Mhm. 631 with a minute later. Um . Please. Make sure your mic is turned on. Photo. Um I apologize. There you go, Miss Turner. Miss Rich. Mr Burris here, Mr Grossman. Mister Wood here, Mr Fuchs. And we have the attorney explain, uh, the quasi judicial procedures and really quasi judicial announcement, please. This is a quasi judicial proceeding. While the Board of Adjustment acts in a quasi judicial rather than a legislative capacity and a quasi judicial hearing. It is not the board's function to make law but rather to apply law that has already been established in a quasi judicial hearing. The board is required by law to make findings of fact, based upon the evidence presented at the hearing and apply those findings of fact to previously established criteria contained in the code of ordinances in order to make a legal decision regarding the Before it. The board may only consider evidence at this hearing that the law considers competent, substantial and relevant to the issues. If the competent, substantial and relevant evidence at the hearing demonstrates that the applicant has met the criteria established in the code of ordinances, then the board is required by law to find in favor of the applicant. By the same token, if the competent, substantial and relevant evidence at the hearing demonstrates that the applicant has failed to meet the criteria established in the code of ordinances, then the board is required by law to find against the applicant. There is an established procedure which would be followed at this quasi judicial hearing. All witnesses must give their testimony under oath. All persons testifying at the hearing must give their name and address for the record All testimony and questioning at this hearing must address matters that are relevant and material to the issues under consideration. The city staff will present its testimony and evidence. First the applicant will have an opportunity to cross examine the city staff. The applicant will then present its testimony and witnesses. The city staff will have an opportunity to cross examine the applicant's witnesses. Members of the public opposing the application will then be given an opportunity to present testimony after all members of the public speaking in opposition to the application of concluded members of the public in support of the application, we'll have the opportunity to present testimony, each member of the public is limited to four minutes of testimony. The applicant will then have an opportunity to make a closing argument or summary, after which city staff will give be given an opportunity to make a closing argument or summary. Following this, the board will consider the matter board members may ask questions of the witnesses. At this point in the proceedings, a motion will be made and a vote will be taken. Are there any, uh, disclosure of ex parte communication. Any conflicts of interest by board members. No. If anybody's gonna testify, we'll swear you in. Anyone who's gonna test breaking testimony. We stand and raise your right hand. Do you swear or affirm your testimony before the board of Adjustment shall be the truth. So help you I do. Thank you. Thank you. Item 24 number 24-04 has been withdrawn by the applicant. Um Next item on the agenda is, uh, number 24-11 Mr Andre Otis. And, um That presentation, please. Uh, Alec Ken, with the planning and zoning department principal planner. How the subject property is located off of sea breeze Drive. It's outlined in red here on the screen. Um, this property is well the as the adjacent property to the West are zoned R 100 A, which is a single family residential zoning district. Um the other properties along SERE drive are within the R 100 zoning district. Also a single family, Uh, zoning district. The applicants are here today requesting a variance to reduce the front yard setback for the purpose of constructing a two story attached garage addition onto their existing home. They are proposing a, um, front set back of 19.25 ft, which is the green line shown here on the plan, and I have turned this so it fits better on the screen. Um So see, Bruce Drive is here. Uh they are proposing a 19.25 front set back here. Where is a 25 minimum front? Setback is what is required in the R 100 zoning district. The existing home footprint is shaded here in blue , Um, and the proposed garage is shaded in orange here. They're proposing a approximately 22 by 29 ft garage, which is a standard two car garage. There's a little bit of S history with this property as to why it's in the current zoning district that it is, um it was originally plotted this property in 1951 as a part of the Sea Breeze Island subdivision in 1953, this property as well as the adjacent property Lot 57 to the west. We're under common ownership. Uh the existing home on the subject site was built in 1967. While lot 57 remains vacant today, the previous owner back in 2020 went through the process to rezone these Freeze to the R 100, a zoning district, and that was really for the purpose of being able to split these lots, Um, into the historic layout. So the R 100 zoning, um, created conforming lots and allowed them to split the properties into two and recognize that historic lot layout as two separate buildable, um, properties. In 2023. The applicant, uh, purchased the subject property, which again is a lot 55 with the home and the existing home does comply with the current R 100. A setbacks Um, however, due to the home layout on this property, uh , a garage addition really could only be accommodated in the front of the property. Ah, these are your review standards for a variance, And with that I'm happy to answer any questions. Any board members have any questions for staff? No. Mm. Could you please tell us what you're looking for? What Your presentation is tonight? Uh, yes . You name and address first, please. Yes Georgie and Rio 1656 Sea Breeze Drive. That's the subject property here. So the we're proposing to add a garage, uh, in the front of two car garage in the front of the home. The home had a single car garage , which the prior either the prior owner or the owner, before, Um, Made into a laundry room and a storage area so currently has no no garage at all. And uh uh, to fit. You know, a an average size garage would be what we're proposing to do. And um, um, you know, that's that's pretty much it. We want to do a little bit of an addition to the house, which will go above the garage, but Um , In essence, the footprint was designed to be a normal size garage. Thank you Any questions from the board? Yeah, I do. So this is gonna be a two story garage. It's gonna be a one story garage. So the house is a two bedroom, two bath and above the garage will be a bedroom and an office. OK? Is there a tree still in the front yard there? There. Is a Australian pine OK, I just, uh, for the record, if we do approve, we're we're not approving any tree removal or trimming of the tree. We don't do that part of it. So right. Any sort of tree removal, um, would have to go through the permitting process. So during that process, um when they do the building plans if they notice trees on the property, they have to get the proper approvals for that, if necessary, So no, you're not. You're not necessarily approving the treat. They still have to go through that second step. I just wanted to Put down that we're not improving tree anything so because it's a two story to answer it. From my perspective. We're not taking that tree down. It's about 20 from the corner of the garage. It's about 24 ft. From that corner, so The canopy. Lamb looked like it came pretty far over. You might have or something, but yeah, I don't I just wanna make sure we weren't You know, we weren't approving any tree adjustment. No, no problem. Anyone else? Any public comment. Any questions from the board. And No. Mm mm. Call for a motion. I'll make a motion that we approve. Uh application 24-11 , as was submitted. Second a second. It Or call, please. Mr Fuchs. Yes Mr Wood? Yes Mr Grossman? Yes, Mr Burris? Yes. Are there any comments from your staff? Any more comments from the staff. No, OK. Thank you all. I appreciate it. How do you building happy Building? I'm sorry, Mr Boris. Were you asking for the staff comments, portion or in reference to the application? I see. OK, thank you. OK? Yeah. What else do we have on the agenda? To, I think Approve minutes. So On March 27th Wednesday, March 27th Minutes. And we have a motion. App. Seven. I second Thank you. No. Mr Fuchs. Yes, Mr Wood? Yes. Sorry. I'm having a technical issue here. Mr Grossman? Yes, Mr Burris? Yes. Any board or staff comments. Yes, I do have a comment. Um you may have noticed that at the end of your packet that we provided you are finally the draft of the comprehensive plan. Uh, Mr Boris, You may recall. Um several several months ago. We had all the advisory boards come together and help us, um, start the process of updating the city's conference of plan. Some of our new members are not a part of that process, but, um, we've gotten to the point where we have a draft. We want to provide it just for you guys to look over. Um our next steps are really sharing this with the other advisory boards, the planning and zoning board. That extensive, um help throughout this process to get it to where we are today, and we are going to be presenting it to the general public. We're working on planning our next workshop. Um, and then we'll probably be coming back to you guys and inviting you for, um another round of just final review and comment on that. So stay tuned. There's more to come, but we wanted to provide you our draft at this point, so enjoy happy reading. Thank you. What What was the time frame that we would need to be ready for with comments? Um, so we're It. We're basically looking at, like the month of May of doing our final round of kind of, um, reviews. So what you're seeing is kind of it's not your the final draft. The final draft is what we will be ultimately approved by the board of commissioners, but this is really kind of the draft that took into consideration all the public comment that has happened over the past couple of years, as well as input from our our boards at that time frame as well, Um, but we're going to have kind of this is here It is. And to the last round I would anticipate maybe Mid May is when we'd probably come back to you guys, Um, and we'll probably plan kind of a separate meeting for everyone to come and participate. Streamlining the two items here, right? Yeah I did very good for you. All right? And, um We passed that, and he bought any other comments board any members? No OK, then, uh, at 645, we are three minutes ahead of the last meeting. We are adjourned.