##VIDEO ID:xOiYB5sjVro## e e e e e good evening everybody Welcome to the swamp school committee don't make me laugh um regular session for Thursday November 21st 2024 we are live and in color at swans high school if you are so able please stand and do the the pledge pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for for all okay um you'll notice it's a little sparse up on the uh the de today um and so all that will mean we do not have a quorum so we will hold no votes whatsoever so with that um we are going to start with For the Love of learning um and I going to turn the festivities over to uh swamp High School teacher Mr Franklin even though there just a few of us here I don't even need a microphone but I'm going to stand right up here and start like this I we have booming voices but carry it with you and walk around I could do that you could do that no I I'll stand here that will that will be fine um tonight we would like to introduce you to one of the things we do in speech SLU speaking when we introduce ourselves and rather than do the biographic things of hi I'm Mr Franklin I teach at swamp Scott high school we pattern things after a poem by George Ella lion who patented this where I'm from I am from a line of poetry that makes you stop and think and Ponder your very existence I have chosen to take on whatever I want to be in such a way that it caused my dear old mother conniptions because she never quite understood all of the things that I did I am from my heart which may or may not be connected to my head but is certainly connected to your heart and that is how I begin my where I'm from and I brought with me tonight well Noel is going to be here anyway um Callen and Ava who will walk through their where I'm from in terms of how they introduce themselves to the class at the beginning of the SE Noel you're first yes I am from the aroma of freshly baked cookies from the smell of clean laundry and pine Sal I'm from knorst and The Seven Fishes I'm from the warmth of kitchen conversations and The Echoes of our shared enduring Tales where each recipe holds a piece of us and every holiday gathers us like a quilt of time I'm from faces etched in old photo frames from the Embraces that anchor me through storms where love is a thread that binds our heart tight and family is a song that sings bright I'm from the weeping willow whose bows Andel my childhood from scraped knees and worn shoes I am from knockdown 7 get up8 a saying I have learned to love I'm from the lime green house painted over gray a house whose walls have Hur every joy and every heartbreak I'm from the dead end Street where my imagination ran as wild as my feet I'm from the beach of scalding sand and languid water I am from books I'm from the pages a world intertwine in the hush of a room and Whispering lines where time dissolves in the Ink's Endless Sea and every page is a new Delight I'm from the hill at my grandparents house from the hammock I spent my youth on the gentle swaying of a much better time I'm from pearly keys and saxophone reads where Melodies swir like ghosts and rhythms pulse like heartbeats crafting stories in every note a world where music breaths in a whirl of brass and beef each note like a shared heartbeat creating Symphonies from laughter and Echoes of longor jokes I'm from the Whispering Pines and shadowed Trails where sunbeams weave through leaves and time stand still and the crunch of fallen leaves beneath my feet a quiet hum of a world at ease I'm from where S I am from the silence where laughter used to ring from faded Echoes of bonds now past where one shared dreams drift like leaves in the wind and memories linger like Shadows cast I'm from the empty chair by the TV's light where the Echoes of her laughter softly fade and the scent of lavender that clings to memories and a space that's left where her warmth used to stay I'm from the spirited hum of Barcelona's soul from gouty's dreams etched in Mosaic huse where the laughter of lbla dances in the breeze and the mediterranean's blue wraps the heart in view I'm from the gentle Allure of n's Coast in the prominade stroll under azer Skies with the scent of lavender mingles with sea air and each sunsets pallette paints a soft warm goodbye I'm from the smell of new tennis balls and the whack as it hits my strengths I'm from the rhythmic bounce of a well-worn ball and the crack of a racket meeting Fierce resolve where summer afternoons stretch out long and golden where laughter and exhilaration have found a home I am from Donuts on the golf course with the Quiet greens where Shadows drift and the soft click of a swing and a balls soaring flight where my patience unravels with each measured putt I'm from the tapestry of moments finally spun in the laughter and loss the battles won in stories told and the dreams I chase I find myself in every line in every place I just I have Goosebumps I know Noel you can sit here move over well done holy moly I'm thinking what would I write wow I am from the bright stage with loud music sounds of the tap shoes hitting the floor match the Beats of my heart I feel in my chest lights hitting my skin as the sweat glistens off my face voices of their Jud of the judges itching their way into my head watch your turnout and careful of that line dealing with the Judgment from behind this is where I'm from I am from the sweet smells and savory dishes this kitchen is where I had my grand birthday wishes the sounds of the mixer the smells of the desserts makes me feel the love with them Grandma asks are the cookies almost ready but by the smell of the house I knew they were done this is where smells became lifelong memories this is where I'm from I am from the sounds of waves crashing the bright sun beaming down on me soaking up all its love the sand hot the touch the water clear as day my Serene landscape in front of me enlightening me to stay that salty feel on my skin knowing that a new season will soon begin this is where I'm from I am from Snowy Mountains in cold fingertips chairlift swinging and my sister throwing a fit it's too cold and I want to go inside as I'm taking in the beauty right in front of my eyes the snow spray my friend and I as we ski into the night it's almost pitch black our moms yelled at us to get back the joy King brings in the laughter that is made especially when we travel far far away Whistler in New Hampshire hold a lot of family memories this is where I'm from I am from the year 2009 15 years I've been alive those years have brought both happy and sad and some things I thought I'd never have more lessons to be grasp and more people to come this is where I'm from it's like I can I can Envision it all as I I have a comment afterwards it's very funny well done good evening everyone my name is Ava coffee and this is where I'm from if I were to be asked the question where are you from I would probably just say oh I'm from Ireland but I moved to America three years ago and I would just leave it at that but if you were to ask me again where are you from I would say that I am from famine and war that starved and slaughtered the people before me I'm from private schools with little skirts and large sweaters that always left a rash and the same pair of black tights that always seem to have a new hole in them I'm from the memories that I long for on a disconsolate day the kind where a young me's laughter slices through the Silence of my foggy mind I am from stars and Moonlight that cast down a light through my curtains at night emphasizing that there is light in darkness I from the day after a rainstorm where the grass is greener and the scent of Dew and dampness becomes comforting I am sculpted piece by piece of memories that are over 3,000 miles away from me I am a sculpture crafted by the hands of God with the face of my mother but the Eyes of My Father father my sculpture trips and cracks every day and I try to layer more Clay on top of it but you can't always fix every crack in your sculpture I'm from sunrises and sunsets where I am reassured that every ending has a new beginning I'm from literature and lore where the story of my life is being unfolded and erased and retold again and again I'm from being sheepish about how I say words like now and Grand I'm from the earth and the soil that spreads my family's tree from our roots to the newest Leaf I'm from Dusty pictures with the same black and glass frame where my smile is real where my older brother is holding my hand and my younger brother is playing with a toy fir truck I'm from those pictures and memories because they make who I am today and that is where I'm from wow wow wow is wow is right and and what as I noticed as I'm listening to them is that each of them now has given three formal speeches as well as a lot of practicing and these speeches are so much more powerful than they were the first time they did them and so impressive so this is what we do this is a way to not only introduce ourselves but also to continue to polish and look at how we present and where we are from so thank you for having us it's been a treat fantastic so so I'm G to go first here um you know I was I mean I'm I'm old as dirt but I was instantaneously back in my childhood kitchen watching my mother do laundry with Dash laundry detergent and I got that smell that I have not had for 45 years so words are so powerful and U you guys should be so proud of yourself that was amazing you know and you know we all speak in public and it's it gets it's hard but that was awesome you you got I'm Blown Away great great job thank you so much for coming really well done W thank you guys thank you very much Mr Frank John John sorry any thought it was great um thanks I should have put my hand up it it was great and uh everyone did a great job and you know thank you to you Mr Franklin and um I guess I think it would be interesting you know tuck these away put them away and pull them out in like 15 20 years and see see where you are compared to where you were today I think that would be a great little thing just to see you know for your own for your own benefit so but again great job I will say this I don't know how I ended up in this position because in high school I was a back row backseat kind of gal don't look at me don't call on me we didn't have an opportunity for a class like this and then I got to college and we had to take speech class I think I dropped it three times and then took it in the summer because it was a shorter semester of like six weeks so you three are so far ahead of where we were back in the day but I'm old too um but I just remember the panic and the quiver in my voice and you three are so composed and so ahead of your years I'm I'm so proud of you and thank you for bringing this to our kids really wonderful and thank you for coming it's a lousy night you could be tucked PJs at home so thanks for coming thank you guys so much really appreciate it um all right um committee comments John it's only you any comment no comments tonight no comments tonight okay um I'm going to wait on mine too um um Miss angelakis there's no reports and discussions so superintendent report okay so I am going to table me I'm sorry Noel I always do this always do this it is floor is yours um nothing really um crazy the Powderpuff game is this Saturday we are playing rain or shine so you should come out and support us and that's about all I have all right excellent good luck thank you it's so although we don't have a quorum to vote Mrs is here to um talk about the field trip to Spain so with your permission I'd like you to go ahead and talk about it if that's okay thank you do you want to take a microphone kids do you need a microphone there's an extra one here oh great thank you never took a spech class don't worry you're in good company with me hello my name is seal and um um my idea is to take kids to Spain uh for um February 2026 um this is going to be maybe the sixth time that I take students abroad um I'm taking uh students in February to Costa Rica actually Noel and I got to travel together and I was very pleased to hear that she she named uh Barcelona and the Mediterranean um so it using all Rel and is always open so as a teacher I they are always there for me uh helping me with anything um I need to um oh sorry so um it's a it is an a great opportunity for students to travel abroad um the last experience I had was taking students to Spain and we had been discussing in my AP class um the benefits and the the the no the pros and the contras of um bull fighting and we got to go to a bull fighting uh farm and we uh we were discussing some of the of the pros and contras that we couldn't see here in the class um we also talked about the UNESCO uh Heritage places and we visited two so the kids were very excited when they saw the the symbol that means the the city is a a UNESCO um so there is plenty opportunity of uh to learn and um to visit the another country to use the language to try different foods so it's a way for students to open their Horizons and um so that's that's what I'm here for so I just know that this committee is so supportive of doing international travel um are you going to the museum is the G Museum I I think so yes because we would visit um Madrid and also H this this is the first time we go to um let me see um to Valencia which has a a beautiful Science Museum and um and we'll go to Barcelona to visit Las sag Familia and uh GDI all the was the most memorable experience I had I had spent some time in Barcelona and that was just awe inspiring we did Psy did we biked we when we went to Barcelona we saw that church and it was crazy and then we did a a bike tour through Barcelona and it was it was amazing it was so cool to see that's wonderful so we will end up voting on it or you will end up voting on in the first meeting in December so guess I apologize because completely unavailable unavoidable tonight um we'll make sure it's on the agenda for the next school committee meeting you do not have to come we'll we'll vote on it how many students do you anticipate joining um well last time I took 17 students so um hopefully be uh I'm trying to start early which means to bring more students the more the better so great well thank you really for all you do and uh for taking this on um it's not a simple thing so thank you but we will vote on it at our next meeting okay perfect well I just one more thing um tomorrow we're invited my AP class is invited to visit a a Spanish Immersion School uh we're going to read books and as a surprise um they are parents of one of my students in the AP class they're going to uh teach us how to make tortillas so it's a surprise for the students so it's a good thing nice it's great where is it h it's here in Swampscott it's new new Sunrise School oh okay it's a total immersion preschool that's great so we're going to read books and then we're going to cook too what fun well please make sure you take some video okay yeah I will thank you so much for coming to thank you so much have a good night uh the next item on my agenda is our annual um student enrollment and student withdrawing report um about um the basketball well he's not here we're just it's not till 2025 so we'll postpone it so um in your packets you have uh an annual document I give you that describes the reports that are due on October 1st there is a Sims report due a student information management system there is an EP pims which is the educational Personnel information management system and then there's the student course schedule or the SCS and if you recall many years ago I um instituted a data specialist within the superintendent's office and these are just a few of the reports that are done and they are due on October 1st so um because there was so much going on with the new superintendent search these weren't reported at that time but I do want to go through them a little bit sure so um the first report I'm going to go through is the new student enrollments as of 111 so November 1st um there is a list here of let me go back and say that when I first started in the position of a superintendent the enrollment and withdrawals were a wash they are not this year you'll see a big difference so if you look at the first page we had um 52 new students come into um the swamp Scott Elementary School and it talks about where they're from whether they're private or public um and it or out of the country or homeschooled so we have or charter school so we have private public charter out of state out of country and if you flip to the second page you'll see there were 52 students it also tells the grade so um the grade that they were in the next the bottom of the back page and on to the next page and I think it goes on to page three as well talks about the middle school that 40 new students enrolled in swamp Scott Middle School um it is very interesting to see who who's coming back from the charter school who's coming back from private schools we don't name those schools but you know when we talk about or we hear about our enrollment dropping it's not dropping it's on the uptick and certainly I think with 52 kids coming into our elementary school that new elementary school is a big draw right and then the next two pages talk about the high school and so there were 35 new students enrolled as of 111 2024 um at the high school so we had a total of 127 new students enroll in the swamp Scot Public Schools as of November 1st 2024 well you know it's really interesting just looking at some of these numbers um first of all it's great um I noticed you know a lot of students coming from another country yes uh Ukraine Morocco and um I I can only imagine the um exciting challenge it is to bring those students into the fold and if you could pass on to all of those Educators who are assisting with that which I'm sure is not an easy process our thanks um it it's incredibly exciting not only to see that because that just adds to the culture of of this building but you know as as you said 52 students new students at the elementary level and I think that is incredibly exciting and you know it was mentioned during the superintendent search about um our metco program and building it and I'm not sure I know I said it but maybe I didn't emphasize it enough we have 13 metco children enrolled in our elementary school we we deliberately targeted Elementary because we knew this was an opportunity and we had put it off for so many years because we didn't have the capacity that we have 13 metco children alone in our elementary school that's fantastic right um so moving on to the withdraw on students so from July 1st to October 1 we have um the school at SCS 24 students withdrew and that breakdown is they moved they transferred to home school they transferred to a charter or they transferred to a private school so there were 24 at the elementary school um um at the middle school there were 23 um at the high school there were 30 so what's interesting to me as I said is back in the day when I started in this position it was usually 100 100 100 out 100 in now we're at 127 in 79 out and you know what it comes down to at the high school level a lot of it is Legacy we found um and now that St John's Prep also offers a middle school that Legacy starts earlier sure so I I do think this is a big difference from back in the day that um we're up students so when we talk about enrollment and budget needs we're talking about um we're talking about an increase in enrollment so if I I pulled out in your packets you have the enrollment as a 101 and I believe it has highlighted sheets in here or highlighted columns y um or rows so what's interesting about this is that as of October 1 we had enrollment of 294 students um now the total enrollment with the out of district is on the right side but I really look at in District of the 20094 now this was October 1 so if you look at prek it's 61 students Elementary is 734 I do know that number is at 737 so three more there right I do know that our Middle School number as of past 111 is at 596 so there's six more students students within it um and the high school is has stayed pretty steady so what I'm hearing from my administrators is that we still have students enrolling and I went back to the June report that is run and we were at 278 students and now we're at 2,000 with six more we're actually at 2100 because if I take those six additional students we're at 21100 students so you know the the narrative that sometimes is out there that our enrollment is declining it's not correct you know what else too is and you you mentioned very you know smartly is that you know the the new Elementary School makes a difference and and I think as we get into what needs to be done at the middle school yes it it pays dividends because it keeps kids in District it allows parents who may um in the past have looked at the building and want to go elsewhere you know you come up here and it's amazing building um and that just another reason for the community to back whatever is decided to do at the middle school because it really does pay dividends for our students it does it does um all of the moves that we're making the long-term planning um in terms of use of buildings and space um our middle school students deserve what our high school and elementary students have absolutely these are great numbers great numbers and I I picked up on you talk about the metco and I know that's something as a committee we've been talking about before they put the first shovel on the ground over there it's Stanley and you were saying once it's up and running we can then look to increase enrollment I'm glad to see that's and so I I must not have emphasized it enough because um I think it didn't sink in 13 that that's incredible and the younger we get them the more connected they feel in our community and we've always said that so we actually I want you know shout out to Chrystal Lynch and tamy Bailey for making that happen and and when they were um looking for new enrollment they were targeting those elementary kids right I also just want to point out you know 61 kids in the pre that that's great I mean it's great for the district it's great for those families who are you know close to home so I I I think that you superintendent the staff here uh the entire community of and the district is just doing a marvelous job thank you appreciate that well speaking of marvelous job my last um item on the agenda if you want to pull it up I didn't print it out I'm sorry it was been out sick a few days this week and I was typing it this afternoon um I did a a memo as I've done in the past and I wanted to talk about um Mr kalishman because I think it's important for the committee to already know the work that we're doing um we have pretty much jumped right in um Mr kesman and I have a standing weekly meeting onetoone mentoring sessions where I'm bringing him in on current events that are happening I'm bringing him in on things that he will need to know he's asking questions so the first thing is we do have weekly standing meetings or mentoring sessions he's attended all of the um building and Department budget meetings it's Miss Stella myself and Mr kishman's been in all of them so far and that will continue great he's attended and continued will continue to participate in all capital budget meetings so he's getting um that experience as well he attended the raw Arts mural dedication at the elementary school and the ceremony in my place I wasn't able to attend so it was nice to have somebody to um represent the district he on his own is scheduling attendance and talks with the staff at UPC upcoming Elementary and High School faculty meetings he's already reached out to um the administrators and wants to speak and introduce himself because not all the staff knows who he is he's meeting with building and administration and I suggest the other departments as well um technology teaching and learning special education Meco and finance what I was saying to him is that this will be part of his entry plan and that comes a little bit later um I'll explain that we as central office leaders are copying him sorry that typo um on relevant district and building level emails that may impact or be applicable to the Future such as recently we got got a problem resolution ticket um from desie what that is is that sometimes when families aren't satisfied with the way we've managed things they file formal complaint so I'm taking him through that process and it's in real time he's a part of the negotiating team uh today I have bi-weekly human resources and finance meetings and our meeting was so meaty today I realized he needs to now be invited to those he'll be coming to those because those have implications of hiring and Personnel into the future and this is where he'll be doing his entry plan I've connected him with the Massachusetts Association of school superintendent executive director and they are going to make sure that he's able to register for the three-year new superintendent induction program that I was a part of they will give him a formal coach give an outside view um and so that's something that I've already connected him with great can I just I just want to um stop in thank you very much for doing this um I also want to point out this was one of the reasons that we we looked at an internal candidate that there is a lot you know people think that well it's a small District No the size of the district really has nothing to do with the desie reports with all the other reports that every district has to do so I I think I think that you know he Mr cisman is going to be three or four steps ahead uh before he even starts so I appre appreciate you taking all that time uh to coach and Mentor him thank you well it's making me stop and think about what I do every day it's like what do you do but you said that was really well said because we've always said in our round table when we talk as superintendant if you're a Salem or a peid or a Lawrence or swamp Scott doesn't matter right the same they might have more issues but we're all held to the same standard we all have the 15 pages of superintendent responsibilities that come from from the state annually so you don't get cut a break because you're a smaller District so there's a lot right um the next item is really exciting and you know I was always hopeful that this was going to happen um back in October Evan Katz who for those of you that don't know was our former business manager here for a while is also a resident of swamp Scott and the president of the board of the Unitarian Universalist Church and uh he had reached out to me and asked if we wanted to begin discussing the potential of our staff from SCS using some of the parking at um The UU Church uh so far we've had two meetings uh we met on November 6th and November 14th uh the people that have met in that room are principal sanborne Max Casper our director of facilities Evan Katz who's the president of their board and Tom Billings who is a neighbor a grandparent of a student at SC and a board member and of course myself um we are only involving attorneys as necessary so they're working on the current license agreement and obviously including liability and insurance and all the technicalities what we're working towards right now is an agreement to put in place while the attorneys work out the details that will allow our teachers our faculty and staff 45 spaces at The UU church and so it's really that easement that you drive through um that 40 those 45 spaces what that's going to afford is some of the feedback we've heard that when parents come to volunteer or they come for meetings there's no place for them to park so if our staff teachers and faculty and staff 45 move out of that parking lot that is going to allow for other people to have parking during the day um the parameters of that right now are uh school days and night events with notice one of the big pieces of this agreement is going to be communication and constant communication obviously if they have a large funeral we're going to know in advance and there's already that communication going on right now but I am most grateful that we are so collaborative there is no money involved because what is involved is that we're plowing the easement great which we would be plowing anyway but now we'll be using it um we are also collaborating on the ballards the light system and and we've heard feedback that they're too bright um Max Casper has actually shut them off until we gain control because we haven't gained control of everything and then we condemn them so it's just been a really great um collaboration and I do know that Evan and Tom presented it to their Board of Trustees Monday night and everyone was very receptive and so we'll move forward with this I I I am being time sensitive I don't know why I have this feeling we're going to have a snowy winter probably not but I would love this in place to get the perimeter of that parking lot get those cars out of there because we're going to have to put a place to plow the snow so um very exciting really great working together we all have the same intention and um they've been so collaborative well um it it's great to hear um that you know you have uh are working on shepherding this and um again I think it speaks about this District that we we are able to put differences aside we are able to work collaboratively for our community and um I'm really proud of that I really appreciate it to to Mr Catz and Mr Billings thank you very much for um being a part of this obviously to to Max as well and principal Sanborn uh but I especially want to thank Mr Katz and Mr Billings and of course you superintendent that you know this was this is great this this is this is why we do what we do for our community it's true one of the things that it to demonstrate how collaborative it is we said both of us need a set of keys to these Gates if if something's not being followed we both need to be able to lock these and everything has just been so smooth and so collaborative I I keep overusing that word but it's true and so I look forward to um Max has led with the attorney to draw the license agreement which um Evan had pulled up one from 1999 using um The UU church when the middle school was a high school right so we had a framework for that but it it's been really productive and I'm really happy um and then uh Miss OK Conor had had a question about the OPA money and I just want to shout out Jeff vaugh our Public Health director and Nia illingsworth our public health nurse since last spring we've had several conversations again another collaboration where they wanted to know how they could assist the schools using this money knowing that there are boundaries of how this money can be used so we've brainstormed some ideas we've had to course correct some things have not worked out but where we stand right now is there are three things going on there is a drug story theater um which has recovering addicts doing a program um of the actors within a program and I I put a link here if the committee would like to look at it on their own to also do a mindfulness after school once a week for 20 students for 10 weeks because remember last year we lost our mindfulness right and to do a trauma informed training for teachers in schools they did it um as health professionals and so we're working through those three items right now but again um we've had several calls we've tossed ideas around we uh had some ideas that didn't work out because they were too educational and to have volunteers within the schools and trained and for example a reading program wasn't going to work for us they've been very flexible they've been very collaborative again lots of good things happening great wow so those are that concludes my report again we are just we are doing our best to hit every single student in this District regardless of what whatever it is and and again kudos to you and your staff for that thank you yeah and I'm glad to hear about the uu progressing on the parking front you know I've just informally heard about you know the same thing you described superintendent and i' like to thank you for probably jinxing us all for the bad winter I know I have no problem with that by the way I know well I think I know you don't some of us may I know because I'm saying it it's going to be a mild winter again we've had so many mild Winters but I I think my fear is based on the new site that I wa I lo watch those cars parking around the perimeter and I'm thinking holy moly if that happens we we've already had a snow removal meeting I think we had it in early October with Gino and everybody I'm like what are we doing if it snows so I think because I'm so focused on it I think the opposite it's not going to be that and and you actually answered one of the the one question I did have which was the cost and no cost right I know it's out there that we're paying for is we are not paying for anything the cost I'll tell you what the original cost is during this project Max and I took a leap of faith and that leap of faith was in the summer and it was coming close to the end of the project and all of our construction cars had been parking at The UU church and so some work had to be done over there and Max and I said do we do $80,000 worth of work in hopes that we'll be using the lot or do we not do it all because they're not letting us use the lot and he and I both took a risk and said we're going to get there do it all and the amount the gratefulness that has come to us and the realization that they it would have been their cost that that was that was our cost and it was part of the project and so that and on top of plowing it is all they want great so I'm really really happy again it's all about Community yes it is all about Community um all right for me as far as the committee chair goes I I actually want to just reiterate what Noel said about uh Potter puff coming up this weekend um followed by the uh vars football game at uh Fenway Park on the following Wednesday night I hope everyone can attend I know I will be in attendance um hopefully no rain and warm weather then it can snow I will be in the box so it doesn't matter we're going to come and look at the window my sad puppy dog eyes um I I also want um want to thank just uh there the school committee receives a lot of mail uh regarding upcoming events and and I really appreciate all of those um and I know as we get into our next meeting I'll read some of those but please keep those emails coming with questions and comments so we appreciate that um that's all I have um there any subcommittee comment John at all before I get to that one um I should have mentioned besides the Powderpuff the Fenway game yeah next week um and uh and the band's going as well so excellent um these the the policy update um couple things so um Suzanne and I have actually had a number of meetings on um policy generally and and the cell phone policy we we were working through so we we have a couple of open items on the cell phone policy that we do want to set up a meeting um I'm going to reach aty tomorrow to uh just get a subcommittee meeting on and uh superintendent um you know we'll leave it to your discretion but likely Mr kishman and Mr kohad would be the two people we'd want there yeah that'd be great and um again just just so we're before we come back to the committee we just really want to be in alignment on on The View it's just it's it's a bit of a Nuance but we just want to be sure and just more generally uh Suzanne and I have started going um through the policies generally because we've been talking about updating them and Suzanne did a good job of kind of putting things um in Excel spreadsheets just to kind of be able to with links to be able to get to them much more quickly so um so we started that process so just to update you on that as well great thank you so much um okay moving right along the consent agenda the consent agenda sorry did you want to see if there's any public comment oh yeah I'm sorry um any public comment there is no public comment here which is a little disappointing because of all the people um anybody online I was just checking nope no hands no one online okay there's two people online but there's no hands okay well if they had questions we would have been very happy to listen to their comments throughout thank you John for pointing that out it's written on my paper and I skip right over it all right the consent agenda the consent agenda is designed to expedite the handling a routine and miscellaneous business of the district the school committee May adopt the entire consent agenda with one motion at the request of any member any item or items may be removed from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda for discussion now uh unfortunately we do not have a quorum so we're going to table um all three of those as well um I think we do not have the October 8th or the no I'm sorry yeah the meeting of the whole yeah yeah that that's oh oh sorry that's my okay sorry um nany's been great okay I have not been great well it's good that we're tabling yes we are uh we'll we'll tackle that next time um is there anything else Noel anything from your corner you got a busy week you got a busy week coming up I yes football band all right we look forward to hearing about all the uh going on at the games and anything else John and superintendent with that John could you make motion to adjourn I'll make the motion to adjourn I will second the motion to adjourn all in favor we oppose have a good night we are out happy