Six We would call this meeting to order Uh, We have a roll call. Mr Sprecher. Miss Howland here. Mister off. Mr Rosinski. Miss Kaplan, you Miss Ryan. Mm. We call for? Uh All the comments right in the beginning, if you have anything to say. If you're here for One of the, uh Applications. You'll have time to talk that it's just mainly for general. So do you have any public comments? No hearing none. I believe we have to do a little bit of work First. We have, uh Board, meaning for the fourth of March to Uh, Oh, OK. The meeting the minutes rather So Does anybody wanna Do it. I wasn't here. What is it? I'm sorry for the, uh, Yeah, you're coming up next. No I'm just saying, yes, It's a motion to a motion in a second, and you need a motion in second to approve the minutes from the last No, it doesn't. Uh, Except the minutes as the minutes as written. OK? Second Yes. So But I wasn't here. I was like, OK, let's have a vote. That's OK. Um Before any discussions. OK? Miss Miss Kaplan. Miss Hallett. Yes, Mr Sprecher. OK, so now we're gonna get in a meeting. Uh, we have Dan Our lawyer. He's gonna tell us about, uh I judicial. Hm? Yes the matters before the city of Tarpon Springs Heritage Preservation Board are quasi judicial in nature. In a quasi judicial proceeding. The board's function is to make findings effect based upon the evidence presented at the hearing and apply those findings to effect to previously established criteria contained in the city of Tarpon Springs could ordinances. This is a legal decision regarding the application before the board. The board may only consider evidence that the law considers competent, substantial and relevant to the issues arising from the application. In the applicable code sections. If the evidence demonstrates the applicant meets the criteria contained in the code of ordinances, then the board is required to approve the application. If the evidence demonstrates the applicant does not meet the criteria contained in the code of ordinances. Then the board is required to deny the application. Any and all persons providing testimony at this hearing are required to do so under oath. All persons testifying at this hearing must give their name address and must indicate whether or not they have been sworn for the record prior to proceeding with their testimony. All testimony and questioning at this hearing must address matters that are relevant and material to the issues under consideration based upon the criteria established in the city of Tarpon Springs Code of Ordinances. If any board member has disclosures regarding an application, please make your disclosures on the record at the beginning of the hearing. This includes any ex parte communications or voting conflicts of interest. The following is the established procedure under which the following For that is fold at this quasi judicial hearing number one, the city staff will present It's testimony and evidence regarding the application first. The applicant will then have an opportunity to ask questions and cross examine the staff in any city witnesses. To the applicant will then have the opportunity to present its witnesses in evidence. The city will have the opportunity to cross examine the applicant. And any of the applicants, witnesses. Three. The members of the public opposing the application will be given the opportunity to present their testimony and evidence. For members of the public in support of the application will be given the opportunity to provide their testimony. Evidence. Five. The applicant and then the city may present any rebuttal testimony and evidence in a closing statement of summary Six, the board will close the public hearing for discussion and consideration of the application. At this time, anyone desiring to speak on any matter before the city of Tarpon Springs Heritage Preservation Board, please stand to receive the oath. If you give a testimony, please stand Take an oath. Anybody who's gonna speak. Do you swear or affirm that you will give that you will tell the truth on the matters before the city of Tarpon Springs Heritage Preservation Board this evening. A reminder. Uh, anyone coming into the podium to speak, please State your name, your address, and whether or not you have taken the oath. Thank you very much. Yeah. First application is 24. 09. This is for, uh A new house being built at, uh, 127 North Grove Street. A, uh Staff Carolina. Want to give a presentation. I do. They had it. Pulled up for me earlier. Uh Caroline Laford, principal planner with the planning and zoning Department of the city of Tarpon Springs. Is, uh, application 24 09. This is the location and context for, uh, the subject property, which is at 127 North Gross Avenue. Um on this slide, you can see the location of the property. Within the National Register of Historic District. Uh, this slide shows, uh, the zoning context for the area of the subject. Property is located in R 70 A, but it's in a portion of the city that has other kinds of zoning around it. Um, uh, it's adjacent to the Special area Plan area. And the applicant is seeking a certificate of approval for construction of a single story, single family residence. Um, this, uh, slide shows, uh, the 1926 Sanborn map, which shows Uh, the historic property that was located there at the time. Uh, this is the Florida master site file for, uh , the structure that was previously on, uh The subject property on this Structure was demolished in November of 2019. Here's a picture of it, uh, from 2011. And the survey for the property. This is showing you the property. No. Himself. Uh, And this is an Elevation of the proposed facade for the House. This is the south elevation. And the north elevation. And the real. And this is just showing you the building section. Um, And just for your information, this is the, uh, proposed floor plan. So the relevant standards of review are highlighted. New construction consistency. Um, this The proposed structure. The, UM Uh, is consistent with the adjacent contributing structures. Uh, this part of town has, uh Is kind of an eclectic part of our historic district where there's di, diverse age of structures. Um some very large lots, some very small lots all on the same block , so it'd be kind of hard for it to not fit up. With respect to the windows and doors. Um the proposed new structure has, uh, fenestration and doors and entries, uh, similar comparable to, uh other structures in the area. Um With respect to neighborhood and district context. It would alter, you know, uh, having a new structure on a vacant lot is inherently going to alter it, but, um The board needs to determine whether or not they think that that Is significant. The roof, shape and texture. Uh, they were proposing a shingle roof. There are, uh next door. There is a home with a shingle roof. Um on the other side of the proposed, uh of the subject property. Uh, there's a metal shingle roof and then across the street, there's a standing sea metal and then the rest of the roofs on the block are shingle. So that would be consistent, Uh, the size and massing of Uh, the proposed project is similar to some of the homes on net block. But again, there's some very large homes on that block and some very smaller ones, so it should fit in pretty good. Uh and generally, uh, the this would adhere with the secretary's guidelines. We're building on a vacant lot. Uh, and the proposal is in conformance with other city code requirements. Um no historic materials would be destroyed. And this slide is just showing you some of the guidelines from our design review Guideline manual. Um and I. I would like to note that, um Because the garage is gonna be in the rear, similar to other homes in the area. Um, the habitat worked with us, um, changed the design to make it fit better into the historic district guidelines. And with that, uh, staff is recommending approval. Uh, with the condition that the certificate of approval will expire in three years if a building permit has not been issued. And I interest rate entering my, uh, staff report and presentation as evidence, and I'm ready for any questions if you have any Yes, we have any questions? What's that? No. May I speak? Mm. I wanted to mention that Um, all three of the members must Have a positive vote. In order for the item to pass. No. That's true that that's just I should have mentioned that in the very beginning. I'm sorry. Uh, Is now a minority. I mean, a majority. OK, you have to have at least three So when you have three members, that means you have to have all yes votes. Are the rules. OK? Thank you very much. OK, uh Applicant. That's it. OK, thank you. All right. Uh, I am Charles Armstrong. I have been sworn in. Uh, I am, uh, Land development project manager with hemp for humanity. My address is 715 East Spruce Street in Tarpon Springs, and I just wanted to she She covered it pretty well. We're just looking to build a fee. Simple uh, single story, uh, residential building for to help a family in need. Thank you any questions? I'll tell you. It's a nice design for a little house. It really is. It's very cute. And I think it's gonna fit in well. Public comments. Hearing none. Any rebuttals or anything. Very none. Be the case. OK? OK? Closing comments and stuff, and we're Passes to the board. We have a Motion. Uh Mr Chair just so at this time, if, uh, she she's you have to announce that the, uh Point. The evidence is closed and then as for the motion OK? Evidence is closed. The evidence is closed. As for motion OK? I approve. Um, I approve. The application 24.09 North Gross Avenue. As presented. Have a second OK? Any discussions. No, I think it's fabulous. I think so too. OK? No discussions. OK, Can I call for a roll call vote. Ms Kaplan Miss Hale? Yes, Mr Sprecher. Yes. Thank you very much. Thank you. Congratulations. That's great, right? We're gonna go on to number two. This application 2417 is on 440 Cypress Street. Uh, we have some exterior. A renovations and additions. There. Caroline. OK, so, uh, the slide is showing you the context. Um the area in context of the subject property on Cypress Street. Um the slide shows the location of the property outside of their National Register district, but inside of the local historic district This slide shows you kind of the zoning, location and context so similar to the last case. Uh, and the akin is seeking a certificate of approval for an a additional and exterior renovations at 440 Cypress Street. Um I will note that because this is a noncontributing historic structure. They really only need a certificate of approval for the addition. Uh, so the sub subject structure is a circa 1929 frame vernacular. Uh And this is the picture from the Florida master site file. Uh, the Florida Master site file for this property notes that, uh, several sympathetic alterations diminished the arch architectural integrity of the building, leading to its designation as Noncontributing historic. Uh, this is a photograph of the facade today. Uh, looking East. The east side of the subject property. The west side of the subject property. Um, this is the site plan. And the proposed for plant And this is an elevation of the proposed facade. The front elevation again, Uh, East elevation. West elevation. Um and so, really again, Uh, we're looking, uh, applying our standards of review, uh, particularly with respect to the addition. Um Which I think. You can see on the, uh, the floor plan here. This is gonna be the proposed addition. And as you can see, here, um The existing structure already bumps out a little bit, so this would just be extending that Um, bump out there. With respect to the new construction consistency, it would be consistent with other contributing structures in the area. Um Windows, doors and entries are are are consistent with Uh, surrounding properties. Um, it would slightly alter the streetscape because you you're adding a little bit of mass to that structure, but it would still Appear to be, um Consistent with the size of surrounding structures. Um the applicant is proposing to put on a metal roof just for your information, but because again because it's non contributing. We don't really look at that. We're just looking at the addition. Um Either case, the metal roof would be consistent with, um, similar frame vernacular homes in the vicinity. Um besides massing in shape, um we, you know, the addition will be adding some mass to the property, but it's um, you know, for the HPV to determine if that's um significant and if it's significant if it's um adverse Um So what? What the applicant is proposing will actually kind of restore some of the architectural features of, uh, the subject property as um, The porch was closed off in the past, and now they're going to be bringing that porch back. So it's actually gonna look more like, uh, a historic home. Um and the city. Um The proposal conforms with, uh, city code. And the secretary's guidelines by bringing it back more to its historic condition. So with that. Uh, here's um, some of our guidelines for new additions. And with that, um, staff is recommending approval for application 2417. With the, uh, condition that The certificate of approval would expire in three years of a building permit is not issued. And I am entering my staff report and presentation in as evidence and can answer any questions that you might have at this time. OK, Do you have any questions? Yeah. OK? Thank you, Caroline. Applicant. I even Okay? Just IN case You couldn't hear me from the front row. Um good evening. I'm Catherine Ayers and I have a place across the street 471, Cyprus. I was sworn in and ML. Ford's presentation was great better than I could have done myself. So thank you. Any questions for me? You have any questions? OK, No I. I think it's a Gonna be at Nice addition. You have taken To be going back to the old. Uh, exactly, right? Yeah. Hoping to make it look better. OK, uh Public comments. I. I haven't been sworn in. So do I have to be sworn in first? That's fine. Yeah Yes, I live at 455 Cypress Street in, Sir, If you want to testify, you think you're gonna have to be sworn in Yeah, I'll test it out this morning and just wait. Do you swear? Do you swear, Affirm that you will tell the truth on the matters before the city of Tarpon Springs heritage? Uh, preservation board this evening. I do OK? I just want to say, um that you know, it's bringing back that street so I hope it's approved because, uh, it's going in the right direction. It'll be nice when it's done so Hopefully you guys see it the same way and, uh, I think it's fantastic that she's putting the metal roof on it. Because, uh, it's gonna cost more money, but It's more than a character of what what's on that street. So hopefully you guys approve it. That's great. Thank you very much. Mm. They gonna close evidence right now. Oh, hold it. No comments, OK? For evidence and bring us to the board to have a Motion. Yeah. On motion. OK, I Easy night tonight. Anyway, Um I. I moved to accept The application 24. Uh, 17 4 40 Cypress Street. Has presented Hm? OK? I accept. OK? I think it's done. OK, any discussions on it before we go? OK, Uh, can I have a roll call vote M Kaplan. It. Talent. Yes, Mr Sprecker? Yes. Yeah. Congratulations Thank you very much. I think it's gonna be an addition. Nice addition to S3 2. Be beautiful, OK? Mhm. OK, this comes to the end here, Uh, Any comments from the staff. Not at this time. No Board comments. OK, um Improvement. Yes, very much so. OK, I'm calling this meeting adjourned at 653 and that is a record. Thank you all. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you very much for coming by. Appreciate it. Have a good one.