##VIDEO ID:nX_IGpCeXmc## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e G who's Big Bo have this weekend okay we're live now um thank you everyone for coming and uh welcome to the select board meeting October 16th meeting first please accept our apologies for the lateness we had some traffic issues um tonight is an important meeting for us so first we're going to start with public comment is there anyone here we're being recorded oh we are being recorded and I forgot the pledge so please join me in the pledge need some voice Scouts Scouts States I think starting late has really to accelerate things has thrown thrown me a little okay um so now we'll start with public comment do we have anybody in the room or online we do wonderful okay where are they who is online AO is that Amy O Conor AO Amy can you it's Andrea Andrea that's what I'm seeing no that's that she's second can we um view it on the side panel you're not Andrea good evening everybody um this is Andrea Moore Precinct 3 um I just wanted to make a public announcement um and also thank um some of the select board members who recently participated in our beach waterer quality transparency inform local folks in Lynn theun and swamp Scott about the recently discovered um poor pollution ution conditions of Nahant Beach um so now we have Nahant Beach which tested very poorly this year was closed for a majority of August obviously King's Beach which is a known problem Fisherman's Beach which the town has really jumped into action to address um but it's definitely um you know highlighting the fact that this is to Katie's point a regional issue we need to do continued Regional investigation of this issue because we're not just talking about one isolated Beach or even two anymore we're talking about a huge stretch miles long that is um intermittently polluted so um we had a meeting this week and um are interested in potentially being able to do some investigation of our own at our own cost and are hoping for um the town of swamp Scott's participation in potentially allowing us to be able to utilize the ID machine which is to my knowledge not being currently utilized but we' like to take some testing along the outfalls Along The Haun beach in order to expedite the investigation process and be able to put more pressure on DCR and the City of Lynn to um fix their portion of uh what's wrong with Nahant Bay um so I just wanted to make those comments and make you aware of what's going on in the community and and thanks for everybody's continued support of uh this ongoing issue thank you Andrea um okay so let's try Amy O Conor again can you hear me we can oh good thank you very much this is Amy O Conor Precinct one um I just saw the ballot for the November election and I am curious about the community preservation act question uh I was surprised to see it on the ballot but admit that I have not watched all the select board meetings since the town meeting approved this uh to go for a vote uh on the surface it seems like a relatively benign ask to save money for future projects and simultaneously be able to get State monies but I ask why are we looking to set up yet another tool for savings when we already have several million dollars in excess Levy capacity uh little public discussion on what the ramifications are for that uh and during our last few Town meetings we've established several savings Vehicles so with so many savings vehicles and more than a healthy amount of free cash annually along with this growing excess Levy capacity I just think we need a better or clearer understanding of the pros and cons for why this additional tax is being asked um like who's going to decide how and when the money is accessed what are the Hoops to jump through to access it is this our only chance to opt into the program uh what kind of money will we get from the state and what projects have been funded or would have been funded differently if we had already passed it um if there's a place where I can find this that would be great but if not I ask that the select board spend some time educating the voters on the matter with a healthy public debate um all voters get a pros and cons from the state for Statewide initiatives and it would be really helpful to get the same thing from our town otherwise it's a no from me select I would like to ask the chair's prerogative to just give a very very simple response which is Amy asked a question Swampscott cpa.com thank you is there anyone else for public comment okay seeing none um would it be possible that we move the uh the town administrator's report to the end of the would you folks be okay with that okay so then we will go directly to new and old business and tonight we'd like to take a moment to um have DPW director Gino Cresta introduce uh two new DPW folks and um this is this is uh exciting for us because this is something new that we want to try to get into we generally see police and fire and other departments but the the real Department that keeps us going you guys are major priority so we want to make you the stars of the show tonight okay so Gino Joy Jo Joey came to apartment highly recommended Joey I'm not sure if I've ever received as many phone calls for a perspective higher than I did for Joey so the Bosman set pretty high my friend all right Joey's been with us for a couple of weeks now he's already been involved with lining of the athletic fields emptying trash barrels and most recently repairing a water service leak on bat road so I think Joey's going to be an asset to the department and I'm looking forward to many years to come great is the time Joe you want to add anything or I to put you on theot wait Joey we have to give you the microphone um my name is Joe rusa uh just want to thank you guys for tonight for welcoming me to the Community uh I'm from Nahant Mass where nant Mass where's that yeah uh I went to swamp Scott High swamp Scott Middle School swamp Scott high school and I'm very excited to uh do what I can now to help the community grow help become a place where hopefully I can raise a family of my own and uh let the big BL big blue Pride roll on so thank you guys very good thank you next up to Joey's right is cabat Da cat has only been with the department for a couple of days but he's fit right in like to acknowledge that uh cabbat was selected from a pool of six very qualified candidates so we're looking forward to many years with cabitt ironically enough both these gentlemen both living swamps got right now on the same street oh nice how's that all right going to be very well plowed Street good point cabic comes Department with quite a bit of experience in the carpentry field so we're going to try to utilize that and looking forward to many years with citt i' like to add with the addition of these two gentlemen I'm now responsible for hiring all 16 men in the department oh good for you Gino it means one of two things I've been around for too long or a long time only took you 20 years yeah 21 years yeah but I'm very proud of our department you know we had 16 qualified individuals it all get along very well and as this guy could probably attest it later on that wasn't always the case it's you know I'm really proud of these guys Kat um my name is kabat Da uh I grew up in Marblehead and Swampscott um so I've gotten both experiences I graduated from Swamp Scott though um I've I still live in town and I've done countless uh construction jobs around town already working to better the look of the town and I'm excited to start uh with the DPW and maintain everything seize this opportunity seems like a great place and I'm excited to work here this is great thank you for joining the team and let us know how Gino's doing periodically yeah okay so now um out with the old we're going to in with the new out with the old in with the new the old um we're going to give Gino the floor to uh for the big highlight of our show tonight highlight with the new with the old so Kyle yes sir Kyle's been with the department for 37 years amazing predominantly in the water department he retired as the work and forant of the department M with those 37 years of experience comes a lot of institutional knowledge which we're going to miss you know we joke about it right right institutional knowledge right sometimes I thought you should be put in so but kle you know it's been a pleasure we've talked about this over the years and there's been a few bumps in the roads oh absolutely but I consider you a friend kle I always consider you a friend likewise yeah and um it was my pleasure run that the thing is uh is it on now it's on it's on um longevity gave me the opportunity to um give what I knew about the town and the town was kind of like had a lot of little nuances like if you weren't there you don't know about it you know like all the oldtime is retired and all the things that weren't written down you know like you said institutional knowledge and it made me feel good to be the guy that had the answer you know know and and through attrition and Longevity I acquired that knowledge and he's right about a small group it's a good group that they these guys got now and uh it always was a good group and the thing is is even when they're not getting along they're the first ones to pitch in and do what's got to be done you know and um it's sometimes it's a thankless job but um I'm grateful to have a had job for 30 7 years really and I grew up right here on the greenway you now I'm trying to figure out where what where would I be in the park right now you know and a lot of memories a lot of changes you know very and I'm very grateful and uh thank you so Carl we would we would like to present you with the citation and my birthday gift so if you could just jump up here yeah this is a citation and recognition for your 37 years thank you thank you so [Applause] much you're welcome that a lot deserve it no I all right so does anyone on the board anyone on the board have any questions comments do does Gino know where to find you if we need any of that institutional knowledge right right Carl do we know how to contact you when we need that institutional knowledge yeah with that do we know how to contact you when we need that institutional knowledge youo D I promise not to but dial him I miss that joke at least twice a day right no nothing would make me happier great be available to help at any time that's great thank you good to know thank you I appreciate it all right so um moving along we're now going to the discussion and possible vote of the new Board of Health member thanks guys thank you gentlemen great night Peter you need to just call your board need to call your board to okay call a meaning of your board yeah so I'm I'm Peter sheckman I'm chair of the uh the Board of Health and we uh first we'll call a meeting of the Board of Health and our other board members to my right gari we're here to vote with um so the meeting is called to order for the Board of Health very and we are here tonight to present a candidate to you for the uh open position on the board of health there are three seats on the board of health one is open uh we had the opportunity to interview two people who presented as candidates uh they were both excellent candidates one of the candidates for personal reasons and work reasons decided uh to withdraw his application and so we are going to nominate um Helen teager for the position of member chair excuse me member of the Board of Health Helen is a very experienced uh nurse starting in clinical nursing and she's done just about everything in nursing that you can uh can imagine uh from hospice to administrative work uh to home care so we feel she will be an excellent addition to the Board of Health that's great um does anybody have have any questions about Helen so can we um so can we then take a vote for we have a motion approval of a motion or is there a motion to nominate Helen teager we have a second second okay they make their do they motion do they have to do it first and then we take our Vote or how does that does that work why don't we why don't you make your motion then we'll make a motion just to double check it okay so I I'll make motion to nominate Helen teager for the Board of Health gari you're going to second that okay great and then we need a vote from the select board for approval so all those in favor wait a second wait a second I we have to we also have to make a motion so can I have a motion to I'll make a motion to uh to appoint Helen tager uh to the uh to the Board of Health second all in favor I I great I you guys are all in favor congratulations Helen Helen okay all right is Helen with us tonight we'll have I'll have to call her it's fine you'll have to give her the good news the very good news she she was very eager to to be a member of the Board of Health that's great yeah that's terrific so then I need to have a motion for us to close the Board of Health meeting I'll second thank you very much for coming don't get too excited okay so moving along we're going to um go to our update on elections from the town clerk um thank you very much um was asked just to give a brief update on uh the the upcoming November 5th election so not this past Friday but the Friday before that um we had uh a number of uh senior tax workof volunteers town clerk staff and others um send out uh 30 roughly 3,800 ballots um if you'll indulge me for one second I would just like to thank uh senior tax workof uh volunteers um uh line Grant har Goldstein Lori Jackson s Jon Dey block Janet Fisher Ray kavorkian uh Doug and Sue burges along with Neil Dillo Mike Devin jod watts and actually her daughter Katie as well came uh got Dred into helping us so there was 14 of us in four separate rooms that day and put in roughly 80 man uh 80 work hours to uh get that all done in one day uh to put that a little bit in perspective we had about a thousand rest applications for the state primary it took Mike and myself in uh Neil Dillo and a few rest volunteers over two days to get it done so I'm really grateful for the people of swamp Scott who came out and helped um it makes this manageable um and without their support um we wouldn't be able to do that so far in the past 10 days we've received 1104 ballots back into my office that have been checked in they could checked in uh the day they come back scanned into the computer so that everyone can check the secretary of the commonwalls website to see it um as of last week when um I was not in the office we got an email from the Secretary of Commonwealth office that we were at 99.7% of our ballot sent out I have since rectified that we are now at 100% of our ballot sent out um so um which is better by about 15% than the state average last I checked um State average is little over 83% 83% uh last week uh We've also had 61 ballots for residents formally living of swamp SCAR or uh students and other people living overseas which is a whole separate process of more involved process we have 61 of those that have also gone out um and so the next part to this whole uh process now that we've sent out all the vote by mail ballots will be the voting in person which will start this Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the town Kirk's office office um and we'll run 12 to 12 sorry 8 to 8 for 12 hours Monday to Thursday for the following two weeks um so we're at about 108 hours talking to other cirks this is maintaining with swamp Scott's desire to um make sure there's ample time for everyone to vote um in the uh if they if they want to or need to um we're still processing maybe 20 to 30 vote by mail applications a day which they have until the 29th of October to get those into us uh though we are encouraging people to get them into us as soon as possible our local post office has been great um with working with us we sort them and they don't even send them out of town they keep them in town and give them straight to the mail carriers to deliver so last two Fridays ago when we handed it to them people were getting them by that Saturday which is really great given the national uh issues with Postal Service unfortunately we do have people who are away at college or out of town which we do have to rely on that so we're telling people to get them back to us as soon as possible um in addition uh Mike um Bryson uh the assistant Town Kirk has come up with a little fun thing to try to get people to come out uh the Kirk's office on the 30th and 31st has advertised to uh dress up with yourself your children come down vote we'll be giving out candy uh I'm proud to say that Mike also uh took the initiative to send this out to other city and town Kirks and about a half dozen have adopted this uh using his flyer so it's nice to see swamp Scot um pioneering some new ideas to get voter turnout um in addition I have uh ramped up uh advertising for lack of a better term of uh all the options that people have there's an FAQ on our website uh there is uh the sample ballot commonly asked questions um we also have a news story that's perpetually up on the front page we keep refreshing to make sure people can easily find it when they come there um we've contacted the Ln item the patch um Gino has been nice enough to program the sign for us as of this Thursday um that will be going up uh a robo call just went out to everyone who had signed up for the elections updates um which is I think the second highest kind of subgroup of of uh our system so that's gone out to everyone and then uh today we completed two trainings for new pole workers thankfully again the people swamp Scott they really want to come out and help out with this uh we've been pushing for the time I've been here for the past two and a half years to get more workers we have a list of about 75 to 80 now who have said they are interested and over 60 who have signed up to work the polls um so we are working with them to get training we've done uh myself and Mike Bryson have done two today and we'll be doing one makeup for those who couldn't make it today um via teams um so we have upped our staffing for the day of the erection day of erection obviously will be from 7 in the morning till 8 at night yeah 7 in the morning till 8 at night at the um swamp scar high school out here in the cafeteria we actually because the school is closed down that day we'll we actually be expanding a little bit to give plenty of room put more polling booths with all the new equipment that we got through our cic funding um everyone was really impressed in September um and we've gotten new booths new banners new uh dividers it looks really nice uh something I've been working on for the past two and a half years and thanks to Town Administrator cic um and the finance department we were finally able to make that a reality which is great um and that that's about it for the brief update um any I can answer any questions or concerns people have David yeah Jared just just curious what do you what is anticipated turnout going to be in 2024 compared to where we were in 2020 um I think my estimation will be about the same you'll be about 70 to 80% um if my numbers are anything to go based off of we've sent out about 30 30.4% uh that 3,800 that we we've already sent out is represents about 30.4% of the population there is still a large chunk of the population who oldfashioned like myself we like to go to the polls we like to get our sticker we like to uh do all that uh I know I see Gino every time come down and with his family to vote um I'd say we probably get 750 come in early voting um so I'm estimating we'll probably see Slightly North of 9,000 if if my estimations are correct which I'm pretty sure they are so thank you Jared y thank you to you and your team thank you any other questions or comments um I do have a comment I actually um received a phone call from a young couple in Marblehead that wanted to get married and they filled out their application and they were having a a little bit of a challenge getting an appointment in Marblehead because Marblehead was just so busy with the election and they made a phone call to swamp scottt and they had their paperwork that had to be filed properly and Mr Bryson told them come on by at 6:30 today and we'll get you taken care of and he married them on the steps and uh they were so excited uh Mike Mike and I just based off that we have tried there are a lot of places that are ciling the other services they offer LLY so like I'm not to judge other people but like the town clerk's office to the best of our abilities is keeping all all our services open for as long as much as possible we're asking people to make appointments but we Mike and I can't turn people away so we're doing it we're seeing a increase from Lynn uh in particular who um despite being a bigger town a city um has a lot more people in you know isn't doing all the services that they previously provided for so we're trying to pick up the swack as much as we can we doesn't matter mik and I are of the belief Lynn swamp's got in the H doesn't matter we try to help everyone um as much as possible so and I can always say uh in for Mike I have got nothing but compliments about him for everyone who walks into our office he is the face of our office he has done a phenomenal job um yeah keeping that front office running so we can get all of the work done well they are very appreciative and um they will be looking for a home in swamp Scott now Okay so thank you very much for your hard work Jared you uh you've really done an amazing job here and you know I I'm always hearing just wonderful things about you and and about your staff and um it's much appreciated thank you very much okay so now we will move on to discussion possible vote for the approval of 7,225 th000 bond anticipation note for the Hawthorne hi okay um so I'm here tonight to ask for your approval on a bond anticipation note uh this note refinances acquisition costs for the purchase of the hawthor by the Sea property that the town completed a couple years ago as approved by town meeting um we have a note that was issued I was here a year ago before the board with a note that we were issuing for this exact same purpose and that note is maturing next week hence why we need to refinance so um ahead of the maturity date for the note Amy and I met with uh David eisenthal our financial adviser at UniBank who advises on the town Securities transactions and we looked at whether a note or a bond issuance would would be more advantageous at this time for this particular issue um and we determined based on the analysis and the discussion with him that using a bond anticipation note for another year would be most advantageous at this time um and we can secure a better rate on a long-term bond in a year or two when we know the final disposition and use of the property so that's where how we proceeded um we had a meeting with standard and pores credit analysts and they reviewed our credit ahead of the uh offering for the note and our AAA credit rating was reaffirmed which is great um they last reviewed Us in March so it's been six months we don't have a new set of auditive Financial so they weren't looking at any major changes in the town's Financial profile but we had discussion um with them and um it was positive overall we maintained our rating and um from there we conducted the sale and received the bids last Wednesday we received four bids and the most advantageous bid was from Piper and Sandler Co who has bid and purchased um Securities from us in the past and and the net interest cost of the town is uh 4.69% on the Note which was within 30 basis points of what we forecasted for the issue um so we were pleased to see uh the market meet our expectations in that sense and um so that brings us to tonight where I'm looking for your approval on the note so that we can uh settle everything on the 23rd in order to pay the maturing note on the 24th I'll take any questions David uh yeah Patrick two questions um just the bids that were rejected because they were bid on a tax exempt basis what can you can you explain yeah so that was odd the financial advisor said that was odd that they would submit bids you know you you look at the bid sheets and you see something that looks too good to be true obviously so we knew something was wrong um and we went through our our disclosure documents and our advertisements because that's some I wanted to make sure that wasn't something that the town or the financial advisor in the disclosure would have you know led to that and there wasn't so it's it's it's an error on the analyst's part so we rejected those bids they weren't reflective of got it taxable issue understood and then um just just for my edification and the Ed and and the board's information what would the what's the difference between a AAA issuance for a one-year for a one-year ban versus you know a you know a double A+ yeah it could be it's hard to say exactly right um you get a spread when you solicit bids but it could be you know a quarter of a point or 50 basis points which you know if you apply that to debt over time that that can add up understood but there was those were real savings that we realized as a result yeah yeah we benefit from the AAA if we had a lower credit rating we would likely see less advantageous results great thank you yep what is the differ in percentage on a on right now with the ban versus a bond so when we did the analysis the we looked at a 28 year and a 25 year bond and those were total interest cost of 5.22% and 5.09% versus the Note we've got 4.39% for a year um and this is the so FY 26 will be the third year that this debt will be maturing so we'll also make a principal pay down in FY 26 which will be good and then the issue is if we have a tax it we have to it separates out there's different categories if we're if it's not for-profit or versus tax generating yeah so generally I think the point you're getting to is the town generally issues tax exempt yeah la and notes and the benefit to the investor is that the income they derive from their invest is exempt from taxation so they're willing to accept a lower coupon rate from us so we we then expend less money um but for this particular use we have commercial activity formalized in you know a lease I know you're all familiar with that so that that changes the tax status of the issue so that we can comply with the IRS regulations right that's interesting I don't think I had caught that in the past um did you already ask the question maybe I missed it about the differential so if we didn't have that commercial activity there yeah we would get a lower rate definitely right did you just ask that sorry yeah it's okay um I was thinking about my next question I guess when I was um um when you talked about the AAA Bond rating from S&P in this context did I did I detect any kind of uh was there any feedback we got from them in terms of looking forward things that they were cautious about or there any risks in terms get forward any significant feedback they don't have a new set of auditive financials they're still looking at the FY 23 financials and then supplementary information un audited that we gave them um but we did have a change in credit criteria so S&P has been using the same credit evaluation criteria since 2013 and effective September 1st they changed it and the two biggest changes that um we were advised that swamp Scott would be most impacted by although it didn't affect our credit rating in this review is the fact that um the economics of the town the economical profile of the town was weighted more heavily in the past it's now weighted less and the liabilities of the town are weighted more so OPB pension um future Deb that type of thing has a little bit more weight now so that doesn't necessarily hurt us but we were benefiting from the criteria previously and now due to criteria change it's a little less advantageous for us and a lot of other communities is the new school did we Bond the new school as a AAA or was that a doublea plus that was a double A plus we received the upgrade after that okay I believe the board also has has the packet of the S&P rating criteria M I believe Diane included it in your packets yeah we have that yeah you have the rating report so Sean's going to address that later but the bottom line is chances of it might not look too Rosy in the future I think you know we'll we can have a a bigger conversation there what we heard from the analysts was that they like the economic development efforts they really thought um you know uh the hotel was a really positive sign and and really the balance that we have with uh the budget they see that takes a lot of work they look at a lot of different cities and towns and um they recognize that you know our Reserve Levy capacity um is a sign of of financial prudence and so they're looking at the metrics of the town and you know they are changing some of these criteria they're trying to iiz it across um cities and towns across the country uh that doesn't necessarily Bode um bad for the town but it it does say that we have to be really focused on on our metrics okay so then am I calling for a motion I move that am I calling for this motion here then yes okay so can I have a motion for uh a move that the written votes presented to this meeting in connection with the town S ofit Note be adopted as written and incorporated into the minutes of this meeting in Fall so moved second all in favor I so moved thank Youk welome okay uh now for just our update on arpa funds me to share this Amy Soro pull it up I got you I'm already up it's on the screen okay I try to help Dan all right so this is just a quick update on the arpa monies so this is an overview of the spending to date on the projects um I do just want to note that after a discussion after this presentation was put together with the Town Administrator and with Gino that 28,000 on fisherman speech is going to be moved under the general obligation Bond um because we're spending that part first before we hit the arpa um so that's one adjustment from this report but otherwise this is the um authorized votes that the board has made and the spending to date on that Amy just to clarify then yes on that fisherman Beach line item the 2822 will actually be zero then yes okay and why are we doing that we have an appropriation um from town meeting for the work for Fisherman's Beach that was authorized previously the way that uh Gino is structuring the project he has portions of it that are coming out of the bond and portions that are coming out of arpa and this is the portion that's going to be under the bond good I have a question about the um Pine Street um yes so we authorized an amount that's a little less than what we've actually spent do we need to revote or anything yeah that is a discussion that has to happen if the vote needs to change um a lot of that was the carrying costs while we were waiting for the fail y okay so that's something that you would like us we should do tonight after it does not need to happen tonight okay it does need to happen before December 31st okay um or can find a different place to put it in the general fund either way it's a discussion that has to happen okay so um status updates the fisherman speech infrastructure contract was just awarded and work is slated to begin November 1st the climate action resiliency contract has ass signed agreement and work has begun the townwide economic development study has signed agreement and work has begun on that the ms4 work was completed and this is just a list of the previously completed projects which were the sewer repair um the health covid tracing and vaccine clinics the Pine Street acquisition and the Hadley RFP Redevelopment this is just highlighting the deadlines that are coming up so the funds need to be obligated by December 31st 2024 and fully expended by 2026 so the emphasis from state and federal level is for the funds to be considered fully expended the checks have to physically be out our door by December 31st 2026 we can't be receiving any invoices after the fact anything that small footnote there a caveat for if you have certain payroll expenses but we don't um if we have any unpaid items after that deadline it doesn't matter that money gets turned back to the treasury so whatever money is not spent by December 31st 2026 is no longer swamp Scots um I added this slide because this is one that was actually in um a mass gfoa presentation that I went to the other day um that was put on by Clift and Larson Allen so I credited them at the bottom but per the treasury and obligation means that we actually have to have an order for the property or a signed contract so previously we were told that a vote by town meeting or a vote by the select board was the obligation that is not what the treasury is saying now so December 31st 2024 of this year if we don't have a signed contract in file in my office or an order for stuff that money's gone I have had conversations with the Town Administrator and with our Auditors and with the state and federal on what some last minute uses could be if we need to shuffle those um I just want to make you aware of it and Diane has let me know that the board would like an update for arpa at every meeting I don't imagine you want me here every meeting but I will be providing you with updates along the way so I imagine if nothing else in December we'll have another conversation where we potentially shift those um and there are some last minute things that can be done without needing procurement so where are we vulnerable on this on this sheet here so if you go back to slide two any of those authorizations where we haven't either started it or like um even the resiliency project with the grant matching you know depending on how that Grant Works any of that we might need to shift I know that vote was taken with a caveat that if we get the grant the money was already predetermined for where it would go but any of the and I will keep you updated um as we get contract signed as things are awarded um if you would like to keep the Town Administrator updated on any adjustments you guys may have so that he can keep me up to date as well that would be helpful can you just go line by line and tell us which sites do not are not obligated so like understanding that the funds already expended means that those are fine yeah so first line for the on slide three so basically the fisherman's Beach contract has been awarded and assigned I have that in my office are you looking at this yeah that's not I'm looking at this one this is slide three two that's slide two so slide three is basically the information that you want so basically if I merge the two that would be helpful yeah so it so anything that if you're looking at slide two anything that has a spend to date that's fine yeah if we've spent it we're good so the the Glover at 30,000 the Glover at 64555 the partial Fisherman's well all of Fisherman's Beach because that will be it's under obligation because we have the sign contract so that one's fine yep the climate action resiliency Consultants we have a signed agreement okay so that's fine does a signed agreement is it for the entire amount no it's not for no it's not for the entire amount no okay do you foresee another consultant very possibly and uh if I'm we did not we just learned today we did not get at the coastal zone management Grant so we were hoping this resiliency Grant at the bottom would just be a match and now we are left without getting either we thought we had two chances and we struck out all right so these are things we should come back and yeah okay so we'll just put them on the side okay so the Redevelopment of public housing feasibility study we we do not we're vulnerable nothing we do not have an obligation there David do we have any updates on that nope I'll get okay the uh townwide Economic Development study that one we in that one signed it's slightly under the 60,000 but I'll follow up with Mary to see if there's an intention on the other I believe it's 55,000 that the contract was signed up so if we have anything ,000 we we have anything left over we can come back and just we have something else where I think yeah okay um the MS for work for Fisherman's Beach it's complete it's complete so yep it should be over here so it should be so there should be ,000 in the I believe Gino just told me yesterday that you have the bills and turned them in they just haven't been process yet the ms4 throughout the town un yeah I guess Fishman Beach part of the whole town so yeah contract was a lot more than that I think it was $174,000 so even though he has it for the whole town this says Fisherman's Beach it doesn't matter the portion of it that was approved is this the entirety of the bill covered multiple MS four areas okay so it it is broken out and we are clear on that okay okay the public health projects we have some contracts underway um I did speak with the health director and they are confident that they will have all of their obligations signed so I think to Katie's point it would be helpful to come back next time with another column yep with anticipated expenditure right so we know can we also know what some you know can I'd like to make sure that the public know what some of these projects are and are we doing any programs with the with the schools yes okay so they are doing a literacy program that they have partnered with the school okay um they are also doing um a mental health partnership with the school as well as one um for residents townwide right um they are doing Outreach and they are also um there was a smaller part of it that was a couple thousand and what that is so apologies Jeff if you're watching this okay and then they they Al the board of they also have the opiate money yes separate okay and they have been um I was just on a call with the school and the health department last week discussing the opioid monies and the Partnerships they're doing with that as well okay it's great I'm sure the school appreciat appr that okay all right so we're feeling about that and Doug could you just explain again the resiliency project Grant match yeah remember we had it's like $400,000 uh proposal that we put in both the coastal zone management and Municipal vulnerability preparedness and we didn't get either of them um so we had hoped that we would only have to put up like a $40,000 that's what the 40K is $40,000 match although we had allocated full 200 so I think uh I don't know if it's really the time tonight per se to have that conversation or Danielle and I have been talking about that we really need to come back and have a full discussion especially now in this context about what we want to do because is my opinion I think we talked about this before that we need to go ahead and actually do this resiliency planning now regardless we can't keep waiting um and be prepared for when a part of the issue I think is that we weren't as prepared as we needed to be um so we may need to do this work on our own to get more prepared for when the next grants come and we need to get all on the same page about the scope of that so the coastal zone management is that that comes from the state or the federal government state so is there because what I'm hearing is the state is issuing grants to communities that did not vote for 3A and they're saying to communities here is the money that you've been awarded but you must be 3A and they're not compliant with 3A so they're going to lose out on that money so I'd like to I'll call Jenny Armen and ask how is that money going to be coming back into the state and for communities that have been compliant with 3A do we have an opportunity to tap into them so Marblehead was awarded Marblehead was no but Mar if Marblehead was awarded they have a let they have a note on their award okay that you can only have this if you are compliant by 12312 24 yes mhm yep well so maybe we can get Hood second bite at the Apple right that's that's a hope I not necessarily a plan but yeah okay we have to spend we have to obligate this money yes so yes either way we can find a way to spend that money we have a in incredibly detailed proposal about how to spend it so that's the good news uh we just need to make sure we're all on the same page about making sure to move forward that so and not to put you in the hot seat again but what's the plan for Glover do you know um you had to ask that only because there's 90 you know four $5,000 here that um committed to them ongoing conversations you know maybe I should be looking this way what's happening here you know I uh was in touch with uh Mr AIS today I was in touch with the attorney that represents Mr Aus I think there's a sense that we could actually do some things and we're just trying to outline some legal agreements to allow the town to expend some of these dollars does he know that we only have until December 31st to they do know that we have funding that has been appropriated through arpa uh I have not stressed the uh deadline okay but I will do that I don't know if that makes a difference but just to be to say it to put it out there is Glover hold on we only have one globber or two we have two 30 and a 64 that's one above and below Fisherman's Beach gber globber okay everywhere right I probably should consolidate them but they were two separate votes so I kept them separate okay so I think we can update this spreadsheet at a description uh column put more um data in there including U times and um you know um deadlines for the work what been expended year to dat what's been authorized and uh whether or not we need to come back and actually have a conversation with the board on on certain items that we've discussed tonight yeah and one thing I should just not about the Glover we actually do have a signed contract for $30,000 the Glover of which we've some of that money has been expended um so that was the initial kind of assessment of whether or not it was eligible and to what degree and all of that that we voted on and all that so that piece you know actually I'll I'll follow up with after to they haven't even invoiced us because it was maybe they only did five or 10,000 of the work yet I don't know I'll I'll follow up because I don't have a copy of that contract so um okay just an update on the reporting so swamp Scot is considered an annual reporter so every April I submit our reporting um my next one's obviously due this coming April I'll have three more reports due in 26 27 and then a final AR consolation in 28 um with a final Auto documentation limit in 2033 um so there was a large joke amongst all the accountants and finance directors of who would be retiring or who would actually be around to see this money through um I was excited to see my final cares and FEMA come through and then we got ARA I'm we'll see at what point in my career I finally Escape all the covid money um one notation just because swamps gets award is under the $10 million threshold for Revenue replacement the recommendation from state is that we should regardless of what we're using it for even if it's already a useful thing like water and seore infrastructure we should vote everything under Revenue replacement it has lesser procurement requirements lesser report reporting requirements and less stringent they're not going to look at it as closely because you're taking it as Revenue replacement so that is the recommendation that they gave to us so that is what I am recommending to the board um is that when we do the final discussion we just everything is revenue replacement for these specific purposes and they aren't going to scrutinize it as closely as they would if we voted it under those other buckets so under that so what you're saying is we have to make sure at our second meeting in December we that is on our agenda yeah okay re replace and we're under that percentage we are under the $10 million award so we can take the entirety of our 4.53 million as Revenue replacement okay um just a followup that I'll be providing an update to you for each of your meetings through the end of calendar 24 um and then after that I apologies for the typo of the BD but we will determine the frequency for the remaining 18 months um of the expenditure deadline and like I said I don't imagine you actually want me to come here if you do I will but um most likely I will just be providing I will hang out with you guys as much as you want um I will most likely just provide the update to um the Town Administrator and Diane to share with you and you can determine if you actually want a presentation or if you just want the information okay does anybody have any more questions on orpa David you're going to double check on the 50,000 okay y um what I guess um the resiliency conversation then maybe should be happening sooner rather than later so that then we can sort ofure contracts and things that are necessary for the end of the year M yep so do you have any sense Mar whether or not that would be the next meeting or the first meeting in November I think that is that is the next meeting that was a trick question moly tricky for me I know the day after election day the day after election day is that [Music] right first Wednesday of the month yeah yeah lot to talk about just probably got to get some of your ideas narrowed down okay so then we would uh circulate it out there invite Harbor and water and Coastal uh climate action anyone else uh that I think or should we have a separate meeting in should we should we have a separate meeting for that with I'm assuming Harbor water climate action they're gonna she suggest dou you're going to meet climate them for the all right why don't we just I'll call you tomorrow fig that out or over the weekend tag you're it t Okay um now let's go to our um my favorite part here is the our quarterly update update with Mar Fletcher and we'll have Amy sorrow back on stage for now all right so um I'm just going to give the Highlight you have the line item reports in front of you these are just summarized and shrunken down into their main categories um so the big highlights on general fund revenue is our meal taxes for the first quarter came in 6% over what we had estimated um our R's taxes came in 5 2% over for the first quarter estimate and that's because our new rate went into effect that was voted at town meeting um short-term rental impact um is up 21% over the first quarter estimate which is about $4,000 and then just a notation that the motor vehicle excise commitments go out in February so that won't be due until March so don't be alarmed about the 7% on that line likewise the um licenses and permits the liquor licenses the board does in December so those fees are also not reflective so overall given the fact that some of these large Revenue categories happen annually and are not reflected yet we're actually much better than um the 24% that's on here right now oh if I have no question questions on Revenue questions uh yeah cannabis impact fees yes so I believe the state had there had been guidance a few years ago saying that we couldn't charge impact fees and then I think the state had reversed uh those impact fees what's the latest working with Town Council um on if we can do this so I believe what you're referring to is um a couple towns were able to fight back about it and if you had an existing Community host agreement prior to that legislation that M superseded um the advice that we have been given by Town Council is do not charge them yet and we are still working on it so we've been working on this for a year well over over a year yeah the the ruling for the other two communities just came down within the last few months so that is what kind of reprom to collect the revenue in our our agreements yeah we're we're not going to and and and just to be clear our host Community agreement it predates it does it does okay yeah and it's 3% of the sales how does that how does that work we can we we can't go back retroactively can we we can we can go back retroactively we can do it for the extent of the host agreement um which was a three-year agreement 3% of their sales so essentially what you see in the Cannabis sales tax which is also 3% you would see that exact amount in the impact fee it's hundred of grand so when would we see that that is what we are working on TV when would we okay I'll call you yes um is this line item here though is just this year's mm MH so we we did not collect last years no we we have not collected any on the impact fee so overall on the revenue on the local receipts you're at 18.02 and yet we're at 25% of the year you feel like when the excise comes in it'll balance out okay yeah the excise tax is uh $25 million M of the 6 million in local receipts so it is a large percentage of it okay do I have any any other questions on Revenue I have a question under the Enterprise funds yes why is sewer um why is sewer is so much higher than water the expenses or the revenues all the receipts the receipts have to match the expense so right okay it's just that the costs are higher I thought they ran closer they they used to run a lot closer to run like neck and neck that's why I'm seeing them not running neck and neck okay that's for now okay so expenditures um I changed the format of the report so depending on how you guys feel about it I can change it back or we can do something different um like I said to finance commit for is for you and if it does not work for you then we can tweak it again um the actual expenditures for q1 fy2 is 24.8 I added in the lines for the encumbered funds because as we talked about projections and how we were looking to year end there was a lot of discussion on what funds were already set aside so that is why I added those encumbered funds in there those are the appr approv purchase orders for expenses or for services that have already been committed to but those monies have not gone out the door um when when we have historically done our spending freeze the spending freeze is on the available funds and it would take a more extreme circumstance for us to pull back those encumbered funds so what happens now when when you have a a spending freeze in January and DPW gets jammed they can't spend some of their money because overtime is being spent in some other departments when we freeze the budgets we freeze all um not mandatory spending so if Gino has to tend to a snowstorm or a water main break those would be considered necessary spendings and those would always be exempt from the free anything that's Public Safety you know um is going to be expended if a department head has any question about anything they can come to me and and we put that in the memo as well that any exceptions that need to made the expectation that we're going to manage the town budget to budget and so it does create pressure and you know every department head has discretionary Authority for certain line items dpw's Public Safety department though just like police and fire and you know there's no not there's not a lot of uh flexibility when it comes to you know repairing sewer pipes or water pipes these are must do UH responsibilities the the discretionary spend whether or not you know we have enough money to go buy a few signs or nice things as opposed to must to do things that's where we really lean in so some of the highl of this um I did the legal incumbrance based off the monthly average bill of FY 24 so that is why that is showing that there is negative money available as those bills come in I'll adjust that incumbrance to what we're actually trending towards this year um and I'll obviously keep the board updated if that looks like it's trending over or On Target um the majority of our debt and benefit payment such as our pension obligation are made early in the year which is why those are higher than 25% um as of this moment I don't have concerns with any of the salary items they are all projecting On Target um which is a nice change from last year's q1 where we were not looking so great so right now there's no concern that the salary lines in any Department are going to go over if there's no questions on expenditures um I decided to break Enterprise fund out into its own slide on here um just to highlight it we're at 16% actual spend to date on all of our Enterprise funds there's nothing concerning at this point in here and then the board had been asking for revolving fund so I added it into our presentation um so I did the we didn't have it in our packet though right you didn't it's I found the packet I earlier that's right yep so I put the fund balance at the end of FY 2020 um to give the rolling basis to give the up-to-date fund balance so if we start with Rec revolving they have an annual spending limit of 300,000 um they ended fy2020 with 245,000 there's the rolling balance at the bottom so as of this moment they have 291 355 and this is the breakdown of the different categories that's in there um and I broke out each of the revolving funds so I there's a couple questions I have on this I actually um I was asking some I actually asked Jackie cingo uh if they would take you know if they had programs going if they were bringing in money for programs right now want to get an idea of when is the real hot when is the real busy time as far as cash coming in when is the slow time with cash coming in because if you're reporting a number right now 291 what is what is the true number you you should be able to back out their expenses minus their income right now so what do you think their true number is so the best time to get the true number on Recreation is rate when the summer ends because they so in the Q2 presentation for this it will show All the Monies that they've already taken in for the summer programs that haven't happened yet right but at the end of the summer they haven't taken in for any of their winter and fall programs yet so at the end of the summer is the best time specifically for the recck revolving fund to see where they end up um I did have a conversation actually with Diane earlier um about the recreation software and talking about different ways that they can plug in the the expenses so that each program itself can have its own little report um the myre program is actually really great with it um so that's a conversation I'm going to have with um Danielle and Jackie to see how we can better like utilize the software they already have um just to get us better program reporting so that basically you'd be running like a a little p&l yeah you'd be able to look at their ski program and see exactly how much money came in for skiing exactly what those expenses were and how that program itself worked if that was a profitable program if it wasn't and every program doesn't have to be profitable they they can you know be subsidized by something else but it at least gives a much better picture um so that's something I'm going to be talking to them about utilizing better so what would you say their number actually is then at this exact moment they have the 291,000 but they're also carrying they're also carrying according to Jackie they have people signing up for programs they haven't started yet with their expenses so I guess what do you think their number was at the end of the summer or it was about 450,000 really high yes but then they did buy the movie screen right after so more movie screen okay and then the other the other question I had for you was I went over all the event uh the event spendings and the event revenue and it just seems like that really needs to get buttoned up because it doesn't really show um a true pattern on what people are being charged so for example if you say how much is that vendor paying and when the answer is well he pays for the music and whatever that just seems like that should you know do we have a policy on that what is the exact amount and how do you really know and how do you compare things yeah that um the Town Administrator myself and the rec director have talked about starting to make more policies on that and that's something that we are drafting right now that's great these events are relatively new in terms of you know community events these big events oober Fest and other things they they've been here for really three or four years now five five years and and so now they're starting to grow roots and it is time to really put a policy in place and say all right we're going to standardize you know how we uh charge for fees and and perhaps um you know uh put a little more rigor to some of the insurance uh requirements and other things that really would help us you know um ensure that we have consistency with these large scale community events well one of the one of the bigger concern concerns I have is there was an event that was run a few years ago and it's supposed to be split 50/50 and the town did not receive their 50% so just really want to make sure that everything is really lined up yeah we're trying to have a standardized policy that actually outlines everything including a checklist of what needs to happen you know did we receive their Certificate of Insurance did they have all the licenses and permits that they need you know do we have a signed agreement with whoever we partnering with if we're partnering with someone so that's what we're working on right now very little thing Amy this really yes when you say actual year to date through 3:31 2024 all these columns say that's an hour it's 9:30 right yeah okay Sor that is through 9:30 2024 and I mean I hesitate to even ask but like so departmental revenue for recreation even though annually it's 47 5 is still only 39,000 for the first quarter first quarter of this year yes but usually runs 475,000 for a year no that's the full year right I understand yeah but we're a quarter of the way through and we're Mo most of their revenue is generated in the summer in the summer okay but the first quarter included July they pay July August they pay for it before the summer starts so you pay for your kids summer camp before they go to June like April got it got to sign up quick February at this point yeah so we also have the COA revolving for the senior center um which also includes their lunch program and uh the senior center director ask that we start doing the social Day program from this as well it is turning into a self-sustaining program we have the blue bin revolving fund which has not really been utilized at all in the last couple years the library revolving fund which is for the printing and faxing at the library so it genuinely it's supposed to just cover those supplies the field maintenance revolving um which is for field use it covers the coordinator stien and the maintenance of those fields um the historical commission revolving which was just voted in fy21 and then the Andrew Chapel revolving which was just voted last year does anybody have any questions on um I just want to go back to the expenditures really quick um under hold on under our insurance bill yes is that uh paid in full yes insurance is paid in full in July okay all right good GL to see that and then uh my next question is going to be on the overtime for fire and police mhm um you know the overall line overall their their overall line item they're they're right in there so that's really not an issue but are they going to be able to keep that because they've expended so much of overtime line item yeah so one of the things that um the Chiefs and I discussed this year is there's always discussion that you know there's a vacancy and that's why overtime is trending high so what we're doing now is on a quarterly basis if there is in fact a quarter of a vacancy we're taking that portion of the salary and moving it from the like the patrol line and moving it into overtime so that way when we're looking at the report because last year it was it was alarming anyway because it went over but it was alarming on a quarterly basis because you'd look at overtime and saying it's 127% but then you'd have say a sergeant line that's only 76% and you're like oh well the money is coming here and so now we're just literally moving that budget there so that way when we look at the report it's a lot more realistic okay and you're doing that for both those departments yes okay I don't have any more questions does anybody have any other questions I had talk to um just speaking about overtime uh quickly had a conversation with Chief Gada about some of the community programs that the police has been involved with in recent years and how that may add to their overtime um and I had asked um if there was a way to inform us when we are looking at like quarterly overtime or even overtime over the year to say what percentage of that was Community programming or you know like coming out for the block party or running the camp for our future police officer program or the new school for that too don't they they have some targeted uh grants they're usually 20 $30,000 so I just think it's an important note to make when you know they're doing the things that they're asked to do on behalf of the town and that adds to the overtime not to say we're not going to give them a hard time because it's our job to do that but at least to understand the context of it in some regard I think one of the biggest issues is that it's difficult to keep track of that unless somebody is actually like writing it down in a slip of paper and keeping at least going forward I can add that as a budget line item and so I can talk to Chief Gada about breaking that out and determining how much of his overtime budget he was allocating for Community perent it won't help us on the historical level we'll still have to go through the book on that but at least going forward we can add that as a line so that it stands out on its own yeah and I think um I think it's helpful just to understand the context of it um and also like understanding like for the school the school isn't paying for that overtime it's taking the police to do the details outside they're just doing the job they need for the community not paying for for the new school starter school that's all that's all on the police that's all in the town yeah police department so I just think it gives a little more context to that over time line from time to time doesn't excuse it but yep I'm totally we need the police out there happy to provide some some additional detail there um so we will do um my department is doing a regular review of open purchase orders quarterly to keep that encumbrance line in check um we're regularly reviewing the Department's activity and adjusting their Staffing to stay on budget um and that includes adjusting the budget lines to line up with reality um having consistent updates with the Town Administrator on the budget status and projections and we are already working on FY 26 budget development to start next month um so I put this nice little timeline and um I gave Mariel the print out of it in case you would like it I'm going to distribute it through email to all the staff boards and committees uh in the morning I wanted the board to have it first so this is our Reg timeline to through budget development Capital um and everything else that leads us up to annual town meeting in May that's it okay anybody David you have a question Danielle no dog nope uh no I do have a I have a question but I think I'll I'll Circle up with Amy afterwards okay okay great might not be par I do have a a couple little questions on the budget but I going to call you because they're just absolutely okay thank you very much Amy Amy and Patrick thank you so much let's um go to our the risk of you can say if this is out of order or not but I mean is this a time to give an update about the you know talking about finances what's going to happen with uh Financial Summit or are we going to wait till Town Administrator report and select board time for that I think we're going to wait till the Town Administrator report here now let's move to our uh discussion and possible vote on the amended art and Museum donation placement policy this the third visit for the policy and I think does anybody have any questions on the policy it went it went back to went back to their committee did yeah and are they all set with that I believe they're all set they being open space open space and wck open space and wreck okay are you am ran is on do you want to talk to us that's the real question Brian hold on hey good evening everybody I'm just here to answer any last minute questions anybody has but you know hopeful that you guys bring to a vote tonight thank you Brian I think we're going to do that Brian so can we have a motion to adopt this new policy as presented in our packets so moved second second all in favor can I just just one I just want to make sure is this say three residents from the town is that the edit yes that's the edit we received some feedback from the board that the uh y'all were looking for a little bit more input from the town and we took off a few of the committee representations uh the last edit would be just the addition of the school department as necessary similar to the historic district and I apologize if we had these exact same edits before us last time can you briefly say why you took off the ones you did is it still only because you just felt like you were adding some residents so you had to take off other people or was there independent reasons why you took off these committees yeah we received feedback that the committee was becoming large and that you know some of the committee representations was overlapping of one another so we removed a few and that was on basis of you know consultation with Mary and and and other select board members Doug are you comfortable with historic committee coming out of there yeah that's that's uh I I can see Conservation Commission kind of because you have open space and wreck you know if you kind of think that they're have similar I can see Finance coming out because we're not really talking about major expenditures here right that's my rationale but historical I was kind of wondering um that seems like they might have something useful to say especially frankly because we have some trouble with cultural Council really functioning on its own let alone actually representing other points of view um so I supp that's could I just point your attention Doug to the when necessary this committee will still have to consult with the historic district commission right is different committee but that's different right yeah right so I would I would feel better adding that back in yeah um if we're worried about the size of the committee what what was the conversation regarding the cultural Commission because does it make sense um given their yeah inability to be a full-bodied right Council we we're struggling to get five people to actually be the cultural Council so so you saying to swap cultural with historical yeah I mean I mean listen it makes sense to keep culture on here because the tenement of Art and monuments is reflective of culture but if the commission itself is not um well staffed um I mean I we can just add historical on here and then there maybe should just be sort of two residents a carve out um what i is it the I don't think it matters there just one person matter okay so if that if we could add the historical that'd be great I think Brian maybe a reference if any of these like uh from a practical perspective if any of the commissions aren't in existence we would just replace them with a resident a resident does that make sense so you would still have the same number all the time or you want to depreciate the number does it matter I don't think it matters I don't think you need to replace it that's my two cents but I don't really think it matters okay I would agree with yall and just to add something it's just I think that the size of the committee is good and just to get the input from the town is what's important with combination of um you know the Town Administrator a few committees having a systematic way for for approaching this is is what's important to us okay so what's our final so I I move to approve the policy with the sole amendment that we add the historical committee back in okay second all in favor I thanks Brian for all thank you very much Brian thank you Brian thank you guys have a good night okay um now we have a discussion a possible vote on members for the following boards and committees this is the town election committee that once we add these two folks in and we uh get through this election we will be pulling this committee together so we now have Martha SRA to fill the vacancy for the 16 to the 18 year olds and Olivia Chavez to fill the vacancy for 18 to 22 year olds and the way they were selected was the same process pretty close the same process that we did before the um HR department maram mallister took care of that so same questions and everything um so can we have a motion motion to approve uh Olivia Chavez and Marta Sera to the town election Review Committee and a second second all in fav favor I I think it's really exciting to have these folks join the committee absolutely me too I'd be more excited if I saw them online there one of them was away all right we'll we'll get I'm sure they will be yeah it was great well I did hear I heard about them and these seem like two amazing people um okay so now discussion and possible vote on select board liaison to community life Center uh the last time we brought this up we had two select board members that wanted to wrestle us out do we have what candidates do we have here tonight going down we doing rock paper scissor are we choosing one is that the idea we only have one we're going to have one oh okay is there anybody that wants to raise their hand for this okay so can I have a motion to appoint Katie faen moved to the uh Life Center feasibility and study task spce second all in favor motion carries very excited to start this work thank you guys all right um so should we boot item number 10 the handbook because it is getting a little late to um our next meeting or do you want to start to tackle that tonight I don't think I even than I was G to say Okay so we're going to move that we're not going to blame Diane this the social media policy though that we provided last time we should next time maybe get some feedback because that was just something that we sort of uh compil together compiled thank you Danielle sound than sir um from other Town local towns and cities so like great to have some directional feedback on that if something works or doesn't work or so Diane can you send that out like the beginning of next week so we have yeah thank you and then is the plan for the social media policy to sit separate or sit within one of with within the the the select board handbook or within the code of conduct I thought we were going to set it separate I I just I just don't recall yeah I think our idea was it's already it it's not in it already so to separate it and then that it would be potentially a mirror emplo provided to an employee handbook um a miror social media policy I know the post social media policy that we provided does speak on not just selected officials but employees also so if it were something that we wanted to adopt sort of townwide um and I'm sure the school has one but if they don't they do do they have one they do they gave it I have a copy we have a copy of it but um is there a reason is there a reason why we would have to have a different public saf has different um standards so I think that both police and fire um you know have my experience different protocols for social media posting pictures of accidents and other things so you know we've got a typically you know we'd have a little bit of a different standard but certainly I think overall for Town Personnel plan we could have the same okay I don't know why we wouldn't so so we will uh address that at a future meeting um so how about if we move uh we go back to the town administrator's report sure just uh want to thank uh Patrick and Amy uh the work leading up to uh Bond rating um is significant we have to really review all of the town's finances over the last year with uh analysts and I think as we discussed earlier uh this new standard is going to put some additional pressure pressure on the town but we've put things in place that really help support uh a AAA Bond rating this is the best Bond rating that uh exists in the nation and certainly reflects a lot of hard work over the last uh many years um finance committee town meeting select board members uh at all uh has led to really um great interest rates and and significant savings for the town um we had uh a busy week this past week I had uh a meeting uh with mayor Nicholson and keyth stakeholders including uh Gino uh to uh talk about a number of the complimentary solutions that we're evaluating uh for Kings Beach um there continues to be a lot of interest in the uh UV or ultraviolet light disinfection uh this has been reviewed uh very carefully by DP and EPA uh certainly uh city of Lynn and save the harbor um they are uh really uh looking forward to doing a few more tests to really evaluate its efficacy uh we are excuse me we're also looking at uh Advanced oxidization uh this is the Nano bubbles um this is something that uh the executive director from save the harbor save the bay uh has feel felt very strong could be a a very uh useful uh you know supplemental um solution to the bacteria that comes out of Stacy's Brook primary concern is that this has an impact on uh some of the micro vertebrae and uh this has been highlighted by uh the EPA and D um I've also pressed uh for um you know the outfall extension I I do believe and I've shared this many times that this is the solution that actually will uh prevent um any kind of contaminant from the Nearshore uh certainly we have to study this um I've highlighted Myrtle Beach in South Carolina as an example of a community that has uh in two and a half years had a outfall extension permitted and started construction and it's my hope that we can can continue to advance uh a study on these three supplemental um Investments that would help ensure that Kings Beach and perhaps uh other areas along our Coastline uh have beaches and resource areas that are safe for uh the population that they serve um we have a new exhibit at Town Hall I would hope folks will come by if you're a graduate of any of the swampit elementary schools or uh Middle School high school you can see the buildings uh as you walk through uh Town Hall um it is great to see Town Hall used as a a museum uh but also as a place to celebrate swamp's unique history uh we are filling uh a number of vacancies I'm glad to see that we have uh you know a number of our DPW employees here tonight um certainly uh it was wonderful to work with KL emman Carl was uh oneof a kind and gin want to thank you for uh caring for him and being a a good supervisor to him uh Carl was a joy to work with and uh certainly I know that Joe Ragusa and kabat da uh will follow in those footsteps they're absolutely terrific individuals and uh we've been fortunate to have a number of of really good people uh working in the vpw uh we are moving forward with our Dei Consulting for firm they are working uh they're looking to have a a jam session at the swampit uh public library and get residents feedback soon so we'll keep you posted about that Senior Center is busy uh with their series on housing Heidi is as busy as any senior sener director in the Commonwealth doing all sorts of important work um last week I had an opportunity to meet with a a student from Australia to discuss the synergies between the senior center and the high school and the programs uh it's hard for me to believe that just a few years ago we had an entirely part-time staff at the senior center now it seems as though we have one of the busiest senior centers on the NorthShore uh health department has been busy uh they have installed um naram boxes in public buildings um we have training uh if you uh would like training uh please contact uh Nia illingworth our full-time nurse um we do have a part-time opioid opioid settlement fund prevention Rec recovery contractor uh Michelle Simmons that has been hired to help us with that uh week of October 21st is the next curbside yard waste collection November 11th and December 9th the last two for 2024 so if you like raking leaves again October 21st November 11th and December 9th um for curbside collection um uh our Solid Waste advisory committee has our first ever pumpkin smash that will be held on November 3rd in the parking lot of the football field um lot of really uh important um ways to uh remove uh that organic waste from our Solid Waste stream it saves US money and our town budget but also gets that uh those pumpkins to Black Earth that uh can help uh make it a renewable uh resource had a meeting last week with our veterans agent um uh to go over our veterans housing project uh with VFW but also uh got an update on our veteran service hero meals program um a partnership with Greater Boston Food Bank um we serve over 50 veterans and their families as part of a monthly uh food program um Mike Sweeney has been busy um working on our hometown uh service Banner program program that Mary Ellen has really um championed uh but this is something we've been looking at over the last couple of years uh we have over 40 veterans pictures that we're going to put on banners and light posts around town for Veterans Day uh so I hope that over the next few years every one of swamps veterans will be highlighted both active duty and uh folks that have served um from swampa families over the generations uh if you have any questions please call 781 586 uh 6911 if you uh have a family member that has a a picture or want wants to be highlighted on these banners please reach out we certainly want to celebrate our veterans um a lot of great programs at the library uh and Recreation we have a classic c car show Sunday October 13th uh always a big hit and we have a Halloween parade uh and all are invited to town hall uh for trick- or treat on October 31st that's my report um I have a couple comments first on the veterans on the uh veterans banners that are going up Gino you're ready to go right and I just want to say uh the person who's working the hardest on this is Diane maresi who's sitting right here absolutely thank you Diane for all your hard work and I think it's going to be really exciting but uh you were working nonstop on this and it's much appreciated um on the senior center on the housing I haven't been able to make it but they're online and um they're they're really terrific and I have a question on the the first one h on the outfall extension um do we have can we get more information on uh don't they have a video or something like that is there more information we can get because if they were able to do this um I just think you talking about Myrtle Beach yep yep there's videos uh if you search up as my kids say on the YouTube Myrtle Beach uh outfall extension you can see uh videos and Community updates um testimonials about the project there slide decks um that have been used to present publicly on on the project so I've spent some time looking at that I can share it with the board um but certainly I've shared it with um the stakeholder group and it's my hope that we can continue to uh invest in in the feasibility study the the themetry seabed and get a sense of you know whether not we can actually move forward with a solution uh that will help this generation and the next uh you know 10 Generations uh feel as though every time they go to that beach they'll be safe can I piggy back on that issue please um I I just continue to be really frustrated about this I mean maybe it's just inevitable with how complicated it is and how none of these Solutions are easy or um but I guess I'll just try to condense that down into as I'm thinking about it we're going to have a pretty full agenda at the beginning of November because we have the warrant as well we have to do as well as this other discussion we just talked about but maybe like the second meeting in November could we have the water and sewer advisory committee uh come back and you know do a full discussion yet again about where we stand because the other thing I I'm concerned about is that the drift that was a little bit of a pun right there the drift is um toward this UV thanks Danielle um and um what I I feel like implicitly in that is like this facility for the UV is going to sit in Swampscott and it's Lynn that's deciding that they want the UV um and just to be like blunt about it um and so I'd like to make sure that we're being we had a discussion with Senator Katon which was a little unclear um and so I'd like us to kind of come back around to making sure we're giving town administrat Gino whoever else is involved in these conversations kind of clear direction from the select board because I feel like you know we're starting to yeah drift in certain directions and I want I appreciate that I I would welcome um making that meeting even bigger I think it might be helpful for um the select board um our um advisory committee and um mayor Nicholson and perhaps our legislative delegation and members of the stakeholders to meet whether it's in swampit over at Lind City Hall and and have a conversation among all the stakeholders um this is a once in a generation opportunity and and I I actually don't think it's drifting anywhere I do think everybody wants to figure this out I think it's complicated and I think it's been generationally really really troubling for a lot of folks and we're all we're all passionate about um what we'd like to see um I think I think folks are in good faith trying to figure out the UV I think I've probably unfairly um characterize the UV because I've I've read publicly or I've stated publicly that D and and EPA have have challenged the UV because it's never really been used for Wastewater but it does show some promise I just I I'm I guess an old Yankee because I just it's high it's technology and I love technology but I you know I feel like it has a lot of complexities Gino actually has shared with me too he has some of those similar concerns um this is why I sorry to interrupt you sh but one I just want make sure I'm saying I'm not saying anyone is not acting in good faith or everyone wants to get to an answer and by the word drifting I didn't necessarily mean in a bad way or nefarious way but I actually meant like things are starting to move I feel like in a certain direction and I want to make sure that we're all clear about if that's true and what that direction is and if we're really on board with it and I get the idea of meeting with others too um I'm not sure what the order of things is whether or not we need to kind of why do you think it's moving in that direction I I think what I heard from Senator kryon right and what I see in Shan's report here and even Shawn kind of acknowledging the potential for it the UV to potentially work and the only place I've ever seen a drawing of where the UV is going to sit is in Swampscott so those things all together make me feel like something's starting to happen here and are we really clear that that's happening and do we want it to happen that way so let I've been pretty adamant that I don't um I don't think we've done anything close to um the work to help justify U site selection for UV I've shared it that message you know been was delivered I understand that but I've never seen a picture of it sitting anywhere else either so you know understood understood so just so just so you know following our meeting following our last select board meeting with the senator and the state representative um we did make a phone call the next morning just to discuss the um the issue with uh with where a UV station would sit and you know we just helped them understand that it it would be tough to have it sit where it was in that drawing that was presented to us so my understanding is that there's an application for Grant that's going in and Sean had a good amount of input on the grant but I agree with you let's let's air it in public just so that we can all talk about our opinions and get it out there is this a grant that was vetted by the select board it's not our grant oh it's it's a oh it's a a city of ly Grant lint but I would love it I'd love for the board to um be part of the review and I'll submit um uh draft of the Grant application to the board if we can put it uh to a vote here and get the board support for it isn't the infrastructure committee going to look at that they are I've actually talked to the chair of the um committee I've asked the chair or the chair of the committee to have the committee um take a vote and select an option that they'd prefer and make a recommendation I've I think we need to lead on this issue but I also I I've shared that we can keep an open mind if if we have good people that still want to evaluate the efficacy of UV or um ozone bubbles look let's let's continue to get the facts and let's keep an open mind about shortterm and longterm I just think you know they've all agreed that studying the outfall can be a piece of the scope in the Grant application and I think that's a good thing and I think we should monitor this and and very active in the conversation and um make sure that that we help this region make the best long-term decision and long-term investment on behalf of the Commonwealth and federal government that we can when is that Grant go in do we know believe it's 21st 20 of October November November okay so we November timing wise I think beginning 20th would be our second meeting in November yep I think need to talk about this in the first meeting though and just get a a sense from the board I'll get it out to you soon and and perhaps um you know we can support the the application and and keep an open mind but be very um very focused in terms of how we advocate for what we think might be best for uh a solution what is the plan what is the plan for that Grant are they going have they committed to you know sending sending it over over to you and yeah getting input okay we've been working together for two years and and I think you know there's a sense that we we are in this together as and it's okay for us not to see everything eye to eye we we recognize that we have different perspectives but we're we're going to work through it and we're going to try to build consensus not easy though is it gome um Amy one second Amy can you the next time you report on arpa can you please also give us an update on the arpa money from the state the 2.5 yes the ear over there and then can we also get an update on Capital just have two follows for the time administrative report um for human resources could we just get um could you circulate a list of open positions sure at um Town Hall DPW um just whatever has been yeah everywhere which just whatever's posted not yet fault not yet been fullfilled isn't it online I mean I can get a list yeah yeah not all vacan are posted thank you Amy I was yeah I I think there are some folks who have either changed titles or move positions and then I don't think we've reposted those positions and I want before I say that I want to make sure that's accurate um and then uh I just have a question for um I don't know if this is Sean it's not necessarily for you but I have a question about pumpkins in the compost bins the town issued compost bins are they allowed to go in there so you don't have to answer today you're saying yes because pumpkins are compostable and all those things but when the entire town puts pumpkins into to become very heav and I that over time they've asked they've asked to not have us you know past we've had a truck at the DPW okay there okay that's they do attract animals yes that's the other thing and so we want folks to bring them down and smash them okay but if you can't attend on the third then there might be another opportunity for you to compost them somehow we'll figure that you could bring them down to the police station compost area also if you wanted yeah the truck I think uh smash has been is replacement okay right okay so November 2nd is it J thir the third November third yeah okay I had one maybe two more things um the handbook uh revisions that we agreed on last time uh status of actually seeing that updated handbook so we all can sign it went to councel okay Council has a question that I failed to answer because I'm I don't know the answer yet we'll come back with the Cannabis report we'll come back with what with the Cannabis update no we'll have a question it'll come back sooner than that okay because it's me not them well you're I'm holding them up okay okay okay fair enough fair enough any more questions Doug I get something else no I'm pass my n my timeline David good Danielle do you have any questions no I don't okay so moving along um we can go to the consent agenda and I just want to on the consent consent agenda I just want to pull out the minutes only because I didn't get a chance to go over them so if you could just pull out both of them and if motion to approve the minutes I mean the consent agenda minus minutes a second second all in favor I hi slip board time Katie um the only thing I have is um I did have the opportunity as presented tonight to interview the two folks who were interested in the vacant Board of Health position and in one of those interviews um Helen who is now on the board of health um mentioned that she was a retired nurse and um even if she couldn't fill that seat would like to help the town in any way in that capacity and um Jeff Von had mentioned that with the vaccination clinics and things that are happening in town there are opportunities like that um so I just wanted to put that out there to the uh greater amount of people who are listening if you happen to have a skill set in um nursing or um doctoring I guess that's not very eloquent but you know what I'm saying Public Health thank you please reach out to Jeff um or us and we'll connect you with Jeff and um there there are opportunities for you still to be given vaccines if you want to be given vaccines out so please raise a hand David wants to raise a hand can you help do that yeah of course of course we'll do my best Do no harm there you go um D yeah so I just had a a few comments um just a reminder we are having a fundraiser uh tomorrow at um at Mexicali from 12: to 900 p.m. uh to support the uh swamp Scott CPA so come have have lunch have dinner have a drink and on your receipt right swamp Scott CPA 20% of the proceeds uh will go right to that uh that ballot initiative uh received a um an email uh Sean you may have received this too from Mark Bon he was he he just mentioned he said when cleaning out my folks house to prepare my mother to move into the residence uh one of the things my father had proudly hanging in his den was his distinguished citizens award it got him thinking that these Awards disappear with their recipients um he had talked to to you Sean about putting a plaque in town hall listing all the recipients as a historical record uh also one of the things that uh that he was looking to do was to tie the citizens Awards into the uh the town report so is that is that something that we can it I met with Mark I thought it was a great idea I was um you know absolutely very very happy to have that displayed at Town Hall but also roll that into the annual Town report that's something that I think you know if we want um communities typically dedicate the annual report to a a a Distinguished Citizen maybe we could roll that up as a as part of the presentations we do at town meeting um we've worked over the last couple years to standardized the town report we have a nice production and I think we can roll that into a so do we so do we have a do we have a list of the citizen awards that have been that have been don't I we'd have to go gin do you remember the last Citizen Award that the town granted um Joel suiv Joel Sullivan joh Goin those are moderator Awards right this was a little are those different yeah this is you know dedicating the town report in honor of somebody who put a picture write up a little bio about them is that report you know yeah so I yeah I mean the moderator is supportive I mean he just thinks that you know it was his opinion that the town report is going to be the only thing that's going to survive the test of time so uh if if we can implement this and try to go back as far as we can and compile that that information and have generate that plaque I think that would be happy to um advance that Jared actually done the bulk of the work to her I call it hering the the cat to put that report together but we're putting the town report together right now and this would be the right time to actually have our reug durate that Citizen Award so is it this is a different award than what the moderator gives out I'd have to check with the moderator I'm I'm not sure this this the email is it just it just mentions a distinguished citizens award it it doesn't specify if this was given by the moderator or not but I I'll check in and I can report back Dave I'm happy to follow up with you about making this happen thanks Doug nothing thank you Danielle nothing no Mary Ellen okay um so I want to say thank you to uh Nate Bim for uh his hard work tonight and Joe dlet I also want to um let the select board know that today Sean and I met with Casper Cheryl Stella um Glenn Pastor not Glenn Pastor yeah Glenn Pastor from the school committee and um we discussed the possibility of uh the timeline of issuing um an application to the msba for the middle school so I'm going to start looking at that conversation and what it's going to take and how would it how will it fall into place with our Capital um budget um what are some of the goals of Clark's school we should talk about that um and on on some good news uh Max said that uh he's ready for big blue Bargains so maybe you can make a phone call tomorrow um and let them know get in touch with him I think I think I like walked out of they want to get them in there right away yep no it's so can you take care of that yeah I'll take care of that okay okay um yeah was and we'll meet again in a couple weeks but um you know we just it's going to take a little bit of time to really figure out when's the best time to put this in how to put it in what the waiting time is going to be at Clark saying for the for the for the application for big blue bargain is going to Big Blue Bargains will going at Clark into the Portables two weeks they'll be in there I think two days they're if they're watching this they're probably loading up the trucks right now middle school is going to take you know if if a statement of Interest goes in um for this year's application we don't even know when the msv will open up about five years so it it takes a long time so but it will um give the town a chance to understand how to put it into our debt service Patrick so we're going to have to find some space for it okay um so with that uh I think we are all set so can I have a motion to don't move in the meeting second all in favor hi so mve night everybody good night everyone night