##VIDEO ID:8U12ZGGsMj4## And Megan, if you could call the roll. Miss Botelho. Here. Miss Taylor. Here. Miss Davis. Here. And acting chair. Christopoulos. Here. All right. So we have a guest today. Tomorrow? Okay. So the meeting minutes I was not here for. So if the two of you would look them over and motion to approve or not, because I. I wasn't here to be able to, I moved to I moved to approve as as submitted. Okay. Second. Second. Okay. Moving right along. Okay. So? So we had the September 11th meeting. Cancellation due to lack of a quorum. And the October meeting was canceled due to the hurricane. So that's where we are at now. Okay, so the budget update from Megan. Yes. Okay. So the beginning of the fiscal year is October 1st. So anytime I referring to like the beginning budget, it's as of September 30th, which was the last day of fiscal year two four. So on. September 30th, 2024, our balance is $173,984. Since September 30th, we have not had any revenue, nor have we had any expenditures. So our balance as of today, November 13th, is $173,000 900. $173,984. And per Pat. McNeice, there are no project updates. There's nothing in the queue. Okay. Okay. Okay. So new business. I wanted to discuss the future pack meeting dates. So up till now we had been meeting monthly. It is in our bylaws or ordinance that we can meet quarterly instead. Since we don't have a full group, and because of all of the devastation that has happened throughout the city and the businesses, I think laying low right now is the right thing to do. We can, you know, I know there was the recreation, you know, thing, which I think is a great idea that we can, you know, kind of it's a positive, happy thing to move forward with when we get to that point of being. But Diane is not here, so I don't know how we want to handle you know, that. And some of the other projects. But I think to start a new project right this instant is probably in poor taste due to the fact that everyone is, you know, still recovering and rather than, you know, kind of start throwing things out there that spending money on other things other than, you know, people's recovery. So I'd like to propose next year moving to quarterly, which would be January, April, July and October for our meetings and that, you know, at any of those meetings, if we get a full board and we have some ideas and we want to start moving forward more quickly and change those back to monthly or bi monthly or whatever, we choose to do, we can always, you know, revisit that idea. Okay. Once again, the months would be January, April, July, and October. And like I said, at any of those meetings, if we see we're, you know, we got things cooking and we need to start stirring faster, we can always, you know, revisit that idea and either go, you know, every other month or every month again, as, as we see fit. But to get something on the books right now, I think, you know, until we get some more qualified members on the board to have, you know, a little bit more of a, you kno, input, I think, you know, like I said, I think I wasn't here when you proposed the Riverside, the not riverside, the recreation department. I heard about I read about that. And I think that's a great idea to, you know, that's something that's, you know, positive and causing, you know, for those kids to have something to look at. So I think that's something that we can we should definitely discuss as one of the sooner things. And I think, you know, to get done. But I don't know without Diane here, if that's something and that's, you know, something that maybe we can ask Megan how to how to deal with. So yeah, we need to like, reassign people right to a lot of stuff. So two things. It was really two things. Not only tha, it was also the project that is working on Don is working on, which was the clerk's office. Oh, okay. Yeah. And so at this point we haven't really moved forward with it because, you know, after the last one and then we had the shake up and, and all that. So okay, it's still in its infancy and I need some guidance on, on how to proceed on that because I've never been in charge of a project like that before. So you know it. If it's okay with them, maybe we could see about pushing that out till January, but I can reach out. I mean, when is that building supposed to be done? Does anybody know? I think early next year, I don't know of an exact. Okay. So it's not a super big rush, right? That's not then. Okay. Okay. So then I think January would be fine. If it's not going to even be built till not going to be finished being built till then. Yeah. But getting ideas together in the meantime, you know. Yeah. Would be fine. And you know some, you know, that way we're ready to go in January to put some things in in motion. And the other project you know. So on that one preferably by then hopefully by the next meeting I'll be an actual member because right now I'm ultimate, right. So if that happens, I want to be then you can take charge of a project. Sure. But I'll be just as doing, you know, we need a little guidance, right? Of course. Right. But that's why it'll give us that time to put all those things in place and hopefully, maybe, you know, find some other qualified people, you know, with an art background. So with some, you know, so that we can really get, you know, some meat on this board to really have a good, you know, cross-section and discussion of, you know, when we come to things. So hopefully that'll bias a little bit of time to, to do that and get some applications in and get you guys get you, you know, put on board officially and, and then you know, but in the meantime you can always, you know, get your research and ideas going right. So two other things too. So right I don't know if this is the time for it to bring it up. The two emails that I messed up, what's her name? Diane, was submitted to drew. I did not see those yet. Okay, so we'll get to those whenever. You okay? Yeah. So first of all, can we does anyone like to move to approve those moving to quarterly? Yes. I would like to move that starting January we moved to quarterly meetings until we get a fuller board and or if projects demand us meet sooner than that, we will. But right now, January, April, July and October for 2025. Okay. To clarify, what did the board want to do about December? No meeting in December. Okay. I didn't know then if the motion needs to be effective. When I spoke with Diane, she said that was oh yeah, yes. I'm saying you're saying starting January. So I didn't know if you need to mention that. Also in the motion about the December meeting. Okay. Okay. Okay. I see what you're saying. Okay. Okay. So then let's move to cancel December's meeting and starting January 2025, move to quarterly meeting so that we meet on January, April, July and October. Unless or until we get a fuller board and or projects warrant. Faster meeting second. Okay. Thank you very much, guys. Perfect. So we're going to vote. Oh oh. Do we need to vote since there's only three of us I get it right, Mr. Botelho. Yes, miss Christofellis, miss Taylor. Yes. Okay, great. Thank you. Perfect. Okay. Done. Okay. So. All right, so, staff and public comment. So we can ask for public comments first. I guess, and then staff comments at the end. It's gonna be a short meeting today. Guys. You have no comments okay. Grea. So Don anything that you want to talk about or bring up that maybe this is just a thought of mine. And I've been thinking about it for a while now, and I think given all of the circumstances that have happened and our changing to the quarterly for now, I would really like to just put put it out there that maybe we could shift some of our attention from more fine art projects to more community involved art projects. If that's I don't know if that's our. I'd have to look into seeing if that is part of okay. You know, I'll put a little more meat around it and bring it on as an example. What would that be? Yeah. Like for example. Neighborhood art projects where we could help fund and they could do crosswalk decorations or something like that, or also moving towards the signal box artwork. I'd really like to see that. I do. I think we still need to keep on our on our list. I don't I'm not opposed to community projects. We would just have to check and see if that's even under, you know, what we're supposed to be doing, because I had proposed something to that effect a while back, and I was told that that's not what we do. Not. Okay, I'll double check that. I'll double check the our comments and all that kind of stuff. And I'll bring something fleshed out to our January meeting. Yeah, but but I but I but I do agree something you know we need to start focusing on some, you know, positive things because this community has been through a lot lately. Yeah. You know, what we can do to sort of uplift. Right. You know. Right. And I think can do. Yeah. Right. And I think I think community involvement is, is really important as far as buy in and enthusiasm and you know, around this whole process, you know, not just this project or that project, but we do have to be careful in a sense that, yes, that is important, but we also need to make sure that we are putting forth things that are qualified and that are relevant and that are visually you know, right. You know, quality. Sure. And so we can't, you know, just kind of slop stuff everywhere. Sure. Absolutely, absolutely. And I would like to that's why I would like for it to be not on a, on a project by project basis, but have it be like, this is where we're going to spend some of our time and have it be kind of planned out to where it's not that it's going to have to look into as if it's part of our, you know, I just wanted to put it out there as a direction we might think about. And like I said, I'll have something more fleshed out in January. I mean, that might even be something in the recreation department might be able to partner with, you know, as far as you know. And even I would love to get kids involved in, you know, absolutely stuff. I think that's really important for them to, you know, and I just, I don't know, I just moved into this, you know. Sure. Also. Yeah. So I haven't had a chance to go through all of that stuff. But you know, I think it's important to get children involved as much as humanly possible. Day is on the Parks and Rec board. She is. She's going to come, but she's not here. Okay. Right. And one of the things that she has suggested was that same involvement get children. So maybe we can work with her and Jamie. Yeah I mean get the schools involved or something, right. Let's see what we're allowed to do. As far as you know, it's under our jurisdiction of you know what? Okay. But I think yes, definitely. I'll read through the through the ordinance and in detail and put something together. And, you know, if I have any questions, I can email Diane. Like I said, you know, I've just moved into this. Yeah. Situation. So I haven't gotten a chance to really I got you get to get on the details. But okay. Well, thank you for that. Thoughts. And what else is on your on your mind? I do have a couple of things that probably need to address. Sure. And it involves the community as well okay. We as you know we there is a group of people that call themselves the Union Academy Neighborhood Revitalization Group. They've been looking at the project that's on MLK, two families, the emails that Diane sent was from two families asking that their pictures be family pictures, be removed off that project because they want to. They want us to address relocating that exhibit. And I've spoken to David Archie, but nothing has come to fruition as to say, where do you where do you what are your suggestions on where to move it if you want to relocate it? Something to bring back here for us to address, because that's what one thing they're asking to relocate that exhibit and address the pictures that's on the exhibit. The pictures need captions. That's why they're saying move them because you don't. You just you just got a bunch of pictures, Stephen, about that. Right. And he hadn't he addressed that. Yeah. But also the, the publisher, the person that has the book. Maybe we can get their approval to use the verbiage at the book and then enhance the pictures and put them back on there, but relocate the project because even though you, you we have to do something with the pictures, otherwise other people are going to start saying take it off because they don't understand what it is, what it's what it's saying. There's no captions on the pictures. I'm trying to recollect that we had possibly put out there about putting some sort of a, a brochure or either a brochure or something that a guide that because putting so disrupting someone's piece of art by just sort of putting other things on there is really the artist's decision. But, you know, possibly putting a number that correlates to something on a plaque that then you can go read what is that? Just so we do something to enhance it, where we can identify you know, that's that's less disruptive is an idea that, you know, maybe Stephen, you know, could be presented, but it is his art. It is not up to us to disrupt his art. I think when he when he and I don't remember, I know that I know that we did have some sort of discussion about that. Yeah, they reversed it. I think all rights came from Stephen. Okay. Came back to us. Okay. So we might have to I may have missed that. Yeah. You did okay. You weren't here, so I don't know. I'd have to look back and see what happened with that because Stephen took the pictures off that Mr. Archie wanted off. Now it's two other families. Yeah, well, I think that is a really slippery slope, and I don't think that that is the way to do any of that. That's my personal feeling. This is artwork. It's not a historical display. It's artwork. Now making sure we have the proper permissions. I think that's really important. And that to me is on Stephen to make sure that he had the permissions to use those as needed. But as far as changing the artwork and as far as changing the location, but mainly changing the artwork, that's not I in my mind, that's not really an option. We had talked about having a brochure on site that listed families names. We had also talked about getting more information and public input and all that kind of stuff on the website that we have set up for the artwork for all of our public artwork. Right. So those are the ways that we had talked, and as far as I knew, that was what was decided. And to be, you know, I don't know if it's campaigning or getting on a bandwagon or whatever, but to have, you know, two people here and two people there and three people there, it's not it's not that the artwork. Yeah, I understand that artwork. I appreciate the fact that it is artwork and it's and I'm not knocking his his work. I'm not knocking his art. But but we're trying to say is I'm trying to help the board that I'm sitting on to understand the community that they're dealing with is that when we when individuals walk around that exhibit, we're asking that the location be addressed. The second thing that we're asking is to be get an identification. You suggested by putting a number on there, putting a brochure that correlates. But right now I know you. We've already we've already spoken about what you're saying. What what that was this is how it's going to be. But now the community is coming back to you and saying, hey, this is what we're asking for. So I'd like for this board to relook at what we're talking about. Maybe it's not something that's on the piece, maybe it's the photograph itself. We need to correlate a number. You need to be able to identify that person's picture. Otherwise maybe you just have the picture itself in the in the brochure. In the brochure we talked about a brochure, but the brochure hasn't happened yet. We kind of got all yeah, that's what I mean. I mean, we've been in a we need to revisit right, to finish up the project. And I don't mind working on that once I became come because I'm working close with them. Yeah. I mean, I think, yes, disrupting his art is not really an option. And as an artist, I would not want somebody constantly coming back to me telling me, change this, change this, change that, that's not somebody else's job, all due respect to the artist. But those are pictures. That's taken out of the book at the library from, well, we know to find each one of those pictures. So I'm not knocking his art. Okay. Please understand I'm not trying to discredit the artist. If he had the if he has, you know, if they are copyright free, they're if they're copyright free, which I don't know, it's not even an issue. So families need to find that to remove the picture. He didn't even talk to him. And these are people telling me this, so I know. But okay. If these are if these are public domain images, he doesn't need to talk to them. They're in the public domain. Yeah, but okay. Somebody's family picture on a on a fence that nobody know who they are. So you need to respect the family, at least to put a caption up there to say who these people are. How do they correlate to the. We have talked about doing that as far as the website and a brochure. It hasn't happened yet. There's been a lot going on. But we have talked. Yeah, we yeah, I think I think yeah. And I think that's a brochure. Yeah. Can we interrupt. Yeah I can talk to Diane because she said we could talk with the city clerks and the city manager on direction on what to do with the future of the artwork. Right. Because I think any relocation is an issue of the City of the city manager and the public works. Correct. It's not our you know, we don't have space to just, you know, we'd have to look at where that that's what I was saying. If we can work on that, then we can try to get an idea of where to even talk about putting it and bring it back to y'all, bring it back to we can get some more clarification. And yeah, you can hear back at your next. Thank you. And before we move on, same thing with the art exhibit that's on Dodecanese. That's behind the visitor's bureau. We're asking for that to be relocated. The art exhibit is beautiful, but but there's research that's been done monitoring that space, and it's not being exhibited. It people are not really going back there. The Marina is not tracking even visitors going to that space. So are we asking now the sponge docks right now is not tracking visitors with all the yeah, that's the destruction I want to understand, but I'm just saying that nobody's going down there right now, so it's not really the best time. A lot of people down there, well, this weekend was because of the seafood festival. But what I'm asking is that's something that's going to take time. It's not going to happen overnight. So what I'm asking is for that to also be on the on the books here, to be one of the projects to look at relocating from, from the back of the visitors bureau to the area on Dodecanese, where it can be viewed, but more publicly, because that area is fenced off half of the day. There's work trucks back there, there's garbage trucks, garbage cans back there. So all I'm asking is that we visit that as well. It might take a few months, you know, you never know. But I just want to put it on the books that I would like to ask to work with. That. And my reply would be the same is we'll talk to Diane, let her know. In the meantime, between today's meeting and the next meeting in January, both of those issues, like make sure you get in an email to Diane, okay, to like be an agenda item in the meeting in January. If it's even a feasible option because of public works. The city manager, the mayor, the board of commissioners. Right. I take time, but everything because because to me that's more of as long as it's on the on the books and being looked at and yeah, you can send an email to Diane because this board to find a location is not really our job, it's the city manager. But remember, we just said we're trying to get more projects with the community right? So yeah, the pamphlet idea like that's definitely still your guys's, you know, purview to put that together. But it would have to, you know, like once you're a member fully, then you could possibly take that on. And then once there's hopefully new members in January, there'll be more people that can work on that side of the project. Right? Yeah. And I'm I'm all for the brochure. I think that's, you know, I think I'm proficient on it. So she can help me out with it. I could certainly help. Thank you. I, I will I just want to say that these, these types of issues could be avoided if we had more. More involvement from the community when these things are being planned, starting four years ago, when that project was, you know, locations and all that kind of stuff was all set out. It's in a contract. It's contractual with the city, and you know it. Going back and rewriting all of this other stuff I don't think is a good option. I think using our time and energy to recruit more involvement from the community so we can have this kind of feedback and input at the beginning, instead of having to go back and revisit these things that are already closed projects for us. So anything that any of us can do to get more community involvement in the initial planning and like this meeting is open to everybody in this city, everybody, anywhere to come. And this is where it needs to happen in the planning stages, not after a project has already complete and everybody who is having problems with it now had the opportunity to be involved with it for the last four years. And I think that's where the new, you know, sort of mandate has come in that before a project is started, that we have to have approval by the city manager of a location, and a location needs to be solidified before we start anything new. I think that's right. You know, moving forward on anything new. But I want to address what Donna, just said, because I did go back. I wasn't on the I wasn't here when this art project started four years ago, but about a year and a half ago when I became part of, you know, started being were you living in the city, though? Yeah, I was living close by, but I did not know about it. But let me let me say this. The, the Black Heritage Project, that the committee that you put together, this, this group put together, it only had two people from that community. When I spoke to those two people, neither one of them knew about the locations and they they were aware, God bless the dead, one of them. And one of them is not here, but they're still part of the city. But four years ago, if you look at the minutes for almost 2 or 3 months, that project wasn't even spoken of. I have I got a copy of all the minutes from four years ago, and I read them and I and I, and I documented what what happened with each each time you spoke on the Bahamian. Somebody's here to try and talk about it. And they were stopped from talking about it. There were two community members. No, but the two community members that they were sitting on this board, supposedly they were supposed to be working with Steven to go back in the community to meet with the community. That didn't happen. Steven met with one of those members that was on this board, and he got all his information from those two people. He did not meet with the community. That's why when I came on this board, I asked Steven, did you meet with the community? If so, where did you meet with them at? Because Union Academy is right there in the heart of the community. That never happened. He went and got the pictures out of the book, so we won't go back there. But the community, you can't blame people for not knowing that it's even happenin. The well, you had a seven panel board and two only two people from the community. None. None was was was from that area. The other five had no connection with the community, only two people. I mean, let me just start. Let me know. Let me just say I want to say for one thing, just let me say before I learned about the city boards and then months later got accepted to this board. I didn't know about any of this stuff either, but just because I didn't know about it doesn't mean that it's their fault that I didn't know about it. I didn't know any of this stuff either, but that's on me. It's not on. I mean, it's out there. It's publicly out there to come to the meetings any time. And but we're not blaming anybody. We're just saying observations. This is not to blame. And, you know, observation. Right. And these are things that we have definitely, you know, discussed several times. And you know, we'll see where we can get with it now. But to protect you because that's my objective is to make sure that this board is protected when I can. The emails have been sent to Diane that hopefully got to you. That is, by people in the community that they can't make it here in person because they're working, but they look at it on YouTube when they get a chance. Those people have asked to be on the panel that I'm asking about relocating these of these, these things that we're asking they're asking for to be involved. So now we now we know that people are trying to be involved, and I'm trying to help that happen. So maybe I will look at that, look for the email. I will look for those. Okay. So okay. Well I think we've already determined our next regular meeting which would be January. What's the second Wednesday of January? January 8th, 2025 January 8th okay. So, well, there was one other thing I was tasked with before Joan left. And that was to check around the city to see if there were any buildings that the city owned that a mural can go on. Okay, so I'm still looking at that. That's kind of a hard thing to do. I already asked the city manager, but it was it was Mark. I asked before he left if he was going to have public works, but everybody been busy, right? They don't have time to give me no location now everybody's working on. But I was going to ask faculties, how, how what? Do you know anything about the faculties building? Because on one side of it, it's all red brick. It's brick. Yeah, yeah. So I didn't know I was going to talk to the family, you know, inside the building about, you know, how would they feel about a mural going on this building, but there's really nowhere else to put it right, because it's the brick. It's brick on the one side. And so the front, you're not going to do it on the facade on the brick, brick side. Is that what you're saying? Okay. No. Okay. Well, and is that city property? I don't know, I'm just asking. Yeah. The brick wall may be, but I don't know. Yeah, I wouldn't do it on that. Okay with that then I'll keep looking. Yeah, yeah. So just. Yeah. You got time now. Okay. So if there's nothing else, then it is 229 and we will. I'm sorry. Staff comment please. Oh sorry. Oh staff comments Diane Diane. Her Diane through the hiatus until January 8th, 2025. Take that time to like read through our ordinance and the members try to recruit some members. Send them to the clerk's office. I put into your packet for just a refresher like the requirements to be on the public art board. In regards to design professionals, visual artists, citizens knowledgeable in art, and so on. So, you know, keep that in mind and then, yeah, and it was already mentioned too, about rereading the ordinance and the guidelines and master plan. This would be a good time to do that. And then also, I know some of the issues you were discussing were also covered in city commission meetings. You can review those as well. And okay, sounds great. Okay. Are we ready now? Yes. Okay. So at 230 we will adjourn the meeting. All right. Okay. Thank you. Mr. Christmas. Merry Christmas, happy Thanksgiving. Happy new year. Happy everything hopefully right I'm happy. Right. Keep living. This will be live to see it. That's the main thing right. And hopefully no hurricane next week. Yeah yeah. That's what we. We are new Zealand. There's been some moves to move forward. Broucek gonna shove the big red. Nose please step all you big. Me and my brothas in the last year. Destroy my couple. One. Hey, yo. They never shut up. So there you go. Never gonna get no wake up one day I will die. Hey, you COVID-19 join us. I want you to love me like you never love never got to push me down. I am cool Devojka devojka you say dada, you be a kind man. You don't know me like she Nagoya. In my time, I do not lie. She will love. You like? I love. Love. Hey! Oh! Oh. Oh. Hey. Hey! Oh! I. Hope we see it every time I. Hey. Oh! Hey ho! Hey. Every single day I love you like I don't know. Hey. La la la la la la. Hey ho ho. Hey. Hey ho! Ho! Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh! And I, Urrutia svala. Versus five. Thema. No check. I love my live champions. And supervillains. Sa neva super da leti NE dodgin. Tuna e noche. Night Nia. Never leave me. Lyubov. Moya. Yeah, yeah. No varuvala. Never. Love you, love. I love ship. It's a true privilege. Says the TV. To neve. Let me. Kushner. Yeah. Not like me. Never leaving you for the Moya. Yeah. Some I know. Never. Me. Love. Me some. Yeah, some. I know. Na na na. Never. You me love. To never. You'll be love.