The city of Tarpon Springs on Tuesday, April 2nd. 2024 at 6:30 P.m. roll call, please mayor vs Vice Mayor Eisner, Commissioner Coolio here. Commissioner Kian is here. Commissioner D Donato here. Um this evening's, uh, invocation will be given by Reverend Janet Tunnel of All Saints Episcopal Church if we can stand and remain standing after the invocation and pledge allegiance to the flag. Let us pray. Almighty God our heavenly father sent down upon those who hold office in the city of Tarpon Springs, the spirit of wisdom, charity and justice. That was steadfast purpose. They may faithfully serve in their office to promote the well being of all people. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Well. To the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God, with liberty and It. Good evening, everyone and thank you for being here. Um, I've got one brief. Uh, Announcement to make Mr Daniel Lewis our city attorney will be filling in for, uh, Miss Regina Kardash, who's no longer with us for reasons unrelated to the city. Welcome. Thank you, Mayor. Um, We have two proclamations this evening. If I could ask Mr Jamie Taylor to come forward for the first. April is, um a month for many holidays and observations, and this proclamation is for volunteer appreciation months month. Whereas the month of April has been designated nationally as volunteer appreciation month to recognize the hard work, dedication and passion of volunteers and national service members throughout our nation. And whereas the board of Commissioners believe that government alone cannot meet all our city needs, so we partner with businesses, faith based organizations, non profit organizations, foundations and individuals who serve in the city government and our community to make a difference. And we as volunteers enhanced the quality of life in Tarpon Springs by volunteering for city advisory boards. Schools places of worship, hospitals, youth groups and with other organizations that benefit our community. And whereas it is fitting to honor the many individuals who lend their time, skill and efforts to making our community a better place by recognizing our valued volunteers, and whereas The city is committed to encouraging volunteerism among its employees , Citizens partners, businesses and organizations. And thanks all volunteers for that at for their dedicated service Now, therefore, I Coast vatic by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Tarpon Springs, Florida do hereby proclaim the month of April 2024 as volunteer appreciation month. Congratulations, Jim. Thank you, sir. Um Mhm. Um Jamie is in our recreations department. And if you go to some of our events such as the, uh, Easter egg hunt, and, uh, all these other Really city events that are not the big draws of downtown events . Um you'll see the number of volunteers, parents, our own employees that volunteer in their out there with a great deal of in dedication. Enthusiasm. Jamie, would you like to say anything? Yes, sir. Honorable Mayor board of Commissioners. Thank you again. Uh, I just want to echo the sentiment of appreciation for volunteers within the city. Um, whether it's advisory boards help at Sunset Beach, Uh, concert series that we have with parking the special events. Um it really makes a big difference and allows, uh, the sense of community for everything we're doing, and also, um, allows us to put on safe and enjoyable events. So um, glad that it's being honored and appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. The next proclamation is for National library Week If I could ask Miss Carey Roos to come forward. She's our head librarian. And carry you can invite whoever you'd like up here as well. OK? I have to take a deep breath before all of these. Whereas libraries have long served as trusted institutions for all members of the community, regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, ability, gender identity and social economic status. And whereas library strive to develop and maintain programs and collections that are diverse is the populations they serve and ensure equity of all for access. Whereas the libraries adapt to the ever changing needs of their communities, continually expanding their collection services and partnerships. And whereas libraries play a critical role in communities by providing Internet and technology, access, literacy skills and support for job seekers, small businesses and entrepreneurs and whereas during National library Week we celebrate the many ways that libraries enrich our communities and support efforts to ensure that they remain an inclusive space for learning and empowerment for all of us. And whereas it is most appropriate to recognize the hard work, dedication and expertise of our library director Kerry rubs and library staff, including Julie Baker, Denise Manning, Salvatore Miranda and Nancy Mitchum, who advocate and work for the improvement of library services for our residents. We extend appreciation for the enormous value we receive every day from all our library staff now. Therefore I co as fatty kiss by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Tarpon Springs to hereby proclaim the week of April 7th through 13. 24 as a national library week and remember there is nothing greater than exploring a library and a book. Thank you. Thank you, Keri. The microphones . Well thank you very much. Thank you. Mayor and commissioners for this proclamation for National library Week. We have a lot of exciting things going on at the library to kick off National Library week. We're having a solar eclipse. Watch party on, Uh, Monday, April 8th, and, um, we have a free solar eclipse classes through a grant program with a space science institutes. Uh, Library Star Network. Uh, so we'll be giving out eclipse glasses that Monday from 1 to 4 and then also the Saturday April 6th. Um And then, uh, ending National Library Week. We have a special program with Harbor Springs High School. They uh, triam Music Honor society, Um and Nancy R, head of you Services as as showing one of our, uh, musical instruments. They uh, Basuki, we have a available for checkout, so the students will be talking about their instruments. This is Saturday. The 13th from 2 to 4 encouraging, uh, Children and other students to get involved in learning to play musical instrument and we'll have new additions to our library Musical instrument. Action available for check out at the event. Um And then at the end of the month, um we have a, uh, Earth week because our Earth Day is April 22nd so that Monday we'll start our display. It'll be on display all week long to that Saturday and Julie has, um, the, uh, grab and grow kit sponsored by the friends and library that will be giving away Um all all that last week of April for Earth Week. Uh and then we'll also have information about sustainability resources at the library and then through different city departments. Um so, uh, visit tarpon Library, uh .org. All of our information on our different activities. Thank you. Expansion or, well, I I'll. I'll go ahead and I don't want to steal Patricia's thunder with the library board report. But um, one of the most exciting things were super happy about, Um, with the library is, uh, we got a half a million dollar grant from the state. Um and we have, um, half a million dollars, um, from city funds, 100,000 donations and 400,000 impact funds. So we're doing a wonderful library renovation project. So stay tuned for that towards the end of this year. We hope to get construction under And, um, gonna have wonderful new things coming for the library, and, uh, Patricia Lee mentoring some more of that in our library board report. Thank you. Um Are there any residents that would like to make comments on any either of the two presentations that we just made? If not, um, Um Mr Jump. I should ask. Are there remote access comments? Depending on online would like to make a public comment on the side. Please raise your hand and you'll be allowed to install. And we do not have any raised hands. Are there any commissioners that would like to make any comments? Mr Uh, Vice Mayor? Uh, Eisner go ahead, and I'm gonna walk around that. Thank you, Mayor. Well, one thing I wanted to say is, uh, I'm at most of the, uh, volunteer, Um, events that go on , and Jamie Thank you very much for all your hard work. You and everybody III. I get there, and I just can't believe the amount of energy that you guys put out and you know, By the time I leave, you're doing all clean up and whatnot. And you know, these are those are the times that, you know, I really wanna thank you because it's a lot to do. It's a lot to set up. Um, that Easter egg extravaganza was amazing. So, um, thank you for what you do. And, uh, just appreciate you every single day. The other thing is, Carrie. You've got to show a little bit more enthusiasm and happiness in your pep in your step. Um I've known you many years. I'm just kidding. Um you you do an amazing job every time I see you have that greeting that smile. Uh, I don't think there's a job around that you don't love more than what you do. And it it oozes out with every time I see you, so thank you for what you do Appreciate you. Thank you. Thank you. Is there any other commissioner? OK? Let's move on with the agenda. We have two special presentations. The first is the Library board annual report. City management course. Harry, if you'd like to come forward and bring Bring Mr Dad and give the report Yes, Uh, Patricia had the Library board chair is going to be giving the report. Set up here. Good evening, Mayor Commissioners, City officers and library members. Um M sad if you could swing the microphone to a little closer. Yes, I meant to do that. Thank you. You're welcome. My name is Patricia Haddad, current chair of the board and a former librarian. Our library board is a delightful group to work with and carry does an amazing job as our director, as everybody knows. And her assistant, Ju Julie is always helpful. Oh, thank you. Library board activities each year. I personally love participating in the city's Christmas parade and handing out Children's books that are donated by the friends of the library. Many times, grandmothers will ask for a couple of books to take home to grandchildren, and that's so special. This year. Our float was decorate was decorated by you can draw students taught by library employee Maria And you can see the octopus on the left side of the float and the snowman on the cab of the truck on the right. A couple of years ago, Our police chief walked along with the library and slow and it looked like you were enjoying yourself interacting with people with Children and adults. Thank you for that. Congratulations Let's get this on the OK, congratulations to friends of the library on their 60th anniversary. The friends are extremely important for the library. They donated $40,000 to the library in 2023. And we thank you for that. It's hard to believe that almost $14,000 was raised by their used bookstore in the library run by volunteers selling most of their books for under a dollar and some even for less, And all of those proceeds go to the library. There are youth and family programs, the theme for the Library mini golf Program top left was Alice in Wonderland. The and decorations were created by the library staff. The tree they made was phenomenal. You can see that up there. Librarian Nancy is pictured on the bottom left reading to students from Tarpon Elementary. And on the bottom, right? It is a Tarpon Springs Police Department Youth program that is very well attended, and they love the police dog. Or adult programs. Author Craig Pitman spoke about his book on efforts to Save the Florida Panther. As part of a Florida talks grant that the library received from Florida Humanities. And on top right library patrons enjoyed a lively program on black music in America, Parts one and two. On separate days, starting way back with Ella Fitzgerald, and she's my favorite all the way through to Stevie Wonder. And who doesn't love Stevie Wonder? For community outreach. The library participates in several city events, including egg extravaganza. The Halloween bash and snow place like tarpon. The library also does outreach with local schools and head start. Library ES resources are available. 24 7 from your home or office. They include eBooks and digital audio books. I use Libby because I enjoy reading audible books for two book groups that I'm in Other E resources are streaming music and videos and databases for genealogy, business and language learning. OK special collections are available for checkout. Well, some of you may be wondering why I set up Um all of these little characters here on the, um Podium. Um and you will see they are Tonys. These characters, um, play stories. That have a songs and much more. And we have a number of characters that can be checked out. Separately or with the Tony box, which is here. It's uh, speakers and in order to turn it on, you just squeeze these two little ears that are cat ears. And um, I can take, um The orchestra conductor. And put him on here. And it's a screen free way of offering, uh, the experience for Children to learn and enjoy stories and information. I can also put the Astronaut here. And What roar. Into. So, um Adults enjoy these two The board went crazy over them. When Nancy, our librarian introduce them to us a few months ago. And then there are the, uh, seed catalogs and the ever popular musical instruments and hobby kits. It's fun and free to check out a museum, Pa. Cana's Public Library Cooperative's Oh, thank you. Oh, I didn't put that on, OK? There we go. Museum passes. Um OK, the Pinellas Public Library Cooperative's Museum Pass program offers free admission to Tampa Bay museums by checking out one of the available passes with your library card. Most of them are for two adults and up to three Children. So for a cup of upcoming events now that we have the Heritage Museum and Safford House join joining the museum pass program that should encourage more people to come to Tarpon Springs and to, um visit our museums and enjoy our beautiful city. A couple of years ago, the library board helped design the library survey , which revealed the community's ideas to enhance the library with new study rooms, more quiet reading spaces and expanded adult and teen space. The board will continue working with Admin Library Administration on design and plans for the construction project. And of course that was mentioned already. Um we have a $1 million grant. It was funded by a $5000 grant from the state matching funds of $100,000 in donations and a $400,000 impact fund from the city. Thank you for that. Most libraries, including ours have seen a decrease in the use of physical materials such as books. DVDs and Thank you. And uh, books on CD and an increase in the use of E resources such as digital audio books and online magazines. The mission of the Tarpon Springs Public Library continues to be to fulfill. Who provide excellent library and information services to fulfill the needs of users to enhance the quality of life and to be a focal point of the community. And the flower petals show 2023 statistics of library use Well, I would like to thank you all for your time. And if you would like any additional copies of this report, it's available on the library website. Thank you, Minister D. Um are there any public comments on this presentation? I'll make a quick comment. David Uh Ballard get his junior Georgia Avenue Palm Harbor. When I was a child. I didn't read much. As I've grown up. I've Gravitated toward reading and I read a lot today and not realize the more that I read. My mind opens up. With the new set of eyes, not just, you know, seeing from my eyes, but my mind itself is capable of seeing things that wasn't able to see before only through reading. Not through television. Uh, through Internet. Reading. Reading allows my mind. To open up its eyes and awaken to a, uh Different. Viewpoint a different Way to see things and I'm grateful for the library and all that. You do. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks very much. Thank you for mentioning that, because as a librarian, um some people would say, Oh, they're not reading the right thing or comic books are aren't really good reading. Anything that can be read is good reading. So thank you for your comments. Um are there any other comments, public comments Mr Jump. Are there any remote access comments? If anyone online would like to make a public comment, please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk. And we do not have any raised hands at this time. OK let me just start out with my comment. I'll go to any of the other commissioners that've got comments. Um today is April 2nd. Um I'm gonna say this because I won't be here next year at this time. April 1st is the day I give this to someone else so Um There's two buildings in town. Uh, one's the public safety building. The other is the library. That really, um kind of stir my emotions whenever I pass them. Uh of course we've got City hall. This was a high school and I honestly have better memories of This building as the high school and junior high when I was here than I do is, um, is, uh, serving the residence as an elected official, even as city manager. But but it's there and it's in my memory. Um, same way with the, uh, cultural center at, uh, used to as a kid. I used to go in there as a boy scout and various activities in there, but that's part of my memory. The two things that are not memory but are living memories and creating memories are the public safety building and the, uh Tarpon Springs Library. The public safety building, is I it it whenever I go in there for a, um uh, promotion ceremony or welcoming new, uh police officers or other dignity. To the police station. It Al always made. It's a It's a very safe place. Uh, you get that feeling that sense of feeling and the other thing is, it works it. It operates. 24 7. It's always there, So you know someone's always at the public safety building over seeing the, uh, the residents of Tarpon Springs. The library is a little different. Um our city manager. When we put that there 25 years ago, I. I know the F former mayor photos was mayor at the time, and I know uh Uh, Commissioner D. Donato at the time was still commissioner. It was part of that effort, too. Um And so, uh, it's different. It doesn't stay open 24 7, But when you go by it, and it's closed, you get the sense that it's asleep. And during the day when it's open, you know it's teaching. It's educating not just Children, but people and that's a very, very honorable, um, activity to have here in Tarpon Springs besides the schools, and, um I know that the Internet has created. Uh uh, has changed the horizons of learning and education to the world rather than what you have simply on the shelves. So um, it's a living entity and I and we have to take care of that and I very much Appreciate all of the work that our library staff has, and we've had an outstanding staff for a long time. We've had an outstanding library board. I know at least one of you. This is your passion in life. You shared that with me and I very much appreciate that. And also the friends of the library, of which my wife was a part of and some of you were part of the library, friends of library as well. So I want to personally thank you and to continue on the hard work. I know the, um Uh, The million dollars the $500,000 grant. Million dollars. Um Well, give us a start, and we'll do everything obviously that we wanna do. Hopefully some time in the future. We'll see a big expansion in the library. Um And I know it's going to be needed. Um I'm hoping our population in tarpon doesn't grow too much, But I think with all the activities that are, uh, coming, you're gonna need different spaces for different things to do. So thank you very much. And um, continue the hard work. Thank you. Um, what other commissioners would, uh Vice Mayor Eisner? Thank you, Mayor. You know, it's an interesting thing. When I first moved down here I came down for Um, reasons that I didn't know exist. And When I get to see, I know most or if not all of the people on the Li Library board and friends of the library. Um I see how much hard work you put into what you do. And I take my hat off to you. And uh, I hope to measure up to you someday and try to work as hard as I see you guys do. Um I know just how committed you are And I want to thank you for that. Um the library is just an invaluable asset to the town. And uh, you were all what makes me love Tarpon Springs because I know your heart and soul is in it. And you can only be helping to educate. Um, the people here and what you do is just fantastic. So I do wanna thank you for what you do and appreciate it's your night. It's your honor. Thank you. Anybody else? Our commissioner, CU I want to thank Mrs Hadad for the presentation. It was a great presentation and thank you for everything you do as well as, uh, Mrs Raps and staff in the library board in friends of the library. It it all comes together and helping out this community and, um Looking forward to the renovation to see how that's gonna, uh, come about as well as it's nice to hear about the museum passes. I think anything we can do to get people out and about in the Tampa Bay area to see the many, Uh, museums that are around that are just, uh, world class themselves . So uh, as well as us being involved with that museum passes great, um, very happy to see all those attendance and numbers and programs that, uh, you all brought up there and, uh, some of my best memories is, uh Summer camps. We'd be able to rent out the hall and watch some movies over there and that first entrance room. So uh, I had some great times there, and, uh, it's challenging now to get kids to the electric or the Ebooks as well as the physical books growing up, and, uh, you know, I grew up with a physical book in my hand and one of the last to do that before this technology, And so it's, uh, it's difficult for them, but all the different programs you guys put together, keep them interested in it. So thank you. I. I don't often repeat things that have already been said. But I. I must commend both the staff led by carry and all the members of the board. Over the years. I've known many, uh there's not more dedicated civilian board in in tarp Springs. Um As the mayor mentioned, I do have a little history along with my pres and When we had to make the tough decision to move the library, which was not very popular because everybody loved the beauty of the library in in Craig Park. However here we are already talking about an extension it it wouldn't have worked where it was. So we had to move it, and I think it's turned out very, very well. So Thank you all. Mr Kano. I have a Particularly Unique. Feeling about the library. Um, and when I drive by it When I go to the corner of Lemon and Safford I always have a smile on my face. Um I came on as the treasurer of the Friends of the Library. In December of 1999. And the friends had, uh, received a large bequest. From Saul Pesca. Um, was about 400. I think it was close to 400,000. I was having this conversation with Carrie. And it grew it. They had made a decision. The board then had made a decision to invest that money in a stock portfolio. And it had grown. Um And so when I became the treasurer of the friends In December. 99 I. I was on I. I was uncomfortable. Overseeing a stock portfolio. Uh, for a small organization like the friends. So we Sold all the stocks. In January of 2000. We sold every stock The money had grown, I think to about 750. And then in March of 2020. The .com. Crash came The market collapsed. We were out of the market. We took that money. And later. They bought the building they bought. So Am I bragging? Yeah. And do I take some, uh, consolation when I drive by that building? You You bet You bet I do. So I have a special place in my heart for the friends and for the library. Thank you. Uh, thank you all very much for being here this evening. Uh, our next presentation is the property insurance update. I'll bring Miss Kniffen forward to introduce our guest to give this presentation. This is Jane. Honorable Mayor Board of Commissioners Jane Ne and the HR director. Um Last fall. We had a very significant increase in our renewal of the risk management program. Um for a number of reasons. Um you had asked us to do a midyear update. So this is why we're here tonight to give you um uh, an update on, um What is happening in the insurance industry. You don't need me to tell you that it's been kind of a catastrophic year. Uh several years lately for, uh uh, insurance in Florida . We are a very high risk area. Um the companies that really set the rates are are the reinsurers. The big companies like a I, um Lloyd's of London, et cetera. They are the ones who set the rates for the smaller insurance companies, which purchase reinsurance from them. Uh, they have become a little less risk tolerant. The uh, the their capacity. Excuse me. Their capacity has a has diminished, but the demand continues to grow , so we all know the supply and demand. Uh, curve, which it puts a great deal of pressure on our, uh, premiums. Secondly we have the dreaded inflation and nobody here can tell me that they haven't been somewhere to purchase something and had a had sticker shock. Um we currently have a re replacement cost on our property policy. So anytime there's inflation, which we've we have experienced, uh, the last couple of years. Uh, we have an increase in labor costs, material costs operational costs , which again translates into much higher premiums. Um again, we have replacement costs versus actual cash value or depreciated cost. Uh, last thing I'd want to mention the business about, uh, adding assets, The city has continued to grow. We have added assets to our schedule. We also had an appraisal, which, uh, has increased their property values together with the added assets by about 36% which is a significant increase. Um to that end, uh, the city has formed a committee composed of Finance Department. HR risk management. Um fire. Uh emergency, uh, emergency management, um, public works and public, uh, services. Uh, we are going currently going through the property schedule to see if there's anything that could possibly be removed without any significant, uh, effect. Uh, unfortunately, the small the small items don't trans Into significant decreases , But the thing you have to watch for is a larger items. Uh, which could be removed may leave the city exposed to uninsured property during a catastrophic event. The other thing is the rate. If you raise deductibles, we will spend more out of out of pocket costs. But tonight I've I . I want to introduce. Uh, Lindsay Johansson. Who is our, uh, FMIT rep for the Florida West Coast. She's going to go through a presentation about about our insurance and give us maybe give us some options. Uh and definitely answer your questions. Lindsay. Let me um, let me uh go. Come on forward, I. I just wanna ask the city manager a quick question. Are you looking for any direction out of us tonight? Or just just a presentation? No, just a There's a presentation that you request to be brought back so choices and options would come at a later at a later time. Ok, thank you. Everyone Thank you for having me tonight. Um thank you for that introduction. Jane Um I'm Lindsay Johanson. I am your account executive for the West Coast of Florida with the FMIT. And I'm also here with Trevor Rush. Um, he is our risk and safety consultant for the West Coast. So he is your direct risk and safety advisor. Um so as you all probably recall, um I was here around renewal time to kind of go through a lot of the details that, um are part of your renewal and we're factored into the increase that, um Jane is referring to, so I'm gonna go through this quickly, and then I'll open it for questions. Um but we do have, um, some ideas and strategies to help reduce costs, which I know is kind of the priority. Um, so we'll go through that. Um the Florida cities was, uh, created back in 1922. So we have been around for quite a while, Um, providing specifically municipal governments with insurance. Um, we started as a workers comp only and then expanded into the other lines. Um, that you now know as our package program, the property general liability auto and workers comp. It's just a little bit, um, of our market landscape. Um and the percentage of cities that currently work with the FMIT. Um we are the largest and oldest trust in the state. Um and have a large surplus. Um the largest of the three pools that you would most likely go to here in the state. So these are some of the things that Jane was alluding to. Um, these are the pressures that were on the US commercial insurance market this year and specifically affected our renewals. Um so this is Florida's the most cap prone zone in the world? Um, because of the amount of value of property that exists here, um so obviously on a catastrophic model, we all especially coastal cities are going to, um, have significant impact for reinsurance costs and for increased weather. Um so we do have increased building costs. Rising property values. Um, the reinsurance costs. And the rest that you see there. Um And I would also note that you all had an asset survey completed, which Jane also mentioned, which resulted in about a 36% increase in your total insurable value. So what that, um asset survey tells us is that for the current assets, uh, buildings that you all have on our on your schedule . Um, those have increased and then we also have a second piece of that asset survey that identifies newly identified properties. Um so there are some on there as well. So I know that you have, um, a group that Gonna review that actual property asset survey and then go through there and decide which may be able to be taken off because if there were a storm, you wouldn't want to replace that building or on the opposite end. It's a brand new building. It's um weather wise, and it would probably fare very well. So you're willing to take the chance to take that off the schedule and not insure it. Pay to insure it. Um, so that is definitely a risk. Um You know a risk reward. Thing to do. Um, definitely look at that property schedule and decide what you think needs to potentially come off. Um so this is a little bit more of a breakdown for your renewal. So you can see the property TIB the 36% increase in values. Um and then the mod, which is part of your workers comp rating. You actually had a little bit of a decrease in that. So that means less workplace injuries, Um, last year. The city payrolls were up about 15% and that is the largest reading factor involved in the general liability. Um so you slip and fall claims, um, property damage and bodily injury lawsuits that will come to the city. Um, so you did have a bit of an increase in the payroll. Which is to be expected , Um, the auto liability you did have a significant increase in, um, losses this year for the auto. Um Auto is a very tough line in the state of Florida. We are. Unfortunately our state has the highest uninsured and underinsured drivers in the country, so we do face either in an accident. The other party that's at fault does not have enough limits or in some cases does not have insurance at all. Um, so auto liability is an expensive line. It's also getting more expensive to Replace car parts. Um as vehicles technology. Um you know , there's more technology in vehicles, they are more expensive to repair. All this to say you had about a 47% increase that is mainly driven by the property. So the best way to offset costs, I would say, is to attack the most expensive line of coverage, which for you all is definitely the property. Um we did offer these options here. These are the name storm deductibles. So this is specifically for a named storm. We have another separate deductible on our property policy called the a OP deductible, which is for like fire, vandalism, things that aren't related to a named hurricane. So you all are currently at a 5% named Storm deductible, which you can see the annual premium There is 777,000. And then as you go down the 7.5 and the 10% options, you can see the savings. Um that that are there. So those are definitely helpful. Um keep in mind that that percentage deductible is gonna be a percentage of the total loss at at the time of loss. Um, on whatever building is, uh, is affected. So those are options to look at. Um the other option, which I would not necessarily recommend. Most cities will stair step into cost savings. Um which is a loss limit. So for some select cities, we have offered a loss limit, which is basically to say you just buy a limit. So right now you're covered up to 100 $50 million per loss. On any on any loss at all. Um If you took a loss limit , you could basically say I want to buy insurance up to $10 million. That's it. We'll buy a $10 million policy or we'll buy a $30 million policy. And then that's where it stops. And then the city assumes all costs above that so the insurance company would pay up to that limit. Um, your guide for making that determination would be something called an a AL. Um, which is your average annual loss? So that's something that's run through our catastrophic modeling program, which could project out to you. What is your most likely scenario of a loss in a one in 100 Year situation? A one in 200 year situation? Um and that data would be what you would base your loss limit purchase up. So if it was, um A one in 100 Year storm for you all would be a $60 million loss. Maybe you only want to buy up to 60 million. Um But that that is an option. We would have to model it out, and we would be able to offer that as we approach renewal. Um that is a little bit more of a risk. Um, compared to just taking a deductible, so those are some options to consider. And I'm gonna let um Trevor, come up and talk a little bit about the risk and safety, um, specific to the city of Tarpon Springs. Good evening Commission and mayor. Yes Uh, my name is Trevor. I'm with the with the FLMIT. I'm a safety and risk consultant. Um it's kind of hard to read. But this is all the stuff that I do for free. No cost. Basically training inspections, traditional safety type stuff. Um I just wanna give you a summary of what I've done for the city. In the last couple of years. I've inspected every inch of every facility at least once and sometimes. Well, with the playgrounds twice, So I've I've been through all your facilities , all your parks looking for hazards, providing reports and photos of issues. So we're Get ahead of the curve on the claims with that. Um this year, I also provided defensive driver training. Try to tackle your guys' issue. Well everyone's issue when it comes to driving and the, uh you know the vehicle cost, so I trained about 100 and 20 of your employees on defensive driving this year. Um And then most importantly, I. I know the fire department is here. Uh, we provided assessment and accreditation assessment for the fire department. And they actually passed. Uh, with a 93% I believe so you know, congratulations to them for that. That was that was excellent. You guys did really well. And that's part of our safety excellence Initiative program. Um that we've been we roll been rolling out the last few years, um, starting with police and fire. We'll get you guys next. Um and then, of course, doing the city operations as well. So those are all some of the things I've done in the last couple of years for the city to help reduce those costs. Lindsay. Um also, I'm sure it's obvious. Um but we are part of the Florida League of Cities. Um, And as you know, the Florida League cities does do, um, a tremendous service to our cities in Tallahassee as well as at the, um, national level on Capitol Hill. And here in Tallahassee during session, Um, defending cities home rule and trying to make sure that cities are heard up at that level. Um and we have a whole legislative team that works on that. So um, with all of that, I will open it up for questions relating to The insurance. OK, let me go to the public first and see if there's any comments from the public. Are there any public comments on this item? Uh, Mr Jump. Are there any remote access comments? If anyone online would like to make a public comment on this item, please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk. Raise hands at this time. Thank you. Vice Mayor Eisner, You've got your light on. Thank you, Mayor. Um So you're currently that we have a 5% deductible now. Is that what I heard correct? Yes, Yes. OK, um so Adding another 2.5% is only another $80,000. So that would be a savings of $80,000. From what I see. Um, but we're trading off. I don't know what the total is, is it 100 and $50 million that we could lose if it was all wiped out is that what is what I'm supposed to be comparing it to So, your your T I for the city? Um, let me go back to that slide. T I for the city is 100 18 million. Um so I. I did misspeak. We can cover up to 100 and 50 Million for those that exceed the 150 million in TIV we if a city is under the 150 million TIV, which I kind of assumed that you were, But you guys are actually 100 18 million in TIV. We cover you for that full TIV. So we're only covered for 118 per claim. Right Um, would we be able to you know is there prices that we would be able to get for what it would be to have 100 million coverage to have 75 million coverage? That's the loss limit that I was referring to. So yes, we could. Because I mean, we need to be able to make a comparison. What's worth the risk? And what's not, um, the deductible itself. Is not a big deal. Do they also give you catastrophic? Um, deductibles. So what? We'd be willing because we have a, uh I think we have a $20 Million reserve for, uh, in case of catastrophic am am I correct on that, or I know you're looking at me, like do we have a reserve? We have a reserve. No. Between eight and 9 million. Sorry OK, so we have a reserve. So if worst case scenario happened Would we then? You know where Where would we? Could we go with? Could we go to 20% What ? When does it get substantially less Because $80,000 Is a lot for a person, but for a city it's not really a lot to save. So I mean, these are the deductible options. The highest we're gonna go is a 10% on names. Storm deductible. And that would be your annual premium related to that and that percentage. That percentage deductible is of the total loss at the time. So You'd be probably somewhere around, um, a million dollars. If because we are I think we're would you say there was 118? 118 million we have you're at 118 Million in TIB. So we would be then liable for about a 10% for about a million dollars. If you had a total loss at one time, which is pretty much unlikely. Yeah, yeah. Just giving Worst case scenario. Um What is the, um The estimated effect of damage that we could have in a hurricane you had. I mean, you had to go around and survey these things. Um, are most of our Of buildings would take a 50% damage of 75% damage, You know, like, have a wind a wind evaluation. Yeah, we don't. So what we do is we do catastrophic modeling and it's based on the region or the zone in this case, the city and how it's situated on the coast. Um it'll run a cap model of different varying, You know, Count one up to count five hurricane and then it will project out a potential loss scenario. So what would be the max loss that you would have in a cat Two Hurricane? Um, and that would be. I mean, there's a ton of data that's gonna put gets put into that model, including the building and construction type. Um you know the way it's facing the coast? Um, how it, uh, would be affected by wind patterns, So it's pretty complex. Um, we can give you that data. Uh we run this as we get closer to renewal , so we're not quite out doing this yet. Um, we are waiting for reinsurance rates to come back as well, which will be Um, projected, probably in May. Hey, none of the items that you Sorry. Presentation tonight. Yeah, I'm just trying to get information. That's the point. OK got a phone number up on the thing. And then I wanted to ask the city manager. We've got a process that we go through. This is just The very ST to give us an overview of what we're doing. And there'll be plenty of time for decisions and research. Uh from here on, so if I may interrupt and ask the city manager And Again. This item came up. Uh, the last time this always comes up towards the end of our budget season in August. Obviously we don't have the numbers to even give you but I think the board then when they got hit, um you know, we had good years before that when we got hit with a big increase. You want a little bit of preparation. You asked for this kind of mid, um, mid term report and stuff, So we're just giving you information can be looked at when we come back at budget time and during closer to renewals. We will have all the figures for you. They'll have all the this this amount to have all those. We're just giving you an introduction here for what? You asked of what the process is What they go through. Um the farmer numbers will come when you're closer to renewal, and that's when the presentation will deal with it during the budget time and before the item comes up for the selection, and that is kind of prep you some of the things we're looking at, will be examining working with the with with our partners, Um, to try to bring back you the best. Um, recommendations for coverage and stuff. So this is just preparation. What we're going for. A lot of the answers aren't here because we don't have all the numbers yet that Ms also talked about it's going to go through as well and give us some Specific as far as the details. But having said that, and I don't want to, uh, kind of short change any commissioner if he's got any questions I think you gotta turn your mic on. Is your mic on? Excuse me. Thank you very much. Um, who can the vice or any commissioner call for getting additional information or questions answered. Is it MD with Ms Kniffen or Ms Johansson? You get with Miss Kniffen. She can arrange the conference call or whatever, and we can arrange that. Right? Um having said that , Uh, did you wanna wrap up your comments or I just had one more thing is this is this F MA that you're giving us or is this insurance This is insurance. FEMA would be additional. Additional separate excess. That's it. Thank you. Very, uh, Vice Mayor Eisner. Are there any other? Uh comments on this presentation? Just wanted to thank you all for the presentation. Thank you for walking every square inch of, uh, every building here in Tarpon Springs, checking it out. And uh, this board is gonna have to make a decision on uh, the couple different options that we have in the near future. So thank you, and we might have to consider A special session or something. I mean, it's a big deal, so something for us to think about I'm I'm sure if the commitment is Kiffin's committee start walks away scratching their head. We're probably going to have to do that. So, um, is there anybody else? OK, thank you. One final comment, Um, this year will not be an increase anywhere near what you had last year. Um basically last year you consider it a market correction. The reinsurance market had to get right and get the rate that they needed in the state of Florida or they were gonna go. You know, they they were like she was saying, going to supplement going to either stop or limit capacity to the point where it would become uninsurable. So this is so that the reinsurers can get back. Um, they are definitely having a better year. Um, so we should not be seeing Increases like this for a long time. Hopefully Mr Diffin anything else? We're all done. OK Thank you. Thank you all for the presentation and look forward to seeing more of you in the future. That ends our, uh, presentations. Let's go to public comments. Are there any public comments? Good evening again, Uh, Mayor David Ballard. Gettis Junior. I live at Georgia Avenue in Palm Harbor. Again in his farewell address George Washington States that silence is being used to conceal or to clothe his zeal. Silence concealed in the secrecy clause of Article one, Section five of our current Constitution , George Washington makes reference to a uniform sacrifice seen as a uniform bankrupting silently. Secretly capturing both land and water. In Article one, Section eight, Clause four and 11 he claims to be of a spice and critical posture to be covert and insidious prudently. INF feebly manifesting birthing local discriminations as of choice in reference to birthing, despotic water jurisdictions under the 14th amendment. He states to indirectly undermine that which cannot be directly overthrown from a religious perspective, he states to have the same religion with slight shades of differences, making reference to consequences requisite in light of the qualification requisite in Article one, Section two, which bases the 14th amendment in the enumerating of individual independent water jurisdictions, tyrannical Nature discriminating , geographically, vanquishing Christianity again, based on federalist paper to recognizing his own criminal nature. Washington claims this constitution to be more than experiment establishing particular districts in reference to the district not to exceed 10 Miles Square in Article one, Section eight clause 17 in such jurisdictional discriminating, claiming that We are being given a useful lesson on our heads seen as a useful art in Article one, Section eight Clause eight. He admits to his influence in misrepresentations to being destructive in nature, creating permanent infractions having fatal tendencies to serving artificial factions in government presupposition with a real design to control, claiming the right to Or altar, the former system of government claiming that Hamilton's first constitution is intent on destroying the very engine which lifted it to its unjust domain, usurping the reins of government itself as a fundamental maxim of liberty, seen as a long train of usurpations again in the Declaration of Independence, Washington claims that he is of greatest rankness and truly one's worst. Me natural to dissension, multi generationally propagated here to perpetrate the most horrid of enormities seen as the absolute destruction of all ages and conditions in the Declaration of Independence again, George Washington. And our founding fathers were warlocks. Washington was a slave trader engaged in sacrilege. Thank you. Thank you. To rock them. Thank you. Good evening. Mayor Commissioners. Uh agency heads department chiefs, uh, Robert Rock Klein 755 Northlake Boulevard. Uh I wanted to start out by giving my thanks for, uh, this, uh, class number 10 of the Citizens Academy. Uh both the city clerks staff. Uh, Ms Jacob herself. A lot of you. Uh, attended a lot of the agency and department heads and their senior staff and their regular rank and file people. All really gave a real feel for what goes on in here. Uh I'm someone who was employed by municipalities for over 40 years and you can teach an old dog new tricks. Uh, believe it or not, Uh, because I don't still don't know what I don't know about certain things, so it was greatly appreciated. My wife had a great time, and she understands a little more about my Prior and continued involvement with the municipalities. Uh I also want to thank the public Works department and whoever, uh, authorized the, uh, the funding for an additional pair of stop signs at the T intersection of Mellon Street and Jasmine Avenue over by North Lake over by the sports complex and Rose Cemetery , and, uh, the, uh, the regular cemetery over there. That's still a great cut through for people that want to buy pass the intersection of 19 in Tarpon Avenue to get from Stone, either to go north on 19 or the end of the day to bypass waiting for the light and cut through and get on Keystone. Going east. Um it's funny. I came upon an email and then I don't want to. Uh, I don't wanna get the, uh, the city manager in trouble. But it was about three years old where I asked because I knew there were other developments coming over there the townhouses and then the little subdivision that I had asked for. Uh a new stop sign and a new street sign. Which was there. I think within a week, if not, if not sooner, but I also asked for double yellow lines. The pavement demarcation because there is a crest on Mellon Street that has zero availability until you're about 20 yards away from that crest unless you're in a high truck or something like that, Uh and I know there's plans coming for sidewalks over there and probably Street redos on Jasmine . But Mellon Street is a blind spot. I see people come over that crest in Little old daytime night time. It's not everybody. It's probably about 5% 10% But it's just an accident waiting for happen, because if you have people come each way, and each one is 10 or 20% more to the middle than they should be, Uh, I can't think of what would happen, but we just heard about the auto insurance and things like that. So uh, I ask if that could be revisited. I'm happy to resend. Uh, the communication I had with the city manager way back then, uh, if that helps at all, but it's I'm not talking about redoing the streets and the curbs and whatever else Just get something down there. Maybe a couple of Those reflective demarcated as you get close to the crest to annoy people, especially at night because maybe they won't see the pavement markings unless they're ultra reflective, but anything that you can do to be preventative in this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Thank you. When I say the same man will take care of it, Mr Rockland. Thank you. Gentlemen Katie Taylor, 1991. Douglas Lane , Taupin Springs, Florida. I wanted to, um first say of the Union Academy Neighborhood Revitalization group wanted to thank y'all for the new sign of Dorset Park is beautiful, And so is the, um the marker that you put up, so thank you again, and we're looking forward to enhancing more things that Dorset Park and Chief young. Um uh, Officer Boone did contact me about the street painting at Oakwood and, uh, Live oak and wg to do things in our community and thank you for all your support if there are any of the public comments. Evening PAC is 514 Ashland Avenue. And the reading for tonight. Is Isaiah 32. And the title is the Kingdom of Righteousness. C a king will reign in righteousness and rulers will rule with justice. Each man will be like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm. Like streams of water in the desert and the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land. Then the eyes of those who see will no longer be closed. And the ears of those who hear will listen. The mind of the rash will know and understand the stammering tongue will be fluent and clear. No longer will the fool be called noble nor the scoundrel be highly respected. For the full speaks folly. His mind is busy with evil. He practices ungodliness and speaks error concerning the Lord. The hungry. He leaves empty and from the thirsty he withholds water. The scoundrels methods are wicked. He makes up evil schemes. To destroy the poor with lives. Even when the plea of the needy Is just But the nobleman Makes noble plans. And by noble deeds, he stands. So, uh, Give you a little bit of a quick story with the, uh Way mirrors. Mango was closed and the way going Eastbound. You had to basically turn a distant but I didn't like turning this and you had more traffic there. I always like going up to North and North is pretty cool Street. And Bo Lo and behold. Re habitat house for house, Uh, humanity houses are going in there. There's another one that's going on on MOK. And another one. That's on line street, so I want to thank the city. For following through on what we worked on years ago to allow these Organizations to be able to purchase land at a reduced price. Based on what you probably could get in the open market. But we see we take steps to provide For our community, and the great thing about it is homeownership. It's not rental. They're gonna have commitments there. And why do I bring this up? Because I was watching the end of the meeting last week from the CR a discussion and I heard something that kind of caught my ear. Well, there was a commissioner while back That wanted to vote against. Approving those sales because he wanted that the city to get more money. More money for him. And yet at this meeting He was arguing with the city manager. To see Manger explain that This particular property on the corner of Orange and alt 19 cross from the church. The guy wanted too much money for the parking compared to What we're paying for other lease properties. And what is this commissioner who voted against helping People coming into this community. No we need you to work more with that guy. Work him out. Work a deal, So I look it up. And Lo and behold. Turns out That Commissioner as an office there. And that property was just tra, uh, sold back on February 23 for 1.365 million. So what's going on? You rent there? My piece has been spoken. Are there any other public comments? Yes, sir. David Black. Uh, 1709 Cromwell, Recent grad of the Citizens Academy, and I wanna thank everyone that was involved in that. It's an awesome program. Uh, I wouldn't be here if not for that. Um I'm also A recently moved here about three years ago and Semi retired, joined the Golf League. The golf course. And I understand their plans, hopefully To renovate the co the clubhouse. Hope that happens. And I appreciate everybody. OK, thank you. Are there any other public comments? Mr Jump. Are there any remote access comments? If anyone would like to make a public comment, please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk. And we do not have any raised hands at this time. Thank you. It's 738. We don't have any ordinances or resolutions, so we're just going to continue on With the agenda and I'm going to ask any of the commissioners. If you need to take a break. Just Flag me down, so Um We're gonna go on with a special consent. Are there any commissioners that would like to, uh, call any of the, uh five items? So OK. Uh, let me just read these and, um Five is special events. Um Five. A is hurricane prospered this day and sandbag pickup event five B is tarpon Spring Splash Park 10th Anniversary Celebration number six is award file number 240092 single source purchase of hydrated lime. Item seven is increased file number 230067 single source purchase of corrosion inhibitor number eight is renewal file number 210092 purchase of work uniforms and number nine is award file number 240100 single source purchase of citywide Internet related services. Um Are there any public comments on any of these? Mister Jump. Are there any remote access comments on one of the five I'm sorry. Consent Agenda items. It went online speaking on these items, please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to tell. We do not have any raised hands this time. Thank you over there any commission comments or questions? On any of these, OK if I may have a motion to approve item, uh, consent Agenda items five through nine. So move. Second If there's no further comments, Roll call, please. Yes. Is yes, Commissioner Coolio. Yes Vice Mayor Eisner Mayor. Uh, yes, um, Special consent agenda. Item. 10 is try to review appointment. Um, let me just, um Get started on this. This was something that , uh we had planned for a while. The um the process we chose was to adopt the one that has been done for several times in the past. Where each commissioner would, uh, provide two names. His first choice would be automatically on that commission . The commission, um is seven members so that would provide automatically five members. Then each commissioner would have a second. Um Name that would be a second choice. And then the, uh, Commission. I if there's If there's none of the second choices that have more than one commissioner, nominating them. Um then in all of them are the same as they are here. Um then the commission is going to, uh, choose from those five. That have been made a second choices and select two of those last charter Revision Commission. It was. It was easy because we had the five first choices. I was four Of, uh, for the commissioner's second choice, and one commissioner had a separate person as a, uh, as a separate choice and that made seven Prior to that, and the time before that, Um, it was a little more like what you see this evening. So let me name the, um List of the at least the first five that were first choices. We have doctor Cary Root and some of them are with us tonight. Doctor carry root. Is John Jennings, Uh, former commissioner Jim COO. Merle Seaman. He's the chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission, and, uh, former Commissioner John T Panny. Those are the 445 of the seven that we have that were commissioners first choices . The second choices are, um Mister Mike Custis, who's also a member of the Planning and zoning Commission doctor, Tina Lucas. Uh, Susan Cooper withdrew her name. Uh, earlier. Today we have a former commissioner Peter de Lais and former Mayor Anita Protos. Those are four of the, uh, second choices that we have. And then, um, I'd asked, um Is, is, um Jacobs if she could write down the, um The process that has been gone through over and over again, Uh or at least for let's say the three or four past cycles on the charter Revision Commission. And um, if the committee if the commission has no objections, Um I'd like to go ahead and adopt those, uh, that process that we've had. So Is there any any person that has an objection to this and we can have a discussion on it. You. You wanna say something? Can you explain the, uh I'm gonna explain it. Can you explain the process So, basically, um We I I've gone through the first choice of how everybody got the five out of the seven. So, um On the second choice when there isn't any that make, uh, that would make number six or seven. Then each commissioner would go through and vote on two of the four in this particular case, for example, um I could vote on my second choice. I could vote on somebody else's second choice . I could vote on two separate choices. But then you're gonna have to have a little explanation on the guy that you are the person that you voted as your second choice of why you didn't vote for them. And um it it and actually, that's a little bit of a flexible, uh, situation because as we as we had earlier, uh, we had one of the second choices, uh, with draw their name, so I don't think that Commissioner uh Kia is gonna be voting for his second choice. And uh, but he's gets two votes to vote for whoever else he wants on those four, and hopefully we can get. Um um uh uh uh uh, some number of votes that two of them The others. And then those two would be part of the, um Of the seven members, If one has, uh A large number of votes that exceeds the others. Then that person will be, uh, a six member and if there's ties on the seventh member, then we would have a AAA. Um, an election just election just the way I just described except for one vote on that last, um, selection. So Um Let me um Is there any questions on that process? Commissions. OK, um Let me go to public comment. Miss Jacobs. Do you have anything else you'd like to add to this explained it, I. I just wanted to kind of roll things along here for this one. Are there any public comments? On this item. I'm doctor Kerry Root of 1061 South Point Alexis Drive here in Tarpon Springs. Um, I just wanted to share with you, Uh, A big thank you for allowing your process, uh, allowing me to be able to serve the city in this capacity again. I was on the last charter review commission. It was an education and how city government works of the like. I've never experienced before. I really, really am looking forward to working with the, um, the commission that you put together to do this again. I think of what happened in the last five years. In my life, I've experienced a global pandemic. I've moved Both of my daughters have gotten married. And as of last month, I became a grandmother for the first time. Um tragic things and wonderful things. But the bottom line is life does not stand still for me. For you or for a city, So we have a really important job over the next Several months to construct the recommendations for the next five years of our charter. It's a very important job and Please give us a really good team. Thank you very much. Thank you. There any other comments? You lactose 514 Ashland Avenue. Very qualified group up there. Me, Anita. My scooters and Tina. Can't go wrong with any of us. We all have Governmental experience working with groups. Uh I just would like to say that, uh I would consider it an honor to Take a place on this board to help shape. Some of our future direction going forward in the city. Um I don't think necessarily that we need to overhaul Uh, our charter. There's a lot of good protections in there, but I think there are some new things we need to need to add or or just adjust. Um you know me I'm here almost as many meetings as y'all. And if I'm not here I listen in or watch a meeting or call in, um So I just would like to say. I would like an opportunity to serve on this board and bring my experience. Knowledge. And, um Morals and ethics. Towards Deep in tarpon. The place that it is. You know? We do have Sometimes we take things for granted. You know, I think about this, you know? Quite a bit. We have Full service city here. We have wrecked departments. We have parks. We have libraries. We have our own water treatment plant or sewer plant. We have our own police, our fire department. All these things that we Self sufficient and basically So we just need to make sure we Protect those and yet still look at ways to go forward. So we don't get overrun. I was coming down the pike. Thank you. Mm. Thank you. Are there any other public comments Mr Gets? David Ballard, Geddes, Junior, uh, Georgia Avenue and Palm Harbor. I try my best to attend a lot of Pinellas County. Uh Charter, uh, review meetings in their currently meeting. Um, they do that. I think every seven years, five years or something, Um, section 2.04 Q of Pinellas County Home Rule Charter mentions a transfer of power and function. Um, in effect, that in my mind would be a political usurpation in an attempt to privatize government take it out of the hands of public domain, placing into private domain, and at that point, it would actually allow an establishment of a private judicial system. And, uh, that would, uh That would in effect, be usurping our current system of government privatizing through some inter local Cooper Operation Act again, based on chapter 163 of the Florida state statutes that in local Cooper Operation Act of 1969, I call into question as a, uh as a, uh, privatization scheme and, um, usurpation process. We need to be aware of that, and I would caution against moving forward. Um Without solid counsel on on how to, uh, proceed politically in that that theater Thank you. Ok, thank you. Um any other public comments? Mr Jump any remote access comments? Oh, If anyone online would like to make a public comment on this item, please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk. And we do not have any raised hands at this time. Ok thank you . Uh, let's go on to the, uh, voting. We're gonna do this by, um, Majority. Um I'm sorry by seniority. Um Commissioner did Donato, can I get your, uh Two votes for the number two choices. It would be a neater product and my excuse Commissioner. I'm sorry, Mr Cous, Kutis and former Mayor Anita Protos. Um Commissioner Kano. So I gotta toss up here. Well, obviously, I'm picking my choice of Peter de Lais. Um You know I was I was Been thinking about it all day between Micro scooters. And Um Air protus. And, um Even though Mike scooters could drop a weight on me tomorrow since I go to the gym with him. Um I'm gonna go with Anita Produs. Because The fact that, um Please don't take this the wrong way. But she wants to step up one more time for her city. Um I think we should take advantage of that. So, um, for Anita. OK? Uh, Commissioner curios. You've got, uh, two open votes. Well, I was gonna select my first. Uh My second appointment, which was Miss Susie Cooper, but she did send in a letter that she withdrew. Cause she was ridiculed by a planning and zoning member. And, uh, you know, it's just it's unprofessional. When you got people who wanna volunteer their time and to help out this city. The lady who was a paralegal for 35 years, uh, very experienced. It had more experience than The individual criticized her, so you know it just it's unfortunate. But you know it. It seems to be a tactic lately, And so I just wanna get that out. And I wanna thank you for volunteering initially. But I'm gonna select Mr Kis. And Missus BUCA Valis. I think it's a It's a good mixture. I think we've already got some prior board experience up there. We got some Good, strong, Ah, opinionated individuals. As well. And uh, I think have an attorney up there and someone who's, uh Interested in, you know. Who's been involved should be should be in that as well. So that was Mr Custis and, uh, Ms Uh, Doctor BUCA? Yes, I got it. Thank you. Is there anything else? That's it? OK, Uh, Vice Mayor Eisner. I'm gonna replicate what Commissioner Kas just said. So it's a second vote. For both. And I'm gonna go ahead and, um Um So you said Mr Cruz Kiss. Good good. Of course, Dr BUCA. Correct. All right. I'm gonna vote for, um Oh, Obviously, Mr Christi and then Dr BUCA Vas Um. Ms Jacobs. Do you keep a tally of that? I did. Um the one that will be, um, Mr Casks had four votes. Um Uh, In a book of Alice had three. Former commissioner de LA has had one and former mayor pros had two Of the two finalists would be Mr Kudo and Dr BUCA. That is correct. OK So, um, the seven members of the Charter Revision Commission are doctor curry root. Miss John Jennings, former commissioner Jim Cole, Anis. Uh, Planning Zoning Committee chairman Mr Merlin Seaman, Former Commissioner John Terra Pai. Um Mr Mike Couto is also a member of the Planning and zoning Commission and doctor Tina BUCA, who, uh, has had a lot of activity in the Greek town. Uh, Heritage District development. I want to congratulate you and, um And, um, I think If I'm not mistaken, Miss Jacob. She'll be getting in touch with each of them to set up the first meeting and is that when this swearing in will take place? That is correct. OK so you're swearing. It will be, uh, take place the very first meeting. Um I think that right now there is about 20 to 2324 weeks of which you can meet That's gonna be solely up to you as far as what your schedule is, and, um and I think that, uh rather than getting into more details, all the dates and everything of when the Charter Commission is gonna have to report out. It's going to be determined in order to give this commission enough time to go over those recommendations for charter changes. Develop the language ballot language that was approved for those and then, uh, communicate with the supervisor elections for placing it on the march. Election. I don't want to say the days of March 20th March March, 25th I believe March 25th march. OK, all right. So, um Thank you all for the ones that are here this evening. And if any members that are listening in are here have any questions, please? Uh, contact Miss Jacobs. Thank you. She did I miss anything? No but if we can do a motion to that effect we have to do that. Right. OK, so he moved. I have to do the hard work now. All right. Um I'm just gonna do all seven at one time rather than the five And then the seven. I'm gonna have a motion to appoint Doctor carry root. Um Joan Jennings, Former Commissioner Jim Kanis. Uh Playing zoning Commissioner Merlin Seaman, former commissioner John Terra Panny. And uh, Mr Mike Kutis, and also doctor BUCA Wallas as our charter Revision Commission. We have a motion to that effect in the second. Or a second to move OK? Um there's no Comment. Any comments? OK, Roll call, please. Mr Di Donato? Yes, Mr Cool is Commissioner cu Yes, EE? Yes, yes. That do it, Miss Jacobs. OK? Thank you. Thank you all. Uh, let's see. OK item 11 internal audit, Um, Public works, Roads and streets division. Mr Pulos. Nice to see you. Uh, good evening, Mr Mayor and commissioners. Did he? Uh, it's nice to see you as well. Mr Mayer. Uh I actually have some good news for you all for a change. And uh, I, I won't. I won't be up here long. I don't I don't have too much too much to say, uh The audit. Uh, number 07 2024 of the public works frozen streets. Uh, division, which is, uh uh, obviously the division of the Public works Department, uh, just completed it. A couple weeks ago, There was only one finding and seven observations. Findings being, you know, usually negative things and observations usually being being positive things. Uh, from from from a high level I was pretty much there was three objectives to the audit. And it was two parts. Uh, compliance. One part performance audit. Uh the com the compliance, Uh, portion of it was, uh, the sidewalk improvement program and the annual street resurfacing program and the performance. Part of the audit was the uh uh, looked at, uh, fixing potholes and how how long they take compared to other jurisdictions. Of, you know, similar size. So the sidewalk improvement program is basically It's a biannual program. It's funded every year. Uh and it's you know, it's in the counter here in the city Charter and in there's some, uh, city ordinances to that effect, so I kind of combine those and I came up with a list of compliance items and, uh, the division meets all those So it's funded every year, but the projects are done every two years. So B annually if you will , which which, at first didn't make sense to me, But after it was explained to me, it made it made a lot of sense. So you you save up the money in your one and your two and then you do the projects and in year two and then year three save the money and then year â– four, you know yu save the money and then you you spend it in your four. So it saved every two years spent every every other year. Um it's easier to get vendors when you have more projects and more dollars and it's less. It's there's less of an impact to the, uh to the to the city when the projects are done at one time instead of being done every year, so once every two years is less of an impact than once every year. Uh, so I didn't see. I didn't see any issues issues with that at all. Then I looked at the annual Uh, Street resurfacing program, which is really a an alternating street resurfacing and street reconstruction program where One year they'll do street resurfacing, which is, uh, less intense and less expensive than street recons. Uh street Reconstruction. So one year they do street repaving the next year. They do reconstruction. Reconstruction Uh, involves, uh uh, if it's a brick street, Obviously, we're paving, re replacing the bricks and it's the under layman as well. Not just not just the surface area so I looked at both of those, and I looked at for allowable expenses because both they're both funded by the local option, Uh, gas tax and, uh, reconstruction program is also funded by the local option, Uh, sales tax. And I didn't see any issues with either one of those, um, and the last part so that that was the compliance portion of the audit, and the third part of the audit was and I'm just kind of going through quickly because they're there really? Wasn't there really wasn't any findings except one with potholes? Uh, the third part, was looking at potholes and looking at the our, the city's performance against other other comparable jurisdictions. And I found that. There's no real, There's no real standard for fix fixing potholes nationwide, and I found that other comparable jurisdictions had about a 15 Day window when they from when they start the they put the work order in till it's till it's completed and we're at 7.8 days, so A little over a week, and that's including holidays and weekends. So that's that's better than that's better than half of the average so that that's really good. Uh but more importantly, when they were when they from when they start a pothole to the time they fix it, it's Uh, so they put the work order in and say it takes five days on the fifth day they start and they also they all the ones I tested were completed the same day, So that's a good thing. So that you you don't have projects lingering and you know, traffic being held up and those types of things things. Uh, the only the only issue I found was closing out the work orders took. Uh, I think it was 56 days if I if I can remember, right? Excuse me. And which is a little long, but that that's just an administrative thing. Uh, the point is to fixing potholes. They're repaving streets when you know and um and they they, they they Uh, in compliance with the charter and the ordinances when it comes to sidewalk improvement program. Um more importantly than that, though, I need I need to back up. I forgot to add this. Um They have a rating system, which I really like because the first thing I thought when I When I think of think of these programs is like OK, well, how are you deciding where to spend those dollars? You know? Are you just putting them in a touristy areas or the ritzy areas? Where you where? Where are you? Where are you, Uh, Spending the sidewalk on. Where are you spending the street servicing dollars, and they for both the sidewalk improvement program and the street resurfacing programs. You have a really comprehensive and objective rating system for both of those, And that's important for two reasons. Number one. And you all vote on these projects. So you need to have assurance that that these projects that are before you are or have been vetted, and they're they're they've been, uh uh vetted and they're they're they're appropriate and not and second of all that the dollars are being spread out equitably throughout the city. Not just you know, the sponge docks or or downtown or wherever So, I. I thought that was I thought that gave him credit for that in in the audit as well. So, like I said, there's only um One small administrative finding concerning potholes. Um everything else looked good. It was actually a pretty easy audit to do And, um, it's uh, Tony's second audit, actually, that I've done with him and, uh, he's he's had two really good audits. So very impressive. He's done a done a really good job. You have any questions? I'd be happy to answer them. Um what we're gonna do is go to public comments, but I'm gonna ask city manager Do you want to say anything? Or maybe Tony or anything like that? No we both the report and it's a good good audit. Yes, we're, um Mr Pulos Let me go to the public comments first. Are there any public comments on this item? This is, uh, an audit of the Public Works department. Mr Jump. Are there any remote access comments? Know online would like to make a public comment on this item. Please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk. And we do not have any raised hands this time. OK, thank you. Uh, let's go to the commission. Um Mr Pulos I, I you know is an excellent audit. Um, I. I know the public works works hard once they get the information that they of what they need to do. And um and they do that, Um and I also am familiar with some of the personnel issues that have occurred at a prevented some of the administration to be completed in a timely fashion. II. I appreciate you pointing that out as well. I would like to be critical of something but I. I can't. I think, um, you don't have any recommendations for anything, and, uh, Mr Manello. Congratulations. Uh This is one of the few meetings, uh, that you can experience this . And uh, but but you earned it. So you and the public works department have earned it. So let me go to any of the other commissioners or anybody else. Vice Mayor Eisener. I want to thank you. I read the report. Excellent Um, you know, but you have to understand. It's Tony who's handling some of the paperwork. So that's why it's 58 days. Um You know, uh, the other the other thing is, you see if you wear the same color shirt as me, Tony, you know that you're gonna go places that's all I would. This is just a private joke between us. I congratulate you. You know that love you dearly. I know that you work hard and you know this. This just goes to show you you know that. You know, you really do a good job and that guy you work for. What's his name? Tom He's uh He's OK too, You know, So thank you. He was nice enough to allow me to be here. I and be golfing. There you go. Thank you, Um, commissioner cores. Thank you, Mr Pulos, Um So you know, it's II. I love to go into your office. And see he He, um You know the auditing. This kind of stuff is different than You know, financial statement auditing right, which is very systematic and methodical. This is Um Imagination in a lot of cases, So II I see what he has this whiteboard and he starts storyboarding all this stuff and he's got all these flow charts and I'm looking at it, and he's got this connected to this. And I'm gonna check this. And then I might check that I'm gonna check that. And uh so anyways, I'm in awe. When I count going your office and see your Yeah, that that's actually the hardest part is trying to figure out uh, understanding a department or a program. Whatever it is, you're adding and then figuring out OK, what am I gonna audit? That's that's actually the hardest part of it. You know, that's probably half the time right there because it's not like you don't have a grid that you can go to and say, OK, this is exactly how you audit a, uh uh, public, you know, public works or how you audit a street thing or how you do this. You have to kinda sit down and create this whole right. They're all like, want every audits one. It's a one off audits. Like you know, uh, building a car, you know, Rather as opposed to an assembly line where you're building 40 of the same car, So that's Yeah. They're all unique. In other words. Yes I like I like it. So you do a good job. Thank you. Thank you. Any other questions? Uh, Commissioner Kas? No comments. Thank you, Commissioner DD. Thank you both. All right. Thank you. Both Thank you for the audit. I thank you, I. I would just like to take a moment to, uh, just express how well it was how great it was working with Billy. Um, I did throw a lot at him for that story board. We do have many moving parts. Um, we are fortunate, just fortunate to just complete a stormwater audit a few months ago, very, a little more complex even than streets and, um, I, I believe our our system We have in place there, uh, which is overseen by the DEP up in Tallahassee. A lot of auditing. Accountability and tracking and all that we've instituted those programs and those concepts into our street department. Um I, I It helps us be a lot more productive without spinning our wheels. Um I do wanna thank you for the kind words and Billy for the report. We were on the phone. Uh, quite a bit. Uh it does mean a lot to not on myself. But my staff out there sweating every day and almost getting run over and hearing things. They heard this. This means a lot to us. We wanna all my guys, my guys and myself And, of course, Tom, who can't be here? We want to thank you. Thank you. Um I think what we need to do is go ahead and have a motion in a in a second to accept the audit results. I know there's no recommendation, so we have a motion in the second to that. So moved second. Uh, no further comments. Roll call, please. Richard D, Donato. Yes Commissioner coolly is yes. Yes, yes. Spice Eisner? Yes, yes. Thank you. OK? Item 12 is the appointment to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. We had, um, two resignations and we've got two Applicants. Um, Ms Day and Mr Cloonan. Um that are being recommended for appointment. Um Is there anything more that you want to say about that? So, man. Oh, insured King? Yeah Nothing. OK it's a simple one, Any, uh, public comments on this item? OK, uh, Commissioner comments anything. I need a motion to appoint, Um this day and Mr Kloon, I think is Miss Juliana Day, and I think it's Mr Mike Cloonan if I got that, right, OK in a second, so move second. Second, OK, roll call, please. Richard Di Donato. Yes Richard Kanis. Trisha Kass. Yes Vice Mayor Eisner. Yes, Mayor Beio. Yes? Item 13 approval for advertising selection for Next city manager. Um OK, City manager. Of course you you went and did your homework. You made some updates. Did you wanna go ahead and discuss everything? Yes. And I? I wanna thank, uh, on the That Jane was staying around, but I'll go and I wanna thank Jane Kiffin and Paul Smith extensively went through. And uh and, uh, to update both the brochure and the advertisement from the last time we did they've updated Jane is already secured. Um the dates of publishing. We approve it tonight. Tomorrow she will be getting it, um to the International city manage the Florida State man. They're all set and hopefully within 3 to 4 days they'll be advertised with meets the window. Um, the Ending is before the meeting. Remember in May we change the meetings because of the grief Sister City trip so, so that ending time in advertisement is perfect before our meeting in May, so we'll know how many applicants and be able to move on with the rest of our processes. So the timing works out. Would that be the second meeting in May OK? Yes. So the timing works out. Um remember, we have we have a wide split. We have the seventh of May and then the 28th of May because of the Greece trip, so it works out. That that advertising period for the reviews, um so all beyond the 28th agenda, um, for us to talk about moving forward from there, so the timing works out the advertising is already been set up to go by Miss Kniffen. Um the , uh, the recruitment ad. The brochure is ready to go and, uh, looks good, and we'll be in the running with the four other cities in Pinellas County that is looking for city manager. They're They're gonna get him as well. Right The cities. OK, All right. Um, ok. OK Uh, let me go to public comments. Are there any public comments on this item ? This is advertising for the new city manager. Mi. Uh, Mr Lacourse term ends, Um January. 1st 25 Um Mr Jump. Are there any remote access comments? And I went online. I'd like to make a public comment on this item. Please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk. We do not have any raised hands at this time, OK? Does the commission have any questions or comments for, uh City management course on on any of these two items. If not, May. I have a motion to authorize to accept the, um Advertisement and the brochure and to authorize the city manager to go out to advertising for his replacement. Some of some of We have the first and a second, and we'll see if that's the case. OK? Did you second it? I did. OK, Roll call, please. Yes, your microphone. Yes. Milas Vice Mayor Eisner. Yes, Mayor. It is yes. OK item 14 discussion and direction. Um Concerning the city manager. Um I'm not gonna go into details. Uh it's in the back up as far as, uh, M kardash , And, uh, I've already stated what I needed to say at the beginning of the meeting, Uh, Mr Daniel Lewis will be here for some interim period to be determined. And uh, City manager ? Of course I'm gonna ask you if you'd like to make any comments on this. Yes Um, Obviously, we learned this Thursday afternoon, So we merely putting them on there, but we didn't have much time to do it so they'll they'll be this item to update you. And they'll probably be another item on the next meeting with a little more detail. Now Mr Lewis talk about that. But we were able to have a meeting Monday with Mr Lewis and Mr Salzman. Um our goal. As I told you in the memo was to make sure the next two months was taken care of. Wise situations. I'm working with all the staff right now to get the outstanding items. Um again. I want Miss Thank Mr Lewis and his firm. They are with us to get through this process and offered every resource that they have available to do this until during the transition, period. So I'm very happy. And in that short meeting on Monday, um we're working on getting everything set prioritizing our issues that we got outstanding, dividing them up trying to move along. Move forward and not move backwards. So we've had three days on it. We got a couple more weeks. Uh, we'll come back to you with some processes. I looking at the contract. I think Mr Lewis will be looking at all of those things and bring back to you. But the good news that I hope to bring you when I put this item on is, uh, we're set for the next two months and we'll be moving forward. I think without it without hits and all that, Mr Lewis to talk a little bit from our meeting. Y? Yes Uh, so again as uh Mr Cos was able to say I myself uh, Mr, Of course, and, uh, Andy Salzman, The other city attorney, uh, did meet yesterday to discuss Short term to make sure that the city um As all its legal needs, met. Um and I can assure you that my firm's dedication is that that it's that's the fact you got me if you were for the short term, you got me. Um, I will be here. Um For these Tuesday meetings. Um at least, obviously, he this month next month, and as long as truthfully we need to transition to another attorney. Unfortunately with Miss Kardash, Uh uh, resignation. It's work crunch on my firm. And we she was she lived the most north of all of all of us. I live in Sarasota County. So it's something of a just Logistics issue on my end. But, um I am not here to have you all lose the legal work that you need to need to get done so that fact I have I met. I did office hours yesterday. I was evil may, uh, met with several of the department heads. Um Just discuss issues that are up. I have a stack of work that I am working on. Um I'm going to be and, uh, Mr Salzman and I divvied up the, uh, upcoming meetings through this month next month, and if need be June So, uh, All the meetings will be covered. Work will be completed and My goal, even not only my firm's go, but my own goal is that It's a seamless transition to, uh, for to a new attorney to provide you a and again maybe end up working with you all in the in the future, but I want this to be a seamless transition so that there's no one there's no interrupted service. Thank you. Are there any other city management? Of course. Anything else? No OK, let me go to public comments. Are there any public comments on this item? Mr CH. Are there any remote access comments? And it went online would like to make a public comments on this item. And please raise your hand and you'll be allowed in to talk and we do have a raise. Handle the first person in OK? If you state your name and address for the record The act of 514 Avenue. Uh, bad to see Miss Kardash going. The attorney we've had since John Howard But was to say we now need to proceed forward. Appreciate services and Mr Salzman and Kardashian's firm to continue representing us through this time. And I know we'll need to put out a bid for attorney But I would like to bring up another option that has been considered in the past, and I know it's been Suggest that it's not economically feasible. Maybe it's time we set up our own legal department. Para label and an attorney. And then we have a Dedicated that the attorney dedicated just the issue. But The are able to Move forward with good attorney services that were represent the board. And the equitable fashion. For your time. Thank you. Uh, Anyone else, Mr. Cho? And we do not have any other race. OK? Um I'm not gonna ask any questions. I I know that there's a long list of things that Ms Kardash has been working on for Ms Jacobs yourself. The departments and, um and I assume that's gonna be part of what you're discussing right now. Is that correct? OK uh, do any of the other commissioners have any comments or questions? Yes, Commissioner Piano. I just want to, uh AM kardash for All she did for our city. I mean, she she came to the planning and zoning board. As our attorney at a time. When we needed her desperately. Um She brought stability to our Planning and zoning board. Um, she brought that same Professionalism over to The board of Commissioners. Um And I was, uh I wish her all the best in what she does and in her life. And, um Want to thank her for what she's done for our city. Thank you. OK? I just want a second. What? Commissioner Kiano just said, um She was very Good person, and I wish her all the best. Um we probably will miss her. She's uh, been one of the best attorneys we had, and I just want to thank her for all that she's done. And I hope that all that you'll go through from here on in will be just good wishes and best of health and everything else that goes with that. So Thank you And Mr Lewis, This was an easy one You got off on today. I'm just letting you know. Um I. I would like to echo I had a much shorter time to work with M Kardash. Um however, I was able to watch many meetings. And watched how she handled matters and I can only commend her. And, uh, We sure will. Thank you, Commissioner Curci Anything? Yeah I wish her the best, and I just wanted to follow up. Are we gonna still continue to have the 1st and 3rd Tuesday meetings? When we go out for bed and OK, I. I just wanna keep it that way. And uh, I am looking forward sometime as we transition out. Another city attorney that handle our regular session meetings and Stuff besides attorney salesman Thank you. I was gonna say my comments were bored staff, but, uh uh, you know, Ms Kardash was a breath of fresh air. Uh she raised the bar on our legal representation here at the city. She showed us things that we should have done a long time ago to protect the city and we had not. That goes for the P and C board. And also, um and, uh, for the commission as well. And also , um, I, uh as I understand, we had a combination of Ms Kardash represent The city at Code Enforcement Board, and, uh, Mr Salzman, representing the staff or the code enforcement officer, which I think was something new. Is that correct? The way we did that? Yes. Yeah So, uh, just all the way around. Things were operating differently than we have done in the past. And I think her advice to us and, um, making some provisions, Uh, in the case of emergencies, where again a breath of fresh air for me. She's gonna be missed. Um, Mr Lewis. Good luck. I know you're gonna do your best in this and there's a lot on the table and, uh, hopefully we'll get some of these things done the next next couple of months. So um, I wish Ms Kardash all the best in the future. I hope actually, I hope to see her back. So, um, any case, um That's all I have on that particular item. Um There's nothing There's nothing further. No action. You're just going to come back to us. The second meeting of May? Yes. No, we'll be back The next meeting Next meeting Next meeting. Got it. Got it. OK, all right. Uh, that ends the agenda unless I'm missing something at 823 Let me go to board and staff comments. Um, Chief young? Uh, no comment, sir. Um Mr Lewis. No comments at this time. City management courses. Yes I just want your prayer. Also at the next meeting . We'll probably have information from Mr Salzman and the need for a shade meeting on the TR Danielle case. So if you would look for me, um, from the 17th of April to that the rest of that week and the week of the 22nd if you would look for me and let me know ahead of time if there are bad days, um, to set this up, um, just call me or send me an email a bad days. We won't know exactly until the 16th. When he's looking for, but it'll probably be sometime, uh, the rest rest of the week of the 16th or the week of the 22nd that we'll have a shade. Meaning um, so just let me know if there's some bad dates or you're gone so I can eliminate those who are looking at a time to have the meeting. OK Um, Commissioner Di Donato, Do you have anything? I do not Mr Kano. So the agenda says that we're estimated time to adjourn is 910. So you wanna talk a while So no, we got he wants a steak till the end. Mayor you know you get a blame for a lot of things, so you gotta get credit. When credit's due. You got us out 45 minutes early. Congratulations I've got nothing to do with this . It's all up to you. And how much talking y'all wanna do. So um, I It's not the residence either. Look at them. They're all sitting there. Nice and peacefully. It's all us. So thank you, Commissioner. Kano, Um What are you looking at? If I say I have nothing to you, you have your chance. Commissioner Curia. Oh, I just wanna, um Thank everyone for being here with the with the library presentation, but I also wanted to follow up. There were some, uh, some comments made by Mr De Laos and I wanna be firm when we talk about, you know, he had mentioned Habitat for humanity. Uh those were properties that were owned by Tarpon Springs residents and some of those properties were hundreds. Tens of thousands, if not about $100,000, so they were sold for pennies on those. So what? We're asking for fair value for them because they was those were tarpon owned families, but They have been displaced from that property. So yeah, if well funded organization. I want them to pair a fair amount for a property in town. That's nothing more. Nothing less as far as a parking lot That wasn't even an issue for us to be voting on or accusing ourselves on. But um, he must have select enforcement because he forgot when another commissioner should have recently recused himself from a vote So, but that's that's gonna be the antics coming up and all along, but the presidents of Tarpon Springs we'll see through that. Thank you. Thank you, Uh, Vice Mayor Eisner your turn. No comment. All right. Um actually, I, um um We? We've had a, um um, A good week with some, uh Police Department. Uh new officer being sworn in and we've got two new recruits going into the, uh um Uh, into the academy that are gonna come back to us. Um, we've had some, um Just Kind of a peaceful time. I'm hoping it continues. And uh, we're gonna have some weather tomorrow afternoon. And I've also have a meeting with, uh, County Commissioner Scott. Uh, concerning historic preservation , and I should have mentioned that, uh, doctor BUCA Wallas is also on the Pinellas County heritage. Uh, Historic Preservation Board as well. She's a voting member of that board. So uh, there will be coming to town. Um and I think, uh, Vice we needed a couple of representatives. Um at that luncheon, I couldn't invite any of you because of sunshine rules . But uh, former Vice Mayor Lunt will be at that, Uh, luncheon along with, um one or two other people in the community, So I'm looking forward to that. And uh, Hopefully we can miss the weather on that anyway. I I wanna congratulate this commission. Not all kidding aside tonight. When Really, really smooth on some really challenging items that, um, I. I really appreciate it. Everybody's Cooper operation on that. So uh, thank you all and, uh, meeting adjourned at 828.