[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good evening everyone meeting date regular Commission meeting Monday March 4th 2024 at 6 p.m. commission Chambers 500 Southwest 109 Avenue roll call Madam clerk CL know the absence of commission of race thank you and uh let's stand for the Pledge of Allegiance remain standing for vocation I to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation indivisible with liy and justice for all in jesus' name I pray dear heavenly father thank you for giving us the gift of service service to our community service before self please continue to bless every single resident the in the city of Sweetwater all the employees in the city of Sweetwater all the commissioners of the DI and our mayor please continue to bless our men and women in law enforcement our men and women in the fire service and our First Responders and please continue to bless the greatest military in the world the United States of America in Jesus name I pray amen amen thank you Marcus good all right so today for the vocation uh we did that special presentations um I will be adding one right now it's a presentation that I want to recognize the co-president Flavia liso of the Jackson Health foundation and uh the mayor will be presenting her with a proclamation uh named one day for Jackson and um after the presentation she'll have a minute or two to have a speech slavia yes can you please come up mayor Proclamation going up you know uh Jackson is our is our Security net hospital I'm sure you guys all know about Jackson Hospital yes sir anybody here doesn't know about Jackson Hospital you be living under a rock or something Jackson Hospital is one of the best hospitals that there is out there we were blessed with many good hospitals in our community but the most important thing that we had is that this Hospital takes care of everybody and years ago they you know they only had a presence South north and Center east of Miami day County so I got together with uh certain people in Jackson and Mr migoya in company the whole team and we look for a property here close to us and it took a little while but we got Jackson West which by the way if any of you have not seen it it's right off the pal met on 25th Street Northwest it is an incredible high efficiency hospital but what's important is that this Hospital needs to also be supported it's not only our safety net but it's an incredible hospital to go through so as officers know that are sitting back there Jackson you don't want to go there for the trauma unit obviously and be patient nobody does but if ever you were in that situation that's the one place that you want to up because they do an incredible job so they are expanding again and putting making sure their emergency unit up on the west side it's also going to be as good or is as good as the one in the middle hospital so with that said I talk a little more but it was important okay that we give them a recognition today because Jackson needs to continue to establish and grow within our communities and we want to make sure that we have a day for jackon toer so because it is part of the fiber of what Miami da county is did I say that right you did AB okay good so with that add some words thank you no thank you all so much I this is an honor for me to be able to be here and accept this Proclamation and just as the mayor was saying I think everyone that I speak to has a Jackson story right if you lived in Miami long enough either you a family not only went to Jackson but more than likely their lives were saved at Jackson and the most important part is that we do that regardless of anyone's ability to pay because it is the public health system here in South Florida but unlike in many other cities and counties where the public health system is the last place you want to go we're fortunate that in our backyard Jackson is the first place that you want to go so whether it's r or trauma center like you mentioned where you know unfortunately many of our service personel end up going or whether it's our Transplant Center or the new beautiful facility right up the street here at jocks West full encompassing 200 bed hospital 100 bed hospital I apologize we're trying to get the other 100 um that was recently ranked in the top 5% of all hospitals in the country for its patient care and it's only been open a couple of years so we're very excited about the future um of Jackson in this community and communities across the count and this one day for Jackson is our opportunity as a community to really give back to Jackson for their service for being here 365 days a year we're asking everyone to really help us for one day we're in the process of building a brand new emergency room like you said if you've ever been to Jackson Memorial Hospital that emergency was built in the 1970s so we're building the largest emergency room in the country will open in 2025 and it will be three times a sign stateoftheart a lot of the dollars that we're raising here go to support that along with obviously public dollars that we receive as the public health entity so one day for jackson.org is the website if you're interested in learning more we have over 40 business partners already on board and really hoping to get the support of you know County and City governments as much as possible to really start sharing the news about how meaningful April 4th will be to us so Mr President Mr Vice President and of course Commissioners we are also one of the partners involved through working as a city and municipality and we do that gravitation basically but also because we want to and this board is very accepted of this as I am too thank you so much so on behalf of all of us myself as the mayor a proclamation and basically announcing all good things about J and making sure that one day for Jackson day is here which is going to be April 4th ail 4 thank you get [Music] [Applause] my okay mov along to number five presentation of employee of month award you guys and and after be officer of you know I asked the directors uh in the city to try to give me special people within the city that that are employees and then Dar sty and my directors uh sometimes come up with somebody sometimes I don't this time he did director salar um do you need to be there or this this is not so much uh an employee of the month but is an employee that's been an employee for all time uh in the years that she's been here um in my office there is nothing no task that I've given her that she cannot do she does everything she's my right hand and if you've dealt with her and you've come in she's also the sunshine because when she's not there the office is just not as bright so I want to bring aboard Isel Volpe as the employee of the month yeah I like the sunshin thank you so much want to say something yes I just wanted to say that good for the camer I just wanted to say that everything that we do there you know we do it with all our heart and we couldn't do it without Manny because he is the best director that could we could have ever asked for and every time we get into a point where we say oh this is really difficult he goes and help us so I really feel like we're a family and we cannot really do it with each without each other so thank you that me thank [Music] [Applause] you good evening everyone Lieutenant Umberto Herrera on behalf of the police department to award the officer of the month award so I'll tell you the story why they're receiving these Awards on January 14th 2024 at approximately 11:25 p.m. Sweetwater officers were dispatched to an attempted burglary in the area of Southwest 2 Street and 103 Avenue officers casanas Perez and encar immediately responded to the area officer Perez made contact with the witness who advised that an unknown male wearing all black was seen going into multiple driveways attempting to open multiple Vehicles while campas in the area officer inar observed a m matching the description provided in the area of Southwest 6th Street and 104 Avenue just a couple blocks away officer kasas and andar then detained the mail without incident pending further investigation a show up was conducted with victims presenting the subject at which point he was identified as the male that was attempting to break into these vehicles officer kasas Perez and inan then worked diligently and collaboratively to identify contact and interview a total of four attempted burglary victims furthermore these officers also gathered video while conducting an area canvas of the crime that was committed the male was subsequently arrested and charged with four counts of attempted burglary to a conveyance these officers worked swiftly effectively and as a team to address a concern of affecting our residents by doing so they were able to prevent multiple crimes it is with great honor to present officers Alexander casanas officer ymis Perez and officer Hector andar as the officers of the month for January of 2024 [Music] up hold on see the I'm so I don't have a problem second so I have a a little surprise a a new member of our Police Department um Sergeant Gomez bring our new member and I'm going to have uh officer kasas um speak about our new member the officer of the month there you go that's the real officer of the month right there ladies and gentlemen uh Commissioners Mr Mayor so so basically we have here our newest canine in the department his name is canine moo named after the shark thank you so he's a little skittish though cuz he's only nine months so he's still a puppy he doesn't look like a puppy because he's already 95 PBS but um he's a Jimmy Rice Foundation Grand dog so basically he's going to be trained to be um a male a man trailing dog or tracker so hopefully for we could whenever we have people who visit or live in the city and they go missing we could be we could respond a lot faster since we now have this in-house ability and capability so like I said 95 pounds nine months but he's very eager to learn we're already certified out of Kentucky and I'm in the process of now doing some training classes here in the State of Florida so we can hit the road and be [Applause] official so cute [Music] [Music] got [Music] all right new W all right item seven reports of Officer boards and committees none thank you much any additions and deletions to the agenda none I believe I was advised there was the special presentation that was the only addition to the agenda and there was a deletion if I'm not mistaken is that correct Del uh excuse me yes uh the uh item C St item staff item contract yeah the a upad contract okay that has been removed from today's agenda yes okay uh petitions communication and remonstrances we have uh we have one one person here uh Mr Andres corales if you could please come up state your name for the record your address and in your three minutes Andre corales 551 Southwest 113th Avenue good evening Commissioners Pepe and everybody here I just wanted to take the time to thank commissioner Ray for appointing me to the Planning and Zoning Board last commission meeting uh this is an incredible opportunity for me to contribute directly to shaping the future of the city I grew up in and started off from it uh with FIU being across the street and being my arm mod I'm excited to see the entire area continue to thrive Sweet Water had such a profound impact on me that I named my real estate development company AOA companies which is Sweet Water in Spanish and this city came a long way in the last 30 years I'm 31 I remember Pepe back in the day with carita with the basketball team he was always there he did so much for the city uh with the storm water drainage I remember when Flo when flooding was such a huge issue and you laid the foundation for the future growth of the city so thank you for that and I'm looking forward to seeing where we continue to grow um thank you very much that that's it that's all I wanted to say thank you guys thank you Andress all right moving along to consent agenda do we have a motion to consent the agenda second move to Second have CL please roll call commissioner Yani yes commissioner Diaz yes commissioner Vio yes commissioner Martin yes commissioner VI yes president Ray yes passes thank you moving along to staff items staff item a an ordinance of the city of Sweetwater Florida amending the code the city code of ordinance statutes 2-3 234 to provide for the Acquisitions of or or purchases of Commodities goods and services through the adoption of contracts extended to the governmental organization or governmental Cooperative purchasing groups providing for conditions providing for cability providing for codifications providing for an effective dat first reading mayor Diaz this is real simple this is basically giving us the ability to be able to piggy back on those contracts that we need to it codifies it so we have the law within our our midst to be able to do so and it makes it a lot easier for us to be take advantage and move fast on issues that we would have had to wait a lot longer so second the moved in second mam clerk roll call please commissioner Diaz yes commissioner yes commissioner Martin yes commission yes commissioner Yan yes president Ray yes okay thank you mad Item B an ordinance of the city of sweet waterer Florida amending ordinance number 3589 cified a statute 550 one of the city code of ordinances governing employment of off-duty Law Enforcement Officers providing for a definition providing for right of first refusal providing for Authority providing for exceptions providing for cability providing for codification providing for an effective dat first reading mayor Diaz thank you Mr President this is very simple this is the right for first refusals on the off duty our officers I believe need to have that uh ability uh the chief and the department to be able to allow our officers to have the right for those off duties and they have to if you're in Sweetwater this modifies it codifies it in a way so we have that right move I'll second this we will call Madam clerk commissioner yes commissioner Martin yes commissioner via yes commissioner yaniel yes commissioner Diaz yes president Ray yes he passes okay moving to item d a resolution of the city Commission of city of Sweetwater Florida authorizing participation in the lawsuit seeking a declaration that the provisions of section 112. 1114 1D Florida Statutes that require Municipal elected officials to file form six Financial disclosures forms in unconstitution and invalid providing for an for an implementation providing for authorization providing for an effective think mayor Diaz I'll go ahead and move this I think uh uh the research and I think you need to hear a little more want to go in sure so uh this is the situation the I spoke directly with the attorney for uh bis King Park I believe um and they have already joined the litigation so she gave me a background on this and essentially what happens is that uh there are two lawsuits that have been filed so first off form six is the most intrusive uh form in the country even more so than at the federal level for president or member of Congress it is the most intrusive in the in the country at this point so the there are two lawsuits been filed there's a federal lawsuit that's been filed and the state lawsuit that's been filed the state lawsuit is spearheaded by municipalities and that's specifically what this ordinance refers to so so by agreeing to this ordinance by passing this ordinance the city commission will agree to take part in that sweet water will take part in that litigation as a named plaintiff the legal fee will will be $10,000 flat done nothing further after that and the uh White Sero will end up handling the litigation against uh the state on that matter now there's also a counterpart Federal lawsuit that's been filed by elected officials why is handling that lawsuit as well and the issue with uh or the the way that these two law lawsuits play together is that if the city of Sweetwater agrees to participate in the state-based lawsuits um and pays a $10,000 retainer then any elected official in the city of Sweetwater may also participate in the federal lawsuit as a named plaintiff but is not required to that's strictly up to you but if you choose to participate there will be no other legal fees assessed so essentially the $10,000 um state-based lawsuit or the $110,000 for the state-based lawsuit pays for everything and if you choose to participate as an individual in the federal lawsuit there won't be any additional fees charged uh but that is strictly voluntary on your part great thank you much go ahead uh Ralph do we need to file the previous form to be in compliance or is there are we just on a holding pattern what's happening with that at this point I believe that you do need to file I'm not aware that there's been any uh any injunctions issued or anything uh we need to file form six your form six yeah I do believe you need to file that at this point yes sir if I can actually call Weiss serer tomorrow and find out if July 1 oh you hav told July 1st oh I give you extra yeah yeah you have July 1st but there you have to July 1st if I can and actually yes it's July 1st which means it's actually forgot about it's actually late in September September so you really haven't until September 1 to file more than likely between now and then there will be an injunction entered that will uh that will stay this so yeah at this point you the clerk is correct you do not need to file at this present moment uh but you will unless there's an injunction entered sometime in summer you will have to file before September 1st go ahead Mr Mr President I think that uh was very well explained uh most of us uh pretty much all of us are sitting here sat and heard the explanation from Robert Meyers at the league of cities uh meeting and uh even though we could not discuss it there because of you know sunshine and and now before this committee I mean this commission uh I think it's a um a necessary thing because in today's world where everything is so easily accessible and basically your information is even when trying to cover it up it still gets out there and basically you end up without anything uh so we I do agree with this wholeheartedly that's why I presented it uh on the last meeting uh and now it's bonifide through this resolution and I do agree that we need to protect us more into today's world than ever so I think this is important to move forward okay so we have a motion we have a motion okay roll call Madam clerk commissioner Martin yes commissioner V yes commissioner Yani yes commissioner Diaz yes yes president Ray yes he passes thank you item e a resolution of the city Commission of the city of Sweetwater pursuant to section 2- 229 of the city code of ordinance authorizing the the waiver of three bid minimum for responses to RFQ for payroll services providing for authorization providing for further instructions and providing for an effective date mayor Diaz go ahead this is uh the program that we're going to be doing the uh the RFQ was done for qualification this program is a a program for payroll and HR put in together uh it is something very important 10 firms downloaded it 10 you know basically the major firms out there downloaded the instead of getting three we only got two therefore we came back here for permission to be able it was a sealed box Robert you want to add anything to it and I know Mario you're here too to make sure that there anything thank you anything that uh you might have any questions on but simply this is to be able to open with those two bids and again it is RFQ for qualifications and we'll try try to pick the very best one based on the way Robert wrote up this harue uh absolutely that's uh that says it all we just need a waiver so we can actually open proceed forward and uh check the the rfqs for uh responsiveness and develop uh recommendations from there on chair go ahead uh Mr V who are the organizations that applied for the RFQ uh the there was one one of the boxes was not it didn't put the uh the the person sending it so we will definitely know when we open it uh the other one that did sign in was uh pay P so the other one if you want to bring it up next meeting then after we open it if we get the waiver then we will inform the commissioner and this is only for payroll services correct yes okay I just want to remind everybody the debacles that we've had in the past um I most certainly will not be voting for any organization that has done business as eds3 water previously where uh and I don't want to say there organization name that have screwed the pooch so I hope they're not in there because I won't be voting for them um so hopefully these two companies are obviously new and responsive um I I've been here a long time and I know uh how many issues we've had with payroll companies it's not a it's not a hard task so hopefully uh hopefully it's efficient yeah we we'll come back and that's it Comm I don't think you need to get to that that's the reason we went out because of the mess that was going on and uh we need to straighten it all out this is tough quality Mario you want to add a little bit of what we put down so we could make sure they understand what we went for we did um a deep analysis on what was needed what we currently had our our current situation um so we went out we presented over I think it was over 15 pages of on not only technology questions like all in depth questions for the firms to fill out so we expect them when we open we're going to go through um and get these these details back on what they can and cannot do so we can we can move forward with actually looking at some some presentations any I'm sorry all right any different than the other one that we had completely different um this one is in inter inter well we hope that these are going to um communicate with logos with our Erp system um so we're looking for more automation we're looking for system that you can use on on an iPhone some technology that will have Geo fencing um ability for us to you know to view reports on a digital B on a digital except just not just manual so we're looking for a system more control I'm sorry more control what yes good it's not only just control it's to be clear straight out and transparent as our government we were going from not having that to having that kind of transparency and for the employees they could actually look at everything within the system payroll and stuff that they need to have sick days things that might not be right so I'm looking for total transparency and making it easier for them to be able to adjust and see everything also and it works for us and the report should be a lot clearer clearer and everything else that we have provided sound good another thing that's important and that I made sure and Robert wrote it very clearly they have to have intense municipality experience we're not there to try to beef up or do anything for somebody that's trying to learn the business we don't need that anymore okay I think commissioner R was very clear in the way he put it we don't need to be the the test pattern for somebody okay so with that I ask for your support just wanted to say something real quick uh there's actually pretty common in the bid world that there's only two biders or sometimes only even one uh I've worked with the bids for the city and in the private sector and it just happens a lot and also I would say that that it's a good sign that there's only two biders because with since you mentioned that you guys put a lot of questions and made sure that it was complex stuff that's good because only the best of the first are going to take their time answering all of that if there's too much stuff a lot of the smaller firms won't even bother that's that's usually just how it works in Vin so that's all right Madam clerk we have a move by via second by commissioner Yan roll call Madam clerk commissioner V yes commissioner yaniel yes commissioner Diaz yes commissioner V yes commissioner Martin yes president Ray yes he passes thank you madam clerk item f a resolution of the city Commission of the city of of Sweet Water approving contract with Motorola Solutions Inc for the Acquisitions of the flex suet computer system providing for finding effect providing for Authority providing for an effective date mayor Diaz I'm going to have the deputy chief guil to come up but basically I know you guys know the cad system you know what it provides for a police officer it brings us into the 20th century and beyond our guys are going to be able to have a computer that they're going to have basically all kinds of information and now they're not basically getting and it's going to be at their fingertips and there's a lot more to it do you want to add obvious uh good evening everyone uh Noel Gil Deputy Chief of Police for the city of Sweetwater uh this is in essence uh to bring our police officers a cad system which they never had a computer aided dispatch system uh the reason for Motorola is that the county went with uh Premier 1 which is the with Motorola Premiere 1 which is a a much more sophisticated CAD system that is utilized for when you are operating a dispatch system a 911 system which obviously we don't we get dispatched exclusively from Miami dat County and therefore they do all the entries into the computerated dispatch system uh this would give the ability to uh for our officers to be able through the cad communicate back and forth uh with the uh with Miami D County and they're uh uh 911 and dispatch system and the suite also brings a records management system which right now the city operates a very rudimentary records management system uh that does not allow us to really automated through through automation track our report writing systems right so it doesn't really allow us to uh to basically report into ners we do report into UCR The Uniform Crime Report the FBI Uniform Crime Report system uh but the FBI uh back in 2015 automated that further so that now we can uh literally get the information um more in depth of the crime that occurred right so this would enable us to do this this would enable us to uh do analytical work to know exactly in what areas we are having certain kinds of problems so that we can uh more effectively and efficiently um address this with that said I'd like to thank the Motorola team that is out here today that could potentially answer more uh specialized questions if that need be but with that said I open the floor uh to the lady and gentlemen of the Das move sir good CH how are you good who do we have here from motola today so have Josh we have uh Josh uh who is our count representative we have Rich who is the uh manager for the flex system uh and Sir forgive me and and Mr roas who is also part of the team the famous Josh the infamous Josh thanks you have a SE heard a lot about you guys uh I'm very excited about this for several reasons number one we have a a very archaic system here in the city of Sweetwater uh I applaud the administ ation for being here for the first nine months uh and taking this head-on uh we our current records management system which is a requirement by CFA for our accreditation uh currently we're using a power DMS which is very archaic this is definitely something that we need now the the question that I have is I see in the ORD I see all the language I love it what is the fiscal impact so the fiscal impact uh so what we did and at the request of the mayor and the the chief uh I looked at this and and to see how we can stress or how we can manage this and stretch our money the best way possible I I will tell you that when I first met with Motorola they had given me a price of $1.8 million okay uh through some Hefty negotiations and some uh reach in contract uh we were able to talk them down to uh $640,000 for the first 5 years uh that includes all implementation all training uh all resources needed uh to bring this on and um what we did was we ended up expanding it uh for another three years uh where it would be at uh I believe at 52 54 and 56 for years 6 7even and 8 which that would be the um the uh the the maintenance fee for those remaining 3 years so right now we're looking at correct if I'm wrong 640,000 for the first five years is that correct for the first five years so basically 128,000 a year and yes roughly and that and that actually came uh with a so by doing this right we we got a further 29% discount okay by by by paying the first 5 years in essence once the system is completely implemented and and I think it's great now aside from the system this does not include uh the price of our radios correct no so the radios was was a a totally different thing that I can't radi the radio I brought in so so that we went to Commission because it was a county grant that came over and and the county paid the city and we paid it out uh so that was a separate amount with that said one of the great things about this is that literally the the radios will communicate with the cad uh and it will be a complete integrated system right and as we bring in you know potentially camera systems if they are from the correct vendor and stuff like that that could further uh uh play into it that as units are arriving on the scene and and things of that nature if if there's cameras in that area you know the the the units will be able to pop this up on their computer and see what's going on real time as they're arriving on the scene so this is a complete you know potentially ecosystem that we're looking at um but you know we're we're working on that other aspect of it as well but it could be completely integrated thank you Chief I think this is a slam dunk uh thank you for negotiating that down I'm sure you and the mayor and and number one uh had a lot to do with that I know that the motor has done a great job with Miami day County um I think this is not only an officer safety issue I think it's going to integrate us and take us to the next level level uh we got a lot of young officers and we need some new tech so congratulations to you to the chief to the three Chiefs and to the mayor with that I'll uh I'll third because I know everybody wants to move this before we go in I I want to thank Motorola Josh leading the team um this did not come easy you know this is something that uh and I want to uh first the chief for you know making sure that uh we we had div Vision moving in Direction but of course the deputy chief that stuck hard and and basically make sure that uh we negotiated very well with Motorola and um and you know this city has now gone for from like commissioner yua said not having having an Antiquated system that our guys could be exposed to all kinds of things to having a state-of theart system that once we get finished with everything everything it's never going to finish but we're going to try to adopt so many different things that it's going to be not only the protection to our citizens but the protection to the men and women that serve in this department and make sure they get home safe so once again I want to thank the whole team and this uh money will be coming out of arpa so I want you to understand that and uh we're good to go all right so it was moved by commissioner yanu I didn't hear a second but second third fourth is roll call Madam clerk commissioner yes commissioner di yes commissioner V yes commissioner Martin yes commissioner via yes president reain yes okay thank you madam clerk thank you very much you all for uh really supporting us we really really appreciate it thank you on G nomination consideration appointment of members to the youth Advisory Board none nomination consideration appointment of members to the business development advisory report none nomination consideration appointment of members to the neighborhood Improvement advisory none all right so moving on to reports police reports I saw was attached Parks report was also attached maintenance reports also attached City attorney report uh just a couple of matters um the rido case has been was originally set for trial in this month in March which piece the Weevil oh yeah that has been kicked over till April um the judge moved it over one more month uh at a hearing this morning and um we should be expecting a decision some points in the near future on uh the um uh from the Third District on the appeal that we're facing with okay all right moving over to the mayor's report well guys uh we got a lot of good stuff and we'll continue to add more good things one of the things that uh I want to thank you all for being at the Todd lot the opening the other day I think there's an average of 20 people every time I go by there oh more just an average I'm being very conservative the other day Saturday it you couldn't even it was hard to even walk in there it was crazy so the need was there and we filled that need and I'm very happy both on ronelli Park next maosa and in Carlo Park uh the lights please go by there later the lights are up already at Carlo Park so these are the lights at Moscow put on and they've done a great job and and it looks spectacular um Flo the Florida license on Wheels uh s return to HOSA I know you guys asked me for that thank Diaz and I think Ray also and they asked me for it so it'll be back on Thursday March 21st from 10: to 2 p.m. try to keep it consistent and make sure it happens the monogram machine the monogr truck I'm sorry where's the machine in it uh machine uh is showing up um they will have if the truck has had some issues they will have the people there at the Horas and they will set appointments in Jackson Hospital uh to be able to be seen so in case they're having a problem with you know the monogram bus whatever they're still going to work it they're still going to come through um I want to thank Esther at uh Jackson for making sure they move that uh for us so um Senior Center uh uh senior tech classes um great job they're so happy over there I know you guys go to the senior center uh they're static the place looks totally different already it's beautiful uh we still got some working things I want to thank uh buka for making sure that happened and of course uh our maintenance director for making sure that we had uh everything going there along along with julito that also put in a lot of time and make sure things got done but we're getting there um it's looking great it's a new place new whole new facility when we finish that Park Carlo park it it will be a totally different experience and it's going to be nice now it's again it's no longer the elderly Center it is the community center all right so we'll be seeing how to do and we could approve some classes and things in the evenings for people we will besides that today we met with a group of uh profess that are at Art learning arts for learning no but what school the Carlos spiny thank you have a great Carlos FY school and they are uh do dance they do art they do certain things we're bringing it back to the park okay and our Park director has done a good job looking and finding all these uh abilities to bring into our Park we're looking at a martial arts program also we to put in and several other types of things that will benefit our children and it's just not the young age is also older ages along with the capap program that I know somebody special here to the right hard is working hard to make sure we get it done uh and also I want to state today uh here we will have a summer program this year for our kids okay I think that important um it's about time and also the the program in itself um we met today our director and his team his staff to try to make sure we are looking for good quality people to staff it uh you know there's a lot of things in today's world that we have to deal with especially in the park system with our kids uh this program will include everything for our the kids that come into this program uh we opened already and we already got the list for the employees of the city that uh need and want to have their kids there the rest will be open to uh the the residents of the city of sedat I'll talk to each one of you and give you the details in person uh so you will see what's coming down the way it uh I'm really I'm really looking forward to it I think it's something that that we said we will have done uh we couldn't do it last time we were only a month before we needed to open there was no way possible to do it we tried but it just couldn't happen but this year you'll be very proud with what we're going to provide for the kids um the we should break ground within a week or two I'm gonna I'll call you guys sorry if I don't give you too much lead time but I'm pushing um them to do West the the rehabilitation of ronelli Park okay um we talked about it you walked it you seen what's going to happen it's going to be a total transformation um the board everything that we've talked about uh they say they can't do the big huge huge one but they're going to do something right under it so we're still going to get something that's going to be very noticeable uh and I do mean very noticeable so so um that we should start the latest within two weeks they're going to try to finish it by the mid of of May they're going to work hard they're going to jump on this and non-stop I want to say uh thank you to Scott in finance our finance director he made sure that uh we took care of the requirements of durm to make sure everything was done we're working as a team as it should be done you know all cylinders even though you're not in Parks but you're in this if you have connections and you can work to move we could that's what we're doing here and uh so we should be hopefully done but you know again that has to deal with weather and and everything else but we'll be working uh hard along those lines okay Fifth Street uh and improvements we're ready to go am I correct go ahead Fifth Street fth street for Fifth Street the um actually the the shop drawings when the contractor actually produces some drawings were approved uh today so we're going to be seeing some activity already uh the the locations um everything that goes takes place before the project is early as the beginning of next week we're going to rapidly then um proceed to uh for mobilization they've ordered the the supplies which as our engineer had alluded to uh in a previous meeting there are supply chain issues but everything is under order so that's Trucking along expect to see activity next week awesome the chair we're talking about Fifth Street between 1124 app correct between 114 and 113 yes that is so now excluding 112 So 113 and 114 um yes that'll be the first phase got it and when can we expect groundbreaking groundbreaking around the beginning of March excellent thank you we're organizing everything one I'm sorry I'm around the beginning of April got but activity already the shop drawings are approved it's a reality and the project is going to last project like that n 90 to 12 Days great and then other and that's that's expedited uh we've been with the the contractors doing it we're working hand inand with them we're trying to minimize any disturbance to the residents so we're taking it sections and we're going to try to deal with them as best as possible it's not easy there's a lot of vehicles in in maybe a little too many vehicles in in that area um but uh we're going to do the part that we can uh law enforcement will be present it's needed uh to make sure everything even goes even better and we'll do everything that we need to do to make it easier for a residents but at the same time get them the type of quality of the street drainage obviously you you know I know a thing two about drainage and floody so we have looked and repaired everything including putting a little more uh another light pole uh there that is needed uh there was kind of like a lack of lighting um so it they could add more security and Improvement for the area too so everything that we're doing uh we're going to do and we're going to try to work with them for the actual parking if needed maybe we'll we'll get around it we'll see how we could do do the chair go ahead Mr Mayor you know that I am a critical individual um again whenever I see you doing a good job Kick-Ass job sir the PRI Administration was completely disrespectful to the residents of the city of sweet waterer and to the members of this Das you know I'm not very political and I can give a crap uh about what the the previous administration did um you came in here in nine months you not only respect the Commissioners on this dis but more importantly you are an advocate for those residents on Fifth Street they have been advocating for the last eight years and begging us to fix those streats and the complete disrespect by the previous administration is unforgivable so congratulations sir and thank you thank you for for not only doing your job but being an advocate uh for those residents without you I want to thank you all and it's what we discussed kind of the first or second meeting here our priorities and you brought up as one of the top priorities of the city and hopefully we could get it all finished before my our first year of this Administration comes on May 9th which I don't know if it's going to happen but we'll be pushing as much as we can don't say anything I don't want to hold it to it our best efforts always there you go that's what I wanted to hear so thank you for that okay guys Jo awesome all right moving on to F commissioner's report any Commissioners chair go ahead might yeah I just want to report the uh police department voted on a new member for the police pension board it's officer Alexander ganas we welcome him to the board continue to support that and help them as as we move forward awesome of the month today all right moving along to elderly service report I believe may already touched on that and it is attached uh building a zoning report it is attached code en for Code Compliance report attached Finance report got one here city clerk's report it is attached it is attached thank you human resource report is also here unfinished business new business good order motion for adjournment second thank you everybody y all gold everyone okay okay well done well done okay [Music] okay