[Music] you [Music] [Music] e e e e e e e e [Music] [Music] what the entire P at the same time paying attention because i' never been back there that's very sit down plus I had some h a super go we said sir and three babies good ready good evening everyone meeting date Monday June 3rd 20124 at 6 p.m. commission Chambers 500 Southwest 109 Avenue roll call Madam Clerk cocon the absence of commissioner Martin thank you madam clerk let's stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and remain standing for invocation to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all father we pray um thank you for another day in this beautiful city in this beautiful country the greatest country ever please give us wisdom and Revelation as we're here making decisions that affect our entire Community as well as bless our community continue to continue to bless our community bless our officers all the First Responders bless our Mighty military and also continue to bless the state of Israel as well in Jesus name I pray amen amen amen thank you commissioner V you all right so we have any any special presentations ma'am none thank you all right presentation of employe of the month award you have any for today or bump it okay presentation of Officer of the month award oh go ahead Mr Mayor yeah I want to make a statement uh on that I didn't bring in employee uh month award but I I want to congratulate all those department head and employees that work so hard we work through the uh Department yeah you got new mics let's use them really you know new toys yeah because it's pretty much lit up across so bottom line is we worked so hard during Memorial Day weekend we we have been nonstop for a month nonstop so to all the department heads that were involved and some that weren't like a depart there is a department head Yi sitting back there Annie that is sitting down Carman our city clerk uh Maria Alejandra buka uh Mario everybody that worked hard and making sure that we had the numbers the facts and that's what came out of that brochure that you see right there that is done with the facts and figures and and then resulted in um what we did I will go into that later but I just wanted to thank them that's why I couldn't pick one employee this month because we have so many good employees in our city thank God okay so presentation of Officer of month award good evening Mr Mayor Commissioners Madam clerk City attorney major wor Sweetwater police 500 Southwest 109 Avenue on Saturday April 6 2024 at approximately 3:30 a.m. units were advised over main frequency of shots fired and a d aoral Police Department Officer injured at the martini bar located at the raal city place the Sweetwater Police Department SE shift units immediately responded to assist under the direction of Sergeant OSI Cortez the injured PD Dalal PD officer was loaded into a marked Dalal PD vehicle to be transported to r or trauma Sergeant Cortez directed his Personnel to begin traffic shutdowns along the route to rer trauma to facilitate the rapid transportation of the officer for medical treatment once the officer was successfully transported to rer trauma Sweetwater PD R returned to the incident location to continue providing assistance to the Ral PD Sergeant Cortez and his Personnel assisted with the conducting of a search of a parking garage adjacent to the incident location in order to ensure there were no additional victims or potential subjects this search revealed no attent no additional victims or subjects and ensured Personnel on scene that there were no active threats while conducting their duties securing the crime scene and maintaining sin security Sergeant Cortez and his Personnel work swiftly effectively and as a team during this critical incident the immediate response and crucial assistance they provided to theal certainly made a difference in this complex high stress and dangerous situation all seift Personnel are to be commended for their action on this day sergeant Cortez provided invaluable leadership and supervision during this incident for these reasons Sergeant Osman Cortez is being recognized as officer of the month for April 2024 [Applause] yeah tiny thank you very proud of just like that this you want to stand here dad the other way so we can get a picture thank you sir these are the pictures you see 20 years something now and you say your kid are much bigger than you conrat congratulations papa close see it's good to be the shorter guy show this one you bro thank you you did a great job conations you were the first one you were the first one all right we're going next uh any uh reports of officers boards and committees any additions and deletions to the agenda I believe we have three additions h i and J through the chair go ahead Mr President um I'd like to table item H item the the mayor and I uh are working on this issue we need to uh add some language and work with the chief police on it so we can just table item H to next month's meeting okay thank you all right so we're tabling H to the next meeting all right any petitions communication remonstrates none all right 10 organization of the city commission code requirement and we're going to start with uh a b and c um Ralph if you could please interject sure so the process for selecting a commission President and Vice President is contained in our code the chair shall open the floor to nominations every member of the commission has the privilege of nominating one person you do not have to nominate anybody but you can nominate one person you can nominate yourself that can be the one person you nominate but only one person one once the chair determines that there's no further nominations and the floor will be closed the chair shall then call call the vote the clerk shall PLL each commissioner who will respond by stating the name of the preferred candidate should a candidate receive a simple majority that's four out of the six who are present then that candidate becomes the president if not if the vote is split then it will be submitted to a revote until a candidate is selected if there are more than three uh if there are more than two people running the top to go forward to the next round once that is accomplished then the the chair shall announce the uh the same process for the selection of the Vice President are there any questions all right so just to make sure we're going to if if someone chooses someone nominates a name and it's the same name that someone else wants to name they don't have to nominate the same person again no no no you don't need a second okay you do not need a second all you need is a nomination so we'll go ahead and start nomin ations from left to right as we do as for roll calls sorry I had to get used to it um I want to nominate uh Marco just to give opportunity he has never been uh in that position before so I think we should have the opportunity you know to take that place commissioner re I'm also as a team player and I would like to give the opportunity to commissioner Marcus via commissioner Diaz yeah I would like to uh dominate uh r d again commissioner Vio nomination nominated he does not he does not need to nominate he does not okay commission V I guess I got to vote for myself so there are two candidates one being commissioner via and the other one being commissioner Ray and the clerk will call the vote one at a time and Commissioners will vote by stating the name of their preferred candidate okay commissioner Yani Marcus commissioner reace Marcus General commissioner Diaz Rando commission okay we have and commissioner V tough CH it's a tough choice two great guys but I think uh Ray's done a good job so I'd give him another year so go for ralo Ray I'm going to go for myself president Ray so that's a 3 three split it is a 3 three okay you can submit the voting again until you come up with uh you you can if you have further nominations or a run off election run off election okay so you keep voting until you get us a candidate now it does say in the event that no candidate obtains a simple majority than a runoff election shall be held among the top two vote Getters following the above procedure so they're only off your mic yeah you need to turn on your mic in the the event that no candidate obtains a simple majority then a runoff election shall be held among the top two vote Getters following the above procedure and so you continue again there are no more nominations permitted under the uh the ordinance until somebody changes a vote and there's a majority now I have a question we don't have another commissioner can we we postpone this for the next meeting or or we have to do this it's a very good question sh what does the vote has to be in order excuse me does the vote has to be in ordered again in the same order no not necessarily all right so if I want to nominate ronal r as the president of the commissioner can I do it right on the spot well he's already been nominated so don't need to nominate if I want to vote yeah can I just go ahead and do it yeah well if you can call for a vote if you want to call for another vote can you do it please yeah okay but it's not one commissioner it's the entire can you please do it okay so should I start by commission uh start however you think commissioner yaniel reand commissioner Diaz Rand commissioner via I think this thing's already done at this point vot for myself congratulations commissioner commissioner Ray okay commissioner Ray president thank you now you do the same thing you can call for a second you can call for a second vote I mean not me yeah if you want to show Unity yes call for a second vote yeah so we'll go ahead and call for a second vote for the on the same item on the same item I'm confused through the chair what are we doing you already won that's what I was saying it's okay it's just sometimes if there's a winner to show on the next time it's done well I did that last year that's what I was trying to state but that's fine want to keep fine yeah we'll go ahead and move to the next one so the the process continues it's exactly the same for the selection of the vice president vice president we got do Vice call vice president yeahor all right so we call for same left to right starting with the commissioner yaniel let's see will have the opportunity so Mar commissioner re I would love to give Mara the opportunity to be a vice president of the commission commissioner Diaz yeah I would like to give Mara a chance to be a vice president commission commissioner V I'll nominate myself president Ray no no nomination so you have three candidates yes I do so take a vote this is a vote for the three candidates it's OS on it marcosa and and commission okay so again you vote by stating the name of your preferred candidate okay commissioner Yan Mar commissioner ree commissioner Marcus V commissioner Diaz Marcus VI commission V maros via commissioner V I think I think that's just goe and Mar that's it so it's unanimous thank you guys congratulations congrats Marcos thank you thank you congrats so at this so at this point you have a new I'm sorry you have the same president you have a new vice president you can switch seats or you can remain those seats until the end of the meeting however you wish to do it if I was stay for okay all right so we're going to C on the same uh topic 10 a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Sweet Water authorizing new signatures on all bank accounts of the city providing for transmittal providing for instructions providing for authority and providing for an effective take code requirement go ahead you have a move by commissioner I'll second this item okay yeah we all have to change thank you roll call commissioner Yan yes commissioner re yes commissioner Diaz yes commissioner V yes commissioner via yes president Ray yes passes thank you madam Clerk and just to be clear the or the uh resolution is you know obviously amended to include the names of the new candre of the new president the new vice president because otherwise it's in we have to amend it it's in blank okay all right so we're moving on to uh 11 consent agenda if uh I have a motion to consent the agenda move second roll call Madam clerk was moved by commissioner V second by myself roll call Madam clerk commissioner re yes ma'am commissioner Diaz yes commissioner Vio yes commissioner via yes commissioner Yano yes president Ray yes passes thank you madam cler we moving over to 12 staff items Adam a a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Sweetwater select selecting successful bidder for RFQ 20242 website Services providing for authorization providing for funding and providing for an effective date mayor Diaz this is uh this this item pertains to an RFQ issued uh website design Services um which will render an enhanced city um website that is so needed for our city uh four firms were submitted and qualifications and Civic plus was the most qualified and highly responsive with 339 points on it Civic uh plus is over 25 years experience in service and has over 10,000 government entities so we felt that this would be the best firm to serve the city and that's why uh we basically we had a team led by our uh IT director and to note that Stephanie bua Scott mburg and Noel Gil were in the selection committee too so this is what we came uh up with and I think that's why we're moving it Forward appreciate your vote on this issue all right so we have a move by commissioner I'll second the item as well roll call Madam clerk commissioner Diz yes commissioner IO yes commissioner via yes commissioner Yano yes commissioner ree yes president Ray yes passes thank you madam clerk Governor b a resolution of City Commission of city of Sweetwater authorizing open market purchase under statute 2234 city code of ordinances approving purchase and installation of certain outdoor lighting equipment providing for Authority providing for funding and providing for an effective date mayor Diaz this is um this is in Carlo Park this is for the lighting we're basically uh the lighting system that we have about 245 ,000 we're moving it to try to be used through the impact fee since it's a new capital project and something new that was created for uh Carlo Park so this is just to basically take it from the positioning that we had before and put it into the impact fees and use that money to pay for it sounds good I'll go ahead and move this item second second by commissioner call Mam clerk commissioner by yes commissioner via yes commissioner Yano yes commissioner ree yes commissioner Diaz yes president Ray yes he passes thank you madam CL going to see a resolution of City Commission of city of Sweetwater authorizing donation of $55,000 to the little Abner Foundation Inc providing for authorization providing for date certain and providing for an effective date mayor Diaz this is um something we have promised um when we attended the Disney on we forgot to put it in the budget in the beginning and it's uh one of those things that promis has made Promises Kept I think uh we could not find a better oranization on that second all right Madam cler has been moved by commissioner Ru second by commissioner BYO we will call Madam clerk commissioner via yes commissioner Yano yes commissioner ree yes ma'am commissioner Diaz yes commissioner V yes president Ray yes passes thank you madam Clerk right moving over to D for now uh C can we go ahead and do the other items before skipping the other items uh Rob yeah there's one just the next one would be the I and J yeah yeah the next be and then we can just continue on with okay Miami diaper uh yeah I want to I want to move over to those and then we'll go continuing all right so item I a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Sweetwater authorizing donation of $5,000 to the Miami diaper Bank Inc providing for authorization providing for date certain and providing for an effective date commissioner VI you move wait one one second you have something to say or so the DI bank has uh contributed a lot to Sweet Water the many distributions in sweet to help out our residents so I just wanted to help them give them giving them a donation they have a campaign right now called the all for Mom's campaign and they're always helping everybody out so I just wanted to do them something president well mean this is something that commiss brought to my attention is something that we also fall short when we put things together the the organizations that do help within our community they constantly come and they do their their diaper giveaway and I think is one of those is actually helping our community directly so this is why I wholeheartly supported the commissioner of io's position yep we have a Sal going y um yeah right on man this is um good support um this money do we have did we budget this no this is what I said just now that wasn't within the wasn't within the budget so we doing it this way to help them out when we do a rebud geting situation we'll make sure it's in there the next don't we have um the each commissioner no no I'm talking about we we put like $10,000 I think for donation did we have that an item we we did donations in the beginning the entities that we thought right and there was a couple that were out that's already out and this is why we're we're kind of catching up on got it okay thank you mayor so go um did I have a motion yes you had a motion by commissioner re Ruiz and second by myself okay okay we call man clerk commissioner Yano yes commissioner ree yes commissioner Diaz yes commissioner V yes commissioner via yes president Reay yes passes thank you madam clerk going to item j a resolution of City Commission of the city of Sweetwater retroactively adopting and proving that certain contract with stuckle drywall contractors Inc and application for payment authorizing payment thereon with impact fees and providing for an effective date mayor Diaz thank you Mr President and this is uh the two bathrooms that I don't know if you all know there was two bathrooms that were installed in out of a room next to the building that is between the tennis court and now the new pickle balls that are being courts that are being done so we created two bathrooms because the amount of people that are probably going to be using the pickle balls uh courts and Tennis Courts now or any of the elderly that is that sometimes come for the food giveaway and stuff that we do in the building adjacent there um that we could do these bathrooms so for in order since a new Capital Improvements we're doing the same thing and and doing it um um through the fees uh impact fees and to be able to get that money through there and move forward that's it okay one second we have a motion but go ahead Mr V so Mr Mayor the these monies are not I think the I think you got us something like $12 million uh from your previous position as County Commissioner so these this expenditure is not from that you're using Park impact fees that's brilliant um by the way thank you again that Park hasn't had a bathroom in years uh I go to I go to our Parks four or five times a week I got small kids so thank you for that um how much was the expenditure and if you don't have it I'll just give with you later it was 50 something, if I'm not mistake 50 even actually yeah in today's market they worked it hard I got to ad met uh both uh this says say Miss bua has a good way of negotiating no and uh and our Park director also kicked and kicked in but uh our maintenance director came in and uh squeezed a little too so alog together uh I was a little amazed at the cost that first B it was very high today today's construction cost even on a Renault was like $170 to $200 $200 a square foot and whatever that is so great job on that that's unheard of um thank you I don't have any more questions that are you all right so we have a motion by commissioner Yan um and I'll go ahead and second this as well call man clerk commissioner re yes ma'am commissioner Diaz yes commissioner V yes commissioner via yes commissioner Yano yes president Ray yes he passes all right so moving over to back over to D nomination consideration and appointment of members to the Planning and Zoning Board by the city commission city code requirement this is just to confirm to confirm we have member all right just is there anyone changing no I'm not changing no one's CH is anyone changing their planning zoning uh I got to talk to my guy he's having some health issues um hopefully Alex meny hopefully uh he get comes out of it okay but um I'm going to hold off for now so for now we're all staying as is as is yes good yeah I'm good yes sir my remains your remains your remains remaining okay perfect thank you mam clerk so going over to the three that we always go over and not sure if how we go ahead about not naming these removing it excuse me removing the the three EF yeah cuz we we keep going and nothing happens not would need simple I would need a requ these are all uh provided for by ordinance so I would need a request from somebody to draft an ordinance I'll make it easy through the chair go ahead go ahead uh Ralph do me a favor go ahead and draft it an ordinance to eliminate the um youth advisory no the business development okay uh board that's the one that I created I'm going to respect the wishes of the maker of of the other um of the neighborhood Improvement which is commissioner BYO uh the youth Advisory Board was created by commissioner de Boro who's no longer here I'll go ahead and uh give commissioner BTO a courtesy call but for now go ahead and elim uh create legislation to eliminate the business development Advisory Board no he's going to create legislation and that way yeah so I'll present at next month's meeting that's look we've been at this for God knows how long why uh why beat a dead horse they're try me instead instead of just so I'm just going to just name them right now just for the sixes that we have now so e nomination consideration appointment of the youth advisory aard none F nomination consideration appointment of members to the business development advisory report board sorry n and nomination consideration appointment of members to the neighborhood Improvement Advisory Board not can go ahead go ahead so since Marcos did his part I guess I'll do my part as well but first of all like I think we need to get rid of everything but neighbor oh sorry I think we might be able to get rid of everything with no problem there's been a loss of Interest anyways but I think the board served their purpose and really help these kids with their polish their resumés and learn a lot about how City functions and and every single one of them is working for either a member of Congress or member of the state house so it gave them or other cities and they're doing well one of them is our Parks director so I think it uh and and another guy is the uh Chief of Staff of another city I think it I think they succeeded but I don't think we really need to continue with these however with neighborhood improvements it's a beautification board and I just wanted to bring up one point about that that there's several grants that require cities to have some kind of beautification board to get it so I'd rather leave it to be safe because then we're ineligible for things like Tree City USA and a couple others so i' rather leave it there they don't have to meet just have it have it there so when that Grant comes we have that board there ready to go okay Che so what's up to you guys and when the mayor wants to say anyone has I have a question through the chat the Tre City USA grant that we [Music] received four five years ago we didn't have that board no that's well so what originally happened that's when Robert created the Park Street qu quity of Life Advisory board that you guys created back then that's the one we changed into this one so even this one wasn't something new we created we just renamed an old board yeah if I may the the there was a predecessor to this current board that had essentially the same um duties and that went back all the way to um uh the morono uh term excuse me I'm getting a call that I do need to take just I do want to know what happened with the tree City USA signs that we had just wondering Mr good I think that in today's world what asked is some participation of Citizen type boards when we're looking at these things but if you allow me I will it's very important because we're going after several large grants and some of them are beautifications that we might be looking at uh to get tree skap to get all kinds of things I don't know if it's a requirement that you have to have it uh but if you allow me a little time let me look at it before you wipe it out and if anything you guys could adjust accordingly uh but I don't know enough to say I the one thing I will tell you is that we don't want to do anything that could H hamper anything to do with trying to get any grants because the grant situation out there is very difficult everybody's competing and it's only going to become more competitive in in the future because a lot of those grants not grants I guess the monies that we got from covid and as you said commissioner vua yeah I did bring a lot of money over but there was a time that the federal government was opening up the doors and giving out a lot of money but those doors are closed now so now it goes to certain types of different grants that everybody and their brother is applying for so I don't want to take out any situation that could possibly hinder um that happening but again I need to really do a deep dive and have a good look at it uh so me you can prepare whatever you want to prepare but just give me a little time to be able to analyze and if anything we change the name we put it more direct um whatever needs to be done but I just want to make sure that we're not taking a back row to other people through through the chair one more thing I'll give you guys a really good example the the fap Grant Florida Recreation Redevelopment Association by the by the state of Florida we got that one for the exercise equipment at linear Park that one it explicitly states in the requirements that you need a resolution from some kind of beautification board so that one is one that it is a requirement where requirement worth I think it's like 20 points or so um applied for that one numerous times so oh good we'll do some some homework on that and we can come back to it if we need it we can stay it's not a problem at all all right so we're going over sorry so we're going over to 13 reports mayor's report go ahead thank you Mr President on summer camp at the parks we only have about 31 uh kids so far it's a start a lot of people are waking up to the fact that we're doing summer camp again uh I wish it was more at this point uh we looked at several great uh people to work to summer camp but I can't bring them all on obviously if we're not going to have more children so as we start which is I believe the 9th the 10th okay the 10th of June summer camp will begin uh we have I think 30 31 31 31 31 uh uh kids that participate and we were hiring four people to basically run a lead and and and three assistants if we need more we have a list of people we could hire from uh but the numbers out there again there's a lot of competing um summer camps uh but uh for the cost that we have this summer camp which is 130 a week plus it all includes the t-shirts the field trips the food already is given by the county but it's part of it all the everything is included for the parents and they drop off the kids I believe at 7 and to 6:00 p.m. so I just want you to understand if we could get that information out there I could also hire a couple of people before somebody else hires them uh but for right now I could only go with what we got and as we move forward so that's a summer camp and I think we get the word out there um hurricane season as you know hurricane season just around the corner and stated that we're going to have several storms uh lot of name storms we are working uh sign the police department to do a tabletop I think it's Chief Fern Chief Diaz assigned Chief Fernandez to start uh the tabletop process to immediately start looking at all the things that we need to do uh they're going to meet with me uh believe be uh before the end of this week discuss it and then I'm going to bring department heads employees in and obviously I will call a meeting and we'll sit down and we'll do it in I guess sunshine or either that or I bring each one of you separately so we could discuss positioning and things to do we have to be prepared and that I know that I don't have to say it twice when there's a rainstorm we automatically contact each other we're out helping and and everybody does that in this city so I I I don't have to get into it too much but what I'm trying to tell you is we're looking at everything and making sure that we're prepared and ready and we have the proper equipment put in place to be able to deal with things our pumps are being all reviewed constantly um by our maintenance department our drains are being cleaned everywhere uh this is something that's constantly happening I'm reviewing a couple of uh slow areas uh for instance one um on 6th Street on 103 Court that's a little half block street that goes in there Avenue I'm sorry and and enough of six street we have slow on the drain systems then if you take that area out when we go over to the uh area two we have some serious flooding in that area area three the does not have the kind of flooding because that area has been done on a higher ground it's been done with uh uh sewer uh major sewer pipes and created because of warehousing and everything else that needs to be done so we're looking at every angle once again and I'll get a report I'll probably be calling you in individually I think I'll probably be the the where I'm going to go uh and discuss how we're going to do the pickle ball courts I know some of you have had questions on that because people have been asking how long well we're finally moving on that uh they did one part some of the rain came in but uh let's just say that we're working alongside hopefully by the end of this week we they'll be engaged again and we we will hopefully finish those within two to three weeks and they'll be done meanwhile our Park systems is making sure rules and regulations uh we're going to have six ball courts there and I'm also bringing down the racket ball Courts at the ronali park and applying two pickle ball courts where those racket ball courts are I continue to go through there and nobody's ever playing rocketball and I think all of you that frequent the area a lot could probably see the same thing the the three wall ret ball in ronelli park the the the Four Courts that are there I think we get more out of having the pick a ball courts AG okay and uh we we made that final decision today so we could start because everything's taken a little bit due to finding the merchandise that these vendors have or you know it takes a little slower to get uh um the equipment and the things that are needed due to the slowness that there is on all this but we're making things happen so that's being done the parks are moving forward the the ronelli park as you can see is pretty much demolished every other area around it it's going to be absolutely gorgeous everything's uh working out the way it is we're we're adjusting after taking down the racket ball courts we're trying to get a savings by adjusting the electric poles that are there for lighting the poles are going to be with the lighting remember we're going to have topend lighting now this is Zone lighting it's going to look like daylight basically there but it's going to be Zone it's not going to be getting into the neighbors houses like the other lightings did uh that's not going to take place the the final denom what was the final size of the screen okay 44 by 20 to something along those lines because we that they found that there was a better company with better resolution but they weren't as big as the one we were trying to get which is was what this commission and I actually wanted too wanted to get the best for our citizens but we are getting this a little smaller 42 by 25 4 42 by 25 so it's still big enough so it's a lot bigger than it is now I'll tell you that right now and it's going to it's going to be multi-use and hopefully we can have it set up also for movie nights and and and stuff like that so everything in the park is being done and worked on and everything it's going as stated I wish uh the supply system was working better but for some reason they's not still where they need to be and things are taking still a little longer now once again I stated it earlier I want to thank everyone that was involved in making sure that we and and all the department heads that put out the information from cyber security to all the information that needed to be put out uh and of course Scott mburg you know our financial the money man then made sure that that we put the right report together and on the finances and where we're at there is uh a little thing I think all of you kind of looked at the the new numbers that came from property appraiser there's a little description description there description there there that uh we need to fix and Mr mburg is working on it uh so we're we're dealing with that too so once again I want to thank everybody for helping put that report together from that report was the analyst that we did in our uh first city address that we did I want to thank you all for being there it it was very special for me as I'm sure it was for you uh and I wanted to make sure that we all did this together and I that's the way it came across and I think it was done uh with good taste and we did the best we could and the Lord was uh very merciful and make sure that the rain went somewhere else that it was needed somewhere else and not in Sweet Water for the first time that we didn't get the the major rain come down but once again that could not have been pulled off without all those and uh again I think we introduced last time but Alo sueta that uh did an outstanding job and uh made us all look good up there and and so and you know we we're very pleased to have uh working with us as we are with all the employees that we have I could not ask uh for better and I as wanted to make sure that you all understood that so thank you all right we uh commission's report we have do the chair go ahead so um Mr Mayor you and I have been political enemies for 15 years there was a time where you and I couldn't even be in the same room together I can tell you that you're bringing Pride back to this city and I thank you for that I thank you for being a gentleman I thank you for maintaining your word you know that I'm not a brown noser and I'm not a very good politician if I got something to say I say it and I don't care about the consequences I'm looking for something bad to say about you and I can't find it I think you're doing a kick-ass job I'm I'm a Sweetwater kid just like you I got into my first fist fight in our Parks just like you my blood are on these streets when I was a policeman here I've been through I was hired by Gloria bangle as mayor and you beat her in 99 you were my mayor and Manny marono was mayor when I was an employee I left Sweet Water I came back under Jose M Diaz I worked under Orlando Lopez which was not easy of and then under pepas again so I've been a city employee under five Mayors and elected official under two Mayors and I can tell you with great confidence I know there are people that are trying to divide us and we had a little I guess if you want to call disagreement or uh you know difference of opinion on who can be president or vice president wants to be Brigadier General at the end of the day it really doesn't matter um the State of the Union uh City uh addressed kickass job from our chief of police by the way every time I say a bad word I know that AB buto cringes I'm sorry he's already yanked my chain um our Police Department did a phenomenal job this is this is the best Command Staff we ever had and again the police department is my baby I speak to the chief uh probably three four times a week and the reason for that is you allow me to have access to our chief you allow me to have access to our different department heads you don't obstruct like the previous administration did now you're a political monster you are I mean you know what the hell you know what you're doing when it comes to politics but when I look at this thing for seven years my picture was never in anything never in anything um and again you put you make sure that you put everybody's picture on here now I want to make it abundantly clear I don't care if my picture pictures on here or not except for one picture that I do want to reiterate there was a picture when we were doing the Huddle they got all the balding spots there I don't appreciate that one it's not in the book that one no it is it is I'll tell you the page number um listen the Ci's never run more efficiently um whenever we have hurricanes it's funny how we all come out um you're bringing Pride back to the city so thank you for that thank you for for allowing our police Department to grow thank you for supporting my mission which is having more cops on the street I don't think there's a more uh Pro police mayor in Miami day County than you most certainly not more Pro Police Commissioner than me but I can say that my colleagues are very Pro police I've never seen them vote no on anything so I thank my colleagues for that to the col to my colleagues that voted for me for president I appreciate it I really do uh to the ones that didn't vote for me I also appreciate you and and I respect you guys and I care for you guys um at the PBA Gala it was almost like Sweetwater night well obviously the guy behind the microphone Sweetwater and then he says Hey Sweetwater is hiring everybody starts laughing I remember a time when we were the laughing stock of Miami dayve County Law Enforcement and that pissed me off like you couldn't believe because I've never done a corrupt thing in my life well now when you talk about Sweetwater PD I just had a city of Miami police officer asked me he are you hiring and I told the chief today we've never had PE people from outside agencies wanted to come Sweetwater so you build a Dream Team you're you're bringing talent and I appreciate that I hope that the talent that's here that you brought can train our guys up we got a lot of young guys that need to be trained up um so thank you for for what you're doing for us I'm sure we're going to disagree on a lot of stuff and I'm really looking for something to disagree with you on I'm dying to find it I haven't found it yet so thank you for that and the last thing that I have to say is uh I'm G to be everybody knows that I'm I've been presenting a buyout of our police officers uh I'm going to be presenting that legislation I'm going to be sitting down with the mayor I'm going to be sitting down with our finance director we're going to be showing uh the cost savings and I'm going to be presenting that uh hopefully um at a special Commission meeting I'll talk to the mayor make sure the language is good to go I've heard some Rumblings some people are for some people are not hey at the end of the day I'm going to present it uh if it makes Financial sense I hope you guys support it and with that I yeld to chair Mr pres go ahead mayor so you want goad mayor yeah first and foremost uh the least thing a man could have is his word but it's hard to keep that's the finds a guy from a man and I a man and I never changed since my father started me with me working I started working with my dad at 8 years old I am who I am I don't look at people and figure whether an enemy or not I have different positionings and I put people on different levels I don't hold grudges I work and I try to work with everybody I don't look and ways to destroy but try to build you're younger you filled the a little bit of uh asset here and there and and you try to move things around and we nobody in this room could pick up a rock and throw it nobody if you understand what I'm saying therefore what I've tried to do is the very best I can try to earn the respect of everybody I can but the most important people that I earn have to earn the respect is starting with my own family continuing on to the constituents and obviously you that are sitting up here and the people that work with me I don't pretend to be anybody else especially at this point in life I could have easily walked away from everything or gone to higher offices and some of you know what I'm talking about supposedly I did not do that I wanted to come to this city the city that I was raised in and you said very clear the city that gave us our first and everything because this is where we started another one up here too but the bottom line is the pride of this city has always been here here it's just you have to be a leader and make sure that it comes out and this people do the right jobs and make sure that the right things are done in the city and that's what we're all doing together I could try to lead the chip but if I don't have somebody running the engines somebody running the navigational somebody running the the pump systems somebody running something the ship will not go going in the same direction so to what you said I am very appreciative and words but you don't have to look for anything to try to find negative on me because there one should not be anything there and two and two we need to keep this city United as it is now and forever we could have difference of opinions but we're going to have enough with what's coming in the future future in many different levels with just everything in life we saw what we went through in Co and it was a bad place and we came together even though we didn't agree with one another but we all worked together and try to feed people and we try to do what we could I think everyone remembers that so what I'm trying to say about all this and to finish is that first and foremost nobody's got an exclus exclusive Nest I'm trying to be perfect because nobody is second all we could do is start our best and that's all I'm trying to do and like I said Being president of the commission or chairman of the of the board of the Miami day County I'm a Cuban Refugee and proud of it and I'm a Sweetwater boy and proud of it I am sitting exactly where God put me and where I want it to be so I wanted to be real clear in this I never come out and said it but now that you said all this I have appreciate it uh but you don't have to look for something negative man we're good all right so and I'm good with everybody up here and we got to move forward and do what's right for all of us so with that sorry but I need a little time to expl that's okay mayor um the bus stops there's a bus stop on 107 on six Street and 7th Street on the West Side 107 between 6th Street and seven there's a bust up there there there are we going to have any type of um shelters in there are you looking at my notes the reason why I say that is because we are looking at trying to look at some type of a shelter system okay we're trying to revamp it's just we've been doing so much obviously as you could tell in that book and what we gave um that we you know we got to put things in priority our bus shelters uh some going to be owned by the city some are owned by companies but it's month to month from what I understand I got to double check the contract and deal with it but we got to make sure of moving forward uh I want to try to look at some kind of bus stop type shelter yeah that gets some ventilation in a better way uh it's not getting it's May and we're going through the hottest May ever okay now we're in in June right and it's not going to be any different by the time August and September get here who knows right so what I'm trying to tell you is that we're looking at that and we're going to try to determine what we're going to do and but we've been doing so much that we just the bandwidth wasn't there to to bring that in all but that's on our list so you understand thank you for now can we put some type of garbage can next to it CU there's a lot of garbage and I'm I'm a garbage person when I see a garbage I like to pick up we're taking notes and we'll be honest and I already went there and I picked up a little bit in there so um I just want to see if we can put some type of garbage can in this because this is the entrance of the city you know and and it's bad you know if you don't have no way to put this is right there on 107 and six stream between seven and and six we'll jump on it if you don't mind absolutely I know there's people already moving their head we're good thank you mayor but I I want to make sure you guys understand we're looking at a complete change on this by the way all the street signs uh are being ordered already am I correct we had a little setback and trying to get the making sure that the the right names and numbers and everything were so we're there we're just crossing off the boxes and we should have this the street s side here within three three months at the most so then we could start installing them all over the city because I know that that was asked earlier right anyone else to the chair go ahead Mr Mayor two things is ronelli Park going to be ready for Fourth of July I don't think so I don't think because i' rather them we had some issue in the polls the lighting have to be manufactured because Zone lighting is very special lighting that's why it's so expensive because it's actually and you know this I have to tell you this is basically from the sidewalk into the park floods the whole area and does the lighting properly so it's taking a little longer to proceed and we had to make the netting higher so they had to readjust the proper lighting specified and everything else so that took a little longer than planned but the one thing I don't want to do I do not want to jeopardize quality and the performance outcome for expedient n on this if we don't need to do it look I wanted it by this same time it was supposed to happen and I told you all that but unfortunately at least it's happening and we got to put the right drainage system in which I think starts this week okay this week starts the proper drainage the goes in that Park and so on so um I'm not going to sit here and tell you it's going to be done by the 4th of July uh I'd rather have it done proper and done as best as possible than try to expedite it so your next question is what's going to happen with the 4th of July and what's going to happen with the Fourth of July is I'm looking at probably doing what we did for Easter and trying to work in that same particular spot and try to do it there and and if not we'll try to make some kind of an arrangement that one area could be done first that I could use and then we leave this other part I don't know we're in the midst of making it happen either way we will with God's help have a Fourth of July celebration yeah um and then the last thing is and I know I keep harping on this I know it's a silly matter but the water found at ronelli Park where the Tot Lot is and I know that we've ordered parts and waiting for parts but it's been a number of months and the water fountain doesn't work where the Tot Lot is so if you guys could uh get with whomever we'll we'll take care of it we won't get into it but we'll we'll we'll take care of it because it's supposed to have a brand new one put in place and I have to double check but it's not just there it's in ronelli and it's in uh Carlo and it's uh so I'll get with you offline because I again listen I've said this an empty Park is a failed City and you know your Administration is obviously concurrent with what the will of this commission is we want to beautify our parks and we want these Parks filled um so obviously I'm being very patient I'm not going to sit there and harp on a water fountain but you know whenever uh whenever you can if you're going to sign somebody to expit that I really appreciate it done that I I'm surprised it wasn't sorry it's attached all right I did see a t as City attorney's report I didn't see that one you're right here right I I've never actually submitted a written report um so I'll you right here the the big issue is the um form six litigation and um I have searched the dockets both in Tallahassee for the state-based action and locally for the federal action and there is still no decision on that there was a hearing held in the federal action uh on April 22nd of this year um it was according to the Court's docket 2 hours and 39 minutes long and it was specifically on the motion for a temporary injunction the court stated that the uh that an order would be submitted shortly thereafter that has not happened yet um the telephone call that I took during the meeting was from uh Jamie Cole who is the lead attorney in the case we've been playing telephone tag most of the day and he uh told me essentially the same thing that he confirmed my uh my review of the court records and said that there is nothing on file just yet um they have sent the judge an email reminding her of the hearing and asking her to rule however that has not resulted in anything just yet the at this point the form is due on July 1 so I want to have a longer discussion with Jamie tomorrow in order to provide you with a written analysis as to what you ought to do with this point but at this point I would suggest that unless there's an injunction entered you should be prepared to file the form six but I will go ahead and um and update that later this week for you police report I see it attached build report was attached as well so was compliance report public works department report was attached Finance report community and LD service report it is attached as well and we do have also Parks and Recreation report over to say it again police report attached building and Zoning report is attached Cod compliance report is attached public works department report attached as well Finance report attached community and elderly service report is attached K Parks and Recreation report is attached we're moving over to 14 we got an unfinished business new business go to the order motion for go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead yeah one more thing I forgot to mention um although you should be prepared to file form six I would not jump the gun and file it until absolutely necessary there are two deadlines to bear in mind it is due on July 1st it is not passed due until September 1st or 1st for this just so just so you are aware um I don't think I've ever filed mine my form one timely I think it's I've always filed it in August usually at the insistence of the city clerk because I tend to forget and I had to follow one once electronically through Val when I was on vacation in uh in Seattle so so at this point my recommendation is not to jump the gun and file something before July 1 August 30 and maybe play the the margins if necessary okay okay thank you through the chair go ahead okay take these reports very seriously I received a fine from the state Commission on ethics because I did check a box I didn't check a box and tahasia had a hearing and I was found guilty of an ethical violation because I didn't check a box ask me if I care I really don't I think it's silly this form is an intrusion on our personal finances but whatever that's the rule I would strongly suggest you sit with our coun coun have our counsel give us counsel um I don't know what his experience is on these reports but I would most certainly before you fill this do not fill this out yourself because I think I'm pretty astute when it comes to government documentation and I had to pay a $500 fine because I didn't check a stupid box so I'm just I'm just giving you guys some really good advice all right that are you check the dam box good good right MO for adjournment all in favor thank you 1 adjourned [Music]