##VIDEO ID:3SJ2fpPI6Ic## welcome to the October 1st select board meeting um excuse us for the delay we had a technical delay and if you could join us record oh and we are being recorded if you could please join us if you can uh stand for the Pledge of Allegiance flag of the United States of America the stands Nation indivisible lice okay so we will start with public comments is there what you see somebody okay not seeing any um we will move to the town administrator's report sure thank you Mary Ellen so welcome SE it's a busy fall we started with our major uh work on the Marshall Street outfall for our improvements this is the project that will help sleeve the sewer lines and help address infiltration and inflow we've hired um Gren and Company uh to help advance that work gin cresa and I uh along with kleinfelder Staff last week met with the uh construction team and went through a a preconstruction meeting uh they will be doing the laterals of the private laterals that go from people's homes uh to the public sewer uh um uh this is a project that will have a a certain uh scope of work right around the fisherman's Beach area we expect that this will significantly address some of the inii um there's detailed notes of the project team meeting we have press releases and uh Flyers that will be dropped to the neighbors so that they'll know when to expect the the work uh we had a wonderful uh Essex National Heritage Tour of town hall it's great to remind ourselves that we have such a historic property uh L Hugh Thompson was one of our greatest Engineers uh the town bought the building from uh elu Thompson and every year we have folks come from around Essex County to tour the the property um pleased to uh announce that we have sent uh conditional offers to three firefighters these are outstanding candidates we interviewed eight firefighters they all were impressive if we could have hired them all we would have um we have uh remaining five candidates uh that were not selected but certainly going to keep them on uh our list uh our senior cator is promoting our Forget Me Not campaign by holding two trainings monthly uh one by our teams and one in person if you would like to participate please reach out to our senior center hosting a series of events on housing I want to thank board members for uh heading down and and working with Seaglass Village to talk about Home Health Care uh We've also reached out to uh a number of regional all ages uh groups including Salem uh and Marblehead to conduct a study of uh how they're supporting all ages we do have researchers in from Australia here next week uh they're here to study how swampit is bringing inter generational groups together so if any of our select board members are around and want to have a sister community in Australia um that certainly should be a possibility please get your um uh flu shot uh if you're 65 years or older or if you're a public official uh we are all around a lot of people and so uh please reach out to Diane if you'd like to um sign up for a flu shot at town hall uh we are going to have our first ever Pumpkin Smash on November 3rd don't throw your pumpkin away get it out of our solid waist stream it's heavy cost us money bring them down and smash them uh get your kids out and uh have some fun I want to thank our Solid Waste committee U they've been doing a lot of trash talking and um they they're coming up with some great community events to help reduce our Solid Waste tonnage and that's all uh good fun did you say where that is Sean uh that is going to be at the parking lot uh by the football field down at Blox so easily accessible and loads of fun so um our veterans uh services department is um very busy we're working on our veteran service Heroes meal program with the Greater Boston Food Bank Military Foundation we served over 50 veterans uh and their families on 911 as part of the monthly Food Market um certainly um you know been busy with the monthly coffees and pastries um we are um looking to get pictures of our Hometown Heroes Banner if you have a loved one or that's a veteran U from swampit uh please uh send uh your pictures in uh we're going to get banners and fly them around town for Veterans Day uh we do have weekly uh veteran services office Thursday from 11: to 1: p.m. Senior Center so feel free to bring these pictures down um on Thursday at the senior center uh Recreation has some uh events including our classic uh By the Sea Car Show on Sunday October 13th so if you like cars come down and uh you know check out all the um cars of town hall that's my report does anybody have any questions um I just have one actually request under the senior center um so we have two residents in town we have the Marriott not I oh it's so nice I call it the marot but it's called the residents in and the beram house is it possible to get staff from the senior center over to um just go over and give them an update and to see if we can engage with them on possible we've done it in the past marel we've actually gone to the Housing Authority there's a couple of other properties in town too that we know we have um cohorts of seniors so great idea and certainly we'll schedule a few of those um uh meet and greets okay that' be great over the next couple of months thanks okay any other questions all right so seeing no other questions we can move along on our agenda um to new and old business uh how about if we read under number one reading in the pl Proclamation for indigenous people would anybody like to read the proclamation around the room be happy to if you want you want to go back and forth David huh want to go back and forth sure okay all right whereas instead of commemorating conquests today here in the town of Swampscott we recognize our history and since time imor immemorial people indigenous to the lands We Now call Swampscott built communities fostered cultures and stewarded the land of sustainability and whereas for the first time in our Town's history we recognize indigenous people here and anywhere in the United States as we pay respect to the cultures and populations that existed long before European contact with this land so too we celebrate the contributions of all indigenous peoples to the culture of diversity Innovation and resilience that has had an indelible impact on the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and whereas the town of swamp Scott recognizes that the indigenous people of the lands later known as the Americas have lived on these lands since time and Memorial and we honor the fact that Swampscott has been built upon the traditional and ancestrial homes of Native Americans referred to as now Nam nams and called Swampscott the land of the Red Rock and whereas indigenous people's day was first proposed in 1977 by a delegation of native nations to the United Nations sponsored International Conference on discrimination against indigenous populations in the Americas and whereas the town of swamps Scot is committed to protecting and advocating for justice human rights and the Dignity of all people who live work and visit our community and to supporting the principles contained in the United Nation Declaration on the rights of indigenous people endorsed by the United States on December 16th 2010 and whereas the Declaration of Human Rights recognizes the right of indigenous peoples to the dignity and diversity of their cultures Traditions histories and aspirations which shall be appropriately reflected in education and public information and places an obligation to take effective measures in in consultation and cooperation with the indigenous peoples concerned to combat Prejudice and eliminate discrimination and to propose promote tolerance understanding and good relations among indigenous peoples and all other segments of society and now therefore on behalf of the entire select board we hear do we do hereby Proclaim October 14th 2024 as indigenous people's day in the town of swam Scott massachusett and encourage all faith-based and nonprofit organizations residents businesses and public institutions to acknowledge honor and Val value and celebrate indigenous people's historic and current contributions locally and Beyond while also recognizing the ongoing and interconnected struggles of all indigenous communities locally and Beyond in witness in witness whereof we have here on too set our hands and caused to be a fixed the Great Seal of the town of swampit Massachusetts this first day of October 2024 swamp Scott select board very good okay so now we will move to the highlight of our evening we have huh we have uh Senator kryon and representative armeni with us here tonight um we've this this is your second visit to us correct correct so we wanted to take this opportunity to let the senator and the representative um fill the community in on all the wonderful things that you have done for this community and the wonderful things you will be doing for this community thank you for laying uh pretty big expectations for us here tonight uh no in in full sincerity we appreciate being invited uh here tonight um not it's not often that we we get to come before uh local government to to talk about what we're doing and to hear from you and to learn so uh we do appreciate you taking time out of your busy agenda U I think I mentioned last time when I was here that I had the honor of serving six years on the Lin city council and recognized how difficult uh the job is in local government you're where the rubber hits the road um and it's it's really difficult you have difficult decisions that you're failing the pain directly here on um as you know residents here but as uh local officials so we thank we sorry we thank you for being uh tremendous Partners to us uh on Beacon hill and in making sure that we're aware of what's going on locally um I also wanted to say uh at the outset congratulations today we were uh with the governor uh lieutenant governor secretary Augustus as well as the Attorney General recognizing the 75 communities that are now in NBTA compliance NBTA Community compliance um and uh no no easy feat um I I will confess that I was the sponsor of the legislation as well as the amendment that passed uh we gave a great deal of leeway to swamp's own govern or swamp's own Charlie Baker then the governor uh to come up with regulations and uh you know he signed into law which you know I wasn't certain at the time and he was pretty ambitious with uh his proposals as well as secretary can so uh I think obviously there's a lot of controversy around it but there are communities that have been willing to roll up their sleeves put in the really really hard work um communicate effectively with the constituents but um also just recognize the need and the crisis that we're facing across the state where uh families can no longer afford to live here uh people are leaving the state because they can't afford to buy a rent here uh seniors aren't able to age in their own communities and our young people aren't able to settle down and and start a family so uh you were recognized today and as part of that recognition thankfully there was an additional grant program announced um and thank you Jenny for putting down the notes and I'll let you lay out what this does but the sure mbta's communities Catalyst fund uh sorry for my handwriting so it's it's it's new to us uh that's why we have these notes here but when Jenny jumps in she'll explain a little bit uh more there um we as a legislature I think uh have unfinished business typically after July 31st of our second year in session uh you know we've kind of wrapped up on things but that hasn't been the case this year while we got a lot of done including on housing the biggest housing Bond Bill making Investments not only in production of all kinds but also in our public uh housing which um has been done to this level ever uh we have an economic development bill that we're still working on uh right now I'm chairing a conference committee on substance use disorder uh we have a few a number of other un pieces of unfinished business that you know would love to come back at the end of session and report back to you on uh one big item that we continue to talk uh obviously with the the town of swamps on is uh all the issues that we Face uh at Kings Beach uh obviously this has been discuss at length uh here and everywhere uh to this point uh but I just come back to again thank you for your partnership I think uh we we have a commitment now in the support of the administration uh to move forward and to further look into UV treatment um along with other uh Alternatives as well uh but for a while I think there was a reluctance there uh to fully embrace it and at this point now they're helping us coordinate with EPA and some of our federal agencies to make sure that we're seeing what dollars are available there obviously there's still things we need to work out um there's still differences of opinion in terms of what's achievable and what's not um I do Express caution in terms of uh the outfall and the opposition that I've received from environmental groups as well as other communities I represent uh as well as just the the overall timeline in the expense it is a permanent solution and I respect that but I do think that uh if we want to achieve this for you know my kids you know lifetime in or in the near future we want beaches clean as we can that we should really go down this path of pursuing uh UV and and working together to make some big decisions and again those decisions happen here at the ground level so I'm certainly that our preaching just expressing uh U support in what you do in continued collaboration I'm going to pause there because I tend to ramble too much and I it's probably better value answering questions too so I'm not just giving a spee so turn it over to my good friend dear friend and I I forget that Jenny is this is serving your first term and I feel like it's been a decade so yeah I feel that way [Laughter] too um thank you you really said it all but I'll try and add I'll try yeah I'll try and add some color um the first thing I want to do is just thank you all because over the past year since we were last here I've just so appreciated our conversations and our partnership I know that I can call every single one of you at any moment and we can sit down and talk exchange ideas information and I think it's that open dialogue that really makes all the difference because um I'm able to help you and you're able to help me and that is only good for our constituents and I I do think that's rare you know I don't I have colleagues who don't have have that kind of relationship with their select boards and so I really value that and and I'm um just thank you so much for that um I will I guess I'll go over the numbers I know you're always interested in state funding um this year Chapter 70 for Swampscott was uh 4.5% um at 5.34 million unrestricted Aid only Rose 1% um to about $1.6 million and um one thing that I'm really happy that we did is minimum swamp gotot like many of the communities around here minimum a schools um and the minimum the per pupil expenditure went from $30 to $104 per pupil for minimum a districts so that's fantastic um as you know because we all opened that wonderful School uh the msba because of the legislature I want to say um was able to contribute more money to finishing the school offsetting the increase in costs because of inflation um was what 55.3 million um that was that was a joy joyful moment when we realized we could bring that home to swamp Scott and having just gone through the school you used it wisely it's amazing amazing amazing um in terms of the MBTA Community Catalyst fund which was announced today so we don't have a tremendous amount but I'm thrilled that swamp Scott is going to be eligible for this money the average the average grants are going to be between 250 $50,000 and a million they will be awarded to projects directly linked to multi family housing production so that can be water sewers sidewalks roads um other multimodal infrastructure the projects will be evaluated uh are they ready how much do they cost and will they directly create X number of multif family units so you can see the focus is on building housing but this is a great this will be a great opportunity uh particularly as swamp Scott figures out what it wants to do with its housing plan so really happy about that so I forgot the one thing main thing I was supposed to speak about was Transportation I didn't mention it so if I can I seal some of your time chairman you feel like yeah it's it's another Green Line derailment uh so I don't know if I want to be associated with all things see um but Ju Just quickly um you know through our efforts funding uh in the legislature also making the case around the summer Tunnel closure we were able to obviously again have ferry service uh here uh on the North Shore um I do think that there's a great deal of momentum behind this for a long time you know people roll drives when you talked about water transportation back when I started 19 years ago working for then Senator McGee uh then we got it and you know some people didn't share the vision and it was put away uh for a bit but now there's a a full-time Ferry P fery staff member at the team dedicated to it there's a whole uh movement not just in our community but uh to really access water transportation and not just for seasonal benefits but year round so we're hoping to extend the season again this year and slowly start to build to that year round schedule uh and also the weekends this year were absolute hit like it I I couldn't believe looking at the numbers it was better it was better ridership than during the weekdays which for a long time we thought it was just going to be like a fun thing you know maybe a few people use it um so it's when they went through all the different numbers Lynn's just jumped out on that I put probably should have brought some facts and some numbers but uh we knocked it out of the park so I think we've made the case for longterm service looking at different boats backup boats so I I can say with confidence it'll be here for uh next season hopefully starting earlier and ending later uh and then on uh the commuter rail side of things we continue to push for electrification uh we are still part of phase one on the new reort Rockport Line going up to Beverly uh which again with electrification it's you know obviously great for the environment great for public health when you think about all the folks in EJ communities uh from Beverly South through uh Salem Swampscott Lyn chelse Riv Everett all those communities very very few of them able to ride whether because of access to train stops there or because of uh just too high of a price yet they have to deal with uh great deal of pollution uh particularly matter in there leading to you know much poor health outcome so it's certainly an environmental piece obviously the climate change Public Health piece but it's also just a much better more efficient more reliable ride 25% more reliable than the diesel locomotives that we currently have so uh and you get that frequency you will get infill stations you know wanted sell Salem for Salem State one an Everett Wonderland so you have that connection to the Blue Line that's actually under underway the this the design funds there um are being put to use now it's really exciting uh Fairmont is getting a pilot so we were phase one was Fairmont us and Providence line just because it already is electrified uh partially Fair's moving forward and at first it was uh it was a Bittersweet right like we're all rooting for each other and you know one's going to have to go before the other we pushed to have ours included there weren't enough uh vehicles but they're going to be testing kind of a hybrid model so it's the the catary uh potential for catary but also having this battery electric uh technology which isn't used in passenger vehicles yet but around the country uh municipalities and states are just you know really diving in here so I I think we see how Fairmont goes I think we'll get the sense of that greater frequency how long those batteries go and seeing how we could apply it on our own line which is you know longer um but also you know I think certainly many of our communities be willing for that catenary to help charge as well so uh no major updates other than we continue to get more money invested towards kind of design and laying out the groundwork and hoping to see this technology work out in the Fairmont line soon one last Transportation piece was means tested fairs which for a long time we fought for uh just to make sure that all folks every person in the Commonwealth can have access to public transportation regardless of their income uh so folks that are receiving certain residents that are seing certain types of assistance are able to have a reduced fear by half on all modes so that includes your faery service which is tradition more expensive uh as well as commuter rail um this will really open a great you know open doors for for many and I don't think we've done a great job getting the word out um in really across the state that this is a benefit for people to take advantage of so obviously anyone watching at home you know go to the website and and sign up see if you're eligible and uh hopefully uh it'll lead to greater access for all did you mention with electrification the price will become I didn't J thank you so much goe was part of the vote it was to uh for commuter ra up up and down our environmental justice car I should have said at the start to be Subway type prices so $240 that was the vote that was taken the idea of being greater frequency more passengers obviously you can reduce faires but right now I mean I grew up in Lynn I did not take the commuter rail until I was in my 20 no one you just can't take it at that price point with means tested fairs I think we'll see that shift uh but overall you know we get that frequency it's more or less it's no longer commuter rail it's you know it's essentially Subway thank you J now we open it up it's a question from distinguished body so do we have questions well I know we have questions want to go first go ahead no go first no I don't Doug we're waiting on you all right uh I have 13 qu no just kidding um so I probably you probably don't want to get too much on record so you can be very conservative about it but like the electrification um in this area like what is your wild guess about like when that might really are we talking about three years 10 years you know like just all Park so I'll Bas it off the the the Fairmont line I believe it's within three years they will be up and running so it's the procure procurement really takes the longest um you know that is you know 3 to six to seven years right so until we procure the vehicles is kind of hard to say so it also depends too if if if this technology pans out or not um I I've for a long time pushed back when we talked about battery electric just because no other no other passenger service in the US used it um I think it's it's probably easier to get to a a for our line a catary and traditional model which does exist as so there could be vehicles that pop up it sounds strange but like there have been a few different opportunities throughout time where it's like hey we could seiz on of those vehicles and maybe not have full service but get it going hard to say time like if within the next seven to 10 years we had the full line I I would consider that to be a victory um if Fairmont pans out and all of a sudden you see the battery electric being mass-produced and there more vehicles to purchase we would be the next logical line and then you don't need catenary so you would think even if the infill stations aren't complete we could at least get some battery electric back and forth and have that frequency um sorry I I used to say three years and then I was proven wrong yeah no that's came and went encourage you to be conservative and I really do thank you I mean you've been on this for a long long time a long long time I didn't have gray hair before we started the Elation um on the housing uh I know you just heard about it today um do you know you you kind of mentioned Jenny that it was like kind of for surround support stuff could it be for the housing itself could be for purchasing land okay um okay and it can be for engineering designs okay okay um and then in terms of the housing Bond Bill yes uh is there anything that we should be doing right now to line ourselves up for you if you don't have the answer you know off the top of your head I understand but like the question is like what planning should we be doing right now to best position ourselves for that are we just waiting for different um contracts that are put out you know procurements that are put out uh just kind of waiting for that guidance or are there ways that we should be thinking right now with our public housing that we need to have a feasibility study prepared right now so then when something comes out we already have it in hand like what should we be doing it's a great question it maybe we're going to get back to it was it was so robust a lot of it is more private sector driven you know incentives for developers to come in so you know obviously you make the land use decisions around here depending what fits best on the public housing piece let me let me look into that because that maybe there are things that we can you could be doing now to position yourself no that's a great question I mean we put in $150 million to decarbonize public housing MH so great great question what can cities and towns do to access that 150 million and when's it going to become available and I know these things usually take a while to kind of spin the programs out and all that I should say it's I mean any as you know anytime with bonding sometimes I it's authorizations right so it's you know the governor has to get the Administration has to get these programs up and running and um you know right there's a lot of CH 5.2 billion or whatever but really the the real meat of it is like half that or whatever or you can only Bond a certain amount and then get right we we'll um we'll send you over a breakdown we will yeah that was no that was that was my question so now that now that we have the U the support of the um the administration um and we're looking into the UV treatment can you kind of walk us through a timeline best case scenario as to when this could potentially be implemented in Kings Beach uh I mean uh many people hav been involved here but I believe the the timeline from kleinfelder for the UV piece was three years um we don't have the funding in place and the Administration has not I should say has not committed the funding but rather as a you know the the testing that has come back has been promising has been good there's still certain weather uh events that have not quite been tested but I don't think this was ever intended to be 100% you know effective it's I think it's 85 to 90% uh to eliminate that combined with obviously the the great work that swam has been doing on ID and you guys have been a tremendous partner and the work that Lynn's been doing as well um if I I don't know how much money you need to get a project going uh at this level I mean we are pursuing uh different federal grants that again if the administration is not helping you on that end I don't know that the federal government pays much attention to uh a ly or swamp go necessarily coming without that level of report so um we still have our work to do though I I even under the best circumstances we're looking at a number of years away there's also you know potential for Pilots too like I I I don't say have an exact you know we're doing this this and this and this timeline but I think progress has been made and there are no good answers on this as everyone here knows like there all of these scenarios require more patience more money um and a lot of headaches for for both municipalities certainly and we have to get through the permanent process yes yes no understood and then and then on the state level in conjunction are we also are we is the is the outfall extension still an option that is being that is currently being explored I don't think anything has been taken off the table right uh we all have the same goal of having this open as soon as we can I think you know there may be um some prioritization in need and that if we have UV uh we have the testing results there showing uh how effective it has been I think it's worth pursuing that I mean there's just been no easy answers unfortunately so I think we still need to do our due diligence uh on all all modes um so sorry it's could be it's progress but it's not uh if we do X Y and Z we'll have this the beach cleaning up and running in three years you mind if I pipe in little I can't help myself yeah go ahead um two things I assume you aware of the kind of latest testing that the famous Liz Smith and and committee have done recently and Chris vley and the the fact that there are some things happening in terms of the decrease uh an impact of all of that that doesn't sound like that's uh we should make sure that you have that information the decrease sorry decrease in bacterial levels and like what what's driving that and some of the testing has shown that there has been some's happening right CL am I getting that kind of L never mind I won't call you out on it we'll get to the information the decrease I was not aware of yeah right um and um I just want to say you know uh it's very much appreciated kind of the work and I know that this is like extremely complicated with so many different opinions and EV you know evolving Technologies and trying this out and trying to get to something is great um yeah I'll just say one little person here skepticism about a lot of these things um in terms of them actually really working I know the if I understand correctly the uh UV was uh a kind of a clearish day um it wasn't really worked in kind of normal conditions uh I think you referred to this I don't think I disagree with that UV I would say for UV it's been tested in many different scenarios I think the there's a certain level of tur turbidity word but to to the same end it was not for major storm events it was was never expected to to work so we continue to test out those and I I have the same level of skepticism on all of our options before us uh to be frank both in terms of timeline uh and Effectiveness so um I think that's an important point you know this UV was never expected to work in a hurricane or a bad storm it was it's really meant to just open the beach as quickly as possible on good days I think we have to sort of set our expect the UV has never been seen as the solution it's been seen as an option to open the beach more than it is right now you obviously I mean the administration had skepticism as well and they said oh if you want to try this out you know test it out and show us and that's what we did so it's you know we're taking the steps as painstaking as they may be and there are more to come but and we run down every ground ball when you think about you know the we looked at the parasitic acid the um ozone theone The Who again any of those pop up we're still right we're you know we running down every ground ball yep meanwhile we got to line the pipes fix the pipes Danielle do you have any questions I don't no Katie um I guess just as a follow-up to the Kings Beach conversation um I know we obviously as a community undertook to do significant testing this year which we were not required to do but we committed to do and I think hopefully the feeling is we will continue to commit to do if not even greater than the amount of testing we did this year um and um I guess we've not yet talked about a sort of Consortium of testing across our region but I I don't think um that's something or dis interested in and you know to maybe look at testing in theant and testing in Lynn and how we could sort of figure out a way to unify our testing efforts either to pull for a you know better cost or better functionality or the data is all lives in one place and it helps us pursue all these um issues on the table right because the data is going to drive the solution and um I think we've said here tonight and other nights that it's not one solution that's going to solve all our problems or else we'd already be doing it um so you know just interested if um when you have the stakeholder meetings and conversations if anything along the lines of sort of a unification of testing across the region has come up and you mean the water quality sorry yeah the water quality test the bacteria level testing I should say yeah so I mean it's certainly I mean it's it's dph and DCR on our side right um so certainly work with those organizations and I think there's different testing schedules and all that we would be happy to do that I don't know that Lynn's testing that the DCR water so yeah I think the feeling um at least for our own Community is that wasn't enough and so we you know obviously got um got on board with purchasing our own testing um functionality and training our own volunteers um and undertook a Monumental amount of time and energy to make sure that not just what we were required to do by DCR but what we needed to do to make our community speeches safe for our community um that we did that and you know obviously we're encouraging other cities and towns that surround us to do the same thing because I think some of the data we found out wasn't exactly what we expected to find out because we weren't always testing the other beaches uh because we were required to so I I think you know the more data we have it can't hurt us to find a solution because there are different data points that we've come up with based on the amount of um testing we've done this year involving weather events involving the way the tide comes in and out involving you know the phases of the moon and all sorts of things that I cannot even speak to but I know that smarter people than I are finding sort of maybe some credible data there that can point to other things other than just the pipes leak that caused the bacteria to come onto the beach and make the beach unable to be um enjoyed by our community so I just you know some sort of St standard that's greater than the standard that um DCR imposes on us in the region might be something to talk about or to look at and I don't know if that's a conversation that's sort of come up at all at any of those King spee stakeholder meetings but absolutely so definitely committed to to working with dph and DCR and and connecting with whoever the folks are here to kind of figure out where you know what the differences are and how you work together or you know take some of your you know good ideas and and and apply them the the system is greatly flawed right um I live just off lyo Drive we're down it's been a lot of time swamp Scott though a proud Leonard uh my family is here all the time and uh those flags aren't always indicative of what it's actually right the waters right obviously there delay in the testing and um it's been a challenge and every year we discuss at the bench po Salon beaches Commission of which I chair discusses it we bring it up we have hearings we talk to you it we have no good ideas or sorry I shouldn't say we we have we have great ideas uh we have not landed anywhere that really moved the needle in terms of us feeling confident in what that flag means right so I'd love to partner with or we in the state yeah would love to partner with you guys is there an end of season report that's been compiled that could give us you know sort of a narrative because we're not sciency people I'm sure we can pull we'll have we'll have one so words would be great and some kind of a narrative that we can then use um and you could take to the Metropolitan beaches commission and we can talk to other communities you get some great slide decks data from every single day over the summer I mean the other challenge too is you look up and down the coast this past year it's just I mean just closed all over the place right from csos and other other weather related issues so um it's not to say that to take comfort in other communities suffering like we are but it's a much bigger issue that the state really needs to to Grapple with yeah I think now's the opportunity because it's not just us I I feel like it used to just be a small Corner a small segment of beaches and those beaches were dirty it's not just us it's it's entire coastlines that are having these issues and so maybe there should be some real money put towards these issues instead of sort of leaving them in a corner of the coastline to deal with on their own so it's really part par 2.5 million not enough we need more more we need more we need our beaches clean is what we need we not so before I do have some questions that don't pertain to Kings Beach or water quality but before we move from that subtopic I just want to see we have the chair of our Harbor of our water and our infrastructure committee and I just want to know Liz did you have any questions here here I just want to open that up for youz I hate to put you on the spot but but you're here so you I don't want you to call tomorrow and say Hey you could have called I think we'd ask Liz do you have the answers can you give us the answers um so we did do uh we tested Fisherman's beach every single day this summer and we learned a lot we learned about raining corelation we learned that testing every day you can test on a Wednesday and then wait and test the next Wednesday day and miss a whole slew of exceedances in the water based on what's going on when the pollution comes out and where it travels based on tides and currents and we're still correlating the weather data and the tie data and all of that but we do have preliminary which we've already shared with the select board that does show strong correlation to weather um and really demonstrated that testing every day is is more beneficial more helpful and gets us more information that's useful to the public it's not real time we all know we don't have test results for at least 24 hours once we take the samples but it's a whole lot better than testing once a week and not really knowing what's going on in between so we can share that information with you I think a regional solution is a really good idea to start thinking about Marblehead might want to be involved they've already approached us some people from Marblehead about you know what are you doing how are you doing it um it's definitely a scalable process and and not that expensive it's it's more about getting the people trained and the people that can do the work so I would say that is something that could maybe be a separate discussion for the staring committee because um Kings Beach is tested by DCR every day and and we do know that there's a problem almost every day right at least 90% of the day there's a problem so that and then and then that led to the whole discussion about complimentary Solutions um but we did talk at the last meeting about the community change grants and we've had more discussions about that we've actually connected with Valerie and Chris and started talking to see how we can put our heads together around uh parallel processing so that we're not just looking at one solution but we're looking at the breadth of solutions and there's even a possibility that that could fund some Source elimination work as well so it's it's very encouraging so anything you can help you know help us along with that would be I think beneficial to everybody well let us you know let us know so for instance you know some of this information about the data I didn't know you didn't know you know yeah um we'll share I'll share I we can share our latest Deck with you tomorrow I can send it to you yeah no that would be fabulous um I mean and as you know the steering committee's really been focused on or task force I don't know what it's called it's really been focused on on finding a solution or for Kings in particular for Kings in particular so you know what you're talking about now is a would be a broadening of what is what began as a very informal group of you know to just try and Bridge The Divide between swamp Scott and Lynn and try and you know work things out so it's not sometimes I hear and I read on social media people talking about it and it it's it really was just an informal group that was brought together to find some solutions so it may be that looking down the line some a different kind of group needs to come together you know to explore those kinds of of details um okay um Sean before we jump subjects you know I just want to thank uh our delegation you know the the work you did to get us an additional $5 million to address the inflation that happened during the pandemic um helped really make that school so successful I I want to just underscore how unique that is for a town of our size to get that type of of support um the work around Kings Beach is is extraordinary you know the fact that you know swampit and Lynn have come together to really study spend $100,000 that swampit spent 00 ,000 of its budget to really put together an engineering study on alternative or supplemental strategies because as um Doug has pointed out numerous times it's it's it's not one or the other we're going to continue to do idde we're going to sleeve every one of these pipes that the town and other communities across the commo haven't haven't focused on because they're underground um and we're so busy fixing all the things that are above ground that you know uh our beach is is really struggling I I I hear you on UV I just want to I just want to say we're a small town and and when we think about projects whether we're building a school or housing for Veterans it starts with site selection where do we put it how do we fit it in to one of the most densely settled regions in the Commonwealth and it's not just swamp it's Lyn too like the the neighborhoods that we share they're so tight I worry about the timeline associated with site selection for a really industrial type of Technology that's primarily for Wastewater that we're trying to shoehorn into drainage and so this is complicated I'll be in meetings this Friday with the mayor and Lynn we're going to continue to explore it I'm I'm fully open to being surprised by something but I I worry about this because I I look around the country and I see that Myrtle Beach took them two and a half years to permanent outfall and I I kind of think why not why not this place why not the place that we care about I I get the environmental folks that are pushing back we've looked at the volume of drainage when it comes to uh namp bay and and it it is so you know di Minimus in terms of the the volume of water I just think if we can keep an open mind and continue to explore how we look at this um we could solve this for for the future forever and not worry about whether or not we have a a weather event or a a day that you know might be um you know a a red flag day you know that's the hope that I have for this region can I just quickly I I appreciate I think we do need to keep all options on the table I will just point out that we as a group and swampa put a lot into this and we appreciate that I mean money skin in the game to having kleinfelder come in to do all this work over the last few years and the report did identify a site that was deemed uh the correct size for what we're looking to do um and they also did the work that out showed that UV highly outranked all the other alternative so I just don't want to roll back the work that was done by I believe or I mean you still work with them in different ways like they're well-respected firm so I'm a politician I don't know this stuff that's why we rely on these folks and not to say we shouldn't have a level of skepticism um in for the same for the outfall it was s to 10 years I believe to the tune of up to 75 million do which is not insurmountable but um it's just if we're looking to the the work that was done that you guys I me that we all you know contributed to I'm just hesitant to to ignore it I guess and not saying you're ignoring excuse me that was not cor appreciate that I I just I think we should take that into consideration but all options should be on the table and I know that you and the mayor continue to talk it's certainly not one Community against the other just two communities trying to solve a really difficult problem together Senator I appreciate it and your density point is 100% accurate too not an easy $100,000 is is literally peanuts in terms of feasibility yeah so those cost estimates are are kind of planning numbers we've learned a little bit more about you know the the systems the supplemental systems and I I think you know I look back and I I see that the executive office of environment the secretary in correspondent have said that you know they support an outfall the head of the regional D supports an outfall I I hear that as our state partners are are willing to get behind something that that really could for Generations solve this problem and get us away from a system that might be you know it's energy dependent it's you know what we get weather dependent the operating costs are fairly low and I would just say that I appreciate you there was there have been concerns in writing from the secretary as well as the under secretary and other folks d eoea uh there also been subsequent meetings where they said we are supportive you've demonstrated that UV is effective and we want to help you pursue this and we're going to reach out to the EPA so like I get it it's been a back and forth and it's challenging when you have different if if outfall was achievable in the near future at a fraction of the cost I would be open to it again there would be challenges obviously uh from surrounding communties folks I'm grateful Senator I I don't want to believe anyway I appreciate your partnership in this and and we'll continue to work together thank so now for my questions I have just two two questions that aren't that complicated one is um I've looked at uh other communities and and money that they're receiving on the federal level federal grants and federal things and I feel like swamp Scott as a community we are not getting that benefit at all so now you guys are state but I'm just wondering if you could assist us with getting a little bit more assistance with our friends on the federal side do you do you just have an an example we could go on not with me right here I don't have that file with me but I will get back to this week I just would like to have um a little bit more access to uh our two senators and maybe they can help get some funding down there not only just for some of the economic development we're trying to work on here in town but also for Kings Beach and some of the other situations along the NorthShore to really get some of these sewer issues taking care of just some type of funding I just I'm not really feeling the love so and I'm hoping you can maybe you folks can help us I will say the earmarking process at the federal level has changed um in recent years so what uh Congressman Molton and the Senators have to do is they now created basically a grants process where communities if they want apply um and not nonprofits can apply not just communities but nonprofits too can apply for a pool of money that each representative and Senator is given and so and they send out solicitations every year and ask you know please apply for this uh they tend to want you know shovel ready projects so that's that's one Avenue um and they tend to rely on that um the rest of the federal uh process is a bit of a mystery to me okay um I would say I mean as we started to look to potential grants to help with UV or any of the Alternatives and Pilots whatever um this conversation has come up that we really do need to and they've been at the table but we really need to to work closely with our federal delegation because it's it's going to be that funding so certainly our relationships there we'd love to you know maybe we could have a followup meeting um with the town and the Congressional Delegation um they' said they they pretty much said they're waiting for us to pull the trigger right that's what they're saying there you know they're saying once you decide what you want to do give us a ring yeah I think once we that's that's what they've said to us okay is the same how it works here if there's a grant that I mean if there's ever Grant once you apply right it's the same at the state level you know you know once you apply we will support what ever you know grant program you're going for um we do it all the time um okay so I just want to just jump to different grants I'm you and I Jenny and I have had conversations we are right on the verge of um hopefully being able to bring a hotel to swamp Scott and to really put some serious Economic Development into our community which will benefit the entire North Shore and the state and we really would like to see some assistance from the state whether it's for Grants or whatever is out there but we really need to know what's there what we can do and how how we can maximize um any type of relief so just put that on the top of your list and help us out it would be greatly appreciated well as you and I have talked about you know we're in the process of putting together a meeting for the town of swamp's got to sit down with um Economic Development and probably environmental Affairs it may be a separate meeting um to talk about just that right we appreciate it thank you so if we're all set really appreciate you coming once again thank you appreciate your time appreciate all your hard work and showing up at all of our events with your killer speeches you knock us out all the time thank you for uh swampt toer Fest too that was a great escape for my young ones oh good to have them run around I I just come in mood all of your programming on Town Hall I don't know if I'm allowed to as ly resident but all the time we keeping track much away Senator I paid you're allowed like certain number of tickets per year I'm G to smash my pumpkin too oh really okay we'll see at the Pumpkin Smash more the mar and You're Gonna Play Smashing Pumpkins we that's a great idea um we will play a few of those songs saw them live this year it was really good yeah awesome you did yeah it was well we don't need to discuss I here Green Day Smashing Pumpkins thank you thank you so much thank you very much like 25 years since I've seen Green Day okay uh now we'll move on to uh sign the warrant for the state election right this is a um ministerial responsibility for our um democracy um as the select board this is your warrant uh and requires your approval and signature so you need a motion yes if you uh just motion to approve the warrant as presented uh we can either attach your digital signatures or you can sign it I'll make the motion to approve the warrant uh as written second Kati second yes all in favor I so moved and I believe we're sign we signed it hard copy so okay moving along discussion and possible vote to sign the memorandum or understanding for inter agency M Mutual aid for Essex County should I say Essex County Police yes Essex County Police so this is a a standard uh Mutual Aid agreement uh as I understand it you know it is um just part of a standard um Mutual Aid um shared services if there's ever an incident or an event uh we would receive uh support from communities that participate in in the uh Mutual Aid um agreement uh we have a number of we have 34 cities and towns in eex county and um looks like about three4 of them participate uh Captain cable is here tonight to represent the chief um Captain um would you like to share any additional thoughts about the agreement or anything that Mass jurisdictional rules cities and towns are kind of separated oh thank you very much so um about 20 years ago the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts uh recommended the cities and towns enter into an agreement such as this to take care of some jurisdictional issues that were commonly cropping up in um criminal cases so outside of this agreement the only time that we can assist each other is fresh and continuous pursuit or a direct OIC to OIC request so um if an officer needs assistance from another Community it's it's a matter of getting in touch with our OIC having them somehow call OIC is Officer Char I'm sorry officer in charge the person that's in charge of the police departments at the time it's very difficult and it makes it cumbersome and um it impacts a lot of cases we've we've initiated Mutual Aid either sending a receiving 96 times in the last three years more often than most people would realize sometimes it's very mundane accidents which uh Lynn needs assistance we need assistance um recently Lynn assisted us with a foot pursuit and we actually engag this or use this agreement many times in our protest a few years back um just so everybody understands this doesn't mean that any other officer can come into the town of Swampscott and just be exercising their Authority the second they come here and they act under their Authority as a police officer they have to check in with us and the swamp Scott police retain full control over our jurisdiction we also assume no liability for anybody that comes and works within the town of Swampscott the sending agency retains that liability but the same applies to us when we assist with another agency um and the agreement is reviewed annually by the mass Chiefs of police just to make sure it's operating as intended is there any questions that I can answer Danielle you have any questions I don't have any questions no the only question I have is why are there's so many that aren't are it this seems like every time I see it I'm like why why like why doesn't the city of peid you know or is it are they just out of sync or is it yes I think that's what happened it works well and it gets off of people's Radars so it started in 2003 is when they first pulled this together by 2010 there was 100% participation um and then since then I think some agencies just haven't basically renewed this agreement but the mass Chiefs is pushing to get Once once again to 100% yeah there's no cost to it there's no it's just basically in the event of an emergency we protect uh the town and we will support our our our region uh with uh Public Safety so great so we need a motion motion to authorize the chair to sign the agreement motion to so moveed second all in favor I so moved all right uh next we are we have discussion and possible vote on 224,000 National Grid Grant opportunity for lighting with future request for warrant and fund funding we talked about this at our last meeting and Sean is just giving us an update sure some good news uh we are not under the same kind of time uh duress that we were uh uh two weeks ago I did meet with Joe and uh dlet and Max Casper they have um reached out to National Grid thank you Joe yep Joe's in the back of the room here he's a little sham camera shy but um Joe has said that um while we'll still need to seek funding at a special town meeting um this fall uh the work can actually uh happen sometime this spring so we'll be back in a couple of weeks with uh an update on the the procurement of this lighting system and the funding uh there are some things that are going to change in terms of what we presented uh at our last meeting in terms of how we can uh Finance the work but we're pulling that together great any questions great okay so now we we will move on to discussion and possible vote on members for the following boards and commissions starting with commission on disability Danielle oh you no no so on disability we're moving we're gonna we're moving that to our next for to a future meeting yes I got it um Recreation that's me so we are nominating Cynthia Flanery so we need a motion to nominate Cynthia flaner to the recreation commission for is there a period of what what's the three year term2 okay appin not nominating nominating appoint we're appointing her so she expires next year and then she'll come up for real on a threee term exactly so okay so it's one it's a one year final year of a three year really a one year okay all right so do we have a motion motion on the floor we second I'll second all in favor I I okay uh just want to confirm that the this was a um consensus among the chair yourself and it was that that this is the correct person for the job yes excellent why why we do doing it now she SS one more year she doesn't it's it's open she's filling the spot okay it's a one year initial yeah that particular spot that she's taken okay so now we have water and sewer infrastructure advisory committee we're moving up a alternate into the vacant position yeah that's correct uh so we've you know so I've I've discussed with uh with Liz Smith and um who's the chair chair of the uh water sewer infrastructure advisory committee and it's her recommendation and I support it uh to recommend the appointment of uh of Matthew pelen as a member uh with a one-year term which expires U June 30 2025 second David's motion you second yes I'll second all in moot all in favor I I okay and uh zoning board of appeals we have Danielle up again yep so this is Michelle Graham for the actual U member position and Anthony Sanchez for the associate position um and yes I Heather Roman and myself and Marissa Mei also U worked on this one we had a lot of really good candidates and we agree that these two will be appointed appointed right correct so is that your motion that is my motion do we have a second second I I had a question um so later on in the consent there is information about uh the zoning board of appeals do these appointments have anything to do with something consent agenda item number one no no it's separate and distinct yep totally separate that's just in the consent it's just it's an a fix yeah what we did last time yeah okay yeah that's a correction I was told it's a correction okay I'm suppored okay so all in favor I I I okay um all right so we have all that fixed now we're on H discussion of possible vote to amend select board handbook and code of conduct okay just chug away through it so I sent out the revised handbook um on Sunday to the board but it was pointed out that it was not a red line so if you would like I did a compare which I emailed before the meeting but it was very close to the meeting so I could either go through and tell you what sections I made changes to that way we can approve that way or we can have further discussion whatever pleases the chair so I'm open to anything it's just because I didn't have the red line I did double check a few things so there's a few things that on my copy that we talked about changing last week that we didn't change for example um under chapter 3 board meetings e motions the chair may not make a second motion under chapter 3 e 3 e okay so um how did we do we would we would it be okay if we just went in order with the red line and when we got to that point you pointed out sure are we going to put up on the screen I can if you if what do I do just log into teams and share you have link okay hold on all right I am logged in if you want to give me capability to share I do not currently have it okay see hereare okay so let me make this larger we can see all right so scrolling down the first additional change that was made and this does obviously the comparison when you do a compare it accepts the changes that were made from the last revision and it only shows the difference of the two so it's not going to show that all the changes that we had agreed to the last meeting so Mari Ellen as we get to the points if you think some of the changes I made are not reflective of what was discussed um just let yours might already have yours might have it so okay so this is section c um sorry let me just chapter three chapter 3 c e I'm sorry no but before that there was a change that came up on the red line that we made this to business day right so that's fine hopefully everybody I just want to point out all the changes so that everybody knows there was some formatting issues in this section um f but you had something in e e mar correct um e so does yours show that the chair the chair is we have here any member except for the chair can make a motion motions must be seconded in order to move a board vote the chair may not second a motion so are we staying with that because I thought we went to the chair can second a motion okay right that was the knot we were going to take the KN taking the knot out okay take the knot out good catch Mar and then um so then some changes were made in G1 oh hold on I something before that I do have something so we lift e then if you're in F three three Town Council Town Council at the requests of the board comma Town Council May attend meetings to provide legal Direction give I'm just wonder should that say at the at the request of the board or chair because what happens if is this saying that we asking the whole board if Town Council could come because we'd have to vote in open meeting and then ask Town Council we might I don't think that's how we facilitate it now right we don't vote for Town Council to join us we just we just we just make the requested right yeah but this says at the request of the board so you're saying it should say at the request of the board or the chair right why doesn't it just say at the request of any M any board member any member of the board well because it said any member of the board if you have a if the chair is putting everything on the agenda do you want to have it where a member of the board can call and ask for legal counsel to be there well how do we operate now do we allow that now no um we have a budget every time you talk to an attorney it it's a lot of money and we're we've got a fiduciary to manage I think the do you not give the chairs of the Committees the off option to talk to no they go through the town administ it depends on what they're asking right but I think you said it the last time that you never say no no I say no all the time but I generally when it comes to the budget I try to help my board chairs and when they they do email me like generally they'll email me a question and I'll review it and if it's question that uh we haven't had a legal opinion um prior uh we'll send it off and we'll get a legal opinion but we try to keep a some of understandable with3 or $400,000 over in a legal item so if they're offered that same courtesy I would think a select board member should be offered the same that would be my yeah I don't disagree I think there are a lot of legal things but I do think um you know if if it can go through the chair and it comes to the town I'm talking about that that line item that is actually different this is I'm just talking about Town Council being at a at a meeting the only reason I'm saying say or chair is because at the last minute we might want to have legal Council and the board wouldn't be able to meet in advance and say we want to have legal counsel I'm just trying to bro it so that after you said that we said any select board member right so that's what we were speaking about I think right we said to change the wording to any select board member and that's why I asked John that's where that came from right so what what are we saying we want to I I I just think the CH the chair is running meetings and let's say any if any select board member can actually call up Town Council and say I want you at that meeting tonight like to me that not according to the oh I'm sorry right but what I'm hearing is that you know there might be a consideration to have any select board member be able to reach out and invite uh Town Council to a meeting I think that could that could get a little confusing at times and I think the chair actually should be in charge of that responsibility okay or the board saying we want we we would like to have legal counsel at this meeting so you would be at an open meeting and you would be able to be at an open meeting otherwise the board cannot have a discussion right but I think that's a catch 22 because we get the agenda and then we look at the agenda and say like oh there's an agenda item I want Council there for that but we don't have an open meeting before that open meeting exactly so that's why you would say the chair contact the chair right that's right just contact the chair and then say you're like no I don't think that it's necessary for that now I have to violate open meeting law and get another select board member to email you the same thing so that they say that so that like there's no way to get three people to come together so then in essence we don't have the we have the right to ask you have the right to say no but we don't have well the chair so it should say your position has the right right request to the chair so what do you wanted to say sorry at the request of the chair yep so at the request of the chair I mean I think that's rather than it could be both we could meet in advance both board or chair y the board could have met in EXE or whatever m v that's a right so we're all board or chair okay okay so then scrolling down to G citizen participation right this part I left as it was from our conversation and then I assume what will happen is once we approve it the whole handbook will go to council to review and then if they have friction on this section they can come back and say yes or no or we don't this doesn't work for us because of your okay issues you brought up earlier that was my question um formatting problems I'll I'm we'll pull this page up so that it's not a whole blank page um okay goal setting I think I added the quarterly operating budget review to January I added the capital discussion um um March so March although it looks like it's already on here it says Capital 1 Wednesday cic presents proposed Capital plan to select board so I mean I don't know if we just add third Wednesday continued discussion of capital plan or if you really need to have a whole another right um section here does anybody have feelings thoughts about that did we also move the water SE rates as well I just had I had notes for for March yeah so August came out hold on can we finish the capital plan one can I take this Capital plan out is that okay right there yeah it seems redundant now we have it above and then um there there's an additional quarterly budget review in April and then we did take out the annual water sewer rates for August but you're saying it should have gone to March that was that was what it was in my notes right okay so supposed to be in March let me add it back here all righty and then um so July gets a quarterly operating budget review September there's a fiscal year Revenue projection discussion October is a quarterly review and then November a 5year Financial forecasting review and then we took the operating budget year-to Year from the quarterly report section because we reflected them above and to be honest I I mean we didn't discuss this last time but the Enterprise funds and the capital Improvement year-to-date statuses being quarterly reports if you want to pick months and put them in there and take that section out in pitality it doesn't it six one half dozen of the other but um it gives a good road map of exactly what we should be doing at certain months instead of leaving it open I think that's a good idea um so if if there's a suggestion then for maybe just the leaner months that we have these conversations uh should we just add the men when we're doing the quarterly on everything Financial I think you should get a monthly budget Revenue um report and you know quarterly you should have the quarterly report because you know with the quarterly you can start to gear up for any type of action that you have to take with um Revenue like let's say your Revenue drops and you need to direct uh some reductions to help meet budget because I think there's a lot of a lot of folks think hey the budget's approved we can spend all that money it's it's never like that it's budgets approved we're mon Revenue throughout the fiscal year and we're trying to manage to budget and as the policy board you know you have a chance to you know during the quarterly updates you know really see the performance of the budget and revenue and and get a sense of whether or not you know there needs to be further analysis on spending levels to uh control um the budget so then why don't we move the move the just move them into the quarterly both both the capital and the budget yeah um Enterprise funds I would say so and then we'll remove section c because it will be unnecessary because you're going to have it in your you're going to have it in your packets in advance and if there's nothing big moving on there you know it' be an easy conversation all right so then there were some formatting issues which were fixed um I updated the climate action and resiliency committee name and the Recreation Commission name from committee you know there's one committee that we have left we still have the article we never disbanded article six committee and that was a committee for regionalization I'm just um I would think we still have to keep it on the books it was a committee of town meeting right yes so I think if if town meeting creates a committee they should dispose of it right you should think so is that considered that would be considered a standing committee we'd have to go back and look at the town meeting vote um if it was I don't know if it was an advisory committee I I think it was a study committee town meeting often appoints study committees uh they didn't title I remember it they didn't title it a study committee they just said it was there was a report that was issued by the by the article six committee they engaged the Colin center right the Colin sener did the report but the article 6 committee was just meeting constantly trying to advance efficiencies different efficiencies yeah so I think the only way that we can remove that is through town meeting so I think maybe we just put it under advisory committee advis Comm or either way just it's got to go somewhere okay while we're on that oh there it is okay article traffic saf traffic study is still a committee too yeah it is it's just called the article six committee yeah that's what was called article six okay um yes to Doug's point there are I tried to Gussy up this section for the advisory committees there was uh in the first paragraph we talked about the authority of the advisory committee is limited so that we understood which authority was being limited not um and um we'll add the article six committee the water and sewer infrastructure advisory committee is now listed on here um and the Community Life Center task force um and then we took um so that is that okay then moving on to the appointment process for these committees B um so I did my best to detail the process as I understood it but um so I have a question under goals and appointments to in uh bullet number three um how how did we leave it with to ensure boards and committees have members residing in swamps got as many voting prents as possible where is that Marion um appointments one the third bu thirdd bullet p no I I thought we if I recall correctly that we said we wanted to leave it this way we they put pressure on the fact that it would be summoned and if there needed to be some exception we would make that then this is a handbook we can we can override this if we because it's just a goal that's what it was because it was a just a it was a goal that's right right that was our key there yep okay and then um under two process you know my concerns as I had brought up I had brought up when I wanted to make changes my concern was putting too much emphasis on chairs and not um and having chairs controlling who's sitting in meeting SC is not so that was the reason why I had brought that up but under here under F I just want to make sure that we add each application is reviewed by appointment select board liaison and select board because I want to make sure that if the select board is voting on members the select board can look at is looking is looking at um resumés and then contact sending an email or contacting the liaison making their recommendation but I guess what I'm confused about is is how the process is playing out in practicality so each application the applications come in Dian vets them they go to the liaison right now right in the way I had understood it and the way it was explained I I felt like the way it was explained originally to me was that it would go to myself and the chair we would work together to come up with either through interviewing or what have you come up with a a person for myself to submit to the board but I would say like that's I asked Danielle how does the chair feel about it that it would be a collaborative communication to bring a person forward for the board it wouldn't just be I reviewed the applications and I felt like it was the best fit um so for this section that's why I thought the conversation between David Danielle and I last week that this reflected did that part of the conversation where it's the liaison the committee chair and the applicable Town staff review this the applications however the process works between the three of them they come to a conclusion which then the chair puts forward to the select board and then the select board can have opinions at the select board meeting so what you're asking what you're asking though is you're asking the select board this this is what I wanted to make sure that when I had when I had put this forward I wanted wanted to make sure that the select board would see resumés and give a recommendation on you know they might think I I'm I'm I'd like to support these I think these three or four people will be good good mixes and when these come in front of me I'm going to be in support of these three three or four people whichever one you pick so but what you're saying right now is what you're saying right now is the select board doesn't even see applications and the one thing that we did I think the reason why this worked when we saw applications when we put together the infrastructure committee all the applications went out to select board members select board members contacted Sean and said you know who they thought would be stronger or not as strong or what their recommendations were and then it was put together and then the recommendations came to the board what I'm saying here is that I just think it's important that the select board sees these recommen sees these resumés and if you should so choose you give your opinion to the liaison and then it's the liaison who is either contacting the chair contacting staff contacting whoever you want to contact to come up with your idea I'm well we can add I'm fine with that I think it's what I'm hearing Mar I want say is there another line here like when you send out the the application send them out to everyone everything else kind of continues with what you have you know if you know that you're using the collective little mini crowdsourcing basically if anyone else has input basically they can feed that to the liaison um but at least everyone's seing who's being considered yeah I think I think conceptually I'm fine with that idea that and that's we all have an opinion prior to it coming to the table as a recommended person I guess the part that I'm uncomfortable with is to take the chair out of the process I'm not okay yeah I yeah I second that I want to make sure the chair is involved and the and the liaison is then the sounding board uh for the I'm not recommending that here but I am saying that do not want to see I I am very hesitant of chairs having too much of a heavy hand in who gets on a board only be only because I find that My worry is uh somebody is friends with somebody else F I'm friends with somebody on the select board I'm friends with the chair I'm friends with here I just want to make sure we have everybody has the best shot and we take out the friend part of it well I think if you're worried about that Mar Ellen I think you this is this process takes care of that because you really got the liaison and the chair and maybe Town staff working together to come to aoll I thought you were actually worried about something else I thought you wanted all of us to see all of the applications for everything flow through us at least which I'm actually fine with I mean I can choose to how much I want to dive into every single thing but it's really I'm relying on the liaison to do that work right I think no that's what I'm I am saying I am saying that that every everybody should see all the applicants and and you give your opinion on there that's fine that doesn't really address the issue of chairs picking friends like no no no that's that's right okay right so so just to just to weigh in on this I think that perfect example is how my committee appointments went with this given scenario I sent out who after discussing with the chair and town staff who we thought would be the best fit I sent it out to the group and I got some great feedback and that's how the process really you know worked itself out I think that we can't it has to be a balance of power right I think that the chairs have to be a part of the conversation they they're the chairs right they have a role but I think that you know ultimately the appointment comes from the select board member who's putting it up right that's that's where the buck kind of stops right at some point someone's got to make a decision but it should be done after collaboration with the chair maybe not always agreement maybe there's going to be a back and forth maybe there are situations where you know a chair wants somebody and a select board member wants somebody else but that's democracy and that's that's what we're supposed to be working through and talking through and and guiding them and having input I think that's where we have the input but I don't think that either side has to be you know the decision maker it's it's a collaborative approach it has to the only the only request I was putting in here is to add select board you have select board leaz on you have reviewed by appropriate we reviewed by select board select board liaison committee chair and one applicable Town staff so yeah so I guess the worry that I have is that we could in accidentally be violating open meeting law if we aren't directing our conversation to say Diane of what our op like if if we're all reviewing resumes right and then we reply with our preferences and then somebody else replies to Danielle and somebody else replies to Danielle on preferences that that might be a violation of open meeting law because now we're having a discussion on the topic via email so in order to avoid that I think we need to communicate preferences directly to town hall St and then Town Hall staff needs to facilitate that conversation between the chair and the liaison so that we aren't stepping in that got it that's an excellent point Katie I do think you know the intentions here are all good you want to make sure that you have you know Fair representation Mariel and your points are are strong too you know you don't want to have group think on these committees you need really strong you know independent thinkers um and sometimes committees can can devolve into that not because of any bad reason it's just people sometimes you know get too comfortable um but you have to be very careful about how you deliberate about that and and going through the chair um alone not with other members and and not emailing each other like you don't want to unintentionally just get caught up in an open meeting law issue should just send information to I added I don't know if you can see it but I added uh it now says the committee chair select bleis on select board members and when appicable are encouraged to interview each candidate and collaborate to select a candidate for each position I can add a sentence about select board members shall communicate through the town administrator's office their preference um 50 minutes until the vice presidential theate thank you dog should be a bur burner did you set through popcorn okay ex but the rest of the the rest of the edits the section are as as everybody understands the process to go corre yep scrolling there okay some formatting that we fit what was that fuzzy one that you were trying to push past us no it was Fuzzy and then I scrolled up and scrolled down to make it not fuzzy deck I would never try to get something by you like that that's too easy D um and I'm being recorded So for sure people will be talking about that later um chapter nine the Town Administrator we implemented the changes as discussed um here are the red lines um one was a typo we added whenever practicable to section c enacted was all smooshed together so I just UNS smoed it um we see okay yep and then this is highlighted because my notes were not clear about it so I wanted to make sure that everybody reviewed it and that that was um as as the charter discussion and the charter right well we I think the discussion we had was maybe we have to look at the charter it was and so I left it highlighted because that hasn't happened yet and we can but if it aligns with the CH Charter is that the discussion as was had was had two weeks ago that that's my understanding yes okay so we'll um I'll make an comment I don't think the charter says anything about this I thought didn't someone said it did somebody said it said so so we'll check it I don't know you mean we're not going to vote on this finally tonight I mean we could as revised so long as it doesn't theate the charter maybe sorry if this is a replay but every department head how about just the ones maybe this is the conversation we had there's enumerated ones for hiring right correct right and I guess I was came away thinking it was just going to be the reciprocal for those same positions yes right it would be this the kind of the reverse for the termination he's got to come to us to hire them he's got to come to us to fire them right but if that's already in place where does it say that sorry that's in the charter that's already in the charter yeah so that's in the Char we were just trying to make sure that this reflected that this reflected what was in the what's in the charter but this is broader the way no it's not meant to be broader okay so so can we strike it sure I'll take it out in totality and so this would be Department I just have a quick question this would be department head these these could possibly be department heads that don't have contracts yeah that they're not enumerated enumerated in the the the town Charter right so we're did you just say we're taking it out yeah we're striking it because it's in the it's already in the charter we're not trying to give we're not trying to give ourselves broader rights than we already have under the charter right so if it's already in the charter and if we are being consulted to hire them we are being consulted to fire them it's covered is there anybody we not consulted to hire there are vulnerable oh that are heads of departments yeah yeah that Sean can there's probably not many Town Administrator can hire there not many but there are a few I mean there's okay all right I don't know why it's doing that I'll fix the formatting part um is that finish Katie does that finish it Doug no is that finish that sentence there uh it should say person similarly are you talking about the one that's got the purple highlight yes hold on should say person what is that Personnel yeah I just don't know why it's purple highlighted that's all I'm try I'll figure that out after okay um board members should speak with the town admin okay um keeping the chair prize of the matters we spoke about last week um and then going down to chapter 10 Liaisons uh we had just made a couple of these are the notes that I had that the liazon should help guide the goals and actions and and we just took this usurping language and added it here so that um you know the liaison should be careful not to usurp the prerogative of the chair and then we added this section with the exception of the advisory committee members Town boards and committees must be free to act on their own will without interference from the select board towards that end when attending um meetings of other boards and committees board members being us and liaison shall generally respect the committee's autonomy um then there's some format there and um this section is the relations with Town staff um adding the sentence the select board and its individual members should communicate with Town staff as appropriate and include the Town Administrator or at time its design and then we took out this assistant Town Administrator stuff and just said at its uh it's design um okay relations with residents David I added that sentence every attempt will be made to provide select board with presentations and relevant information at least 48 hours prior to select board meeting we all requested that and then it that is [Music] it so barring the section on the charter and then obviously review of Town Council we could if folks were comfortable have a motion to approve the handbook as revised so long as oh we took that section out about the charter right we took that out but I got I don't want to vote on something without Town Council coming back okay but if Town Council can we can we Town Council say we vote on it subject to Town Council approval yeah yeah Y is that a motion that's a motion yeah second all in favor I I okay because it's getting late I think um I was going to I wanted to try to hit a couple the pages on Code of Conduct but it's getting late we have the we we can we can I was just the night is young to other meetings but if youall want to get 10 10:30 okay so let's move to the consent agenda though so oh we did not review the social media policy then right no oh is that is that under the code of that's under code of conduct so probably should be it doesn't exist anywhere right now so we could we could do it multiple ways I think some people some municipalities just have Standalone social media policies that control boards and committees employees incoming elected and appointed and uh employed Personnel so we sort of took from that standard sort of um approach and and put together this amalgamation of like a couple other towns policy for you guys to review it could be maybe when we do the review of the code of conduct it might make sense to put it in there because that controls both boards and committees both boards committies and ourselves but it wouldn't necessarily cover Personnel it might make sense to have it stand alone so that it covers all three if we wanted it to I guess it depends on what we intended the the ultimate outcome of it to cover to make sense where to put it it should cover everyone should probably be a standalone yeah I mean I I think that's good that it's Standalone because I think it's really important in this day and age that we are implementing a policy that we are holding our everybody to if we're good with that so first we have to see if everybody's good with that if we are good with that then we're going to have to make an adjustment into the handbook to add it we're going to have to make an adjustment into the handbook that this is another policy that we have the code of conduct we have the handbook it just has to be another policy that people have to check off well I don't think right now the well I think it shouldn't it be done in conjunction with an employee social media policy also or is it this covered I think it should cover it covered everybody right so but it has to kind of go along with an employee handbook as well which well you could sign this before employee handle couldn't you you sure could but we don't have technically an employee handbook right now right so the language and and parts of it are something that you know should be incorporated I think in an employee handbook so you could so I mean you can do it without it's kind of cart before the horse right it's usually like an addendum to an employee handb like acceptable use social media right we don't have any of that right now for employees it could be that we get a cart and then soon we get a horse and then we create it after that you know we can have that Standalone policy and then build the handbook off of that it's just not how you normally do it but you can we're not accustom to being normal Danielle yeah so as it pertains to us right now I'm I'm hearing that we're pretty much all in favor of having a standalone and the next question is does anybody have any opinions on on the actual policy well first of all I want to thank both of you uh a lot for what I imagine must be a considerable amount of work not only not only in this but also on the handbook so thank you um the only I I will admit that I have not studied this um for a long period of time I kind of read through it um but the the one thing that jumped out to me and I think it's probably just needs to be contextualized in three policy all Town social media sites shall be approved by the select board what what do we mean that like the fact that there will be a site not that we're literally like approving like yeah like if wck had its own site it should probably say it accounts instead of yeah there you go thank you and are we retroactively approving these sites if if they already exist or are we just approving new pages or new we should have an inventory of what exists today I think that would be smart to do that just to be consistent to have all of the towns Pages be doing the same thing Doug where was that um edit really 3 a i page one page one three a I just all Town social media accounts do what Daniels and then and then there should should be some sort of inventory kept whether it's the office of the Town Administrator or HR that just gives a list of senior center yeah social media accounts and then who administers those accounts right so like who has access to administer those accounts and that's yeah that was my question who are the moderators of the of the town of swamp skits uh you know who selected these individuals and right I personally I don't think elected officials should be in involved totally agree I think these are are typically we have to pay fees for some of these accounts they ultimately you know um you know it's the town's responsibility so um you know the town should be managing them we have to comply with all sorts of state and federal laws and you just can't volunteer your way through that but but as part of our as part of the inventory that we're going to that we're going to do you know we'll also have a list of who the moderators are for each of the for each of the pages and really a list by position not person because that is right it's Recreation IT director of recreation direct or whatever their titles are so that if those people ever changed positions that you just have the time would not be with the person it would be the so typically it's every department head they're in charge of their landing pages they have privileges to update certain you know landing pages we do have some boards and committees but typically we have the staff that are affiliated with those boards and committees responsible for just updating you know some of the social media um um you know Pages for those departments and committees it's really anybody that's going to act on behalf of the town right so anybody that's going to speak or make comments or right make sure that they're following generally few we've had all of the rest of isses here and there but generally it's you know people understand you know you've got to separate your personal from your public responsibilities um so we can like continue I don't know if anybody has any other updates but we can always like look at this again when we look at the code of conduct if people have want to make more in depth because Doug I know you said you didn't really read it I didn't I'm sure I was I'm sure I was the only one that didn't I'm sure you were not you were the who admitted it not everybody with a fine tooth comb went through all the paragraph So or if something doesn't make sense just because it worked for another municipality doesn't mean it will work for us okay so let's just we'll just add this to um when we go over the code of conduct but to your point Mary Allen um having uh hopefully did we vote on this but we we probably should add reference to the social media policy to like to the hook yeah so it says like affirming the oath of office review the exception of the handbook the board and committee handbook the code of conduct and the social media policy okay happy to accept that as a friendly Amendment to the vote we already took excellent second all in favor I move we are all right so um now we'll move down to the consent agenda and before we make a motion to approve the consent agenda David um when we had voted on the zoning board of appeals um Mr Demento pointed out that we were making a mistake and later we found out we did make a mistake so all this is doing is correcting our mistake and putting everything in line okay and what was the mistake that we made um I think we added was we added a year years we added a year onto uh one of the members right okay so just put it we had we had already we already did this last year we had already approved it we didn't need to add it again got it got it that's all it was so I'm fine we're just doing this to stay off of social media um okay so that really works can I have a motion to approve the consent agenda well what about like are we going to have discussion well yeah I want to take out take out the minutes okay of uh 94 and 918 you want to take out 94 918 yep okay okay so can we have a motion to approve the consent agenda minus uh item number five so moved second second all in favor I I so moved select board time Danielle wait you want to talk about the one we pulled out or we pulling it out not to talk about it no no no we can we can we can talk about it um I was just I assume I got pulled out because there was a discussion not because no no well lot of times we pull it out because people haven't people haven't read it and then we just no no no I I I read it I just really wanted to make a comment uh as it concerns the September 4th uh minutes I would it would be my recommendation that we look to not have verbatim um comments as part of our minutes um that would just be my recommendation we already have precedence when someone says they want their they've come up and they've read a statement that they want their minutes they want their statement in the minutes so if we've already said precedence you said precedent as part of public comment m this would be a this would be a a different uh that's right this wasn't public comment no MH so so this is different yeah so I I think it's I think it's worth of a discussion I can I can go I can go I had to I had to I prepared it um but I'm I think uh I I don't I don't believe it's a very it's a very good precedent for our board to have uh verbatim um verbatim minutes for I agree with that you're not required to do it by law and you will and because it's not public comment yep but you will encourage um this type of practice and I think it will be cumbersome and I I do think that it will um Inspire others to show up and and respond in kind and you'll you'll continue to have you know um conflicts that may not get resolved constructively just to State the obvious anyway these are minutes not train transcription not transcriptions exactly however just to be really clear if people come to public comment and they're reading from a sheet and they want their comments added yeah into we have now created that precedent yes but it is but it does it it it does sit within this board as to whether or not we can continue this because while there was a precedent set for one meeting that doesn't mean it it has to be well this is in public comments no no no I'm but but I'm but I'm just even in the comments of but even public comments yeah yeah it can be an attachment but maybe that maybe those public comments are summarized and not uh written you know transcribed for btim that's all I mean if a person wanted to hear what any of us said they can access all of the recordings through the town website and watch us all on swans Scott TV why would I spend your time but why would I want someone to have to go through that I mean I I guess I look at it I'm not worried about I I I question what's the problem if now how many people do we have come and say this is my comments and I want these added so it's pretty minimal and I just feel like if that's what you want you're making a public comment why whatever but we're not talking about that tonight we're talking about something different right no I understand that but I'm just saying as a point as David's point that at any just because we set AE set a precedent at any time it's our precedent we reserve the right to change it right for any reason if a 100 people start coming to public comment and they all want to give us their uh their their um com their stuff we can have this conversation again that's that's the point I'm making okay um okay so I guess I I would suggest that for 94 we go back and summarize the comments instead of approving these minutes today to keep with kind of the way we've done things in the past I mean you know it's a little bit of one half dozen to another but at least that kind of keeps things in the spirit which we've had them in the past since these were not public comments and so then I would uh recommend we focus on the 918 minutes I don't think we have that issue there is that correct David are you okay with 918 pretty a pretty mild meeting yeah I didn't I didn't have a problem with uh with with 918 okay we still had minutes we're still six pages on all right so could we have a motion would Danielle I mean I'm not inclined to tell anybody what they can and can't say so I I use that example for myself as I do for other people if I can say what I want to say then I think everybody should be able to I I'm just not comfortable saying no you know for this one particular situation we're going to say no we can't do what you're asking us to do I personally don't feel comfortable saying that okay even though this is not so this is not resident comment I that's like I think we're splitting here is because it was said at a because it wasn't said at a certain time of a meeting somebody asked us to admit this as their statement or whatever submit it as her as this person's statement I'm not comfortable saying we can't do that all of a sudden we can't do that this one particular time I I just people are allowed to say good or bad what they want to say I I don't disagree with you but the minutes don't have to reflect every TR transcript of what people say good or bad the minutes are meant to give a summary of the true but we we have the luxury of looking at these minutes when we don't like or when we want to edit it right if people on this board have problems with the way they're um described in these minut we we have the ability to edit them or we can say to Diane Diane I think this should be edited or we have that privilege right but people that show up and make comments don't have that privilege right but they can say MH you know I want this admitted this is what I'm saying this is you know my response or whatever it is I just don't want to impose something that I couldn't impose on myself yeah I think the other point is when the person asked the question at the meeting was the response yes we will accept them into the minutes because if that was the intention at the time right to go back now on that does feel disingenuous MH where if they said I would like this to happen if if one of us or any of us said can happen made representation that it could happen I don't recall I'd have to go back and watch but if we did then we should include it because they asked the question and they and none of us said No at the time or even I don't know if they if she's if this person said it to Diane I don't know but we should have said at that point all us I it's not something we're going to put into the record or whatever would would you be okay would everybody be okay if we just tabled this and went back and did a little research sure came back so is that okay with you David it's fine okay so can we um can we at least have a motion to approve what was our other one 98 918 so moved second second all in favor I I so moved got all that D all right it's a good thing we have all right nice one nice one well played Let's uh let's move to select board time um Doug why don't you start oh did you want to skip it because of the mine's definitely not any longer than 25 minutes so don't worry about it there are there are four other people at the stable side of course I know that that was the joke um so uh mine is all about uh requests for future meeting topics okay um so um uh one's a little one for climate action resilience committee Mar we had email about this a while ago short 10-minute thing so if we could okay but if anybody wants things on the on the uh agenda you have to send your information to to Diane because we were ready for you but you hadn't sent your information in and not you just the committee me any committee any committee well it was you you made a request and we didn't have any documents so we had to I didn't know I was I didn't know they were I didn't know they were on ready to be entertained yet made that request it went right on there immediately okay okay all right have to get used to that all right great well therefore then I might have even more no um just uh the financial Summit oh no Sean's working on that okay what does that mean exactly yeah because now we're in October um so uh I know this isn't necessarily Town Administrator time right now but you're welcome as far as I'm concerned to give a very yeah I had a meeting today with staff we went over u a number of slide Decks that we are trying to pull together on expenditures and revenue and um go data uh we're reaching out to the Callin center to see if uh we can have uh somebody facilitate this but we've also reached out to Eric kinf he's a former um CPA that we've worked with that could help us um analyze and present some of the data so staff are working to pull it together and we anticipate that the next week uh we'll be sitting down with the school uh Finance team and just going over some of the data that we've collected to try to frame a conversation about where we are where we've been where we are and where we're going okay and I'm going to assume there's a Channel of communication with the someone in the school department about the fact that we're pulling some data and this meeting is happening yes we've had some conversations uh they certainly you know are um they're busy they're they're they I think have expressed that they feel as though having somebody independent present some of this data would be their preference I certainly appreciate that I think we all come to uh the table with our own unique perspectives and having somebody that can objectively just look at the numbers and explain them so that would either Collins or this Eric guy or whatever okay all right may I yeah I think I think the other important thing though is the data how what data is pulled right and I know you're saying there's only one true source of data but I don't know that necessarily that is a shared sentiment so just want to Echo that uh cart horse conversation that it's great that we're pulling the DAT data it's great that we're creating slide decks but this in this process in of itself if it's not handled correctly will set the tone for how the conversation happens we'll set the tone for how collaborative It all becomes so I I understand the school's very busy but I encourage the school um Financial team to be involved now so that this doesn't become an issue when we sit all sit down at the table because uh you know either the data was pulled incorrectly or misconstrued or all these things that we can't fix when we get to the table so I'm happy to have them involved now I we've reached out to them weeks ago to try to get them involved so that encour pull out all the chairs they can help run through the numbers and context them I Katie I I totally understand that you know they may have unique um numbers that justify their position on certain things I use the state data the October 1 reports different things because it standardizes where swampit is with 351 other cities and towns per C capital expenditure on every Municipal item and and that's just one set of data and and so that benchmarks us and then we can kind of take the unique perspectives of every department head and every individual that works in uh critical position and say but how does it really fit and and are there unique things about swampit that three square mile town that is different than you know a town that's similar to us that's you know has 50 square miles I mean there's lots of things that qualify these points but I think we have to start with a baseline yes I just don't want to get to the table and argue about the data instead of arguing about Sol or conversing about Solutions yeah so that's why I'm just saying like it it's really imperative that we all come to the table for the financial Summit at the same place and in the right mindset so that we are putting the Community First and our students first to collaborate on Solutions to get both the the municipality and the school to a point where it feels like we've collaborated in a real way and come with come to the table compromising with each other and not just arguing over the slide deck yeah I I'm I'm really struggling here to um make sure that we get this right right um and um do we have um is it appropriate I I I don't want to suggest at this phase like some joint meeting between us and the school committee or you know but like is it appropriate for uh the the uh either the superintendent or the try chairs try chairs like where where are we ensuring that we're we've got this teed up the right place because I you started off saying Sean's taking care of that so like well I'll I'll answer it for you so Sean is working on his on his stuff yeah the uh Sean myself and uh the finance committee chair are meeting tomorrow so that we could make sure we know what dates and then I'm answering an email from the chair of the school committee uh as far as when the tri chairs can meet so we're going to be having a meeting with the superintendent uh the business manager Amy our finance director so we we already have that you know we don't have the date set but we're we'll have the date set before Thursday great and so like ideally maybe you guys would have that meeting before our next select board meeting so that we would have kind of something to say you all have met you've got kind of agreement on here's the data we're pulling or here's the outside person we're using or something like that so that we know everyone's been engaged yes okay yes that would be terrific thank you thank you um the other two things which I can write to you too but just for everyone U uh Danielle and I have been talking um getting a joint uh we had this a ways back about resiliency um and harbor and water and climate action and you know we've had some conversations about the pier and we have stuff obviously about water and sewer I think we need a collective kind of uh update um you know update from water and sewer you know all the testing that we just heard about tonight kind of summarized you know what's really happening with the pier there was a public meeting about that you know we had some some response to that I don't think we've kind of collected all that in in uh together we have a grant uh that we applied for one which we did not get uh Municipal vulner vulnerability we have another one out that we're waiting on we put some money aside through our arpa um so I think just collectively we need kind of to come back together and say like what's our go forward plan here I think what we need to do is we need to take this is what I'd like to look into or like I'd like to arrange is to have the chairs of the Committees that have that much Synergy together and uh come into a room and sit down and really have an open conversation as far as what are the future goals are going to be especially as it pertains to goal as as it to Grants because often one committee doesn't know what the other committe is doing and if we have Mary there and we start to figure out exactly what are all our goals I think that's going to help so I would agree with that too okay so that I'm asking for an agenda topic where we bring those three chairs together to have that an update and their kind of go forward plan so we can kind of observe Al together like what those are make sure they're coordinated we had discussed a like a grants database not of what exists for us to apply to but what we have actually applied to that yeah I have a list of of all the grants that we've received over the last and then who sort of seven years um who is applying for those grants because I I don't know is marsy taking all the communication from all the boards and no every typically every department head has a number of grants that they can apply for wreck police fire town you know we all you know there's there's a lot of folks looking for Grants now every grant that we apply for over $50,000 comes to the select board so we're we're kind of funneling them so have a little bit more visibility yeah but that's only at the municipal level like if resiliency wants to apply for a grant this over $50,000 they don't have to come to us oh yeah I mean oh I'm sorry they do but not but I guess outside of our boards and committees if I guess if other Town yeah okay to your point I mean I you know the city of Lynn is looking to apply for a $200,000 Grant I'm in a meeting on Friday and i' I've already let the mayor know I look I got to come back to the select board and ask you for permission to even you know work with them on that because that's your prerogative as a governing body that's a policy like do we want to be part of regional grants do we want to be you know previously you know those are things that frankly this board didn't you know want to have a formal vote on but you know we're going to we're going to make sure that you have that role yeah I just don't want to be competing against each other I think we want to be collaborating with one another and if there was a central database to keep track of the grants as uh as they were being approved by us and as the team um committees were working on them then you know either synergetic committees could reach out and say hey we think this is going to help you with that here's the data like if water sewer saw something something that they could be helpful with to resiliency they could send something over but that doesn't exist right now because we just don't have a place where they all live that's accessible to boards and committees so we've talked about this as u a team and you know there's a real concern you know we're these grants are all competitive they're very competitive and and so when we kind of share some of that information the concern is that we're you know even locally other communities are going to start to compete they're going to start to get a sense of what we're we're going after and there's just a you know well if that's like a confidential document why would other cities it's not confidential it's public like but I'm saying if we made it an inair yeah I don't we we can pull it together like we have a list of these grants I'm happy to share with them you like we could have quarterly like I'd like to have quarterly meetings with the chairs of committees that do have you know serious things in common and then just to have an up dat of what's going on and yeah we want to incentivize these committees and frankly these department heads to apply for every grant that they can think of there's all sorts of like Doug's conversation tonight about the 5.2 billion dollars there's there's got to be some opportunity there for the town to shake out some of those dollars and apply it to a number of housing um initiatives and and so we have a number of committees that could help us you know do some of that work and we're we're strategizing on some of that stuff but you know um okay so if there are many committees that are applying for Grants but they don't all have the same bandwidth right then you know maybe they could pass the torch on to a likeminded committee to say hey we found this and we we don't have the time or energy to apply for it right now because we're focusing on X for example the harbor Waterfront so those chairs met last week with that we didn't get and typically the awesome parting part of getting grants is not getting one you know and just sticking to it because okay we will get that Grant to your point Katie I just wanted to say on the last Harbor Waterfront meeting that I was at a couple weeks ago they were talking about grants that they were going after or going to go after um you know we want to make sure that maybe climate knows about that or you know that the other committees maybe sewer and water infrastructure that they're working together right if we know you know marsy happened to be at that meeting so she was able to advise and talk about it but we want all the Committees to have that same access that's same opportunity I think that's kind of what you're talking about but if they don't know what the others are going after you know you could get into a situation where you're operating kind of in a vacuum right so dog are you finished I'm done David uh yeah over the weekend uh there was a veteran Suicide Prevention 5K run walk uh down at the VFW um there were probably 70 or 80 uh participants it was a good it was a good day um it was a first the first ever uh veteran Suicide Prevention uh RunWalk in town hopefully uh this is an annual event and hopefully we can continue to build uh on this and certainly uh and certainly have uh many more members of the community uh and the surrounding area uh at the next one but um you know it was a it was a great day to be out there and uh and and and be out with the veterans and and walk for a great cause did you win my son finished second and fourth and fourth you don't forget about the others and they could have won next year gives you something to for um I actually didn't have anything to say but something came up when when we were just um having conversation about the consent agenda involving edits to the minutes and generally like my own personal rule of them I try not to edit the minutes unless they are factually inaccurate um and that's because the minutes are meant to be Diane's reflection of what occurred um she does consult a transcript and Views sometimes when she doesn't remember information and so you know I I encourage everyone to sort of follow similar guidelines where we're not embedding ourselves in a uh hindsight 2020 situation or you know changing sort of the phraseology of something unless it is inaccurate um because to Danielle's point we have an advantage that others don't and when other people are participating in the meetings whether it be people we invite or public comment or even the Town Administrator he doesn't get to look back and say that's what I said or what I didn't say we H we have the right to say that's not what I recall Sean cter didn't say but um so just remembering that that's a um privilege we have and not to abuse it I don't have that privilege I often times have to sit quiet and I have to to listen to things that are untrue and unfair and it's difficult to see that contained in minutes um sometimes it's it's their opinion and they have the right to have it there but when it becomes That explicit it it hurts uh employees it harms my character it harms the character of my department heads and the people that I'm here to protect and if you as a board let that happen uh I feel as though that's a a responsibility that you're you're not being good about there's more to it but I just want to put that out there this can be weaponized and it can be used to really undermine um the good faith responsibilities that we have to administer the responsibilities of this town are you finished I am thank you um Danielle so to Doug's point I feel like the financial Summit has become a mirage in the desert because I feel like I hear about it at every meeting and I hear the same things it's like Groundhog Day did we talk to the schools did we reach out are we going about the data the right way do we have a date I mean we're at October 1st I've heard about this thing for probably four or five months and we're no further advanced than we were with with this thing and I'm really concerned that after what happened at town meeting in the very vocal situation we had with the school department that we have made no no progress at all in my view in reaching out to them collaborating with them trying to get to the heart of what we need to do for next year's budget season and we're we're we're still at square one there's been no progress and I just think that's not the way to do it I mean there was a real concern at town meeting about budgets and and the collaboration between school and town and we have not really done anything to change it to improve it to to further along that process and we use this financial Summit as you know potentially something that would like bring them all together and we've made no progress on it and that that's disappointing and I hear the same thing that our staff is working on it they're pulling data they're doing this they're reaching out to the schools the schools have heard nothing right so where where when do we move forward here and how do we do it right because we're all just sitting here and Doug brought that up way back at town meeting right after right and he's you know he's still asking the same questions and I have to agree like I just it seems like a mirage in the desert like it's not going to come to fruition and we need it to you know we really need to have a conversation um so thank you for bringing that up Doug I think it's a valid concern um you know to your point Sean about minutes and and comments whoever wants to come here and say whatever resident wants to come here and say whatever is on their mind is entitled to do so and I want to hear it I always want to hear it good or bad because unless you hear the bad you're never going to grow there's no growth unless you hear what you can do better right and sometimes that's not the most perfect form but we set ourselves up for that when we took these seats and you took this position unfortunately you're the head of a town in a in a very public position it comes with a territory yeah ideally you know people won't come up here and say disparaging things or be you know annoyed but by the time they get here they're probably so aggravated with having attempted maybe to solve a problem and it hasn't happened that yeah you know sometimes it's on us to find that answer right so I'm not inclined to fix edits of minutes what I say is what I say I stand by at any time that's what I'm here to do um and I don't feel like it's appropriate to censor or adjust or you know make something look like it's anything different than what it is right people have the right to come and say whatever they want to say and we have to hear it you know but again it's it's an opportunity for growth depending on how you look at it you can look at it and be defensive and say people are attacking me they're attacking my staff well maybe there's a problem maybe there is something that we need to fix internally maybe there's something wrong with the dep Department that we're not looking at we're just ignoring and glossing over because it's too inconvenient to address so I think that there's value in listening to what people have to say and I'm not afraid to do that so my turn um I would like to thank Nathan Kent Nate wshine and Mr Joe dlet for putting on this fine show here tonight it's always appreciated um and I do want to give a little bit I I've fallen behind on giving my updates from my committees and I just want to get back to that a little bit the Retirement Board uh met this week and their first quarter performance in real estate was um down by quite a bit and they're working with their new advisers Wayne Wright on evaluating uh their best investment strategy um they uh have also been Ted with putting together four different funding schedules to consider increasing the col abase um by a couple points and by doing that they're also looking at extending the funding schedule and reducing the impact on the town's operating budget this is something that's pretty serious that I think all of you should really look at um the current base is uh 14 and it has a 5% increase to the funding schedule their next meeting is October 29th at at 8: a.m. and uh you're all welcome to show we can't sit and chitchat we just have to keep any questions to their chair so they would love to see everyone on October 29th 8 a.m. extending that schedule could save the operating budget hundreds of thousands of dollars Bravo that they're considering that a real LIF line for some of the financial issues that we're dealing with it's a structural change oh well they're they're looking for something in returns they are but you know I have I said to them last year look work with us MH we all said that I think we all said that so there so I still have the floor sorry um the board of assessors uh there as we know we have a new assessor in they also have um per the recommendation they have access to assess Pro um and they are starting to to they will be starting to get their information together for their tax classifications On Solid Waste um the chair want to make sure everybody know that their minutes are up to date the Pumpkin Smash event will be on November 3rd at Phils Park 9 to 12 they ran some quick math on whether or not it was going to be really financially advantageous to us to have uh composting for every household and right now it is not financially advantageous but they they're going to continue to look at that that's a goal that I asked Wayne to see if what we could do to increase composting um they're trying to start a survey of apartment and condominium complexes to understand what recycling services are being offered to their residents uh they've been slow to get that going but they're working on that um they've reached out to Sean and Jeff to try to get some help with that project and they will be at the farmers market through October this is proven to be a great Outreach opportunity this summer um collectively as we talked to hundreds of residents and we receive a lot of feedback so household oh one more thing he want me to household hazardous waste drop off day is Wednesday October 16 from 4: to 7: at the marble Hood transfer station and that wraps up my comments and metal and styrofoam waste drop off as the last set last yeah that's our last Saturday standing last Saturday it's always that's always standing that's great okay so with that can we have a motion so so moved second all in favor I so moved thank you Joe night good night