It's two o'clock in the code board for the city of Tarpon Springs, is now in session. Bobby, would you call the roll, please? Just one moment. Sorry. Everybody's a little waterlogged. Yeah. You. You're calling for your roll call, Correct, Miss. Ms Wade Present. Fio is excused and absent today, Mr Weeks here Miss Tell here. Mrs Archer here. Doctor, Matea. Here Mr Ogle is completes your roll call. Thank you. If you'll please stand. We'll read the invocation and we'll have the pledge. Our father. We seek blessings on the task before us. Bless our efforts with clear insight. Our deliberations with wisdom, our work with clarity and accuracy in our decisions with impartiality. We pray that our work this afternoon will find favor in your sight. Amen. Amen. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible, but whatever he justice for all. It is the intention of this board to promote, protect and improve the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Tarpon Springs by enforcing An equitable, effective and inexpensive method of enforcing various codes within the city of Tarpon Springs. Any aggrieved party may appeal a final administrative order of this board to the circuit Court. Such appeal shall be filed within 30 days of the execution of the order to be peed. Florida statute 286.0105 requires any party appealing a decision of this board to have a record of the proceedings to support such an appeal. Just so that you understand the procedures. First, the city will present its witnesses. And exhibits, after which the alleged violator is able to ask the city's witnesses, questions. Secondly the alleged violator is allowed to make a presentation and present his or hers witnesses and exhibits. Then the city can question the alleged violators. Witnesses after both rounds of testimony, both on the part of the city and the alleged violator, each party is asked to give a closing argument. Verse by the city and then the alleged violator. After those three steps are taken, the board will close the public hearing portion to discuss it and take appropriate action before we begin. Anyone who's going to be a witness will need to stand and be sworn in by the secretary of the board. So if you're gonna testify or bring any evidence, and that includes our staff, you'll need to raise stand. Raise your hand and Bob, you'll swear you in So if you're gonna talk, please be sworn in. He. And then she's gonna swear you in. Do you swear the testimony about the whole truth? And that's about the truth today. Thank you, Missy. If you have a cell phone, and that includes me. Please turn your phone off. Because Unless you're getting a transplant, you better not have it ringing. Hm? Thank you. There's no bus, new business to be heard at this time. We have. And Yeah. First thing we have is the affidavits of compromise of compliance will be the affidavits of compliance will be the first thing that today in the first case is case. 23-80 00065 Amir 709 West Bay Shore Drive. Is anyone here for that case? This is a violation of the tourist home and the city will present Here to present. First off. Let me, uh, introduce myself. In the dark. I am in For Mike Rollison. Today he is out on vacation. So uh, I. I know it's short notice, but he did request this vacation prior to being hired with us so that being said he will be back at the next one. But I'm filling in for him, Uh, today. Thank you for coming. Yes, ma'am. So this is an affidavit of compliance for case 23 800000. Uh 709 West Bay Shore Avenue. Um That on March 15th. I inspected the property and through our resources, uh, that it had came into compliance. And I do have the original documents that I'd like to introduce to the board and to the evidence. Um we accept those into evidence. There's no one here to object. And looking at this. There are no fines, uh, that were ever due. They came into compliance before. Uh, your fine dates. Board have any questions for Officer Boone? Looking under the number four motion in this case. This will be an affidavit of compliance with no Fines do Do I hear such a motion from the board? That chair. There's Attached to this. That's not the same number as we're working on. That would be the addendum. Number Oh, that's for the second day. And I guess that last one is The next one. That's We clipped two together? Yes. No worries. All. And end up in Bobby's. Understood. OK, thank you. Thank you for pointing that out. We Thank you. So Still a little. Mhm, of course. I'm not right. Still think the addendum, he said. The Involved on it, says Tina Hinton on this one, and it's a me house. This is Was from the, uh. I mean, if it's right, that's fine. But I just pointing that we're concerned because it has a different address and a different type of it is the document that's in our packet, but it may not be Yeah, that's a different one. What is he, referring to? On page. We only need the one that we have that one page. If you'll see it in your tab, Number one. It'll be the first page affidavit of compliance. Four. It's 188000914 Base hall. So under your first tab And one more page. One. Right here. That OK? Yes. Six. Problem is that that addendum is in the, uh And here's the original that gets filed. I'm just saying what I got was it got stuck to it. No worries. Sorry for the confusion. We stuck two pages together. We want you guys to understand just as well as I do. He goes. Thank you, ma'am. But that's Yeah. Mhm. No, This is colossal case number and we still have one bit of confusion after um that page in our tab. Number one is Tina Hinton's case is that Is that related the one? That's the amendment. Addendum. And then the What confused us was the two addresses one, says Bay Shore and one, says Royal Drive. Drive will be your That that's gonna be your Or Affidavit. Even though it's under co tab one. That's what we got up on all our Affidavits. OK, It's just wasn't separately. It's just add on OK, Thank you. I think does everybody on the board understand now? Yeah. We're dealing with with this case. Uh, 0065. Is that correct? Yes. And the address is correct. For 709 Bayshore. It's listed as Amir houses and they are in compliance, and I assume I guess that's the wrong word. But looking at the affidavit, there is no fine involved. Correct. Thank you. So if we can just do a simple motion Correct number four, OK? If You'd like to make motion number four. Move. In case number 23-800000 Uh, property located at 709, West Bay Shore Drive, Tarpon Springs. Uh, 34685 Uh, Correction. 34689. I'm sorry. Yes. 34689 Uh, Under the name of Mi H Hinton. Is in compliance for correcting the violations and accept their and I and we accept the ad complaint . It's under a house LLC is. The name is the addendum. So it's case number 238006565 right? Hinton's number is different. Which is corrected for the record that it's a mere house, uh .com. LLC. And then we just need the rest of the motion. Sorry. I don't have the name. Um Uh, anyway is in compliance for correcting the violation. And to accept the affidavit of compliance. Second Thank you, and it has been seconded. Roll call, Please, Bobby, Mr Ogle. Yes. Doctor McKay I Mrs Archer. To tell you. Yes, Mr Weeks. This way. Yes. Motion carries. Not just to clarify we have the addendum is in your packet under the first tab, and then it should be two pages starting off with, uh, the addendum and saying Tina Hinton. And uh And then the affidavit of compliance is the next page. So should this be done as a separate affidavit of compliance ? Yes, there should be one done as a separate one. And there are no fines. But this all also that is correct. Um, So you want to hear from the city also under just so that Through here is ready. Also behind your tab. One is a second case. And it's led as Tina Hinton. Case number 18-800. Royal Drive. And we'll hear from the city. Thank you again, Um Thank you again. I'm Corporal Boone, Tarpon Springs Police department. This is also a case of 16 8000091. This case is at 608 royal Drive as of April 3rd 2024 myself or I'm sorry. Mike Rollison went to the property and watched all the animals be loaded up and taken out of the city. Uh so they are no longer there. This is the Tina Hinton case. But there are fines due. She will be coming back. For a reduction later. This is to put her in compliance as of April 3rd 2024. Which would be that's when her fines would have stopped. And it's up to her now to follow up if she would like to do a reduction. And I need to make one clerical note. I believe, he said. It was case 16 dash, and it's case 18 Dash. Correct It's 18 80000. And she has previously been found in In violation. So now we are just making her in compliance. Yes ma'am. Thank you. There's no one here for that case, correct. She's not thank you. To see that on the record that my firm at one point was involved in this case, uh, we do not have a conflict. Thank you. How many days was she in non compliance? Non compliance. Fines are due. You said right? Well. When was the date she was to come into compliance how compliance it was November. 1620 18. That I don't have before me. That's fine. Yeah, We're not going to ask for any fine today. The fine will exist and come for it'll come back before you on a reduction, She would have to bring it back for reduction. If not, she just pays her fine. But she is in compliance as of April 3rd. 2024 And I have the original compliance letter here that I'd like for you guys to see and offer it to Bobby. We've never had a case where we found them in compliance right with the fine that we have, but no amount , So we're a little unsure how to record that because you still have to record the fine, don't you right? I think we can do motion six. And when it says Um did the correct did correct the violation but did not pay the fine. Amount to be determined right? The amount will be determined. Thank you. Mo. On motion. Six with a Yeah. Move in case number 18800009 Tina Hinton, 608 Royal Drive. Um Did correct. The violations did not pay the fine and to accept the affidavit of compliance. Second Broke bar. Mr Ogle. Yes. Doctor M. I Mrs Archer? Yes. Mr Tar? Yes. Mr Weeks. Yes. This way? Yes. H a roll call. Pieces for consent. We have Two cases have requested a fine reduction and so that we're all understanding. Uh Mr Salzman is going to read the rules for us to grant a fine reduction. And I will remind you that in your packet, you you were also given The rules by the city. Yeah for requesting a fine from the code investment in code. Enforcement board. They did part of the finding procedure or the request , procedure says within 60 days of the affidavit of compliance, you must submit a written request. Tells you how to address the letter. What needs to be included, and part of that includes to prove a hardship. It is recommended that you include the last two years, tax returns and a Previous financial personal financial statement. And then we can see if these Conditions apply. And pursue it further and he's gonna read us the legal. As as was stated, um, within 60 days of the affidavit of compliance, you have to apply to submit a written request to the Code Enforcement board for reconsideration of a fine You you need to address in the letter the code enforcement board and sign it so that would be before the board properly. The letter must Include conclusive evidence showing extreme or undue hardship in the payment of the fine or a situation which prevented you from bringing that property into compliance when the time period established by the board's order to prove a hardship, it is recommended that you include the last two years of tax returns in a parcel financial statement and this concerns the financial aspect of the hardship. The board shall make its determination based solely upon your letter. You may appear at the hearing as the code and a as the code board members may have additional questions to you, but you will not be able to make a statement in your defense. The code board inspector may submit in writing information regarding the case that he feels is important in order for the board to make its decision, including, but not limited to the cost incurred by the city. And we were given One document. I should call the case first. This is case C two in your book. It's 22 slash 800000. Betty Colossi East Lemon Street. This is a vacant lot. Is anyone here for that property if you'd come down and tell us your connection with the property, and then we can hear from you as well, Although we just said you can't testify. Well the board can, if the if you so choose one additional information or that Planes. Anything that was put in the statement because I think it's somewhat difficult for individuals to, uh, put all the information in the statement, and so that's why we'll give them an opportunity to clarify after you hear it from the city. All right, so he's gonna speak. We can ask questions. Then you get a turn and we'll ask you questions and we'll figure this out. Thank you for coming. Tell me what your name is, Uh, Abel Abel? Yes, I'm a Betty's husband. Mhm. OK again. I'm Corporal Anthony Boone with the Tarpon Springs Police department. This is case 22. 8000002 East Lemon Street property owner Betty Kasi. Here in Tarpon Springs. The violation uh, was a 1.105. 0.1 a permit required, uh for the property 8-52, a nuisance, Prohibition and 141.00 Storm one storm water management. Uh in this case The property owner did get the property in compliance. February 16th of 2024. Fines were due. This is here before you for a fine reduction because this was brought before you guys last code board and, uh, the Mr Abel Uh, Kasi. Gave you guys a sheet of paper to review. And we brought it back because you had more questions for Mr Abel Kasi. He is here. To present his side of the case, but the property is in compliance and still in compliance. As of today after I inspected it. But it was out of compliance for a year. From 3 to 412 of 22 to 39 of 23 331 days. Correct. Does anyone have a Do you have a question for Officer Boone? Um, you get to present your case, Um Let me see. Um. I just thought that the fight it wasn't that bad. You know, I. I went back to Brazil for four months. But I wasn't aware that I was That the final was already Um, accruing accruing every day. So when I came back, I got the letter. I said, Wow, it's almost 10,000. Uh, I am guilty. You know, he was, uh We left some some pallets. Some machinery there. Uh but the biggest reason that I'm asking to help with the findings because I want to put my dream building there and I I'm trying to use some of the money for the impact fees. Yeah. So any help that you can do it? You know, I have I wanna put this this building. You have something you want to present to the board. We're really not supposed to entertain new evidence at this time. I think it's just showing that he's putting. He's putting a building on. It's just showing you what his plans are. Yeah. I'll accept . That is just kind of just giving you an opportunity to see that. Right? Absolutely the our attorney is gonna ask you. A few questions in the board has several questions for you when you started cleaning up the, uh, property. How long did it take you? Once you started? Uh, one day. When we On the one deck. You have a question? I do. I do. You understand the instructions regarding How to apply for a fine reduction. That we've been learning is that you had to provide financial statements saying that this was a financial hardship. Pay the fine and I don't see anything that you've submitted regarding that. Uh, well, you know, I I'd like to be honest, right? Uh, I. I have a very successful business. And I Probably. It's not the money, you know. I was just really with the good faith try to See if I can use a fine to my impact fees. If I bring my statement, Uh uh, is gonna show that I make a decent money, you know? Go ahead. I wanna make sure she's OK with me speaking. For the attorney. Did you want to ask him a question? No, the attorney OK? Used to be that They only decided on the reduction of non reduction by the written letter, and that was it. We had to go by that That was in. Nothing else was. Are we changing the rules or what's going on? We're allowing individuals to give you any additional information or answer any questions you may have. So it's always good when someone's asking for a reduction to be present to show that they're At least, uh, able to come forward and answer any questions. You may have a as to why? I mean that's one of the questions I asked is, how long did it take you to clean it up? Because I think it's important for the board to know. Um and if you could do it in one day, I think there's a thought that OK, well, it wasn't So bad. That it could be cleaned up relatively quickly. I think the follow up questions may be, um, asking why. You waited Yeah. Then there used to be certain stipulations in that letter that have to be like she said about the, um I think we need to be more. Uh I. I think the problem we had at the last meeting was that there was just that information and it was an adequate information for you to make a determination. We don't mean to be punitive, but we feel like you started something left a mess left the country for a year. And then you could have cleaned it up in one day before, so I think the board feels a little uncomfortable. You plans look beautiful. We want to have some new houses like that, but it makes us feel Uncomfortable that we're not following the rules the same for everybody. No it's understandable. It's uh, I. I just figured I'd give it. Give it a try, you know? And, you know, sir, The thing is, we get these requests from a lot of different people, and we have a you know an actual guideline that says how we go about making that so it's not arbitrary. It's a one person doesn't get favoritism over another or whatever. So the guideline says you're supposed to actually bring a financial statement and, you know, show us why this would be a hardship I. I do. I do. I do understand, you know, Um, no problem, I. I think, uh, he's saying that it's not a financial hardship. Yeah, he's asking for Um, good faith. Good will that he's going forward and doing something for that's going to improve the property. And would you consider anything? Yeah that's that's my only question. Uh, it's uh, the cost of the project is gonna be 750,000 approximately So anything I can do towards the impact fees would it would be helpful. Unless somebody has a question. I'm going to close the public portion, and the board is free to discuss among themselves. Um I kind of think I made my point clear, felt bad that he left us with a mess. But $8000 seems like a lot for something that could be cleared up in a day. Do you have some questions about that? I I have a question regarding how far along in the process of permitting and moving forward with your proposed development. I would like to get started this year. If I like to get start the building this year. I know you would like to be. What I'm asking is how far in the permitting and official paperwork request to do that. Are you I would say, uh, By the time it gets all approved, it's six months. I. I think what he's asking if I can is have you done anything. Have you submitted anything to the city? No No. I'm just working with the with the engineering right now and you know, so I can have Uh, a plan to submit to the city. No. The We had to not to coin a phrase, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. My Request as the attorney has restated his, have you Instigated anything. Within the framework of officialdom. To make this happen. Thank you. And even if I A. You write a check. And when I do is start building you can kinda give me some Credit it back in the impact fees or you know anything that have anything to do with doesn't deal with that. We don't deal with the impact fees. Anybody else's question. Comment discussion? No, I just don't feel right about it. Me neither. Because it's not going. I'd like to hear her motion from the board. Mm. You have motion eight or nine that if you so choose. All right. Your honor. I'll read it. I just got to find it. So Cause And one more question since we don't have a motion. You're the chair. It says his request for fine reduction was given on February 20 of 24. The original case was held. I wasn't paying attention because I don't know I was involved. What? What you understand? Because if that was not done within 60 days of that original, it came to your last meeting. It came to your last. That was within the Yes. Yes I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure that no, no, we brought this one back to for so the board could get additional information. To give the amount We'll see that you can adjust that. Yes Well, I don't see any. I know. A motion number nine. The amount you want to know what the egg exact amount is. It's in your, uh, page two of three. It's 16,455. But how about you proving it? So what's the What's the amount No. And the total fine is $8455. $55. Yes, ma'am. All right. Do you want me to I'm waiting for a motion. I'm ready. All right, Um I'm moving the case number 22-800 to find the respondent. What's her name? Betty Kasi. Did correct the violations for the property located at East doesn't have a number, Uh, street. Lemon Street. But did not pay the fine of the amount of $8455 and to reject this request for reduction. Second. Motion has been made and seconded. Bobby Roll Copley. Mr Ogle. Yes. Doctor Maa. Miss Archer. Yes, Mr Tar? Yes. Mr Weeks? Yes. Miss Wade? Yes your motion. What would you like to summarize for him? Your request has been denied. No, no problem. Thank you for coming. Thank you for coming. I'm sorry that this didn't work out. It looks like a nice plan. But we do need you to follow the procedures. Yeah. Do I pay now, or What I have to do. I got to write a check you if you want to stay, all right, All right. I'll come see you. The next case is case and it will. Oh, wait. No, no. Is the case closed? Yes. May I ask the attorney a question. It's out of that's fine. No, I wanna How exactly are these fines? Satisfied Is it cash? A lien? Uh another threatening letter. If uh individuals are in this particular case are given the opportunity to come before you now that it is not, uh, Since you denied it, they have to pay it within. Uh, I believe within 30 days. But how? Either by check If they don't pay. We do a lien. You do a lien? Yes. OK Mr Weeks. Could you pass that the city clerk's office would do that automatically, OK? No. It's coming down to you, Bob. Oh, yeah, It's going a little bit slow. Are we all set the next case? I believe we have some folks here for this is KC three. It's listed as 23-8000. Nahan Nguyen. Did I do OK? 612 Lincoln Avenue. This is a vacant lot. All the They are requesting a fine reduction. And I only just got this information today. So it's gonna take me just a minute to read up on this, OK? And I'm assuming the board is in the same spot. So if you'll give us just a minute to read it, OK, thank you. And then we'll give you all chance. I did note that you were, uh, sworn in. Mm. Hm? Mm. Some of these are in here two times. Um, we're gonna have Officer Boone make, uh I'm right. I'm ready. Uh Corporal Anthony Boone, Tarpon Springs Police Department in reverence. Uh, case 238000. This is the wind property at 612 Lincoln Avenue here in Tarpon Springs. Um on 6 24 2023. There was the duty maintenance, private property violation, a nuisance condition and a nuisance. Pro prohibition. Uh, violations. You guys, uh, set a fine for $75 a day on 713, which would have been July 1320 23. The property came into compliance. I inspected it and it was out of compliance for 19 days. Which makes the fine after the satisfaction fee $1435 In this case, I will say, um I listen to many phone calls. From the daughter to my secretary, Miss New Uh, from the time that it was in the compliance, Uh, I inspected it multiple times since then, and it's still been in compliance. I believe there was some issues. They were also working on trying to Uh, Get her power of attorney and how that was gonna happen with him being out of the country, So he's finally here. We had them write this up, and it's all been presented to you and I'll let it work with them. But today the property is still in compliance. So there was a little question of We? We saw the property outlines of which property or did they have both of those, but they weren't sure they cleaned one side. And as soon as this goes back to our my protege, Uh, Stoner once it was identified that this is still your property, it was cleaned as well. In both properties still remain clean today. Thank you. Do you have a question for up? I think he according to procedures , he gets to ask a question next, and then we will. OK just questions at this time. Are you here from? Vietnam. Yes. Thank you for coming. And this and you , so this property belongs to you? Yes And this is your daughter and she's helping you in between all of this. Do you live in Pinellas Park? Is that what that says? OK just so we're understand things would do You have just a question for Officer Boone. At this time, I have little question but I, I speak, um not very well, but, um, I know to be over here about 30 some years. Uh, long survey 16 year. Something like that. Do you know explain to you at this time not present his case, but you know, before I bought the property. No sir. He didn't have any questions at this time. Do you have just a question for the officer? Then you get to tell us you know questions because I OK? No question. At this time, I'll get back to you. But Did someone on the board have a question for the officer? There you go. They refer to a property on Stafford. Is this all one property the Lincoln address? Or does it have a separate address? No. It has one address. And then the photos in the back. Joe's Their property. And you can see how it's divided. You have, uh, a lot five and a lot 20. Mhm. Yep. Oh, is that the That's that's their entire lot. So we had a whole lot. That goes from Lincoln down. Harrison Pos. Correct. And if you look at it From a north view. The South lot was clean and that little bit on the north side was not clean. So that's why Miss Stoner didn't put it into, uh, compliance. All right. If you don't have another question put up. Now you get your turn to tell us your story. Thank you. OK Um, Nicole, I bought that property and, uh, I see the owner. They not clean up maybe a couple of years. I see the lot, you know, Bunch whole bunch over there, but I don't like to have time I go to the, uh, I call the company go to save the property, and I. I You know I receive from call from Vietnam. My mom. Sick Very sick. I say my daughter, my son, my daughter. Stay over here and take care of the property. I back load over there, OK, but sometimes they call back on the Uh, Daddy CD need to clean up. Uh uh, to where? Lincoln Avenue OK, you can go. You have the long man to clean up, but they see the don't don't say, um, curling up in the head for that's what they don't know. After that one week, and they received The city. Nope And need to clean up and set forth and they call the lungs. The Tree Survey at the clean up Think about one week the trade survey come clean up, but talk about $2600. A pale. Yeah That's how but, uh right now see the, uh say uh, too late? I don't know. I know. Hes I know he C. See they and help me do that, you know. Me May I, um, add to that as well, Uh, will need you to speak in the microphone. If you come up and I didn't know that you were sworn in earlier. Go ahead. Check this one. OK I just wanted to add some context to that. So first I'm sorry. New had advised that it would be my best interest to get power of attorney. Um, but do through to some other family matters. We haven't really established that at this point in time. Um but as my father had already said that, um You know when he left? It was basically, you know. Hey you know, kids watch over the property, and from what we knew it was technically two pieces of property just all in one big row. So when I received the notification, the initial letter said 612 leading me to believe it's the front phrasing or the Lincoln property And after I sent my brother out there a couple of times, um poor, um, Officer Brune had to listen to all of our voicemails going back between me and Cindy. Um Once she notified me that it was the Stafford side that needed to be cleaned up because we own the entire strip. That's when we had somebody come out the next day. Had somebody clean up the property, and then I and My brother also didn't know that we had to ask for a reinspection. So I also initiate that as well. But all of that was done within, like about nine days or so, maybe less than that. So I just feel that, um I mean, other than the small financial hardship of just being on Social security. At this point for him, it was more of There are laws. There are rules. We understand that completely to keep the city a tarp and beautiful, clean and safe. But I feel that if I was told that the Safford side was part of our property, and that was what needed to be addressed, I would have gotten that done a lot faster, and we would have been not fined at all. Um so I think it was a little bit of a misunderstanding. I will refer to the good doctor here, he said that it's probably not good of me to assume that, you know, same case number. Same parcel number, I assume that it was 12 that they were asking about, which is why I kept calling and saying, Hey, we cleaned up the property more than once, but for some reason, it's not in compliance, You know? Tell me exactly what you need and, you know, keep the grass low. Get the stumps out and my brother is telling me there's no stumps on 612. So I think there was just a lot of mis communi miscommunication there, and that's kind of where or why we're here just to ask if there's any way the board would consider a reduction for that misunderstanding. So your request for fine reduction is based more on You weren't given the correct property identification, then a financial basis more correct? Uh, more information versus the We only have that for our information. That's why I'm asking that we have no information about a angel. Correct? Yes. Yes. So now we can ask, Uh, first Officer Bone. Do you have a question for them? I do not They. They've worked a lot with us and You're pointing out that it is in compliance. Still go ahead. Yes, ma'am. So You were handling this property for your parents while they were in Correct. Did you know that? The property was owned by your family. That included what 45 and 20. The whole lot was. I knew that the lot was a strip and that it was two pieces of property. Um, but when I received yes. I? Yes You knew that was your property. Correct? So you have to maintain your property Correct? So if I built a house on Stafford Avenue and someone told me it was 612 Lincoln, I'm gonna go to 612 Lincoln and not expecting to see a house there because my house is on Stafford side, And I believe that maybe there was confusion there also because they used to be a property on 612. And that's why there's actually an address versus S is just Staff Ave. I will say again . The assumption thing really, uh, messed me up because on the later notifications from the city, it did, say, Safford Ave. But on the original correspondence Some of the letters and violation notices after it still, says 612 and actually on my case, so, says 612 Lincoln. So you you correct? Yes, absolutely. And I just wish I would have known. It's the S side. Otherwise I yes, absolutely. Financial Federations that you Included for a reduction. I did not include any financial. Um we did bring the 2023 tax his taxes for 2023, but I mean for the board, he's on Social security at this point and living off of any type of investments like What he intends to do with, um A lot. Some point. Yes. Question. You almost feel like the If you don't have any questions for each other, that I'm gonna close the public portion and the board gets to discuss. I almost feel like it was partially the city's issue that they didn't correctly identify the two properties and I have to say I respect that. They got it all cleaned up in 10 days and have maintained it that way. Our question comes back to a little bit of a legal one. In our rules for consideration. It asks us to look at Need. They haven't expressed the need or not in the things that they gave us. But did the city air enough that that should be not included ? I think the factor is that the board needs to consider is number one that you've already mentioned? Uh, it has been maintained. Number two. They said there was confusion in what is supportive of them is the fact that once they found out what it was, they took care of it, and they did spend $2600 got receipts for that. Correct that I think based on on the city's position. They're also saying these people cooperated with us as soon as they became aware there was some confusion and there is a little confusion based on the two addresses. Yes. Um as to what went on. So those are Um, circumstances that the board can consider, uh, for a fine reduction. And again as you've mentioned before, the idea here is compliance. They also and they also have spent more than the fine on correcting it. I think there's enough of a language. So If the board doesn't have any further questions, then I hope someone will. May I have another question? You do have a question. The cost for the city was, uh, that was not included on here It is, uh Let's see. No, it wasn't. You have an air cost to the city, and Bobby has it was inspected The day that I got the call. It was inspected by me. OK, And at that time I made $20 an hour and it probably took me 30 minutes to go there and come back and do a report. So the satisfaction fee of $10 is that I would be out. It's the 1435. That's the fine $75 a day. It was $75 a day. And they were out in the city in that much, um , an errors with this I. I just get this is the second one that says miscommunication, misunderstanding with the city and I. I can't believe the city makes That kind of mistakes all the time. So I, I can only tell you that they did. I I can only tell you that the city. Uh, certainly. Uh, work with these people to try to clarify any issues. Um we have corrected, um and maintain a very good as you have seen Code department since changes have been made, and we've been on top of those things, so those are considerations. There is sometimes miscommunication in this kind of situation. Especially when English isn't the primary language. I'll make a motion. I move in case number, but still 23800. To find the responses did correct the violations for the property located at 612 Lincoln Avenue. But did not pay the fine and the amount of $1425 And to approve the request for reduction and reduce the fine. Of $1425. To $10. To cover Cause to the city. Inclusive or close the administrative costs. In order the respondent pay the reduced fine amount of $10 within. 14 calendar days. Of this order and if not paid within 14 calendar days of this order, the original fine amount will be due. Second Roll call, please. Bobby. Mr Ogle. Yes. Dr Macha? Yes. Mrs Archer? Yes. Is it still your Yes, Mr Weeks. Yes, Your motion carries. And he's gonna explain to you what we just approved for you. They have approved the reduction of the fine down to $10. The 14 days to pay those $10. Please pay that within the 14 days, Otherwise it reverts back. To the $1425. Thank you. Thank you for coming. You meet the other half. There are no other cases before the board at this time. You do have some minutes in your pocket that we need to approve. So Right to me. Oh, thank you very much. Forward. Take a break. Mhm. But you might like to make a motion to approve the minutes. Make a motion to approve the minutes we can do this second. Anybody second And we could do it by voice. Voice vote all in favor. I any opposed? Thank you. Um. There's no one here for a public comments. Anybody on the board need to make any comments. How citizens Academy coming in, uh, for process for a fine reduction. How do they get the information? That what to present in terms of because we've seen a lot of these in the information is never here. Yes Well, we're working on that to make sure that that information is given to them. It is a little confusing for a lay person to look at this and know exactly what to give, and that's really why the encouragement is to have the people present. I think, uh, I think I would recommend that we change. Uh, that section that says that, uh, they can't provide information here. I think it's more important for them to provide that information because you're determining not just A but the credibility of individuals that come before you and the reasoning why? I mean, th This is a perfect example that you needed to hear what they had to say that it wasn't something where they were just skirting and saying, Oh, we're not gonna follow they were they thought they had, and I think it's important to for you all to see individuals that do that and judge the credibility when you're discussing a fine reduction. Also I thought it was important to know that this was not something that just you know, they went out and took five. It's a paid $2600 to do that. I think that's an important factor for you all to consider when you do these things, and I think the more information the better not just the form. Uh, letter because I don't I don't I don't think that gets you anywhere. And once that we have turned them down, for example, the previous guy Can he reappeal that He's done. But that circumstances were different. Right. So those circumstances are the ones where we talk about. You need to present financial information after being told to clean it up and didn't do it. And so where there could be some miscommunication alleged in that one there wasn't uh, communication miscommunication presented to you. Correct Um, so and I, but I did think it was important to have him come before here, explain the circumstances and explain, um what was going on in the property, too? Because sometimes when you consider these pieces of property you wanna consider what's gonna happen to them? It's not just gonna be a vacant lot that's sitting there. Um so I think it's important, though, that people don't feel when they see this process taking place here. That it's arbitrary and that We make decisions, you know? Kind of like on the fly. I think there needs to be some kind of set things and that we They're always extenuating. Exactly They're they're set criteria, but there is still gray in there. You need to consider certain factors that you may not be aware of. Exactly a lot of times. We may see these properties. For example, in a situation where there's a significant fine, but the person who, uh, cause that fine, uh, ultimately was selling the property and but you can't sell the property. With a huge fine on it, and the person who's coming in is gonna develop it or do whatever. Um and so in those you those are circumstances you have to consider and we've seen those before, and we've we've acted accordingly. So it's important for all that information. I I agree with you. I don't think I think you need to have basic information. But if it is a financial hardship, which is probably more in need of the documents than anything else, because if I'm saying I financial hardship, I can't pay this. Fine Then I need to establish that documentation to your satisfaction, and there's something wrong with what you did at the last meeting, which is We want Additional information or, more importantly, we want somebody present. I think it's important to have somebody present. Because it shows their real, uh, reasoning, uh, for having a fine reduction. The other thing, too, though I believe Jules, is there a section in there that says something about repeat offender and that's the thing that I feel is really important for us to get a handle on. We are doing this deliberation because sometimes these people have had two and three offenses on the same property. We will try to make sure that that information is always provided to you. Normally the city will take a position. Uh as a general matter that if somebody has violated before, and they viol Again on that property that that would not. That would be one that the city would oppose a reduction now. That's being said in the vacuum because it could be one again. That has a huge fine amount. I mean, the thing about these properties that people need to understand. Is the city isn't trying to move forward on, you know, foreclosing properties because the city is not in the property business. The idea is to get compliance and you don't want to be a neighbor where there is a problem. I mean, we do have some of those cases and we're proceeding on some of those cases where there is a problem. We tried. They won't listen. We've taken them to court. The judges made orders. They still won't do it. So then we have to move to foreclose on the property. That's the last alternative that the city wants to take. I mean, we just do not want that. We just want people to Do the right thing. Maintain like you. You would want your neighbor and one thing that I stress is I stress for people to come. For the reduction. I. I do want to say that, um We have a process here by which we look at these people and evaluate that process. That process wasn't followed today. It was. It was not completely followed. Please let me speak. Yes, I'm sorry, OK? Um But the problem is, is that that gentleman that was here that did not get it does have an avenue for going to another board. And getting a reduction. And that is the empathy problem. The empathy problem does not lie with us. It's a lawyers. It's a legal issue. Whether or not we approve or disapprove of any reduction, and that reduction is based on the law and what it says not our guilt, not our innocence. Nothing else. They wanna go and ask if the $18,000 can be reduced the board of commissioners they can do it and they have done it and they do get reductions. This idea that we are continuously going After people and Making them do something that is not their will is because it's the law. If we Do not consider The possibility that they have another avenue. Then we're Were wrong. They do have another avenue. And we need to deal with the legal issues of what Stated in the law as reference to what we are going to do with them. He's referring to in the past. We have Seen a couple of properties. Nobody came. We issued the fine and then they went to the City Commission and had the fines removed and I. I have seen that and that is a that is something that's brought forward by a commissioner, um, and by a majority of the commission. It's not part of the code enforcement process. That's part of what the commission uh, has chosen to do in certain circumstances. That is correct. That, uh, summarized , I think. Yes, ma'am. Yes that's that's not an automatic process. And if you don't have someone to champion that position that it doesn't automatically come before the board, So I didn't want to think, uh, so there is. There's Technically, not a process for me if I was like the first gentleman, there's not a process to appeal this action without getting, um Uh, having a commissioner adopt that particular issue and champion that cause But it is possible. Yes we've had people come before us that have Had a property that had huge amount of fines on it. And they That hardship didn't actually produce any documents. Hardship and turn around and sell the property for a million dollars or more. And the fine really was a Hidden compared to that. And uh, I don't think we did. We did approve those particularly, but they have gotten fine reductions from the commission. And then again that usually happens in the circumstance. Where you, uh, transferring it to a new owner, and you're not trying to, um The new owner who was coming in and cleaning the property up and doing those things. That is correct. But there are there are circumstances where individuals do not pay the fines and the fines. Stay on there. The pro. The problem is the fine keeps running because no one's in compliance, and the idea here is to get compliance. Absolutely And so that's the goal that you have. Otherwise these cases could go right to the criminal courts, and they could be handled through the UM citation violations, which only Results in a fine and not compliance. So if you go in front of the county court, the judge will issue a fine but he will not he or she will not issue uh, the ability to have come in and compliance. So that's why you don't you know you have the alternative to have a board like this established. If you live next to a property that's Deplorable it can it affects you tremendously. So when you when we do the kind of deliberation we do here, it's because keeping that in mind that people live near this And you know they they, But then again, I mean, when you read your beginning, part of the reason why the board exists. And why the law? Uh, provides for it. It is, You know, the emphasis is compliance, and it's and it's supposed to be a, uh, opportunity for an individual to come before their peers and an opportunity to look at those facts and circumstances, including hardship, as was mentioned as to why they could not come into compliance. Um, but but it's a it's supposed to be. Effective, inexpensive way. Because otherwise, like you said, you hire a lawyer. You you come before and you're you're arguing those points? Um Still in some. Ironically it's probably still ends up costing those people money. It's just instead of going to pay the fine, it's paying for representation. Yeah, we have seen that We have seen that. Yes. I want to thank unless there's anything else I wanna thank everybody for coming. And the board is adjourned.