[Music] e e e e e [Music] you w [Music] you w [Music] know oh [Music] you oh [Music] excuse [Music] me hey what's up buddy how you doing how you doing good to see you [Music] sir Carmen Carmen can you ask this guy from computer to come here commissioner he's not coming up he's right here carra [Music] you oh [Music] good afternoon everyone it's a local planning uh agency meeting meeting date Monday May 6 2024 at 5:45 p.m commission Chambers 500 Southwest 109 Avenue roll call Madam clerk thank you all right let's stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and remain standing for invocation thank you Marcos I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic One Nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all Mr ran if you could please uh continue with the invocation before you get to your seat from here thank you Mr President dear heavenly father in jesus' name I pray thank you for granting us the gift of life thank you for granting us the gift and the privilege that is service and service before self serving our residents in the very best capacity as commissioners of this city God please continue to bless our city leaders our mayor our employees and our residents please continue to bless the greatest military in the world our police officers firefighters and First Responders and give us the blessing the knowledge and the wisdom necessary to make the very important decisions for the betterment of our residents in Jesus name I pray amen thanks I'm going to the first we quickly to the City attorney approaches and note that commissioner V is in the building and almost in a seat my apologies for my tardan supp down with the mayor so it's okay let me no all right so we'll start on item four the city commission s sitting as the local planning agency will consider the following ordinance an ordinance of the city of Sweetwater city commission amending the city comprehensive plan future land use element policy 1.2 medium density multif family residential mixed use residential/commercial and dolphin Community urban center land use categories providing for cability providing for codification and providing for an effective date we have someone do have someone go ahead yes um good evening uh Commissioners uh this came before you previously and this commission approved it however we notice that it did not get advertised properly and that's why we're coming back before we send it to the State it's a complant Amendment which you approved in the prior um commission meeting but however you did not act as the LPA which is important to send it to the and it's coming also the ordinance against for first reading on the regular commission meeting so then once that's done I'll send it to the um state for their approval yes yes yes yes all right item five uh do we have a motion for Ajman all in favor thank you journ till right now and we'll wait for 6 o'cl what's up man little light on here e of spee spee like nice to see you I'll address the commission the importance of r i going to put on the put that flag up man this guy's uh got a good message is it's always been an interesting place sh e e e e I got it Mar hey hey Mario check in huh okay coming how's your vacation oh my goodness super nice how are you doing do good doing as good as I e [Music] [Music] gu all the time 92 EX e thank you madam across [Music] yeah is it going to make it here sometime or no okay so make sure you get her name right please and that e 500 Southwest 109 Avenue roll call Madam clerk thank you madam clerk all right let's uh we already did a pledge of Le and the invocation so we're going over to any special presentations no special presentations all right presentation of Employee of the Month award you have any no okay moving it over presentations of offic Officer of the month award feary 21-year old male in front of the victim's 11-year-old female cousin at the cmx Cinemas located inside the Dolphin Mall the male ranged to meet with the victim through social media he introduced himself to the victim and her cousin while sitting in the theater the adult subject molested the juvenile female victim knowing the victim was a minor the subject groomed the victim over weeks he sent her sexually explicit messages and entic her to do the same he arranged a place and time to meet the victim and carried out this criminal offense detective juer was assigned to his case on March 3rd 2024 he quickly collected evidence from mobile phones social media platforms and interviewed with all parties through his detailed interviews and diligent research he was able to quickly identify the subject he then Tracked Down the subject and devised a safe strategy for his apprehension on Thursday March 28th 2024 the the subject was arrested without incident detective y worked tirelessly to find and apprehend the perpetrator of this Hest crime he stands as an example for our law enforcement of our oath to protect and serve for his commitment and Excellence to this work we recommend detective VI as also of the month [Applause] than Jacob [Music] thr police trck all right moving over to seven reports of officers boards and committees all right uh we do this additions and deletions to the agenda we have two additions H and I and deletion of item C okay and deletion of item C let me go ahead here okay yall got that the C is on St item staff items staff item C is being deleted and replaced with another item because the Year is off with item I yeah okay petitions Communications and remonstrances um we have a guest here today on name of Joe Sanchez if you could please stand thank you thank you Mr Mayor commission president Commissioners and residents of the great city of Sweetwater and also Mr attorney good to see you thank you for this opportunity to address you uh before I start let me just say that uh Sweet Water has come a long way it has uh I've been I'm a product of this community I work with the Florida H Patrol not too far from here 36 years and I can tell you that not only patrolling the area but coming here every now then again cafesito I could see that sweet water has made tremendous progress in many ways so congratulations to you and everyone who's labored so hard in the new commission you guys uh place looks great so thank you for this opportunity to address you I'm here to speak today on a very important matter and that is the five constitutional offices that are up for election coming up but I'm going to focus on one which is a sheriff's race and and I'm a candidate but before I do that let me introduce myself to you and the residents that are watching uh on TV um my name is Joe Sanchez I'm a candidate for Sheriff Miami day County as I stated I serve this great country I remember with the US Army and P was with the Marine over at the pr office many many years ago that's where I started I started uh came out of the service uh applied with the Florida High Patrol and became a state trooper been there for 37 years you say 37 years it's a long time uh I served that uh Department in just about every capacity you could think of and just about every specialty position I supervised the Pio Department I supervised the dignitary department and I was also had the honor of being represented as the senior vice president of the Florida Highway Patrol so I had the uh opportunity to negotiate contracts on both sides of the table I was also blessed to be elected by the people of the city of Miami where I was elected for uh four 11 years and I served three four of those 11 years I was the chairman of that commissioner there's so much experience that comes along when you are a commissioner and you know it that you are so uh uh astute as to what's going on and you need to have that so that experience gives me the opportunity also to be um the the chairman of that commission that I learned a lot past budgets and it's so important for you to understand and everyone that's watching TV that the next Sheriff must have that experience to lead this city and this County to what's great and I have that experience so I want everyone to know that come this November please do not forget to vote and vote for the best candidate thank you appreciate it thank you thank you Joel all right so we're going to be moving to the consent agenda item 10 we have a motion to consent uh the agenda we have a move we have a move we have a second we call Madam clerk yes yes yes commissioner V yes president Ray yes he passes all right so I'll be moving uh Item B if I can to be read first I know all right so the uh Council General couldn't make it out today and uh he sent over someone from his uh office Kennedy Sterns she's the uh political director to Israeli cular General you could stand after I read the uh the resolution it's uh if you want you can stand go ahead before we address uh assistant to the council General uh could you please read the resolution and have it please that's what I was going to do right now all right so this a a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Sweetwater expressing support for the state of is Israel and the Israeli people in their war against Hamas directing the city clerk to transmit certified copies of this resolutions to the certain officials providing for effective date and this is maor Diaz along with commissioner Vice Mr Vice so I just I felt it was necessary for us as a city to uh express our support for thank you I thought it was necessary for our for our city to recognize our connection with the with Israel the youu one of the United States's closest allies and the only stable and true democracy in the Middle East East there's there's a lot of connection between South Florida and Israel a lot of Israelis live here and people from Miami are over there there's a lot of interchange economic interchange going on between both and because they're such a good Ally and such a stable democracy in that region uh we need to stand with them you know it's it's a beautiful country it's the country where the the Jewish people come from thousands of years ago they were there and they lost their country at some point and they've been traveling around moving around the world and everywhere they went they suffered persecution especially most recently in in Nazi Germany in in Europe in that time and it's just really sad what the Jewish people have gone through but thank God they got their own country back after World War II they've become a state but ever since then the their enemies and surrounding countries and certain groups have been trying to erase them as a nation and I think that's a great tragedy even today we're seeing it with the the rocket attacks that continue and then the the attack that happened a few months ago when they just came in and just slaughtered a bunch of people and now Iran is launching missiles over there so it's just really sad and terrible what's going on and I think the world needs to unite with them starting at the local level so I think not just countries should stand with them but States counties cities so that's why I sponsored this resolution and I thank you for coming by to show support on behalf of Israel absolutely thank you so much good evening mayor Commissioners it's a pleasure to be here tonight um in the amazing city of Sweetwater I'm a proud fium so it's always great to be back here uh the council General really wishes that he could have been here himself in person he kind of got held up in traffic on his way back from Tampa unfortunately but the city of Sweetwater and the residents and leaders like yourselves have always been such a staunch supporter of this real and we're very grateful for that um the proclamation tonight is just another extension of that friendship and now more than ever we really need friends so we really appreciate this thank you so much thank you thank you mror you want to say something yes and and I want to say clearly that I am a extreme strong supporter of Israel I think I was one of the first when this all started uh the council General invited uh whoever one like to come and support the mayors of different different cities and I would stood tall real fast and as you could recall I brought back that to the commission and stated that we as a city will be extremely supportive of Israel and we have and now with this resolution that the commissioner has brought forth uh along with myself it's support and hopefully all that are are sitting up here um I think that these are the most trying times right now and it's times that rock are very core of this great and most powerful country that we live in and graceful to be able to live in this country some of us that come from a communist country uh that thank God ended up here know what freedom is about and know what the ability of having a nation is about so I've adopted this country I'm blessed to be able to live in this country as the greatest country in the world world but we support those countries that follow the same train as we do and Israel does therefore I'm extremely supportive and I want to thank the commissioner CEO for bringing this forth and asking me to support and uh I'm very proud to stand in support as I did from the first day and I know the council General is my friend that uh we met when uh unfortunately Surf Side when the building fell champagne Tower and um it was the second day I think as a council General and um we we built a friendship and I know if he could have he would have been here and I know he got stuck in that traffic on the I75 I guarantee you so with that I just wanted to State my part uh Mr President and whoever else would like to say anything and move move second call commissioner ree yes commissioner Diaz yes commissioner V yes commissioner Martin yes commissioner via absolutely yes commissioner Yano yes president Ray yes he passes thank you very much thank you thank you so much thank you for being here can we get a photo sure yes good two okay thank you for everyone H item a moving over an ordinance of the city of Sweetwater city commission amending the city comprehensive plan future land use element policy 1.2 medium density multif family residential mixed use residential/commercial and dolphin Community urban center land use category providing for cability providing for codification providing for an effective date first reading mayor Diaz believe that that's this is basically you want to come up in case you have any questions but this is an item that we heard last time for the second reading unfortunately there was an issue with it we had to clarify it if I not mistaken Mr attorney am I correct yes it has been clarified hadn't been uh uh submitted in the proper order and needed go to the LPA that's why again before you we clarified it and present it to you again all right this was an item we just saw few minutes ago so go ahead and move this item second second third fourth roll call Madam clerk commissioner Diaz yes commissioner V yes commissioner Martin yes commissioner via yes commissioner Yan yes commissioner rise yes president Ray yes he passes on first reading all right moving to D a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Sweetwater approving memorandum of understanding with roll call Technologies LLC finding that public interest is served thereby providing for authorization and providing for an effective date mayor Das and I'm going to have a know come up if you have any questions I know it's self-explanatory but if you have any questions he'll be here to answer them any questions we have how you doing Chief good sir uh well Gill by the way deputy chief city of Sweetwater 500 Southwest 109th uh Avenue Sweetwater Florida Chief why are we getting the roll call system so we are getting the roll call system uh mainly because it gives us uh greater ability to streamline our management system of our off duties uh it also uh ends up being a cost Savings in the long run because we do not have to pay for roll call uh the vendor is the one that actually ends up paying for roll call uh gives us some transparency and accountability when it comes to uh our officers and the way that it's managed uh one of the great things about roll call is that uh all the jobs through roll call which by the way most of our officers are already members of R calls because there are multiple cities that they go work off duties uh that are members in R call so they have to sign up to roll call uh one of the great things about roll call is that it it in essence gives them the ability to do a onetime 1099 that is issued to roll call as opposed to as some of these smaller jobs where you know Mom and Pop you know getting uh an officer for either their store or a party that they're doing or something like that that won't issue a 1099 leaving it up to our officers to have to remember that hey I worked on this date so that they can pay their taxes uh this would enable them to uh you know Stay Free and Clear of that getting all the jobs that they work without any question uh and and roll call is adding some other benefits that we think that will be worthwhile for the employee for the officers for example one of them is they're in final uh communicate or final contract not contract but in final agreement with the IRS where they'll be able to put a um a an escrow account money into an escrow account so at the end of the year when they have to pay their taxes roll call Will issue them all that money so that they in turn can pay their taxes so there's a great deal of benefits more and more uh cities uh are going to roll call and um and basically it gives us you know expansion capabilities down the road what do roll call charge uh for the service I know you said they don't charge us but they do end up charging the end user right so what are they chargeing they do so they charge the end user a 5% fee uh which comes out so uh for example in a typical uh request for a police officer it would be an added $14 for the 4 Hour for the four hours so we're we're charging now what's how much so so right now we are charging $60 right with then with the new contract with the new contract it will go up to $70 okay so it would be $33.50 with the new contract per hour per hour yes so roll call is making so this $350 cents per hour okay one of the benefits again of this is that it also gives us you know roll call Will in turn pay pay us the the the money uh one of the things that we don't do right now which is one of the things that I'm looking to eventually expand through roll call is when our officers go work at you know City of Miami hiia anywhere else we're not getting any administrative fee although they're going in our cars and all that kind of stuff and since all these are also roll call you know we can go into and make it part of our mou where we are now uh getting you know the you know half of the fee of what the normal agencies charge right so normal agencies right now are charging about $20 an hour in administrative cost all right thank you Chief n to the chair yes um there's a turn limit on this there's a contract on this so there is anou there's a memorandum of understanding hence the reason that we are here today because obviously any memorandum any contract has to go through the commission uh for approval and for the uh mayor to sign so this is going to be like a year twoe contract so so no the the memorandum of understanding will be valid until the point that either roll call or ourselves decide to not do that and there's a clause there that stipulates how we go about cancelling the uhou okay so right now we do pay for a service that we pay um and I don't want to give you uh I I forget exactly what the amount is it's several thousand that we pay a year for a company called Otis to do this worce now and it doesn't give a lot of the benefits that roll call does now I I was wondering I was basically listening to Marco was saying I don't know anything about this raw call can you give us a little bit more details what this is all about so this is this is a scheduling platform uh for off duties right the majority of the off-duty platforms just do just that just schedule they don't do anything else right we put on the jobs there's an app or some kind of a web-based um um Gateway into the application and uh basically officers sign up there and that is it right the department puts on the jobs the officers go in and look at this here the benefit of this is that it gives us you know like I said before the ability to issue 1099 to the officers uh they're building the platform so that in turn you know there'll be some added benefits for the officer so that they can assist them in paying uh the taxes at the end of the year um you know and we have you know added benefits on the fact that other departments that we currently go work off duties at are utilizing that same platform great move thank you thank you Chief no problem good so we have a move in and we have a second roll call Madam clerk commissioner V yes commissioner Martin yes commissioner VI yes commissioner Yan yes commissioner di yes commissioner re I'm sorry yes president Ray yes he passes thank you madam clerk we over to e a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Sweetwater authoriz the Acquisitions of and subscription to the i a Next Generation software produced by ver vers Public Safety us Inc approving price quotation find finding public purpose finding for funding providing for authorization and providing for an effective date mayor Diaz chief chief any questions anybody the ch what's that so so basically uh IIA Pro is a uh an application that is is you know in essence a an internal affairs um management application okay or management database here's the difference between what we currently have and what this presents so when we talk about Internal Affairs we're not only talking about those bad situations where people are are being investigated for something that they've done uh but we also track so one of the things that IIA pro has uh through their through one of their databases called blue team is that it enables us to basically track uh and it has an early warning system so one of the things that we that we do is that it it looks at you know evaluations it looks at complaints it looks at uh any kind of other investigation that's been uh that's been taken and basically it gives you you know an early warning system lets you know hey you know we're having a a potential issue with an officer or anything like that or you know it also identifies those officers that you know are doing a stellar job through their evaluations and things of that nature so one of the things that we're trying to do is we are trying to bring in a system that would in enhance our ability uh to track potential problems as well as uh track those those uh situations of of officers that are doing uh well and doing the right thing so that you know when trainings come up when any of those things come up it gives us the uh ability and opportunity to do that all one one second Mr V will was first are you chair Chiefs is this going to be this it's got to be a cost correct so there is there is uh so the initial cost is $14,000 uh and and there's a yearly cost of of $9,000 it has the $9,000 subscription it is a little bit more it's about $2,000 more than the current program that we are utilizing but the current program that we are utilizing basically does not have the ability to so right now we're also doing our evaluations on a not not even on a database you know we we have a form that we filled out uh but it's not captured um onto the the rest of the uh Internal Affairs uh system right so so one of the things that blue team would do is that I can well I will do my evaluations through there so that in turn it gives us uh the ability to really gauge what's going on yeah I understand it's $14,500 for the first year first year and 9,000 every year after that every year and there's a contract with that there is and hence part of the and hence the reason that we are here today uh in order to sign the contract and it's that's a year contract so the contract again just just like roll call is a contract that will be valid until such time as we decide uh we can we can break or we can cancel it or at any time okay thank you Chief thank you through the chair go ahead Mr Mar Chief um you said that it assigns like a score or like an evaluate gives you a warning like it gives you an early warning it's called an early warning system does it does it track like PTSD when they go on severe calls or things of that nature um I don't know that is actually a very good question that we can follow up on uh and probably one that you know the program is quite versatile it's a company that's always uh increasing uh a company that's been around for a long time City of Miami has been on on IA Pro blue team now for uh about a decade now um so has the city of Dural and a lot of other ones so they're always looking and and that is actually a very good question of which I don't have the answer for you right now but I would I think it' be interesting to know if you know today we had a pretty severe call and you know it's a it's a tough line of work and we certainly want to watch out for our guys if that's available I think it's certainly well well work exploring thank youss the products that we're presenting uh today is only making our making it more professional for our officers to be be able to participate and do things and taking us to a different level just like the following item that's going to come so I suggest that please support this because he's this has important for us to have to continue to grow and continue to improve our professionalism in the department got a question yes sir chair where are we going to get this money from are we budgeted for so we did we we did budget it last year uh so the money is currently uh within our uh um uh it budget line so we have budgeted for this you know and and we will continue the budget for it next year I already put it in the 2025 uh fiscal year 2025 budget there's an increase of 5% every year right there is the contract yes it is right yes I believe so I move yes second so we have a move on a second roll call commissioner Martin yes commissioner Vian yes commissioner Yan yes commissioner re yes ma'am commissioner Diaz yes commissioner V yes president Ray yes he passes thank you madam clerk moving over to f a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Sweetwater authorizing acquisition of the Oscar investigative tool from research Electronics inter International LLC appro approving price quotation finding public purpose providing for authority and providing for an effective date mayor Diaz believe this this is uh an item in the chiefo if he wants to add anything this is an item that where we have officers in task force we got to make sure they have the right instruments and equipment to be able to participate with certain task force so we could go after the funding that we need to get when we are in certain investigation so on so if we have the equipment that's necessary to be able to participate with these different levels of task force it's important to do so because that's a money that will come back to the city that could be used within our Police Department so this is just one of the tools that we could use in doing so and it is already budgeted so it's in within the system all right Chief if you could uh just give us a little overview on this one just in case someone has a question uh so basically uh as we all know you know a lot of the and especially on the task forces right we have we have three uh detectives right now and a detective Sergeant assigned to task forces uh these task forces do yield uh forfeit sharing back to the to the agency and um highly needed this is one of those uh things that um very few people are trained on and frequently what happens on these Federal task forces is that those federal agents that are uh move you know between division and get out of the the area and stuff like that and on a couple of occasions we've been approached by some of our federal Partners to ask if we've had such capabilities of which we currently don't uh this would actually house us so that we can in turn as these individuals do our our our investigations and things of that nature that they can basically come you know and have the equipment to ensure that you know they themselves or their Federal partners aren't being uh um surveilled or or or have some kind of listening device or something like that that you know some of these uh drug trafficking organizations and some of these other uh gangs have been known in the past to uh place on on agent and police officer Vehicles so this is something that we're doing uh we are basically you know uh we're basically utilizing some of the uh funding from forfeiture monies that have come out you know so that we can fund this this kind of activity to again you know have their their ability uh to to basically be a better partner you know and uh and and be the partner of choice mve it chair all right well give me one second go ahead Mr V all right Chief uh how much is this going to cost us so this is uh $45,000 uh and that includes the training of two of our uh police officers to to get trained on how to use the equipment and how many units are we purchasing this is just one unit and we have three officers detached but we can only use one unit per uh TFO is that accurate right that that so that is correct so when when when a federal agency or or any other partner you know requires that kind of capability we will send the detective or the officer that is capable of do of uh in that thank you Chief so um being that my opinion we are the most Pro police City mhm I will obviously say in in da County we obviously have the most Pro police elected officials um now this is coming from cesure forfeiture yes this is coming from forfeiture fund so it's not coming from the general fund so Mr Mayor M may I make a recommendation we have three tfos detached we only have one unit I'd rather have three units I'd rather give you the ability and the funding to purchase three units and have you and your staff decide whether you need to deploy all three or if you just want to deploy one but I'd rather have it in in our Arsenal in case we need it so I would recommend to you guys to change or amend from 45,000 to multiply that times three uh which comes out to 135 is that accurate close yes um can Mr can I just make a suggestion I was going to probably do one and it may might be the same one you're going to make but go ahead um sir I I would suggest that we that we start off here um and uh and basically look at the demand you know I there is Demand right uh this isn't something that necessarily may be utilized every single day um you know this will definitely put us out on the map and depending on the demand and and believe me I I greatly appreciate what you're doing sir um but I would much rather and and the other thing that I'm looking at is also the technology right so we do have some uh ability here and after speaking with the company and stuff like that you know they'll keep us with the with the up-to-date software and things of that nature uh but I would much rather start here and then based on the demand come back and and again this is also great leverage on telling them you know okay maybe that 10% should be you know that 10% that you're going to give us on this forfeiture you know maybe increase it to 30% so that we can in turn you know buy back and if I could add to that uh commissioner it's actually uh a very Noble gesture the one that you put forth because I see where you're coming from the multiplication of more units out there and being able to do so but I I do agree with the chief but I do agree with something you said maybe we should look into training probably a couple more of the officers that are attached uh to these task force so we could have more versatility uh on it now in case well and even in house or I would I would say that you know maybe maybe give a little bit more money the breakdown is there and I want to say it's about like $2,000 per officer to get trained um let me look at that just to not get you uh the wrong numbers well let me interject if I can this is a guys it's very simple normally in these situations uh commissions are holding their purses um normally when we're talking about a law enforcement item and I open My Big Fat Mouth usually the six individuals to my left are like yeah let's do it so here's my recommendation to you guys yes sir I recommend that we amend the language to read up to $135,000 doesn't mean you need to use utilize money it means you have access to that money so we don't have to waste time to bring back that item later on you as the administration dictate what you need you have $135,000 available we cut the red tape on the bureaucracy of government hurah everybody's a hero that's my recomendation that actually sounds great it's that's the world of the body all right so the correct number is 135 885 to be exact it's including the 4,295 * 3 is that correct Could you um add one one portion to that in case we do come across something that we might be able to acquire that gives us more of an enhancement in a different way could that be stated in there just my feeling is that those funds um can be used specifically for this I don't see a reason why um look here's the reality if you if you guys if you guys need to come to us for any cool ninja star gadgets for our police officers you want to put RPGs on top of police cars I'm all for it so no I heard you um whatever you want to do I'm all for it I say we could just to the attorney if we could just open the language just to put that uh that we have you know the ability to up to that money to get enhancements as needed for investigative purposes uh so we could use to enhance our procedure with not only a task force but our own investigative issues this would be essentially this is essentially a request for a friendly amendment by the administration I suggest the following paragraph or as a replacement to paragraph two the mayor is hereby authorized to acquire the Oscar system on terms reasonably similar to those established uh in uh detached exhibit a comma or a similarly comparable system comma up to the sum of $1 136,000 whatever $136,000 and is authorized to uh expend such funds as necessary open checkbook I made a quote for that for change okay so that's my motion well it it would be a motion now to Essen this has been a friendly Amendment because this is the the administration move to no no no all you need to do is move it it's done it's yes commissioner hi that means yes commissioner Yan as amended yes yes commissioner re yes as amended commissioner Diaz yes commissioner V yes as amended commissioner Martin yes as amended president Ray yes as amended he passes thank you very much uh on behalf of Chief DS I'd like to really thank for the strong support that we have in this commission thank you very much thank you CH keep it the good work thank you sir ni around for this one uh g a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Sweetwater ratifying Collective bargain bargaining agreement with the Police Association providing for authority and providing for an effective date mayor Das well as you know we've been negotiating with the PBA now for several months and um we finally come to to a conclusion in the negotiations which has been a positive conclusion and we've uh actually worked together and I want to congratulate the men and women of the department uh they voted in the grand majority to accept the contract and that is something that um we're very proud of and there was a a lot of back and forth a lot of negotiations that took place and today we actually have a contract that's been voted uh we moved forward with the PBA and then the men and women of the department agreed to it by a vote and once again the majority prevailed and we have a contract that is now before you for acceptance and that's where we're at do the chair all right go ahead uh V so uh correct me if I'm wrong well first okay guys job Mr Mayor Chief uh I know this is a very uh contentious uh contract I know that contracts are difficult at times because it all there's always a division that's created so my next statement goes out to the men and women that work in the city of Sweetwater Police Department I need you to put your personal BS aside and I need you guys to continue doing your job the city leaders the eight of us up here and I'll say it I've said it I'll say it again there is no other government body that supports our law enforcement like we do if I had my choice I would not be sitting up here I'd throw on a badge and gun and I'd be out there with you guys continue to do your jobs make sure we stay United do not divide your job is hard enough as it is so please please continue to do your job with honor and integrity I understand these things can be contentious but let's move forward now it's my understanding that this contract was negotiated as follows the previous administration which did a horrible job horrible thing had our officers contributing 12% now upon ratifying this contract it goes to 10% immediately that is correct that isre next and then in October it goes to 9% and then next October 8% that is correct that's freaking phenomenal thank you um it's also my understanding that we're going um no retro 2% first year so it's an average of 2% right so one of one of the situations that we encounter here is that very few officers were within the paay scale okay so we need to put everyone back onto the pay scale so because of that um you know the average is like a 2 point 2 2.4 that's s of thing is is what they they will get this year okay so that's 2.4 this year and then next year 3% 3% correct okay and then uh the off duty rate is going up to $50 from 43 to the officer correct excellent and now this puts us at the fourth highest starting salary police part of miate county is that accurate I I don't know that part but I know we're up there yeah we we' definitely moved up from the seventh that we were we remember other departments are negoti we weren't seventh we were first and then other departments started catching up correct so now we're number four great now I know that we should never violate a contract I'm probably going to violate this contract I charge my Commissioners the same thing we did the last time we'll all communicate with the mayor I'm sure I'm going to piss you off now make sure that we're the highest paid Police Department in Miami day County we'll look at the numbers but we need to be number one we don't need to be training our officers to go to other agencies we need to have the highest pay pay and the best equipment that's my charge my challenge to all of you guys and I know Mr Mayor I know that you're Pro police I just had this jab it in there it's one of our very good friends first uh commission meeting I need to make it entertainment um so job Chief and with that I thank you for your job but I think everybody understands that these negotiations were done with a lot of respect on every part and I think it's very bance we might not be number one but we are like you said before like you said before we are all United in support of our department and pro police in this city so with that I respectfully and humbly ask that you support this contract as it's been presented to you hey I uh great job kickass job guys uh I move unless anybody has any questions does anyone have any questions no questions move the second roll call Madam clerk commissioner yes commissioner re yes commissioner di yes commissioner V yes commissioner Martin yes commissioner via yes president Ray yes passes thank you very much thank you Chief thank you thank you gentlemen and L all right so earlier in uh the additions and deletions to the agenda I stated that it was hni I it was not it was actually K&L KL just making sure that everyone understood that it's not H9 K&L so we'll just go ahead and uh do h i and G real quickly and then we'll jump over to those H nomination consideration and appointment to members of the youth Advisory board right a i nomination consideration and appointment of members to the business development advisory report board sorry n it's about to n j nomination consideration appointment of members to the neighborhood Improvement Advisory Board done okay so move over now to the uh two additions to the agenda which going to start with k a resolution of City commission authorizing the mayor to continue Construction Services for completion of the roadway and smallscale drainage improvements project on Fifth Street and Fifth Terrace and providing for an effective date mayoras um we last meeting moved forth on the construction on Fifth Street on the west we had discussed four blocks in the past and I want to keep true to my word to this commission and what this commission has promised the citizens of that particular area so when we analyze the cost of what we thought thought was one street that was going to be 700 and something thousand really turned out to be one block and even in today's time when you're doing underground and you're doing surface and you're doing lighting and you're doing everything it came in at a very good price so we took the little bit we moved forward this commission accepted it and but at the same time that was just for one particular block I do not want to lose on the on the uh actual structure that we have already going forward so then I am going to be presenting because a mobilization that will be taking place will be a searge if we stop to them wait to bid it out again so what I've done and Robert has done a very good job at this working together with our team is to make sure he followed what I requested and what I requested was to do a change shorter so we can move forward and continue with f uh 5 Street East five uh fifth Terrace West and East to finish the three blocks that are remaining to finish what we promised the people and do in those two streets and that is from 114th to 112 then on the prior one we had a small area on Fifth Street going up that it's basically a hole there for some reason that the water stagnant to put the drainage that needs to be put there but that's already on the first phas that's was already included so this is why I brought to you I met with Scott we found monies in our storm Water Utility Fund okay the past has not been used totally for storm water utility so we are I mean when we're using it for storm water utility here so this is part of the money we are putting together monies as we speak it was uh 1.6 million to finish the four streets in total I do not want to lose the ability to have the equipment there and us getting charged or S charged to move people out to get them back on again so this is I believe important and we're going to keep to our promise to the citizens of this area to finish the job that we set before us and that's it I'm asking for your support I'm Sor yeah before I let I let uh Ruiz and I have something to say as well go ahead R Mr attorney in reference to this item should I remain here should in reference to this item can I still vote on it oh I'm sorry yes 100% I believe so yeah got a prodct i no prodct at all it was presented before I leave there as certain as I am on anything you do not wish to rec accuse you do not need to rec accuse yourself on this manner there's no specific uh benefit that you are deriving that's not being derived by your neighbors as well and I really appreciate I trust thank I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't understand the connection that you no he all right I'm sorry remember thank you all right I just want to call something out I've been I spoke to Robert a few months ago and little before that and I wanted to bring it up now that we're talking about um storm storm water and drainage and everything um there's a project that started but I haven't really heard much about it again and I've you know kind of promised but not promised yet you know some of our owners and tenants in the commercial area that area between 108th Avenue 109th Avenue between 21st Street and 23rd Street I know it's before around roundabout there's been big issues every time I go around there you know I get called out by some of the owners around there we are we are right now in the Cod of Silence if I'm not mistaken this project is moving forth uh let me see the limitations I know I think I know how to tip tiptoe around it um this project is something that is also uh front center in this Administration and with your support as a commission uh we're moving forth right now it's out in the Cota silent for bid uh people are now bidding on it and when we get the bids back and I will pick a winner through the committee that will the I'm sorry the committee will select a the most reasonable responsible responsive bitter then it will come back to me and I will bring it for you all so that's am I correct absolutely proud to announce that we had the uh publicly advertised pre-bid conference uh last week and it's it's moving I will tell you it is a very extremely positive as we've done with the rest we continue and my goal is within two years two and a half years to ratify all the flooding areas within Sweet Water sounds amazing so now do we going back to the item K move moved second by myself by the way one thing to add just for the record we valued engineered um I brought in Eric our city engineer brought Frank our engineer record and and also Robert and we sat down I know we have looked at this and valued engineered this project as best as possible based on the need based on the Underground top ground and everything and by the way it will have a little more lighting and it will have treescape and we'll have the things that are needed with Oaks not the little 8 foot Oaks that they put in I'm asking for 14 or greater feet in size so we could have start having a nice treescape on those blocks too I just wanted to add that for the record thank you Mr Mayor roll call man CLI yes ma'am commissioner Diaz yes commissioner V yes commissioner Martin yes commissioner VI yes commissioner Yan yes president Ray yes Madam clerk passes thank you madam clerk all right going to L A resolution of the city Commission of the city of Sweetwater authoriz authorizing the mayor to extend the deadline for annual payment in Le of taxes agreement with the university Bridge LLC to allow for full payment in March 20 25 instead of December 2024 waving penalty interest if timely paid providing for retroactive interest and providing for an effective date mayor Diaz this item is brought up to me by our finance director because the particular LLC that represents this uh had to have the payment done by the beginning of the year but they're really situated to pay in March therefore we could not accept the payment March without L of penalties and taxations of that kind so what we did is Tred to accommodate and view that they're going to be paying they already paid the the the bills in the past and therefore for us to be able to accept it with the right interest and everything based on on what they need to do we needed to come before you with this particular language so we could actually do this so everybody will be happy and we'll get our payment for the building in itself and move forward and do it within a legal manner second you one second no I was just going to say this is essentially an accommodation for the LLC that works on that needs to gather certain information in a timely manner and the the time frame in which they gather the information does not accord or coincide precisely with the agreement so this is just an accommodation to them and and it just extends everything by 3 months without any harm to the city I think so it's been moved in second by comment cler commissioner di yes commissioner V yes commissioner Martin yes commissioner via yes commissioner yanel yes commissioner re yes president Ray yes he passes thank you madam clerk moving over to reports first one we have mayor's report uh keep going so I could look it up all right do we have any commissioner report no all right so we have uh City's uh city clerk report it is attached and city attorney's report yes I have uh excuse me U it'll take me a while to get used to this Bud uh I have two related lawsuits that I need to speak to the city about actually the commission about and an executive session uh one is a foreclosure matter that uh the uh Administration chargement with filing and which the city commission struct me to do so um in the interim there has been a sale of that property for a tax deed so there's been a suit to Qui a title I have um a tentative agreement that uh that has been reached as of this morning with the lawyer representing the successful bidder in these tax sale there will be there are uh funds in the court registry to pay the the city's lean however I do need before I um before I engage any further negotiation with the um with that attorney I do need guidance from the city commission as to what you wish to do with these matters uh Mr what's the address I don't know give me the address what the location it's the quil's property I don't which one the quil's eser Quil see if I is that the vacant lot it's it's a vacant lot yes that's exactly where it is six Street yeah yes all right you need to have an ex session with us or I need to have an executive session just to explain the situation because it's going to it's going to involve execution of releases in exch in exchange for monies are in the court registry which will satisfy everything that we uh that we claim um and however I really don't want to get into the particulars uh outside of an executive session so uh I'm available uh all next week any day you I know you need your 4-day notice if you do your four-day notice tomorrow you don't need a 4-day notice no for any special meeting you don't you you need a 4-day notice in order to get items out on a regular meeting but not a special meeting so can I make a suggestion can you just have an executive session after we close this meeting then no you you need some notice about it it needs to be well do you need notice or not you do just not exactly four days is the point that all let me know I'm available okay how long the notice after uh really two days 48 Hours okay I'm available all this week let me know I'm not available all this week I am not I'm not available I'm available next I'm available next week except for Wednesday Wednesday is Wednesday yeah Wednesday's not good but I'm available next week on I'm not available on the 15th you're right okay I'm avail how about the 16th Thursday th is everybody else available Thursday don't care so long is not before 11 a.m. we're good okay everybody else I can't do the 16 okay two of us 17 17 that works that's a Friday right it's Friday how about Friday one Fray shaking his head no he's all right I'm my schedule is up so 1M FR 1M everybody yes sir Friday 1 1 p.m. the 17th right the the 17th have an executive session to talk about Taco Tuesday Mr Friday Friday 17th at 1 p.m. Friday the 17th at 1 p.m. an executive close session and you have two issues R right and I want to S them on the record so the yeah yeah exactly the the lawsuits and yeah the lawsuits in question are let me just find the cases city of Sweet Water versus Esther quiles and Apollo group and then Alberto carbahal versus city of Sweetwater and estra quiles and quiles is spelled Qi l s both of them brought in uh the 11 circuit here in day County cool Friday what is for Friday the 17th May May May 17 May 17 okay thank you thank you commissioners they're all they're all attached police report attached sorry police reported is attached building and Zoning report is attached Code Compliance report is attached Public Works is also attached Finance report is also attached Community Services report also attached and Parks and Recreation also attached and we're going to circle back to eight mayor report meet May thank you meet May second mayor Mr Mayor um are you going to talk about the parks okay I on to goad Mr Mayor about the like was first and foremost you know that had an incident all right better all right as we know the city of Durell had an incident in U in a club that SL restaurant that thank you um that turned out in a fatality of two people and one a guard that was just doing his job and and then somebody that uh the police took down in defense of the rest of the people there then a couple of days later we had an issue at Dolphin Mall which was a uh very big scare and I will tell you the f calls that I started getting uh on my phone my phone blew up immediately and we rushed over there I want to thank the Chiefs uh the men and women of our department in the way they conducted themselves professionally to the point with the training that they had been doing in Dolphin Mall along with multiple different departments including also fire to create triage areas everything that needed to be done uh it was impressive how fast they locked up the Moss the ex entrance and exits how the the training took place and it worked exactly the way it needed to we were blessed Beyond reason that it was nothing to what people were trying to put in social media and create hysteria not only during that time but after after that time too but once again this is where the things that you vote upon up here which I am extremely appreciative of helps our men and women do their job as professional and as good as they did so I want to commend our police department and all those departments that worked alongside to make sure and um guys I was extremely proud I responded I was with my family in the fair left them at the fair made it there and and was uh with uh our assistant chief Fernandez at the time and many of our officers and I will tell you once again that I am beyond proud other the work that was done the multiuse facility at the park Sports facility we're moving forward we broke ground as you all know thank you for being there those that could because I know work is it's hard to sometimes skip out of but we're going to be very proud in the way that's going to be developed and what's going to be done um we're moving forward on it it's going to take a little time schedule is on and we're going to try to get done as fast as humanly possible to do but not cutting any corners and making sure the job is done properly the the different courts are being moved forward on and being uh finished including in Carlo Park uh we are finishing the pickle ball court which is the biggest craze in the world um people can't wait to get on the courts uh last night I had to tell a couple of people the courts are not ready for you to play on it yet um please read the signs no trespassing yet but I can't wait for the day that we're open it all up for our citizens to be able to use the full facilities that we will have and we look forward into the future to look for other grounds that we could probably use as Parks that's part of what I promis this commission to do and we'll continue to look for in other areas other uh Park facilities um part of the parks facility and I think uh Alex and and all those and bua has been very involved and everybody that's been working on summer camp uh subn Camp is moving forward as we speak as we know uh we're going to start registrations immediately already we had uh several kids today with their parents but we need a lot more kids registered uh we're going to put out a little flyer to get it to all the households uh out there so it could be actually something uh very positive and and very well run okay which is very important um we have had a system put in place with HR as you know Jolie is working the HR side and we already have the manager and the assistant and then the um uh the workers and the camp workers to be able to cover and take care of the kids another good news a piece of information that just got completely certified today uh as we promised you knew the dance is already happening there's already a waiting list for the dance classes the dance classes are full uh I'm very excited and you need to go by and see them uh dance uh but we also today certified two senses that going to work in unison uh a 9th degree black belt and multi styles that is going to come biggest attribution is to make sure discipline and our kids and be able s say also have has a lot of knowledge and helping uh autistic kids that need you know that extra work with them uh we're going to be trying to enhance and grow that even further as as as we move forward um the all that going to be building in to something that's important to all of you I think it's important to address the citizens of this community and let them know what we've done and the changes that working together we've have accomplished and that is something that's important so on the 30th I was going to try to do it atosa you Center um but it might be a little small and the parking due to the parks we cannot park cars on that field anymore obviously because of the multi-use field but at the same time it's being constructed so parking is going to become very difficult so I reached out to the Vivo people in Dolphin Mall and we they will be hosting us to have the address of the city okay that I don't know if it's ever happened before but uh I think this city is now it went from the first time I was honored to be mayor here 20 some OD years ago to today that it went from one 9/10 of a square mile to just under 5 square miles 90% commercial and industrial and 10% residential which is totally the opposite of what it used to be it was 90% residential and 10% commercial and so on so I I'm putting you telling you all right now to put it on your calendars uh that's going to be a very important date the 30th of May 6:00 at Vivo uh in Dolphin Mall and we will highlight who we are and very proud to do so as a city and and I think that is something that uh is very important to all of us so I'm doing this from some memory because the notes didn't quite appear too fast so I think I covered uh pretty much all the senior center if you haven't been to the senior center you need to go it is the work that hukah did and along with the staff of the senior center also maintenance coming in and helping out and making sure that we provided uh everything but it was really the hard work and Stephanie bua I uh I thank her for all that and we're very proud and know is there every day every day so uh that it looks great guys so if you haven't gone by go by and enjoy it and will continue to improve I know you had a question commissioner yes sir I've been reached by uh by a resident today give me a call phone call there's a uh this is on regarding the uh lenium park right at the beginning 107 on a street yes sir there's a construction there right now and that Park still open but there is a memorial concrete with a commissioner name plates there back in the days 1986 correct I was there today just to make make sure that it's not there it uh the wall itself was taken down it's going to be put in a bronze setting if not mistaken gentlemen and that's going to be put like on a pedestal on the park do the concern of this resident is where is the plate do we have the plate the plate is being held by the contractor okay and the contractor stated to put it on a pedestal we're on top of it okay we not allow history to go away yeah I mean okay I just want you to understand that yeah thank you mayor that's basically so and another uh point to that because you might ask the follow-up question uh which was the the letters that said Sweetwater on the bridge and so on those letters were brought to us and given to us in in a grant and that Grant an Maria driguez uh happens to be a senator but this was done on her private side working for the Realtors so the bridge we're looking into it I know I have a director of Maintenance and uh Public Works to to give me a quote and we're working on it I think we should be there already okay uh we are going to be redoing the bridge making it to what it was at one time but enhancing it putting some seats making it brown not with a white paint that does not compare to the bridge that was the history of the city of Sweetwater and that is a landmark which is in the history uh and it's the only piece of History we have have left in Sweet Water so we're going to enhance it fix it put some nice lights on there and any of of you that have ever been to Italy they take advantage of all their Bridges to have a walkway type situation but I will tell you once the bridge it's done over um a a street we will eliminate I be working with fot to stop all walking traffic on the street I think the bridge is there for a reason so pedestrian could go over the bridge safely and not uh be in any situation right and it is my understanding that the contract has already been LED off and the contract has already been assigned to a company and that company the state is working with as built uh design built I'm sorry yeah am I anything to add Robert no looking to the last quarter of this year to to start off so to start actual construction so we should be moving on that pretty fast it will have an elevator it will be handicap everything but going back to our Bridge right that bridge will be closed stop when it comes to a street so nobody could pedestrian could cross over and be used for pedestrian walkway simply as a landmark and simply is a use for anybody wants to sit there and enjoy the bridge with the canal and the traffic and everything else that we have to offer through the chair yeah yeah hold on mayor what what do you mean about the this the Sweetwater signs that we had there what happened with it no they're they're going to be redone so we could use them in different locations okay cuz they're not there right now no not right now okay all right because we're looking to enhance the bridge okay thank you mayor uh Mr Mayor I um I I've been very patient but I I've lost my patience with these FIU students that have a blatant disregard for traffic they're jaywalking they have a huge sense of entitlement they believe that they own H Street I can't stand these kids who are I listen for fun I literally Park and watch them almost get run over by cars because they're more interested in looking at Tik Tok and Instagram as they're crossing the street on a solid green light so I'm respectfully requesting that you please speak to our Command Staff to the three wise men uh our one two and three or chiefs to initiate an operation with fot with FHP and FIU to have a j walking initiative we can start handing out candies but that's not going to work until we start issuing citations to these Knuckleheads that have a huge sense of entitlement that are walking down the street like they own the place um while we're waiting for the bridge this bridge is not going to be here for another two and a half years I can't tell you how many incidents I've seen where people get out of the car and actually fight literally fist fight I have tried to make make a right-and turn and they look at me and and they're like and and they don't care so if you could please speak to our Command Staff to initiate something with f do FHP FIU some kind of jaywalking initiative whatever it is we need to get a hold of this it's it's it's definitely affecting me enough now where I'm going to come to a meeting and start talking about it and I could understand your frustration is the same frustration I think that every one of us have uh by doing the the the j walking or walking when they should not be walking or slow walking in a way during a green light where traffic is coming to a halt or the right turn which is the time that they could cross and they're not supposed to be Crossing at that time it's when the decide to cross uh that's something that's already been talked to the chief has already reached out to FIU FIU has talked to us we also worked with day County on the lighting system to try to enhance it in every way possible but we will continue to work because you're absolutely correct of the time before this bridge is built and when this bridge is is being built we're going to have to have a lot of it we're going to have a lot of issues uh with the pedestrians walking at all times and construction of the bridge in itself so we will be working we already have been working but I understand where you're coming from and we will be picking that up to a a maybe a higher level thank you thank you mayor appreciate that I'm jump real quickly on something he said that I saw the other day in front of me and I said this kid was crazy they crossed the street and it was they did have the walkway open to them but you know you can't just say okay I got to walk and I could go go ahead and cross they also have to look to the car cuz some people not just on walking they're on their phone there's people that are driving with their phone so they there should be something there that you know go both ways because I mean it's either the pedestrian is not looking or person driving is not looking what of those two is going to happen Mr President and it happens the the bottom line is life safety and look uh they have a lot on their mind some of them and we get it they are our citizens within our city that are crossing over but yes uh they have to learn the rules and regulations and if it comes uh at the cost of ticketing um that's where we have to be but uh we already understand what we need to do we're working with FIU in conjunction and we're preparing because uh commissioner yoa is absolutely correct on the part of uh the complete discrediting of the rules and regulation uh and we want to we want to make sure nobody loses their life um to and by the way the ler life it's not just the person that cross is that person that did not see that person jumping in front of them now they are also destructive for the rest of their life so it's something that we need to take into a lot of consideration so I appreciate it through the chance go ahead uh Mr we finish it off since you guys were just mentioning 109th Avenue and 8th Street I realized that there's also there's no crosswalk on 109 Crossing from the East to the west side in front of the buildings cuz sometimes I walk through there I walk all the way to my doctor's office in the campus and I've had to cross the street and I realize wait there's no crosswalk here so maybe we should put one across uh 109th along 7th Street between the two buildings so I'm looking at it right now on Google Maps and yeah I'm just saying is there I commiss commissioner um I know exactly what we're talking about and we're looking at that whole area okay and we're looking also at the one of the biggest offenders that create traffic there is not just the the people that are jaywalking and doing things but it's also the Ubers and the different delivery uh entities that come to drop off food and they block uh the road and sit there and wait until somebody comes down from that building so again law enforcement is looking at all this and we'll be dealing with it accordingly and as far as trying to do that walkway uh we'll see how we could work with that also sounds good thank you Carmen you had uh you had a note for me that uh someone was here to speak come on forward sir they done do you have the paper no hold on give one second for all right so we have Alejandro Martinez ale Martinez can you your name Alejandro Martinez uh state your name your address and um we have three minutes okay okay hello I'm Alejandra Martinez I live on 11588 Southwest 7 Street um I'm here today to talk about the green infrastru structure of Street water um uh here in um talk about the oak trees that you want to plan is beautiful I think what you're doing to the park is beautiful I lived here my whole life 26 years I was born in South Miami I wish I could say I was born and raised in Sweet Water but only raised um you know the The Oaks is a I think that's awesome but something that's super beautiful in our neighborhood is actually that that the the the sidewalk on the canal we have some of the most beautiful Lush Buton Woods Oaks mahogany like it's crazy the the diversity of trees that we have native trees we do have some like non-native trees that are not harmful necessarily to the environment but it's it's crazier crazier than the trees it's the the ecosystem that we have we have Florida sliders there's a huge population of manatees that go through the canal at all times softshell turtles we have a population of nonvenomous harmless uh Brown water snakes just under the bridge I I go there and I see them and um it's I I truly love this like this neighborhood like from like for everything that's like it was diverse before being diverse was cool we had Cuban food Nicaraguan food Vietnamese food Indian food like this the this city is leapt on and like I really appreciate the the push to improve the the the um the status of Sweet Water and I hope to propose an idea a long idea to sort of replace the turf that was added to the canal and sort of develop a botanical garden over you know the span of a long time obviously something like that is you know you know costly if you don't do it the right way but I think implementing a native plant Botanical Garden along the side of the canal replacing some of the turf not all of it obviously I don't we don't want to like that like cuz then that's just wasted money I think anything that has like the workout machines and stuff like that they could still have turf around but other sections of the of the of the canal should have native plants that are low maintenance so that it's not so you know like we're not going every week to cut you know sod we shouldn't have sod we should have you know blooms like we could design a Botanical Garden that every different month a different part gets activated with different blooms and different you know trees uh or different plants bloom in different sections at different parts and I think that would 100% hide in the value of Sweet Water it's going to make sweet water cool like that's that that's something that like and I that's not unprofessional and I'm sorry about that like saying that it's going to make sweet water cool but it really is going to make sweet water cool like you go to some of the PO poorest neighborhoods and it's all cement you go to Coral Gables it's trees you go to the richest neighborhoods it's it's green infrastructure it's actual like plants things that people could breathe oxygen and I think if there's a any way that we could develop a plan to sort of build this this Garden of some sorts um I I I think the city and not just the city of Sweetwater but the south Florida Community would really appreciate it and it would put the city of Sweet Water steps ahead of thank you sir cities sorry okay all time is over about by 10 seconds yes sir so go ahead and sit on and I'll answer and um I choose to because uh there's a resident that uh really is looking for the betterment of their city and that is something that oddly enough I'm actually looking at I'm trying to see how we could enhance and improve in every area possible uh that is something we promised our citizens uh to try to increase the quality of life and also the beautification of the city and that's something that we are going to be doing right now we we've done a lot in the time that we've been in um thank you and and we we will continue to enhance and one of the things is to look at uh that actual Park and see how we could improve it um but it's going to take us a little time and you know just everybody be a little patient we have to finish the park so we have we have the floting areas that we're we're fixing we're doing almost everything out there we could do and eventually and this is why I want to put the uh treescape in all of Sweet Water uh one of the things about Coral Gables that makes it look so beautiful it's not just to way the upkeep and keep everything within the homes and the the painting and everything else but also the treescape every time I drive down corway and just go down the treescape that is there or many parts of uh you know and Miami Miami Springs and Virginia Gardens same thing it uh you know the treescape is huge those trees have been there for a very very long time and this is why in this particular project that we're having the the the Fourth Street Fifth Street and Fifth Terrace yeah I am making sure that the oak trees we are put there that we are putting with the citizens money is to make sure they're respected because if you damage an oak tree it's a serious violation so we will take this very serious and we'll continue to improve the city thank you through the chair through the chair he just so you know in around September the county puts out a grant called the green Miami Dade for lots of trees we've gotten it three or four times before in the past when I was Grant administrator we'd get it every year um so I think just look out for that one and we can get a lot of trees on that one they give out a lot of money like $150,000 so you can play a lot of trees with that and design something real [Music] nice wait I can't have to get this part I will it's okay I have two people that I forgot to introduce Nina you pleas Stand Up Guys I think might be familiarized with this guy AB is now working with our city and it's a executive officer that is police officer but assigned to me the mayor Department [Applause] theity I jour me man