##VIDEO ID:0uunDGLkbEA## And I sat. 633 and I call to order the October 21st of 2024 planning and Zoning meeting. On tonight's agenda, the first order of business is our Pledge of Allegiance. Would Mr. Rocklin like to lead us in the pledge? And perhaps a reflection pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, to the Republic for which it stands? One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for. Well, I can only say that I thank the Lord for sparing carbon the worst of this hurricane. Once again, and the resiliency of both the people and the business owners is evident time after time after time. Here, nobody backs down, nobody sits down. Everybody gets to work. The city staff and all the departments were phenomenal at being through emergency management situations before, and I didn't see anybody sitting on their rear end except when they were driving. So I'd like to thank the good Lord for that and going forward that we build better together, stronger and more united, less divisive and get the business of the people accomplished. Amen, Amen. Roll call. Please, Mister Chris Curtis, Mister Vessey here, Mister Zambellas. Miss Francis here, Mister Rocklin here, miss Earley here. Miss Swenson here. So the next item up is an organizational meeting. But before we start, if I may, I think that we have a new, at least to me, a new council tonight. Yes. Thank you, vice Chair Matthew McConnell. I'm with Andrew Dickman's law office, so I'll be sitting in for today's meeting. Thanks for joining us. Happy to be here. And then before, if I may take the liberty before we get down to business, I would like to recognize our now past chair, ten years volunteer service. Mr. Seaman, thank you very much. We had, due to the circumstances, we were unable to get ourselves all together and have a wee bit of fun, which we have never really been able to do as a board. But let's not give up on that, okay? Okay. So number four is organizational. It's election of officers as I recall. Typically this is we elect a chair and a vice chair. It happens. And I'm going off memory. So anyone can correct me if I'm wrong. Perhaps council will weigh in if I make a mistake is that it kind of happens as a motion. It typically we someone's nominate. There is maybe a second and then more or less a yea or nay vote for that person. And then and then a vice chair. If it if there's not a majority vote, then we just kind of start over and try another person. I think I have that more or less right. Do you want to add anything we did discuss this. Mr. Lucas is not here. And Matthew can can go over the procedure with you. There's really only two meetings. You will have your annual election in January, regardless of this. So there's two meetings where this person would fit. Or you could could have just asked Mr. Koskotas if he's willing to chair the next two. He's obviously not here. So just kind of keep that context that you will be doing your regular annual election in January, regardless of what happens right now. So it's just that we don't have a chair resigned, and some of the boards that where that happens earlier in a year, they'll hold an election. But you've only got two more meetings this year. So. It's up to you. All right. I was going to suggest, since there's only really one item on the agenda today, it may be appropriate to wait for a full board to make the nominations, but if the board so chooses, you can do so today. I certainly now that that makes quite a bit of sense for the annual election that we simply defer to our regular annual meeting. Election meeting. So. I don't think we need do we need an official vote, or can we just kind of say that? All in favor, say aye. Aye. The ayes have it. Okay then number five is a quasi judicial announcement. Swearing in of speakers. Thank you. This is a quasi judicial proceeding where the board acts in a quasi judicial rather than a legislative capacity at a quasi judicial hearing. It is not the board's function to make the law, but rather to apply the law that has already been established in a quasi judicial hearing. The board is required by law to make findings of fact based upon the evidence presented at the hearing, and apply those findings of fact previously established criteria contained in the Code of Ordinances in order to make a legal decision regarding the application before it. The board may only consider evidence at the hearing that the law considers competent, substantial, and relevant to the issues. If the competent, substantial, and relevant evidence at the hearing demonstrates that the applicant has met the criteria established in the Code of Ordinances, and the board is required by law to find in favor of the applicant by the same token, the competent, substantial and relevant evidence at the hearing demonstrates that the applicant has failed to meet the criteria established in the code. Then, the board is required by law to find against the applicant. At this time, I ask the board if you have any ex parte communication related to the application. I think it's item 6B66C since six A is deferred, now would be the appropriate time to disclose those. I would like to share that I have known Mr. Seaman for some time and Mr. Seaman owns a Marina that I rented a boat at this summer with my nephews. I've been to the property, but just as a regular customer. But I did want to share that. Do we want to just work down the line there? If there's no disclosures, you can just say none. For the record, no, none none none. Oka, perfect. At this point, I will swear in any witnesses that will provide any testimony. All of those who would like to speak at the meeting, please stand and raise your right hand. Do you swear or affirm that the testimony that you're about to give in this proceeding is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? I do. Okay, we may proceed to the agenda. At McNeese, planning supervisor, may I just to clarify some things in the title before we get started? So I spoke to miss McNeese prior to the meeting. And what we're going to do is this is in one ordinance, but we are going to there's three separate motions that are required by this board. So I'm going to bifurcate the title or divide, and I'm going to read each title relevant to the item that's being discussed, with the understanding that prior to the Board of Commission hearing, this item, there will be two separate, three separate ordinances prepared. They would be advertised in accordance with 166 .041, and they will be heard twice by the board prior to adoption. So with that being said, I would like to read the first item, which I believe is the annexation and they all are kind of part of one single subject because without one you can't get the other. So the presentation will encompass all three. But at the end of this we will take three separate motions and have three separate votes. First one being an ordinance of the City of Tarpon Springs, Florida, annexing .36 acres, more or less of real property located at 249 and 251 Anclote Road. Application 24 Dash 51. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. So this is an application for annexation future land use map amendment and Zoning amendment at 249 and 251 Anclote Road, two parcels. It's a little over a third of an acre altogether. The future land use map category that the county is employment. The proposed future land use map category is Industrial General for Tarpon Springs. That one is one that will change in name only. The standards will remain the same when the 2045 Comprehensive Plan goes into effect, and it will be now be called industrial. And I'll talk a little more about that in a minute. The current zoning is C2 commercial and services at the county and Tarpon Springs would bring it into waterfront marine industry Development District. Long name the owner is Mr. Seaman, who's here who you know, and the current uses on the property are a single family detached dwelling and boat storage. This is the location of the property. Two parcels that comprise this site here, over to the west is the Marina, the Benton Harbor Marina. And then to the east is the is kind of a collection of metes and bounds properties with some older construction from the 20s, 30s, 40s, which we'll talk about in a minute. Anclote road is the access road for the subject parcel and the Marina over to the east of the parcel is Bayou Drive. And as you can see, this is an area of pretty much water basically working waterfront, industrial type and some marinas. So you've got local and tourist business at those marinas. But this is a pretty much a commercial and industrial waterfront oriented area. This is a little bit closer in showing the Belle Harbor Marina, Anclote Road, this is the site showing the how it has a house and some boat storage. The other houses 6 or 7 houses scattered over here again are on those metes and bounds parcels. And this is just a closer shot showing the single family dwelling. And then the boat storage here on the two parcels. So the future land use currently on the parcel is employment. And as you know from looking at these quite often, the shaded areas are the areas that are already annexed. Part of the city's municipal limits. So you can see that the city pretty consistently has industrial general designations on on. Pretty much all of this propert. The county also has quite a bit of employment designation on this work. Working area. And then airiest way to the west of this are residential in both the city and the county, and then there's some residential over to the north northeast. The zoning, same thing. It's kind of a at the county is a bit of a hodgepodge. They've got commercial and employment zoning kind of scattered throughout this area. We're pretty consistently in industrial zoning. IPD, er or a waterfront development zoning in the areas that have been annexed. And again, here, this is the site and even in this small area county has employment and commercial zoning, but it's all under that county employment, future land use. This is the survey provided by the applicant. It's an older survey. This shows the single family home. This building has been demolished from aerial photography. Looks like this building where the boat storage is now, was demolished somewhere between 2014 and 2017. The applicant can certainly speak to the uses that are on the property now. So we have. I'll go over all three items with the criteria. So the annexation would not create a municipal or county enclave. It is adjacent to the city and it reasonably compact. It is within a type A enclave as mapped by Pinellas County, but it's already eligible to be annexed because it's contiguous to the city. So that will reduce the enclave. But there's no other effect from that. City facilities are available to the property, and the city has the ability to serve it. I'm going to flip to just a real quick map on the utilities and roadway access. So this parcel and all these parcels in here are a lot of them do not have a direct access to a public road. Neither of these parcels has direct access. Access has to come through. Even though the Marina is a county owned Marina for all intents and purposes, it's a private private property. Right? So that access road is has to traverse private property to get to these parcels. Same with the utilities. The applicant can elaborate on the utilities set up. We think apparently there is a water meter on Bayou Drive that serves the resident. So there's it's going through private property to connect to that meter. The city doesn't. There were no records of easements or anything supplied to the city. There aren't any on those surveys that we received. So again, that's kind of what we know about it. Now. Apparently the residents is on a septic tank, which I think pretty much everybody up there is the Marina is served by sanitary sewer. That's a private lift station, the Marina. And then I think one of these properties up at Bayou Anclote is on sewer. But the rest are presumably on septic. So, so basically the situation is that the city can serve it, but extension of utilities, extension of a road, redevelopment of the property would require the applicant or owner or redeveloper to get those easements, get those extensions, put in whatever infrastructure is needed for service. Okay, so another one of your criteria talks about nonconformities and code enforcement cases. The county didn't identify any active code enforcement cases on the property. The single family detached dwelling is legally nonconforming, a legal, nonconforming use in the current future. Land use category of the county. It would continue to be so in the city's future land use category. So there's that there. I'd have to look at my staff report. There's at least one setback that's would be non-conforming in the city for the single family and the western parcel width would be non-conforming in the city. Staff doesn't feel like any of these nonconformities are really a burden to the city. They would just be dealt with when the when the property comes in for redevelopment or change of use, or any of that. So the property is consistent with the future land use map category and again, the existing non-conforming use can continue until it's redeveloped. For the future land use map amendment, Industrial General is the category that we're going to as you saw, that's pretty much what we've got in the surrounding area. And that is consistent with the current future land use map and the 2025 Comprehensive Plan. I will say the reason I'm kind of differentiating those, the 20, I'm sorry, the 2045 Comprehensive plan was adopted on September 17th. It's at the state with a consistency review being done at this time. So the state has until November 14th to publish its Notice of Intent, saying that the plan meets state law. That's the date the plan will become effective. So we're assuming we haven't heard anything, and we're assuming everything's fine. But technically we're still working under the 2025. The old if you will, comprehensive plan. As of today. So we did look at the future land use map amendment proposal in the context of the place based area. Place based area map that if you all remember, you've now adopted in your 2045 plan. Remember that's kind of the bubble map. It doesn't have real hard and fast boundaries of the different areas that you want to consider. The character of. When you're looking at these future land use map amendments. This one, if you remember right, there were two intensive working waterfront areas on that map. One was down here where Stamos Yachts is by the docks. The other was up there at that area of Island Avenue. With all that kind of heavy, intensive marine waterfront use. So we have in the staff report the explanation of what Working Waterfront Intensive is and the consistency of the industrial category with that place based area. So it is consistent with that. We will be filing an application with Forward Pinellas to change the countywide map from employment to industrial IT. Once this is approved on first reading and then there's a couple of minor differences with the change from the county future land use to city industrial future land use. One is the county allows lodging density, no permanent density, just lodging like a hotel or RVs and things like that. The city category would not allow that. So it would be it would remove all density from from the parce. The county, the change in floor area will go down about 5%. Impervious surface will go up about 5%. That's the only difference is pretty much between county and city. Future land use. For rezoning, the waterfront marine industry Development District is consistent with the industrial future land use designations, and it's appropriate and compatible to that surrounding area. The 6 or 7 homes that are there are all non conforming with the county employment category. So the legal nonconforming uses. So there's already at the county level a long term kind of you know phase out change of use that those can continue obviously as long as as they don't expand or or wouldn't be able to rebuild those sorts of things. So that would just continue with us under this district. So again, this would provide for efficient and orderly growth in spite of the nonconformity, staff feels like this is a good expansion of working waterfront. The waterfront development districts. We feel like this this would be appropriate and provide for an orderly growth pattern for the city. And then again, the city can serve these facilities from the public roadways. It's already in the Tarpon Fire District and by the way, I think I don't know if I mentioned Anclote Road is a county road. Bayou drive is a city road, but the utilities are city utilities. There so we can serve the property. But again, the property owner would have to extend those facilities to the actual parcel. So staff is recommending that you look at the properties Nonconformities the lack of direct roadway access and the positive side of continuing and expanding the working waterfront staff didn't make a recommendation as you know, the annexation criteria were changed a little over a year ago now. And so we're kind of bringing these to you for your consideration. Given the addition of the criteria about potential code cases, Nonconformities for you to kind of make that judgment. Again, on those no code cases and staff feels the Nonconformities would not burden us resources. So you should act to recommend approval or denial of Ordinance 2020 408, which, as we heard from the city attorney, will become three ordinances when it gets to the board. So the first will be for annexation, the second will be to amend the future land use map from employment to industrial general and the third will be to amend the Zoning Atlas from the county C-2 to the city's WD two. There were no responses to the advertising. This did go to TRC in August for one review, and TRC sent it ahead. Is complete and ready for hearing. Are there any other any questions for me? Any questions from any board members for staff? No, I have nothing. I have a couple. Pleas. Okay. I just noticed on the technical review comments that you had requested a reason for the annexation and a request for the future plans for the property, if any. Wasn't sure if you'd received those yet. I didn't receive them in writing. We did talk to Mr. Seaman a couple of times as staff, but since I didn't receive anything written, I couldn't report that. But we did talk through it. I think a couple of things he was thinking about, but you'll have to ask him those questions. Clear that up. Good. Okay. And then the other one was was the expert on density and all of that. But so reducing the density can increase the urban sprawl. And I'm pretty sure that I mean, that's the whole thing with this. The statutes is about about reducing that. Right. So like housing affordability. So this actually is the opposite of that. It would be creating more of an urban sprawl. So I was just that's consistent with the comp plan. And there is no permanent density assigned to the site now. So yeah. And that would continue. So there's no there's basically zero permanent density okay. The only thing that's allowed is transient which you know, the reason and it's in the coastal high hazard area. So they would have to do a development agreement pretty much to build somebody under the county right now to build a hotel, because you've got to show that you're going to evacuate that hotel in the event of a storm. So yeah, the urban sprawl issue doesn't really come into play because there's no permanent density assigned. And then is there any reason that there was no recommendation for approval or denial from the staff? Yeah, we've been doing these pretty much since last year kind of that way. So we've been bringing these bringing these to you just for consideration. As you remember, the criteria were changed. The I think this board and the board of commissioners had concerns about nonconformities and code cases. So, you know, we've just been bringing the information at this point. And as far as our opinion, I mean, staff has no issue with this annexation. We think it's probably I mean, I'll just say as a planner, I think I think it's good. I think it's a good idea. It could be that the applicant, you can ask him, maybe it's easier to work on doing something with a property under the city than the county. I've heard that, you know, you hear different things. So. So your issue with the nonconforming use is pretty much cleared up with that, with the fact that they didn't have any code violations with the county is that. Yeah, everything's legal, nonconforming, and they aren't significant issues. Thank you. Yeah. So I have a couple questions. Okay. And they're going to be more just. Zoning and land use then particularly just about this application. But I think this is a great example of the patchwork of spaghetti hocus pocus that's going on over there. And we finally get a chance to like dial in and drill in on this. We almost owe Mr. Simon a thank you, because I think that our upcoming workshop is going to be in regards to this area. And so I'm going to ask a couple questions. I think it might help me and maybe some other board members. Could we go back to that pretty picture where you've got multi-colors that, that might be it there. It just doesn't show very good up there. Yeah. And I think we're going to so mine looks so much better because what you can see is that we have one, two, three without even working hard. We have three county enclaves within that. Just that square. And how we ended up with those baffles me, considering that we're not supposed to create enclaves. But so we got them and we got to clean them up and okay, so in an actual question, what what is the purpose of E or employment in county. So we're going to see this again in the future. What does that mean. What was the intent of the county. What an employment designation. Let me just read the intent from the staff report so I can get it right. So this would be on your in your staff report on page seven. So the purpose is to depict areas of the county. To be developed with a broad range of employment uses, encourage the reservation and use use of areas for industrial use. So the reservation use for industrial in a manner and location consistent with surrounding use, transportation facilities, and natural resource characteristics. That's the intent of their employment. And then if I I'm trying to drill into this map a little bit just to the east of the applicant's parcel, we've got what's left of the rest of that county enclave that's kind of green. And of course, there's a series of white lines. It looks like at some time it might have been platted for residential lots. Would I be reading that right? It's metes and bounds parcels, almost kind of the same as an unrecorded plat. All the descriptions are metes and bounds descriptions. No lot numbers. Okay. And the houses, there are all, I think I didn't find one older than 1954. They're from 2030s and 40s. Okay, old fish camps. Okay. Those are my words. All right. And then would it seem reasonable? And this would be the whole planning part that this board and workshop that perhaps that entire zone I'm color code guy, that we would ultimately, given the opportunity, make that entire zone all WD two intensive working waterfront. Would that be reasonable that this is that first step, or maybe even the second or third step of that entire area moving to the East to all become monolithically WD two. I think I mean, yes, that would make sense. We would obviously evaluate them as they come in. I think they would be some sort of waterfront development. So I'll just flip to the zoning map. You can see that we have WD two, which is pretty intensive. We also have WD one B, which is a little less intensive, but it's all working waterfront. So some of the areas provide for heavier industrial activities. And in some are more marinas. I believe Bayou Drive has a and Mr. Seaman might be able to help us with this, but I think there's a commercial store on there that's for marine goods or something like that. That might not be the intensive, but it would be a waterfront development zoning. I think that that's probably the direction staff would look for in future annexation requests in this are. Yeah. Thank you. Any follow up questions for staff? Okay. Then I think we'd be ready for the applicant presentation if he had one. Merlin seaman, 1161 Marina Drive and Tarpon Springs. There's just a couple real quick things that I can clarify. I think that may help a little bit. I, I met with staff, I believe it was on three different occasions over the last year and a half probably, or something like that. And my initial request was probably to keep the house and possibly convert it to a house, to live in myself and then store boats on the rest of the property. And, and we talked about doing the same, same zonings. I think that we're still talking about, but the House would have been non-conforming as it is now. Well, things have changed significantly since our hurricane came to visit with the flood waters. The house has been badly flooded out, and I think any possibility of reusing the house is out. The window. So, so what we are looking at at this point is strictly just storing boats on the property as part of the Marina and, and what I'd ask at that time is how can I you know, what rezoning can we do to make it match up as much as possible with the rest of the Marina, which the rest of the Marina has been in the city for years now. So the intent, whether we accomplished it or not, was to make this piece of property match up zoning wise with the rest of the Marina property and several of the other properties around there. The residences on the adjacent property to the east include one fairly nice house that the owner of that property lives in, and three things that I would more call cabins and if I were guessing maybe 400ft at best, probably. And it very much is, as you called it, a fish camp, basically. Trying to think what other questions were there? Oh, utilities, for the time being, we don't anticipate a demand for utilities because we're just going to be storing boats over there at some point in the future if we decide to do something more. Obviously, we know we pay for the utilities and all that. Are there any questions of Mr. Seaman? No, I don't think so. No. Okay, okay. Thank you. Staff, did you have any follow up comments to his presentation? No. Super. Oh, you know what? We missed a step. Would the applicant state the name and address? Did he? Well, where was I? We don't. Know, I'm kind of applying for the job. Right? That's what happens when you have to chair a meeting. Okay, so is there any public comment? It appears not. No one in the audience, any affected parties? Okay, then we're going to close those off. And I think we're ready for a motion. And then I'll want to refer back to council. Is that for our newer members? We haven't done one of these in a long time. Is that although there's a single and I'll just repeat what counsel said is that there's a single presentation, but there are three distinct motions. Each motion has to be presented, seconded, voted, and then moved on to the others and believe it or not, one time when one of these larger projects confused us, we actually voted one up and one down and one up for no apparent reason. We asked them not to present it that way anymore, but just just saying that we would need three motions and it would be perfectly okay for a board member to lead the charge on all of those if they felt suited and go ahead and counsel if you had anything to add to that. That's perfectly said. I was just going to help craft the motions if needed. Sometimes we do need help crafting offering. Go ahead. So the first one would be motion to approve annexing 0.36 acres more or less of real property located at 249 and 251251 Anclote Road. I would make that motion Counci. I'll second that roll call. Miss Swenson. Yes, miss. Earley? Yes, Mr. Rochlin? Yes, Miss Francis? Yes, Mr. Vessey? Yes. Shall I proceed, please? Would you craft the second motion? Not a proble. Motion to approve amending the future land use map for property located at 241 and 251 Anclote Road from Pinellas County. Employment E category to City of Tarpon Springs. Industrial general IG category. Well, again Council, I would make that motion to amend the future land use map as you stated. Second, that roll call, please, Miss Swenson. Yes, miss Earley? Yes, Mr. Rochlin? Yes, miss Francis? Yes, Mr. Vessey? Yes. Third one being motion to amend the official zoning atlas for property located at two, four, nine and 251 Anclote Road from Pinellas county, C dash two general Commercial and services district to City of Tarpon Springs WD2 waterfront marine industry development District. And I'll wrap up counsel by by making a motion to accept as stated, the transfer of the zoning from the County of Pinellas to the City of Tarpon Springs, as described. Second, that roll call, please. Swenson. Yes, miss. Hurley? Yes, Mr. Rochlin? Yes, Miss Francis? Yes, Mr. Vessey? Yes. That concludes our regular business for the evening. Would there be any board or staff comments? Yes. Okay, so we are looking at still working on a timeline for you for the smart code update. So we'll, we'll I'm going to assume things got a little bit delayed. As you know, I'll assume we'll bring that timeline back to you probably at your November meeting. So I had emailed everyone about some dates, and I've got four kind of I've heard from three members and I've got four dates. I kind of want to check with you. I'll send you a follow up email to see if these are okay, but I want to give you a heads up tonight. They're all Monday evening. The first one is January 13th, which I'm not sure if that's a football night. It might be, but I don't know that we would. I'm not sure if we'd use that one because remember we were going to have some public workshops and then come to you after. So but January 13th is one and then we're looking at February 10th, March 10th and March 31st. So I'm going to send you those for Monday night, Monday evening dates. And like I say, three of you have already responded and kind of see if I can get some feedback to help Renee and staff come up with with a tentative timeline for all this and talk talk through it in November with you all. So just I don't know if this is possible, but before those meetings, those are all going to be they're going to be upstairs again like we did last time. Well I'm asking for a staffer availability of this room. And that room to see. We remember at the public engagement we were going to kind of announce P and Z. I'm not sure how many public will get in that room can hold several people, but it could be that I know you guys like that room. We do too. It's a it's a little bit better working room for workshops, so we'll see what we can do with that. There's I mean if we're going to talk when we have the actual public engagement, you know, instead of like how last time when we finished the comp plan, everybody came and they were like, why couldn't, you know, be nice if we were involved earlier, if we could have this room since there's only four, you know, and it's a smaller area. If we could talk about maybe how they're going to get notified. I don't know if we have to go to the BoCC for that. As far as, like the little, those little fliers that went out that were really effective, you know, okay, especially now with everything that just happened with the hurricane, I think they'd really like to be involved with how they can change things. Yeah, right. Okay. All right. So are is the public involved in the workshops, remember what what Renee kind of outlined for you. And we did talk about the mailings. We kind of talked about three geographic areas. I think it was three. I don't have it with me, but of the smart code and special area plan updates, we thought we would have a public engagement charrette. I'm not sure what it's going to be, but a public session somewhere where I'm not sure where those will be either. And then at that session, we would tell them that the board that this board is going to be discussing the results of that on such and such a date. So the public would come as far as the exact format of comment and stuff. I think. I think she can talk with you guys about how you want to do that at a workshop. In the past, we've had in the past we've advertised your workshops like the board advertises theirs, which is this is a working session. The public can come, but there's no public comment. I think with this being, you know, it's not a budget or a city project thing. It's a it's a code. And planning exercise. So it could be that you want to structured in a way that the public can participate in your meeting as well. And that'll be once Renee gets back into town, will be kind of formulating ideas for that to happen. If you wanted to do that, I think the workshops were always like that. So I think they actually used to be more interactive. So that was a change that happened. So I mean, it really doesn't make sense that. Yeah, they wouldn't be involved. So I think that was changed. And maybe we should go back to involving the public. You know, and with the intent to be have the separate areas individually addressed and publicly noticed, not not conglomerate of everything everywhere right now. That's the way we laid it out at your September meeting. I can send you that memo as a reminder. Kind of refresh your memory. Thank you. And also, I'll send you these dates and that'll kind of refresh your memory on what we talked about. So far. So does that help Mr. Vessey? Oh, certainly. Yeah. No. And it's all good. I'm all about public. I think the workshop and this term in general is. But it just has got to be structured in a way that it is positive. And we product right, productive. Righ. And it would be thrilling if the public came. Unfortunately usually there's not a whole bunch there because everybody's input is valuable. We got some smart people out there. Yep. Okay then if there's nothing else I'm ready to adjourn the meeting. Well. Thanks for comin. Okay. Go for it. Waive the rules. Do you? I'll be brief. I know how bad you want to go home anyway. I just want to say thanks to all of you for still being here and staying and fighting the good fight. I think all of us together managed to do a lot of good and move this commission forward, far from where it was when I first started. And that's not me. That's you. We're we're really much more involved in making policy and things now than it ever was. Back in the old days. And that's part all of you all. And that's part excellent staff and I just want to thank everybody for the involvement and wish everyone well and I'll be laughing when I'm not at that meeting. Before we adjourn, may I make one comment? Yes, please. I just want to clarify for the record and the public watching, that you all said as the local planning agency, when reviewing and making those motions today. Thank you. Thanks. Thanks, Mark. Take care guys. Good night. Morale. Thanks for. Nothing. Okay then at 722 and I adjourn tonight's meeting of the local planning agency. Good job, Mr. Bernstein. Thank you. I know it's boring. No, I you know, I like to remind every now and then because that gets lost that we are the LPA and he was supposed to be. Oh, right. Figure out if they want me as a right. Okay. If you to. Michelle, I've already talked to Irene about it. Oh.