this is the commissioner meeting of July 24th 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Sussex County administrative Center commissioner meeting room one Spring Street Newton New Jersey can I have a roll call please commissioner Hayden here commissioner shik here director space here deputy director Carney here commissioner the grp here a moment of silence and salute to the flag tonight I would like to take a moment of silence for Lou dos who recently passed Lou was a wanted resident an American conservative political commentator author television host and also a local uh farmer with the horses and he did the horse show show circuit I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all for public statement pursuant to the open public meetings act chapter 231 PL 1975 adequate notice as defined by section 3D of chapter 231 p oops I already read that part has been made by regular mail and email such notice being submitted on January 7th 2024 from the administrative center of the county of Sussex located at one Spring Street Newton New Jersey to the following New Jersey Herald and the Star Ledger and is also posted on the bulletin board maintained in the administrative Center for Public announcements and has been submitted to the Sussex County Clerk in compliance with said act at this time please mute all electronic devices number five approval of agenda there are three amendments to tonight's agenda first we have a proclamation will we will be adding to tonight recognizing the Sussex County Senior of the Year 2024 which will be presented at senior day at the fair on August 8th 2024 second we have another Proclamation that we will be we will be presenting tonight recognizing the hard work of the young ladies from the weekend bag program lastly we will be tabling to a future meeting item number 148 can I get a motion to approve the agenda as aend director can you break up the two proclamations and 14e and do them at two different yes can I don't know if I can do that on the agenda you can I can okay um to approve the agenda for the two proclamations and then to add or to delete the that's your discretion you can okay um so I will separate and we will do the two proclamations can we can I get a motion to approve the agenda with adding the two proclamations in it sove some move okay uh commissioner shik and commissioner Hayden a second any discussion all in favor I opposed abstain motion carries okay uh can we get a motion to table item 148 to a future meeting so moved okay commissioner Hayden and commissioner shik any discussion I do have a discussion I'd like to know why we're going to table this well when we had the agenda meeting I specifically said that I would like to see the attorney come to the meeting and uh I asked multiple times and it hasn't happened so I decided that I would like to see us take our 60 days and so you want to take 60 days I don't want to take the full 60 days we have three meetings and if um our Clerk of the board could find a meeting that the attorney can come to then I'll would be more than happy to have it on the agenda so if we're going to table 14e why aren't we going to table 14 H um I'm not going to table 14 H why is that it's kind of the same platform is it not what's that not going to table it no okay so unless you want to separate it out and see if it goes through that's fine nope just curious I think there's people here in audience that are wondering why we're going to table it but okay okay um can I get a motion to uh approve the agenda tabling item 148 so mooved okay commissioner Hayden makes a motion and a second had a second with with the group and we had our discussion okay all in favor I I opposed opposed no okay abstain motion carries number six proclamations certificates presentations we have the weekend bag program to be presented by commissioner here come around the front that's Proclamation whereas the quality and character of life in the communities across us County are reflective of the concerned and dedicated individual idual and whereas the weekend bag program was first was first a concept established in 2016 by three sisters Isabelle Olivia and magaline after Isabelle realized there were students in her school who struggled with food and hygiene insecurity and wanted to help her peers and whereas today the weekend bag program is a kidf founded and run 501 1c3 nonprofit that runs for a full 10mon school year and works with the administration of local schools to identify students who would benefit most from receiving a weekend bag of hygiene products and food and whereas to date the weekend bag bag program has expanded to 21 schools and serving over 200 students each week during the school year Distributing over 160 ,000 meal items and over 38,000 weekend bags and whereas Olivia and Magdalene have received multiple awards for their service to the to the community including the 2022 greater Newton Chamber of Commerce community service award the Daughters of the American Revolution 2024 and community service award the susus County Chamber of Commerce Healthy Living award at their 37th annual Awards lunch and whereas Olivia and magdaline and all who assist with the weekend EG program are one of susex County's greatest assets and that they are dedicated to help those in need unselfishly give their personal time to feed and make a difference in the lives of many children living in susex county and whereas volunteering one's time talents and resources has been an integral part of our American Heritage since the early days of our nation and it is essential that we continue this tradition of giving and sharing to preserve and improve the quality of life for all citizens in our County now therefore be it resolved that the board of County Commissioners commend Alivia Magdalene and Isabelle and the weekend bag program for their tremendous contribution to the susus county community by order of the susus County Commissioners thank you you girl want to say say anything to to the we just want to say thank you it's such an honor to we're so grateful we want to thank you for thank you yeah I've know your parents I know what you guys do you guys are doing a great thing I really appreciate it keep it going long as you can thank you guys want take a quick picture H camera oh you blame it on the fan number seven there is no public hearing number eight public session from the floor this public session is for those wishing to make a comment of 3 minutes or less regarding an agenda item please line up at the microphone and state your name and municipality and agenda topic for the record when we get a motion to open the floor for public comment so moved second commissioner Hayden and a second with commissioner deg any discussion all in favor I opposed abstain motion carries the floor is open Agenda topics only board thank you very much for your service to this County I was here to excuse me HH I'm sorry spart I was here with my fellow residents from Sparta to address resolution 14e I recognize and appreciate that the board director has decided to adjourn the matter it is a very sensitive and important matter to us does the board have any sense of scheduling as to when that uh matter is going to be resch we have a meeting August 21st and then we have a meeting on the the second Wednesday and the fourth Wednesday of September I don't know those dates off hand so it be one of those three meetings and um whenever the attorney from the waste water management plan can come then oh I'm sorry I director the the you're looking for the attorney from developer yes from the no from the pack yes so then then we'll we'll have address it that understood okay we we appreciate the board's consideration please do keep in mind it's a sensitive issue for Sparta and important we look like to see you in September that's why I felt it was it could be August depending on the availability that's why I felt it was important that he was here okay thank you very much thank you anyone else agenda topics only close the floor for public comment can I get a motion so move second commissioner sh and a second with commissioner any discussion all in favor I oppose abstain motion carries number sign nine commissioner com commissioner comments we'll start with commissioner ha so I didn't get to do my weekly uh bi-weekly Library my only comment tonight is about the diamond chip I'm a hard no on that um I think it'll bring too much traffic I see it will drop property values Goot doesn't have how to handle that traffic there and 80% of the people in that town don't want it as far as I know and if they don't want it they're my constituents 80% of them don't want it I'm in line with you guys so you know you have my vote hopefully we can uh Prevail and not let some big donors win today is that it that's it okay commissioner sh thank you uh so I attended Jenny's house board meeting this uh last Wednesday and uh they were granted $135,000 to their program to uh continue their fine work uh they are working on a re accreditation um which is done every 5 years and and they're very close to getting that finished and um you know chenny house is is instrumental in the education and the bringing awareness to um you know child child assaults child abuse that kind of stuff um you know so they do tremendous work there's a lot that I'm not allowed to say um because um you know it's in confidence but let me tell you what they do is amazing it's just absolutely amazing uh secondly I attended the uh Board of Trustees meeting at the college last night uh for the second year uh postco they have had an increase in Revenue uh they have an increase in uh what they call credits college credits that that have been paid for and and they're already ahead of schedule with fall enrollment for the 2025 year so um they are really knocking it out of the park over there so um the uh the uh improvements that we've discussed are in their final planning stages and we should see a shovel in the ground really soon commissioner de GRE yeah uh to start I attended the Agricultural Development board uh last week we do have some progress for the Farmland preservation as the ACT development board has appointed a subcommittee to update our Farmland preservation plan which is terrific news as it will give us direction of where we want to go uh you know for preserving Sussex County uh two members of the a development board in collaboration with myself and the County engineer bill um we'll work with a consultant third party on this uh I'll provide updates as you know time goes on uh additionally I have an update on my work with seccc and Hudson Farms we finalized the weekly activities for the students internship program each week one student for the majority of the semester will participate in the following activities at Hudson Farms Greenhouse uh seating and the different media material for starting plants fertilizer formulations seedling treatments transplanting Leafly uh leafy green uh Pest Management and disease monitoring tomato pollination harvesting and Care um tropical plant growth and propagation and data collection for yielding and packaging sales uh these activities align with a course worth talk at sec's agricultural programs providing their students with real world experience to enhance their Workforce Readiness or support their ADV advancements at a four-year institution uh currently we have one student lined up for this fall 2024 internship program and fall semester and one another interested student for the spring 2025 semester I want to thank John at Hudson farm for his collaboration with myself and officials at sec to help better students here in Sussex County uh regarding the County AGR tourism Initiative for County Route 519 we did hold our second meeting this meeting solidified our initiative and included a staff member from the highlands Council which was happy to hear of our regional initiative to promote Agri businesses as well as farms and display our rural Heritage in the Northwest you know precious corner here we got in New Jersey uh during the meeting we assigned tasks to advance our efforts on the Sussex and Warren County side more so uh we determined that we need to conduct Outreach to the farms uh get her more in a row um as huan already has the foundation with the 579 Trail uh so for Sussex I myself am taking on the role in the absence of our planning director Autumn um and communicating with Farms about this initiative um Ron you could help too if you'd like but um want to get involved I know I know you got your hands full but um uh this criteria aligned uh for the most part with the four seasons of agricultural so I'm just going to contact those entities first and move on from you know entry uh any interested entities from there last but not least aside from seccc and agriculture uh I did attend last night the susex County Historical Society meeting I want to make sure to announce that Sussex County History day will be on Saturday September 21st from 11: to 4: at the Academy green uh the event will include life music food games vendors education and more uh parking will be available at the old Maguire lot where The Culinary Institute is um right over there uh for more information or to obtain tickets please out to The One and Only Mario POI um at Sussex history NJ that's all for okay deputy director Connie all right uh sus County DPW um emergency storm cleanup obviously we've been getting hit with a lot of storms little micro bursts here and there um so DPW Crews working working activ were activated early evening on Tuesday July 16th to response to extensive storm damage in a northern part of the County DPW Crews worked well until theight to establish Road Clos ures and detours due to numerous down trees many of the trees were entangled high voltage lines complicating the response obviously JC pnl some of you guys were out of power for a couple days they were working along uh with our DPW hardest area hit was Frankfurt wage and buron the storm resulted in extended closure of seven segments of the county routs storm cleanup became the top priority for DPW through Thursday July 18th All County roads were open late Thursday afternoon kudos to the DPW for their quick response and Engineering as well uh this is from the county clerk's office in his words not mine his words uh in close please find the June revenue report the June 2024 report indicates a revenue reduction in the amount of $ 37,7 7725 from June 2023 is important to note income from the county clerk's office through June 30th 24 totals 1,427 55379 cents the June figure is important because the revenue generated as of June 30th 2024 meets a projected cash flow goal per the operational budget submitted to the sus County Commissioners during the 23 budget hearings for fiscal year 24 the report also indicates revenue from 23 to 24 is up $15,708 uh property alert system in June went up 55 and to date is 1114 Daniel's law the June was 20 and to date 6 what they're not working um Saturday I attended with commissioner space and Senator space along with some others uh we had there was a food drive at at the Carriage House in cob Lake um raising money for the food pantry sucas County food pantry hit a little weather but uh I think they did okay I'm not sure what the numbers look like but it's always nice to get money donated to the food pantry and last night I attended with District 24 and again with director space micr surfacing that they're doing in uh Anover on Route 206 um right around Simon Peter I think they were doing 13 miles something like that right Bill 13 miles all said and done yeah right right for this stage yeah I think 32 milesi all together that's what it was 32 all together long story short what micro surfacing is is is basically instead of milling and Paving when they rip up the pavement put it back down they just skim it a 38 layer with this small material and it looks brand new and it uh it it helps our roads for about 5 or six years so we attended that last night around 8:00 um congratulations the girls are gone but they're I feel like they're always getting Awards and proclamations so again kudos to them for being as young as they are and helping out the food pantries and people throughout the community hopefully one day they're up here at this de doing the same thing for the rest of the county and and different opportunities I want to apologize to Sparta though you guys came out thinking that you were going to be able to talk about uh for tea and that that sucks so apologize for that that's all thank you um you can always speak your comments during our public comment session um which will be coming up soon uh I attended last week the Sussex Tech school board meeting we are still looking for one more Board of Ed member if you know someone that would like to apply they can send their resume to C marks at sussex.nj us and uh we will look over them um Sussex Tech enrollment they gave us the numbers their enrollment numbers are looking pretty good they're anticipating 766 students uh I'll pass these out to my college so that they can see the stats is this uh anticipated enrollment is 766 students 9th grade 200 students 10th grade grade 2011 11th grade 198 and 12th grade 167 they had 26 kids apply that declined um enrollment and then they had two kids that went from full-time back to Shared time and uh eight kids that went from shared time to fulltime and then 10 kids that returned back to district and uh they do they were going to post this on Sussex Tech website if you wanted to see their numbers um and I attended the wage Township committee meeting as a wage resident and uh it's been a little heated there because their ambulance ambulance Squad is going from volunteer to paid Monday through Friday days and not everyone is very happy about that uh and I attended the Board of Elections meeting last week and I'm the liais on and I know that I can speak on behalf of this board that we are committed to making sure that election Integrity is protected in Sussex County we do have them on our um executive session um and I went to uh ribbon cutting for a new hair salon in Newton and a hair studio with commissioner degr and commissioner Carney and my health department report is on my phone so I forgot to print it out uh New Jersey state fair Sussex County Fairgrounds Augusta New Jersey Friday August 2nd through Saturday August 10th the division of Health senior Services Social Services community and youth services and the office of Transit will be represented in the Sussex County Building at New Jersey state fair both displays and special events will be provided to benefit Sussex County residents behind the scenes environmental health staff will be completing the important task of inspecting and approving all approving all food vendors at the fair to ensure the health and safety of the P public Medical Reserve recruitment will be available in the county building on August 3rd from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. and on August 5th through August 9th from 3: to 6:00 p.m. Public Health nursing will be providing free blood pressure screenings in the county building on August 5th through August 9th from 12: to 300 p.m. Skylands ride will be providing transportation to the fair individuals in need can call 97357 n480 Senior Day at the fair will be held on Thursday August 8th 2024 from from 12:00 to 3:00 p.m. under the planet Network's Performing Arts tent at the fairgrounds seniors will enjoy visiting numerous vendors to obtain important information about Services while enjoying Refreshments door prizes and listening to rock and roll music from the 60s 7s and Beyond staff from the divisions of Health social services community and youth services and the office of Transit will be on site to answer questions and provide valuable information and resources to seniors the Sussex County senior of the Year presentation will take place at 1: p.m. which recognizes seniors in Sussex County who have been nominated for their accomplishments and outstanding service to their Community Sussex County Skyland ride bus drivers will also be recognized for their years of safe driving children's day will take place on Tuesday August 6th 2024 from 12: to 3:00 p.m. under the planet Network's Performing Arts 10 division of Health the Office of Public Health nursing will promote its services and resources and provide children with educational activities about nutrition clean communities program will staff a table and host activities for children Division of Community and youth services the div the Division of Community and youth services will host a table at Children's Day with crafts and activities to promote social and emotional learning staff will provide parents and Guardians with information about programs and services that's all I have okay number 10 approval of consent agenda there is none number 11 approval of the regular meeting minutes of July 10th 2024 can I get a motion to approve the minutes from the regular meeting so moved okay commissioner shake and a second second commissioner Hayden any discussion all in favor I opposed abstain motion carries number 12 there are no ordinances number 13 there are no appointments and or resignations number 14 uh we have 14 a through you a through and taken out oh a through a through D and then f f okay A through D and then F through U can we get a motion to adopt the resolutions a through D and F through U Move okay commissioner Hayden and second second uh commissioner shik any discussion roll call please commissioner Hayden yeah yes commissioner shik yes director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner degr yes uh number 15 Awards of contract change orders bids the board of County commissioners of the county of Sussex has reviewed the award of contract change orders bids consisting of various proposed resolutions and determined that adoption of the said resolutions is in and will further the public interest can I get a motion to adopt resolutions a through C move okay commissioner and commissioner Hayden any discussion roll call please uh commissioner Hayden yes commissioner shik yes director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner degr yes okay number 16 financials um can I get a motion to pay the bills list for July 24th 2024 move okay commissioner shik and a second second okay commissioner Hayden any discussion roll call please commissioner Hayden yes commissioner shik yes director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner degr abstain okay number 17 uh Personnel Ron is going to discuss that in new business and number 18 administrative report oh sorry I was jump to the end there I'm sorry about that yeah um just for everybody uh ask that the public give us a little time in the front here we're redoing all the steps and stuff out there we're making that more safe and and not just for the Aesthetics of it to make it more safe to walk through and and all that so I apologize for the mess out there and then lastly I don't know if you've noticed we've got microphones scking up here we've got new speakers they started the installation of the whole new Ab system in here this week they were supposed to start tomorrow but because we had a meeting tonight so we had to get them out of here real quick but by the 21st meeting you shall see this thing fully implemented with a brand new AV um camera video audio my goal is to have the people in the back someday say hey can you turn it down so so you don't have to worry about hearing us of anymore so that's coming down the line and that's really all I have thank you thank you number 19 County Council report nothing for the regular session we do have a couple litigation matters to review or potential litigation matters to review an executive one of which will likely require us to come back out uh when we're done but that's it number 20 unfinished business I have some unfinished business I guess it's unfinished could be new but we'll called unfinished because we spoke about this last meeting uh a new tech member I know you just brought that up for Sussex Tech so every I I think um commissioner deg said that he had somebody and I think maybe somebody else did but no one's put their application in but one woman I'll leave her name out of it I guess because it doesn't really matter did everybody look at that did anybody see look yes looked her over yeah looked her over and then I also just the comment I'm allowed to absolutely oh okay yeah uh I did like tell my person hey you got got to go yeah you know you didn't receive anything no I didn't and listen Jack that that happens that's normal and here's here's the problem that I have you know these boards need people you know to create forums to have equal voting you know you have three Dems you have three Republicans so long story short is everybody if everybody saw this information on this woman I am going to move that we put her on the board as of tonight so if I can get a second or if you want to do that for me Jill if you want me to put the motion out I would like then I'll have discussion absolutely okay uh there's a motion the there's a motion is there a second okay to put the person's name out there or I would probably rather say why she registered to be a it's it's well I mean you don't have to talk about it until we get a second we don't have a second we have nothing to talk about well we're making a motion I made a motion I just need a second okay any uh uh okay so deputy director carne is making a motion to put a name on the board for consideration tonight does anyone want to Second it anything else on un business okay number 21 new business any new business um we uh just going back to the Personnel agenda um this is um two two things that we were doing we made all the propos promotions in the budget that were in June and because of civil service people that are entitles um their their time to be put into the next position is not exactly aligned with our budget it's it's a line more in the in the timing within civil service that they're ready to go to so the two that are on this on this agenda tonight are people that will be eligible in August and September but we want to do them now so that because we only have one meeting in August we they they'll be ready to go by there that's the reason that they're on there tonight that's it okay sounds good number 2 number 22 public we we would need a motion then to consider it approve the personel agenda can we get a motion to approve the Personnel agenda I'll make the motion in a second I'll second okay commissioner shik any discussion do you want all in favor roll call roll uh commissioner Hayden yes commissioner shik yes director space yes deputy director Carney yes commissioner de grou yes motion carries okay number 22 public session from the floor this public session is for those wishing to make General comments of 3 minutes or less on non-agenda topics please line up at the microphone and state your name and municipality for the record can I get a motion to open the floor for public comments move and commissioner de gr seconds any discussion all in favor I opposed abstain motion carries the floor is open hi there everyone Gail just late in New Jersey I'm here two reasons tonight I'm looking on my email because I've been asked to read something so we'll start with the fact that last time I was here two weeks ago I said that there was still uh election signs up in Sussex there's five election signs for kic and russer Mr schik was nice enough to remove the one that I called his attention to that was in laia but is there any kind of fine for anyone who leaves to sign up so long after is there anything on the put something on the how about I make a motion that we put something on the I don't think we can enforce on roads that aren't our roads I see so where would you go then to if I were to do something like the state has one mandate yeah on how we handle them I was a part of that years ago when we set it up I don't know if we have anything at the county I mean generally our people the state people would pick them up put them by a dum and they have 30 days to pick them up um well the people who put the sign down who should be picking them up now people that were paying that that's not how can I ask where they where they are Gail just out of here head in 565 there's five for Co there's one in Hampton by Fair Cloud fuel in fact that one um somebody had put a loser on top of that but somehow that signed a BL if you could just write it down I'll go get them take them off I don't know how that happened anyway that's number one number two I have something to read that's on behalf of the GOP uh Barbara um H excuse me Joe labber and Barbara Hol and it says the Sussex County GOP public statement the Sussex County GOP announces its decision to move forward with the Gathering of signatures to initiate a recall of commissioner Hayden one minute this action comes in resp response to a series serious allegation of Stolen Valor associated with commissioner Hayton which have led to significant loss of trust confidence within our party and the broader Community the integrity and honor of our elected officials are Paramount and we believe this recall effort is necessary to uphold these values we thank the community for their support and encourage all concerned citizens to to participate in this important process recall will kick off Friday July 26 5- 7 at the uh green there in Newton you can check out the Facebook page for committee to recall William Bill so that starts on Friday okay thank you Kathy brenon Hansen Township I just want to start off with saying I'm not a crank I have better things to do with my life trust me I'm not obviously not a lone wolf because other things are happening now and I of course I call would call for resignation again but since obviously commissioner Hayden is not a big enough man and does and does not have to be the ma'am let's not make personal attacks make your statement excuse me you don't need to make personal attacks but you can make your statement it's not a question of being a big enough man or woman but go ahead I'm sorry I have trouble hearing you can make your statement and still be polite go ahead the process to distribute recall petitions will begin as she just said Friday night on the Newton green and I would encourage everyone to attend and sign a recall position if you are unable to to attend I'm sure there will be many other opportunities upcoming in various locations to sign and commissioner Hayden if um you continue to think this is a joke and it's very funny well it's really I feel a horrendous issue but I assure you your behavior will only encourage more people of Sussex County to sign the recall position and once again I I urge people to show up there or or other places to sign a recall position thank you so you're coming at me for something I never ran on which is fine but there's inconsistencies here Gail's friend an elected official told somebody to lie on a medical report how come we're not going after her she was an elected official when she told her to lie so yeah I'm going to laugh because there very there are a lot of inconsistency I could point out inconsistencies all day long I'm not going to do that I don't know if the time keep coming at me I'm just it's a waste of time that's it anyone else can I get a motion to close the floor for public comment and return to regular business someone move second commissioner de and commissioner Hayden any discussion all in favor I oppos abstain motion carries number 23 reminders please check the County's website at schedules and we also have our next meeting is a different pattern so it's Wednesday August 21st and that is our only meeting number 24 executive session resolution regarding providing for an executive closed session not open to the public in accordance with the provisions of njsa 10 4-12 Etc whereas the subject matter is about to be discussed may be excluded from the public portion of the meeting by resolution of the board of County Commissioners as an exception to the open public meetings act pursuant to NJ sa 10 4-12 B and whereas it appears necessary for the board of County Commissioners to discuss such matters in executive session now therefore be it resolved that the board of County commissioners of the county of Sussex in accordance with the provisions of njsa 10 412b and njsa 10 4-13 that the board at this time enter into an executive session from which the public shall be excluded and be it further resolved that the general nature of the subjects to be discussed relate to the following items authorized by njsa 10 412b as designated below number seven matters relating to litigation negotiations and the in uh attorney client privilege Board of Elections and litigation be it further resolved that the deliberations conducted in Pro session may be disclosed to the public upon the determination of the sesex County Board of County Commissioners or provided by law that the public interest will no longer be served by such confidentiality and be it further resolved that upon completion of the business for which the board has entered into the executive session the board shall reconvene and resume its meeting open to the public and be it further resolved that the board expects to take formal action after returning from executive session and to adjourn the regular regular meeting okay can I get a motion to adopt the executive session resolution and enter into executive session so moved okay commissioner Hayden and a second second uh commissioner shik any discussion all in favor I opposed abstain motion carries can we get a motion to adjourn from executive session and return to regular business we move second commissioner Hayden and commissioner degr um any discussion all in favor I I I oppose abstain motion carries and then we have to vote on two resolutions two resolutions two resolutions okay we need to vote on the Clen set um can I get a motion to vote on the Clen sett settlement to accept it sove okay commissioner shik and a second I'll second okay roll call uh commissioner Hayden yes commissioner degr yes director space yes commissioner shik yes deputy director Carney yes okay motion carries and then I need a motion on what's the name what was it Software House to approve the software house a motion to approve the soft software house resolution okay commissioner Hayden and a second with commissioner deg grou any discussion yeah just so the record's clear we went to Executive it became clear that there was a contract item that would was still had to be discussed that was a topic that was an appropriate topic for executive discussion discussions which is why we've come out tonight and that's the second resolution um so uh that's the context in which it was discussed and why you have to deal with it tonight thank you roll call please commissioner Hayden yes commissioner de group yes uh director space yes commissioner shik yes deputy director Carney yes okay can I get a motion to adjourn the meeting commissioner de and a second from commissioner Hayden all in favor I under an hour even with executive session not bad 654