##VIDEO ID:kIZh99DPSXs## [Music] hey is that [Music] Archie is that Arie [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e here we go good evening everyone meeting date Monday October 7th 2024 at 6 pm. commission Chambers 500 Southwest 109 Avenue roll call Madam clerk cler note all members present thank you madam clerk let's let's stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and remain standing for the invocation we pray you give us wisdom and Revelation to make the right decisions for this city today and please continue to bless this wonderful City and also Lord we pray for this entire state that just experienced a hurricane and now another one is going is coming towards us again Lord and we pray that you just miraculously make that thing disappear or go another direction or stay out at Sea just protect our entire state from this horrible storm especially those that have already experienced the other one and haven't recovered yet just continue to bless this state in Jesus name we pray amen all right do we have any uh special presentations Madam clerk Mr Mayor any special presentation we do we do IAD employes you hear me better this way yes all right I have two employees of the months that one was for the month of uh October and September so let's take September 1st so if you guys don't mind join me down all right ladies and gentlemen I want to start out you know it's very important when you have great people that work in the city and give the best services to citizens of Sweet Water so I have my directors to tell me there's an employee that steps out and does an incredible thing that is important for the city to to please bring it to my attention and then we'll sometimes we have two or three and it's hard to pick but then there's that time that two come up that it's impossible not to pick so I let two months go by and now we have people when we took over in the new government when I started as mayor we had a lot of issues in our elderly Center and everybody was discontent with everything I know that boot came in bua Stephanie bua came in and she did an incredible job in restoring and doing things and she put a lovely lady by the name of Anette Perez and Miss Perez has led the elderly Center and really has done an incredible job and we're very proud of that so any bua if you want to join us here too and missz pleas oh my goodness so I'm sorry so behalf of all of us the Commissioners myself and the citizens of Sweet Water are very appreciative for the work you've done especially with our elderly Persona that are very important to us so I wanted to make sure for the month of September we awarded you employee other the month and by the way thanks to the head of the department that it up you want to say anything you um yeah thank you all it's been a year and it was a journey but [Applause] great thank you another department that really really really needed a lot of straining in out what's our grant department um there was a lot of issues a lot of missing circumstances we had to go digging looking restructuring recalculating resetting we had to come back a couple of times to the commission meetings to fix and adjust again I have a very special director that is part of another one of her departments Stephanie bua uh and you can start making your way up here again see uh she really dug in and um put her hole and all but you don't do it alone you never do it alone you really need a team around you that does an incredible job and there's this lovely lady that has done that has stepped up and really calculated a couple of times to the point where I said no this is 12 and they go no sir it's 10 and was 12 no it's 10 she won so you know so with that I figured the work that she's done has been an incredible job and we wanted to name this lovely person that works in yes Chanel bino please come on you want to give you this for the month of October 7th thank you sir thank you from all of thanks and of course your director all [Applause] right thank got say a couple of words thank you thank you a couple of words thank you for your coule words she said three couple words thank you keeping Stephanie busy a couple well deserved we're going to have an officer just turn the mic all right now presentation of Officer of the month award good to go commission president good evening major Messa here to read officer of the month for August 2024 on Thursday August 1st Lieutenant Jonathan Archie and the priority service Unit were conducting proactive patrols at Dolphin Mall in efforts to combat thefts burglaries and other crimes while patrolling dolam ma Lieutenant Jonathan Archie noticed a red Ford Mustang which piqued his interest he then observed the red Ford Mustang commit a traffic in infraction and conducted a traffic stop of the vehicle upon approaching the vehicle and beginning to speak to the driver he noticed a strong odor of marijuana which was emitting from the vehicle he coordinated further unseen investigation which including directing his priority Service Unit personnel and requesting the assistance of a Narcotics detection can9 subsequent to a positive alert from the K9 asset a vehicle search revealed multiple suspected narcotics including marijuana psychoactive mushrooms LSD MDMA pills Xanax pills and crack cocaine a semi-automatic pistol and narcotics paraphernalia including plastic baggies for distribution scales and rolling papers were also discovered in the vehicle the driver was the sole occupant of the vehicle and was subsequently arrested and charged accordingly Lieutenant Jonathan Archie's Keen Eye led to the seizure of multiple dangerous narcotics and the arrest of the person who possessed them with the apparent intent to distribute them Lieutenant Jonathan Archie provided invaluable leaders ship and supervision to the priority service unit Personnel who were pivotal in completing this arrest Lieutenant Jonathan Argie coordinated resources ensured that all necessary steps were taken to correctly and effectively handle this case for these reasons Lieutenant Jonathan Archie is being recognized as officer of the month for August 2024 so I'm going to say something a little bit off script I didn't write anything down I've been here a year and a half and when I first started as a chief I had a lot of people in my ear so I'm one of those guys that analyze people for myself regardless what anybody tells me I was not wrong about Lieutenant Argie I was right everything I asked him to do he's done and excelled in it so I am very proud that he got this award and uh thank you thank you for running my PSU unit he's doing a great [Applause] job you're you're [Music] level you don't want to bring your parents up yeah yeah bring and that young lady too young lady too she got too where do I go here thank you so much right in the front you can come on this side you whichever way any make sure you get me better looking one two three more good job great job than much play ball all reports of officers and boards and committees addition and deletions to the agenda I believe we have two additions and it's en andf petitions communication and runce I think we have someone that would like to speak and that is Miss Stephanie Dominguez pleas youe state your name and your address for the record please Stephanie Dominguez my address is 210 Northwest 109 Avenue Miami Florida 33172 thank you good afternoon the city of Sweet Water stands at a pivotal moment in embracing the transition towards sustainable Transportation as electric vehicles become increasingly popular among residents the demand for accessible EV charging infrastructure cannot be overstated with more households opting for electrical cars it is potential for the city to install EV chargers throughout its neighborhood parks and public spaces currently residents fac with are faced with limited options as the closest charging stations are located in the city of Dalal Coral Gables and Kendall this initiative would not only cater the needs of current EV owners but also encourage potential buyers by alleviating concerns about charging availability and range anxiety moreover installing EV Chargers will position sweet water as Forward Thinking City committed to environmental sustainability and Innovation thank you thank you very much all right um do I have a motion to consent the agenda for consent agenda REM moved this been second roll call Madam clerk yes might yes there we go yes yes yes yes thank you madam clerk going over to staff items a an owners of the city of Sweetwater Florida amending the city code of ordinance by providing for local implementation of the mandatory yearr round landscaping irrigation conservation measures rule of the South Florida Water Management District 40-24 fac providing for providing definitions providing for app applicability of the ordinance providing for the landscape irrigation schedule providing for exceptions to a landscape irrigation schedule providing for a requirement to operate technology that inhibits or interprets an irrigation system during periods of suffi sufficient moisture providing for variances from the specific day of the week limitations providing for an enforcement of the ordinance providing for penalties for violations of the ordinance providing for codifications of the ordinance providing for the reaal of all conflicting ordinance providing for cability providing for an effective date second reading and public hear mayor Diaz opening to public comments K mayor Diaz this thank you Mr President in this ordinance we described last time this is uh our version that we work with South Florida Water Management in response to the Motions that were done by day County and this is what we presented and moving forward second commissioner reing yes commissioner Diaz yes commissioner vua yes commissioner Martin yes commissioner V yes commissioner Yan yes president rain yes he passes Item B nomination consideration appointment of members to the youth Advisory Board the addition the additions the addition yes um nomination consideration and appointment of members to the Planning and Zoning we have have anyone yet moving over to D nomination consideration appointment of members to the neighborhood Improvement Advisory Board none moving to e a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Sweet Water approving and adopting 2024 impact fee study and conclusions contained therein as required by Statute 163318 014 stat Florida statues making certain findings of fact and providing for an effective date mayor Diaz um which one did you go to I'm sorry sorry it's the uh res for the impact fees the impact fees all right this is something I I I discussed with sorry I I think I've got something coming down with a pretty big cold um but this is something that uh we've been working with and Scott if you want to step up to the podium this started uh some time ago that I was brought to the attention that there was something that wasn't finished when one of the persons uh left the city and that was the issue of the study on the impact fees and what were we going to do with the impact fees and so on then in searching through some of paperwork and stuff uh Stephanie bua director of bua found the stuff and discussed it and with Scott and they followed up and Scott ordered the report that needed to be done to see where we were with our impact fees we needed to make sure that we were in a proper place so we could be competitive and we could work and do the things that the citizens of Sweetwater deserve so that's where we started Scott if you want to take a Scott mbberg Finance Director City of Sweetwater so last uh September we brought to the board an item to authorize us to hire this firm uh Duncan and associates they did the original uh impact fee study that was adopted back by the board in 2011 so it's been 13 years and our fees are really really out of date so we hired this firm to do the analysis um it's all by the statute requires them to do an asset um allocation to look at the number of people we have to look at all the we needs we have and how we fund them so they come up with a study and basically they've updated our fees to what we need to be in 2024 the problem uh is that the statute requires you to pretty much do it all or nothing at one point you can either do it 100% at one point or you can phase it in the phasing in would take us 12 years to get to what our impact fee should be which by then of course would be back out of date so the statute allows you to find an extraordinary circumstance our study did that um that is attached to this and I think it's an excellent uh opportunity to show how the statute should work for a city like ours which has gone from 1 square mile to 4.3 square miles has a substantially higher population and a whole different set of needs than it did back in 2011 so with that study and the adoption of that study and these rates and the resolution we would then move on to an ordinance which of course requires two readings and because we're doing extraordinary circumstances will also require two public workshops one of which we will have scheduled for next Tuesday and then one we will have the following Wednesday at a special meeting to do the second reading of the ordinance um these are uh bringing us up to market rate we are still on the multif family side going to be below Dural we'll be a pretty much even with them on the single family home but we don't have a lot of single family homes being built in Sweetwater or perhaps even in Dural but we do have multif family and we will still be $500 below Dural we'll be significantly below places like uh Gables or Pine Crest or um even uh Miami Gardens so uh this will not put us out and actually for a couple of the categories office uh and Warehouse uh actually stay flat I think um goes or actually we have warehouse and Industrial industrial goes down 1% and Warehouse stays exactly even so anybody who's building those types of new developments we only had five fee payers last year five people five companies that paid impact fees this Only Hits new construction and uh it's a small small price for them to pay to be coming up to where the Sweet Water is we we need to get money for our parks for a new police headquarters which we've done a general government and police have now been combined uh our experts said that will give us some more flexibility and how we spend that money and it's allowed under the statute so um I would urge you to adopt the resolution and then we can move on to the ordinance move second comment clerk outstanding yes yes yes yes yes ma'am yes thank you madam clerk moving to F on ordinance of the of the Sweetwater city of Sweetwater amending article 10 of the Land Development code of the city of Sweetwater Florida entitled impact fees combining police and general government fees updating the impact fee schedules revising definitions ensuring consistency with the Florida impact fee act and providing for cability providing for codification providing for an effective date first reading mayor Diaz second roll call Madam Kirk yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you good job buddy I'm going to now have a scheduling so you have to uh you broke the podium I'm going to excuse myself from the uh from the meeting cuz I have a family emergency all right than you problem uh Madam clerk as far as I'm concerned we don't have any more items correct whatever okay all we have right now is report Mr President Mr President I want to make sure that you understand that we have two workshops on this so we're going to be lining up do you need to mention the workshops or is it sufficient notice when we get done it's sufficient if the clerk has noticed it but you to mention them now so we have should notice yeah we can definitely mention them now yes but could you please mention them certainly we have two workshops two publicly notice Workshop let me get the the notice here I believe next Tuesday at 2 pm so the city Sweet Water will hold a public Workshop uh to discuss a s Sweet Water Florida impact fee study and extraordinary circumstance analysis this is a workshop held pursuant of Florida statute 163 31811 sub eight excuse me sub six which requires that the local jurisdiction has not less than two publicly noticed workshops dedicated to the extraordinary circumstances necessitating the need to exceed the Pha The Phase in limitations that's set forth in the chapter the workshops are scheduled to start uh at 2: p.m. on Tuesday the 15th and when is the second one the 23rd wed and Wednesday the 23rd they will be held in sorry Monday the 21st Monday and Tuesday the 15th and Monday the 21st um there'll be they will start at 2: p.m. in the afternoon they will be held in the commission Chambers in City Hall 500 Southwest 9th Avenue uh Sweetwater Florida and the public is cordially invited to attend we have could you please could you please one more time repeat the dates because it might have not been clear certainly to some people the workshops are scheduled for 2: p.m in the afternoon on Tuesday October 15 and Monday October 21 and they will be held in the uh commission Chambers at City Hall 500 Southwest 109 Avenue in Sweetwater Florida second one is at 5:00 p.m right before the meeting at 6re oh it is a five okay okay that's is why I want to make sure we have it very clear yeah so later on we don't have to I don't have yeah I apologize I don't have the notice for the second one I only have the notice for the first one but let me restate it then the workshop is scheduled to for 2 p.m. on Tuesday the October 15th and 5:00 p.m on Monday October 21 and will be held in the commission Chambers at uh City Hall 500 Southwest 109th Avenue Sweet Water Florida again my apologies I only have one of the two um Public Notices thank you thank you Mr attorney mayor's report um as you know today you received a declaration of emergency for the upcoming hurricane um we put that out this morning we've been working in fact yesterday we were here in the office with the Chiefs and maintenance and we were and and also trying to figure out exactly where we need to do how we need to be but we're ready for the last four days as you know some of you know we've been working with South Florida Water Management lowering the tables down and making sure the all the compartment to the compartment doors have been open and so on which they have within the gravitation say we had a high tide that's very high we had some issues but it got solved the canal it's basically not where we want where a storm like this that could be heading us it's right around right under four okay those of you everybody here is a veteran and understands that's not where we want to be but we're in a better place if we would enough down the d uh loading of the water we still have the gates the 420 and 422 in the back back that have not gone off yet they might have gone 420 today at 6:30 I'm not sure yet because I haven't gotten the report all that is is to keep lowering the water tables the gates that are all the way out on the way to uh excuse me on the way out to to kilargo through the 18 Mile Stretch when you go over the bridge you see these big Gates on your left those Gates were open today to really put put out about 400 CFS of water constantly going out to the ocean that drops all of South day water level so now the water that's coming from the top from brow and so on that's coming in that's keeping us high is going to be moved and we could also go down some more so we could anticipate the kind of water that we could possibly get I say all this because it's important for you to understand that we have done everything within our power to to do what we need to do and will continue to work and do what we know what we need to do mother nature godself so on and the amount of rain that we get is the other issue in hand so for that reason called an emergency Declaration of emergency as the governor did as the mayor did yesterday and as many municipalities have done today so that is in place that gives me the authority to do what we need done to be able to act fast Swift and do whatever we need to protect the citizens of Sweet Water so that's been taken into account I'll be working with each one of you as needed as you could provide time uh to make sure that whatever needs to be done we'll do now as I said today to several news out outlets this is not the time to go crazy this is not the time this is the time to have a a plan this a time to know what you're doing how you're doing it as a family member but it's not the time to go be going crazy and trying to figure things out it's also not the time to cut things and put it out in front of your house I want to be very clear in that because unfortunately there are those that just don't pay attention so that is going to be look that closely too we don't know exactly at the end of the day we know the models but then there's a cone and in that cone the storm could move pivot and it has several times so we don't know exactly how it's going to go but if you follow the the models it's going to go up in H middle Florida which we're praying for those people there we wish as commission said it just went in the water somewhere and evaporated but unfortunately I don't see that happening so we're prepared prepared as best as we can and do there's been talk about sand bikes guys we all know sandbags we started sandbags here in Sweet Water okay we have infrastructure here that infrastructure is to protect and lower so the water would not get into the level that others other places don't have that they don't have that protection so therefore if they could use a sandbags appropriately well done they are a way to prevent water from going in your house but it's got to be done very well with many sandbags with plastic as we all know how to do and that's something that the city is not going to be doing because our goal is to keep the the place dry as we have and several other storms in the recent past so this is where we're at I wanted to make sure we're clear we're very clear in the status and if you have any questions you know we're here to answer them them and also we are I had a meeting just a little while ago In This Very Room with all my departments and the directors of those departments and making sure everybody's on the same page as you all know that's the employees of the city of Sweetwater are all hands on deck so starting the the season I asked them to please take care of their houses make sure everything's ready make sure that they have other stuff that they need just as you all do too and to come and give Service as needed okay so that is where we're at they will be called as necessity arises depending on the need we have we are meeting 4tify uh tomorrow morning it'll start we'll try to do as rapid as possible putting up all the uh shutters that are very heavy on the Windows here and in City Hall but we need to protect our city hall and what other departments we have passport GSA area and so on our Park H maosa and obviously our community center in Carlo so everything with u maintenance being looked at with the um Martin that is also FEMA licensed and has all the certificates along with uh Chief Fernandez in the back uh they are my deputies they are going to be I am the command incent of command and they're going to be running basically all the issues as needed all the documentation that needs to be taken place will be taken place by each department head on every employee every incident everything things that need to be done we're going by the book on this and we want to make sure that we do it the right way professional I know I have a veteran I have several vet veterans up here of the water wars and the floodings and stuff like that but I do have a former captain in a fire department that also helps out a lot and has been with us on certain things if God willing nothing seriously happens here and we are able to escape the majority of the things we will be immediately looking which is a question the president was asking before will we provide help to others absolutely this city is known for for providing help I just had a bad feeling that us trying to help somewhere else right now when we need to prepare for whatever happens to us will be something that will be not proper on our part to our citizens so we wanted to make sure that we're prepared as best as possible and then if we're able to escape another bullet as they say then we'll prepare something for immediately to try to go help somewhere else that didn't have the same luck so I wanted to be real clear as my report um where we're at and what we're doing and and I'm very proud of the the different department heads everybody that's involved that everybody is working together and making sure that we'll do the very best for our citizens so that's where we're at on that do you have any questions on that or anything else please ask any questions for the mayor I have a question Mr Mayor are our is our Police Department going to go off of Bravo yes in the moment of need but we're going to try to see when that moment is yeah okay like we done in the past any other questions for the mayor for mayor's report anyone all right Mr Mayor thank you very much as always uh thank you for the really appreciate that we are not used to receiving uh any gestures of kindness from the mayor's office and previous Mayors I for one suffered for the last eight years so I I thank you um Commissioners report any commissioner to report anything yeah I would like to say something commissioner yes sir mayor I would like to um give a good shout out to the um maintenance department for that bridge that they did dur in such a short time and working on the Hard Summer that we got here thank you thank you very much for that those guys really really went beyond uh and I believe he's ready correct mayor you know I I'm very appreciative that you actually stated that uh commissioner Diaz because what they did was work really really really hard and make us very proud because when we started to take off some of the the top uh wood planks there we found out that they were all rotted in the on the underneath so they really stepped it up and today now those students could cross safely without getting into the major traffic of 109 and now we starts the two years of uh the other pedestrian bridge being built but I want to thank you for that because I want to commend them publicly and I will later on it's just unfortunately we're stuck on the hurricane mode situation right now but uh thank you for bringing that up because it's an incredible mention I actually took the team that was working on the bridge uh to lunch last week and gratitude thanking them uh for their hard work uh also so yep and and also mayor I believe they're going to start using that bridge tomorrow correct they're going to open in on the e8th they're already they started last week last week okay yeah all right thank you mayor appreciate welcome sir uh to the shair yes ma'am yes okay I just want to mention it that we have a a presentation of the C Patrol United States Air Force illary we had a great night I'm thank you all the uh persons that were there all the everything that everybody put in Al he help me out big time he put us on the radio and uh I really appreciate and we had a very nice night I want to show the cadets and also new prospective Cadet what the serious reward is going to offer to this program it's outstanding sir and I appreciate it because you've really helping us out to get all the equipment that is needed and I'm pretty sure so is going to be a hell of a squadron just watch I think good already is thank you for your hard work any other Commissioners I got some Mr you just wanted to remind you and your your team that to to use me if you need me I have a lot of experience dealing with FEMA and all the paperwork and documentation that comes with that that's the that's the hard part so I went through it with Irma and several other hurricanes while I was here in Co and it's a lot of work but if they need to pick my brain they can call me up I'm only a phone call away Chief Garcia you have a volunteer uh good evening uh we've been meeting now for past week yeah and over the weekend uh to get ready for the storm okay uh myself and chief Fernandez uh were coordinated uh we divided our assignment uh he's doing more to more to day operation I'm doing the aftermath in the means of the once the storm hit we're both going to be involved uh we are documenting by FEMA standards all employees times equipment usage uh one of the things I press on we have to document we have to picture uh a monitoring FEMA to see when they going to call Milton an emergency which they have not yet uh once that happens I'm want to download the application cuz like you said it's a lengthy application with a lot of documentation and I'm going to work along with uh uh Scott and finance because it's going to it's going to require a lot of input from him because we're going to have to account for every minute pretty much of our employees doing the storm so yes it's going to be a lengthy process no just want to be uh say thank you to Martin Garcia he has tremendous experience but as far as the police department just want to make sure everyone understands that we are we are ready we're prepared we have been preparing for some time now we are already making changes as of tomorrow to our staffing We Know What It Takes pre during and post storm you can rest assured that we're safe the city of Sweetwater safe his citizens are safe and its employees are safe right I'll be taking over the command command center with Mr Garcia and The Incident Commander our mayor and uh we are ready to go we have meals in place we have water in place equipment in place to address any and all incidents that come at us uh so I just want to thank you all for the opportunity to serve this capacity thank you excellent thank you Chief um so I want to thank Stephan bua um it's no coincidence that two members of your staff have been nominated for officer the month I saw you come in day one uh when the mayor chose you um we all saw the chaos that was the elderly Center no one more than our colleague uh commissioner Yano who visits the elderly Center every single day and is probably one of the hardest working Commissioners here not taking anything away from all the other commission except for commissioner Salas who's riding around the city of Sweetwater in his scooter every single day uh but I just want to tip my hat to you uh as law enforcement family thank you you don't know how to be lazy um it's definitely attributed to the mayor's Administration I don't I have not seen the mayor take a week where he's worked less than 60 hours uh and now you're obviously sick because you've been out there you know fighting a hurricane that isn't here yet so thank you for what you're doing thank you Stephanie I appreciate you thank you to your entire staff all obviously mandra who's your Chief of Staff uh the tip of the sword I'm not going to sit here and start thinking everybody but but thank you you kickass job my Police Department sorry for selfish this ain't my Police Department yes I'll share it yes it's ours it's mine it's mine uh Chief kickass job continue continue doing what you're doing make me proud every single day um you don't listen to the noise neither do I keep doing what you're doing um I'm sure that uh commissioner Martin and I and the rest of the Commissioners going to be out there uh you know in our uh ring gear and all that cool stuff uh nobody here is a rookie dealing with with flooding I mean we could probably teach other municipalities how to deal with it so I don't have anything else any other Commissioners have anything else for commissioner's report no no okay great scratch that Clerk's report attached attached police report attached building and Zoning attached Code Compliance attached unless you have anything no Public Works is attached unless you have anything Finance report attached unless Scott you have anything Scott thank you for everything you do keep doing a kickass job by the way um um won I just want to make that clear we won by one point University of Miami football hell of a comeback uh Community elderly services other than being officer or Employee of the Month twice 70 attached anything else parks and wreck yes I got so yes mayor and can you give us a par yeah Parks Parks right mayor go ahead commissioner can we um get an update on uh zi Park if you don't mind please they uh they installed the polls all the way around I don't know if you guys got to see them you know I I I can't wait to see some of these Baseball Stars hitting a softball over a 60 foot net but but I you know I I we we got higher nets for certain people back there that are I I can't wait to see this happen by the way I'm going to start talking to the Marlins okay by the way I spoke to the Marlins the Marlins are going to be uh adopting the field and when it's baseball time they're going to be participating as inter Miami as the Miami Heat as the Miami Dolphins so we got every team thank God participating with us so we have put out uh the net and certain places the maintenance did a really incredible job and being able to save this three months three months and I got to thank Alan for that he actually moved with uh pedito and the team a uh with the crane that they thought with 35 ton crane was going to be able to move one of the cement poles that was going to be blocking the way of the screen and and so on and they didn't would have to destroy it take it down and then wait approximately three months to get another pole so the solution was to take that pole out not crack it not destroy it order a hole on 100 ft away exactly 100 ft away in the middle of the West Wall of the ronali park and put that pole there so I prayed a lot that day I'll tell you that because it was a very dangerous maneuver but uh they canceled a 35 ton crane and they ordered a I think it was 80 or 90 ton crane and we were able to do it um that was done so that didn't stop the forward progress progress may we are also at the same time now putting in uh the cameras and the sound system is Mario still here come up a second please when are they engaging on the cameras and the um good morning sorry good evening Mario Diaz director of Technology um city of sweat um so the cameras already been ordered the equipment has already been ordered also for the audio um the permits have been submitted to the bilding department um for permitting and um I have um expectations that we're going to be started um the equipment will be driving within the next week and a half so then we could um we can start installation um inside and outside as well and the issue to to understand why we have had to synchronize ourselves with what's going on and actually become between one major company and the other major company and actually get involved in helping them coordinate because if we wouldn't have done this then we would have had a very bad issue and not putting the conduit so we could get all those cameras and everything out there because we're not going to be putting several million dollars into a field and not have protection for that field so everything's going to be recorded everything's going to be looked at we have top rated cameras um sound systems and of course the I think is 42 by it's 271 Ines for the screens yeah but 40 is it 42 by 24 I believe so I get you the exact measurements so it is a higher resolution screen that is already the polls have been ordered they should be getting here very soon the polls are going to go in as you saw they leveled off the field okay now they're ready to bring in the big um Turf uh the big uh rolls of turf put it down inside there were looking where to put them and once that's put in now they're going to start laying the turf down so once that happens it starts to come all together as you saw the fencing you saw everything that was going to be done has been moving forward it's taken a little longer now we'll see what the storm brings and uh hopefully not too much and we could continue the forward progress but I think you've seen a lot of progress in the last couple of weeks y y thank you you mayor one more thing that I need to add now that you mentioned Parks Carlo Park we had to settle with the individual uh that was holding us back on the uh pickle ball courts and stuff because of the work issues that we could not accept uh so we took care of that and we went ahead and milled the courts again and we're lucky we did because when we're Milling it was just coming right up it was done in a very bad bad fashion so in order to spend six more months or more than that in courts I I felt that we got at such a good rate that we could do part of it ourselves and work together with another entity and we're still going to come in under what we could have done with a second bidder so we depending on the Storm depending on stuff within one month hopefully people will be playing pickle ball in Carlo Park and Tennis thank you mayor um I have another question are we going to do um Halloween in the city or absolutely okay I don't know if you're going to win this year well no but I just want to make sure because they asking me so that's why I'm looking at you like so yeah Halloween will be done uh our Park director is here and uh she is working already with uh all the props from maintenance and stuff to get them there and they got most of it already there and they're starting to get ready and set up uh for for Halloween all right well I got to admit commissioner sdas always does win in Halloween he takes it next low I think you were a dinosaur last year cowboy riding dinosaur I was an undercover cop last year um okay parts of R okay unfinished business new business go to the order don't a ger amen thank you all in favor any oppose goodbye goodbye goodbye