Springs On Tuesday, March 5th 2024 at 6:30 P.m. Um before we get started, there's a couple of announcements that I'd like to make one. I'd like to welcome Uh, Commissioner Frank Di Donato , who's uh, filling in for the seat vacated by Vice Mayor Lunt. He'll be with us for approximately six months until after the August 20th elections, which will elect somebody to, uh Continue that seat through the, uh, regular, uh, time, which would be in march of 2026 for that particular seat. So welcome. Commissioner Di Donato. Thank you very much. Also we have an absence tonight. Uh, Commissioner John Kiano, uh, due to health issue, he's home and he's asked us to, um Um, excuse them for that, uh, attending tonight's meeting. So if I may have a motion in a second Uh, motion motion to excuse Commissioner Quis from tonight's meeting. Uh, if there's no discussion, roll call, please. We sure did. Donato Yes, Commissioner. Cool Yes, Yes. Vice Mayor Eisner. Yes, yes. OK, this evening's, um Invocation will be done by Reverend Kurt ner of ST Timothy's Lutheran Church. If we may all stand and continue standing and do the pledge of allegiance afterwards. Heavenly God. Creator savior sanctify. We thank you so much for the blessings of all that you give to us. We thank you for the blessing of living in Tarpon Springs. And for those of you who have called to be leaders. We ask that you give them your wisdom and counsel as they deal with the business of governing the people Tonight we ask your blessing on all those who live and reside here and work here and you bring your peace and blessing and help us to be good stewards of all that you have given us to you alone be the glory. We ask this in the name of the father and of the son and of the Spirit. Men. Like States of America. The Republic for which it stands one nation under God. Indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Also before we get into the, um Uh, agenda and the proclamations. I'd like to announce that item 19 has been deferred. Which is ordinance 2024-01 neighborhood conservation, overlay and development code. Um it's been deferred to a date to be determined. And um, so let's I'm gonna step out front to begin. We've got three proclamations. Three Excellent proclamations this evening, then I want to step out front to do those. Um The first is from, uh is for our friends of the ancient order of Hibernians. If, uh, I think Joseph Nestor The president. And, uh, Daniel Mc McNamara mc Nora. Nora got it, OK? Welcome. Thank you. Whereas generations of Irishmen and women have helped shape the idea of America , overcoming hardship and strife through strength, sacrifice, faith and family and whereas by nine by 1776, nearly 300,000 Irish nationals had immigrated to America colonies and played a crucial role in America's war for independence. And whereas five signers of the Declaration of Independence Or of Irish descent, and three signers were Irish born. And whereas Irish Americans since America's inception have provided and continue to provide leadership and service to this nation's political, business and religious establishments, and whereas we owe a debt of gratitude to the generations of Irish Americans who have sacrificed and contributed to building a better America. Whereas March has been designated Irish American Heritage Month throughout the United States to coincide with the celebration of Saint Patrick's Day on the 17th. And whereas the city of Tarpon Springs recognizes the Florida Ancient Order of Hibernians and celebrates our friendship in honor of the long history of Irish American contributions to the state of Florida and our community And whereas it is fitting and proper to celebrate the rich cultural heritage and the many valuable contributions of Irish Americans now therefore I coast of Atticus, by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Tarpon Springs, Florida do hereby proclaim March 2024 is Irish American Heritage Month. So congratulations. Um I if you'd like to say a few words, um, I, I know that, um Many people know what Irish means. But Hibernians they don't So if you could kind of be like I know what it means. But if you could elaborate on that, uh and just explain what the Well, first of all, Good evening, everybody and thank you , Mayor coos for having us tonight, Al. As far as Hibernians go, These are the ancient people of Ireland that have inherited the land for many so years on and have also Um, have a Celtic heritage Now you will also find that even in Scotland as well. Hibernian is also used as a means to describe those of Celtic heritage. And as I kind of go into further detail , I just wanted to also provide with a few words that on behalf of the Irish American community here in Florida, I would like to express my gratitude for the kind consideration in designating March as Irish American Heritage Month in the city of Tyson Springs. Now. Saint Patrick's Day is without question, one of the largest national holidays that celebrated around the world and it's not just in Ireland. It's Ireland. It's the UK, the United States, Canada, many countries around the world and its people proclaim to be Irish on March 17th. Now. This proclamation coincides with the festivities that are already ongoing in the state of Florida, and during the month of March, Irish Floridians embraced that of the Irish culture that has Excelled in areas of business sports literature, science, engineering , the arts and many more areas. And these are just some of the contributions that have been made that what makes this country great. And along with our Ethnic and racial groups, including that of the great Greek community here in Tarpon Springs. These are those who have developed this into a great country. Now, as a member of the A OH. I would like to also again acknowledge Mayor VK and the city commissioners who have bestowed upon all Irish Americans living in this community and this state. The opportunity to celebrate Saint Patrick's Day. Thank you and have a blessed Saint Patrick's day and to use probably the only Greek word that I know if it is to. I, um II? I said this last year. My uh my grandson was born on my first grandson. I have two of them now. My first grandson was born on Saint Patrick's Day. And um, also a lot of, uh, we mentioned Greek word tonight. A lot of people don't understand that. Saint Patrick, of course, is known as a Catholic Saint Roman Catholic saint, But he's also recognized in the Greek Orthodox Church. Uh Saint Patrick Saint Bridget Saint Brendan. All those, um Uh, saints prior to 1000 AD are also recognized by the Greek Orthodox Church. So you're you're here? You're at home here in Tarpon Springs. The next proclamation. I'd like to have, uh, Chief Scott Young and making making a ri if you could come forward, please. So Against. We have a proclamation for flood awareness Week, whereas the city of Tarpon Springs is susceptible to severe weather in the form of extreme rainfalls and tropical storm events resulting in Florida. And flooding in coastal areas and low lying areas, causing damage to homes and buildings in those areas. And whereas the city of Tarpon Springs is a voluntary participant In the national flood insurance program that provides residents with the opportunity to protect themselves against flood loss through the purchase of flood insurance that reduced insurance premium rates, as well as setting higher regulatory standards to reduce the flood risk and potential flood damage to their property. Whereas the loss of life and property damage can reduce can be reduced when appropriate. Flood preparedness control and mitigation measures are taken before a flood. And whereas public education and awareness of severe weather hazards and methods to protect the health, safety and welfare of residents is a critical aspect of reducing the dangers of severe weather, and whereas the Florida flood Plain Managers Association FF MA has declared the week of March 4th Returned 2024 as flood awareness week to promote awareness and increased knowledge of flood risk the availability of flood insurance, flood protection methods and how to prepare for emergencies. And whereas it is most appropriate, the board of Commissioners commend and recognize the accomplishments of our emergency management coordinator in flood Plain Administrator Megan AA Araya for her commitment and service to our community, and, uh Now, therefore, I co vatic us by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Tarpon Springs, Florida do hereby proclaim the week of March 4 through 10 2024 as flood awareness Week. Thank you. Congratulations. Um. You know, tarpon because of whatever you wanna call it. Climate change. We're we're seeing more and more flooding and it's almost in our minds on any time we leave our home, and so, uh, Megan performs a very valuable service for us. And, of course, our, uh, fire department is always on hand along with our public Works department to put warning signs out so and then that just happens to do with the roadways. Of course, our residents and businesses and loss of property in that regard is, uh, Equally are as important or more so than the roads and streets. So if you either one of you I invite you to say a few words and Scott, I know you're never short of words. So Megan, if you'd like to say something, I just wanna say thank you for everybody's support. Um and I just hope we have a quiet year this year. That's all. You're not supposed to say that I know it's OK, though. I was told that nothing's done. All right, II. I told the Police department once you know it's really No. And this is about 30 of them in the room. They all said Ah, don't say that all at the same time. So thank you very much. Both of you OK? Is Lewis. And your team. Good evening. We have a, uh, proclamation also for procurement services month. Whereas the public procurement profession plays a significant role in the efficiency and effectiveness of both government and business. And whereas in addition to the purchase of goods and services procurement adds value to our organization by performing functions such as executing, implementing and administering contracts, developing strategic procurement strategies and cultivating working relationships with the suppliers. And whereas the procurement services department in the city of Tarpon Springs is committed to providing high caliber, strategic, logistical and operational support of all departments within the city of T And springs. And whereas the board of Commissioners commend our procurement services department for demonstrating outstanding service and commitment to our municipality and our community, and whereas it is important, it is most appropriate to recognize the accomplishments of our procurement services Director Janina Lewis senior procurement analyst Anila Sde And Patricia Hall. We extend appreciation to the vital role of our procurement services department. Um For the vinyl role our procurement services director manages in the daily operations of our city. Now, therefore, I co vatic killed us by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Tarpon Springs, do hereby proclaim the month of March 2024. As procurement services month, so congratulations to me. Um You on our consent agenda every week. There's 10 to 15 items. Those are generally all done by, uh Janina and her train. They prepare the package. Give it to us. And then it's also through the co ordination with the various departments that those relate to So there's a tremendous amount of work and it's just not paperwork. There's a lot of regulatory aspects to it, and it's something that you have to pay a lot of attention to detail. And uh I know Ms Lewis is the first one that will tell this gentleman here. You can't do that. So I appreciate that for all of you, Um would you care to say anything? Ms Lewis? No Miss Lewis is always quiet as well. So thank you all OK? Um, let me um Let me ask any. Uh, Commissioner. If you have any comments on any of the proclamations that we've had No, OK. Um Public comments or are there any anybody from the public public that like to say anything on the proclamations? So Mr Jump. Is he any remote access comments? 11 would like to make public comment on these items. Please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk. And we do not have any raised hands this time, OK? Um Let's go to regular public comments. Are there any Just publics in general this evening. Good evening, Anita Protos 901 Bay Shore Drive. What a good looking board we have tonight. Frank. Congratulations. You're gonna bring stability and professionalism to the board. Um you were always great to work with, and I'm very happy You're here again. I'm here to talk about two items that I've been up here talking about 56 times. First is the library. I asked that if possible. We can put up signs, no smoking. I don't know if it's because I need a proto is asking. Or what's happening. We've got to do something about people and the homeless sitting on the by the door. Leaning against the wall, smoking their cigarettes. The day there were cigars. I don't know where they got them from, and, uh We have to walk through that smoke and little Children have to go through that smoke. It's wrong if they can do away with cigarettes on public beaches we can do away with smoking, cigarettes, pipes, cigars, everything at the library when people walk in and out. It's not a pleasure thing to have to smell it. And see it and it dirties our library sidewalk. Please Whether it's me or anybody do something about it and say no smoking in less enforce it. Sunday I wrote out to arm Municipal Beach. I've been up here seven times. I keep records at home when I ask about things. We're gonna have a tragedy out there. Summer's coming We've got to get a lifeguard out there. We've got to get police assistance out there on weekends with maybe a golf cart or something. The cars are jammed in there. Children are running in and out between the cars. They're riding the jet skis up to the shoreline where little Children are playing, and people are are swimming. And if we have a tragedy out there, it's gonna look bad for the city . We've got to protect our citizens on our public beach. They have. I think they have one at Fred Howard. But that's the county. It's very tight with parking people walking between the cars, Children running in the street riding their scooters. And I don't wanna see a child run over or someone getting hit by a car and getting killed. It's bad, and we've got to do something. Summer's coming Mother's Day is coming and The beer cans. I like beer. Everybody does. But you're not supposed to drink out at the beach. And they were intoxicated people out there again Sunday. So so it's getting crowded Now. Summer's coming, please. Maybe the swim team at school can one of them can become a Uh, lifeguard makes some money this summer. Let's do something to protect our citizens in a very dangerous beach situation. Thank you. Thank you. Any other public comments. Good evening. Katie Taylor 1991. Douglas Lane, TOPPIN Springs, Florida. Um, tonight. I wanted to Say. In September, you were informed of a new committee named the Dorset Park Revitalization Committee, which mainly focused on enhancing and bringing community and family activities back to Dorset Park. Since that date, the committee has worked with the Garden Club hosting a amber, uh, Arbor Day event and beautiful and a beautiful magnolia tree was planted in honor of Mister Edward Dorset. Other ideas are being worked on with that club as well for later on during the year. This committee is currently working with the Rudy Project. Honor Mr Calvin Royal, uh, Rudy Royal for upcoming celebration in honor of him working with youth in the community. This event is planned for April 27th. Commun Uh, the committee is currently working with the city's first annual Juneteenth celebration, which is headed up by Mrs Maggie Miles. We also wanted to like to thank uh, Megan. Who was honored tonight with the proclamation for coming out to Mount Herman to work with us on a hurricane awareness preparedness for our community and work as she's currently working with our church on to have a session there in May. Uh, this committee members have a committee members so far as eight of us have decided to change our committee name from the Dorset Park Revitalization Committee to The Union Academy Neighborhood Revitalization Group. This group is not only will not only be working to continue To enhance, uh, Dorset Park and to improve the park. It also will be focusing on improving and enhancing areas in the Union Academy neighborhood. We would like to thank the city for all it is doing to help in, uh, bringing positive change in our community and we are holding a seat for mark when he retired, But we would like to thank y'all for working with us and that that is, uh, the Dorset Part Revitalization Committee will now be working on this group who is gonna be a larger group to work in the community. So we're looking forward to your support. Thank you. Thank you. Like a good evening. Uh, David Ballard, Gettis Junior. I live on Georgia Avenue in Palm Harbor. Recently I was driving on East Closterman Road between alternate 19 and US 19. And I noticed yet another parcel of property that had been clear cut making way for development purposes, everything living had been uprooted as exhibited in these this photograph here. Everything that had previously existed was simply erased, destroyed and left in a big burn pile, utter devastation and desecration of every oak tree Owl's nest gopher turtle fox squirrel was all gone , who authorized yet another systematic destruction of what was Florida? Enraged at what I was witnessing. I took myself and my disgust over to Crystal Beach, only to realize that the thousands of fiddler crabs that once lived along the shoreline have all disappeared. Simply gone, I suddenly realized that the large school of mullet swimming in the shallow grass flats alongside the coastline were not to be found. I saw no Dragonflies, no butterflies, no bumblebees, not even fire ants that belong here. The birds that once flew in large flocks or down to just a few stray birds at most. I went to Wall Springs Park, and I witnessed the contractor of sorts, spraying a mixture of aquatic herbicides into the spring water. I wonder what the M SDS sheet says about the mixing of various chemicals while spraying them into the spring shed 90% of the Marine life that once lived Had vanished. I know this because I've lived here all of my life the decades of using lawn pesticides like Diazinon malathion chlorine roundup. I can't remember the last time I saw an earthworm. Is anyone other than this Florida boy noticing a problem with the systematic demagoguery of the habitat that supports our eco structure. Our eco structure is in a state of peril. Thank you. Think. Good evening mayor, Vice mayor, fellow commissioners and senior city staff Robert Rockline 755 Northlake Boulevard here in Tarpon first Let me echo the Welcome to now, Commissioner Donato. Uh I'm sure it's a familiar sight from up there and , uh, having certainly a former mayor, uh, back back there is gonna be an asset to the community. Uh I wanted to start off by thanking the city for the touch a truck event. Uh, so many kids had so much fun there. I usually go early. I grab a couple of trees for my community. And some other board members from IH a did the same. They've been planted already. So it's uh it's truly a gift and the education that it provides to the rest of the community is really, uh, you know, a benefit. Uh in my opinion, uh, I came tonight to expand on something that, uh M. McCartney uh, had spoken with a couple of meetings ago. Or maybe it was the last meeting. I know she's brought up before and others too. It's the South, distant. Extension or or lack of it, Uh, I got caught in a couple of incidents just in the last few months where 19 was closed. Uh I'm a pretty good, you know, avoider and other route finder. And uh, you know, I wound up going all the way back to Tampa road and all the way around. But I know, uh, forward Pinellas has, uh, a project. Uh that may allow you some pedestrian and cyclist and other, uh, access there to be planned and enabled, Uh, I would ask you to consider something a little Further than that, while the design process goes on, and that's if you could just grade a path, 10 FT wide and gravel it And then have those tubular steel gates that allow like fire access and things like that. I'm sure both that the Chiefs are very familiar with them, have them locked, so there's no vehicular access any other time except in emergencies when somebody from one of the emergency services or both could allow traffic to go through there. Traffic goes through anyway, it goes down. It goes down, and then it goes down Curlew. So they're in. They're in the more densely populated areas anyway, because nobody knows where they're going, or they're depending upon Their little map. Uh, this would allow The emergency personnel to direct an outlet because people go up all the men and people are looking for, uh, you know another way to get back to 19 and 19 still closed, so just something to consider while there is going to be something else going on there, uh, kind of just like, uh, an emergency access, and I know it's gonna take a body or two from the police department or the fire department. But that's what emergency services are for there to perform things in an emergency when it's a necessity. So, uh, I just ask you consideration and that Thank you. Thank you. Um See management. Of course. You and I were talking. Um We're gonna have a workshop or something That's gonna go over the projects and, uh, I'm sorry specifically what's going on with this specific agenda that I'm gonna be coming up? Probably in April, Um on on distant where we are and where we're going. We have more comments. I appreciate it, but but, uh, you're right. Um, just For me. The big bug is that F DOT has done nothing with us. 19 For example, the bottleneck. A lot of people don't know we go from eight lanes at Tarpon Avenue, down to six lanes on the other side heading towards, uh, Beckett Way. And the reason why is the Anglo River Bridge is the bottleneck. Until they change that and expand. It is gonna continue being, uh, lower capacity in that area than what we would have further south on US 19. So um, I, I would like to see F DOT take some kind of action to make some improvements on US 19 up in our area, And perhaps that would help not just the safety but also move traffic a little more efficiently And then, um, if we start, uh, making, uh, improvements in Tarpon Springs that will let F DOT off the hook. I think they would love to do. They probably would even fund it because it's a lot cheaper than doing that than replacing a B. But we'll have that discussion in the future. I know diston keeps coming up, and that's the reason why I'm elaborating on a little more this evening, So thank you for your comments. Are there any other public comments? Um M. No we We're gonna have the, uh, the work, Mike. I'm sorry, could be vice Mayor. If you can be extremely grey, you do need to speak into the microphone so they can hear you. Thank you. I said, Do you want me to add to that comment, and that's what it was about, Um Ford. Pinellas did discuss this and because I was at the meeting, and they did wanna consider doing a double deck to the 19 up to Pasco. But Pasco did not want to do any changes. So just so you know what you were speaking about. Pasco does not want any part of it. So that that's all I wanted to say. Thank you. No, thank you. There's so there's a lot of moving parts to this matter, which is really tied back to distant avenue. Um and for Pinellas will be here in the next couple of months. They want to make a presentation and part of that presentations on US 19, so they will also be on the agenda, probably in April. Beginning of May, Um and we'll be talking about the US 19 issue so Tell your Tell your friends, So thank you. I will get the word out as well. Um, thank you. You're welcome. Um OK, Um, Mr Jumper any remote access comments. If anyone online would like to make a comment, Please raise your hand. You'll be allowed in to talk, and we do have a raise handle. Uh, the first person in. If you can state your name and address for the record. For Bosky 1602, Gulf Beach Boulevard and Springs 34689. Just calling to congratulate our newest commissioner. Donato. I did. All the congratulate you the last time, I. I just wanted to make sure that you heard it. Um I'm my apologies for not being there in person. Um so I can shake your hand. But you have my full support for Have a great night. Bye. Thank you. Um and we do not have any other race hands at this time. Thank you. Um, we also have one email that needs to be read into the record. Excuse me. This email is from Commissioner Cole. Good evening. I wish I could attend tonight's meeting. I was especially excited to serve at the Dias with commissioner did Donato for his first meeting back? Thank you, Frank for stepping up to serve your your community Once again. I wish you well, remember , Frank. It's like riding a bike . You'll pick right back up where you left off. Have a great meeting Best, John. OK? Thank you. Um Commissioner did Donato, I'm going to ask if you'd like to say a few words. Well just to thank everyone for your blessings to be here. Uh, I, As I've said before, when I was here, actually interviewing with a current commission. I. I just love the community. I I've always loved it. I've been here. Um Close to 50 years now at a my own chiropractic practice for 47, and I just love it. And so I'm I'm thankful. Uh, To the commissioners, and to all of you who welcomed me and been so cordial and I promise that I will do my utmost To make you all prepped. Thank you very much. Any other commissioners wish to have any comments concerning commissioner in that role, OK? Alright. That's the, um public comments. And, um Let's move on to the consent agenda. We have item four. Uh, First of all, let me ask any commissioner wish to pull any of the items. Go ahead. For a Which one For a For a for a OK, anybody else? Oh, OK. Um Let's go through the consent agenda last for a, um Which is the Rotary Triathlon, which is scheduled for September. 21st for, uh, for special events Be Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox recession that's scheduled for March. 24th Item five award file number 240076 single source purchase for OEM automotive parts and services. Item six increased file number, 230176 F equipment Supplies and service Item seven. Award file number. Uh S 240079 single source purchase Myers pumps and repair parts. A war Uh, Item eight. Award file number 240082 skater Single source. Purchase of lift station supervisory control and data acquisition skater system and what that is. It's communications. Uh, systems for the remote control of, um various utilities, water, sewer lights at the recreational fields and that sort of thing. That's what the, uh, skater in this particular item represents. Item nine. Increased file number 200. 049 sledge hauling and disposal Item 10 award file number 2400875 fittings and accessories item 11 file number 240088, SUVS vans, light trucks with related Um, equipment and accessories. And that one has to do with, um Purchasing. I believe a truck to replace one. That's 13 years old. Um, that's what that one is, and then item 12 award file number 240080 single source purchases of Flow server and Kluger pumps, parts and repair services item. 13 is approved National Arbor Day Foundation Standard Grant Agreement. Funding for limb up for safety project. Um I'm going to depart a little bit on this. And um uh, Shannon, if you could come forward and explain that last one for us, please. I think it's really important. To the public to if we don't Give any information in this way. You're not going to know what this item is for, and it's really an accomplishment again on the part of the staff. Sharon, please. Uh, by the way, Shannon's are city arborist. Hello And good evening. Um I was able to obtain a grant of as part of the Inflation Reduction Act and the lineups for safety program is going to go into the census track. 2 74 04 that's basically south of Tarpon Avenue east of Pinellas Avenue and inventory of the trees note where the trees are growing below the required height limit of 10 ft. Above sidewalk and 14 ft. Above the roadway. Um And then our contractor will come in and limb up for all of the residents in that area. I've noticed as my job as the arborist with permits that a lot of individuals in this area are opting to remove trees instead of taking care of them due to the high cost, Um, average tree. You may be spending 4 to $6000 to remove and that repetitive cost upon them to limit up to that. Um, so the fire And safety equipment can get through. It's just overbearing for them. So thanks to all the team members that helped, um I will have a flyer note on our connect Tarpon Springs Page. A survey will be going out as part of this, So please, please keep, um connect Tarpon Springs Urban forestry management on your radar, and I'm so excited about this. I really am. I love working this way. Thank you, Ms Brewer. I think it's uh It's $100,000. Um and Normally, uh, the National Arbor Foundation requires a match. Uh but we were waived that match if the money is spent in, um Um I. I wanna say, um, you know, in other words, um, I don't wanna say low to moderate but mostly, um, disadvantaged communities, I should say, uh And so, um, there will be a lot of work going on in that and again. It's too Remove any limbs that are less than 14 ft, up to a height of 16 ft, And, quite frankly, there was a very Uh, specific incident on Cedar Street were a branch of about 10 inches was basically broken by semi truck, Uh, going through that and just laying it in front of the person's house that he actually had to come out. Remove the semi truck just kept going. So it is a need. Thank you very much. OK? So um, Those are the items. Uh, does does Are there any public comments on any of these? OK, Mr Jump any any remote access comments? Been on online like comment on these items, Please raise your hand and you'll be allowed to talk. And we do not have any raise hands at this time. OK commission comments on all the consent agenda last for a Any comments. OK? Uh, if there's no further discussion, roll call, please. We need a We need a motion first. No motion in a second. The move, Vice Mayor Eisner made a motion. Is there a 2nd 2nd? OK, uh, this is for items. Four B. Through 13 roll call Fees. Commissioner D Donato. Yes, Commissioner Colas? Yes, yes, Mayor. Yes. Um item four. A â– rotary triathlon, Um Vice Mayor Eisner. Yes, This is a, uh, I believe just a clerical error, but I had to, uh, take the part of Craig Lunt, who's not here. On the certificate on Page six. It has our spelling of the city incorrectly, so we just need to get a different certificate from the insurance company. You need to speak up just a little louder. I said that the on the certificate of insurance It's where the certificate holder and there is a misspelling of our city. So they need to Just get another copy for us, OK? It has tarpon SPS S PR O MS. It is Craig Lunders. Thank you. My pleasure. OK is, is that it? Yeah, that's any other comments. Um, any public comments on this item? Any remote access comments. Uh, Mr Trump? If anyone online would like to make a comment on this item, please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk. And we do not have any raised hands at this time. OK Uh, let's have, uh, a motion and a second one. Item four. A Rotary tr for So Or a second. OK? Roll call, please. Mr Di Donato? Yes Commissioner Kass? Yes Vice Mayor. Yes, yes. OK, that's the consent agenda. Let's move on to the special consent agenda. Item 14 Award bid number 240057 Bay Shore Septic to Sewer Project It is a Rebid and city manager. Of course I'm gonna ask you to start this off. Yes, a Jania Lewis, if you'd come up and, uh, talk about this bid. Good evening Mayor Board of Commissioners. Janina Lewis, Pro procurement Services director. Uh, yes. What you have before you is the recommendation to award the Bay Shore Septic to sewer Project to Kinga and rude vat in the amount of $1,014,895 that also includes a $90,000 contingency allotment. This project consists of the extension of an existing low pressure sewer system. Uh, there's a lot of particulars that I won't go into for the engineering sake, because that's not my specialty. Um Basically, they're gonna be, uh, transforming the septic to sewer and there's also some milling and paving of the bay Shore dry from the edge of the pavement to the edge of the pavement within the project limits. Currently uh, this we re bid this project. We received five bids. Um you will notice in the background Information. Kinga and Rud Vitz was the third low bidder and we are recommending them for award for the reasons stated in the background, and I'll leave it at that if you have any questions. Thank you, Miss Lewis. Do you have one? Anything to add? No. OK, let's go to public comments first. Public comments or there any public comments on this item? This is for, uh, the four main sewer on Bay Shore Drive. And awarding a bid for that in the amount of about a million dollars. Is that correct? OK? Um no public comments, Mr. Jump any remote access comments? If anyone online would like to make a public comment on this item, please raise your hand and you'll be allowed to talk. And we do not have any raise hands this time. OK, um Commissioner comments. Uh Vice Mayor Eisner. Uh, thank you, Mayor. Um Thank you Do when you do your matrix. Do you also include the types of insurances that they supply for these contracts? Every every bitter is required to, uh, supply us as the additional insured at the same amount. We also do the bid. Bond Uh, typically is 5% of their bid. But do you do any background into those insurance companies? I do I do for the bonds. Uh, I do. I do. Look at the AM best ratings and determined to make sure that there is not any fraud or that the bonds were not fabricated or old sometimes, uh, the dates will not be correct on bonds. Right That's the legitimacy of it. But I'm referring more so to the pay ability of the individual insurance companies, and that's where I have a little bit of an issue. But, um You know, that's You know, we we've had issues before when we had bonds that we had to go against and then we get into a negotiation of, uh, you know, Project started at a million. It went to 4 million. So do we have any way of being able to cover the full project regardless of what it ends up as because some of these projects could wait around for a month or two months. Like what happened in Gross and do we have the where within and do we check? I I'm just asking you this because I. I did do a little bit of research into it. Um and the better business bureau results on it were a plus, but the reviews were not So I just don't know. Do we have any jurisdiction to say? Could you supply us a different insurance company that we're happy with, or they just give us what they choose, and it's simple cut and dry. That's my question. Typically it's the vendors choice. We can't really direct the vendor who to go to for insurance that would not be perceived Um You know as being fair to the vendor. If that makes any sense like it, it does it. Just it. We're not trying to direct them. So our our It's a touchy subject. I know this. Um, but I I'm not always pleased with Results like that, so I just don't know. I mean, I appreciate their bid and I accept their bid and I wanna go ahead with that bid. Um it just when I don't always agree with who's supplying me the insurance. And I don't wanna get into where the city's responsible for the extra overage when the thing goes belly up, or if it should go belly up. I don't think it will. But I just wanna I wanna cover the city. OK well, I can tell you this project did come in under the estimated budget, So there is a little bit of leeway there. Um Finance had set aside more money than this project came in at OK, and let me add from the last case where that happened. Thanks to our great team of attorneys. We have a different method, and there's one other project going on. Now that I won't mention, but we're utilizing what we learned to avoid a situation and it's to put us on the on the top side of when we say we want full recovery. Um we have all the things in place to get it. So we did learn and our attorneys have given us methods to notification or a lot of different things to do to put us into better position. Where we may pursue the court instead of the settlement and stuff, and those have been put in place by our attorneys. I love growth. Thank you. Appreciate Jill OK. Are there any other commissioner comments? Yes, Mayor. Yes I'm looking to support a como roots and, uh You mention in the backup? They they had done some projects here in the past. Recently was one of those projects, the intersection coming in the Tarpon Avenue. Yes it was. Yes it was and they did a phenomenal job with that project. There was a nice smooth , uh, entryway. And so I'm happy to support this tonight. Thank you. Um Commissioner D Valero. Thank you. OK I don't have any comments. Uh, is there a motion in a second to approve some move? Also OK, this is for approving award Bid number 2 4 0 0 5 7 Dash B Dash JLV Septic to sewer Project. It's a reb and the award of that bid would go to Kingo Rood. Um Roll call, please. MD Donato. Yes Commissioner. Yes Vice Mayor. Here it is, Yes. OK item 15 is appointment to sustainability Committee. Uh, that committee um , did not have, uh, well, Miss Jacobs. I don't want to steal your thunder. Go ahead. That's OK. It's a simple one. But you don't go ahead, please. Uh, the Both alternate positions have been vacant due to the lap. Lack of applicants. Um and we now have, uh, applicant interested in one of these positions, and that is the one Missus, Uh, vers , and we're asking that she be appointed to fill the alternate two position. Um then this term would expire September 30th of 2027. OK, thank you. Um, are there any public comments on this item? This is appointing Alternate number two, Miss Peggy Varus, uh to the sustainability committee, and that, uh, she stepped up where we had not had any. Volunteers prior to this time for that position. Mr Jumping remote access comments. Anyone online like to make a comment on this side and please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk. We do not have any raised hands at this time. OK, There's no further comments on the commission. Uh, do you have any comments? I should ask, OK, Roll call, please. We need a motion. You need a mo. So move on, but just really moving quickly through this one. So uh, who made the motion in a second? I made the motion and I believe Commissioner Cool was about to make this for you too. All right . We'll call Please. Thank you. Can ID Donato Commissioner Kas Vice Mayor is here It is yes. I've asked the city manager to nudge me if I don't say yes to some of these things. So, um All right, Dad, You got 11 minutes to what we're gonna do. Um let's go ahead and take the, um, special session up. OK, why don't we do that? We've got a, um A special session, um, scheduled for March, 12th. On Um , basically A, um, a city manager, a selection process. And also it includes a discussion regarding, um changes to administrative organization. Uh for homegrown city manager opportunities, and, um Mr, Uh, I'm sorry, Commissioner Kiano may not be able probably will not be able to make it to that work session and the um and it's something that the city manager feels, Uh as we, uh that we should, uh, postpone it, I He's I think his logic behind that is pretty sound, but I think, um as uh uh You know, A couple of the commissioners. One in particular thinks that and I agree with that, And I think that on on, uh uh, Commissioner cur that we should be something that would be decided by, uh, by the commission. So, um Um I The city manager. Of course, why don't you start and then we'll go to and again in setting. The meeting with this board had to set the meeting. Obviously this is an important of a of an item items that we can talk about. Uh we did wait in this meeting was supposed to be scheduled in January, and we lost one of our commissioners. So we waited till we got a commissioner on for the new one. When I learned on my short little vacation, his absence and he did call me and relay stuff to this private met condition. But I do know, having been involved in that in later times that that he's he's not gonna be able to make the 12 and hopefully the recovery time is only a week after that, or so, so, I. I see no way he'll be able to be at that meeting, And obviously we waited two months for our fifth commissioner to get on. And hopefully a one or two minute. Wait Uh, so we have a full commission to handle this. That's why I put out my intention of canceling the meeting. Uh, what I intend to do is ask all y'all to look at him on See if there's any bad days for you. And we should know Monday. Um we should know Monday the recovery time and when I learned that Monday, I'll look at that calendar and get the earliest date, uh, that the auditorium is available to do the meeting again again. I would ask that you send me if there's any days in March that that you are not available in the evening to do the meeting, And then as soon as I get that word word on Monday, I would send to you here is the date available, and, uh, The finalize. If there's anything that's come up between this time and that time and then set the meeting new meeting date, So unless there's you know, unless the commission wants to go another way, that's that's my plan of what to do. OK, Commissioner Kas. My, I clear any time. Thank you, Commissioner. CIA. Would you like to say? Uh, I just think we're we're at a point right now. Where? We need to start having these meetings as soon as possible. We we've been pushed back about two months now for various reasons. And uh, I. I think this this board overall Even with any one of us is gonna have a clear direction and be able to come together in a majority direction to, uh See how we're gonna handle this, Um City manager issue And so if I, I would like to still have the meeting on This Tuesday. I. I think it's important for us to keep pushing forward and Keep you know, following through and getting some items out there. And if Commissioner C wants to send in a memo, or, you know, give his thoughts and ideas. It's gonna be heavily weighted until all of our decision. And as we move forward, and so I like to stay on stay on track and We cancel this meeting. Does it extend it to three weeks out from now? And you know, I, I think It's time to move forward and Come together as a group and make some decisions and he could write a memo and still be heavily involved in the conversation. Um let me just finish up with the commission comments that we go to the public. Um As far as do you have anything? Um I don't know how you can go forward with having a meeting. Of such importance without having all five members up here. Everybody needs to put their input in. Um I need to quote Commissioner Culi. When we were discussing the city manager of last time, he said. It was probably the most important thing. Uh, the city faces and it still is, And I think we need the input of all five people. Um I wouldn't accept four people as a decision so I would vote No. On the march 12th. I also agree that you don't want to just push it off 34 weeks, but We come up with something that's agreeable to all. So that's where I'm at. I. I um uh, I. I think the same manager's rationale. As he explained it to me was that we were scheduled for this meeting back in January. I believe, and we postponed it to get the fifth Commissioner on board. And now, uh, we have Um, we're we're So we were forward. Now We five and , um, I, I think that, um I'm I'm completely um, um, unexpected concerning Commissioner Kiano. And so in indifference to keeping that idea of the five commissioners needing to discuss it, because it's not just it's not just the UM, selection process, but it's also, um rather than putting all our eggs in one basket. There's an alternative approach to this too, that I know that, uh, Commissioner Kashi had discussed that as well as uh, Commissioner Kiana. So I think in fairness to him, too, I, I just hope it's not gonna be You know, three weeks or so, Um, but we'll know on Monday as you said, right, So , uh, let's let's go to public comments, and then we'll go back for a motion in a second. Uh, are there any public comments on this? Need a pro and I will be short drive the night I have to say. I agree. I agree with, uh Commissioner. There's such a thing as professional courtesy. So I agree that you should have all commissioners here to hear what they had to say. Publicly. And to make your decisions and everyone get the information. People cannot help for what happens with health. Accidents or whatever. But that's why we have five commissioners. So you need to do it. You're right. Um, Mister Eisner. It has to be with all five of you. Thank you. Mm. Thank you. Debbie Debbie McKinney, 1021 Rose Tree Lane. I just want to also agree that I think all five need to be here. There's so many times that discussion happens and something may come up from either the public or another commissioner that you would need to hear before you make a decision. So just getting a memo or getting some input from John, if, if he's missing isn't enough because something may happen during those meetings that Maybe make you need another way. So I don't know. Um I don't wanna see it without him being here. Thank you. Is there any other public comments? Uh, certainly, Commissioner indeed. Donato, please. Um I. I just think the president has already said. I mean, you've waited since January to get 1/5 Commission. Commissioner So II. I think he goes without saying that also I. I respect to Mr KI. I also see the point of Yeah. You don't wanna drag on anymore. Your your time frame is getting shorter as I understand it. Uh, but perhaps You know? In a workshop environment, We can have it pretty much any time. I'm all about what's trying to do it as soon as we can. But yet at the same time, I think strongly all five of us should be here. But let let's rather than, say two or three weeks out. Let's try to be Maybe a proactive if you establish in a date in communication. With with John Yeah, OK, again my attempt and make sure you give me if there's any days of March. The soonest date this building and we need to do in this room for the public. This the soonest dates it's available. There are no meetings in there and stuff is the is the date that we would set to do this. And also, um, it's gonna be a special session to allow the public an opportunity rather than a work session. Well, I. I was primarily talking about the approach that we may or may not take to this, you know? Actually go through the process. What The time you need to go. The audience. No, no, I, um I know. Um we just finished up with the commission. Me. I I remote access. Thank you. I get it. Remote access comments, Mr Ch. If anyone online like make a public comment on this item, please raise your hand and you'll be allowed to talk. And we do not have any raise hands this time. OK, thank you. Um. So is there any other comments on the commission's part? No I think the city manager gave directions so we'll find out soon but please let let's Try to have this meeting sooner than later. So thank you. Should we go ahead and do you need a motion to that effect just to go ahead and reschedule it. I Different, but I didn't. I just was gonna do it unless there's objection tonight. So if you want to do one fine, but under the capacity of these official, uh, could we have a, uh, a motion in a second to, uh, take the city manager's approach that he described this evening. Some Shuck that G. OK, roll call, please. Mr Di Donato. Yes M? Yes Vice Mayor Eisner. Yes, it is. Yes I think that was consistent with Commissioner Cuan warning the commission to make the decision, So I think that's good. Um, it's 730 exactly. All right. Um. 730 we begin our ordinances and resolutions. Um, the first one Is the, uh, ordinance 2024-02 application 23-7. Um Ms. Kardash If you can read the, uh, ordinance by title , please. Yes. Thank you. Mayor Ordinance. 20 24-02, an ordinance of the city of Tarpon Springs, Florida Amending the city of Tarpon Springs Code of Ordinances, Appendix, a comprehensive zoning and land development code. Article six Development Agreements section, 96 authority and requirements providing for severability providing for inclusion in the code of ordinances of the city of Tarpon Springs, Florida and providing for the effective date of this ordinance. Was advertised in the Tampa Bay Times by title only on February 7th 2024 and will appear again on March 6th 2024 and the second reading on this will be held on March 19th 2024. This is first reading in public hearing. City management course. Yes Uh Renee Vinson will be his presentation and again. This is one of the things on the list of moving towards It is imperative. We do it now because we do have a request for a development agreement coming up. We want to get this in place before we brought that to you. So that's why it's important in the two reading to get this done so we can bring forward the, uh, request that's been waiting for it. Renee. Oh, good evening, Mayor and vice Mayor and commissioners Renee Vincent, Uh, planning director. So uh, the board did review this in a draft form on February. 6th Um, The purpose of the ordinance is to, um decrease the allowable term for a development agreement from 10 years to five years. Um so the Full Amendment would reduce the initial term from 10 to 5 years and would allow for one extension of a development agreement for one additional five year period or less, Um, subject to a super major Vote by the board of Commissioners. Um, the board, uh, at the last meeting. You did, uh, discuss the idea of, uh of a fir of reducing that time frame further . Um I did reach out to through the, uh, planners advisory Committee to other, um Cities and I only got four responses back, but you can see them in the memo. Um seminal, uh, Their Max is still 30 years. Dunedin is 30 year. Uh, 20 years old. More has a maximum of five and in Clearwater is also a maximum, so we're definitely on the more tight end of this. Um and, uh You know all the only other one that I had Clearwater, uh, did have one extension permitted. So the planning and zoning board did review this We did present the option of further reducing, uh, the time frame down of the init they after they discussed it, they felt that the way it was drafted was effective because it does. We can't do the negotiation process for any development agreement. We can reduce that time frame during that development agreement negotiations, So with that I will stop. Um and we are recommending or approval of ordinance. 20 24-02 and the Is zoning board did recommend it, Uh, for approval unanimously. Thank you, Ms. Kardash. Do you have anything? Um not on this. No. OK I the state statutes, uh, set 30 years as a maximum. OK, uh Uh uh. I guess we could do that because this isn't really the 10 year contract sort of thing That's limit in our you can be more restrictive than what the state statute is. But you can't expand, expand it beyond what's provided by that. Um Place where Eisner Uh, hey, hang on, Let's go to public comments first. Thank you, Uh, public comments. Are there any public comments? This item. Mr Jump. Are there any remote access comments? Anyone online would like to make a public comment. Please raise your hand and you'll be allowed to talk. And we do not have any raised hands at this time. OK, um Face Mirr Eisner. Renee. Thank you for giving us these examples. Um But, um, the question is There. Um The examples that they gave it doesn't um It doesn't correspond or I don't know if it corresponds to their, um, strategic plan or their, uh, comp plan, But doesn't this Um Structure better with our strategic plan to go five years and 10 years. With a five plus five. Uh, I think with, uh, with the direction that this board has been Moving over the you know. Over the last year that You know, five years with a five year extension is, um, you know? Yes. That does You know, comport with, you know our strategic plan and on the good governance section and you know, I. I think it's a You know, we it was in it was five years for a long time. And then it was changed, and so we're going back to status quo. So, um, I, I think that's Plenty of time for a developer to do their thing and get a shovel in the ground. Well that's why I asked the question because I remember being in these meetings and that's more so what the majority of people wanted. Um so now we're actually just carrying out Um, what the residents wanted, and I still don't know. I know you gave a great example to see other cities, but I don't know what they I don't even know if they have a plan or a strategic plan or whether that what they have down here as their rules follow. So you know for me, I look at it, and I see it as a comparison. But I mean, it means very little to me. It it it. It literally is just a comparison. There was discussion about it. You know, during the previous, uh, workshop, I or, you know Discussion with the board. About what? What other I made a commitment that I would see what other jurisdictions were doing. Um so I. I wanted to at least follow up on that. I wish I would have gotten more feedback from the other jurisdictions. But I generally speaking, I think anywhere you're gonna find anything from probably 5 to 30 years. Um, is there is the range with you know , and everybody you know, I don't know how often people have been updating that particular section of their codes. But, um, you know, it's Just something that you know. It comes up at a point in time and something triggers it. And so I think it's a good amendment. I know it puts a little more pressure on you and your crew. But I wanna thank you for, um, because I think it's better suited for our, uh, our city. Um I don't know what their development ideas are, but I think I have a good idea of what our what? What our residents want, and I think this is better suited so I just want to thank you for putting it together. Thank you. OK, um, Commissioner CRI. Hi, Miss Vincent just appreciate you and staff working with the planning and zoning board and working with us and trying to implement this policy and so we can get Smart development and the efficiency too. Thank you, ma'am. Thank you. I miss Vincent I. I regret I. I wanted to. I came looking for you. But I and also had some. I was tied up today, but, um and I appreciated the backup that you provided the 30 years et cetera, and it really bothered me. In the sense . I'm not getting it. I I'm just not getting what is Y 30 years and if and I said, I just went back and kind of thought back a bit. As far as what Um It happened in Tarpon Springs. Uh harbor, not harbor Watch. Uh and Um Lexus. Um And, um That particular project and then um some other things that's happened further South. And I think what? And I also called, Um uh The chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission today, Mr Seaman to ask him his understanding of what this ordinance says, because I didn't have time to watch. The P and C boards discussion on it. And I think what? What I'm missing and then I did a little research as well to try and confirm everything. The development agreement is in in. I think the, uh obvious understanding is the development agreement, basically, um The duration of the Deve Development Agreement. I think many people think that that is simply getting your permits. Oh, yeah. No And I think the, um the development agreement when you talk about the expiration Development agreement. It's also an exploration of the development rights is that correct? Which means that the project actually has to be complete. Within uh, duration unless there's some sort of phasing called out in the development agreement, correct well in that, and that's agreed to prior to that. So that's why I think you have, uh and then also the, uh there's a big difference between larger cities that have let's say 203 105 acre project 500 acre projects that they can do, which might need 30 years because it's a huge residential development. And this is just what they're doing, whereas Tarpon Springs doesn't have anything like that. So I, I think If we could add, um a little more clarification. To the ordinance that basically we put in there, and some of the things that are expected is the duration of the development agreement. But the, uh, project completion should it should be. The project should be completed prior to the expiration of the development agreement. Um That would that would satisfy my understanding because I don't think it's just getting the permits and of development is half built, and then you lose your development rights to it. Is that the way you understand and maybe help me out a little bit to me? It's uh That's certainly a that's I think that's the prerogative of the board if there's a consensus to add that to the to the to the regulations, But I would just be cautious in that. You know, when you're negotiating a development agreement that might be a term of that development agreement, But there may be instances where I mean, maybe you don't. I mean, I'm I'm Looking at the city attorney so, ultimately really the point of doing a development agreement is to give a little bit more flexibility and control usually to the city. Um because there's things that you can put into a development agreement that aren't necessarily in the remainder of your land development code. Um, so that's one of the things that you can benefit by having it in terms of the length and how you're doing it. Um just because we have a five year plus a five year extension doesn't mean you have to give them that. When you're negotiating the agreement, you can always negotiate down for a shorter period of time. Um and certainly there is a greater benefit for more large scale developments where you don't necessarily have the available land like you were describing, you know, with 100 couple 100 Acre phase development. Um you know, so, uh, on the smaller side. I think that this is probably going to be sufficient to meet the needs, um of your particular community and what you would see going in No I. I agree with all of that The five years is fine. But I just wanted to make a distinction. Mr Seaman also thought that it was just to get your permits. I think it goes way beyond that. I and I normally When you negotiate the development agreement, there's going to be an expiration section of that development agreement. That's that's gonna nail that down what it is, if you want to basically preempted and say that, you know Some sort of language that says that it has to be To see it substantially complete or something that's you know, be explicit about it, but provide the commission an opportunity to waive that very, very similar to what we do with some of these others in our land development code that if there's a hardship or some other outstanding Uh, factor that, uh, would prohibit something from being completed, which would be the traditional approach. The commission would have the ability to waive that. I just I think if we don't do that, we could go into the future. And let's say two commissions from now thinking that we're way back to something like an RPD. Um that, um we're that which we did for, for example, I hate to use this as an example again Ler Harbor versus Development agreement which which, what they were approaching to begin with, And I can see the RPD is basically tied to Site plans permits etcetera, whereas the development agreement is a little more. Um what would you call it? Uh um, uh, definitive in terms of, uh, detail. That's the only thing I just don't want to go on thinking that it's just getting permits. I think it's a lot more than that. Um but we could use you could put in there. Uh, the project completion certificate of completion certificate of occupancy. Whatever language you want. I'm a real flexible on that. I just need some something that provides clarity. On that point. I work with the city attorney between 1st and 2nd reading and see what we can add. OK, it's AAA consensus, or is that OK with the rest of the commissioner? OK? Um Right? So All right. We did public comments. We did commission comments as there a motion to Approve. Um don't you wanna don't You wanna correct this before you do a motion for this? Don't you want to correct this before or change it before you do a motion for it? That's basically the motion is going to be arranged with the additional conditions that this would be the first reading. And then the I don't think it's A substantial change enough to require another first reading. Is that correct, Ms Kardashian? Um not from what I could tell right now what I'm actually looking at it is where it might be added, as you have a substantial might be in the content section. I'm afraid, which would require to be read Aversed. That's what I was worried about is if you're adding so for our section, 96 is specifically called out in the ordinance title. Right Um, so if we had to add that to the content section, which may be where it would be, added, um, because you would be creating a new specific rule with respect to what's required to be in your development agreements. Um, And that's certainly fine. But I think with respect to what we actually advertised, we only adverts in the title of the ordinance is specific to just this one section that talks about, um, the duration the duration, so it'd be amending another section that would require it to go back to planning and zoning. Um and so that may constitute a substantial change. So, um Could could we go ahead with this ordinance and then bring back another ordinance to the PNZ just specific? Just bring back up. To do 222 separate ordinances. Yeah, I'd be concerned. The one that's been waiting a couple of months. They've been waiting for January. Um, I'm afraid they'll put them back another two months And obviously we wanna have this in place before we bring the first development agreement under it, So I think that may be a We could always add that in the development agreement Anyway, we can outside the ordinance. I'm just looking for clarification. So let's let's go ahead and, uh, muddy the waters proceed with this ordinance as it stands and then on the understanding, uh, that you would come back with another ordinance submitting that So, um , So moved. OK? Is there a 2nd 2nd OK, uh, if there's no further Um And it's um Roll call , please. This is for the approval of, uh, Ordinance 2024-02. Mr Di Donato? Yes Commissioner. Yes Vice Mayor, Mayor be yes. A resolution. 2024 11 fire Rescue Department reorganization Ms Kardashian If you could read the resolution by title, please. Yes Thank you. Mayor. Resolution number 20 24-11 a resolution of the board of Commissioners of the city of Tarpon Springs, Florida authorizing changes in the organization of the Tarpon Springs Fire Rescue Department, specifically the creation of three new positions with associated position descriptions , The addition of three firefighter paramedic positions and providing for an Date here of Yes, Uh, this we have a pleasure of bringing forward because there's three new positions that Pinellas County is gonna pay for. So this is especially important, so I'll turn it over to the fire chief to explain how we accomplished that. And uh and, uh, what we're asking for tonight? Good evening , Scott. Young fire chief. So we've been working on this for quite a few years now with the county. Um we've been trying to hit some data points that they were requiring and we came very close to those data points last year, and they decided it was time for us to get these firefighters. In order for us to put a rescue unit in service. Um if you recall you, uh, proved the purchase of the rescue unit. Uh, last year, I believe, and it's on order still being built. It should be here by the end of the year, first part of next year, But they're gonna start funding these positions. Uh, April 1st these three paramedic positions, So I want to put them in place. Um In the meantime, while we're waiting for the rescue to be delivered, we're gonna be using one of our Suburbans that's set up to run as a medic unit and, uh, be running an assist it Place until that one box arrives. So with that, I'll answer any questions. OK Um, let's go to public comments first, Uh, public comments any public comments on this item? This is for an additional, uh three Firefighters EMS Plus a separate, um Response vehicle. The response vehicle is already in place. And that will be in about another year. Yes, Yeah. Do do we have to approve that as well? We already we already have. All right. Any public comments on this item? Mr Jump any remote access comments? Anyone online, like, make a comment on this item. Please raise your hand and you'll be allowed to install You do not have any raised hands at this time. Uh, thank you, Vice Mayor Eisner. Just a couple of logistics. Um, would you still be sending out a fire truck with On an emergency basis, or they would be the only vehicle going out. So the what the plan will be is the on medical calls, they'll be the primary unit out of the main station. We have this engine who will be a secondary unit. That'll handle the next call, so it'll be two units running out of there for medical calls for the main area that we run the most of our calls, so we'll have four units run a medical calls. Uh, rather than three. So if it's a accident, the rescue or the medic unit will also go within the fire engine. And just in case So, are you gonna use existing personnel for the three units and higher three new or the three new would be used for the emergency service? The three new will supplement what we have now, in order to put that unit in service without hurting our staffing or our Minimum staffing numbers, OK? That's all the questions I have. Thank you, II. I was just glad to see this. I think it was a great idea. It's great for our community, and it's a plus. Plus all the way around. And thank you for it. Thank you. Mr Curiosity. No comment. I'm good. Um We have a motion in a second resolution 2024-11 Fire Rescue Department organization, So move second down this end Roll call, please. Mr Di Donato? Yes Mr Cool. Yes, vice Mayor. Mayor. Bio. Yes, Um Item. 18 Resolution 2024 12 Cemetery Service fee adjustment. If we could have that resolution read by title MK. Yes thank you. Mayor Resolution number 20 24-12 a resolution of the board of Commissioners of the city of Tarpon Springs, Florida, adopting an increase in the service fees at the city Cicada Cemetery, providing for severability and providing for an effective date. This is first and final reading public hearing. Um she made an ill turn over in his last item in his physical capacity before the turnover in two days. Uh, Mr Paul Smith and team present this item. Thank you, City manager Paul Smith, Public Services director. The city performs the majority of the cemetery services in house. However there's some specialized services for burials that we rely on contract equipment and staffing, and that's the, uh in ground burials themselves. So what we're recommending with this item is that the contract that we hold for these services is increasing each year, and it's gotten to the point where the pricing that we're charging the customer is inadequate to recover the costs that we pay for the contract. So we're simply requesting tonight for those line items that we do pay a contract for to be increased to match that contract rate. I would like to clarify it's not in the memo, but there's really only two services in this table in the backup that we use R. And that's the in ground Burial service and the lawn Crip plot service, and you'll notice the last column of the table shows you the area survey of pricing. That we did before coming to you with this recommendation, And I just wanna assure you that even at the recommended rate of 1416 $106, respectively, for each of those services, uh, the area average is somewhere over $2000. Um let's go to just to cut to the chase. We're passing on the expense that we're being charged at the city. Basically is it? Yes Not not a penny to city or anywhere else. Just the cost. OK, let's go to public comment. Is there any public comment on this item? Just jump in remote access comment. If anyone online would like to make public comment on this item, please raise your hand and you'll be allowed to talk. And we do not have any raise hands at this time, OK? Um Commission comments anything vice mayor anything about this? Um, if not, we have a motion to approve Resolution 2024-12 Cemetery Service fee adjustment. Some of Second No further discussion Roll call. Donato Yes, Yes, Vice Mayor is yes. Yes. OK that ends the agenda item. 19 was deferred. Let's go to board and staff comments. Um, Commissioner, I'm sorry, Chief young Anything. No comment, sir. OK? Management course. No I mean it worked out and with being down a commission that it worked out, But believe me, the march agendas. We try to balance them, but a lot of things couldn't be brought forward tonight, So it's going to be a much heavier, more important meeting is gonna be one. So we're not gonna be getting out of hate I early for the next meeting and stuff, but it just falls that way. Um on the meeting, so it'll be prepared to be positive. Yes, OK. Jacob Same thing. OK um, Commissioner di Donato Anything Um I don't really have any additional comments. Thank you all for the pleasure of being here. Uh, welcome aboard. Commissioner Kas. Oh, I'm sorry, Ms Kardash. I pass all together. That's fine. Just welcome again to Commissioner D Donato. Thank you. Uh, just wanna thank uh, Commissioner Di dono on board. I think we had the fastest, most efficient board meeting with him being here and so, uh, look for look forward to carry that on in the future. Thank you. I'm I'm gonna tell you, Uh, Commissioner Di Donato and Mayor Di Donato were were a few And it was was light on words. So that's good. Thank you very much. All right. Thank you, Um V Eisner. I've been the most speaker here, so I have something more to say. Uh, John, get well, quick, and, uh, hopefully we can get you back up and running and we can be a five board team, and, uh, we can move forward with the city manager. Uh, selection and all the other arguing that we'll do and fighting that we do in the discussion that we will do for the betterment of the city, and, uh, that's it. And a happy ST Paddy's Day to all you drinkers because I don't drink. Um Same and chorus we've got I know we've got the budget. Uh Schedule that we're developing, but we have to do a, um A citizens. Meeting right is that and I will probably have that date for you at the next meeting. We're Are we looking at the date to have that next meeting, and then also, uh, to give everyone a heads up here? Um we probably should have done this a little earlier. But it's OK. The, uh, Charter Revision Commission. Um Ms Jacobs and Ms Kardash have been talking and, um, we need to do the five year charter Revision Commission. And um, we're looking at a timeline of making a selection. For those, which is a little different than, uh, Really public involvement, although there will be public comments Um On the march 19th. UH, commission meeting And, um, prior to that Ms Jacobs is going to get the information, the calendar and the process on how to Make this election. Uh what the previous commission did, which seemed to work pretty well , just very quickly. Each commissioner. There's seven members of the Charter Revision Commission. Each commissioner picks one and they that would be their primary and then they would put the secondary. Each of the primaries is on the commission. And then whoever gets the most Uh, votes on secondaries, um, would Uh, be also one of the two number six and number seven. I was on a charter Revision commission. I got in a little late. I did not. I was not number one for anybody. But I was number two for everybody. And so I was, um I. I was put on that commission this way. And then I think there's gonna be a list of people who've been on the past. Uh, I know we talked about that, Um Um, maybe maybe you could do your own homework as well and talk to Miss Jacobs about it as far as who's been on the past commission and things and get some ideas that way, But there'll be more in the list, too. No. Ms Jacobs was working on that I You know, I. I know that, um I've been contacted by one person who is vice chair. Uh a few weeks ago. Actually um and she's interested in in being on the commission as well. And she was a very good member on that, too. A couple of the members, uh, have moved out of town, And then there's others who may not be interested in participating, but but we can go through that. But March 19th is our target date. And then the first meeting would be, um, in April sometime April 1st or so that's where we're looking. You know, we're not, uh, complete yet, but that's what we're looking at, right. And then we're planning on 25 meetings is that I don't give them 25 weeks to come back because they have to. The board has to come before this board within 100 and 20 days prior to the election, So I had to work kind of backwards And then once they make that presentation, the commission would have 30 days to respond to that. And then it's up to the committee to make changes or not, or this or the commission to make their own questions before we have the ballot language and then also, um Ms Kardash, there's a requirement for an attorney on that charter Revision Commission as well. And Ms Kardash is working on that. Would you want to say something? Yes. Um I'll be looking at that with Attorney Salzman to determine whether or not there is a legal conflict of interest for either of us to serve on that, Um, and to the extent that you Be examining the city attorney provision in there , It would be an inherent conflict for either one of us to serve, Um, in that capacity, so we'll be looking at that and making a recommendation for you all as well. OK? Um With regard to the city attorneys, um Or charter, for example, requires our charter officials to be evaluated. The evaluation forms that we use are Employee evaluation forms are city attorneys are not Employees, thereby contract I think, um, the best that we could probably expect to do is that they concur with the terms with the contract rather than getting in any personal traits that you know, Whatever. So I know there will be some discussion on the charter Revision Commission with regard to how do you deal with that and what changes we would need to make. Ms Kardashian has got some ideas on that as well. So I think that's the basis of this. Perhaps conflict anyway. That's a lot to digest with what I just said, and, uh, there'll be more information. In two weeks, but I didn't want you to look at the agenda and say OK, how come I didn't know about this ahead of time and the re as well if you're listening, That's all I need. Yeah. All right. That's all I have is eight o'clock meeting adjourned. Thank you, everybody.