##VIDEO ID:iUf6EgBUWK0## e e e e e e e thanks for the order I didn't you think we did just wanted to double check e e e e e e e e e e I now call to order the special session meeting for the Board of Commissioners for the city of Tarpon Springs on Tuesday December 10th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. uh first we have one announcement commissioner banther uh will not be able to make it to tonight's meeting uh the chair will entertain a motion to excuse commissioner banther from tonight's special session meeting so second roll call please commissioner banther it's not here sorry commissioner Eisner yes vice mayor kis yes mayor coas yes right now we have commissioner D denado he will be entering shortly so we're going to go to uh public comments public comments on anything that's not on tonight's agenda if there are are any public comments please come up to the podium state your name and address you will be given four minutes to speak you will be given two minutes to speak by Zoom are there any public comments it are there any Zoom comments and we do not have any raised hands at this time thank you first item on tonight's agenda is ordinance 2024-25 reading City attorney can you please read the title Mr Mayor would you like me to take roll oh I'm my apologies um city clerk roll call please mayor kuas here vice mayor kulanis here commissioner Eisner here commissioner Donado is on his way and commissioner banther has been excused thank you City attorney can you please read the title yes ordinance 20 2412 in ordinance of the Board of Commissioners of the city of Tarpon Springs Florida submitting the following proposed amendment to the city Charter to the electors of the city for approval an amendment to section 20 residency providing that the charter shall be amended to incorporate any proposed amendment receiving a majority vote of the electors of the city in favor of such Amendment and providing an for and effective date that is ordinance number 20242 read by title only on second reading advertis ment was November 27th 2024 thank you City attorney are there any public comments on this item it are there any Zoom comments and we do not have any raised hands at this time thank you hearing none the chair will entertain a motion to approve ordinance 2024 D12 so move second there are no further comments or discussion roll call please commissioner Eisner yes vice mayor kianis yes mayor kulas yes we are now going to item two resolution 2024-25 d22 City attorney can you please read the title yes mayor resolution 22458 a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the city of Tarpon Springs Florida ratified executive order 202 2422 extending the Declaration of local state or emergency to December 17 2024 and providing for an effective date hereof thank you City attorney are there any public comments on this item it are there any Zoom comments and we do not have any raised hands at this time thank you the chair will entertain a motion to approve resolution 202 4 -58 so move there are no further comments or discussion roll call please commissioner D denado yes commissioner Eisner yes vice mayor kianis yes mayor kulas yes we are now on to item three resolution 20245 n ratification of executive order 2024 d23 City attorney can you please read the title yes mayor resolution 202 2459 a resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the city of Tarpon Springs Florida ratifying executive order 202 2423 extending the Declaration of local state of emergency to December 17 2024 and providing for an effective date here of thank you sir are there any public comments on this item it are there any Zoom comments and we do not have any raised hands at this time thank you the chair will entertain a motion to approve resolution 2024 59 so moved there are no further comments roll call please commission dado yes commissioner Eisner yes vice mayor kulanis yes mayor K yes this concludes the special session agenda we will now go to board and staff comments uh Chief Young no comments sir thank you City attorney it's nice to see everybody nice to see you too sir uh city manager no comment city clerk I have no comments thank you thank you we will now go to board comments commissioner dado yeah I should be first being late um I was sitting in a meeting that had conflicted in my calendar it didn't show up right so I apologize but I here no I did my homework for I got here so perfect thank you um commissioner Eiser uh thank you mayor um just wanted to thank everybody um the staff and everybody involved for uh snow place like Tarpon it was a mad house I don't think I've ever seen as many people walking up and down tarp and a I was on my little scooter and I felt like I was in New York City bumper to bumper traffic it was quite um enlightening uh you know to see that many people um I I think there was 99.9% people were in good spirits and we' ignore the last 1% of you know there's always going to be somebody complaining about something but it was really really nice to see after the um you know the two storms that we had uh people were very happy they were uh you know it was it was just it was the holiday spirit and number two um I am really happy driving around and seeing all of the um Christmas lights that we have and the holiday lights it's really nice to see um you know especially around the Spring Bayou and uh through you know through the town it it's really it picks up the spirit of uh what we kind of just went through so it was really nice to see so that's it and I just thank all of our staff I know just how hard you guys worked to make the city um look good after these two hurricanes and uh the uh police force the fire firemen I mean it it's just it it takes a community um to get together to work to make make it as as um I think they just call it happy as could be it really was was nice to see so thank you thank you commissioner Eisner vice mayor kulanis it was yeah it was a great weekend and uh thank the staff thank everyone thank our city manager our Chiefs and that's it thank you thank you I do want to thank everybody snow place was an amazing time uh this past weekend there was just so many different events and I got to see the city manager almost every one of them so he he's uh come right into the the Tarpon Spring Spirit uh we have a lot more events coming up this weekend and uh the next couple weeks they will have the Safford house Merry Christmas in which you can see the the oldest house in Tarpon Springs dressed up and it's a beautiful thing to see there's a few days out the week next couple couple of weeks in which it is open so please check it out and we also have uh the Christmas parade that's going to be this Saturday so it's going to be a big event there's a lot of people that show up and uh I'm going to have a lot of candy so looking forward to it all um with that said this concludes the the special session meeting adjourned at 6:44 p.m. then e e e