Let's call to order the June 17th, 2024 meeting of the Tarpon Springs Planning and Zoning Board. Mr. Vessey, would you lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance and invocation, please? I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. A few words. So we had this wonderful rain that happened last week and kind of came out strong and reminded us of what a wonderful place we live in. And the water that comes with it, and of course, there's been words about that. This year is going to be a very exciting weather period. And I would remind us that Tarpon hasn't had a direct hurricane. And by my count, over 100 years. And that's because the city is protected by Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of seafarers and sponge divers. And to quote. Someone smarter and a daughter of the city. Miss Anita Protoss. Have no fear. Because Saint Nicholas will protect us. Thank you. All right. Can we have a roll call, please? Mister seaman here. Mister Chris Curtis here. Mr. Vessey here. Mister Zambellas here. Miss Francis here, Mister. Rockline here. Miss early here. All right. That brings us to item two on our agenda. Application 2436, ordinance 2020 403, this is review and recommendation for the 2040 comp plan update, this is a big night for us getting this to this point, because it's taken a long time and a lot of work for the staff and the board members up here and, and we're just really pleased to be at this point and bring this forward and, and get the comments of the community, and try to move this plan, plan forward. Can we have the staff report, please, I do want to get a confirmation from the board before we move forward, we do not have an attorney here with us this evening, they've been involved with this all along, but I'll defer to the board, you know. Are you comfortable moving forward without an attorney here? I do not know what the situation is or why they're not here. I'm not, Mister Chairman. I can discuss it, but I'll defer to our residents. Well, I think I'm sorry, I just I addressed this with you earlier and just. We worked so hard on this, and it's really important matter to repeal it. And I think to the extent that there's a legal question, you know, we can reserve that for the for the attorney at that time. But there's no reason we can't move forward with the work. We've done. I think we can discuss it. But I mean, I don't know if we should maybe just we can have discussion and maybe continue it until the next meeting to approve anything, because I don't think we just leave certain things out. I mean, he was here for every single meeting and it's they were really important in all of this. So it's too big of a it's too important. We had 13 sessions and then it just gets repealed put in and we have new revisions tonight. So I'm not comfortable with approving anything tonight. But I'm I'm okay with having the discussion because everyone's here. But I know that we've had issues with our new attorney. But. I'm going to defer to the board as a whole as to how you want to handle this. This evening, well, I, I certainly don't have any problem with with , you know, hearing the item and discussing the item, and if, if, when we get to the point that we would be deciding whether to vote or not on the item, we can we can make that decision after we hear, the, the information and as well as the comments. Okay, I'm going to move over here. I don't know if other board members want to make any comment, but it appears that the seriousness of the nature maybe everyone wants to weigh in, if I can only speak for myself, I'm more than comfortable continuing hearing the report. I'm also comfortable with us moving forward and moving this across. The goal line if necessary. Although having council is nice, ultimately, we always make the decision and it would be disingenuous to all the citizens that have taken the time out of their night that have been invited. Taking the time out of their day to come and give comment. We'll hear all that. But then to not vote on the. Not vote on it, I think wouldn't be fair to everyone that came. So I'm for listening. Discuss doing, listening again and then voting accordingly. But that's just how I feel. I would agree to the extent of the discussion. Listen, engage in discussion. And if two attorneys that we have here feel that they're uncomfortable about, well, uncomfortable with the fact that it's going beyond a discussion, whatnot city attorneys though. So that's you know, you're not but I think you're wise enough to know, no, that's not how it works. If you feel it's going to lead to that. But you may just want to I want to be fair to the citizens, too. And that's that's why I want to. We've had 13. We had a ton of sessions. And we can wait one more meeting to confirm anything. I that would be a disservice to go ahead. And it's just because of the city's own issues with and the attorney resigning that we have this issue. It's not their fault. It's not our fault. So I want to hear everybody and their their all of everything they're going to say is going to those are true. And I don't mind having this discussion now. Better now than we get too far down the road. True. And I would share this. I'll continue to say I think we're more than capable of making a good decision. I'll remind us we're only an advisory board. Exactly correct. Nothing more than that, right? The board of commissioners that will have council will ultimately decide which way they go. So let's not overthink our authority and what's going on here. And again, it would be unfortunate that simply because we don't have someone in that seat that we as adults and someone that have participated from A to Z, aren't capable of making a decision. Yay or nay? Agreed? Agreed And again, we have public comments that are given to us and hear from somebody who has actually submitted edits as well, lately there's been a lot of boards that are been maybe overstepping their boundaries. So I think that it's always wise to have the attorney present. And as an attorney, I respect that position. That's why I say that I'm not a city attorney. So that's all my feeling is that, I mean, I there's definitely no problem going on in hearing the item and in the comments. I think most likely there won't be anything that would keep us from voting on it. But if there were comments that led to legal questions, then I think we would have to defer in that situation at least. Is everybody good with yes. Proceeding? Yes. Proceed good evening everyone, Rene Vincent, planning and zoning director for the city, I'm going to give a brief overview. Of, where we are with with the plan to date, we are calling this is for the update of the city's comprehensive plan, which is a land use planning document at its heart. But it looks at a lot of things, not just, you know, land use, looks at recreation and open space and historic preservation and a lot of different elements that guide future development for the city, we are required under state statute to update the plan every, seven years, and we also have a requirement in our charter to update the plan every three years. So this has been a wholesale update, but having said that, there's not a lot of there's not there's not big changes in this plan. And I'll explain that as we go along. So at a high level, the major findings when we updated all the data and analysis, the population for the city is expected to increase over the next 20 years by about 2600 people. So, you know, we're expecting a total population of around 28,500 out through the year 2040, our number of households, which is a household, is a unit that lives in a, in a residence is expected to is projected to increase by approximately 1300 units through 2040, we have a functional population that we serve, that includes our utility service area. So we have people that use, utilize city utilities that are not, actually in the city. They're adjacent to the city. And that, functional population also includes our seasonal and tourist population, and that's expected to increase again by around 2000 people out to 2040 as well. So out to almost 37,000 people total employment is expected to increase by approximately just under 3000 jobs over the next 20 years. The vast majority of that will be in the service sector and retail sectors, at a high level, the city has available land to accommodate these expected population growth and economic expansion, with no increases to the density or intensity. So when I say things aren't radically changing, we're not increasing density or the ability to build, you know, huge buildings in the city of Tarpon Springs, anything above what you really currently have today, regarding our water and sewer capacity, we do have, sufficient capacity to accommodate, expected growth over the next 20 year plan horizon and beyond, and our, just a little factoid, our population per square mile, has increased over the last ten years to, by 175 persons to around almost 2600, to 2700 in 2020. So, and without any context, that number is a little meaningless. But what it really means if you compare us to Dunedin, Clearwater and some of those other cities, you know, in North County, we're not as densely populated as they are. So we have a little bit more room to breathe here. So the major changes to the plan, we have updated all the maps and the data, there's a creation of a place based area map, and if people have questions about that, we can pull that up and refer to it, that's really a kind of a long range guiding map for the city. We consolidated, our future land use categories and renamed a lot of map categories to align with the countywide planning authority, if you received a postcard in the mail, most likely either you, own property or you were within a 500 foot notice of, of a property where the actual future land use map name may have changed, but functionally there really is no change to what you can actually do there. Again, there's a lot of these were name changes to align with the with the countywide plan, we deleted a lot of repetitive policies across various elements of the plan, it's reorganized around the city strategic plan, and then we did updates based on community engagement over the course of, almost two years, as well as all of our advisory boards, participated in providing input to updates on the plan. So we talk about the plan. What is it? So the comprehensive plan itself that is proposed for adoption, it has an introduction section, the background, findings, population employment projections. There are 13 elements, each with goals, objectives and policies. There's a map series. There's all the future land use categories and rules, which is basically that's, you know, if you're a particular land use category, this is what you can do in that land use category. We have a definition section. There's also supplemental data that's not intended to be adopted. That's all the data and analysis, all the background and work that informs the changes there is a work plan, which is also we call it an implementation plan. So this is a 20 year planning horizon. So there are a lot of things that have to take place after this that are called out in the plan. That will be the responsibility of the city to follow up on, we integrated the sustainability, action plan into the comprehensive plan. So there's a crosswalk for that, and then the general community engagement summary. So all that supplemental data is there. It's available online, through the city's. All this is available on Connect Tarpons website, where we post out for all of our projects. So I will go through these just briefly. So the comprehensive plan itself has 13 elements. So we have a housing element a future land use element. Transportation. Coastal management, conservation, recreation, open space, lifelong learning, historic and cultural resources, utilities, capital improvements, property rights plan administration, and then intergovernmental coordination and interagency coordination. So each one of those is a is a section of the comprehensive plan. It has its own goals, objectives and policies. So we began this project, over two years ago, just a little high level summary of the public engagement that's taken place, we did go out online through Connect Tarpon, connect Tarpon Springs, we had surveys and exercises to receive input, we had, a workshop session with an appointed comprehensive plan steering committee. We had 14 workshops and outreach events with citizen advisory boards and community groups, we had 13 individual workshops with our planning and zoning to almost line by line. You know, every element of all the changes being proposed. And, we had four discussion sessions, sessions on the final draft plan with the steering committee, the planning and zoning board, we invited the other advisory boards to participate, as well as the board of commissioners. And lastly, we've had two open house events on the final draft plan for the general public, we've also sent over 5000 postcards to affected property owners who may be either own property where there's a name change occurring to A to their land use map category, or they were in within that buffer area. So since we, the Planning and Zoning Board last reviewed the draft plan, based on community input that has taken place since that time, through the advisory boards, the steering committee and the public, and some direct input, we do have, a handful of recommended changes to the text, so I'm just going to walk through these, this is also included in your staff report. So looking at the goals, objectives and policies themselves on page 22, of the future Land Use Element policy. 2.1.2 E it was suggested that we add some language, to explain that until such time that transition transitional areas are planned for request for future land use, map changes and zoning changes will be based on the current future land use map designation and comprehensive plan policies. So if you recall, we put in that in the, the, the place based area map. There's transitional areas where we said we needed to do additional planning. Well, what do we do until we do that? So this is just a kind of a holding policy language. So we are recommending that that get added to that particular policy on page 25. Policy 3.2.1 of the future Land Use Element, this was a, we want to add some additional language there. This was at the request of Ford Pinellas. They did a preliminary consistency review. They are they're the countywide planning authority. They did a consistency review of all the changes. And they requested that we that we specify that any change in or increase in coast density in the coastal high hazard area would have to, also meet the balancing criteria of section 4.2.7 of the countywide plan rules. So there's only one place where we actually talk about that. So have no no problems in putting that in there to satisfy that consistency requirement on plan 86 of the plan administration element. We want to under objective 3.1, revising the title to implement an work plan. We talked about that a little bit at that at the last meeting and adding, revising that policy to read the city shall maintain a coordinated implementation work plan towards implementation of the Comprehensive Plan. The work plan shall include studies, projects, programs, initiatives and regulatory updates citywide that carry out or assist in carrying out the goals, objectives and policies of the and strategies of the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning and Zoning Department shall annually review the implementation work plan with the Planning and Zoning Board. And said that was a result of our conversations with you when we at our last workshop, there was some requested edits to the historic and cultural resources element, by a member of the steering committee, I provided that in, a supporting document to you, we do recommend accepting the edits that we've highlighted in green, and we don't recommend, including the remaining edits if you want to walk through those one at a time, we can or we can come back to it based on the when I get to the end of the presentation, they're they're really they're not. It's at the end. So we're going to go through right, under the data data analysis and mapping on page 49, just a change on the evacuation routes, map title to regional evacuation maps, on page 62 of the data analysis, updating the first paragraph to provide the total number of coastal high hazard area vulnerable historic resources in the local historic district and the Greektown National District so we can provide. This was a recommended, we can provide that information in there on page 93, the updated historic resources map, the, some it was called out to us that our question was posed is what is the other historic sites label, that label, that layer was added by our consultant for notable sites around town. So like the Safford House, the Taylor Arcade, residences of past prominent citizens, it doesn't necessarily convey the location of historic resources, we're just recommend removing that particular data set from the from the map, and the layer itself and the Florida master site file, is, you know, is available online already. So it's not something that needs to be in there. And it does kind of confuse because it's not an all inclusive layer. On page 93, on the update of the historic resources map, let's see, I know that specifies the local historic district as locally as, oh, this was we wanted some definition between the local historic district as regulatory and the and the national districts as their National Register districts. But they're not regulatory. So we support making that map change just as for clarification, on page 32 on the place based area map, it was just suggested that we add some context labels like sponge docks and downtown. So that will will add that no problem. And then generally, scrivener's errors as we go through public engagement, we found, you know, a lot of typographical errors, there's also so on page 60 on the update, future land use, future land uses in the coastal high hazard area map, that map still reflected. There's an area this says South Point Alexis Properties. It's actually sunset Bay, townhomes. And that is the one area that is actually changing the land use map from one category to another. The existing category is institutional. It's actually developed as residential. So we are changing it to residential. Low which supports the density there, there's a map under the future land uses in the coastal high hazard area. That change was still it was still showing as institutional hadn't been picked up in that map. So we want that corrected for consistency purposes, that's the summary of the suggests edits to the document. Since you reviewed it at your last, workshop, do you want to go through any of those in depth right now? These are the edits that staff recommends. Approval after input from your workshops, community, etc. Yeah, correct. They're not reflected in the document right now. If they are after tonight, we'll go ahead and include them moving forward. Can you point out that part that you just mentioned about the institutional zoning? Yes. Let me this might be easier to show on a map. Let's see. Yeah. I looked at the maps and it they're hard a lot. Yeah, exactly. I'll be flew through here and find this. Well, here, I'll show you on this first. One. So so. And this is the area right here. It's called sunset Bay. And on this map, it's shown as, as what is proposed to be, which is residential low, which is how it was developed. So the map in question that, and actually somebody that called in pointed this out to us. So I was really glad that they called because it was just an error on the map. We looked at the map and called. Well, I think they got a postcard, existing land uses and the coastal high future land uses and the coastal. There we go. So on this map, that same area, you see, it's kind of has a blue shade to it, which is public Semipublic that's the district. That's what institutional is going to. But we needed to pick up the fact that we're actually are changing that land use map designation to residential low to reflect what's actually built on the ground. This was the area where the old Anclote Manor was, and so it had institutional land use on it for years. So we want to make it consistent with how the property is actually developed. Actually just reminded me of the fire station moving in the discussion. The questions I had about the where it is located now, is that not necessarily in the map, but just would that be something in the plan that we could implement, changing that, changing the designation? Well, if it's going to be changing to institutional to be moved to the zoning, or does by Jimmy's, can we change where it is now? So that it stays within the city? The designation that it has now, actually, I believe is it residential? No, the old one. I think you're talking about the old one. Correct. But I mean, yeah, if it has to be zoned that way to be moved to a place and shouldn't, the place is currently be zoned for what it's going to be moved to the. So the current designation of it on the of the existing station is residential. Right. But we have to change the designation for it to be there. But it's not institutional now. No So I mean we allow emergency services and that if something has to be changed for it to be moved, institutional, that it should be that the current place should be because, I mean, wouldn't it be inappropriate? We could we the city is going to keep the property as my understanding. We can certainly we can certainly change. Yes. We've talked about changing it to public semipublic in the future, but could that be something we put in the comp plan during this update? Right Oh, would that be I'm just like we might be able to we may be able to. Yes Thank you. Yeah. It was a comment about heritage preservation and some elements highlighted in green. Yes. Right. Time for that. Or did you think later. Oh yeah. I mean there's no public comments on the agenda. So we don't have an attorney for public comments listed. So I'm not quite sure there's a lot of people. Yeah Well I was just listening to the presentation right. We do need to have public comments at the appropriate time. This is a legislative not a quasi judicial process. So they were going to be able to. Yeah, we definitely have to have public comment. If there was clarification about that, because there was a follow up document. If now's the right time, great. If it later is better, that's fine. If you have I would prefer to with the thing. So like how this comment shouldn't be coming in with for other public comments, right. If it it it pertains to the to the historic preservation. But it's not a presentation though. No no no no. So it should be along with all other public comments. Right? Yeah. Yes. Unless this board has questions of me about it right now, I don't think it's appropriate because someone's not here that made edits on something that they get to have their comment considered with their edits, and they're not here when other people comment, you know, y'all can handle this however you like. I mean, it's not on there have an attorney. I just feel like it's a little bit, you know, unorthodox. I mean, the changes that we are recommending, that be incorporated are very minor in nature, but I want to see the requested. I want everyone to see the requested edits on the screen. I can we can go through. That's where we are now. Yeah, yeah. I'm sorry to interrupt. I asked a question and I just was hoping she could answer my question. And what was it? But you did, which is their minor and not relevant at this time. I'm good with that. Thank you very much. Well, I think that we should be able to look at them and address all of them before someone decides they're minor and irrelevant. So the I'm just going to focus on the ones that are we recommended, including, this is actually some of this is just commentary, not recommended changes, regarding the I'll just kind of identify this document because it's identified as. So a steering committee. Yeah. This is a this is a, this is a copy of the historic and cultural resources element, which is proposed to be adopted as part of the plan to or recommended for adoption tonight, a member of our steering committee recommended, reviewed it and made some recommended edits to it or provided some, some, you know, commentary. What steering committee member was that? That was, Tina Bucuvalas, and so, you know, we have reviewed it. Some of it we think is appropriate to incorporate some is not, the this, you know, section in the opening paragraph. We actually, let's see, we you want that out. We incorporated some of this right now. Let me, can you somebody hand me the just pull up the text of the. Oh, hold on. I read this before, and some of this is already in, but some of this is commentary, you know, which is a traditional cultural property. The name of the district is in red. Above it is the name is not the Greektown Traditional Cultural Property District, Czech National Register. So we've we've reviewed this and, you know. The strategic plan alignment, this is really the purview of the board of commissioners, not not ours. This is the strategic plan. Language is what it is. So we can't change it here. I only wanted to go over it because it was the only one that was identified as edits that you, you know, you identified as well. This is the only document that I got that had a comprehensive set of edits to it. Again. So, okay. On the 2023 update summary expanded to include. What is that one there? Again, this is just a this is just a note. It's not actually a change to the plan. This implies usefulness of community, not for profit preservation organizations, I think that's focusing around whether or not they the whole not for profit status and recommending changes to an historic district, under 1.4.1, these were. Minor edits that were these were all minor edits that we support. Anything that we've highlighted in green, we support making those changes, and they're fairly, fairly minor in nature. And then the red font is not accepted or not recommended. No. The red that's we just highlighted the whole thing. It's so the red is it's what would be, would be updated. We don't this is not something that's our purview. This proposed 2.1.6. What's that? Can you read that? That is reinstate position of the curator of arts of historical resources, that is a not we don't have any positions that are in the comp plan, right? No again, this all we are a lot of this is, you know, anything that they put in brackets is, is kind of language that I guess their explanation of why they're what they're asking, if I may. Yes. Forgive me for interrupting. Sure How did we make it all the way to new tonight for this board or this person to submit all these recipes? Yeah. I'm sorry, I'm speaking things off again. It must be turning off, just curious, as tonight's kind of a final revision, we've already reviewed it previously. Why did the Heritage Preservation Board wait, so this is not the heritage Preservation Board? This. This is not the Heritage Preservation Board. This is one member of the steering committee, okay, who has an interest in historic preservation that wanted to that submitted these directly to staff. Okay, so it's a steering committee member for the Comprehensive Plan steering committee. So, so there were two meetings, if maybe a little update because. So. Right as we're getting to the end of the comp plan, at the same time the workshops were available to the public, they're also before each of those last two workshops, the steering committee who started back, was it 2021 or 2122? Yeah So to start this was like was like what, 50 people? It was like they were notified. I think one week before the first meeting. So a lot of people didn't show up to that one. And then the second meeting was just was last weekend, the same day when we had the last public engagement session. So I had two sessions with the with the steering committee. That's when. So they started the whole they're the steering. They're supposed to steer the plan. And then yeah, these came up just just suddenly I this was just an open question. Yeah. That's kind of late in the game. I mean throw in a bunch of what we're what we're recommending to that we incorporate our very minor in nature. And I'm just I know that you're just recommending it, but I just want to make sure that everyone sees what's the process. Because the we have worked, we had 13 sessions. And then to have someone throw something in at the last minute and this would be the last minute. Thank you for helping. Well, and I'm just confused as to why we're asking staff this now. And this was four meetings ago that staff we've we've had this for a while, but I don't I mean not for like months or anything like that. So it is it's relatively recent, you know , it was I wanted to include it with the rest of the input that we got going through our, our remaining public engagement sessions, our board sessions and everything. I didn't want to bring things in and out, you know, I wanted to kind of try to keep all the changes in one, one shot for tonight. So that's why you haven't seen it before. We have had it for a little while, but not not for months. Just so I understand, these are non-substantive changes. They are, they are. They're not substantive. Correct. Okay Well, they're not accepted. So And I brought it up. So thank you very much for seeing what we're here for. I understand much better now. So I want to pop back to the presentation. So we have it, So we went through those changes, we are recommending approval of ordinance 2020 403, repealing and replacing the comprehensive plan, including the changes based upon board, committee and public engagement that are highlighted on slide seven, eight and nine. If we move forward tonight, the Board of Commissioners review, first reading and transmittal would be on July the 16th, I do hope that we can maintain that schedule, even if you're not comfortable tonight. If it was a way we can get an interim. You know, I don't I'm concerned about keeping this schedule. I mean, because I'm hoping to have this thing adopted by September, October time frame. So And we've had a lot of public notice that's gone out to this point, so that's that's my concern, what? But do you have to be comfortable? I do have for the public, if you do have questions, I do have the rest of this very long, presentation as as questions come up tonight and people, you know, have a chance to provide their input. I'll be happy to pull up other slides and talk through things for people, as necessary. I've given the exact same presentation about four times now, so I chose to do a little bit of an abbreviated presentation this evening. Okay, to board members, have questions of staff. Well, typically for a legislative hearing, would the attorneys be here for a planning and zoning meeting for that? And city attorney? They're there generally at every meeting. Okay. All right. Seeing no questions for staff, we will, open general public comments, I think we would want to invoke the four minute time period for each speaker, are we in agreement on that? We are. And, chair, since we don't have anyone to speak on our behalf in regards, perhaps you could take a moment and share with the public what our general guidelines are for public comment? Yes. The public comments, need to relate specifically to the comp plan, and, and things that are contained in the comp plan, they need to maintain to the four minute time frame and, and as you take your turn, you can approach the microphone, state your name and your address for us, please. And if I may interrupt again, chair is there any need for any in the public to be sworn in for this public comment period, it's not a quasi-judicial item. So I knew the answer was no, but I just wanted to bring that up for the record. So thank you. Raise your left hand. Okay No, silly goose. And so do we have someone to take time for us back there for the four minute time limit? And, if, the first member of the public wishing to speak approached the microphone and state your name and address, please. Zeb Atkinson, 621 East Orange Street. Hi, Renee. Hello I'm just trying to figure out why we got a card to come down here. I have I don't see anything. I haven't seen anything related to Orange Street. Did I miss it? I tried to look for it in the Tarpon Connect on my phone, but some huge document. It's probably a name change, of your future land use map designation, again, probably no. No substantive changes, for that, for that area. So if you received a postcard, you're either in the. Well, hold on, let's do this. See if I can. Just get to this real quick and it'll night evening, doesn't it? Yeah And it's more atmosphere. Could somebody get me to the, GIS map? I just wanted to pull up the tools that people can go to connect often, I was looking for it. She's doing that background, like holds. Springs. I want to find it. Bear with me, folks. So who else was on this journey? Committee? Everybody There we go. Mr. Friday, just just so I'm clear, while you're looking for it, is that some of the and some of the cards went out because we changed some of the designations to be consistent with the county. Exactly. And so even though your land, even though you're, you're the zoning hasn't changed, it's just been renamed. Exactly. To be consistent with what the county calls that zoning district. Correct. Because. Correct. Tarpon had its own name for a zoning district. The county had another name for the same zoning district. And so we land use district, land use district. So we wanted to be consistent with what the county calls. So, right. So I'll just use your, your, your property, for example, what was the address 621 East. One oh. I cannot type. No, I don't see it. Which one is it up here? That's 635. I can't see it. Thanks for coming. Yeah. Thank you. And I'm. I feel like I'm, failing miserably here. Like the fourth one in on the right. If you're going west. Oh, there it is. So you're actually nothing. You're in the adjacent area. So that's why you were within the 500 foot mailing buffer. So nothing is absolutely nothing's changing on your designation. You got it. Because the properties here, the ones that you see in pink, those are actually having a name change from residential office general to just office. And so, so it's a, it's a name change on the adjacent property to the south. Your property is not changing. So I went through that for the painful demonstration of where you can go if you get one of these postcards before the next board meeting with the Board of Commissioners, you can look up what actually is happening or call us and we'll look it up for you. So we were, trying to be technology savvy, and we may have just made it more complicated than it needed to be. Yes, ma'am. Good evening. Katie Taylor, 1991 Douglas Lane, Tarpon Springs, previously spoken to Renee about the property owned, it did make last year's CRA. It don't seem that it made this year's CRA, but the property between Lime Street and Oakwood, though, that that whole that whole block right there is that county property. Is that a combined ownership of county and city and the, will the CRA assist or, business owners to put, a business there where they can have the business on the bottom floor and they live on the top floor? So, yeah. And we did talk about this before, it's a combination of city owned and county owned properties. Nothing is changing with this particular comprehensive plan update, when we move forward to, to update the existing special area plan and the smart code, we can address that at that point in time. And we know that that's what you y'all want to do. Those properties that front on Safford are already in the existing CRA. So it's the other ones outside of it that will get picked up in a new CRA. That is the subject, going to go to the Board of Commissioners tomorrow night for the first set of approvals to implement that. So there'll be meetings on that. Yes. Okay. Thank you. Mr. Good evening. My name is Cindy Trapani. My address is 22 North Spring Boulevard. So my husband and I own property in the residential part of the historic district and in the downtown district, I just ask you to be patient with all of us tonight. This is the first time public comments were allowed to be given in a public hearing. I was a member of the steering committee, but the document I have, we didn't have the document for that long, as Renee said, or someone said the first steering committee meeting was a short notice, and I was I had another appointment so I couldn't attend. But anyway, some of my comments about the maps that Renee talked about, those are my comments and they are being included. And I appreciate that. Have a couple other comments, that I thought were pretty important in the flu. The future land use element on page 25. It's policy flu 3.2.1 previously until until recently. The only time that a policies. Excuse me, density increases in the HHR were reviewed was with the plan amendment. And that's because the plan amendment is the Bible. The plan amendment sets forth and the comp plan, future land use map sets forth the density and the types of uses. And it's been a pretty solid and pretty stable land use plan map for years. Actually, decades in the city. And recently the Board of Commissioners changed this to have the review be done both at Rezonings plan developments and conditional uses. And what that does is take away rights of property owners. Now, it was intended to harm the Anclote Harbor project, but really it's not going to because permits have been issued and construction is going to start. But the real impact on this provision is other property owners in the city who have a plan category at a certain density, they just haven't rezone yet to redevelop or develop their property. And now they're not going to be able to do that. It's not fair. It's not right to treat people like that when they have relied on that future land use map for years. My second comment is on page 63. It's in the historic preservation element. It's historic preservation policy 1.6.5, and it references that the resiliency plan will be adopted by reference. Well, first of all, I couldn't even find that plan online. And maybe I'm not looking the right place. I looked on Connect Tarpon. I couldn't find it. I was at the initial meeting in February 2022 because, again, we own property in the historic district, and that plan was all about resiliency in the historic area, and I have no problem with the plan moving forward, but it ought to go through the regular public hearing process and not just get adopted by reference, because I don't even know where it exists now to even look at it. So I don't think that that would be a fair thing to do, my third comment is in the conservation element. It's page 47, and I'm sorry I didn't write down the policy number, I'll look it up in just a minute. It has to do with wetland buffers and, the city has had this in their plan for a while, and I've noticed that many cities that I work in are taking it out of their comp plan, and they're delegating that which it's already been delegated to. Swift mud. Swift mud is the only authority that can decide what kind of buffer you have and where it goes, and how it gets set in. Whether you mitigate for your impacts or not. And Swift mud is that agency that does that. It's enabled by the state to do that. So I think we ought to let Swift do their job. They're scientists. They're ecologists. They know what they're doing pretty well and let them do that and not have a contradictory provision in the code for just so you know, the numbers, because it will make a difference. Swift Mudd's rule is a 25 foot buffer average, but a 15 minimum 15 foot minimum. So since it's a 1520 five foot average, if someplace you need to go down or swift mud approves reducing the buffer to 15, you're going to have to beef it up in another place and to 3540, whatever, you know, to get that average overall. So again, it's not that I don't think wetland buffers are good. Obviously they are. And they're very important, but we ought to let the agency who's empowered by the state to do that, to regulate that, and I can look up the policy real quick. It's the conservation 1.4.3. Yeah Thank you. So that's I would just request that these revisions be included in your recommendations to the, to the board. And I again, I just ask that you be patient with all the people that are here, because this is our first time to really have a conversation with you all your workshops weren't open to the public. You couldn't speak. So that's why we're here tonight. Thank you. Thank you. Next person approach, please. Good evening. Board members Anita Produce, former mayor of Tarpon. I've sat through these things for quite a few years, and I'd like to ask the planning department my comments Saturday about where the line was for Greek Town. Did you find out that I was right on where it showed? At the bayou around Wickham, and where it ended? I said it ended along Canal Street . I have not I have not verified what you what you were referring to, what I can. Show you initial application, I think. Included like the Craig Park and. Yes. So that's what she's asking about. Okay, I guess. Are you talking about the. Are you talking about the separate study that we're doing now for the sponge docks and Hope Athens area? It was all included Saturday. It was in that it was why I asked there we have a we have a larger study area but the actual we haven't made a determination at this point as to where we're going to do you know that has the plan has to come back. It has not been finalized as to what will or will not happen to the sponge docks and the what I call the hope Athens area, in terms of any types of additional regulations, I think you're talking about where that boundary would be. What I can state is that it will not overlap the existing historic district boundary. We don't want that that type of confusion and all the books and papers that I have, it stops right there at, Canal Street. And, I was concerned that it's in there because I had a nice heated conversation with someone who was there who wants it in there, and it doesn't belong there. The National, the, the, the National Register District that was submitted and accepted, has a boundary that is larger than what you're talking about. That's you know, that's not I can't change that right now, I think if there's, that's another conversation, I believe. Yeah. Let's not try to change the history of what it was. So that's why I'm asking you. Yes. Good afternoon everyone. 501 Triplett Street, Tarpon Springs, Florida. Merrick Crocket, the property on the corner down the street. I like to know, what are you going to do with that? What area is that, that just the name change, we done been through one already. It used to be 1 or 2. Now it's 501. I'm not sure which property you're talking about. I'm sorry, 501 Triplett Street, 0501 Triplett. Okay. Yeah. Right down the street from you. All right, so now I've lost this again. Can somebody look that up for me? Keep losing them. We did it. We did a 500 foot rule for 151. People got knocked down. I get postcards, yeah. Oh, okay. Okay. That would a nice party. You said 501 Triplett. Okay. Yeah. Yes. It's down on the corner. Pine and Triplett. So that's that's in the that's currently in what we call, that's in the special area plan and the smart code area. The only thing that's happening there is that special area plan designation is changing to activity center. Nothing is changing the underlying plan. Nothing is changing. It's just a name change. So it's still. What is the name change going to be? It's the land use map will show as activity center okay. Yeah. Instead of instead of special area plan okay. Thank you very much. That that whole that whole area is has its own unique plan. That's the special area plan and the smart code. In this instance, you know, it's primarily residential in this particular area. So just so they know, none of the special area plan was touched. None of it. No. So the special area plan is separate from the comp plan. Correct. We didn't we didn't update any of that. It's just the it's just the land use map designation to be consistent with the countywide plan. They call those areas activity centers now. So we're calling them activity centers on our map as well. So the next person wishing to speak approaches the microphone. Good evening. My name is Mary Antonio. And I'd have some questions in reference to the area that says 507 Anclote, myself and other residents that our property borders that are, industrial. I believe it's how it's labeled and it says resort, not rezoning. I'm sorry, expanding. Increase permitted lodging units from 30 to 40. If you've ever been in this area, you would know how noisy it is in the weekends. This. If it's an increase in this industrial area, would cause a big burden on this residential area. And I looked at the map area and I don't see any other one being increased there. There's a couple of places where the lodging density, the available lodging density. So if someone were going to try to put in a hotel where that it increased from 30 to 40 units, and this is one of those, one of those, it's in the employment district, I believe. I don't think she's worried about a hotel, though. Yeah, it's, you know, that's going to require a conditional use and a lot of it's not like they can just come in and put up a hotel, so but why increase it at all? Right now, it's an empty property that's for sale. There's already a use there or an allowance there of 30, sounds like you would just like to see it remain if, if any possibility of 30? No, ma'am. Okay. I'm sorry, but what I'm saying is, why increase it? That's what I'm saying. You would prefer to see it. Stay at 30. Stay the same. Correct. Okay. And we would gladly. I think if I speak to the other residents, were more than happy to collect signatures, if that's what's needed. Like I said, I looked at all the other pink area, excuse my ignorance, I may have not seen somewhere else where it says that there's a change, but I only saw ours, that it affects a residential area. The others that showed increases were commercial areas. They were not residential. Good catch. So I, I would beg for you all to not increase it. I mean, some of these changes, I mean, we looked I mean, the Moses Tucker one I recognized only because we. Right, right. We just did them. But I mean, it's not like I mean that we everything that that's why we have these meetings. Yeah. I mean, generally, you know, hotel density across the county is, is generally, you know, the minimum you'll see is, is 40 units to the acre. And so that that's why that was. But that's, you know, to your point, it's I'm sorry I don't want to go over my time. No, no. When it says lodging units, is it per it specific only applies to hotel sales and motels or is it marine. Also because right now there's no no it's not marine density. It's not it's only lot. So lodging density is you know hotels motels. It's not it's not residential density. You can't. So someone couldn't come in and put 40 units to the acre condominium on that property. So why would it have been considered at all when there's nothing of the sort there? There's as we were looking at a general 40 unit to the Acre Hotel or motel density consistent with you know, with what we find in throughout the county. So as residents, what do we need to do to stop the increase? We are hearing it. If the planning and zoning Board wants to take it out, they can certainly take it out. Thank you for your time. It would only apply to that one district. Miss Marianne Toljan. I'm sorry I didn't give my address. I don't think that's okay. You said near 507. So you're good. Next person wishing to speak, approach the microphone. All right. Seeing none, I guess we'll we'll close public comments, would does the staff have rebuttal or closing comments? No, I, I don't really have any reservations about if you want to accommodate that, take that 30 that 40 back down to 30 and that that particular district that's don't don't have any issues with that at all. I'll leave that to the Planning and Zoning Board. Other comments from some of the other, if I may, before we move on. No comment. I don't think I would support reducing that from 40 to 3030. Okay. If any, rather than wait for someone to come. Yeah. And then we can go on to any of those other comments that wanted to be addressed. Okay. Well, that would, bring it back to the board for consideration, chairman, in order to. Well, no, I think we're. Oh, we have I'm sorry, I, I want to just. My name is Victor Price. I live at 1249 windy Bay shore, and we back up to that lot. So I just I would just like some explanation because I was under I, you know, some different chat in the neighborhood. People were talking about possible a hotel back there, but also it came up with, the mobile, the mobile home, the you know, could I don't I don't know how the zoning works or I don't, I don't want it to change to where we are, you know, it could impede our property values if they did. So the property is, I believe it's commercial planned development right now. It's a it's really a it's really I mean , best suited for like, Marina type use. Absolutely. Because it's mobile home is definitely out of the question. Okay. So because there's that that just won't fly there, it would require changes to land use and zoning and all kinds of stuff so that, you know, so that's so that that's definitely not, not a possibility, I mean, if someone wanted to apply for it, you would get notice of it. It would have to go through a public hearing and everything. But I just that would seem to be a okay, not not a feasible alternative at that particular location. Okay. But we're taking it down from, from 40. We're considering it, taking it back down to 3030 for the lodging density. Yes. For the lodging density. So if you know it, you know, a hotel is a is a use that potentially could go there. So that would reduce the number of potential units that could hotel units that could be there. Okay. Can I ask him a question? Renee has anybody approached you and asked if they could buy your airspace? My airspace? Yeah That's when you know they want to buy a build a hotel next to you. Oh okay. Well, no, but I'll keep that in mind. If someone does approach me. All right. Very good. Thank you. You're welcome. Hi. My name is George Sykes. I live in 301 South Florida Avenue. And the little card that you send out with the darkened spots of where you're talking about one of it is right to the north of my house, which is the high school. Is there any any change happening there? Again, it's a name change going from institutional land use designation to public semipublic as a school, but no change. No. Okay, I didn't think so. But no, that's exactly why we're doing this to the high school being renamed or something. Right, right. Thank you. Bye. Coach. I'm the interim chair for the next few minutes, so y'all just be careful. Well we'll see. I think these notices are way more effective than any other notices that are going out. So maybe let the city know that these work, they they do. It's just, you know, I mean, candidly, it's expensive. You know, but but but it does work. I mean that's for all the other applications. No one no one knows. I mean, we've never had this. Well, maybe credits do to pass board because we worked very hard to get the public notice range extended. I think it took us two swipes at it from 150 to 500 or 200 or 500, I believe. So. So although we got maybe some folks that weren't necessarily included, it did create some turnout by throwing a wider swath because ultimately, public comment and public participation is important. And perhaps the goal for if for what it's worth, I cannot tell you how many times we come to these meetings and there's an echo out there in the audience. It really is. And and having, participation from the community really is beneficial. And it helps guide us to the things because, you know, we, you know, as much as we look at maps and everything, we don't know where you live and we don't know what affects you. And it's important for us to at least be able to embrace those things that that, you have a concern over so we can look at them and you know, if needed to be adjusted, we can adjust. But the obviously some at the end of the day, this, this we're just an advisory board and you should show up and express your concerns at, at the commissioner commissioner's meeting as well. Not just not just through us. Just do this. So I, I turn the gavel back over to Marilyn. Oh, Renee, are we going to read in the other comments that, okay, that was oh, that's, well, there are three, I think. I think so, actually. What? Greg, Gregory Barnes, these were pretty important. Yeah. This was and so on. The connect tarpon. On connect Tarpon. We received some some comments, we had, we had a comment regarding, South Destin, to leave it alone, we had a comment. South Destin needs to be extended to Mears Boulevard, I'm just going to kind of paraphrase these rather than reading this, 100% of this, you do have them, there was a general it said electronic download doesn't have any meat on its bones. The interactive map is useless. This was no new detailed information, okay, and then so expand the activity center zoning ring and North Grove Street between Orange and Pine to encourage revitalization. Make the area showpiece, extending Safford. So that's that would be like expand extending the smart code area, it sounds like and then earlier I received an email, and I did, I did respond to this directly, but, the, let's see, let me find the right one is the from the HOA. Correct. From so, hello, Miss Vincent, I'm Gregory Barnes HOA, president of Tarpon Key community in northern northern Tarpon Springs. Our community is deeply concerned about the future of our area. Currently, we have two planned communities without a neighborhood support network. No neighboring sidewalks, commercial stores or city parks. We are left to fend for ourselves and with future plans as unpredictable as the wind, the Anclote Road Improvement Project will be delayed for up to five more years, thus continuing to make it unsafe for us to walk along Anclote Road. Despite a visit from the mayor and Congressman Bilirakis in 2017, we might see sidewalks. A decade later, the surrounding areas are being zoned for employment, essentially industrial use. How about a playground instead? I previously proposed boat recreation area has been canceled. Now we hear a planned homeless shelter may be built nearby. Why? There are no support facilities or activities for the homeless around here. Rumors suggest Anclote Road may be designed, a future oh, excuse me, may be designated a future truck route, which we strongly oppose. We have been striving to reroute truck traffic to protect our families from danger and noise pollution. It's alarming that children's bus stops are located on such a busy and unsafe road with no sidewalks. The close proximity of residential and industrial zones is proving detrimental to both. We urge you to assist in enhancing our community with strong zoning, with community, with zoning policies that are considerate of residential needs , and then should you have any questions or comments? Our community is ready to assist. Thank you for your attention. Can I ask a question on this? Yes Is this one of the properties that was originally in the county? And we had we annexed in this development? No, that's, no, no. Okay. This is always city property. The, the this particular letter is from the representing the residents of the old linger longer mobile home park property that was always been in the city that redeveloped as okay Tarpon. Tarpon key. Thank you. The one to the north Riverbend was one that was developed and then annexed in from Pinellas County. All right. So Renee, because I've been watching the charter committee meetings and we have this like sidewalk Fund. It's a little confusing, but I mean, I know in our own meetings we've addressed the sidewalks and they get these breaks. And, I mean, and they're always on Anclote and they just pay for them. And I don't know where the money goes, can we just why are we allowing all these breaks for all these industrial, like, can we just why can't we edit that? Because, I mean, this is a concern for people, and we have an entire fund in our charter, and yet we don't have sidewalks on Anclote, which is this whole, like, northern area. And they are talking about a homeless shelter, and they're also tomorrow talking about a spoil site, too, I mean, down there. So it is a concern for people and they want to keep putting all this stuff down there. And apparently there are families that want sidewalks and we keep giving breaks to everybody. Why do we do we have to give them a break to just say we can just pay money that just goes to the middle of nowhere to there is a there is an ordinance that required, and I don't know if they built it in the charter though. Yeah, it was in the charter, charter. It wasn't a charter, but there was also, I believe, an ordinance that required a the property owners, when they develop to put in sidewalks, but they get an out. I don't know how, I don't know how there it's in the land development code we actually have. There's a there's a process in the land development code for either building required sidewalks, pay in lieu under certain circumstances, or you can apply for a variance. So it goes to Board of Adjustment. So we never get to talk about the sidewalk by the time it gets to planning and zoning. I will tell you this. For those of you all that are out there, there is $1.8 million that the city has in a sidewalk fund, and the reason we know that a couple of us sit on the charter review committee and there is a charter provision with regard to the mandate that the city, contribute to sidewalk repair and, and, and to, to, extension, etcetera. So those of you who live in that area, I would, I would suggest to you that that you become a loud voice to the city commissioners because the funds are available, to extend the sidewalks. The city has not been investing enough money in sidewalks. So they're sitting on quite a bit. And they're they're reviewing that in the charter review. Yeah That's what you can actually watch those meetings now on Mondays. But I do I do need people to understand specifically, Anclote road is a county road. Okay. So it's you know what what does that mean. It's under Pinellas County's jurisdiction. So you know, whatever does happen, whether it's sidewalks or it's something that has to be reviewed and approved by Pinellas County, they are the they are the entity that is also evaluating doing the Anclote Road potential improvements, you know, it is scheduled out, you know, a ways. I don't know how long at this point, I don't know if you came to any of the community meetings that the county hosted here regarding Anclote Road and, and the future improvements that, you know, they would like to see happen, but it is a it's a county road. It's not under city jurisdiction. So, we can certainly, you know, work with the county as much as possible, but ultimately it's their jurisdiction. So, you know, and, and I can state that. I mean, you know, if, if we are, if we have a project on that road, you know, the first choice would be to put in sidewalks if someone wants if they do want to try to get a waiver, we will defer to Pinellas County on whether or not that should be granted since it's their road. So it's a it's a it's a it's a little bit of a cumbersome but by way of example , Whitcomb Boulevard, you would think within the city is actually a county road. And and where you see the erosion around Wickham Boulevard is that the city is kind of, I won't say handcuffed, but but there's it's a county road. And so they can't make improvements or do anything because it's under the county's jurisdiction. And the same is true with with Anclote. The county is expanding funds on on planning and design efforts. Now and they've had some public meetings. But it's not clear exactly what what or when, the funding for design is allocated, I believe. But the funding for construction is several years down the road. Yet So it's very nice. We've had that public comment from that resident that's out there on that county road who didn't come tonight as the rest of you did. And I just say, hey, let's pull it back. This is board comment time in regards to ordinance 24. 2020 403 Board Comments. For technically, just as a procedural thing, I think we're supposed to have a, a, motion. And a second there's another there's another comment. Renee. No Tina. Oh, I that I provided that was actually part of the original submission that she submitted with her, the requested changes. It was the it was the backup discussion. I didn't include it originally, you can't talk about the generic tourist schlock at the sponge docks, it's to me, this was speaking to the strategic plan. You know, changes. So it's not something that we have any purview over. So that's why I provided it to you, since it was a reference document. Is this is this steering committee member also on the charter review committee? It's your best of your knowledge. I yeah. Yes. Okay. Yes. So I just wanted the statements are really derogatory about this. The stores at the sponge docks calling the tourist schlock which I believe the definition is trash. But Okay. Can can we get a motion and a second, just in order that we can discuss. Chair, I'd like to make a motion. I'd like to motion that we approve as supplied application 24 Dash 36, ordinance 2024, Dash zero three as submitted with all staff recommendations and changes as discussed. Hotel density. Hotel density appears to be the only one at this time. Say that. I'm sorry. Yes. Hotel density reduction 40 to 30. Okay. And the employment district. Yeah. Okay, second. Okay. We've got a motion and a second. So now we can have any more board discussion. I'd like, Renee, you mentioned the, discuss that one public comment about the one zone for the gentleman that wanted to reduce it. And you wanted to approve that. Would you add that? Yeah. He did. I'm not familiar with that. The one from 40 to 30 units instead of 40. I think that's just workload . That and then the other one about, the, the 63 when it was planned to be adopted by reference, you seem to what strike that I think it's a good right now I would prefer to agreed with the strike. Yeah To strike that and we'll we'll bring that back to a regular. I'll my motion. I've amended my motion and I amend I second by amended by amendment I second your amendment. So can I clarify the motion is to approve with the where are you going to keep the reduction. Yes okay. Okay. Add the strike and then staff included comments. The reduction in the employment district from 40 to 30 for hotel and striking the policy regarding, adopting the resiliency historic and resiliency plan by by reference. So we'll readdress that. Okay. You've hit everything ready. What I may suggest is that we reword that particular policy to direct that it be adopted, not adopt by reference. So we'll keep it in, but we'll specify that it must be adopted in the policy. Okay. We didn't even need an attorney. We're not there yet. So anybody, in anybody that's listening, or still in the audience feel free. Please schedule an appointment. Drop by if there's things that you know you really want to talk about more in depth, I know, you know, on that north side of the Anclote River. I absolutely understand kind of this push and pull between residential and industrial and employment. I live up there myself, so I experience it, you know, the same way, we do have that area identified as a transitional care category. And that place based area map, and that calls for basically a special planning effort for that area to figure out what are we going to do for the long haul? It's a it's an area of tension already. You know, things want to develop there that aren't allowed. And so that don't you know, so we know that that's a problem. So we're we're committed to figuring it out. So stay with us I just a question to that. How do we hear about these meetings. Where do we I mean, if they're so, for a lot of the special projects like this, I mean, if you we have if you go to the connect Tarpon Springs, why don't you show them to the portal? Oh, yeah. The events. Yeah. So if I may if I may be so bold, the gentleman's question is super valid. We have a motion on the table. We have a second. I'd like a vote, please. And then we can certainly delve into these discussions after the vote. Would that be appropriate? Chair I mean I think that's that's okay. Yeah. This is the more broad discussion on the, the item before us at this point . We got to get it. But what I don't have any comments. I'm just waiting for okay okay, some of these things have nothing to some of these concerns have nothing to do with us. Well, but they're they're public comments. No, no, I know that. But I'm talking about these red like the Belcher Road extension have nothing to do with. Yeah. They're not. So we have policies in the plan about that. Speak to that. They're engaged. Yeah. All right. If there's no further board comments can we have a roll call miss early? Yes, Mr. Rocklin? Yes, miss Francis? Yes, Mr. Zambellas? Yes, Mr. Vessey? Yes Mr. Curtis. Yes. Mr. Semen. Yes All right. The item passes. Now, if, please, staff, proceed and. Sure. Show the members of the public how to access information, trying to find where is the calendar for this. So this is the there's a there's a there's a portal that where every public meeting gets noticed and published and isn't that our home page? All time city of Tarpon Springs .com. If you just go Tarpon Springs city and you hit on the city website because it's going to be hard, it'll take you there. Okay. We'll no it won't take you right there. But then it'll say like agendas and then hit that and then it'll go to the agenda portal. But there are different websites. So once you go enough, you'll get it. But yeah, go to agenda. Agenda. We have a really nice interactive website. It is well maintained, easy to get in. So every single meeting, every day is on the transparency is unbelievable. You can just get in and you might find my phone number. You can give me a call and everything's on YouTube every meeting from 20, every meeting from 2014 is on YouTube. So if you ever apply for anything, just go watch the meetings and you'll see exactly what you're going to expect. Anything specific to your area, like when we start to do, you know, a planning effort up there , we will more than likely reach out to you directly, either through mailers or, you know, we'll we'll get to you because we want as much participation as possible, but do your own research. I want. Yeah. Right. Right. Renee I'm sorry. You know, obviously, you know, we have some pretty expensive homes , and they're going up and the stuff that's going on doesn't make us feel good. Sure, since we have somewhat of a captured audience, one of the things that we have a problem with, and we talked about this in the charter review, is participation on our city boards. So so those of you who are out there who want to be more involved in the community and the decision making process that affects this community, please volunteer for our for some of our, our boards because we do need they do need, you know, people to help, right. So yeah, there's all manner of boards and commissions where, public input is, is desperately needed and hard to come by sometimes. So and there's some of your boards need to let new people on. There are a lot of apply. I mean so yeah, you don't you don't. How do you do that? Yeah. Call this clerk's office Irene Jacobs. Michelle, they'll tell you how to get to Citizens Academy and they'll send you all the applications to get on board. So the website does include all of that. Yeah. But just just call the city clerk's office is really helpful. They'll send you the information , all the open boards and there's. Yeah. And if you have any questions about that, you know, I'm happy to I was happy to see so many people here tonight. Please. You know, call us. Come by, drop by. We'll go through this stuff in depth with you, you know, before we get to an adoption, you know, the actual adoption of the plan, you know, because I want people to be comfortable. And I very much appreciate that. You know, people came out. I'm glad the postcards worked, you know, that was, you know, so otherwise, by the time that you normally would come out, would be by the time they're like, almost basically before the board of commissioners and it's all done and it's all and then you've caught it apparently the half sheet postcard size. Yeah A little like that. It's still, it's still it feels to me like we're we are, you know, me and my wife, we're a little behind and you're heading out because you came to this. But but the board has to. The board of commissioners has to implement this. So this doesn't mean anything unless they don't follow through with it. Okay So we have to hold them accountable. But we carry that their recommendation forward, so you do have a recommendation to check that hotel density. And so and follow up with the at the BoCC meeting because they'll still be a couple more. Yeah. And it won't be until like months later. So it's due up on this. Yeah. It's. Yeah. The, the board of Commissioners won't review this until I believe July. The 17th is when it's scheduled. I think that's what should be on the postcard. So Okay. So from a lessons learned, the discussion about, you know, Anclote Roads sidewalks which are much needed. Has there ever been consideration where we've done joint project agreements with the county and the city, such as we did on Pinellas Avenue? Sure. We combine our funds to meet one objective, that that is a possibility. I think right now the rub is, do we want to try to put in sidewalks that might turn around and get torn out? Because the plans that are have been talked about publicly and presented are more, you know, are a more of a multimodal type of corridor with a complete, you know, off street, you know, bike, pedestrian way on one side that would be wider. So do we do we spend the money and then maybe potentially tear them out? I agree, but that's always going to exist. Sure. So you have to look at when you bring the two entities together, they're going to come with their their plan, their future plan. So if to me but I just think that we're it's worthy of that getting the city and the county together to look at their plans mostly the counties and then wherever there are gaps. Well those are areas that they put temporary sidewalk in. Just I talked to Renee earlier or I talked to Pat and I suggested maybe, because with the last Board of commissioners meeting saying that, you know, all the projects, everything should be with the strategic plan, the comp plan, if whenever somebody comes, especially a bigger developer for a building permit or or planning and zoning wherever they go first, that they get a little bit like a I hope they get some kind of notepad like criteria or, you know, some, some like welcome packet, maybe that says, here's our, here's our strategic plan and our comp plan. If there is important, as the Board of commissioners is saying that they are. And how does your business development fit into our strategic plan and our comp plan or otherwise? And then if they can't answer the question, then we can and it can be a part of our plan. If they didn't answer it, then we'd be like, so you just didn't think that this was important to the city? Or maybe they walk away. I mean, but otherwise what they're saying they're not going to implement it and they're not going to they have to hold them. You know, we just spent all this time doing all this. All these residents came out and they can just there's a lot of things in the comp plan that have just been in the comp plan for years and have never been accomplished. So I'd like to add to yours because you're making a really good point. And that's the second part to my lessons learned. So we did a public notice on a public hearing, which is the end of the phase. And look how many people turned out. Should we be looking at public notices during our workshops? Because had we had this audience during the different workshops that we had, we would have had comments early. We yeah, we didn't do mailed notice. You know, the public workshops were posted out. They were publicly noticed, the, you know, the workshops were, you know, the 13 that we had with planning and Zoning Board, really line by line type of reviews, you know, lessons learned moving forward. And certainly as we, as we, you know, maybe, you know, delve into the smart code and the special area plan, as well as the land development code, we can, we can or I would do, I would do this entire process from the beginning differently now than how we started. Just like ideas, I think not. I mean like, yeah, I appreciate that. Okay. Well we kind of just had staff and board comments, I think. But is there is there anything else under staff or board comments? Oh I'm sorry, it's July 16th. I stated it in in incorrectly. My apologies for the Board of Commissioners in it. That's like an initial review. They're not just going to are they just going to go that's the transmittal. That is the transmittal hearing, and then it has to go to all the other reviewing agencies. So it'll be September October time frame before it would actually get adopted. So there is time in there for changes if necessary. Okay. So no other staff or board comments. We stand adjourned. The minutes.