##VIDEO ID:pgBlYnC061Q## this is the commissioner meeting of September 11th 2024 at 6: pm at the Sussex County administrative Center commissioner meeting room one Spring Street Newton New Jersey can I have a roll call please director space here deputy director Carney here commissioner de here commissioner Hayden here commissioner sh here a moment of silence and salute to the flag I'd like to take a moment of silence in memory of all the First Responders and individuals who passed away as a result of the attacks on our nation on September 11th 2001 I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all number four public statement pursuant to the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL 1975 adequate notice as defined by section 3D of chapter 231 oops I'm reading that again sorry adequate notice as defined by section 3D of chapter 231 pl1 1975 has been made by regular mail and email such notice being submitted on January 7th 2024 from the administrative center of the county of Sussex located at one Spring Street Newton New Jersey to the following New Jersey Herold star lger and is also posted on the bulletin board maintained in the administrative Center for Public announcements and has been submitted to the Sussex County Clerk in compliance with set act at this time please mute all electronic devices number five approval of agenda we have two changes to tonight's agenda items 14a and 14m will be voted on separately and individually can I get a motion to approve the agenda as amended okay Comm deputy director Carney and commissioner Hayden makes a second um all in favor I opposed abstain motion carries number six we have no proclamations we have no public hearing public session from the floor this public session is for those wishing to make a comment of three minutes or less regarding an agenda item please line up at the microphone and state your name municipality and agenda topic for the record okay can I get a motion to open the floor for public comment okay commissioner Hayden in a second from commissioner degr all in favor I opposed abstain motion carries the floor is open okay hi Whipple and over Township can see your new timing device up there very nice does that mean that people can hear now in the room yes well done thank you um I noticed that Dennis library is on your agenda tonight um and my question is has the real estate transfer taken place for the county to take ownership of the building and the grounds from the new libr Association answer yes please everything the county has sent the closing attorneys all the information that they requested we're waiting on the closing attorney to to set up that closing date it's all on the Liar's attorney's process now we've done all our due diligence everything's done we're ready we're just waiting on them any idea when that might happen no not at all what can be done to oh you can call them I'll be more we bug them every day okay very good thank you I by the way thank you for the motion that's later in the agenda regarding the architectural engineering contract for I can see what you're doing yes we're doing our part yeah so thank you thank you anyone else okay I also want to say thank you for moving ahead with um with the Dennis Liber we're very excited and we really imp because um and uh so thank you for that and thank you for this you should sing a song um I also had a question about another um resolution from theor CI Transportation assistance program which is good [Applause] and Any Grant to fund the transit onto pilot program through December and so on and so forth and it's additional funding um so the the county is looking looking to get additional funding and provide additional transportation for those I think we've already it's being awarded we've getting the funding and we're going to provide more Transportation okay and that's wonderful and that's what what is that going to do exactly it's just more more uh ability for transportation for seniors for scheduling for going to whatever their needs are and it gives us more funding to provide that so I think for medical or for groceries or wherever they whatever the schedule are for voting for voting yeah that's really wonderful so I'm really happy that you're doing that um is there any um connection that and uh Newton hospital by any chance by the medical center only if they have a schedule to go to Newton hospital yeah if they have to go to the hospital for whatever reason for a doctor's appointment they can schedule that through Transit as well it's not a hospital function it's a Transit Transit function okay all right good to know all right and thank you very much if we make some phone calls and go ahe yeah keep us keep us posted how you make out you have our emails could you just state your name and municipality I'm really sorry I'm using your thank thank you okay anyone else agenda topics only can I get a motion to close the floor for public comment okay commissioner Hayden and commissioner drr seconds any discussion all in favor I opposed abstain motion carries number nine commissioner's comments we'll start with commissioner Hayden please good afternoon everybody from the sus County Li Library System we know in this tough time of businesses Newton New Jersey uh the S County library system will have a a workshop for business owners and individuals looking to expand their customer base and boost sales are invited to attend an upcoming lunch and learn a session hosted by the S County Library System data axle Representatives will provide Hands-On training on reference Solutions consumer and business database learn how to use this tool to Target specific audiences most likely to be interested in your products or services this data Bas is available for free through the library transforms data into acable insights to grow your business attendees will also enjoy a complimentary lunch catered by hex Market we're excited to host this lunch and learn with data axle reference Solutions is a valuable resource for businesses looking to grow without the high CO costs of market research said lisis Louisa ban head of Adult Services at s County library system this event is a great opportunity for business own owners to learn how to use the Library resources effectively so the TI of this event is the lunch and learn tools for expanding your business is at the uh main library 125 moris Turnpike Thursday October 10th between 10:30 and two and the cost of this is free so everybody should attend that has a business this may help you and you can contact the the library through the main site events or 973 948 3660 and it is also celebrate your library card sign up month with the S library system if you don't have a card get a card card uh September is library card sign up month and the South County Library System invites the community to join the celebration get used show off your library card this month to win Library swag three ways to win get a library card sign up for the new library card during September and get some Library swag use your library card every time you use your card in September you'll be automatically entered into a weekly drawing for a chance to win a foldable sus County Library System tote or a 40 oz water bottle with reusable straw or share your l Library Hall post a photo of a book or other Library item you've enjoyed tag the Sussex County live or email it to Sussex social at sus County library and you'll be entered to in a sus County uh canvas book tote filled with books one grand prizer winner will be selected in October and that's all I have nice commissioner shik thank you director um uh deputy director Carney and I attended a um fire academy uh meeting and um we discussed a number of things uh regarding funding uh you know possibilities of of new training and some of their uh wants and needs um it is one of the first meetings that we've had with them we have a couple more to follow up with so um I I want to say that we left there in a u very positive mindset and uh all very happily working together um towards all the goals that they have have on their want and needs list uh and then um we attended the Newton Housing Authority rededication for uh a 50-year anniversary of that building and had the uh wonderful opportunity to celebrate a birthday of a resident who is 107 years young U and Senator space uh presented a citation to this um birthday girl so uh the rest uh pretty much for me was uh all of my Liaisons had a holiday schedule so that's about it for me um as far as commissioner comments okay commissioner to group yes uh to start I'm delighted to report that we had our first donation of seeds uh for the county seed Library a huge thank you to our own the rain Karen and all our dedicated senior service workers for acquiring and organizing the seeds uh we are currently in the initial phase of the project F focusing on Gathering our seed supply from September to December um this is a really fantastic start and I'm confident with Lorraine Karen's help and everyone's continued efforts uh we'll keep this momentum going strong as always I'll keep the board in public updated um on more to come uh for the division of Health there will be a child health clinic and adult Health Clinic Tuesday September 24th the child health clinic will be from 10 to 12 and the adult health clinic will be from 2 to 4 uh additionally a women's health clinic will be held September 19th from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. M all clinics will be at the Office of Public Health nursing 2011 wheatsworth Road Hamburg call the Office of Public Health Nur nursing at 97357 n570 extension 1275 uh from the office of mosquito control 320 pools of adult mosquitoes have been submitted for mosquito born disease testing a total of 16 pools have tested positive for West Nile Virus and 10 municipalities during 2024 uh the office of mosquito control will contined to treat and test areas as such and additionally I know that we're going to be mentioning Sussex County day but the office of mosquito control this year is going to be bringing out uh their mosquito mascot uh misso I thought I thought it was pretty good I thought it was pretty good right so uh mosquito will be at the mosquito Booth uh assisting in education of suss County residents on uh mosquito biology and control uh she will also giving out spotted spotted Lantern fly traps to Sussex County residents um so yeah it should be an exciting time I'll be sure to stop in uh aside that uh attended Hardison day got moved uh from Saturday to Sunday uh great time uh great group of people out when hardest then and that's all I have to report thank you thank you uh deputy director Carney thank you department of engineering and planning annual annual sign Replacements each spring the office of bridge and traffic safety inspects functional of all signs maintained by suss County the annual program includes inperson inspection over 14,000 signs this year's inspection program identified 548 signs with functional deficiencies requiring replacement of a sign replacement work orders were issued to the sign crew and to date crew has replaced 307 of the 548 different signs work is expected to be complet in October annual sign nighttime reflectivity inspection program um so I think we've talked about in the past we have to put new reflective paint on the roads for the self-driving cars get home safe um so this is a part of that program that we've been working on which is very expensive by the way uh the office of bridge and traffic safety implements a nighttime sign reflectivity inspection program the program provides compliance with the feneral manual on uniform traffic control devices for streets and highways sign reflectivity standards sign identifi signs identified which which preform below the standard will be scheduled for replacement this year's inspection program is scheduled to begin in October DPW in-house crack ceiling program uh crack sealing is the payment maintenance strategy Incorporated with the County's payment Management program ceiling of cracks and asphalt payment reduces the intrusive of water minimizes freeze thaw damage on the roadway this year's program included a combination of contracted Services as well as operating a dedicated dpd DPW crew task with performing the work the BT the BPW run program utilizes rented equipment operated by skilled crew staff with the DPW employees crack cealing work is coordinated with the annual restriping program and a resurfacing program as well roads are evaluated inly based upon age and condition roads exhibiting stress cracks are prioritized within the annual program and sealed as resources permit we like to do Beaver Run Road uh csex County Bridge q6 the bridge q6 replacement bridge on Main Street in Sparta which is a bit of a nuisance if you've been traveling through there uh I know I ran into it myself but the temporary pedestrian bridge safety fencing and lighting have been installed and the contractor will be removing the existing bridge deck this week which is done already because I went past there and once the existing bridge is completed demolished the contractor will start driving the sheet piling and work on the sheet piling will be next week cesis County Bridge d38 uh the bridge d38 replacement on 519 in Frankfurt is also progressing the contractors completed driving the piles and has poured the footing for the bridge the pre-cast concrete frame SE sections are scheduled to be delivered and set on Tuesday September 17th mayor uh planning staff from the division of planning will be joined by the njtpa project consultant at susex County today so it looks like they'll have a lot of people over there project team will be soliciting input from the public that will help shape development of the susus County local roadway Safety Action Plan team members will be available to review the project discuss the benefits of local safety roadway action plan and asking the public to share observations and concerns related to operational safety of roadways within Sussex County uh message from our County Clerk uh in his words uh pursuing to our conversation on Thursday September 5th 24 please flying and close August review report I'm pleased to share that the revenue for the month of August 24 is 5,452 56 higher than that of August of 23 again goes to show that houses are still being sold but just at a a higher cost so the people with more money than me are buying houses Uh current revenue for fiscal year 24 ending August 31st 24 is 1,926 9796 as mentioned to the Board of Commissioners in June 24 it was my opinion that the Federal Reserve would reduce interest rates in month of September I still believe that Midsummer the FED will reduce the rate by half percent base points with hopes of helping the economy to recover inflation is silent K in the middle class uh property alert systems as of August was 49 two date is 1230 uh Daniel's law participants in August were 13 and today is 629 so I don't know if you guys been paying attention to the news or not but there was a shooting in Wayne New Jersey I've called for this and I'm going to call it one more time I might call it more than one more time to be honest with you um the need for armed security guards in our schools in Sussex County um you know this is a non partisan uh issue I I I you know kids safety is is very important especially us who who have kids or grandkids or nephews and nieces and I've called on a susus county superintendent Gail Carrick to do something about this and uh she basically told me her hands were tied not in her words but in my words it's very very important that we have armed security guards in our schools you know if it's too late it's too late and we're going to regret that so I said it before I'm going to say it again and mark my words we're going to need that uh as Earl said we we did attend the 50th Anniversary uh the woman I don't even she 107 years old but she was peppy she didn't look 107 she looked 97 but she didn't look 107 um which which is great great really uh good good good job by those guys and I just want to read uh just a little remark about the issue we had with diamond ship and not not that we had an issue at all just a lot of people been uh you know talking we get emails and sometimes people have their opinions based on their heart we're not elected to have an opinion with our heart we have to use our head for all the constituents in Sussex County and and whether I want a warehouse don't want a warehouse it makes no difference we still have to do our job um so with that being said on my phone it is my phone apologize um so Diamond ship the the pack has not received any formal correspondence or information from the njde regarding any claims made in recent news articles I can confirm that the application was modified at the direction of comments and correspondence received from the njde specifically regarding the two regulations in question and with that that's all I have thank you thank you Division of Community and youth services office of Transit Sussex County transportation annual public hearing the Sussex Sussex County will be holding its annual Transportation public hearing virtually via Zoom with a call and option at 12:00 p.m. on Thursday September 19th 2024 this is an opportunity for Sussex County residents to voice their transportation needs as well as share suggestions for service improvements public participation is critical to the ongoing success of our transit system for additional information contact Nick capetanakis Transit director at 9973 9452000 extension 1287 or email n capetanakis Sussex nj. us division of Senior Services 15th annual Healthy Living Festival the division of senior services will host the 15th annual Healthy Living festival at United Methodist communities at Bristol Glenn located at 200 Bristol Glenn Drive In Newton on Friday September 20th 2024 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. seniors are invited to participate in complimentary Health screenings an educational presentation sponsored by a variety of healthc care providers a luncheon will follow the event to register or obtain additional information about this event please contact the division of senior services at 97357 n555 extension 1277 Center for lifelong learning at seccc the center for lifelong learning a collaboration between the division of senior services and Sussex County Community College seccc is hosting a free art class during the fall semester seccc Fine Arts Professor Michael Hughes will teach a five-part basic introduction to drawing class the class will meet on five Saturdays September 21st 28th October 5th October 12th October 19th at 10:00 a.m. in the art gallery room c106 located by the entrance to the B building the course fee is $30 students are required to bring their own basic drawing supplies pre-registration is required and space is limited to pre-register or obtain additional information please contact the division of Senior Services by calling 97357 n555 extension 1277 Sussex County Community College open computer lab the open computer lab at Sussex County Community College is available free to Sussex County seniors during the fall semester to enhance their computer literacy skills for additional information please contact the division of senior services at 97357 n555 Sussex County day Sussex County Fairgrounds Augusta New Jersey the divisions of community and youth services Health Senior Services social services and the office of Transit will be represented during Sussex County Day on Sunday September 15th 2020 24 at the Sussex County Fairgrounds in Augusta which is hosted by the Chamber of Commerce the divisions will have a wealth of information available to share with the visitors about the various programs and services available to Sussex County residents in addition to giveaways and educational meetings staff will also be available to answer questions and I believe that's from 12: to 4: this Saturday and I want to thank um all our County employees that give up their time on the weekend to come out for that um Sunday sorry Sunday wrong day Saturday is Vernon Street Fair Sunday is uh Sussex County day okay um since we have had it's been three weeks since we had a meeting uh it's been a while it seems like it was forever ago uh deputy director Carney and commissioner degut and I attended the boots bourbon barbecue in support of the Sussex County Fairgrounds it was a great night with a great entertainment and food um and then I attended on this Saturday a flag retiring ceremony at the cemetery at Northwest New Jersey Veteran Cemetery sponsored by schuma who partnered with Abby Glenn Cemetery they retired properly 1,000 pound of American flags that would be cremated at abig Glenn then they handed out um ashes from last year's um Flags to sprinkle on the graves of the veterans and I attended that actually with uh Lafayette mayor Alan Henderson who's here and uh Alan had the opportunity to sprinkle the ashes on his former colleague the police chief Brett alamy so that was pretty special um I also attended this week the 2024 partners for caring bag for Hunger at Newton shopright where customers were giving donations when they were checking out and they let us some of them let us bag their groceries most people these days like to bag their own um but it was a great event and I attended it with the county clerk and Sheriff strata um it was really nice well attended um and hopefully they made a lot of money and collected a lot of food um and I attended the Chamber of Commerce business breakfast this morning and we had a nice present yesterday morning nice presentation from Bristol Glenn and I urge all business owners and any Comm Community organizations and our municipalities to All Join the Chamber of Commerce it's very helpful and I attended the Liberty Towers celebration yesterday and the 107th birthday and when I saw that she was 107 I'm like wait a minute maybe that's just the typo that they sent to us but no she was born in 1917 her actual birthday was May 17th so they were just celebrating it a little all together so just she was incredible we were all impressed um and then this morning I attended a very heartwarming tribute um to 911 at at the college I know we all remember where we were the day that um the world Stood Still from those awful attacks and um the the theme of the speech is this today were mostly in September 12th and we need to come back to that world where everyone's United and move forward so that's all I have on that thank you yes mayor meting yes and and we yes we've since we have two Mayors here we do have a mayor meeting coming up and that is not open to the public but it's a way for us to hear what the Mayors have to say and what they're doing and what we're doing and that is September 21st that we're hosting that and only two Commissioners can attend things where County business has spoken or we a quarum so I'm attending along with deputy director Carney so that's coming up so we're looking forward to that okay number 10 approval of consent agenda there is none number 11 approval of minutes the regular meeting minutes of August 21st 2024 can I get a motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting of August 21st 2024 so moved okay commissioner Hayden with a second from commissioner deg grou any discussion all in favor I opposed abstain motion carries number 12 we have an ordinance a introduction for first reading ordinance 24-6 Capital ordinance amending Capital ordin ordinance number 22-05 which provides for certain Capital Improvements at the Sussex County Career and Technical High School here to therefore finally adopted by the board of County commissioners of the county of Sussex state of New Jersey on April 6th 2022 to amend the improvements authorized therein motion to adopt this ordinance on first reading and authorize the clerk to advertise this ordinance as introduced for first reading and also post the same on the bulletin board in the lobby of the county administrative Center together with the notice of public hearing stating that a hearing will be held on September 25th 2024 at 6: PM prior to final adoption of the ordinance can I get a motion okay commissioner shik and a second second uh deputy director Carney any discussion roll call director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner de group yes commissioner Hayden yes commissioner shik yes okay B introduction for first reading ordinance 24 Jos 07 Bond ordinance amending Bond ordinance number 18-1 which provides for various 2018 Capital Improvements heret for finally adopted by the board of chosen freeholders now County commissioners of the county of Sussex state of New Jersey on March 28th 2018 as previously amended to to amend the description set forth therein motion to adopt this ordinance on first reading and authorize the clerk to advertise this ordinance as introduced for first reading and also post same on the bulletin board in the lobby of the county administrative Center together with the notice of public hearing stating that a hearing will be held on September 25th 2024 at 6 PM prior to final adoption of the ordinance I get a motion let go move second okay deputy director Carney and a second from commissioner de gr any discussion roll call please director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner de gr yes commissioner Hayden yes commissioner shik yes okay C introduction for first reading ordinance 24-8 Bond ordinance amending Bond ordinance number 21-7 which reappropriates excess Bond proceeds to provide for various Capital Improvements here to finally adopted by the Board of County commissioners of the county of Sussex state of New Jersey on July 28th 2021 to amend the description set fourth therein motion to adopt this ordinance on first reading and authorize the clerk to advise this ordinance as introduced for first reading and also post same on the bulletin board in the lobby of the county administrative Center together with the notice of public hearing stating that a hearing will be held on September 25th 2024 at 6 p.m. prior to final adoption of the ordinance can I get a motion please okay commissioner shik in a second second commissioner degr any discussion roll call please director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner the group yes commissioner Hayden yes commissioner shik yes okay can I get a motion to adopt the resolutions a through Q excluding items E and M move okay deputy director Carney a second commissioner shik roll call please um any discussion oh any discussion no thank you uh your director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner de gr yes commissioner Hayden yes commissioner schik yes okay can I get a motion to adopt resolution 14e still moved okay okay deputy director Carney in a second uh commissioner schik any discussion roll call please director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner deg grou abstain commissioner Hayden yes commissioner schik yes motion to adopt resolution 14m second commissioner shik and second from commissioner degu any discussion roll call please director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner degr yes commissioner Hayden no commissioner schik yes okay number 15 Awards of contract change orders bids the county the board of County commissioners of the county of Sussex has reviewed the award of contract change orders bids consisting of various proposed resolutions and determined that adoption of the said resolutions is in and will further the public interests can I get a motion to adopt resolutions a a through e so move okay oops commissioner shik with a second from commissioner degr any discussion roll call please director space yes deputy director Carney commissioner the group yes commissioner Hayden yes commissioner shik yes number 16 Financial um can I get a motion to pay bills list a which is August 20128 2024's bills list second okay commissioner shik with a second from commissioner degr any discussion roll call please director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner deg grou yes commissioner Hayden yes commissioner shik yes B payment of bills list B September 11th 2024 can I get a motion to pay bills list B still mov okay deputy director Carney and commissioner Hayden any discussion roll call please director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner deg grp yes commissioner Hayden yes commissioner shik yes okay C resolution payment of bills list C September 11th can I get a motion to pay bills list C so move okay commissioner and a second commissioner Hayden any discussion roll call please director space abstain deputy director Carney yes commissioner dgrou yes commissioner Hayden yes commissioner shik yes okay Personnel we have none 18 administrative report thank you commissioner director um real quick we're going to we're going to get busy here this time of year so all the department heads have made all their submittals to the budget so it is the season so we'll be scheduling hearings here very shortly or meetings the the initial meetings with all the department heads to present to the the Lea L to the Council of the respective areas of the budgets for the next year um we're also getting busy three people in the audience are going to be very pleased to hear this we've started the the negotiations with the prosecutors unit which we're going to recommence here in the next couple weeks and in the next couple of weeks we have Corrections and the Sheriff's Office contracts coming up so we have three PBA contracts that are going to sunset in December so we're going to get real busy real quick the the second half of this year or the the fourth quarter of this year I'm really excited that um September 23rd and 24th I'll be conducting a series of leadership trainings for our department heads division heads supervisors to want wants to be supervisors people B and look to be brought up for the next Generation uh a leadership class called situational leadership I have a master certificate in leadership in situational leadership I earned from Dr Ken Blanchard a long time ago and I have taught over 800 classes of this throughout Alcoa and it's a very good I'm teaching the basic part of this it gives the supervisor a very good basic understanding of applying the appropriate leadership style to the the the the competency the demonstrated competency of the employees it gives them a good grounding on how to do that I'm very excited about being able to do that for us here too so that's all I got for tonight thank you County Council report I have no report okay thank you okay 20 any unfinish business any new business sure in that was emailed to you wer on the agenda is the request for div vision of senior services to apply for an age friendly Community planning process Grant the amount of $70,000 this will offset costs of staff and allow us to do the AARP H friendly Community planning application process to assess what the needs are for aging population and how we could do a fiveyear plan to help meet those needs implemented into our are plan contract that we have to do every years that need okay so I'm asking for permission for us to apply for that okay and there's no County match okay so that's so that's good okay so I would like to personally make the motion to um approve this so that you guys can get started on it approve the application authorize the application okay can I get a second last second okay uh deputy director Carney any discussion okay okay roll call please director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner de gr yes commissioner Hayden yes commissioner shik yes again thank you lorine for all you do for the seniors we get the after process then we are able to say that Sussex County is yes AES that'd be exciting thank you okay number 22 public session from the floor this public session is for those wishing to make General comments of 3 minutes or less on non-agenda topics please line up at the microphone and state your name and municipality for the record can I get a motion to open the floor for public comment okay commissioner shik in a second deputy director Carney any discussion all in favor I opposed obain motion carries the floor is open how are you my name is David Hansen Township committeeman in Hampton Township I'm also the Executive Vice President of the Hampton Township Fire and Rescue Department want to thank the Commissioners for passing 14j allowing us to close down to the county roads for the uh firemen's inspection parade that's going to be on October 5th um our president has sent you all I believe emails already and written invitations you can get back to him uh by the 20th I believe it is uh that way know how many seats to put on the observation stand um at towards the end of the grade thank you and we're also welcome to come to the festivities that are going to be held in the Township Park thank you I think our clerk was going to RSVP for the board she's finding out okay you did have a definite by the end the president is way on business and he must be in a place where there is no internet because I haven't been able to tou fireman's convention right oh he's not at the fireman's convention inginia so thank you very much thank you so much hi Sandy Hall New Jersey uh just an update to where the Delaware Water Gap defense fund is right now recently Congressman God coner anded an amendment to HR 8998 uh saying we should not have a national park a designation for the area um it just passed in the house and what does this mean you said if it goes on the Senate this deal is pretty much done I'm very uh grateful for his participation his support in doing this also I just got a a letter today from lelli legislative aid for our representatives in Trenton um ar133 which also says no National Park and Reserve uh is recommended to go up more V uh to the tourism gaming and the Arts commit and hopefully see that passed as well if that passes in the Senate it means New Jersey will take a formal opposition to the alliance's proposal to change the designation of the Delaware Water Gap natural Recreation Area and the point is you don't start doing something like this at the top you start at the bottom and you work your way out so for every municipality for every County uh representative for our County Representatives here I just want to say thank you for your unwavering and continued support we have made great strides and we never could have done it without you guys help is out suppor this so thank you very much thank you for your hard work on the cause no one's worked harder BR in hand in here we are again another meeting and the same situation still is going on and at this point in time there are at least two members of Congress who have called for investigations of Stolen Valor possible IRS ruling for relying on tax returns and apparently Mr Hayden told us at the last meeting that there was some kind of Ethics complaint about him obviously he would not have the decency to resign so I just want to say I guarantee him that he will not be reelected after the shame he has brought on to himself his friends family and the rest of the county thank you good evening my name is Dri gatana Still Water New Jersey um I'm coming here to um hope to find answers about U situation that's happening in front of our home uh we live in the still waterer New Jersey it's a peaceful rural town that now has two traffic lights sitting right in front of my home and um very little has happened uh since um November 6 2023 when the decision was made by the county Engineers office to uh install these traffic lights um just want to just run this through you again October 23rd 2023 there was a traffic accident U was this person driving a vehicle that was arrested for DWI who decided to call out of her vehicle and break down my front door and end up on my couch and get arrested on my couch Okay so moving to still water when people move here they move here for peace Qui Serenity nature the whole bit and now we have a Breakin we have a DWI thing and now we have two traffic lights and um the two traffic light decision was made very quickly um on November the 6 a memo was prepared which is that's not even counting the um the weekends very quick decision to put two traic lights based on a lot of different uh engineering jargon but but mostly because they claimed there were several accidents that happened in front of the M uh he puts in a report that says um 15 accidents took place in 2006 of those 15 accidents 12 of them were deer strikes three of them were possibly in front of my home and two of those um accents of the three that were cited uh were during a snow event and one was doing a rain event and a drunk driver has caused a lot of problems for us I mean we have we have lots of noise trash we have uh all kinds of activity in front of our home there's a nice drone shot with all the traffic in front of our home this is the view from our driveway and this is just me waiting to get into my driveway in a in a rural community it's not right it's just not right and when I try to get information the lawyer's office doesn't want to give us any information through the process we write emails responses now commissioner carne has been very communicative been very open and honest with us I I believe giving the information when it's available to them but um this can't stand it just can't stand I mean I know that people want to keep people safe but has anybody thought about our safety forget about our first world problems we can't even pull out of our driveway safety because people blow through the light there's no way that this can continue and I just really hope somebody can help us out here I really do hope that thank you for your time thank you we'll follow up and uh have commissioner deputy director Carney email you again yeah if there's any just to get to you I know I didn't get back to you um Bill Copo was away when you emailed me last and he just get back and busy with some other things say your is important I don't me to say that but I I'll talk to him tomorrow and see where we're at I be honest with you I don't think we've gotten anywhere you know I know the engineer came out I think I I think we sent you that information I think we're just waiting for them to come up with a plan again I I build Bridges and I know you don't want to hear this but that is such a like sensitive area with your Wetlands um with it being a historic area and it's a long bridge it really is I don't want to you know get your hopes up by any means but it's just I know it sucks I get that because I drive past there um I just I don't I don't have an answer and again I'm not an engineer either but people were telling me now that the engineer came out the sea folks in and told them that they want to take property by domain which which which equals legal fees for us so now I have broken down door traffic lights and now I got to pay lawyers to defend my property I mean it's kind of it's kind of kind yeah that is a good rumor there yeah it really is that that's that's yeah I I wouldn't worry about that one that's haven't heard that yeah that's not that's ridiculous that my understanding is that bridge will go right in in the same spot and only not only because one of the reasons is because you have that Wetlands restriction so that alone tells me no way and that's from 25 years experience of Building Bridges first of all I do appreciate all your your help I want you to know that and we'll get back to you even if it's the same thing at least we'll give you some other answer thank you Chris takes his liaison responsibility very seriously when it comes to the roads thank you anyone else can I get a motion to close CL the floor for public comment and return to regular business so move second okay commissioner Hayden is second from commissioner deg any discussion um all in favor I I oppose abstain motion carries number 23 reminders please check the County's website at www.sex.nj.us804anddate.com [Music] opposed abstain motion carries 646