##VIDEO ID:H4BpUQF1YBo## e e e e e for our attorney he is stuck in traffic so we're gonna should be any minute now so we're just G to hold tight e all right all right I don't want to because you're first up on the docket so I just want to make sure you're all situated you got your papers however you need don't it's all good already got so ready yep okay we're going to call the meeting to order it is 6:31 if we can please have roll call Jackie Turner present Miss Rich present rman here Mr wood present Mr fuches is absent good thank you so if we could please have our attorney um review the Quasi judicial absolutely and we in our speakers absolutely thank you um M Madam chair members of the board uh quasa judicial is different from a legislative hearing and the fact that you are Quasi judges in essence uh you're applying policy that's in the code so during a quasi judicial hearing you need to listen to the evidence that's presented to you by the experts one expert would be your own planning staff um anybody else who's going to speak the applicant things of that nature and apply it to the CR criteria that's in the code for this particular type of application um during any type of um quas judicial hearing uh all the board members have to do an exp parte disclosures if you've had any outside contact with anybody about this application or if you've done any of your own research like going by the property visiting the property or anything like that received any emails by law you have to disclose that on the record and then as uh the chair mentioned then all the all the witnesses that are going to testify speakers need to do so under oath and I can do that now if you like please all right anyone who's going to speak here tonight please stand and raise your right hand yeah you're the applicant I guess you swear or affirm that you will tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth do all right great all right thank you sir thank you sir all right so we'll have our first order of a business uh application number 2475 which is a variance to reduce the required rear yard setback for the purpose of constructing a new covered deck on the back side of the home property address is 102 Bay Vista Avenue um if we could please have the staff present this item yes uh Ali Keane uh planning and zoning department principal planner okay the subject property is located off of bay Vista Avenue it's outlined here in right on the screen this property as well as all properties of the surrounding area are in the r100 single family residential zoning District uh the applicants again are here requesting variance approval to reduce the required rear yard setback for the purpose of constructing a new cover deck on the back side of the existing home which does exist uh underneath all of the vegetation on the aerial here shown on the screen the r100 uh zoning District requires a minimum rear setback of 30 ft uh the applicants are proposing to construct a 480 ft covered deck which is shown here in the orange on the screen here they're proposing that to be set back at 18 ft uh this will replace an existing screen enclosure which is shown here in the dotted black line um that will be removed once this is constructed the survey shows the existing home set at that 30t setback uh currently so the area that's shaded in green represents the entire setback area so any sort of structure that would have a cover a hard roof uh on the back side of the home would necessitate any sort of variance request or necessitate a variance request uh the survey also shows the existing home has side setbacks between 19 and 20 ft uh the applicant did provide floor plans uh both existing and proposed showing that the only access to the backyard is from the rear of the home um and as you saw on the aerial photograph there's a lot of vegetation existing trees on the property which do limit potential locations for a um Deck with a coverage uh that would meet the zoning District requirements uh the app did provide some renderings of the proposed covered deck is a pretty significant structure that does tie into the roof line uh the Land Development code does provide some exceptions to the typical zoning District setbacks for certain structures some of these you are very familiar with such as pool screen enclosure uh with open screen roofs uh those types of structures are allowed to be built up to 5T from the rear property line um and we are able to apply that same standard to Screen Enclosures that don't have pools the existing screen enclosure which is shown in the picture here it's a little hard to see but it was provided in your packet um does have an open screen roof so how it is currently constructed if it work proposed today it would be permitted as it is um another exception in the land development code or for structures that are less than 30 in above grade uh the code does not consider those yard encroachments so setbacks don't typically apply uh if the proposed deck did not include the roof structure and was less than 30 in above grade it would be permitted as it is so the the deck could be at 18 ft or even closer to the rear property line so it is the cover that is requiring the variance request um and as with many residents and Floridians the roof is necess NE for shade uh the last consideration is for front porches the Land Development code does have a provision that permits front porches that are unenclosed to extend 10 ft into a required front yard setback but no closer than 10 ft to the front property line it does require that front porch to remain open and it cannot be screened so it's very similar to what the appin is proposing in the backyard uh however that provision is very specific to the front yard so we could not apply it to the application that you see today uh these are your variance criteria and I am happy to answer any questions thank you anyone have any questions for Miss Keane yes sir backyard rear of the backyard backs up to another street so the property goes from Street to Street yes got the street you have a sidewalk I don't believe there's a sidewalk on Hillside correct that right away add so the rear property line is this blue line oh I'm sorry this blue line here so the right of way it shows on the um the survey that's 60 ft wide so Hillside Drive which is kind of here there's 60 ft of right of way back property line to the house so not exactly not the edge of pavement so what I'll say is from the property line to the center of the right of way you have 30 feet so there's a so I don't know where the edge of pavement is the survey doesn't show the edge of pavement so I don't know how far away the pavement of the road is to the property line correct right regardless there's 30t to the back of home to their property line there is some distance from the property line to the edge of pavement ex excuse me all of this has to be on the record so um and I believe your microphone might be off sorry that's okay thank you all right so so there's there's substantial amount of space extra space because there's a road behind there's not another house behind correct okay yes that's what I was get thank you okay sorry about the microphone and so question followup on that so the um application is for a covered roof no screen replacing with a slight adjustment of the location in the house a screened not covered like a Burge Cade style correct got it yes sorry I need to change that correct any other questions for Miss Keen at this point okay if the applicant would like to come to the podium and when you step forward if you could state your name and address for the record please and you have been sworn in good hello hi everybody thanks for being here my name is Brett Ramer um own the home at one2 Bay Vista um the what I was was trying to say before and I don't know if it matters or not but just for an additional piece of context um hillside's a dead end it's just butts into somebody's yards it's almost like another call to sack at the end of it it's a very quiet Private Road um but yeah I mean I think Ali walked you through all the technical notes my only note is like I would love for my wife to be able to sit in the shade in our backyard in the summer because if she has to sit in the sun it's not gonna be good for me is what I would say um and yeah with I mean obviously Florida's weather is uh crazy I mean we had an insane year this year so for us it would be amazing to have have a place where we can enjoy the outdoors without um you know trying to be killed by it in the summertime so if you have any other questions for me I'm happy to answer them but that's really all I have okay any questions for the applicant um as we were discussing and you probably would know roughly um so the edge of your property line which is shown there MH the blue the blue line there um there's still Green Space Between the edge of your property line and the start of the pavement for the road yes yeah there's a bit I haven't measured it but I've walked 30 foot back with a tape from the back of the house and I was not standing on the road so there's a little bit of a buffer there probably 3 to five feet if I had to guess okay and that um Hillside like you said it it doesn't go through it kind of dead ends somewhere like your property yeah so so on um everyone on Bay Vista their backyard is exposed to Hillside and then um as you get to the end of it it's sort of like a culdesac like there's one house that's sort of in the middle of it and then um the people across Hillside from me that's their primary access their houses just back up to other houses so yeah it's it's pretty it's a pretty unique lot right so the only one going down Hillside down your to you know your backyard area is your back door neighbor their house yes yes my immediate neighbors that's correct not you okay um I believe um I went out of order here um Miss Keen were there any um comments from public any things submission no thanks any questions from the applicant okay um any public comment you're just a good buddy that's awesome this is my dad and business consultant and general contractor and Dad most important yeah oh he's well I led with that yeah okay so we can close public comment at this time is there any forward discussion make Mo to approve okay we have a motion in a second all right roll call please Mr wood yes Mr Gman yes M Rich yes Miss Turner yes all right happy building all right yall have a good one have a great holiday you okay so our next item is the approval of the minutes do we have any motion any comments make a motion to approve okay we have a motion do we have a second I'll second right motion second roll call Mr wood yes Mr grman yes Miss Rich yes Miss Turner yes all right so um board and staff comments thank you for including the 2025 calendar of meeting dates already on my work calendar so thank you very much excellent did you have any other notifications for us I don't just have a wonderful holiday and happy New Year and we don't have any applications on the January meeting so you can just Mark that one off there we go yes I I do have a conflict with the February and October okay meeting so I just want to go on record I know we're not a full late right now so I just want to speak up now forever hold my piece yeah and I do appreciate that because it's important to let the application applicant know if they have a short board I mean typically you you want to give them an opportunity to continue it um because they would have to you know there might be a little more challenging um and then also I wanted to say that if anybody feels like they have a a conflict with an application um I can get you guys my phone number so that you can call and talk to me about it ahead of time and then that way we can walk through it and I can tell you how to handle it minimum board members can have still make a decision what's the bare minimum of board members we can have and still make a decision or verdict for for a quorum uh it's a seven five member I think we can do it three three so it's five member board yeah five member board so it's three but you would still it would be I believe it's still a majority of the three of of the three I believe everyone has to vote no that's what I mean it's it's a majority of all five no matter whether you're here or not so you have to have three for Quorum but you still have to get the majority of the membership of the board even so it's not a majority of the three like two two to one you know so you would have to for an approval you would have to have all three votes that's why you know you want to give an applicant an opportunity okay to move forward and we run into that um I remember there was one particular meeting date there was an application that was particularly complex um it was going to be a bit of a challenge to review I believe they had been before the board before with the very similar application and we knew we only had um three people present and knowing that we would have to all have a unanimous vote um we in agreement with the applicant chose to um table their application until the next meeting to give them a more um you know Fair full representation so that's you we've run into that once um but and I think we all felt comfortable making that decision so we appreciate it hopefully we'll get a couple new members Citizens Academy has it finished or know they had it's been going on I'm not sure if it's concluded at this point but hopefully we'll get a couple members um Mr fukes we still have as an alternate so we have five members which is which is good but so hopefully we'll get two more to fill those vacant spots y fantastic all right so if we don't have any other business um I will adjourn at 6:48 have a great holiday e e