##VIDEO ID:0TcjaXRbuSw## e e thank you everyone for coming I call this meeting to order can I get a roll call please Mrs Chini here Mrs Deli is not here Mrs Morocco here Mrs Simmons here this Stace here this go here is not here Mrs here Mrs here we have a you please stand up for the light oh oh it's back here guys sorry I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for which it stands one nation under God indivisible withy and Justice the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business uh affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of the act the Sussex wage uh Sussex wage Regional School District board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having a day time and place thereof posted in the school building and notice of said meeting sent to the New Jersey Herald and the Star Ledger the Sussex wage Regional School District is a responsive caring child- centered Community our mission is to educate each individual to become a confident competent lifelong learner and productive responsible citizen at providing challenging opportunities in a safe environment through a partnership of Family School effort and empathy as I present each student with their certific effort and empathy as I this evening you will clearly following when recommending him for student one Caleb is kind following and recommending him for student one Caleb is kind well-mannered student who most definitely spreads sunshine to Cheyenne Ramo Cheyenne's teacher stated the following room recommending her Cheyenne works very hard in all of her classes and is consistently assis consistently assisting her peers if she sees them struggling if she is struggling herself she's able to identify and work with her teachers on improving her here at SMS chenne is a part of our chorus and theater department where she is excited about the opportunity to perform in these years of life fren Jun Cheyenne is indeed making an impact here at life FR Jun Cheyenne is indeed making an impact here at SMS every day she's looking forward to high school where she will continue to play softball and volleyball and is extremely excited about many it is with great pride introduce it is with great pride [Applause] introdu my name is and I'm secetary middle school has had a great month and the clubs and sports have a lot ofs our seven gr classes enjoyed a he about abouty that this activity is sponsored each year by the swp we appreciate the SMS Builders Club sponsored a winter Co Drive where 76 76 cats were donated by our district have a to share with you this to share with you this evening some of the activities that we have been having here at this time I'd like to summary of fund balance in the general fund we started off with a little over 7 million uh withdrew 576,000 from the capital reserve through budget withrawal also through a budget of withdrawal weed 250,000 from M Used 2.92 million of surplus B Bud liquidated PRI so at the end of year we had 550,000 was down9 then there's 250,000 Reserve also very good to have reserve the EAS we have the excess Surplus that was calculated at 63023 that's being used in the 25 budget of 1.42 million culated excess Surplus 6324 that needs to be used in6 budget of 1.4 million 527,000 of unemployment so that's used for unemployment and the 379,000 in that I mentioned previously and they vary do the timing of projects and orders and then unassigned is 87,000 that's [Music] C St transp and exra 348,000 278,000 then we look at the total fund balance of 5.4 million subract out money that's been set aside restricted forf incumbrances access to 25 and the different reserves that I mentioned previously we come down to 2.2 million and you compare that 2.2 million versus 87,000 and if there's an access access Surplus for the current year so if we can kind enough to turn back to the change mention two Enterprise funds dist has two Enterprise funds proprietary funds supposed to act like a business and be self-supporting ref first the Food Service fund or cafeteria something called an acquisition that's very similar to fund Bal so that that position increased 40,000 to 366,000 increase was due primar to an excess of daily sales and federal and state subsidy reimbursements as well as get increase in interest earnings over operating expenses then we have The CARE program that position increased 17,000 to 193,000 and excess expenses and finally we have two longterm liabilities the first is compensated acces payable that's 76 2,000 that's um an estimate that required to be done by the district it's the estim cation time of the staff and then of course as the staff retires then the resp and then we have the net pension liability in the P pension system of 3977 million that's the best system responsility District so can I answer any questions on I over you know you also always give a a thorough representation but just say like layman's terms can you kind of say for everybody like the budget's in a healthy place there's no malas or something crazy is going on no we didn't notice anything like that the records were in very good condition and you you kind of conduct a checks and balances type approach too you have to come in and audit districts yes we do District I'm move [Applause] on ask page looking at operating Cil items buiness office in the bank deter number ofs that been removed and the form up turn to page the state of New Jersey came in and conducted a collabora monitoring on number ofs of the district and they are very rough everyone that's gone through this so the issue report and it did have some findings but the district filed a corrective action plan and that was accepted by the um Department of Education and they did have one request of addressing certain addition added to one of the policies and the district is in the process of addressing that so recation there as well we be up turn to page seven this is regarding the service program we have to do this calculation where we whether any resources um pretty much every District that participated in SSO see summer option program during has this net access gives you an opportunity to buy any equipment for the district I don't think it's terrible some districts CAF money and then we' is a growing student accountable balance unid balances it's currently about 63 is about $35,000 very hard to address that the district is doing what they can to address that so it's just to bring everyone and then on page we always like suggestion final final to the covid-19 funding it will not be there next year will be over and then Federal grals the Department of Education Rel dresses and we put these in all of our reports leastly and then the unemployment trust now the pay service provider that District uses what they supposed to do certain percentage because in a reur method claims but they do send that to state so it's just question contacting them to see the same do back to and thenur coverage um there is no required coverage for the business administrator because the treasures position when it was originally thought of they had a lot more responsibilities than they do nowadays and the business administrators control and access so and then the final one is on confirming orders um State Department comes out they kind of heads up they do like to see thechase overall excellent report excellent condition ask questions here for like two weeks on site and we really appreciate all the help at this time we will move on to audience remarks members of the audience are invited to make brief comments about items on this agenda matters of interest to the district comments seeing none we will move on to the board secretary certification please pursu to njac 6A 23-1 16103 I certifi that as of November 30th 2024 no l lineation violation N3 thank Mrs rer at this time we'll move on to the approval of board minutes for November 21st 2024 regular and executive session can I get any motion please you can I get a second you any discussion roll call please yes yes yes Mrs Simmons yes Mrs face yes Mrs L yes Mrs yes we do not need the executive session at this time so we will move on to the presentation of agenda items pleas thank you person I ation thank you I a second second thank you any discussion call please s yes yes this isini yes Mor this this is yes this going to abstain from number nine [Applause] yes motion carries under policy I move second discussion call please this yes this isini yes this s yes this yes yes under Finance I like3 can I a motion motion I a second discussion this yes this sim yes yes this Morocco yes this Bal yes yes yes special services items through any discussion s yes yes yes under curriculum I'd like to move item number one noting that the 12624 trip uh preschool Mrs Gomez La School attending the Wonderland activity hour is going to be rescheduled for January 24th 2025 I a second second discuss yes Simmons yes yes yes reference to the agendum under Personnel I move item motion yes yes s yes under Finance I'd like to this yes yes Chini yes this Morocco yes Mrs Simmons yes this isar yes this yes and under curriculum i' like number one I get a motion second awesome yes yes at this time we'll move on to unfinished business done any new business um the first is there be a discussion on yeah so I refer it to the policy committee they'll kind of hash it out walk through it I send you I send you the stra ese update did I send you a draft of like something that I made up yeah so that would be the brainstorming talking point okay y then it go to two readings my second thing is is there type of phone apparatus in the classrooms that like not necessarily needs to call out phones or like you know cell phones and stuff that that can call like the main office and the N station so there's direct communication from every classroom to the main office and the Nur station like if somebody need to go with the nurse it would be filtered through the main office okay is there any way be a direct thing I'm just saying like it seems like a lot in like the nurses the main office get yeah I mean I would run through something like that with the tech department and the facility department just to give you an idea but having I managed the infrastructure when I was a teacher of a technology integration where we did that we phones in every classroom um you know at the time it included rewiring a hard line to every single room in the building and so it was probably I'm going to say probably be a quarter of a million dollar project I don't know if they can back on systems that we already have in place like infrastructure a couple years ago we had challenges with our PA systems in all the building so we replaced a lot of those things I don't know if we could piggyback on that but we'll explore for than a secondary meas talk assist too nurses you have station so right so we will move on to audience remarks members of the audience are invited to make three comments items on before before you get started part if I could just ask Ashley get a donut and a hot coco she get a donut and hot but they spray roads and the kids are going to school tomorrow okay so whoever makes that W all right so I two questions um so my first one was number three oh sorry Andre SPO wanted New Jersey um number three for policies it says um math interventionist teacher Elementary School what like how many are you hiring what school will they be in like how how detailed is that is that like tier three like yeah so you know it would be kind of like our vision for is the equivalent of a tier three reading specialist right for the math realm to be a very forthcoming we've tried this since the beginning of the year since the summertime right um and we couldn't originally we were looking for someone with a math expertise right so you have a subject specific certification in math but then also have the elementary cert primarily would be at the Lawrence School and The Wanted School divider uh and we've been unable to fill that position so now we've moved into posting for a generalist certificate right you don't have the math specialization but a candidate might come in and demonstrate like a really high proficiency for math that you might think oh this would be a great first so we're in the process of interviewing okay and also I was wondering if you guys um got together don't know what the committee was called I believe Mrs Chini was going to have I don't know the technical term student achievement committee that would so did you guys meet or so we had a preliminary meeting issued a uh survey to staff to kind of get going we got some feedback for that tried to schedule a meeting was yester day before we got snowed out SN out yeah and um so we're following up with that the near future okay probably after break all right thanks thank you any other public comments seeing none we do need to go into executive session um approximately 30 minutes action will be taken can I get a resolution please whereas pursuing to njsa 1042 the for Regional Board of Education May exclude the public from that portion of a public meeting at which the board discusses the matter described at njsa 101219 now therefore be it resolved that assessors wanted Regional Board of Education shall enter into post session to discuss legal matter now therefore it be further resolved by the sub Wantage Regional Board of Education that pursu njsa 104-113 the time when and circumstances under which the discussion conducted inlo session can be disclosed to the public as when the need for confidentiality no longer exists can I get a motion session can I get a second all in favor say I I knows all right we'll see about 30 minutes thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e we are back in public session thank you for waiting Mrs reker can I get a resolution please it is recommended that the board approve the following resolution resolve that the Board of Education hereby approves the settlement agreement involving student number 5962 and agrees to the terms and conditions set forth therein he had further resolved that the Board of Education authorizes the board president to execute the settlement agreement on its behalf rker can I get a motion great any discussion this face yes sim yes all I heard was this side this is a yes this isini yes this is Morocco yes this space yes this alone yes this to yes thank you can I get a motion forour not everyone who wants it I'll take it okay can I get a second all in favor say I hi any nose have a great holiday everyone we are