Commissioner Colas here. Mr Colin is Commissioner D Donato here. Um this evening's invocation will be given by chaplain Chaplain Ted Morris of the Salvation Army if we can all stand And at the end of the invocation, remains standing and pledge allegiance to the flag. About for prayer. Our father. Thank you for our mayor. And for the members of this commission who give of their time and experience to lead this great city. Thank you for those who support them in so many ways, the city manager, city attorney and their staff members, law enforcement and fire and rescue in various city crews and teams who keep Tarpon Springs the special place that it is. Thank you that we can come together in a public setting, such as this for the citizens to hear from the commission members regarding various issues affecting all of us. And for the commission to hear from those whom they represent. We pray for your guidance over these proceedings that this meeting will be productive for the overall betterment of our city. We make this prayer in the name of the one who gave and sustains life. Amen. The United States. And Uh, Good evening, everybody. We have two proclamations this evening and some presentations that we're going to get to right after that. Ms Brewer if you could come forward. Are you? Ms Bros. Are uh, city's arborist. She does an outstanding job in, um Hopefully, we'll have a huge canopy over the town someday. At least we can always wish wish for that. Uh, the proclamation is for National Harbor Day, whereas in 1872 J, Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set aside for the planting of trees. And whereas this holiday called Arbor Day was first observed with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska. And whereas Arbor Day is now observed throughout the world, and whereas the city of Tarpon Springs has been recognized as a tree city USA for the last 16 years And whereas trees can reduce the erosion of our precious topsoil by wind and water Cutting heating and cooling cost. Moderate outdoor temperatures clean the air, produce life, giving oxygen and provide habitat for wildlife. And whereas trees are you are renewable resource, giving us paper wood for our homes, fuel for our fires. Beautify our community and are an ingredient to many household communities in daily use. And whereas trees in our city increase property values enhance the economic vitality of business areas and beautify our community. Whereas trees whenever they are planted are a source of joy and spiritual renewal and our legacy to our Children and grandchildren to enjoy now, therefore, I coast, the Atticus by virtue of the authority vested in me as the mayor of the city of Tarpon Springs, do hereby proclaim April 26th 2024 the last Friday of April as the 152nd anniversary of national R per day. And I urge all citizens to plant trees to gladden the heart and promote the well being of this and future generations. Congratulations. Thank you, Mayor, Commissioners City manager And this is part of the Tree City USA program that we read this proclamation and I'm ecstatic for the Tree City USA program. We were recognized for our tree inventory phase one and we received a growth award last year. That's for going above and beyond. Not many cities actually do that. If you like to learn more about that, please go to connect Tarpon Springs and follow us on there. We are starting Phase two, as well as the awesome project limb up for safety and Please look forward to a survey on their help us out. Thank you. And thank you so very much. Ms Menino. Is Denise Menino is the chairperson of our Sustainability Committee here in Tarpon Springs. Are you this evening, and she's here to receive the proclamation for Earth Day. Was the first Earth Day in 1970 recognized the importance of every person needing to participate and preserving our natural resources and that on the first Earth Day 20 million Americans rallied for a healthy, sustainable environment. And whereas all life forms on Earth have a right to a healthy, sustainable environment, and as stewards of the planet, we all have an obligation to change human behaviors that contribute to the environmental degradation, thereby preserving the Earth's beauty and natural resources. And whereas this obligation extends not only to today's stewards but also to those of the future who will inherit the planet from us. And whereas Tarpon Springs is fortunate to have 740 acres of parks Open space conservation, land and trails which enrich the lives of both residents, Visitors and wildlife and provide habitat for various flora and fauna, natural resources and many diverse recreational opportunities. And whereas the city of Tarpon Springs supports projects and programs that demonstrate and encourage sustainability and conservation of our natural resources within the community, and whereas the city's goal is to build a future in which residents live in harmony With nature and wildlife within Tarpon Springs, thereby contributing to the planet's biological diversity. And whereas the city of Tarpon Springs will continue to advocate for Earth Day, and we'll continue to support environmental awareness, Natural resource conservation, wildlife conservation, sustainable practices and much more related to the well being of our planet. Now therefore, I cos FiOS by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Tarpon Springs, do hereby proclaim April 22nd 2024 as Earth Day and I encourage all citizens to become engaged in local in global efforts to help improve and protect our environment for all living beings. Regulations. This is near and dear to my heart. And uh, to be receiving this on behalf of all of you and I thank you, commissioners and mayor and city manager for Choosing me to receive this because I've worked For a long time. To help the city be more sustainable, but it's on behalf of all the citizens of this community and my Children, Your Children, my grandchildren, your grandchildren all future generations that it's wonderful. There were holding Earth Day is something that is a high priority in this city, and I'm just blessed. Beyond what I could express. Thank you so much. I should add Ms Menino and the sustainability committee started from scratch. Three years ago. We didn't have a committee. Before that we didn't have a sustainability coordinator within the city of Tarpon Springs responsible for sustainability issues, and, uh they've done an outstanding job in putting a sustainability action plan together, And so that is as important as our comprehensive plan, which basically determines how we develop the city in the future, and also our strategic plan, which, uh, tells us not to forget what our goals are. Maintaining a hometown atmosphere here in Tarpon Springs, so sustainability is very important. It's just not environmental. It's also social and its economic as well. You could have the best environment in the world. But if you don't have the economy to sustain it, there's not gonna be anyone here if you don't have the social services. I'm not talking about just hospitals, doctors, but I'm talking about grocery stores, post offices, colleges, schools and that sort of thing. People are gonna go elsewhere for those items, so that's the three legged stool of sustainability. You remove either any of those three the environment, the economic Or the, uh, social element. The stool falls, so it's a very active and important committee that they've got going and, uh, it it I just very much appreciate all of their work. Thank you. Mayor Mayor Mayor Tony Do you want to get us started on this? Yes, sir. Good evening. Yeah. Mayor. I'm I'm sorry. Oh, you wanna say something? Let's go ahead and do public comments on any of the proclamations. Thank you. Mr de Las. This would be probably, uh, public comments on any of the two proclamations that we just, uh Um, had Thank you for the time Peter to Lais 514 Ashland Avenue. It's wonderful to see all these young faces here. Because it's important. That you learn some of these lessons. To carry on for those of us. Will not be able to carry the load. Going forward. Now. You talked about 740 acres. And I'm gonna talk to you about the future. You can add 74 acres to that. And then you provide a place for these kids to go and observe nature. We can put in some campgrounds. So kids can take time. To go and experience nature. More than just a field trip. Though important things that they will learn about the sustainability of life. Requires. The integration of All of US species. Land. Trees, flowers and such. So I'm glad to see that on the program you have today about your your poster contest, and that's a good thing. I do want to say, though I'm proud of the city that it's turning this direction forward and going To preserve as much of what we have available left to us. We are lucky we have a tree ordinance. Pasco, Pinellas County, They own a few cities. Around the county have that we think John Hubbard and Shawna Morris and some others who pushed that forward in those years past. But it's not enough. Through that. You need To learn more. About Life is all interchangeable. And it's all sustained by each other part. So I bless you all. May you have good knowledge to come forward. But it's up to you coming forward to learn these lessons so you can carry forward. Sustaining our earth, So we do have a place to live, because if you look at history Sometimes the biggest collapses of civilization. Has been through environmental aspects. Droughts, floods. Various things that have collapsed societies. Let that not be our case. Thank you. Um, are there any other public comments? Mr Jumper there, a remote access comments. If anyone online would like to speak on this item, please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk. And we do not have any raise hands. This time commissioners do you have anything? I may. Eisner. Thank you, Mayor. So youngsters you got to hear some nice large words. Sustainability environmental I know some of you may know what some of these words are, but I know when I was your age, they zipped right over my head. So I wanted to explain to you what you just listened to It's protecting our air. It's protecting our water. It's picking up that piece of trash that's blowing in the wind. You're here to help. Make it better for you in the future. We want to have our land clean. We wanna have trees growing. We want to have flowers that was mentioned by Mr De Las. These are all things that this board and this committee wants to do so that when you're at the age that we're at you have what we have. So I wanted to thank the sustainability committee. Because they're the ones right now that are initiating What's gonna be your future? And we would love for you to take it. Take it from there. It's like the hand off of the baton. We gonna hand off that baton to all of you? So thank you very much for what you do. And congratulations for coming here and seeing a Board meeting as you're doing today. Thank you. Um And I didn't think John, Go ahead. Mr Kano. John's good. Um I call them youngsters. Young people. However you want to be, uh, acknowledged as but you know what? Um, what the mayor said about You know the things we're doing in town to create a better Life for you when you grow up. Uh, it's important. We You know, there's a, uh Adults have done a lot of good things. And there's a lot of things we've done. That haven't been As good And I think here in tarpon we are conscious about You know? Planting trees and looking at, um You know, we have to progress. Um so there's things getting built, But yet we have to try to preserve our way of life and also have an environment for you. Kids to grow up. Enjoy Um most of what we do isn't for us. You know, I have a one year old granddaughter and I. I get to look at her and say You know the decisions that we make and that I make up here? That I always keep her face in my I and in my heart And the same thing. I wish you guys could come to all of our meetings because I think we would have a better perspective. Because every time we make a decision, we'd have to look at you and understand that it affects you. More so than it does us. So Um You're welcome here. Any time and just your faces, and your presence would keep us, uh, always Uh, looking at the North star because I think you are the North star for all of us. So thank you for being here. Um I also wanted to recognize Ms Dorie Larson. Yeah you You're looking in the right place. Um Ms. Larson was the first, uh, chairperson of the Sustainability committee that got it started. There was a little bit of tugging war back then. But everybody got on the right track. So if you could just raise your hand or, uh, there you are, so Um Tony Uh, as you can see, the commission feels that this is an extremely important part of the meeting, which I agree, But before we get started, I'd like for the parents to raise your hands because I'm getting a hard time making a distinction between parents and Children these days. All right, Ernie grandparents here. There you go. I congratulate you for being here. Thank you. I'm a grandparent too. Just like many of us up here. So totally, uh, very good. Uh, Mr Mayor, Mr City Manager Commissioners. Thank you all again for your undying support, uh, for public education and outreach, uh, regarding storm water in tarp, and we appreciate it. And perfect segue with Arbor Day and Earth Day right into our, uh, pollution contest. Um my name's Tony Minello. I'm with public works. I'm the streets of stormwater supervisor. Uh, for the city. We're here tonight to recognize some some very talented students. Uh, we've had over Just under 500 submissions of our poster contest this year. Um so you've got the nine most talented, uh, artist here to this evening. Um the poster contest I referred to It's kind of wordy. I'm I'm working on Tom's working on me to abbreviate it, but essentially, it's my Tarpon Springs. Clean Waters. Storm Water Pollution Prevention poster contest. Three times fast. Go ahead. Um what we typically do? Uh we started out years ago with, uh, honoring one school each year and rotating to give these awards to the top three artists. Um upon encouragement by the mayor, we decided Hey, every school every year, So all three of our elementary schools, uh, are participating. Uh, it includes 4th and 5th grade students from each elementary school, Uh, to show their creativity talents, um by creating a poster, which displays their understanding and their take thoughts and ideas in the areas of pollution prevention. Clean water benefits. Animal or vegetation habitat impacts. Uh impacts of stormwater runoff to our local beaches, river bayous and ponds. Um environmental awareness of young students. Is uh, is now and always really will be a huge part of maintaining our community's clean waters. Um and it also assures the sustainability of these natural resources for your enjoyment and as mentioned earlier your your family in the future. Um we're here tonight to acknowledge these nine students, um, once again from Tarpon Springs Elementary School, Sunset Hills Elementary School and Tarpon Springs fundamental school. Um each each winner. Uh 1st, 2nd and 3rd will receive a gift card as well as a certificate of achievement signed by the mayor and presented by the mayor. Uh, third place will receive $25 gift card. Second will receive a $50 gift card. And first place is $100 gift card. So um, our car test, Uh, winners artwork has been displayed in a foyer for about a month. Uh, hopefully , um, in the past meetings you were at you might got to see some of them. There's some really talented works up there, Um, without further ado students, um When your name is called. Please come up and receive your award from the mayor. And uh, Mr Manolo, we have him stay up here. Is that correct? Or how do you wanna do that? You would like to have night Stay and then do group photo again. Big photo after that, OK, So, uh, guys as I mentioned earlier instead of going back to your seat till the end, go ahead and stay up along the dais there and along the board, and, uh, we'll get a group photo at the end. OK we're gonna start with Tarpon Springs Elementary School this year. Um I'd like to graduate. The third place, Uh, award goes to fourth grade student Alana Kelly. Hi. Congratulations. All right. Second place at Tarpon Springs Elementary goes to fourth grade student Elena Diaz. And the first placed winner from Tarpon Springs Elementary this year was Kinsley Fosen. Baker. Job, G. Benjamin. There you go. I mean, everything there. Here we go. Congratulations I. I need to tell everybody carp in elementary is my alma mater. I went to school at Tarpon Elementary. Although you probably don't believe me, but I do. Um All right. Next up. We have Sunset Hills Elementary School. Uh, congratulations to the third place winner. Um actually, a third grade student, Kaylee Brown. There you go. Did you wanna come over here? Second place. Is 1/4 grade student, Quinn Taylor. And our first place recipient. Today tonight from Sunset Hills is Abigail Netzel. She brought her fan club. I need to interject also. Then you go somewhere nearby. Sunset Hills is my alma. My right. That's a class of 98. Mine is 1776. So it's This. This may break out in a pep rally. OK uh, last but not least, Uh, Tarpon Springs fundamental school. I'd like to congratulate Third Place Award winner. Fifth grade student Charlotte going. Stand right here. Insurance. That's good. And second place from Tarpon Springs. Fundamental is L'Oreal Saunders. All right. And our last award winner tonight. Which a little side note here had the most discussions of city staff in the last month. Um Excellent. You know, E. Everyone did a phenomenal job. Um but I would like to congratulate first Place winner goes to fifth grade student, Nola Costa. I know. I'd like the commission to come up for the photograph. Please see Clark. You like this? Um I wanna congratulate everybody. These are one of two things either our future engineers or a future artist or both. And, uh, keep that in mind and, um You know, you're just beginning the race. And it's never where you are in the race. It's where you wind up at the end of the race, So just keep that in mind. You may be third place, but someday you're gonna be first place and sometimes you get knocked back a little bit. You just gotta get right back up there, So congratulate everybody. Congratulations on this. OK, thank you, Everybody. And parents. Thank you for coming out and grandparents as well. OK? You can go back to your seats now. Um What we're going to do is just take about a one minute break and let the parents , uh round up the Children and leave it if they'd like. The rest of the meeting is actually quite boring. Three of us Well. Yeah. You want a brace? Alright. I did a recess We reconvene at, um 701. Yeah. Microphone. There we your microphones off. It's that some people might think that's good. So Um We're going to have the external financial audit. Um Mr Herring, Uh, City Metro, Mr Harry and the other introduce our an auditor. Uh, good evening , Mayor. Commissioners on herring, finance Director and I. I guess the kids didn't want to stay for the audit for this budget. Um tonight we have a presentation of the city's external independent financial audit. State statute. 218.39 requires local governments to have an annual financial audit performed by an independent certified public accountant within nine months of the end of the fiscal year. The city's audit can be found on the city's Web website. Under the document library, the firm of Malden and Jenkins was retained by the city to perform this audit there in the fourth year of their agreement, and tonight we have Daniel Anderson, partner with Malden and Jenkins to present the city's audit. OK? Good evening, Mr Mayor. Commissioners Uh, as Ron mentioned, my name is Daniel Anderson and I'm the partner with Malden and Jenkins, who oversaw the city's 2023 fiscal year and audit. I will try my best to make this presentation feel as rewarding as the one prior to mine. But I have a feeling I'm gonna follow up a little bit short. Yeah. Yeah I do have a brief presentation for you here this evening. I'll give you some information about Malton and Jenkins. I'll talk about the audit opinions and the annual comprehensive financial report. I'll go through the required communications that we have for you under government auditing standards and then take any questions or comments that you may have At the end. Uh, first, a little bit of information about Malton and Jenkins as Ron mentioned. We are in our fourth year of performing our audit, so hopefully we're not new and unfamiliar to you. Uh this slide really just provides some information about our firm. Our governmental niche is the firm's largest niche serving over 700 governmental entities in the Southeast. Your audit was performed from our Bradenton, Florida office location and the last thing that I'll draw your attention to is the top right there that that talks about our experience with Single audits over Federal Grant awards because the city did undergo a single audit in the current year, so we audit over 225 major programs on an annual basis covering over $4 billion of federal grant grants, So certainly we have a lot of experience in performing single audits. The annual comprehensive financial report is, uh, the city's financial statements where the city does choose to go above and beyond what's required under government accounting standards. Uh, those additional sections are the introductory section and statistical section. It is a very large document, so if you're somewhat new to it, um you know, I certainly encourage you to meet with Ron. Um And you know if you wanna meet with us at the auditors, you know, we could sit and go through any questions that you have in detail. Um, but some areas that I would highlight in in review of how you are the management's discussion. Analysis This is where management provides, uh some information about the current year as well as the prior fiscal year and the changes that occurred during the year There's a lot of really good narrative in that also to discuss why those changes occurred and also the statistical section. This section gives 10 years worth of information so you can really see where the city has come from 10 years ago, uh through the current year, and it provides a lot of really good trend analysis that you can perform. The main reason we perform an audit obviously is to give our opinion on the financial statements. I do want to note that we do evaluate the city's internal control structure to help us determine the procedures that we're performing, Uh, for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the basic financial statements, however, we're not providing an opinion on the effectiveness of internal controls. Our audit was performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards in government auditing standards in order to provide a reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free of material misstatement. And the financial statements are the responsibilities of city management. I'm happy to report that we've issued an unmodified opinion, which is the highest form of assurance that we can render. Uh Therefore, in our opinion, the financial statements are free of material misstatement for the 2023 fiscal year. There are some additional reports in the back of the of the document. Uh, the first one is a compliance report or a yellow book report. We call it which is our test of the city's internal controls and compliance with respect to significant laws, rules and regulations. This reports what we call a negative assurance report. So we're not providing an opinion, However, we'd notate any findings that we find throughout the audit process, and I'm happy to report that there were no findings reported in the current year. I mentioned Previously, the city has had to undergo a single audit in the current year , and that's where the city expends more than $750,000 in federal awards. Um the city spent approximately $2 million in those federal awards, and we performed a single audit on two major programs that covered A little under 1.75 million of the $2 million, and I'm happy to report that there were no issues with our testing of compliance or internal controls over compliance with respect to those major programs that we audited. Lastly the auditor general requires us to issue a management letter over our testing of, um the city's compliance with the rules of the auditor general. There's no issues with respect to this testing. And then Florida statutes require us to perform an examination over the investment of public funds and ensure that they're in accordance with Florida statutes as well as the city's policies, and we had no issues with regard to the investment of the fund of the public funds, Uh, here at the city of Tarpon Springs. Moving on to the required communications like the financial statements. Management is responsible for this accounting policies that are notated in note one of the financial statements There was a new, significant accounting standard, uh, that was implemented in the current year related to subscription based IT arrangements. If you remember last year's statements we brought in a new standard regarding leases where we kind of took lease agreements that you had in excess of a year and brought those on the balance sheet and recorded a right to use the lease as well as a lease liability. Uh, the subscription based arrangements is really the same accounting principles. But it's over subscription items and not, um, you know, right to use lease software lease items. Um, so that is included in the 2023 fiscal year. Financial statements. As part of our audit. We do evaluate all the accounting policies and procedures, um, and noted no issues with respect to those policies that the city has selected. There are some significant judgments and estimates in the financial statements which we evaluated and performed procedures to make sure that those estimates are reasonable in accordance with our experience in accordance with, um, government auditing standards and the and the like, Um Some of those significant accounting estimates are the fair value of your investments. The city's net pension liability , the city's total op E liability as well as the Depreciable lives on your capital assets, so we had no issues with our evaluation of those We did receive full co-operation of the city's management and staff. You know, Ron, certainly a pleasure to work with. Uh you guys really do have a gym here? I can't speak highly enough about Ron. Um, you know, he does prepare that act for all on his own. And you know, we go through a very thoroughly and we don't have many changes that we're providing to him, So he really does a great job, putting that document together and preparing for the audit process. At the conclusion of our audit. We obtained written representation from management over the accuracy of the information provided to us. We're not aware of management's consultations with other accountants. There were no significant issues discussed with management to bring to your attention. There were no audit adjustments or proposed adjustments. Um and I'll pause again here and say that's a really big deal. Uh, you know, as I mentioned we ordered over 700 governmental entities, and we can't say that comment for many of them, so that's really job well done by the city. No, We're not aware of the financial statements included in any other documentation, And lastly, Malden and Jenkins is independent with respect to the city. Uh, you should have two items in your agenda. Packet One would be the financial statements themselves, and the second one is a document that we issue called our auditors, discussion and analysis that details in a written format all the required communications. I just went through. Um, there were no findings or recommendations to provide to you, so there's nothing in there , and it also talks about some upcoming Gatsby pronouncements. Um so if you wanna do any light reading on that you're certainly welcome to Uh, that's the end of my presentation. We certainly appreciate the opportunity to service your auditors. And with that, I'll answer any questions that you guys have. Thank you, Mr Anderson. Let me go to public comments first. See if we have any. Are there any public comments on this item? Mr Jump. Are there any remote access comments? Depending on online like to speak on this item, Please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk. And we do not have any raised hands this time. OK Uh, commissioners any comments or questions? Go ahead. Vice Mayor is I just want to thank you. And mostly, um Thank Ron because I see many nights he's out there burning the midnight oil, and it's nice to know he's not just eating the M and Ms that are in that big ball. When he walks in. He's really doing his job. And you know I love you. You know you're doing a great job. I always commend you even no matter what, Um, but this this is your report card. And it's an excellent report card. So thank you. We appreciate what you do. And, uh, Commissioner Quillian E go ahead. So, Dan, Um you know, I started my first assignment as an auditor was, uh, auditing the city of Hula. And I. I think things have changed a lot. I mean, there's a heck of a lot more to these financials and your duties and what existed. Uh, 30 plus years ago, so but, um I assume Ron found that $1. He was up there late at night. He was out of balance by a dollar. I assume he found it. Um so, Dan, would you do Would you do a public service? Um and explain in You know, in a very brief way. The difference between an external auditor and internal auditor. And the reason I'm asking, that is I was I was in the audience the one year when I don't think I don't know if it was you or one of your, uh, your associates, um, was presenting and somebody from In public comment was Asking. Why didn't you find this thing or that thing? Um But explain the difference between an internal audit and external audit and again. I don't want you. You don't have to get into depth, but I. I think the audience probably needs may not understand the difference. Certainly I think the definition of an audit in general is something that you know, causes a lot of people questions to say . OK we have the audit, You know? Did they find fraud? Things like that, You know, certainly In the external audit process, we're providing an opinion on the fairness of the presentation of the financial statements. We have to evaluate internal controls, um, to design our procedures to help us support that opinion, uh, again on those presentation of the financial statements as of a fiscal year end date, which the city is September 30 2023. On an internal audit side. Um you know , internal audit works with management and governance to perform what they call a risk assessment to say, you know, these are operational areas within the city that we feel are a risk to the city and we want to perform procedures on a recurring basis over those various operational areas. Um, not as of necessarily a point in time, but over a period of time. Um that isn't the same every single year. Um and you're designing procedures based on different standards, similar procedures, but you're following different standards. In order to Test the city's compliance and internal controls with respect to those risks to ensure you know that you're addressing those risks, uh and reducing that risk to a minimum level. Uh, anyone else I just wanna say , Mr Anderson, thank you for the presentation, the audit and re reinforcing with the residents. How great of a financial department we have in Ron himself. Thank you. I. I would echo it just want to thank you for your presentation and certainly glad that, uh, Ron has been here. Uh, he's almost a grandfather of F Finance department. But Uh, glad to have you thank you both. Yeah, II. I, uh If I ever hear any of y'all give a bad report, and we'll start looking up at the sky for a meteor about to strike the Earth, and Ron won't be here, either. So um, thank you very much for the audit. And uh, by the way, I think Mr Herring may have, uh, I love the kaffer. And um that's how I got started in the 10 year. History of Tarpon Springs finances is really outstanding to see which way we're going and where we're heading. So thank you very much. Thank you. Yeah. OK? Item four is the Sustainability Committee Annual report. Ms Menino or Tommy, Come on, Mr Ker and Ms Menino. Come on up. Uh, thank you, Uh, Mayor Tire members of the board. Uh my name is Thomas Kaier. I'm the public services director. And it's my pleasure to introduce Denise Meno, the chair of our Sustainability Advisory Committee deliver their annual report. Thank you so much. It's my pleasure to be here. And, um Or do how How do I switch those slides on this? Just the down? OK, perfect. If I haven't met you before, it's my pleasure to meet you. And I'm really glad to see that this evening seemed very W Well co ordinated with the Arbor Proclamation and the Earth, they proclamation and the Children's artwork. We couldn't have asked for more co ordination and beauty and Preparing for my presentation because it really made The value of sustainability come home for everybody. So we have a couple of our committee members here tonight, but the current members include myself and Dorie Larson, who you met and, uh Carol Meck. Robin Sanger, who? I'm sure most people on the commission know, uh Taylor Mandoo, um And I'm. Siobhan Nihan and Peggy Barbara. Um, who are are alternates. Our staff liaison is as Tommy Kiger and he's now our public services director and former sustainability coordinator. Robin Reeves was really very much a part of our last year. So we're mentioning her now, and her previous city liaison was Paul Smith, mentor counselor Sustainability Sensei. He was very, very helpful to us as our committee began, and I cannot, um Compliment Dory's guidance enough to Larson really went above and beyond, and being able to help us get off the ground. It was very challenging to navigate that at first, and she was really instrumental, so We? We meet them on a monthly basis on the third Thursday. That will be this Thursday. We welcome and I'm just gonna put the word out there. Anybody from the public that is interested to come to the meetings. We have public comments at the beginning of the meeting so that you don't have to sit through anything that's dry or not too exciting. But we really would welcome everybody to be there from the public. So the process to progress in 2023 was that we took the star framework which do brought to the table and it was a very enormous project trying to reduce these, um items to items that were really applicable to Tarpon Springs. And we finally, uh, had to out of our reality check. Bring them down to 50 realistic, workable items that we could use as action steps for the future. We reviewed the first and Drafts of the sustainability plan that Robin and an intern wrote. Uh, we received updates to the sustainability timeline each month, and the committee recommended the BOC approve the sustainability plan. So Robin Reeves presented the final plan to the board of Commissioners in June. 2023 and Miss Reeves implemented the BOC feedback into our sustainability plan in July. 11th 2023. The final sustainability plan was adopted by the BOC. And the committee received presentations and advises, um the staff on sustainability items as we went along after that happened, and we've had a little bit of a lapse in personnel. Uh, as you all know that so we have been hungry for information, constantly learning and just maintaining connection with other things that were happening in the city as we went. So we celebrate the collaboration to completion and the city had a green team that included sustainability staff team members from all of the departments. The sustainability committee itself, the sustainability coordinator. The community, which gave feedback and adoption per resolution, 20 23-22 on July 11th 2023 was It. It was the success. Sustainable Tarpon Springs is a living document. It's to be adjusted as time and growth demand and it's uh, we're really endeavoring to keep it. Um a workable, um, document. The holding the delicate balance between people planet and prosperity and it's been our really exciting, um, revelation to see how much it was integrated into the comprehensive plan. I don't feel like anything was neglected in the comprehensive plan. It was beautiful. Simultaneously as we went through the last year, Um and we had a lot of community engagement opportunities so in partnership with the Tarpon Springs, tarpon Arts City of Tarpon Springs sustainability staff hosted, uh, four part knowledge and Nele series on actionable items for citizens on water Conservation, Florida friendly landscapes, a problem of Microplastics and the experts on all of these respective fields spoke Answered questions. We also had a successful Earth Day celebration at the Tarpon Springs Library. And I really think that all of the committee believes that inspiring through education completes a circle and taking, uh, sustainability to the most local level, which would be our households. And hopefully that will be something that we see more of, and connection to the public in the year to come. Thinking globally and acting locally is how a city places its peace into the sustainability puzzle. Since in the grand scheme, everything is interconnected as mayor be Kotis mentioned before we're all part of the same network of Li life. There was also a vulnerability assessment and action plan. Sponsored uh, workshops and survey and in 2023 so through a resilient Florida grant public workshops. Took place from April 13th through July. 10th 2023 and funding was awarded by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection Agency. Um, it was 100 and $91,000 a lot of opinions on priority areas. Well and they filled out a survey too. Yes I did mention that while models were developed to forecast potential local flooding in areas to be impacted , and as you may see in this picture, um the ultimate demonstration of the need for preparation came to us on August 30th, courtesy of Hurricane Idalia. And it was really a miracle that we didn't have more water considering Tide was really high the morning that the hurricane had passed, but it had gracefully moved out to the gulf , Um, at a distance that kept us from completely being saturated. So the next steps of implementation are, um some are underway. Already that canopy laws policy was initiated in January 2024 Climate Action Plan Greenhouse Gas Reduction tar Target was initiated in February, 2024 Um Planning and zoning staff incorporated applicable elements of the sustainability plan. As I mentioned Sustainability Committee reviewed, Um the comprehensive plan. We just saw it in totality of last month and had a presentation on that So pending ordinance is awaiting the comp plan of adoption are invasive Species Ordinance. Wetlands Buffer Protection Seawall Ordinance creation. So our recommendations to the board of commissioners is to continue to support. Uh sustainability Communications plan for public education. Utilizing the most accessible and popular media formats to foster community engagement on topic of sustainability. The sustainability committee looks forward to reviewing the final draft of the plan, and we'll provide input. The sustainability committee will make and receive recommendations from the BOC on how to maintain positive, productive, seamless communication process to serve the highest interests of all Tarpon springs. So we hope that it's a flow of, uh, conversation and, um, that were always able to have, um, the best interests of Tarpon Springs at heart. So my final thoughts on behalf of the committee is Tarpon Springs is a treasure trove of natural historical and cultural riches for which we're obligated to hold space for all future generations. I'm very thankful that my husband and as a photographer had a wellspring of wonderful photos that I can draw from and putting together the presentation and because this these are the reasons we felt in love with Tarpon Springs in 2012 This is all about sustainability is preserving this for future generations. But the concern of the committee the concern of everybody that is looking at, um The planet. The condition right now is that 2023 was the hottest year on record in history, and it triggered unpredictable events from firestorms in Maui to atmospheric rivers on the West Coast, and I don't think anybody could Not be aware of some of the really extreme weather. The sun may be setting on our opportunity to correct our course. So what's at stake? We feel all creatures. We, as humans are part of that. Large And small. And everything we love. Thank you. And any any questions. I would be glad to try to answer. Let me go to the public first and see if there's any comments or questions from them. Are there any public comments on the Sustainability Committee's report annual report? Pol Latus 514 Ashland Avenue. I have to applaud the committee for all their hard work and meetings and Um As I said earlier. We need to be reaching out to our younger generation to maybe find a way so I thought that kind of clicked in my head as if we could Coordinate with Someone at the high school. Who I don't know if they have a biology club or but if they'd like to have a representative to be on the sustainability board, and that way, you can add a new viewpoint , But you're also trained to engage some of these younger people. Um There's so many people I think that are Unmentioned and how this has gotten forward first, uh All the committee members, but Most of all, do 20 years. 20 years now. We've been fighting for the environment in Darwin Springs. And I'm proud to say we're at least getting to a point where we, uh Are bearing starting to bear fruit. So thank you for all your hard work. Uh, We do have significant challenges ahead. I'd like to. Hopefully I don't know what the status is of getting a sustainability coordinator. But as soon as we do, we need to get that persoson coordinate with the grant writer and start looking at As much money that's available out there to, uh Deep our city as we love it. Thank you. Thank you. Or any other comments. Mr Jumper there any remote access comments? Anyone online would like to speak on this item. Please raise your hand. You'll be allowed in to talk. And we do not have any other raised hands this time. OK? Um M. Menino Tommy, Did you have anything you wanted to say or OK? Um M, Menino I. I My comment is that I can't be any more proud of the work that your committee is doing. And the co ordination that's going on with our planning department with a comprehensive plan and a strategic plan. And the whole vision was to take those three plans and integrate them so that at least it charts a course into the future and identifies what our worst problems are. Um again , it's environment, but it's also economic and social as well . And that's very important to the strategic plan to maintain and preserve his hometown feel as I mentioned before. I. I know that, um, it's Three years or so that, um it it Kind of started. But that was also about the same time that we got started on the comp plan. The Strategic Plan the COMP Plan Update. And the strategic plan and the so they've all come together. And I know there was a lot of doubt as far as This convergence of the three plans and how that was all going to work and the timing of it and the missed timing of it and is one gonna lead the other. But um, actually, Ms Vinson kept study. Uh, study course and just had a lot of faith that that was going to get done. So I very much appreciate that. And the work that you're doing and, uh, Mr Smith before I'm sure Mr Kiger is gonna continue doing an excellent job. Um I, You know, It's one of these things that, um we've got a, uh, Charter Revision Commission that's coming up. We've got the, uh, comp plan and the strategic plan that's embedded in the charter. Now. I would hope that we have some provision for sustainability in the charter as well. But that'll, uh, yet, uh, remains to be seen with what the recommendations are from the Charter Revision Commission as far as bringing a recommendation on that back. So we have those three plans identified in the charter so they can't the purpose of that so they can't be forgotten. That's we had a strategic plan. It was forgotten. We had a comp plan but had not been update We didn't have a sustainability plan, although, as you heard tonight, we had, um a whole lot of interest in doing something like that. But a lot of that interest was falling on deaf ears. And finally, we got some momentum going, and now the process maturing. That's the key word is maturing. So thank you very much for every all the work that you're doing in your committee is doing so Thank you so much for your support. Let me go to the commission, Um Vice Mayor Eisner. Thank you, Mayor. Um I want to thank you as well. And I was part of the, um, comp plan and strategic plan, and I think one of the biggest things that we got out of it was, um being more redevelopment and development. And, um II. I also wanted to touch base with something that Mr de Lais said. And in rotary, they have, uh interact and road act and interact is for the junior high school and the high school and the road Raptors for high school, and it really wouldn't hurt to have a representative. Be at your meetings or to ask if they would like to have their own. Um, you know, because I know the, uh, some of the Saint Pete College does have, um, you know, days where they do sustainability, and they try to replicate things that the Rotary Club does. My question is, do you also Um, interact with other Um, divisions. Let's say Dunedin , um Palm Harbor Clearwater, Um, because we could be doing a stellar job. And I don't want to point out any particular place that we've all seen. A massive amount of trees come down and things like that, Um, do they have committees like we do, or NDU also communicate with them? Are they on track to better themselves there? This is what I'm thinking. Yes absolutely. In fact, we spent a good deal of our initial meetings going over other sustainability plans and different cities. Um Largo, Dunedin, Um West Palm Beach. I mean, there were a number of them that we looked at. And in the time that we were preparing, we actually zoomed. You know it was during covid a good portion of our first couple of years. Um so we did have zoom meetings with other sustainability. Coordinators of different, uh, you know areas and Pinellas County. And outside of this area. And we did our best also to think about anybody that we could invite to the table as a partner. You know, we have a long list that we still want to probably revisit of different community groups that we could partner with and embracing. The concepts of sustainability. So I think the idea of bringing young people to the table is perfect. I'm very, very inspired by their presence, so it would be wonderful if we if we do figure out a way to, um That Route where we are partnering with with young high school students or even students from Saint Pete College. Well, like I was gonna say we could be doing our utmost and be at that 98 percentile. But if you don't have all the other people joining in It makes it very tough. Um gift cards. Make them come. There we go. I'm good. Thank you for calling you Cut your light on. Thank you, Denise and thank the committee for all your work and your your sustainability report that you gave Um Some months ago was was wonderful, You know, like the mayor said. It's not just the physical environment. It's a holistic thing, right? It's the environment. It's social interaction. Um so many elderly people are You know, suffering from early onset dementia that comes from lack of interaction. You know us being able to part of that our sustainability is getting is connecting with those people like we have our programs at the library and things that we have that and even to do more. Um you know, mental health, identifying, uh, Mental health. There's a lot of stress. In In our society today, Um That comes from Uh, even you know these Children and knowing that Um, you know, when we talk about the seas rising and the and the global warming and all the things that are happening, It. You know, they hear stuff, they hear it. They're not. They're not ignorant. And, um, it's the future for them can be scary. And you know and having again interacting with them and also physical health. Uh, creating an environment where people in our city walk more. Uh but you can't do that when it's 100 degrees, and there aren't any trees to shade you. So all this. All this stuff works together. But you know, the Like the vice mayor was saying that The ones who have no control. Are the creatures. Right and we have displaced them. And then We're upset when coyotes are running down the street. And then people wanna get their guns and shoot them. Um but we created that we displace them. Um And I. I don't mind saying what the vice mayor alluded to, but just over our border That The resort there. They ripped everything down. For God's sake. It was a golf course It's got fairways. They are wide open. Yet instead of building their homes on those Fairways. And keeping all those trees. They decided it was easier and cheaper, and they could make more money. If they rip every tree down it. It breaks your heart when you see that And how many animals were displaced by them just Devastating that property. So I hope that that's not something we That's something we try not to do here and again like I keep talking about the vice mayor, But, um, I don't want to go to his head. But he, uh Yeah, it's over. Yeah. You forget about that. So with, um But it it's we can only control what happens in the square miles of Tarpon Springs, but having Cooper operation from the other communities and getting them to understand the importance of these things Is also critical for our sustainability to expand out, and, uh anyways, I don't want to thank you very much for what All you did. And, uh, Absolutely. It's appreciated. I totally agree. It has to be a an, um, fabric that's connected in order for it to really be most effective and it will happen. You know, we just have to hold the vision in our hearts. Well, thank you. Uh, Commissioner Gas. Mrs Menino. I just wanna thank you for the presentation. It was great. Uh I also wanna thank uh, Mrs Larson in the corner over there because she did do a lot to help And Mr me it as well. And you know the big thing. The big thing about this is, uh, these are all everyday individual residents who love their town who wanna leave it in a better place for future generations. And they were persistent. Uh, it was actually at the time where I started getting involved with politics. And following along to it and A real organic grassroots movement. And that's what they pulled together. Uh and Convincing the prior commission. Not even this current one about, uh, getting a sustainability committee and, uh, coming on board listening to the recommendations, and, uh, they've really made a difference in the community. There's a sustainability action plan. Uh, it's set out for so many years. It's got priorities listed and so and goals that are meant to be obtained within certain years . And so hopefully we can hit. He hit each one of them, and I remember when we first started working with The need and sustainability. Uh individual who helped Ms Reeves at the time start getting together the framework and so, um, it's been a process but again, everyday individual tarpons who love their town who came together for a purpose, and The sustainability committee is not going anywhere. It's gonna be around, and, uh, its focus is to take care of future generations. So thank you all for the presentation and everything you do to work together. And uh, now we got Mr Kreger as our public services director, So I think we're gonna be good. Thank you all. Thank you. Thank you. Uh uh, I'm not gonna repeat everything you said, But I am in total agreement, and I know how hard it is to start a committee from scratch and make it work. And you and your colleagues and both former and president have done a great job. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you very much. Thank you. I appreciate your time and your affirmation. OK? Now we go to public comments. There any public comments? Here to like, is 514 Ashland Avenue. Um, I'm wearing blue and yellow. In honor of the Ukraine. And also this is a bad weekend so much death. Tragedy. We seem to make a We have a Yeah, we can make bombs. Good, but we can't make peace. So I have a reading. I Came across it. Jeff and I three One through nine. And it's labeled the future of Jerusalem. Woe to the city of oppressors, rebellious and defiled. She obeys No. One. She accepts no correction. She does not trust in the Lord. She does not draw near to her God. Her officials are roaring lions. A rulers are evening wolves. Who leave nothing for the morning. Her profits are arrogant. They are treacherous men, Her priest, profaned the sanctuary and do violence to the law. The Lord within her is righteous. He does no wrong. Morning By morning, he dispenses his justice and every new day he does not fail. Yet the unrighteous No, no shame. I have cut off nations. Their strongholds are demolished. I have left their streets deserted, with no one passing through. There are cities are destroyed. No one will be left none. No. One at all. I said to the SI, Surely you will fear me in accept correction. Then her dwelling would not be cut off. Nor all my punishments come upon her. But they were still eager to act corruptly in all they did. Therefore wait for me, declares the Lord for the day I will stand up to testify. I have decided to assemble the nations to gather the kingdom and to pour out my wrath on them all my fierce anger. The whole world will be consumed to be by the fire of my jealous anger. Then. Will I purify the lips of the people that all of them may call on the name of the Lord. And serve him shoulder to shoulder. I hope we don't fall into any kind of Trans Fla gration that that Picks. So on some good news. First off. Vice mayor L What a guy! What a guy we I'm sorry, Frank. We lost a good guy. I went to the town hall meeting in Pasco last night with regards to the Anglo River Park. Project. Uh, I said the city an email with the article about it, but you can find it on the times. Lots of people packed house short story. Uh Mr Overton because he can't build 22,000 square foot and put in all the jet skis and all that stuff to make it economically feasible for him, and he won't accept 3000 square foot. Building type. Service They've agreed to terminate the lease, so the big restaurants not going in They still are gonna go forward with park improvements to increase the boat parking access. And they're still reserving a spot down by, uh, closer to the river. For potential retail restaurants, snack bar, Whatever use So I wanted to give you that update, but I still would like and I asked to find out if we ever got approval on our affected status request. Uh so maybe we can finally get an answer to that. Because even though the big restaurants not there, I think they're gonna put out another RFP for some other services there, and there still may be issues the city may be concerned about. But I finished speaking and I turn around and There's Craig in the audience. Still doing civic stuff for a tarpon. I applaud you. Thank you. OK? Um Thank you. Former vice mayor Lunt for being there last night. Um OK, Are there any other public comments? Anyone. Uh, Mr Jump. Are there any remote access comments? If anyone online would like to make a public comment, please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk. We do not have any raised hands this time. OK? Thank you. Um let's go to the, uh, consent agenda. Does uh, any commissioner wish to pull any of the items 678 or any of those sub bullets 9, 1011 1213 or 14. I'm gonna take care of the attorney's fees on the fly. OK? Um, let me read the, um So agenda Item six is satisfaction of liens. Item seven as attorneys fees person Coen, Mooney Fernandez Jackson, P A and voice 4991 as amended by the law firm's Letter of April 16th 2024. Um sub bullet B Union of Salesman Jensen, invoice, 80858 and Eunice, uh, sub Bullet Sea una salesman Jensen P a invoice 8880859. Um I had made it special events. A is Athens by night. Latin Fest. June 8th 2024 in Athens by night, A Greek fest September 14th 2024. Uh, B as hippie F August 17th 2024. Item C is Sunset Hills. Uh, elementary school color run. April 20th 2024 item. D is the um Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral. Good Good Friday procession on May 3rd 2024 Item nine, is approved Chief of police to sign to the amended amendment to the SRO. Agreement item 10 is extend contract number 200011 golf course grounds maintenance. Item 11 is award number, 240093 field and turf, irrigation products. Landscaping products. Um item 12 is extend file number 190104 landscape services with Morell landscaping. Item 13 is award file number. Uh, 240102 for sodium hydroxide item 14 is award file number 240095 tires with related equipment, utilizing the source, well contract. Um are there any public comments on any of these items? Uh, Peter LAX. 514 Ashland Avenue seven. A If you wish to turn to it the invoice for Pearce and Cohen, Mooney, Fernandez and Jackson on the agenda at Read 4991. That's what you read, but I'm wanna reference it. Item 4990. Uh, this is the invoice for the Community Redevelopment agency. And I do wanna point out on March 19th. There's an item CR a traveling appearances CR a meeting five hours. $125 And the only reason I bring this up, it may not be as relevant right now . But maybe again in the future. Uh at the time, uh, M Kardash handled the regular meeting and Mr Lewis, I felt sorry for him sat over here for five almost hours waiting to get to the CR a meeting. So he's here. Now you keep the CR a meetings after but in the future if you have a separate attorney for AC R a meeting and you know they're shorter with them up first. So instead of paying for five hours may only paid for two hours, which would have saved you like 657 $100 just to point that out. Thank you. Yeah. OK? OK, Is there any other public comments? Commissioners any public comments on any of these items. OK There's no further comments. Uh, we have a motion in the second to approve please motion to approve consent Agenda Item six through 14. All right. Thank you. We have a motion and a second. Frank was the second call. Donato. Yes. Mr Colas? Yes Commissioner Colas? Yes, Vice Mayor Eisner. Mayor. Yes. Let's go to the special consent agenda. Item 15 is directional request of Starwood Capital Group. Savannah Code for Lease Extension, 10. I'm giving it 10 minutes. Sorry about that Same man, of course. Yes. See from backup. I've been talking to this group. Um before we go before we get started. The last thing I wanted to mention on the , uh, consent agenda is that the, um The procession for the ST Nicholas. Um Uh, Greek Orthodox. Um, um Is May 3rd. And that would be a first Friday. I want to make sure all the residents know that first Friday has been canceled for that for that weekend, and so that is not gonna happen. Excuse me. Continue, please. Um back in 2024, the city entered into a 50 year lease, um for the Savannah Cove Apartments, which ended up being 100 and 60 unit, Um, off Curlew plays behind the hospital. Um In, uh, that went to referendum. Um And in 2021, the Starwood Group, um, took over running that apartment complex. Uh, I've been in conversation. It was probably right before the things before the holidays. Um I've been talking with them and only spending my time in city efforts talking with them because of Roques. They had to extend the lease. We are 20 years in the 50 year lease. Um their request and you see in in in the backup, um They have something here. I think they're in the audience here. Um they may wanna come forward this, um, but for but, uh, there they request is an extension of 20 years. Would you put it again at a 50 year lease? This is something that would have to go to referendum. This would take some work of our attorneys. Um, So what? I'm asking you tonight, Um The backup and the That's not the offer is gonna be the that's some suggestions. Um but before I brought in and spend any re city resources on working on this because this will be, you know, rather extensive project for working on and negotiation, um, getting involved in charge and stuff before I wanted to do that, Um, I wanted them to present to you their general concept. And my mission tonight is just get a feeling of this board is it is something that this Board would wanna entertain about a 30 years left on the lease and extension of 20 years on that, because if that's a basic principle that this commission would not want to go into that there's no sense. Um me and the group engaged in all of that work. If this commission's feeling is that this time we're 30 years left that they would not be inclined to do a further 20 years to make it a new 50 year lease. So basically, um, I'm just trying to get You tonight. If it's something you're willing to look at and see where the negotiations and meet a very nice group of people, we've had some very nice conversations. But again, if you're not inclined to commit the city for an additional 20 years to 30 years we've got then there's no sense of us looking, you know, doing a lot of work, bringing to you a proposed on a new lease, setting the referendum item and setting it to the people. So, um They They're here. They might want to say a few words about what they said first, and then we wanna get a feeling from the commission. Where what direction you want to go forward. So you should come forward, please, if you have some comments Um, my name is Michelle Hayes. And I am with Highmark residential and I represent Starwood. So, um You. Spoke very highly and pretty much covered everything that we needed to say. I think what's important is that you understand that Starwood Capital is here to be a long term owner. Um they have Since they they moved their headquarters now to Miami Beach, Florida, So we are primarily here in Florida since we've been here since 2015 taking over affordable housing. We have not sold any of our assets. So what we're looking to do is to be a long term partnership with Tarpon Springs and helping the community as well as the residents of Savannah Cove. Um Be as healthy and happy as they can be. So at this time, we are hoping that you will allow us the opportunity for an additional 20 years on the ground lease. Thank you. Um, are there any public comments on this item? You didn't have anything else did you? You didn't have anything. Oh, boy. Is gonna be fun. OK before I start. Uh, Miss Annie Samaris has Kindly volunteered her time for me. So Savannah Cove. Rank should remember this well. Yeah. Now. There's a dark understory about This particular project how it came about. I'm not gonna get into that. I'm gonna get into the details here. Things. You should ask yourself. Who is this coming before you? Who is it? Starwood Capital. Did you look it up? It's a private equity firm. Private equity firm. Sober capital group is private investment firm with primary focus on global real estate Since its inception in 1991, the firm was raised over 75 billion of capital currently has approximately 100 and 15 billion of assets under management. Over the past 32 years Starwood Capital invested in excess 245 billion of assets, including properties within every, uh Major real estate assets. The lady you just mentioned hi Mark. And if you go further down one of the largest collections of multifamily apartments in the United States and an in house multifamily property management company that's the Highmark residential she mentioned. She says. We're here the long term. What do private equity firms do if you know your business? They compile assets. They squeeze the money out of it, Then they resell it to someone else. Now. I would write off the bat say thank you, but no, thank you. And I'm going to point out some things to you, but it's kind of insulting to me. Uh, in here what they're offering the city. Uh, They're gonna they said here. They're going to Uh, Offer 100 And $1000 to be used to be. Donated to the city for sister field improvements. Uh, Annual come in of 20,000 over the next five years. 20,000 a year. For five years, and yet I just read they have over 245 billion in assets. What are they looking at you as Oh, yeah, we'll throw him a little bread and brother. Now. So that's pitiful. First off to come off the tree is let's look at the actual contract. Contract on Page six. Under Let's see. Is it six rent? Where is the rent section? Here it is. Uh so they paid a lump sum 300,000 up front , just to be kind and gracious for us to sign a contract. And then it's this commencing a rental commencement date and continuing throughout the term leases shall pay less or fixed annual base rent the amount of $73,500 They're only paying $73,500. That was from 2003. What is inflation done? What is that? It's like comes out. I think it's a 6250 a month. So one Even if you decided to think about talking to him, one of the things gotta be on the table is changing the rent. Find out from Ron. How much The difference is from 2003 to 2024 for with inflation. What That is comparable number that should be your bottom line. Bottom line. Secondly, More importantly, page 14. Ownership. Ownership. Number 73. Li you show on the project in fee simple as it built brick by brick at all times. While this lease is in a force title of the project shall belong solely to Li Andon, the termination or expiration of this lease, titled The Project, then situated in the land shall pass automatically less or without payment thereof unless he shall have no further rights there. In other words, in 2054, you're gonna get this building. Do you wanna have it Be? 20 years older when you get it. What kind of guarantee do you have on maintenance during that time? I don't know that this stinks worse than a skunk that got stepped on by a mule. So my suggestion at this point is you tell them thank you. We would appreciate anything you can do to support your residents as you should be doing already. She's nods. Yes OK, that's politically correct in the venue in front of you. And he polled the residents there at Savannah Cove, if any of you gone over and talked to him about what's going on over there to know what the bottom line is Huh? Where you go on saying Yeah, we're gonna give them a real sweet deal that they can own the place for another 20 years. Are the residents happy with the new group? Are they making the improvements or the saying I don't know, guys. Just don't smell good. Thank you for your time. There any other public comments on this item? So I heard everything you had to say. And if you could make it brief? Yes. What I want to clarify is I actually work for Highmark residential and I am the regional property manager for Savannah Co. So I am here representing Starwood. But I actually deal with the residents every single day. That is my job is to oversee them and they are my priority. And I can tell you I welcome you to talk to the residents because that is one property that is a team, the residents, the property manager, the services every single day like It. I can't speak more than what those residents do get that I can speak for I. I appreciate all the comments concerning Starwood, but The issue is whether we want to add another 20 years to a 30 year lose we the lease is there Starwood's operating the facility. There's nothing that we can do about it, nor would we want to do about it with a contract in place. It's as simple as that. So are there any other public comments concerning the lease extension of 20 years? Mr Jumper, the only remote access comments If anyone online would like to make a public comment, please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk. And we do not have any raised hands at this time. OK thank you, Uh, Commissioner Cash. You've got your title. Yeah I just wanted to start off first. And, um I'm not interested at this time in Moving forward with an agreement. I think it would be poor planning by us as commissioners for the well being of the city. Who knows what the climate can be 20 years from now as well, and that's actually a property located next to that hospital, So I'm not sure exactly what future planning may or may not hold. But Um I don't even think this issue should be brought up for another 20 years. But I don't think we can Regulate that. But You know, So that's where I stand. II. I think it'd be poor planning for the residents and I don't want to put them in that spot as well. And, um That's it for now. Thank you. Um I spare Easter. Thank you, Mayor. Um I agree with what I just heard. I don't feel like, um, extending the contract. But I did wanna make a statement because I did poll the residents. And uh, you know, predominantly, most of the residents are happy. But there were a couple of comments that I would like You to address Um A number of, uh, it's OK, I. I wasn't looking for an answer. This is something you can take back with you. Um Some of them were scared to talk. OK so they didn't want to admit to anything, they felt there would be retribution. Those were some of the comments. I got. Um, there were quite a number of comments about windows that were either fogged Um, or of no use. And when they put in a complaint It goes falls on deaf ears. So these were some of the things that I heard. Um, when I did do the polling Um There was a couple of issues with, um pest control companies coming in and saying the house wasn't clean, and that's why there was issues. I ran an international pest control company. I know that's something people use because they can't control the issue. So they put the blame on the person when it's sometimes you just don't know what they utilizing, But sometimes it is also the person doesn't keep a clean house. Neither Neither side wants to admit it. So I've seen both sides. But these are, um bad. Comments to be made. Um There were a number of people that said they would never move in here and there are a number of people had said it was the greatest place. Ever So you know, I I'm not looking to Push ahead 20 years, 30 years, I think right now is, uh, decent time. Um II. I also be honest to tell you I don't take kindly to offers of $100,000. To extend the contract. Um I would rather you see you put it into the, uh, affordable housing and making sure that they're living better. Whether it's upgrading a air conditioner or a heating facility. Whatever we don't need us. This LA field is fine and dandy and, you know, just to let you know personally. And hurt me more than help me. So um, I'm I'm just being honest in in how I read your offer. But I would go after trying to please those people that are not pleased right now. And that's all I have to say. Thank you. Yeah, I did. I didn't. I haven't heard any Where there is any significant benefit to the city of Tarpon Springs. To extend this 20 extra years. The 100,000 is insignificant. It doesn't It. It doesn't move me. Um And like, uh, Former commissioner de las, uh, alluded to you know, before we even consider something like this. Um We'd have to re examine the value of the property. The rent. Um, again, this original lease was in 2003. What's our return on investment, you know, so I think all that's premature, I. I just don't see a I and I can. It seems from the comments so far that that it's not something that we're willing to entertain at this moment. Um But again, I don't see that the facts that are brought before us . I understand that you would examine more of that. And in any deliberations, you do, but I haven't heard. Anything in con in in these discussions that is Creates any significant benefit for the city. To worry about something 30 years from now to kick it 20 extra years, I Unless unless there was S significant financial advantage to the town. Um But Again. I haven't seen that in because we're really not renegotiating this lease. To bring it up to, um Values. Um so II. I would have to go along with my two colleagues on this. Mr Di Donato. I just have some questions. I too I'm not. I'm not sure that the $100,000. We don't. We don't have numbers that we can even work with right now. Well, that's 12 does a little league they do? They have plans to use that money. If they I mean, have they been approached? Well, now, go ahead. That's what I wanted to talk about, because everybody's talking about I. I want you to realize we haven't gone into negotiations yet. The of the amenities you see on when we were talking about. There's a lot of things to negotiate. If we were set to go forward and negotiate the lease, what all the things you've talked about? That would be in there. What I had asked of them was there anything above and beyond so that that they had to offer. This was something. This is not a deal. This is not something this was just something they mentioned above and beyond. What we have to look at. The least prize the where it goes all the different things. So this is not something they're throwing out. This is this is just when we were talking, you know something above and beyond what we'd be looking at. We'd be looking at what everybody was talking about as far as the contract. Uh, maybe some some more security and the other things, and so that's not just the Hey, do this , And we'll give you this. This was above and beyond the normal lease negotiations that we do for the city, so I just want I just want to let you Know and stuff And this was, this is the reason they put that in. It's not. It's not. This is all they were given or something. This was just a little above and beyond, So I just want everybody to realize that that's not the deal. We haven't even got into the deal yet. About what we go over all the factors. Um, this was just something, you know. Do you have any ideas what you would do to the commu with the community above in the island because they do do some things. Now they mentioned about the field trips, but they do it in house. Would there be something above and beyond the contract that you would do for the That was just one item. They suggested. I didn't definitive thing because they said, You know anything else You want to, so don't pin or blame him down on that that that's just an offer thrown out there. Um, that was just the something in the discussions we did, and nowhere. You know, that's not the only thing that would happen if we were to negotiate police. OK, Thank you. Commissioner. Did I just? They're just I'm I'm not opposed. I think affordable housing certainly is always needed. It's just that a lot of facts that I don't have right now. I, I I'm Would feel better if I knew more of the numbers Mark and I hate to bring work. But I don't know how we can answer this. If we don't really Have the need to deal with Did you have some more Something else? Your lights on. OK um, Commissioner Clear, I. I just I don't wanna think of it as a numbers game. I just wanna think about it as planning for the city. It's the way the property situated and nearby the hospital I. I don't know what Layouts. The city is gonna be Den City 20 years from now, A lot of things can Change and happen. And uh, I do wanna be clear. I lived in Savannah Cove up until December, 2019 and so it It was a great neighborhood. It was a singer citizen, a senior citizen neighborhood at the time, and a small percentage of people can live in there that are not which I was. And so, uh, it It was a good neighborhood. It was affordable. And, um II. I do know what is a good neighbor, but for planning wise, uh, putting the residence in a spot and where it's situated and its potential towards the city. Uh I don't think we should support it and hopefully this gets discussed 20 years from now, a long time from now for a future board to come up with this with this decision. Thank you, I. I think, uh, for Starwood. What you've heard here is a It is a lot of things, but they all point to the same thing. This commission not just for your request, but For many of the other request ordinances, things we've been reeling in the horizon. The decision horizons on stuff. We've been making things much shorter than what they've originally, we've given development rights for 10 years, We've reeled those back into something much shorter than that . So it's just been a trend with this commission to do that, and I think I wouldn't read anything more than that into what you heard tonight. I think the commission somewhat, um More comfortable with leaving it, not tying the hands of future commissions to deal with anything that might come up. So um, if there's no further comments, what I would like to do because we have to do things in the affirmative is to authorize the city manager to move forward with, uh, lease extension negotiation. If you're not for it, vote no. If you're for it, Vote yes. So may I have a motion and a second to that effect. So moved second. OK? There's no further comments, Roll call. We should D Donato? Yes. Mi Julian. No. We cool? No. Vice Mayor Eisner, No Is no. Thank you. Um the next item is the, um Approved purchase. I'm sorry it's increased file number 230139 electrical instrumentation control services . Uh, city management. Of course. Who's who's got that? Yours done. Tommy Tiger, OK? Thomas Keer, public services director. Uh, thank you, Mayor. Tis and members of the board. Uh, today we have a relatively simple item. Um This is to procure the services to implement a large cyber security project for the water and wastewater utilities as, uh, many of you know, and have seen in the news and things like that, Um, you know, we're entering into a new sort of threat environment, uh, for cybersecurity kind of globally and particularly related to critical infrastructure. Uh in response to that, the EPA and um Homeland Security and N, I have several large federal agencies have issued new cyber security guidance. Uh, The city has been very proactive in trying to address these concerns. And uh, we've done internal cybersecurity audits. We have a cybersecurity electrical master plan for the utility. And uh, we've been collaborating with, uh, Suzanne Linton in IT and all of her stuff as well. And uh, what this is, is just a one time, uh, contract authorization to, um Uh, make him and create our current, uh, electrical and instrumentation contractor that's already doing work for the city to implement this project. Uh, to ensure that, um Things are being done to standard and also to ensure the city is getting, uh, the best value whilst we've also, uh, contracted recently with Tech to provide third Party review services to make sure that everything is up to standard and we're also getting good, uh, fair pricing and that everything's reasonable. They've reviewed this proposal in detail and found it to be a adequate to meet the national standards and also, uh, fair and reasonable from a pricing standpoint, and, uh, the good news is this project was originally budgeted at $1.4 million, and there's $700,000 in ARPA funding that's been Obviously dedicated this project. The current proposal is just over $1.2 million, and we're asking for a very small contingency to bring into about 1.28 million. Uh, and that contingency is only applied to the hardware and sort of implementation, Uh, component of the project and the design fees and the professional services. There's no contingency applied. Um We've already had some preliminary discussions with some of you, Uh, regarding the details of the project, uh, because of the sensitive nature of cybersecurity, particularly around critical infrastructure. We love to answer any questions you have or related to the how the project might be implemented in the procurement and the funding thereof. But we would ask, uh, not ask any detailed questions about networks or our cyber security? Uh, Uh, you know , details at this time, uh, And with that, I'd be happy to answer any questions. Thank you, Mr Cocker. Let me go to public comments first. Are there any public comments on this item? Um Glance. 743 Chesapeake Drive, Um When comment I have is when I looked at this. I'm with limited information because of the protected information. What I'm seeing is a $1.4 million ask it was a year ago. Go up to a $2.3 million Ask, which is a pretty big raise. In over a year, depending on what NIST has done and so forth, which I'm pretty familiar with. Um so that's that's comment. Number one COMMENT. Number two is At the present time. You can discuss particulars with almost anybody because the regulation that restricts Access to this kind of information has been formally sunset it in October. And it hasn't been signed again by our governor, But so you need to be aware of that. In case you get, uh Public record requests and in that amount, but, uh, I'd I'd be really concerned that this seems to be spiraling up and up and up. I'm pretty familiar with the cyber security area. None of my other clients have seen 30% increases in a year. Thank you. Um go ahead. I'd be happy to address that, Um It. It seems to be a little bit confused with the, uh, the backup. So we do have an annual spending authorization that we maintain with our electrical and cyber security, uh are electrical and instrumentation and controls. Uh contractor for, you know, sort of annual maintenance and integrating new instruments and pumps and things like that the normal annual operating costs of operating our networks. Uh this is a one time increase of 1.28 to cover this project, and the rest of the pre existing authorization is our five year. Spending plan for, you know, sort of general, uh other projects and things like that and annual operations and that sort of thing, so the cost of the project was original of this particular project was originally budgeted at 1.4 the spending authorization. The increase that we're asking for today to this contract is a one time spending authorization for the project is $1.28 million, and we're expecting it to be a lot closer to 1.2. But we do wanna allow a little bit of contingency, So we are gonna be under budget on this, but it's it can be a little bit tricky to see that The contract structured. Let me go back to public comments. Are there any other public comments? Uh, Mr Jump. Are there any remote access comments? If anyone online would like to make public comment, Please raise your hand. You'll be allowed in to talk. And we do not have any raised hands at this time. OK City management course You want to add anything to what Mr Ker said Commission comments Anybody We're all OK with it. OK? Pardon me. We discussed Yeah, OK. Um if there's no further public, I'm sorry Commission comments. This was up for item 16. If we could have a motion to approve in a second, please, So moved. Sega. A roll call. Should IAN Yes, Commissioner Kian is yes, Commissioner CU. Yes, Vice Mayor Eisner. Yes, yes. OK um item 17 is pro purchase for zero Lincoln Avenue. It's the corner of mirrors and Lincoln. Actually, it's the corner of, um Uh, Northeast. Uh, Lincoln and Meares, Uh, City manage course. Again I guess it's appropriate for tonight, Um, with sustainability and earth and everything that probably one of the most important environmental purchases right up there with the Ross property on Florida Avenue is gaining this land. We talked about this when, um, we moved forward with our due diligence about the importance to our environment, our water shed and all the evidence presented to it. Um we did hit a good timing process with And environmental studies. This was anticipated to take maybe up to two months, and there's a lot less so I'm bringing this back to you a little early because we've got the two appraisals. Um there was an agreement with the price that if this if this land fell outside the 125% of the appraisal value that that we could open the price for any negotiation that came in at 118 the average of two appraisals so the price met the requirements. Um the due diligence on the phase one environmental, um past , so we've done all our due diligence and we're ready for what the contract says for your final approval, um, to purchase this land and hopefully after tonight, we'll start tomorrow and Mr Sauls can get it closed. Hopefully by the beginning of May, and we've already got our people looking at the steps we need to immediately take, um, to improve the water. Quality in that area was against a major area in the middle of the town. Um for a water thing. We're we're already ready to start with our engineers and stuff, Um , to move immediately on the project. Um again, it is one of the most important environmental pieces we could acquire. We required under the amount for referendum. So this along with the work, we're beginning on the Ross property. Two parts of towns were doing some good work for storm water and the environment and have bought the properties. Um, in that case, so I'm bringing this For your final approval for the contract, and we'll begin the closing process closing process to obtain this land tomorrow. If you proven the affirmative, to the size of the property, um, the size of the property. How How large is it for the For the residents? It's 1.5. I think. 1.51 0.5 Acres. Yeah, that's what I saw somewhere around there. 1.5 Acres. OK, uh, it's 1.5 acres, which will be preservation and water. Quality improvements. Uh it's already a wetland and, uh but it's a key P key. Well and because a lot of the runoff comes down mes to that location. So if you remember before the IARA apartments, that whole area was a wetland and with fish and everything else I suspect there may be fish in that one, too. So OK, Um, let's go to public comments. Are there any public comments on this? Mr Bac this no. OK Um Mr Jump any remote access comments. It went online would like to make a public comment on the side. Please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk. I. And we do not have any raised hands at this time. OK I may have been for me. Let me ask again. Are there any public comments from anyone in the audience here? OK? Um, City Commission. Any comments? Um, give us the price as well. City management, of course. $345,000 OK, The sale price is 345,000. There was, uh, we the way it works is 100 and 25% But I think it was 128% that it came out with the two averages. Is that right? 18 118% 118% So that's within the 128 based on the average and, um so I. I think it's a wonderful opportunity, and I'm all for it. Um If there's no further comments, May I have a, um Motion to approve in a second authorizing the city manager to proceed with the purchase of the property. So moved Second OK, Roll call, please. Richard Di Donato. Yes. Mr Kane? Yes Commissioner Kass? Yes V. Eisner? Yes. Next item is award. Uh, file number 240108. This is, um resurfacing the riverside tennis courts, Uh, utilizing the existing source Well contract. City management course. Yes I have. Tom function has been working very hard on this issue of the riverside courts and the best way to proceed with it. Um so Tom, I'll turn it over to you to present, uh what you're presenting to the board to approve for those courts. Uh, excuse me a minute while I get this straightened away here. I take this piece off over here. I apologize. But we're all learning this new agenda management system bear with me for a second, please. I'm gonna have to probably need some tech help. No we are we are having problems with, uh It takes a while to load. I'm sorry. So we were working on the It'll load but it I'll I'll touch base. I'll touch base on a couple of things while we're waiting for this to load up over here because I'm asking you award a contract for two cool cars for, uh, the amount of $250,000 to replace the, uh, the resurface that actually tennis courts out at Riverside Field. Uh, I've been looking into that. Here we go. And we're going over here. Um We originally gone and thought about replacing the attendances courts out there this this fall and put it out to bid and when the prices come in for complete rebuild on the tennis courts, they come in at a ridiculous amount of money a little over $550,000, so I had to come up with another way. No, I'm just telling him it. It's doing like we already know what the problem is, is not a problem with thing. It's just a problem within civic. Plus the, um I don't think you wanna go to the agenda that you want to go to a particular backup. In the back. Yeah. Click on Agenda packet. That's what. Again It's been doing this all day. So we've been working on these. Yeah. Right there. There you go. To stand there on one second stand there for everybody . That doesn't know who Mr jump is. When I asked Mr Jump, That's Mark. Jump He's up in our technical booth. Thank you. Thanks, Mark I. I appreciate that. Sorry about that. River to Riverside Tennis Court Replacement, uh, again is You have three options, Remove fence and relate all court material down to sub grade, resurface existing cords or use existing courts and cover with a versa. Chord. The three options we looked at Uh, removing and install the subsurface again as we put this out the bed and that's complete demolition of the subsurface 6 to 8 weeks, Uh, it would require may require a swift motor permit in case we have storm motor issues possible additional cost of ST what is needed. We need to remove and replace fence. This option That's 550,000 Plus that does not include any type of storm water. Uh, another resurface would be the resurface existing courts with the regular resurface. They come in. They fill cracks in they restrike it. Put it back together again. Uh and it looked like the courts are right now, For the most part, there are 100 and $50,000. But it's not gonna last very long in about five years. Have these surfaces uh, sub base once you can seal it. Uh, court over the top of the existing course. Those cracks there now will work its way back up. And in five years down the road, you're pretty much in the same condition. You are now. A verse accord, which I've done quite a bit of studying on this, Uh, multiple different types of courts. Uh, actually just is a is a plastic court that I can hand somebody who These examples out if you guys wanna look at them. That's actually what goes down. That's what goes down. Yes it's a large size and everything that size and they they clip together and sit on the existing surface. With little minor sub. Uh, work will have to do fill some cracks and things like that. Uh, but I'll get down to the benefit of this type of court. Uh, as you see, these are the co right here. Uh left, of course is attended. We were mostly tennis courts, and that's what the court looks like when they're completed. Uh it takes only a couple of days to do this, too. So it doesn't take long to put this cord down. Uh as you can see, we can utilize the same fencing. That's there. We can utilize, uh, the same nets, so the minimum amount of time the court actually being, uh, down from our play is probably only maybe less than a week. And as you see down the bottom right hand corner. That's how it goes together comes in the And the kit and they just take it apart and snap it all together. Uh Here's some photos of our existing court. And as you can see the cracks there and you can actually see one of the cracks up in the right hand corner where you're getting some sand starting to protrude up through the, uh, the cracks. Uh, that's something we would do in house and seal them off. If you approve this, uh, before we put the vers accord on, But, uh, if you decide just to recover it, those cracks will eventually. Uh uh, break up to any other type of surface you put on here, so they reflect through just like, uh, paving, uh, this is the four options. Uh, of course, the option up the left is what would look like in the Action. Uh, on the right would be just the other type of resurfacing the top of it and down the bottom is where they put the, uh Pieces together. Well, I saw you on the left hand side of here is whether you go, uh, a new a brand new court reconstructed, whether just surface it or even put a versa. Court and asphalt or concrete, whoever you use, and they are not perfect materials, and after any type of rain, you always have little puddles and stuff. One of the other beauties of this, uh, material I come to find out is that once it stops raining most of those little water that puddles that sit there are below the versa chords so you can almost play on this court. Really minutes after I finished raining. Here's the choices complete. New expensive, expensive minimum $550 and could be more of stormwater is required. Uh, Re-servicing SP, of course, and we talked about this before we'll require eventual full court replacement. Existing crass can be filled and covered but will eventually reflect through Uh, maybe acceptable for about five years and fencing can be replaced in the future. That's one of the things we would have to do with this regular resurfacing on the versa. Court It's 250 to 55,000. It's actually a little bit less than that, for 200,000 can be strive for both tennis and pickleball. You can make it automatic. Uh dual use court. Can you play it after ran Because of the open grid design. It's 50% cooler than playing on asphalt. Uh, the verse called Tile Systems are ideal for creating a fast surface without, uh Relate, surpass SC without related pain and injury risk associated with typical hardcore . It does give a very little bit not enough if we change the play, but it does give, uh with the flex light vertical flex, uh, with the SS side movement, Uh, And I get to this a little bit later on about that. I did talk to somebody about who played on this, Uh These these courts have been tested and raided by the International Tennis Federation as a fast paced service for recreational and competitive play, so it doesn't affect the play of this whatsoever. Yeah. That's pretty much a quick overview. I. I got a little back up on this too. I've done a lot of I went down to, uh, Braden 10 to look at a few tennis courts down there. They've been in there about 10 or 15 years and I was puzzling. Surprised how well they held up. Uh And then, about three weeks ago, Brandon Crum, my facility superintendent and I both went out to Lakeland with his first court went down a couple of months ago. Uh talk with the director out there and they were very, very pleased with the project. But we went out to the course We saw some people out there playing and one of the interesting, uh, responses I got was Element goes out there a couple of days a week, and this was on the basketball court and, uh, he said, since the courts won it he goes out every day and plays where he before he was in his early sixties, much like I am, uh, he could play but take a couple of days off before he could play again. It's actually extended his time on the courts. Uh, because now he doesn't have the sore knees or sore hips or joints. Now it's a scientific, but it was. It's uh, somewhere directly onto it. One of the other views about this is he's got an excellent warranty on this, uh, the first five years is 100% warranty on it. Uh, of course, unless you drop trees on and break it, you'll have to pay for it. Uh And then a warranty goes on for almost 30 years. Uh, it's pretty interesting. It gives us a 30 day warranty, too. In 30 days. We don't like it. We can tell them to take it out. They have to pay for the shipping back, but, uh, we wouldn't like it. Uh it's been being used all over the country, uh, as big as Georgia now, South Carolina, Uh, colleges uh, you go online. II. I People go online. Take a look at this and see how many colleges are actually putting this in. Uh we can do a different color courts and I'll actually Go back up this other pipe over here, which is pretty neat. Uh, of course next to each other can be different Colors. Uh, even if you look at it if you decide you want to put the Pickleball on there, Uh, it's not overwhelming. We can also put um any type of, uh uh, city seal on there. If you wanna put a city seal, uh, it gets a lot of options doing it down. This whole court will take us less than a week to replace and back up and, uh, time, so that's the biggest advantages Besides the saving of about a quarter of a million dollars, which I think is a Pretty important. OK, let me uh, Before we go to public comments. Let me just ask a question for clarification. Um Uh, the pickleball court striping. Is that something? We have to decide tonight? No, no, no. When we're ready to order that we can sit down and discuss it. What are we authorizing? Just to tonight, you'd be authorized in which which way to go on there, Which, of course, were recommending this perm? Um But while we're at it, the news is we've we've finally we've been working very long. Um with our design team, um, to do the specs, um, for the prospects of the pickle ball, be it the challenges In the cost and designing it, so hopefully we can get the maximum out of it. Um we have We have got the specs down to. I think the best way that we can get a bid for it. So those bids are going out and hopefully in May, we'll be bringing back probably with a change of the meetings. They'll probably be the second one in May, but we should be bringing back the prospects and prices for 23 and four courts for the Pickleball courts. Uh, the final the quotes to approve and start doing those and again Hopefully the Work we've done on the specs and what we're putting out to bid is gonna keep that price down, so we can do do the higher number of courts instead of the two. It was a long process. And you know, we still gotta go out to bid and we got to see if all the work we did got those prices down and still have a quality project but hopefully hopefully by May, then we'll have the decision and award the bid. Um, to build those pickleball courts, um I'm gonna get to that. But as far as, um we authorize this tonight. And then , um, do you come back with decision points? Or is this something as far as the striping? Uh uh. Honestly I I'm not. The seal is a little bit of a holy grail to me. I don't particularly think we need to have that on the ground to just likes to invite embellish a little bit on the biggest thing is getting the court down. The other thing is we could do that doesn't have to be done when we install it. Am I correct or the strip? The ST comes with it it it's actually made in a factory all together. We don't have to, but we don't have to do that. Yeah, it's your choice, but you can come back later on. I can bring back. I can bring back color options, and our choices is not because I don't want to get into the feud of the You know, specialists who were coming close to building the courts. I don't I don't think we wanna get. I think we want the priority that we've been looking for a longer time than we want is the tennis court and the reserves on the riverside, and that's what I'd like to stick to, despite all the other good aspects of this that was brought into it. I wanna stick to those tennis court. In the surface. Those other decisions made if we start going to Purposes of something happens with a bid. Those are decisions we can make later, but I like to say we've been working on these courts on Riverside for tennis courts for a while and resurfacing problems and the amount of money to redo them and stuff. So that's what hopefully I like to deal with tonight. OK let me go to, uh, public comments and we'll come back to the commission for questions. Uh, public comments any public comments on this one? Anita Protos 901 base or drive. What is the surface of the tennis courts at Craig Park? Are they going to have to be resurfaced again soon. Do you want me to answer that? What's the condition usually have to make the comments and then in the mayor wants to I was thinking if it's Not that expensive, could we? And they need to be resurfaced. Can that be brought in also? And what is the status on the Shuffle board? The people are going back up north. Pretty soon and The roof hasn't been replaced. It has stripes haven't been painted. And it's been three years. Four years now. We've been they've been asking about it. So I don't know where we on that, but the tennis courts at Craig Park. What condition are they in? Go ahead, Tom. And answer that. No problem. Craig Parks, probably about three years away four years away for needs of replacement because it's heavily used all day. Because I'm down. I walk down there twice a day. You know, I was wondering Well, we're growing, and we're gonna need more courts in the next 30 years. Thank you. Are there any more public comments? Good evening. Katie Taylor 1991 Douglas Lane, Tarpon Springs. I was in the parks and rec meeting the other day, and I know they kind of leaning toward a versa. Court as you you mentioned about , um, when you play the actual game, that square is not gonna affect the placement of the balls right? It doesn't affect the When you hit the ball on the surface. No ma'am. It's approved by the F Tenants Federation. They use it for competitive play. So you have to play with my cousin Serena. So I'm going to check it out. Please tell him to call me the other thing, uh, with with the, um with the environment down here in Florida , you know we have beautiful weather, but we also have like a, uh, the desert with 100 and 10 degree weather and as well as floods. So how will it affect that court when we have 100 and 10? Weather It is absolutely fine CSA courts down in Bradenton over here almost 15 years old, There was some minor fading into it. But the new product and even better, uh so no, that holds a pretty very well. Extremely storms it it'll. Yes, ma'am. It don't buckle enough, not whatsoever. It gives it. It moves with itself. It will never feel the movement. But it does flex. Thank you. You're welcome. Or any other public comments. Hi, Craig. L 743 Chesapeake. Um, this is just actually a general comment As I started thinking about this today. I realize that We have a parks and recreation board. Except sitting on the commission . You never hear anything from the parks and Recreation board. If you take a look at the events calendar, there's nothing from the Parks Recreation Board. Um I think with the amount of money that we're starting to put into parks and recreation in the city of Tarpon Springs That if we have an advisory board, they should be doing their job and we should be hearing from them, and that's just not happening. And that's all I wanted to say. And thank you. I did bring this from the recreation board. They saw it the other day, and they leaning towards this product process. Right? Well. Yeah, we'll get to cover. Uh, commission comments and many other. Thank you for your comments. Uh Craig, Um, Are there any other commission? I'm sorry. Any other public comments? Um Mr Jump any remote access comments. If anyone online would like to make a public comment, please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to go. We do not have any raised hands at this time. OK, Thank you. Vice Mayor Eisner, You've got your light on. Thank you, Mayor. Um I don't play tennis as uh, Also, commissioner Kulas has said as well and, uh but I did. My cousin is on the riverside courts every day, so I wanted to give him a shout out. Thank you, Mark. I appreciate he got me a lot of feedback on these courts. Um it is good for seniors. It does cause less injuries. Um the surface from what I understand is sometimes erratic. And that comes back to what Miss Taylor said, as well because if these are not fully flush You can get Either a dead sound or too solid A sound. Um and it's just very common. It's not terrible, but it is. It's equivalent to what they call for a clay court in a clay court. You could get some erratic balls . I don't think we have professional tennis players here , so I think this will be fine. I'm not knocking it by any means . I'm just giving the fine details of the pros and cons. Um Long term maintenance. These are great, you can just pop out a piece and put it in in two seconds, and you know it. It's not a problem. What concerns me. The biggest is kids are around there with bicycles. This product and bicycle skids are horrible. Um And that's something that we if we're going to invest this, uh, we gotta be very careful about that. We have dogs that go on there. Yeah, you could play on it after water. But When you have dogs on there doing their thing. You're not gonna be playing on it right away. Um so those were some of the concerns that I had, and the one biggest concern was. There's no record of Yeah, it's great for your knees and hips. And uh because it flexes so you're not. It's not an abrupt stop. But if you fall on that, Oh, my God, You're gonna be looking for some bandages because it's very rough . Um I felt it and you know, uh, I don't know It's not good to fall on something smooth, but this is gonna be even rougher and I don't know about that. I'm still in favor of doing it. Um I don't know if I'd want to see it on, you know, down in the spring Bayou and the other courts yet, I. I think we need to get a little bit of familiarity and do our own research on it. Overall, I like it. It's just I just don't know. You know what the issues could be as far as falling or skidding on it, Uh, you know, Touching your face on it. I mean, it's rough. Um so I know it's also I. I will tell you this. It's also a faster game. Um the tennis balls tend to be a little quicker. Um, and I have no idea. Uh, I think the pickle ball is a plastic ball, and that thing's got to come like a rocket ship at you. If you're gonna play on this, because it's plastic on plastic, so that's all I really wanted to say. If you'd like me to speak to a couple of points, I can sure sure when I when some of you, uh, installation basically, I even out in Lakeland over here. Where we found out was that you were right about some weird spots on there so well, they didn't prep the court before they did it. Uh that's kind of one of the beauties about that court out. There is actually still in pretty good shape. There's no there's no low spots. It doesn't P very much over there whatsoever. Uh, the only thing I really gotta do is just fill some cracks. Uh, so we don't get weeds growing up through it, And that's one of the other shoes that they that some. Some places have not done that. So it's been a little bit due diligence on that. So that's pretty good. As far as falling on it. I play Pickleball. Uh you know, fall Pickleball. I don't care if I'm falling, a pick a ball or if I'm falling on. It hurts either way. Uh, But from my understanding, just talking to people that played on it. They were very, very pleased with it. Especially the older people like I like myself, joints and all get a little tough over here. So that's I'm going by real life experience that I'm getting from this over here. So yeah, and again, it's and this can be moved, Uh, it can be picked up and reused again someplace else. If you'd like to Overall, I like it. That's the beauty of that. That's some of the beauties about that. It is portable. So if you decide one day God forbid we're gonna redo test. We can take it and move it to another tennis court. So They use these a lot of times in, uh, people's private garages to drive on, You know, it's a great product, and it is, you know, reusable anywhere. It's replaceable. So I love the lifetime warranty on it, So I'm I'm for it, but Commissioner. Yes. I just wanted to ask Mr Fun we talked about if We do the resurface approach that potentially in about five years, We'll have to do it again. Um With the versa. Court. Uh, wouldn't we have to come across any similar situation with the underneath surface? Maybe in five years is there Because we're sealing it off. I'm just curious about that part because we're putting on top of the Well, that's one thing that we could possibly resurface. Well, it was looking out to do some crack repair on it. Before we put this down. That's exactly what I would do. Is that possible? Yes but if you have a spot in it, that's bad. You can take up a small section of court and do a spot repair. You don't have to do a whole repair on it. If I go out there and put a whole new deck down, take the existing day off and off. I have to get a swift mud. Uh, a waiver on that if they give us one, and that price of reconstructing goes way up, could I put the other surface on? Yeah, I could go back and a little bit save money in the beginning, but you'll be back in five years. I guarantee you looking About that either reseal or take it back up again, or even go This course here, So I hate to see spend, uh, you know bad money after the good money after bad money, one of the other things that I haven't touched on if you don't mind me, uh, over here. This is also recyclable using the $110,000 of every cycle of grant, so it's not coming out of the General fund. That's a that's a big plus too. Um The maintenance. Seems like you know, there could be some spots. You know, a couple squares you replace a year and with the flexibility? Uh um With this board. This board has to make a decision, uh, to put them on all four courts at Riverside. Could we do an experiment? Maybe half the courts and See how that came out or You, could you You'd rather lock it into all four. I mean, that's an option we can put in. I can talk to the, uh the, uh to them and ask them what they feel about it. I know that the LL all lock in better on a whole four of them over here. But if And as far as it's not gonna come at the same price is gonna be a little bit more if you break it up if you have a for bringing that up, too, And as far as pickle ball, I mean, the residents really wanna try to keep it a tennis court area. Um I. I would only possibly support Ball lines on one of those tennis courts mixed in with it. Not all four. You know, And I think you could get maybe 2 to 3 courts on one of those Tennis courts. Her line together . What do you think, sir? No The Pickleball court would stay in the same, uh, vicinity as where the tennis courts were. You couldn't If you put too many lines on there, cause you're trying to extend extra course on it. Uh, you would have to the extra fencing and become very confusing, so I would not recommend that whatsoever. So I also recommend be honest with you. You know, I've done a lot of research on this. It's great for tennis. It's actually great for basketball. Ball The reviews on the pickle ball are not that great, So that's good. You it's not good. Yeah, argue just because I was in the backup. I mean, guys, I. I have mixed feelings about it. Um Willing to see how it goes. I just, uh you know, as we talk about I feel for the singers, but, uh, I just wanna make sure that The game is still quality game for the tennis players. So, um To see what direction this board wants to go. The only thing I would add to what's been said it. Two features that no one's talked about yet, but one of them is the drainage. Uh we get constant showers in the summertime and having played tennis on this court, So I can tell you that if you want to play, you wanna play and sometimes you go out there and playing when it's wet, and you shouldn't so the doctor in me, says I like that aspect because the drainage is gonna be there and be safer from that aspect. Also the fact that the heat is 50% less. We're talking about a hotter summers. Um I think those two factors along say, we probably should give it a whirl and I. I don't think we should do it for all courts right now until we get some kind of track record, but it does have a track record as you've stated this far and it is replaceable and would be low lower maintenance. Um I. I think it should be a good project. OK, Thanks. Commissioner Cues. You got anything? Oh, That The, um So The Like S slipping if it is wet. And it's plastic. Does it. Does it slip? Not what I have seen. I haven't done much of it myself over here and reports gone and says No, it's actually traction is excellent on it. Uh, So not that I know of water is supposed to filter underneath, actually, so it's like a It should dry up way faster than it would on on it like we like we have now. Commissioner Dean Or have you played on this? I've seen similar stuff. I've not played tennis on it. But I I've seen some reports. So, um What are Like vandalism. These Pieces be Flipped out and Taken Oh, I'm sure they could be. Yes, it could be. So we could end up losing a big chunk of the court of Some Vandals decide they wanna start popping these Pieces out. Right, so Um, it's something to think about I. I mean, I like the idea of testing it. Putting it on one or or two of the courts and then seeing what the play is, Um, I mean, I, I go by the Literally every day and five days a week. I run right by it. I interact with the tennis players. Um there is always Always at least two pickleball players. Uh, two. Pick a ball players on that court all the time. And they go out and they take their chalk and they make themselves a temporary space. Um So I definitely would want Two of the four courts to have alternate striping. It doesn't take away from the game for the tennis players. They don't It's not a big deal. Um but it gives and those people regardless of whether we build te, Uh, pickleball courts out off of, uh, Uh, you know, out by the dog park, um, those people Live in that neighborhood and walk there to play Pickleball, so it's always been used by Pickleball players, so I would I would want at least two Of the four to have alternative striping because you can't stripe. You can't go out there with your chalk on this stuff. So they're gonna be stuck. And not be able to play or to have to do something to try to Rig it up so they could at least have something some kind of line, So we definitely and especially if we're if it has to be done at preorder. Then we have to make that decision. If we order this But I like the idea of testing it out. And not going with all four courts, seeing how it plays, you know, getting some feedback from the From the, uh From the residents that are on the court. And such. But I like the idea. Thank you. Um Mr Fun it it. This is an existing contract anyway, so we We're not really signing anything other than more of a work order to get it done when the when the decision is made, And so, uh, the rec advisory committee was mentioned a couple of times tonight, so I would imagine that I would I would appreciate passing the idea of the combined pickle ball and the, um Um A tennis courts by them and seeing what their recommendation is going to be. I think that's what maybe you had in mind as well between now and the time we actually do the work. They're going to come back or I'm not sure that's the process. I you're you're you're tonight. You're asking us. Well to move ahead, right? I was asking. I was trying to keep that pickle ball all those issues out for a lot of different decisions, But, um, obviously, we're asking tonight to do the four course because to do half or something, Uh, if you wanted to make a decision You know if you want to make a decision tonight to do it if we wanna Wait further. Um I don't know what What was your report from the P from the From the, uh, record advisory board when you brought it before them because it was they were the board. They were positive on it. Now I can go back. But that's for the surface of the court that the only issue done with them and discuss with them at their meeting. That's what I want this board to know it. It's been discussed at that meeting and the discussion we just the surface in the court, not the issue of which is again a big issue. Um it's not a simple issue. Um that we're talking about here. The Court for the regular purposes. Remember we talked about, you know our comp plan or deficiency of tennis courts and the multi purpose you know, there's so many factors we've been looking at all these years. Um I mean, we can bring it into this process. We were hoping to ask for doing these four courts with the service who requested obviously, you can move to, uh, do something later with them and stuff. So that's what we're asking, then the decision would have to be made. If you want to do one or two with the lines for the pickle ball. If you're gonna do it if we want to go back and would take another month or more and get the word or delaying it. But obviously, if that's what the board wants, and this is the sun been going on a long time. So why don't we think about doing? Um To the courts out of the four, leaving two for the possibility of chalking them for pickle ball and seeing how that goes, get with the correct department to make some kind of decision obvious. I don't think we're going to do Pickle Ball court lining on all four courts. Um but II, I think that might be the smart thing to do. And if the players actually provide some Negative feedback. We will know what to do with the others and II. I don't know that, uh, that's what I'm hearing from the commission right now. Um Maybe I'm wrong about that. But let let me hear. Let me just go down the line. Uh, Vice Mayor Eisner, do you want to do all 42? I wanna do all four and let me explain to you why I dealt with floating floors all my life and you don't do two floors two. So all right, Uh, Commissioner Kar, uh It doesn't matter to me at this point. I mean, the one issue that we talk about is potential pickle ball stripes down the in the future. But as Mr function stated that that game isn't necessarily played as well. On that material, So it's you know, we keep If it's not laid. Well, you you're OK, either way. I'm OK. Either way, I guess, Um we're gonna go to D. Do not, uh, II. I personally think that the price is gonna be better. Excuse me if we do all at the same time, uh, that's number one. For some of the other things I don't disagree with. What's what's been said. But I. I think one of the reason we're we're looking at this is because of cost. And I don't know they're doing two now and two later is gonna mess mess that up. And the other thing I wanna say is I. I follow sports a lot and did a lot of sports. Um injuries and what? Not in my practice, and I so I have an interest in it. And I know that there have been Wars. And some some towns. When you take away tennis courts and make pickle ball courts and well, I'm I'm I'm happy about Pickleball. I think it's great for, uh, certain ages, Uh, grew, so use them active, but I. I don't know that we should Take away the tennis court. Plus, we got marked, City manager said You got the comp landed. You got to worry about you. You're supposed to have X number of tennis courts. You know, and all that's in there, so at least it was the last time I looked at it, and I'm sure still there you you would be OK with four. Yes, OK, that's good. Mr Kano, Right? I'm I'm OK with four. OK that's good. No, I got one more caveat. I want at least one stripe for pickle ball. We gotta give the people in that neighborhood at least one stripe Pickle ball court. Um I'd say it does not take I I'm sorry, I'll I'll argue that whole comp technicality. I'll argue that one tech technical there is a tennis court there. So we're not taking away a tennis court by having letting allowing somebody to go play a Pickleball game on a tennis court. We have not taken a tennis court away from them. So therefore at least one court needs to be striped for a pickle. So four or with one I support with everybody. Yeah, I would support that, and I think it's Enough to give the potential pickleball players and without more comments and let's move on with life. We have a motion to do four with strip and I make a motion that we approve. Uh This, uh, special consent item? Uh 18, with all four courts and one stripe for pick a ball, so it'd be a combo tennis and pickle ball. You don't so move, I. I made the motion I second but I'm losing my mind slowly and I have Clarification. The Pickleball court. Is that gonna be a couple courts in that one quadrant over lined or is just gonna be you want 11 Pickle Ball Court for each tennis court one Pickleball Court for each tennis court. You can't put a pickle roll cord on each side of the line. No, you can't do that. Over here. It will look like a maze. It doesn't work. It has to be within because you wanna use the same net netting too. So one pickable cord for each tennis court. Oh, man. Well, I just feel like we see him up here. It won't be taking anything away. It'll just be adding a chance to play Pickleball. It's all but I. I just wanna try to get two in that quadrant. Yeah, I know what you're saying. But I don't There's enough room to do it that way. But So Where the blue is. They have an alternative striping. Yes I have it. That's all. You still play tennis there . You just have an alternative striping. If you want to play Pickleball, that's all. Why? Why don't we do this? Go ahead and approve the four with one strip and let the city manager provide information to each of us as far as the rest of the details about the striping. Is that what we're interested in? How does it look and stuff like that? I don't care how it looks. And then I've actually seen him pick a pickle balls outlined on on the tennis court before, but we're not. We don't have a problem with what we're proving tonight with a material the court OK, that's the key. And then, um, can you accommodate that? I mean the I Yes, sir. Yeah. Do you? Do You understand what I'm saying? We're gonna go ahead and approve the four. With the one pickle ball. I don't think we're going to get around that at all. And then And then, um The city manager is going to provide us some background as far as what that would actually look out. Look like And if there's any objection to any of the commissioners, we can come up. Come back with it because As I understood. The decisions on Pickle ball were not made. All you were looking for was the versa. Court tonight, right? And at some point we were going to talk about pickle ball. Yeah the main thing with the court. You can't with the nets and stuff. That's why you can't do two on one court, you'd end up making it a full pickleball court because you use the same nets as a tennis court. Well. Oh, See. So you use the same you uses, I see is The tennis courts. Laid out and then The pickle ball courts on each side of the net. Perpendicular to the way the tennis courts are so you get two Both sides, but tenants for the Pickable course sit with inside of the tennis court. OK that's fine. OK, He's good. Did we find a solution? OK, the motions on the floor we're ready to go. So we have a motion, but there's nothing to come back with because when they order this, they have to order that striping. So I mean, other than colors. I don't Where are we getting into that? We're not getting into colors. Are you guys gonna make those? I think we're set with 11 with the pickleball line. Here we go. Everybody happy. I roll call, please. I'm ready. Commissioner D Donato? Yes Mr Cole is yes, yes, Vice Mayor Eisner. Yes, it is. Yes. All right. Thank you. Thank you, Mr function. Thank you. All right. The next one is a ward file number like, uh, 240107 Electronic Plan Review services. Um City management, Of course, that I have and Janine to make a quick report on this. Obviously it's there because of the good Ms Lewis. OK, thank you , Um Janina Lewis Procurement services Directors. Good evening , Mayor Commissioners. Uh, what the city staff is asking for is a period of five years for a permanent implementation software. Uh, the total amount is 396,000 some change. Uh, this system allows for the submittal of applications through an online portal and To perform concurrent plan reviews and allows for the ability to meet Uh, virtually with the applicant and the developer to work through issues in real time and the city staff. Um Initially they got this in 2021. And the reason we chose this particular software is that it incorporates into our Navon system, which is a big key for the city. Um, that software is used in everything we do. Uh, since the implementation Um, we've been successful in eliminating all paper submissions, and they've been able to collect digital copies for the projects as well as provide the TRC with um actual information digitally. This in turn has allowed it to be better refined in the permitting process from four different types of submissions into one clearing house. Um, the turnaround time is greatly improved and human error has greatly diminished due to the automated controls that are built into this particular software, and this software will cover. Like I said the five year period, um, to top that off. Dave Gilson, the building development director, also worked with the software, um people to negotiate a better price. I sat in on that negotiation, and we worked out like the number of users the specific controls. They have the licenses agreements, and with that, I'll turn that over. If you have any questions about the permit side, Dave is here as well. Um Mr Gilson, Do you have anything to add? Before I go to public comments, then we can come back with specific questions to you. OK is, uh, Janina mentioned. They In between the last, um, contract and now they've added an additional feature where we're buying five multiple user. Stations. Uh, it's unlimited users for those initially we had 30. Single users. So I can go into it if you choose, but Were able to reduce the amount of single users to 20. And then we're buying five. Unlimited user stations. And we're going to give for an example We're gonna give one to fire department one to utilities, one to the police department. And then we have one Karen Lemons. And a couple of people very seldom use it. So we're gonna have one catch all for people that really don't use it that often. And, uh, the main reason for that was I'm anticipating growth over five years. My thought process would was that we're going to exceed 30 people that we're going to use it because we're nearing that right now. So now we're gonna have 20 single users. Which Probably be accurate for those five years. And then with the five unlimited user stations. We have unlimited growth. Um And The other thing I thought was rather interesting. Between the last contract and this contract. The last contract increased. 10% over three years. During non inflationary times. In this contract is increasing 4% over five years. Well, I'd like to lock in the five years because we're less than 1% per year. Any other questions. What we're going to do is go to public comments. OK, public comments anybody with public comments on this item. Mr. Jumper. Is there any remote access comments? If anyone online would like to speak on this item, please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk. And we do not have any raised hands at this time. OK Uh, Mr Gilson. The only question I have is, um, I know in Mr Pulos Audit report, there was, um Um, one of the processes that were involved, Um, was Actually. Where we use the software, but that didn't eliminate having to do something else on another. Um Desktop or something near entering additional information for a different type of administrative. Item. Um Have we gotten past that or II? I think that people are gonna work on that to try. And in other words, there was another piece of The system that had not been subscribed to that was supposed to get us Pass that I'm not sure whether that happened or what the status of all of that is. That's kind of recently came out in the wash. So our our base system is now aligned. I think we can all agree. That's not going going anywhere. But we're knee deep and evaline, so we're probably not gonna go away from naval line. The initial Thought was this was going to completely integrate with naval line. What's Come out is nallon is effectively the financial side of what we do, among other things in this Has a financial side. But if we use it Then we it won't Work well. With the rest of our financial side, which IAN a line. My opinion. I. I believe, um Suzanne would agree with us. When we do the bulk of the work in E PR. And then You do all the financial side in Avalon. And all because of the we're doing all the financial side. Never line it integrates with everything else in the city seamlessly. There is a certain amount of double entry. But we've actually worked that down and it's very minimal now. From when we first started. Well when I first started The double entry. Was It seemed a little overwhelming. But we've been able to work between the two systems, and we've got the double entry down where it's not really that. That cumbersome anymore. Alrighty. Um Oh, So I. I just wanna make sure that we're I. I know that you've said a lot there, but the bottom line is we still implementing parts of it or people are getting accustomed to Um, using the entire Uh, capability of the system, I guess is what I'm getting at. If he could speak just a little louder into the microphones. I'm sorry. So as far as E PR, I believe that there's still some untapped. Resources in there. I use the, um, analogy of like an iPhone. You know, we can probably program the space shuttle with the iPhone. But none of us know how the iPhone does way more than we'll ever utilize, and I think that's where we're at with . It's more. It's more capable than what we're currently using. But we are learning to expand those capabilities. OK, all right. Um, let me go to other commissioners, Vice Mayor Eisner. Is this going to be a replacement? Because I'm gonna be on the same question as what the mayor just said, because we were kind of sold the bill. Of a software program that was going to be the end all And now you're coming in with something. Um it's a little bit over my pay scale, but it sounds like we're doing something either. To replace what's not working. Is that what I'm understanding? No, I don't believe so. Previously, we did everything in paper. And then we just entered the data into naval line. And it was just textual data. Now we have effectively a clearing house for all documents. So we have all documents in one place. We do double entry in naval line because Na line has been a long standing software here and most likely will be forever. Um So it is a stand alone system. We? We've made the, um The transition completely as of January 1st or 100% paper free. We're still dealing with things from P Prior to that. But now Anything with a permit date of January 1st or after We don't have to look in multiple places. We only have to look in one place now. And then as time goes by, obviously, that would be very helpful. So all documents with every permit. Of course, planning zoning uses it too. But all documents from the application to the plans to All of our comments. And you know, um, we used to send comments via email. Well now you have to save those in someplace so you can find them later. All of our comments. All of our communication goes back and forth through this system. So we don't have to search Everywhere for anything. Every permit and then many permits prior to January 1st, but every permit since January 1st we have one place to go. See, I'm not, uh, disputing the benefits of this. I'm just more concerned that we spent money. That went for very little in the past, and that's and now we're spending more money to correct those issues. That's what I'm where I'm going. Not I understand how it's gonna help, but we were sold at least a bill of goods that what we were buying the last time was the end all and now. Is it just improved or is this is just I. I understand. It's gonna be better . So I. I don't know if you wanna answer that. But it it seemed like that, at least from the audit that we read that there was issues with it. Are we trying to correct those issues? Is that where we're going with that? As I recall, the issue with the audit was the integration with naval line. That's right, and, uh What has come down to is The financial component. Is the stumbling block. They have a financial component if we choose to use it. But because we used a line for all of our other financial components, it's not It's not practical. And I think ultimately once again this is my opinion. I think ultimately it was a decision made on our side. That it would be better to stay. Have them two separate systems and to a certain extent. It's nice to have, um A backup to any system. Because if by chance this company goes out of business or whatever. We still have an Avalon. I have no further question. I. I understand. Let me go with any of the Commissioner commissioner. I got something. Sure. I just Uh, By doing this upgrade and you put in the memo. This helps Facilitate just better communication between, uh, the different departments and reviewing the process and then and the permits. This will help communication between departments. It already has, Um, since I've been back We've taken the time. Because, um My team and P and Z. Use it primarily We've gotten Pretty well versed in it, So we've been able to take the time to go to the other departments and have training classes with them. And then bring them up to speed. It is working much better than Obviously, when we first got it, technology is always difficult to, you know, get used to, but, uh we're working very well between the different departments. So right now, you You've, uh, haven't really untapped its full potential yet. I don't believe we ever will. I mean, it's just one of those programs that it seems to do everything. But as as I will say this company is very good as far as support We sent him an email we want is a meeting. They give us an hour zoom meeting and answer all our questions or get back with us and every single zoom meeting I've had with them. Some nugget comes out like, Oh, we can do that and we start doing that. Does this also help? Uh The residents or the you know, developers on on their end to being able to review stuff or communicate with, um The Because They upload all their documents. It's in one place. When we get done with them. It goes back to the same place an email sent to them. They can go in at any time. Retrieve those documents. Look at them. Look at our comments Respond to our comments Respond to, uh, updated plans. Uh, Where it seems to really shine is Um When people change, you know they change their plans. They'll upload a new document. And Instead of us rifling through a bunch of paper trying to figure out where we used to be and where we are now it's all in one place. Thank you . I'm I'm willing to support it. It seems like it's uh you know every everything Part of the goals that we have in helping our departments and giving them all the tools they need to Communicate and speed things up as well too, and help the residents. So thank you. The commissioner Pollyannaish catch light on Gets. I think it's too. There's two elements to this. Um one is that the it's gonna be a better system. Which you've already touched on. That it will facilitate, um are functionality better. Um let's let's talk about the finances of this. So you're they're asking you're asking or they're asking for $396,000. Now. Hi. They're not broken down per year. It's still paid per year. It's paper. So the 1% increases just because we make a commitment to the to the five years that's my understanding is I understand that the people I'm dealing with are gonna be watching this YouTube so I might be speaking out of school here a little bit, but this says it's increasing it by 1. But in Very quick math. I came up with 4% or five years, so that's less than 1% No well, the that the first year the first year is higher because of whatever implementation there is. I tested a year or two and 23 to 4. Uh, And it's it is coming. It comes out to 1, okay? So, um So what's what? This uh, this Utah. Stuff that's in here. What is that just to show us a sample of Like, what is the purpose of that? We're Where are you at? I'm looking at The document. Cloud Solutions FL Executed P A C eight PCs and it talks about Cloud solutions administered by the state of Utah. What's the significance of that? You know, we looking at the price sheet or looking at contract you got B O C member memo. Then there's one item and then the second item after that. BOC memo probably piggybacking on it. You're gonna be able to speak more to that That's going to be more of a Janina question. Did she answer. Sorry Um, I think what you're looking at is actually this is a, um An ASBO contract saying this right Let me double check my Information. So that's based on a cooperative . The state of Utah is probably the lead on this particular contract. I don't understand. I'm sorry. So on a cooperative contract. Let's say, like the state of Florida enters into a contract agreement with this particular company. Then, um, that's what it's based off of. That's the name of the contract that cloud solutions with the state of Utah. So then anybody can. It's part of the coop can use that contract. It's like a piggyback. Yes, correct. Yeah that does that. Answer your question. Yeah. Okay. Thank you. Commissioner Dennis Okay? Nothing, Okay. I don't think there's advances are questions. I don't think there's any objections. May I have? There's no further comments. We have emotional approving a second. Please don't moved. Okay. Roll call. Does your DiDonato? Yes Dennis. Yes Commissioner. Cool, Yas. Yes Yes. Kyoto's Yes. Thank you, Mr Gilson. Thank you, Mr Lewis. The next item is the award off file number 240073 fuel ethanol Diesel See manual course there's Louis. Yes Good evening again to Nina Lewis, Procurement services director. Um, City staff is recommending the award of the fuel services bid to Palmdale Oil company and an estimated annual amount of $450,000. We put this out to bed, and as you can see from the bid town, we based it off of the fixed price. And was that alternate over for any questions ? Public comments. Are there any public comments on this item? Mr Jump any remote access comments? If anyone's online would like to make a public comment on this item, please raise your hand and you'll be allowed to talk. And we do not have any race hands this time. Um Miss Lewis and I know you and I just exchanged an email with the manager. You double check the wide variation between the law is better than the other two and I, You double checked, and that's uh they have much lower overhead than the other two individuals that bit on the thing Is that correct? Correct Palmdale Oil is a very large entity, and with that aspect, they're able to offer more competitive price in case anyone had a question on that. Any other commissioner comments do Thank you, Mayor. Um Do you keep tabs of Other Bids like this that are so high. I mean, I know you can't control the bids. I'm finding it very hard when I saw this to compare. I don't care how Economically. Functioning Somebody is how somebody could come up four times. Higher. I really just can't So my question to you is When you get such an outlandish bid. To me and my business that was called a home run when you if you can get that thing if Palmdale Oil Inc did not put this bid in we'd be stuck with a 21 $22,000 bid. And we'd have to choose one. So my question is, do we keep People like this at day somewhat, or with knowledge that they were very high bidding before. We do look at historical bids when we when we redo these, so like this is a five years someone we go out to bed again. We've looked at previous pricing and we see who was put in in their pricing. We also I also have the pricing from the state fuel contract. If you'd like to see that as well, Um And We would, if sometimes when we get in bids we can compare and see what else is out there. Well I looked through these, um I looked through the tabulations. I just have to be perfectly honest. My mouth fell open was I was kind of shocked so That's all I can say. And you know when I see such a big difference It scares me. I don't like seeing that. You know, on a huge contract? Um, yes. Something like this. I didn't call you to ask. I don't think I called the city manager tears. I saw this and I was like, Wow, I have to ask you when you're here. How did that come up like that? That's that's ridiculous pricing. I can't say most of them, Uh, when we talk to the vendor Palmdale Oil, all three vendors get their fuel from the port of Tampa. So everyone's getting the fuel from the same place and paying the same price. According to the not even going to get this. The opus Um, which is the oil price Information service, so they're all paying the same price at the ports. It's just their costs and getting it delivered. And I can't predict how each vendor will bid. I don't know their overhead costs and what it takes to maintain the particular company. I believe me. I'm not picking on you. I'm just Looking at it going Is each in development, visual being chauffeur limousine there. I mean, it's really that wild, and that's all I really want to say. I mean, just look at this and I just It's scary. It is just scary to hear something like that. But I know I just have to. I have to share my obtaining a. I see. This. This was Wild, you know? For a smaller contract like that for gas and diesel. It was just okay. That's all I have to say. Sir. Any other comments? It's clear innocent. Miss Lewis has always I'm impressed. Thank you very much for your detail and The fact that they're buying them from the same place as you know it. That's that was a learning your homework. Let me put it that way. So thank you. Thank you very much further. Comments I may have a motion and a second. Please don't moved. The roll call, please. Commissioner Deleonardo Yes. Oleanna Yes, Commissioner. Cool Yas. Yes Eisner? Yes, everybody. Kyoto's Yes. Okay? 21 update designation of acting city manager. This is straightforward . Do you have anything you want to add to this? No, It's just by the charter, and I've got to replace the third person because Paul Smith's retirement and so we're gonna have instant is who I want to put on that list is the three right? Mr Smith is out . Mr R. Scott Young Fire Chief, Scott Young is at the top of the list now and following primary, but primary And then Mr Robertson is, you know I'm not usually gone great stretches. But if I were to be Then that's kind of succession. Also remember from the charter language. This commission has the authority to go in and do something else wise, but But this has worked. Okay, so far. So, um Public comments any public comments Mr Jump any remote access comments? If anyone online would like to make a public comment, please raise your hand and you'll be a lot in stock. And we do not have any raised hands at this time. Okay? Is there any questions from the commission? Go ahead. I have one. Just one comment. The You know, we discussed Possibly three. Up to three people. Um Being Alternating as some form of a training. And we talked about them taking I CMA courses and the city paying for that. Um Just so you're aware and I Actually, um Chief Young informed me that You have to have In order to take the icy Emma courses and to get a credit ated accredited as an with I, C M A. You have to be and a assistant city manager. So you can take the courses, but you cannot become an I C m a Um, certified. Individual without having that. That that role So Anyways, that's gonna come later on comes later. I'm just I'm just pointing it out. Assistant City manager doesn't affect this right here. But I'm just saying, if we're going to offer those courses that ability to take those courses and to get certified They can't get certified as a department head. They have to be certified as an assistant have to. They have had to have held that position of assistant city manager. That's part of the program. The Yeah rather than just one you could have you could some cities have 345 assistant city managers and so this is This is one that's simply going to step in for Mr Liu course when he's on vacation , and things like that. I understand I'm in in its agreement with this designation is assistant City manager is basically a primary. For Mr. No, I understand. I'm just saying we talked about giving them courses and then becoming certified somewhere down the road. But that's something would have had to hurdle will have to jump over at some point. That they have to hold that forward. I just have to hold that technically have to hold that position to get the certification. Alright, Thank you. Um All right. Any other comments. Um Motion to approve the city manager's recommendation and a second moved second. Companies. Mr DiDonato? Yes Holiness? Yes Elias? Yes Yes, yes. Okay? Number 22 discussion direction on city attorney Search. Um city management course ask you to do is start from the start from the city manager Aspect. And then Mr Lewis can help me when we get down to what we're we're asking for tonight. Obviously you know the situation with the city attorney. We went out for one set of proposals. We eliminated everybody. There was nobody in there to choose. We went through a second round and we only got one bit and it's rather unique bid, Combining, um, Mr Lewis's firm, Mr Mr Saltsman, it was rather unique bid for three year contract. Obviously, with the situation, the Ideal. The ideal situation is finding somebody, um To step in, and I did Mr Lewis the title of the terms of how it has to be done, but Uh um. To step in and take the remainder that contract over and we do have a person from a very reputable firm in the area. That's a prospect to do that. Um what we're asking for tonight, I was spoken and this is all happened in the last three days. Um, I've spoken that person. Um and obviously the firm of Johnson Pope, who who she works for, and When you get to her name, Can I get her mixed up with someone knows Colleen Flynn? Um again, The purpose of the night is that would be ideal . If we could work on it. Obviously we have to come up with, um, First of all we have to come up with, if that's a situation where this firm and this individual which I think it is from talking to her in their firms, negotiation with Mr Lewis and Mr Saltzman that could come in and step in with the terms. The counter. Would you put us right on track pretty fast, Obviously, between the time this is done, whether between this me and next meeting, you have to have some decision Comfort letter of either individual interviews with this person talking with them or or group or, however you set up to do, Um , if it can be executed. So what? I'm kind of asking you tonight, and then I'll Mr Lewis stepped in is to entertain and looking at the prospect of this firm and individual. I know the individual Mainly what I know her from is the juvenile welfare board. Obviously with cops and kids and stuff we deal with Juvenile Welfare board, which is bringing an attorney for a long time. But I know from my sources. She's also done some work, not as the attorney before the city of Saint Pete Beach. Um recently. So um, again. I've talked to her. It's a prospect that we can pull this off legally, with the attorneys putting together the structure of this thing for the rest of the time, um in are looking and when I say are looking the two city attorneys, um myself and availability of other firms and other places that run cities is going to be the same as our last two bids. I don't think we're gonna get if we get something we're going to give something. Like the first round of going There's just there's just not the resource of these companies that are doing other cities to expand more, so I don't look for if we have to move out of that position, and plus, we got a rather unique contract that intertwines it's been working great. So in my mind, the ideal situation would be somebody to come in and step in. Mr Lewis is firm and take over that dual arrangement. Um especially if we keep in the same terms to do so. History of direction If you want the two attorneys to move forward with putting that together and then deciding tonight Um, how you wanna, you know, address them, you know, meeting talking, interviewing one on ones or how you want to do this one prospect that we may be able to pull this off with, so I'm just waiting for your Mr Lewis and Mr Saltzman and his other meeting when he hears tomorrow, waiting for your input on moving forward. Okay, Mr Lewis, you got anything down so ultimately I talked to Mr Saltzman about Miss Flynn. I have no, I'm familiar with the firm. I'm not. I'm not concerned about the qualifications from either from discipline or her firm to step in. Ultimately, it comes along down lines of Is she Can we make the turkey eggs would miss Flynn and her for a be comfortable with The terms as they are or do they need to be modified? Ultimately Mr Saul's, even though it was a joint proposal, Mr Saltzman firm in my firm have two separate contracts , so to extricate My firm and myself from this Is not going to affect Mr Saltzman now. If it is it's especially if Miss Flynn is more than more than willing to just accommodate What Miss Kardashian was originally doing, Um, that can be handled with just the negotiations but on my end to extricate myself, it's I serve at the pleasure of the city so My firm can Easily step out as long as the terms Miss Flynn in the city. The city is happy with Miss Flynn and Miss Flynn is happy with the terms. That is not an issue whatsoever. Um to Execute myself extra it myself in my firm. And for her to sub in, it's more of just a putting them putting the correct paperwork together. All right, um Before we go to commissioner comments. Let me go to public comments, so the items so well to summarize Ms Kardashian is no longer with Um, Mr Lewis's firm, uh, for reasons unrelated to the city of Tarpon Springs. And the city manager has been working along with Mr Saltzman and Mr Lewis to try and find a solution to replacing Ms Card ish. And the one that has surfaced is Miss Colleen Flynn, who works for Johnson. Pope. Um out of cold water, and they have an office in Tampa as well. Johnson Pope is very old firm. I'll say more about that little while Um But so I think that's the favorite approach. At this point . The other option is the city manager mentioned is to do something else. A little. Um A little more traditional and looking continuing to look, But as he said, we didn't have much luck when we finally wound up hiring, Mr Saltzman, Miss. Card ish and that was fortuitous, and we're very grateful that that worked out that way. So that's the summary of it. Are there any public comments? Mr Jumper any remote access comments? If anyone online would like to speak on this item, please raise your hand and you'll be allowed to talk. We do have a raised handle all the first person in. And if you can mute and state your name and address for the record Evening Galactus 514 Ashland Avenue. What Barker's proposing sounds like a good short term fixed, but I still feel In the long run. There's two options you have to put in an RFP. Or another firm. You have to look at the times are a little different, but last time we were looking for an RFP, he was in a little turmoil. We were doing a special counsel investigation. We were under suit from trash to know, but things have settled down and I think this board has shown some civility of late that may. Be a different tone going forward for anyone attracting to come in a city attorney's services. However I still feel an option that is not been explored as much as possible is again creating our own legal staff, Hiring a qualified attorney apparently legal to assist And then this way you have your own dedicated attorney who's not, uh, involved with other cities and other cases. And then if you have special situations like in the past where you have to go on higher, specialized attorneys, you can do that, or if you need to hire another attorney for the code Enforcement board, So the city has a rep and the code enforcement board. Those are things that can be over, you know, overcome. But in the long run, you may want to look at setting up our own legal services. But in the meantime uh what Marcus suggesting is a good plan. But then after you've settled in with this attorney, you put an RFP out. She can. If she can apply for that also, and then you can maybe see what other options you have. Thank you for your time. Thank you, Commissioner Quagliana. She got your light on. Um oh, Mr Jump anybody else? And we do not have any other race hands. Excuse me. Go ahead, Commissioner. So, um I made a couple phone calls to attorneys that I work with. On Miss Flynn and in God's stellar Were abused from them. Um The I think we need to have a I would like to interview her. I mean, I think we all would want to do that. To, um before, obviously Engaging her. I think we need to just disclose some things. I don't think any of these things are disqualifying facts, But, you know, I don't want these things to come up later. Um Mr Saltzman is wife is a partner of Johnson Pope. So just just so that's you know, again disclosed . I don't believe it disqualifies Miss Flynn at all, but it needs it should be disclosed. Um I would. I'd also I have again disclosures. I don't think these are again disqualifying items. Um The. My personal attorney is somebody in Johnson Pope that's handled to legal matters for me. Um So Again. I don't think and that's something I'd like to ask. Mr Lewis, if maybe he could Advise on that, Um So that's one The I've also been hired by, uh Johnson Pope. Uh by three different attorneys. I looked up just before the meeting. Um I've done forensic expert witness testimony for Johnson Pope. And I've done some business valuations for their firm on on litigation and some business consulting matters. Again I'd like you to be able to opine on that. I don't want to put you on the spot if you have if you need to research or whatever. Um, I just want to make sure that if we're hiring A firm and that Me having had Interaction with that firm would any in any way disqualify them. I would not think so. But I'm not. My biggest concern is again as a as it even stands. Statute is do you is there? Do you have any financial interest in whether or not Miss Flynn would were to be hired? None whatsoever? This is not even at this point. You know, it's gonna be, you know, Final hearing of whatnot. Obviously, there's no there's never a bad time to disclose. But especially early on, but I don't see that as As going to be and again I want I want to get everything out there. So these things don't come back as, um Bigger issues than they actually are. Um No, I'm I'm I mean, Johnson Popes, the largest firm and Pinellas County and maybe the largest Local firm in in the Tampa area, first class firm. Um her credentials are stellar. Um So I would have no issue. But again, I'd like to interview or just and I think every other board member would want to have a conversation. Whether it's here doing it, Um In in with the public or having private interviews again. At some point, you need to come forward to the to the public. So anyways, that those are the issues I wanted to bring up Vice Premier Eisner. Thank you, Mayor. Um I agree with what Commissioner Coglianese just said only I don't have the Disclosures to make as he has, and I didn't think that was a big deal as well. I also would like to meet with Um Mrs Flynn and have an interview. But I'd like it to be a private interview one on one, not where we're discussing it as a board. Um What I'm trying to understand. Is so she would be taking over the contract. That's presently Mr Lewis contract. Is that what I was to understand you would. You would need a new contract with her with Ms with with Miss Flynn in her firm. Um But it would be a change in name. But would we be negotiating or a new? Um price and new travel? That's my question is will be in in. In essence, the agreeable with the terms that were there now there may be a cat once they get into the actual, Okay, we're talking to negotiate. They may be few things, but in essence, it was taken over. With the terms that Mr Lewis's firm did so again, you're gonna have to put that on paper and get that set up. But that's the understanding of essentially the same. The same contract these prices and stuff of Mr Lewis firm. Okay that's pretty much the questions. I would still like to get some better answers on that. But That's pretty much You know, I think it's a good idea. Um you know, I I'd like to You know, pursue that. Commission, Cleo's Um, Yeah, I, uh I can't. I'm sorry. I didn't know which one it was ahead. I concur pretty much. What said however, I too made a few phone calls from people I know and the law. And there just isn't a lot of what we're looking for. Right now. Eight to say that, but that's the truth. Ah! Okay with a trial and I'm certainly understand. Everybody you know, like the one that wanted to talk or have a beaten greed or something. I concur with that, but I, as far as as an RFP. I'm not against that. I just don't know. To really go with that. And this, this attorney seems the one of Proposed your seems qualified. So that's just how I feel. Creation. I don't mind a trial period. But I mean I know. I know. She's a great attorney, but I see a lot of labor and employment and Right now. We need a City attorney for A lot of everything. You know someone who's going to sit in the meeting, so I'd like to see some more of her experience regarding A lot of the City attorney everyday operations. Um I'd be interested in an RFP and going back out again just to see what we got. What? What would be out there? But There's Just We need to do something at some point and as I sure need an Otto said. We may have limited, um people apply, but I believe we have to try. And so I'd be willing to Bring her on more of a trial experience. Uh also have an RFP out there to see what we could get. Thank you. Um. As far as interviews. I probably do something like zoom or something like that with Miss Flynn. I would be okay with that. She's She's not. She's a very experienced lawyer. She's not anything inexperienced. I can tell you that based on her credentials and also her work product, she, um I worked in Chicago for five years before she came down to Florida. So and also no, um Mr. Tim Johnson, the founder of Johnson, Pope, and he's not outstanding. Attorney Mr at Armstrong was a member of Johnson Pope. He's a very good attorney. And of course, Mr Charleston, Marcus is a member of the, uh, the law firm to and Johnson Pope is Has always had exceptionally good attorneys in produced good attorneys from their staff. So I'm comfortable all the way around. Plus I think is the conversation that city manager and I had I. There is no doubt in my mind if Miss Flynn came up a little bit of a bump in the road, she's got the depth of her law firm that she can go to seek any kind of advice or Our council that she might need and kind of Oh, but you're single in that regard, So I'm uncomfortable with Mrs Flynn. I um And then the other thing as far as the R P, I think in an ideal world would probably do that. But um, in I can say that, um, in my discussions with Mrs Jacobs The city manager myself and the things that I'd asked Miss Kardashian to do that, Um, Miss Jacobs is actually filled in for that and provided information to me. The There's a whole lot of stuff that is in limbo right now, along with changes in our rules of procedure and things of that nature that need to come back to us that I don't know that we can afford. Um um I have no doubts in Miss Lewis and her ability to put an R P out there fairly quick. But I think we would wind up losing another month or two as far as an R P. And I don't know honestly that we would ever get anybody. As good as Miss Flynn looks So I am again. I think an interview is good. But my interview is going to be something a little more casual with through a zoom or if she's happens to be in town or something. I'll meet her in my office or somewhere in City Hall . But that's as far as I want to take that. Go ahead. Commission. Clearness, um Mayor. I think you're right and let me ask Mr Lewis. Under the terms of your current contract. Uh how can we? How would we be able to terminate your contract? If you were still here? Miss Kardashian was here with 30 days notice. Correct Notice. Okay, so we have no, it's really a no risk. Situation because she she comes highly recommended. From the first class firm. Um In 30 days we could terminate it. If for some reason, we're not happy, so I would be in favor of just moving forward and That's fine Voting for Yeah. So, um I agree. So, um Say, man you do You have any last words on this and I'll try and come up with a motion to see if Yeah, no from this. If you do that, again, the idea of talking with Trish Trish you know, my idea was to have Trish set up, however resume, we'd have the capabilities of the zoom interviews for each of you with if somebody wanted to meet with her personally and stuff, I'm sure we can arrange that. But But while while negotiations going on with our attorneys to put the legal stuff at this together will be easier to go through. Trish and Trish will be ready to set up with each of you, however, you individual want to do it. Well again, whether it's a zoom and in person bone phone interview or whatever, however, each of you prefer within the next two weeks , period. Okay, so that's your wishes. We have a motion to authorize this evening, and also Mr Lewis. To move forward and with discussions with Ms Flynn, too. Bring Johnson, Pope and Miss Flynn onboard in in in and that would replace Miss Carr Dishes firm. And then also for me, Mr Mayor. Sorry to interrupt , But I would include Mr Saltzman, including, of course. Yeah Mr Salesman as well. I'm sorry. Thank you for doing that for Mr Salesman as well and seeing whether we can actually just have a substitute of terms as they are right now, and if not to see manager will come back with whatever modifications would have to be. And leave any. Um, um Interviews up to individual commissioners to arrange through our executive assistant tree, Shecky. Is that so? Moved motion. So moved okay? Any comments for the comments on that. Okay, um Roll call, please . Novato Yes, Really. It is. Yes Cool. Yas Yes, yes. Yes. Is that it? Okay? Unless you want to take another vote again. No let's go to board and staff comments. Assistant Chief Ruggiero We have nothing, sir. Nothing. Okay, Mr Lewis. Anything No, no, Mr Mayor. Okay? City management course. Um One thing is, there was Article in the Sun Coast News and editorial piece Somebody wrote about enforcement at Howard Park, and, uh, And praised the priests for enforcement, but said there was more so. I just wanted to assure you that the chief knows, obviously we know our spring break time here. Clearwater everywhere is a nightmare. They did a good job out there, and I can assure the people who read that the letter and they're praising us but hoping we stay out there that they will be staying out there. And Howard Park and Sunset Beach. Um even with the spring break crowd guns , they're still the speeding and the problems that we have to control, so they will be on top of both of those things during that time, period. Um Miss Jacobs. Um I just wanted to advise the board that the first meeting of the Charter Revision Commission has been set for April 22nd at 2 P.m. in the Second floor media room, and the agenda could be found on the public portal. Um This will be in this the television or whatever it's called. What do we call that? The video call? I called the media room because we have the capabilities of having that film so the public can be watching the whole process We filmed it will be. It will be it will be like but also available for the public to watch the whole important the charter processes. We thought it was important. That we do that for the attorney sitting in on that will be Mr Salesman or Mr Lewis. Mr Saltzman. Right Right now it's set for Mr Saltzman. Once we get this other arrangements that may change, But Mr Saltzman has done the charter boarders of golf points also done charter committees before and so right now, in this interim period transition, he will be at the first ones and, you know decision of continuing or swift and that'd be something will make later, okay? Commissioner did on our Oh, Do you have anything? Um I do I want to clarify on item. 15 Savannah Cove. I voted Yes, because simply I wanted to see what the information was. Uh I'm not necessarily a long term lease person also City manager. I don't know if we can. And I guess Mr Lewis needs a way in on this, too. But One of the things I remember distinctly. When I first became commissioner and We're back in the nineties. Yeah We talked about the golf course and I had played a lot of golf there over the years and I observed over at least three decades. Of People getting the lease. Pouring money into the course, making money and then stop stop taking care of the course. And so by the time we leased it again, We had Considered repairs to the golf course. Um I don't. I'm not for that 100% at all. And was Savannah coz I noticed the differences. Situation But I think somewhere in the lease we need to talk about The condition. Of the buildings and property at the time at the end of the lease. If they should ever decide to walk. You think you have this city? Some Some sense of control. Unfortunately we decided to take over the golf course we owned it. So we were originally was told when I proposed that that we didn't know anything about it, which was true, But we were smart enough to hire somebody that knows something about it. And I rather than having to go through there. If renegotiating this this lease, I would like some kind of protection. I don't know how far we can go legally. But some kind of protection that Assures that they're going to uphold area and at the end of the least, and we're not gonna be left with something that could cost us a lot of money. Well again, That would be something if it ever was reopened at another time. That would all be part of it, not the legal aspects of it. I just know that That happened to me every 10 years course out again or No, we're talking about some Vanna. I mean, it's a ball. Yes, Savannah Co. If we ever do open up the negotiations that would be a major part of the negotiations. Exactly We're not opening up, understand that. I understand not opening up their discussions at this point, no, just investigated. Let me know what we can do. That was number one on my I was number one on my list. If we were engaged in that right now, if we got over the 50 year issue. That was the first that was the first on my list because I remember I remember that and yeah. No comment. Vice mirror Eisner. Oh I have plenty to say, Um, thank you. I'll be quick, though. I want to thank Mark and, uh Tom for putting the stripes over it. The trailer You know the boat launch? They put the stripes there because Now All we gotta do is teach people to park their trailers within the stripes because they're all over the place. Um Number two. I was want to thank the police for the trail enforcement. That was an excellent program. I was glad that we were able to get some bicycles to control themselves because that's been an issue. Um I did participate and build the bed. I think it's a great program. We had a good turnout for Advent. Ah and that was good. I was at the Do the brothers do be the other day, and I want to thank Um, the whole organization for what was set up. The place was was slam and we play. Everything was done really? Well it was really nice. First time being at a City hall concert, and it was really I felt very good. I did come incognito, so nobody saw who I was. And I was glad about that. Um The I did want to update the board. Um I wasn't able to go to the, um, the Cap center introduction for the Stephen, You know, Project that was over there, and I don't know who's been following or not, but I did make a trip over there and The, um Fiberglass is sharp as a razor blade. And the city manager knows I've been in contact back and forth. With Stephen Oliver. About, um Not making it a sharp It's really, really sharp. Um so I do have an appointment with him Thursday. One o'clock to be there. To show him just how sharp it is, and I'm also going to recommend the possibilities of what he could do to, um not have it be a danger to the kids that are that are there so that was that? I did want to thank Maggie Mooney for Um readjusting lawyer Bill, Um, I did have a conversation with her as well. And I do appreciate that, Um To all that are enjoying Passover coming up. Please have a happy Passover. And number eight is, uh, happy birthday to my wife. So Birthday is coming up and That's happy birthday, honey. Okay She's not here, but hopefully she's watching me in television land. All right. Um I just, um we're the city's exceptionally busy. Um, we've been having events we had, um Penelas leadership that Miss Georgiana frenzies is going through. She contacted me the night before. Ah! Their tour of Tarpon Springs saw was able to meet them at at 830, along with her and her dad. Um, and they took a basically a tour of the Anglo River with a courtesy of Saint Nicholas Boat line, and Mr George Calories. And I thought that was a wonderful opportunity . Um quite frankly, talking about unique. I think that there was some amazed looks on people's eyes when they had finished the tour, and they went down to the sponge docks and they never realized that tarpon is truly is Hometown. It's not the urban Quagmire that they've gotten South County that they're having to deal with. So we've got something very, very special. Here, Um Anyway, and I think our merchants Association is doing a terrific job. And everything seems to be working pretty well. These days. There is a little bit of I'm not going to get any detail. I'm just going to ask that y'all actually Have a conversation. Where the city manager, there is a little bit of restlessness. I guess that's the best way I can describe it in the art world of Tarpon Springs. And there's some things that I dealt with this week. City manager and I both dealt with this week that Um That in and I'm not so sure. I don't know whether there would would what the end result would be or whether there's anything that has to be done. It would be completely up to the commission in that regard, but I would ask that each of you have a discussion with the city manager on that and see if there's anything that might be of interest to you and I'm not sure if you've been contacted by anybody else in that regard, but it's something that I don't particularly want to discuss here tonight. You just have to speak speak to the city manager said Okay. Yes All right. Um that's all I have. It's 1003. I wish we had gotten done sooner, but that's okay. I'll take it meeting adjourned at 1003. I will.