[Music] Mario Mario you want to come over [Music] here [Music] thank you Mario e okay you can green means it's on for good evening everyone regular commission meeting Monday April 1st 2024 at 6 PM commission Chambers 500 Southwest 109 Avenue roll call Madam clerk CL know the absence of commissioner um re great thank you let's stand for the Pledge of Allegiance we remain standing for vocation to flag of the United States of America for stands one na God indivisible withy and jusice for all Lord Jesus we come to you today humbly and we thank you for this beautiful city and our beautiful residents please continue to bless this community give us up here the wisdom and Revelation to make the right and appropriate decisions for you today and for your your citizens your residents here in the city continue to bless protect our First Responders everywhere that they may be and continue to bless our nation our state and also Israel in Jesus name I pray amen amen so all right so we're going to be taking a recess uh real quickly briefly someone mayor how much do you need do we need first of all before we take the little recess I just wanted to show you uh the new added uh microphones I think now we that issue that you know just in case somebody says some conversation or an issue it's real simple the button is there it's green that means it's working and you're live if it's not not yes not I just wanted to give a little time we go downstairs we ready to go yes all right when don't we take that uh how much time 10 minutes about 15 15 minutes 15 minute recess real quick surprise for us yeah we have a little surprise for you guys so you can see it says something that we're dealing with just to show you surpr we're going the mayor's taking us on a field trip let's go he's but everybody's going too we'll be back up in a couple you're not coming what's the filter for who knows come on e e e e e e e e e e e e e long come back tomor come back that's awesome I'll find on more all right are we all back all right so number four special presentation we just had a very very special presentation thanks to the mayor the chief of police Ali that uh donated a rap for one of our police cars for autism Mary you want to input something on our special presentation we just had downstairs because that's part of our special presentations yeah it uh it is important I know that Chief has been doing events for a long time and making sure that uh artism is something that uh is extremely it's not just the awareness it's actual treatment too and that's something 20 years 20 some odd years ago 22 years ago I think so I started was my first year in the county uh we started to help out in the county actually donating and supporting Autism Speaks and some other organizations like the the Marino foundation and so on and and try to make sure things happen and it's important that we look in it's not just awareness it's also about treatment and if you know anybody that has a child or anybody that's dealing with this is it's a very difficult life and every every way that you could help out and find ways to help people that are that are going through this and and it seems like it's more and more more in our community and it's thanks to the awareness early treatment and stuff like that so having a car in the city first we I know before my time they did one for the military which I'm very gratitude there's a truck I think uh Gomez is the one that has it you know sergeant and you know it's important uh he's prior military as I am and I think so many we got about four or five more but it's very very important that we show maybe not too much but show enough of what we really care about and I'm very glad that the chief brought this idea to me and and I approved it immediately because I thought it was very important to show our best foot forward especially with one of those new Chargers that look really nice so you guys liked it very much all right so thank the chief and the team and everything else all right moving along to uh presentation of Employee of the Month award have any this month move no thank you all right so six presentation of off officer the month award good evening officer of the month February 2024 on February 22nd units responded to a distress call involving a robbery and possible abduction at the McDonald's at 105 place in West Flagler Street officer Risco displayed Keen observation skills noticing a white U-Haul truck which was leaving the area and was occupied by individuals matching the given description he swiftly communicated with dispatch to conver confirm the involvement of a U-Haul truck in this incident officer agiri was able to confirm this as he had arrived in a timely fashion and immediately made contact with the victim to acquire information regarding the subjects and the vehicle officers Risco and arus acting swiftly upon this information located the U-Haul truck going eastbound on West flaggler Street approaching 97th Avenue officer Risco and officer Arius took decisive action and conducted a traffic stop on the vehicle safely detaining the occupants without incident these officers then coordinated their Collective efforts towards ensuring that a thorough investigation was conducted and the subjects charged accordingly they collaborated seamlessly with Miami day Police Department as the incident had originated in Miami day jurisdiction officers Brian arus Dariel Risco and Nicholas Airi displayed great teamwork and commitment to keeping the city of SW water safe by ensuring the apprehension of these individuals who had committed an abduction and robbery in recognition of their outstanding performance and exemplary teamwork in resolving this complex multi-jurisdictional incident they are being recognized as officers of the month for February 2024 [Applause] congratulations a new car and a new car even got a new car bro yeah yeah he's intense day I said bring can't say that about too many departments congratulations don't let that moment pass man don't let that moment pass let me get the rear you don't mind get the front block [Music] anyone Jud hold on got look that part hurry up take the picture tell me about it bring hold on anybody's no no no up come on you think that little beautiful girl and your family's not going to be out here let that moment pass my friend we cannot let that moment pass you what back a little bit [Music] for try to see the gray there it's right there are these guys back there [Music] Gomez and Gerson and P come on with the said mners all right so moving along to seven reports of officers boards and committees none thank you any additions and deletions to the agenda none thank you oh actually there is a substitution there substitution there's a substition yeah we all have it here it's on 11 no okay yes but that can be handled at the time that the item comes up okay thank you no no it's at the end to it first one that said it okay um we changed the formats of the reports uh based on the new reading is going to be uh want to read it down it's uh mayor's report commissioner's report city clerk's report City attorneys report police report building and Zoning report quote compliance report Public Works departments report Finance report community and elderly services report and Parks and Recreation report so that'll be the new setup moving forward I think it's it's actually going to work a little FL little bit faster and better that way so go ahead Mr President I'm sorry I interrupt you but I just wanted to make sure people ready moving on to number nine petitions communication REM monstres um believe we have three I want to speak U I'm going to go with Marcos Viano first commissioner sir say your name and your for the record and uh you have three minutes blood TI thank you commissioners my name is maros V I reside at 500 South 109 Avenue today I don't speak to you as a commissioner or elected official today I speak to you as a proud resident of the city of Sweetwater and a proud citizen of the greatest nation in the world the United States of America yesterday we celebrated Easter Sunday March 31st is one of our most sacred holidays a religious holiday um everywhere in the world not just the United States Jesus has risen and I am a very proud Christian man and I'm a little disheartened at our president President Biden I know that politics is the art of communication and the Art of compromise but it's it's never been the art of disrespect I respect all genders all nationalities all Races Creeds colors sexual orientations I don't care if you identify as a unicorn I don't care you're a human being and I was taught to have the Golden Rule treat everybody as you want to be treated but the president United States declared transgender day of visibility on the day of Easter and that is a huge uge sign of disrespect so I'm going to be presenting uh legislation to the commission as an urging not only to every single municipality in Miami date County but also to the president United States to go ahead you want to honor transgender day of visibility or whatever that is that's fine just not on Easter I think it's very disrespectful and I ask that when I present this legislation at the next Commission meeting I ask that it be uh approved unanimously and I also want to take this time to ask Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior to pray for our president to pray that our president that Jesus gives our president wisdom gives our leaders wisdom regardless of whatever your political ideology is I think we need to unite as a nation and I personally believe that we are in a religious War so without getting too much into rhetoric I personally pray in jesus' name Jesus has risen thank you and amen thank you commissioner vwell very strong wisdom all right next we have uh great Clerk of Courts from the county Juan Fernandez by King state your name and your address and uh have three minutes thank you Mr commission president Mr Mayor Commissioners it's great to see you Juan Fernandez baren 7265 Southwest 138 Avenue Miami Florida 33183 uh 18 yeah 33183 um just wanted to come by introduce myself there's uh some confusion sometimes in regards to what our Duties are um first I also want to make sure that everyone in the audience knows and understands that if they get a traffic ticket or a parking ticket it's not from my office I just administer payment and collect the payments um but um the duties that my office has are vast um for in uh specifically the uh collection of parking tickets traffic tickets custodian records for civil cases criminal cases uh we also do jury duty um on the County side we're in charge of the administration of the value adjustment board uh we also are the clerk of the board of County Commissioners um and uh and and so just to you know give you a whole idea as far as those duties go but separate and aside from that we have a fantastic program this program is completely free and there are entities that charge for this there's what's uh property fraud property fraud is going on for those of you who are not familiar with property fraud it's where a the legal term is a wild deed but it's where a deed is filed and it transfers a property from the rightful owner over to an entity or to a fraudster individually the fraudster will then take out all the equity out of the property and then uh leaves the rightful owner with a lean on the property and with this property no longer in their name now how do we avoid this very simple we started a registration system this is completely free and there's companies that charge for this um and I have a couple of uh Flyers here that that I will leave uh for the residents and and and and you all and whoever wants to register for this all we need is a name phone number email address folio number which we show how to get it and the address for the property and if any document is filed that affects the rightful owner okay if any document that is filed that affects the ownership of the property we will send the text message and an email to the individual and the email has a link to the document so that they can check it out and verify it uh this specifically affects elderly individuals and individuals who have their properties paid in full that is the general Trend that we see here of of what's in common with a lot of the frauds that are taking place uh of this property fraud is that they are specifically targeting uh elderly individuals and also properties that are paid in full so this is a completely free service and and uh would really would love to do a presentation perhaps a a a town hall meeting uh to walk walk your residents through on how to register for it go ahead Mr Mayor uh we had an incredible event uh for Easter on Saturday and I saw our clerk there that came and graciously also enjoyed the event with us and when he told me about this new procedure he's putting together due to the times that we're living right now where everything is being taken away from people due to fraud I could not just help to tell them please show up and that we're going to work together uh this city and his office and with him personally to make sure that we could get this out to our residents and make sure everybody's protected this is very serious and I I want to thank you publicly for doing the work that you're doing and and really analyzing something like the importance of what this means to the especially the elderly that get hit so much with fraud every day so I think this is very important and I just want to say in behalf of this commission and myself uh we'll do anything to help you get the word out in the city of Sweetwater and make sure that hopefully our citizens are not part of any of these even though we have very good men back there and ladies dressed in blue that really do an incredible job and follow up this is H such high sophisticated crime that it happens and by the time they try to figure it out all the funds are depleted and it's and it's a very sad situation this is people's livelihoods everything they save for many many years gone in a drop of an eye and some of it is is even refundable from what I understand and might be a big issue so could you elaborate on that little part if you can well it It ultimately comes down I I think it just goes by the financial institution um depends on the financial institution but generally speaking um the the uh the state attorney Katherine Fernandez rondle has been very successful in Prosecuting a lot of these matters um but I think as long I I would I really do tend I really do hope that the financial institutions would understand that the fraud took place and they would write it off but this this specifically and severely affects elderly individuals I can't stress that enough and this is a program that the beautiful part of this registration system is that you do not have to be the property owner to register for it okay you can register for somebody else so if you look after an an elderly neighbor if you have an uncle or an aunt that you want to register for Grands yeah your your parents I I mean you could really it is not limited to the property owner you can register up to 50 properties so this is something that um I I I know that kathern Fernandez Rond has established a a special task force on this could you uh if you don't mind just summarize a little bit for viewing honors in Spanish if you don't mind Mr President I don't know go ahead absolutely just a a brief so you could tell them what the program is in the partnership yes Mr Mayor see l clerot property fraud alert system go ahead Mr thank you sir I uh I want to thank you for your service to our state I want to thank you for the service that you've given us in the state legislature you an amazing state representative you led us through co uh it it is because of people like you that I personally believe we live in the greatest state in the United States I look forward to your leadership in this office if you were half of the legislator uh that you were um as a clerk you're going to be very successful whatever you need from me or our colleagues or our leader uh as you know as the mayor I'm sure uh we're going to have a great relationship and I look forward to working with you again thank you Mr commissioner likewise thank you all right am we good yeah yes yeah Madam clerk thank you thank you so much thank you thank you again Mr Mr Mayor Mr commission president Mr Commissioners thank you madam commissioner all right next um I have Mario NEP say your name and address for the record three minutes good evening commission Mr Mayor um and the residents of Sweetwater my name is Mario Nat my address is 13974 Southwest 160 teris uh ZIP code is 33177 I'm not within the city of Sweetwater but I think is an important uh subject I'm a retiree of the miamu DAT Police Department I served 27 years and I held every Civil Service rank in the Miami dat Police Department which means I was an officer I was in the SWAT team I was an instructor in the SWAT team I was a sergeant I was a lieutenant I was a captain in five different areas in the Miami dat police department and I retired as a major uh what's unique about that position is or my position as mayor is or major is that in most major um assignments you are basically looking at a geographical area in mine I was offering service to every corner of Miami dat County from the Broward County Line down to Monroe because I supervised the SWAT team the bomb squad the aviation unit the Marine Patrol K9 Motors divers Incident Management team which is why I was the Surfside operations Commander for the building collapse and we provided a special event service to every Super Bowl every Marlin event every dolphin event and everything else and the reason why here is because I'm not sure if the county realizes and most of the residents don't realize that we're going back to a sheriff's office in Miami day the whole purpose of it was to make the police body totally independent of any political influence if you look at the way it's structured today the mayor actually supervises the sheriff which kind of lends itself to a lot of uh political influence or or at least the uh perception of and so this is going to be probably the most important election in in Miami D County in the last 60 years it's going to set the forward trajectory and the foundation for public s for Public Safety here in Miami Dade probably for the next 30 or 40 years so one of the things that I think is most important that people don't realize is if you look at Chicago if you look at uh New York if you look at San Francisco if you look at California all these states are being run down by anti- police uh the defund the police movement which the majority of it 90% of it at least is irresponsible and just wrong and we're in a position where there's no more consequences to crimes there's an 18% increase in officer resignations and early retirements and law enforcement and ladies and gentlemen this is 100% unsustainable in any in any Community if we want to maintain stability and if we want to maintain any level of predictability so what I ask is I want people to be skeptical I want you to do your research I want you to be skeptical of me I'm not a politician I'm a career police officer but I'm running for political office so be skeptical fact check everything I say fact check every other candidate because what I can guarantee you is um you cannot manufacture 27 years of command operational and uh and Leadership experience administrative experience in the largest agency in the southeast United States you cannot manufacture that three months before the election but others are trying to I'll be in the back if you guys have any questions and thank you all for your time than you yes yes yes yes thank you moving on to staff items an ordinance of sorry staff item a an ordinance of the city of Sweetwater Florida amending the city code of ordinance statute 2- 234 to provide for the Acquisitions or purchase of Commodities goods and services through the adoptions or contracts extended through the other go through other government governmental organizations or governmental Co cooperatives purchasing groups providing for conditions providing for stability providing for codification providing for effective date second reading and public hearing opening to public hearing's coming close public hearings Mr Mayor this is a real simple item as you heard the first time uh that we spoke about it this is simply clearing up that the uh attorney and we we discussed it to try to find a way to save time by picking back on certain contracts but in order to do so we found some language that was needed to be adjusted and unless this different from what I say Mr attorney uh that's what you have before you it's simply clarifying so when we pick it back on any other contract uh we could do so without any issues and this is uh very simple what you need to do there needs to be a motion a second and a vote to substitute the items and then you need to have a motion to Second and vote on the substituted item is like an amendment okay okay so you have a motion to substitute the substitution has been moved by second Commission it was moved by commissioner second by thank you roll calliss yes yes yes yes yes yes all right so do I have a motion for the item as substitute call it yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you madam clerk moving on to B an ordinance of the city of Sweetwater Florida amending ordinance number 3589 cified at statute 50-1 of the city code of ordinances governing employment on of off Dy Law Enforcement Officers providing for definition providing for a right of first first refusal providing for Authority providing for exceptions providing for cability providing for codification providing for an effective date second reading and public hearing mayor Diaz opening to public hearing closing public hearing mayor Diaz thank you Mr President and this simply is a a second reading first reading were very clear this is a legislation that actually makes sure that uh police officers as a city of Sweetwater have first rights of refusal on off-duty jobs it does uh take away the ability of other departments coming in and trying to take the the off duty from our own local officers so with this that'll remedy that problem and first rights refusal will be given to our department doesn't mean that there not be other officers around the department depending on the load but it will go already with the acceptance of our department move second thank you all it's been moved second than roll call M cler commissioner Martin yes commissioner Vio absolutely yes commissioner Yan yes commissioner Diaz yes commissioner V yes president Ray yes passes thank you madam clerk moving to item C an ordinance of the city of Sweetwater Florida amending an ordinance 5055 by providing date certain for adopting Florida retirement system for General employees providing for exceptions providing for Authority providing for cability providing for codifications providing for an effective date second reading and public hearing mayor Diaz open to public hearing closing public hearing mayor thank you Mr President once again this is the second reading on the F FRS system that is for the retirement system and we've already gone through this in nasium but basically this is a second reading to approve it within our city second third fourth roll callion yes commissioner V yes commissioner yel yes commissioner Diaz yes commissioner Vio no you made the second motion yeah no I'm going to call his name now okay so yes I apologize sorry Martin yes president Ray yes thank you madam clerk moving to item D on ordance of the city of Sweetwater commission amending the chapter 36 Workforce Housing section 36-3 work force housing agreement section 36-7 density bonus requirements providing for cability providing for codification and providing for an effective date first reading mayor Diaz thank you Mr President and again this is something that's continual progress that we're working um Mr Vera that uh is is done an incredible job in making sure that we continue to work with the areas that we have in the developments that are coming in and making sure that those developments when they are produced uh gives us the workforce that is needed but also at the same time respecting uh the actual development that protects us as a city and keeping the rights that we have to make sure that those developments that get put in place are done properly and under the supervision that we need to make sure of those and I think if you want to add anything to uh to this Mr ver is that good okay is that good with you all good chair go ahead Mr B what is changing in this ordinance from what we currently have Mr bring it up George Vera um Planning and Zoning director um commissioner uh what is changing in this ordinance is basically we're adjusting the density on on the um Workforce housing um right now we had densities spread different densities throughout the code and what we're trying to do is establish a density for the workforce housing it's going to be set at 40% uh we weren't getting any takers at 100% so 40% will continue that way and also it's going to be compliant with the the next item which is the comprehensive master plan which we are in to so everything will match across the board and be in compliance and what were we at as far as density percentages prior to this prior today basically the the differences we were talking about a higher if you would get a higher density for Workforce housing what we did is adjusted because we're already providing a density a pretty high density especially in the in this area here which is the University district and what we're trying to do is trying to alleviate any increases in densities that will just take us over the limit as to where we're at right now the percentages varies from uh District to District but we're trying to keep it all at a flat rate well George let me tell you something you do an amazing job for our city and I'm glad that that you're with us thank you I think that you're one of the best and most qualified zoning officials in the county and I really mean that you're a gentleman I know the the challenges that you have gone through and I know that the challenges that the mayor has inherited um uh I know that the mayor and and staff and people like you are trying to uh sharpen uh the knife so to speak and find that happy medium between development and serving our residents so I want to thank you for what you do and I thank you every day Mr Mayor I I appreciate your leadership uh you know keep doing a great job K guys job you you Mr commissioner I appreciate that and this has been a constant constant uh review of the way things are metamorphosing the best word I could basically say so we're just trying to stay one step ahead so we have that balance that you mentioned but also with a very sharp knife if we need to uh deal with the issues when they come to present something that would not be positive to us so the other two items are going to be related uh to this item and I also want to thank uh uh Council mura that also has worked very well with Mr vaa and trying to make sure that legally we could sustain any challenge that is brought to us on several different levels so this is what you see here I think is going to be copied by a lot of other places actually a speed copy by several other uh municipalities so we we're not going to just sit around and let our city be torn up we're going to do the best we can to make sure that you know we're doing the very best we can not just for the present but for the future move say Qui yeah one second have I got a I I got a question on the work work Workforce housing ER who who make the decision the maximum monthly rent should be no higher than 35% is that us or we are copying for it's it's it's uh basically we took it from it's a state and HUD okay so it's a state established by Hud basically established by and and that 35% that's what you got it from from the state yes we can go no higher than that even if we want to I have to find out I cann't tell you right now because I listen I have a problem with our work housing here I mean we already did a a building and I'll be honest with you nobody can afford it so that's my concern without you if if I can for you yes sir this is fine to find that balance so people could afford in the same time we move forward with the right developments within our city everything you see here tonight and everything you've approved since the day I took office and working with this great man and the whole team uh and I appreciate your support because it uh it's not an easy balance to up keep constant moving as the line is moved on us we have to stay that much further ahead so this is not an easy task so I want you to understand that what you have just said has already been taken into accountability all right chair right uh commissioner Diaz I Echo your sentiments and I Echo um your concerns as far as the price of rent specifically in some of our work Workforce housing units now I will say this say again no no my that in specifically to that work one Workforce Housing Development you referring to that deal was cut uh with the county with the state with HUD and then we went through a global pandemic where the price of materials skyrocketed upwards of 60% so at that moment the development wouldn't pencil all the numbers the facts the figures wouldn't pencil they actually had to go back to the county back to the state back to the federal government to try and make the the numbers work now again I Echo your sentiment when you're looking at a two-bedroom for 2600 a month some of these people just can't afford it and a lot of the residents in the city of Sweetwater are below the poverty line the average household income in Miami day county is now I believe 60 $2,000 a year but in the city of Sweetwater the last numbers I saw was about 34,000 a year and our trade Park is 19,000 a year now those numbers may have shifted I can tell you that I've had extensive conversations with the mayor and extensive conversations with developers I'm friends with a lot of these developers and they have told me it actually makes me laugh that the mayor has been very difficult to negotiate with because he refuses to give the developers what they want that's me praising you by the way most politicians will go ahead and bend over backwards uh by the way I don't like this meeting I'm praising you way too much the next item I'm going to hit you on something I don't like your tie or whatever um so I just wanted to give you some background on that I Echo your sentiments but I definitely wanted to explain what happened with that specific development and I wholeheartedly hope that we can maybe increase that percentage and by the way I believe we can it just makes it that much more difficult because now we have to use Sweetwater funds to fund that and I don't know if that's we're necessarily in that financial position to do so I just want to give you that background that are you and and by the way to add to this in 2008 you all understood what happened with the banks and you saw the first decline of a market that went upside down and it took the World by surprise but a lot of people ended up losing their homes but nobody really talks back in 7170 when there was a similar situation that took with the interest rates and certain things that took place in the construction world back in the day which a lot of developments ended up becoming shells and Abandoned and what happens is that balance is what we tend to work obviously we're not going to that drastic state but that's exactly what happens when the market is caught off guard and things change and the supply change has changed and we don't know if it's going to change back because it's like once something's tax the biggest lie in the world is oh it's going to come down no it doesn't happen because everything gets used to that possible level so this is why this is a sign uh a very nice balance that we're trying our best listen I'm the first one that if I could find a way to lure the amount that people are paying I would try to do it but besides putting in money from the citizens themselves back into the thing I tried when I was in the county I tried to extend the line so there was more room to develop more and I'm sure there's several people sitting in this audience that will tell you that that could have been part of this the solution because then it wouldn't be all you know already used up and buildings knock down so they could build other buildings but there will be more room to develop and grow but that did not happen and has not happened yet so we're dealing with it as best as we can now and I don't want to keep going but I just want to make sure that you understand well that we're on top of things and you get make comments negative about Tha anytime you want okay that's good there you go go ahead I do have the Motions commissioner Yano yes commissioner Diaz yes commissioner V yes commissioner Martin yes commissioner V yes president R yes pass than you all right moving to e an ordinance of the city of Sweetwater city commission amending the city comprehensive plan future plan use element policy 1.2 medium density multif family residential mix to use residential/commercial and dolphin Community Urban centerland use categories providing for cability providing for an effective for codifications and providing for an effective date first reading mayor Diaz uh this is along the same do you have any questions did you read it if you have any questions I got Barrow right there to answer no yeah ver did do there any changes on this there's some adjustments to the again the density uh if anything I reduce the density so when you go into the workforce housing it it balances out to what it used to be not to have let's say 100 units per acre and now you put 20% on top of that is 120 units per acre so the density I play with the density so it will stay within the same density that we had before what what do we have before and what we have it depends it depends depends of the size of the district that you were what district were okay all right so I'll second it was moveed by commissioner I'll second this item roll call Madam clerk sure commissioner Diaz yes commissioner R yes commissioner Martin yes commissioner via yes commissioner Yan yes president Ray yes he passes thank you madam clerk moving on to F on ordinance of the city of Sweetwater city commission amending the Land Development code amending Article 2 zoning section 2.6.8 Article 4 development design and Improvement standards section 4.1.0 table 4.1 providing for cability providing for codifications providing for an effective date first reading May along the same lines you have anything this is just on the Land Development code adjusting the numbers to coincide with everything coincide with each other second we call Mam clerk commissioner V yes commissioner Martin yes commissioner via yes commissioner Yan yes commissioner Diaz yes president Ray yes passes thank you m g a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Sweet Water approving agreement for Engineering Services with AMI engineering LLC providing for Authority providing for an effective date mayor D is move second I want to talk I know you guys been waiting a long time for this all right give me one second cuz go ahead I mean do you anybody no okay mayor wants to wait wait still move go ahead yeah um this is Fifth Street correct when when do you have any update on this uh yeah uh we should be in two weeks hopefully breaking ground yes and the ntp is being issued this week tomorrow go ahead said your name for the record Sir Robert aala 500 Southwest 109 Avenue all right so yes we're issuing the notice to proceed uh this week and we will hopefully be mobilizing with the next two weeks to to the chair mayor are we I mean every time we do a this is going to be a big project is it going to be phase one phase two phase three yes sir it'll be it'll be four distinct phases four phases and again the parking how how are we going to do I've asked uh actually I've asked uh Robert to meet with the pastor of the church okay that has some ample area and he has been more than great is to work Robert you want to explain very yes pastor valdia does deserve a a special recognition he is going to uh help us out with this matter and he's been very receptive so this is going to be um for the residents and the workers there too they going to be in that area the the workers yes everything except for uh for heavy equipment okay and I had another question that I had well go ahead you guys commissioner via roll call Madam Clerk and who second the motion I did you did okay commission Martin yes commission yes commissioner Yano yes commissioner Diaz finally yes commissioner yes president Ray yes he passes thank you madam clerk moving on to h a resolution of city of Sweetwater city commission authorizing the mayor to select the most qualified and highly responsive firm as ranked by a selection committee to provide payroll services and accepting an agreement with said firm and providing for an effective date mayor Diaz thank you Mr President and I have uh Scott mbberg here I have Mario that yes here and I have Robert here uh all three was involved in the selection process and I think some other people too um we're involved the issue is we looked we graded we did everything the way the book says it needs to be done and Robert could you give the Commissioners the scores uh yes scores were there were two submitting firms we came uh before this board uh last month for a waiver of uh of the three bid minimum accordingly we went forward with uh both of the firms uh both were certainly um capable of 10 down loads only two submitted so that kind of uh speaks to the caliber of set firms a highest rated was paycom HR and payroll software with 353 points second was paloc City Corp with 284 points that was based on a point system on on several different relevant factors uh by a selection committee comprised of Professionals in the area of HR Finance it mayor's office so it was a very thorough process and ask for your approval so we go forward and the most important part is experience as we I think some of you were asking that uh last time and um the the experience is there it state for itself and that's why I asked to to move forward with paycom HR and payr softwares through the chair second one second so we have the Motions but have commissioner VI would like to speak thank you Mr President Robert what are we looking at as far as cost is concerned in terms of the Contracting phase I took care of the procurement phase to make sure all the uh all the Motions went through correctly I will defer to finance for that in that regard that's where they pick it up the money man I'll tell you hey Scott hey Scott mendelberg Finance Director City of Sweetwater uh they came in with the first offer of $40 a month per per per employee uh with 183 employees that would have had us at 87,8 4 we said maybe we can work on that a little bit sharpen your pencils they came back with uh a $21 with a $247 per pay period processing fee which would have brought us to $2,713 I said g we don't like that per pay period processing fee or even the per month processing fee maybe we could get rid of that and so we are bound to $21 36 per month per employee which is $46,988 600 to set the system up to roll our 41 to put in our benefits um but we're already halfway through the year so we'll probably get this thing in in the next 3 to four months um and we'll have to budget probably you know two to three months worth of uh expense for this fiscal year that's excellent Scott and and thank you to you and the mayor um I know you don't do anything without the mayor's approval thank you for that I know that uh payroll companies can be expensive I I deal with that in the private sector uh what are we looking at as far as length of contract term of contract right um the good thing about this is there's a 30-day cancellation we can get out at any time we want with 30 days notice they don't hold anybody hostage but I think we're going to love this contract and uh they have a 90 plus per retention rate so they're not worried about us leaving they just want us to use the system and make sure that we do it right is there a penalty no for terminating contract so in other words you hit a grand slam well I mean we had we had some good selection committee members we also had Yolanda our HR consultant we had AR Alonso our payroll specialist in uh the finance departments and she's going to be continuing to work on payroll um and doing the implementation so I think we have a good deal I think our employees are going to love this and seven or eight months from now people are going to wonder why haven't we had this forever and to add to something you were saying uh not only did uh we negotiated it well we negotiated with a good Power Team and one thing that I want you to understand there's modules in all these we picked every single module that would fit properly within our city we did not scrimmage and saying we're not going to do this because we can't afford this no we picked as many modules as we thought would be appropriate to work we took everything other than expense management we don't have the travel you know for that's where I was going to get to I think we pretty much took it all um but the the key point was that they really wanted to work with the city of Sweetwater because to cut this totally in half and not take some of the fees and work with Scott you know we we were very precisive in offering them what we could based on what they could offer us but they really they're gentlemen and they were gentlemen and a lady that really wanted to make sure they work with us but when you guys see later on everything that's included in this from an employee being able to see where he sat uh on his own phone with his pay with his hours to having a system that's no more that little car that you be punched in and out by whoever now it shows that it is the employee that's punching in to our officers that are now going to be on a grid area that once they come into the area they automatically call it in and they're recorded everything that is up to dat in any City uh that is out there that has a system of this kind we will have it in the city as we water great it's a human resources system mostly also and mean our payroll is not that complicated it is really not that complicated but our human resources needs are we need to make sure that people's anniversary dates are observed we have the right information that we're giving them Merit raises and Merit reviews at the same time and doing all the things that we need to do correctly and our current system we just can't really use it for that it doesn't it's not really Human Resources system it's fine for finance and paying the bills uh but it's not what we need also I I forgot to mention one important person that really represented the needs of the police officer the chief assigned uh deputy chief Gil and he did an incredible job uh in this process so we covered every single Department's needs uh and make sure that what we're presenting it's going to be top quality and making sure it's we're going to speed up things it's going to be reports done fast but I want to thank Yolanda too uh which we should be getting the report from Yolanda in a couple of weeks so I I'll have the report ready for the distribution so you guys could read it and it'll probably be and I got to go through legal first to make sure what we could put out and what we have to redact and and so on in this report and we got to figure that out so you know I might be calling you one by one into my office uh so we could go over this and and make sure that the report is very clear as to what's happened in the past and then what the recommendations I'll be giving through the help of my chief of staff that worked on this diligent to Yolanda and young lady that represents us now there um we are really bringing forth a lot of changes for the betterment of the employees but all these changes will benefit the citizens of Sweet Water because the government is going to be more more more transparent and at the same time more efficient and I want to thank Scott because I thought I could negotiate but uh he doesn't leave anything on the table either so I just want to make sure that you understand that with that thank you so much chair hey um Scott um how early do you have to deposit payroll with these folks how long do they hold our money they're not really holding our money like for a Friday payroll do you have to deposit on Monday no uh we'll probably still rerunning payroll on Tuesday or Wednesday so they only hold our money a couple days yeah I mean there it's all electronic it's not you know they're they're I will find out exactly what is happening um but I don't think we're going to you know there I don't think they make money off the float I'll find out okay is this cloud-based yes okay and then lastly can this talk into Spanish for Spanish speaking emplo yes there are M there's multiple languages of the two proposals um the other one had English Spanish and Polish um this one has English Spanish and creole it has everything it has all the languages that we would speak in Sweetwater um I think 40 something languages okay and and where is this hosted uh Oklahoma and Texas they have two different uh data centers AWS no no they have their own data centers M everything done on the cloud but these are their data centers they do not Outsource their web hosting okay all right thank you we're covered on that make sure that M do you have the uh yes I do motions yes commission commissioner via yes yes commissioner Yano yes commissioner Diaz yes commissioner V yes commissioner Martin yes president Ray yes you pass it thank you m clerk moving on to I a resolution of the city commissioner of the city of Sweetwater approving open market purchase of certain it equipment and services from Blanco Technology Group Inc providing for authority and providing for an effective date mayor Diaz this is to continue to improve our our internet uh I'm sorry our it uh processing and Equipment these are equipment that needs to be done I want to thank um U maras for the great work Our IT director he actually really shopped this tremendously uh seven or eight different uh groups and you finally got one that actually came in through this price but others would not have uh been able to find this so I'm very proud of the work that was done and it's the equipment that we need we're going to need more because as as we deal with this and we put these programs in shape we got to make sure that the redundancy is there so we don't have an issue that other cities have had along with the protection and making sure our information is safe so this is just part of the whole continuous thing that we're doing go ahead um do we do we have a a budget for this I mean where we get yes this is all in the budget everything is there yes sir move Mar quick question is this a an is this price is this an annual thing or is it just a one time thing Mario is director of Technology it's a one time okay it does it does have a sub a subscription on the the services of of firewall services so there is a a a fractional cost on the reading some of these said like one year one year so just making sure yeah yeah just one item has a a continuous and that's if if we want to or not okay all right so we have a motion moved in second call TR commissioner Yan yes commissioner Diaz yes commissioner V yes commissioner Martin yes commissioner via yes president Ray yes passes thank you madam clerk Mr President before you continue I just want to take a second because I mentioned the mics early on but I want to thank Kito Gana that's back there hiding behind that wall over there um for the great work in making sure that we have the these mics because I think they really work good yeah and by the way now we don't even need to bring a mic when we're here doing a presentation if you look up here in the middle you could see one of the uh tiles tiles up there with the four green lights that means that that is actual mic that will pick up the center here so when we do presentations so I just want to say thank you to julito that's back there and uh that's it Contin all righty so we're moving over to j a resolution of City Commission of city of Sweetwater ratifying Collective bargain agreement with local Union 1010 of the international Union of painters and all Allied trades AFL-CIO making certain findings of facts providing for Authority providing for an effective date mayor Diaz uh I think it self self-explanatory and the vote was uh very narrow 5221 in favor I think once the people were explained properly what we were doing how we were doing it and for the reason that we were doing and made it quite obviously obviously you can please everybody there was one that didn't think so but uh 50 dud did so I was very happy with that and I think it's uh new day for the employees of Sweetwater moving forward with these benefits and I appreciate working with them and we gave them a little more because they maybe haven't gotten as much as others so we we make sure that they were happy and they were and they proved it by this vote move have a motion second third and fourth and roll call commissioner Diz yes commissioner V yes commissioner Martin yes commissioner via these meetings are boring no big arguing yes commissioner yanel yes president rain yes he passes all right moving to K request of the City attorney pursuing to statute 286118 Florida statutes to convene a meeting of the city of Sweetwater commission City Commission enclos Executive session in order to discuss settlement negotiations and strategy related to litigation expenditures in the matter of styled city of Sweetwater versus ruido CA cafeteria Inc brought in the 11th judicial circuit in for Miami day County Florida and bearing case number 20 02- 000000 2756 D ca-01 City attorney thank you Commissioners thank you Mr President the um without going into the particulars as to where we stand with the case at the moment on the settlement U or in the particulars of settlement um you're all aware that this was involving a lawsuit with Mr ruo uh the matter is set for trial in two well set for trial for calendar call in 2 weeks and set for trial next month uh a tentative settlement has been reached and I would like the opportunity to discuss a ten settlement in in a closed session in order to determine whether the city will accept the settlement move okay so do we have we need to pick a date we have to pick a date date and time yeah we need to pick a date and time I will that I would rather it be this week but this is very tight for me I have aard board meeting on Wednesday evening and I have doctor's appointments on Thursday during the day during the afternoon um so we could do it next week also I am free every day next week with the exception of with the exception of uh Monday morning and uh Wednesday morning could you do it on Monday guys Monday afternoon Monday afternoon Mond afternoon the 8th Monday afternoon at what time how about can't do M Tuesday what time Guys 1 p.m. about uh let's make it 1:30 two 1:30 how much time do you need I'm going to disre with the mayor I say one I'm the president the entire meeting 2 o00 probably be about 30 minutes max 30 minutes 2 o00 is that better for you o00 2:00 Mr President we're good no Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday the 9th Tuesday the 9th at 2 p.m. Tuesday Tuesday night at 2m. because you say so yes all right so the the date is April 9th 2024 at 2 p.m. 2 p.m. thank you Comm everyone agreed okay no there's no there thank you though thank you Commissioners yes sir moving to L A resolution of the city Commission of the city of Sweetwater approving contract for West law degree Research Services providing for authority and providing for an effective date City attorney thank you uh Mr President again uh since I've been City attorney we have had um access to the Westlaw system uh and like any other contract that needs to be renewed every couple of years and we're up for the renewal now the thing with wesla is that uh if you know any lawyers or any law students there are multiple different Research Services out there but wesla is it's a gold standard there's nothing better and I can get into the particulars as to why but I have a very strong preference for wesla I think most lawyers do so I would ask that the manner be approved through the chair go ahead Mr V uh Mr President um I'm noticing on this contract the service agreement it's talking about a monthly allocation um of $631 195 for 30 six month term but I'm looking at the contract language and it's also charging interest which is not concurrent with that price the the threee contract would end up being $696 73 now my recommendation just to avoid interest charges is if we go ahead instead of making a monthly allocation we go ahead and execute U an agreement for however long we want but pay it all to avoid the interest charges that would only be my recommendation because I don't want to pay interest on something that we're going to be using it's it's subscription fee but it's also charging interest so it's like financing is that is that correct Mr that's accurate yes so that that would be my recommendation just to change the language on that um if we want to go ahead and because we do this every single year um if you want to go ahead and lock this in and you want to go ahead and do you know whatever term it is I would just rather avoid paying the 5% interest charges every year I can negotiate the figure down obviously uh if I have authority then I can def definitely negotiate the figure down and try to work out some way to Flat to uh to pay a flat fee or what have you definitely do something like that I would like to add one other thing uh it comes with two licenses so historically I've had one license the second license is floated around usually by held by the chief of staff and it's uh it's floated around for some other other people who may want to use it as well okay although it does require a significant amount of training so I would I would be okay with you negotiating under the supervision of the administration um just to adhere to our Charter but I would most certainly I know listen I I I I've been here for seven years and it was not this expensive but obviously everything is going up they're obviously a subscription business and it's a very profitable business but this price I mean I think two years ago was $6,000 a year and now it's gone up significantly so I'd rather just avoid the interest charges I'm just trying to pinch pennies man that's what I recommend to my colleagues I'm fine with you going back and negotiating numbers not a problem with me you want to table this and then out just deal with the mayor um I'm happy to table it there's no pressing need to have it done you guys want me to handle this based on what your authorization is I would prefer yeah you uh Mr Mayor and just deal with quicker so we don't have to wait a month yeah I I I I think that's an easier way to do this yeah I'm okay with the number if you could get lower even better okay so if the you're going to delegate the authority to the mayor then there would need to be a motion to approve the contract with the authorities to the mayor to negotiate it down okay so moving the motion so the motion the item or a better payment yes sir okay okay I'm okay with that okay so you need a to proving the item and giving the mayor the power to negotiate negotiate the contract now yes I'll move that second roll call M clerk commissioner CEO yes commissioner Martin yes commissioner V only because I want to yes commissioner Yan yes hear commissioner Diaz president Ray only because Marcos wants to yes passes thank you Commissioners all right M nomination consideration appointment of members to the youth Advisory Board none nomination consideration and appointment of members to the business development advisory report none o nomination consideration appointment to of the members to the neighborhood Improvement Advisory Board why don't we just get rid of these boards man all right 12 we're going into reports police report no I'm just kidding we're going back mayor's reporter thank you Mr President I'll try to make this fast but we had a lot going on in the last uh after the last meeting uh first and foremost thank you for the ability to have this now I think it's more streamlined the way it is um in the reports uh as far as um on March 17th we had the honor and the historic visit of Miss Miss Universe 2023 uh shenise palasio um from nicara to our city uh I want to thank you guys because this meant so much to our nicar citizens to all of us to all our citizens that Miss Universe would also come and Grace her people here I want to thank you uh for participating in the events I know it was a little difficult I know that we had a lot of issues going on uh we won't get into all that but we will tell you that I I thank you wholeheartedly for your patience your support and the event that went off without an issue on the opposite they're still talking about that in their social media and so on and Thanking us uh for this whole event um also I want to I want to thank the secretary fot uh Stacy Miller uh from district 6 uh she really saved us out of one that we were able to had a street closing within one day and I want to thank also Robert for your help because you were addressed it well and made it uh a reality and she gave me her word she would make it happened and she came through and that was unheard of it usually takes four to five months 6 months when you deal with the road closing of this magnitude and especially with the fair going on at the same time so it it was very difficult but we got it done I also want to thank our public works department for employees everybody working diligently Out There Our Police Department um security was top doch we we were as professional as anywhere any place and and I want to thank them for that uh I also want to thank the um the employees this staff members the ones that volunteered their time to help out I want to thank them all because it was quite a few of them and they did an incredible job in doing so so the event was very successful there was a lot of happy people if you haven't seen the video look at the video uh it was represent our city was very well represented on Saturday March 30th our city went in partnership with uh element uh Sweetwater Elementary School to use their and be able to put an event which I thank you all for participating uh it was an incredibly good event I want to thank again the employees uh not only from the city that volunteered their time but also the police department and our Public's works department and all of us that really put in a lot of time uh to make this happen and it didn't take that long both events we were surprised with the m we did that in four days four days it is unheard of that that event or that magnitude was done in four days from closing Avenue to getting groups to getting stages to getting everything security going through high level security briefings doing everything and then dealing with the Miss Universe Pageant people and itself that was one and this one we had a little more time but when we realized that our Fields were under construction it turned into to be a very fast hurry up let's find another solution on getting done but the team worked diligently moved on the on on a pivot I want to thank Parks also for being a big part of that and and doing a great job um very proud we put out 10,000 eggs am I correct Vos and uh we had to get a little Stern and making sure people understood that they could not come in to the area where the kids were at I take the blame for that but you know what it went Flawless without any child getting hurt and and the majority of almost everyone there were still a couple of stragglers but they immediately were asked to step out of the the area where the the especially the the younger babies were in so it it it was incredible um one lady came up to me and she said she's been to a lot of these in the past and and she just thanked me because there was so many eggs that every kid walked out with several of them and yeah there was some that walked out with more they were putting them in their t-shirts and stuff like that so it was uh it was impressive but uh that was good I want to thank Sweetwater Elementary um and and uh the principal and also I want to thank U danino uh School Board member for District 5 uh he went to B for us too to make sure we got that field as far as the improvements guys are GNA get you a more clear report on ronani Park but we should break ground and do a groundbreaking ceremony on ronelli Park this this historic what we're going to do we're going to try to go for the end of next week hopefully we have a meeting tomorrow West West uh to see where we're at but I I think U Manny's not here is he no that uh I think the plan's already been approved for them and everything and we're working with Moscow lighting at the same time so we should have something hopefully by the end of next week I'll call you because I want to break ground as soon as possible so it might be like one or two days ahead of time so we could get that done I think that's super important um also all the um we're going to be dealing with uh resurfacing of uh the basketball courts and and the pickleball courts we have some issues going there uh but we'll be addressing those issues we're going to probably uh be having the help of uh Mr Ventura on a couple of things uh go ahead yeah just quickly um because the mayor's not aware of this I actually spoke with Eric today and I asked him to coordinate with your office for a meeting with the person behind Rhino uh where obviously you're free to attend but where my thought was that I would attend and I would just Corner him and essentially tell him you either do this or we're breaking the contract and we'll sue you if necessary I already have uh our uh public works department analyzing the work that needs to be done and being prepared to move I cannot continue to have those courts not being built and it's been some of you have talked to already in person and know that it's been an interesting several months uh dealing with c and I've dealt with a lot of people in my life but this one very special but that's okay we'll get this done and and we'll make sure that everything is going to be beautiful for the citizen and just waiting a little longer but we'll get it done but thank you for that because we'll get that done um as far as um now I think I went over everything that I had um free mogram events and are taking place now on Saturday April 13th and sponsored by the league against cancer the MOG Grand services for women 40 through 60 years old I think that was something requested uh commissioner Diaz and and we got it moving in and we're going to try to get it periodically in so more more women could test themselves uh we're looking at other situations coming into the city of Sweetwater that gets free benefits to our citizens I'm also making sure with parks that we're already starting I want to um bua is not here today but she had a report on dancing and um getting everything ready for the the different types of uh of classes we're going to be putting together dancing martial arts uh we're going to do some music classes hopefully and then we're going to have some other type of uh what thing that we didn't have enough time to get done this year but for next year something that commissioner y was asking for was a tax uh preparing taxes for the seniors and stuff I tried but we almost got it but uh I'm I'm sorry it uh we couldn't get it all done too many things coming through so but next year next year we'll have a very good session to help the especially the elderly with this so I just wanted to state to you that um we'll be looking at both community centers the H Mas NOA youth center and the what used to be called only the elderly Center is now going to be called the city Sweet Water Community Center as you all know that's been changed already done um we're going to try to get classes involved in both different places so that way both sides or all sides of Sweet Water could benefit uh according depending on the type of class that we're going to be doing so I wanted to tell you all this oh summer camp um do you want to come up here and make sure that uh what's the latest on that I think this is important to a lot of you that was you that was the president's uh request uh that we get this going for this year and we're we're there go ahead continue to uh who I if you can who is I Alex Duran the Parks and Recreation director for the city of Sweetwater thank you a 250 Southwest 114th Avenue Sweetwater Florida 33174 and we continue to go ahead and uh plan the uh summer Camp we're looking at all the different possibilities from field trips to activities during the actual summer camp at the youth center a field days really getting the kids involved and planning the best summer camp in Miami D County um for the residents of Sweetwater okay uh I know that um we put it out to the employees of the city and then are we ready already to put it out to the rest we are yes sir okay um so just make sure uh this is something we got a fixed price already it's done and if you having any other questions come and see me personally in my office okay all right I've said this several times an empty Park is a failed City and I think that we have failed as a city um for the last eight years I've taken great pride not only in our Parks because I grew up as a park kid here in Sweetwater I can tell you that we had the greatest summer camp in all of Miami day County and for whatever reason for the last eight years that's gone to crap now our kids in summer camp will sit in a room they'll get on their cell phones they'll be sitting to a kid right next to them and they're communicating on Instagram or whatever platform they don't talk anymore so I would request that we do outdoor activities I want to see kids sweating playing having fun I want to see when parents come to pick up their kids these kids faces are red and smiling because they don't want to go home absolutely I am heavy heavily involved in our Parks I'm I'm very thankful at the investment that we've been doing in our Parks so thank you for that thank you for the facelift I'm really looking forward to seeing our Parks can continuing to be filled I'm really looking forward to enjoying movie night in the park which by the way we haven't done in years and I don't think we've done that in about 15 years I did one or two I think no you did more yeah no when we before before right but that was it you're right nothing else so thank you for everything that you're doing I know it's a learning curve I know you you you weren't handed a Cadillac like some people say they were handed uh some people said that they handed our police parment a Cadillac and it was not a Cadillac uh so thank you for what you're doing thank you but I'm going to hold you um to a high standard because Poli everybody knows police is my baby but right after that is definitely Parks I see you a lot I see you grinding every day I see you out at 9:00 at night I've seen you picking up trash continue doing what you're doing but I'm going to hold you to a high standard thank you sir so abolutely with that I Yi thank you through the shair as you remember I did a resolution about the movie nights but it was ere do I remember do you remember of course I remember I'm dying to have movie night but unfortunately it never happened resolution exists it was approved by all of us but uh never happen the Legacy years right by the way no listen is to give back to our community what they deserve and that I also grew up in the Parks here so I understand exactly what he said you know this is important and I think having a a mayor that's also a marine you could understand how I feel about you know going out and making sure that they they sweat out a little bit so when they get to their parents they take a shower and they hit the sack and the parents could have a good time so we're good and I think that'll work parents will be very happy but I also want to thank and talking about the parks and stuff it is a team effort we're talking about cameras we're talking about security we're talking about the field we're talking about the the new board that's going to go up um ourt director is working diligently to make sure we we have the best service within our park we also working again and Deputy deputy chief Gil along with uh it is making sure that we have the right protection through camera so this Chief will be bringing out something that we're going to be continuously meeting on but uh security is very important to us in this Administration and the security of our children it's even that more important to us so the parks are going to going to be very secure they're going to be live uh cameras constantly on our Park systems because we got to protect the investment that we're making and and the investment is not just the field the boards everything it is also the the citizens and the kids that are there and enjoying it so this is something that we're taking at a different level and uh I will tell you that you're going to be very very impressed when you hear this other side which will be coming up in the next couple of months I don't want to get too much into it right now but I will tell you that you're going to be happy with what you see uh but it will be second to none okay through chair I was going to wait for the uh Parks but now that we're talking about the parks mayor I had a resident the other day ask me about the basketall court on relli Park the two courts the two courts I know you went over it can you rebutter on that again what how long we going to take we we have uh we have uh he's watching right now okay we had an issue with one of the contractors that uh has uh been a little slow making sure and then uh we had some negative things happen to our courts apparently somebody uh drove on them and uh created some problems on the on the courts uh we have since shut down the park as you can see uh some people don't get the message um that the police department is doing uh is watching the area because we don't want people in there because unfortunately until those are finish we cannot uh open up that Park and we're trying to do it as fast as we can trust us uh I want to see kids playing but I don't want to see anybody get hurt at the same time because it is a construction site so to the person that's viewing uh a little patience trust me when it's time to play on those courts they're going to be very happy to play on those courts uh everything from the new uh backboards to the the whole new uh what is it called systems [Music] the the basket I guess that's the best way is all new it's going to be to the higher ranges but it could go down to lower ranges it could depend we could have days for the kids to be able to play you know they could dunk it because it's not so high and then you got the the older kids that could be taken to the professional level see commissioner M dunk it can you bring it way down thank you mayor I know when he heard it could go down he's happy so am I so that's I hope people understand that part that's it for me I'm good chair Mr Mayor I have an unrelated question we had a violator here about three months ago that you had set the fines at $10,000 I think we had a 90day for payment has that been paid um Mr attorney this was uh thousand the Thousand day violator 1,200 in1 case it's long we gave him 90 days but I don't think we're at the 90day we're not at the 90day Mark I think I'm wondering it's I don't think we're there yet is that uh well he's not here either it was 20 it was two different violations that's correct yeah but I I was going to correct the 20,000 part but I just want to make sure I don't think we hit the 90day market but trust me he's not here but Manny Manny knows exactly and the money man just spoke up back there uh he knows that he's got to get paid his asset on the his I just want to make sure that we continue to send the message we're not going to be stepped on if you're going to violate here we're going to hold you accountable commissioner Marti those words of music to my ears because I am not going to play around when it comes to this if a person has a legit problem and something happened like the one that we settled across the the street here in the corner where the owner died uh during coic the the family went to distress the daughter picked picked up not knowing and they did everything but they fixed everything they came through and we wiped out the thing because we saw them actually perform and do what needed to be done but you're absolutely correct if they do not follow the warning and try to fix things as fast as possible they were going to they're going to be paying some Hefty fines we're not going to we're not going to do that for them there's uh it's not right I appreciate it thank you Mr Mayor all right moving over to commissioner's report uh yeah I got something as well um before I mean the mayor's already said it I think he's brought it up at the beginning he brought it up at the middle almost at the end and again I'm going to go back to these microphones speakers you know I brought it up to julito a few months ago and again now he hasn't thanked himself which is the mayor he was you know without his approval it would have not gone through and I want to thank you mayor for approving you know an idea that I brought up to who Le thank you again julito as well but thank you as well you know something that you know I always saw it you know it was kind of getting old we had to get closer to the mic you couldn't hear us or anyone could hear us actually out there had a microphone up here you know jul went above and beyond he actually did surprise me he told me told me he had a surprise so now I did believe it you know the microphone in the ceiling tile the microphones with the on and off the great quality of not just the microphones but the bow system you know this was a place you could couldn't hear people had to come up front to hear us talk but you know I wanted to thank that that's the only one you know wanted to thank you on that for real no and thank you and again went out and and the quality of the sound that they're hearing out there is not over an abundant it's nothing it's it's it's actually clear and stuff the quality of the equipment as you could read the name there on the microphone it's not an expensive equipment but yet he went above and beyond and and looked for pricing to get the right price on this so thank you for your words and thank you for your idea about no thank you thank you go ahead uh Mr all right so tomorrow morning bright and early 7:30 in the morning it's very early I know I we partner with the Miami diaper bank and we're going to be giving out some diapers for uh families with uh very small children uh tomorrow at maosa so if all of you and the commissioner invited I think I informed everybody so I'd love to see you guys all there help us out and if you want to bring anything like little toys to give to the kids if you if you want to bring that you could bring that along I have a a friend that gave me a bunch of children's books so then I'll be we'll be giving those out tomorrow too to whoever picks up a diapers and the diaper bank already informed people by sending them emails so they have a listing of the the families in the city so they sent an email there's not a lot of diapers there's only enough for about 150 families it's not the usual 300 to 500 that they have so so but we have about that number registered so we're good uh oh and uh the clerk uh Fernandez baring informed me that he was bringing More Diapers tomorrow to donate to to the to the event so I want to he's not here right now but maybe he's watching but so thank you um clerk baring for that donation and don't be like me I show up last tues good job any any other commission report no all right city clerk's report we got it city attorney's report hear you Excuse me yes there's uh one thing that I would like to discuss with the members of the commission individually uh at a later date I'll just give each of you a call the mayor aware of the already I've already discussed it with him it's not a major issue but I do want to discuss it with you um and then the other major issue at this point is that the city is now officially a plaintiff a named plaintiff in the form six litigation so we are in it awesome um and uh I've been monitoring the matter I have the complaint on my computer I can send it to all of you later um but um yeah we're in the game awesome thank you all right police report I just see it was attached building and Zoning was attached Code Compliance report was attached Public Works report was attached Finance was attached and Spoken Here uh community and lgd service report was sent and Cave Parks and Recreation was attached and also spoken here so with that being said let me see here we have no more other reports here nope so unfinished business new business go of the order Mo for German good all right all in favor I no thank you thank on Tuesday tomorrow I showed up last Tuesday at 7 I'm make