any questions no I don't have any questions Mr Lama so I mean vice mayor sorry yeah so Ju Just to be clear so obviously all of this uh construction was permitted yeah but you did not stay within the parameters of what the permit Allowed no that's not the case uh when I was granted or the um during the time I did the swiming pool that was all taken care with the city permits I kept um making my house better so I decided to go for a second floor at that point apparently and I find out this out only about a few months ago that uh the uh landscape uh area was not enough it was not 25% that the city was asking for I was only the 14.6% so that to me was news not even the architect that made the blueprints told me about it so I was completely out of the bondex for this with you know with that um I was just told that when I was clearing out all my permits find out that I was short on the landscape but you have the pictures of what looks like now yeah yeah no I'm just wondering where the disconnect is because when we issue permits I think it has the the the the specs you know to what specs you can build or not I think people are informed of what can be done or not done sure in fact I was completely satisfied with the with the permits that I was granted then in 2005 so with that I was you know every move that I done in my house I done with permits Amy would you mind for clarification if you can just I know you said it but if you can just clarify exactly how what the disconnect is um was the permit or rather before the permit was issued um or when it when it was applied for was the requirement were the requirements there and you're asking about the 2005 or 2016 permit whenever the changes were made I guess it was the 2016 when I think the 2016 is when the Chang right so um in the permit plans for the 2016 Edition the approved plan um showed that the Gazebo was going to be removed and that the papers are going to be removed some of the papers are going to be removed and replaced with Landscaping that is what the issued permit um plans depicted okay thank you does that answer your question hi it was not removed per plans okay yes please so I'm Rafael Ral I'm his son I don't know if you need anything else from me your your address please okay oh yes so my address is 464 Fernwood Road uh K ske Florida um so yeah so this is the house I grew up in in this this gazebo that we're talking about this area that we're talking about it's basically where we hang out the family hangs out like when the when the kids are playing and and things like that um the the disconnect really comes from the 2005 permits already contemplated that area and were approved with that area what triggered undoing that area was the second floor construction so that's why there there's that disconnect that yes it was done with permits the papers were there with permits they complied at the time everybody was um under the impression that it was fine and then in connection with the 2016 construction at some point the plans must have gotten kicked back to the architect because of this 25% thing at which point that the Gazebo was eliminated the extra uh Greenery was added without his knowledge and that's why now that he's trying to close out the permits um really in the final inspection is where this all came up that um he has to get rid of the pergola which again is really where where we hang out did did our code change from 2005 to 2016 no no okay no and just the the 2016 permit obviously was predicated on approval of those changes with the Gazebo the removal and the removal of part of the pavers obviously okay uh commissioner a question yeah but when they build in 2005 they build everything with the permit yes the gaso the the papers and everything else so what triggers was the new construction in 2016 and that's when you find out that you were not in compliance right correct so you never tried to do anything you would not even know right now that you were not in compliance until I was months ago and I do have a question um has your um neighbor in the back ever complain about the setback anyone okay okay okay and you w to go according to the Green Space you w to go from 25% to 14% correct that's what I have 14 14% okay yeah okay I don't have any questions commission Mr could you speak into the microphone you have to speak the micone please sorry the uh copy of the permit from 2005 is in your last page okay just yes so my question is the 2005 permit was closed out yes sir and everything all the work was completed you had an inspector come down and everything got cleared if I can make just one correction I'm sorry 2005 permit was for the papers only not the Gazebo oh papers only was that was part of the uh swimming pool right right but the Gazebo I don't think was part of the no the Gazebo was not yeah you're right okay so we're calling this a gazebo but actually it's a covering right so it doesn't look like it's in great shape it the yeah that's I have to do some moves there right right okay so it might be that it needs some repairs yes right so when you go to the city now you know the city has an issue with it okay so what would your idea be for repairing it that was my next move okay yes sir so you know now though that the city is going to make you make it smaller that's fine that's okay that's fine all right so then if that if you know that the city is going to when you do a refurbishing it will have to be smaller then what is the issue tonight uh I have no issue right oh so hold on finish up with your yeah so it looks like it really needs some work right he been their sin for about 20 years right so okay are you getting fined for having per be like this now no no no no you just can't get permit closed so we waiting for this to do the changes the proper changes and also you never been to issue a violation or any code okay so what we're seeking is a variance like if it has to be reinforced or rebuilt it would be within the variance but the variance is what we would seek in terms of the length of the Gazebo the setback of the Gazebo and the and the 14% of greenery as opposed to 25 so how soon would you be looking to refurbish the pergola I can start tomorrow right as soon as per but it would be under different circumstances no commissioner Joseph we're voting on it as is regard the size no but what he's clarifying is that they are not going to make it smaller we're seeking the variance in if it's possible to maintain the size would be great is I have seven grand kids it's big family no I understand but uh if I have to make it smaller well you know I'll go for that and and so just for for purposes of of sort of being technical there are three variances one of which is length of the Gazebo U the other one is the setback and the other one is the greenery so if the you know if those three items can be sort of reviewed or voted separately the length is what he's saying he has no issue with modifying right which is usually my request not to put it together so we can vote each one of them separately um okay uh vice mayor did you have followup question just also to note commissioner commission to your to your point um even though they're included in the same resolution if you choose to Grant one variance and not the other you can still do that we just have to fix the resolution that's all right commissioner vpar you wanted to ask yeah you asked me if I had any questions I didn't have any questions but I did have some comments um is this the comment part can I sure please of course so I I'm I'm sympathetic to the to the um situation where an architect or a or a contractor sometimes there's a disconnect there whether intentional or not and they and they tell you oh no no don't worry it's fine you don't need a permit or oh no it's fine you don't you know and you trust your your your person and then in the end there's there's things aren't the way that they're supposed to be uh and maybe that's what happened here as well like either your architect didn't communicate it or maybe you didn't understand when he communicated and and I I I I believe that 100 these things happen all the time um so I am sympathetic to that however I I don't see anything in in in your request that are that are such hardships that they can't be done right these are um removing pavers or uh moving the Gazebo even if we keep it the same size because I think it's not the size it's how close it is to the things so you just shift it over whatever whatever I don't I don't see that as such a terrible thing that we need to ignore the code because it's not just about your case right it's about the next person who wants to have their thing next to the fence and that neighbor has a problem with it but we but you got to keep yours you see what I mean whereas if we just follow the code I don't think what's being asked is is um I I don't think it's a hardship I don't see a special circumstance and um but I'm sympathetic to the to miscommunication but I think think it's also fixable so um I go ahead I hope you understand I was granted them permissions I I I got them so I figure if you grant a permit you're done this is the first time I learned that because of the construction that had nothing to do with the landscape now things change and and that and going to your comment yeah the architect never mentioned we went and I lived through the construction I went step by step and I came to the city I could almost have an office here I was every day here but never told about my thinking is that the greenary might be the bigger issue because if if the uh Zeo needs to be rebuilt with permits within the setback within the size we still have the issue of having to add all this grass where we otherwise just use is usable area with with pavers currently as he mentioned my mother is allergic so that's part of why there was like very little uh Greenery around around that backyard so um I think that speaking of hardships or whatever you mentioned I think that that's probably the number one issue is the Green Space number two issue is probably the the size of the of the Gazebo and the and the setback okay um you had one more question and then I have a comment and then I think we need to take a vot so the outdoor kitchen when was that built no there's no kitchen well so what is this the bar the bar the bar so yeah so when was the bar built oh this is an antique bar I got it from the antique shop oh so it's movable wood yeah it was wood but it was getting messed up with the uh with the rain and sun so I covered up with tile okay so it is movable it is movable okay so if you have to reduce the size of the Gazebo then you can easily move the bar okay it's not okay that that was my concern for you I I have a question um if if there have to be a compromise okay Mr Ricard are you okay um if we were able to Grant you the zoning um variant for the pavers and not the ones for the gasibu and that way you can comply with whatever is it in the code code about the gasos that'll be a compromise good enough for you sure okay okay yeah I think that would work so um I just wanted to add and then get it all together and then um so I we're we may be changing making changes in in Golden Shores based on some recommendations and I do agree with you that you know the new houses they're going right to the lot line um and I just I feel very strongly that whatever you have in your backyard you know as the saying goes is your backyard um and I love pavers but that's a personal issue and I I but you know and I do agree with commissioner vascara I like that the idea of um of the compromise um how would we do this if we wanted to Grant the variance for the pavers but not the Gazebo do we need to make a uh do they need to request it no I think you can go ahead and just let us know that we'll have to just uh fix the resolution so it would be just as long as it's clear on the record we can fix the resolution afterwards so all right so based on on that so the variance so we be voting right now on the pavers commissioner could you turn on your microphone please I have the green light and everything now um if we keep the um the pavers in place does that does that resolve the Green Space issue no so what because I feel like like the papers are covering some of the Green Space right no it wouldn't it wouldn't that clarify for me no it wouldn't resolve that so that would stay consistent with the 2005 permit which arguably may have been issued in error but it was issued and it passed inspection so um that would not resolve the Green Space the papers would stay as as is and then if you will decide to not Grant variances for the gazebos obviously those would have to come into complying Okay so just let me understand so we have because I saw the pictures and they're very helpful for me so thank you so we have a whole this is really all relating to the backyard yes correct right the backyard is almost 100% pavers around the pool and everything you have the gazebo in the corner up up against the fence it's a good looking so the the pavers are are not allowed to go up to the fence no it's it's based on a the the zero lot line is really related to the Gazebo and the Gaz zbo just so you know was was approved right pre pre Sunny so that was Miami day so we don't have any record of it um the zero lot line really deals with the Gazebo itself the pavers it's it's on a percentage of greenery so the the the pavers don't really have anything to do with the zero lot line but if we leave the pavers in place it resolves it would it would it would then be granting the variance for the Green Space correct right it's the same thing that's what I'm saying in Green Space are the same thing the only thing you're denying is the size of the Gazebo and the location of the Zebo so the size is also out of compliance I thought it was just a place so it's it's three variances the size of the Gazebo the setback of the Gazebo itself and then the percentage of Green Space which varies on depending on leaving the pavers as is as granted in 2005 or removing those So based on that I'll take a motion and the motion just for clarification right now so yeah this is important go ahead Okay so my and I'm actually um I have no problem with the pavers I just I'm afraid to set a precedent because um we need to make some statement regarding that if this had been concrete and not Pavers at least with these pavers you have absorption yeah for the rainwater through the pavers but if it was concrete then we would have a big runoff problem okay so Grant by granting this variance if that happens to be the case I don't want it to set a precedent that someone could come in and in the same amount of area do concrete no the variance is there's no precedential value they stand on their own facts and hardships and whatever evidence is presented so if someone comes in and says well this other person got this variance it doesn't obligate you to Grant the same variance all right okay so in that regard I'm and mayor just for clarification this time what we started doing for the zoning to assist you is we have two resolutions that are one is granting and one is denying okay so if you make a motion I presume it would be one for approval and then we'll just fix the language with regards to exactly what you're approving and not approvement got it okay so with that I'll take a motion yes motion I'm unclear on the motion so we are making so we would be approving the variance for the pavers which means that they do not have to meet the standard for the Green Space but they're going to have to get a smaller gazebo and put it where it's supposed to be and move it yes so the motion is is granty request number three which is the one for the green space look at your page 12 and the and one of the mitigating factors is the because there was a the formal approved in 2005 and I think that that help Jerry's concerned corre well exactly yeah okay okay not everybody's going to come forward with a with a with a permit there was some disconnect you know so yeah I want to make the motion approving the request number three all right I need a second second second okay so roll call commissioner Joseph I commissioner serson yes commissioner viscara yes vice mayor Lama yes mayor fetchen yes the application with variance number three is approved thank you thank you thank you okay good luck my friends all right so next we have resolutions again if anyone is planning to speak on any of these items please fill out a public speaker card now hand it to the city clerk you can change your mind after the fact all right 10A 10A is a resolution approving a revised investment policy of the city of s's Beach great thank you mayor vice mayor members of the commission the state has revised some of the language regarding investment policies and decisions and this revision mirrors the state requirements okay do we have any public speakers no ma'am all right do we have any questions on the days commissioner bcar vice mayor commission Joseph no no okay I need a motion I'll make a motion second by the vice mayor all in favor I I 10B 10B is a resolution approving an agreement with red speed Florida for the installation no red light cameras great thank you who's presenting this me oh thank you mayor vice mayor members of the commission this is an agreement with redspeed Florida LLC for the installation of red light cameras it's for six cameras at the specified locations throughout the city in an amount not to exceed $889,900 great thank you do we have any public speakers we do okay Orlando Torres and Madame mayor if I may I just need a a clarification from Mr Torres um you stated in the speaker card that you are representing in an organization however just below that you say that you're not a lobbyist no I I actually am the organization I've been here before to speak on red light cameras I'm with verom Mobility okay lobbyist so I'm going to refer to the City attorney because under our code the definition of a lobbyist specifically includes um The Firm itself as a lobbyist you haven't have you met with any of the elected officials I have over the years and you haven't you haven't registered as a lobbyist I've come with a lobbyist that usually comes but uh I've also run into them at associations and different events just in education not anything we're selling well you're obviously selling something what what um what's your role in the company I am a director of account I'm the account manager that supports all the programs here in South Florida including your neighbors around you I'm I'm the worker worker be except Miami I'm sorry um we're not we're not engaging I under our code I believe you'd still need to register as a l okay I've presented to this commission before but I respect that and I want to be respectful to your rules um again since I serviced all your other clients in the area I wanted the opportunity as I've done for the past three or four years to further enhance or talk to what we do as you make a very important decision you're making a great decision by the way this stuff works as I've come to you for the last few years it works well so I will respect your rules but I have been here before have talked to the commission about these safety solution so I I do have a question to allow him to speak what is it he needs to sign up with you as a list yes so I I do remember you making a presentation that was last year you did come with a a lobbyist however the lobbyist registrations expired the 31st of every year so the renewal has to be done every year Madam mayor it's it's up to you whether you want to but with the understanding that if he does proceed to speak he is intending to modify a decision that's going to be made by this body um he would need to register after the fact but that's entirely up to you okay so I'm I'm I'm going to ask the the city uh attorney Mr Joseph you stand on the so we can hear you um because this is this is a rule that we do have in place so I I want to make sure that we're very careful with this Mr City attorney could you just for the clar for for clarification um if we made an exception what happens to our rule if anything um and the fact that he spoken to us before um well I can't speak to I can't speak to what's occurred before I'm looking for the exact language as we speak okay um but if you want to permit uh the gentleman to speak and then um do an after the fact I mean that obviously we're disclosing the fact that he is a lobbyist here tonight um so to the extent that he fills out the paperwork afterwards if you're okay with that that should be fine okay sir are you willing to do that that sure all right then please proceed with your it's also to pay the $250 fee we did that one before do we have to do this tonight no we can do that after that I do have a credit card though so just let all right all right so please proceed your name and address for the record and you have three minutes thank you good evening my name is Orlando Tores I am with veral Mobility I'm at 1920 South Ocean Drive Fort Lauderdale and I wanted to as I mentioned before I've been coming to you guys for some years and talked about the Safety products and I commend you on choosing red light cameras it's a great choice we have many clients around right around your area here that I support that have made a real difference in safety so congratulations on moving forward with it the mobility has more photo enforcement programs than any other vendor combined for the last 15 years by far we have 40 live red light camera programs around the state that I I personally support 15 of those right here in South Florida neighbors like aventur North Miami Beach Miami Gardens bal Harbor West Park to the north opaka and many others in South Florida alone we have 500 systems that are actively uh capturing red light camera violets around the state and we're able to bring infrastructure local support local staff to help those programs as we do and have done for 15 years we have services like uh the violation itself but video license plate readers we have not only the current um Solutions but solutions that will help into the future as as safety needs change over time and really only that limits as the state statute which changed this year a little bit with the school zone speeds which we also do we're strong financially and have the operational capabilities to support clients of all sizes again in South flood alone we have 30 cameras in Miami Gardens we have clients as small as two cameras it doesn't really matter since we're around and in the area we're able to do that we can exceed the expectations as I've been sharing for many many years here and it has been many many years back and forth um for example just partnering with Aventura and many others when the red light cameras were being challenged for the last 10 years we were the only vendor there all those years until they got approved by the Supreme Court we provide a full end to end it's not just sign the contract and run this is sign the contract and well beyond partnering as I've done with your local clients down your local V neighbors around here for the last 12 years as we've renewed them again and again the last proposal that I was I sent to the city to look at that's just a draft to look at is now almost three years old a lot of good things have changed and improved since then and I've tried to sit down and kind of talk to the different folks including your PD Department who are extremely busy and very generous to me to sit down and say hey this is what's new this is what we can offer this is what we can you can compare to to make a great decision the V you're selecting has two red light camera programs in Florida that's it they have no other photo enforcement in Florida they do have in other states they had as I have done it over the past few years they never engaged any city in South Florida until schools on speed came around all of a sudden they're down here not questioning them it's red light cameras they do a great job just letting you know the realities of it pricing is something that was that has come up something that we're willing to talk about and negotiate we do it all the time it works out to whatever the client needs the the RFP that's being offered to you is from from another part of the state I offered information from Aventura which is is a program that you can look at every day comparing a super successful red light camera program I was told the last real big difference here and concern was the out clause of this contract the term of the contract again very negotiable the out clause we can sit down and talk about it in the first year you will pay $100,000 if you get out of that contract per camera I'd like an opportunity to discuss not only that option but a lot of other great things that have been improved we can provide you an actual endend contract that's going to be truly violator funded and I appreciate you guys giving me the time and I and I respect the rules and I apologize putting you in that position thank you sir okay and we I would just like to say that I know previously commissioner Joseph we're we're not interacting with the speakers I had asked for a copy of their contract I understand but that you you can direct it to me and then we can have that conversation um do we have any other public speakers no we don't but I I do need to make a clarification regarding the agreement itself and I'm not sure if you received the email from Genesis um earlier today so the lieutenant and the Genesis herself met with the vendor and there was a CPI language included in the agreement itself that was removed after a conversation that they had so the contract itself does not have any CPI increases U moving forward got it thank you okay um commissioner stavon did you want to start the discussion or you want to go last I can go last okay since you were so eager please go ahead what are your thoughts so this contract that we have with um red speed Florida this went out for bidding okay this is a piggyback that we're using oh this is a piggyback so okay so it precludes bidding if we have if we do a piggyback okay and this is a piggyback with what Tampa City Saras Sarasota okay so Sarasota and I believe also this gentleman that just spoke he also doesn't cover Miami if I remember correctly is that we're not going to do that no I understand okay direct your questions to the city manager please so um I originally was against the the red light cameras unless unless we went full out on it and that is what we're doing now so I'm actually uh for um giving it a try Okay commissioner viscar obviously I'm I'm uh this was something that I that I brought up some years ago and and I'm happy to see it finally here uh the um I know some of the criticisms that we've heard and actually the the gentleman's presentation the last time was very um helpful to support those points um you know some of the some of the concerns it's like oh it increases certain kinds of accidents and and um and all this is just to make make money or anything but that's not that's not what this is intended to do and there's some of the Clauses um the one of the which um I hope the city manager talks about with the the cost neutrality clause and also the the 12-month Clause the that the Clause that allows us to get out after one year that that was very favorable in this contract uh so this is not about making money this is about changing behavior and which goes back to our focus on um on pedestrian safety right so if we if traffic continues to be an issue and we can't put a police officer on every corner 24 hours a day uh this is something that would allow us to have that enforcement at all hours of the day and also it has the enhanced um um feature that you have cameras in places where you normally may not have an eyewitness for you know if something happens so uh I'm I'm supportive I like the placement of the propos the proposed placement of the cameras because it's basically along Collins and it's it covers the whole city uh in places that we know to be problematic so um you know I'm I'm supportive and I really like that we can uh Beyond one year if it's if it turns out not to be what we want it to be that we have the option to get out and and I like that that cost neutrality Clause uh so um I'm I'm very pleased okay V mayor yeah I share some of the same comments as uh commissioner viscara I think the contract is is favorable and uh we have an out clause in case this does not work so you know that that is um good and yeah I think it's about changing Behavior I I do hope we have I mean as we all know we have a lot of traffic that flows through here and uh hopefully we'll be able to make the city safer uh for both drivers and pedestrians so that's the ultimate goal of this so uh fingers crossed that it will work and we'll have positive results and I just want to add something uh the the price tag here is is for multiple years this is this is not like a a oneye price stand so it's it's in our budget great commissioner serson go ahead yeah well um I'm for red light Camas yeah I'm not comfortable waving a rise for a competitive bidding um that is always a problem for me we have clearly other companies that they would like to be able to uh negotiate maybe better terms so um competition is good and um also I would like to know a little bit more about the cameras that we're going to be installing for example what is the technology from is somebody from the company that can answer if they coming from China or that where they're going to be processed if they're made in America we need more information so I want to make a decision with information with the proper information so um even though that I'm okay with the price and the conditions I want to give the opportunity to other companies to come and negotiate maybe better terms so I would rather defer the item for next month so we can have more information again know where the camera's coming from is anybody like that was part of the questions is the the technology do we know if they're made in America China somewhere else if if our data is going to go to some other country we do have a representative from the company so I can have that question answered for you if they if you would like we we can have that I think we close the okay but I just so that we don't go down a rabbit hole is is that going is that the deciding factor for you whether they're absolutely they're made in China or if they're made in America I want to know who's going to be because they're going to have access 247 to our information where's the representative but I have a question as well um I I do have a question about the process no no yeah about the process um once we we finish the discussion part can we invite people to talk again because we had those issues before like with the social cities Etc that I want to invite people I wanted to open the floor and we didn't have that opportunity so I want to know how is the the process your code generally says that once you started discussing an item that public hearing is done for public hearing it's up to you all to decide this is a representative of a company so I don't know on the contract so that's up to you all to decide well that's if if it I will allow for him to answer the question if you have a question of him but I don't know what is the process so it's not considered a um this is we're voting so just for clarification everyone because you might all be confused we already voted for red light cameras we're doing the red light cameras what we're voting on is specific to this vendor providing that service and so uh we so that you also understand we review all of this on Tuesdays at an open Agenda review as a group and it's open to the public so it's this is not the first time we're seeing this either and it's not the first time we're discussing it so the question that uh commissioner Jon has is that once we start we close public comment is it allowed to to open up public comment now uh that is normally based on whatever the chair would which is me decides in this instance because this is the person that is that we're voting for this isn't a public speaker they came to speak for or against and because you have a specific question I will allow it uh buter was not there on Tuesday right but we didn't request it but but that's up to you I'm not I'm I'm allowing it if you want that answered but I have a motion I want to defer the item okay so we're not going to have any questions so you want to make a motion to defer the item yeah until for for for February okay well and give the opportunity to answer all the technical questions and maybe to sit down and renegotiate the contract okay do I have a second there's a motion on the table do I have a second no okay so while the gentleman is here I have a question okay mayor yes can I please I just want to say that and and I think that we need some clarification on the direction that you give me you gave me direction to go back back and to vet this item to bring you back a contract so we've gone back I've met with the police department we've had discussions if I place something on the agenda that's because that's our recommendation so we've vetted it this is our recommendation and we recommend that the item move forward okay so then that's a very good point so I will take a motion then well can I still ask my question I just like to know myself as long as the vendor is here I didn't realize he was here earlier I would like to ask about the uh the year of the cameras what um make of the cameras i' just like to know okay the year and the make of the cameras correct okay Mr manager do you know the answer to that question do we need the the vendor to come up I do not know okay sir if you can please come up we're going to make this brief yes your your name and address for the record please hi my name is Robert liberman 1850 South Ocean Drive Hollandale Beach okay so what what is the the make of the cameras and what year were they our cameras are made in the United States we do not use any Chinese components the actual video cameras themselves are Swedish made it's a company called aess and what year 2024 thank you the newest technology yes majority of it yes thank you all right thank you sir very much I'll take a motion so mve I need a second second okay all in favor I any opposed um commissioner ston opposed for the record thank you next item next item is 10 C a resolution approving a Second Amendment to the agreement with trans systems corporations to provide General planning Services mayor vice mayor members of the commission this is the Second Amendment to the agreement with trans systems that are providing our general planning Services it is basically the item that was presented to you during the workshop earlier regarding zoning and it's in the amount of not to exceed 120,000 do we have any public speakers no ma'am all right do we have any uh comments or questions from the days commissioner viscara vice mayor llama no noiss Su all right I'll take a motion motion second second from commissioner vcar all in favor I I next item please attende is a resolution approving a state funded agreement Grant agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation for the urban trail project mayor vice mayor members of the commission this is an amendment to the lease agreement I'm sorry this is approving a state funded Grant agreement with fot for urban trail in an amount of not to exceed $225,000 thank you do we have any public speak ERS no ma'am okay thank you do I have any questions or comments from the commission I'll take a motion so moved seconden by commissioner Joseph all in favor I I can we I I okay next item 10 e is a resolution approving an amendment to the lease agreement airspace agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation for the property located under the Leman Causeway for parking and other public use purposes Mr city manager mayor vice mayor members of the commission this is an an amendment to the leasee agreement uh airspace agreement that we have with fot for the property located under the Layman Causeway Bridge for parking this is just we have an agreement for it includes two Parcels one is on Collins underneath the overpass and the other parcel is the Layman that is to the west of Collins this amendment is required by fot because they have reclaimed the area to do bridge work underneath the overpass on Collins so they've required us to amend the agreement to remove this portion but then we plan on when the work is finished going back to them and asking you to release this parcel okay do we have any public comment no ma'am just a friendly reminder if anybody wants to speak on any item please fill out a public speaker card which is in the back um do I have any questions from the commission I'll take a motion motion second all in favor hi hi okay next item 10f is resolution approving a department funded agreement with the fla Department of Transportation for Collins Avenue street lighting project mayor vice mayor members of the commission this approves an agreement it's called a DFA or Department funded agreement with fot for our Collins Avenue street lighting project the agreement expired and with the agreement we will seek to get reimbursement we have 14 street lights that are pending in an amount up to6 6,36 from F do for Street lighting thank you do we have any public comment no ma'am any questions from the commission no I'll take a motion motion second second from commissioner viscar all in favor next item next item is 10g a resolution approving the schematic design of the property located at 15800 Collins Avenue known as the intercoastal Sports parner mayor vice mayor members of the commission this is our intra coastal sports Court Park design based on the input that we received from you all as a group and including our parks and wck master plan so what you're seeing here and we wanted to make sure that we spoke to all of your concerns and the concerns of the community essentially we have two tennis courts court number one which is on the west side is a multi Sports Court that would include basketball court number two closest to Collins is a tennis court then we will have six parking plus one disabled parking space that will also be enclosed by a gate you also see some restrooms in between that area that we would add and then to the north we will have walking paths along with Landscaping to kind of complete our inter Coastal uh Park design essentially now this parking will only be for use for people going to this park there will be no Beach parking lot in this area and this entire facility will be closed and secured in the evening and it also has a gate surrounding the entire facility thank you do we have any public comments no ma'am do we have any questions from the commission take a motion I I hold on I have some questions so uh during our um agenda review I expressed some concern about the amount of parking spaces um I think six parking spaces and one of them being handicapped and then another one perhaps being taken up by by our employees uh if we could perhaps increase the amount of parking spaces and then two um I see in the schematics we have one tennis court which is multi-functional and it looks like a basketball court too um could that accommodate volleyball as well I mean it's just a matter of uh having the net there yes it can include volleyball okay the issue with the parking and what I want to share with you all is I can change this design again to whatever you'd like but at this point I want to move forward with this design and get it done I I I agree I think we've been you all were talking about this way before me so I think it's time we uh we pull the trigger here I I very much appreciate it whatever you all direct obviously I'm going to do I can go back and have the schematic redesign but it's going to affect my open space that I have to the north if I were to add any other parking and I know that we've had some questions and concerns about the number of parking spaces and limited it so we try to incorporate all of those elements into this design no I I I understand that but um yeah I I I just think that six parking spaces with two of them at least being taken up by one hand AP nobody's going to be able to park there unless they're handicapped and then you have one being taken up by um by our employee and um yeah I mean you don't want to have too many parking spaces but you don't want to have too few parking spaces I don't know if we could perhaps go ahead and approve this and perhaps take a look at you know maybe redesigning that parking area only I I don't know before Construction starts so the to redesign any of it means to redesign it so I I I am um very much against that I would like to really just move on this and no amount of parking if we added two more it's still it's still two more it's no no but the point is is that you can make that entire green space parking two out of six is a big percentage I understand but if our shuttle bus is going to go there um and we intend for it to be used by the people that are living there locally I think that it meets that purpose and it's time that we do something with that space and not spend any more time on this I understand I do believe he a good compromise um I actually believe we have seven too many parking spaces I'm completely against having one parking space but this and I applaud the city manager for what you guys you and the staff did because um even though the um the people that are that I brought here in the last meeting and the people that I speak in the south of sonal they don't want to see any kind of a sports complex parking space there however this is actually uh yes it is okay so it is it considers our main goal that we didn't have so many people going in parking there going to the beach because we want to keep it the way it is right now so this is I believe it's the best compromise that I can I can see the only request I will I will make is just to push the all the way to as much as we can go west you know like I said before um so the entrance of something else is going to be like more cohesive with all the Green P trees Etc um but I like this design um and I believe it um it check everything that we ask for and so yeah I'm I'm comfortable with this compromise so I I just have one question though so let's say that we this gets built I mean we're gonna approve this and we find out that you know there's not a lot of parking space we need a little bit more parking space what type of flexibility do we have to perhaps add uh a couple more parking spaces once this is already developed I mean I know that we have the space to the north which is technically ours let's say so if we were going to make any changes after we were building it then it clearly would be construction so we'd have to get no no I understand I just want to make sure that we have the flexibility we're not boxed in and then we're stuck with a design where it doesn't have enough parking spaces I just want to be able to make sure that we have we could go pivot to a plan B where you know we we could fix that uh issue say vice mayor this body can make those changes at a future date if if I just want to make sure before I approve anything but then we'll be tricking the people and telling them oh it's going to be seven parking spaces and then tomorrow we decide to make it two three story high we're not tricking I'm not tricking anybody told anybody how many parking spaces no we approving seven right now if we approve actually if this passes he passing with seven at the beginning they want in 20 then they went to 18 now we are in seven and if if we are compromising we should that this is what should be built and not say then tomorrow after we get seven that we want seven more so okay I just want to clarify for those watching and and in the public they're sitting here rather the the reason these meetings are open is to allow you all to be included in this conversation so what is on the table right now are those parking spaces if that ever changed which we never know it would happen the people would have an opportunity to come and speak for or against so right now we're voting for this this is exactly what we all ask for what we want whatever happens in the future happens in the future it could happen anywhere in the city and for clarification when the people came almost everybody didn't want to see anything built there so that's it was promised to the people in the South that it's was going to be green space all over so right now we're trying to compromise and it was promised like entire city not the people in the keep that in mind we service the whole city wait wait wait wait one at a time we've had this conversation we need to vote so the manager can can proceed I need a motion I would just like to say one thing please that's not what I asked for okay go ahead but um in any event I believe that um this park these tennis courts and volleyball whatever it turns out being is going to be used basically by the condos that don't have tennis on the south side of the city it would not basically be used by Arland House people because they have those facilities already well I'm just saying in in all probability it wouldn't probably be used by po Sienna people because they have those facilities so you know for me I it would have been fine I believe with like you said with very little parking we have the shuttle I believe that most of the people that use this park are going to be it's going to be walked to and um I think it's fine the way is and it's about time that we got this going all right so are you making a motion I will start motion mayor uh the um I'm I'm good with it I don't I don't have a problem with parking for the same reason we don't want to attract much traffic and it's intended for the pedestrian traffic the only concern I see which is the problem that I had before when this when this parking lot was open is that I drove in there it was full and I had an awful time getting out because you couldn't turn around and then you kind of have like back your way into colins or whatever so just keep that in mind I know we haven't like built anything yet but keep that in mind because if those spots are taken and you pull in how do you get out okay I have a motion I need a second I will I will make the motion I or I will second so I will second all right all in favor I I next item thank you 10 is a resolution right the expenditure of budgeted funds for the purchase of two 2023 arbach low floor shuttle buses from model One commercial vehicles okay do we have any public speakers no ma'am all right do we have any questions from the commission take a motion so move second all in favor I I next item please T is a resolution approving a settlement agreement with PMG S2 Sunny Al LLC accepting a monetary donation in the amount of $250,000 to the public art fund do we have any public speakers okay vice mayor you had a question no I want to make a motion let's all right I'll take a motion I'll second I'll second all in favor I next item 10j is a resolution ratifying an agreement with Bree line for the payment made pursuant to resolution number 2023 3528 related to The Golden Shores utility undergrounding project do we have any public speakers no I'll take a motion I will make a motion and you a second second all in favor I next item 10K is a resolution approving a letter agreement between 1841 developers LLC on the city of sel's beach for consent to and approval of an application for a Coastal Construction Control line permit for sand placement and other related activities okay do you have any public speakers no ma'am okay need a motion I'll make a motion second all in favor I I next item 10l is a resolution awarding invitation to bid number 23101 for Street lighting preventive maintenance and as needed electrical services and approving agreements with IM electric as a primary bidder and R&D electric as a secondary bidder do we have any public speakers no ma'am okay I would just like to put it on the record that um at our agenda review um and so the residents um in Sunny Isles surround by the church know that uh this um Ser these services this bid will include um and City man Mr city manager would you please verify that uh we will be looking at the lighting over by the church that many people have complained about that the streets are very dark over there mayor please yes yes sir yes thank you all right I'll take a motion so move need a second second in favor I next item tm's resolution approving a project agreement with ba Architects to provide professional architectural Design Services for the renovation of the property located at 18050 Collins Avenue Mr C do you want to just yes mayor vice mayor members of the commission based on your direction we have met with this Architectural Group Bea Architects and explain to them the goal of remodeling the government center anex including a cafeteria space this company was chosen based on our CCNA meaning we've chosen a group of Architects Engineers they've been vetted and this company also has some specific e expertise in designing some Cafeteria Restaurant spaces so the amount that we're requesting is an amount not to exceed 263,000 26 weeks to a year but we're expecting it to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 26 weeks this is only for design right yes ma'am okay and for design we won $263,000 we were using that space as office already right for over a year right now yes okay and before it was a restaurant and now we are paying or maximum to spend $263,000 only for the design of a place that we are already using as offices and before had a it continue having the kitchen that we are going to use now as a cafeteria I think it's an exorbitant amount of money only for Designing uh of a place that is already being used as offices and they're going to make them offices MH so um to agree I'm sorry first of all this is supposed to be a restaurant and now we want to spend more than quarter million dollar in making it an office space that is being used already as an office space Sorry I don't get it and I'm not in favor of spending this money this should be a place making money okay thank you um anyone else in the commission um do you know more or less what what the other bids came at more just to have an idea so what we do the process is when the city's going to do a number of projects as we do through throughout the city we put out there's something called the competitive negotiating act where we put out a bid we invite Architects engineer and Landscape Architects common uh professionals that we will use to do this work and as a group we vet them so it is put out to bid once that company is selected then we choose from a group and we're able to bring this forward to you in this way I provided you with a follow-up memo there's a state statute that allows us to do this it's 287.00 five5 and for these Services whose contract does not exceed $4 million and the individual study for the contract does not exceed $500,000 we use this competitive negotiating act so that's how we ended up with this company if I may mayor also uh you entered into a continuing Services agreement with this company back in July of 2021 and what that compromis what that consists of is when you have a project like this you enter into a project agreement the templates actually attached to the continuing Services agreement which is what you're entering into now so actually already in contract with this company back in 21 commissioner RAR do you have any questions uh no I don't have questions I I have comments by now please go ahead um no I I really like the idea of taking our our building department and doing what we did with the police department in the sense of accreditation and making it turning it turning that page right um so I and I think this is I mean I'm supportive of this I I really would like to see the building department move towards accreditation and for that it needs um the appropriate space so all right I need a motion so moved I need a second second all in favor I I any opposed Rec I oppos as well okay Maurice you have it yes three to two all right thank you next item next item is 10 a resolution approving appointing and approving an agreement with mace Ben cour for the position of city clerk of the city of s Beach okay so this is mine or ours um I'm just going to read this so that we have it for the record May in May 2023 uh via referendum the electorate of the city voted in favor of amending section c35 the rest is cut off City's Charter to provide that the position of city clerk report to the city commission a change from the previous structure where they were appointed Ed by and reported to the city manager further provides that the mayor nominated and the city commission confirm the appointment um Maurice betor has been employed by the city for over 19 years looks doesn't look it the obtained the prestigious designation of certified municipal clerk in 2013 uh and has been serving as city clerk since 2017 during his tenure he has served under four Mayors five city managers and overseen 10 elections including runoffs and um I I just want to say that um I I I had the the honor of of knowing Jane who for was here I think for two of my first commission meetings and and you have uh really filled those shoes very nicely so I um yes I I bring this in front of the commission U for your approval commissioner vcar do you want to add anything no no clapping or heck no clapping or uh no I I have nothing to add rather than you know this is what the electorate um um asked for through the um Charter uh review process which mauricea was also there uh through all of that so um you know now you'll have five bosses Vice May did you want to say anything yeah you would say no runoffs no special elections right that one didn't pass though right he doesn't have that power yes mission Joseph do you want to say anything no I would just like to uh congratulate mercio for the excellent job he does and um we appreciate um all of your service thank you it's a pleasure working with you I'll take the motion please I'll make a motion second all right everyone yes all in favor I I all right next item please tenno is a resolution urging the Florida legislature to enact Senate Bill 172 which seeks to create a verification of of eligibility for the homestead exemption for certain disabled veterans which would enhance the home buying capabilities of s's disabled veterans okay this is a commissioner discards your me what number is it 10 10 10 not there okay uh so I misspoke at our Workshop um uh the mayor asked me if this had a good chance of passing I said yeah I already went to committee it went 8 Z but I was confusing my bills so it has gotten the um it has gotten committee assignments but it hasn't gone to committee yet but the um the basic premise here is it would this would allow some veterans part the disabled veterans to qualify um for additional exemptions and just make home ownership easier for them so um I don't know if it'll get picked up by a committee but certainly this kind uh having a resolution and sending it Forward it'll give me an attachment when I send it to u to the different uh committees and whoever else wants to wants to chime in so I would ask for your support thank you thank you uh do I have any public speakers no ma'am we didn't ask if there was any public speakers in your item there weren't any W okay I'll take a motion for this I'll make a motion need a second all in favor I I next item 10p is a resolution expressing support of Florida Senate bills 750 and 752 and for the House of Representatives bills 697 and 699 related to the some money act okay so um this legislation will make it possible for citizens to use gold and silver coins as a medium of Exchange in Florida and these transactions will not be subject to estate taxation uh the provisions in this law further reinforce the state's monetary system offer Financial Safeguard against inflation encourage investment in precious metals and offer a secure digital transaction method these Provisions align with IDE of economic freedom support of a diversifi economy and preserve the citizens right to use gold and silver as legal tender right now they're being considered in four peers and also Miami Lakes and they're trying to push it in other municipalities and the leg legislation is modeled after the Aransas legal tender act so basically it's just um accepting or oh actually not not accepting sorry um we want to help the legislators in tahi to use to give us the access to use gold and silver as coins as a another method of currency okay thank you um I just want to clarify for for those that maybe don't understand when we support these bills that are happening in Tallahassee it doesn't mean that we have now effectuated it here in sunny Al's Beach it just means that we are giving our support which sometimes helps them uh or not um so this is just a nod from us saying that we would like this do we have any public speakers okay do I have a motion I'll make a motion I I have a question though but okay can can a state enact monetary policy that's federal government I mean it's the Federal Reserve can the state adopt and have different monetary policy than than the federal government like can we use gold here and with the federal government allow us to do that is is my question can we can the state do that I mean you mentioned cities trying to adopt that I'm not Aransas is doing it already and they gave who who is doing it already Aransas Aransas yeah and I'm going to tell you who else um well actually they didn't give me the list of the state but they say over 20 states are embracing gold and silver as legal tender due to to concern about the US dollar and 23 states have introduced this legislation allowing citizens to use uh gold and metal for transactions so it's a movement right now so so wait I just I think that we need some clarification from the city attorney I I don't have a good answer for you I could look into it certainly and report back but I don't know today as to whether to what to what extent States would be permitted to yeah I had the same during agenda review I had the same question whether this is even something I mean I'm in favor of it but I I'm just wondering you know these are some questions I have also I thought that this legislation also called for uh to go back to the gold standard no does it call for that no no it's giving up choices so you can use gold and silver as you are using right now any other currency that's it yeah all right okay no more questions all right I need a motion I pay with my uh I have my wedding ring but yeah you will not coins I'll make a motion okay I need a second I second all in favor I all right next item next item is 10 q a resolution expressing support of Florida Senate Bill 688 relating to the alternative Mobility funding systems that was that what we added on oh yeah yeah I don't have okay so this is the one that I that this is the bill that I had in my head when I answered the other questions so um essentially this bill is um it's favored by the Florida Leal cities uh because it's it's it's cleaning up and clarifying A lot of language that was getting in the way and like one of the examples they said was like uh in terms of some fees there were instances where multiple jurisdictions were imposing fees on the same thing and this this clarifies those things so um it's in as I understand it it's really just like a cleanup language um and it's uh it is being favored and encouraged by the um by the floro cities it passes for committee age zero that included um Senator piso who supported it and the companion bill which is not part of this which is the house bill it's gone to two committees and that has also passed unanimously um and you know like I think it was 1 15 and 210 or something like that so um it's got momentum and um I think we should support it okay can I get a motion second all in favor hi okay so now we are on to do we have any speak yes for Citizens Forum we have Mr Albert hadam okay St um hello sir your your your name and address for the record please first of all let me wish everyone happy and healthy New Year thank you and thank you for letting me speak again okay um my name is Albert hadam I live in wison tow 3 174th Street Department 1910 so this is my third time I am appearing in front of this commission so this is my third request to consider and resend the no bicycle or scooters on the peer regulation I am sure that none of you have given my request any consideration why is that maybe in my opinion because I'm not a builder of multi-million dollar condos not politically connected nor do I donate to donate to any of you politically you make decisions every day concerning the safety and Financial will being of this community but a simple easy request coming from a person who loves living here can't be made children with scooters and a few bicycles should be allowed on the pier there is no other public area in Sunny is's Beach where you cannot ride a bike or scooter even if you are breaking the law in fact there is complete lawlessness when it comes to bikes and scooters you see it with your own eyes Sunny Alby Jordans 2014- 432 as stated on the signs uh posted on the sidewalk says no scooter riding yet I am probably 100% right when I say no one ever gets stopped the only ones that get stopped are the those peacefully bringing our bikes and kids scooters on the pier maybe you should move the guard from the pier onto the sidewalks if I was riding a bike doing handstand with a child on each shoulder with no helmets going the wrong way on Collins Avenue through red lights and stop signs no one would care no one would stop me yet we are stopped at the pier so my request is as follows a simple request resend the current Rule and replace it with this I'm going to make it easy for you only non-motorized bikes and scooters allowed on the pier I am probably 100% sure that there has never been an accident or a complaint regarding bikes or scooters on the pier so I have complete confidence that this honorable committee will make what I hope is a favorable decision please do not file my request in the irrelevant and unimportant trash bin I will be back for your decision I am not giving up thank you thank you sir thank Youk do we have any other speakers no mam okay I'll take a motion to AG mayor one thing sorry real quick uh the chief asked me to mention regarding our ipal that we have partnered with mym's Market that if anybody wants to go in there and add a donation to the checkout that we have partnered with them through February 4th and as of this morning we have raised $1,687 to our ipal okay and is there something at the uh cash registers that's that indicates this or not when when you check out you mentioned it to them and um that you want to donate in addition all right please everyone who STS a I believe there's one person one last announcement um it's uh just a remind the public for uh the voter registration drive that we're hosting here in the city on 25th of January which is next Thursday at 2:30 okay I believe we have one more speaker no did did you wanna did you want to speak Luc did you turn something in there yeah right I'm sorry DAV I did not yeah I think we have two more the last two okay I I didn't did you all right I think that we need to have a better system for this for next time okay David please uh no just can't really ask questions but okay your name and address for the record please uh good evening I'm honorable mayor Vice commission my name is David Virgil my address is 17500 NorthBay Road um um my question was is the bus information session going to be uh recorded recorded or live streamed and um if it'll be similar to the session that happened here earlier today okay so uh we don't normally answer questions because this quick one the the earlier uh uh meeting Workshop was and it is recorded and then the one that's in Gateway I don't believe so okay but uh you can talk to the city manager afterwards okay that was thank you and we have one more speaker please please your name and address for the record please good evening sorry my name is Luciana monoban I live in 29174 Street Apartment 2102 in Sunny ID Beach and I have been a resident of Sunny is for the past 17 years I see a potential in developing parks to be if Y and healthify the city I have proposed a self- sustainable community garden to the parks department which has been considered and a few locations were noted I would like to De develop a garden with fruits vegetables medicinal herbs and pollinators in which residents um including elderly and kids May volunteer to spend time in community exercise outdoors and learn about healthy eating habits I I have gathered a brief list of uh the community garden project uh details uh but just quickly um I would need about 4,000 square fet I have a planned out what would be ideal for the location as for the plants uh what would be grown would be root vegetables Tomatoes squashes leafy greens fruits herbs pollinat medicinal herbal plants as I mentioned and I have even gathered the pricing for the garden bed the garden beds with irrigation I have also received support from residents local businesses doctors dieticians farmers and gardeners that would love to come support and educate or um support in their own way that's all thank you thank you thank you thank you okay now I'll take a motion all right we're adjourned it's 802