Okay. All right. It is 630. Let's call the meeting to order, please, can we please have a roll call? Miss Turner, present, miss Rich. Present. Mr. Burris is absent. Mr. Grossman here, Mr. wood is absent. Mr. Fuchs here. Thank you very much, may we have the quasi judicial statement and swearing in of speakers, please? Assuming I can get that on. Yes. This is a quasi judicial proceeding before the Board of Adjustment. The Board of Adjustment acts in a quasi judicial, rather than a legislative capacity at a quasi judicial hearing. It is not the board's function to make law, but rather to apply law that has already been established in a quasi judicial hearing. The board is required by law to make findings of fact based upon the evidence presented at the hearing, and apply those findings of fact to previously established criteria contained in the Code of Ordinances in order to make a legal decision regarding the application before it. The board may only consider evidence at this hearing that the law considers competent, substantial, and relevant to the issues. If the competent, substantial, and relevant evidence at the hearing demonstrates that the applicant has met the criteria established by the Code of Ordinances, and the board is required by law to find in favor of the applicant. By the same token, if the competent, substantial and relevant evidence at the hearing demonstrates that the applicant has failed to meet the criteria established in the Code of Ordinances, then the board is required by law to find against the applicant. Do you want me to go through the procedure, I think I don't think we typically do, no. So if anyone present is going to be speaking tonight, if you could please stand and raise your right hand to be sworn in. I guess, I mean, yes, yes, it wouldn't hurt. Okay. It's a test . It's a test. Yes. Do you swear or affirm your testimony before the Board of Adjustment is a truth. So help you? I do thank you, sir. So we will begin with application number 24. Dash 16, which is a variance to reduce the required side setback and separation distance between a pool's water's edge and a screened enclosure for the purpose of constructing a new new pool screen enclosure over an existing pool. The property is at 1417 Poinsettia Avenue, so if we can have the city staff present this item, Ali Keene, principal planner with the Planning and Zoning Department, the subject property is located on Poinsettia Avenue, outlined in red here on the screen, this property, as well as all properties in the surrounding area, are in the are 100 single family residential zoning district, the applicants are here requesting variance approval to reduce the required side setback on both sides. For a pool screening closure. They're also requesting a variance to reduce the minimum separation distance between the water's edge and the pool screening closure. And this will be going around an existing pool on the property, this is a look at the survey of the property. The red line is outlining where the screening closure is proposed. It's just going to be going along the existing pool deck and around the existing pool on the property, the land development Code requires screening closures to have a minimum side setback of eight feet, based on the current layout and configuration of the pool deck and the pool, the side setback is only, a minimum of 7.4ft on both sides. It's a little bit larger on the east side, but 7.4 is the minimum, that it would be the rear setback does meet the code requirement of a minimum five feet. Plus it is outside of any easement. And then again, the pools water's edge and the screening closure is required to be a minimum of 3ft or 36in, so separation and there's only about 34in on the west side. So that is also included in the variance request. Very small request, there are a few considerations with this application. Both the pool and the home were constructed in 1983. That does predate the current land development code, also, this property is a legal, nonconforming lot of record in terms of lot width. The current are 100 standard would require the lot to be at least 75ft. If it were platted today, the subject property is only 51ft, so there's a little bit less to work with in terms of side setbacks, the applicant did provide some photos, there are more provided in the agenda backup. I pulled a couple of those to show you the existing pool on the property, again, it's going to the enclosure. Will follow the existing, pool deck on the property, and then the applicant also indicated that he has some issues with some wildlife. So he's got a lot of ducks in his pool. So I put that picture in there as well, these are your review criteria and I can answer any questions. Okay. Thank you very much. Does anyone have any questions of Miss Keen? Okay. If the applicant is here and would like to present any additional information, maybe that wasn't covered. I think she's pretty much covered everything, okay. You just have to stand at the podium and state your name and address for the. For the record, sir, I think that they have me at John Evans, I think Mike Evans or John Evans. I think she's covered pretty much everything. And I hate to be a pain, but if you can just state your address for the record, it's a thing. Okay? I'm not good at this. That's okay. 121417 Poinsettia Avenue. Thank you sir. And this is basically a vacation home for us, so we're not here. I have a pool person that comes and takes care of the pool for me. You know, once a week I pay him to come in once a week, I was here for over, spring break, and, I mean, I worked on the pool three days a week. I mean, it just with leaves and stuff and pool and my pump. I had replaced my pump because it ran so much. I'm getting stopped up. I just feel like a screen enclosure would help me a lot. Being gone. And I think it's a needed thing. I've had some issues with, the species of the ducks, you know, he has come in all the time because they're, I guess, doing their thing in the pool and causing some problems with that, and basically that's about it. I just, I feel like it's something I really need being gone and not there, and, I don't I mean, I know there's some minimal setbacks here, but, I mean, the, the guy behind me, his garage is all the way up against my fence, there's a guy right next to me. His screen enclosure looks like it's about three foot from his fence, so I just feel like what I'm trying to do is not out of the ordinary or out of. I'm not asking too much. Certainly Well, does anyone have any questions for Mr. Evans, Mr. Grossman? Yeah, I have one. It looks like it's three sides, are you attaching? Is it just the, pool enclosures? Just three sides, using the home for the. You have the other picture of the where I took the picture coming back towards the house. Yes, I do, I'd have to. I flew a drone on the backside of the house and took a picture there you go. So you could see it. So basically I'm covering the whole bottom deck. So when you walk out the bottom, the whole thing is going to be enclosed. And basically all I'm doing is just following the line of the deck, you know, the line of the house straight, because that the pool decking you see is a line straight down the pool deck. You know, the, the concrete deck all the way around. So the steps those are on the outside of it on the left side, those steps are on the outside. So basically they're going to they said they were put a whole new gutter across the top is not being covered just the just from the deck across there where the poles are going up all the way out to the, the turf and then back. That's all area. Oh, okay. Thank you. Thank you very much, sir. And I certainly understand the critters in the pool. Yeah. Okay. Do we have anyone present who who wanted to speak for or against this application? Okay. And did we have any submissions from any neighbors or concerned parties, no, we did not receive any written comments. Okay. So we will close our, public comment for now. If there's no further discussion from the board, if we could have roll call. Excuse me. We need a motion. That's the. It's been a day. I'll make a motion to approve the variance. Okay. Do we have a second? I'll second. Okay. Roll call, Mr. Fuchs. Approve. Mr. Grossman? Yes, miss Rich? Yes, Miss Turner? Yes. Happy screening. That's it. That's not too bad. Not too painful. Anything signed off or nothing, I just. I'll send you all. I'll send you some information tomorrow. Yes. Yep. That's it for tonight, though. Thank you. Take care. You all okay, so our next application is number 24 Dash 23, which is a variance to reduce the required side yard setback for the purpose of constructing an addition onto an existing family. Single family home property at 1618 Seabreeze Drive. Miss Keane, can you please present the information? Yes. Okay. Property again is outlined in red here on the screen off of Seabreeze Drive, this property, as well as all surrounding areas. In the R 100 zoning district, again, applicant is requesting a variance to reduce the side yard setback for the purpose of constructing an addition and a covered lanai onto the rear of the existing home. The addition you can see here in the image, there's an existing lanai covered area here which will be removed. And the addition will be in this general location, this is a look at the proposed site plan. I've turned it here on the screen so that you can see it a little bit better, the R 100 zoning district requires a minimum side setback of ten feet, they are proposing a side setback of 8.9ft, which is the closest point where, to the covered lanai. And because the lanai has a hard roof, it is required to meet the setbacks of the primary structure. The proposed addition is just under 600ftâ– !S in area, shaded here in orange, and the existing house footprint is here, the blue line is representing the ten foot setback, so it is a minimal encroachment to the setback. And due to the orientation of the home on the property, it's not perfectly parallel to the property lines. That's why when you line the addition up to the existing wall, it's slightly encroaches into the setback, another thing to note about this application is back in 2019, there was a variance granted for the same request for a reduced setback of 8.9ft. I don't believe the footprint was exactly the same, but the same request came before the board. It was approved, however, a building permit was never obtained so that variance did expire. So that was under the previous ownership and the current owner of the property is looking to get the same approval of that request. Now Okay, this is just looking at the context of the neighborhood, you're all familiar with the seabreeze neighborhood. They are smaller lots. They're non conforming with the current R 100 standards. So there are several properties that have, smaller setbacks and what are required today. And here are your criteria. And if you have any questions I'm happy to answer them okay. Any questions for Miss Kim, miss Rich. Miss Keane, I noticed in the packet you sent several of the pages had, exed out areas. Can you explain to us more about that? So the applicant provided their building construction plans and originally they were going to be doing an addition on the front side of the structure, they've since revised their plans. They've redlined them, to change the permit application. So that's not part of the variance, I tried on the, on here to just white it out so you didn't get confused, but it has no impact to this request. Mr. Grossman, so it says it's required ten feet on each side, but a total of 25ft, both sides. So should one side be ten foot and the other side 15ft, or 12.5, 12.5 or correct. Yeah. So typically the total needs to be at least 25ft. It sometimes is ten with 15 on the other side. Just depends on how it breaks out, the addition has more than 15ft on the other side. So it does meet that total 25, I believe the existing home actually doesn't even meet the total 25, setback. How if it were built today, it wouldn't have met those setbacks. But the addition itself just encourages into that minimum ten foot. So the measurement on the bottom. Whoops. Sorry. The measurement on the bottom of that diagram in the middle. It looked to me like it was ten, but I didn't get a magnifying glass up. Yes. Is that 16ft and not ten feet. So yes. If they were complying with today's standards, they'd have to have at least a total of 25ft for the structure. This home was built prior to the land development code going to effect, and it doesn't it only has about a ten foot side setback on the other side, so it's already legally non-conforming. But when just looking at the addition, because the addition doesn't go all the way to that ten feet, it meets the total 25 for that portion. It couldn't be built like this today. Correct. Is what you're saying correct? Yeah. If they came in today building a new home, then they would have to have at least ten feet on one side, 15 on the other. They'd have to meet that that total 25. So we're voting on it. It should be 25. And this one is going to be about 1819 total. No, it's still 25. Yeah. It's more than 25. It's just the one side I don't have on this drawing how far this is from the side. But it's more than it's more than 15ft. The addition is. So it's just to encroach into that minimum ten foot. Thank you. And we're really, you know, the two issues, one is the home original home being built before the current code and the slight tilt offset of the home that's causes that sliver of the pie. Yep Okay. Correct. Any other questions for Miss Keen? Okay. If the applicant is here and wanted to speak, you may. Hi. Yes, Wyatt Weikel 1618. Seabreeze. That's everything I need to say. Correct. Got it, yeah. Thank you. Ali explained it perfectly. The variance was approved. It wasn't the exact same plans. We had new plans drawn, but they were very similar. I think almost the same amount of setback going off there when it was approved in 2019, and yeah, you guys, I think covered everything. I was going to say with your questions that I think she answered, obviously part of the reason with the pool being there, we can't really move it closer, we talked about that, but then it you basically walk out into the water. So, we were we have to kind of follow that line down, which is, like we said, the house is a little bit slanted on the property. So then you need a variance like the gentleman before you with the pool edge. And exactly. And it would be a variance to have an uncomfortable walk out of your door into the pool area. So okay. Thank you guys. Anyone have any questions for Mr. Weichel. Yes sir. Is this a one story addition or a two story addition? It is a one story addition. One story. Thank you. Okay. Any other questions? All right. Thank you very much, sir. Thank you, do we have anyone from the public to speak for against this? Okay Any, submissions from Concerned parties? Nope. We did not receive any. All right. So we'll close public comment. Is there any questions or thoughts from the board? Okay, so if we could call for a motion, I'll make a motion on application 24 Dash 23 to approve as applied okay. And a second second okay. A roll call. Mr. Fuchs yes, Mr. Grossman? Yes, miss Rich? Yes Miss Turner? Yes. All right. Happy building. Thank you guys, all for your time. Okay. Thank you. Okay, so to the end of our applications, is there any comments? News from staff? I do not have any comments, for anyone that has not had the opportunity to look or is interested, and the draft comprehensive plan is up on connect Tarpon Springs. We also have paper copies if you would like to look at it, but that is finally moving forward. And, we are scheduling it for its first public hearing with the Planning and Zoning Board on June 17th. I don't know if that believes so. Let me double check email about that. Yeah, yeah, I went Monday night to the thing and spoke for our. She was a great cheerleader for the Board of Adjustment Team. Thank you. But I also learned that Ali has been significantly working on that. Miss Keane has been significantly working on that project, and the zoning board has had 13 additional meetings other than their regular meetings to work on that. So when I got to the podium to speak for the Board of Adjustments, I thanked Ali for her. Miss Keane for her work with our let them know since her boss was there and stuff. She was a rock star in their eyes. Yes she does helped us on numerous things, but I do encourage all of you all to get the paper copy of the notebook copy because it has a ton of maps that you can pull out and look at, and while you can look at it online, it's just a lot easier to comprehend all of the different things on the paper maps. Yeah, we got, print outs or versions printed of everything that's intended to be adopted. There's lots of supplemental documents as well, but we just, printed that and have some binders. So if anyone is interested and would like to see one, I can grab one for you. If you could, that'd be great. Thank you. Yeah. Appreciate it because I think I had asked you about that, when you first emailed it out. Yeah, we did provide on the last, I think it was the last meeting agenda we gave you kind of the draft documents, but they've been further reformatted to actually go together as a book. So we have it a little more fine tuned . Yeah, that'd be great. And so thank you so much, miss Rich, for representing us so well and singing the praises I think we all share for Miss Keane her talent and knowledge, which guides us in these sometimes confusing applications. And they did say that if, at the time that it's approved, at that time, if there are any changes that will affect our, criteria for that, Ali will present Miss Keane will present that to us at that time. Okay And if there's anything of substance that we feel might be, beneficial for a training so we can discuss appropriately, you know, in respect to sunshine, to make sure that we all understand any changes to our criteria, that would be most beneficial because I think at this point we're all pretty comfortable and familiar. So changes would need to be. Yeah, very clear. And just for a little further clarity too on that is, the plan is kind of your policy setting document and it really probably doesn't have major effect necessarily on this board in some instances. Yes, you've had I think, since I've been here, one application for a floor area ratio, variance. That's something that's typically established in your comprehensive plan. So it does come into play sometimes, but your actual criteria is set in our land development code, but the comp plan basically gives us direction to do updates to the land development code. So if that results in any change to the criteria, I don't necessarily anticipate it to. But if it did, obviously we'd be going through, a process with you guys as well. Okay. Thank you very much. Well, I think we blended Mr. Grossman, our, board and staff comments, which is great. I'm working my way through it. Thank you for the copy. It's excellent. It's a little light reading. I did see a few grammatical and typos. Are you interested to see? Absolutely. Okay. As many times as I have read it and others in the office have read it, I find I find one every day, so I'm sure it will be adopted and we'll find one the next few for you. So yeah, feel free to send us, send me an email with with that information. If you have any questions, you can reach out to us as well. It's impressive though. It's an impressive job. Well done. All right. Well, thank you so much. Do we have any other board comments or staff comments? Okay. So seeing none we will go ahead and adjourn at 651.