##VIDEO ID:p6VyuS608Ik## e e e e e e e e e okay uh welcome to the November 6 select board meeting this meeting is being recorded if you could please all join us in the pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation God indivisible liity and justice for all okay um next we'll have public comment public comment will go for I did sorry it's still being recorded um public comment uh please give your name and your address and we need to keep it to three minutes so I'll wave if you're going to three minutes is anybody here for a public comment sir yes my name is George Jason Precinct 3 116 Paradise Road uh come here to address the board on the ffw post I was rather dismayed tonight go on to Facebook and find that the uh post is now being closed and done away with this seems to be a flip-flop that this town loves I had two uncles on my mother's side who participated in World War I two uncles of my father's family were in World War II one of whom went on to serve in Korea and in Vietnam my brother John and I both served in Vietnam and I feel that it's a disgrace to them to to way the town is treating the VFW I really am upset with the way that the town has offered nothing really in the way of compensation or repent for the fact that we built the post ourselves on Town land and then because of agreements with the town about the property underneath it we're not allowed to own the land or the building and it just seems to me that the this close to Veterans Day next Monday day we're now going to close the post do away with it another decision made to get rid of us and it seems like that's all this town wants is to get rid of the veterans good luck when we're all thank you Mr Jason Mora [Music] uh good evening marao 15 Outlook Road and Precinct Three um I guess I'll just start real quick uh with just a couple of uh events coming up that I just wanted to make sure um get well documented and well publicized and in support so the master plan committee will be um hosting an open evening for community members to join it'll be here at the high school it's on November 14th from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. um we look forward to the community coming out and having their voices heard and um being part of the process so that's U the one of two public evenings for that and then also on the same evening so hopefully we're hoping you can dip into both events um Matt botchy was is an opio awareness uh speaker that came to the high school last May it it collided with um town meeting night unfortunately um so we didn't probably get as much of a robust um engagement as we may have otherwise so hopefully you know people can kind of pop in there and also you know hear his important message um it is it's an important message for whether you have students or not um so many people are um dealing with addiction you know have had it in their family or are just um you just need to be aware right so we can kind of you know see the signs and and be supportive of each other in our community uh so I do want to address sorry I'm Rusty at this okay um I would like to address the topic of Hadley and wrap in our community need for togetherness um I'd like to just remember and kind of remind um the board about uh the topic to be mindful when making this really important decision and signing on the dotted line that you are mindful as not to give over everything to the developers um that the best interest of our town and our community members is really fully considered um obviously finances have an important role but you know there is more to consider than just that um so if we can also keep in mind its proximity to Lind Scott Park and that lindscott Park will um be enhanced not not damaged by the construction please please that would be significant um you'd also want to keep in mind that with blay School the uh you know the direction I realized for Readington I think if it hasn't changed I know it's going to um it might be thoughtful to kind of send the trucks around to the other parts of the community so just that one little area isn't just so heavily burdened by that something down the road to to consider finally want to make sure that the community space is I is considered in there and that that is actually going to happen and it's not going to be um an afterthought and dismissed as was um if I had a redo button I think we'd all a redo button right now but um if we had I had a redo button back you know two MA ago I would have known a couple of different things I would have known to indefinitely postpone that warrant and I would yep I'm going to say one more sentence and then I would also have probably known to do a recall the night following thank you thank you Mr schz uh Jackson Schulz 23 Hampton Street um chair of the harbor and Waterfront advisory committee um I'm here to speak tonight about transparency and process I know that the board is looking at appointing uh five members to the harbor advisory committee meeting and um I have a list here of 23 applicants that applied to be on the Harbor advisory committee I'd like to know what the vetting process was to narrow it down to three new members when I have a list of 23 here that that want to be on the committee um the aison who was supposed to put together the list of new appointments was supposed to if I understand work in conjunction with the chair of the committee who is me uh we have actually never met and um I I don't if I saw you with Stop and Shop I wouldn't even recognize you so I think what I'd like to do is propose possibly tabling this tonight till we have a chance to sit down and and look at the applicants and process what the what the sit process was for for vetting those people also the people who are not reappointed I think they deserve to understand why they were not reappointed there should have been a conversation with them as well as to what um the the motivation was for not reappointing two members who have been on the kit committee for a long period of time and they really were invaluable one person used to work for the EPA so when we're dealing with the eelgrass issue he's a really important person to have on the committee so uh I think that's it so thank you very much I'm going to go home and log on from home okay we'll be here thank you Mr Schultz is there anyone else here for public comment okay um next uh we are going to postpone the Town Administrator report at this time and we're going to go straight into Capital Improvement plan with our town Treasurer Patrick ly Mr ly okay can you all see that yep all right so um I'm G to do a brief update on the capital process I'm going to talk about some projects that have been approved by a town meeting in the last couple years and where they stand and then I'm going to talk about the process for updating the plan for a town meeting in um May um to recap some recently completed projects the swamp Scott Elementary School is up and running we have students in the building which is excellent um that's the largest undertaking the town has ever had for a project so that's great um phase one of interactive White forb Replacements at the schools is complete AC of mobile LED trailer for the rec department is complete I know some of you probably have been out there and seen those movie screenings very popular so that was great to see come out of the capital plan uh we've done control room upgrades at the police department and we've installed a sprinkler system at the fire department ongoing projects we have in place are uh water main replacement program uh that's appropriated nearly every year um that's ongoing at various locations throughout town uh we have ongoing seaw wall repair work um sprinkler system repairs at the high school uh Auditorium upgrades that we've been talking about um in Prior meetings a lot uh that's ongoing and upgrades to the Middle School stem lab and on the next slide here we have projects that have been approved but haven't officially started construction phase um these are either planning or design phase or procurement phasee so those are I tried to list the biggest ones um outstanding so that they're in front of you to keep in mind uh moving forward to update the capital plan ahead of town meeting in May um I've been working with the capital Improvement committee yep if I have a question should I wait till he's done or whatever he whatever You' like whatever you want to do can you go back just one slide yep um Fisherman's Beach ID in procurement phase y That's my understanding aren't we doing that now we're doing that okay that's my fault I never okay what might just be a timing thing with I didn't know if it was because it was ID and we're the thing we're doing is technically something different but I just want to make sure my apologies Patrick okay I owed him an email thank you for the clarification no didn't mean to contract it's inside yeah um I have a question on that side too so the things that are in the planning and design phases um can you give any additional information about any of those if you have questions about specific projects and where they're at in the design phase I can take those from you and go back to the department heads that are managing the projects sure if if maybe we could just get like sort of a like a percentage of completion through the design or when we expect the design sure return to us sure yep I can get that so we know if it's this year next year sort of sure is that on the capital project Capital report that you sent percent percentage completed projects that have Construction in progress and there's um purchase orders issued or spending right that's occurred that'll show up on the report but if we have things that are in design phase and you want to know where they're at with design that' be a more pointed question I'd have to go to the person working with the design team yeah um but I can get that for you and if you could keep that as a rolling document just to send out that'll be great yeah that's a good idea okay do that but on the clarp school renovation yep can you find out we're not uh just find out what direction we're going in there yes yeah obviously there have been some changes I'll get updated information on that and then I just on the EV charging stations can is there anybody that can comment on those at the new school as far as or maybe Max Max back there because we're getting some I have received a couple calls that they're not working stations at the new school were installed as part of the construction not not through uh a separate Capital line um there have been some challenges with the activation of them um we're still working with the electricians who installed them to to get them activated we anticipated it be quite soon but there have been some some issues so okay great okay you wanted actually working PV charging stations or well apparently they appear on some of the Tesla maps that they are active so people have been accessing them they not driving there yeah I know but I was just saying okay Carry On um looking forward to updating the plan for town meeting in May um I've been working with the capital Improvement committee they've met a few times this fiscal year uh two new members were appointed to the committee this year so we took a little time to get them up to speed the request forms were approved at their meeting on October 29th and those were distributed to departments and um the select board the finance committee yesterday so the memo went out and the link for the electronic form there were some updates to the form but uh largely the same format as last year and once we get data back at the end of the month we're going to work on review with the town Administration team and vetting what department heads have submitted and then with that information we'll be able to update the debt management plan and Reserve analysis so that when we get to the point that finance committee is looking at these projects or requests they have an idea of what our resources are available so what is your closing date for that's on another slide okay and then also do the schools the schools are under the same calendar the same information I sent out yesterday went to the schools they're on the same calendar y okay okay these are some projects that were included in the last iteration of the capital plan that was published in the town meeting Warren in May um so these are just some of the bigger ones that we were anticipating last year to be doing an FY 26 so we'll be looking at these closely to update uh or remove or push out projects rep prioritize once we get all the information back at the end of the month to see how things have changed since May if there are any questions let me know no but just back a couple slides what you showed us there Patrick that's not a comprehens that stuff that was in design or that's just cherry-picked there is a whole report I think it was sent out to you yeah think just for people that are watching like yeah it's not all inclusive I'm just trying to highlight some of the bigger projects for you Patrick on this Slide the High School auditorium upgrades are some of them is that dollar amount now offset At All by the grants or is that an addition to so that's still in flux there's kind kind of three different phases to that project um we've been trying to phase that project um so there is a significant request out there that um addresses more work that hasn't already been approved so that'll come out how did we leave that Joe maybe you could help out how did we leave that we talked about it I think we have to swing back around after we had more time from National Grid it wasn't December the irony that Joe can't get a microphone right now I'm just trying where we left the National Grid Grant the High School auditorium upgrades oh so the National Grid um they had to re-evaluate because of some internal process and then they came back with a another offer which was was originally at $240,000 when they reevaluated the project it came to $199,000 so they're still ready to give us $199,000 but they extended the timeline for us so we don't have to have the project finished till the end of March so max and I are preparing a warrant article for the special town meeting to get that approved so it's it cuts the project in half by almost 50% still and they were because they kind of took a little bit off they gave us some more time to get it done okay so that is part of this uh oh no that would be fiscal year 20 I don't know I don't know yeah that's what was plugged in the plan for f26 at annual town meeting yep obviously since then everything that just said has happened so um I spend all the money if we gave it to him though right any other questions on this slide wait I do have one question on the cemetery Surplus fill removal Gina are we still looking we we punched this out yeah that number is probably going to be cut in half to wrap that up okay all right and then will that finish it up or we'll finish it up okay yeah so that's all information too we'll get with department heads this month we'll say this is what was in the in the plan for the coming year now where are we y before we bring it to town meeting for vote okay so stuff like what we're bringing up now is what we're going to go through um okay next slide um this is just a highlight of some policy decisions and financial considerations that uh the finance committee and the select board will probably consider uh once cic does their review uh this would be programming board and committee priorities into the capital plan recommendations to town meeting reviewing grant opportunities looking at um borrowing versus expending current resources to pay for some of these projects um as the cost of borrowing has changed um I want to highlight our credit rating was reaffirmed in October at AAA so that is good the rating criteria as I mentioned last time I was before you for the note approval has changed so they're going to be weighing things differently as they evaluate U municipality's credit going forward so that's just something we're going to keep in mind as we make decisions like the what we do with the capital plan so what is it they're weighing in our debt yeah they're weighing debt and liabilities heavier and they're giving us less credit for the strong economy that we benefit from being in the Metro Boston area so that's just a it's a change but it doesn't mean we have you know concern at this point we just have need to use that to inform our Behavior going forward um and also like every year we look at uh deferring projects where appropriate and financially necessary or accelerating projects when it's advantageous and financially prudent so that's just another part of the exercise we're going to do and lastly I'll just recap the timeline this is included in the budget timeline that Amy sent out last month um but these are all the key dates for um the capital plan obviously I said this month we're Gathering data and then we're going to take a week or two to review as a team internally and then we will move on to Capital Improvement committee review in December and from there we'll go to finance committee in January and obviously we'll bring that to the select board as well to get that input um before everything is finalized for town meeting so those are just the the dates that I pulled out of that Master budget timeline for you and that's all I have do we have some more questions ktie okay any questions thank you okay so the only uh question I have is Joe can and Max can you just have a conversation with Patrick tomorrow about what your needs are just to see if what we can do to take care of that um possibility of getting a grant all right so moving on um we will now have a discussion about the signage and changing parking restrictions on n Road and Orchard Road Max Casper so I don't think we're actually going to be looking for a uh vote tonight uh there have been some changing uh situations at the intersection of Orchard Road and n Road um all in all the the roll out with the opening of the new school has been been very good um the traffic flows have been difficult in some particular locations but you know with drastic sort of changes in the oneway flow and and different um traffic Maneuvers through the through The UU and out into Forest AV in the in the new school being so close to the Middle School um to not have you know chaos is is actually a success and uh it's really gotten better and better since the the first day of school there was some some real hiccups the first day of school that were operational um what we were going to talk about tonight is the intersection of of N and Orchard Road uh the first couple weeks of school we were we were having some real congestion at that intersection uh the engineers did some analysis at the intersection um brought forward some recommendations to improve that intersection um what's interesting is the intersection has has morphed a little bit on its own and a little bit as a result of the uh parking changes on n road that made it resident only um those parking changes weren't intended to impact the intersection but in fact they did because there's so few cars on n road that it's created this um makeshift Lane that the parents are are backing up on um and has led to less congestion at the intersection um so the the recommendations that are that are in your packet um at this point are actually a little bit outdated and we're going to be taking a closer look um and there's no there's no emerging situation there the intersection day in and day out is is safe and and not congested and and cars are not getting backed up that aren't waiting to get into the school traffic there still may be some tweaks we can make to to make sure the the flows um are consistent day in and day out and like one parked car that's a resident parked car doesn't doesn't mess mess things up um but we're going to continue to to look at that and additionally we are going to have a a followup probably final neighborhood meeting um we we had a a number of those over the course of the summer and uh leading up to the opening of the new school and the intention was always to have have another one once things were open and we saw how things were going uh so we had an internal meeting this week with the PD uh with Gino and myself and um we talked about the content of that what that might look like and it's not confirmed but uh right now we're looking at Monday November 18th um we're considering having it at the police department um just because there's a lot of activity here at the high school that day um but that's not that's not set in stone so if if um if we feel like that the PD room might not work for any reason depending on what we're kind of anticipating for um how many people are going to show up we could we can look at that but that's where we're are right now uh that's a a quick update and we'll talk more about that intersection at that meeting and then it you know there's a I think there's a probability that there will be something brought forth eventually um probably pretty minor parking changes at that intersection just to allow for the the traffic flow okay great so when we'll just make decisions you'll make recommendations following that meeting not prior to right that's correct okay does anybody have any questions I do Katie Max has there been any conversation about the intersection coming out of The UU at Forest and Laurel Yeah Yeah we actually um yes there has been um about that so uh there was two trees have been taken down at that intersection uh we did three Ada pedestrian ramps they were they were late they were sort of the last ones that were done um so if you actually look at that intersection today versus you know two weeks before school started um it's drastically different the the sidewalks are better uh the Gino and the DPW did a lot of sidewalk work up and down Laurel uh both sides of forest um some of that intersection you know lagged a little bit into the school year um but it but it it actually is really come together quite nicely just just recently um I don't know if you're referring to the like traffic flows there but we we did notice very recently that it was a little bit of an awkward situation with cars coming out of The UU into Forest AV and Lael and it seemed like it should be a stop um and we went up today added a stop sign there uh at the at the end of The UU to to make that safer is it before the crosswalk or after um good give you that answer tomorrow okay that'd be great yeah I think uh needs to be before so having taken that route often it the p pedestrian probably pedestrians make that traffic worse right because there's both parents Crossing to the opposite side of the street from the uh onto uh forest and then AC crossing the street from Laurel to the opposite side of Forest right so we're walking up both sides of the street and the uh crossing guard is doing her darnest to keep traffic moving but also keeping everybody Crossing safely so I just want to make sure if we added a stop sign fantastic just making sure that it's in front uh behind the crosswalk so that the crossing guard has a clear view of those Crossing and that we're not Crossing behind a car to um get to the other side of forest there yep great so in case anybody's going to have a question on what's happening with Humphrey and Atlantic I know we're waiting to see what the outcome is on a grant that Mary had applied for so we'll be able to update that as we go a little bit further yeah we can I think we could talk to that at the neighborhood meeting as well uh marsy and I have been having a lot of conversations about that and we're definitely heading in a good direction um it's a you know with Federal funded grants especially with these dot grants there the timelines are pretty lengthy but um we have to get we have to get into the into the process to even fully understand the timeline which we're in the process now right yep we're just waiting on an answer that's there's multiple grants in play just to be be clear but there's one grant that she has applied for that we are waiting on and there's one that just opened up like last week that is actually the larger tips tips program that uh we will be entering into yes Max is there also any consideration to wait until snowfalls to make a recommendation about traffic patterns uh only because we have been blessed with the weather doesn't snow anym and so many families are still walking and biking to school that um obviously once the snow falls it we'll see a I think a pretty significant change in the amount of cars that are coming in and out of the pickup line I think the the way to think of it is no decision we make or recommendation we make is the final and that it's fluid so I don't think we necessarily need to wait to make what is not necessarily like a significant change um just with the understanding that we may need additional changes or or you know to modify some things that we've done in the past but we have the we have the ability to do that so I think it's a it's a it's definitely a valid point and once we have more weather we haven't even had much rain like with the school open which is unbelievable um but rainy and snowy days are the hardest days for drop off and pick up and and the and the traffic so we do we do have to see what those days look like uh ultimately yes okay any other questions all right well U moving along here uh we'll go to the Clark School memorandum of understanding and just want to know separ Diane where is that I you did you handed it out on Monday do you have yours yeah I have mine all right Max do you have yours I have it electronically okay so do you want to go over that memorandum Max sure so I think a little context is necessary to you know understand this document and it was referenced earlier about the Clark School capital projects um and there were sort of plans in place for a while for the Clark building to be continually used by the school district um as preschool and administration or or some some form of some form of that uh or mix of that or or one or the other um and as that as things have developed as the new school is opened as the you know the the planning is happening happening for the sort of future of the school district and the school buildings internally at the school department the decision was made that uh in the short term uh 1 to three years there's essentially no planned use of the Clark School building by the school district um and that is across departments within the school district um we've we've met multiple times and talked it out and and we've really all kind of come to that that it's not an efficient and necessary use for us right now um it very likely will be in the future uh when at some point you know a middle school project starts to crystallize um and we will need swing space um that's that's in the future and and the details aren't there but as we know with the new school space becomes at an absolute premium when you are doing a school project in a in a small town especially so we I think it's really important that that asset sort of stays stays there for as a chip for the school district and and for the town um but what that means in the short term is it creates opportunity the the worst thing you can really have is just an empty building that sits and has expenses we've seen this with other buildings in this town in the past um so through some different discussions there's been um an idea about you know having some limited Town use of the building in the in the short term so this memorandum uh is anticipating that um it's I think you should think of this one as like a pilot it's just to kind of get through this fiscal year to understand the obligations of the school district in the town with the anticipated uh Recreation uses at the at the Clark school for this year and and hopefully uh Senior Center uses and and Community uses I think it's it's in many ways it's like a blank slate and we get to kind of fill it in and there's a lot of opportunity there it's a it's a big building yeah just a just a quick question so I'm just I'm just reading off of theou uh number four talks about utilities maintenance repair and replacement town will pay for all utility costs associated with main Clark School building and surrounding grounds so any idea of I'm sure you know what the what the what the utility costs and basic maintenance uh would be I mean what are we what exactly are we signing up for and what costs are we incurring and shifting from to the so you know we we do know what it cost to operate Clark as a school building right we have historic data on that um and then we anticipated in the school district on what it would cost to operate Clark as a vacant building for a year we really don't know what it will cost to operate Clark as a semi occupied building um heat especially you know a steam system we don't have like total control we have the ability to to be more efficient but we don't have the ability to really tune it in we're we're working on that now uh I I can tell you that the school department budgeted around $30,000 for the Clark School building this year so it's definitely north north of that for all the expenses that we were anticipating at Clark uh but but this agreement uh sort of splits it up uh and keeps some oblig with the school district keep some uh obligations with the town and I think this is a it's it's a big part of the reason why doing this on a shortterm basis and and getting through this year U I think is a really good idea because then we can see real data and real numbers on what it looks like over the course of the next eight months um and then you know to to then know what what the following years look like understood and just a followup to that is you know does the recreation department and the senior center do they have programming that is that can that can be plugged and played in in this in this facility in this building to help offset some of these they definitely have some programming that they're like ready to go like there will be basketball programs in December uh for the recreation and then you know meeting with uh Jackie and Danielle you know that you can just see their their minds going and and all the uh possibilities of you know moving program from reart and and new potential programs so um I don't want to speak for them but I I definitely know that you know it's it's a developing thing no no no no certainly a lot of opportunity I just I just want to make sure that we're that we give them the opportunity to to to talk to this and to make sure that they're able to cover these costs because it does seem that we're taking this from from the school and and and burdening uh potentially burdening and I would I would hate to you know bust somebody's budget um because we're because we're doing this with good intentions so I had a conversation with Sean um during this process and um we have funding in the revolving account that that would cover would cover the 30,000 up front Okay so funding in the revolving account the W revolving account yes for recreation what about the SC activities uh we don't have anything we just talked about the the uh revolving account so I think and if the revolving account could cover utilities right off the bat and it can I mean I mean again I would just hate to burden the recreation department with you know and and just use their revolving account yeah my my I'm sorry no that no that that my conversation with Sean was there was absolutely no no burden whatsoever that was my conversation with them so I don't you know we can go back and double check that but after looking at that Recreation account and looking at what the potential is for being able to run activities there over the next six months there didn't seem to be any okay yeah Financial burdens at all if there's the ability to to offset those to offset those costs I I I have I have no issue but I I certainly would want to hear from the recreation director before we're moving forward with something with something like this because I I I do think that there I I just want to be able to hear from her that yes that we're that we're able to do this we're able to sustain this and this is this is within our within our plan otherwise it could just be a surprise and then the recreation revolving account is is charged 30 40,000 or more at the last Financial um update that we had the recreation revolving account had $360,000 in it yep and the liability uh associated with that account was pretty minimal so I think that's why Sean is saying we're not going to have any issues there whatsoever but we can $300,000 just to clarify you 360 $360,000 yes but I think what David's getting at and I agree is just because they have the ability to pay for it doesn't mean they should have to pay for it if it's a shared space between the senior center and the wreck they'll figure out some sort of way to split costs based on their usage and also to David's point if they're ho if they're hosting events at that space they want to at least be making back what it cost to keep that place heated and then some right because that's you know some of the purpose of um their Community engagement is to further Community engagement so um so yeah I think it's important just to make sure that that everybody has the same expectations going Eyes Wide Open into this it's a great opportunity and I hope that uh they that that's understood um but finances can be tough when you have a budget already figured out and then you're sort of getting this opportunity Midway through the air that's all Max or Patrick can we find out what it costs and whether or not it's even feasible to if somebody wanted to like have a birthday party there on a Saturday or or even in the you know something in the evening um how do we cover that insurance-wise and what are the opportunities there for the community that's a facility rental through the schools isn't it that's how they currently do it well that's how it's currently done now so then it becomes a facility rental through the rec department but but it could be done through directly through the rec department instead of through school I would assume it would go through a similar process like if PTO wants to use the school we fill out a form we have to have certain op um certain pricing scales depending on if they're in town we have to gr y that sort of exactly yeah so I'm I'm I'm I'm not saying this isn't an opportunity it certainly it certainly is I just want to make sure that the the financial component is is is thought out no that's that's a great point I agree with you and I think that looking from a recreation perspective I think that we probably should move towards paying more attention to what programs are profitable or making money so we understand really what we're running what it's costing to run certain things whether they're Plus or maybe a negative in really evaluating what people want to see right and where we could potentially maybe make other revenue or create other Revenue through the rec department um but I think you know getting an understanding of what exactly we're looking to to run and what the senior center is actually looking to do with it also and understanding what their costs are associated with what events they want there or whatnot so I think we need a a deeper dive really into both of those pieces to understand it so would they releasing the building I'm sorry I don't have theou in front of us because I it sounds like for two years they be releasing the building to us for two years June the 20 they still ultimately have responsibility but we're kind of renting it leasing it from them so do do the are the janitors pay through the school system or pay through there's no janitors working at the CLK now okay well I guess only because I know that's an issue now um when you go to take it won't be an issue here so I because it's it it's not because it would be really more the town building now so there's some custodial staff that's required though right even in town buildings we have a cust so we would bring in a we wouldn't have the restrictions on custodial staff that you find in the schools so we would still bring in custodial staff but it's it would be different like here there's more restrictions on right but for example if we're having Recreation programs run out of there and you know who's going to clean it when somebody's done like how did do that work you know what I'm saying if the wreck is running like I don't know breakfast with Santa let's say yeah right who's going to go in I mean we don't we're not to expect Danielle and Jackie to no no no no no no no no no no no we would have so that's what I'm thinking like from a cost perspective we're somehow custodial St even running basketball programs or whatever they're going to those would all have to get factored into similar to when they're running a program here they factor in the cost for custodial here and there and the senior center certainly even more so if they're going to be using it I just want to go back to the first thing that said and I'm so happy to hear because this always kind of bugged me that there was this plan that I never really saw that all the space was going to be used for some kind of programming that wasn't really clear um so mysteriously this entire building that was going to be used somehow we found a way to have all that stuff happen elsewhere and is that because the school the new school is basically we've got capacity there so we can run those things in the new school for now so I mean I think the the concept was always to move the superintendent's office the student services the business office in the preschool program which are all at the middle school now um over to Clark that's that's what for a long time the the idea was um and I don't think it was a bad idea I mean I think it it could have worked but um just with the it it's so it's not like those those programs haven't moved to other spaces they are where they currently are when the Middle School um project happens like they they will need likely need to move at that point to somewhere maybe Clark maybe to different buildings uh that you know it's not figured out yet doesn't doesn't need to be figured out yet um do does that answer the question so you're saying that what was planned for there is now just staying where they are changeing plan just delayed I mean I it's a delay there's a change in originally the plan was to move Administration and the preschool into the Clark we're not doing that any longer ever but that's not what no it's not ever planned to be permanently moved there okay no no not permanently but you said you'd like to keep the building flexible flexible so that we could have it for a grade level there it could be these things we don't know so the idea is we we've L I just I think it's pretty clear that there will be a need for renovations at the middle school there will be a need for something to move out of the middle school so that Renovations can be done sort of yeah as a tempor as a temporary thing the other things being talked about though were looked like there was a permanent need these were things that you and I kind of bugged us all along in a way yeah so I don't I didn't mean to make them okay so I was just kind of appr I was just glad to hear that we had been more efficient it sounds like with the space serve yeah I I always thought when we were having these discussions prior I maybe I'm not missing a data point that you had but I always thought that that was a temporary swing space while the project was happening at the middle school and then once the middle school project was finished that there was no plan to have them all stay no that wasn't my understanding no it was going to be right away with the preschool was going to go there edmin was going to go there and right it wasn't just when the middle school project was happening that's the distinction here there was a $6 million line item on the capital right 6 million yeah right yes but that's gone yeah yeah great okay that was point one point two is I'm struggling a little bit like why do we need to go through all this why why if we're going to run a program and we haven't talked about big blue bargain isn't that part of this concept too big blue big blue bargain is is under a separate agreement okay that they're working out with Max right now yep and that's the portable yep that's why the portable is excluded here correct correct okay um but if we wanted to run a senior program or a Rec program or whatever why do we have to go through all these gymnastics why don't we just keep it all with the schools and then just do a rental thing like you talked about that they have a form for already it's a good point and they just keep the utilities like all this machination we're going to go through to like what about the janitors what about the utilities what about the Wi-Fi what about all these different things now we got to flip them all over well the school department you know it's a vacant building for the school department so I don't think that there's an opportunity to rent the Clark like right now there's not so um it's it's no but they could rent it out to the senior center or to the recck department or whatever just do a want but it's it's an un it's unstaffed right so uh it's unstaffed the heat is is is as low as we can get it um we're the school department is operating there been planned to operate it as a as a vacant building right not as a fully rental unit functioning building to be rented out and the school department doesn't doesn't make a killing off of you know renting to town programs it's if you look at the school Department's renting schedule um any anything anytime they're renting to a school uh to a recreation program they're they're only ever offsetting costs like of the uh I don't think anyone here is looking to make a big killing on it I'm just talking about like we're all under the same umbrella this money is all ultimately the Town Money talking about administratively it just seems like my understanding from the meetings that we've had the school is not interested in running a running a rental facility with the town the school is interested in saying listen if we want it we can we can have it and we can use it and see how things work and then move from just move from there so okay I think I would think Doug to your point that it might be difficult to gauge an interest level to understand what is a reasonable rental fee because they might not know how much over the course of the year that they are going to be able to rent it so how much they can off set so if it's $40,000 for utilities and cleaning and all that for them to run it as we would need it run for it to be available for rental um like there's no way for them to gauge like should they be charging $1,000 should they be charging $5,000 should they be Char like right but it is a RIS shift right I mean back to the earlier question right like you know someone's going to have to pay the $330,000 or whatever it is basically and someone's going to have to program it such that you actually cover that cost M right great opportunity Danielle do you does anybody have any more questions or opinions um I just want to take some type of a straw poll here because tomorrow night the school committee is going to be meeting to discuss their opinion on this um so I just you know I am completely uh excited about something like this I'm in favor of having this happen and I I'd like to send that message to the school committee and i' just like to know what everybody else feels Ka um I'm excited for the opportunity to open more space up to the public and I know wreck and seniors both W and the senior center have been needing more space that is my opinion but I would like to hear their opinion before I would like to hear Senior Center and Rec say yes we understand and we want it before we just say here you go you can have it yeah and burden them with and potentially burden them with the cost I I'm I'm in the same I'm in the same I mean I think I think it sounds great I think it sounds wonderful and if uh Danielle and Heidi collectively think that's a manageable dollar amount and they can program out the space fantastic we that's what they've been asking for I can't imagine they wouldn't right but I think they deserve a voice here um I'm not as inclined I mean I would definitely like their input however I I I do think when I hear Sean say this is a great idea we can definitely make this work and this definitely checks a couple of our boxes for needing a new facility um I'm more inclined to say let's let's make this happen this is there's minimal risk here and I think it's a really great opportunity especially with hearing um both of those Direct is saying how badly they need more space so totally agree Danielle no I think that I see both sides I think Katie makes complete sense is you know I I didn't have a conversation with Sean right so I'm not aware that he you know felt like that was doable but he knows his department heads and if he is saying that that is something that they're comfortable with then I would trust that um at the same time I you know the rec committee is meeting in two weeks and I'm happy to speak to Danielle about it and and talk to her about what the expectation is from a you know fiscal Financial standpoint um I don't know about Heidi but you know I think they deserve to know what they would be responsible for right if they are being held accountable for their budgets and and they should be because they're department heads then they should certainly be aware of what um full circle what they're required of you know managing so that sounds reasonable to me is is there any driving need TimeWise that we couldn't wait two weeks to no we're only doing a straw poll here to send a message but it is a great idea we're just sending a message to the school committee that's all we're not taking a vote we're just sending a message so you know hopefully we can get this wrapped up within a month and I think that we should really find out what programs they're looking to run there so we know and they we can have maybe Amy or Patrick can give us an idea of what you know for each of the department heads to understand what it's going to cost them respect L you know um they would need to let Amy or Patrick know what programs they're going to run out of that building then we can put together this is what you're going to be responsible for it do you still are you okay with it right and if they're not then I'm not really going to want to listen to more concerns about them needing space because this is your option either you're going to make it work or you're not right so that's how I see it okay so I'm sure the school committee is watching us tonight I do also point out I mean I I guess uh not to sound like a total hypocrite but Max did say that uh wreck is already programming the space for December right oh yeah they are anticipating basketball programs in there in December okay yes okay so I don't I don't so much care about the details of whether or not they can like the programs are running there whatever I just care about that they understand Bottom Line This is what they're responsible for how they get themselves there right yeah same page okay so moving on from our Clark School memorandum now we go to my favorite part of the evening our discussion and vote on the Hadley School Land Development agreement and um before we even start this I just want to um say thank you to uh select select board memb Peter spellos Peter was very very active in getting us to this agreement laying it out doing um really hard work making sure that we had um good advisors to come in and and um it's just much appreciated uh he got us where we are today and then Katie uh you did Yan's work throughout uh in these meetings dealing with the lawyers and our friends with clear view and we are finally where we need to be to um get to this next step and Katie's going to go through what this land agreement is going to be she's going to break it down for us in um layman's terms so here we go I'm an attorney so if I'm not using Layman turn somebody tell me um okay so I just want to start by mentioning that the LDA is really just like the beginning of our contractual relationship with Delmar um they we have obviously had since the RFP came in and we chose them as the um for runners of the RFP process we have been working very diligently with them to negotiate um the Land Development agreement and attach there to the ground lease um the ground Le the the Land Development agreement is what we're voting on um it would be if it passes it would be signed tonight um and then it sort of sets off the chain reaction for all these other date triggers to begin um there is a very long road between tonight and anybody sleeping at Hadley um so I just want to be really Frank about that so we're not sort of sending mixed signals here to the public um I'll give you sort of a breakdown of the timeline um the effective day if voted um successfully tonight would be this evening there would be a due diligence period which is 90 days long that would be for both the town and um Delmar to do some due diligence regarding the building um regarding you know if we wanted to look into anything additional on our side with the parties that were involved um once the 90 days ends they begin um a design schematic process where they submit draft schematic design documents that's a 6 day period um there's another six Monon period there at uh beginning at the end of the due diligence period where they submit construction drawings and specifications during that period we have um asked them and they have committed to do public participation where you know these are all this is an open process they're going to be the um schematic designs are going to be available and the public will be able to comment on them with concerns same thing um obviously um we're not all in the construction business but um they have agreed and throughout this process have been willing um and able to um take feedback change course direction or uh take into account um that we've said this before this is a marriage and um the lease attached to this marriage is a lease for 99 years so it's longterm um and uh you know we want what's best for our community and I think they truly feel like what's best for them is parallel to what's best for our community um they have 15 months from the end of the due diligence period to obtain their permits and their financing again the permitting process the design process uh it's it comes to select board approval but it is also going through the normal channels of Permitting and and um design planning Board review and things of that nature um at the end of 15 months the exhibit lease to the LDA will be signed it's a 99-year lease um we feel like it is very fair for both parties um there the rent structure is similar to or what they proposed in the um um in the RFP um let's see what else can we say about the lease um somebody help me 99 years well anyways we I can talk a little bit more about that but just to get to the end of the Milestone schedule they'll be coming in uh 50% completion within 12 months of the execution of the lease and then substantial comple ution is about 2 years from the execution of the lease so you're looking at um a 24mon period from the execution of lease to final completion and then there's a 90-day period for um from the certificate of occupancy when um rent begins and there's a ramp up period um before their pilot begins which is a payment in Le of taxes um so uh like I said I think um we all worked very very hard to get to this point and I'm excited that we have this opportunity um to work with Delmar they're a fantastic brand they're very reputable um and I think it will be a uh a great addition to that District good job Kati does anybody have any questions Katie I was looking through the documents so you may have mentioned this did you note kind of the the time period in which there would be more kind of say so from anyone publicly that I may have missed yeah so I think um so obviously there's a permit period so there's uh as the permits are come before whatever boards they come before there would be public comments but the but Delmar has also agreed to have public feedback during during the design period um so we have asked and we've held them to that um and they have no issue with that they've done that before in other um cities and towns that they've built um um uh hotels in and those will be well advertised and there'll be a few of them and recorded yes yes and we'll make sure Mora's here speaking of Mora um she reminded me she thankfully does so she brought two things about Lin Scott and about community space um so can we just comment I was actually uh I don't think there's really any issue with Lin Scott um what ever in terms of what's been agreed to here um consistent with what they you know um proposed to begin with that was not that was not one of the options where we were having anything connecting into or running into Lin Scott or anything like that um the community space thing is part of the town meeting vote uh I'm trying to remember the Nuance here I'm sure someone could remind us um where does that what exactly was that how did that land and how does that land here exactly was that when was the vote May was it was Article 15 of the May 15 2023 annual town meeting which is we don't have actually yeah I don't have the verbiage yeah so I right no I have in front of I mean I don't have it right now Mora I we absolutely have it yeah we absolutely have it and I can find out and I can send yes oh yeah no we totally have it just not but maybe you can there was a thing about was that not an amendment that got in about community space right and so I'm just trying to remember through all this long process is that something that that level of detail has been discussed or was reflected somewhere in here or that would be something that would come in design process process and just kind of reassuring people that that you know definitely we understand we got to abide by what was in what was pasted and that has to be part of this yeah it's I can tell you right now there isn't a a line in the lease that says this is what the town meeting warn article was amended to and this is what you're obligated to but post this meeting we will make sure that their attorney understands the language of the vote that was taken and their obligations we brought that up we have we have talked to them about that but I mean it's like like Doug is saying there's not a line we can point you to say this is the May line I mean there's an attachment for the vote I mean so so clearly it's got to be in there right y um but they have committed to um to abide by the vote and to maintain the public process that was discussed at Great Lengths with them yep any other questions more do you want to ask a question understanding so they can hear you thank you sorry my understanding at some previous juncture with Pete Kane was that that what uh was in the warrant and the addendum to the warrant was added in um not in the RFP but in the agreement some it it probably is called something different but whatever was signed um the Peters said was in there yes it is an attachment just you know the um it says right here it says where is the exhibit a is the attached town meeting boote sorry go ahead no you got it that's it I was just reading right the very first part of the agreement whereas the town by voted on Article 15 of the May 15 2023 annual town meeting a copy of which is attached here to is exhibit a and Incorporated herein so so signing the LDA they are obligating themselves to the exact language of town meeting boat and I reviewed the language Jared just to make sure like that it was recorded his recording had one word different he changed it he can't changed it it got changed right my understanding is then we will go to the clerk and the clerk will have it okay okay you thank you any other question can I just say real quick that night that was not at all what was the plan to do the plan was that there would be a conversation about that warrant okay thank you Mo I just on the Fly wrot that up so thank you okay um so with that um can we have a motion to uh accept the I'll make a motion to accept the Land Development agreement as presented I make a motion to accept the Land Development agreement as accepted and uh that we would be signing um the LDA this year evening if the motion prevails second uh David second um Danielle yes do we need to reference the ground leas at all that's just the ground Le is an exhibit so we wouldn't be signing that until a Time certain under the LDA because there is still a a due diligence period and they obviously things could happen between now and then the deal like I said No Deal is done until it's done um so there's a lot of time between today and uh even the signing of the lease we're at 18 months um between uh signing this document and signing the lease and so you know a lot can happen hopefully in our favor okay so all in favor I I wonderful it's very excit that's unanimous thank you thank you thank you all right so now we will move to the warrant [Music] um with our warrant Patrick are you going to walk us through the warrant I can all right I um one change uh so we will be having a special town meeting on December 9th tonight we're just looking at the warrant at our next meeting we'll be opening and closing the warrant so all these references to will be changed tonight correct okay so if we Patrick you want to start with page one article one we putting one moment sorry I just want to make sure we have the right version okay okay okay do you want me to to share the warrant or are we just gonna verbally go through it at this I think we haven't opened it so I think we'll just just verbally verbally okay um so article one is a ro relatively routine article um to approve bills of Prior fiscal years there's uh four bills listed here for um Legal Services shredding uh processing of beach passes and some Professional Services at the school department these are bills from uh fiscal 24 and one very small bill from 2020 that uh came up and uh those total $ 11,764 188 I am going to confirm with the assistant Town account that no other bills have come in before the warrant is closed if we get any more that have come in uh since this version we'll just plug them in and discuss them um and that's going to require 910 vote um to pass at special town meeting is it normal that we have a school bill in here yeah that can happen from time to time any Department um I just don't ever remember the school having a bill yeah they're usually pretty good they're on their bills but you often have a bill that's four or five years old really that's unusual right it's it's very minimal it's a bill that um we owe from a vendor that we use every year so we want to make sure we we honor it um can um can you just put a note there can you go back and find out under vendor uh 2568 y that bill um those Professional Services why that bill is coming in so late and uh the line item because I'm just wondering if we can move that uh move that to a different fund I'll call you on that one if you could just find out who that was yep I have it okay okay so article two there you go all right um article two is to amend Appropriations for the fiscal year 25 operating budget uh the purpose of this article is to fund uh the new collective bargaining agreement with the Administrative Professionals Union and Amy has provided the uh specific line items that will be amended at special town meeting um and the amounts that are necessary to fund the agreement the total of the funding changes uh is let me see if that's in here looks to be about $5,000 and we're not just we're just not we're not taking that just strictly out of the um res salary Reserve uh yep it is it's a so it's a budget line item transfer from salary Reserve to the individual departments and the reason it's on a town meeting warrant is because outside of the year end Shuffle process it would have to be an amendment from town meeting okay okay okay article three is to approve transfer of free cash uh for homeless and Foster Care Transportation and the purpose of this article is to uh transfer funds that were received for costs that the school department incurred last year for Foster Care Transportation uh the costs are variable and the reimbursement comes in after the fiscal year closes so we want to make sure that we credit them um with the monies that they've already expended uh and we have done this in the past it's a routine article does does that does that money then go into their their operating or does that go into their um goes into their operating budget okay which they've already expended they've already expended yeah they incurred the expense last year I believe it says in the article comment that it was about $80,000 and they get reimbursed only a percentage of it from the state so we're crediting them with what the town has received from the state got it Madam chair should we should we put the Articles up on the up on the screen for those Patrick asked and we said because we didn't we weren't opening the warrant okay next we're going to do that next fair enough okay okay okay article four is a settlement uh final settlement for eminent domain this is related to The UU uh Church easement for the new school and um that would be to either um transfer from available funds or borrow a sum of money to pay that settlement okay we jump to number six yep um article six is to approve transfer of free cash uh to adjust the tax rate that's a routine article that we do at special town meeting the last few years we've done this um and that would be to take free cash which was recently certified I believe you all are aware of that um to the extent that it's available we could use that to offset the tax rate this year Emil 38 or 39 from Amy yeah oh no it came from who did it come from directly from state to all of you if you don't have it I can recirculate it yeah came from the state and and Patrick was the was the number that was received in free cash was that was that above or below our projected um I think it was slightly above our projections it came in about 3.9 million ion I think we were expecting like 3.6 I think Amy was forecasting so that's that's good it's not like Earth shattering amount different than our expectation but it's in the right direction and then do we have a recommendation from the finance team as to what as to what that to what that number would be not at this time not at this time but we'll get that soon yep awesome thank you and that brings us to the end of the warrant so we do have a couple of things that we've got to double check um in case we have to make some adjustments into Capital yep um there just a couple other things we have to just take a peek at Y and then so we'll have something um we'll have something a little bit more substantial for our next meeting and then we can just get it ready to go okay does anybody have any questions on this okay so moving along we will uh now discuss the climate resiliency Plan update I just have a question um did you want to discuss this because I didn't get any information until late today and I know that that was a big um issue in the past for select board members I'm I'm good with it but sent out Thursday well there was some additional information was just the PowerPoint version of the same information in okay I just want to make sure you're okay with it okay all right so Doug is going to walk us through that well um I'm not the expert here um and uh Dave Peterson from kleinfelder is on so I mean I can read stuff out um but you know if you really want to understand what's involved in this um I think we should leverage um their expertise and asking questions at least but I can you know I can just you know give the framework uh and to pull back for a second this is pursuant to the conversations we've had for months uh we applied for two grants we didn't get either of them and um but we did put money in arpa uh $200,000 uh to address this we hoped that was just going to be a match um now it looks like you know if we also decide that we would need to use that and proceed on this um without uh a grant at this point point the total and you can put up the slides St um the total uh scope for both of those uh proposals was in the $350 to $400,000 range uh and discussions with uh let's see uh Harbor water advisory committee chair um some discussion back and forth with Danielle and I um with the climate action resiliency chair with water and supervisory uh chair with the cic chair so lot lot of chairs um so there's been ongoing discussion to try to kind of work through this whole process from different Vantage points and so you know what we have in front of us what you see on the screen here is the different you know high level components of what we feel is a um you know significant investment for sure uh state that uh clearly but also you know something that pick a storm um pick a place and over the last 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months um unfortunately could be coming to you know our our Shores here at any point so um I think at least some of us uh maybe all of us uh feel some urgency and proceeding with uh some really solid uh planning leveraging the expertise of kleinfelder and other subsidiary groups that they uh would be partnering with uh to do this we'd have to think through the procurement and you know all all those aspects of the the process here but they've you know put forward these uh proposals and um so there's a just a project Administration piece Community engagement uh you can see at the screen very significant amount of money for Community engagement um you know this would be primarily focused on the kind of Fisherman's Beach area um maybe up to ean's uh all the way back to Philips Park uh because there's flooding issues you know obviously coming off the water but there's Inland flooding we all saw that in North Carolina um you know it's not just uh from the ocean side here so uh in addition to the community engagement there's the vulnerability analysis on the coastal side there's a whole host of Alternatives that are part of this like 12 or 14 different options everything from managed Retreat to uh a larger seaw walls to um uh moving the fish house to uh a uh living reef to uh etc etc etc um and so you know there's that analysis in general um the kind of the flood protection approach and then the recommendations so that's kind of the core as they're proposing it which is 291,000 and then um you can go much deeper on some of these specific elements and uh frankly I would really uh want Dave to comment if that's acceptable on you know what we would be giving uh up by not doing some of these or if they can be decided on later if you do the core and then you decide on whether or not you need to do some of the add-ons how the interplay of that works because frankly we never really got into that with the proposals because we were actually hoping we could do all of this is um is the is it well she's not is she online is the chair of the resiliency committee here uh Martha Schmidt I don't see her name there okay so one question I have here is when um I looked at what you sent earlier when I look at it I sit and I say to my I was just saying what well what is what is the overall plan what is the committee advising here what are we looking at as far as long-term planning here um and I'm I'm not really hearing what the committee is saying what the long-term planning is here and I I would like I would really like to hear that and like looking at all these numbers um these seem a little bit overwhelming of course um but without having like which way are we going like we have here fisherm and how did the committee come up with Fishermans versus Kings Kings Beach or any other any other place and what is it we're really trying to accomplish the other thing is um we had a meeting I think a year ago of the um the secretary a new secretary that had been appointed by Administration the climate Zar and the climate Zar is very clear that there was going to be a significant amount of Grant opportunity um for resiliency uh not just the coastal zone management funding but resiliency and I'm looking at this at spending arpa money when we were told that there was going to be quite a lot of money for uh grant funding the other thing that I really would like to get a great understanding about is the czm grant that we didn't get and what was the name of the other grant that we MVP MVP and it appears that we have missed out on these grants for the last few years and I would really like to know what is the analysis from the resil resiliency committee to understanding why we're not getting these grants and what are we going to do to get get these grants those are the things that I really want to hear versus um kleinfelder giv us a breakdown of what these things are I was hoping tonight we would hear that and kleinfelder come back at a a later time and explain the features and benefits of these different programs so that's where I'm coming from as far as an overall plan that really can um get a little Clarity to where we're going yeah I guess I I'll just uh not sure if I have anything really terribly different to say but I think U maybe what you're what I'm hopefully you're missing is that this scope is the product of not just the climate but all these other committees as well meeting together with marsy in the process of putting together these proposals um so it's the cumulative not just one person or one committee's perspective but trying to get kind of the whole Kaleidoscope together so that we weren't just picking and choosing because the the the somebody circular fire firing squad that we were in was you know trying to say no I know what the right answer is no I know what the right answer is no I know what the right answer is and kind of doing this and so we all kind of got on the same page to say what the totality of the scope is so that we could you know look at people as we talked about uh Community engagement here are all the different Alternatives we weren't picking just this one or just that one to look at but we were looking at the whole menu everyone got on board with that not to say that everyone felt like they meant every single one of those Alternatives they had decided was okay but just that should be the menu and we should look at that menu and analyze it and that's what this process was that we went through with kleinfelder um and so really nothing's changed except for the fact unfortunately we didn't win what our incredibly competitive grants um but you know nothing stopping in terms of climate change or flooding or anything else so you know we're left in the position to say you know we could have people come in next time and say yes I agree this was a scope but we've done that unfortunately marsy's not here to you know say that as well but that is the truth and um so uh My Hope Is that we can you know ask line Felder if we have some questions of clarification here about what's Incorporated here what could easily be taken out what could be pushed off it's not to say that another Grant comes along we'll apply for another Grant you know if we're going halfway down this process and we feel like oh now because we got another six months in you know maybe we didn't we we we had too many options on the board uh maybe if we got more Focus after six months of this and then another another cycle comes around for MVP or czm or anything else definitely can apply for that but the point is I I don't feel great I I don't feel comfortable just sitting by and saying we're just going to wait till the next Grant comes along to do anything right but I think what I'm still trying to get is what I I see this this is like so this is like a menu and then we go out and look at all this menu and then like I feel like there's no there's no plan here as far as which direction should we really attack first um that's exactly the point because no one knows that you have to do the the analysis to figure out you know and if you're maybe if I'm misinterpreting you but like with specific intervention strategies that's exactly the problem we have is we do not have the facts to know which one to pursue that's what this process is about it's an analytical process with all the latest data about flooding or about uh rainfall or sea level rise or whatever it is to understand which of those things is actually going to be effective in addressing the issue okay so I have a couple of questions so did you say we had 200,000 air marked in arpa money for a portion of this yes okay was to match yeah with for grants that we didn't get right so the climate and resiliency committee has existed for how long two years okay so in the two in the two years that they've existed they haven't come up with any type of hierarchy list of what we need to accomplish what we need to attack what what our priorities are or have they we've done a there's been a lot done on more of the uh greenhouse gas emissions side of things has been a a larger uh I'd say progress piece and we continually get caught up in not having the facts because you know we don't have the models that you know these outside group group do to actually model and figure out what the interventions need to be okay that we've been caught up in like applying for the grants and you know figuring out our strategy or how far we can get on our own which is what's in front of us okay and harbor Waterfront also hasn't attacked any of these things or have they well I mean this there's been the pursuit of a grant way back when for the living reef right right um and so which was not successful I mean that was the piece that was in the harbor water plan which was approved by the select board before I was here and uh but you know I think that you know definitely has questions and people need to have answers to that and that's a you know many questions and many dollars and so right um but you know maybe maybe there's no way around having that but that's one of the fundamental things here that needs to be figured out so it's almost to me it seems to me like there's overlapping responsibility or interest right um Coastal there's climate and Coastal resiliency there's Harbor Waterfront you know there's Capital there's all these various committees water and sewer and it's like everybody's kind of going in their own Direction with no cohesive hierarchy plan when they all kind of touch similar things I think that's what this is that's exactly what this is because they they have doesn't feel like that's but maybe that's because you guys didn't like make the sausage but I think that's well my my concern is I've been been going to Harbor Waterfront meetings for the past two months and I've never seen anything about anything that's on here and I've talked to people I've talked to Matha Schmidt Suzanne Hal I've talked to various people that have expressed concerns with the way Harbor Waterfront operates and it's all again it's like everybody's operating independently so I feel like we need to have almost one committee that is you know various representation from all of these different committees compiled so that we can have one plan and this could be it and attack it but at least we know who we're divvying this stuff out to in that they're actually following through on what we want them to follow through on if that makes sense yeah I I understand I just want to make sure we're doing what we we give them a task that they can accomplish and it's going to be something that you know we're we need them to do right and it's something that we're concerned with and this is I'm right with you I I have huge concerns about all of this stuff resiliency wise but I just am concerned that so many people are operating in different different directions that we're applying for Grants all over the place we're getting none and you know it's not like a cohesive concerted effort right I feel like we might have more luck if we're attacking it from one Central piece yeah I I just I I guess I'm not sure how I can say this any differently but there are there obviously are kind of it's like a three-piece vent overlapping vent diagram right of you know climate Harbor and water uh cic water insur of course they all touch the coast right but climate in resiliency goes Way Beyond the coast right for example right uh water I mean I don't know if we really need to kind of get into like why we have the different committees maybe we do but nonetheless we do have them and all of these people all the chairs and I know you know we've talked about input into this in the climate resiliency committee meeting uh I can't speak to you know literally what conversations were had in other meetings um but at least the chairs of all those have come together I don't know half a dozen times in this process of coming up with what we should put in the grant proposals and how we bring all these different perspectives together because you know Martha you know or Suzanne may have a perspective of their own but it's not like we took a vote of the climate plan and said that we should do X intervention because nobody knows what the right intervention but they definitely have voice concerns about how the other committees affect Theirs to me anyway so which again I was so sick and tired of hearing like this person of this committee saying this is definitely the solution or they have a concern with this over here that I kind of rallied and brought all of them together in order to make sure we had everyone's perspective Incorporated again it's not but but don't you think it's important to hear from them then I'd like to kind of have them here saying that right because I mean I'm hearing different things I'm hearing you know things from people in isolation right or you know different conversations that are are I mean I was at that August meeting at Harbor Waterfront and you know Suzanne hail spoke up and M everybody had a lot of concerns and issues about the way Harbor Waterfront was operating their lack of transparency their inaccurate stuff they potential falsehood I mean there's there's stuff that people have real concerns about so I kind of would want to hear from all of those committee chairs together in one room to say this is what's going on this is we kind of heard that in August I mean I did anyway I don't know I think we all were at that meeting yeah that's totally fine totally fine um I think we're conflating a couple things um so uh this isn't a proposal about the the way the harbor and Waterfront advisory committee operates right um this is about us trying to get out of this uh squabbling um and people thinking that they have the answer without having done the analysis um and I'm trying to actually move past that um you know kind of uh opinion into more of a fact-based approach to what the solution should I'd like to hear those opinions I get it that makes sense I think my understanding as Doug I think is trying to convey he just said this but like we're trying to get out of a personal struggle between chairs and committees and get the facts so that we can say this is the direction we're going on not because a particular chair or even a particular committee feel like this is the direction we should go on but actually back that opinion with some factual analysis as best we can because obviously we understand climate is changing every single day and what we know yesterday is not what we're going to know tomorrow but in order to inform the financial decisions that we're making because no committee that we've named tonight has the ability to spend any money unless they get a grant right and we approve it so we can task them with all these things but unless we Empower them economically to do them I mean that Parts on us to do that um so I understand your hesitation because if 10 people got in a room and you're not sure how that conversation you want to hear from those 10 people we should hear from them however what we are trying I think what is trying to be done here is that regardless of what those 10 people say we're trying to get some fact-based evidence to go forward in that I'm I'm all for the fact-based evidence but either we're going to take into consideration what the committee said say or we're not right so if we're we're contemplating going around them and just creating our own list I want to make sure that that's the intent do you know what I'm saying like it well I guess how could you make a list if you don't have the facts yet I think that's the part that I'm confused about so there's no going around Danielle that's why I mean I've been working with him you know for months but I I I don't have that same opinion I don't I don't have that same feeling I don't know what you've done to be quite honest with I just know that we have a list of you just said it three times times I'm confused maybe we should just invite why don't we invite yeah I'd like when Mar's back we can invite the folks who participated other than Doug and we can have this conversation again with everybody I mean I I'm we're we're talking about a lot of money so I think that and I am all for it I'm not for here's my other piece where did this this came from did you say Dan Peterson I don't even I don't know who that is but um kleinfelder right so how do we automatically is Kleinfeld kleinfelder just the default do we consider other companies or is it automatically this town uses kleinfelder how do we come to that conclusion and then how do we come to these numbers do you know what I'm saying like where is the vetting process how does that happen do we always have to use clein Felder because we've used them for other things have we considered others that are not yes we have and we went through that proc process amongst all those people before we applied for the first grant okay and what why did we go with kleinfelder why didn't we go or why didn't we utilize another why if kleinfelder is constantly applying for Grants or helping us apply for grants that we're not getting why aren't we considering other people that might be more effective in getting us grants is that the problem is it the way we're writing them is it that we don't have a grants manager I don't know like I'm what about if we what about if we let me just hold on a minute let me just throw this out there what about if we were to have a meeting and have marsy give us the update on what our historical um historical what historically we have done with these these larger grants how we're missing out what the recommendation is I I do know that people from czm will tell us you know what our shortfall shortfalls are with recommend recommendations and what about if we have Mary in here and we do have some of these committee heads in here and get a little bit bigger picture on what their opinions are too and I mean it's we're a Coastal Community this is going to be the tip of the iceberg about what we need to spend to make sure this community is safe from Coastal concerns and we know that the state right or if I've heard correctly the state has tons of Grants and tons of money available so why aren't we trying to figure out who can get us that money and how best to go about that I don't know that's just I'm I'm just throwing it out there we're going to spend however much here but this is just the beginning right so we we need grants and we need to get some grant money so how do we best do that I I'm just throwing stuff out there I'm not saying there's this isn't logical warranted stuff not at all I just don't understand the process that's why I'm asking I think that there are things running in parallel here like we can't yes we should be talking about grants we should be talking about grants why we didn't get grants we should be talking about is there a refined process to get grants I think Doug's done a lot of like work to figure out are there ways we could be writing our grants better in conjunction with other groups in town so that we are more unified in the way that we're talking about grant writing I think Mary's been a player in that conversation very much so and they that we have been pushing towards some of that I think there is a limitation there because we don't have a grant wrer on and Mary does a lot of this and the committee chairs or committees do a lot of this as well um but that runs in parallel to Future Coastal resiliency projects and we have applied for multiple grants we have not gotten them I'm not denying that information but at some point we have to decide what do we go forward on to obtain some additional information on so that we have better information when we're writing grants we have a clearer direction we have a more narrow scope maybe like maybe that's I love to hear from myy but maybe that's some of the feedback we're getting like our scope is too broad maybe we don't have a direction maybe we don't have a shovel ready project I mean Mary said multiple times in front of us shovel ready projects are great for grant writing right because they know it's going to happen and they feel good about backing it right so maybe that's some of the issue that we're having here I I'm just making it is that is the problem and so we don't know what the project should be right because we haven't done the analysis we're like too um theoretical and not I get it and we're late to the game we we I mean we have to act now I really don't think we can afford to wait anymore are we were we was there consideration for a resiliency manager at one point did I make that up or am I hearing yep yep I mean another Grant get okay so where does that stand do we not is that not something we're still considering absolutely every Grant that comes along or even even as just a position a regular budgeted position you better believe I'll be suggesting that as we go through the budget because I mean wouldn't that then like you know have someone with the scope and then I I don't know I'm just I just that's just I'm just throwing it out there Doug is there feedback from kleinfelder or the committee chairs that that priority that that maybe that should be a priority over this that to have somebody on staff sort of that that is their sole purpose managing what maybe what this spend might be going forward because right now who would be managing this CLI Felder right well the project administrator what project administrator project Administration yeah that's their internal stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah it would be right but not staff that we employ it' be Margie for now right ideally yeah it would be this I mean it's not an either or really it's it's an and but Patrick Patrick left I wanted to know what I forget what the rules Jina I don't know if you would know this what are the rules around spending arpa money on a consultant there specific yeah there's actually specific I'll email on more of the issue was hiring a state person exactly right that's what you can't do yeah yeah they can I would be curious to know on the optional things I know you mentioned this when you first started and um the cost of these things are like time and place in when other work other work or research is being done and that's why the cost is would it increase if we didn't do it as an add-on it like do you know what I mean like does it fall into a spot in the process where we have a cost savings because we're in that part of the process or can we literally add them on at any time at this dollar amount celder can can kleinfelder at least answer that question question is a basic one yeah Dave is uh are the add-ons something that needs to be known basically in the beginning of the process or is that something that can be decided as you move along can't hear you Dave we're we're checking too can you can you try again Dave all right can you hear me okay yes here we go okay um also just so everyone's aware I invited Kyle uh Johnson and Seth from kleinfelder as well Kyle's our um East uh practice leader in climate resiliency on the East Division of kleinfelder so he's he's got a lot more uh chops on this than I do so um he can fill in anywhere that I I miss on this but just to answer your question on optional add-on Services um so the I think the the question that was asked of us was the the budget in the scope that was submitted to the MVP and czm programs um you know was in the proximal area of like 400,000 you know given that we still want to do something you know there's there's a minimal amount of work that we want to push along what does that what is that base amount of work look like um and what can we potentially put off to the side so the stuff off to the side um either they give us better science or information on some of the assessment of alternatives on vulnerability um or there are things that are um sort of a different animal all together and are they're related but can be done totally separately okay so by way of a example I guess was this like rainfall flood model um is is something that there's a there's a real concern about just Coastal inundation from the ocean but at the same time there can be rainfall um flooding happening at the same time so those two things together what does that look like so you don't have to study those together um you can add a flood model from rainfall like after the fact um so that's why we kind of pulled that out as sort of an optional sort of add-on service for example um but but Dave just to make sure it's clear like if you you don't do a rainfall model at the same time and then you're evaluating the Alternatives without that additional information you may be designing your intervention inappropriately yes or no so the the coastal flood is going to give you sort of a key elevation that you want to design around we'll call that the design flood elevation um and that's and that's going to create sort of like your physical barrier once you've established that you're going to create a an ability or difficulty for like rainfall to get out you know if it's like a hard infrastructure on the back side of it um so that's something that you're going to want to know what's going to happen once you install something like that um Kyle's gonna add on to what I'm talking about hey Kyle yeah can folks hear me yeah yeah I think just a little bit of background information here too I mean the the there has been a study back in 2016 there was a coastal vulnerability analysis that was performed using the Boston Harbor flood model data and other data available at that time that Baseline vulnerability assessment you know hasn't been updated since and in the time since there's been significant advances in coastal modeling in the Massachusetts Coastal flood risk model by wood Hulk group and others um has kind of shown increased vulnerability and risk at earlier time frames the vulnerability assessment that was done in 2016 did not consider you know the compound flood risks from rainfall and sea up rise together um didn't look at you know nuisance title Flooding at a significant degree too so there were limitations of the 2016 analysis it was robust at the time it actually predated the MVP program um the town got grandfathered into the MVP program at that time uh but there's been a lot of you know advancements in the data since then um so I I I think just in terms of you know screening and prioritization it's it's worth noting that the 2016 study did not you know put forward a course of you know align this project with this grant funding source align this one with this one it wasn't necessarily like a capital plan to do this at this time frame it was a vulnerability assessment so in the time since there have been specific projects that have moved forward um but I think part of this is is exactly that it's it's revisiting the the prioritization piece of of what to do when um and you know part of you know the base scope presented here on the left is is is really that it's it's it's the study component that's going to inform the rest and one thing that you know is is you know something that's worth pointing out is like the the different groups that have been involved in this process uh on the town side you know there isn't a standing like Coastal resilience or climate resilience committee there's you know a climate action committee that speaks you know a lot to greenhouse gases and climate action generally there's the harbor and and Waterfront group that you know has multiple lenses Beyond just like resiliency too so I think you know on our side I mean all in favor of you know having you know more of a dedicated program manager or somebody on the town side that's helping Steward this and Steward decisions about which grants to apply for and and and through that process all in favor of that um I I think part of what the challenge has been is even getting the grant funding to do study and bring the study up to um um present like the conditions now with new modeling which is you know a lot of the feedback has been you know um that a lot of the projects being prioritized by these very competitive very competitive Grant programs are much more established projects that are further along and and closer to uh shovel on the ground um or there's other priorities I won't get into them today but there's a lot of focus on environmental justice disadvantaged populations their input in these processes um so and and Regional projects so there's a lot of good feedback that we have gotten from from these these Grant applications but I think a big key key piece here is the need to revisit the 2016 study and prioritization and also understand these other compounding climate risks that weren't a focus of the study is there a line item here on the cost to update the 2016 am I not I don't see it but maybe I'm not I think that gets you well depending on how you want to do it I mean they could probably answer more but just to try to be succinct about it I think that's primarily Coastal vulnerability analysis line yeah it it' be that and then you youd need to borrow a little bit out of like Pro Administration Community engagement probably but yes so I think that's but that's I just want to say that's not I mean that's like getting back to the starting line of 10 10 years ago like I I just he just he he just said that it's significantly different so I'm just asking I'm asking if it's significantly different is there a line item here to update that plan that's that's my question and if that's line item number three that answers my question Coastal vulnerability update that's what that is plus a little bit from plus a little two previous but then we just have a report that we've done like we don't have a way to do anything about it I think but that but that's be step one couldn't that be step one and then step two is hiring a resiliency manager that's that that is their sole focus and they can then guide us towards what projects take what precedents and work with these guys to tailor an approach that's current and applicable to us no does that not I I hear the need to be incremental in our approach however when we had tried that last so much time lapsed that the data becomes stale and it's not useful totally so I I understand the need to be thoughtful about how we spend our money and or maybe not even update the study but maybe the key piece is getting the person the actual that's why I had asked the question like is this cart before the horse like is it is it more important we get the person in and the person facilitates this so that when the person whoever the person is and there's a a line item for that person that it continues on and on and on right and that there's actual incremental progress happening or do we feel like if we spend this These funds and we get this data and then we have the data then the person actually has something to do because because what else would the person be doing right well I mean I think they could do a lot right they could be well we don't have any we don't have any but don't we have a study from 2016 but you can't operationalize that because there either you you're using outdated data but isn't that how they gave us this isn't that what he just said that he you that they used part of 2016 to give us how we progress to the next step or how where did we get this then where where did this come from no part of this is updating that data yeah that's the third line that Mary Ellen asked about Coast vulnerability analysis the rest of it is was is Builds on you got to update all the data the Baseline data that's the first step then you start looking at all the different alternatives to address the problem that's Fisherman's Beach Alternatives analysis right and then you I mean we have to go into all the detail to kind of drive down through it um but we also have to realize that with the arpa money we need a contract in place by December 31st okay um and so it seems to me that we've been waiting and waiting for a grant and we could keep waiting um and also wait and hope that we have a person in the budget or wherever else it comes from and so that means you're waiting till July um to even start and then you post and then maybe you hire someone and now we're a year from now we're at the starting line again um without any more information so the like an offset I'm just wondering in the arpa funds Amy had said something about we can use the funds to offset but somebody else's budget to move line item to hire someone I just want to talk to Amy about but if we have 200,000 that we were planning to spend for this why can't we find what we can do in here for 200,000 that would be at least get sister to at least like kick it's not going to do everything but it's at least going to start the process and then we're going to look that was the point for July to to put this person absolutely I mean I really do think that you that Coastal Community Town needs somebody that that is their sole Focus I I think that's that's my belief I know maybe you know it's not something that that everybody buys into but I really I I think that's I think we should look at just had an 80 degree day today well yeah I think we have to buy into it so I I I want to I think this is this is a conversation we have to continue to have I just think I do want to hear from Martha and any of the other chairs in here and um I do want to find out from Amy what our flexibility is we do have until the end of December to sign off on a contract so we do have a little bit of time here yes I would like to hear from kleinfelder what could you tell me on the left side I'm assuming on the left side what you would prioritize for us to utilize this 200,000 that we were going to previously allocate are there certain things that we could do there or maybe it's coupled with things on the right as well um but is there are there things that you can point to that we would to kick this off if we were able to use that 200,000 yeah so the I mean the base Services is is from my understanding is kind of that amalgamation of the various chairs and you know where where they see their priorities that's sort of what the ask us of us was to take the MVB czm grants and pull out what kind of the the bare minimum was so Fisherman's Beach kind of rose to the top okay um because that's of some interest to the the chairs so that includes you know the the Fish House the you know the the fisherman's Beach the pier um that also includes the assessment of the um living reef concept Liv Reef concept yeah so so those were all ideas that were like pretty important um I think that but like hearing this conversation is really helpful because if like to Katie's Point really just trying to understand what's the Baseline data where we are right so that Coastal vulnerability analysis really to me is the update that we've all been kind of waiting to do for quite a long time every time we run we run into a a czm or an MVP Grant application we're always including this piece in there because you can't really do anything until you at least do do that update okay um the the second piece to that I might throw out there for consideration would be whether or not pulling from the right hand side you pair in the rainfall based flooding as well so you can you can see those two things together um so that's the rainfall based flood model 35,000 is that yeah so okay yep so that's the model there's um the flow metering program is something that would allow you to get empirical data to calibrate the model or have some confidence in the model um you know those numbers can be massaged and things like that so um if you were to take all of these little pieces and stick them together you know we're getting to that like 100 to like 120,000 range is um without adding in you know some of those other optional pieces um so but that would take that would take out all the fisherman's Beach focused stuff right so that's um so again that's something where if you get Martha and the other chairs in in a room and have that conversation with them you know you know you could maybe come to a consensus as to what the appropriate base starting point is so that that that effectively handles Fisherman's Beach though but what about the rest of the coast what about well so the coastal the coastal vulnerability analysis and the rainfall um well actually the rainfall was based on Fisherman's actually yeah that I have to remember that point but the coastal vulnerability analysis is the entire Coast entire Coast okay great yeah okay all right so so those three it is getting a little bit late can we say we're going to put this back onto a agenda and why don't you and I talk about how you want to put it back on the agenda you know yeah I mean I I would love um next meeting with whoever you want me if I guess anybody who came to those meetings should just be invited to have to participate with us but I would just like to know sort of a little refined scope like if we only had $200,000 where would where should we focus best served um because we have committed arpa funds in the regardless of whether we got a grant or not we committed arpa funds to climate resiliency and that was earmarked for $200,000 so we should be thinking about the most efficient way to spend those funds so that we have real as best we can have real data so that we can do something with it and then we should understand hopefully from the data the cost of how to use the data um going forward and then maybe trying to get some of some if not all of those things into the capital Improvement plan so that we can start stop looking at how we have data and start looking at how we use data right okay got it so we will wrap that up and we'll move on please yep um so next we're going to I have an old um agenda here did we move the uh the boards and commissions into consent or is it a line item n okay so all right so now we're moving to the consent agenda can I I have um a motion to approve the consent agenda I first I just want to address if I could through you chairwoman um my appointments my choices for Harbor Waterfront because sure so why don't we pull that out can we pull that out and then can we approve can we can we also pull the cultural Council out too yes so we're going to pull out the council's and then um can we have a motion to approve the consent agenda minor the two that we pulled out there sure uh National Grid pull out the minutes for the moment I just need to look at one thing sorry pull out the minutes for just one minute it's one thing I needed to check okay so motion to approve the consens agenda taking out one minus the minutes minus the um committee appointments so can we second all in favor I I okay so now want to hit the minutes real quick we do that one last okay um let's go to cultural Council y Hannah sharpless and Alexandra bigley uh cultural Council as we know has kind of suffered from uh lack of interest but um uh maybe our discussion at the last meeting uh helped to surface uh more uh interest and uh so um I actually worked more with Diane um to kind of uh assess uh the various candidates and uh you know obviously propose the the two that are in front of us Diane doeses a tremendous amount of work around the cultural Council so David So Doug did did you work in conjunction Junction with the chair to uh there is no chair there is no chair for this okay that's why I was got it that's why Diane was politely saying I got it um Doug is the hope that they'll appoint a chair once they have more absolutely they will need to point a CH yes yes we're about to miss out on some funding funding yeah okay so could we have a motion to approve Hannah sharess and Alex and ra bigley to the cultural Council soop all in favor I I so moved so now let's go to the harbor and Waterfront advisory committee Ted duly Scott MC Bernie Amy linger Michael gambali and John Engel yes Danielle so Diane thank you for your work on this one because we had so many applicants and some of them dated back two years from when they first applied um this committee had an open position on it that oddly enough was not full I don't know why um I did reach out to the chair th this is you know this was concerning to me from the very beginning from the first meeting I went to in August I felt like that meeting was so incredibly divisive and people had some real concerns about the way that Harbor Waterfront operates um and I felt from my perspective that we needed to have a more balanced approach to the committee itself so when I reached out to the chair as I have done in the past um with zoning and the other boards that I'm AA on to um I wanted to set up a time to meet on Zoom or to meet on team so we could go over the the applications I sent them to him Diane sent them to him so he had them all and he did not want to meet with me on Zoom or teams I said okay well do you want to call me you know do you want to send me your recommendations via email um and he said no I want you to come to the fish house and sit down and discuss it with me and I said well not going to do that that's not really comfortable doing that and then he said um well you know I think you should come over my house and hear what I have to say and I I quite honestly didn't really like the the tone and the direction it was going in so um I wasn't able to consult with him as much as I would have liked I did offer numerous times to meet over zoom over teams um on the phone via email and he never he didn't take me up on any of that so I think that I'm I'm thinking we might have gotten off to the wrong on the wrong foot and I think that's partly because the August meeting I voice concerns about the makeup of that committee I was approached by four members four existing members of that committee with their own concerns with how things were being handled um I have also spoken to people on other committees that are concerned with the way the chair conducts the committee meetings in various various issues that they have I sat here and listened to the fishermen come and have their say I went to that meeting and heard them and I felt like for some reason they weren't being represented so I thought that um I'm proposing reappointing two people that are on the committee um in replacing two others that are on the committee with two of the fishermen and an independent person Amy linger who really has no affiliation to kind of balance out what I feel like is the appearance of a stacked committee and I think it's important that we try to engage as many new people to get involved and have their voices heard and I think it was really clear after listening to people at that August meeting that that was not what was happening on Harper Waterfront and I think that it's a tough call you know I did speak to the two people that that I didn't suggest a reappointment I emailed both of them I offered to have personal conversations with them one did not respond to me at all one said um no need that's fine and it's not to say that I don't value their service and the input and the work that they've put in because it's a lot of work I can see that they've done a lot of work but I do think it's important to have committees that um represent a wide diverse cross-section of this town and I don't feel like this one um was made up that way way so I think that you know it it's something we need to address and it's not fun and it's not maybe a popular thing but I think it's the right thing to do in this case so that is harra Waterfront thank you um Danielle I just have a quick follow-up question Miss Jackson had mentioned that one of the folks who did not get reappointed had was a prior EPA employee and things of that nature yes and when you were evaluating who was up and who should should or should not stay on the committee yeah were those things taken into consideration they were and what also was taken into consideration was um our new Focus that we prefer people that actually live in town to be on the committee and this particular person does not so that was a consideration for me as well um so yeah I did I did take that into consideration it's a very valid point I could probably make the case for any single one of those 21 people that they all have valuable things that they can contribute right but honestly like you know some of them had applied almost three years ago so I mean I had two people that didn't even respond to me for to talk to me at all right so I think yeah there there are 20s something people but you know some of them quite honestly had absolutely no experience and harbor Waterfront was one of five committees they checked off and didn't even submit a resume so there were various degrees of um qualification so to speak and um that's not to say that anyone isn't qualified but I just I think that that board needs a little bit more balance and I am also really concerned with the fact that we've had the same chair of that board for I think it's close to seven years and I think that I think it says in our Charter somewhere that you know every two years you're supposed to consider a change of the chair you know and I think that I I don't feel like he's really collaborative and I think that's important and I think it's a big it's a it's a big important board in the town and I think we really need to be a little bit more cognizant of how we're putting people on there David no I I agree I think it is a it is a big uh important board um you know I I think that the change in the process uh at the select board level through our you know through our change in policy where you know where the liazon was going to work in conjunction with the chair uh is incredibly important so I I I feel I feel uncomfortable accepting any recommendation today I would ask that you figure out how to how to collaborate with Mr Schultz and communicate with him so that way you can work together because I I mean you can you can say hey I you know I I I tried um but I I would I would want I would expect I would expect you know us as Liaisons to not make the selection for the for the committee but to work in conjunction and to hear uh from the chair who and I asked for the chair's input many times David but I won't be told where I'm going to meet and how I'm going to do it I'm not I won't be told that that's that's not his role and that's not appropriate okay well I mean I gave him many options and he declined he is a volunteer as well and so am I so am I understood and I deserve a certain level of respect and I didn't get it and it's not appropriate that's how I feel yeah okay so can we have a motion to approve Ted duly Scott MC Bey Amy linger Michael Gali and John Engles so I will motion to table this discussion I motion um I [Music] urge the chair of the committee to reach out to their select board liaison I think this can come up on next week's meeting I think there's plenty of time or what what do we have two weeks from now there's plenty of time between now and then to have this conversation and if we can't have this conversation by then for whatever reason we can take it up then so I have a comment I think that's a real slap in the face to Danielle I think Danielle has done the work I think she has reached out to the chair I think for the chair to turn around and not jump on a call when it was uh viable not to make room to um work halfway and then to turn around and to say to a select board member oh you go back and you work with the chair I I think some of these chairs I hate to see have a chair including myself as a chair think that they have this ultimate Authority just supposed to work together and there's a lot of work put in into this making calls interviewing people reaching out to people who weren't going to be selected and I think tonight we should be making a call and to turn around and ask Danielle go back and try to work it out again I I have a real problem with that well if you no the way I phrased it I wasn't asking Danielle to do anything affirmatively there I was asking the chair of the harbor and Waterfront to reach out and do something yeah it is a tough call I I I appreciate everyone's perspective here um you know some people have different ways of like wanting to talk and all that stuff and um you know I I don't I don't you know fundamentally quibble with any of you know where you came out on this um I think you know it's almost like what I'm taking from Katie maybe this isn't exactly what you're saying but it's almost like let's be let's be the the an even bigger person here let's give it like one more try um to try to kind of you know have that conversation you know maybe maybe um it's it's a good thing for uh for everyone you know since we're now talking about this to at least make sure that conversation's had maybe there's some useful information that that's shared um and it it's not that you haven't tried um I hear what what you've done um and it it sounds like you know there was communication but it just kind of didn't really sync up um and it does it does feel as though um it is hard to you know feel great about uh you know saying yes when there hasn't even been the conversation so I'm happy to have the conversation but I'm going to tell you right now that I am not going to go back on the fact that I think fishermen need to be on that board age and I also think that there needs to be diversity and how we put people on committees and I'm happy to have a conversation with Jackson Schultz but if he's not going to be collaborative and open to that the conversation is going to go nowhere I'm going to be completely honest I I'm not pulling any punches yeah um I I sat at that same meeting that you sat at Katie right next to you and it was clear that we have a problem right and I'm happy to be the bad guy to go ahead and approach it um I tried to go about this as best as I could um you know I gave him a lot of options but I will not be um addressed the way that I was and I will not be told where I have to meet somebody um especially when I feel like you're trying to use your influence at the fish house in that environment to make me do something that I'm not comfortable with okay when I campaigned for the seat I went to the fish house and I met with a whole lot of people over there that wanted to talk to me and have my ear about certain things okay um and I gave everybody an open open conversation but I'm not going to be pigeonholed into um doing something that makes me uncomfortable or that gives any implication of anything unethical right so I'm going to put that out there right now I don't think anything in this process that has happened up now has a reflection on you Danielle and I make that very clear I know Marielle in said it feels like a slap in the face that's not what incented to feel like however Jackson is the chair of a whole committee that committee he probably shouldn't be quite honestly but but that committee has that committee suffers the repercussions of his actions so and they have voiced that committee members have voiced that to me hoping that the membership will voice that now that we've had this discussion publicly who but who are they they did voice that to me Katie I've spoken to four members that have concerns about him what else are they supposed to do what what do we expect them to do what else I am the liais on to the committee these are these are committees they're not clubs these are committees you don't need to explain that to me I understand that and I think that these are advisory committees to the select board and if there's been a process we have a process we have a recommendation I just feel that we should be taking the recommendation of the select board member I mean I do trust the four people sitting here when they make recommendations I haven't ever sat here and told anybody that they should go back to the drawing board and try again or maybe s even when I think that other people could be appointed to the Committees that are different than what they recommend I I also put it out to this whole board what I was going to do a couple weeks ago and the only one who had feedback was was Doug valuable feedback that I certainly took into consideration but now when we get here all of a sudden it's different right so that's that's what feels disingenuous to me I'll be completely Frank right I I I trust you four as adults to go ahead and handle your committees mine is a little bit more difficult this committee I think Diane said it best to me that you know good luck dealing with hiber Waterfront right okay well I will but you know to say that I haven't gone the distance and done and that's exactly what I clarified to say I was not intending to say what I think the the part here that I did not consider originally was that the consultation between chair and select board member is a new process it is yeah right that's and it's not exactly perfect yet and it needs to be fine-tuned right and both select word liaison and chairs need to figure out how that process works absolutely and I am not saying that there was any malfeasant or any lack of effort on in any of the way that was described and I'm not saying that any of this is going to change by next week I just saying allow the chair to reflect on the conversation that was had here tonight in the hope that that conversation might change something okay and if it doesn't it doesn't okay so you you made a so I had a motion you had a motion and nobody is anybody so I asked is there a motion to um to accept these these nominations so and I motion to table and I'll second that I'll second Katie's motion so Katie's made a motion to table do we have a vote to table this how many eyes to table I hi Danielle no I'm a no so that's three to two it'll be tabled that vote is 3 to2 and it should appear on the next meeting please please yes okay all right okay now we are at the minutes Doug I I you're good with the minutes sure okay so can I have a motion to approve the minutes move second second all in favor I I okay so that ends our um select board meeting no select board time oh geez sorry yes select board time I'm so sorry about that all right so we'll start with select board time Danielle um oh yeah so I just want to say um to the school committee I want to applaud them for their recommendation of Jason kishman and I was able to attend the community conversation with him the other night as well as um the interview that he had with him a week or so ago and I know it's a tough decision to not go and have a national executive level search but I do think um even if they did open that up um he would be Head and Shoulders the best candidate and I think it's to our benefit that he lives here he's from here there is no learning curve getting to know the population and the kids um which is on average about a year and a half for an incoming superintendent from somewhere else so that is one of the many pluses to him and I'm really glad that they saw that they have that within and they were able to um you know even deal with the feedback uh that some people aren't happy with it I understand that but um don't penalize a really good candidate so I was happy to see that um very sad to see um the passing of Arthur O'Neal uh a giant in this community um who spent 35 years coaching soccer girls soccer girls basketball um and teaching so much more than X's and O's to so many kids in this town um a real Beacon for what a coach parent um human being should be and I just uh I was so encouraged to see so many people from town attending his Services um I will say it made me incredibly proud to be um a resident of swamp Scott to see that this community does show up um when things like that happen and that was very encouraging um i'llbe it very sad and I just want to thank his family for sharing him with us for a number of years and that's all well said dog uh two things um Financial Summit any updates get that to you next week okay I mean we said we were going to do this in September right um so um I don't quite understand uh we don't have an answer for you tonight hear your frustration we don't have an answer for you tonight okay do you would you be able to do we know if the schools have been uh directly engaged in formulating a plan to have a joint conversation schools have been notified that we don't have a date as of this time is there anything that we can do to be helpful in making this come to fruition like is the data being prepared is the um I'm sorry I'm not I'm not saying it's your responsibility I just you know you may just be the one that may know more you've had conver TR chair or whatever it is just to we haven't had a um I will look into it for you tomorrow and I'll email you tomorrow and I'll bring that back to the board I hope it's not just me that's like interested and I just feel like we made a very significant pledge at town meeting that we're going to have this process and now we're getting deeper and deeper into when the budgets like have to start snapping and we haven't even started this conversation so it's just uh difficult situation um so on uh hopefully a mostly positive note uh most people probably maybe know CPA uh passed um yesterday and um so the next step in that process is that uh at May town meeting uh there will be a bylaw uh proposed to formulate the community preservation committee um and there are certain required people that have to be on that committee and we have a choice about some additional people that could also be on that committee so um just so people are aware that's not going to go into effect until uh FY 26 tax cycle um so you know it's a long process basically for all this to come to fruition that would be like the tax implications maybe wouldn't even happen until 2027 um and the committee would have to be seated and you know actually kind of figuring out what they're going to do and you know all that so it's a it's a long process process from here to there David of tonight um Katie yes I would actually like to acknowledge and thank Diane marelen and um Mike and Sarah Sweeney for the wonderful contributions to our Seaside landscape of the veterans banners that have been hung um down DPW oh the DPW for hanging them I saw that the other day um it was quite a lovely experience to walk down with my kids and find their great grandfather um and a dad two friends of ours who was from town they posed they took pictures they were so excited um it's great to see to have a place where families can go outside of you know a memorial or a cemetery where they can sort of feel connected to their family members members um who served for our country so I just want to thank everybody who participated um I think it's a wonderful addition and I hope to that we will continue it and Diane is keeping the list for next year excellent to add more sobody inform yeah maybe we can we currently have 400 veterans in town right now amazing and um you know majority of those Banners are from our past veterans so hopefully we'll have this whole town covered covered um and I just have a quick followup question very excited the CPA passed um a lot of work went into that um so I want to acknowledge Doug and David's contributions to that because um it was significant and um I just want to um find out when the community might be able to submit names to be considered for the I know there's a bylaw and the bylaw dictates a lot of it but is can we start that process sooner rather than later to understand interest and who might want to sit on that to understand how big because there is a little bit of flexibity about the size of the committee so maybe understanding what the interest is might help us make a better decision about size so just wondering sort of that thought process maybe I I'll consult with the the Statewide organization that's done this now 200 times to get their input about the kind of the sequencing of things that Mak what's the best size committee too what's that what's the best size committee yeah um okay also all right so um I just want to thank Nate Bim Steve MRI Oni um Aiden Bruno and Joe dlet for bringing us the select board meeting tonight um I also want to thank the police department uh swam Scott police department and the Marblehead Police Department for assisting with the O'Neal funeral it was such a large funeral that they had to call in Marblehead um support to help as people were leaving it was um very very impressive um the other thing I want to update I think um relatively soon we should as a committee uh give our um opinions on what we feel U about Kings Beach and how to um work what what are our priorities we have a list of priorities from kleinfelder um I had a meeting this week with Gino with uh the mayor of Lynn with uh Jenny armeni and with brandan kryon they um they asked to meet with us and uh they are in the Lynn is in the process of applying for a grant that we do not need to approve but we would be the recipient of um a substantial amount of money from a Federal Grant I think it's a $20 million Grant you know $20 million Grant so and they are discussing the possibility of doing a pilot program of a UV station on at the beach so there are a lot of variables involved in this and I explained to the mayor that we have a committee a um water and sewer infrastructure committee and as as soon as they give us an opinion on what's what's in the best interest of swamp Scott then we can get back to them so I did speak to the chair of the committee and Liz Smith and she and her committee are going to start working on that um the mayor is sending over the grant information um and I can't think of anything else from there but the the big issue here is I just want to make sure that everybody at this board is vocal on what's important to them so I've heard from Doug a couple times but I I think it's important that we're we're upfront about it okay so that'll come on a future and um other than that uh thank you and good night motion to a motion to adjourn all in favor second Diane second