##VIDEO ID:vSi_40O1IWY## [Music] w o [Music] [Music] w oh [Music] w oh [Music] w [Music] w oh [Music] w o [Music] w [Music] w [Music] w w [Music] w [Music] w o [Music] [Music] w [Music] good afternoon good after evening anyone um yeah we do my is yeah my is not at the DI yet let got my yeah e e e you know I got conf all right we got quum now all right meeting date Monday September 9th 2024 at 545 commission Chambers 500 Southwest 109 Avenue roll call Madam clerk y thank you all right so let's stand uh for the Pledge of Allegiance remain standing for an invocation United States stand Lord Jesus we pray thank you for another day in this beautiful city pray you bless this city and this County State and this entire Nation uh give us the wisdom and the Revelation to make the best decisions for the people of this city as we're here making decisions in this commission Lord in Jesus name I pray amen amen all right moving to item four an ordinance of the city of Sweetwater city commission amending the city comprehensive plan future land use revising the future land used map including annexed area and policy 3.5 and objective six amending objective two of the housing element policies 3.3 3.4 and 6.2 of the transportation element amending policies 1.12 3.4 3.5 and 4.4 of the economic development and elements policy 1.1 of the sanitary sewers element policy 1.2 of the storm drainage element policy 3.1 of the cons conservation element objective one policy 1.5 objective two two three policy 6.2 of the recreation and open space element policy 2.4 of the capital Improvement element objective one of the public education facility element update data inventory and Analysis future land use Acres chart population existing land and public facilities level of service impacts providing for stability providing for codification and providing for an effective date right we have a a motion on this item hold on yeah do we have anyone here yeah George please George yes UHA zoning Director City of Sweetwater uh what's before you is you're acting as the LPA and it's going to come back uh this ordinance is going to come back to you as a commission but basically what the ordinance is is uh adopting the comprehensive master plan which includes the new annexed area the two two square miles that we we got uh about a year or so ago go from um the county west of uh um the turnpike up to 137 um all these elements that are being uh adjusted is just dates that are being adjusted to comply with the municipal code and comply with the state statutes um but basically the biggest thing here is that we're creating and as you see in your agenda the map for the city for the comprehensive map I will come back later on and after this is adopted with the zoning map showing the Zoning for those areas keep in mind that the the square mile that's with within uh 127th and the Turnpike uh that square mile the jurisdiction is ours but the jurisdiction remains for zoning and planning under Miami day counties under the interlocal agreement here go ahead so so you so right now what we're doing is we trying to get it back to the city no we had what right now what we're doing is we we got the the annexed area right we had to as for the state we had to put the annex area into the comp plan that's what the that's what we're doing right now what you have before you is a future land use map is basically industrial and some commercial in that in that entire area that's it not the changes are not that great uh from what we have already in the section to the east of the turnpike so it's still the same ordinance the same everything yeah yeah basically right now right now what we've got to it's the future land use map that map that you see there it shows you the new area that's what's important and it's as per requirements of the code we need to put it and the state we need to put it into into our code or else we'll never have the annexation properly codified okay all right go ahead and move this item I second okay second by [Music] commissioner call Madam cler yes yes yes yes yes yes all right motion for adjournment all in favor has been adjourned to the next one in six minutes we have six minutes to spare if you guys no no no that's why how read this whole thing here because that's that's Swit to see you [Music] w [Music] w [Music] w [Music] sh [Music] w [Music] one good evening everyone meeting date Monday September 9th 2024 at 6m commission Chambers 500 Southwest 109 Avenue roll call Madam clerk okay thank you very much all right so we'll go ahead and go over Pro invocation all right so we're going to special presentations we do have a special presentation today special presentation uh regarding Southwest a streetfi bridge project plans after guys what wow okay I uh I asked FIU and of course EA to to make sure that and it's part of the regulations they have to inform the people but it's important that we get clarity out of what's happening and how important it is to the citizens of Sweet Water and everything that's taking place so I'm very happy to have a great team of people that we've been working together and I'm going to be very honest with you they've been very very straightforward and have really come through with everything I've asked them for so thank you for that publicly thank you thank you and good evening Commissioners and thank you again mayor Diaz my name is Jeff badano I am the fdot community outreach specialist for the state Road 90 Southwest 8 Street pedestrian bridge at 109th Avenue uh we wanted to go ahead and provide more information about the upcoming construction so today we'll be going over a few uh a bit of information we'll be introducing our team we'll be going over the location map as far as where the project is going to be taking place the schedule on costs the project benefits the overview which includes renderings of the bridge what to expect dur in instruction and then during uh the and we will also be sharing information about the public meeting where we will be having a Q&A session for the community so as far as the project team goes we are here joined with and Manuel Manny espinel he is the FDT resident engineer for special projects we're are also joined by senior project engineer art Perez myself I am the community outreach specialist so if the community were to have any question questions you're more than welcome to have them reach out to me and the contractor for this project is deoya Highway infrastructure LLC here we have the project location map which shows the location of where the the bridge is going to be constructed we show the North Plaza area as well as the South Plaza area and some general area on Southwest 109th Avenue as well I would like to introduce res uh resident engineer Manny espinal to go over the project schedule and cost all right good evening Commissioners mayor thank you for having us construction is anticipated begin October 8th of this year and it's going to last approximately two years uh the anticipated completion is fall of 2026 and the construction cost is $ 37.7 million so at the center of fdot en compasses communities aligning with the community's vision for an improved pedestrian infrastructure in infrastructure and reflecting a commitment to a more walkable and livable environment fdot will be installing a pedestrian bridge over Southwest a street and the C4 Canal to enhance Community a community connectivity between FIU and the City of Sweetwater the bridge will have pedestrian plazas with elevators and stairs at the North End and Southend Landings of the bridge and the bridge is a signature design enhancing Aesthetics to the community another aspect safety is another key area in fdot's compass as part of the project the department will be number one installing a signalized crosswalk on Southwest 109th Avenue North of Southwest 7 Terrace upgrading pedestrian signals signs and curb ramps to enhance safety and accessibility closing the historical bridge over C4 canal and the eliminating crosswalks at Southwest a street and Southwest 109th Avenue to reduce conflict points and improve safety Traffic Safety the bridge is designed is designed a resilient pedestrian Crossing that can withstand Florida's unique climate which aligns with the Department's focus on resiliency technology upgrading pedestrian signals and implementing signalized crosswalks with Advanced traffic Management systems and utilizing advanced technology to detect pedestrian presence and adjust signal timings supply chain this project benefit this project benefits a movement of people and goods in the region by separate separating vehicular pedestrian traffic and finally Workforce Development this project creates opportunities for contractors which results in positive economic benefits for workers and the communities so fdot managed the design and will be managing construction of the bridge according to fdot and federal guidelines FIU will own maintain and operate the bridge once construction's complete there was three different funding types uh that funded the project which is local funding from FIU Federal funding through the tiger Grant and state funding as well here's a rendering of what the bridge will look like this is a Northwest View it's a two- span continuous steel beam cable State Bridge structure Bridge supports include single column peers at each end with an intermediate support consisting of dual pylons cable stays to enhance Aesthetics and provide additional support an overhead canopy to provide coverage and plazas at each end will include elevators and stairs to access the bridge here's a view looking East on South a street these are some of the bridge elements I just mentioned at this point I'll go ahead and introduce the senior project engineer art Ura Perez all right hello everyone I'm art Perez I'm the senior project engineer and what that is I'm the main fdot rep on the job site every day so on the slide you'll see uh em the first line roadway Lan lane closures and detours during will be uh will be established during any overhead work as necessary to ensure safety during construction so what's that saying is there'll be no work over any active Lanes if there's work uh going over 8 street or any active Lanes it'll be shut down to traffic and you're going to go through the detours there's several detours going to be implemented on a street and pedestrian detours you'll see the on the on following slides uh travel Lanes on both rectors will be shifted South I'll see I'll show you schematic showing how we're going to shift traffic on a street to allow for a better work Zone Lane closes are going to occur during non- peak hours on non-event days the peak hours are there 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 there's a big asteris there that says work operations may may gone go beyond the peak non non- peak hours we are going to plan work to occur at night time and open up by 5:30 but we'll be governed by safety we're not going to open up a lane if the road work is not completely safe the overhead work is not completely safe to open up the the active Lanes of traffic so that's going to be a major concern for us and pedestrian vehicle detours will be established with clear signage and we're going to go over those detours shortly is it the arrow yeah all right so the traffic shifts one of the first things you're going to see on the job site is 8 street is going to be shifted to the South and that's going to buy us some room on the North side in order to to complete the demolition of the of the existing Pier that you see out there and build the foundation for that for that big pylon structure on the south side of the canal which is the north side of a street and the the importance of that is allows most of that work to occur during daytime operations if we weren't allowed to shift the the traffic we weren't able to shift the traffic most that work would after to aocc at night and it's very noisy it's very invasive and we have a lot of uh there's a lot of uh people living just north of that of that Canal so that's an important um modification we did recently the hatched area on the south side is also part of the work Zone that red hatch you see there that's the South Plaza where the landing for the bridge is but it's also the contractor staging area that large green area is where the contractor is going to Stage all his equipment and as materials on the south side of a street so pedestrian access um the the we're adding a pedestrian crosswalk on 109th south of seven street so if you look on the right side of that of that uh slide you'll see a uh we're adding stop signs at 7 Street and 109th to include a pedestrian Crossing during construction at at at 7 Street and the reason for that we have to we have to provide a safe way a safe thorough for people coming on the West Side to cross to the east side of 109th to go across a street because we're going to remove move during construction the cross Rock that's on the west side of 109th is going to be gone so we have to have everybody cross on the east side of 109th so we have to cross them safely that's what the first bullet's all about getting them across at sth Street and we're going to direct pedestrians across the historic Bridge we thank uh you guys for for working on that right now I see work every day out there trying to get that bridge in order because it is part of the during construction pedestrian access is across that historic Bridge um and the last one is directing pedestrians to use the north south crosswalk on the east side of a street so again the only Crossing at a street is going on the east side of 109th Avenue during construction obviously the bridge will be in effect and that Crossing on the east side excuse me time out after construction uh the The Crossing on the east side will be eliminated and the bridge will be in in effect so we no longer need that and we won't have people going over the historic Bridge after construction but during those two-year period pedestrians are going to have to use use the historic Bridge as a way to get across into Sweet Water The Detour M this is for the the vehicles so we're going to have a number of closures on a street we're going to either close the eastbound Direction fully or the westbound Direction fully or both directions fully and it's going to always be always during nighttime operations The Detour is it's a mirror you go on eastbound you're going to take a right on that Snapper Creek Road to 17th down to corway back up 107th and continue eastbound on a street if you're going westbound you're going to take a left on on 107th to cor away and go up 117th and um it's very simple um and we're going to there going to be an incredible community outreach whenever we do this type of closure but we I'm going to show you why it's going to be needed okay so in very general terms these the phases of construction phase one uh modifying the existing pedestrian axis that I've went through we want to get the pedestrians uh thoroughfare very clear and safe on the east side of 109th we're going to shift the travel Lanes along 8 Street South in order to create that work Zone on the north side of 8 Street just south of the canal so we're going to start demo demoing that existing pier and building the foundation for the major pylon structure there phase two constructing the bridge support structures at the North and South plazas what that means is building the other two peers there's another Pier called pier three that's on the north side of the canal which is where the landing in the elevator within the city of Sweetwater occurs and on the South Plaza is the is the uh as as the other Pier on the South Side so there's three peers and phase two construct the other one so phase three is the is the structural steel erection across uh a street so this is going to occur this is going to span the canal and a portion of a street this is going to require a full closure of the westbound movement of a street and eastbound is going to remain open so this is going to be obviously for uh for no no construction over active Lanes we're going to have to shut down fully once it's safe to open up the lanes the next morning it they will be phase four this continues the operation because the structural steel girders have a splice which means they basically get connected Somewhere over the westbound a street movement and they continue across the South Plaza in this phase four the structural steel Bridge portion the uh um under the deck gets fully constructed and then phase five we do the concrete deck this concrete deck has several sequence SE U has a sequence of operations that that go into it and all that work will occur clo over closed non-active Lanes during nighttime operations once all that deck is in place we continue phase six which is continuing the construction of the large pylons in Bridge and Pier 2 as you can see them going up those are where the cable stays are going to be connected this bridge is redundant it has both it can stand on a structural steel girders by themselves but also has the redundancy of these they're aesthetically they're aesthetic but there are functional cable stay uh pylons that going to support the bridge and okay finally and oh the same slide shows the the final work with the canopy over the bridge deck and any final work that occurs there so that's it think that's it thank you so much R and Manny for uh your portions of the presentation uh we would like to also bring up the fact that um existing speed limits for Southwest 109th Avenue are going to remain at 30 mph and the speed limits for Southwest H3 are going to be reduced to 40 m hour through the work Zone uh for the duration of the project uh during construction the contractor is going to be required to water and sweep to minimize any construction related dust um as art mentioned there are some work opportunity uh work operations that are noisy so some noise should be expecting during the allowable constru construction hours and we will also be providing vibration monitoring During certain work activities um and we will also be making sure to maintain access to FIU businesses and to residences as far as the project information Outreach we have a Outreach campaign ongoing for this project um of course we have myself as the dedicated community outreach specialist I am always available uh to the Commissioners to Mayor Diaz as well as to the stakeholders in the community uh we will be hosting a variety of different Outreach events we are taking a Grassroots approach when that comes to uh pop-up events where we'll go ahead and we'll set up at certain events to be able to talk to as many people as we can in these types of events we'll be handing out construction information Flyers we'll also be performing door-to-door notification to businesses and Residences to let them know of the upcoming construction um we also have mailers going out inviting uh residents and businesses to our public meeting so that way they can find out more about this project we're are our project team is open for any discussion we are um available for stakeholders as needed uh we'll be posting our lane closure and Detour information weekly on southl roads.com we'll also be um having a database where we um collect emails to provide timely project update uh eblast um where we'll be including detailed detour instructions as well as up-to-date information on the ongoing work operations and this project is going to require a lot of uh work activities coordination between Miami day County the city of Sweetwater and of course the Florida International University um to be able to uh achieve the magnitude of the work that we have um I would also like to share my Conta information here uh my name is Jeff bakano my phone number is 786 510 6113 you can also reach me by email at jeff. bakano at d.l. us thank you Jeff for that presentation and thank you art want to have uh mayor say something yeah thank you Jeff thank you and your team for the presentation good presentation and I know I got the privilege of going through the presentation with you all uh we worked through a lot of issues including the elevator the size of the elevator uh the plaza everything that is detailed within the structure plan moving into the future the most important thing is that our communication has enhanced totally um there was a lack of little communication there and I say that's probably was on our part but it's been straightening out and now we're in full Communications again and making sure that everything is safe and done with the maximum uh amount of let's just say efficiency and at the same time bothering the people the less in the area and they've taken everything into account and working together with us one of the key things that we had to do and move pretty fast which I thank my maintenance department head up at uh Alan's back there we moved fast on the pedestrian bridge we knew that we had to redo the bridge we known that for a little while and we were getting around to it but based that October 8th is the day of commencement of construction we have to make sure it's safe for people to cross over so the brides the bridge has been totally uh taken apart basically but it's been put back together as we speak I think we got about a weeks left of time to totally finish the uh the bridge the Cosmetic part and stuff we'll deal with that later the most important part is safe the rotten wood that was underneath the truss area that there was there the planks have been removed and refitted uh with brand new wood to to hold and withstand whatever pedestrian traffic is going to and also vehicular but obviously that's no longer the concern of that bridge so for now uh we will for the next two years I have all traffic going through there as far as pedestrian traffic which will be all on the east side none on the west all walking Lanes will be shut down and all um Crossing equipment or lights will be changed am I correct or will not be available on that side and we'll work together to see one of the key things I've asked them is also during the critical times and the times of massive need to try to get Off Duty Officers to work there from both sides and make sure that that could be probably done without any problem to make sure security and people don't tend to walk in the middle of one or 9th Avenue to try to cross over which we know time and time again takes occurrence but we're working very closely also with FIU and working together with both police departments both Chiefs are very involved and making sure communication is as we are between uh FIU government and our government to get across as far as I'm concerned pretty much the rest is finally uh we're getting started and um rectifying something that is so sad and heartfelt and and well actually made it around the world uh this was not something that we ever expected that could happen and it happened but we're rectifying everything and making sure that would never happen again especially with the work that's being done by all so thank you on that if you have any questions thank you Mr President um art Jeff uh Manny good to see you again working with you guys for a number of years thank you so much for your presentation I have a few questions um one is your public meeting so we are hosting our public meeting at the H mascan NOA youth center and that's located at 250 Southwest 114th Avenue we'll be hosting it on Thursday September 19 at 6 pm okay thank you for that the who is going has the contractor been chosen for the project the contractor for this project is De Moya infrastructure LLC okay so they're the prime and have subcontractors also been chosen not yet not yet okay the project was 14.9 initially and now it's 37.7 care to other than construction costs and design care to expand on why the amount is so much larger yeah the industry ever since uh the the pandemic the industry not just this project all the projects throughout the state for fdot had consider considerable cost increases uh Workforce materials procurement of materials things like that uh the project was uh was put out to bid one time we didn't receive any bids uh we reached out to the industry had industry Forum put the project out to bid again because this project was supposed to start a little bit earlier um and we only received two bids and those two bids the lowest bid was a $ 37.7 million and in discussions with the industry it's just the cost of materials and and and everything else associated with I understand Hot Potato is Danny rayat still involved in the project yes he is is he with deoya or is he uh he's with the designer with BCC engineering okay um now this project is going to begin October of this year and it's going to last for another two years obviously you can understand the fiscal impact to our Police Department they're going to have to literally dedicate an officer spe specifically during the morning and afternoon shift just for pedestrian traffic in that 37.7 million have you factored in those that fiscal impact to our Police Department are you guys looking at reimbursing that or do we have to uh give you an alleyoop and assist it's going to be a partnership between city of Sweetwater FIU and fdot we do have off duty police officers in the in the contract for specific activities outlined in the contract but the department recognizes the importance of safety for the project so depending on the type of activities if we need to increase uh the safety we will we will consider you know working with the contractor uh to make sure that we have you know off duty or whatever support that's needed um one of the things that Jeff our team's working with is FIU um we meet regularly with president of FIU we we're going to get their full support we've been working with the mayor a lot we're going to work with city of Sweetwater in addition one of the things right before we start working on removing the crosswalks and modifying The Pedestrian access to the east side we will have an educational campaign we're going to put our our public information Jeff and his team out there prior to the shift educating the students that do cross that for a few days to make sure they understand where the crosswalks are going to be um and even after we do the shift to make sure uh art and his team the entire team we have in inspectors out in the field that we will assist to make sure that the crosswalks are also properly delineated yeah so who's the person that's going to that I can call to Lobby to make sure we have a budget for our Police Department you can call me we can have that discussion all right you and I work together on the 107 project I appreciate you um other than that I don't have any questions thank you so much through the ch thank you for coming I have a question I I didn't see when you did the uh the diversion out the Coral Way are you going to shut down 109 obviously you're going to shut down 109 right there's not going to be any traffic coming across depending depending on the activity right now I don't think we foresee any closures along 109th it's mostly on A Street Southwest a Street East or West or both at the same time and one of the things that we do if we do have a full detour of southw Southwest a street we will work with Miami County uh traffic and Signal division to optimize timing at night time to make sure there's no impact to traffic so but there will there be pedestrian that can get across 109 even on the uh I think you said on the east side off the right so when they're Crossing let's say North or South along a street though they're going to be Crossing on the a the east side of that intersection right and they're going to their path is going to be through the pedest the historical Bridge all the way up to 7 s Street right 7even Street and then they'll be able to access west side of 109th but that's and how about vehicle traffic vehicle traffic will be traveling through 109th Avenue that would yeah let me clarify something so there will be operations when we do the steel erection where the where the way the crane is set up we'll have to shut down traffic on 109th it might impede that but the pedestrian traffic will always be will always be open on the east side of 109 but 109th Avenue may be closed depending on how the operation is set up for the nighttime op for the nighttime closure depending on the the the way they're Ting the steel girders how the shipments coming in it's going to 109th might be I want to give it might be have to be shut down I mean it's only logical because if you're going to shut down at 107 and at 117 it's only logical you're going to shut down vehicle traffic there too yeah it we're going try not to be get away with for for example concrete deck operations we probably could leave 109th Avenue open um for example is if you have well it depends on the phasing so I think prior to the operation will be very clear as to whether 109th Avenue will be open or closed because it's it's going to it's going to vary depending on the nighttime closure but The Pedestrian access will always be available on the side of 10 to answer your question I'm sorry to interrupt simply it's going to be for n time if they do need to S shut down 109,000 it would be times where the traffic is not going to be impeded by the local traffic especially during the morning hours and afternoon hours so that's my understanding am I correct gentlemen that's correct yeah I just didn't see anything on 109 and it the 109 does not have any disturbance during the daytime unless total operational use and they would have to make very serious arrangements and inform the city and deal with that with us that that is correct it's important thank you mayor it's very important that any closures along a street or if necessary on 109th that's all at nighttime and that that E Street shift how long will that last the two years oh the shift will be affect the entire jobs the entire time yeah okay yeah but what's important on that shift you maintain the same number of existing lanes that you have today it's not being reduced so if you have three the the shift is primarily uh the big shift is primarily on Westbound a street you have three lanes through that intersection that go through 109th um that will still remain okay I'm good thank you yeah just to clarify that to make it even more simpler Manny explain that you're moving one lane over so you're actually keeping the same amount of lanes the same amount of traffic and more fluent because you're not going to have the interruption am I correct that is correct sure go ahead H sir U last question I guess uh have you ever consider between March and April if you need to shut down one on Ninth Avenue and also you need to show down 107th Avenue that's the Miami day County Youth Fair dates between March and April so Jeff you want to take this one or yeah so you gave I think they were expecting how was it yeah so um basically from Southwest a street to 117 there's going to be those traffic modifications to be able to allow for the South the full directional closure of Southwest a street during that time I have already coordinated with the director of the Miami day County uh fair Expo um we're essentially keeping them updated making sure that we are um that we are planning our work operations around those special events um and also making sure to keep the Miami day County Youth Fair update as far as our ongoing work operations and current traffic uh Outlook out there yeah I really need I really think that you need to go through the whole project take a look at your schedule if if I can that into consideration from March 13 to April something the month if I can interject very general any special events FIU Miami day County Youth Fair uh any events here at city of Sweetwater we will coordinate ahead of time so that if there's these events going on that we're not performing any conflicting closures or impacting traffic unnecessarily all right thank you sir Bill Mr right thank you very much go ahead Mr Mayor and U Comm I appre appreciate because I know you're always looking at the interest of our department uh the lobbying it's not e it I've been already covered every angle of this with them they understand the significance of it and one part that was not discussed and we we'll get into it too is that uh there was a design uh done some time ago that would shrink the lanes and we would lose to center lane on 109th Avenue between 7 and 6 Street um they worked together as promised uh to me and they worked around that so we would keep our center lane and make the area nice aesthetic and useful but efficient for us to be able to move more traffic depending on the future and how we need to do that that was the one part I don't think that was uh stated but we we working together and the presentation is again within a couple of days um and H mosa so the General Public they are sending out a flyer to the houses so we can make sure that the people in the city of Sweetwater and the surrounding areas I also asked for that so they could get informed of everything that uh well to come to this event so they could get information on on this project yes thank you all right thank you guys again all right so we're going to go ahead and move on to number five presentation of Employee of the Month award do we have any Mr Mayor no no thank you right presentation of Officer of the month award com good evening good evening assistant chief uh Fernandez Sweetwater Police Department when you hear of Officer of the month we normally think of an officer has done something outstanding in the performance of their duties an arrest an investigation even saving a life this one today is very very different person that I'm about to call up here has demonstrated amazing initiative care and concern for one of his fellow officers this person has not only stepped up to the plate but he has led in his role when one of one of one of ours was in need this is a true description of a leader ladies and gentlemen this person was key he was Elemental in ensuring that one of our own received the care needed day in and day out during a time of very difficult set of circumstances whether it was taking care of a family making medical appointments or fundraising he was there this person's support and unselfish dedication to one of our members is nothing short of inspirational to me and an example for all of us to follow gives me great pleasure to call up Sergeant Jos Gomez as officer of the month for July 2024 yeah oh boy Lord help I'm very humbled thank you uh but anyways uh I want to bring up my guys and then P his wife and kids and uh Danny from sheep dog projects and the other Danny from uh from bleeding blue so we could do a little presentation after uh I get awarded my plaque because this is about them not [Applause] me congratulations sir spot all right floor is yours [Applause] so here we got something for all of you guys too you like it this is so this is Danny from sheep dog projects and the other Danny from uh bleeding blue they're going to give a little bit of what they do and then come on guys come up here don't be shy I promise you guys it's going to be short it's not going to be a bridge present in the front good evening guys thank you for having us um D Morales I work with miate homicide mon he works with Gardians and it's a pleasure to be able to be here today and do a fundraiser for will we reached out to Danny he made a challenge coin for the unit and through our Collective efforts um leing blue was able to raise is a significant amount of money and essentially our goal is just to give back to our Local Heroes injured and fallen in the line of duty this is all volunteer work from our organization there's about 12 of us that run the organization relatively new so we're making an impact and you know it's not only about money but you have a family with us and you know this is not the biggest check in the world but I can guarantee you that we're here for you and for your family throughout anything that you may need in the future this that we're able to raise for you guys not for me getting tight and getting close you get in the middle wait he's not he's not finished the real he not finished wait wait oh wait there's more real quick yeah one last thing and then we'll get out of you guys' hair have any [Laughter] here the mayor's going to like this here oh thank you you we got challenge coins thank you challenge coins specially limited edition you like it that was our design there's only like a few of these C I like it thank you you got the other three commission just and if the Commissioners want to donate money to the paa fund you're more than welcome to do so already did Brother up to you baby upstairs I have no doubt about him it's already started a little get back to training yeah get out of here get back to train like whatever the hell you want we got you all right that's hard reports of officers report boards and committees none thank you um additions and deletions to the agenda I believe we have two deletions if if I'm not mistaken is I and J is that correct okay petitions Communications and remon do we have anyone speaking nothing all right moving to 10 consent agenda second roll comment all in favor I any n one question after the consent through the chair go ahead um how much uh monies are we accepting from grant for consent a disregard I'll speak to the mayor after it item 11 staff items you want to have more Waters some water you want to massage before you start talking that's a lot of stuff you got to read bro Mr chairman I'm sorry to interrupt um you just moved to continue I think items I and J we were in the back of the room it was hard to hear we were here on that item and if there is uh a request to uh pull it from the agenda we would ask to be heard um momentarily about um our objection to that um if if I'm correct again I was in the back of the room I think it was I and J that was yeah that was removed from the agenda it was the items were removed that'll be brought back they were missing some information that had to be on the items their reason they're out so you can save the discussion they'll be up pretty soon so okay at that time okay okay thank you Mr Mayor thank you all right so moving to 11 staff items a a resolution of the mayor and City Commission of city of Sweetwater adopting a tentative millage rate of the city Sweetwater for the fiscal year commencing October 1st 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 pursuing to Florida statute SE 20065 trim Bill setting time date and place for public hearing to adopt Mage rate for the city of Sweetwater authorizing city clerk to advertise public hearing providing for an effective date first public hearing trim requirement opening to public comments show no one's coming to the podium closing public comments does anyone have any questions about this item move it's been moved been second by commissioner my T yes have to go back over here right you need to read I read it I hadn't pulled it here yeah section three section three closed in for me agenda and know s to all right go here had the LPA open one and three let me just get to the item these are the minutes do you have it there uh Madam clerk you have the sections there so I can pull that all right section one the tentative military for the city of Sweetwater for the fiscal year commencing October 1st 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 be and hereby fixed at the rate of 35634 Ms which is $356 cents per thousand of assessed property within the city of Sweetwater section one going to section three the second public hearing required by section 200. 065 of the Florida Statutes adopt final militer for the fiscal year commencing October 1st 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 being and here hereby set in the city commission Chambers 500 Southwest 109 Avenue Sweetwater Florida at 6 p.m. on September 23rd 202 four test roll call Madam clerk now we had a first and a second yes yes yes yes 6 PM yes yes yes thank you madam clerk Item B a resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city of Sweetwater adopting the tenative budget of the city of Sweet Water for the fiscal year commencing October 1st 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 pursuing to Florida statute section 200. 065 trimill setting date time and place for public hearing to adopt the final budget for the city of Sweetwater authorizing city clerk to advertise public hearing providing for an effective date first public hearing trim requirement opening to public comments show is coming to Podium closing public comments and going back to section one and section two all right section one the tentative budget as presented by the mayor and revised by the city commission based on the millage rate of 3. 5634 Mills MB is hereby adopted subject Amendment and final adoption as provided by section 200. 065 of the Florida Statutes and section two that the second public hearing required by section 2006 5 of the Florida statues to adopt final budget for the fiscal year commencing October 1st 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 B and hereby set in the city commission chambers of the city of City Hall 500 Southwest 109 Avenue Sweetwater Florida at 6 pm on September 23rd 2024 then do we have a motion in a second second so we have a motion by and I second myself roll call Madam clerk yes ma'am yes yes thank you madam clerk item C an ordance of the city of Sweetwater Florida reaing an ordinance number 4806 and ordinance 40 5057 quote if as statute 2-20 city code of ordinance providing grounds providing for cability providing for codification providing for an effective date second reading and public hearing mayor Diaz and commissioner Vena opening to public comments one's coming closing public comments mayor Diaz or V go ahead move this is theor it's been moved second second by Ruiz roll call Mad clerk yes I don't know yes yes yes yes thank you madam clerk item D on ordinance of the city of Sweetwater city commission amending the city comprehensive plan future plan future land use elements policy 1.2 medium density multif family resident mixed use residential/commercial and dolphin community urban center land use categories providing for cability providing for codification and providing for an effective date second reading and public hearing mayor Diaz opening to public comments closing public comments mayor Diaz we're good same item that you saw the last time the next three move the second yeah iide second item roll call Madam clerk yes yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you madam clerk item e an ordinance of the city of Sweetwater commission City commission amending the Land Development code amending Article 2 zoning section 2.6.8 Article 4 development design and improving standards section 4.1.0 table 4.1 providing for cability providing for notification providing for an effective date second reading and public hearing mayor Diaz opening to public hearing cling the public hearing mayor Diaz move move moved in second many roll call man clerk yes yes yes yes yes yes yes F an ordinance of the city of Sweetwater city commission amending the chapter 36 Workforce Housing section 36-3 D3 Workforce housing agreement section 36- s density bonus requirements providing for stability providing for codification and providing for an effective date second reading and public hearing mayor Diaz opening to public hearing closing public hearing we call Madam clerk you guys are not g me time to drink water for the yes yes yes yes yes it's been going fast I haven't had time to drink some water for the next two first i' like to thank the employees who wrote These item G an ordinance of the city an ordinance of the city of Sweetwater Florida amending the city code of ordinance by providing for a local implementation of the mandatory year round landscape irrigation conservations measures rule of the South Florida Water Management District 40 e-24 providing for defin providing definitions providing for applic applicability of of the ordinance providing for the landscape irrigation schedule providing ex exceptions to the landscape irrigation schedule providing for requirement to operate tech technology that inhibits or interrupts an irrigation system during periods of sufficient moisture providing for variances from specific day of the week limitations providing for an enforcement of the ordinance providing for penalties for violation of the ordinance providing for codifications of the ordinance providing for the reapp of all conflicting ordinance providing for cability providing for an effective date first reading mayor Diaz open this is on the irrigation gentlemen lady that we opt out from the counties to create our own we work with South Florida Water Management we believe that this is more sufficient and better for the city of Sweet Water the way is placed move it's been moved in second by commissioner y roll call man Clerk yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you item H an ordinance of the city of Sweetwater city commission amending the city comprehensive plan future land use element revising the future land use map including annexed area and policy 3.5 and objective six amending objective Ive two of the housing elements policy 3.3 3.4 and 6.2 of the transportation element amending policies 1.12 3.4 3.5 and 4.4 of the economic development Dev development element policy 1.1 of the sanitary sewers element policy 1.2 of the storm drainage element policy 3.1 of the cons conservation element objective one policy 1.2 of objective 2 3 policy 6.2 of the recreation and open space elements policy 2.4 of the Capital Improvements element objective one of the PO public educational facility element update data inventory and Analysis future land use Acres chart population and existing land use and public facilities level of service impact providing for cability providing for codification providing for an effective date first reading mayor Diaz this is the uh City comprehensive plan future land use element revising of the future land use map including the annexed area I'm bringing it up to date so with that I need just go ahead go ahead and Mr Mayor uh does this include impact fees believe it does not is that correct does not this is to put the map the whole area that was not within the map so we want to make sure sure that we bring the uh the comprehensive plan uh up to date move three chair hey mayor there there's a there's a plant here there's yellow and and green area what is that for ahead no that's yellow and green areas let's find that all right it got nothing to do with this one okay yeah George can you explain it to me anyway are you talking about the yellow area which is section one yeah this one right here that's the residential area that we are in right now okay and then the area that's proposed that we're looking at is the pink area with the blue and the red up here okay that's area three oh okay all right and then the area two is the other one that's adjacent east of it yeah I got it okay I got it thank you man you're good appreciate it all right somebody say okay I have a motion I put a motion yeah let me let me just hear commissioner vill we have a separate study going on for impact fees and you'll be getting an ordinance on that in the due time thank you sir by the way Scott has been working on the impact fees not only that but on the storm water utility situation that we want to make sure that those get paid to the city and not to other places so we're working on all parts of it so it's been moved by commissioner Yano uh did we have a second or I second it second by commissioner Diaz we call Madam clerk commissioner re yes yes yes yes yes yes thank you J a resolution of the mayor and the City of Sweetwater commission is oh we removed I removed I I cross thought only I sorry about that okay a resolution of the mayor and City Commission of the city of Sweetwater granting a petition to close a portion of Northwest 108 Avenue under Road CLA under road closing petition 2024 0000000000 009 authorizing the mayor city clerk City attorney to take all actions necessary implementation and providing for an effective date mayor D is thank you Mr President this is uh the triangle the famous triangle on 108th Avenue that has been going on for quite a bit of time and finally uh I got together with the parties involved along with our attorneys uh my whole team and make sure that we move this forward so we could get 108 finalized and stop the flooding in that particular area and prepare for the type of businesses are going to be developed there and that's what this is all about this is the road closing I'll make that happen we call Madam cler thank you yes yes yes yes yes thank you madam clerk l a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Sweetwater selecting most responsive responsible and reliable builder for design/build of of a project at 1695 Northwest 1110th Avenue Miami Florida 33172 W waving any irregularities in the request for proposal process providing for authorization and providing for an effective date mayor Diaz this is on the two base the construction that uh was selected basically last time it just didn't it wasn't selected it went through the whole process but it did not come before you guys so I wanted to make sure that that came before you there is an incrementation of the amount of money there was because of course supply lines and everything else it wasn't much so we're want to go forth and build that out for a build buing and zoning and code enforcement department within the two bays that were purchased by the city second mooving second but I think uh no no um good I command you for that here I think uh last time we talked about this they were going to sell it but this is a great move for this and let me discuss that too the the reason we did not continue to look at the uh to sell the items is because under our Charter it clearly states that if we do go into the cell we would have have to go back and do a referendum vote right and we want to be real clear that we will not do and I will not allow this this board to be present itself that could uh be in a improper position so therefore y that's why we're doing it the way we're doing moving forward that J Mr V uh Mr Mayor thank you uh question what is our current budget to do the Renault on both Bays right now came in at about 1.2 but we still have to do fe& and so I have to present that once I determine what the Fe is but we're we're somewhere around 1.2 and change so that's where we're at you think that's going to be enough no it once it it gets finalized and negotiated which we're at that point already um we'll be good to go all right and this is this gives me the ability to be able to move and move as fast as I can uh moving forth the f& I have to come back and I got to make sure as to what we're going to put down and how we're going to do it but we want to do something proper and right right so it will last a long time and not do it on the low end but just do it on the proper end great I any further thank you all right so it's been moved in second we call Madam clerk yes yes yes yes yes thank you madam clerk question may I go ahead Mr President to the attorney this gives me the ability to move within the contract immediately am I correct okay does this the ability to move into the F discussions and moving forward and then just bring the title back or I had to bring the title back am I correct so we're good to go for for both parts puller we're good pull the trigger okay but I just want to make sure okay all right nomination and consideration and appointment to of members to the youth Advisory Board none nomination and consideration and appointment of the Planning and Zoning Board the chair go ahead um so I'm sorry to announce that the person who I appointed to the Planning and Zoning Board D DOI who's been a resident of the city of Sweetwater 52 years has unfortunately passed away um not only was he an amazing resident he was a a great friend he will be sorely missed and now he leaves a vacancy in my nomination for the Planning and Zoning Board so any Resident in the city of Sweet Water interested in being nominated please contact me uh at my cell phone 78651 9400 if you call me past 1:00 a.m I guarantee you I'll be knocking at your home door at 400 a.m. probably with a some nice basket of eggs so anybody interested thank you very much all right nomination and consider nomination consideration and appointment of members to the neighborhood Improvement Advisory Board none going to go ahead to reports mayor's report have the floor go ahead um there's one thing I'm going to bring forth uh I think somebody you guys all know we're going to start getting aggressive on what we've been discussing for quite a while which is marketing for the city and making sure that what has been done by other entities in the past and to make sure that certain businesses uh that are in the city of Sweetwater are reflected under another city name uh we will deal with that once and for all I have brought somebody and I want to introduce them to the commission but I think pretty much you guys know him Brian you want to come up to the podium and Brian is Brian kintana is the person that will be my leaz on representative out with the businesses and making sure that we let's just say have the make sure that the people have the awareness of what city they're in and whatever need they may have and we'll be visiting a lot of the businesses with time in the future but that uh we they know that they have somebody that's going to be extension of the mayor's office even though all of you are and I know we have the same goal in mind but this is direct representation from my office and from me so just a couple of words sir yes sir I won't take a lot of your time thank you Mr Mayor commission president commission vice president the rest of the commissioner city clerk City attorney you all know me you've seen me before here I've been on the youth board been I'm active in the city resident for the the whole my whole life essentially and I'm honored to be here blessed to be here we're going to work with those businesses make sure that they're not the they're Sweet Water that they know where they're at that they know that we're here for them that there's a new sheriff in town There's a new Commission in town There's new people new faces and we're going to make sure that they stay where they're at that they keep working with us that they could also get employees that we may also benefit from that and we get our tax revenue get everything that we need for us and we help them to stay here local we hope not just our residents but everyone here as well so thank you again Mr Mayor and commission and I hope you have a good night that's a future mayor of Sweetwater right there thank you you know we got a homegrown pass to this kid I almost want to give him a standing ovation for we know to pick them don't we great hire by the way thank you with that um as far as the parks concerned we're still working on a couple of hicups as you know uh nothing's perfect but we want to make sure what we do we do it right uh with with the different Parks I think you guys have asked me and I continue to say uh we have a lot of the residents are extremely happy with what's been taking place we want to make sure we improve the future of those parks and uh we'll continue to work on it we're also going to be looking at the future growth of the city and that's something that I'm going to start taking very seriously and making sure that the planning as I know several of you have been asking the question of in the fiveyear strategy and so on we continue to improve on that because if we don't make sure we have a direction then the ship could just just say leave the path that it should be on so we want to make sure that you're aware of everything so it's not just Parks it's everything we do all of the things we've done in the last year or so uh have come into fision everything from you know the pay system that we have now to pension changes everything that has been done has been to improve the city make it more more efficient and continue in that path and we're not going to deviate from that and I know that that's something you guys have all asked for and wanted to be involved in and and you know we're an open book whatever you need we're there to give it to you and uh we're working good the uh surveillance uh equipment and so on we're we're moving out hard on the grants that might be ending so we're moving fast on uh making sure those grants we leave nothing on the table and make sure that those federal grants are been issued properly we have the new system already going in place in the Park which is the uh projectors along with the automatic screens the sound systems the cameras that are going to be protecting the assets uh that will be going on this millions of dollars are going into these areas we'll be doing so also are areas where include City Hall and many other um areas we're going to have the camera system the police are going to have the latest equipment on fighting crime um we're moving hard on making sure they have everything that they need um as you know recently we ratified their contract I think everybody's pretty much happy uh the way it's been set up and done we have done something that I I know that you guys have asked me every single one of you to do and that's clean up the problems that have occurred in the past and making sure that those problems stay in the past and we move forward when they clean a new slate and that's what we've done and we'll continue to do that and any any part of it that you might need any discussion or feel anything that might need to be brought to my attention please continue to call me at all times not at the 4 in the morning sir but we move forward all right thank you mayor to be any commissioner support oh yes so uh we all saw uh K9 Officer paa who's here uh you saw the show of support from the police department uh I want to let all the Commissioners know that he is home uh he is fighting but um bills need to be paid so if you guys can reach into your coffers and make a donation to him and his family because he's going to be out probably for a year God willing less than a year um we have a an ability to reach out to many vendors and do you know uh generate money when we're up for election re-election but this is a great cause so I'm asking you guys to do the right thing reach out to whoever you got to reach out to get a couple checks made out to uh to Willam Peña whatever help you guys need let me know if not reach out to Sergeant Gomez I'd greatly greatly appreciate it if you guys did that it's time to back up one of our own so with that I yield anyone else all right City collect report thank you attorney report so Wednesday we are all meeting here uh for what will be the uh last um review of a mayor's mitigation order under the previous ordinance um I I will be reaching out to each of you tomorrow to explain the process to you in detail so that you're aware of this and then you will be receiving uh either from myself or from the clerk a briefing book containing everything that you need to consider uh this is a non-adversarial process the right to um I'll explain to you in detail but the right to present Witnesses and the and cross-examine and so forth uh and cross-examine Witnesses is something that was provided at the hearing Master Level so will not be provided this time unless that's what you all want if you all want to do that's within your discretion to do so but I recommend that you simply follow sit here in the appella capacity let the um the um uh the appellant lawyers pitch their argument to you and if you find any of it persuasive then you can rule on that uh if not you know myself and the people from code enforcement and building will be here to answer any questions for you and to uh to offer whatever guidance we can offer um but um the the process I do not believe is quasi judicial however you should treat it as if it were quasi judicial and it's not quasi judicial because there's no right to present Witnesses and there's no right to cross-examine that's specifically in our in our ordinance that this is an appellant process only and it uses the word appeal uh so um I don't believe it's quaa judicial but you should treat it as if it were qua judicial anyway just to be on the safe side to avoid any any issues quazi judicial would mean that you are not authorized to discuss this matter with the uh with any lawyers or anybody who gives you a call wanting to talk to you about this uh and there'll be outside City staff obviously um but any you know the appellant lawyers or anybody else so that is the major thing that we have on the on the calendar for this week there are a couple of other uh mitigation and uh code enforcement matters are coming to to uh to to ahead in the next couple of months but that's the major one that we have coming up right now it will be this Wednesday I believe at 3:00 correct at 3:00 so again I will be reaching out to all of you tomorrow uh I will need probably about 10 to 15 minutes of your time um so um if not tomorrow then definitely Wednesday morning if I can't I I will reach I'll call each of you tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon but if we can't connect I would definitely like to connect on um on Wednesday morning before the the uh the actual hearing thank you goad Mr attorney thank you uh Mr attorney Madam clerk do you guys have a packet for us I have a packet for you um will we have that you will have that um I will probably have it um let see if I can get it for Carmen tomorrow I already have it in in in final form I just need to get either get it printed or have kmen printed just so we can have time to review so we're not yeah looking at it the day of right he it will be the it'll be a briefing memo for myself and then it will be um it'll have attached to it the appellant petition for appeal and their exhibits and their exhibits are effectively the exhibits that that were presented in the the the counterpart lawsuit that we have filed and what about our exhibits our code enforcement any police reports uh how many fines the leans we're going to have that that that entire the entire code enforcement file for each of the cases will be presented to you and you'll have it in there I don't believe there are any police reports that are relevant here they they weren't a part of the issue um and they weren't part since you sitting in an Appel capacity you have to review was presented to the mayor and that those items were never presented um at the trial below or the the hearing in front of the mayor below so um you will be presented with a packet that contains the entire code enforcement file for each of the matters along with their uh their petition and with a briefing memo for myself thank you thank you very much that's all that's all Ral yeah that's all that I have yes all right thank you yes Mr President go ahead I'm sorry on my report I needed a pocket item to bring it out because of the renewal of the insurance oh yeah go ahead yeah okay so do we need to do it now uh you would have to announce what it would be and then the resolution after yeah we can draft a resolution after but the the commission would have to uh essentially add it on to the to the agenda Okay add on to this agenda yeah but can I do it as a pocket item here yeah yeah yeah yeah and just basically say we have a renewal and that renewal we need to move forward it was uh oh wait this is a renewal of an existing policy is that what it is yes oh no you you don't you actually don't need a resolution at the stage for that it's a new contractual renewal so I want to make sure that we don't yeah no no no go go ahead and just ask for the authority to do so and we'll correct this later at the next meeting we'll draft a resolution that'll be retroactive okay okay we're good either way I could make a simple ask right now to move forward with the renewal based on the discussion that we had based on the savings that we took place and based that it was going for a lot more and we reduced it considerably and working now it became a national plan too yes so go ahead and ask for Authority then at that point inform the commission ask for authority and then for the next meeting which is in two weeks we'll just draft a resolution that's ret they'll be retroactive to that I you have the authority what to Authority second to give him the authority second second I have the authority to move forward and then whatever it's going to be retroactive okay holy water too okay no go ahead one more thing uh Valor Fest we're moving forward to give a fast report we are getting uh I think the start of something huge for the city of s I know we tried last time but we ran out of time last year but November 11th we will be hosting an incredible event that is going to be again the name is valer Fest is to support our uh veterans are uh not only are veterans that went and fought and served this country uh but also those that are active duty now in the future those uh young men and women that are in RTC R RT and also our capap people too that are also going to be some of the the bright young men and women that'll be representing so the city is taking I know each one of you is extremely supportive of the military and that's something we're going to do we're going to do a huge Festival as you all know I'm just recounting again for those that might not know and uh we're moving forward the United States military foundation will be the recipient of it they will be signing the contracts and so on I work very closely with our attorney and everybody involved to make sure that we do this properly and so on but I will tell you that one of the Bands is Jefferson start ship band that uh for those of us that are very young that know about this it's an incredible band and then the other ones are sad and many others but I wanted to make sure that we were moving forward and gave you a heads up on that too it's going to be from 4: to 10:00 at night again that's uh Veterans Day on the 11th of November may I believe there's another group called The Blue I heard them too the blue yeah you know they're they're a musical group you know there's a guy that's a drummer that I think we know the BL or in no I don't know if it's in the blue about the blue or something with blue but you know I heard them a little bit and they're pretty good I know they're working it there's somebody turning red which is usually T back there but uh I think it's going to be a for some people that lost something that great it's our gain and we look forward to to having having them and uh N I look for forward for remember this is not like Memorial Day this a summer day this is a festive Day saying thank you and enjoying with them and their family for what they've done and do for us thank you all right thank you so we have a police report it is attached building and Zoning report was attached as well Code Compliance report was attached as well public works department report was attached Finance as well Community L Duty service report was attached Parks and Recreations report was attached un finished business new business goody Lord motion for a German