##VIDEO ID:bqMc0UdObBg## Good afternoon. The code board for the city of Tarpon Springs is now in session. Bobby, would you call the roll, please? Miss Wade. Present. Mr. video here. Mr. Weeks. Here. Mr. Kelleher. Here. Mrs. Archer. Here Doctor. Mateo. Here Mr. Ogle is absent and excused. Thank you. Roll call. Ma'am. Thank you. Before I forget, if you have a cell phone, you said it. Where? It's on silent, please. And then we'll stand for the invocation and the pledge. Our heavenly Father, we seek blessings on the task before us. Bless our efforts with clear insight. Our deliberations with wisdom, our work with clarity and accuracy in our decisions, with impartiality. We pray that our work this afternoon will find favor in your sight. Amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation under under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. If you intend to speak at the meeting today, we need to swear you in. So if you're going to present or respond, please stand and Bobby will swear you in. Do you swear? The testimony you're about to give is whole truth and nothing but the truth? I do. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Just so everybody understands the procedures, it's the intention of this board to promote, protect and improve the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Tarpon Springs by providing an equitable, effective, and inexpensive method of enforcing various codes within the city of Tarpon Springs. Any aggrieved party may appeal a final administrative order of this board to the Circuit Court. Such appeal shall be filed within 30 days of the execution of the order to be appealed. Florida Statute 286.0105 requires any party appealing a decision of this board to have a record of the proceedings to support such an appeal, and the procedure is as follows. First, the city will present its witnesses and exhibits, after which the alleged violator is able to ask questions regarding their testimony. Secondly, the alleged violator is allowed to make a presentation and present his or her witnesses and exhibits. Then the city can question the alleged violators. Witnesses. After both rounds of testimony, both on the part of the city and the part of the alleged violator, each party is asked to give a closing argument, first by the city and then by the alleged violator. After those steps are taken, the board will close the public hearing of the case to discuss it and take appropriate action. We've all been sworn in. We've turned off our phones. There's one addition to the agenda today, and the board here has received that for romantics partners. And we'll hear that at the end. First agenda item is item number 24. Dash. 80000281 German border 1406 Poinsettia Avenue in Tarpon. Is anyone here for that case? If you'll come down to the microphone so we can hear you. So the city will present. She is not the respondent. She is a neighbor and wants to speak on the issue. You're not Mr. Border. You're here as a witness. Yes. Okay. Thank you, just stay close by in case we need to call you. Okay. Thank you. And so there's no one to object, and the city will present its evidence. Submit this real quick to you. My name is Mike Ralston. I'm the code enforcement officer for the Tarpon Springs Police Department, this case is a short term vacation rental that is came to our attention via complaint in July. The respondent did quickly take the listing down and complied with us. And we closed that case, then earlier this month, the listing went back up again, via complaint. We were notified, we immediately contacted the respondent. He again took it down, complied right away, but I explained to him that this time I was going to take him to code board. Simply to ask the code board to find him in violation, but that he has since complied so that if this does come back again and he changes it, we can bring him right to the code board, and I have for evidence up here the photos or screenshots of the booking page, and that's about all there is really to it. It is a homestead at home. He they do live in the home and we're renting out the bottom portion of it. And currently as of right now, it is back in compliance. And he was very understanding of the rules, but hence he's done it to us twice, which is why we're asking for the, to be found in violation, but in compliance today. In in your packet board, you saw the listings and do you have any questions for the city? I do. Excuse me. Tom Weeks and past tourist homes. We've had this problem, and it has not been the owner's issue, but it comes back up somehow, automatically on a month to month basis. Unless you do something with the system, as I understand it, I don't have a tourist home, but is this the case again? The first time I would believe that, it defaulted back, which I've seen it do, but in this case, when I spoke with Mr. Boorda, he said that he had changed it. And one of the listings and said he forgot. Is that possible? Yes, but also we received numerous complaints from neighbors about there being renters there. So if it was just an automatic listing change and there were no renters, I'd be more inclined to say, okay, it was a system error and I'm with you. So there were renters at the house. Thank you. Forcing us to find him in violation, but now in compliance? Yes, because he did immediately bring the listing down when I contacted him. So he is currently in compliance. We're just looking to try to future proof the problem. Thank you. Would anyone like to make a motion? Do you want to hear from the. Oh oh? Did you want to just to put your $0.02 in to make sure we hear you? That's okay. That Come speak in the microphone. Hello. My name is Danielle. I am a neighbor next door at 1408 Poinsettia and I just wanted to mention a couple of things today, on May 30th of 2022, I sent a message to the family. Whoever posted the listing on Airbnb and said, as your next door neighbor, we are very aware of what is going on now. Please be respectful of all the vehicles, the noise, your entrance to your vacation home is right next to my window, and then on June 23rd of 2023, the next morning, after we had a loud evening over there, I walked over next door and explained to him what happened last night, how I had to ask them to be quiet twice, you know, past 12:00 at night, and explained to him Airbnbs were not permitted here. They actually, the one on the other side of us was going through this, you know, irrelevant to this. But I explained to him what was going on. He didn't seem that surprised, but he was like, okay, I apologize. We'll lessen the use and see what happens. And so we tried to, you know, make things work with him and get along and the it did not get lessened at all. It's been constantly booked people in and out, multiple vehicles and like Mr. Rollins said, he took it down, put it back up for 32 days instead of 42 days, we made him aware. He changed it then to two day minimum again, just to see what bookings he could get in there was indeed guest multiple different guests in that time, and we've had stuff like the guests threw a donut over in our yard, and my dog came up to me with a hole donut in its mouth. We've had trash thrown in our yard, vehicles parked in front of our home one day in front of our driveway. So just things like that, that I just wanted to get let you guys hear. That's very helpful. Thank you. Thank you. We don't always get that side of things. Thank you. Thank you. I'd like to make a motion. Okay. I move in case number 120 4-80000281 to find responded. German border was in violation of the city of Tarpon Springs Code of ordinances 214.00 for the property located at 1406 Poinciana Avenue and has come into compliance. I second. Roll call please. Bobby Real quick, I need the exhibits, please. Oh, they're right here. Sorry. Thank you. I saw that stuck along the way. Excuse us a little word. We have it in paper, but we also now have it on our tablets or our phones. So we're not ignoring you. We're following along the case electronically. Doctor Mateo. Doctor Mateo, would you like to vote? I who would you like to vote? Say again? Would you like to vote on the motion that was made? I just said I. You do? This is Archer. Yes Affirmative. Mrs. Kelly. Yes Mr. weeks? Yes Mr. Video I miss Wade. Yes. Motion carries and he's going to summarize this for you, but just so that, you know, once they've been, noticed, then if it happens again, money is involved. So we're trying to put some meat into it, giving them one more chance. And hopefully your life will be more peaceful. I'm sorry. The code board found a violation, but had been corrected prior. What this means, as the chair said, is that if there is a repeat violation, it can be fined up to $500 per day for each day that the violation exists without having a hearing to establish going forward. Meaning if they're determined and found in violation of prior days, that could be $500 per day, so this is the reason why they were brought before. This is the strongest position the code board can take. Thank you for coming. Case two is 20 38-0000268 Lime Street Properties, Inc. 715. Lime Street in Tarpon. Is anyone here for that case? Thank you. And please identify yourselves and tell us your relationship to this ownership group. Hi, my name is Stephanie Castellan and I'm the manager of the property. Yes, my name is Gabriella montez. And the regional manager. The what? Regional manager. Original manager. Regional manager. Thank you. And do you have any objection to the city providing the evidence? No. Go ahead. My name is Mike Ralston. I am the code enforcement officer for the Tarpon Springs Police Department. And this property is a large apartment complex located at 715 Lime Street. So there's a bit of history, that with this case that starts back in December of 2023, there was a staircase that was being constructed and the building department and fire marshal made contact with the gentleman, building it, and asked them to get a permit for the structure, that never occurred. And then myself, deputy building official Keith Meade and fire marshal, Kevin Woodridge did a walkthrough of the property. The entire property and found several, several deficiencies to some of the stairwells, landings, railway railings, things of that nature. And a code case was opened, and we issued a courtesy letter, in which I spoke with I believe his name is Cecil. Cecil. Cecil, director, who is not local, but, was the one kind of representing the ownership group. And I discussed with him what he was going to need to take care of as far as getting permits versus cosmetic work. And he said, okay, in the meantime, we're going to try to do some of the cosmetic stuff and work on getting permits, no real progress occurred. And then when a notice of violation was issued in April, and then some permit applications came through, but they never really moved forward. There was just kind of some cursory back and forth. Not a whole lot happened. We re-inspected the property again on August 7th, walked through the entire place again, and found that there had been a multitude of repairs done without a permit. Some of the stairwells had been had had new footers put in, stringers replaced, which you require a permit, other areas they had just been repainted and the photos that were in the packet and that I'm going to run through are don't really do some of it justice, because of the paint and whatnot. But myself, the fire marshal and deputy building official can all testify to numerous spots of rotted wood, improper construction, things that were just not done properly, or total neglect. Where some of these railings, you can push them out. Stairwells were pulling away from the building. Just I wouldn't want to go running up those stairs in a hurry if I had to. Currently in the last 30 days, they have finally submitted and been issued 12 permits. They are actively working right now on three of those stairwells, constructing new ones so they have the permits in place. The scope of work, though, is going to be very significant. So when it comes to time frame, I you're easily looking at 90 to 120 days would be my guess to get all this work done. So I'm going to go through some of the, the photos and stuff. But there are a lot and they are in that packet and also available to you guys through your civic clerk. And if you have any questions in the meantime, for myself or the fire marshal or our deputy building official, yes. Are the units presently inhabited? Some of them are. Some of them are not. But there are residents living upstairs in many of these buildings. Yes, I deliver food there and I have to go up and down those stairs carrying it. It's scary. I have a question for you. Yes. I don't know if it should be the fire marshal, the building. But since this is this is a it's, I guess, a commercial type activity. Is it required to have steel or wood staircases? Okay. For a multi-family residence like this? No wood stairs are permitted. It depends on the building type. And these are all type five B construction. So they're wood frame structures. So they're allowed to have wood stairs. Okay. Thank you. And all these photographs are of just various stairwells on the building where the some repairs were done or they were painted over as, like I said, it's hard for the pictures to do some of it justice unless you're physically there looking at it or trying to walk on it, I mean, this one, you can see the landing is sloped and is literally pulling away. Some of these stairwells could be physically rocked from the, you know, the building or the landing. And we didn't address the broken windows or anything. Now, right now we're dealing strictly with the stairwells and the landings, which are our immediate concern. Sir, are the units inhabited accessible by these questionable stairwells? It's the only way in and out for these residents. So this. Well, okay. And then most of these, you can see this is there is newer paint on some of them. So a lot of the wood rot you can't see and then this is an example of where you can see up at the top. They did replace some things with wood which you can't. You would. That's not cosmetic. They were actually trying to make structural repairs to the stairs. And I discussed some of this with Cecil and he was like, well, I thought we could make cosmetic. And it's like, well, you're you're you're going from cosmetic into actual repairs and since then they have gone and applied and been granted their permits to actually do the work, properly. These are subsidized under a government program. They are not a section eight housing block, but I've been told by residents that they some there is somewhere I guess they can you guys accept section eight vouchers that the voucher program. This was the original staircase, where it was a new a temporary staircase was in place while a new one was being constructed. And that was what brought the initial attention of the city down as it was that was unpermitted, which has sat in that condition which they now have a permit. So that'll be added to the list of repairs they have to make. And then the rest is our standard documents, courtesy letter notice of violation tax records and all of our affidavits of posting. So, does anybody else have any questions for myself or city staff? So the first, in December 2020, 21 December 23rd, 2023. That's the first time you guys basically gave a courtesy letter and put him on notice. Okay. And then. Some movement, unpermitted movement was performed and then it was a 2nd April 2024. That's when they were found in violation with a notice of violation. Was issued. Yeah. Which was now saying, okay, here's a detailed list of what needs to be worked on. And from that period till now, there was some back and forth with their with permits, and they never really followed up and kind of dragged their feet for lack of a better word. Okay. That's fine. Thank you. Do you folks, have any questions for the city? No, no, no. Well, I don't have a question. Would you like to present your side of the case, please? Yes. Well, what I have is the same thing that he already said that we have the. Well, that they have the permit already. And then I totally understand. I apologize for all the all the issues that take longer to get the permits and, the Royal Palm, the sizzle, sizzle, the contractor, he couldn't able to make it today that he has to supposed to be over here. Not me, not us and but he has Covid and he is on bed and that's why we are over here. And I wish that I can give you better answers. The guys are working on property. I really don't know how long it's going to take, but, as soon we come back over there, I will let them know the complete the job. As soon as they can. He's estimating it will take 30 to or 90 to 120 days. This is a pretty big project. It is. That's. Yeah. And that's what I was thinking. Also that it's not going to be in one week. So we're requesting that you make sure you get permits and get the proper inspections. And then we will give you the time that you need. And I know we're kind of citing all bad things, but I understand previous management has had garbage and, all kind of things. They have done a good job on keeping that much better. Yeah. You know that I appreciate multiple times over here for the same problem that we used to have it. And thank God right now it's getting slow. That people drop still dropping the stuff, but we're trying to clean it up as soon as we can. And also quick question, all the permits are pulled already or we still have pending just to make sure, because I can come back and let them know all 12 were issued or approved and issued. So yeah, it's okay because I was looking online and I was able to see just like eight and I printed out. But I may be I'm so there are 12 buildings and there are 1212 permits. Yes. I just want to make sure that everything is fine now through you guys. And I just want to make sure that they're going to complete the job as soon as we can, make sure they keep in touch to get their inspections and everything done properly. I sure will. We want to work with you. Thanks so much. We appreciate that. Give us feedback. This is the first time you've encountered this property, Mike. Is this the first time you've encountered myself as the code enforcement officer? Yes. For this case, yes, yes. I'm just wondering about the interior of the units. I mean, is that something that's safe? I haven't been inside of any units. That would be a separate if somebody would have to make a complaint and invite this on the outside. It very well could be possible, but I haven't been in one to speculate on it. It's not in this case. So yeah. Yeah We've we were able to see inside one of the units that's, it looked like it had some rain damage or water leakage. We didn't go in there. We only could observe through a window. But there was nobody living in that unit at the time. But it was. There was water damage and the ceiling was collapsed. But I haven't been inside any of the units that are occupied. Are you thinking this could be done around the beginning of January or a little bit further in? From what I saw, it was one crew out there working, it's going to be a lot of work for 12 buildings and that many stairs and railings. It's a lot. It's a lot of work. So Go ahead. This may be outside the purview of what we're talking about here, but if you listed here unsafe conditions, which in my estimation says that it's a danger to human beings, right. Why is the city allowing this to continue? I don't have the authority to vacate a structure, but I've had our building official and fire marshal both out there. Hence why we're trying to get these repairs done. If it if the level rises to where they feel it absolutely is not workable until the repairs are done, they would they would then make that decision. Who makes that decision? The building official or the fire marshal. Building a fire marshal is here. Would you like to talk to the fire marsha? The liability for the city, I understand. Hello. Kevin Woodridge, Tarpon Springs fire marshal. Say again, Kevin Woodridge, Tarpon Springs fire marshal. So when we list violations for these codes, I can list it as an unsafe condition. There's still folks that are living there. These things are not to the point of disrepair where they fall apart when utilizing them, but they are getting near that point of degradation in the material that is there. So we're we're getting these staircases are getting close. It's not something I would say that threat to immediate life or immediate threat to life, but it is something that does need to be addressed by the by the owner. And they've kind of secured some of the worst ones where you're not afraid they're going to fall off when you step on them. Correct. So I have a question. Okay. So realistically, 90 days, if we look at a 90 day suspense and then readdress because you know, I guess for the scope of work, but also you want to keep forward momentum on this thing and don't I don't want to say we'll give you 120 days or six months. And then it just kind of falls by the wayside. You know, we've got to keep my personal opinion. We've got to keep their feet to the fire because you're dealing with potential safety issues. And as I think Doctor Mateo mentioned, you know, could the city be culpable for any type of injury if somebody gets hurt because of this? And I understand they probably have their own the owners of the company or the building probably have their own insurance, but still, we're making the ultimate decision as to whether the city is making the ultimate decision. So, by making this and if I address this to the council here, to actually say if we list it as a suspense date of 1st December, which will be 90 days from tomorrow, and then we can readdress, I think that's appropriate. I think that's a good idea because honestly, if you're not seeing the work being done that you need, then you need to address that immediately. Right If they are progressing along, it might be a specific time period that they say, okay, by January, whatever. We can be in compliance. So I agree with you. I think that's the way to go. And then obviously you would have to request, periodic inspections as the work goes on because like I said, we've got to worry about the human element here and we don't want anybody getting hurt. Okay. Can I ask Keith a question? Sure Will you be inspecting each building as it's done, or do they have to ask for that? I'm not. If there are 12 permits, each one has to be satisfied and inspected. Right? Correct? Correct. We've already been out there. I think three times already for inspections because they're having to pour new footers for the new stairs and everything else. So they are progressing, they are working on it. They are calling in the required inspections and on stairs. Basically it's the footers. And then, a final inspection and then we go out there and make sure the handrails are proper. The steps, the rise, the run, everything is to code, that they're safely secured and whatnot. And I would also like to speak to the progress because we are going to monitor. We're very aware of the situation. We know it's unsafe. We're even if they don't call in inspections, we go through there and see where they're at, because displacing residents is not something we want to do. Exactly. It hasn't gotten to that point yet, and they are making progress. If it gets to the point where they're not making progress, then we do think they're just going to let it go. That's the last resort for us. But because, you know, life safety, that's our job. So we want to make sure that the people that live in those apartments are safe. And if they're making progress and making the means of egress safe, then we'll be okay with that. And I do think they started on some of the worst ones. They did. Yes Anybody else have a question? Anybody like to make a I'll make a motion. I move in case number. Two 20 3-80000268 to find the respondent, lime Street properties incorporated in violation of the City of Tarpon Springs Code of Ordinances, section 212.00 and 11 116.1 and 105.1 of the Florida Building code for the property, located at 715 Lime Street, and to assess a fine of $250 per day beginning on, day 1st December. However this is contingent upon, forward movement with regards to the work being performed, in a in an expedient manner, and to order the respondent to contact the Code Enforcement Division to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with the board's order, can we just add and this matter will be brought before you at your, what do we say, December. December meeting. Yes. For an update. Yeah. Second. That was a long one. Did you go to Bobby? Can you second it? It was second. Then we'll get a roll call. Doctor. Mateo. I Archer. Hilliard. Yes Mr. weeks? Yes Mr. I miss Wade. Yes Thank you. Thank you for coming. He's going to give a little summation of what's been determined here. So you understand really, what's important here is that the board said yes, there's a violation. You have until at this point, December first, to at least keep working and getting everything done, that the city is happy that you're moving forward. This board will revisit it at their December meeting to determine if you are still working with the city, and the city is okay with that, then they'll we'll look at a specific time period for you to finish compliance. If you're not for some reason, then the board will, discuss entering in the fine effective December first. Okay, so just work with the city, please. It's very important. We don't want to be in a position where we have to come in and close anything down. Okay Thank you. Thanks. Compliments to the city for following up on all of this piece. 320 4-80000288 aristos Holdings 1888 South Pinellas Avenue. Is there anyone here for that case? Then the city will present. Thank you. All right. Once again, my name is Mike Rollison. I'm the code enforcement officer for the Tarpon Springs Police Department. This is the property located at 1888 South Pinellas. It is a wellness center or a gy. On 624, at the request of Pinellas County Department of Health, we met an environmental inspector, Eliza Perkins, out at the property. She had received a complaint about the pool and it was, very green, unsanitary. You were fighting for your life to get around it with the bugs and the pumping area as well was completely flooded out. So we issued all of our normal paperwork, courtesy letter, notice of violation, the pool was then abated. They took care of it. It was clean, sanitary, kind of a quick win for everybody involved, a month later, the county contacted me again that they had received a new complaint, that the pool had gone right back to its unsanitary state. So we issued a notice of violation and a notice of hearing to bring them here before you today. They have since in the last week contacted the county, who then contacted me. They they had a contractor come out and drain the pool and install a sump pump. They are going to keep it drained because obviously we get rain and we worry about it. You know, getting a couple feet of water and going right back into the same problem. So they've they've got a pump installed to continue and keep it drained. I guess that is until they can make the costly and necessary repairs to the pump and filtration system, which is why it their first attempt to correct it failed. The gentleman John Belarus, he contacted me yesterday. He represents, the aristos holdings group. He wanted to be here, but he's actually out on military orders. So he was unable to be here. But he also kind of reiterated to me their current plan to keep it drained and keep the property locked and secured so that, you know, people can't wander out there or get on to it. So right now it's in compliance, it's drained, and the area is secured. So sort of just like we do with our short term vacation rentals, we're looking to find it in violation so that if this is an ongoing problem, we can address it and not have to start the process. All over again. Yes, sir. My question. Oh, I'm just kind of curious, I wonder if the groundwater is high enough and it's going to pop the pool? No, they actually used a he he had brought that up to me. They, they got a I guess a fairly or take the, take the plug out of the box. Yeah. Some they had a pretty reputable company come out and assess everything that he was actually worried we, they weren't moving fast enough because they were doing assessments before they drained, because they didn't want to pop the pool out. That's it. Anybody else have a question? And that's it. Then maybe somebody would like to make a motion. We can consider them in compliance. Even though the pool is not filled with swimmable water. No, because it's currently that the way it reads is the because the pool is empty. It's not a sanitary hazard. So And if it's secured, if it was unsecured or something and, you know, then people could get in there, then we'd have a new issue. But they have it all locked up tight and the water was drained to get rid of the sanitation issue. Go ahead. This is a commercial property. Yes. Yes, it's a gym or a wellness center. Yeah. Family gym? Yeah. Gymnasium used to be called Total Fitness back in the day. Oh, okay. That's down at like the corner of Klosterman and Pinellas. They used to give kids swimming lessons there. Yeah, exactly. Yeah I'm not running. No longer running. No ocean for sale. And we'd like to make a move in case number three to find the respondent, Aristos Holdings LL, case number 24, dash 80000288 was in violation of City of Tarpon Springs Code of Ordinances 36 .02 and 301.1 and 303.2 of the Ipmc for the property located at 1888 South Pinellas Avenue, and has come into compliance. Second roll call Bobby. Doctor McCalla. Doctor Mateo I. Miss. Miss Archer. Yes Miss. Tellier. Yes Mr. Weeks. Yes I miss Wade. Yes. Thank you. Item four on your agenda. Case number 19. Dash 80000220. Michael Mina, senior trustee. This is for 20 Hibiscus Street. We have previously found them in violation with significant fines due. To So I'm submitting an affidavit of compliance for the property. This has been a long time coming that they've been working on it to get it all. All their issues mitigated, Keith had to run. He had another meeting, so he left. But Keith actually went out and inspected the property before me and verified that all the permits, everything was good. They had met their threshold. And then I went out and confirmed it as well. So I'm submitting that affidavit of compliance with fines still owe, and we're in contact with the owner now to begin the fine reduction process. If that's the route he wants to go. So we need an affidavit of compliance with fines. Yep. Motion six I think I move in case number for case number 19 dash 80000220 to find the respondent Michael Mina, senior trustee, did correct the violations but did not pay the fine of $180,000, 180,000, $10 and zero $0.00 and to accept the Affidavit of Compliance. Second copy. Document I. Mrs. Archer. Yes. Yes Weeks. Yes. Mr. Video I miss Wade. Yes Motion carries. Thank you. And then that case that we added, case five. It's under new business right before tab one in your book, case 20 4-00000001 man Tex Partners LLC 319 Hope Street. And as you can see, we have hearings on this case before and if you'll yeah, this was last month. You you actually found the property in violation. But we, you decided to table it till this month to come up with a deadline, the gentleman who was here, he never reached out to myself. He never reached out to Keith? No contact was made to arrange a walkthrough or to update us. So we're right back where we were there in violation. You guys have already found them in violation. We're just looking for a deadline as to whatever you feel is appropriate. And since they haven't reached out, I've got nothing to really add. Can you remember which property this was? Is there a photo at all? It's blurry to me on which property this was is this was 319 hope, this was the house that Keith talked about. They had removed the ceiling to create the vaulted look. We didn't. We didn't bring or put any of the photos and things because you had already he did come before us. You would have you had already found it in violation. So we weren't going to represent the case. But he hasn't made any movement whatsoever. There's been no we've heard nothing from him. They haven't arranged. And I believe the board made it very clear at the last meeting what was going to go on in today's meeting, and that he needed to contact the city and work that through so that you could look at it today. Well, it's unfortunate he hasn't done that. But now puts you in a position where you have found a violation. You were trying to work on a schedule and there's nothing before you other than the violation. And we attached no amounts to correcting it in the past. Right. So no, that was the whole point was we he wanted to work with us to determine a timeline, which he has not done. And I hope that people that watch this understand that we try to give people plenty of time to make the corrections, but obviously this has gone on April, May, June. Here we are in September. We haven't heard anything back. So now the only weapon that we have to wield is the finding. So we're going to do that. If somebody would like to make a motion no problem. You just have to add the date in, when you see $75 per day beginning on today. Correct? Okay. Okay I move in case number five, which is. 20 4-0000001 to find the respondent. Mantis Partners Limited or LLC in violation of City of Tarpon Springs Code of Ordinances 212.00 and 105.1 of the Florida Building code for the property located at 319 Hope Street and to assess a fine of $75 per day beginning on, let's see, 13th September until compliance is achieved and to order respondent to contact the code of Enforcement Division to arrange for reinspection of the property to verify compliance with the board's order. Second 524 on it. Doctor Mateo, I. Archer. Yes. Tell your yes. Mr. Weeks. Yes. Mr. Video I miss Wade I yes. Would there were no minutes to approve. There are minutes and minutes attached under number six. Okay And just to verify with the with the city attorney, we've given this person ample time to respond with regards to this case. Yes, I think it it's disappointing that the individual didn't come, especially after last meeting when the board was willing to see what was possible and work with them. And it's very disappointing that he hasn't contacted the city, because that's really what we needed. Right. Okay. Thank you. If there is some issue that we're unaware of, obviously we'll bring it back to you. And by the number, it was the first case you had of the year. No, that's actually a was a system error. It wasn't the first of the year. That number we're still trying to figure out why Narva line spit it out to us that way. But no, that's not accurate okay, okay. Do you have before you the minutes from April 11th? Yes May 9th. They did come in our packet. I just didn't see them here. Apologize for that. I didn't look under the right tab. You could do it as one motion. Yes, sir. Does anybody see any corrections that are needed in the minutes? I didn't. Motion to approve. I'll make a motion that we accept the minutes as. I second all in favor. Aye aye aye. Do you have any messages or information for us? Yep. I just wanted to pass on two things. We opened 33 cases in August, and we closed 28 of them with the compliance. And I wanted to update everybody on the property on Ventnor. Thank you, I met with the gentleman out there, about 2 or 3 weeks ago, and they were removing the last of the giant pile of vegetation. That tree has been completely finally removed and is off the property. And they are now in the process of securing permits to begin work on the inside of the house. So they are going to they're going to give it an honest go at, restoring the house. But the property is now finally 100% cleared and they're moving on to the inside of the house, right. What about the one off of Carlton? Carlton I'm blanking on the name of the street, quite a collection of materials, including on the roof. Oh Castle work. He's still accruing daily fines. That's too bad for her. Any board or staff. Otherwise, staff comments. We have the best board in the whole city. Thank you guys for working together and getting this done every time meeting's adjourned.