##VIDEO ID:w7S_4MVzJn0## e e e e e e e e e e came good good evening everyone meeting date Monday September 23rd 2024 at 600 p.m. commission Chambers 500 Southwest 109 Avenue roll call Madam clerk all members pres thank you madam clerk so we play we're opening to public comments no public comments all right going over to number five a resolution of the mayor and the the commission of the city of Sweetwater adopting the final millage rate of the city of Sweetwater for the fiscal year commencing October 1st 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 pursuing to Florida statute section 20065 trim Bill authorizing transmittal and providing an effective date second public hearing trim requirement opening to public closing to the public trim requirement Mr Mayor you have anyone all right moveed I'll second this item roll call Madam clerk commission yes commissioner re yes commissioner di yes commissioner V yes commissioner yes commission yes president R yes Mr President now you need to read uh the paragraph that's marked as section two section two all right section two the final millage rate for the city of Sweet Water of 3.56 34 Mills B and hereby officially adopted as a final M rate of of the city of Sweetwater for a fiscal year commencing October 1st 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 that the roll back rate for the city of Sweetwater is 32769 Ms which is $327 per thousand and 8.74% increase over the r roll back rate of assessed property value within the city of Sweetwater all right item six a resolution of the mayor and and commission of city of Sweetwater adopting the final budget of the city of Sweetwater for the fiscal year commencing October 1st 2024 and ending September 30th 20125 pursuing to Florida statute section 200. 065 trim Bill Pro providing for Effective dat second public hearing trim requirement opening to public hearing closing public hearing comments com it's been moved I'll second the item as well roll call Madam clerk commissioner re yes ma'am commissioner Diaz yes commissioner VI yes commissioner Martin yes commissioner yes commissioner Yan yes president Ray yes passes thank you madam clerk reading over to section one the final budget as presented by the mayor and amended by the city commission based on millage of 3.56 34 Mills attached to the resolution as exhibit a b b and is hereby officially adopted as the operating budget of the city of Sweetwater for fiscal year commencing October 1st 2024 and ending September 30th 2025 move it's already been it's 30 and moved second move finalizing it yeah all right moving to section seven a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Sweetwater approving memorandum understanding between the Miami day police department and the City of Sweetwater Police Department allowing access of the mdpd photo imaging system retroactive to December 19th 2017 providing for authority and providing for an effective date mayor Diaz Mr Diaz all right so I'll move the item second by commissioner ruis roll call Mam clerk commissioner Diaz yes commissioner via yes commissioner Martin yes commissioner V yes commissioner Yano yes commissioner re yes president Ray yes passes all right moving to eight a resolution on the city Commission of city of Sweetwater approving contract with data works plus LLC for access to certain law enforcement databases and provision and requisition hardware and training providing for continu authorization and providing for an effective date mayor Diaz thank you it's uh all there same thing through through the chair uh go ahead Mr [Music] V I was going to ask a question I figure I don't know if you want me to ask you Mr Mayor or Deputy Chief Deputy Chief come on up how you doing sir everyone Noel guty chief of police with City sweater 500 Southwest 109 Avenue how you doing sir how you doing how's your weekend good how was your sir good well the Dolphins lost but everything else is all right um so what are we looking as far as budget allocation uh for this uh particular database so this is uh basically they they assume the uh the cost uh this is for the ticket books this is for data works plus right so this is so what happened was this is coming from the um from the clerk of the courts right and uh what ended up happening was that they used to pay or not pay for this but they had contracted and they gave it back to the cities uh we went ahead and we looked at different options and the best option was still to stay with uh data Works uh their cut comes out of the um off the off the uh tickets that are written okay so I see budget allocation doesn't really see budget it's kind of has cost it's amount 85968 and then 962 96 I guess that's the the startup fee and then they take percentage is that is that right so that's uh part of the startup fee and it's not really a startup fee the that we're going to get all new equipment because we've been using this equipment for a number of years now all right I appreciate it thank you so much no problem thank you that are you I think it was moved by commissioner yanu and second by commissioner V roll call Madam clerk commissioner V yes commissioner Mar yes commissioner yes commissioner Yano yes commissioner ree yes commissioner Diaz yes president rain yes he passes thank you madam clerk uh moving to nine a resolution of City Commission of the city of Sweetwater open market acquisition of services by Civic plus LLC approving contract thereon providing for authority and providing for an effective date mayor Diaz direct good afternoon Mario Diaz director of Technology city of Sweetwater um this is a software that for the building department um building department code enforcement were lacking software um in order to have one Central system um to maintain all the records and everything that has to do with um permits everything that has to do with giving out citations um and a whole unified system so this is a software that um actually with um Richard he's uh Richard Ruby um evaluate the software along with um Vera and um and Martin Garcia this this software if I can director this software actually brings us into a better light and expedites to the process in itself and it's also uh a lot more transparent and we could actually access information a lot faster plus it has more components that could actually expand to some of the things that we lacking if I'm not mistaken do uh come up the building official has actually used his software in the past am I correct correct Richard Ruby building director building officials city of Sweetwater so yeah this program is bringing us to the Future uh currently we for our fees we have spreadsheet which is an Antiquated system of following our fees this would automate everything including it would integrate our current fees sheet uh so that fees are automatically assessed also by Florida statute we need to be uh accepting online digital plans and permitting um our system really isn't built for that so we accept these permits through email uh with this new system it there would be a portal where everything's submitted which would be a much more professional and it would be better an Outlook a better Outlook uh system uh in addition to that it would track time time spans of permits so that we know how we're doing and we could better uh our turnaround times on on plan one of the things that you have asked for is efficiency when it comes to the the building department and this program actually helps us of course the man power is very important and the the people there but it it doesn't omit because it's internet based also that there will not be service and I know that's going to be the next question coming out of uh the board I can see it already uh there there will be an open process as we've had before you do not have to go and do the appointments and all this other stuff if you're a developer builder stuff you professionally you do go through a process like that to make sure there's adequate time available for that this type of program actually helps us improve in our building department and gives all the things that we need to our residents plus also we we have a lot of work there and if we could be able to simplify a lot of the work using a program like this this is what it's for it it also integrates with the muni code which is which is all the all the um the records that we need to check on the ordinances and resol directly with UN code and the website as well to accept the online payments too on I first thank you thank you uh two thank you Mr President two questions number one by the way I love the efficiency so I appreciate that what is the budget allocation cost for this paper rock scissors no no no no no no no 30 30 I believe it's the first year is 385 3, and then 38 38,500 and then the following year the recurring is um it's 5% of that and so it ends up being um I believe is 49 or or 40,000 good and then my second question is as far as budget allocation is not coming out of General funds coming out of building is only correct out of building I think it's a home run remember was separated for that reason absolutely with that a thank you uh Mar is this going to be on our server is this hosted no this is hosted this is host yeah it hosted online um with the same website so it's the same um that's on the same server as a website so it's hosted it's a s system where is it hosted um I can get you the I don't recall um but I believe it's on the cloud I believe it's Amazon servers on the cloud is it Amazon like government it's government it's government PD where it's like super yeah it's it's sock compliant okay so they have um sock Services um for their hosting and so certifications okay thank you can you um can you make payments with that yeah yeah you yes you'll be able to make all the payments online now any any other cities using the same or we are the only one no no there are there about 10,000 other cities using using this um system using the the company locally there's a handful in Broward and there's a few here in Miami D County so the count is doing it the same thing or the count not D County itself but several municipalities here within Miami day County and several municipalities in Broward County we've gotten good feedback from those great job great job guys one last question does this also serve as like an RMS records management system it it has a it has a component of record management system built within so we can search on any type of um plans or any type of permit that was issued or a code violation that was issu specifically be used for that purpose but it would have the capability of looking back at at records home run man I'm all for it you know one of the key things one of the key things to add this is not coming out of General funds this is coming out from the fees and the way they they're doing the programs and so on but if we could continue to grow and Home in on this it's a whole process you know we you've asked for change we we've done several different things we've checked different programming we're going to keep improving on program me but it seems that this software is constantly has a tail every year there's a cost 5% and and that cost has to provide the service too but as it grows we might also integrate certain things that we might have to add in the future uh and I know one of the the things that we're having in our chief code enforcement is actually working with our police chief to deal with a problem a severe problem we're having I didn't think it was that much of a problem but to going in again to the linear Park and the pets and the issues um we got to we're going to have to sit down and figure something out because it's become a bigger problem than we ever thought of so this is part of this we could work with the entities and we could actually come up with some ideas so that's it so it's been moved in second yes and I took roll call clerk commissioner Martin yes commissioner V yes commissioner yaniel yes commissioner re yes commissioner Diaz 100% yes commissioner via yes president Ray yes he pass have motion for before no before you adjourn I need to make a correction on the anemy for last and uh deputy chief go is going to make the correction please I apologize I just had uh Civic smart on my head at the time that I and I misspoke because we're also working on the on the manual ticket books uh uh data works is actually part of what's known as rapid ID which is a system um identification kind of like a a you know cell phone for a lack of a better term that we are able to identify people that may be not giving us their identification while they're on the street it's a system that they put their fingerprint goes through FDLE over to FBI sieges and we're able to identify uh these people there is a cost and the cost is uh $895 a year and I believe that we have it for the next three years at the same cost and then we will look at that again uh but there is a yearly cost to that Chief um where's that money coming from uh it's coming from our from our it budget it yeah from uh the the police it budget the police it budget right thank you Chief so it's uh in the GL and and to wrap up because I know you keep asking about the budgets and where stuff is coming from every department is trying to become his own Silo and everything has to be paid through that department and working together with every other department but every department is his own unit so there's no more of this take from here pay from here and do that that's all that's all gone that's that's why I asked the question mayor I I figured that's why I wanted to clear that up you know where we're coming from thank you all right all right motion forour all in favored done