Good everyone. It's two o'clock in the code board for the city of Tarpon Springs is called to order. Bobby, would you call the roll, please? Miss Wade. President. Mr Weeks here. Miss Tar here. Miss Archer here. Doctor Matea here, Mr Oval here. I place your call. Thank you very much. If you stand, please, we'll have an invocation and we'll have the pledge of allegiance. Our heavenly father. We seek blessings on the task before us. Bless our efforts with clear insight. Our deliberations with wisdom are work with clarity and accuracy in our decisions with impartiality. We pray that our work this afternoon will find favor in your sight. This we pray. Amen. Amen. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. Yes. 100. And Individuals. With liberty and justice for all. Before I forget. If you have a cell phone, please put it on silent. The I'll explain the way the procedures work, so everybody will understand It is the intention of this board to promote, protect and improve the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Tarpon Springs by providing an equitable, effective and inexpensive method of enforcing various codes within the city of Tarpon Springs. Any aggrieved party may appeal a final administrative order of this board to the circuit court. Such appeal shall be filed. Within 30 days of the execution of the order to be appealed. Florida statute 2 86.0105 requires any party appealing a decision of this board to have a record of the proceedings to support such an appeal. When the, uh, procedure start the city will present its witnesses and exhibits, after which the alleged violator is able to ask that city's witnesses any specific questions regarding their testimony. Secondly the alleged violator is allowed to make a presentation and present his or her witnesses in exhibits. Then the city can question the alleged violators, witnesses. After both rounds of testimony, both on the part of the city and on the part of the alleged violator. Each party is asked to give a closing argument first by the city. And then by the alleged violator after those three steps are taken. The board will close the public hearing portion of the case to discuss it and take appropriate action. Before we begin, the public hearings will have any potential witnesses stand and be sworn in by the secretary of the board. So if you're planning on testifying, we need to ask you to stand now, please, and raise your right hand. Bobby will give you the oath. To you about. Excuse me. Do you swear the testimony? You're about to give us the whole truth. And that's about the truth. I do. Thank you. Thank you. Jeez. On our agenda today. The first case is case number 204-8000. Wesley G King 1400 Vintner Avenue, Tarpon Springs. A mark. The, uh Projectors on, but it's not actually casting to the screen. We're going to have slight technical correction. I thought he was just waiting to flip the switch till we went. Has to come from upstairs in the booth, but he's here. HDM I. Speak. I think it's a. Now, If you start the slide show it should do it in the DUP. Thanks, sir. All right. Good afternoon. My name is Mike roll and I'm, the code enforcement officer for the Tarpon Springs Police Department. Uh, this is a homesteaded property. On February 7th. I investigated this property and it was initiated by a citizen Citizens complaint. Um it is located at 1400 Ventnor Avenue. Upon arriving. I actually missed the house. Initially I drove right by it, Um, due to the Extreme overgrowth of the property. So our initial Complaint was overgrowth. But as you can see, the house actually has some Roof damage and other Uh, neglect problems going on. This picture was taken from the complainant's backyard with her permission. I was on her property. So this is a thicket of plants, So we're in the backyard looking into and that that overgrowth is coming. Into her yard and she's actually gonna speak to you here. At the end of my presentation. She's paying to cut this back, and it just grows back within. Several months at a very high rate. It's also growing back over the rear property line into the parking lot of the, um Condos behind it. This is just another picture of the overgrowth. I was able to make contact with the owner, Mr King. Um and we had some concerns about the safety of the structure, so he arranged to allow myself and deputy building official Keith Mead into the building and we were able to inspect it to make sure that it was structurally sound, and he's also gonna be available for questions. There are several holes in the roof, Um, which is allowing water to come in during rain, So our immediate concern is, uh, fire hazard as water can get in, and they Potentially, um Sort out electrical. This is another picture of that same whole. Another one here. Um So the deputy building official is here to answer any of your questions that you may have as to the condition of the house and what our concerns are, as he is an actual expert on buildings. Hi. Keith Meade, Deputy building official City Tarpon Springs. I have been sworn Um, I did. I visited this property twice. Uh, once just an exterior on, um, response to a complaint, Uh, did an exterior inspection noticed a lot of overgrowth? Uh couldn't really see too much on the tree or on the roof because it was covered with overgrowth. Um So After, uh, code enforcement contacted the owner. He allowed us entry into the property inside the structure, and we noticed numerous penetrations in the roof. Um where rain was getting in causing structural issues, And there's also, uh, the meter is still on the house. So it's still energized. Which raises a concern because some of those holes are right on top of, uh Structural members that have wiring going across them. So the water is coming in in direct contact with live wires, which is not a good combination. Ask questions. Can we ask questions? We can do question. After they, uh he stopped talking, so I thought he was through, but that's it For now. That's just my testimony in regards to what I witnessed on on site. We ask you questions. We can do it OK, is. Is anyone living in it right now? No. Nobody is living in the house. Do you know how long it's been? I don't know how long it's been vacant. It appears quite some time just because of the condition of the inside. There's black mold throughout the house from from water infiltration. It's very unsanitary, um and very unsafe. This. Property. I just happened to remember. Has been brought before us A number of years ago. Do you have the records of that? Is it the same owner? It was. Yes it was. But that was outside of the time limit for repeat violation. So Those are not relevant to today's case. So Um, we have those records, but no, I wouldn't. Present them as part of this because it's a completely new Pace moving forward. I didn't know. Said. Stopped when she had a violation. This was a repeat violator, but he's saying it was only the outside. No for Ruford violation for purposes of the same owner. Yes but to clarify to be a repeat violation, it has to come up within five years of So those were in the past. There were different violations and it was several years ago. So this is a completely new Case that we're bringing Understood. Thank you for clarifying that. Anyone here to testify on the behalf of Well, I have a neighbor that would also wanted to speak, Um, from her perspective as the neighbor of the property, which would be part of my presentation, But there's no one here for the property owner. No, they are here as well. OK? So which order? Do we get the neighbor first or do we get the property owner? Does the neighbor have any questions of the city? Um excuse me did did the violator alleged violator have any questions for the city? The presentation that was given before the neighbor talks. We would like to have you come forward. If you don't mind, please. Hello. I've been in tarpon almost 70 years now. I've raised my family here and my family died a little trouble here. My wife. My wife died. Pardon We? We're just now having you'll have a chance to present. Do you have any questions of the city? Yeah. Why can't I get a place to live and restrict and did they subsidize living When I qualify for years? I've been trying for two years I'd be out of the house and I understand, sir. Totally irrelevant to the case at hand. I'm sorry. Right now you get to ask the city questions. That's the procedure that we have to follow. And it isn't related to your other alternate housing. Yes, ma'am. Could you tell me who you are? Please I'm his daughter, Brenda Crosby. I'm under contract about As the residents from him and bring it into code of compliance . Uh we signed a contract on April 29th. You're gonna be able to present anything you say. Do you have any questions for the city? No, I'm just then let us just for the presentation. City The neighbor would like to speak if you could go ahead and speak, and then then y'all can come up and give your presentation just to follow the procedures. Then everybody gets the same treatment and just as a final, uh, for context, um His daughter did contact me via email yesterday, asking for an extension because she is trying to purchase the property. Um she asked for 100 and 80 Day extension, which I said I could not. Accommodate Um, because we were going to the code board. The next day, So thank you. Yes When would you tell us who you are? Please? Your name and address. My name is Jennifer Crotty. For 33 years I have lived next door to 1400 Fentanyl Avenue. The property owned by Mr Wesley King. Our houses are built close together. The condition of his property has severely impacted my property at 1396 Vent No avenue. I believe that the market value of my house is decreased by the condition of my neighbors. On two occasions I have had to deal with infestations of rats. On one occasion, I went out to investigate and unfamiliar sound in my backyard. And found several cats. Surrounding a large rattlesnake. Which then slithered under the fence into Mr King's backyard. Swarms of mosquitoes make my yard unpleasant in the summer. Many objects in his yard, retain water. Forming a breeding ground for mosquitoes. I have made considerable investment in my home. The original house consisted of three bedrooms and two bathrooms. An extension increased the house. Six bedrooms and three bathrooms. A screened pool in the backyard has been added. I strive to maintain my home in pristine condition. Performing much of the yard and poor maintenance myself. I have witnessed with growing horror. The overgrowth of the beach hibiscus emanating from Mr King's backyard. On numerous occasions. I have appealed for help to the Kurd Enforcement Department. I was told that if the problem was not visible from the front sidewalk, it did not concern code enforcement. I was informed that I was permitted to cut the overgrowth back to the poverty line. But that I must not kill the tree. They suggested I recoup my costs from Mister King in small claims Court. Not only does the beach hibiscus grow rapidly to a potential height of 60 ft. It also produces copious numbers of seed pods. These pods split open. Showering surrounding ground with seeds, which germinate and rapidly become new trees. The new saplings grow between the existing trunks. Combining with the original trees to form a dense thicket. These saplings have the ability to weave through the myriad of trunks finally emerging above the canopy. 60 FT Up. I have been dismayed to discover that Because these saplings are Folla storm. I have found my backyard buried under a tangle of beach hibiscus limbs hanging so low That I have not been able to stand up beneath them. The beach . Hibiscus has not only overgrown the property at 1400 Bentor Avenue. But also my property. Including my fence, deck and oak trees. It is threatening the roof of my house. Each year, I have had the lower branches professionally trimmed using ladders and pole saws. On two occasions I have employed Bones Tree service. Use the lift trucks to cut back both the upper and lower branches to the property line. The first occasion was in about 2014. The lift track used the service road at Sunset Shores. The section of the fence was removed to allow transportation of branches from my backyard. The beach hibiscus was cut back to the property line. Of both Sunset shores and my property. The overgrowth, which is of great concern to the condo association at Sunset Shores has occurred since the drastic cutback. The second occasion. Was in February this year, 2024. Burns said they were unable to move the arm of the lift track through the dense foliage. From the service road at Sunset Shores. A compact vehicle, which extended when situated in my backyard, allowed a tree trimmer to reach the branches up to 64 time. The foreman at Burns explained that they retained a network of sturdy tree trunks along the property line. The goal was to form a supportive structure and discourage the tall, thin saplings from toppling over onto my property. I am ring. In the additional light. And enjoying my lawn and shrubs, which are thriving as a result of the removal of the beach hibiscus overgrowth. Like a Medusa, however. New growth is sprouting from the ends of the cut branches. The monster is hungry for sunlight and rapidly regrowing. Every day I spend hours weeding out seedlings sprouting from the beach hibiscus seeds. I beg the numerous seed pods and large leaves, which litter my back yard. Threatening to smother my lawn and plants and I have a baggie with with the large leaves. And the seed parts. To show you Um Am convinced that if I were less vigilant in containing this forest My home would be overtaken. And my property would invent eventually be in the same condition as Mister King's. I believe the beach hibiscus must be totally eradicated, not merely cut down. Any remaining routes and seeds have the potential to regrow. And envelop the surrounding properties. The fire hazard has been acknowledged. I am concerned that the danger is amplified by the presence of my 250 gallon propane gas tank. Situated beside the Ottawa Wall, close to Mr King's House. The tank shares a wall with my master bedroom. When I planned my retirement, I did not anticipate spending my retirement funds on the overgrowth of my neighbour's trees. I believe I should be allowed to enjoy my home free of this financial burden. And not live in fear of fire. And destruction of my property. Thank you. Thank you. May I assure you the. I have a question for the city wouldn't it says duty to maintain private property Does vegetation is that even addressed today? Well, the primary thing we're here for is the whole. The immediate is the safety of the electrical. But yes, the vegetation is a is a nuisance condition as well and as contributing to the fire threat to the property. So we're we're asking for a complete Don't To whoever is going to try to purchase this property. It's going to be quite a project to bring it into compliance, so I would imagine they're going to have a plan to lay out to the board today and that'll be up to you to determine what an appropriate timeline is to bring this into compliance. I just want to make sure To cite the 840 duty to maintain private property is that Does that ordinance include this? Yes, because it's a nuisance condition. I understand about the unsafe structure. That I wanted to clarify and Are you with this? Uh the homeowner or Are you with the homeowner or with the city and the neighbors? All righty. Would you like to make some testimony? Sir We can't hear you from there. We need you to give your name and address before you start talking. Please Were you sworn in? No I have not this morning. You in? Thank you. You raise your right hand, sir. Do you swear to testimony be able to give us the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Yes, ma'am. Thank you, sir. Your name and address, please. My name is Glen loving 1410 Sunset Road, tarpon. Um, my question is this, um I know you were talking about the overgrowth in the existing vegetation. I do have concerns with the part of the property with a large dead tree laying across the sidewalk. I cross that side by multiple times a day and my wife does multiple times a day. Also, my son does at least once a day, maybe five times when he runs around the neighborhood. The tree is completely uprooted. It's completely dead. It's laying completely crossed the sidewalk, and it has been for two years that I have been in that neighborhood. My concern is laying on a three inch diameter branch. So a wouldn't take much of a win to blow that tree that it's a brown tree right there by the driveway. You can't miss it. Slow it down and cause a safety impact, either on On anybody surveying walking through there, or it's long enough to reach into the road to throw into a car. So my concern is this I know Mr. King did a wonderful job cleaning the vegetation out the front of his yard. But what is requirement for the safety across that sidewalk? And is there a code for that? There is a code And now that you've brought that up as a concern, I will have the I. Mm mm. Excuse me. I was I'm sorry. You can't II I You can't always speak from the podium so we can record everything. So again. This is I wasn't here two years ago. This is my first crack at this property, so I will have the I can reach out to the city arborist and she can go out and make that determination. And if she just if she says it is a risk, we can address that and it would be another. Um hearing but we can bring that forward. It's just it's just for the safety because there's a lot of teenagers running through that neighborhood now. Like I said, I'm going to the neighborhood too, and I don't want anybody a good strong wind blows. Boom It's on the ground, and I do know because I lived in the Virgin Islands for two years. I do know what Wayne can do to trees. We will. I will have it looked at by the arborist, sir, Have you made a complaint? Formal complaint? I have that might be helpful. But when I saw the posting I said, Let me come up here and just voice my concern. That's all I'm doing. I'm he. He's trying. I know he cleaned the front yard up, and I respect that. And I appreciate that. But you know that tree was left there for whatever reason, and my second thing is being a former general contractor. What is the time frame? Y'all looking ? You're looking at to enforce the code violation on house because it's going to be a whole lot longer than 100 and 80 days repair it. Thank you. This to be a time for questions and presenting because there was a you know, with the stop you there. Thank you. My apologies. No, just so you know, you'll hear a recommendation from the city. OK, thank you. Is anyone else wishing to testify on the city's behalf? At this time you are you with this case, and you're on the side, uh, testifying for the complainant for the homeowner for the homeowner, Actually, for the new owner, we're gonna start. We'll switch it over to that side and the homeowner should present himself and we don't know who any of you are and what your relationship to this property is , and we need to confirm that you're just not somebody from nowhere coming in to talk. Mr King is seated, correct? Thank you and ma'am who are you? And what? What's your relation to this woman's daughter, Brenda King Crosby. I remarried, but my last name is Crosby. Where do you live? Uh 217 Maple Ave. And Palm Harbor. Right? And Sir, you're wishing to testify as well. Ask questions. I'll answer anything she can't answer. Yeah. I don't know what? I don't have a plan. I mean, we're we're trying to take over and get in compliance. The first thing we're gonna do is go in and clean trees so we can even see what we're looking at. Um My dad had I gave my dad until you know he had opportunity to get things into compliance. It didn't happen, so I had to. Basically Take control and purchase and it's just gonna have to either be structurally demolished. I'm not sure yet until we get a couple of eyes on there, it's his property right now. So technically, I can't you know, have anybody going to look but we're under C contract dated April 29th to purchase it. And as long as they're waiting on this hearing today to pass, clear title and anything, Um and then nobody you have a closing, and we'll start like within a week. I don't know how long it's gonna take. It's gonna take a while. I mean, it's a It's a mess, I. I live around there my whole life I was born there. So, um, anything else that I did you share my name's Dirk Henderson. I live at 195 East Canal Drive been a longtime Pinellas County resident. I have a business out here on the north side of Tarpon Springs. I've been in the area for a long time. Uh, Brendan and I have got a long term relationship. Can you speak into the microphone? Thank you. Uh, I've stepped forward here with Brenda and Wesley to help facilitate the sale of this property from Wesley to Brenda. And our intent is to, uh Make this sale as seemly as possible, but we're really looking forward to get clean, T pass From Wesley to Brenda. And right now we've got a closing. That's everything looks like it's gonna go smoothly, with the exception of the hearing that's going on here today that would possibly encumber the title in the closing. So I'm asking everyone to code here today. If they would please give us some consideration, And I think we can make some huge changes in this place in the next 180 days to bring it into compliance. Do you have a question for them? I do. Are you going to resell this property? My Our goal is to hang on to it. Brenda Brenda grew up there. So whatever it takes to bring it in compliance. I don't know that the structure is gonna be savable. But we need some. We always have concerns. Is Mr King trying to live in this place? Now? Is anyone in there? No, no, it's not livable. In how you secured the property to make sure that people don't just go in there and stay squatters. It's locked. It's private property and locked locked except for the holes in the roof and the walls. Well I guess if a squirter wants to climb through the roof, you know I don't I if we can get this property transferred without a lot of extra code violations, put on it That wouldn't cover this transaction or strip the roof off. We'll tarp it, we'll secure it. We'll get it secured. If you like a detailed bullet points or something, we can come back. I'm a business owner. I'm used to getting things done. I think in six months we can get a long way down the road. I hear that, but I happen to know that when we had this property prior The outside was cited there were roof issues more than five years ago, and that makes me concerned about Yeah, I realize that I none of us was involved with this five years ago. We're we know it's down to a do or die. Wesley realizes that that's why we're all here today. We're just trying to move. We should. Obviously this should have been addressed. Months ago. Years ago . We're trying to get this move forward. Like I said, without a bunch more encumbrances on the title so we can class. Has clear title to Brenda, which we're already in. We're in the process of doing that, you know, pending the outcome of this meeting today. What? What is your closing date? You have a closing date? Uh, the closing date will be set as soon as we get all the , uh, Lien release requirements back from the city tarpon, and there's uh, one or two down the Pinellas County. What do you thinking within 30 days? We're we're We're down here at Anglo Tidal. I think a lot of people got a relationship with them. Makes me very uncomfortable, but II. I have a question, please. Um Have you looked at mold remediation or what it would take to actually make the structure or to ensure the structure and safe to even get inside. Um it's 1000 Square foot . The people I've talked to about demolition contractors they bring in heavy equipment, push it over and put it in a dumpster, and it's gone. I don't believe, um I can't say that. No, not legal. I'm hearing demolition, and I'm hearing roof repairs. Well we We're just gonna try to dry the roof up. You know, I know they're talking about taking electricity away if they need to. We'll comply with the electricity being disconnected if we could dry the roof up in the meantime in the short term, so we could still have some electricity at the place that would help facilitate with three removal and clean up. If we don't have power there, we'll go without it. But you know if we dry up the roof, we'd like to keep the power on. Uh, if not, we'll, We'll comply with the city. Whatever they want to do if they want to pull We can pull the power. Will bring generators over. And then we've heard neighbors concerns about not just that home and its structure but about the vegetation surrounding it. And we don't wanna keep hearing from neighbors. There's a new owner. I'm sorry to interrupt. Where is no, There's no more dad owning it. It's changed. As of this closing. I mean, and we understand this has been a sad, sad. My mom passed away two years ago. It's been no one's been there since then. So that's why it is the way it is. Say that again. My mother passed away at the house two years ago and 22 years and two months ago and my father came to stay with me. Then it has still has been since he's staying with you. Now it's been a rough situation. OK, Yeah. It's been going on now. Um You You won't be going back to get anything else. City is requesting that we Find them in violation. So in light of this information that they're trying to purchase it and turn over a new a new era, I I'm not unopposed to giving them that opportunity. But I leave that to the board to determine what you feel is an appropriate time. We can Keep the violation in place that if you want to give them a timeline, whatever that is, Uh uh, I don't know you would pick it and we go out and inspect And if you know, in 45 days, they've hacked down everything and it It's an active project. We can address it. And if nothing happens, we just The fine. Start that, but I leave that up to the board as to what you feel is an appropriate Grace period, but I would I would like to see it in violation I under. I think the board has no problem with that. We're gonna be having issues with I'm hearing 30 days to just to close and then another 30 days to correct it, And that's where we need some guidance. I think this is one of those cases where you need to have, uh, updates. And if you were to find a violation, and maybe set it for 45 days to make sure the closing has occurred because these people are telling you that they're going to do something, But until they get control, they can't do anything correct. So we need to at least know that they have gotten control if they haven't gotten control by 45 days, that may be the implementation of the fine, Um, let's assume they have control then they can come back and give us a more solid timeline. Uh so that we know when everything will be taken care of so that you know the problem that I would say that you would have is that we can't give 100 and 80 days today because If they don't get control over it, then not. It's just gonna get worse and everything's grown back over in their yard that that's why you may want to find a violation. Give them uh, set 45 days to for the city determine that a closing has occurred, then ask them to come back then. Realistically that means 60 because we've missed a meeting. They come back in in two meetings to give us an outline of their timeline. But in the meantime shouldn't they secure the property? Well, they they the From what I understand we have a contract property. The property is secured Somebody you're right and somebody climb over on the roof and get in. Yes. That's When we look at security, we're looking to make sure that kids can't get into the house. Uh, somebody could get hurt a fire. Um so we're gonna so you could tell them that we would like you to Block that those holes in the meantime , I mean, you can ask them to do that. Uh but I would think until they could get control. It's very hard for them to give us a solid time period. Anybody else to have questions? You feel like you've you've made your case you comfort deputy building official. Keith would like to say something beautiful. Thank you. Just a couple of things. Number one. We are going to request Duke Energy to pull the meter on the house and roll back the power because it is a fire hazard. And with the rainy season coming up, there's gonna be water all over the place. And we don't want to risk that because of the overgrowth that will catch on fire, which will affect the surrounding properties as well. Mark was there any other Points of walk into the mic. No, No, I didn't. I didn't see anything around the perimeter. There was one broken window in the back, but it was inside of a screen enclosures with no. All the doors and windows were intact. Need to talk to the mic, So we all can hear all the All all the doors and windows were intact. The only penetrations were in the roof. And if somebody's brave enough to climb up on that roof, then They want in there pretty bad. And I was I would. I would also recommend if we pull, I think if we pull the power, and they take care of the overgrowth immediately, which can be done within 30 days, then they can come up with a plan to you know, either demolish or rebuild. Those types of things. The legally the person that has to do that clearing that he's speaking of is the owner. But since it's in the family, they're gonna have to work that out. But I think we can require that. And you can, obviously anything you say goes to towards the owner. However I think they understand that for to get any, um, leniency from this board. The biggest concerns are obviously you getting ownership and number two getting all those overhang The trees from the You know, get that away from the neighbor's yard. Clean that up. Uh, as a num, if you if you're then coming back for this board and asking for additional time, they have to see you doing something absolutely. That was well said Thank you. It looks like we have one more question. How long has this been going on? I can only speak to my time as a code enforcement officer. Uh so I became aware of it on February 7th. As I understand there's history to this property and cases way in the past. But as far as I'm concerned since February, 7th since I became aware of it, so that's why I'm here, addressing it to the board today. No, I understand. That's your personal experience. What my question is to the city. Of Tarpon Springs. How long of the situation been going on? There were cases beyond five years ago, but That's not Relevant to this case because it's not a repeat violation. So we're to believe that all of the situations that you've shown us in the photographs have have have occurred between February and now No, but but that's all we can present as evidence because no one has complained. Is that why we can't speculate as to when time periods occurred , and the city is looking at the violations as they exist upon observation. Obviously, it's been there a lot longer. But you can't penalize them for that because we didn't bring it before you Until now. And no one has complained beforehand. Apparently There were previous complaints that was addressed. That case was closed back then. Yeah, the city has had other cases. But that's Not what we're addressing. Today I can't testify to another code enforcement officers. Case. There are no other questions. Someone on the board like to make a motion, please. Or do you feel like you want to discuss it further? I'd like to discuss this a little bit further. I'd like to ask the witness who was the complainant? Um how many times In the last five years, have you Uh, You go up to the podium, please. And, um If you have any dates, that would be interesting. Um I've I have complained repeatedly in each time I was told by the code enforcement officer, This was not a code enforcement. As I said, they told me That if you stand on the sidewalk in front of the property And you don't see the problem that there is no code enforcement problem. And I would disagree with that statement. Hence why? When it was brought to my attention, we're here. Any action. At all. And you realize he's a new code enforcement person. Thank you. And I'm very, very grateful. Do you know any dates where you've done that in the last five years? You know? If I'm told that it's not a code enforcement issue. You know what can I I've reported within the last five years. In fact, two years ago, I reported to code enforcement that tree, which is Overhanging the sidewalk. I was actually in my front yard and I saw the code enforcement truck come in, put its nose into the driveway. She looked at the tree backed out, and that was the last I heard of it. So you know, there's no To say that it's my fault that I didn't not at all. I don't know. No, that's not at all what we're saying. We're just trying to get a handle if you had called other times and how far back it went for our own knowledge. Yeah, it's been it's been ongoing. The fence which divides the property. Has deteriorated to such an extent. And he's He has heaped. Or dishwashers. Bicycles I know containers of heaven knows what's in the chemical in it against the fence. It's now fallen down. I got a company out and asked if they would replace the fence. They said that only That they you know they would contract with me. But only if all of that debris was moved out of the way. And that's all. Appreciate your time. Thank you. Hm? If you need a minute to think, and then if you'd like to bring big emotion. It's in the case file. Hm. Do you wanna Need to accept the documents from the city and Do you have any objection to us entering these? Documents that the city gave the pictures and we have no problem. OK, thank you. So for the record , it'll be that was not Mr King that spoke. I should get it directly from him. That's fine. They they've said they're representing it. So the record can reflect that The documents from the city are accepted as evidence. Thank you. Submitting pictures. Well. How much time do we give? He was suggesting 45. I I'm inclined to This is. And which sounds terrible, but she's already put up with the five years. At least we're given some date to it. Yeah. 45 days puts it, but we can't start finding until You have to give some period of time, no matter what the question is, whether you want to tear this to a situation of Yes, we find there's a violation you have, like I suggested you have 45 days to close on the property and notify the city of the closing. Two months. We want to have a update here as to, uh what is being done in the timeline? So there's it's not Hypothetically. If nothing's being done, you could implement the fine on that meeting. Or you can see what's being done as they have been told exactly what you're looking for. So in order to even ask for additional time, they have to clear up that area to show that they're working with the city. Um so you could do a motion like that. Find the violation. Uh and then implement that the Uh, closing needs to occur within 45 days and to notify the code inspector, and to set it for, uh, the July meeting. For an update. Question. If, um I mean, it looks like a jungle out there. Um If there's something that's hanging over that's gonna cause a Problem. You know when somebody's gonna get hurt, or some with her things hanging over her yard. Another thing is the fire house fire hazard that you mentioned. Shouldn't something be done now? The only concern that we have is that I think you've received testimony that the individual who owns the House cannot do anything or is incapable of doing anything to do what you're asking. So that's why we're finding out about the closing so that these two individuals Come in and handle that as soon as They have the authority to do so. They've testified that they can't do anything. Um until they get ownership. We're also gonna have Duke pull that meter out immediately, so that will help that that will take the live power out of the house. So has the authority to do that without this correct, OK? I mean, if the city determines that there is a, uh, emergency safety hazard we can Authorize somebody to come in and take care of that. I don't think they're at that position. Obviously if nothing's done within the 45 days, then we're in a different position. Just Just to clarify that situation. There is a code in the Florida building code. If we find a, uh, immediate life safety issue or immediate fire hazard, we have the authority to pull the utilities so with that's we will send Duke A, uh, power disconnect tomorrow. And usually it takes them about three days to come out and disconnect the power. They'll. They'll pull the meter and I'm gonna request that they roll back because it's overhead service that they roll that back all the way back to the pole, so there's no live electricity anywhere near the house. Good. And that that that will be immediately. Is there any mechanism we have? I know. 45 days. We pretty much have all said 45 days, but Even in the 45 Day period. I almost feel like this is a situation where we would need them to come to the June meeting just to give us a report of where they're at. You can ask them to do that. Yeah, I really think you could. You could Find a violation and say we'd like to put this on the June agenda for an update so we can determine whether or not we're gonna implement a fine or I mean, that's fine. That sounds like a great idea. You know? I mean, I think accountability is I think this is one where you want to keep accountability, Understanding what's going on to be fair to the neighbors? Um that something is being moving forward because the worst scenario would be we come back and nothing has happened and there's no movement and they were in the same position or worse position than they were before the end goal here, remember, we want to fix this problem, so we wanna work with it and get a solution rather than just Well, bumping it down. We can find somebody into oblivion. But if nothing occurs, so we wanna get relief for these neighbors, So I'm I'm leaning towards we work with them and set benchmarks because we want to see this property improved. Julie. OK I think we should give him Julie Julie. And have them come to the next question here, please down there. Could I ask the city one additional question. Like It's on. Sorry. Could I ask the city one additional question. Building in P. In addition, in addition to having the meter pulled Do you know if the water service is turned off at that property? I'm not aware if it is or is not that well, there's no water service, OK, And if it is, well, once you pull the electricity, then there will be no water for the well from the well either. So that's fine. I. I just wanted to look for water. Everybody. Have your questions answered. You look like you've got one more. I feel like I want to make a How hard is it? To mow this thing down. Keep the building up, secure it. This doesn't take That long does it? It's a lot. The backyard is not gonna be just mow it down. That's gonna be a significant I'm not saying Mow it down. I'm saying bring jackhammers. Whatever it takes, Get in there and get that crap out of the stuff out of there. That I think we closed the public portion of it at this point. I'm regardless, The current owner, Mr King is gonna be incapable of doing any of that. So that's why the king can't do it. No. I'm not saying he has. It's his property, but he has The authority to get somebody in there to cut it down. I don't believe he would have the financial ability to do it. And that's where you end up. That in Okay, let's have a look. And then another. Lien would get put on it for them to buy it, And that's just gonna take and that's what we're trying to avoid. Is he's incapable or unwilling. However you want to look at it to address the issue. Then we put a lien on the property. Then he's unable to sell it, and it sits here for another, however many years I'm looking for the fastest path to success is how I'm viewing it. So does everybody. I think. Thank you both. OK? Like stab at it. I would Move that in the case one which is case number. Let me just give you the number 248000. Find the respondent Wesley King in violation of the city of Cobble Springs Code of Ordinances section 8-48 Dash, 52 and Florida Building code 1 16 1 for the property located at 1400 Ventnor Avenue. And to as sense fine of $250 a day. To commence. At 30 days. So by the next meeting, which would be June in June. But that That this would be considered OK that you would have met a benchmark if, in fact The property was moving forward with sale. You had a date a closing or the sale had taken place that the structure was secure. And that, uh, some effort was beginning. To, um Take all the vegetation away. Second Can I just ask for clarification? Um I know you said the find the find to start in 30 days. And then you said the other conditions, So would it be OK if we put in the final start in 30 days, however, it can be placed in abeyance if those conditions that you talked about are met, OK? And then the board can consider that at their next meeting as to any additional time period, And can we comply, compel them to come to the next meeting. You can tell them they should. If they don't, then the fine will be probably implemented so I would think that they would show up. It would be in their best interest interest. Do we? Are we clear on what this motion is? Bobby Have you got enough information to put it in the minutes? The finest gonna start on in 30 days unless this board puts it in abeyance based on the meeting that other criteria and that next meeting Well roll call, please. Yes. Dr M. Yes. Mrs Archer? Yes. Does it tell you? Yes. Mr Weeks? Yes. Miss Wade? Yes. Do you want to try to summarize that way? Um summary of what The board's done. There was finding of a violation. Uh and you have basically you need to come to the next meeting. Because they'll implement the fine in 30 days unless you can give an update as to when it's going to be purchased. And we're closing and what plans you have to take care of First the neighbors issue and then subsequently the rest of the issues on the property. So if you come and give that information, then what will happen is the board will then consider where you are and what you need. You could give a little more definitive time period if it's possible the suggestion from the board would be if you could do anything to get some of that property away from the neighbors. Meantime that would be looked at very positively by the board. OK thank you very much. I appreciate your consideration. Uh, once again, my biggest, uh, hurdle to making this deal close is more fines from the city. So I appreciate the abeyance for the time. We're not here to find we're here for compliance. I figured you are here for compliance because people don't comply. Yeah, absolutely. We appreciate your getting involved in this. Thank you. Good luck to you. Thank you. Our next case is case. 24-8000 Nancy S White, uh, living trust? This is 533 dot court. Is there anyone here for that case? Thank you. If you'd like to come to the microphone, the city's gonna present its Pace. Do you have any objections to the city's, um, evidence being presented Not at all. I'm aware of it. Thank you. I'll identify you after he gets started, So I'm gonna just submit these OK? Don't know who she is yet. This fight is just one where there's any discussion as resolution. Has there been any discussion with the city about resolving this matter? I. I think that my statement will we've had we reveal that I have talked with Officer Ralston, Corporal Boone and their associate new multiple times so that I am, uh, being as compliant And as as, um Concerned about this, as I could possibly be. OK, then we could just you could truncate the presentation Just to what you feel is the important. Yeah, There's really not even anything up here in that folder is just all the ownership tax records all that and then I'm just gonna give you a quick rundown. Um this case, uh, was initiated by the city water department. Um I was contacted on March 20th by, um Heather fell. That their staff had found a illicit hook up to the city sewer, and they determined that was from the residence at 533 dork, and they're here to Explain to you how they found that and what their process is. Um I made contact with the property owner Miss White. Um, she has Already paid to the city. Or tap fee, her impact fee and the deposit. Uh, for a total of $2356 have been paid to the city. Her. Issue is that she is disputing a the $500 penalty fee. Um I explained to her the process and the 350 the whole hang on. Sorry, I'm I'm just hang on. Let him um so I explained to her the code enforcement process and how it would work. If she came before the board that you guys would hear everything and then decide we agree with you or know and give her a date to complete paying the rest of her, uh, money owed to the city. So if you have any questions for our water department as to how they found this connection If you'll identify yourself for us, please ? Sure Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Raymond Page. I'm the utility superintendent for the city. And I'd be willing to answer any questions that you have. How did you find this? Um just adjacent to this property. There was a new home construction going on. So our city staff went out to the, uh, manhole located in front of the property in order to install a sewer line for the new home that was being constructed and our staff. You know, this is a very small town. They've been in every manhole in the city, and they opened the manhole and discovered a pipe that They realize shouldn't be there. Um traced it back, and it was determined that it was the line coming from 533. I will say this . It was obvious that this line was established. Prior to I believe this lady taking ownership of the home. I in my heart don't think she had any knowledge of an illegal connection on the property or anything like that. Um, but unfortunately, the way the code reads, it's just a simple factual statement. Um the only thing that I can say in relationship to this is in the past, the city has literally gone back and they have the ability legally to charge for all of the services that were rendered during that time period . Um, which that would be a significant amount of money. My recommendation to the board would be that you know if this was a culpable individual that deliberately went out and did this. I think there's a little wiggle room on that back charge, and that might be a time when you would choose to. You know we were We are going to back charge you in this case, I truly don't think you know that this in these individuals had anything to do with this. They're really a victim of circumstance to a certain degree. Um if I bought a home in good faith, and I did my title search and all that good stuff, I would not be happy to find out that my sewer connection was illegal from day one, And the contractor who built this home deliberately did that and sold it to me like that. I feel that's what's happened here. Um, so I don't think there's a lot of room in But I could be wrong. The code board could supersede all that. But the way the code reads, it's this. It's this double the tap fee and it's the $500 additional fee for any illegal connection. But I would recommend that we wouldn't really pursue the back fee for the sewer charges that this resident generated due to the fact that I don't I really don't think they knew it. I hope that makes sense. And do you know how long that They occupied the home. I believe they've lived there for three years, bought the property in 2021. And I do know that this house is older than that, and that this line was most likely installed at the time The home was built, so it was definitely before they took no one ever paid in all that time. Or or nor has she for that three years, OK? Mm Oh, Do you have ques? This point You get to ask questions. Then you get to make your case. Do you have a question for the city? My only question would be How in the world did you not know? Because um, something like that from the distance from my house to the lift station at Chesapeake and Riverside. It was quite a distance. I agree. It is a huge distance and to have that Happen under cover of darkness is, um, almost beyond my belief. I really cannot answer the exactly how that occurred there. But if anybody lives in the city, and you drive around anywhere, there is construction. Citywide. Um To stop at every project and make sure you know that's there's a process for this. At some point, the general contractor is taking an oath of honesty that they're not going to do these things. Whoever did that knew exactly what they were doing. It was a deliberate act. It was not an accident. It's not like they forgot to pay. It's a real thing. I hope you're Can appreciate where I stand with this. I don't think you guys did this I. I know that you guys did not do this. There's requirement, but Yeah, So any other questions? I'd be happy to answer and I feel like I'm rambling on What happened? If you're finished with questions, you get to make your case. My name is Nancy White. This is my husband, David. Um we closed on the house at Doric Court. 533 do court on February 27th 2021 and we took possession of the property that very day. Moved in gradually after that, Just a little background on the two of us. We came from Michigan, my husband said when he retired. No more snow. So here we are. Um My husband. Is a an upstanding businessman who actually taught ethics to the, um Michigan Association of CPA S on multiple occasions. I have volunteered at my church. Raised my kids raised our kids, uh, through a Christian school. Um. To be associated with a house. That has been an anathema to the to Tarpon Springs. On many occasions, we learned very, very gradually. Um, in response to that. Happen to have a nephew. Who's an Orthodox priest. We came and had him bless the house. He went through the whole thing. And um, you know, we're the kind that puts up on the on the wall. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. I really, really liked that You opened with an invocation. I really, really like Tarpon Springs and the Saint Nicholas Cathedral just brooding over the whole city showing us that we are, Let's keep it to relevant to the facts. So it is in that to us that we would discover this Uh, horrible thing. Uh, as somebody showed up, you know, and said Here's a code violation. And uh, we had. No uh Now I can show you With your permission. The picture of the tanks and next to the garage. You feel this is relevant to the case and should be accepted into the evidence. Like What is this? A picture of The septic tank covers which are very old. And the location of it next to the garage. Where I believe the septic field used to be before the prior owner took possession of the house because for a while , I believe the builder of the house lived there. That was my question. You went all this time with no sewer bill. And where did you think it was going? As a septic tank person who knows what a septic tank does, and I have a septic tank in our home up north Michigan, uh, the tank and the septic field are Always on the same property. So the septic tank disposes its contents to the field, where it then Disintegrates and goes on work. So that's why I didn't have any questions about not having this photo yours. Sorry We ask. Is that how sin this photo yours? The garage is on our property. And yes, it is. In those Covers that we see are on your property. Yes. Thank you. So we knew there was it was disclosed to us at closing or when we bought the house, um, that there was a septic System. And, um And that's all we were told. And that didn't faze us because we're familiar. And we had no Expectation of it being anywhere else or going anywhere else. Um. So when you buy a sophisticated house with indoor plumbing, you accept that you expect a system with current correctly permitted construction and run according to city ordinances. Um so he never disclosed the illegality of the tanks to us, Nor did his realtor . Nor did the title insurance company have any awareness of it, probably because there was never a permit. Did you have an inspection done of the process? We did. But they didn't put cameras down the down the tubes. You know? Or wherever it was, they discovered it. By circumstance because of the, uh wonderful people who are building across the street from us. So Um As I mentioned, it boggles my mind. What That it was all accomplished on the down low. Um, I personally suspect That it was probably done when the garage was constructed, which was somewhat Significantly newer than the House. And may have been sitting on the septic field. But that's just my supposition. I can't prove it without, um The subpoenas in the testimony. Sorry. Yes. Um So, uh uh, I'm just thinking with heavy equipment as the garage was constructed. Off it went So, um I'm here. Before you today to, uh, tell you what the water guy told you and, uh That we're not the that we are not the perpetrators of this situation. We are the victims. Um. Have been told that the sewer fees are not metered. And only apply to the water because there's something in the, um Document that was given to me that it would be doubled from then on, but, um, I'm told there's no there's no meter on the on the sewage. No, ma'am, We don't measure what comes out. We just measure what goes in, OK, Just wanna make sure. Um So The letter reads. Any person who is tapped into or taps into the public water sewer system in the city without paying the fees. She'll be charged. And then there's a whole list of fees. I am not that person. I had no knowledge. Of it being done. And, um, because I'm the property owner. However I was assured that I am indeed responsible for this. I have been caught in the net of someone else's doing, Josea, seven says for they sow the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind. In this particular case. I did not sow the wind, but I'm reaping the whirlwind. And I'm asking for your mercy and your grace. And fairness. For the situation in which I find myself as you as they had mentioned. I have already paid the double tap fee, which I'm hoping to get credit back for the $350 that that was I have already paid the impact fee. I've already paid the deposit. The only thing I haven't paid is the $500 penalty because I don't believe I should be penalized for what the former owner did and kept a secret in the transference of this property. If he had revealed it to us, we would not have closed until that had been remedied. Thank you. I have one question for the city. If you had to give an average I know what my super bill is every month, just an average Um so $50 a month square feet to be somewhere around $50 a month. About $50 a month a month. Thank you. Anybody else have questions and again if there was a septic tank, there was no reason for me to think that I was Getting away with something I do pay the water. Um, nobody saying you did. You if you have any Questions for the city. Or does the city have a question for her? Have we been Co-operative? Oh, yes. Yes I. I don't understand any issue with Cooper from you, folks. Um, I. I had two comments and I didn't know if it was appropriate to say, just add in, um, the photo that was submitted. That truly is a standard Septic tank cover assembly. That is what you would expect to see on a septic tank assembly in a property like that , and during a title surge, no title search person will open that up and search down. What's inside there? Um And if you were to open the lid, it's just gonna be full of black liquid so you would not know there's any apparatus in there? I don't think anybody is suggesting that they did this purposefully, thank you. But to answer the question of why would they not suspect where? Where's my? Why am I not getting a sewer bill that I have truly is. That's what a septic tank. Anybody else have a question? Do you have any other questions for me? Me a recommendation. And it's in your folders under Tab two. This is a bit of a unique situation that every time so this is one where really Any kind of fine is To pay. The amount that's already owed and so. If you determine that you don't want them to have to pay anything more than I would just say you find no violation. Um if you want them to have to pay the penalty fee. I would just say the penalty fee I wouldn't implement the $75 per day other than, uh, giving them a time period to pay the amount if you feel they owe any more money. One question. Yes. That gentleman just does work have to happen now to change this, so that it it becomes legal. No the connection's already made. Uh if these folks were to finalize this at the site at this point, they would need no additional service at their home. Um, it would just be incorporated in the city's records is now part of the building. And we have to call it a penalty. Well. That's the way I mean, they paid everything but the penalty right? So that's how we look at it. That's how it's delineated in the in the 23 24 12 months. $600 a year. What is what is the penalty fee based upon In the code of the Yeah, it was written in the code many years ago, has been written into the code for a long time it I don't know exactly what it is based upon to be honest with you. Um but it's to deter people from illegally connecting. I know. The reality of it. Yeah, which we did not do. The person who did it still lives in Tarpon Springs. He just doesn't know the property. Well, I We can't address any of that. That's not a case before us. Thank you. I'm simply trying to determine the basis for the penalty fee. The penalty exists in the code. Dr. Mate. The code is there. It just addresses a illegal hookups to the city service. So the code is saying that if you are determined to be illegally hooked up to the city As part of your coming into compliance. There is a penalty fee of $500. I didn't pull that out of the air. It's just that's what's in the city code. That's why it's they've had sewage services for three years. They didn't mean to but that they haven't paid for. So the city has some Skin in the game. Rather than what it really does. The city has exercised that statute in the past and has charged the full amount of every service that was Illegally obtained in cases where the people were culpable of doing the installation. So that has happened, So that was part of my recommendation is to consider Maybe not. You know, doing the back charges because of the situation that these folks didn't do this? So we're we're we're not being mean We're just doing what it says in the law. So it's my understanding that the individuals have come into compliance, and they paid the fees listed here for Whatever impact fees and tap fee and deposit and so forth. They have paid everything except the $500 penalty. OK you did everything you're supposed to do, but we're going to find you. Why can't put them into? I can't put them into compliance until they've paid the what the code says has to be paid. Actually, That's you saying that So that's your option to say yes or no? So we can just put them into compliance, make a motion to put them into compliance and waive the fee You could No. After You could. You could. Why don't you do that? You want to make that motion or Mr Weeks? Do you want to make a motion? I don't That's perfect. Your turn. Um, say it again. Make a motion to Well. Does everyone agree with that? The vote and find out I think you'll find I'll make a motion. I'll take a stab at it, all right. I moved in in case two, which is case number. You don't have to read the whole case. Thanks, Mike. Um Nancy White and Nancy White Living trust in violation of city of Tarpon Springs Code of Ordinances section 2020 for property located at 533 do court. And assess no fine. And wave the penalty fee. I like a second. Let me let me just stop. Is that OK? The way the motion is that it would resolve the case. If the board waves the penalty fee, then, OK, I wanna make sure that we don't have anything that has to come back, OK? You can clean it up any way you like. Everybody understood what she meant. OK? Roll call Bobby Roll call. Mr Ogle. Yes. Doctor. Mrs Archer. Yes, Mrs Tell you Yes, Mr Weeks. This way. OK to summarize. You don't have to pay the $500. You've paid everything you're now in conformity with the requirements of the city code. So they're getting a sewer bill. I do understand that. I will look forward in the next bill. I don't think it's come already. Mhm. Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Thank you. You're welcome. Just as an aside. We found a lot of other irregularities, which we have paid and corrected. He's uh, this is AC three. Um case number 23-800. Amer 709 West Bay Shore Drive. This is just a quick correction While I was out on vacation, Corporal Boone submitted an affidavit of compliance to you on this property. Um nothing has changed . It is still in compliance, but they sub he submitted the wrong affidavit of compliance he submitted, saying there were no fines. There are fines on the property, so I'm just submitting. The proper affidavit of compliance. The property is in compliance, but they have fines due. Same case number the same. Guess that there is a fine got it. We're just We're just correcting a clear Issue. So we're looking at yes. Number motion six. Fines due on the property are $51,433 . Official one we've got in here. That is that one Bobby. Hm? Motion six If anybody would like to make that. I move in case number I have to say the number he said. No, no OK to find the respondents. I'm your house. Got out dot Um LLC. Did correct the violations and did not pay the fine of $51,433.99 And to accept the affidavit of compliance and non compliance. So the fine is not paid. Correct, Correct, OK? Stole it. Oh, I thought it was part of my notebook and I took it out. We're going to open a new case on you. Do a voice for all in favor. Um, I and he opposed Thank you. And then we have an addendum to the, uh, agenda. Another case came to our attention yesterday. Uh, we received an email. From a law firm in regards to case 22 tac 0000253. Um. It was a case that was regarding permits not having proper permitting. I went back and looked into it. Um They were asking for. Their case to be reviewed because they felt they had come into compliance. Um On March 1st or I'm sorry. I correction. Uh, June. 29th 2023. They had contacted code enforcement officer Stoner at the time right afterwards, and she had told them no. You were not in compliance. The permits are not correct. Fines kept running. She then left. And so there's a lot of cases. We're still on the backlog. So when I looked into this, I don't know. I can't speak to what she was looking at. But I from what I observed in their permitting they were in compliance on June 29th, and we confirmed that with the building department as well. That all the permits were current and done so. I'm submitting an affidavit of compliance for their property. The fines are currently running to this day, which would be 435 days out of compliance at $32,000, 856 and 78 cents with this with this new affidavit of compliance that will put them in compliance, Uh, June 29th of 2023, That would be 100 and 20 days out of compliance for a total of $9000 in fines and we will be They'll be moving forward with a fine reduction once this is submitted, so that's why we added this on because we became aware of it just yesterday when we and completed the investigation. So you need us to make them in compliance with Finding amounts to be determined with fines due of $9000. If you accept that affidavit of compliance with a date of June 29th because you're the officer that says it is in compliance As of June 29th 2023. They came into compliance, so they were out of compliance. A total of $129,000 Or even yes. In 29th, he said. So this will be They were not a repeat violator correct. It would be number six again again. This comes up. I'm going to give you a revised number. I apologize. I didn't leave, so it's 9000. $146.78 for the affidavit. 9146. 78 So it would be motion number six again. I need that. And some 68 cents or something. And they understand that there is still a fine. That's the attorney was very They were that's they were just simply trying to argue that they wanted the correct fine. Not the not, Yeah. Did you get for the number? 9009 146.75. OK Excuse me, 7878 and June 28th 29th was the date of compliance. June 29th 2023, So here we go. Show on the road. All right. I move in case that I don't have to say the number Ruth B White Trust. To find the respondent, Um Ruth, as I said, Ruth. Be right. Living trust. Did correct the violation. I did not pay the fine amount of $9146.78. And to accept the affidavit of compliance and Non-compliance. Are you fine, right? In my second hand. No. I said. I'll second that We call Bobby Copy of what's in the book. Mr Ogle? Yes. Dr M. Biz Archer. Yes. Miss Teller? Yes Mr Weeks? Yes, That's yes. Yeah. Yes. You in contact with them, and we'll straighten that out. Thank you. We're gonna have a lot of those coming forward. A lot of we're we're trying to work with a lot of these older cases that have just been sitting in limbo and trying to get things squared away. How many other ones on my list? Nothing else. To officially And also just as the Some of you may have been watching the BOC mo meetings, and they're working with that new agenda management software. We Thought we had the agenda uploaded for this round and it it didn't go through. So clearly those same kinks are getting to us. Our goal, though, is to begin using that. So if anybody wants to bring in their laptop or tablets, you would be able to be looking at things right there in real time. Um so just food for thought in the future is that system comes online, and we become more familiar with it might be more convenient for you. Get that. Before the next meeting. OK? No. One in the audience to speak. Does the, uh, border staff have any other announcements to make? Uh, just comment that you all had a difficult cases today, and, uh, you did a great job. See and there's no other board business on the agenda. Meeting is adjourned. Thank you. I miss the minute.